Discipline Codes
010000 | Agriculture | |
010101 | Agricultural Bus. & Mgmt | |
010102 | Agricultural Business Ops | |
010103 | Agricultural Economics | |
010104 | Farm/Farm & Ranch Mgmt | |
010105 | Farm Supplies Retail&Wholesale | |
010106 | Agricultural Business Tech | |
010199 | Agricultural Bus. & Mgmt, Oth | |
010201 | Agricultural Mechanization | |
010204 | Agri Power Machinery Ops | |
010205 | Agri Mechanics & Equipment Tec | |
010299 | Agricultural Mechanization,Oth | |
010301 | Agri Production Operations | |
010302 | Animal Husbandry & Production | |
010303 | Aquaculture | |
010304 | Crop Production | |
010306 | Dairy Husbandry & Production | |
010307 | Equine Science & Mgmt | |
010399 | Agri Production Ops, Oth | |
010401 | Agri &Food Products Processing | |
010504 | Dog/Pet/Animal Grooming | |
010505 | Animal Training | |
010507 | Equestrian/Equine Studies | |
010508 | Taxidermy/Taxidermist | |
010599 | Agri&Domestic Animal Serv, Oth | |
010601 | Horticulture Operations | |
010603 | Ornamental Horticulture | |
010604 | Greenhouse Operations & Mgmt | |
010605 | Landscaping & Groundskeeping | |
010606 | Plant Nursery Operations &Mgmt | |
010607 | Turf & Turfgrass Management | |
010608 | Floristry Ops & Mgmt | |
010699 | Applied Hort Busi Service, Oth | |
010701 | International Agriculture | |
010801 | Agri & Extension Educ Services | |
010802 | Agricultural Comm/Journalism | |
010899 | Agri Public Services, Oth | |
010901 | Animal Sciences | |
010902 | Agricultural Animal Breeding | |
010903 | Animal Health | |
010904 | Animal Nutrition | |
010905 | Dairy Science | |
010906 | Livestock Management | |
010907 | Poultry Science | |
010999 | Animal Sciences, Other | |
011001 | Food Science | |
011002 | Food Technology & Processing | |
011099 | Food Science & Technology, Oth | |
011101 | Plant Sciences | |
011102 | Agronomy & Crop Science | |
011103 | Horticultural Science | |
011104 | Agri & Hort Plant Breeding | |
011105 | Plant Protect&Integrat Pest Mg | |
011106 | Range Science & Management | |
011199 | Plant Sciences, Other | |
011201 | Soil Science & Agronomy | |
011202 | Soil Chemistry & Physics | |
011203 | Soil Microbiology | |
011299 | Soil Sciences, Other | |
019999 | Agri, Agri Ops&Related Sci, Ot | |
030101 | Natural Resources/Conserv | |
030103 | Environmental Studies | |
030104 | Environmental Science | |
030199 | Natural Resources Conserv&Res, | |
030201 | Natural Resources Mgmt &Policy | |
030204 | Natural Resource Economics | |
030205 | Wetlands,&Marine Resource Mgmt | |
030206 | Land Use Planning & Mgmt/Dev | |
030299 | Natural Resources Mgmt&Policy, | |
030301 | Fishing&Fisheries Science&Mgmt | |
030501 | Forestry | |
030502 | Forest Sciences & Biology | |
030506 | Forest Resources Mgmt | |
030508 | Urban Forestry | |
030509 | Pulp & Paper Technology | |
030510 | Forest Resources Prod & Mgmt | |
030511 | Forest Technology/Technician | |
030599 | Forestry, Other | |
030601 | Wildlife & Wildlands Science | |
039999 | Natural Resources/Conserv, Oth | |
040201 | Architecture | |
040301 | City/Urban Community&Region Pl | |
040401 | Environmental Design/Architect | |
040501 | Interior Architecture | |
040601 | Landscape Architecture | |
040801 | Architect Hist & Criticism | |
040901 | Architectural Tech/Tech | |
049999 | Architect & Related Serv, Oth | |
050101 | African Studies | |
050102 | American/US Studies/Civilizati | |
050103 | Asian Studies/Civilization | |
050104 | East Asian Studies | |
050105 | Central/Middle&Eastern Europe | |
050106 | European Studies/Civilization | |
050107 | Latin American Studies | |
050108 | Near & Middle Eastern Studies | |
050109 | Pacific Area/Pacific Rim Studi | |
050110 | Russian Studies | |
050111 | Scandinavian Studies | |
050112 | South Asian Studies | |
050113 | Southeast Asian Studies | |
050114 | Western European Studies | |
050115 | Canadian Studies | |
050116 | Balkans Studies | |
050117 | Baltic Studies | |
050118 | Slavic Studies | |
050119 | Caribbean Studies | |
050120 | Ural-Altaic & Central Asian | |
050121 | Commonwealth Studies | |
050122 | Regional Studies | |
050123 | Chinese Studies | |
050124 | French Studies | |
050125 | German Studies | |
050126 | Italian Studies | |
050127 | Japanese Studies | |
050128 | Korean Studies | |
050129 | Polish Studies | |
050130 | Spanish & Iberian Studies | |
050131 | Tibetan Studies | |
050132 | Ukraine Studies | |
050199 | Area Studies, Other | |
050201 | African-American/Black Studies | |
050202 | American Indian/Native America | |
050203 | Hisp. Puerto Rican Chicano Stu | |
050204 | Islamic Studies | |
050205 | Jewish/Judaic Studies | |
050206 | Asian-American Studies | |
050207 | Women’s Studies | |
050208 | Gay/Lesbian Studies | |
050299 | Ethnic Cultural Minority&Gende | |
059999 | Area Ethnic Cultural&Gender | |
090101 | Comm Studies/Speech Comm | |
090102 | Mass Comm/Media Studies | |
090199 | Comm & Media Studies, Oth | |
090401 | Journalism | |
090402 | Broadcast Journalism | |
090403 | Mass Communications | |
090404 | Photojournalism | |
090499 | Journalism, Other | |
090701 | Radio & Television | |
090702 | Digital Comm&Media/Multimedia | |
090799 | Radio Television&Digital Comm | |
090901 | Organizational Communications | |
090902 | Public Relations/Image Mgmt | |
090903 | Advertising | |
090904 | Political Communication | |
090905 | Health Communication | |
090999 | Public Relations/Ad&App Comm | |
091001 | Publishing | |
099999 | Comm, Journalism&Related Progs | |
100103 | Photographic Tech/Tech | |
100105 | Communications Tech/Tech | |
100201 | Photographic & Film/Video Tech | |
100202 | Radio&Television Broadcasting | |
100203 | Recording Arts Tech/Tech | |
100299 | Audiovisual Comm Tech/Tech Oth | |
100301 | Graphic Communications | |
100302 | Printing Management | |
100303 | Desktop Publishing | |
100304 | Animation Video Graphics&Spec | |
100305 | Graphic&Printing Equipment Ope | |
100306 | Platemaker/Imager | |
100307 | Printing Press Operator | |
100308 | Comp Typography&Composition Eq | |
100399 | Graphic Communications, Other | |
109999 | Comm Tech/Tech&Support Service | |
110101 | Computer & Information Science | |
110102 | Artificial Intelligence&Robot | |
110103 | Information Technology | |
110199 | Computer & Information Science | |
110201 | Computer Programming | |
110202 | Computer Program, Specific App | |
110203 | Computer Prog, Vendor Cert | |
110299 | Computer Programming, Other | |
110301 | Data Processing | |
110401 | Information Science/Studies | |
110501 | Computer Systems Analysis | |
110601 | Data Entry/Microcomputer App | |
110602 | Word Processing | |
110699 | Data Entry/Microcomputer App | |
110701 | Computer Science | |
110801 | Web Page Multimedia&Info Res D | |
110802 | Data Modeling/Warehousing &DBA | |
110803 | Computer Graphics | |
110899 | Computer Software&Media App Ot | |
110901 | Comp System Networking&Telecom | |
111001 | System Admin/Administor | |
111002 | System Networking&LAN/WAN Mgmt | |
111003 | Computer & Information Systems | |
111004 | Web/Multimedia Mgmt &Webmaster | |
111099 | Info Tech Serv Admin&Mgmt Oth | |
119999 | Comp&Info Sci&Support Serv Oth | |
120301 | Funeral Service&Mortuary Sci | |
120302 | Funeral Direction/Service | |
120303 | Mortuary Science & Embalming | |
120399 | Funeral Service&Mortuary Sci O | |
120401 | Cosmetology/Cosmetologist | |
120402 | Barbering/Barber | |
120403 | Cosmetologist | |
120405 | Massage | |
120406 | Make-Up Artist/Specialist | |
120500 | Cooking&Related Culinary Arts | |
120501 | Baking & Pastry Chef | |
120502 | Bartending/Bartender | |
120503 | Culinary Arts/Chef Training | |
120504 | Restaurant Culinary&Catering M | |
120505 | Food Preparation/Kitchen Assis | |
120506 | Meat Cutting/Meat Cutter | |
120507 | Waitstaff & Dining Room Mgmt | |
120508 | Institutional Food Workers | |
120599 | Culinary Arts&Related Serv Oth | |
129999 | Personal&Culinary Services Oth | |
130101 | Education | |
130201 | Bilingual & Multilingual Educ | |
130202 | Multicultural Education | |
130203 | Indian/Native American Educ | |
130299 | Bilingual/Multilingual Ed, Oth | |
130301 | Curriculum & Instruction | |
130401 | Educational Leadership & Admin | |
130402 | Administration of Special Educ | |
130403 | Adult & Continuing Educ Admin | |
130404 | Educ Instruct&Curr Supervision | |
130406 | Higher Educ/Higher Educ Admin | |
130407 | Community College Education | |
130408 | Elem&Middle School Admin/Princ | |
130409 | 2ndary School Admin/Principal | |
130410 | Urban Education & Leadership | |
130411 | Superintendency&Ed System Admi | |
130499 | Ed Admin&Supervision Oth | |
130501 | Educational Media | |
130601 | Educational Eval & Research | |
130603 | Educ Stats & Research Methods | |
130604 | Ed Assess, Testing&Measurement | |
130699 | Ed Assess, Eval & Res Oth | |
130701 | International&Comparative Educ | |
130802 | Educational Psychology | |
130901 | Soc & Philo Found Education | |
131001 | Special Education | |
131003 | Ed of Ind-Hearing Impairments | |
131004 | Education of Gift&Talented | |
131005 | Educ – Emotional Disturabances | |
131006 | Educ – Mental Retardation | |
131007 | Educ – Multiple Disabilities | |
131008 | Ed Ind-Orthopedic&Physical Imp | |
131009 | Ed Ind-Vision Impairments | |
131011 | Ed Ind-Specific Learning Disab | |
131012 | Educ – Speech/Lang Impairment | |
131013 | Educ – Autism | |
131014 | Educ – Developmentally Delayed | |
131015 | Ed Ind in Early Childhood SPED | |
131016 | Ed of Ind-Traumatic Brain Inju | |
131099 | Special Educ & Teaching, Other | |
131101 | Counselor Education | |
131102 | College Student Counseling | |
131199 | Student Counseling Other | |
131201 | Adult & Continuing Educ&Teach | |
131202 | Elementary Education | |
131203 | Middle School Education | |
131205 | Secondary Education | |
131206 | Teacher Educ, Multiple Levels | |
131207 | Montessori Teacher Education | |
131208 | Waldorf/Steiner Teacher Educ | |
131209 | Kindergarten/PreK Educ&Teach | |
131210 | Early Childhood Education | |
131299 | TE&Prof Dev Spec Levels&Method | |
131301 | Agricultural Teacher Education | |
131302 | Art Teacher Education | |
131303 | Business Teacher Education | |
131304 | Driver & Safety Teacher Educ | |
131305 | English/Lang Arts Teacher Ed | |
131306 | Foreign Language Teacher Educ | |
131307 | Health Teacher Education | |
131308 | Fam & Consumer Sc Teacher Ed | |
131309 | Technology/Industrial Arts Ed | |
131310 | Sales&Mrkt Ops/Mrkt&Disrib TE | |
131311 | Mathematics Teacher Education | |
131312 | Music Teacher Education | |
131314 | Physical Education | |
131315 | Reading Teacher Education | |
131316 | Science Teacher Education | |
131317 | Social Science Teacher Ed | |
131318 | Social Studies Teacher Ed | |
131319 | Technical Teacher Education | |
131320 | Trade & Industrial Teacher Ed | |
131321 | Computer Teacher Education | |
131322 | Biology Teacher Education | |
131323 | Chemistry Teacher Education | |
131324 | Drama & Dance Teacher Ed | |
131325 | French Language Teacher Ed | |
131326 | German Language Teacher Ed | |
131327 | Health Occupations Teacher Ed | |
131328 | History Teacher Education | |
131329 | Physics Teacher Education | |
131330 | Spanish Language Teacher Ed | |
131331 | Speech Teacher Education | |
131332 | Geography Teacher Education | |
131333 | Latin Teacher Education | |
131334 | School Librarian | |
131335 | Psychology Teacher Education | |
131399 | TE&Prof Dev Spec Subject Areas | |
131401 | Teaching English as Sec Lang | |
131402 | Teach Fren as 2nd/For Lang | |
131499 | Teach Engl/Fren as 2nd/For Lan | |
131501 | Teacher Assistant/Aide | |
131502 | Adult Literacy Instructor | |
131599 | Teaching Assistants/Aides, Oth | |
139999 | Education, Other | |
140101 | Engineering | |
140201 | Aerospace&Aeronautical Eng | |
140301 | Agricultural/Biol Eng&Bioeng | |
140401 | Architectural Engineering | |
140501 | Biomedical/Medical Engineering | |
140601 | Ceramic Sciences & Engineering | |
140701 | Chemical Engineering | |
140801 | Civil Engineering | |
140802 | Geotechnical Engineering | |
140803 | Structural Engineering | |
140804 | Transportation & Highway Eng | |
140805 | Water Resources Engineering | |
140899 | Civil Engineering, Other | |
140901 | Computer Engineering | |
140902 | Computer Hardware Engineering | |
140903 | Computer Software Engineering | |
140999 | Computer Engineering, Other | |
141001 | Electrical Electronics&Comm En | |
141101 | Engineering Mechanics | |
141201 | Engineering Physics | |
141301 | Engineering Science | |
141401 | Environmental Health Engineeri | |
141801 | Materials Engineering | |
141901 | Mechanical Engineering | |
142001 | Metallurgical Engineering | |
142101 | Mining & Mineral Engineering | |
142201 | Naval Architecture &Marine Eng | |
142301 | Nuclear Engineering | |
142401 | Ocean Engineering | |
142501 | Petroleum Engineering | |
142701 | Systems Engineering | |
142801 | Textile Sciences & Engineering | |
143101 | Materials Science | |
143201 | Polymer/Plastics Engineering | |
143301 | Construction Engineering | |
143401 | Forest Engineering | |
143501 | Industrial Engineering | |
143601 | Manufacturing Engineering | |
143701 | Operations Research | |
143801 | Surveying Engineering | |
143901 | Geological/Geophysical Eng | |
149999 | Engineering, Other | |
150000 | Engineering Technology | |
150101 | Architectural Eng Tech/Tech | |
150201 | Civil Engineering Tech/Tech | |
150301 | Computer Engineering Tech/Tech | |
150303 | Electrical Electronic&Comm Eng | |
150304 | Laser & Optical Tech/Tech | |
150305 | Telecommunications Tech/Tech | |
150399 | Electrical&Electronic Eng Tech | |
150401 | Biomedical Tech/Tech | |
150403 | Electromechanical Technology | |
150404 | Instrumentation Tech/Tech | |
150405 | Robotics Technology/Technician | |
150499 | Electromechanical&Instrument M | |
150501 | Heating, AC & Refrig Tech | |
150503 | Energy Mgmt & Systems Tech | |
150505 | Solar Energy Tech/Tech | |
150506 | Water Quality&Wastewater Treat | |
150507 | Environmental Engineering Tech | |
150508 | Hazardous Materials Mgmt&Waste | |
150599 | Environmental Control Tech, Ot | |
150607 | Plastics Engineering Tech/Tech | |
150611 | Metallurgical Tech/Tech | |
150612 | Industrial Technology | |
150613 | Manufacturing Tech/Tech | |
150699 | Industrial Production Tech | |
150701 | Occupational Safety & Health | |
150702 | Quality Control Tech/Tech | |
150703 | Industrial Safety Tech/Tech | |
150704 | Hazardous Materials Info Syste | |
150799 | Quality Control & Safety Techn | |
150801 | Aeronautical/Aerospace Eng Tec | |
150803 | Automotive Engineering | |
150805 | Mechanical Engineering | |
150899 | Mechanical Eng Related Tech Ot | |
150901 | Mining Technology/Technician | |
150903 | Petroleum Tech/Tech | |
150999 | Mining&Petroleum Tech/Tech Oth | |
151001 | Construction Technology | |
151101 | Engineering Tech/Tech | |
151102 | Surveying Technology/Surveying | |
151103 | Hydraulics & Fluid Power Tec | |
151199 | Engineering-Related Tech, Oth | |
151201 | Computer Engineering Tech/Tech | |
151202 | Comp/Comp Systems Tech | |
151203 | Computer Hardware Tech/Tech | |
151204 | Computer Software Tech/Tech | |
151299 | Computer Engineering Tech/Tech | |
151301 | Drafting & Design Technology | |
151302 | CAD Drafting &/or Design Tech | |
151303 | Arch Drafting & Arch CAD/CADD | |
151304 | Civil Drafting & Civil Eng CAD | |
151305 | Electronics Drafting & CAD | |
151306 | Mechanical Drafting CAD/CADD | |
151399 | Drafting/Design Eng Tec, Oth | |
151401 | Nuclear Engineering Tech/Tech | |
151501 | Engineering/Industrial Mgmt | |
159999 | Engineering Tech/Tech, Oth | |
160101 | Foreign Languages & Lit | |
160102 | Linguistics | |
160103 | Language Interp & Translat | |
160104 | Comparative Literature | |
160199 | Linguistic Comparative&Related | |
160201 | African Lang, Lit & Ling | |
160300 | East Asian Lang, Lit & Ling | |
160301 | Chinese Language & Literature | |
160302 | Japanese Language & Literature | |
160303 | Korean Language & Literature | |
160304 | Tibetan Language & Literature | |
160399 | East Asian Lang, Lit&Ling, Oth | |
160400 | Slavic Lang, Lit & Ling | |
160401 | Baltic Lang, Lit & Ling | |
160402 | Russian Language & Literature | |
160404 | Albanian Language & Literature | |
160405 | Bulgarian Lang & Lit | |
160406 | Czech Language & Literature | |
160407 | Polish Language & Literature | |
160408 | Serbian, Croatian,&Serbo-Croat | |
160409 | Slovak Language & Literature | |
160410 | Ukrainian Lang & Lit | |
160499 | Slavic, Baltic, &Albanian Lang | |
160500 | Germanic Lang, Lit & Ling | |
160501 | German Language & Literature | |
160502 | Scandinavian Lang, Lit & Ling | |
160503 | Danish Language & Literature | |
160504 | Dutch/Flemish Lang & Lit | |
160505 | Norwegian Lang & Lit | |
160506 | Swedish Language & Literature | |
160599 | Germanic Lang, Lit & Ling, Oth | |
160601 | Modern Greek Lang & Lit | |
160700 | South Asian Lang, Lit&Ling | |
160701 | Hindi Language & Literature | |
160702 | Sanskrit&Classical Indian Lang | |
160704 | Bengali Language & Literature | |
160705 | Punjabi Language & Literature | |
160706 | Tamil Language & Literature | |
160707 | Urdu Language & Literature | |
160799 | South Asian Lang, Lit&Lin, Oth | |
160801 | Iranian/Persian Lang, Lit&Lin | |
160900 | Romance Lang, Lit & Ling | |
160901 | French Language & Literature | |
160902 | Italian Language & Literature | |
160904 | Portuguese Lang & Lit | |
160905 | Spanish Language & Literature | |
160906 | Romanian Language & Literature | |
160907 | Catalan Language & Literature | |
160999 | Romance Lang, Lit & Lin, Oth | |
161001 | Native American Language | |
161100 | Semitic Lan, Lit & Ling | |
161101 | Arabic Language & Literature | |
161102 | Hebrew Language & Literature | |
161103 | Ancient Near East&Biblical Lan | |
161199 | Middle Eastern & Semitic Lang | |
161200 | Classical Languages & Lit | |
161201 | Classics & Classical Lang &Lit | |
161202 | Ancient/Classical Greek Lang&L | |
161203 | Latin Language & Literature | |
161299 | Classics&Classical Lang Lit Ot | |
161301 | Celtic Lang, Lit & Lin | |
161400 | Southeast Asian Lang, Lit & Li | |
161401 | Australian/Oceanic/Pacific Lan | |
161402 | Bahasa Indonesian/Malay Lang | |
161403 | Burmese Language & Literature | |
161404 | Filipino/Tagalog Lang & Lit | |
161405 | Khmer/Cambodian Lang & Lit | |
161406 | Lao/Laotian Lang & Lit | |
161407 | Thai Language & Literature | |
161408 | Vietnamese Lang & Lit | |
161499 | Southeast Asian&Australasian L | |
161501 | Turkish Language & Literature | |
161502 | Finnish & Related Lang,Lit&Lin | |
161503 | Hungarian/Magyar Lang & Lit | |
161504 | Mongolian Lang & Lit | |
161599 | Central Asian Languages | |
161601 | American Sign Language (ASL) | |
161602 | Linguistics of ASL&Oth Sign La | |
161603 | Sign Language Interpretation | |
161699 | American Sign Language, Other | |
169999 | Foreign Lang, Lit & Ling, Oth | |
190000 | Work & Family Studies | |
190101 | Family/Consumer Sciences | |
190201 | Business FCS/Human Sciences | |
190202 | FCS/Human Sciences Comm | |
190203 | Consumer Merchandising/Retaili | |
190299 | FCS/Human Sci Bus Service Oth | |
190401 | Family Resource Mgmt Study | |
190402 | Consumer Economics | |
190403 | Consumer Services & Advocacy | |
190499 | Family&Consumer Econ&Related S | |
190501 | Foods Nutrition&Wellness Study | |
190504 | Human Nutrition | |
190505 | Foodservice Systems Admin/Mgmt | |
190599 | Foods Nutrition&Related Ser Ot | |
190601 | Housing&Hum Environments | |
190604 | Facilities Planning & Mgmt | |
190605 | Home Furnishings&Equip Install | |
190699 | Housing&Human Environments Oth | |
190701 | Human Dev & Family Studies | |
190702 | Adult Development & Aging | |
190703 | Family & Marriage Counseling | |
190704 | Family Systems | |
190706 | Child Development | |
190707 | Family & Community Services | |
190708 | Child Care&Support Serv Mgmt | |
190709 | Child Care Provider/Assistant | |
190799 | Hum Dev Fam Studies&Related Se | |
190901 | Apparel & Textiles | |
190902 | Apparel & Textile Manufacture | |
190904 | Textile Science | |
190905 | Apparel & Textile Mrkt Mgmt | |
190906 | Fashion & Fabric Consultant | |
190999 | Apparel & Textiles, Other | |
199999 | FCS/Human Sciences, Oth | |
210101 | Technology Educ/Industrial Art | |
220000 | Legal Studies | |
220001 | Pre-Law Studies | |
220101 | Law (LLB, JD) | |
220102 | Pre-Law Studies | |
220103 | Paralegal/Legal Assistant | |
220199 | Law & Legal Studies, Other | |
220201 | Advanced Legal Research | |
220202 | Programs for Foreign Lawyers | |
220203 | American/U | |
220204 | Canadian Law | |
220205 | Bank, Corp, Fin&Securities Law | |
220206 | Comparative Law | |
220207 | Energy Environ&Natural Res Law | |
220208 | Health Law | |
220209 | International Law | |
220210 | International Business Law | |
220211 | Tax Law/Taxation | |
220299 | Legal Research & Advanced Prof | |
220301 | Legal Administrative Assistant | |
220302 | Legal Assistant/Paralegal | |
220303 | Court Reporting/Court Reporter | |
220399 | Legal Support Services, Other | |
229999 | Legal Professions&Studies, Oth | |
230101 | English Language & Literature | |
230401 | English Composition | |
230501 | Creative Writing | |
230701 | American Literature (US) | |
230702 | American Literature (Canadian) | |
230801 | English Literature (UK) | |
231001 | Speech & Rhetorical Studies | |
231101 | Technical & Business Writing | |
239999 | English Lang &Lit/Letters, Oth | |
240101 | Liberal Arts & Sciences | |
240102 | General Studies | |
240103 | Humanities/Humanistic Studies | |
240199 | Liberal Arts&Sci Gen Stud&Hum | |
250101 | Library Science/Librarianship | |
250301 | Library Assistant/Technician | |
259999 | Library Science, Other | |
260101 | Biology/Biological Sciences | |
260102 | Biomedical Sciences | |
260202 | Biochemistry | |
260203 | Biophysics | |
260204 | Molecular Biology | |
260205 | Molecular Biochemistry | |
260206 | Molecular Biophysics | |
260207 | Structural Biology | |
260208 | Photobiology | |
260209 | Radiation Biology/Radiobiology | |
260210 | Biochem/Biophys&Molecular Biol | |
260299 | Biochem Biophys&Molec Bio Oth | |
260301 | Botany/Plant Biology | |
260305 | Plant Pathology/Phytopathology | |
260307 | Plant Physiology | |
260308 | Plant Molecular Biology | |
260399 | Botany/Plant Biology, Other | |
260401 | Cell/Cellular Biol & Histology | |
260402 | Molecular Biology | |
260403 | Anatomy | |
260404 | Developmental Biol&Embryology | |
260405 | Neuroanatomy | |
260406 | Cell/Cellular & Molecular Biol | |
260407 | Cell Biology & Anatomy | |
260499 | Cell Biol & Anatomical Science | |
260502 | Microbiology | |
260503 | Medical Microbiol&Bacteriology | |
260504 | Virology | |
260505 | Parasitology | |
260506 | Mycology | |
260507 | Immunology | |
260599 | Microbiol Sciences&Immunology | |
260701 | Zoology/Animal Biology | |
260702 | Entomology | |
260705 | Pharmacology | |
260707 | Animal Physiology | |
260708 | Animal Behavior & Ethology | |
260709 | Wildlife Biology | |
260799 | Zoology/Animal Biology, Other | |
260801 | Genetics, General | |
260802 | Molecular Genetics | |
260803 | Microbial&Eukaryotic Genetics | |
260804 | Animal Genetics | |
260805 | Plant Genetics | |
260806 | Human/Medical Genetics | |
260899 | Genetics, Other | |
260901 | Physiology | |
260902 | Molecular Physiology | |
260903 | Cell Physiology | |
260904 | Endocrinology | |
260905 | Reproductive Biology | |
260906 | Neurobiology & Neurophysiology | |
260907 | Cardiovascular Science | |
260908 | Exercise Physiology | |
260909 | Vision Science | |
260910 | Pathology/Experimental Patho | |
260911 | Oncology & Cancer Biology | |
260999 | Physio, Path&Related Sci Oth | |
261001 | Pharmacology | |
261002 | Molecular Pharmacology | |
261003 | Neuropharmacology | |
261004 | Toxicology | |
261005 | Molecular Toxicology | |
261006 | Environmental Toxicology | |
261007 | Pharmacology & Toxicology | |
261099 | Pharmacology & Toxicology, Oth | |
261101 | Biometry/Biometrics | |
261102 | Biostatistics | |
261103 | Bioinformatics | |
261199 | Biomath & Bioinformatics, Oth | |
261201 | Biotechnology | |
261301 | Ecology | |
261302 | Marine Biol &Biol Oceanography | |
261303 | Evolutionary Biology | |
261304 | Aquatic Biology/Limnology | |
261305 | Environmental Biology | |
261306 | Population Biology | |
261307 | Conservation Biology | |
261308 | Systematic Biology | |
261309 | Epidemiology | |
261399 | Ecol, Evol, Systematic&Pop Bio | |
269999 | Biol & Biomedical Science, Oth | |
270101 | Mathematics | |
270102 | Algebra & Number Theory | |
270103 | Analysis & Functional Analysis | |
270104 | Geometry/Geometric Analysis | |
270105 | Topology & Foundations | |
270199 | Mathematics, Other | |
270301 | Applied Mathematics | |
270302 | Operations Research | |
270303 | Computational Mathematics | |
270399 | Applied Mathematics, Other | |
270501 | Statistics | |
270502 | Mathematical Stats&Probability | |
270599 | Statistics, Other | |
279999 | Mathematics & Statistics, Oth | |
300101 | Biological & Physical Sciences | |
300501 | Peace Studies & Conflict Res | |
300601 | Systems Science & Theory | |
300801 | Mathematics & Computer Science | |
301001 | Biopsychology | |
301101 | Gerontology | |
301201 | Historic Preservation&Conserva | |
301202 | CRM & Policy Analysis | |
301299 | Historic Preserv & Conser, Oth | |
301301 | Medieval & Renaissance Studies | |
301401 | Museology/Museum Studies | |
301501 | Science, Technology & Society | |
301601 | Accounting & Computer Science | |
301701 | Behavioral Sciences | |
301801 | Natural Sciences | |
301901 | Nutrition Sciences | |
302001 | International/Global Studies | |
302101 | Holocaust & Related Studies | |
302201 | Ancient Studies/Civilization | |
302202 | Classical Studies & Arch | |
302301 | Multicultural & Diversity Stud | |
302401 | Neuroscience | |
302501 | Cognitive Science | |
309999 | Multi/Interdisciplinary Study | |
310101 | Recreation & Leisure Studies | |
310301 | Parks, Rec &Leisure Facil Mgmt | |
310501 | Health & Physical Education | |
310502 | Adapted Physical Educ | |
310503 | Athletic Training & Sports Med | |
310504 | Sport & Fitness Admin/Mgmt | |
310505 | Kinesiology & Exercise Science | |
310599 | Health & PE /Fitness, Other | |
319999 | Parks Rec Leisure&Fitness Stud | |
320101 | Basic Skills | |
320104 | Numeracy & Computational Skill | |
320105 | Job-Seeking/Changing Skills | |
320107 | Career Exploration | |
320108 | Literacy & Communication Skill | |
320109 | Second Language Learning | |
320199 | Basic Skills, Other | |
350101 | Interpersonal & Social Skills | |
350102 | Interpersonal Relationship Ski | |
350103 | Business & Social Skills | |
350199 | Interpersonal Social Skills Ot | |
370101 | Self-Awareness&Personal Assess | |
370102 | Stress Mgmt & Coping Skills | |
370103 | Personal Decision-Making Skill | |
370104 | Self-Esteem&Values Clarificati | |
370199 | Personal Awareness & Self-Impr | |
380101 | Philosophy | |
380102 | Logic | |
380103 | Ethics | |
380199 | Philosophy, Other | |
380201 | Religion/Religious Studies | |
380202 | Buddhist Studies | |
380203 | Christian Studies | |
380204 | Hindu Studies | |
380205 | Islamic Studies | |
380206 | Jewish/Judaic Studies | |
380299 | Religion/Religious Studies,Oth | |
389999 | Phil & Religious Studies, Oth | |
390201 | Bible/Biblical Studies | |
390301 | Missionary Studies&Missiology | |
390401 | Religious Education | |
390501 | Religious/Sacred Music | |
390601 | Theology/Theological Studies | |
390602 | Divinity/Ministry | |
390604 | Pre-Theology Studies | |
390605 | Rabbinical Studies | |
390606 | Talmudic Studies | |
390699 | Theological&Ministerial Stu Ot | |
390701 | Pastoral Studies/Counseling | |
390702 | Youth Ministry | |
390799 | Pastoral Counseling Oth | |
399999 | Theology&Religious Vocation Ot | |
400101 | Physical Sciences | |
400201 | Astronomy | |
400202 | Astrophysics | |
400203 | Planetary Astronomy & Science | |
400299 | Astronomy & Astrophysics, Oth | |
400401 | Atmospheric Sci&Meteorology | |
400402 | Atmospheric Chem & Climatology | |
400403 | Atmospheric Physics & Dynamics | |
400404 | Meteorology | |
400499 | Atmospheric Sci&Meteorology Ot | |
400501 | Chemistry | |
400502 | Analytical Chemistry | |
400503 | Inorganic Chemistry | |
400504 | Organic Chemistry | |
400505 | Medicinal/Pharmaceutical Chem | |
400506 | Physical & Theoretical Chem | |
400507 | Polymer Chemistry | |
400508 | Chemical Physics | |
400599 | Chemistry, Other | |
400601 | Geology/Earth Science | |
400602 | Geochemistry | |
400603 | Geophysics & Seismology | |
400604 | Paleontology | |
400605 | Hydrology&Water Resources Sci | |
400606 | Geochemistry & Petrology | |
400607 | Oceanography Chemical&Physical | |
400699 | Geological&Earth Sciences Oth | |
400801 | Physics | |
400802 | Atomic/Molecular Physics | |
400804 | Elementary Particle Physics | |
400805 | Plasma & High-Temperature Phys | |
400806 | Nuclear Physics | |
400807 | Optics/Optical Sciences | |
400808 | Solid State & Low-Temp Phys | |
400809 | Acoustics | |
400810 | Theoretical&Mathematical Phys | |
400899 | Physics, Other | |
409999 | Physical Sciences, Other | |
410101 | Biology Technician | |
410204 | Industrial Radiologic Tech | |
410205 | Nuclear/Nuclear Power Tech | |
410299 | Nuclear&Industrial Radio Tech | |
410301 | Chemical Technology/Technician | |
410399 | Physical Science Tech/Tech,Oth | |
419999 | Science Tech/Tech, Oth | |
420101 | Psychology | |
420201 | Clinical Psychology | |
420301 | Cognitive Psyc&Psycholinguisti | |
420401 | Community Psychology | |
420501 | Comparative Psychology | |
420601 | Counseling Psychology | |
420701 | Developmental & Child Psyc | |
420801 | Experimental Psychology | |
420901 | IO Psychology | |
421001 | Personality Psychology | |
421101 | Physiological Psyc/Psychobio | |
421601 | Social Psychology | |
421701 | School Psychology | |
421801 | Educational Psychology | |
421901 | Psychometrics & Quant Psych | |
422001 | Clinical Child Psychology | |
422101 | Environmental Psychology | |
422201 | Geropsychology | |
422301 | Health/Medical Psychology | |
422401 | Psychopharmacology | |
422501 | Family Psychology | |
422601 | Forensic Psychology | |
429999 | Psychology, Other | |
430102 | Corrections | |
430103 | CJ/Law Enforcement Admin | |
430104 | Criminal Justice/Safety | |
430106 | Forensic Science & Technology | |
430107 | Crim Just/Police Science | |
430109 | Security &Loss Prevention Serv | |
430110 | Juvenile Corrections | |
430111 | Criminalistics&Criminal Scienc | |
430112 | Securities Services Admin/Mgmt | |
430113 | Corrections Administration | |
430199 | Corrections & CJ, Oth | |
430201 | Fire Protection & Safety Tech | |
430202 | Fire Services Administration | |
430203 | Fire Science/Fire-fighting | |
430299 | Fire Protection, Other | |
439999 | Security & Protective Services | |
440000 | Human Services | |
440201 | Community Org & Advocacy | |
440401 | Public Administration | |
440501 | Public Policy Analysis | |
440701 | Social Work | |
440702 | Youth Services/Administration | |
440799 | Social Work, Other | |
450101 | Social Sciences | |
450201 | Anthropology | |
450202 | Physical Anthropology | |
450299 | Anthropology, Other | |
450301 | Archeology | |
450401 | Criminology | |
450501 | Demography & Population Studie | |
450601 | Economics | |
450602 | Applied Economics | |
450603 | Econometrics&Quantitative Econ | |
450604 | Dev Econ & International Dev | |
450605 | International Economics | |
450699 | Economics, Other | |
450701 | Geography | |
450702 | Cartography | |
450799 | Geography, Other | |
450901 | International Relations&Affair | |
451001 | Poli Science & Government | |
451002 | US Government & Politics | |
451003 | Canadian Government & Politics | |
451099 | Poli Sci & Government, Other | |
451101 | Sociology | |
451201 | Urban Studies/Affairs | |
459999 | Social Sciences, Other | |
460000 | Construction Trades | |
460101 | Mason/Masonry | |
460201 | Carpentry/Carpenter | |
460301 | Electric&Power Transmis Instal | |
460302 | Electrician | |
460303 | Lineworker | |
460399 | Electric&Power Transmis Instal | |
460401 | Building Maintenance&Mgmt | |
460402 | Concrete Finishing | |
460403 | Building Inspection | |
460404 | Drywall Installation/Drywaller | |
460406 | Glazier | |
460408 | Painting/Painter & Wall Covere | |
460410 | Roofer | |
460411 | Metal Building Assembly | |
460412 | Construction Site Mgmt/Manager | |
460499 | Construct Finishing Mgmt Inspe | |
460502 | Pipefitter & Sprinkler Fitter | |
460503 | Plumbing Technology/Plumber | |
460504 | Well Drilling/Driller | |
460505 | Blasting/Blaster | |
460599 | Plumbing&Water Supply Serv Oth | |
469999 | Construction Trades, Other | |
470000 | Mechanics & Repairers, General | |
470101 | Electrical Equip Install&Repai | |
470102 | Business Machine Repair | |
470103 | Comm Systems Install&Repair Te | |
470104 | Computer Installation & Repair | |
470105 | Industrial Electronics | |
470106 | Appliance Installation&Repair | |
470110 | Security System Installation, | |
470199 | Electronics Maintenance&Repair | |
470201 | Heating AC Venilation&Refrig M | |
470302 | Heavy Equipment Maintenance | |
470303 | Industrial Mechanics&Maintenan | |
470399 | Heavy/Industrial Equipment | |
470402 | Gunsmithing/Gunsmith | |
470403 | Locksmithing & Safe Repair | |
470404 | Musical Instrument Fabrication | |
470408 | Watchmaking & Jewelrymaking | |
470409 | Parts&Warehousing Ops&Maintain | |
470499 | Precision Systems Maintenance | |
470603 | Collision & Repair Tech | |
470604 | Automobile Technology | |
470605 | Diesel Mechanics Tech/Tech | |
470606 | Small Engine Mechanics&Repair | |
470607 | Airframe Mechanics&Aircraft Te | |
470608 | Aircraft Powerplant Tech/Tech | |
470609 | Avionics Maintenance Tech/Tech | |
470610 | Bicycle Mechanics & Repair | |
470611 | Motorcycle Maintenance&Repair | |
470612 | Vehicle Emissions Inspection | |
470613 | Medium/Heavy Vehicle&Truck Tec | |
470614 | Alternative Fuel Vehicle Tech | |
470615 | Engine Machinist | |
470616 | Ship Repair Technology | |
470699 | Vehicle Maintenance&Repair Tec | |
479999 | Mechanic&Repair Tech/Tech, Oth | |
480000 | Precision Production Trades | |
480303 | Upholstery/Upholsterer | |
480304 | Shoe, Boot & Leather Repair | |
480399 | Leatherworking&Upholstery, Oth | |
480501 | Machine Tool Technology | |
480503 | Machine Shop Technology/Assist | |
480506 | Sheet Metal Technology | |
480507 | Tool & Die Tech/Tech | |
480508 | Welding Technology/Welder | |
480509 | Ironworking/Ironworker | |
480599 | Precision Metal Working, Other | |
480701 | Woodworking | |
480702 | Furniture Design&Manufacturing | |
480703 | Cabinetmaking & Millwork | |
480799 | Woodworking, Other | |
480801 | Boilermaking/Boilermaker | |
489999 | Precision Production, Other | |
490101 | Aviation Science & Tech | |
490102 | Professional Pilot&Flight Crew | |
490104 | Aviation/Airway Mgmt & Ops | |
490105 | Air Traffic Controller | |
490106 | Airline Flight Attendant | |
490107 | Aircraft Pilot (Private) | |
490108 | Flight Instructor | |
490199 | Air Transportation, Other | |
490202 | Construction Equipment Op | |
490205 | Truck & Bus Driver | |
490206 | Mobil Crane Operation/Operator | |
490299 | Ground Transportation, Other | |
490303 | Commercial Fishing | |
490304 | Diver, Professional&Instructor | |
490306 | Marine Maintenance&Ship Repair | |
490309 | Marine Science/Merchant Marine | |
490399 | Marine Transportation, Other | |
499999 | Transport&Materials Moving Oth | |
500101 | Visual & Performing Arts | |
500201 | Crafts, Folk Art & Artisanry | |
500301 | Dance | |
500302 | Ballet | |
500399 | Dance, Other | |
500401 | Design & Visual Communications | |
500402 | Commercial & Advertising Art | |
500404 | Industrial Design | |
500406 | Commercial Photography | |
500407 | Fashion/Apparel Design | |
500408 | Interior Design | |
500409 | Graphic Design | |
500410 | Illustration | |
500499 | Design & Applied Arts, Other | |
500501 | Drama & Dramatics/Theatre Arts | |
500502 | Theatre Design & Technology | |
500504 | Playwriting & Screenwriting | |
500505 | Theatre Lit, History&Criticism | |
500507 | Directing&Theatrical Productio | |
500508 | Theatre/Theatre Arts Mgmt | |
500599 | Theatre Arts & Stagecraft Oth | |
500601 | Film/Cinema Studies | |
500602 | Cinematography&Film/Video Prod | |
500605 | Photography | |
500699 | Film/Video&Photographic Arts O | |
500701 | Art/Art Studies | |
500702 | Fine/Studio Arts | |
500703 | Art History Criticism&Conserva | |
500704 | Arts Management | |
500705 | Drawing | |
500706 | Intermedia/Multimedia | |
500708 | Painting | |
500709 | Sculpture | |
500710 | Printmaking | |
500711 | Ceramic Arts & Ceramics | |
500712 | Fiber, Textile & Weaving Arts | |
500713 | Metal & Jewelry Arts | |
500799 | Fine Arts & Art Studies, Other | |
500901 | Music | |
500902 | Music History, Lit, & Theory | |
500903 | Music Performance | |
500904 | Music Theory & Composition | |
500905 | Musicology & Ethnomusicology | |
500906 | Conducting | |
500907 | Piano & Organ | |
500908 | Voice & Opera | |
500909 | Music Mgmt & Merchandising | |
500910 | Jazz/Jazz Studies | |
500911 | Violin, Viola, Guitar & Other | |
500912 | Music Pedagogy | |
500999 | Music, Other | |
509999 | Visual & Performing Arts, Oth | |
510000 | Allied Health | |
510101 | Chiropractic (DC) | |
510201 | Communication Disorders | |
510202 | Audiology & Hearing Sciences | |
510203 | Speech-Language Pathology | |
510204 | Audiology&Speech Lang Patholog | |
510205 | Sign Language Interpretation | |
510299 | Comm Disorders Sci & Serv Oth | |
510401 | Dentistry (DDS, DMD) | |
510501 | Dental Clinical Sciences | |
510503 | Oral Biology & Oral Pathology | |
510505 | Dental Materials (MS, PhD) | |
510599 | Graduate Dentistry & Oral Scie | |
510601 | Dental Assisting/Assistant | |
510602 | Dental Hygiene/Hygienist | |
510603 | Dental Laboratory Tech/Tech | |
510699 | Dental Services&Allied Prof Ot | |
510701 | Health/Health Care Admin/Mgmt | |
510702 | Hospital&Health Care Facility | |
510703 | Health Unit Coord/Ward Clerk | |
510704 | Health Unit Manager | |
510705 | Medical Office Mgmt/Admin | |
510706 | Medical Records Admin | |
510707 | Medical Records Technology | |
510708 | Medical Transcription | |
510709 | Medical Office Comp Specialist | |
510710 | Medical Office Assistant | |
510711 | Health Mgmt&Clinical Assistant | |
510712 | Medical Reception/Receptionist | |
510713 | Medical Insurance Coding Speci | |
510714 | Medical Biller | |
510715 | Health/Medical Claims Examiner | |
510716 | Medl Admin/Exec Assist&Med Sec | |
510717 | Medical Staff Services Tech | |
510799 | Health&Medical Admin Serv, Oth | |
510801 | Medical/Clinical Assistant | |
510802 | Medical Laboratory Assist | |
510803 | Occupational Therapist Assist | |
510805 | Pharmacy Technician/Assistant | |
510806 | Physical Therapist Assistant | |
510807 | Physician Assistant | |
510808 | Veterinary Technician | |
510809 | Anesthesiologist Assistant | |
510810 | EMT Ambulance | |
510811 | Pathologist Assistant | |
510812 | Respiratory Therapy Technician | |
510813 | Chiropractic Assistant | |
510899 | Allied Health&Med Assist Serv | |
510901 | Cardiovascular Tech/Tech | |
510902 | Electrocardiograph Tech/Tech | |
510903 | Electroneurodiagnostic Tech | |
510904 | EMT Paramedic | |
510905 | Nuclear Medical Tech/Tech | |
510906 | Perfusion Technology | |
510907 | Radiaton Therapist | |
510908 | Respiratory Care Therapy | |
510909 | Surgical Tech/Tech | |
510910 | Sonographer&Ultrasound Tech | |
510911 | Radiographer | |
510912 | Physician Assistant | |
510913 | Athletic Training/Trainer | |
510914 | Gene/Genetic Therapy | |
510915 | Cardiopulmonary Tech/Tech | |
510916 | Radiation Protection Technicia | |
510999 | Allied Health Other | |
511001 | Blood Bank Tech Specialist | |
511002 | Cytotechnology | |
511003 | Hematology Tech/Tech | |
511004 | Medical Laboratory Tech | |
511005 | Medical Technology | |
511006 | Ophthalmic Laboratory Tech | |
511007 | Histologic Technology | |
511008 | Histologic Technician | |
511009 | Phlebotomy/Phlebotomist | |
511010 | Clinical Genetics Tech | |
511011 | Renal/Dialysis Tech/Tech | |
511099 | Clinical/Medical Laboratory Sc | |
511101 | Pre-Dentistry Studies | |
511102 | Pre-Medicine Studies | |
511103 | Pre-Pharmacy Studies | |
511104 | Pre-Veterinary Studies | |
511105 | Pre-Nursing Studies | |
511199 | Medical Prep Programs, Oth | |
511201 | Medicine (MD) | |
511401 | Medical Scientist (MS, PhD) | |
511501 | Substance Abuse Counseling | |
511502 | Mental Health Services Tech | |
511503 | Clinical/Medical Social Work | |
511504 | Community Health Services | |
511505 | Marriage & Family Therapy | |
511506 | Clinical Pastoral Counseling | |
511507 | Psychoanalysis & Psychotherapy | |
511508 | Mental Health Counseling | |
511509 | Genetic Counseling/Counselor | |
511599 | Mental & Social Health Service | |
511601 | Nursing/Registered Nurse | |
511602 | Nursing Admin (MSN, MS, PHD) | |
511603 | Adult Health Nurse/Nursing | |
511604 | Nurse Anesthetist | |
511605 | Family Practice Nurse | |
511606 | Neonatal Nursing | |
511607 | Nurse Midwife | |
511608 | Nursing Science (MS, PhD) | |
511609 | Pediatric Nurse/Nursing | |
511610 | Psychiatric Nursing | |
511611 | Public Health/Community Nurse | |
511612 | Periop/Op Room&Surgical Nurse | |
511613 | LPN/LVN Training | |
511614 | Nurse Assist&Patient Care Assi | |
511615 | Home Health Aide | |
511616 | Clinical Nurse Specialist | |
511617 | Critical Care Nursing | |
511618 | Occ & Environ Health Nursing | |
511699 | Nursing, Other | |
511701 | Optometry (OD) | |
511801 | Ophthalmic Dispensing Optician | |
511802 | Optometric Technician/Assist | |
511803 | Ophthalmic Tech/Tech | |
511804 | Orthoptics/Orthoptist | |
511899 | Optometric Support Services Ot | |
511901 | Osteopathic Medicine | |
512001 | Pharmacy (PharmD ) | |
512002 | Pharm Admin & Policy & Reg Aff | |
512003 | Pharmaceutics & Drug Design | |
512004 | Medicinal &Pharmaceutical Chem | |
512005 | Natural Products Chem&Pharmaco | |
512006 | Clinical & Industrial Drug Dev | |
512007 | Pharmaceutical Economics | |
512008 | Clinical Hospital&Managed Phar | |
512009 | Industrial & Physical Pharmacy | |
512099 | Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Scien | |
512101 | Podiatric Medicine/Podiatry | |
512201 | Public Health | |
512202 | Environmental Health | |
512203 | Epidemiology | |
512205 | Health/Medical Physics | |
512206 | Occ Health &Industrial Hygiene | |
512207 | Health Educ & Promotion | |
512208 | Community Health&Preventive Me | |
512209 | Maternal & Child Health | |
512210 | International Public Health | |
512211 | Health Services Administration | |
512299 | Public Health, Other | |
512301 | Art Therapy/Therapist | |
512302 | Dance Therapy/Therapist | |
512303 | Hypnotherapy | |
512304 | Movement Therapy | |
512305 | Music Therapy/Therapist | |
512306 | Occupational Therapy/Therapist | |
512307 | Orthotist/Prosthetist | |
512308 | Physical Therapy/Therapist | |
512309 | Recreational Therapy | |
512310 | Voc Rehab Counseling/Counselor | |
512311 | Kinesiotherapy | |
512312 | Assistive/Augmentative Technol | |
512399 | Rehab&Therapeutic Profs, Oth | |
512401 | Veterinary Medicine (DVM) | |
512502 | Veterinary Anatomy | |
512503 | Veterinary Physiology | |
512601 | Health Aide | |
512602 | Home Health Aide/Home Attendan | |
512603 | Medication Aide | |
512699 | Health Aides/Orderlies, Oth | |
512702 | Medical Dietitian | |
512703 | Medical Illustration | |
512704 | Naturopathic Medicine | |
512705 | Psychoanalysis | |
512706 | Medical Informatics | |
512799 | Medical Illustration&Info, Oth | |
513101 | Dietetics/Dietitian (RD) | |
513102 | Clinical Nutrition | |
513103 | Dietetic Technician (DTR) | |
513104 | Dietitian Assistant | |
513199 | Dietetics & Clinical Nutrition | |
513201 | Bioethics/Medical Ethics | |
513301 | Acupuncture | |
513302 | Asian Med&Chinese Herbology | |
513303 | Naturopathic Medicine | |
513304 | Homeopathic Medicine | |
513305 | Ayurvedic Medicine/Ayurveda | |
513399 | Alt&Complementary Med Oth | |
513401 | Direct Entry Midwifery (LM) | |
513499 | Alt&Complementary Med Support | |
513501 | Massage Therapy | |
513502 | Asian Bodywork Therapy | |
513503 | Somatic Bodywork | |
513599 | Somatic Bodywork Oth | |
513601 | Movement Therapy & Movement Ed | |
513602 | Yoga Teacher Training/Therapy | |
513603 | Hypnotherapy/Hypnotherapist | |
513699 | Movement & Mind-Body Therapies | |
513701 | Aromatherapy | |
513702 | Herbalism/Herbalist | |
513703 | Polarity Therapy | |
513799 | Energy&Biologically Based Ther | |
519999 | Health Profs&Related Clinical | |
520101 | Business/Commerce | |
520201 | Business Admin & Mgmt | |
520202 | Purchasing & Contracts Mgmt | |
520203 | Logistics & Materials Mgmt | |
520204 | Office Mgmt & Supervision | |
520205 | Ops Mgmt & Supervision | |
520206 | Non-Profit/Public/Org Mgmt | |
520207 | Customer Service Management | |
520208 | E-Commerce/Electronic Commerce | |
520209 | Transportation/Transportation | |
520299 | Business Admin, Mgmt& Ops Oth | |
520301 | Accounting | |
520302 | Acct Tech/Tech & Bookkeeping | |
520303 | Auditing | |
520304 | Accounting & Finance | |
520305 | Acct & Business/Mgmt | |
520399 | Acct & Related Services, Oth | |
520401 | Office Administration | |
520402 | Executive Assist/Executive Sec | |
520403 | Legal Administrative Assist/Se | |
520404 | Medical Secretary | |
520405 | Court Reporting/Court Reporter | |
520406 | Receptionist | |
520407 | Business Technology | |
520408 | Gen Office Occ & Clerical Serv | |
520409 | Parts Warehousing&Inventory Mg | |
520410 | Traffic Customs&Transport Cler | |
520411 | Customer Service Support | |
520499 | Business Ops Support&Sec Serv | |
520501 | Business/Corporate Comm | |
520601 | Business/Managerial Economics | |
520701 | Entrepreneurship | |
520702 | Franchising & Franchise Ops | |
520703 | Small Business Admin/Mgmt | |
520799 | Entrepreneurial&Sm Bus Ops Oth | |
520801 | Finance | |
520802 | Actuarial Science | |
520803 | Banking&Financial Support Serv | |
520804 | Financial Planning & Services | |
520805 | Insurance & Risk Management | |
520806 | International Finance | |
520807 | Investments & Securities | |
520808 | Public Finance | |
520809 | Credit Management | |
520899 | Fin&Financial Mgmt Service Oth | |
520901 | Hospitality Admin/Mgmt | |
520903 | Tourism & Travel Services Mgmt | |
520904 | Hotel/Motel Admin/Mgmt | |
520905 | Restaurant/Food Services Mgmt | |
520906 | Resort Management | |
520999 | Hospitality Admin/Mgmt, Oth | |
521001 | HR Mgmt/Personnel Admin | |
521002 | Labor & Industrial Relations | |
521003 | Organizational Behavior Studie | |
521004 | Labor Studies | |
521005 | Human Resources Development | |
521099 | HR Mgmt & Services, Other | |
521101 | International Business | |
521201 | Mgmt Information Systems | |
521204 | Business Systems Networking | |
521205 | Bus Comp Facilities Operator | |
521206 | Info Resources Mgmt/CIO Traini | |
521207 | Knowledge Management | |
521299 | Mgmt Info Systems&Service, Oth | |
521301 | Management Science | |
521302 | Business Statistics | |
521304 | Actuarial Science | |
521399 | Mgmt Sciences & Quant Meth Oth | |
521401 | Marketing/Mrkt Mgmt | |
521402 | Marketing Research | |
521403 | International Marketing | |
521499 | Marketing, Other | |
521501 | Real Estate | |
521601 | Taxation | |
521701 | Insurance | |
521801 | Sales, Distribution, & Mrkt | |
521802 | Merchandising & Buying Ops | |
521803 | Retailing & Retail Operations | |
521804 | Selling Skills & Sales Ops | |
521899 | Gen Merchandising Sales&Mrkt O | |
521901 | Auctioneering | |
521902 | Fashion Merchandising | |
521903 | Fashion Modeling | |
521904 | Apparel & Accessories Mrkt Ops | |
521905 | Tourism&Travel Serv Mrkt Ops | |
521906 | Tourism Promotion Operations | |
521907 | Vehicle, Parts&Accessories Mrk | |
521908 | Bus&Person/Financial Serv Mrkt | |
521909 | Special Products Mrkt Ops | |
521910 | Hospitality&Recreation Mrkt Op | |
521999 | Specialized Merchandising, Sal | |
522001 | Construction Management | |
529999 | Bus, Mgmt, Mrkt&Related Serv | |
540101 | History | |
540102 | American History (US) | |
540103 | European History | |
540104 | Hist&Phil – Science&Technology | |
540105 | Public Hist&Archival Admin | |
540106 | Asian History | |
540107 | Canadian History | |
540199 | History, Other |