Student Rights

The University affirms the following student rights and privileges in disciplinary proceedings:

  1. To be informed of the Student Code of Conduct, its corresponding procedures, and all of the rights enumerated herein;
  2. To petition for redress of a grievance arising from an incident that violates university policy and/or the Student Code of Conduct. Any member of the University community may file a charge or complaint against a student when that person believes the student has violated any University policy.
  3. To receive notice of any alleged violations of University policy and/or breaches of the Student Code of Conduct;
  4. To have the benefit of an opportunity to be heard by an impartial Hearing Board or Hearing Officer in addressing an allegation or violations of university policy;
  5. To have an attorney or non-attorney advisor fully participate in all proceedings;
  6. To examine evidence to be used against him or her at the administrative discipline conference or prior to a formal hearing;
  7. To view the list of witnesses and/or statements that are provided by witnesses at the administrative discipline conference or prior to a formal hearing,
  8. To receive written notice within 72 hours of interim measures;
  9. To have the right to waive your participation in an interim measure hearing;
  10. To have a Confidential Advisor present at all proceedings;
  11. To be informed of available accommodations both on and off campus (i.e. notified of available counseling and changing academic and living arrangements);
  12. To request a campus no-contact order;
  13. To have a hearing board comprised of diverse representatives;
  14. To have unrelated past behavior excluded from the hearing (i.e. irrelevant prior sexual history);
  15. To participate with special accommodations (i.e. by phone, behind a screen, video, etc.);
  16. Students have the right to request reasonable accommodations on the basis of a disability in order to allow for participation in the process. 
  17. To request no direct contact with the accused or reporting student during the hearing (i.e., questions from the accused student would be posed through the Board Chairperson and then relayed to the complainant, or an appointed advisor may speak on the student’s behalf); 
  18. To provide questions to the Board Chairperson prior to or during the hearing that they may incorporate those into questioning the accused or reporting student;
  19. To be informed of the names of all witnesses who will be called to give testimony;
  20. To request a recess during the hearing;
  21. To be informed of the outcome of the disciplinary process simultaneously with the reporting or responding party;
  22. To appeal the Hearing Board’s decision;
  23. To report in good faith and without fear of retaliation, violation(s) of the Code of Student Conduct, and other policies of the University to appropriate academic and/or administrative personnel; and
  24. To privacy, as appropriate and indicated by FERPA, throughout the investigation and disciplinary process.

Additional rights are afforded to cases involving power based violence and sexual misconduct. For further details, see the Code of Conduct within the Student Handbook.