Southeastern Shifting to Remote Operations

Title IX Rights

Title IX Rights

The University offers additional rights to student complainants for acts of violence
and harassment such as sexual assault, rape, physical assault, hazing, sexual harassment,
and stalking in disciplinary proceedings.

  1. To be informed of available accommodations both on and off campus (i.e. notified of
    available counseling, changing academic and living arrangements);

  2. To have a campus no contact order against the alleged student;

  3. To have a hearing board comprised of representatives of both genders;

  4. To have unrelated past behavior excluded from the hearing (i.e. irrelevant prior sexual

  5. To testify with special accommodations (i.e. by phone, behind a screen, video, etc.);

  6. To have no direct contact with the accused student during the hearing (i.e. questions
    from the accused student would be posed through the Board Chairperson and then relayed
    to the victim or an appointed Confidential Advisor may speak on the student’s behalf);

  7. To provide questions to the Board Chairperson prior to or during the hearing that
    she/he may incorporate those into questioning the accused student;

  8. To be informed of the names of all witnesses who will be called to give testimony;

  9. To have an advisor, support person, or attorney (at your expense) present at all proceedings;
    in cases of Title IX offenses, a Confidential Advisor is required.

  10. To request a confidential advisor- The confidential advisor primarily serves to aid
    you in the resolution process. Confidential advisors may, as appropriate, serve as
    a liaison between you and the Office of Student Advocacy and Accountability and the
    University Police;

  11. To request a recess during the hearing;

  12. To be informed of outcome of the discipline process simultaneously with the responding

  13. To appeal the Hearing Board’s decision as defined in Article VII, Section A of the
    Code of Student Conduct.

Confidential Advisor’s Role

Confidential Advisor List

Title IX Home Page