
Title IX Trainings:

Module 1 – An Introduction to Managing Title IX Sexual Harassment on Campus
Module 2 – Formal Complaints of Title IX Sexual Harassment
Module 3 – Title IX Investigations & Informal Resolutions
Module 4 – Title IX Hearings
Module 5 – Title IX Determinations
Module 6 – Title IX Appeals


Louisiana Board of Regents Trainings: 

Track A: The Role of Title IX Coordinators and Investigators (for Title IX Coordinators,  Investigators, Campus Police, Confidential Advisors)  

This session will dive deep into the role of the Title IX coordinator and investigators when addressing allegations of sexual misconduct, whether under Title IX or not. This session will focus on the specific mechanics of the complaint process, from start to finish, and emphasize the role and function of Title IX coordinators and investigators. 

Powerpoint slides


Track B: The Role of Decision-Makers in Sexual Misconduct Complaints (for Chancellors, Counsels, Decision-makers, Athletics Representatives) 

This session will focus on the role of the decision-maker, both in the live hearing required by Title IX for Title IX sexual harassment, as well as in complaints involving other sexual misconduct.  This session will focus on the highly technical nature of live hearings under Title IX, the role of Title IX advisors in the hearing process, and the appeals process.​ 

Powerpoint slides


Southeastern Hearing Board Manual and Procedures:

Manual and Hearing Procedures 


ATIXA Trainings: 

Applying Prepondeance and Making a Finding
Addressing Trauma


State University of New York (SUNY)

Title IX, Higher Ed Law, Conduct Process and Procedures