Campus Update Stage 3 Framework

September 14, 2020

Governor Edwards announced last week that, effective September 11, Louisiana would move into Phase 3 of the White House COVID-19 guidelines for reopening.  While the Governor’s new Order allows for expansion of operations on the part of some businesses, it continues to restrict operational capacity of facilities and maintains requirements for face coverings and social distancing.

Our Stage 3 Framework for campus operations maintains ongoing safety plans and requirements while allowing us to continue returning personnel to campus consistent with the Governor’s new Order and current public health guidelines. 

As has been the case during our Stage 1 and Stage 2 processes, specific details regarding return-to-campus timing and operational directions will be communicated to faculty and staff through each individual’s supervisor.  Likewise, the Office of Environmental Health and Safety will continue to serve as the gatekeeper responsible for verifying that each unit’s plans conform with necessary safety requirements.

Along with everyone else, I look forward to continued progress toward normalcy and seeing more of our Southeastern family members back on campus.


John L. Crain