Service Contract Responsibilities


Before navigating to the needed Personal, Professional, Consulting or Social Services
contract form, please read the following responsibilities you agree to in using the appropriate contract form.  Click on I agree at the bottom of this page.


Contract of $75,000 or greater  may require a Request for Proposal to determine contractor. Contact the Director
of Purchasing at least (6) months prior to desired commencement date before proceeding


Contract is not with an employee, former employee, immediate family member of an employee,
employee’s business, or immediate family member’s business that may cause a violation
of the Code of Governmental Ethics.


Funding for the contracted services are budgeted and approved by the department head
or director of the budget unit to be charged.


Contracts up to $2,000 signed by the contractor and the Southeastern representative contracting prior to
the commencement of services.


Contracts over $2,000 and up to $20,000 signed by the contractor and submitted to the Purchasing Department for further processing
at least 14 calendar days prior to the commencement date of services.


Contracts over $50,000 signed by the contractor and submitted to the Purchasing Department for further processing
at least 60 calendar days prior to the commencement date of services.

Understand you must have a valid on-campus Southeastern address to use.


If you understand the above responsibilities, click  I AGREE  to continue.