Sole Source Procurement Justification




I. Purpose

LA Revised Statute 39:1597 establishes the following policy:

A contract may be awarded for a required supply, service, or major repair without competition when, under regulations, the chief procurement officer or his designee above the level of procurement officer determines in writing that there is only one source for the required supply, service, or major repair items.

This procedure outlines the justification required to facilitate approval by the Southeastern Director of Purchasing in establishing in writing only one source is available for the procurement.

II. Scope

This procedure shall be adhered to by all classified and unclassified personnel of the University.

III. Procedure

The LA Administrative Code states:

Sole source procurement is permissible only if a requirement is available from a single supplier. A requirement for a particular proprietary item does not justify a sole source procurement if there is more than one potential bidder or offeror for that item. Examples of circumstances which could necessitate sole source procurement are:

  1. Where the compatibility of equipment, accessories, or replacement parts is the paramount consideration.
  2. Where a sole supplier’s item is needed for trial use or testing.

Any budget unit or person professing a purchase must be treated as a sole source procurement should complete a Sole Source Justification Form (3 pages) and submit the form with the purchase requisition and the written price quotation secured from the sole supplier. The Southeastern Director of Purchasing must agree with the justification to exempt the purchase from competitive solicitation.

Click HERE to download Sole Source Justification Form in EXCEL format

Click HERE to view or print Sole Source Justification Form in PDF format