Guideline For Submission

Instructions For Submitting Purchase Requisition For Goods


This guideline is intended to assist department personnel in the preparation and submission of purchase requisitions and specifications for goods requiring quotes or bids. Use of the format outlined may facilitate the user's submission of more complete equipment information and eliminate or reduce repetitious steps in the generation of bid documents.

The Purchasing Department should receive a purchase requisition for goods identifying a certain brand and model with an accompanying descriptive or performance guideline.


Since purchases of products exceeding $10,000 must be competitively bid, a brand name and model number familiar to one vendor may not be familiar to another. This results in poor communication to other bidders of what is being desired and increases the chances of the State having to accept an inferior or less desirable product because the request lacked sufficient descriptive or performance content.


It is important the user outline the descriptive or performance standards he or she requires to be met for the purposes intended.


The Purchasing Department does not send photocopies of vendor spec sheets or product brochures with the solicitation documents. Users should avoid the tendency to copy vendor spec sheets or product brochures verbatim.


It is important the user understand that the low bidder cannot be rejected or the bid cancelled on the basis the low bidder is not the user's personal favorite, or the user has a preferred brand or model and the item bid, although responsive to the solicitation, is not the user's desired or preferred make or model.


Instructions For Submitting Specification Attachment


When a department has an item or items to be bid with lengthy specifications, the user is requested to list the full description and specification information in a word processing file. A copy of the file should then be emailed in a Microsoft Word version to the user's assigned Procurement Specialist making reference to the purchase requisition number and the attached file. The completed Purchase Requisition along with a printed version of the file should be immediately forwarded to the Purchasing Specialist for budget unit funding verification and further processing for bids.

NOTE: It is not necessary to put the entire specification description of each item on the purchase requisition. (Only an abbreviated description with reference to the specification is necessary.) This method will save the user and the Procurement Specialist preparation and processing time. The Procurement Specialist will not have to retype the specifications in their entirety and can make changes deemed necessary more effectively.