Food Services

Food Services

Budget units may obtain food services for functions through Campus Dining Services
under prior approved conditions. The University requisition form is used and the information
required on the requisition is essentially the same except that specifications and
cost estimates are not required. The requisition should state the time, date, and
function. Campus Dining Services will be listed as the suggested vendor and the requisition
is forwarded directly to Campus Dining Services for processing. Click on Request for Special Meals for information on soliciting necessary approval concerning faculty/staff situations
requiring food/meals.

If Campus Dining Services is not utilized for providing food services for an approved
budget unit function, then external caterers or other providers must meet prescribed
insurance levels if food services provided on the SLU campus.  If cost over $10,000,
the Purchasing Department will be required to solicit bids for the food purchases.
This requirement applies to food purchases to be provided on or off University premises.
Click on Request for Special Meals for information on soliciting necessary approval concerning faculty/staff situations
requiring food/meals.

If a student organization or departmental unit intends to have an activity or make
a purchase involving preparation of food by the student organization, department unit,
or a donor, then click on Food Policy & Procedure for necessary approval of food related activity or purchase.