Departmental Seminar Schedule

All seminars are Thursday at 4:00 pm, Meade Hall, room: 112 (unless posted otherwise).


The Biology Building and Meade Hall are located near the south-east corner of campus.

Click here for driving directions to the Biology Building or for a printable campus map.



Seminar Title

Jan 23 & 30

Biology Grad Students

Southeastern Louisiana University

Presentation of graduate research projects.

Feb 6

Dr. Mark Davis

Tulane University

Adapting to changing coasts: Managed retreat through the lens of law and policy.

Feb 13

Dr. Shannon Martin


An integrated ecosystem assessment of Barataria Basin.

Feb 20

Mardis Gras Speaker

Dr. Anne Yoder

Duke University

Cryptic is as cryptic does: Intriguing patterns of speciation in Madagascar’s mouse lemurs.

March 12

Dr. Donald Walker

Middle Tennessee State University

Host-microbiome-pathogen interactions: A comparative approach across ecological scales.

March 26

Dr. Joel Atallah

University of New Orleans

Many roads to independence: Comparing the maternal-zygotic transition across Drosophila species.

April 2

Dr. Kate Ihle

USDA Honey Bee Breeding

Honey bee behavioral genetics.  

April 30

Dr. Travis Hagey

Mississippi University for Women

Adaptation and diversity of lizards with adhesive pads.

2018: The Art of Aquarium Keeping Communicates Science and Conservation

May 7

BGSO Super Speaker

Dr. Melanie Stiassny

American Museum of Natural History

Fish biodiversity and systematics.