Other Data

Below are some informative dashboards that show real time data collected for the Lake Maurepas Monitoring Project in three major areas of investigation: aquatics, chemistry, and toxicology and physiology. All the dashboards are interactive and update automatically as new data is collected.

Note: All dashboards and maps presented on this page are provisional and subject to revision.

Aquatic Sampling

The aquatics sampling dashboard displays sampling data and sample locations for the aquatics sampling portion of the Lake Maurepas Monitoring Project starting on 9/7/2023. This includes sampling for blue crabs and the fish community assemblage in the lake by means of crab traps, gillnets, bottom trawls, otter trawls, and electrofishing.

Chemistry Sampling

The chemistry sampling dashboard displays some of our sampling data and sample locations for the chemistry sampling portion of the Lake Maurepas Monitoring Project starting on 6/21/2023. This includes water, sediment, and biological samples. Biological samples consist of crabs and catfish samples collected during aquatics sampling activities. Water and sediment samples are collected at dredge sites (red points on the map below) and non-dredge sites (blue points on the map below) to conduct a non-targeted analysis to detect, identify, and monitor a broad range of chemical compounds in the sediment and water of Lake Maurepas.

Toxicology and Physiology Sampling

The toxicogoly and physiology dashboard displays some of our sampling data and sample locations for the toxicology and physiology sampling portion of the Lake Maurepas Monitoring Project starting on 8/22/2023. This includes taking blood samples from catfish and alligators to monitor for physiological stress, endocrine disruption, heavy metal markers, and organismal gas gradients.