Guitar Audition Requirements

All auditioning guitar students should prepare three selections which demonstrate various techniques:

Students with no classical guitar training can demonstrate in any style:

  • Chord playing – finger style is preferable, but not required. Demonstrate different
    rhythm patterns
  • Solo playing – using fingers or pick
  • Demonstrate slurs (hammers/pull-offs/slides/bends)
  • Demonstrate vibrato
  • Play any two major scales in different positions/patterns (two octaves)
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the fretboard
  • Reading music is not required for the audition


For students with classical guitar training:

  • Recommended composers include: Sor, Carcassi,and Tarrega (studies and/or pieces by
    any or all three). It is not required that these three suggestions be utilized
  • Demonstrate slurs (hammers/pull-offs/glissandos)
  • Demonstrate vibrato
  • Demonstrate arpeggio playing (any two patterns)
  • Play any two major scales in different positions/patterns (two octaves) using free
    or rest strokes
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the fretboard
  • A very brief sight reading entry may be attempted, but is not required


Note: Demonstration of every listed technique is not required. Students with limited
formal training should not hesitate to audition. Pre-audition meetings with Mr. Kerber
are available for all interested guitar students. Please feel free to contact Mr.
Patrick Kerber at [email protected]