Southeastern Honor Band

Dear Colleagues,

I hope that everyone is doing well and surviving the fall season. It is time once again to begin the process of selecting members for the annual Southeastern Louisiana University Honor Band, which will take place on Friday and Saturday, December 6 – 7, 2024. We are very excited to be hosting this event and see as many students and directors on campus as possible. We are continuing the format of having two ensembles, a Wind Ensemble, and a Symphonic Band. Dr. Stephen Peterson, who was the Director of Bands at the University of Illinois for several years, will be the conductor of the Wind Ensemble, and I will be conducting the Symphonic Band. I am looking forward to working with your students and seeing all of you.

Please nominate as many students as you feel would benefit from this experience. While we will do our best to accept as many students as we can, we may not be able to accept everyone. Please rank your students accordingly. Nominations are due by Thursday, November 14th, and will be done via Google Forms. Results for the honor band will be based on director rank and the number of students needed to
make up two ensembles. As a reminder, we invite you to submit as many names as you would like for consideration. We encourage you to nominate students who are truly outstanding in your program; we want this weekend to be a reward for your students who have excelled in your ensembles! The nomination form can be found here: 

Honor Band Nomination Form

Additionally, the nomination form can also be found on our website.

This year’s audition music will be the current All-State excerpts for the fall of 2024. Copies of that can be obtained on the appropriate website. The registration fee will be $35 per student and must be paid before or during registration on the morning of Friday, December 6th. Payment is due the morning of the event.

I am attaching a tentative schedule for your convenience as well as the nomination form. All nominations are to be sent via Google Forms by November 14th. Please let me know if you have any further questions going forward. We are very excited about hosting everyone on our campus!

Thank you, 
Robert Schwartz, D.M.A. 
Director of Bands Southeastern Louisiana University 
(985) 549 – 5198 
[email protected]