Admission Requirements and Procedure

The following criteria guide the consideration of an applicant for admission to the
Master of Science Degree Program in Applied Sociology


Admission Criteria

  1. A Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution in Sociology, Criminal Justice,
    Social Work or a related social science field.

  2. Satisfactory completion of prerequisite courses: sociological theory, social research
    methods and elementary social statistics.

  3. Acceptable GRE Scores on File, please check with graduate advisor for more details.

  4. Completed application for admission and payment of application fee on file in the
    Graduate Admissions office.


Registering for Courses

To register for courses in the M.S. in Applied Sociology curriculum, students must:

  1. Obtain the Graduate Coordinator’s written authorization prior to registration each
    semester. Advising for all graduate courses is mandatory. Only after being advised
    by the Graduate Coordinator will students be allowed to register in the department

  2. Have an approved up-to-date degree plan on file with the Department of Sociology and
    Criminal Justice.

  3. Be in ‘good-standing’ (maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 on all coursework)


Degree Plan

To remain in good standing in the Master of Science in Applied Sociology Program,
students must:

  1. Obtain the Graduate Coordinator’s written approval for an individual degree plan prior
    to registering for their first semester of graduate coursework.

  2. Changes in the degree plan may be made only with the Graduate Coordinator’s written


Admission to Candidacy

In order to file for Admission to candidacy for the master’s degree, the student must:

  1. Have achieved regular admission status.

  2. Completed 12 hours of graduate degree credit at SLU with a cumulative GPA of at least

  3. Have a degree plan approved by the Graduate Coordinator.

  4. The application for admission to candidacy for the master’s degree must be completed
    and signed by the student and by the Graduate Coordinator and submitted to the Office
    of the Graduate Dean no later than 15 days after the first day of class of the next semester or term in which the student
    is enrolled


Apply for Admission

Separate applications are required by the Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice
and the Southeastern Graduate Admissions Office.

Applications sent to the Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice

Applicants should be send directly to the Graduate Coordinator: (a) letter of application,
(b) short autobiographical essay, (c) resume, (d) an official or unofficial transcript,
(e) two letters of recommendation, and (f) GRE scores. If English is not your native
language, your TOEFL score is also required. Photocopies of both your transcript record
and your TOEFL grades are suitable for the Department application. Send the required
documents to the following address:

Dr. Michael Bisciglia
Graduate Coordinator
Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice
Hammond, LA 70402

Applications sent to the Southeastern Graduate Admissions Office

Applicants should send the Graduate Admissions Office: (a) an official transcript
from all the universities that you have attended, (b) your official GRE score reports,
(c) a completed “Application for Admission” form, (d) a completed immunization form,
and (e) the application fee. Send these materials to the following address:

Enrollment Services
Graduate Admissions
SLU 10752
Hammond, LA 70402