Honors Research & Creative Scholars Program
The Honors Research Scholars and Honors Creative Scholars Programs offers students
a two-semester independent research/creative experience that includes publicly presenting
your work and culminates in an undergraduate thesis, refereed publication, exhibit,
performance or other scholarly product. The project must consist of work not required
for the undergraduate degree. It is a prestigious research/creative opportunity available
to undergraduates at Southeastern Louisiana University and provides participants with
opportunities customarily extended only to students pursuing graduate degrees.
Upon completion of the Honors Research Scholars or Honors Creative Scholars Program,
scholars are recognized on their transcript and at graduation as an Honors Research
Scholar or Honors Creative Scholar.
Steps in the Program
1. Submit Application to the Honors Office
Students should apply to the Honors Office no later than the end of the second week
of the semester they intend to begin their research/creative experience. Proposals
will not be accepted for research projects that have been largely completed prior
to application.
The application will consist of
- Application Form
- Written project proposal (four-page maximum) describing the project to be addressed,
the method to be used, the expected product (thesis, publication, conference presentation,
The proposal should include proof of IRB or IACUC approval if necessary.- Research involving human subjects, hazardous materials, or biohazards must receive
approval from the Institutional Research Board (IRB) before commencing work with human
subjects: https://www.southeastern.edu/admin/inst_rb/ - Research involving vertebrate animals must be approved by the Institutional Animal
Care and Use Committee (IACUC): https://www.southeastern.edu/acad_research/depts/biol/about/iacuc/index.html
Students may apply pending IRB or IACUC approval but should include a statement of
the status of the IRB or IACUC application (e.g., the application has been filed and
will be heard at the September meeting.) - Research involving human subjects, hazardous materials, or biohazards must receive
- Detailed time-line
2. Applications are Reviewed
Applications will be reviewed by the Honors Scholars Committee. Students accepted
into the program will be notified no later than the end of the fourth week of the
The Honors Scholars Committee will consist of at least one faculty member from each
college who is actively engaged in research/creative activity. The goal of the committee
is to ensure that the proposed research/creative projects are of sufficient depth
and rigor to warrant Honors distinction.
3. Scholarly Products are Presented and Submitted
Upon completion of the research/creative experience,
The student will publicly present their results to the campus community at a department
forum or public symposium such as the annual College Honors Convocations.
The student will submit their scholarly product together with a project cover sheet
signed by their faculty mentor (in the case of an undergraduate thesis a second faculty
reader is required), to the Honors Office. The product will be reviewed by the Honors
Scholars Committee.
Acceptable scholarly products include an undergraduate thesis, publication in a refereed
scholarly journal, presentation at a national or international conference, or other
product approved in advance by the faculty mentor and Honors Scholars Committee.
Upon successful completion of all requirements, the distinction “Honors Research Scholar”
or “Honors Creative Scholar” will be included on the student’s official university
Application for the Honors Research & Creative Scholars Programs
The application consists of three part:the application form, the project proposal,
and the timeline.
Part I: Application Form
The Application page asks for general information about the proposed project, about
you as a prospective scholar, and about your faculty mentor. The cover sheet must
bear the signatures of the student applicant and faculty mentor, and the names of
the department head of the student’s academic major and department head of the faculty
mentor. This page MUST be typed or it will not be accepted.
Mentor’s Signature: Your mentor must sign, acknowledging that he/she has read and
approves of your proposal and agrees to serve as your Faculty Mentor. Her/His signature
will indicate that this proposal is of scholarly quality.
Part II: Research / Creative Proposal
The research/creative proposal is a description of the project that the student intends
to undertake and that will be reported in a detailed, comprehensive fashion in the
completed thesis, publication, portfolio, or other scholarly product. Scholars proposals
will be evaluated and approved by the Honors Scholars Committee. The proposal must
therefore convince others of your ability to pursue the proposed project to a successful
conclusion. The research/creative proposal, double-spaced, should not exceed four
pages. In preparing a proposal, you should keep in mind that the Scholars experience
is to be devoted to research/creativity, not just study.
Honors Research Scholars Proposal Elements
Honors Creative Scholars Proposal Elements
Part III: Timeline
Provide a detailed timeline for the project. The timeline should span at least two
semesters. Be sure to define what your final scholarly/creative product outlet will
be (e.g., thesis submission to Honors, article submission to a journal, conference
submission) and state how you will incorporate the campus presentation requirement
into your research timeline.