Cataloging Department

Mon.-Thurs. 7:30 am-5:00 pm, Fri. 7:30 am-12:30 pm / Sims 123 / Contact Amy Baptist / 985-549-3957

The Cataloging Department is located on the first floor of the Linus A. Sims Memorial Library. The Cataloging Department is responsible for the inclusion and maintenance of records in the library’s catalog that provide information about resources available to library users. The department is also responsible for physically preparing the materials for usage by the public.

The department offers Priority Processing for requesting materials that appear in the catalog as RECEIVED but are not yet available to the public. Once the request is made for Priority Processing, the material will be available within 3 working days.


Name Title Phone Room
Amy Baptist Head of Cataloging 985-549-3957 Sims 123
Donna Kerber Copy Cataloger Specialist 985-549-3016 Sims 125
Roxann McHodgkins Copy Cataloger Specialist 985-549-3956 Sims 125