Circulation FAQs

Circulation FAQs

Current Southeastern Students, Faculty, and Staff must present a valid Southeastern ID card to check out items. Other Library users must show a valid photo ID and their Library-issued Borrower card.

Print and AV Materials

There is no daily overdue fine. At 30 days past due, users are charged current replacement cost of materials.

Equipment & Technology – Chromebooks, Calculators, Webcams, Headphones, etc.

Chromebooks, Calculators, and all equipment borrowed on an hourly basis are subject to a daily overdue fine. At seven days past due, users are charged the current replacement cost of equipment and accessories.

  • Chromebooks
    • Fines: $5 per business day up to $60.* (This fine is not reversible.)
    • All Chromebook checkouts are subject to the following after seven (7) days late:
      • The Chromebook will be remotely disabled.
      • The user will be billed the full replacement cost to their student fees. ($457)
      • The user will have their technology checkout privileges suspended for the remainder of the current semester.
  • Calculators
    • Fines: $5 per business day up to $60.* (This fine is not reversible.)
    • All Calculator checkouts are subject to the following after seven (7) days late:
      • The user will be billed the full replacement cost to their student fees. (Up to $229).
      • The user will have their technology checkout privileges suspended for the remainder of the current semester.

There are just a few steps to take in order to place a book on hold:

  1. Log into your Library Account by clicking on “My Library Account” found on our homepage.
  2. Search for the item you would like to check out by using the search bar found at the top of the page.
  3. Once you have selected the item, simply click on the blue “Place Hold” button found on the right-hand side of the item details.. 
  4. Another pop-up box will open. Click on the blue “Place Hold(s)” button.
  5. Click on the blue “OK” button. You will be notified via email when your book is ready to be picked up.

Yes, through our Document Delivery: Article and Book Delivery Service, Distance Education students may request copies of articles owned by Sims Library in print or articles from other universities. You may also request that books owned by Sims Library be mailed to you. You can make that request from your ILLiad account. Sims Library books are checked out to you and shipped to your home address. Books will be shipped via USPS. Users are responsible for return shipping costs. Please click here for the full details on this process.

If an item is not found on the shelves where it is supposed to be located and you have asked a staff member at the Circulation Desk to help you locate the item, you’ll be offered a “Search Request” slip at the Circulation Desk. Access Services staff will continue to search for the item in the library for you. If after 10 days you have not heard from us, you can try other means of getting the materials, including Interlibrary Loan. If the book is found within the 60-day period, we’ll let you know we found it and hold it for you for seven days.

Use the Priority Processing Service to request materials be rush processed. Please allow 3 working days to receive the item.