Electronic Journals A-to-Z (Publication Finder)

Electronic Journals A-to-Z (Publication Finder)

Title: Electronic Journals A-to-Z (Publication Finder)

Access: This database is available to authorized Southeastern users (on- or off-campus).Login help

Producer: EBSCO

Category: Miscellaneous Reference Sources

Content: Electronic Journals A-to-Z are available by searching in Publication Finder. Below
the search box in Publication Finder are two rows of linked alphabetical letters.
Click one of the linked letters. Once the page appears, select Filter to narrow the
results by any of a number of options located on the left side of the screen. If Peer
Reviewed journals are an option, it will appear at the top of the list, and can be
used to limit results. Further down, under the Resources heading, users can also select
Journal, which will retrieve both peer-reviewed and non peer-reviewed titles.

To return to the databases list, please click your browser’s back button.Go to Library Databases by Subject