

Title: PubMed®

Access: Freely available on the Internet

Producer: National Library of Medicine

Category: Nursing and Health Sciences

Coverage: Begins in the early 1900s

Update: Continuously

Content: PubMed® comprises more than 25 million citations for biomedical articles (including
nursing) from MEDLINE® and life science journals. Citations may include links to free
full-text from PubMed Central® or publisher web sites. LinkOut is a service that allows
you to link directly from PubMed® to some full-text journal articles in the ProQuest
and CINAHL databases subscribed to by Sims Library. LinkOut also links directly to
some biological databases, research tools, and consumer health information.

Notes: MEDLINE®/PubMed® Resources Guide

Help: Tutorials, FAQs, and LinkOut information are available from the PubMed® home page.

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