Curriculum and Instruction, M.ED.

International Baccalaureate: Diploma Programme


Prepare students for success in the rigorous International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme with our M.Ed. program, specializing in the IB curriculum. You’ll graduate well equipped with the knowledge and skills to deliver high-quality instruction aligned with the IB framework.



Required Semester Hours



Program Highlights

Award Icon

Accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation / National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools

Course objectives and learner outcomes aligned with COMPASS/Louisiana Components of Effective Teaching and national professional organizations for advances teacher preparation standards.

Concentrations may add additional certifications to an existing Louisiana teaching certificate.

briefcase with grad hat

Designed for working teachers.

Program Requirements

Satisfactorily complete all graduate work with a cumulative "B" average. Degree candidates must earn an average of "B" or better, both cumulative and in the major area of concentration, with no more than six semester hours with a grade of "C" counted toward a degree. No credit below "C" will be accepted for graduate degree credit.

Satisfactorily complete and present a capstone action research project.

Must have a valid teaching certificate (i.e. currently active or have had an active certificate in the past).

Be recommended for the degree by the student's major professor

View University Catalog

What Can You Be?

Types of Jobs

Curriculum Supervisor

Reading Specialist

Teacher at International Baccalaureate School

Instructional Coach

Types of Employers

Educational agencies (ex: Head Start)

Non-profit organizations

Public, private and parochial school systems

State department of education

Contact Us

Cate Teacher Education Center, Room 2018 K

SLU Box 10749
Hammond, LA 70402

(985) 549-3726


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