TrueHeart Feliciana (Marston House) Clinton Collection

Box 1a

Folder 1: Development of Town of Clinton

  1. copy of hand drawn land plot diagram
  2. small poster with picture of John Rhea’s tombstone in Clinton Cemetery with description
  3. 5×7 color photograph-John Rhea headstone with description
  4. 8×10 color photograph-The Flag of West Florida Republic, 1870; 1 page typed document-history-“The
    Republic (briefly) of West Florida 1870; copy of map-LA Purchase and Western Exploration,
  5. 1 page typed document- The New Parish Seat 1824-1825
  6. typed description and copies of photographs-First Store and Inn in Clinton, c. 1825,
    later called E. F. Currie’s Store/McKnights-c. 1825-1960
  7. 1 page typed document- A Real Town 1826-1828
  8. (2) 8×10 photographs, copy of article, and description of Andrews/Nauman/Chase House,
    c. 1830
  9. 1 page typed document- The Railroad 1833-1837, photograph included; 1 page typed document-The
    C. and P.H. Railroad During the War 1862-1865
  10. 1 page typed document-R. C. Carman and the Clinton Hotel1840-1855, (2) 8×10 photographs
    of Hotel included, c. 1890
  11. 8×10 black and white photograph-Stewart and Carroll (formerly Sadler’s), c.1845-1975
  12. 5 page typed webpage-David Washington Pipes 1845-1939
  13. 1 page typed document-David Washington Pipes 1845-1939


Folder 2: Development of Town of Clinton

  1. 2 page typed document- Black in Clinton-A Few Factoids About Life for African-Americans
    Prior to Emancipation
  2. 2 page typed document- Temperance v. Demon Rum 1850-1859
  3. 9 page typed document-Louisiana Year of Statehood: 1812-Demographics and Interview
  4. 1 page typed document-People of Louisiana
  5. Pie charts-1850 Population, Birthplaces of White males 1850 Census; Birthplaces of
    White Women, 1850 Census; Occupations-White Males; Male Occupations, 1870 Census
  6. Line graph- Distribution of Wealth of White Males, 1860 Census
  7. Copy of newspaper article-“John W. Koch, Native Son, Recalls Old Days in Letter to
    Friend”, April 27, 1951
  8. 1 page typed document with 5×7 black and white photograph attached-Judge John McVea
    1850, “The Richest Man in Town”
  9. 4 page typed document-The Town is Incorporated June 28, 1852-meeting minutes of first
    meeting of Clinton Mayor and Board of Alderman
  10. 1 page typed document-The Masons and Olive Lodge #52, established 1852
  11. copy of newspaper article-“Clinton”
  12. copy of map-Growth of the United States to 1853
  13. 1 page typed document with drawing of pigs attached-Hog Laws
  14. 3 page typed document-“’Considered as a Commercial Place…” 1858, abstracted from A.
    Mygatt & Co.’s Nola Bus directory-list of local businesses attached
  15. 2 page typed document-Secession 1861; 3 pages of photos attached-Sarah Morgan, Owen
    Langworthy, Alexander P. Brown, Charles C. P. Delee, Thomas J. Fuqua, James O. Fuqua,
    Samuel E. Hunter, Alexander S. Norwood, and Preston Pond, Jr., 4 page typed document
    attached-Wartimes 1862-1865
  16. 2 page typed document-Bad Boy Peck in Clinton 1864
  17. 1 page typed document-War Hospitals Silliman and the Masonic Temple 1862-1865; 5×7
    black and white photograph attached-drawing of bed-Nathan Phillips
  18. 2 page typed document- Life Goes On 1864-1870
  19. 2 page typed document-Clinton in 1870, A Few Observations
  20. 2 page typed document-Testimony of George Thomas Norwood, January 10, 1877; 5×7 black
    and white photograph included


Folder 3: Development of Town of Clinton

  1. 1 page typed document-Back to Boom-The 1800s
  2. copy of newspaper article-Impressions of Clinton, East Feliciana Parish in 1881-The
    Watchmen, November 25, 1976
  3. copy of Cashier Check-State of Louisiana Parish of East Feliciana, November 14, 1884
  4. 1 page typed document-The Fair 1887-c. 1976
  5. 1 page typed document- On a Roll the 1890s
  6. copy of article and photograph of Clinton Brick Yard, 1891
  7. copy of article and photograph of Bank of Clinton
  8. 2 page typed document-The Turn of the Century Progress continues 1900-1907
  9. 4×6 photograph-Cotton Seed Oil Mill in Clinton c. 1900
  10. 8×10 photograph-St. Helena Street-Business Section- c. 1905-Show electric poles and
    lines that appeared in Clinton with advent of electricity
  11. 1 page typed document-An Example of Clinton’s Evolving Business Community, c. 1900-1974;
    copy of newspaper article-Powers building Given “Face-lifting” with repairs, new paint
  12. 5×7 black and white photograph- 1905-Clinton gets electricity; 5×7 black and white
    photograph-east side of Liberty Street on the square, c. 1910
  13. 1 page typed document with a copy of a drawing of a Boll Weevil-The Boll Weevil 1908-1918
  14. 2 page typed document-Did the 20s roar in Clinton? You Bet! 1920-1929-2 copies of
    drawing included
  15. 3 page typed document-Huey Long & 1st False Battle of Clinton 1930
  16. 1 page typed document and 5×7 photograph-McCutcheon’s Garage c. 1937
  17. 1 page typed document-Depression 1929-1941 & Beyond-attached-copy of typed document
    about “promoters” & Clinton
  18. copy of newspaper article-In 1933: Civil War’s Last Battle; Coricoran’s Store, c.
  19. copy of drawing-East Feliciana Industry Training School (later East High School, built
  20. 1 page typed document-World War II 1941-1945
  21. Bivouac cap worn by Mac Phillips
  22. copy of newspaper article-Clinton has watched electric service improve for 39 years;
    L.C. McKnight Store A Clinton Leader-February 1941
  23. 1 page typed document-Polio Especially in the Late ‘40s Until 1955; copy of 2 newspaper
    advertisements; copy of newspaper articles- “Incomplete Report on Polio Fund Drive
    About Polio Victims/Patients Given by Mrs. Dart
  24. copy of 3 pages from book-Wartimes In and Around Clinton, LA by Annie Sanderson Kilbourne, Clinton, LA
  25. 1 page typed document- The Post-War Boom-Baby and Otherwise 1946-1950


Folder 4: Civil War-Hunter’s Rifles

  1. 5×7 black and white photo-Samuel E. Hunter
  2. 2 page typed document-The 4th LA Battalion-1861-1865
  3. 1 page typed document-4th LA Infantry Regiment, C.S.A.-List of Colonels, Lt. Colonels and Majors
  4. 1 page typed document-Samuel Eugene Hunter 1832-70 and the Hunter Rifles
  5. typed list-Companies, Their Parishes, and Their Commanders
  6. copy of handwritten document-Executive Office, Shreveport, LA July 6, 1804; handwritten
    note on back
  7. 10 page printout of a webpage-Clinton and Port Hudson, LA
  8. 1 page typed document-Old Roster Information, List of Commissioned Officers, Privates,
    the Hunter Rifles, and Privates; typed letter attached-to Mildred from Edwards Hardesty,
    August 1, 1983-articles secured from Elise Walker Appleby; Clinton Paper, 1861


Folder 5

  1. 5×7 black and white photo-The Masonic Temple built in 1859 & used as hospital during
  2. 1 page typed document and 3×5 photograph-The Factory Building 1900
  3. photo and drawing-Clinton Cotton mill from the 1900s “Cotton Factory Souvenir”
  4. copy of newspaper article- “Clinton Military Academy”, The LA Sunday Review, New Orleans,
    February 3, 1895
  5. copy of newspaper article- “The New Orleans Times Democrat’s Report of the Commencement
    Exercises of the Southern Military Academy”, The Classical Review, Southern Military Academy, Clinton, LA June 1897, Vol. 1 No. 2


Folder 6: Jews in Clinton

  1. photograph-Ernestine Israel Memorial
  2. 3 page typed document-Children of Israel The Jews in Clinton, c. 1850-c. 1920
  3. 2 8×10 color photographs-stained glass window
  4. 8×10 black and white photograph with description-Theo Israel
  5. copy of an advertisement- “Changes…”-Isidor Mayer
  6. 5×7 black and white photograph- Theo & Achille Israel (as children) c. 1891
  7. 8×10 black and white photograph- Theodore J. Israel c. 1910
  8. 5×7 black and white photograph-The Joseph Israel Family in Clinton, c. 1889
  9. copy of handwritten note on stationary-Joseph Israel; June 28, 1906


Folder 7: Clinton Cemetery

  1. typed and handwritten list of people who donated money to get a fence build around
    the cemetery


Folder 8: Stonehenge

  1. 8×10 black and white photograph with description-“Stonehenge” built by Judge Lafayette
    Saunders, 1837
  2. copy of newspaper article-Miss Imogen Stone-Teacher-New Orleans Item, December 13, 1933
  3. 8×10 black and white photograph with 1 page typed document-Imogen Stone 1872-1947


Folder 9: St. Andrews

  1. black and white photograph-St. Andrews Episcopal Church
  2. 2 page typed document-St. Andrews Episcopal Church 1842-1962
  3. 8×10 color photograph-Stained glass window


Folder 10

  1. 1 page typed document-The Marston House, built in 1837 (2 copies)
  2. 5×7 black and white photograph-Henry Marston
  3. color photo of Marston grave memorial
  4. 1 page typed document-Marston house 1837
  5. printout of email with photos of Silliman and Sallie Eaton Daniels
  6. 8×10 black and white photograph with description-Marston House, c. 1900
  7. 8×10 black and white photograph with description, c. 1980
  8. 5×7 photograph with description-Woman and child who rented apartment at Marston House
  9. 3×5 color photograph-Wooden staircase
  10. 8×10 black and white photograph-Marston House
  11. 6 copies of different angles and Marston House
  12. newspaper article-“Marston House Stands Test of Time, Community”, Watchman, April 25, 2014


Folder 11

  1. 5×7 black and white photograph-Silliman
  2. 4×6 black and white photograph-Silliman, Clinton, LA
  3. 5 ½ x 6 black and white photograph with description-Rev. Sereno and Mary Creed Taylor
    c. 1852
  4. 5×7 black and white photograph-John Piku
  5. 5×7 black and white photograph-Clinton, LA Silliman Collegiate Institute for Young
  6. 1 page typed document-Silliman 1852
  7. copy of 6 page document- The Hodge Podge, published by pupils of Silliman College,
    Vol. 1 No. 1 March 1925
  8. copy of diploma-Sallie C. Montgomery-Silliman Female Collegiate Institute


Folder 12

  1. 8×10 black and white photograph-Lawyer’s Row
  2. 1 page typed document-The Library Property
  3. 1 page typed document-about Lawyer’s Row
  4. 5×7 color photograph-Sign about Lawyer’s Row
  5. 6 ½ x 7 ½ color photograph-framed document-National Historic Landmark
  6. 1 page typed document-The Flower of the LA Bar 1824-2002
  7. 5×7 black and white document-East Feliciana Memorial Library


Box 1B

Folder 13

  1. copy of photograph-Courthouse
  2. copy of photograph-Courthouse-2
  3. copy of photograph-Courthouse (front view)
  4. 5×7 black and white photograph with description-The Courthouse
  5. copy of 5×7 black and white photograph-Courthouse and Street Scene, Clinton, LA
  6. 5×7 color photograph-Courthouse
  7. 8×10 black and white photograph with description-The Courthouse c. 1870-Federal troops
    pictured in front of building
  8. copy of hand drawn diagram of inside the Courthouse
  9. 6 page typed document-about Courthouse history


Folder 14-WWI

  1. copy of newspaper photo-Target Practice, Highschool Cadets, Clinton, LA, Clinton Highschool
    Cadets WWI; copy in 8×10
  2. 8×10 color photograph of memorial plaque-Memorial of men from East Feliciana Parish
    who died in World War of 1917-1918 (2 copies)
  3. 1 page typed document-The Great War Era 1914-1919


Folder 15: DeWitt Clinton 1769-1828

  1. 3×5 black and white photographs-Map of LA Purchase & DeWitt Clinton
  2. 8×10 black and white photograph-DeWitt Clinton 1769-1828
  3. Diagram hand drawn-land plots in Clinton, LA


Folder 16: Clinton Founders

  1. 1 page typed document-James Holmes “Founding Father” 1792-1847; includes-3×5 color
    photograph of head stone of James Holmes
  2. 1 page typed document-Susan Bostwick “Founding Mother” c. 1795-1839
  3. 5×7 color photograph and description-bust of her head; includes-information about
    contributions of Susan and her husband John, and information about James Holmes


Folder 17: Bad Days-Reconstruction in Clinton

  1. 15 page typed document-Clinton’s Culture of violence
  2. 1 page typed document-information about cooperation of Clinton
  3. 1 page typed document-Seed Cotton
  4. 5×8 black and white photograph-a statue
  5. 1 page typed document-“Bulldozing” with 2 pictures attached
  6. 4 page typed document-The Events of October 1875


Folder 18: Significant Women in History of Clinton-Eliza Mills

  1. copy of obituary-Eliza Mills
  2. 5×7 color photograph-headstone of Eliza Mills
  3. 1 page typed document-Eliza Mills1806-1877-biography
  4. 1 page typed document-Matthias Guy Mills-A Golden Man Dying Young 1827-1857-biography;
    attached-4×6 color photograph of headstone of Matthias Guy Mills


Folder 19: Significant Women in History of Clinton-Sarah Morgan

  1. 5×7 black and white photograph-Sarah Morgan
  2. copy of book cover- The Civil War Diary of Sarah Morgan; attached-1 page typed document-She Didn’t Like Us-Sarah Morgan 1862-1863


Folder 20: Significant Women in History of Clinton-Mary Winans Wall

  1. 8×10 black and white photograph-Mary Susannah Winans Wall 1816-1897
  2. 2 page typed document-Wall Family Papers 1829-1921-Bio/History Note (2 copies)
  3. 3×5 color photograph-Mary Winans Wall Methodist Church, erected 1903; attached-closer
    image of church-First Methodist Church of Clinton
  4. 1 page typed document-short bio of Mary Winans Wall
  5. 1 page typed document-Mary Susannah Winans Wall 1816-1897-biography


Folder 21: Significant Women in History of Clinton-Julia Hines Dilly

  1. 5×7 black and white photograph-Mrs. Julia O. Dilly opened her insurance agency in
    1911 on Lawyer’s Row
  2. envelope-Hartford Fire Insurance Company
  3. 1 page typed document-Julie O. Hines Dilly 1875-1959-biography
  4. copy of document-Hartford Fire Insurance Company-J. O. Dilly, Inc., Clinton, LA
  5. 5×7 black and white photograph-Mr. and Mrs. Dilly in her office


Folder 22: Significant Women in History of Clinton-Ola Fisher

  1. 1 page typed document-Ola Fisher honored for service at tea (3 copies)
  2. handwritten note with phone number of B. Hayes
  3. 8×10 color photograph-Ola Fisher (2 copies)
  4. program-Ola Banks Fisher Funeral Services, July 17, 1998


Folder 23: Significant Women in History of Clinton-Charlotte Scott Greenup

  1. title page-Charlotte Scott Greenup 1975
  2. 8×10 black and white photograph-Charlotte Greenup, 1982-95 years old
  3. 2 page typed document-“Mother Greenup”, Charlotte Scott Greenup, 1885-1982
  4. copy of newspaper article (3)-“Bright and Sharp at 90-Plus”-Charlotte Greenup, copy
    of photo included


Folder 24: Significant Women in History of Clinton-Mamie Gorda Cravens Record

  1. 1 page typed document-Mamie Gorda Cravens Record, 1871-1960-biography
  2. 5×7 black and white photograph of Mamie Gorda Cravens Record
  3. newspaper article-“Feliciana Garden Club Sponsoring Silver Tea Honoring Mrs. Record”,
    handwritten note attached, copy of photos included-School Days 1959-60, Clinton High


Folder 25: Significant Women in History of Clinton-Sally Daniels Munday

  1. 5×7 black and white photograph-Sally Daniels Munday, c. 1865
  2. 1 page typed document-Sally Daniels Munday 1840-1914-biography

Folder 26: Significant Women in History of Clinton-Carrie Moore Young

  1. 1 page typed document-Carrie Moore Young, c. 1885-1953, attached-Tuskegee Normal and
    Industrial Institute Diploma to Carrie Moore Young, August 1934
  2. 8×10 black and white photograph-Carrie Moore Young in her cap and gown
  3. copy of newspaper article-“Our Colored Friends Pioneer Educator Dies from Accident
    Injuries”; attached-biography and a handwritten note


Folder 27: Significant Women in History of Clinton-Inez M. Durham

  1. 8×10 black and white photograph-Inez M. Durham
  2. 2 copies of recipes; includes-Apricot Nector Cake recipe
  3. 8×10 black and white photograph-Inez M. Durham
  4. card-Re-Elect Inez M. Durham-Clerk of Court-Apricot Nector Cake recipe mentioned earlier
    on back
  5. card-Re-Elect Inez M. Durham-Clerk of Court-recipe mentioned earlier on back
  6. copy of newspaper article-“Inez M. Durham to Say Adieu to Parish Clerk of Court’s
  7. 8×10 color photograph-Inez M. Durham
  8. oversized paper with following items attached-newspaper headline-East Feliciana Citizen,
    Vol. 8 No. 22, February 26, 1943; newspaper article- “L. Stanley Durham Dies this
    Morning”; bio-Inez M. Durham 1909-1993; newspaper article- “E. Feliciana gets Records
    After 40 Years in Capital” by Richard Munson, November 1974, Morning Advocate; 2 Re-Elect
    Inez cards


Folder 28: Significant Women in History of Clinton-Clara E. Sides Hubbs

  1. 1 page typed document- Clara E. Sides Hubbs, 1866-1949 (biography)
  2. copy of Primary Election for nomination for parish officers sample ballot, January
    15, 1924
  3. 8×10 photograph of Clara E. Sides Hubbs


Folder 29: Women

  1. 4×6 color photograph-headstone of Sarah Killian
  2. 3 page typed document-Vol. III-Biographies/History/Memoirs of LA-Major G. W. Munday
  3. 6 handwritten notes
  4. newspaper-“Miss Wilda Remember for Work with Young”, The Watchmen, Vol. 94, No. 19, April 19, 1973
  5. envelope-to Mildred Worrell from Charmaine Dyson, October 7, 2002


Folder 30: Photographs-Engagements/Weddings from Watchmen newspaper

  1. black and white 5×7- Bonnie Joan Tolle
  2. black and white 5×7-Miss Sue Sagely
  3. black and white 5×7- Terry John
  4. black and white 5×7- Miss Gurney
  5. black and white 5×7- Sebrend Williams
  6. black and white 5×7- Peggy Jean Perkins
  7. black and white 5×7- Lisa Diana Falcon
  8. black and white 5×7- woman in wedding dress
  9. color 5×7- Rowan
  10. black and white 5×7- Lisa Falcon
  11. black and white 3×5-Wanda M. Newman and Terry R. Craighead
  12. black and white 5×7- a prenuptial party
  13. black and white 5×7- husband and wife on their wedding day
  14. color 2×3- Miss Janice Claire Chanes
  15. black and white 5×7- Jacqeline Bernadine Green
  16. color 2×3-Sharon Yvette Evans
  17. black and white 3×5- Patti Lynn Mote
  18. color 2×3- Nancy Elizabeth Allen
  19. color 2×3- Mrs. Mamie Woodside
  20. black and white 2×3- Jane Marie Hopkins
  21. black and white 3×5-Jarreau-Perry
  22. black and white 4×6-Tracy Sue Allen
  23. color 2×3-Linda Wright
  24. color 2×3-Karen Foster and James Michael Wilson
  25. black and white 5×7- Janet Olivia Hargin, bride of Racy Robin Gernon
  26. black and white 5×7- Tammy J. Easley
  27. black and white 5×7-Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. McQueen
  28. black and white 3×5-Mrs. James Griffin
  29. black and white 5×7-Kathryn Lee Dennis
  30. color 6×6-Toni Elizabeth Pope
  31. black and white 5×7- Connie Smith Elam
  32. color 2×3-Dawn Jelks
  33. black and white 5×7-Cornelia Celeste Cumbo
  34. black and white 5×7-Schepns-O’Brien
  35. black and white 5×7-Toney-Boother
  36. black and white 2×3-Albritton
  37. color 2×3-Lavri Shaffer
  38. black and white 5×7-unnamed man and woman
  39. black and white 5×7-Rhonda Ranell Woodridge
  40. black and white 5×7-Mary Ellen Broders
  41. black and white 5×7-Kirk Hovor and Lurlene Price
  42. black and white 2×3-Thelma Burton
  43. black and white 4×6-bride
  44. black and white 5×7-Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Allen Jackson
  45. black and white 5×7-Mrs. Valerie Delatte
  46. black and white 5×7-Edith Marie Quinn
  47. black and white 5×7- Myrna Frances Reynolds
  48. color 5×7-Marilyn Myers
  49. black and white 5×7-Toney
  50. color 4×6-Sherry Marie Garner and Mark James Bradley
  51. black and white 5×7-Patricia Brian
  52. black and white 5×7-Holly Henderson
  53. black and white 4×6-Michael Spillman and Janan Darrow
  54. black and white 3×7-unnamed woman
  55. black and white 5×7-Buckner
  56. black and white 5×7-Buckner
  57. black and white 3×4-Garrett-Travis wedding announcement
  58. black and white 5×7-Mrs. Joseph Meredith Butler
  59. color 5×7-Mary Frances Miller and Frances Lee Snoddy
  60. black and white 2×3-Darney Plunkett
  61. color 4×6-Dorothy Mae Sanders
  62. black and white 4×6-unnamed man and woman
  63. black and white 2×2-Chalasian
  64. black and white 5×7-Mr. and Mrs. Jay Lewis Martin
  65. black and white 2×3-Betty Spillman
  66. black and white 5×7- Mrs. Cynthia R. Goodnight
  67. black and white 4×6 (enclosed in a black sleeve)-Rhonda Michael Ritchie
  68. black and white 5×7-Donna L. Lard
  69. black and white 5×7-Mrs. James Roland Jewell
  70. black and white 5×7-Julie Dunaway Williams
  71. black and white 4×6-Clarissa Rayburn
  72. black and white 5×7-Mrs. Donnie Wilson
  73. black and white 5×7-Anita Louise Lindsay
  74. black and white 5×7-Miss Connie Jean Smith
  75. black and white 5×7-woman on her wedding day
  76. black and white 5×7-Lee Ann Buerger
  77. black and white 5×7-Bolden-Bennett
  78. color 3×5-White-Young
  79. black and white 5×7-Kimberly Plovanich Ritter
  80. black and white 4×6-Karen Walker
  81. black and white 5×7-Michael Gregory
  82. black and white 5×7-Catherine Ann Lofton
  83. black and white 4×6-Phyllis Bryant
  84. black and white 4×6-Daisy Jackson
  85. black and white 2×3-Velma Houston Terrell
  86. black and white 5×7-Anita and Dewalt Wilmer
  87. black and white 5×7-Lori Ann Hardvick and Randie Lynn Blanchard
  88. black and white 5×7-Miss Donna Barker
  89. black and white 5×7-Miss Michael
  90. black and white 8×10-Mrs. Michael K. Darsey
  91. black and white 8×10-man and woman on wedding day
  92. black and white 8×10-woman on wedding day
  93. black and white 8×10-Beverly Browning Gurney-Lyman Fluker
  94. black and white 8×10-Dawn Leigh McQueen
  95. black and white 8×10-woman on wedding day
  96. black and white 8×10-man and woman on wedding day

Folder 31

  1. color 3×5 photograph-Trey
  2. color 3×5 photograph-Chad
  3. color 2×3 photograph-Kristi Dusek
  4. color 2×3 photograph- a little girl
  5. black and white 2×3 photograph- unnamed man on front, unnamed woman on back of photograph
  6. color 4×6 photograph-2 woman and a man on a horse drawn buggy
  7. black and white 4×6 photograph-LSU School of Social Work reception-description attached
  8. 5×7 black and white photograph-Easter egg hunt, handwritten note attached
  9. 8×10 black and white photograph-Easter egg hunt, handwritten note attached
  10. 2×2 color photograph-Rolande Sanders
  11. sheet with photographs taped to it-Classroom #2 Mardi Gras door, grandparents enjoying
    their pre-Mardi Gras breakfast
  12. copy of newspaper article-“’Changes’-For Better or Worse” by Paula Trapani Bourg,
    The Clinton Watchmen
  13. typed letter about East High School Reunion, 1967
  14. Lane Memorial Hospital Birth Announcement-Brittany Alison Collins, March 24, 1997
  15. typed letter-to parents, from resource center at Clinton Elementary School-invitation
    to “Make and Take Workshop”, May 7, 1997
  16. 2 page typed document-“The Good Ole Days” by Robert Dawson
  17. typed letter from Coach Willie Lee-thanking the sponsors of Jackson High Relays hospitality
  18. 3 typed pages-district attorney arrests/court reports-March 10-17, 1997

Box 2

Loose Items:

  1. Frame with 3 USA Bonds of the State of Louisiana- $5 bills; cashier checks-Office
    of Discount and Deposit of the Union Bank of Louisiana at Clinton, LA, July 14, 1834;
    Confederate States of America $10 bill; bank statement-John C. Morns, July 12, 1838
  2. post about founding of Clinton, LA
  3. copy of map of Louisiana Purchase
  4. 3 copies of photographs-1. Post Office of Clinton, LA April 1929; 2. Downtown Street;
    3. McCutcheon’s Garage; 4. Copy of Map-West Florida area; 5. copy of Louisiana map
  5. Woolridge Paper-The East Feliciana Parish Courthouse and Lawyer’s Row in Clinton,
    LA: A Study in the Greek Revival-A Thesis by Laura Adams Woolridge, March 27, 1973
  6. “How Well I Remember”-book by Armstead Richardson Kilbourne, January 1964
  7. Ledge-J.S. Langeworthy, M.D. Wilson, LA