Nellie Ruth Crain
Photo Collection
Pix # Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of image
1 early 1900s 3 x 5 1 color copy print 35mm color
Pine Tree Inn, Bogalusa, Louisiana. Copied from a postcard.
2 1906 3 x 5 1 color copy print 35mm color
Court House, Covington, Louisiana. Copied from a postcard.
3 early 1900s 3 x 5 1 color copy print 35mm color
Pearl River School House.
4 early 1900s 3 x 5 1 color copy print 35mm color
Warren W. Seal Store in Varnado, Louisiana.
5 early 1900s 3 x 5 1 color copy print 35mm color
6 early 1900s 3 x 5 1 color copy print 35mm color
7 early 1900s 3 x 5 1 color copy print 35mm color
Three different views of John Jeff Willis’s house in Pearl
River, Louisiana. John Jeff Willis is Nellie Ruth Crain’s
8 early 1900s 3 x 5 1 color copy print 35mm color
House in Pearl River, Louisiana.
9 early 1900s 3 x 5 1 color copy print 35mm color
H. J. Willis Store in Pearl River, Louisiana.
10 early 1900s 3 x 5 1 color copy print 35mm color
John Jeff Willis on a horse. John Jeff Willis is Nellie Ruth
Crain’s grandfather.
11 1915 3 x 5 1 color copy print 35mm color
Small boy, Walter E. Sullivan, in costume commemorating Battle
of New Orleans.
12 ca. 1911 3 x 5 1 color copy print 35mm color
Mr. & Mrs. Warren W. Seal’s house. Family on the
13 ca. 1898 3 x 5 1 color copy print 35mm color
Group of children posed in front of one-room school house in
Pearl River, Louisiana. The boy on the tricycle is Nellie Ruth
Crain’s daddy.
14 Oct. 1914 3 x 5 3 color copy print 35mm color (2)
Mr. & Mrs. J. F. Willis taken in front of hotel in
Mandeville, Louisiana.
15 early 1900s 3 x 5 1 color copy print 35mm color
St. Joe Brick Works, Schneider Brother’s Proprietors,
Pearl River, Louisiana.
Pix # Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of image
16 early 1900s 3 x 5 1 original B&W print none
Young girl and a dog posed beside a stool.
17 early 1900s 3 x 5 1 original B&W print none
Young boy on a horse.
18 early 1900s 3 x 5 1 original B&W print none
Mrs. W. F. Stewart and daughter in a boat on the water with a
dog. There is a hill in the background.
19 early 1900s 3 x 5 1 original B&W print none
Two women and a young girl posed beside a house.
20 early 1900s 3 x 5 1 original B&W print none
A woman posed in front of a house.
21 early 1900s 3 x 5 1 original B&W print none
A woman standing beside a railroad track. The initials J. F. W.
are on bottom right of picture.
22 early 1900s 3 x 5 1 original B&W print none
Woman in a hat standing in front of a picket fence.
23 early 1900s 3 x 5 1 original B&W print none
Woman in a hat standing in front of a picket fence.
24 early 1900s 3 x 5 1 original B&W print none
Two women posed sitting on top of cut firewood.
25 early 1900s 3 x 5 1 original B&W print none
Two women posed leaning against a railing.
26 early 1900s 3 x 5 1 original B&W print none
Three women in big hats standing in front of a picket fence. A
building is in the background.
27 early 1900s 3 x 5 1 original B&W print none
Four women with bows in their hair and long dresses standing in
front of a building.
28 early 1900s 3 x 5 1 original B&W print none
Man and woman standing in an open field.
29 early 1900s 3 x 5 1 original B&W print none
Man dressed in a costume. He has a beard and is wearing a cap
and is holding a knife and a rifle. “The King of Honey Island,
Louisiana,” is written on back of picture.
Pix # Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of image
30 early 1900s 3 x 5 1 original B&W print none
Two men standing on top of a pile of sand or sawdust.
31 early 1900s 3 x 5 1 original B&W print none
Two men, one on top of pile of sand or sawdust and the other one
standing in front of it.
32 early 1900s 3 x 5 1 original B&W print none
Four men sitting on top of something with a pile of stones at
their feet.
33 early 1900s 3 x 5 1 original B&W print none
Five men sitting on the ground in an open field playing cards.
All have on suits, ties, and hats.
34 early 1900s 3 x 5 1 original B&W print none
Twelve men, six standing and six sitting on the ground in an
open field. All have on suite, ties, and hats.
35 early 1900s 3 x 5 1 original B&W print none
Group of men standing in front of a tree.
36 early 1900s 3 x 5 1 original B&W print none
Two men leaning on a wooden bridge railing and two women sitting
on the bridge.
37 early 1900s 3 x 5 1 original B&W print none
A man and woman with a large hat on sitting on the ground in an
open field and off in the background are two women standing.
38 early 1900s 3 x 5 1 original B&W print none
Three women and man sitting on a wooden bridge railing.
39 early 1900s 3 x 5 1 original B&W print none
Three women and three men standing in front of a picket fence
with a building in the background.
40 early 1900s 3 x 5 1 original B&W print none
A scene of a dirt road with trees on either side of it.
41 early 1900s 3 x 5 1 original B&W print none
42 early 1900s 3 x 5 1 original B&W print none
A train with a loader picking up something. Pix 42 is a closer
43 early 1900s 3 x 5 1 original B&W print none
Train engine with four men standing on it. ****Missing****
44 early 1900s 3 x 5 1 original B&W print none
Train with five men sitting and one man standing beside it.
Pix # Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of image
45 early 1900s 3 x 5 1 original B&W print none
Train at the depot. Several people standing beside the train.
The initials J. F. W. on bottom right of the picture. Pearl River
written on back of picture.
46 early 1900s 3 x 5 1 original B&W print none
Train car loaded with large square timbers. One man is beside
the car and another man is standing on the car. ** Not in
47 early 1900s 3 x 5 1 original B&W print none
A building with lumber scattered in front of it. The building is
beside a railroad track. ** Not in collection**
48 early 1900s 3 x 5 1 original B&W print none
Two men standing on some large gears. Another man is standing on
the ground. **Not in collection**
49 early 1900s 3 x 5 3 B&W copy print 35mm B&W (2)
A man with a pipe in his mouth holding something in his hand for
a dog that is look up at him.
50 early 1900s 3 x 5 3 B&W copy print 35mm B&W (2)
Car on wooden bridge with two men, a woman, and two children
standing around the car.
51 early 1900s 3 x 5 3 B&W copy print 35mm B&W (2)
small child holding a watermelon. There is a large house in the
52 early 1900s 3 x 5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W
Small baby in a wicker baby carriage.
53 early 1900s 3 x 5 3 B&W copy print 35mm B&W (2)
Small child petting a dog at the railroad depot. There is a
train in the background.
54 unknown 3 x 5 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W (2)
Woman and dog with spots standing in front of a store.
55 early 1900s 3 x 5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W
Service station.
56 early 1900s 3 x 5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W
Drug Store with a man, dog, and baby carriage in front of
Slide 1–Abita Springs, Louisiana
Slide 2–Road to Madisonville from Covington, Louisiana.
Slide 3–Warren W. Seal.
Slide 4–Mrs. Warren W. Seal, mother of Mrs. A. J. Jones who
resides in Bogalusa.
Slide 5–Mrs. Mary Seal Willis, Pearl River, Louisiana, Nellie
Ruth Crain’s mother.
Slide 6–John Jeff Will Willis, Pearl River, Louisiana, Nellie
Ruth Crain’s grandfather.
Thirty nine (39) B&W portraits of unidentified men,
women, and children donated by Nellie Ruth Crain in 1993. They are
ca. early 1900s. There are no negatives. Place photographs taken
and Photographer unknown.
1 1 x 2½ B&W Oval Print on 2 x 4½
Portrait of an unidentified man wearing a hat.
2 2 x 3 B&W Print on 3 x 4½ matt, Photographer,
J. M. House, Gadsden, Alabama,
3 1½ x 2½ B&W Oval Print on 3½ x
4½ matt, Photographer, Henley, Hattiesburg, MS
4 2 x 3 B&W Oval Print on 4 x 5 matt
Portrait of an unidentified man.
5 2 x 4 B&W Print in a 3 x 6 folder
Portrait of a young man.
6 3 x 5½ B&W Print on 4½ x 6½
Portrait of an unidentified man sitting on a
7 3 x 5½ B&W Print on 4½ x 6½
Three adults and two children sitting on the ground
beside a house.
8 3 x 5½ B&W Print on 4½ x 6½
Five men, cows, and chickens in front of a house, and a
railroad car with U.N.O. & T. __ on it. There is also someone
on the porch of the house.
9 3 x 5½ B&W Print on 4½ x 6½
Young woman in a long skirt standing in a garden in front
of a fence.
10 3 x 5½ B&W Print on 4½ x 6½
Young woman standing on the steps of a house with her
back to the camera. She has a very long braid down her back.
There is a young child standing on the porch.
11 3 x 5½ B&W Print on 4½ x 6½
Unidentified man, woman and two children sitting beside a
12 3 x 5½ B&W Print on 4½ x 6½
Three men looking at a load of squared off timber on a
railroad car.
13 2¾ x 4 B&W Print on a 4¾ x 6½ matt,
Photographer, Chas. T. Yenni, N. O., LA
14 3 x 4 B&W Oval Print on 5 x 7 matt
Portrait of a young man.
15 5 x 7 B&W Print
Portrait of a young woman.
16 3¾ x 5 B&W Print on 5½ x 6½
Two young women sitting in a tree.
17 3¾ x 5 B&W Print on 5½ x 6½ matt
Two young women and a child standing in some bushes.
18 3¾x 5 B&W Print on 5½ x 6½ matt
Two young women, a young man and a young child standing
19 3¾ x 5 B&W Print on 5½ x 6½ matt
Two young women standing outside.
20 3¾ x 5 B&W Print on 5½ x 6½ matt
Two young women and a young child sitting on top of a roof.
21 3¾ x 5 B&W Print on 5½ x 6½ matt
Young woman holding a tennis racquet.
22 3¾ x 5 B&W Print on 5½ x 6½ matt
Two young women holding tennis racquets and two young boys and a
young girl standing outside.
23 3¾ x 5 B&W Print on 5½ x 6½ matt
Two young women (one holding a baby), a young man and two young
children standing beside a tennis net.
24 3¾ x 5 B&W Print on 5½ x 6½ matt
View of a house and fence.
25 3¾ x 5 B&W Print on 5½ x 6½ matt
Two young women and a young man in a horse-drawn buggy.
26 3 x 5 B&W Print in a 3¾ x 9 folder. Photographer,
Gibson Studio, New York
Portrait of a young man sitting in a chair.
27 4 x 5½ B&W Print on 6 x 9 matt. Photographer, A. C.
A nurse standing beside a chair.
28 4 x 5½ B&W Print on 6 x 9 matt. Photographer, A. C.
A nurse sitting in a chair.
29 3¾ x 5¾ B&W Print in a 5¾ x 8 folder.
Photographer, Kramer, Vernon, TX
Two young boys, A. Hohues Dorsey, Jr., 5 years old, and Ralph C.
Dorsey, 3 years old, sitting on a bench sofa.
30 4 x 5½ B&W Print in a 6¼ x 9¼ folder.
Photographer, Walter Studio, Newark, NJ
Young baby sitting in a chair.
31 4¼ x 6½ B&W Print on 6¾ x 10¾
Portrait of a young man.
32 4¾ x 6¾ B&W Print on 8 x 10 matt
Group of football players.
33 3½ x 6 B&W Oval Print in a 6½ x 11 folder.
Photographer, Maurice Pons
Portrait of a young woman.
34 6 x 10 B&W Print in a 6 x 10 folder. Photographer, Root
Studio Co, Kimball Hall, Jackson & Wabash, Chicago
35 3¾ x 5¼ B&W Print in a 7¼ x 10 folder.
Photographer, Morrison, Chicago
Portrait of a young man.
36 4¼ x 6¼ B&W Print in a 6 x 9¾ folder.
Photographer, Edmonston Studio,
Washington, D. C.
37 4 x 6 B&W Print in a 6½ x 11 folder. Photographer,
Harper & Lea, Dallas & New Orleans
Portrait of a young woman.
38 4 x 6 B&W Print on a 7½ x 12 matt. Photographer,
Kemeny, Newark, NJ
Portrait of a young man.
39 10½ x13½ B&W Print
Portrait of a young woman. ** Not in collection**