Hans Schneider

Photo Collection


Pix #

Date of PixSize of PixNo. of PixKind of imageNegative

1-14 unknown 6½ x 8½ 1 of each original B&W print

Plant of Denkmann Lumber Co., Norfield, Mississippi, Photograph
by Lumber, St. Louis MO. Scenes of the outside of the mill, inside
of the mill, and the log pond.

15-19 unknown 8 x 10 1 of each original B&W print none

Plant of Denkmann Lumber Co., Norfield, Mississippi, Photograph
by Lumber, Chicago, IL. Scenes of the outside and inside of the

20 unknown 9½ x 13 11 pencil drawing none

Outside scene of Rock Island Steam Saw Mill, Mead, Smith &
Marsh, Proprietors.

21 c. 1925 9½ x 13 11 original B&W print none

Aerial view of a saw mill. H. J. Harvey, New Orleans, LA,
Photographer. Written on back of photograph is: J. G. Schmidt,
Genoa, Italy found in his office March 17
th, 1965.” Also on the back is: “Pearl River.”