St. Rose Tavern-St. Charles Parish

Photo Collection



DateSizeNo.Kind of ImageNegative

1 1990 4×6 1 B&W print no

Corner view of the old guests’ hallways

2 1990 4×6 1 B&W print no

Back portion of the hotel. It is not in public use, but used
privately by Patsy

3 1990 4×6 1 B&W print no

Patsy “Pugene” Current proprietor

4 1990 4×6 1 B&W print no

Overhead beams mark the old entry corridor

5 1990 4×6 1 B&W print no

The old guests’ rooms used today for storage

6 1990 4×6 1 B&W print no

The ladies’ room shared by all hotel guests in its

7 1990 5×7 1 B&W print no

The old dining room not used much today

8 1990 5×7 1 B&W print no

One of the old bars not in use today

9 1990 5×7 1 B&W print no

Levee view of the tavern

10 1990 5×7 1 B&W print no

The old lobby used today as a pool room

11 1990 5×7 1 B&W print no

Front view of the tavern

12 1990 5×7 1 B&W print no

The Bar still looking much like it did in its past