Top 10 Reasons to Hire Me

Determining your Top 10 Reasons to Hire Me can help you share what you have to offer an employer. Your Top 10 list can be used to guide your thinking in developing a resume or cover letter and in preparing to interview with a particular employer. 

Make Your Top 10 List

Develope your Top 10 List using the ideas below. Think of your career interests, college courses, personality characteristics, and skills in the context of where/how you developed or applied that skill - or both, such as classroom, student organization, internship, volunteer, and work experiences. After each characteristic or skill, list one or more examples of how you successfully applied it. The STAR method is an excellent way to provide specific examples which is used in a common type of interview known as behavioral interviewing.

Career Interests

Career interests are the things you find interesting about the field you are going into. Be prepared to discuss how your interests in your career field choice came about, and why you chose your college major in relation to those interests. You can also use this as a bridge to discussing how your personality characteristics fit your career choice.

Try it out: Explain your career interests/goals to someone you know and point out how this position fits with those interests/goals.

College Preparation

College preparation refers to your choice of college major, but more specifically, the courses you completed that have prepared you for the type of work you are seeking. Refer to your class notes or the course descriptions provided on your academic department's web site, or in the college catalog, to refresh you on the content of these courses. Also discuss team or research projects you worked on in various subject areas.

Try it out: Write down why you chose your major and also detail the coursework completed that is relevant to the position. Write an example of a significant class projects that utilize skills related to the position.



Personality characteristics include patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that make a person unique, such as being relatable, organized, attentive to detail, analytical, creative, etc. Be able to discuss areas of natural personality strength you possess.

Try it out: Find words to clearly describe your unique strengths and examples to back them up. Often, self-assessment tools like TypeFocus can help to expand your vocabulary about your personality to employers.


Skills relate to your ability to work with data, people, or things, developed through your specific academic, extracurricular, internship, volunteer, and work experiences, such as interacting with customers, organizing activities, problem-solving, contributing to the team, computer skills, etc. 

Try it out: Ask someone you know what they think are your top strengths. Think about tasks you often take on or what role you have on a team. Are you often organizing a group project deadlines? Large-scale planning might be a skill for you and you can use that group project as an example of how you plan.

Professional Development

Professional development can occure in many settings that help you grow as an individual. Often, this includes involvement in student or professional organizations, or work, internship, or volunteer experiences. It's great to emphasize how these activities or jobs have enhanced your overall educational preparation for the workforce. Stay abreast of current developments in your field and discuss these on the job interview. Use the terminology of your field in any correspondence or face-to-face interactions with prospective employers.

Try it out: Write down one or two things that have helped you grow professionally. Highlight how these experiences can help you in a future job.