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Referencia Latina

Title: Referencia Latina

Access: This database is available to authorized Southeastern users (on- or off-campus) Log-in help

Producer: EBSCO

Category: Magazines and Newspapers; Miscellaneous Reference Sources; Nursing and Health Sciences; World Languages and Cultures

Coverage: 1990s to present

Contents: Spanish-language database offering content from a variety of sources including encyclopedia entries, a collection of images, an atlas, health reports, a Spanish-English dictionary and full text for reference books and general interest magazines. Includes the full text of the following Spanish-language newspapers: El Comercio (Perú); El Mercurio (Chile); El Tiempo (Colombia); El Universal (México); El País (Uruguay); El Nacional (Venezuela); La Nación (Argentina); La Nación (Costa Rica)

Notes: A list of periodicals indexed, abstracted, and included in full text format can be found in the Referencia Latina Database Coverage List.

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