Open Textbook Library

Open Textbook Library

                          Open Textbook Library   |   Open Textbook Library Catalog Records

The Open Textbook Library is a growing collection of electronic textbooks covering
many academic subject areas, including Business, Mathematics, Science, Humanities
and Foreign Languages, and the Social Sciences. The purpose of the Open Textbook Library
is to provide free access to textbooks, to reduce student expenditures. All textbooks
are complete, have open copyright licenses, and are freely available to faculty and
students. Many of the textbooks have been reviewed by faculty from other institutions
of higher education.

Faculty members are welcome to visit the Open Textbook Library website to evaluate
and consider using these resources for their classes at Southeastern. A corresponding
list of Open Textbook Library records in our library catalog, provided by the Louisiana
Library Network (LOUIS), can also be accessed from the link above.

The Louisiana Board of Regents sponsored conferences dedicated to innovative eLearning,
which covered the use of Open Textbook and Open Educational Resources. LOUIS continues
to promote these open resources with its Affordable Learning LOUISiana initiative.

Sims Library will update faculty about Affordable Learning LOUISiana open resources
as these become available. If you have questions about the Open Textbook Library,
you are welcome to contact Paul Kelsey at the Library.

Contact:  Paul Kelsey
                 Head of Acquisitions
                 Phone: 985-549-3954
                 Email: [email protected]