Region VIII Social Studies Fair

Fair date:  March 13, 2024

Deadline for entries:  January 31, 2024

The Region VIII Social Studies Fair is open to all Tangipahoa, Livingston, Washington,
St. Tammany, and Helena Parish schools grades 4th-12th. The regional fair is usually
held in mid March at the University Center onSoutheastern Louisiana University’s campus.
If you have never entered projects or it has been a long time, I will be happy to
get you
started on the right track. The Region VIII Social Studies Fair website has very useful information such as A Guide to Projects (located under State Fair

How to choose projects at the local level:

You can either hold a local fair within your classroom or school or have a committee
of teachers choose which projects go to the Regional Fair.

The benefits for students participating in the Regional Fair are numerous. Not only
can they learn about history, geography, political science, anthropology, economics,
or sociology, they can learn valuable communication and research skills.

Please contact me through e-mail with any questions or if you need information to
get your students started on their projects. [email protected]


For information on dates, deadlines and for your online entry forms, click here.