Remote Work and Learning to Continue Friday, January 24

Annabelle Armstrong Collection

Annabelle Armstrong Collection

Box 1Folder1. Southeastern Louisiana News Information    a.    Sunday Advocate Magazine, February 3, 2002.     b.    “Play the next play:’ June Mumme talks about fighting breast cancer.”     c.    “Judge addresses more than 1,000 SLU graduates.” Sunday Advocate, December
10, 2000. Pertains to US. District Judge James J. ‘Jim’ Brady addressing SLU commencement.
    d.    “SLU Red Stick Chapter.” The Advocate, September 14, 2000. Contains photo
of Annabelle Armstrong.     e.    Front and back page of Southeast News, August 2007. Volume 21, number 8.    f.    “Turtle Cove research station survives storms: SLU facility will continue
despite $2 million in damage.” The Advocate, June 26, 2006. 2 pages.     g.    “Settlement Signed: Professor says change in system to take time.” The Advocate,
August 15, 2003. 2 pages.     h.    “Baton Rogue senior crowned Miss Southeastern.”  Louisiana Saturday, February
26, 2000. Contains photo of winner Erin Colleen Lyons.    i.    “First Team: Southeastern Louisiana University’s first football team ‘displayed
an excellent spirit’ in 1930.” Louisiana Saturday, April 27, 1996. Contains article
and photos about Southeastern Louisiana University’s first football team.     j.    Page with information regarding “Coffee with Carol and Mary.” Pertains to
meeting with Dr. and Mrs. Randy Moffett. No date or source.2. Deposit Guaranty National Bank Calendars    a.    1992 Deposit Guaranty National Bank Calendar    b.    1993 Deposit Guaranty National Bank Calendar    c.    1994 Deposit Guaranty National Bank Calendar    d.    1995 Deposit Guaranty National Bank Calendar     e.    1996 Deposit Guaranty National Bank Calendar    f.    1997 Deposit Guaranty National Bank Calendar, 2 copies 3. Gene McDavid Information    a.    Editor/Publisher Newspaper Magazine. Section 1. September 10, 1995. Front
page contains information and photograph of Gene McDavid, President of the Houston
Chronicle.     b.    “McDavid named Chronicle general manager.” Pertains to McDavid’s appointment
as Houston Chronicle’s General Manager. Unknown newspaper, no date.     c.    Speech by Gene McDavid to the Mississippi Press Foundation, April 30, 1999.
9 pages.    d.    Envelope addressed to Annabelle Armstrong from George E. McDavid, President
of the Houston Chronicle.     e.    Email correspondence of Gene McDavid. printed February 9, 2003. 18 pages.
Contains book material of life of O.C. McDavid.    f.    SLU Public Information Memorandum to Annabelle Armstrong from Christina
Chapple, Assistant Director, Southeastern Louisiana University. Thanks her for lending
file with information on Gene McDavid.    g.    Email correspondence of Gene McDavid. 3 pages, printed June 15, 2005. Pertains
to health.    h.    Email correspondence between Annabelle Armstrong and Gene McDavid. 2 pages,
printed June 27, 2005. Pertains to family, high school reunion, and everyday life.
    i.    Email correspondence of Gene and Carol McDavid to various individuals. 2
pages, printed January 9, 2002. Contains contact information for certain people.    j.    Page with information from Betty and Gene McDavid, no date. Pertains to
months-long cruise and contact information for various individuals.    k.    Introduction of Gene McDavid, annual awards banquet, National Conference
of Christians and Jews. April 27, 1992. 2 copies.     l.    Gene McDavid’s speech at the National Conference of Christians and Jews.
4 pages.    m.    Letter from Rodney H. Margolis to Gene McDavid, April 28, 1993. Photocopy.
Pertains to McDavid’s winning the National Conference of Christians and Jews’ 1993
Brotherhood/Sisterhood Award.     n.    Letter to Gene McDavid from Tracie J. Renfroe. April 28, 1993. Photocopy.
Pertains to McDavid as honoree at the National Conference of Christians and Jews.    o.    Letter to Gene McDavid from Felix Fraga. Photocopy. April 28, 1993. Pertains
to McDavid’s speech at the National Conference of Christians and Jews.    p.    Photocopy of handwritten letter from Wayne S. Alexander to Gene McDavid.
April 28, 1993. Pertains to speech at the National Conference of Christians and Jews
and  the Brotherhood/Sisterhood Awards banquet.     q.    Photocopied letter from Rod Paige to Gene McDavid. Postmarked May 3, 1993.
Petains to award at the National Conference of Christians and Jews Conference.    r.    Photocopy of letter from Jeff B. Love to Gene McDavid circa mid 1990’s.    s.    Letter to Annabelle Armstrong from Gene McDavid, July 22, 1993. Pertains
to family life and donations to Southeastern Louisiana University.    t.    Three page letter from Gene McDavid, April 29, 1993. Pertains to personal
life, 1993 accomplishments, and festivities of the National Conference of Christians
and Jews. Photocopy.    u.    Letter to Annabelle Armstrong from “Diane.” May 22, 2001. Pertains to Gene
McDavid. 7 pages.    v.    The Amite Record, December 27, 1951. Mentions birth of Carol Ann McDavid
and includes photo. 4. Southeastern Louisiana University Information    a.    “Daddy and the egg-sucking dog.” By Lydel Sims, Commercial Appeal, Mid-South
Magazine. July 13, 1975. 6 pages. Author writes about his father, whose namesake went
to the Sims Memorial Library at Southeastern Louisiana University.    b.    Various contact information for Southeastern Louisiana University alumni/former
employees. For the 75th anniversary celebration of the school. 15 pages.    c.    Southeastern Alumni News, October 1993.    d.    “SLU receives funds for endowments.” The Advocate, August 24, 1999. Pertains
to Judge Leon III’s donation to the university.    e.    Letter from H.D. Hutson to Annabelle M. Armstrong. Draft. July 9, 2005.
6 pages. Mentions Dr. Tinsley and discusses the Rotary Foundation Fellowship. Includes
autobiography of Hutson.    f.    Various email correspondences of Annabelle Armstrong from 2000 and 2002.
Pertains to Southeastern Louisiana graduates and anniversary celebrations. 3 pages.    g.    Happy Holiday greeting card on Southeastern Louisiana University stationery
from Southeastern Athletics and the SAA. No date.     h.    Greeting card from Hilda Joyce and Ellis Magee to Annabelle Armstrong, September
15, 2000. Thanks her for help with the their Southeastern Louisiana University visit.
    i.    Christmas greeting card from Sara Lewson to Annabelle Armstrong.     j.    Letter to Annabelle Armstrong from Kathy L. Pittman, Director of Alumni
Relations, May 19, 2000. Pertains to Armstrong’s involvement in the 75th anniversary
celebration.    k.    Email correspondence between ken Kenelly and Annabelle Armstrong, March
6, 2007. Pertains to the Sixth Annual Coaches Memorial Scholarship Scramble.    l.    Email correspondence between Hodding Carter and Annabelle Armstrong, September
2000. Pertains to families and publications.    m.    Page with information about Hodding Carter. September 8, 1980. 3 pages.
2 copies. Unknown author.    n.    Letter from Annabelle Armstrong pertaining to family, writing, and correspondences
with Hodding Carter III. 2 pages.    o.    “Junior at 2 colleges gets award.” Morning Advocate, April 26, 1984. Pertains
to Dean Sherry, winner of the William Hodding Carter award. Includes photo.     p.    Letter to Annabelle Armstrong from Mettery I. Sherry, Jr. December 10, 1984.
Pertains to Dean Sherry’s accelerated college program.        q.    Photocopy of letter to Annabelle Armstorng from Mettery I. Sherry, Jr.,
December 10, 1984, two photocopies of news article pertaining to Dean Sherry, and
an addressed envelope to Annabelle Armstrong.     r.    Letter to Annabelle Armstrong from Sandra S. Thompson, May 12, 2004. Pertains
to Southern Alumni Association Meeting. 5. Hammond, Louisiana Information    a.    Souvenir Album, Hammond, Louisiana. Signed by Leon Ford to Annabelle Armstrong.
1989. Originally published 1897.     b.    “My Journey to the Paris Exposition: A Brief Description of the sights and
Scenes During the Trip Through England, Scotland, and France.” By T.W.  Kidder, 1889.
Letters written to the Hammond (La.) Leader. Photocopy. 11 pages.     c.    Photocopy of Oaks Hotel’s view of Francis G. Stewart monument. Unknown source,
no date.    d.    Photo of lawn tennis at Oaks Hotel. Unknown source, no date.    e.    Hammond Army Air Field and Early Aviation in the Hammond Area. By Judge
Leon Ford III.  Signed by the author to Annabelle Armstrong, December 1, 1996. Published
1996 by the author.    f.    “Book details aviation history in Hammond area.” Magazine, January 4, 1998.
By Annabelle Armstrong. Review of Hammond Army Air Field and Early Aviation in the
Hammond Area.     g.    Al Hansen’s review of Hammond Army Air Field and Early Aviation in the Hammond
Area. 6. Bill Evans Information    a.    Bill Evans: Everything Happens to Me: A Musical Biography. By Keith Shadwick.
Backbeat Books, 2002.    b.    “Quest for Perfection: Bill Evans’ friends and fans honor his memory and
music.” By Annabelle Armstrong. The Advocate Magazine, February 25, 2007.    c.    Email to Annabelle Armstrong from Tim Belehrad, February 27, 2007, praising
her article on Bill Evans. 7. Miscellaneous Items/Photos    a.    Three Photographs:        1. Man standing, woman sitting. No date or I..D. Color.        2. Woman standing and talking. No date or I.D. Color        3. Husband and wife on wedding day. Black and white. No date. back of photo
says                          “Annabelle”

    b.    Black and white photocopy of undated photo of unknown man standing outside.    c.    Black an white photocopy of ten men. Caption states “Top 10 Hearst men in
O.S. Abroad”    d.    Southeastern Louisiana University bookmark.

8. Book: Citizens Square: Recollections of Historic Hammond, by C. Howard Nichols and Judge
Leon Ford, III