Archival Collection
1. Tribute to Rev. Alexander Bartus, July 10, 1977
2. Louisiana State Employee Card for Rev. Alexander Bartus
3. Draft Registration Card of Alexander Bartus (Xerox Copy)
4. Card as Chairman of Boy Scouts Troop 88 — Rev. Alexander Bartus, August 31, 1945
5. Membership card for Louisiana Wildlife Federation, Alexander Bartus, December 31,
6. Award for Patriotic Service to Rev. Alexander Bartus, 1942.
7. Award of Merit from Red Cross for Rev. Alexander Bartus, 1949.
8. Certificate of Reception of a Minister for Rev. Alexander Bartus, October 18, 1920
(xerox copy)
9. Teaching certificate for Alexander Bartus, August 4, 1925
10. Teacher’s retirement certificate for Alexander Bartus, April 1, 1937 (Xerox copy)
11. 1951 Rural Minister of the Year Award to Rev. Alexander Bartus (Xerox copy)
12. Community Better Life Award to Rev. Alexander Bartus, (Xerox copy)
13. Certificate of Appreciation to Rev. Alexander Bartus from the Kiwanis Club of
Audubon, May 30, 1962
14. American Hungarian Foundation Distinguished Service Award to Rev. Alexander Bartus,
July 10, 1977 (Xerox copy)
15. Certificate of Retirement for Rev. Alexander Bartus, October 10, 1967 (Xerox copy)
16. 2 Certificates of Membership FHA County Committee for Alexander Bartus, June 30,
1967 & June 19, 1968
17. Certificate for Honorary State Custodian of Voting Machines for Alexander Bartus,
July 9, 1967
18. Naturalization papers for Aranka Bartus, November 10, 1941 (Xerox copy) — Application
for citizenship of Aranka Bartus, September 6, 1938 (Xerox copy)
19. Original Certificate of Naturalization for Alexander Bartus, November 13, 1923
(1 xerox copy included)
20. 4-H Silver Clover Award to Rev. A. Bartus, May 27, 1950
21. Outstanding Citizen Award for Alex Bartus, November 30, 1960.
22. Original marriage license for Alexander Bartus and Aranka Syekely, October 12,
1921 and original marriage certificate, October 18, 1921
23. Diploma from Bloomfield Theological Seminary for Alexander Bartus, July 27, 1920
(2 xerox copies)
24. Original award for war effort for Rev. Alexander Bartus, September 26, 1945 (1
xerox copy)
25. Original Certificate of Aide-de-Camp for Rev. Alexander Bartus, August 15, 1952
1. Birthplace of Rev. Alexander Bartus
2. Accomplishments of Rev. Alexander Bartus
3. Brief background history of Rev. Alexander Bartus
4. News articles on Rev. Alexander Bartus
5. Retirement of Rev. Alexander Bartus
6. Retirement and 50th wedding anniversary of Rev. Alexander Bartus
7. 50th wedding anniversary of the Rev. and Mrs. Alexander Bartus
8. Trips of Rev. Alexander Bartus
9. Memorials to Rev. Alexander Bartus
10. Letters to Rev. Bartus
11. Letter from President Franklin D. Roosevelt
12. Christmas cards
13. Postcards
14. Bartus family news articles
15. Denham Springs newspaper, March 21, 1957, containing Karen Bartus’s birth announcement
16. Bartus family news articles
17. Early life history of Goldie Szekely Bartus
18. Passport booklet for Aranka Bartus, wife of Rev. Alexander Bartus
19. Voter registration cards for Rev. and Mrs. Bartus
Box 3
1. World War II, Rationing
2. Mortgage loan and insurance papers of Rev. Alexander Bartus
3. Calling card of Rev. Alexander Bartus
4. Date book belonging to Rev. Alexander Bartus, circa 1963 (calendar in Hungarian)
5. 2 miscellaneous notebooks of Rev. Alexander Bartus 1–1975, 1–no date
6. Date book of Rev. Alexander Bartus, 1949, (misc. notes)
7. Date book of Rev. Alexander Bartus, 1967
1. Page from Primary Bible Lessons, 1933
2. Revival flyer, Rev. Alexander Bartus, 1957
3. General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church
4. Rural Minister of the Year, 1951
5. Presbyterian Historical Society of the Southwest
6. Home missions
7. Albany Presbyterian Church
8. Letters to Rev. Alexander Bartus concerning his work
9. Presbyterian Journal and Presbyterian Outlook
10. Birth-baptismal certificate, 1905, Hungarian Presbyterian Church (in Hungarian)
11. Speeches and interviews of Rev. Alexander Bartus
12. Hungarian Presbyterian Church
13. Hungarian Presbyterian Church
14. Hungarian Presbyterian Church
15. Hungarian Presbyterian Church
1. Sermons of Rev. Alexander Bartus, no dates
2. Sermons of Rev. Alexander Bartus, 1949-50
3. Sermons of Rev. Alexander Bartus, 1950
4. Sermons of Rev. Alexander Bartus, 1952-53
5. Sermons of Rev. Alexander Bartus, 1953
6. Sermons of Rev. Alexander Bartus, 1957
7. Sermons of Rev. Alexander Bartus, 1958
8. Sermons of Rev. Alexander Bartus, 1958
9. Sermons of Rev. Alexander Bartus, 1959
10. Sermons of Rev. Alexander Bartus, 1961
11. Sermons of Rev. Alexander Bartus, 1962
12. Sermons of Rev. Alexander Bartus, 1967
13. Various speeches and sermons of Rev. Alexander Bartus
1. Soil conservation–Rev. Alexander Bartus, 1947-49
2. Soil conservation–Rev. Alexander Bartus, 1950-56
3. Soil conservation–Rev. Alexander Bartus, 1957-60
4. Soil conservation–Rev. Alexander Bartus, 1961-64
5. Soil conservation–Rev. Alexander Bartus, 1965-66
6. Soil conservation–Rev. Alexander Bartus, 1967
7. Soil conservation–Rev. Alexander Bartus, 1968-70
8. Soil conservation–Rev. Alexander Bartus, 1972-74
9. Soil conservation–Rev. Alexander Bartus, 1975
10. Soil conservation–Rev. Alexander Bartus, 1976
11. A Quarter Century of Progress through Soil Conservation Districts in Louisiana 1938-1963
12. Soil conservation materials of Rev. Alexander Bartus (no dates)
13. Soil conservation material of Rev. Alexander Bartus (no dates)
1. Cancer Society
2. Dedication of the Hammond State School
3. Schedule of Chaplaincy, 7th Ward General Hospital
4. Letter from Livingston Parish Council on Aging
5. Newsletter, Office of School Volunteer Services, New Orleans
6. Livingston Parish Times–work of Rev. Alexander Bartus
7. Department of Public Welfare
8. Tuberculosis Association (Christmas Seals)
9. Dixon Memorial Hospital
10. United Givers
11. United Givers
12. Our Home nursing home
13. Our Home nursing home
14. Our Home nursing home
15. Our Home nursing home
16. Our Home nursing home
1. Book in Hungarian, no title, cover or date–used by Rev. Alexander Bartus in teaching
Hungarian to the young people.
2. Albany school Hungarian language program
3. Springfield High School
4. Naturalization classes in Hungarian Settlement
5. Albany High School
6. Albany High School PTA
7. 11 high school registers from Albany School belonging to Rev. Alexander Bartus,
1. Albany and Hungarian Settlement news
2. Woman’s Day magazine article, April 1, 1948 on Hungarian strawberries in Albany
3. Albany Historical Marker – 1980
4. Albany inauguration of telephone system
5. Hungarian family names and dates on stationary of Steve Resetar
6. Hungarian Settlement Historical Marker
7. Hungarian Harvest Dances
8. Hungarian Harvest Dances
9. Hungarian Harvest Dances
10. Albany and Hungarian Settlement
11. Hungarian Settlement
12. Hungarian Settlement Bicentennial Festival
BOX 10
1. News article of Hungarian Festival in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
2. Announcements of Hungarians of the Mississippi Valley, May, 1976
3. Christmas in Hungary–paper
4. “Kossuth”–a Magyar apostle of world democracy (Hungarian)
5. American-Hungarian Foundation–Bulletin, 1975
6. Hungarian refugees
7. Hungarian refugees
8. Hungarian verses and Hungarian religious speech
9. Hungarian newspapers and articles
10. Hungarian refugees
11. Hungarian newspapers
12. Hungarian material
13. Hungarian language papers and news
14. United States Displaced Persons Commission
BOX 11
1. Regional newspapers
2. Regional newspapers
3. Strawberry and vegetable farming–southeast Louisiana
4. Louisiana News Articles
5. Brookhaven, Mississippi
6. Bicentennial–Port Vincent Wagon Train Encampment
7. Initial Report of French Settlement Historical Society
8. Livingston Parish Fair news articles
9. Livingston Parish Fair catalog 1949
10. Ribbon from Livingston Parish Fair
11. “The Free State”–Livingston Parish history
12. Map of Livingston Parish from 1970 census
13. Livingston Parish library news
14. Program for Maurepas, Louisiana American Legion Festival, May, 1976
BOX 12
1. Local names and addresses
2. Poems, songs, and prayers
3. News articles–national
4. By-laws of The Edward Livingston Historical Association
5. Tax receipt for Charles and Theresa Balog
6. “The Bloomfield Minuteman”–March 2, 1951
7. Program for SLU faculty chamber music in honor of Bela Foldesi
8. Petition for Helen and John Suto
9. Peace and the Peace Treaties, The Treaty of Trianon, booklet
10. Cut lines for photographs
11. Booklet–“The A-Bar Ranch Encampment”–Wyoming
12. 1974 calendar from Eredy’s Insurance Agency
13. Bulletin from Immanuel Evangelical and Reformed Church, Detroit, Michigan
14. Recipe for Real Religion
15. Articles of faith of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
16. “Your Horoscope”–joke paper
17. Invitation to farewell banquet in honor of Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Kosa
18. Miscellaneous news articles
19. Article from Central Park Church Bulletin, Birmingham, Alabama
20. LSU football program–1945
21. Louisville and Nashville Railroad passenger train time tables
22. Card of instructions for the guidance of voters and commissioners
BOX 13
1. Hungarian booklet–Csonka-Magyarország Határairól
2. Hungarian book–Alphai Rimek–A feleségem by Szabó András, 1949–New Jersey
3. Hungarian newsletter–“Kis Mécses”–The Lamp, Aurora, IL, November 28, 1950.
4. Hungarian booklet–A Magyar Helyesirás, Korösi Sandor, 1903, Budapest
5. Hungarian book–Napkelet by Szerkeszti Tormay Cecile, Budapest, 1923
6. Hungarian book–Viharok Sodrában by Csighy Sándor (poems), 1954
7. Hungarian brochure–Hazánk, Magyarország, Budapest, historical sites
8. Hungarian book–Pakots József A Hóditó Asszony, Budapest
9. Hungarian newspaper–Reformátusok Lapja–March 15, 1947 Washington, D.C.–Hungarian
Reformed religious paper
10. Hungarian Book–Talát Penz–P. G. Wodehouse, Budapest, 1928.
11. Hungarian plays–Osi Rögök, Késik a Vonat, Budapest, 1928 and A Financ Mestervágás
12. Hungarian book–Kételyek és Kételkedok, Trumbull H. Clay–New York, 1907
13. Hungarian book–Magyar Szabadság, (Hungarian Freedom), poems, Budapest, Petofi
14. Record book of Rev. Alexander Bartus, 1917–(Names and addresses and amount paid)
15. Hungarian booklet–A Tulvilági Ut by Nathaniel Hawthorne, New York, 1932
16. Hungarian book of poems and short stories–Új Világ Felé–1949
17. Hungarian book–1903-1943 by Dr. Nánássy Lajos
18. Hungarian book–Cseh Bábok by Surányi Lajos, Miskolc, Hungary
BOX 14
1. Hungarian book–Szígetí Veszedelem by Endrei Akos
2. Hungarian book–A Magyar Allampolgárság Jog by Dr. Ferenczy Ferenc–1928, Gyoma,
3. Hungarian booklets–Alapszabályai, Pittsburgh, PA The Hungarian Reformed Church
of Arpádhon
4. Hungarian booklet–Gyulai Pál Emlékezete by Voinovich Géza–1926–Budapest
5. Hungarian book–Odysseus Párizsban, Budapest–1928
6. Hungarian booklet of poems–no cover–no date Függelék
7. Hungarian book–Utazás Székelyországba–Peter Antal Fairfield, CN, 1941
8. Hungarian booklet–Vallástani Kézikönyv by Fiers Elek–1921–Debrecen, Hungary
9. Hungarian book–(A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens) no cover–no date–(Tartalom)
10. Hungarian book–Az Ifúságnak by Kozák Jolán–1925 Budapest
11. Hungarian booklet–Költeménye by Vörösmarty Milhály poems–2 copies
12. Hungarian book–Ahalálsugarak–M. Ashenhurst, Budapest, 1935
13. Book–Halotti Enekek–(religious), Budapest–1919
14. Hungarian book–Völegényem, A Gangszter by Erdody János Budapest
BOX 15
1. Hungarian booklet–Kis Magyar Nyelvtan by Balassa József–Budapest, 1911
2. Hungarian book–Hitbajnokainak és Vértanuinak Eletébol by Farkas József–Budapest
3. Hungarian book–Halotti Enekek–Budapest, 1919
4. Hungarian book–Magyar Album by Incze Sándor–1956 (Hungarian album–historic)
5. Hungarian book–A Zarándok Utía by Bunyan János
6. Hungarian book–Titokzatos Merenyletek by L. Vetter Regenye–Budapest, 1936
7. Hungarian book–Az Egyesult Allmok Kézikönyve–1924
8. Hungarian book–Kaland Fauzsorással by J. B. Hendryx Budapest, 1935
9. Hungarian booklet–Apokrifus Könyvek by Kámory Sámuel (religious), 1877
10. Hungarian book–Milyen Volt Az A Mi Régi Hadseregünk? by Hajdu István–Budapest,
BOX 16
1. Hungarian Atlas of Europe and Hungary–Rendszeres Földrajzi Atlasz–Budapest, 1910
2. Hungarian book–A Magyar Nemzet Története by Sebestyén Gyula–Budapest, 1906 (2)
3. Hungarian book–Vándormadár Utja by Vargha Tamásné Budapest
4. Hungarian book–Bánk Bánja by Katona József, ed. Péterfy Jeno–Budapest, 1908
5. Hungarian book–Enekeskönyv–Debrecen, Hungary, 1921
6. Hungarian booklet–Kézikonyv-Bibliai Történetek, etc. Student handbook for Bible
studies by Lajos Nánássy (Presbyterian)
7. Hungarian geography book–Földraiz by Dr. Márki Sándor Budapest, 1900
8. Hungarian book–religious–1894–no cover or title
9. Hungarian book–Jókai by Zsigmond Ferenc–Budapest, 1924
10. Hungarian book–Végtelen Szeretet by Dudásne Gólya Margit–Chicago, Illinois,
11. Hungarian book–regligious poems and stories–no cover or title–1916
12. Hungarian bible–1830
13. Hungarian bible verses
14. Hungarian bible verses
BOX 17
1. Hungarian book–Olvasókönyv–Zsigmond Sándor–Debrecen, Hungary, 1913 (10 copies)
2. Hungarian book–Budapesti Gyermekek Olvasókönyve (school book)–Budapest, 1923
and 1924 copies
3. Hungarian book–Lélkeszi Tár–S. Szabó József Debrecen, Hungary, 1904
4. Hungarian book–Deák Elete by Ferenczi Zoltan–Budapest, 1904
5. Hungarian book–religious–no title (old)
6. Hungarian book–A Mester Jelleme–E. H. Fosdick–Komárom, Hungary, 1916
7. Hungarian book–Református Enekes Könyv–Cleveland, Ohio, 1918–(Reformed Church)
8. Hungarian book–A Szorosabb Ertelemben by Gsiky Lajos Pozsony, 1906
BOX 18
1. Book–The Great Events by Famous Historians–1905
2. Book–An Appraisal of Potential for Outdoor Recreational Development–Resource
and Conservation and Development Project–Louisiana, 1973
3. Book–The Trial of Jozsef Grosz and His Accomplices Budapest, 1951
4. Book–The Real Nixon-An Intimate Biography by Bela Kornitzer–New York, 1960
5. Book–The Cokesbury Marriage Manual edited by William H. Leach, 1933
6. Book–The Cokesbury Funeral Manual edited by William H. Leach, 1932
7. Book–The Provincial Letters of Blaise Pascal by Rev. Thomas M’Crie–New York,
8. Book–Sovereign Grace by D. L. Moody, 1891
9. Book–The Book of Common Worship–Presbyterian General Assembly–1946
10. Book–Conversations on the Bible by Enoch Pond, D.D., Massachusetts, 1888
11. Booklet–Sándor Petofi, Hungarian Poet (1823-1849) by Joseph Reményi
12. Hearings before Senate Subcommittee to investigate immigration laws–1949
BOX 19
The New International Encyclopedia–Second Edition–New York, 1917
Vol. V, Ch-Co
Vol. VI, Co-Di
Vol. VIII, En-Fo
Vol. X, Gl-Ha
Vol. XII, Im-Jo
Vol. XIII, Jo-Le
Vol. XVI, Mi-Ne
Vol. XVII, Pa-Po
Vol. XIX, Po-Ri
Vol. XX, Ri-Sh
Vol. XXII, Ta-Va
Vol. XXIII, Va-Zy
The New International Encyclopedia
–Second Edition
Courses of Reading and Study
BOX 20 – Albany News Newspapers
1. Friday, September 5, 1947 (7 copies)
2. Friday, September 12, 1947 (4 copies)
3. Friday, September 19, 1947 (5 copies)
4. Friday, September 26, 1947 (4 copies)
5. Friday, October 3, 1947 (4 copies)
6. Friday, October 10, 1947 (4 copies)
7. Friday, October 17, 1947 (4 copies)
8. Friday, October 24, 1947 (4 copies)
9. Friday, October 31, 1947 (3 copies)
10. Friday, November 7, 1947
11. Friday, November 14, 1947 (4 copies)
12. Friday, November 21, 1947
13. Friday, November 28, 1947 (4 copies)
14. Friday, December 5, 1947 (3 copies)
15. Friday, December 12, 1947 (3 copies)
16. Friday, December 19, 1947 (3 copies)
17. Friday, January 2, 1948 (4 copies)
18. Friday, January 9, 1948
19. Friday, January 16, 1948 (5 copies)
20. Friday, February 6, 1948
21. Friday, February 13, 1948 (2 copies)
22. Friday, February 20, 1948 (2 copies)
23. Friday, February 27, 1948 (4 copies)
24. Friday, March 5, 1948 (dated February 27) (4 copies)
25. Friday, March 19, 1948 (4 copies)
26. Friday, March 26, 1948 (4 copies)
BOX 21
Albany News Newspapers
1. Friday, April 2, 1948 (3 copies)
2. Friday, April 9, 1948 (3 copies)
3. Friday, April 23, 1948 (3 copies)
4. Friday, May 7, 1948
5. Friday, May 21, 1948 (2 copies)
6. Friday, May 28, 1948 (3 copies)
7. Friday, June 4, 1948 (dated May 28) (3 copies)
8. Friday, June 11, 1948 (2 copies)
9. Friday, June 18, 1948 (4 copies)
10. Friday, June 25, 1948 (4 copies)
11. Friday, July 2, 1948 (4 copies)
12. Friday, July 9, 1948 (4 copies)
13. Friday, July 16, 1948 (3 copies)
14. Friday, July 23, 1948 (2 copies)
15. Friday, July 30, 1948 (3 copies)
16. Friday, August 6, 1948 (3 copies)
Livingston Parish NewsNewspapers
17. Friday, August 20, 1948 (3 copies)
18. Friday, August 27, 1948 (3 copies)
19. Friday, September 3, 1948 (4 copies)
20. Friday, September 10, 1948 (2 copies)
21. Friday, September 17, 1948
22. Friday, September 24, 1948 (2 copies)
23. Friday, October 1, 1948 (4 copies)
24. Friday, October 8, 1948 (4 copies)
25. Friday, October 15, 1948
26. Friday, October 22, 1948
27. Friday, October 29, 1948
BOX 22 Livingston Parish NewsNewspapers
1. Friday, November 5, 1948
2. Friday, November 12, 1948
3. Friday, November 19, 1948
4. Friday, November 26, 1948
5. Friday, December 3, 1948 (3 copies)
6. Friday, December 10, 1948 (3 copies)
7. Friday, December 17, 1948 (3 copies)
8. Friday, December 24, 1948 (3 copies)
9. Friday, December 30, 1948 (2 copies)
10. Friday, January 7, 1949 (4 copies)
11. Friday, January 14, 1949 (2 copies)
12. Friday, January 21, 1949 (dated 1948) (4 copies)
13. Friday, January 28, 1949 (2 copies)
14. Friday, February 4, 1949 (2 copies)
15. Friday, February 11, 1949 (4 copies)
16. Friday, February 18, 1949
17. Friday, February 25, 1949 (2 copies)
18. Friday, March 4, 1949
19. Friday, March 11, 1949 (6 copies)
20. Friday, March 18, 1949 (4 copies)
21. Friday, March 25, 1949 (2 copies)
22. Friday, April 1, 1949 (2 copies)
23. Friday, April 8, 1949 (2 copies)
24. Friday, April 15, 1949 (2 copies)
25. Friday, April 22, 1949 (3 copies)
26. Friday, April 29, 1949 (3 copies)
27. Friday, May 6, 1949
28. Friday, May 13, 1949 (2 copies)
29. Friday, May 20, 1949 (3 copies)
30. Friday, May 27, 1949
BOX 23 Livingston Parish News Newspapers
1. Friday, June 3, 1949 (4 copies)
2. Friday, June 10, 1949 (4 copies)
3. Friday, June 17, 1949 (4 copies)
4. Friday, June 24, 1949 (2 copies)
5. Friday, July 1, 1949 (3 copies)
6. Friday, July 8, 1949 (4 copies)
7. Friday, July 15, 1949 (4 copies)
8. Friday, July 22, 1949 (3 copies)
9. Friday, July 29, 1949
10. Friday, August 5, 1949 (3 copies)
11. Friday, August 12, 1949 (3 copies)
12. Friday, August 19, 1949 (3 copies)
13. Friday, August 26, 1949 (3 copies)
14. Friday, September 2, 1949 (5 copies)
15. Friday, September 9, 1949 (4 copies)
16. Friday, September 16, 1949 (4 copies)
17. Friday, September 23, 1949
18. Friday, September 30, 1949 (4 copies)
19. Friday, October 7, 1949 (4 copies)
20. Friday, October 14, 1949 (4 copies)
21. Friday, October 21, 1949 (4 copies)
22. Friday, October 28, 1949 (4 copies)
23. Friday, November 4, 1949 (5 copies)
24. Friday, November 10, 1949 (3 copies)
25. Friday, November 18, 1949 (6 copies)
26. Friday, November 25, 1949 (3 copies)
BOX 24
Denham Springs News Newspapers
1. Friday, December 2, 1949 (3 copies)
2. Friday, December 9, 1949 (3 copies)
3. Friday, December 16, 1949 (3 copies)
4. Friday, December 23, 1949 (3 copies)
5. Friday, December 30, 1949 (3 copies)
6. Friday, January 6, 1950 (4 copies)
7. Friday, January 13, 1950 (4 copies) (dated 1949)
8. Friday, January 20, 1950 (4 copies)
9. Friday, January 27, 1950 (4 copies) (dated 1949)
10. Thursday, February 13, 1947
11. March 11, 1948
12. Thursday, September 22, 1949 (3 copies)
13. Monday, November 26, 1973 (2 copies)
14. Thursday, January 10, 1974
15. Thursday, January 24, 1974 (2 copies)
16. Monday, March 4, 1974
17. Monday, April 1, 1974 (6 Copies)
18. Thursday, April 11, 1974
19. Thursday, June 6, 1974
20. Thursday, June 13, 1974
21. Monday, June 17, 1974
22. Monday, July 29, 1974 (3 copies)
Morning Advocate Newspapers
23. Tuesday, May 5, 1953
24. Wednesday, May 6, 1953
25. Thursday, May 7, 1953
New Orleans States Item Newspaper
26. Thursday, August 5, 1965
BOX 25
1. Desk pen set given to Reverend Alexander Bartus for special recognition of Thirty
Years Service as District Supervisor, 1944-1973 by the Conservation Development Self
Government, Conservation Districts of America
2. Photograph (framed) of Rev. Alexander Bartus and an unidentified man sitting on
a couch (they both have microphones around their necks)
3. Photograph (framed) of Rev. Alexander Bartus, a nurse, and nine patients in the
Our Home Nursing Home
4. Certificate of Award (framed) given to Rev. Alexander Bartus by the Louisiana Bankers
Association in recognition of his conservation practices, given in Feliciana Soil
and Water Conservation District, April 3, 1972
5. Plaque, Member Louisiana Nursing Home Association, 1970
6. Plaque from American Nursing Home Association (2 copies)
7. Certificate (framed) given to Rev. Alexander Bartus by the Division of Continuing
Education of Louisiana State University and the Louisiana Nursing Home Association
for completing the course in Nursing Home Administration, April 30, 1970
8. Certificate (framed) given to Alexander Bartus by the Louisiana Nursing Home Association
for participation in their Continuing Education Seminar in Employee Relations, September
13, 1975
9. Certificate (framed) given to Louis Charles Bartus by the State of Louisiana Board
of Examiners of Nursing Home Administrators for Licensing As a Nursing Home Administrator,
June 30, 1976
10. Certificate (framed) given to Rev. Alexander Bartus by the State Board of Examiners
of Nursing Home Administrators for Licensing As a Nursing Home Administrator, May
19, 1970
11. Certificate (framed) given to Rev. Alexander Bartus by the State of Louisiana
Board of Examiners of Nursing Home Administrators for Licensing As a Nursing Home
Administrator, June 30, 1976
12. Certificate (framed) given to Our Home by the Louisiana State Department of Hospitals
to certify that it is classified as Type 26 Beds B-II Home under the Louisiana Classification
Program for Nursing Homes
13. Certificate (framed) given by the State of Louisiana Health and Human Resources
Administration, Division of Management 48 to certify that Our Home of Albany, Inc.
is hereby provisionally licensed to maintain and operate a Nursing Home. January 31,
14. Certificate (framed) given by the Louisiana Health Care Association to Our Home
of Albany to certify that it has met the licensing standards of nursing care, 1976
15. The Reverend Alexander Bartus: Hungarian Immigrant Who Lived His American Dream. 2 Copies.
Researched and Written by James W. Anderson, Th.D, 2005, Third Edition