Ann Brinkeroff Beatty Collection
Box 1
Folder 1:
- Cassette Tape titled, “Bill Evans – When I fall in Love”
- Cassette Tape titled, “Ted Alexander”
- Cassette Tape titled, “Peri Scope”
- Cassette Tape titled, “Solar Head”
Folder 2:
- Interview of Larry Bunker, no date
- Interview with Felix Laiche, February 1, 1985
- Interview with Pat Evans, February 2, 1985
- Interview with Marc Johnson, no date
- Interview of Helen Keane, no date
- Title page labeled “Appendix VII”
- Interview of Ted Alexander, January 24, 1985
Folder 3:
- Appendix V bound together with letters
- Rocky Mountain Newspapers containing articles of President John F. Kennedy’s death
(newspapers are inside brown envelope)
Folder 4:
- Interview with Dan Hearle, no date
- Interview with Mark Gridley, no date
- Interview of Bill Evans, no date
- Film narrative of bill Evans, no date
- Interview of Chuck Israels, no date
- Interview with Mandell Lowe, 1984
- Resume of Ron Nethercutt followed by an interview, no date
- Note written to Pat on a small piece of yellow paper
Folder 5:
- Bill Evans “When I Fall in Love” music sheet, November 1984
- “Jazz Literature, Reference and Research Materials” by Ann Brinkeroff Beatty,1984
- Appendix III
Folder 6:
- Thesis by Ann Brineroff Beatty titled, “Bill Evans: Portrait of his Life as a Jazz
Pianist and Musical Analysis of his Style” August 1985. - Bound music by bill Evans
- Appendix III
Box 2
Folder 1:
- Jazz research papers, 1986
- Letter from Ann B. Beatty to Pat, February 3, 1985
- Letter from Ann Astrup to Ann B. Beatty
- Letter from Ann B. Beatty to Arne, February 16, 1985
- Letter from Dr. Friedrich Korner to Ann B. Beatty, January 15, 1985
- Letter from Gisela Winkler to Ann B. Beatty, January 17, 1985
- Letter from Ann B. Beatty to Gisela
- Letter written in French, January 8, 1985
- Letter written to Ann B. Beatty, January 26, 1985
- Letters from Stephanie Serl to Ann B. Beatty, January 22, 1985
- Letter from Aureba Fellogg, January 22, 1985
- Letter from Jen A. Byrezek to Ann B. Beatty, February 1, 1985
- Photocopy of important messages to Ann b. Beatty, no date
- Letter from Malcolm Walher to Ann B. Beatty, February 8, 1985
- Letter from Felix Laiche to Ann B. Beatty, February 21, 1985
- Letter from Eva Csebfalui to Ann B. Beatty, March 6, 1985
- Memo written by Phillip Carles, no date
- Letter from Ken Hewitt to Ann B. Beatty, February 28, 1985
- Letter from Ann B. Beatty to Kent, April 6, 1985
- Letter from Kent Hewitt to Ann B. Beatty, April 7, 1985
- Letter from Ann B. Beatty to Kent Hewitt, March 3, 1985
- Letter from Ann B. Beatty to Orrin, February 16, 1985
- Letter from Ann B. Beatty to Orrin Keeprews, April 1, 1985
- Letter from Ann B. Beatty to Orrin, April 4
- Letter from Terri Hinte to Ann B. Beatty, January 23, 1985
- Letter from Ann B. Beatty to Judy, February 3
- Letter from Judy Bell to Ann B. Beatty, January 28, 1985
- Letter from Ann B. Beatty to helen, March 9, 1985
- Letter from Helen Keene to Ann B. Beatty, March 21, 1985
- Letter from Ann B. Beatty to Helen Keene, April 3, 1985
- Letter from Helen Keene to Ann B. Beatty, April 11, 1985
- Letter from Gene Lees to Ann B. Beatty, no date, 2 pages
- Lettesr from Ann B. Beatty to Gene Lees, February 5, 1985, 2 pages
- Letter from Gene Lees to Ann B. Beatty, February 10, 1985, 3 pages
- Letter from Gene Lees to Ann B. Beatty, no date
- Letter from Ann B. Beatty to Gene Lees, February 16, 1985, 2 pages
- Jazz letter testimonies and subscription page
- Letter from Peter H. Larsen to Ann B. Beatty, February 15, 1985
- Letter from Ann B. Beatty to Peter, January 31, 1985
- Letter from Ann B. Beatty to “Sirs” no date
- Letter from Phyllis Lowenberger to Ann B. Beatty, March 20, 1985
- Letter from Ann B. Beatty to BMI, March 9, 1985
- Letter from Ann B. Beatty to Maxine, April 5, 1985
- Letter from Marie P. Griffin to Ann B. Beatty, March 20, 1985
- Letter from Ann B. Beatty to Teneten Music, April 5, 1985
- Letter from Ann B. Beatty to Marie, April 5, 1985
- Letter from Ann B. Beatty to Dr. Ronald Stetzel, February 20, 1985
- Letter from Hal Galper to Ann B. Beatty, no date, 2 pages
- Letter from Ann B. Beatty to Music Workshop section, no date
- Letter from Art Longe to Ann B. Beatty, January 25, 1985
- Letter from Art Longe to Ann B. Beatty, January 2, 1984
- Letter from Ann B. Beatty to Art Longe, February 3, 1985
- Letter from Bewedelt to Ann B. Beatty, March 23, 1985
- Reminder from Jazz forum about subscription to Ann B. Beatty, no date
- Letter from Alice Leyland to Ann B. Beatty, no date
- Note stating; “Sorry – we have nothing on Bill Evans” from NAJE, no date
- Letter from Ann B. Beatty to Dr. Korner, April 5, 1985
- Letter from Ann B. Beatty to Ron Nethercut, April 29, 1985
- Letter to Ann B. Beatty, subject Bill Evans, May 22, 1985, 5 pages
- Letter from Friz and Frenziska Suacina to Ann B. Beatty, January 24, 1985
- Letter from Ann B. Beatty to Fritz, February 3, 1985
- Letter from David Chertok to Ann B. Beatty, June 11, 1985
- Sheet music by Bill Evans, copy of an article, “Bill Evans: A Life Measured in Music”
by Lawrence Christian and a sheet of written notes, 9 pages
Folder 2:
- Transcribed interview of Larry Burke by Ann B. Beatty, 66 pages
- “Downbeat” magazine, April 1, 1986
- 7 copies of exerts from a Helen Keane interview, “The Complete Riverside Collection,
Homes to Bill Evans” by Marin Williams. Pat Evans interview, p. 13 - Helen Keane biography
Folder 3:
- “Bill Evans: Portrait of His Life as a Jazz Pianist and Musical Analysis of His Style”
a thesis by Ann Brinkerhoff Beatty, August 1985
Folder 4:
- Marc Johnson biography, 17 items
- “Bill Evans: Portrait of His Life as a Jazz Pianist and Musical Analysis of his Style”
a thesis by Ann Brinkerhoff Beatty, August 1985 (incomplete) 138 items - 2 page exert describing an experience in South America
- Examples of musical terms, 2 pages
Folder 5:
- Bound Appendix VII, containing oral interviews transcribed
Folder 6:
- Cassette Tapes: one blank tape and one tape containing an interview with the supposed
manager of Bill Evans by Ann B. Beatty