Archival Collection
BOX 1 -Press Women and Pen Women Information
1. The Press Woman, Official Magazine of The National Federation of Press Women, Inc.:
a) Vol. XXV, No. 2, March-April 1963
b) Vol. XXV, No. 8, March-April 1964
c) Vol. XXVI, No. 1, January-February 1965
d) Vol. XXVII, No. 2, March-April 1966
e) Vol. XXVIII, No. 2, March-April 1968
f) Vol. XXVIII, No. 5, September-October 1968
g) Vol. XXX, No. 2, February 1970
h) Vol. XXX, No. 7, July 1970
i) Vol. XXXV, No. 4, April 1972
j) Vol. XXXV, No. 8, August 1972
k) Vol. XXXVII, No. 7/8, July/August 1974
l) Vol. XXXVII, No. 11, November 1974
m) Vol. XXXVIII, No. 9, September 1975
n) Vol. XXXIX, No. 1, January 1976
o) Vol. 39, No. 3, March 1976
p) Vol. 39, No. 6, June 1976
q) Vol. 39, No. 9, September 1976
2. The Press Woman, Official Magazine of The National Federation of Press Women, Inc.:
a) Vol. 40, No. 7, July 1977
b) Vol. 40, No. 8, August 1977
c) Vol. 40, No. 9, September 1977
d) Vol. 41, January 1978
e) Vol. 41, No. 2, February 1978
f) Vol. 41, No. 4, April 1978
g) Vol. 41, No. 5, May 1978
h) Vol. 41, No. 9, September 1978
i) Vol. 41, No. 10, October 1978
j) Vol. 42, No. 1, January 1979
k) Vol. 42, No. 2, February 1979
l) Vol. 42, No. 3, March 1979
m) Vol. 42, No. 11, November 1979
n) Vol. 43, No. 2, February 1980
3. Directory, Publication of the National Federation of Press Women, Inc.:
a) 1964-65
b) Vol. XXXIV, No. 7, July 1971
c) Vol. 35, No. 7, July 1972
d) Vol. XXXVI, No. 7, July 1973
e) Vol. XXXVII, No. 6, June 1974
f) Membership Directory & Information Guide, 1995-96
4. 1977 Convention, National Federation of Press Women, 40th Anniversary, 1937-1977,
“Southern Exposure” Hosted by Mississippi Press Women (2 copies)
BOX 1 -Press Women and Pen Women Information Continued
5. The Pen Woman, Official Publication, The National League of American Pen Women, Inc.: a) Vol. XLIX,
No. 9, June 1974
b) Vol. LIV, No. 4, January 1979
6. Christmas Reflections, A Christmas Anthology Presented by the Louisiana Branches of the National League
of American Pen Women, Monroe, Louisiana, 1994 (Poems, Stories, Essays, Vignettes)
7. Louisiana Press Women’s Newsletter
a) 1967, May
b) 1968, February, April, November
c) 1970, May, June, Special Edition for Convention, July, August, September, October,
November, December
d) 1971, January, February, April, May, August, September, October
e) 1972, January, May, July
f) 1974, June, August, December
g) 1975, April, August
h) 1976, Vol. 23, No. 2, June-July
8. Miscellaneous Material (Louisiana Press Women)
a) Roster of Membership, 1963-1964 (2 copies)
b) Louisiana Press Women 1975-’76, 111 members
c) Membership Directory, 1979
d) Program, 14th Annual Meeting, May 5-7, 1967?, New Iberia
e) Minutes of 15th Annual Meeting, March 15-17, 1968, Crowley
f) Minutes of 16th Annual Meeting, April 25-27, 1969?, Shreveport
g) Minutes of 17th Annual Convention, March 20-22, 1970?, Opelousas
h) Minutes of the 21st Annual Meeting, March 8, 1974, Alexandria (2 copies)
i) Minutes of the 22nd Annual Meeting, March 14-15, 1975?, Ruston
j) Page of minutes, no date
k) Louisiana Press Woman, Newsletter?, no date (probably 1979 or 1980)
l) LPW Communicator, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 6, 1986
m) LPW Communicator, Newsletter of the Louisiana Press Women, April/May 1993
n) Program, LPW 1997 Conference, Communicator of Achievement Awards Banquet, April
11, 1997
o) Program, Annual Convention, March 12-14, 1971, Sulphur
p) Program, State Convention, March 24-16, 1972, New Orleans
q) Program, 23rd Annual Convention, March 12-14, 1976, Lake Charles
r) Program, 24th Annual Convention, March 11-13, Lafayette
s) Early Bird Edition Newsletter, May 1-2, Hammond
t) Gals Gazette, Hammond, Louisiana, Vol. 1, No. 1 and Last 1, Limited Circulation
u) Presidents Message for June Newsletter, 1965 Contest Award Winners Listed
v) Sweepstakes winners in 1970
w) News release March 17, no date, Baton Rouge
x) List of Winners, News Story, no date
y) Official Entry Form Louisiana Press Women Margaret McDonald Communications Contest,
July 17, 1991, Edna Campbell
BOX 1 -Press Women and Pen Women Information Continued
8. Miscellaneous Material (Louisiana Press Women) Continued
z) News release, 1973 Margaret McDonald Writing Contest Winners
aa) Margaret McDonald Writing Contest Winners for 1980
bb) Louisiana Press Women 1990 Contest Winners
cc) Woman of Achievement (Maggie) 1973 Nomination Blank
dd) Woman of Achievement (Maggie) 1974 Nomination Blank
ee) Biographies for LPW Woman of the Year Finalists (One to be recipient of the Maggie)
ff) Constitution and By-Laws, Louisiana Press Women, Inc. (2 copies)
Miscellaneous Material
gg) Instructions for writing book on Louisiana Landmarks for the Claitor Publishing
Company, 1966
hh) Program, Mississippi Press Women, June 26, 1970, New Orleans
ii) Program, National Federation of Press Women, Inc., 30th Annual Convention, June
13-16, 1966, Houston, Texas
jj) Prayer, National Federation of Press Women, Clarion Herald, no date
kk) Minutes, National League of American Pen Women, Southeast Louisiana Branch, September
5, 1996, First Guaranty Bank, Hammond, Louisiana
ll) Program, 11th Annual Deep South Writers & Artists Conference, June 15-17, LSUA
Campus, Sponsored by National League of American Pen Women
mm) Program, Deep South Writers’ And Artists’ Conference, June 6-8, 1975, University
of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette, Sponsored by Louisiana Branches of The National
League of American Pen Women, 15th Annual Conference (2 copies)
nn) 1975 Deep South Writers and Artists Conference Literary Contests Regulations
oo) News Story Writers’ Conference, June 17, 1974
pp) Map of Crowley, La.
qq) Edna Campbell National Federation of Pres Women, Inc., Membership Card, 1993
rr) Edna F. Campbell, Active Member, The National League of American Pen Women, Inc.,
BOX 2 -Booklets and Magazines
1. Program, Southeast Louisiana Agri-Dustrial Futurama
a) April 8-11, 1965, SLC Coliseum, Hammond, La.
b) April 16-19, 1970, SLC Coliseum, Hammond, La.
c) April 12-15, 1973, Hammond, La.
d) April 18-21, 1974, SLC Coliseum, Hammond, La.
2. Safety Service, 25th Anniversary Edition, June-July, 1952, Louisiana Power & Light Company
3. Louisiana Parish Government, Official Journal of the Police Jury Association of Louisiana, May/June 1969
4. The Free State, A History and Place-Names Study of Livingston Parish, by the members of the Livingston Parish American Revolution Bicentennial Committee,
5. 1995 Citizens National Bank Calendar (Pictures of Tangipahoa Parish)
6. Our Town Tangipahoa, Louisiana, By Powell A. Casey
7. Village of Tangipahoa Bicentennial, April 4, 1976
8. Tangipahoa Fair Catalog, October 4-7, 1972 and October 3-6, 1979
9. Strawberry Festival, Schedule of Events
a) 10th Annual, April 11 & 12, 1981, Ponchatoula, La.
b) 11th Annual, April 17-18, 1982, Ponchatoula, La.
c) 13th Annual, April 14 & 15, 1984, Ponchatoula, La.
d) 18th Annual, April 8 & 9, 1989, Ponchatoula, La.
10. Ponchatoula Bicentennial Commission, Historical Souvenir Booklet
11. Hungarian Folklife “The Sweet Taste of Yesterday” in the Florida Parishes of Southeast
Louisiana, by Ginger Romero, Folklife in the Florida Parishes Series, Vol. III, 1987, Center
for Regional Studies, Southeastern Louisiana University
12. Historic Architecture Downtown Hammond B’Yon Coloring Book
13. Louisiana Historical Review Featuring Tangipahoa Parish, Vignettes of Tangipahoa Parish and Towns along the Railroad, by Edna Campbell, no
14. Tangipahoa Parish, Louisiana Centennial Official Souvenir Program, March 23-29, 1969
15. Hammond Centennial, 1889-1989, published by the Hammond Daily Star, October 15, 1989
16. Southeast Louisiana Historical Association Papers:
a) Vol. 5, 1978
b) Vol. 6, 1979
c) Vol. 7, 1980
17. Southeast Louisiana Historical Association, By-Laws, Newsletters, Minutes, News
Releases, Programs, 1973-1984, Mrs. J. H. Campbell Certificate of Membership, 1974-1975
BOX 3 -Booklets and Magazines
1. 1989 Calendar, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution
2. Daughters of the American Revolution Magazine, February 1996
3. Tangipahoa Chapter National Society of Daughters of American Revolution, Hammond:
a) Yearbook 1994-1995
b) Yearbook 1997-1998
c) DAR Meeting Minutes, February 16, 1998, National Defense Luncheon, Don’s Seafood
d) Centennial Prayers, Louisiana Society DAR, 1990
e) Kate Duncan Smith DAR School, Grant, Alabama note pad
4. Application for Membership to the National Society of the Daughters of the American
Revolution for Edna Freeman Campbell, February 2, 1979
5. Camp Moore Memoirs and Favorite Recipes
a) 1965
b) 1968-1969
c) 1973
d) 1977
6. Booklets and Programs: United Daughters of the Confederacy
a) Louisiana Division United Daughters of the Confederacy, By Laws, 1969
b) General Officers Club, United Daughters of the Confederacy, N. O., Nov. 3-8, 1973
c) United Daughters of the Confederacy, Thomas Jefferson Butler Chapter, No. 2314,
Ponchatoula-Hammond, Louisiana, 1976-77
d) United Daughters of the Confederacy Louisiana Division Year Book of the Seventy-Ninth
Annual Convention, May 3-4, 1979, Shreveport
e) Thomas Jefferson Butler Chapter No. 234, United Daughters of the Confederacy ,
Ponchatoula/Hammond, Louisiana, 1994-95
f) 92nd Annual Convention Program, September 23-25, 1992, Metairie
g) Louisiana Division Ninety-Second Annual Convention Memorial Service Program, Metairie,
September 24, 1992
h) Program, Robert E. Lee Luncheon, January 15, 1983, Hammond
i) Program, Birthday of Jefferson Davis, June 3, 1990
j) Pre-Registration Form, 86th Louisiana Convention, Metairie
k) Save the Flag Fund Brochure
l) Membership Card, United Daughters of the Confederacy, 1986-1987, Edna Campbell
m) Membership Card, United Daughters of the Confederacy, 1986-1987, Shirley Jackson
7. The United Daughters of the Confederacy Magazine:
a) Vol. XLI, No. 5, May 1978
b) Vol. XLV, No. 2, February 1982
c) Vol. LIX, No. 4, April 1996
d) Vol. LIX, No. 11, December 1996
e) Vol. LX, No. 7, August 1997
8. United Daughters of the Confederacy Historian General Essay Contest Entries:
a) “What My Family Contributed to the War for Southern Independence,” 1982
b) “John Henninger Reagan, Confederate Postmaster General,” 1990
9. Louisiana History, Vol. XVIII, No. 1, Winter 1977
BOX 3 -Booklets and Magazines Continued
10. The Register, Baton Rouge, Louisiana:
a) February 16, 1963
b) February 21, 1970
c) December 19, 1970
d) May 20, 1972
e) November 18, 1972
f) February 10, 1973
g) March 1974
h) March 1975
i) March 1976
11. Down South on the Beautiful Gulf Coast, 1699 That Is, Vol. 8, No. 6, Nov.-Dec. 1958
12. Program for Inauguration of Edwin W. Edwards as Governor of Louisiana, May 9,
13. Grier’s Almanac 1975, 169th Annual Issue
14. The Open Door, The Association for Gifted & Talented Students, Northlake Arts Camp, 1984
15. Louisiana Renaissance, A Publication of the Louisiana Educational and Cultural Foundation
a) Vol. 1, No. 2, Fall 1978
b) Vol. 1, No. 3, Winter
16. Judah P. Benjamin Monument Dedicated June 2, 1968, Erected by Plaquemines Parish
Commission Council
17. Louisiana State Poetry Society
a) Yearbook, 1960-1961
b) A Book of the Year, 1961-1962
c) Louisiana Poets, Official Publication of the Louisiana State Poetry Society, July-October 1971
d) Louisiana State Poetry Society Bulletin, April-May-June
e) Memoirs
f) Bookmark, Baton Rouge Chapter Louisiana State Poetry Society, 1995-1997
g) Constitution and By-Laws
h) By-laws
i) 1994 Louisiana State Poetry Society Membership List
j) 1986 Membership Card, Louisiana State Poetry Society
k) 1987 Membership Card, Louisiana State Poetry Society
BOX 4 -Booklets and Magazines
1. Louisiana Garden Club Federation, Inc., Newsletter
a) November-December 1975
b) January-February 1981
c) April-May-June 1991
2. Hammond Garden Club Yearbook
a) 1975-1976
b) 1984-1985
c) 1986-1987
d) 1979-1980
e) 1981-1982
f) 1995-1996
g) 1996-1997
3. Hammond Garden Club-Miscellaneous Material
a) Membership card for Mrs. J. H. Campbell, 1971-1972
b) Yellow ribbon, Hammond Flower Show, May 22, 1982
c) Purple ribbon, Home for the Holidays Flower Show, November 9-10, 1983
d) Program, American Cancer Society Home and Garden Tour, April 27, 1969
e) Green Thumb yearbook cover
f) Program, Flowers in Tigerland, Sixth District Fall Board Meeting, Baton Rouge,
Louisiana, October 11, 1979
g) Page from 1989-1990 Yearbook
h) Hammond Garden Club Past Presidents
i) Sign in sheet
j) The Hammond Garden Club Presents The 21st Annual Spring Flower Show, April 18-19,
k) Poem, Edna’s Tree
l) Program, Hammond Garden Club Arbor Day Program, Cate Square, January 27, 1993
m) Hammond Garden Club Dedicates Tree to Retta Vail, Poem by Edna Campbell
n) Sharing nature’s Beauty, 60th Anniversary, History of the Hammond Garden Club,
by Edna Campbell
o) History of Hammond Garden Club, 1931-1990
p) History of Hammond Garden Club, by Edna Campbell
4. Church Directories
a) First Baptist Church, Hammond, La., November 1977
b) Immanuel Baptist Church, Hammond, La., First Yearbook, July 17, 1983
c) Immanuel Baptist Church, Hammond, La., 1985
d) Immanuel Baptist Church, Hammond, La., 1987
e) Immanuel Baptist Church, Hammond, La., 1989
BOX 4 -Booklets and Magazines Continued
5. Church Newsletters
a) First Press, News from First Presbyterian Church, Hammond, La., Vol. 15, No. 1, Jan/Feb 1996
b) The Banner, Immanuel Baptist Church, Hammond, La., February 1, 1996
c) Baptist Message, May 21, 1964, Page 8, L-R: Edna Campbell, Mrs. Joseph Simpson, Irene Morris, and
Mrs. A. L. Ladner, Ponchatoula
d) Baptist Message, Vol. 83, No. 7, February 16, 1967
e) Baptist Message, Vol. 84, No. 11, March 14, 1968
f) Baptist Message, Vol. 106, No. 23, June 6, 1991
g) Baptist Message, Vol. 111, No. 6, February 8, 1996
h) Louisiana Baptist Children’s Home News, Vol. 29, No. 7, August 1991
i) The Sabbath Recorder, Plainfield, N. J., Vol. 176, No. 22, June 1, 1964 (Hammond Church Celebrates, Seventh
Day Baptist Church)
j) Catholic Schools, 1997
k) First Methodist Visitor, Bryan, Texas, No. 19, February 6, 1969
6. Church Histories
a) “Sticking Together. . .” A Historical Sketch of the First Baptist Church of Ponchatoula,
LA, by A. Lawrence Clegg, Th.D., January 1971
b) A History of the First United Methodist Church, Hammond, Louisiana, 1899-1985
c) Baptist Woman’s Missionary Union of Tangipahoa Association, 1914-1964, prepared for the golden jubilee year celebration and under the direction of the
Tangipahoa Association, Mrs. Joseph H. Simpson, Amite, President
d) Let There Be No Sadness, Hammond Christian Church (2 copies)
e) A Brief History of Methodism in the Hammond Community
f) Southwestern Association, Seventh Day Baptist Church, Hammond, La., 1964
7. Church Bulletins
a) Immanuel Baptist Church: n. d.; Day of Dedication, January 6, 1985 (3 copies);
May 15, 1988; August 27, 1989; October 27, 1991 (2 copies)
b) Biographical Information, Lonnie Wascom, Jr.
c) Progress Ledger, First Baptist Church, Hammond, La.: June 7, 1925; Vol. 17, No. 25, June 29, 1977;
Vol. XXV, No. 20, May 27, 1987
d) Ebenezer Baptist Church, Homecoming, April 30, 1995
e) Loranger Baptist Church, April 9, 1967
f) Wadesboro Mission, Dedication Service, November 23, 1966
g) Hammond Seventh Day Baptist Church, Diamond Jubilee, 1889-1964
h) First Presbyterian Church, Hammond, La., December 3, 1967
i) First United Methodist Church, Hammond, La., n. d.
j) Southern Methodist Church, Dedication Service, February 6, 1972
k) Grace Memorial Church, Hammond, La., The Diamond Jubilee, October 27, 1963
l) Treasures of the Heart, The Old Manse, Hammond, La., 1945, by Rev. Uptegrove Holley, S.T.D.
8. Les Mesdames Programs
a) 1975-1976
b) 1976-1977
BOX 4 -Booklets and Magazines Continued
9. Parliamentary Procedure Booklets
a) Simplifying Parliamentary Procedure, July 1957
b) Simple Parliamentary procedure
c) Parliamentary Usage
d) Simplified Parliamentary Procedure
e) Makeup and Use of Robert’s Rules of Order Revised
10. Manuscript for Our Cherished Roots, Hammond’s Centennial Trail, 1889-1989
11. Newsletters
a) The Spectator, Vol. VI, No. 2, October 23, 1937
b) Legacy, Newsletter of the Division of Archives, Vol. 11, No. 1, August 1987
c) The Centerpiece, Center for Regional Studies, Vol. III, No. 1, Summer 1993
d) HCF News, Newsletter for the Hammond Cultural Foundation, April 1992
e) Heritage Harmony Lines, Heritage Manor of Hammond, May 1988
f) Alley Square, Souvenir Issue, Heritage Day, Hammond, Louisiana, May 1, 1983
12. Programs
a) Songs of Deliverance, n. d.
b) Dedication, Reimers Field, Zemurray Memorial Park, July 4, no year
c) Baccalaureate Services, LSU, May 26, 1946
d) Memorialization and Dedication Ceremony, First Lieutenant Douglas L. Wilcombe,
U. S. Army Reserve Center, Hammond, LA, July 24, 1960
e) The Dedication of the John Long Jackson College Center, Southeastern Louisiana
University, May 13, 1965
f) Spring Commencement Exercise, Texas A&M University, May 22, 1965
g) Dedication, Camp Moore Confederate Museum, Tangipahoa, Louisiana, May 30, 1965
(3 copies)
h) Albany Presbyterian Church, Albany, La., A Service of Recognition and Appreciation
Upon the Retirement of the Rev. Alexander Bartus, January 28, 1968
i) Tangipahoa Parish Courthouse Dedication, March 29, 1969
j) Altrusa Installation, Hammond, La., Tropic Cafe, June 2, 1970
k) Mad Hatters Dancing Showcase, February 2, 1971
l) Southeast Louisiana Agri-Dustrial Futurama Banquet, April 15, 1971
m) Old Farmers Day, Second Annual, October 25, 1975
n) Celebration and Blessing of a Marriage Between C. Howard Nichols and Susan Frances
Bessette, Grace Memorial Episcopal Church, August 2, 1975
o) Citizens National Bank, Groundbreaking Ceremony, January 13, 1983 (2 copies)
p) SLU Announces the Louisiana Fest, February 10, 1983
q) Citizens National Bank, Citizens Square, Fifty Years with Tangipahoa, 1934-1984,
June 1984 (2 copies)
r) Hammond Heritage Day, May 5, 1985
s) Dedication, Charles E. Cate Teacher Education Center, Southeastern Louisiana University,
October 21, 1985 (2 copies)
t) Dedication Ceremonies, The Morrison Room, Linus A. Sims Memorial Library, February
1, 1987
u) Women in Motion, Hammond City Hall, April 21, 1988 (2 copies)
BOX 4 -Booklets and Magazines Continued
12. Programs Continued
v) Jefferson Davis Memorial, Camp Moore U. D. C.- S. C. V. – C of C, June 4, 1989
w) Women, 1990, “Windows of Opportunity”
x) A Military Funeral, Port Hudson State Commemorative Area, May 27, 1990
y) Louisiana State Archives Reception, Exhibit Opening, Early Hungarian Settlement
in Louisiana, April 21, 1992
z) Bicentennial Plaque Dedication, October 5, 1975
13. Invitations
a) An Evening of Folk Music and Dance, March 5, Levy Building, no year
b) A Step in the Right Direction, Walter Brovald Workshop, March 12, no year
c) Fred Astaire School of Dancing, Mad Hatters, 1971
d) Fiftieth Year as Pastor, eightieth year of his birth, and the fiftieth year of
the marriage of Goldie and Alexander Bartus, November 14, 1971
e) Mad-Hatters’ Grand Prize, February 2, 1971
f) Mad-Hatters’ Day, February 2, 1972
g) 38th Annual Convention of the National Federation of Press Women, Inc., June 27-29,
1974, Bismarck, ND
h) Marriage of Charlotte Ann Reichley to Charles Ray Hannum, August 17, 1974
i) Innovation in Art Shows, by Don Snyder, August 31, 1974
j) Hammond Heritage Day Reception, April 24, 1982
k) Citizens National Bank Groundbreaking Ceremony, January 13, 1983
l) Citizens National Bank, Fifieth Anniversary, June 6, 1984
m) Take a Walk on the Wild Side, Hammond Cultural Foundation, May 8, 1992
n) Go Wild Again, Hammond Cultural Foundation, May 14, 1993
o) Membership Coffee, Miller Memorial Library, May 19, 1993
p) Watercolor Exhibit by Mary Jane Cox, Hammond, La., August 1, 1997
q) The Crestwood Racquet Club of Hammond, Louisiana, November 1966
r) Worry Clinic, sponsored by The Mental Health Association in Tangipahoa Parish,
March 9, 1977
s) In Celebration of Black History Month, Hammond Cultural Foundation, February 9,
14. Brochures
a) Ceremony for a Gift Bible Presentation
b) American Cancer Society Home and Garden Tour, Hammond, La., April 27, 1969
c) American Cancer Society, Seventh Tour of Homes, Hammond, La., May 16, 1982
d) A Tour of Homes, December 15, 1996
e) Azalea Festival, Hammond Garden Club Home & Garden Tour, march 29, 1998
f) Historic Downtown Hammond, 1980
g) Historic Downtown Hammond, 1981
h) Historic Downtown Hammond, 1983
i) The LSU Rural Life Museum, April 1973
j) San Francisco Plantation House
k) Pet Shells, A unique art souvenir of Louisiana, Ponchatoula, La.
l) Echoes of the Oaks and Pines, 1965
BOX 4 -Booklets and Magazines Continued
14. Brochures Continued
m) Geisler Funeral Home, Hammond, La.
n) Shadowcreek Garden Tour, Hammond Cultural Foundation
o) Hammond Cultural Foundation invites you to become a Charter Member
p) Historic Downtown Hammond
q) Mail Car Art Gallery & Railway Post Office Museum, Ponchatoula, La.
r) National Association of Women Lawyers
s) Quick Facts about Louisiana
t) Tally-Ho Station, Ponchatoula, La.
u) Casa de Fresa Coffee Shop and Dining Room
v) Albany Hungarian Settlement (xerox copy)
w) Southeastern Art Exhibitions, 1996
x) Fourth Annual OLD FARMERS Day, October 15, 1977
y) Shadowcreek, National Council of State Garden Clubs, May 7, 1966
z) Hammond’s Centennial Celebration, 1989
aa) The Image of Hammond, A Centennial Celebration, May 2-19, 1989
bb) Confederate Historical Association of Belgium
cc) North Dakota Calendar of Events, May-October 1974
dd) America’s March to Freedom
ee) Hammond Centennial Commission
ff) YaYa students, B. W. Cooper housing development, New Orleans
BOX 5 -Typewritten Newspaper Copy
1 – 5
BOX 6 -Typewritten Newspaper Copy
1 – 6
BOX 7 -Scrapbooks
5 Scrapbooks of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, 1970s and 1980s
BOX 8 -Scrapbooks
5 Scrapbooks of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, 1980s and 1990s
1. Correspondence, Letters, 1955-1989
2. Correspondence, Cards
3. Certificates, 1964-1998
4. Edna Campbell’s Obituaries and her last two stories, Hammond Vindicator, April 1, 15, & 22, 1998; The Ponchatoula Enterprise, April 22, 1998; Remembering “Miss Edna” by Cindy Fletcher, Hammond Daily Star, April 22, 1998; Longtime Hammond newswoman Campbell dies at 96, Hammond Sunday Star, April 19, 1998; Newswoman Edna Campbell succumbs at age 96 after full life, The Ponchatoula Times, April 23, 1998
5. Miscellaneous
6. Xeroxed Newspaper Clippings
7. Articles from Miscellaneous Publications
8. Franklin Advocate, 1990-1991; Rayne Independent, September 6, 1990, The Eagle, June 24, 1979; South Rapides Chronicle, March 3, 1978
9. Miscellaneous Newspaper Clippings
BOX 10
1. Minutes, Thomas Jefferson Butler, United Daughters of the Confederacy Chapter No.
a) 1966-1970
b) 1970-1974
c) 1975-1979
Minutes, Hook and Chatter Rug Club
d) 1981-1983
Minutes, Altrusa Meeting
e) May 1983
Books written by Edna Campbell
2. Echoes of a Famous Inn and its Flaming Exit, 1989
3. Our Cherished Roots, Hammond’s Centennial Trail, 1889-1989, 1987
4. Carving Charm with Hammer and Brush, 1982
5. Echoes From the Attic and Poems
a) Vol. I
b) Vol. II, 1967
c) Vol. III, 1968
6. Echoes From the Attic and Poems
a) Vol. IV, 1969
b) Vol. V, 1970
c) Vol. VI, 1971
7. Echoes From the Attic and Poems
a) Vol. VII, 1973
b) Vol. VIII, 1974
c) Vol. IX, 1976
d) Vol. X, 1979
8. Daily Star Cookbooks, 1969-1976
9. Hammond Vindicator
August 1, 1947
March 11, 1949
10. The Times-Picayune, April 13, 1945
11. The News Herald, Ponchatoula, March 10, 1949
BOX 11
1. Undated Chefs of the Week Articles: A-G (31 Items)
Nell Anderson, Ray Babin, Helen Bankston, Nancy Berniard, Ann Biundo, Julie Calloway,
Betty Campbell, Carrie Campbell, Katy Carrol, Eulane Colmer, Irma Coumes, Peggy Craig,
Christine Dantone, Margaret DeKerlegand, Persis Deland, Linda Depaula, Julia Despres,
Anna Distefano, Helen Entrikin, Polly Evans, Rita Gahn, Sally Giacone, Grace Guichet.
2. Undated Chefs of the Week Articles: H-O (30 Items)
Myrtle Hejtmancik, Betty Hodges, Dorothy Holden, Victoria Howze, Denise Holly, Artemis
Husser, Luis Huetta, Bennie Jackson, Mary Jennings, Ann Johnson, Gladys Keaghy, Cathy
Kemp, Claire Kronlage, Virginia Langston, Karen Lea, Elizabeth Lemak. Martha Locasio,
Pat Macaluso, Elizabeth Mancil, Minh McEwan, Ann McIntyre, Mary McColloch, Phyllis
Mire, Robbie Moskau, Josephine Onofry
3. Undated Chefs of the Week Articles: P-Z (23 Items)
Evelyn Patterson, Vada Parker, Dorothy Perrin, Ella Pickens, Haidee Reeves, Carrie
Rice, Linda Ryan, Stacey Singleton, Sharon Sledge, Faye Smith, Estelle Stire, Susan
Sutton, Shirley Thomas, Babs Tricou, Rosalie Tubre, Shirley Vinyard, Mae Wendelken,
Antoinette Yokum
4. Undated Articles Featuring Historical Sites: A-Z (29 Items)
“Good Ole Summertime Chimes with Clarke Park” Hammond Vindicator
“Ponchatoula’s Collinswood School Still Quite a Sight” Baton Rouge Morning Advocate
“Collinswood Museum Brings in Thousands” Daily Star
“Arcola Church a Landmark” Daily Star
“Historic Grocery Purchased” Hammond Vindicator
“Crawford Oak a Landmark” Daily Star
“Tinsley Camellia Garden is Dedicated Here” Daily Star
“Collinswood Museum Growing in Public Interest” Hammond Vindicator
“Memorial Brick Walls perpetuate History of Cate Square” Hammond Vindicator
“Education Comes Long way Since First School Opened Doors in Hammond” Hammond Vindicator
“Episcopal Church is On Oyster Tour” Hammond Vindicator
“Grace Cemetery is Picturesque” Hammond Vindicator
“Episcopal Churchyard reflective of Grey’s Elegy” Hammond Vindicator
“Kerosene Lamp Lit Early Services” Hammond Vindicator
“Pettits Restore Hand-Hewn Timbers” Hammond Vindicator
“Festival Proclaims Best of the Crop” Hammond Vindicator
“Stewart Monument Dates to 1908” Hammond Vindicator (2 copies)
“Reimer’s Field Dedicated in 1958” Hammond Vindicator
“Chiming Church Bell Reverberates Loud Echoes of Yesteryear” Hammond Vindicator (2
“Covington Church A Landmark” Hammond Vindicator
“Hammond Chosen As One of the Interest In the State” Hammond Vindicator
“Church Celebrates 75 Years” Hammond Vindicator
“Descendant of Landmark Hotel of Past Discovered” Hammond Vindicator
“To Be or not to be Hall Restoration Gets Nod From City Hall Council” Hammond Vindicator
“Hammond’s First Hospital Built Ahead of Its Time” Hammond Vindicator
“Zemurray Garden Signal Spirit of Spring” Hammond Vindicator
“Marker to Honor Hospital Site” Hammond Vindicator
BOX 11 Continued
5. Undated Articles Featuring Human Interest stories: A-Z (38 Items)
“Gathering of the Alexander Bartus Clan” Hammond Vindicator
“Italian Centenarian Enjoys Life in Her Home in Independence” Daily Star
“Jane Allen City’s Scribe” Daily Star
“Mother of Nine Wins Diploma at Southeastern” Daily Star
“Campbell’s Garage: Self-Built 50 Year-old, Cluttered Beauty” Daily Star
“Hammond Baptists Build Log Church in Wyoming” Daily Star
“Chandler Puts Tools Away for Good” Hammond Vindicator
“Ernestine Clark Shares Special Holiday Tree with Collinswood Museum” Daily Star
“A Trio of Abel Bishops Now Noted in Family” Daily Star
“Small Place Serving Big Need On College Campus” Hammond Vindicator
“Gallery Stroll, Exhibits upstage previous ones” Hammond Vindicator
“Arts May Turn for Cultural Foundation” Hammond Vindicator
“Mail Car Artists Trek to Hammond” Hammond Vindicator
“Manchac Swamp Photographed in Wildlife Splendor by Julia Sims” Hammond Vindicator
“Heritage Day Approaching” Hammond Vindicator
“Nearing a Century shodding shoes, buttons and Bows” Hammond Vindicator
“She Sees Her Brother for the First Time in 28 Years” Hammond Daily Star
“Hungarians Dance the Czardas at Harvest Festival” Hammond Vindicator
“Ad for Jobs at Mill in La. Drew Early Hungarians” Hammond Vindicator
“Gewalt Dreams of Changing City’s Face” Hammond Vindicator
“Penton Still Going on Baton Rouge Run” Hammond Vindicator
“Mrs. Mike Strawberry Ambassador” Hammond Vindicator
“Daughter Recalls Pioneer Photographer” Hammond Vindicator
“Mary Nell Carries the Torch” Daily Star
“This Nonagenarian Still Gets Around” Hammond Daily Star
“Pumpkin Center Named from a Graphaphone Record” Hammond Vindicator
“Poets Meet in Hammond” Hammond Vindicator
“Loss of Camp Moore Leaves Grief for Lambert Sisters” Hammond Vindicator
“From the Past: A Wagon Train” Daily Star
“Azalea Splendor Heralds Spring at Shadowcreek” Hammond Vindicator
“School Bells Ringing for Vietnamese Boys” Daily Star
“Art in Her Office and Her Home” Hammond Vindicator
“T. H. Waters Honored By Induction Into Hall” Daily Star (2 copies)
“Dr. Deloach Thames Honored for 50 Years of Service” Hammond Vindicator
“Zemurray Lodge: Acres of History and Beauty” Daily Star
“All Roads Lead To School For Retarded” Daily Star
“Horse and Buggy Days Recalled by Localite” The Daily Star
“Hobby Fantasy Started From Antique Book Gift” Daily Star
6. Articles Featuring Awards Received: 1960’s (11 Items)
“Star’s Society Editor gets LPW First Place” Daily Star 4/30/1962
“Star Awards Weekend” Daily Star 6/10/1963 (2 copies)
“Daily Star Society Editor Wins Awards” Daily Star 4/20/1964 (3 copies)
“Daily Star Takes Eight Awards State Contests” Daily Star 4/12/1965
“Star Editor Wins Three Awards” Daily Star 5/23/1966
“Star Adds Awards” Daily Star 5/9/1967
“Star’s Mrs. Campbell Wins 1st in Writing” Daily Star 3/18/1968
“Mrs. Campbell Does It Again on Awards” Daily Star 7/1/1969
7. Article Featuring Commemorative Events: 1960’s (3 Items)
“To Hammond War Dead…Dedicate Blue Star Memorial” Daily Star 4/12/1963
“First Day of Farm-Town Starts Off With A Bang” Daily Star 5/3/1963
“Seventh Day Baptists Set Diamond Jubilee Program” Daily Star 6/12/1964
8. Article Featuring The Hammond Garden Club: 1960’s (1 Item)
“Ponchy Gardenettes Use Center of Old Historical Building” Daily Star 3/13/1969
9. Articles Featuring Historical Sites: 1960’s (16 Items)
“Country Churchyard has Peace of Bygone Days” Sunday Advocate 3/24/1963
“History of Grace Memorial Church” Hammond Vindicator” 10/10/1963
“Memorials, Contributions Add to Beauty of Church” Daily Star 10/10/1963
“Imposing Camp Moore Museum Serves as Link to Old South” Daily Star 1/15/1965
“Camp Moore Museum Dedicated: The Star Goes to a Housewarming” Daily Star 6/2/1965
“Landmark Hotel Closes Doors” Daily Star 9/18/1966
“French Tapestry Drapes Windows for Open House [Camp Moore]” Daily Star 10/3/66
“First Hospital Built in Hammond during Horse and Buggy Days” Daily Star 10/5/1966
“Hammond’s First Hospital: Faced Multifold Problems” Sunday Advocate 12/11/1966 (2
“Waterfront Town Scenes Link Past with Present” Daily Star 2/2/1967
“Famed Zemurray Gardens Oasis for Flower Lovers” Daily Star 3/9/1967
“Church Cemetery Suggestive of Elegy in Country Churchyard” Daily Star 5/26/1967
“History of Woodland Park: 100 Years ago until now” Hammond Vindicator 8/15/1968
“Turning Back to Tangi’s Past” Daily Star 3/20/1969
“New Cate Marker Unveiled At Ceremonies in Square” Daily Star
10. Articles Featuring Human Interest Stories: 1960’s (9 Items)
“Landmark Blacksmith Shop Following Horse Into Past” Daily Star 10/25/1962
“New Governor’s Mansion Elegant, Charming, Durable” Daily Star 3/4/1963 (2 copies)
“Distinguished Men Served Grace Memorial As Rector” Daily Star 10/9/1963 (2 copies)
“Episcopal Student Center is the Present-day Dream” Daily Star 10/11/1963
“Migrant Children….They Learn to Stand Tall” Daily Star 4/24/1964
“The Judge is Adjusting After Taking Down Shingle [W. S. Rowd]” Daily Star 7/31/1964
“City’s Familiar Fruit Mart Fading Into Past This Year” Daily Star 12/9/1964
11. Article Featuring Human Interest Stories: 1960’s (12 Items)
“Charles Emery Cate: An Enterprising Town Developer” Daily Star 1/23/1966 (2 copies)
“British Accent Adds Charm To Interview With Visitor [Mrs. Jean McEwan]” Daily Star
“Ideas, Hospitality Abound: At Hobby House Near Livonia” Sunday Advocate 9/18/1966
“Octogenarian Finds Trailer Delightful Change From Home Since 1906” Daily Star 10/12/1966
“Delights of Photography Discovered by Camera Club” Daily Star 10/19/1966
“A Cellar Novelty in Hammond Commonplace to Iowans” Daily Star 10/27/1966
“Stately Home of Southern Architecture Evidences Slight Changes” Daily Star 11/11/66
“Local Women Have Kept Pace With Others of the Land” Daily Star 12/30/1966
“Interesting Facts of Ponchatoula’s Early Days Revealed in Historical Review” The
BOX 11 Continued
12. Articles Featuring Human Interest Stories: 1960’s (6 Items)
“Merrill Campbell Residence Among Hammond Landmark Homes” Daily Star 4/3/1967
“Beneath the Spreading Live Oak Tree The Children Played” Daily Star 4/27/1967
“Southern Architectural Trends Retained in Gates Home” Daily Star 5/10/1967
“Marked Changes in Scenery Related by Pioneer Citizen” Daily Star 7/5/1967
“Ponchy Railroad Enthusiast-A Collector of Engines, Tally-Ho [Will Ed Butler]” Daily
Star 4/3/1968
(2 copies)
“Daylilies: Splashes of Color” Daily Star 6/4/1968
“Horses: A Loveable Craze” Daily Star 6/27/1968 (2 copies)
“Stately Kent Home in Fluker has Historical Background” Daily Star 9/19/1968
“Nostalgic Recollections of Roseland” Amite News-Digest 11/27/1968
13. Articles Featuring Human Interest Stories: 1960’s (16 Items)
“Centennial Events in Next 2 weeks” Daily Star 3/17/1969
“Tally-Ho On Centennial Tour” Daily Star 3/19/1969
“Ponchatoula From Logging Camp to New Strawberry Capital” Daily Star 3/20/1969
“Amite Helped to form Parish” Daily Star 3/20/1969
“Altrusa Club Celebrates Centennial” Daily Star 3/20/1969
“Electricity Arrived in 1899” Hammond Vindicator 3/20/1969
“The Railroad: Catalyst for Progress” Hammond Vindicator 3/20/1969
“Cumberland Was the First” Hammond Vindicator 3/20/1969
“Candyland: The History of the Elmer Candy Company” Hammond Vindicator 3/20/1969
“Gullet’s Gin Company: Cotton Gins and War Munitions” Hammond Vindicator 3/20/1969
“Episcopal Women Hold Convocation in Ponchatoula” Daily Star 3/25/1969
“Slow Send Off: Spectacle Well Executed [Hammond Centennial]” Daily Star 3/25/1969
“The Log Cabin-Home of Strawberry Auctions” Daily Star 9/3/1969
“Wilson Home-A Stately Wooden Structure in Hammond” Daily Star 10/23/1969
“International Artist Returns to Alma Mater [Rose Marie Bahm Welch]” Daily Star 12/30/1969
14. Articles Featuring the Tangipahoa Centennial Festival: 1960’s (22 Items)
“Corn-Train Seal” Daily Star 1/9/1969
“A Leader In Club Work and Centennial Style” Daily Star 1/15/1969
“Centennial Belles Organizational Meeting Held Monday” Daily Star 1/30/1969
“Coquettish Kick-Off” Daily Star 1/30/1969
“Centennial Emphasis At Art Show” Daily Star 2/5/1969
“Lamplighted Sanctuary” Daily Star 2/7/1969
“Bankston Among First Leaders in Tangipihoa Parish Beginnings” Daily Star 2/7/1969
“All Decked Out” Daily Star 2/11/1969
“Indy Centennial Belles Hold Gay Tea” Daily Star 2/14/1969
“Centennial ‘Beau Monde’ Models” Daily Star 2/19/1969
“Sixth District PTA Conference in Hammond” Daily Star 2/28/1969
“Indy Centennial Fete Honors Old Settlers” Daily Star 2/24/1969
“Centennial Debutantes Organize Chapter” Daily Star 2/28/1969
“Polkas, Czardas Draw Crowds” Daily Star 2/29/1969
“Altrusans Plan Centennial Tea” Daily Star 3/6/1969
“Roman Belles Ready for Promenade” Daily Star 3/7/1969
“Ponchy Belles Ready For Promenade” Daily Star 3/7/1969
BOX 11 Continued
14. Articles Featuring the Tangipahoa Centennial Festival: 1960’s (22 Items) Continued
“Ponchy Legion Sets Centennial Party” Daily Star 3/12/1969
“Ponchy Gardenettes Use Center” Daily Star 3/10/1969
“Christine Dantone Plays French Lady” Daily Star 3/12/1969
“Centennial Emphasis At Gardenettes Meet” Daily Star 3/14/1969
15. Articles Featuring 1923 Hammond High Class Reunion: 1960’s (8 Items)
“Graduates of `23 Plan Reunion” Daily Star 6/12/1968
“Graduates Plan Reunion” Daily Star 6/13/1968
“Class Photo Circa 1923” Daily Star 7/24/1968
“Hammond High Class: A Quick Glimpse Back to 1923” Daily Star 8/12/1968
“1923 Grads Gather for Auld Lang Syne” Daily Star 8/26/1968
“Newspaper Photo of Hodding Carter Sr. and Music Teacher” State-Times 8/30/1968
“Chandler Home Setting For Class Reunion Fete” Daily Star 8/26/1968
“Group Photo of Members from the Class of 1923” State-Times 8/30/1968
16. Articles Featuring Louisiana Pen Women: 1960’s (17 Items)
“Pen Women Welcome Two New Members” State-Times 1/13/1960 (2 copies)
“Program Announced for Convention” Sunday Advocate 4/1/1961
“Louisiana Press Women to Open Meeting Sat.” Daily World 4/25/1965
“Press Women’s Convention A First in Hammond” Daily Star 4/28/1965
“Louisiana Press Women…at Convention” Daily Star 5/3/1965
“Louisiana Press Women Royally Entertained” The Daily Star 5/3/1965
“Penwomen Install officers at Luncheon Meeting” Morning Advocate 4/14/1966 (2 copies)
“Breakfast Call at Ashton Plantation” Alexandria Daily Town-Talk 5/12/1966
“State Press Women Present Six Awards to Mrs. Heflin” Sunday Advocate 5/7/1967 (2
“Louisiana Pen Women Host Tea At Arts and Science Center” Morning Advocate 5/11/1968
“Writers Conference ends with Events Today” Sunday Advocate
“Star’s Edna Campbell Wins 4 Awards From Press Assn” Daily Star
“State Press Women To Tell Award Winners” Shreveport Times 4/27/1969
“200 Press women At Convention” Daily Star 6/30/1969
17. Articles Featuring Arts and Entertainment: 1970’s (19 Items)
“Ponchy Artist Creator of Novel Toadstool Ornaments” Daily Star 7/21/1971
“Hand Carved Rosary To Find Home At St. Dominic” Daily Star 9/18/1973
“Don Wright Choose Versatility in Art” Daily Star 9/27/1973
“Art Show Sparkles Again” Daily Star 4/4/1974
“Learning the Art of Macrame” Daily Star 9/18/1975
“Needlepoint Comes Alive in Hammond” Daily Star 3/27/1975
“Ponchatoula Artisans are Busy With Entries Daily Star 3/31/1977
“Kingfish Film Sparks Memories” Daily Star 3/23/1977
“Music Makes Their World So High” Daily Star 4/12/1977
“Baggage Car Gallery Approval” Daily Star 10/28/1978
“Mail Car Gallery Becomes a Reality for Local Artists” Daily Star 1/17/1979
“Talent, Enthusiasm blend in Art Gallery” Hammond Vindicator 1/25/1979
“Julian Dufreche Officiates Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for Mail Car Art Gallery” Daily
Star 5/2/1979
“Sensitivity Reflected in Holly Exhibit” Daily Star 5/2/1979 (2 copies)
BOX 11 Continued
17. Articles Featuring Arts and Entertainment: 1970’s (19 Items)
“Display Features Works of Two Hammond Artists” Hammond Vindicator 8/8/1979
“Dr. Riechly Speaks to Poetry Society” 7/5/1979
“Ernestine Clark Shares Ornaments with Collinswood Museum” Sunday Shopping Guide 1/10/1979
18. Articles Featuring Awards Received: 1970’s (18 Items)
“Press Women’s Oldest Member Plans for Convention” Daily Star 5/18/1970
“7 LPW Awards: Mrs. Campbell Wins” The Daily Star 3/1/1971
“Mrs. Campbell Wins 7 Awards” Daily Star 3/15/1971
“Star Society Editor Wins 8 awards Daily Star 3/27/1972
“Star Cited for Support of Industrial Development” Daily Star 4/17/1972
“Star is Sweepstakes Winner in Competition” Daily Star 5/21/1973 (2 copies)
“National Press Women Confab In North Dakota” Daily Star 1/7/1974
“Mrs. Campbell Is Selected LPW’s Woman of the Year” Times-Picayune 3/10/1974 (2 copies)
“Press Award Received by Hammond Journalist” Alexandria Town Talk 3/10/1974
“Hammond Woman Top Press Woman” Alexandria Daily Town Talk 3/10/1974
“Woman of the Year: Star’s Edna Campbell Wins It All” Daily Star 3/11/1974
“Louisiana Penwomen Award Winner” Daily Star 3/11/1974
“Star Wins Four Firsts in LPA Contests” Daily Star 4/29/1974
“Among Nation’s Best” Daily Star 7/1/1974
“Achievement Marked by Louisiana Women During 1974” Sunday Advocate 12/29/1974
“Campbell Receives Press Women’s Awards” Daily Star 4/8/1979
19. Articles Featuring Chefs of the Week: 1970’s (4 Items)
“Carrie Rice Cooks, Sews and Gardens” Daily Star 5/23/1973
“Mrs. Thomas Gill Enjoys Making Deserts” Daily Star 5/12/1976
“Indy Homemaker has Versatile Talents [Mary Anzalone]” Daily Star 11/17/1976
“Ponchy Homemaker Shares A Recipe with Readers [Hortense Johnson]” Daily Star 2/2/1977
“Retiree Delights in Cooking [Cornelia Bond]” Daily Star 2/16/1977
20. Articles Featuring City Improvements: 1970’s (9 Items)
“The Anatomy of A Church [Mater Dolorosa]” Daily Star 1/22/1971
“A Country Market For Ponchatoula” Daily Star 6/22/1973 (2 copies)
“Expansion, Planning Marks SLU’s 50th Year” Daily Star 1/24/1975
“Renovation of San Francisco Plantation Now Under Way” Times-Picayune 10/5/1975
“1850 Mansion being Prepared for 1977 Opening” Sunday Advocate 10/12/1975
“Carriage house becomes antique shop” Fun Guide 9/16/1976
“Changing Old General Store to Restaurant” Daily Star 6/18/1978
“Gladwood mansion will become Maison Bocage Restaurant” Daily Star 10/12/1978 (2 copies)
21. Articles Featuring Commemorative Events: 1970’s (13 Items)
“30 years ago: Planes Flying, Soldier’s Marching” Daily Star 6/13/1975
“Church Marks 100th Milestone Sunday” Daily Star 7/25/1975
“Walnut is Bicentennial Project” Daily Star 8/1/1975
“Springfield: Buried Treasure, Spanish Explorers, Battles” Daily Star 9/7/1975 (2
“In Loranger: Keeping Them on the Farm” Daily Star 10/27/1975
“Dedication Kicks Off Bicentennial” Daily Star 10/6/1975
“Cemetery Offers beauty” Daily Star 11/6/1977
“Celebration of Springfield’s 140th Anniversary” 5/26/1978
“A Salute to Springfield” Daily Sun 5/26/1978
“Calhoun Name Strongly Linked with Local Railroad History” Hammond Vindicator 9/9/1979
“Early-Day Hammond Traffic scarce” Daily Star 10/10/1979 (2 copies)
22. Articles Featuring the Hammond Garden Club, 1970’s (15 Items)
“Blossoming Azaleas Accent Brent Garden” Daily Star 3/17/1970
“Garden Clubs Have Helped Make area a Garden” Daily Star 3/15/1973
“Zemurray Gardens: Panorama of Sumptuous Natural Beauty” Daily Star 3/30/1973 (2 copies)
“Zemurray Gardens-A Stroll in Landscaped Loveliness” Times-Picayune 2/23/1975
“Zemurray : A Land of Fantasy” Daily Star 3/13/1975
“Orchids Stealing the Show” Daily Star 3/11/1976
“Third Ponchy Home and Garden Tour Held” Daily Star 5/12/1976
“Its Chrysanthemum Time Again” Daily Star 10/30/1977
“Hammond Garden Club Meets in Bowden Home” Daily Star 9/15/1978
“Experimental Station Explored by Hammond Garden Club” Daily Star 11/9/1978
“Jane Dunn Addresses Valentine Garden Club Meeting” Daily Star 2/16/1979
“Zemurray Gardens Blossom in Spring” Daily Star 3/26/1979
“Zemurray Gardens Signal Spirit of Spring” Hammond Vindicator 3/29/1979
“Hammond Garden Club Holds Christmas Luncheon” Hammond Vindicator 12/20/1979
23. Articles Featuring Historic Sites: 1970’s (22 Items)
“Hammond Historic Cabin to be Moved” Daily Star 1/18/1970
“The Covington Presbyterian Church” Daily Star 6/19/1970
“Baptist Church from Early Beginning [Tangipahoa Baptist Church]” Daily Star 7/17/1970
“Tangipihoa Parish Landmark Home Steeped in History” Daily Star 10/9/1970
“Old Monument Streamlined” Daily Star 11/4/1970
“Nostalgia Interwoven in Old Pear Tree Blossoms” Daily Star 3/5/1971
“Nostalgic Thoughts Interwoven with Landmark Home and School” Daily Star 4/7/1971
(2 copies)
“A New Church Building for Amite-Arcola Presbyterians” Daily Star 5/7/1971
“Berry Hotel of 1905” Daily Star 3/31/1972
“Log Cabin Gone, All But Memories” Daily Star 3/31/1972
“Peter Hammond” Daily Star 4/14/1972
“Story of a haunted House” Hammond Vindicator 8/28/1972 (2 copies)
“Old Beauty’s Unknown Future” Daily Star 9/11/1972
“And Where To Now, Casa De Fresa? Hammond Vindicator 9/12/1972
“Residents Want to Save Old Landmark” Daily Star 10/5/1972
“Old Episcopal Church Takes Historical Slant” Daily Star 3/16/1973 (2 copies)
“Church a Memorial to Tangipahoa Settlers [Grace Memorial Episcopal]” States-Item
6/4/1973 (2)
“Church Cited as a Landmark” Daily Star 3/16/1973
BOX 11 Continued
24. Articles Featuring Historic Sites: 1970s (19 Items)
“Old Church Has Roots [Seventh Day Baptist Church]” Hammond Vindicator
“Restoration planned Camp Moore Cabin Daily Star 7/3/1973
“Ponchatoula founded by Akers” Daily Star 4/4/1974
“Holy Ghost Church has Groundbreaking” Daily Star 4/19/1974
“Neelis Home Undergoes Changes Daily Star 8/22/1974
“Newspaper Photograph of Saint Joseph’s Catholic Church” Morning Advocate 8/31/1974
“St. Joseph’s Church to Mark 100th Milestone” Daily Star 9/6/1974
“Log Cabin a Mecca for Growers” Daily Star 4/3/1975
“All Saints Episcopal Church Oldest in Ponchatoula” Daily Star 9/5/1975
“Settling Down in Dixie: River Road to River Front” Daily Star 9/5/1975
“Fate of Old Hotel is Still Uncertain” Daily Star 10/20/1975 (2 copies)
“Collinswood School Houses Ponchy History” Daily Star 1/30/1976
“Springfield Bicentennial Tour of Home” Daily Star 3/22/1976
“History Unnoticed: Hotel Was City’s Story” Sunday Advocate 5/2/1976
“The Bell No Longer Tolls at this Historic Church [Seventh Day Baptist]” Daily Star
“Eastman School Kindles Old Memories” Daily Star 5/18/1976 (2 copies)
“Crumbling Casa” The States Item 7/1/1976
“Landmark Church a Monument to Founders [Arcola-Amite Presbyterian]” Daily Star 8/27/1976
“New Life May be Generated in the Casa De Fresa” Daily Star 9/20/1976 (2 copies)
“Time is Not Kind” Daily Star 10/1/1976
25. Articles Featuring Historic Sites: 1970’s (21 Items)
“Ponchatoula: Old Charm” Daily Star 1/28/1977
“Church Stirs Historical Impetus” Daily Star 2/4/1977
“Red Carpet Ready at the Market” Daily Star 3/31/1977
“Novel Club Tours Historic Grace Memorial Church” Daily Star 6/20/1977
“lt Started with Peanuts” Hammond Vindicator 9/1/1977
“What Will Happen to Hotel? 9/4/1977
“Columbia Undergoes Face-lifting” Hammond Vindicator 9/8/1977
“Where to Now Casa De Fresa?” Hammond Vindicator 9/8/1977
“Springfield Resident Formerly Resided in San Francisco” Hammond Vindicator 9/15/1977
“Peanut Vendor’s Home is Dutch Treat [Marion T. Fannaly]” Sunday Advocate 10/9/1977
“Oldest Baptist Church Building in Livingston Parish Still Used [Macedonia]” Sunday
“La Casa De Fresa Facing Last Restoration Effort” 4/19/1978
“Springfield: 140 Years of History” Daily Star 5/25/1978
“History important part of Heritage Festival” Hammond Vindicator 8/2/1975
“Social Life Sparkled in a Gentler Era” Sunday Advocate 6/18/1978 (2 copies)
“Hammond’s History of St. James Hotel Recalled” Daily Star 8/2/1978
“La Casa De Fresa’s Future Seems Brighter” Daily Star 9/21/1978
“La Casa De Fresa Gets State Historical Nod” Daily Star 9/21/1978
“A New phase for Casa? Hammond Vindicator 9/28/1978
“Zemurray Has a Long History” Daily Star 10/1/1978
Pictures Out of Our Past: St. James Hotel Dixie 11/5/1978
BOX 11 Continued
26. Articles Featuring Historic Sites: 1970’s (18 Items)
“Casa De Fresa Gains Place on National Historic Register” Hammond Vindicator 2/15/1979
“Outlook for Hotel Casa De Fresa Grim Despite Historical Acclaim” Daily Star 2/21/1979
“Fire Strikes Casa De Fresa” Sunday Star 4/22/1979
“Historic Buildings Interest Gifted, Talented Students” Daily Star 4/25/1979
“Hotel’s Fate Cloudy after Fire” Hammond Vindicator 4/26/1979
“Local Church Setting For Movie Scene in 1966” Daily Star 6/13/1979
“Camp Moore: A monument to the Confederacy” Hammond Vindicator 6/20/1979
“Woman’s Dream Goes To Market [Ponchatoula Country Market]” Sunday Advocate 7/15/1979
“Hammond Has Had a City Hall Since 1926” Daily Star 7/30/1979
“Post Office Established in 1868” Hammond Vindicator 8/9/1979
“Hospital Founded in 1907” Hammond Vindicator 10/11/1979
“Early-day Hammond Traffic Scarce” Hammond Vindicator 10/11/1979 (2 copies)
“Museum Building began as a Schoolhouse” Hammond Vindicator 10/24/1979
“Early Rail History Includes Gator Tracks” Daily Star 10/29/1979
“Church is a Monument to Hungarian Settlers” Hammond Vindicator 11/15/1979
“Zemurray Gardens History Dates to 1828” Daily Star 12/6/1979
“History of San Francisco Plantation” Morning Advocate 12/7/1979
27. Articles Featuring Human Interest Articles: 1970’s (22 Items)
“Ruby Howes is Miss Hammond” Daily Star 3/23/70
“Retired Man’s Hobby is Collecting Engines [Tally-Ho]” Sunday Advocate 7/19/1970 (2
“Going-Going-Gone to High Bidder-Relic of Yesteryear [log cabin]” Daily Star 11/18/1970
“First LSU Experiment Station Resident Recalls Early Farm Days” Daily Star 7/29/1971
(2 copies)
“Butler Depot and Museum: Train Hoot of the Past [Tally-Ho Station]” Daily Star 8/18/1971
“Ponchatoula Creator of Oddities is Blessed With Keen Eyesight” Daily Star 8/25/1971
“Mrs. Mentz: A Civic Leader Recalls Old PTA Days” Daily Star 9/1/1971 (3 copies)
“Golden Service Years and Miles of Musical Notes Marked [Mrs. Hooks]” Daily Star 9/30/1971
“Dr. Glenn Swetman Named Head at State Convention” Daily Star 10/19/1971
“The True Story of Evangeline” (1971)
“They Make Berries Even Better” Daily Star 3/31/1972
“Hammond Wood Carver Likes Indian Heads Best [John Baily]” Sunday Advocate 2/27/1972
“No Handicaps for Him [William Lee Brooks]” Daily Star 5/17/1972
“75 Year Old Twins Celebrate At First Birthday Party” Daily Star 1/17/1973 (2 copies)
“She’s Raricks Hand At Home” Daily Star 2/1/1973
“Chaplain Makes Comeback Following Severe Injuries” Daily Star 2/8/1973
“Recollections of a Pioneer Ponchatoula Doctor” Daily Star 2/15/1973
“For Rodney Taylor, 4-H is a Way of Life” Daily Star 7/12/1973
BOX 11 Continued
28. Articles Featuring Human Interest Articles: 1970’s (14 Items)
“When the berry was in its glory” Daily Star 4/4/1974
“Berry Price is Fairly Good to Date” Daily Star 4/4/1974
“Talented Students Research Interviews and Designs” Daily Star 4/18/1974 (2 copies)
“SLU The First 50 Years: First Four Years on Nothing But Faith” Murray Newspapers
“Handmade Gifts: A Labor of Love [Thelma Carter]” Daily Star 12/23/1974
“The Curious Seek Them: They are Traveling for God [roving missionaries]” Daily Star
“Dr. Collins P. Lipscomb ‘ Doctor of Year'” Daily Star 4/2/1975
“Many Duties for Berry Queen” 4/3/1975
“Linda Petz Sings for Many Weddings” Daily Star 5/15/1975
“Back to Days of Horses and Plows” Daily Star 7/2/1975
“Horse-Power: Echoing the Past” Daily Star 8/3/1975 (2 copies)
“Chair Caning is Just One of Her Hobbies” Daily Star 12/4/1975
“A Return to Farming Traditions” Daily Star 10/22/1975
29. Articles Featuring Human Interest Articles: 1970’s (16 Items)
“Landmark Albany Nursing Home Closed” Daily Star 4/9/1976 (2 copies)
“Mrs. Allen Retires from City Hall Work” Daily Star 6/18/1976
“Collinswood School Grads Honored at Reunion Tea at Welles Home” Daily Star 6/30/1976
“Hungarian Dancers Off to Washington to Dance at Smithsonian Mall” Daily Star 7/15/1976
“Hammond’s First ‘Homegrown’ Woman Doctor Opens Office” Daily Star 9/7/1976
“Steam Locomotive Goes Home” Daily Star 4/20/1977 (2 copies)
“Distinguished Service award for Reverend Bartus” Daily Star 7/10/1977
“Edna Campbell, Katy Carroll Retire from Daily Star Newsroom” Daily Star 7/15/1977
“Tally-Ho: Old Engines Nestled Among the Azaleas” Daily Star 8/17/1977
“I’m More Like a Tinker” Sunday Advocate 8/21/1977
“The Strawberry Preacher: He Built Lasting Monuments” Hammond Vindicator 8/21/1977
“Hungarians Remember Their Roots” Morning Advocate 9/26/1977
“Creator of Chef of Week is Special Lady” Daily Star 10/5/1977
“Champion Hooks Rugs Amid Chatter” Daily Star 10/18/1977
“Stiedtman Remembers Past with detail” Daily Star 11/6/1977
30. Articles Featuring Human Interest Articles: 1970’s (18 Items)
“54 Years of Pain were Eased by This Retiree [Marie Anglade]” Daily Star
“Ponchatoula Grandmother Tromps Woods Seeking Novelty Creations” Sunday Advocate
“Store in Springfield in the Fourth Generation of Settoon Operation” Daily Star 5/28/1978
“Hammond Baptists Build Log Church in Wyoming” Daily Star 8/18/1978
“Old Coach Gallery Organized” Daily Star 8/23/1978
“Dr. Pottle Receives Honor from Hammond Senior Citizens’ Club” Daily Star 12/15/1978
“Hammond French Students Research Twelfth Night” Hammond Vindicator 1/18/1979
“Old Postcard shows History” Daily Star 5/30/1979
“Mooing Gives Happywoods Name” Hammond Vindicator 6/6/1979
“Remembering Another Era: On Happy Woods Roads” Hammond Vindicator 7/1/1979
“Cattle Play big Role in Economy” Hammond Vindicator 7/12/1979 (2 copies)
“Sound of Music, Sawing Synonymous to Dr. Pottle” Hammond Vindicator 8/23/1979
“Pumpkin Center Gets Name from Song title” Daily Star 8/27/1979
“Education has Come a long way” Hammond Vindicator 9/13/1979
“Funeral Rites Conducted for Mrs. S. Nye Bass” Hammond Vindicator 10/4/1979
“At Age 74: Chandler Puts Tools Away for Good” Hammond Vindicator 11/1/1979
“Hungarians Came to Albany in 1896” Hammond Vindicator 11/7/1979
31. Articles Featuring Social Events: 1970’s (25 Items)
“Tangipahoa Parish Doctors Honored” Daily Star
“Loranger Church Plans Anniversary” Daily Star
“La-Tangi Tabernacle Revival Slated” Daily Star 4/24/1970
“Bedico Baptist Church Dedicated in Formal Rites” Daily Star 5/1/1970
“Bible Holiness Church Dedicated” Daily Star 6/12/1970
“Lace and Questions Mixed for Swigert.” Daily Star 6/29/1970 (2 copies)
“James M. Fourmys Honored at Anniversary Party” Daily Star 10/2/1970
“Dignitaries Honored at Gala Reception at Camp Moore Museum” Daily Star 10/11/1971
(2 copies)
“A Ride on Street Car Desire For Birthday Celebrant” Daily Star 3/29/1972
“Berry Festival Gets Underway in Ponchy.” Daily Star 4/7/1973
“Local Railroad Lovers Enjoy Locomotive Ride” Daily Star 9/7/1973
“Little Italy Success, Hey Paisano! Good Time, Si ?” Daily Star 4/29/1974
“Saluto, Amici! Welcome to the Festival! Daily Star 4/28/1977
“Farmers Plan Festivities” Daily Star 10/2/1977
“Old Farmers’ Day Scheduled” Hammond Vindicator 10/6/1977
“Twelfth Night of Mardi Gras Celebrated with King’s Cake” Daily Star 1/16/1979
“Mary Nell Anderson New Louisiana Strawberry Queen” Hammond Vindicator 3/22/1979
“The Larders of Independence Fill with Goodies For Little Italy Day” Daily Star 4/8/1979
(2 copies)
“Hungarian Festival Set for Sunday” Hammond Vindicator 4/20/1979
“Will Butler Addresses Historical Association” Daily Star 5/2/1979
“Love at First Sight: Ponchy Couple Finds Dream Home” Hammond Vindicator 5/31/1979
“Author Honored at Reception Depicting Early Tangipahoa [Nichols]” Morning Advocate
32. Articles Featuring The United Daughters of the Confederacy: 1970’s (5 Items)
“UDC Host Dr. Casey Talk” Hammond Vindicator 1/18/1977
“Camp Moore UDC Marks 75th Milestone with Historical Program” Daily Star 2/21/1977
“UDC Program Emphasizes Capture of New Orleans” 4/19/1979
“Edna CAMPBELL Receives UDC Award” Daily Star 5/23/1979
“Gala Plans on Agenda for Ponchy Country Market Birthday” Hammond Vindicator
BOX 12
1. Articles Featuring Arts and Entertainments: 1980’s (13 Items)
“Distinctive Art on Display at First Guaranty Bank” Hammond Vindicator 1/17/1980 (2
“Art Gallery Observes Birthday” Hammond Vindicator 2/12/1980
“No Retirement for octogenarian Artist” Hammond Vindicator 6/16/1983
“Artist of Month Has Art Works on Display” Hammond Vindicator 8/18/1983
“Artist’s Sensitivity in Art Reflected in Exhibit” Hammond Vindicator 12/15/1983
“St. Joseph’s Altar A Great Success in Smithsonian Exhibit” Hammond Vindicator 7/11/1985
“Museum Top Priority” Hammond Vindicator 9/26/1985
“Hammond Art Guild Celebrates Silver Anniversary” Hammond Vindicator 3/20/1986 (2
“Potters of the Wheel Mold ingenious Ideas into dreamy creations” Hammond Vindicator
(2 copies)
“Emma Pottle Winner of Homemakers Cooperative Quilt” Hammond Vindicator 11/27/1986
2. Articles Featuring Arts and Entertainments: 1980’s (15 Items)
“This Way theme of exhibit of Art Guild” Hammond Vindicator 3/12/1987
“Hammond Art Guild Holds May Picnic at White’s” Hammond Vindicator 5/28/1987 (2 copies)
“Levy Setting for Art Camps Sponsored by Cultural Foundation” Hammond Vindicator 6/28/1987
“Foundation Meets Growing Demand for Artistic Training” Hammond Vindicator 7/2/1987
“Unique Beeswax Painting in Artists’ Exhibit” Hammond Vindicator 7/9/1987
“Josie Penzato Captures Top Ceramic Award” Hammond Vindicator 7/23/1987
“Cindy Gasaway Kyzar’s Design Art on Display” Hammond Vindicator 9/10/1987
“Lovel in a World of Art” Hammond Vindicator 11/5/1987
“Isabel Lovel Well Known Artist was Truly a Volunteer in Club Work” Hammond Vindicator
“Unveiling of Sculpture Honoring Hammond Women Candlelight” Hammond Vindicator 4//28/1988
(2 copies)
“The “Pieceworks” Exhibit at Levy Building Outstanding” Hammond Vindicator 5/19/1988
“Kim Howes Featured Artist” Hammond Vindicator 8/19/1989
“Verberne is Artist of The Month” Hammond Vindicator 9/24/1989
3. Articles Featuring Awards Received: 1980’s (8 Items)
“Vindicator Wins Top State Honor” Hammond Vindicator 4/17/1980 (2 copies)
“Vindicator’s Campbell Sweeps State Writing Awards” Hammond Vindicator 3/19/1981 (2
“Louisiana Pen Women Honors Campbell” Hammond Vindicator 4/1/1982
“Campbell Honored by Presswomen” Hammond Vindicator 10/25/1984
“Club Honors Campbell” Hammond Vindicator 5/20/1985
“Edna Campbell Wins Press Award” Hammond Vindicator 4/10/1986 (3 copies)
“Edna Campbell Wins Awards for Vi vindicator” Hammond Vindicator
“Dr. Guedry Wins Prestigious Award” Hammond Vindicator 4/23/1987
4. Articles Featuring Chefs of the Week: 1980’s (20 Items)
“Frankly Savory Cabbage” Linda Ryan Hammond Vindicator 3/5/1981
“Jackie’s Jambalaya” Jackie Kupper Hammond Vindicator 4/22/1982
“Mexican Chicken” Martha Locascio Hammond Vindicator 4/29/1982
“Chicken Continental” Pat Macaluso Hammond Vindicator 6/17/1982 (2 copies)
“Chicken and Rice Special” Ann Johnson Hammond Vindicator 9/1/1982
“Shrimp Creole” Edna Szymoniak Hammond Vindicator 11/10/1982
“Frozen Fruit Salad” Peggy Schenk Hammond Vindicator 7/28/1983
“Doberge Cake” Gwen Babin Hammond Vindicator 8/4/1983
“Season’s Delight” Patty Stieb Hammond Vindicator 8/11/1983
“Crawfish Etouffee” Lucille Kinchen Hammond Vindicator 8/18/1983
“Bread Pudding Supreme” Sarah Gainey Hammond Vindicator 9/15/1983
“Asparagus Roll/Ups” Marjorie Morrison Hammond Vindicator 9/29/1983
“Coconut Pound Cake Evelyn Patterson Hammond Vindicator 10/24/1983
“Braided-Loaf Bread” Jennie Pearson Hammond Vindicator 12/15/1983
“Hogshead Cheese Canapes” Fel Guidry Hammond Vindicator 2/23/1984
“Chocolate Nut Bars” Vicky Fannaly Hammond Vindicator 3/22/1984
“Sweet Potato Casserole” Opal Carl Hammond Vindicator 5/3/1984
“Spinach Casserole” Christine Dantone Hammond Vindicator 5/10/1984
“Blackberry Cobbler” Nancy Berniard Hammond Vindicator 6/14/1984
“Amaretto Orange Cake” Ann Biundo Hammond Vindicator 8/15/1984
5. Articles Featuring Chefs of the Week: 1980’s (16 Items)
“Beef Wellington” Mattie Plow Hammond Vindicator
” ” Norma Lambert Hammond Vindicator
“The Pink Salad” Marguerite Pierson Hammond Vindicator 1/2/1985
“Shrimp Salad” Helen Cone Hammond Vindicator 5/2/1985
” ” May (Mrs. E. S.) Delaune Hammond Vindicator 7/18/1985
“Chicken Nuggets” Jeannette Jackson Hammond Vindicator 7/25/1985
“Sour Cream Apple Pie” Polly Evans Hammond Vindicator 8/15/1985
“Black Velvet” Vesta C. Rownd Hammond Vindicator 11/7/1985
“Fruit Cake” Carrie Rice Hammond Vindicator 12/5/1985
“Fiesta Fruit Platter” Stacy Singleton Hammond Vindicator 8/21/1986
“Hamburgers” T. J. (Tommy) Jackson Hammond Vindicator 9/4/1986
“Sponge Cake” Lucy Mike King Hammond Vindicator 9/11/1986
“Bread and Butter Pickles Edna Mae Donaldson Hammond Vindicator 10/6/1986
“Chicken and Rice” Linda Ross Hammond Vindicator 12/18/1986 (3 copies)
6. Articles Featuring Chefs of the Week: 1980’s (18 Items)
“Baked Eggplant” Dorothy Holden Hammond Vindicator
“Pound Cake” Claire Kronlage Hammond Vindicator 3/5/1987
“Artichoke-Shrimp Casserole” Anne Biundo Hammond Vindicator 4/23/1987
“Yellow Squash Casserole” Emily Patterson Hammond Vindicator 5/28/1987
“Pound Cake” Antoinette Yokum Hammond Vindicator 6/25/1987 (2 copies)
“Fettucine With Shrimp” Elizabeth Lewis Hammond Vindicator 6/26/1987
“Quick Crawfish Pizza Elizabeth Lewis Hammond Vindicator 6/26/1987
“Vegetable Casserole” Margaret DeKerlegand Hammond Vindicator 7/9/1987
“Trifle” Margaret DeKerlegand Hammond Vindicator 7/9/1987
“Cajun Rice” Margaret DeKerlegand Hammond Vindicator 7/9/1987
“Chocolate Brownies” Christine Dantone Hammond Vindicator 7/23/1987
“Grape Chicken and Avocado Salad” Ollie Robertson Hammond Vindicator 8/8/1987 (2 copies)
“Swiss Ham Ring” Josephine Onofry Hammond Vindicator 8/27/1987
BOX 12 Continued
6. Articles Featuring Chefs of the Week: 1980’s (18 Items) Continued
“Oyster Rockefeller” Rose Stassi Hammond Vindicator 9/3/1987
“Sweet Potato Casserole” Carrie Rice Hammond Vindicator 11/5/1987
“Barbecue Sauce for Meatballs” Margaret Craig Hammond Vindicator 11/12/1987
7. Articles Featuring Chefs of the Week: 1980’s (12 Items)
“Mother’s Fudge” Vicky Fannaly Hammond Vindicator 3/31/1988
“Cassie’s Apple Cake with Icing” Sharon Sledge Hammond Vindicator 4/28/1988
“Cinnamon Cucumber Rings” Margaret Dekerkegand Hammond Vindicator 1989 (2 copies)
“Pralines” Grace Guichet Hammond Vindicator 8/24/1989
“Fresh Fruit Cake” Vicky Fannally Hammond Vindicator 9/20/1989 (2 copies)
“Beef Caserole” Rose Stassi Hammond Vindicator 9/1989
“Chive Cheese Ball” Lenny Wright Hammond Vindicator 10/18/1989 (2 copies)
“Baked Eggplant /Shrimp Petrona Daigle Hammond Vindicator 10/25/1989
“Barbecue Sauce for Chicken” Margaret Craig Hammond Vindicator 11/11/1989
8. Articles Featuring City Improvements: 1980’s (19 Items)
“Renovated Homes Spell a Dream True” Hammond Vindicator 5/8/1980
“Groundbreaking Anticipated” Hammond Vindicator 9/1/1982 (2 copies)
“400 Witness Groundbreaking” Hammond Vindicator 1/19/1983 (2 copies)
“New Tourist Center Set to Open Soon” Hammond Vindicator
“Groundbreaking Thursday for New Bank” Hammond Vindicator 1/12/1983
“Alley Square Renovating Historic Buildings” Hammond Vindicator 4/27/1983
“Columbia Theater to be Part of Hammond Alley Square” Hammond Vindicator 4/27/1983
“Hammond Couple Restores June House” Morning Advocate 5/31/1983
“Ross Family Actively Restoring Historic Residence” Hammond Vindicator 7/28/1983
“Construction, Renovations Topped 1983 News” Hammond Vindicator 1/4/1984
“Old Columbia Times to be Relived” Hammond Vindicator 4/5/1984
“New Bank Building Adds Prestige to Area” Hammond Vindicator 5/3/1984
“Alley Square Nearing Reality” Hammond Vindicator 5/3/1984
“Citizens Bank to open New Office” Hammond Vindicator 5/31/1984
“Citizens Bank to Open New Office” Hammond Vindicator 6/8/1984
“Heritage, Progress, Commitment Keynote CNB Opening” Hammond Vindicator 6/14/1984
“A New Renovation in Downtown” Hammond Vindicator 8/1/1984
9. Articles Featuring City Improvements: 1980’s (24 Items)
“Granny’s Fabrics to open in old H. P. Mitchell Home” Hammond Vindicator 1/9/1985
“Several Businesses in the Way Must Move” Hammond Vindicator 3/21/1985
“Stained Glass Windows Ease Move” Hammond Vindicator 7/3/1985
“Old Streets to Emanate Nostalgia” Hammond Vindicator 2/13/1986
“A New Look on Cate Corner” Hammond Vindicator 4/3/1986 (3 copies)
“Downtown District Looking Up” Hammond Vindicator 7/31/1986
“Architect’s Dream of Facade’s rebirth” Hammond Vindicator 8/28/1986
“Historic Building Renovated by Central Progressive Bank” Hammond Vindicator 10/2/1986
“Historic House Transformed into Macaluso’s Law office” Hammond Vindicator 4/9/1987
“Congregation Envisions New Sanctuary in Remodeling Plans” Hammond Vindicator 6/4/1987
“Education on the move with expansive program” Hammond Vindicator 7/2/1987 “Landmark
Church Converted into City Hall Annex” Hammond Vindicator 7/9/1987
“La Cafe Reflects a Side Walk Cafe Influence” Hammond Vindicator 7/23/1987
“Morale is Uplifted by Spruce-Up” Hammond Vindicator 7/23/1987
“Antin Quealy Jewelers Win Link Award” Hammond Vindicator 9/10/1987
“Moving day at Hammond City Hall” Hammond Vindicator 11/12/1987 (3 copies)
“Westminster Place Meets a Growing Need in Lifestyles” Hammond Vindicator 11/12/1987
“Old-Fashioned Streetlamps will herald Centennial” Hammond Vindicator 10/18/1989
10. Articles Featuring Commemorative Events: 1980’s (16 Items)
“Heritage Day Part II” Hammond Vindicator 5/14/1980
“Hammond Vindicator Turns 90 Years Old” Hammond Vindicator 5/7/1981
“Depot Day July 9 in Ponchatoula” Hammond Vindicator 6/16/1983
“Columbia Theatre To be Hammond Heritage Day Theme” Hammond Vindicator 2/2/1984 (2)
“Columbia Theatre Reigns on Posters” Hammond Vindicator 5/3/1984
“Cate Square to be Setting for Heritage Day” Hammond Vindicator 5/3/1984
“Fire Department History is Heard by Preservation Society” Hammond Vindicator 10/24/1985
“State Police Celebrate 50th Anniversary” Hammond Vindicator 7/31/1986
“Rally Day Commemorates memory of Fay Reimers” Hammond Vindicator 10/30/1986 (2 copies)
“Cate Square Caroling Opens City Centennial” Hammond Vindicator 12/8/1988
“Happy 100th Birthday Hammond” Hammond Vindicator 10/18/1989
“City’s Oldest Club Celebrates Birthday” Hammond Vindicator 11/2/1989
11. Articles Featuring The Hammond Garden Club: 1980’s (30 Items)
“Artist Has a Green Thumb” Hammond Vindicator 4/17/1980 (2 copies)
“Garden Clubbers Learn All About Flowers” Hammond Vindicator 9/20/1980 (2 copies)
“French Farmers Discover Oasis in Visit to Experimental Farm” Hammond Vindicator 9/20/1980
“A Golden Path of Memories” Hammond Vindicator 11/1/1980
“A History of the Hammond Garden Club” (Pt. 1) Hammond Vindicator 2/12/1981 (2 copies)
“A History of the Hammond Garden Club” (Pt. 2) Hammond Vindicator 2/19/1981 (2 copies)
“Celebrating 50 Years of Flowers” Hammond Vindicator 5/28/1981 (3 copies)
“Garden Club Plans for Yule Season” Hammond Vindicator 11/21/1984 (2 copies)
“Arbor day Tree Planted At SLU Arboretum” Hammond Vindicator 1/23/1985
“Garden Club Holds Flower Show” Hammond Vindicator 5/2/1985
“Forest Committee Qualifies” Hammond Vindicator 6/12/1986 (2 copies)
“Selecting Garden of the Month is a Rewarding Project” Hammond Vindicator 6/26/1986
“Tangi Garden club council Presents Color Program” Hammond Vindicator 11/27/1986
“Birds of America Form Installation Theme and Focal Point of Centerpiece” Hammond
“Hammond Garden Club Meets in Ross Home” Hammond Vindicator 5/28/1987
“Flower Buffs Tour Dekergeland Garden of Daylilies” Hammond Vindicator 6/4/1987
“Linda to Begin Year as District Manager of LFGC” Hammond Vindicator 8/15/1987 (3
“Garden Club Learns All About Mushrooms” Hammond Vindicator 10/12/87
“Hammond Garden Club hears Talks on Natural Resources, Trees and Landfill Pitfalls”
Vindicator 10/15/1987
BOX 12 Continued
12. Articles Featuring Historic Sites: 1980’s (27 Items)
“Red Brick Era May End” Hammond Vindicator 1/24/1980 (3 copies)
“Forgotten Cypress Slips into the Swamp” Hammond Vindicator 6/5/1980
“Good Old Days Recalled” Hammond Vindicator 6/19/1980
“Hammond Couple Restores Landmarks [J. Y. Sanders’ Home]” Sunday Advocate 10/26/1980
“Old State Capitol Architects Family” The Enterprise 11/5/1980
“Another Historic Home Saved” Hammond Vindicator 11/27/1980 (2 copies)
“Independence and Kluchin’s” Hammond Vindicator 1/1/1981 (2 copies)
“History of Hammond Part II” Hammond Vindicator 1/15/1981
“A History of Casa De Fresa Hotel” Hammond Vindicator 3/12/1981 (3 copies)
“The History of Historic Downtown Hammond” Hammond Vindicator 4/30/1981
“Forgotten Hotel Brought Back to Life” Hammond Vindicator 6/4/1981
“Historic Church Back in Service” Hammond Vindicator 6/11/1981 (3 copies)
“In 1889 $5,000 Bought the Hammond School System” Hammond Vindicator 8/13/1981 (2
“Hammond’s Oldest House Is Prettier Than Ever” Hammond Vindicator 8/16/1981
“Historic Building Reborn” Hammond Vindicator 8/20/1981
“Local Graves heroes, memories” Hammond Vindicator 11/5/1981
“Old Church has Roots” Hammond Vindicator 11/19/1981
13. Articles Featuring Historic Sites: 1980’s (26 Items)
“Recent News Stories Attract Missing Chapters of History” Hammond Vindicator 1/7/1982
“Just Off the Interstate and back in Time” Morning Advocate 9/24/1982
“Hammond Vindicator Moves next Door” Hammond Vindicator 11/24/1982
“Christmas to be Observed at Grace Memorial Episcopal Church” Hammond Vindicator 12/22/1982
“Kerosene Lamp Lit Early Services” Hammond Vindicator 1983?
“Reimers Field Dedicated in 1958” Hammond Vindicator 4/27/1983
“Grace Episcopal Church Organized During Civil War” Hammond Vindicator 4/27/1983
“Holy Ghost One of Earliest Schools” Hammond Vindicator 4/27/1983
“Morrison Built Home In 1860’s” Hammond Vindicator 4/27/1983
“Grace Cemetery is Picturesque” Hammond Vindicator 4/27/1983
“Former Seventh Day Baptist Church is a Hammond Landmark” Hammond Vindicator 8/4/1983
“Holy Ghost Has a Rich History” Hammond Vindicator 8/11/1983 (2 copies)
“San Francisco Plantation Descendants Gather Hammond Vindicator 9/15/1983
“Numerous Persons Visit Collinswood Museum” Hammond Vindicator 9/29/1983
“Old Loranger Church Has Rich History” Hammond Vindicator 10/16/1983
“Grave Lesson-Hammond Area Cemeteries” Hammond Vindicator 11/3/1983 (2 copies)
“Landmark Church Has Nostalgic Appeal [All Saints Episcopal]” Hammond Vindicator 12/15/1983
“Historical Site is Setting for Mashburn’s Restaurant” Hammond Vindicator
“Familiar Monument Often Misunderstood” Hammond Vindicator
“Old Columbia Times to be Relived” Hammond Vindicator 4/5/1984
“Historic Buildings, Longtime Businesses Cited” Hammond Vindicator 5/3/1984
“Freight Depot Among Historic Places Featured at Heritage” Hammond Vindicator 5/3/1984
“Casa De Fresa: My Most Interesting Assignment” Hammond Vindicator 6/14/1984 (2 copies)
BOX 12 Continued
14. Articles Featuring Historic Sites: 1980’s (26 Items)
“From Oaks to Berries: Landmark Hotel Stirs Memories” Hammond Vindicator 1/2/1985
“Descendant of Land mark Hotel of past Discovered” Hammond Vindicator 3/21/1985
“Vindicator News plant part of Hammond’s Heritage” Hammond Vindicator 5/2/1985
“Historical Buildings Liven Up Downtown” Hammond Vindicator 5/2/1985
“Episcopal Church Part of Heritage” Hammond Vindicator 5/2/1985
“Pharmacy a Downtown Landmark” Hammond Vindicator 7/18/1985
“Church Considered for Museum” Hammond Vindicator 8/8/1985 (2 copies)
“Landmark Donated To SLU” Hammond Vindicator 10/4/1985
“Wetmore Cemetery of Historical Eminence” Hammond Vindicator 11/7/1985
“Feeding Chickens At Breckholdt Hotel Stirs Nostalgia” Hammond Vindicator 4/10/1986
“One room Schoolhouse Ready for Tours” Hammond Vindicator 8/21/1986
“Closure of Camp Moore Spells Doom for confederate Organizations” Vindicator 8/28/1986
“The Villars, Only a Memory” Hammond Vindicator 9/18/1986
“Landmark Home of Thomas Cate.”Hammond Vindicator 10/2/1986
“Fannaly Mansion Awaiting Retains it Title as Mansion” Hammond Vindicator 10/16/1986
“Memories and Dreams Steadfast With Landmark Remains” Hammond Vindicator 10/30/1986
“Noah’s Ark Stirs Nostalgia as Memories are Revived” Hammond Vindicator 11/6/1986
(3 copies)
“Original Railroad Depot” Hammond Vindicator 11/26/1986
“Churches are Focal Points, Especially at Christmas” Hammond Vindicator 12/23/1986
“Historic Church is a Focal Point At Christmas” Hammond Vindicator 12/23/1986
15. Articles Featuring Historic Sites: 1980’s (36 Items)
“Happywoods Church of God Marks Centennial Year” Hammond Vindicator 4/9/1987
“Early Pictures of Strawberry Farmers & Firefighters” Hammond Vindicator 4/23/1987
“Memories Reviewed of St. James Hotel, A Hammond Landmark” Hammond Vindicator 5/1987
“What’s in a Name? A Rose, Peanuts or the Fannaly mansion” Hammond Vindicator 6/11/1987
“June, the month of traditions and heritage” Hammond Vindicator 6/25/1987 (2 copies)
“Zenobia Church: A Monument to Church and Early School” Hammond Vindicator 8/13/1987
“Thomas Residence Building Soon to Be a Memory” Hammond Vindicator 8/13/1987 (3 copies)
“Historical Hardware Building is Coming to the Front” Hammond Vindicator 8/27/1987
(2 copies)
“Green Shutters Steeped in History” Hammond Vindicator 8/27/1987 (2 copies)
“McGehee Hall Holds Honor on Campus” Hammond Vindicator 8/27/1987 (2 copies)
“Downtown Catching Flashing Lights in Movie Filming” Hammond Vindicator 12/11/87
“Music Resounds at Christmas Time” Hammond Vindicator 12/24/1987 (2 copies)
“Train Stations: Then and Now” Hammond Vindicator 1/3/1988
“The Old Kluchin Store Stirs Nostalgia” Hammond Vindicator 3/28/1988 (2 copies)
“Zemurray Gardens: A Majestic Spot in Spring” Hammond Vindicator 3/18/1988
“Crescent House Steeped in Hammond’s Heritage” Hammond Vindicator 1/5/1989
“Mansion In Ponchatoula Becomes an Inn” Hammond Vindicator 9/3/1989
“The Bella Rose Hotel: name Upstages Old Mansion” Hammond Vindicator 9/13/1989 (2
“Victorian Beauty Geared Toward Greater Charm” Hammond Vindicator 10/18/89 (2 copies)
“Quaint Shop: Cobbler Monteleon is a city Fixture” Hammond Vindicator 10/18/1989
“Himel Auto Parts Building Still Drawing Attention” Hammond Vindicator 10/18/1989
(2 copies)
“Victorian Beauty Geared Toward Greater Charm” Hammond Vindicator 10/18/1989
BOX 12 Continued
15. Articles Featuring Historic Sites: 1980’s (36 Items)
“Last Blacksmith in Hammond” Hammond Vindicator 10/18/1989
“Historical Buildings go up in Flames” Hammond Vindicator 10/18/1989
BOX 12 Continued
16. Articles Featuring Human Interest Stories: 1980 (21 Items)
“There Are (Were) No Pumpkins in Pumpkin Center” Hammond Vindicator
“Dishwashing Disdained, Piano Her First Love [Eva Guenard]” Hammond Vindicator
“Ponchatoula Baptist Church Dedicates New Sanctuary” Hammond Vindicator 1/10/1980
“Junior Auxiliary Honors Kay Brewer, Mayson Foster” Hammond Vindicator 3/13/1980
“1930 Class Reunion” Hammond Vindicator 5/29/1980
“Class of 1927 Reunites” Hammond Vindicator 5/29/1980
“Ponchatoula Author Writes Book, Attracts Hundreds” Hammond Vindicator 7/3/1980 (2
“Cincinnati Yankee Revitalizes Old Hammond.”Hammond Vindicator 8/10/1980 (2 copies)
“Long Time Resident Reminisces” Hammond Vindicator 8/28/1980
“Advancing Years no Deterrent to Hammond Octogenarian” Hammond Vindicator 8/31/1980
“Old Barn Can Make Comfortable Cottage” Hammond Vindicator 9/21/1980 (2 copies)
“Around The Area” Hammond Vindicator 11/1/1980
“City Names Queen” Hammond Vindicator 11/6/1980
“Bellhop Remembers: 1929 Hotel Fire Relived” Hammond Vindicator 11/13/1980 (2 copies)
“Tarc Fire Brings Heartbreak, Hope” Hammond Vindicator 12/11/1980
“Hammond Vindicator’s 1980 Mother of the Year” Hammond Vindicator 12/15/1980
“There Is a Santa Claus” Hammond Vindicator 12/18/1980
17. Articles Featuring Human Interest Stories: 1981 (14 Items)
“A History of First Savings” Hammond Vindicator 3/5/1981
“Old Jack Bahm Memories” Hammond Vindicator 3/5/1981
“Two Named to Hall of Fame” Hammond Vindicator 3/19/1981 (2 copies)
“Green-eyed Blonde to Rule Italian Festival” Hammond Vindicator 3/26/1981
“Heritage Day Success” Hammond Vindicator 5/7/1981
“A Family of Mayors” Hammond Vindicator 5/21/1981 (3 copies)
“SLU Founders Loom Large” Hammond Vindicator 5/21/1981
“Happywoods Full of Happy memories From the Past” Hammond Vindicator 7/2/1981
“Debbie Saik Pope Now mayor of Hammond” Hammond Vindicator 7/2/1981
“Local Lady is the Toast of German Opera” Hammond Vindicator 7/30/1981
“Natalbany once Timber King” Hammond Vindicator 8/27/1981
“Cartoonist Brings Life To Market” Hammond Vindicator 9/10/1981
“Ponchatoula Christmas Scenes the Toast of Paris” Hammond Vindicator 12/31/1981
18. Articles Featuring Human Interest Stories: 1982 (12 Items)
“Recent News Stories Attract Missing Chapters of History” Hammond Vindicator 1/7/1982
“Images Help Unravel History” Sunday Advocate 1/9/1982
“Regional Studies Center Unlocks Area’s History” Hammond Daily Star 4/9/1982
“Typically Southern Town: Charles Cate Developed City” Hammond Vindicator 4/22/1982
“Late Start Doesn’t Stop Her” Hammond Vindicator 4/22/1982
“Model goes on display, Old Oaks Hotel lives again” Hammond Vindicator 4/22/1982
“Nelson Home Retains Charm of Southeastern Heritage” Hammond Vindicator 5/9/1982
“Edna Campbell Carves History” Hammond Daily Star 6/28/1982
“Old Train Moves To Market” Sunday Advocate 7/18/191982
“Natalbany Was Once A Booming Town” Hammond Vindicator 8/5/1982 (2 copies)
“Blacksmith Forges Life Out of a Dying Trade” Sunday Advocate 9/19/1982
“The Spirit of Christmas has Invaded” Hammond Vindicator 11/10/1982
BOX 12 Continued
19. Articles Featuring Human Interest Stories: 1983-84 (13 Items)
“Grace Church was the Scene of Movie” Hammond Vindicator 4/27/1983
“Sunken Cypress Logs Become Graceful Furniture” Hammond Vindicator 4/27/1983
“Cate Square District Nucleus” Hammond Vindicator 4/27/1983
“Albert Tolle Built houses to Last” Hammond Vindicator 6/1/1983
“Area People: Dr. Ralph Pottle Sr” Hammond Vindicator 6/30/1983
“Party Honors 90 Year Old [Fanny Carr]” Hammond Vindicator 8/18/1983
“Cotton Picking Children Had Major Role in Ponchatoula’s Oldest Church” 12/1/1983
“Strawberry Story Told [Ginger Romero]” Hammond Vindicator 3/22/1984
“Couple’s Dome Answer to Challenge” Sunday Advocate 6/10/1984 (2 copies)
“Kim Mulkey Wins Gold Medal In Olympics” Hammond Vindicator 8/15/1984
“Ida Isom ‘s Prime Hobby is Quilting” Hammond Vindicator 10/10/1984
“Five Businesses Destroyed by Early Morning Fires” Hammond Vindicator 11/24/1984
20. Articles Featuring Human Interest Stories: 1985 (12 Items)
“Hammond’s Good And Bad News for 1984” Hammond Vindicator 1/2/1985
“Social Writer Still Perks Along Railroad Avenue” Sunday Advocate 3/17/1985 (3 copies)
“Kim Mulkey Guest Speaker” Hammond Vindicator 5/2/1985
“Cate Square Stirs Memories for C. E. Cate’s Granddaughter” Hammond Vindicator 5/2/1985
“Seventh Ward General Honors Local Doctor [Deloach Thames]” Hammond Vindicator 5/9/1985
“Old Photographs Brings Memories of Baseball” Hammond Vindicator 8/8/1985 (2 copies)
“Charles Anzalone: The Immigrant Boy That Made Good” Hammond Vindicator 9/26/1985
“Laura Adams Remembers Assassination of Huey Long” Hammond Vindicator 9/26/1985
“Hungarians and Albany Celebrate” Hammond Vindicator 10/17/1985 (2 copies)
“Westside Baptist Dedicates Church” Hammond Vindicator 11/7/1985
“Fay Reimers Memory Stirred on Rally Day” Hammond Vindicator 11/7/1985
21. Articles Featuring Human Interest Stories: 1986 (33 Items)
“Old Streets To Emanate Nostalgia” Hammond Vindicator 2/13/1986
“Schaefer and Rosenblum Inducted into Hall of Fame” Hammond Vindicator 3/20/1986 (2
“There Goes Edna” Gumbo Magazine 3/23/1986 (2 copies)
“Zatarain Home on National Register” Hammond Vindicator 2/23/1986
“Bahm’s Echoes Resound Today” Hammond Vindicator 3/20/1986 (2 copies)
“Old Time Bus Service Remembered” Hammond Vindicator 4/3/1986 (3 copies)
“The End of an Era” Hammond Vindicator 4/16/1986 (3 copies)
“The Giant Strawberry Festival has a Small Headstart” Hammond Vindicator 4/10/1986
(3 copies)
“Strawberry Festival Long Ago” Hammond Vindicator 4/24/1986
“Frank Anzalone Marshal for Festival” Hammond Vindicator 5/13/1986
“Little Italy Festival Honors Town’s Heritage” Hammond Vindicator 5/13/1986
“Like Father Like Son” Hammond Vindicator 6/12/1986 (2 copies)
“Rites Held for Prominent Businessman” Hammond Vindicator 6/12/1986
“Morrison Boulevard Paved With History and Memories” Hammond Vindicator 7/27/1986
“Tangipahoa Parish School News and Memories” Hammond Vindicator 7/31/1986
“Natalbany Reds Players were Famous in that Era Long Ago” Hammond Vindicator 8/14/1986
“Rare and Exquisite Woodcarvings Burned” Hammond Vindicator 9/14/1986
“Architects Launch Out on New Firm” Hammond Vindicator 10/2/1986
“Lucy Mike to design Altar At Baton Rouge Festival” Hammond Vindicator 10/16/1986
“George Campbell Editing Copy” Hammond Vindicator 10/30/1986
“Memories and Dreams Steadfast with Landmark Remains” Hammond Vindicator 10/30/1986
“Picture of Hammond Slow Blizzard in 1890’s” Hammond Vindicator 11/7/1986
“It’s Official and Now Morrison Boulevard” Hammond Vindicator 12/23/1986
22. Articles Featuring Human Interest Stories: 1987-89 (32 Items)
“Doughboy’s Memoirs Woven with Love, Loyalty and Pathos [Harry R. Reeves]” Vindicator
“Residential Neighborhood Gets Thrill from Movie Filming” Hammond Vindicator
“Life-Story of Walter Antin” Daily Star 1/30/1987
“The Sunny Side of The Street: The Dantone Store” Hammond Vindicator 3/12/1987
“Red Carnations For the Doctors on their special Day” Hammond Vindicator 4/2/1987
“Campbell Turns Her Memories into Book” Hammond Daily Star 4/26/1987
“Mother of the Year: Estelle Stire” Hammond Vindicator 5/7/1987
“June, The Month of Traditions and Heritage” Hammond Vindicator 6/25/1987
“Seale Home Setting for Friends of Library” Hammond Vindicator 6/25/1987
“Blossoms Blend Heritage and Pride of Five Generations” Hammond Vindicator 6/25/87
(3 copies)
“Fannie Carr Celebrates 94th Birthday” Hammond Vindicator 8/27/1987
“Kim Mulkey Honored with Other La. Legends at Superdome” Hammond Vindicator 8/27/1987
“Louisiana Archives Building Dedicated” Hammond Vindicator 9/3/1987
“Jeanne Voorhees, Youth Director Appeals to Club” Hammond Vindicator 9/10/1987
“Tom Not Afraid of Thanksgiving” Hammond Vindicator 10/25/1987
“Hungarian History of Fascinating Interest to Tourists” Hammond Vindicator 11/5/1987
“The Era of Forbes Furniture to End” Hammond Vindicator 12/03/1987
“History of the Dantone Fruit Market and Store” Hammond Vindicator 12/3/1987 (2 copies)
“Downtown Catching The Flashing lights in Movie Filming” Hammond Vindicator 12/10/1987
“Christmas Music Heralds The Season” Hammond Vindicator 12/24/1987
“Old Albums Reviewed at the Christmas Season” Hammond Vindicator 12/31/1987
“The Heritage of Local Barber Shops” Hammond Vindicator 2/25/1988 (2 copies)
“Early Days of the Strawberry Industry” Hammond Vindicator 2/25/1988
“Live Oak Trees Alerted for Membership” Hammond Vindicator 3/31/1988
“Live Oak Tree Stands as a Monument” Hammond Vindicator 5/31/1988
“Hammond’s Great Train Robbery Made History” Hammond Vindicator 1/5/1989
“Memorial Day Services Held for Confederate Soldier” Hammond Vindicator 6/15/1989
“Mertie Fourmy Reflects on Cate Square as a Childhood Playground” Vindicator 9/27/1989
“Early Newspaper Claims Role In Hammond’s Centennial History” Hammond Vindicator 10/11/89
BOX 12 Continued
23. Articles Featuring Social Events: 1981-86 (22 Items)
“Fun Focuses On: Czardas-Hungarian Festival” Morning Advocate Fun 4/3/1981
“Emma Atchley Tells History of Altrusa Club” Hammond Vindicator 6/30/1983
“Ball Masque: An Intriguing Cultural Fantasy” Hammond Vindicator 9/23/1983
“Some Enchanted Evening to be Staged on March 17” Hammond Vindicator 2/23/1984
“Round Table Marks Diamond Anniversary” Hammond Vindicator 5/26/1984
“Little Italy Festival Honors Towns Heritage” Hammond Vindicator 4/24/1986
“Frank Anzalone Marshal for Festival” Hammond Vindicator 4/24/1986
“How Heritage Day Began” Hammond Vindicator 5/1/1986
“Pictures of Heritage Day: May 4, 1986” Hammond Vindicator 5/4/1986
“Heritage Day a Glorious Tribute in Our Community” Hammond Vindicator 5/8/1986
“State School Chaplain Bids Adieu with Love And Tears” Hammond Vindicator 7/10/1986
“Tributes and Song Keynoted Retirement Party” Hammond Vindicator 7/17/1986 (2 copies)
“Morrison Honored By Chamber of Commerce” Hammond Vindicator 8/7/1986
“Adam’s Rib Opens to Downtown Glory” Hammond Vindicator 8/7/1986
“Jacksons Plan Cookbook at Labor Day Reunion” Hammond Vindicator 9/4/1986
“Dr. White Talks About Fanfare” Hammond Vindicator 10/2/1986
“Rally Day Commemorates Memory of Fay Reimers” Hammond Vindicator 10/30/1986
“Chamber Provides Halloween Party” Hammond Vindicator 11/6/1986
“Jimmy Morrison Inducted into Hall of Honors” Hammond Vindicator 11/27/1986
“Hammond Club Yule Party in Tricou Home” Hammond Vindicator 12/18/1986 (2 copies)
24. Articles Featuring Social Events: 1987-89 (12 Items)
“Powell Casey Addresses Crowd at Village of Tangipahoa Dedication”
“Flowers, Tributes, Music, and Memories ingredients for Golden Age Party” Vindicator
“Eat, Drink and be Merry at the Italian Festival” Hammond Vindicator 4/23/1987
“Down Memory Lane on Hammond’s Eighth Heritage Day, Part I” Hammond Vindicator 4/23/1987
“Memory Lane on Hammond Eighth heritage Day citing People and places, Part II” Hammond
Vindicator 4/30/1987
“Heritage Day Affords Family Oriented Fun and Heritage” Hammond Vindicator 5/7/1987
“NARFE Members Stage Benefit for Alzheimer’s Research” Hammond Vindicator 6/11/1987
“Hammond AARP Chapter Celebrates Constitution” Hammond Vindicator 7/23/1987
“Hammond’s Centennial Moves Along with Pride” Hammond Vindicator 5/25/1989
“Hammond’s Birthday Celebration this weekend” Hammond Vindicator 10/18/1989
“Centennial Event at Cate Square to be Spectacular” Hammond Vindicator 10/18/1989
“Hammond’s 100th Birthday Celebration was Beautiful” Hammond Vindicator 10/25/1989
BOX 12 Continued
25. Articles Featuring the United Daughters of the Confederacy: 1980’s (37 Items)
“Parker Addresses UDC” Hammond Vindicator 1/27/1980 (2 copies)
“UDC Convention here Big Success” Hammond Vindicator 5/15/1980 (2 copies)
“Civil War Re-enactment At Camp Moore Last Weekend” Hammond Vindicator 9/22/1983
“History Unfolds at UDC Memorial Day Ceremony” Hammond Vindicator 6/3/1985
“UDC Elects Officers at Meeting” Hammond Vindicator 2/6/1986
“Children of Confederacy Hold Convention” Hammond Vindicator 6/12/1986 (2 copies)
“UDC Opposes Camp Moore Closure” Hammond Vindicator 9/11/1986
“UDC Founders Day” Hammond Vindicator 9/11/1986
“UDC Meet in Pierson Home” Hammond Vindicator 10/6/1986
“UDC Celebrates at Mount Villa”Hammond Vindicator 12/18/1986 (2 copies)
“Camp Moore Meets” Hammond Vindicator 12/18/1986 (3 copies)
“UDC Plans Anniversary and Hears historical Programs” Hammond Vindicator
“UDC Meets in Ford Home” Hammond Vindicator 3/12/1987
“UDC Elects Ella Pickens Chapter President” Hammond Vindicator 4/9/1987
“UDC District Meeting Held in Hammond” Hammond Vindicator 4/12/1987
“Thomas Jefferson Butler UDC observes Confederate Memorial Day” Hammond Vindicator
“UDC Plans Programs for Fall” Hammond Vindicator 7/2/1987 (2 copies)
“Mrs. McMorris Speaker for UDC” Hammond Vindicator 11/12/87
“Ladies prepare for Convention” Hammond Vindicator 3/31/1988
“Confederate Daughter Leaves Snowbound Country [Mary Boyd Jenkins]” Hammond Vindicator
“Mary Jennings is a Real Daughter of the Confederacy” Hammond Vindicator 1/12/1989
“Camp Moore History Told By Mrs. Allen Pierson” Hammond Vindicator 5/11/1989
“Local UDC Members Attend Convention” Hammond Vindicator 5/11/1989
“UDC Plans Yearbooks” Hammond Vindicator 7/20/1989
“Confederate Daughters Hold Patriotic Program” Hammond Vindicator 10/11/1989 (2 copies)
“Camp Moore UDC Holds Patriotic Program” Hammond Vindicator 10/18/1989
DAR Newspaper Clippings
“Daughters of American Colonist Meet in Hammond” Hammond Vindicator 12/18/1986 (2
“DAR Installation Picnic at Rossie Home in Hammond” Hammond Vindicator 5/28/1987
BOX 13
1. Articles Featuring Arts and Entertainment: 1990’s (38 Items)
“Happiness is painting at Levy Art” Hammond Vindicator
“Nesom Store Artistry Stirs Nostalgia” Hammond Vindicator
“Gloria Ross Mail Car Art Gallery Artist” Hammond Vindicator
“Christmas Memories” Hammond Vindicator
“Youthful Ceramists take a turn at the Wheel” Hammond Vindicator
“Dot Schiavi Spotlighted at Art Gallery” Hammond Vindicator
“Young Thespians Perform Wonderland and Oz” Hammond Vindicator
“Gallery Features Margie Newman as Month’s Artist” Hammond Vindicator
“Gallery Focuses Art in Levy’s Showcase” Hammond Vindicator
“Budding Artists Praise T-Shirts” Hammond Vindicator
“Shirley Thomas Shows Off Ceramic” Hammond Vindicator
“Summer Fun Continues” Hammond Vindicator
“Arts May Turn for Cultural Foundation” Hammond Vindicator
“Julia Sims’ Photography on Art Display” Hammond Vindicator
“Golden Age Club Presents Art Exhibit” Hammond Vindicator
“Reception Honors Julia Simms” Hammond Vindicator
“Bunnie Kent’s Art on Display at First Guaranty Bank” Hammond Vindicator
“Summer Fun Now in Progress” Hammond Vindicator
“Famous Nutcracker Ballet Harmonizes with Rhythmic Garden” Hammond Vindicator
“Falling for Art Captivates Autumn’s Seasonal Dress” Hammond Vindicator
“Gladys Keaghy: Artist of the Month” Hammond Vindicator
“Children’s Art from the Parish Displayed in the Levy Building” Hammond Vindicator
“Haitian Art Featured” Hammond Vindicator
“Ruby Adams: Artist of the Month” Hammond Vindicator
“Art Class Makes Debut at First Guaranty Gallery” Hammond Vindicator
“Bobb Semple Named Hammond Artist of July” Hammond Vindicator
“Art Chimes for Good Old Summertime” Hammond Vindicator
“Creative Camp fun for Children’s Summer” Hammond Vindicator
“Birthday Greetings Echo Musical for Honoree Hans Schneider” Hammond Vindicator
“A Woven Basket not Decreed a Need but a Cherished Must” Hammond Vindicator
“Christmas Decor Holiday Plans Harmonized Joy and Pleasantry” Hammond Vindicator
“Innovative Molding Inspires Vibrant Art” Hammond Vindicator
“Artistic Watercolors Inspire Guests” Hammond Vindicator
“Floral Designers and Mother Nature’s Gems Vied for Honors” Hammond Vindicator
“Hans and Mariella Schneider featured artist in exhibit” Hammond Vindicator
“All Downtown is a Stage Stepped With Musical Stroll” Hammond Vindicator
“Jazzy Concert and brown Bag Luncheon Beckons All” Hammond Vindicator
“An Overture of Music Chimes for Chamber Block Party” Hammond Vindicator
BOX 13 Continued
2. Articles Featuring Arts and Entertainment: 1990’s (30 Items)
“Heritage and History Interwoven in Needlepoint Show” Hammond Vindicator 5/3/1993
“Gladys Keaghy is Honored” The Ponchatoula Enterprise 5/19/1993
“Exhibit Planned for Cultural Foundation” Hammond Vindicator 7/7/1994
“Hammond’s One Room Made Indelible Legacy” Hammond Vindicator 9/1/1994
“Reception Honors Artist of Month” Hammond Vindicator 6/22/1995
“Art Legacy, A Stepping Stone to All in the Family” Hammond Vindicator 12/2/1995
“Azalea Splendor Heralds Spring at Shadow Creek” Hammond Vindicator 4/3/1996
“Gallery Stroll, Exhibits Upstage Previous Ones” Hammond Vindicator 4/24/1996
“Floral Artistries Spring Interlude for garden club” Hammond Vindicator 5/22/1996
“Local Art Exhibit Shines Downtown” Hammond Vindicator 6/26/1996
“The Merits of Creative Art” Hammond Vindicator 7/10/1996
“Art in Her Office and in Her Home” Hammond Vindicator 7/17/1996
“Undersea Images Wave Mysticly to Create Artistic Scenery” Hammond Vindicator 9/4/1996
“Float Down the Bayou or Creek with a Camera at My Side” Hammond Vindicator 9/4/1996
“A Tisket, A Tasket, A Woven Basket” Hammond Vindicator 9/7/1996
“Sunflower Art Chimes Plans of Color Harmony” Hammond Vindicator 11/6/1996
“Art and Flower Show Keeps Step with Fanfare’s Gallery’s Best” Hammond Vindicator
“Hammond Art League Members Envision History Through Rose Cored Glasses” Hammond
Vindicator 11/20/1996
“A Flowery Trail Guides Guests to Spring Art Show” Hammond Vindicator 3/19/1997
“Watercolors Challenge an Overture with Basket Weaving” Hammond Vindicator 7/2/1997
“Photos Excel With Realistic Shading for Artist of the Month” Hammond Vindicator 7/30/1997
“Shoppers Haven marked With Treasures and Symmetry” Hammond Vindicator 10/15/1997
“Interest in Famous Art Hastened Artist’s Footsteps to the Easel” Hammond Vindicator
“Christmas Wreaths Boughs of Holly for the Season to be Jolly” Hammond Vindicator
“Art Exhibit Exploits Keen Sensitivity in Harmony of Colors” Hammond Vindicator 11/26/1997
“Hammond Art Center Stands Tall with New Name, New Fame” Hammond Vindicator 2/11/1998
“Art Center Rose Briskly Alive with Historical Items” Hammond Vindicator 3/11/1998
“Arts, Letters and Books Attract Show in Sunny South” Hammond Vindicator 4/1/1998
“Regional Art Center Opens with a Showcase Gallery Of Creativity” Hammond Vindicator
3. Articles Featuring Awards Received: 1990’s (6 Items)
“CSB Captures Link Award” Hammond Vindicator
“The Link Award Continues City Beautification Crusade” Hammond Vindicator
“Hammond Vindicator’s Edna Campbell Wins Award for Poetry” Hammond Vindicator
“Dedicated Citizens March into Hall of Fame”
“Edna Campbell Named Garden Club Member of the Year” Hammond Vindicator 5/29/1992
“Campbell Wins Awards for Hammond Vindicator” Hammond Vindicator 5/1/1996
BOX 13 Continued
4. Articles Featuring Chefs of the Week: 1990’s (19 Items)
“Eggplant Casserole” Christine Dantone Hammond Vindicator
“Coconut Cake” Polly Evans Hammond Vindicator
“Divinity Candy” Mary Jennings Hammond Vindicator
“Marinated Carrots” Nell Anderson Hammond Vindicator
“Pork Chop Suey American Style Peggy Craig Hammond Vindicator
“Meat Sauce” Ruth Guichard Hammond Vindicator
“Squash Casserole” Irma Coumes Hammond Vindicator
“Vegetable Casserole” Margaret Dekergland Hammond Vindicator
“Smothered Chicken” Mae Delaune Hammond Vindicator
“Amaretto Orange Cake” Ann Biundo Hammond Vindicator
“Chicken and Broccoli Casserole” Babs Triou Hammond Vindicator
“Catfish Bon Aire” Babs Tricou Hammond Vindicator
“Zero Salad Dressing” Peggy Craig Hammond Vindicator
“Broccoli, Ham and Cheese Casserole” Ruth Guichard Hammond Vindicator
“Bean Salad” Shirley Thomas Hammond Vindicator
“Squash Pudding” Rita Gahn Hammond Vindicator
“Buttermilk Pralines” Ella Pickens Hammond Vindicator
“Tamale Pie” Ray Babin Hammond Vindicator
“Low Calorie Popovers” Phyllis Mire Hammond Vindicator
5. Articles Featuring Chefs of the Week: 1990’s (16 Items)
“Buttermilk Cake” Christine Dantone Hammond Vindicator
“Strawberry Pie” Lucy Mike King Hammond Vindicator
“Christmas Hard Candy” Ruth Guichard Hammond Vindicator
“Caramel Popcorn” Rita Gahn Hammond Vindicator
“Easy Pralines” Ann Mcintyre Hammond Vindicator
“Pound Cake” Cele Mele Hammond Vindicator
“Gingerbread” Artemis Hussser Hammond Vindicator 1/1/1992
“Chicken Enchiladas” Ann Biundo Hammond Vindicator
“Meat Ball Stew” Nell Anderson Hammond Vindicator
“Applesauce Cake” Virginia Langston Hammond Vindicator
“Cabbage Patch Coleslaw Rita Gahn Hammond Vindicator
“Brownies” Linda Ryan Hammond Vindicator
“Date-nut Filled Cookies” Belle Kuchins Hammond Vindicator
“Lastrawberry Cake” Ruby Drude Hammond Vindicator
“Seafood Gumbo” Josephine Onofry Hammond Vindicator 5/19/1993
“Seven-Up Cake” Faye Smith Hammond Vindicator 1/13/1993
BOX 13 Continued
6. Articles Featuring Chefs of the Week: 1990’s (28 Items)
“Foundation Cookbook Project Underway”
” ?????????????? Ercell Fortenberry Hammond Vindicator
“Blueberry Muffins” Evelyn Patterson Hammond Vindicator
“Stuffed Celery” Ruth Nesom Hammond Vindicator
“Chocalate Chip Cookies Sally Giacone Hammond Vindicator
“Gingerbread” Grace Guichet Hammond Vindicator
“Carrot Cake” Christine Danton Hammond Vindicator
“Pecan Pie” Evelyn Patterson Hammond Vindicator
“Frozen Strawberry Pie” Ruth Guichard Hammond Vindicator
“Glazed Strawberry Tarts” Ann Biundo Hammond Vindicator
“Strawberry Chiffon Pie” Nell Anderson Hammond Vindicator
“Strawberry Whipped Cream” Ruby Drude Hammond Vindicator
“Pear Cake” Virginia Langston Hammond Vindicator
“Coconut Cake” Linda Ryan Hammond Vindicator
“Strawberry Pie” Shirley Thomas Hammond Vindicator
” ???????????????” Ann Mcintyre Hammond Vindicator
“Pineapple-Nut Cake” Nell Anderson Hammond Vindicator
“Brownies” Josephine Onofry Hammond Vindicator
“Sweet Potatoes In Orange Shells” Virginia Langston Hammond Vindicator
“Stuffed Peppers” Rosalie Tubre Hammond Vindicator
“Quick Chicken Pie” Helen Backstop Hammond Vindicator
“Pecan Pralines” Myrtle Hejtmancik Hammond Vindicator
“Turkey Dressing” Elaine Wilson Hammond Vindicator
“Tea Cakes” Irma Coumes Hammond Vindicator
“Oatmeal Cookies” Dorothy Perrin Hammond Vindicator
“Banana Bread” Ollie Robertson Hammond Vindicator 6/13/1993
“Jambalaya” Gladys Keaghey Hammond Vindicator
“Strawberry Pie” Linda Ryan Hammond Vindicator
7. Articles Featuring City Improvements: 1990’s (10 Items)
“Link Award is Given to New Morrison Square Law Office” Hammond Vindicator
“Downtown Hammond is on Building Upswing” Hammond Vindicator (2 copies)
“North Cate Street opt city Revitalization upswing” Hammond Vindicator (2 copies)
“A Bird’s Eye View and Lively Tour Lifts Optimistic for New Year” Hammond Vindicator
“Reroofing Project Brings Changes to Old Church” Hammond Vindicator
“Mexican Restaurant to make Debut in Downtown Hub” Hammond Vindicator (2 copies)
“Gewalt Dreams of Changing City’s Face” Hammond Vindicator 5/1/1996
“What’s in a Name?”Hammond Vindicator 7/31/1996
“To Be or Not To Be Hall Restoration Gets Nod From City” Hammond Vindicator 7/31/1996
(2 copies)
“Autumn’s Bright Blue Weather Spurs Downtown Sprucing” Hammond Vindicator 8/25/1996
“Extension of Post Office Entangles a Dramatic” Hammond Vindicator 10/16/1996
“Christmas Finds Downtown on Optimistic Upswing” Hammond Vindicator 12/31/1997 (2)
BOX 13 Continued
8. Articles Featuring the Daughters of the American Revolution: 1990’s (36 Items)
“Remembering DAR and Its Charter Member” Hammond Vindicator 10/3/1990
“DAR Centennial Tea Marked with Lineage and Legacy” Hammond Vindicator 10/24/90
“Berey Home Setting For Picnic” Hammond Vindicator 12/1/1990
“Two DAR Members Serve as Chairmen” Hammond Vindicator 2/1991
“DAR Continues Centennial Year Program” Hammond Vindicator 3/1991
“Daughters Of American Revolution Hold Reception” Hammond Vindicator 4/22/1992
“DAR Has Celebration” Hammond Vindicator 4/22/1992
“DAR Plans to Continue Planning Centennial Goals” Hammond Vindicator 9/1992
“Expressions of Christmas Music Theme of DAR Meeting” Hammond Vindicator 12/92
“An Approach to Spring’s Uplift” Hammond Vindicator 1/23/1993
“Picnic To Close Out DAR Year” Hammond Vindicator 5/12/1993
“DAR Praises Washington” Hammond Vindicator 2/1995
“DAR Hears Facts on Camp Moore History” Hammond Vindicator 5/11/1995
“DAR Resounds Across the Nation” Hammond Vindicator 10/1995
“Stepping by the Light” Hammond Vindicator 2/7/1996
“DAR Closes Year With Spring Picnic” Hammond Vindicator 5/15/1996
“Former Mayor Lauds DAR” Hammond Vindicator 5/1/1996
“Garden Picnic Heralds Summer Recess for DAR” Hammond Vindicator 6/5/1996
“Education a Timely Topic for DAR for Autumn Session” Hammond Vindicator 11/6/1996
“All About National Defense Soars High” Hammond Vindicator 3/5/1997
“Historic Springfield Beckoned DAR for May Picnic” Hammond Vindicator 6/4/1997
“National Defense DAR Program Extols its theme and goals” Hammond Vindicator 2/25/1998
“History Chapter Focus on Depot Legacy” Hammond Vindicator
“DAR Hears Talk on Restoration” Hammond Vindicator
“Shadow Creek Setting for Tea” Hammond Vindicator
“DAR Receives Honorary Certificate” Hammond Vindicator
“St. Amant Home Setting for DAR Hammond Vindicator
“DAR Recently Told of Literary Challenge” Hammond Vindicator
“DAR Plans for New Year in Early Fall” Hammond Vindicator
“DAR History Stands Tall as it Ushers Fall” Hammond Vindicator
“DAR Chose Turnbull Home Monthly Meeting” Hammond Vindicator 5/21/1997
“Constitution Week at beginning of Autumn” Hammond Vindicator
“Sound of Music and Legendary Epics Beckon DAR” Hammond Vindicator
“The Wearing of DAR Insignias” Hammond Vindicator
“Golden Yellow Frosted Pumpkins at DAR Program” Hammond Vindicator 11/5/1997
9. Articles Featuring The Hammond Garden Club: 1990’s (43 Items)
“Zemurray Gardens Link Floral Beauty and Heritage” Hammond Vindicator 3/15/90
“Marjorie Morrison Goes to England” Hammond Vindicator 5/24/90
“Hammond Garden Club History Told” Hammond Vindicator 11/14/90 (2 copies)
“Hammond Garden Clubs Have Colorful History” Hammond Vindicator 7/3/91 (2 copies)
“Garden Club Meets in Clarke Home” Hammond Vindicator 9/1991
“Gardenette History Centennial Important Event” Hammond Vindicator 1/7/1992
“Spring Hats and Flowers Set Garden Club Theme” Hammond Vindicator 3/25/1992
“Garden Club Holds Meeting” Hammond Vindicator 12/2/1992 (2 copies)
“Garden Clubs Deck Park with Boughs of Holly” Hammond Vindicator 12/2/1992 (2 copies)
“Town and Country Garden Club Meets in Pottle Home” Hammond Vindicator 1/1993 (2 copies)
“Town and Country Garden Club Plants Tree in Memory of Bishop Stanley Ott” Vindicator
“Giacone Home Setting for Garden Club Meeting” Hammond Vindicator 2/3/93 (2 copies)
“Palmers Capture Garden of the Month” Hammond Vindicator 4/1993
“Robbie Moskau Finishes Term as Chairman” Hammond Vindicator 5/19/1993 (2 copies)
“Garden Club beautifies Grounds of Hammond Library” Hammond Vindicator 9/1993
“Bessie Robertson’s Daisies Capture Award” Hammond Vindicator 9/1993
“Green, Greener, Greenest Conjugates with City’s Themes” Hammond Vindicator 7/28/1994
“Garden Club learns of Hodges Garden” Hammond Vindicator 3/2/1995
“Garden of the Month Award Winner” Hammond Vindicator 5/18/1995 (2 copies)
“Importance of Herbs to Good Health Told to Garden Club” Hammond Vindicator 6/1/1995
“Azaleas Glorify Spring” Hammond Vindicator 4/24/1996 (2 copies)
“English Ivy Envelopes the Conclusion of Garden Club Session” Hammond Vindicator 10/16/1996
“Tillers of the Soil Join arts and flower Gallery Stroll” Hammond Vindicator 11/6/1996
(2 copies)
“All About the Home Garden told to the Club” Hammond Vindicator 1/22/97 (2 copies)
“Floral Designers and Mother Nature’s Gems Vied for Honors” Hammond Vindicator 2/26/1997
“Christmas Wreaths Boughs of Holly for the season to be Jolly” Hammond Vindicator
11/26/97 (2)
“Valentines and Trees Overture for Garden Club Luncheon” Hammond Vindicator 3/4/1998
“Azaleas Overture Resplendent” Hammond Vindicator 4/1/1998 (2 copies)
10. Articles Featuring The Hammond Garden Club: 1990’s (40 Items)
“Garden Club Meets in Giacone Home” Hammond Vindicator
“Garden Club Awards Plaque to Doris Ables” Hammond Vindicator
“Gilda Posey Receives Club Plaque” Hammond Vindicator
“Azaleas Adorn The Trails on the James Morrison Homesite” Hammond Vindicator
“Azalea Splendor Heralds Spring at Shadowcreek” Hammond Vindicator (2 copies)
“Roses And Oaks Pave Path for Beans Garden of the Month” Hammond Vindicator
“Town and Country Club Heralds Season with Carols” Hammond Vindicator
“Town and Country Garden Special Arbor Day Planned” Hammond Vindicator
“Vibrant Blossoms Vie for Favor in Spring” Hammond Vindicator
“Old Smiles at Recent Azaleas Tour” Hammond Vindicator
“Tones of Harmony Tune garden Club Protocol” Hammond Vindicator
“How Does My Garden grow; Theme of Garden Club” Hammond Vindicator (2 copies)
“Water Lily’s Spring Program Held” Hammond Vindicator
“Club Hears About Roses” Hammond Vindicator (2 copies)
“In a City of Zest for Greenery How does the Garden Clubs Grow? Hammond Vindicator
“Grassroots for a clean town being revitalized” Hammond Vindicator
“Garden of the Month Busy on Morris Street” Hammond Vindicator
“Town and Country Garden Club Gather” Hammond Vindicator (2 copies)
“Fall Planting escalates Plans for Garden” Hammond Vindicator
“Town and Country Garden Learns of Art of Floral Bisque” Hammond Vindicator (2 copies)
“Innovation Plant Exchange Activities” Hammond Vindicator (2 copies)
“Hammond Garden Club Celebrated Le Fleur De Lis” Hammond Vindicator (2 copies)
“Garden Club Members were Urged to Beautify With Wildflowers” Hammond Vindicator
“Zemmuray Gardens Stand Tall in Hammond Area History” Hammond Vindicator
“The Essence of Posies a Panacea for Spring Ailments” Hammond Vindicator (2 copies)
“Tree Planted on Arbor by Garden Club” Hammond Vindicator (2 copies)
“Rolling Hills Interwoven with Azaleas Glorified Plan of Color Harmony” Hammond Vindicator
“Garden Club Inspires Tour of Home and Garden Trekking” Hammond Vindicator (2 copies)
“Reflection of Old-fashion Tea Hails Garden Club’s New Year” Hammond Vindicator
11. Articles Featuring Historic Sites: 1990’s (29 Items)
“Presbyterian Church Celebrates Anniversary” Hammond Vindicator 5/15/1996 (2 copies)
“Good Ole Summertime Chimes With Clarke Park” Hammond Vindicator 7/3/1996 (2 copies)
“Top News Stirs Nostalgia and Peaks Headliners” Hammond Vindicator
“Treasures of the Past, Relics of the Future” Hammond Vindicator 6/25/1997 (2 copies)
“Historic Building Stands Tall” Hammond Vindicator 6/18/1997 (2 copies)
“Historic Street Lamps Blend Carols” Hammond Vindicator 12/17/1997 (2 copies)
“The Columbia Theatre May Stand Tall Again” Hammond Vindicator 10/29/1997 (2 copies)
“Change of Face Tone of Pace Overtures Landmark’s Case” Hammond Vindicator 8/20/1997
“Downtown Kaliedoscope Blends Legacies with New” Hammond Vindicator 1/29/1997 (2 copies)
“Monetary Legacy Takes a Bow as Business Site” Hammond Vindicator (2 copies)
“The Old Eastside School” Hammond Vindicator 11/27/1996
“Money is Not a Panacea for all Needs but often Heals a Dire Need” Hammond Vindicator
“Let There be Music and Stained Glass Memorials” Hammond Vindicator 1/11/1996 (2 copies)
“Something Old, Something New Interwoven with Dreams and Memories True” Vindicator
“Music and Special Songs Herald Christmas” Hammond Vindicator 12/10/1997
“Descendants of Mount Villa add to areas History” Hammond Vindicator 3/27/1996
“What’s in a name [Citizens National Bank]?” Hammond Vindicator (2 copies)
“Chosen Site for New Library is steeped in Heritage” Hammond Vindicator 11/17/1995
(2 copies)
“Neill Corporation buys old Guaranty Bank building” Hammond Vindicator
12. Articles Featuring Historic Sites: 1990’s (38 Items)
“Old Crain Depot a Tourist Attraction” Hammond Vindicator
“For Whom the Bell Toll s at Christmas” Hammond Vindicator 1/6/1993 (2 copies)
“Home Donated to Southeastern being Restored” Hammond Vindicator (2 copies)
“Heritage Moves from Cate’s Home to Early Brickyard” Hammond Vindicator
“Hospital Memorialized by Marker” Hammond Vindicator 7/7/1993 (2 copies)
“Schools Bells Chime for School Time” Hammond Vindicator (2 copies)
“A Corner Brightened with Restored White Homes” Hammond Vindicator (2 copies)
“Downtown Post Office a Mecca for All Town’s People” Hammond Vindicator
“Hail 1993 Optical Illusion Visions The Old and the New” Hammond Vindicator 1/6/1993
“Wiginton Hospital to be Remembered in Ceremony” Hammond Vindicator 6/9/1993
“Dynamic History Links Landmark’s Memory and Legacy” Hammond Vindicator 7/6/1995 (2)
“Louisiana Locals Optimistic of Main Street” Hammond Vindicator 8/3/1995 (2 copies)
“Landmark’s Dedication Cited by Historian’s Poem and Epic” Hammond Vindicator (2 copies)
“Legacy Sparks Hope and Life” Hammond Vindicator
12. Articles Featuring Historic Sites: 1990’s (38 Items) Continued
“Ebenezer Homecomers Note Past and Present Progress” Hammond Vindicator 6/29/1995
“Railroad Serves as a Reminder of Yesterday” Hammond Vindicator (2 copies)
“Old Railroad Depot Adds Chapter to Hammond History” Hammond Vindicator 1/26/1995
“Imperial Oak Tree, A Representative of Live Oak Society” Hammond Vindicator
“Historic Annie Eastman School still a Headliner” Hammond Vindicator 1992
“Old Photos Stir Nostalgia” Hammond Vindicator 1991
“Remodeled Building Has History” Hammond Vindicator (2 copies)
“Oak Knoll Country Club’s Early History” Hammond Vindicator
“Thanksgiving thoughts Turn to Churches” Hammond Vindicator
“Schools and Leaders are remember” Hammond Vindicator
“Remembering the Old Hammond Mill” Hammond Vindicator
“Removal of Railway Track stir Nostalgia in Hammond” Hammond Vindicator
“Historical Tour Set for Hammond” Hammond Vindicator 5/10/1990
“Remembering…Days of Horseback and Hardware Stores” Hammond Vindicator (2 copies)
13. Articles Featuring Human Interest Stories: 1990’s (39 Items)
“Hammond Fire Department marks century of history” Hammond Vindicator 10/23/1996 (2
“Linden Avenue resident honored on 95th birthday” Hammond Vindicator (2 copies)
“Buses Travel round/round on scenic ground” Hammond Vindicator (2 copies)
“Educating people at home in glass houses” Hammond Vindicator
“Wiginton hospital to be remembered in ceremony” Hammond Vindicator 6/9/1993
“Emma’s dollhouse will be recalled” Hammond Vindicator 6/23/1993 (2 copies)
“Heritage Manor Nursing Home city’s first health facility” Hammond Vindicator (2 copies)
“Billie Van Huss cuts the King Cake” Hammond Vindicator
“Early Daily Paper Recalled” Hammond Vindicator 10/28/1993 (2 copies)
“Heritage Day observed” Hammond Vindicator 10/28/1993
“Boats Catch Your Eye” Hammond Vindicator 8/5/1993
“Main street awards chime a tuneful upswing” Hammond Vindicator
“Birthday and reunion celebrated” Hammond Vindicator (2 copies)
“Sharon Sledge: Volunteer of the Year” Hammond Vindicator
“Gloria Ross Honored with reception at First Guaranty” Hammond Vindicator
“Miller Memorial Library has new manager” Hammond Vindicator
“Bus traveling was a popular service” Hammond Vindicator (2 copies)
“Main street awards chime a tuneful upswing” Hammond Vindicator
“Mexican Restaurant to make debut in downtown hub” Hammond Vindicator (2 copies)
“Chamber’s office scribe retires with whirls of accolades and praise” Hammond Vindicator
(2 copies)
“King cakes borrow showily hues from Mardi Gras” Hammond Vindicator (2 copies)
“Dedicated citizens march into Hall of Fame” Hammond Vindicator (2 copies)
“Ruth Hebert Celebrates Birthday” Hammond Vindicator (2 copies)
“Music and stained glass windows marked church holiday programs” Hammond Vindicator
“Speak not of wasted affection, affection never was wasted” Hammond Vindicator (2
“Annie Eastman School” Hammond Vindicator
“And, what is so rare as a day in June . . .” Hammond Vindicator
BOX 13 Continued
14. Articles Featuring Human Interest Stories: 1990’s (36 Items)
“George Campbell era ended with passing of last editor” Hammond Vindicator 12/31/1997
“Hammond Vindicator and its chief” Hammond Vindicator
“Christmas finds downtown on the optimistic upswing” Hammond Vindicator 10/21/1992
“Immanuel Baptist Church marks tenth” Hammond Vindicator
“Echoes of local history” Hammond Vindicator
“Zemurray Gardens link floral beauty and heritage” Hammond Vindicator (2 copies)
“City’s history told by street names” Hammond Vindicator (2 copies)
“Bob Hopes lifestyle shines with each decade” Hammond Vindicator (2 copies)
“A posey for a school teacher reigns supreme” Hammond Vindicator (2 copies)
“Golden Age members still traverse goldspun ideals” Hammond Vindicator (2 copies)
“Century old drug store floats with balloons” Hammond Vindicator (2 copies)
“Nearing a century of shodding shoes, buttons and bows” Hammond Vindicator 8/14/96
(2 copies)
“Vintage pharmacy geared” Hammond Vindicator 8/21/1996 (2 copies)
“Berry City’s Main Street turns to glory” Hammond Vindicator
“Home accessories, gift and coffee add to gift shop gems” Hammond Vindicator
“Teacher learns that grass grows greener on other side of Alaska” Hammond Vindicator
“Signing of the Magna Charta celebrated” Hammond Vindicator (2 copies)
“What’s in a name [Casa de Fresa]?” Hammond Vindicator
“Mary Bales wins gold” Hammond Vindicator
“Opal Wild Honored with church-wide Retirement Luncheon” Hammond Vindicator (2 copies)
“A famous name emerges from past era [Annie Eastman]” Hammond Vindicator
“Public Library has good entertainment” Hammond Vindicator
“Golden anniversary celebrated at the mall” Hammond Vindicator
“Downtown district has amazing re-birth” Hammond Vindicator
“Live Oak to make debut in Hammond” Hammond Vindicator 7/16/1997
“Farewell Chimes to hardware and overture to estates and homes [Locascio’s]” Hammond
15. Articles Featuring Human Interest Stories: 1990’s (21 Items)
“Lest we forget the locomotion and the mainline” Hammond Vindicator
“Birthday greetings echo musical for honoree Hans Schneider” Hammond Vindicator 10/2/1996
“A picture means more than a thousand words” Hammond Vindicator
“Shelley Griffin wins Review” Hammond Vindicator
“Strawberry Ambassador Lucy Mike King inspires all” Hammond Vindicator 4/20/1995
“Historic barber pole moved with sadness” Hammond Vindicator 1/17/90
“How can you make them pour tea, after great Paris? Hammond Vindicator
“Birthday Party is Grand Finale” Hammond Vindicator (2 copies)
“Link award is given to new Morrison square office” Hammond Vindicator
“Wannamakers observe 50th anniversary” Hammond Vindicator
“Children’s art at the Levy Building” Hammond Vindicator
“A woven basket is not decreed a need but a cherished must” Hammond Vindicator 6/11/1997
“Gewalt dreams of changing city’s face” Hammond Vindicator
“Memorabilia placed in archives” Hammond Vindicator
“Downtown Hammond resumes normal pattern” Hammond Vindicator
“Another charmer building on downtown upswing” Hammond Vindicator
“Country market celebration on July 11th” Hammond Vindicator (2 copies)
“City’s former theater geared with facelift wins link award” Hammond Vindicator
“Heritage groups hold memorial services” Hammond Vindicator
“Storefront facelift culminates welcome” Hammond Vindicator
“Mary Jennings Chef of the Week” Hammond Vindicator
16. Articles Featuring Louisiana Pen Women: 1990’s (11 Items)
“Pen Women to meet at Taste of Bavaria”
“Lakeshore home setting for show and tell program luncheon” Hammond Vindicator 12/23/1992
“Pen Women artist display artistries”
“Pen Women plan to exhibit in Hammond”
“Times contributor, veteran newswoman wins statewide recognition in Louisiana for
feature story on
Ponchatoula’s engine” Ponchatoula Times 4/1/1993
“Pen Women Share Notes”
“Hammond pen women enter statewide art exhibit” Hammond Vindicator 8/31/1995
“Bells ring loudly for pen women” Hammond Vindicator
“State’s Pen Women meet in Ross home” Hammond Vindicator 6/19/1996
“Pens, brushes, easels lend the floor to Christmas Banter” 12/31/1997
“Celebrating Edna Campbell Day” Sunday Star 9/8/1996
17. Articles Featuring Social Events: 1990’s (29 Items)
“Church of Christ dedicates nursery to former member” Hammond Vindicator 2/27/1991
“Golden Agers usher in the Christmas season with luncheon” Hammond Vindicator
“Heritage Day sponsors spectacular at Cate Square”
“Dinner Bell chimes for Pines District retirees” Ponchatoula Times 9/3/1992
“Music and stained glass window market church programs during the holidays” Hammond
Vindicator 1/1/1992
“Street Life Luncheon spreads merriment over town” Hammond Vindicator
“Veteran’ s Day Remembered” Hammond Vindicator
“Family of Dr. Ralph Pottle attend dedication rites” Hammond Vindicator
“Morrisons Honored for Meaningful Support” Hammond Vindicator
“Novel Chapeaux upstage mad hatters tea” Hammond Vindicator
“Fanfare has arrived” Hammond Vindicator
“Memories keynote farewell party for local leader” Hammond Vindicator
“Hammond Celebrates Heritage Day” Hammond Vindicator 9/16/1993
“Lively music to their ears with Bob Priez” Hammond Vindicator 7/16/1993
“Global Wildlife Center and tours kept foundation on a merry wild chase” Hammond Vindicator
“Colorful floats invade Ponchatoula, the Strawberry Capital of Louisiana” Vindicator
“Spring hats top luncheon” Hammond Vindicator 5/26/1993
“Market celebration winds off on a galatone” Hammond Vindicator
“Recollections of Hammond” Hammond Vindicator
“City’s Former Theater Geared with Facelift Wins Link Award” Hammond Vindicator
“Festival proclaims best of the crop” Hammond Vindicator 4/17/1996
“Happiness sparkle from holly day Christmas trees for Christmas prelude” Vindicator
“Immanuel deacons prelude spring song” Hammond Vindicator
“Fanfare celebrates swing along brown bags and jazz” Hammond Vindicator 10/16/1996
“Memorial brick walls perpetuate spectacular history of Cate Square” Vindicator 7/17/1996
“Crowning Achievement” Hammond Vindicator 1997
“Hail the trumpets call to SLU’s Fanfare” Hammond Vindicator
“Strawberry Festival crowns its own” Hammond Vindicator
“Veteran journalist honored by Miller Memorial Library [Edna Campbell]” Vindicator
18. Articles Featuring United Daughters of the Confederacy: 1990’s (24 Items)
“Ella Pickens entertains UDC Chapter” 10/24/1990
“Mitchell home setting for UDC Chapter” Hammond Vindicator 11/14/1990
“Joseph home setting for UDC meeting” Hammond Vindicator
“UDC meets in Victoria Starns home” Hammond Vindicator
“Plans finalized for UDC convention in Hammond” Hammond Vindicator 4/1991
“UDC Chapter meets in Bahm home” Hammond Vindicator 5/22/1991
“UDC meets in Pickens home” Hammond Vindicator
“Founding of local UDC chapter told by Veronica Fannaly” Ponchatoula Times 9/24/1992
“Mitchell home setting for meeting” Hammond Vindicator
“UDC meets in Onofry home” Hammond Vindicator
“UDC convention convenes in land of strawberries” Hammond Vindicator
“UDC Christmas meeting held at Green Shutters recently” Hammond Vindicator
“Founding of UDC told” Hammond Vindicator
“UDC officers discuss Robert E. Lee’s birthday celebration
“Robert E. Lee’s birthday celebrated” Hammond Vindicator
“Myrtle Hejtmancik attends National UDC Convention” Hammond Vindicator
“Tributes paid to Robert E. Lee by UDC speaker Irene Morris” Hammond Vindicator 1/1993
“Confederate Daughters decorate grave on south’s Memorial Day” Hammond Vindicator
“Tribute Paid to Confederate Daughter” Hammond Vindicator
“Civil War legacy reclaimed as sacred trust” Hammond Vindicator 7/1993
“Camp Moore UDC honors member” Hammond Vindicator
“UDC Holds Robert E. Lee Luncheon Jan. 15” Hammond Vindicator 2/17/1994
“McColloch Home Designated as May UDC Meeting Site” 5/19/1994
“Christmas Tree Focuses UDC Program” Hammond Vindicator
19. Articles Featuring United Daughters of the Confederacy: 1990’s (25 Items)
“UDC holds Civil War fashion show” Hammond Vindicator
“Confederate Memorial setting reflective of Grey’s Elegy” Hammond Vindicator 6/15/1995
“When the nation was reunited” Hammond Vindicator
“UDC Chapter Celebrates Birthday” Hammond Vindicator
“Battlefield History Told to UDC Recently” Hammond Vindicator
“Confederate history comes alive at Founders Day Celebration” Hammond Vindicator
“Christmas stitchery fashions decor for Confederate Daughters” Hammond Vindicator
“Flags, tributes and history honor Lee” Hammond Vindicator 1/25/1996
“Confederate Daughters celebrate arrival of spring” Hammond Vindicator 4/17/1996
“Couvillion talks about local battle” Hammond Vindicator 5/22/1996
“Printed legacies of Grey’s Elegy reflect appeal and charm on South’s Memorial Day”
Vindicator 9/16/1996
“Autumn signals special Founders Day Celebration” 9/25/1996
“Confederate Daughters plan State Convention in Hammond” Hammond Vindicator 10/23/1996
“Confederate Daughters discuss plans” Hammond Vindicator 11/6/1996
” ‘Love, honor, and revere’ carve Richmond’s Monumental Boulevard” Hammond Vindicator
“Confederate Daughters spread carpet for conventions in plans” Hammond Vindicator
“Final plans reiterated at April Confab” Hammond Vindicator 4/30/1997
“Convention’s Memorial Service based on early church birth” Hammond Vindicator 5/14/1997
“Confederate Daughters mark anniversary in Berryland” Ponchatoula Times 5/15/1997
“Confederacy Convention slated in May in Hammond” Hammond Vindicator
“Confederate Daughters museum beckons Confederate Daughters” Hammond Vindicator
“Founders Day heralds fall for Confederate Daughters” Hammond Vindicator
“Camp Moore is remembered” Hammond Vindicator
“Christmas decor holiday plans harmonized joy and pleasantry” Hammond Vindicator 12/1997
“Confederate Daughters mark programs with history” Hammond Vindicator 2/18/1998
BOX 14
1. Commemorative Pins:
a) Louisiana Pen Woman
b) DAR
d) 104th Annual Session, Louisiana Baptist Convention
e) North Dakota U. S. A.
f) It’s Happening in Sun Valley (2)
g) 94th Annual Convention, Louisiana Press Association
2. Commemorative Coin, Hotel Casa de Fresa, Hammond, 1895-1979
3. Membership Cards and Business Cards
4. Key to City of Hammond
5. LPW Communications Contest Sweepstakes Winner, 1974, Edna Campbell (5″ x 7″ plaque)
6. Woman of the Year, Hammond Garden Club, 1984-1985, Edna Campbell (6″ x 7″ plaque)
7. In Appreciation to Edna Campbell for your many poetic contributions to the Tangipahoa
Chapter LSDAR, November 16, 1992 (6″ x 7 ½” plaque)
8. In Appreciation for services rendered in the celebration of our nation’s 200th
birthday, The Hammond Bicentennial Commission Recognizes Edna Campbell, 1976 (8 3/4″
x 9 3/4″ plaque)
9. Presented to Long Time Supporter and Patron Edna Campbell by the Friends of Miller
Memorial Library, May 19, 1993 (8 ½” x 12″ plaque)
10. Proclamation, Edna Campbell Day, September 5, 1996 (14″ x 16″ plaque)
11. Album of Immanuel Baptist Church, newspaper clippings and photographs, 1982-1983
12. Map of Woodland Park Subdivision, Hammond, LA