Archival Collection
Box 1
Folder 1: Letters from 1947 (21 items)
- Armour Fertilizer Works to Mrs. Sallie Randolph, February 26, 1947
- Harry V. LaVan to Mrs. Sallie Randolph, March 11, 1947
- Louisiana Strawberry Festival Association to V. C. Retilizer Company, March 13, 1947
- Louisiana Strawberry Festival Association to A. C. Harris Tractor Company, March 13, 1947
- Louisiana Strawberry Festival Association to Geo. H. Lehlitner and Co., Inc., March 13, 1947
- Louisiana Strawberry Festival Association to LaVan’s Attractions, March 15, 1947
- Sallie Randolph to Armour Fertilizer Works, March 18, 1947
- Pat Trickey to Mr. Charles W. Lemak Jr., March 26, 1947 with advertisement for Kenny Sargent
- Pat Trickey to Mr. Charles W. Lemak Jr, March 31, 1947
- Pat Trickey to Mr. Bob Farris, April 20, 1947
- Armour Fertilizer Works to Sallie Randolph, April 26, 1947
- Bob Farris to Tri-State Attractions, April 30, 1947
- Robert Farris to Armour Fertilizer Works, May 8, 1947
- Robert Farris to J.T. Gibbons, Inc., May 8, 1947
- Robert Farris to D. H. Holmes Co., May 8, 1947
- Robert Farris to Whitney national Bank, May 8, 1947
- Robert Farris to Woodward, Wight and Company, Ltd., May 8, 1947
- Robert Farris to Maison Blanche, May 8, 1947
- Robert Farris to Vignes-Bombet Company, Inc., May 8, 1947
- Robert Farris to Tujague Citrus, Inc., May 8, 1947
- Charles Kentrow to Robert Farris, May 16, 1947 with 1947 Strawberry Festival Program
Folder 2: Contracts and Receipts (4 items)
- Contract for Tri-State Attractions, Kenny Sargent and his Famous Orchestra to play on Friday, May 16, 1947, employed by Bob Farris
- List of advertisers
- Gordon’s 200 Shell Service Station receipt
- Maurin Lumber Company Receipt
Folder 3: Letters from 1948 (3 items)
- Robert Farris to Lennen & Mitchell Advertizing Agency, February 2, 1948
- Lawrence Golden to Strawberry Festival, March 19, 1948
- Lawrence Golden to Strawberry Festival, March 19, 1944
Folder 4: Southeastern Louisiana Dairy Festival, Receipts and Bills (9 items)
- Receipt, Audrey Dinning Room, October 17, 1953
- Memo to Chamber of Commerce from J. W. Reeves, pd.
- Community Chevrolet Co. Inc, receipt for $1.53
- Receipt from The Hammond Vindicator for envelopes and letter heads
- Receipt from J.A. Brabham, Sign Painter
- Note for expenses of Clerk of Court at Amite, Secretary of State
- Receipt from Sledge Esso Service
- Guest Check for breakfast
- Receipt for $2.02
Folder 5: Dairy Festival, Continued (18 items)
- Dairy Festival Association looking for bids to print booklets, April 20, 1953
- Letter, R. E. Brown to Southeastern Louisiana Dairy Festival, April 28, 1953
- Letter, Austin Cooke to Mr. Joseph A. Blanchard, April 24, 1953
- Letter, J. Burton Alford to Hammond Wholesale co., April 27, 1953
- Letter, O.K. LeBlanc to Mr. G. D. Whitley, April 27, 1953
- Dairy Queen, 1953 Contest Rules (4 copies)
- Hammond Association of Commerce letters to Graduating Seniors, April 30, 1952 (4 copies)
- Articles of Incorporation of Southeastern Louisiana Dairy Festival and Stock Show, Inc.
- Application for Dairy Festival Queen (2 copies)
- Rules, Junior Poultry Division
- Rules, Adult Poultry Division
- Articles, “Sue Alford to Dairy Festival”
- Stockholders of the Southeastern Louisiana Diary Festival, Officers 1953-1954 and Planning Board
- Memos: Clyde Flanky, Pumpkin Center Home Club, No recipient
- Two judges book from 1953 Fair
- List of 1953 Dairy Festival Awards
- General Rules and Regulation
- 4-H Achievement Banquet, December 1953
Folder 6: Invoices from 1953 (50 items)
- Blevins Popcorn Company, May 2, 1953
- Bob Farris’ Stores, May 11, 1953 for labor at Rodeo Arena
- Bob Farris’ Stores, May 12, 1953 for postage on catalogs
- Bob Farris Stores, May 16, 1953, labor and sandwiches
- Bob Farris Stores, May 16, 1953, Trims (2 copies)
- Bob Farris Stores, May 20, 1953, Signs (3 copies)
- Bob Farris Stories, May 2, 1953, Workers
- Bob Farris Stores, May 21, 1931, Plugs, Sockets
- Bob Farris Stores, May 21, 1953, Telephone Bill (3 copies)
- Bob Farris Stores, May 25, 1953, Harry Lann Jr.
- Bob Farris Stores, May 25, 1953, Bobby Farris
- Bob Farris Stores, June 30, 1953, cup engraving
- Memo, Southeastern Louisiana College to Chamber of Commerce for Bus trip
- Claude Hooks, May 23, 1953
- Hammond Coca-Cola Bottling Co., Ltd.
- D’s Flower Ship, March 31, 1953
- Bob Farris, May 8, 1953
- Forbes Furniture Inc, April 15, 1953
- Frank’s Lumber Yard, may 21, 1953
- Gulf South Advertising and marketing Service, March 17, 1953
- Hammond Association of Chimeric City Hall sent to 38 businesses
- Hammond Ice Delivery, May 28, 1953
- Hammond Screen Works, May 18, 1953
- Hammond Vindicator invoice for 4-H Club Achievement Day
- Hammond Wholesale Compnay, May 15, 1953(5)
- Individual Expenses (12 pages)
- Harry’s Hardware Store (2 pages)
- The H.D. Lee company, Inc., May 15, 1953
- J.A. Brabham, May 20, 1953
- James W. Goodman, Commercial Photography, May 25, 1953
- J.W. Lizana, May 23, 1953
- Kentwood news Publishing Co., May 21, 1953
- Labor Invoices- 3
- L.A. Frey & Sons, Inc, May 25, 1953
- Leonard Krower & Son, May 18, 1953
- Louisiana Stationary Store, March 16, 1953
- Mahaffey bros. Tent and Awning Co., May 19, 1953
- Maurin Lumber Company, May 30, 1953
- The Men’s Store, June 8, 1953
- Nehi Bottling Company, May 23, 1953
- Railway Express Agency
- Reimers-Schneider Company, Inc., April 21, 1953
- Robert E. Carr, June 1, 1953
- Sledge-Townsend Feed and Seed Store, March 5, 1953
- E.E. Puls requesting money for a Mr. George A. Mullendore
- State-Time and Morning Advocate, May 1953
- Tangi Hatchery & Egg Company, May 9, 1953
- Tangi Talk Press, May 25, 1953
- Tangipahoa Publishing Co., Inc., May 1953
- Western Auto Associate Store, May 18, 1953
Folder 7: Invoices, 1954 (21 items)
- Bob Farris’ Stores (12)
- Cooper’s Body Shop, Junee 28, 1954
- Denham Springs News, August 3, 1954
- Disbursement Slip, 11
- The Era-Leader Printers, Publishers, August 5, 1954
- Frank’s Lumber Yard (3)
- Gulf South Advertising & Marketing Service (5)
- Harry’s Hardware Store (2)
- Hammond Wholesale Co. (9)
- Ponchatoula Enterprise (5)
- Kentwood News Publishing Co., July 1, 1954
- Maurin Lumber Company, May 10, 1954
- The News Digest, August 1, 1954
- Railway Express
- Seale’s Service, Inc (2)
- St. Helena Echo, July 6, 1954
- St. Tammany Farmer, Inc., July 2Tangi Talk Press, July 2, 1954
- Trahan’s Cities Service (4)
- Vaughn Displays, Inc. (3)
- Wendelken Machine Shop (2)
- Radio Station WIHL, July 6, 1954
Folder 8: Dairy Festival Inc. Letters and Minutes (10 items)
- Program, 4th Annual Southeastern Louisiana Dairy Festival and Stock Show May 14-15, 1954 (5 copies)
- Letter, Bob Farris to Gulf South Advertising Specialities Inc., April 23, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris, to Mr. Alon L. Wall, December 8, 1954
- Letter, Carroll Trahan to Wade O. Martin Jr., August 3, 1954
- Letter, Sec. Of State Wade O. Martin ,Jr. To Mr. Carroll Trahan, August 5, 1954
- Southeastern Louisiana Dairy Festival & Stock Show, Inc. Minutes
- Special Meeting of Stockholders of Southeastern Louisiana Dairy Festival and Stock Show, Inc.
- Certification of amendment to charter of Southeastern Louisiana Dairy Festival & Stock Show, Inc., August 5, 1954
- Power of Attorney, May 21, 1954
- American Automobile Insurance Company, May 6, 1954
Folder 9: Invoices, 1955 (50 items)
- Letter, Bob Farris to Louisiana Power & Light Company, November 2, 1955
- Premiums paid for 1955 show
- Receipt from LA Association of Fairs and Festival, 1955
- Aero Motor Sales, February 13, 1955
- Hotel Bentley, February 14, 1955 (2)
- Clark’s Service, February 14, 1955
- Sledge-Townsend Feed and Seed Store, February 21, 1955
- Receipt with no name
- Tangi Hatchery and Egg Co., Inc, March 4, 1955
- Gulf South Advertising Specialities, Inc. (4)
- Times-Picayune classified ad receipt
- NASCO, April 4, 1955
- Guest check, March 22, 1955
- Daily Journal Commerce Advertising and article “Plans Out Again For Elementary School at Baton Rouge”
- Receipt, March 29,1955
- Railway Express Agency
- Invoice, Regalia Manufacturing Co., March 31, 1955
- Hammond Vindicator, Mary 31, 1955
- Acme Fast Freight, Inc (2)
- Bob Farris’ Stores, April 6, 1955
- Receipt, April 7, 1955
- Gulf South Advertising Specialities, Inc. April 11, 1955
- Murvan M. Maxwell and Associates Architects, April 18, 1995
- Frank’s Lumber Yard (3)
- J.A. Brabham, April 20, 1955
- Bob Farris’ Stores, April 22
- Inner-Cities Ready Mix Concrete Co., April 23, 1955
- Balcom Supply Co., Inc April 25, 1955 (4)
- Railway Express Agency
- Bob Farris’ Stores (21)
- Harry’s Hardware Store (9)
- Hammond Vindicator
- S. Wadsworth Plumbing and Material, April 30, 1955
- Guess & Kent, May 11, 1955
- Claude Hooks Welding & Machine Shop, May 31, 1955
- Lindy Robinson Display Manufacturer, May 31, 1955
- Letter, Ben N. Tucker to Mr. Carroll Trahan, May 14, 1955
- Community Chevrolet Co., Inc, May 16, 1955
- Memo, Southeastern Louisiana College to Chamber of Commerce, May 16, 1955
- Letter, J.W. Davis to Mr. Bob Farris
- Statement from G.D. Whitley to Southeastern La. Dairy Festival, May 17, 1955
- Sign in sheets, May 18, 1955
- James W. Goodman Commercial Photography, May 18, 1955
- Letter, E.E. Puls to Mr. Carrol Trahan
- Thompson Electric Service (3)
- J.A. Brabham, May 23, 1955
- Claude Hooks, 1955
- Bob Farris’ Stores, May 25, 1955
- Vaughn Displays, May 27, 1955
- Casa de Fresa Hammond, Louisiana, May 19, 1955
Folder 10: Invoices, 1955 continued (45 items)
- Cave Tangi, 4 meals
- Ozone Drug Store (2)
- Guest Check (2)
- Hammond Packing & Cold Storage Co., May 13, 1955
- Southeastern Dairy Festival to N.P. Vernon, Clerck of Court
- Halls Plumbing & Heating, May 11, 1955 (2)
- Evans Electrical Supply Inc, May 11, 1955
- Claude Hooks Welding & Machine Shop
- Sign in sheet
- Balcom Supply Company, Inc., May 8, 1955
- Fred’s Florist, May 8, 1955
- M & S Provision Co., May 6, 1955
- Hammond Screen Works, Inc., May 4, 1955
- Air Express, May 5, 1955
- Silver King Products, May 4, 1955
- Vaughn Displays, Inc., May 4, 1955
- Evans Electrical Supply, Inc., May 4, 1955
- Murvan M. Maxwell and Associates, Architects, May 3, 1955
- Teche Greyhound Lines, May 3, 1955
- Letter, Murvan M. Maxwell to Robert O. Farris
- Chemay Cabinet Shop, May 2, 1055
- E.B. Ludwig, Inc., May 2, 1955
- Central Texas Iron Works, May 2, 1955
- Bill for toilets, May 1, 1955
- Grogg Bros. MFG. Co., May 1, 1955
- Hammond Hardware Store, May 1, 1955
- Frank’s Lumber Yard, May 1, 1955
- James W. Goodman Commercial Photography, April 30, 1955
- Gate Valves, April 30, 1955
- Bob Farris Stores, Inc., June 1, 1955
- Harry’s Hardware Store, June 2, 1955
- S. Wadsworth Plumbing and Material, June 1, 1955
- Louisiana Power & Light Company, June 8, 1955
- Bell Radio Supply Company (2)
- Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company, June 19, 1955
- Times-Picayune Publishing Co., June 26, 1955
- Hammond Vindicator, June 30, 1955
- Frank’s Lumber Yard, July 1, 1955
- N. P. Vernon, Clerk of Court
- Louisiana Stationery Store, July 14, 1955
- Gulf South Advertising Specialities, Inc. (4)
- Nasco, Inc, April 4, 1955
- Vaughn Displays, Inc. (2)
- Order for ribbons, April 9, 1955
- Order for Programs
Folder 11: Invitations/Letters for Queen Participation and Hammond Assoc. Comm. (23 items)
- Letter and Brochure, James C. Lewis to Southeastern La. Dairy Festival & Stock Show, March 22, 1955
- Letter to Mr. Roy Theriot, September 19, 1953
- Letter, Roy Theriot to Dairy Festival, June 26, 1954
- Letter, W. R. Frye to Mr. Trahan, July 1, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to Miss Sue Alford, July 10, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to Mr. W. R. Frye, July 28, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to Mr. Roy R. Theriot, July 28,1954
- Information for Louisiana Yambilee Pageant, 1954
- Information for International Rice Festival, August 2, 1954
- Invitation to attend Louisiana Shrimp Festival, August 16, 1954
- Letter, from Mrs. Couley to Mr. Farris, August 18, 1954
- Letter, W. R. Frye to Mr. Bob Farris, September 2, 1954
- Invitation to Louisiana Shrip Festival, August 5, 1954
- Letter, Carroll Trahan, Bob Farris to Mr. Roger Dodson, November 22, 1954
- Regret note from Rogers Dodson
- Letter, G. H. Mixon to Carroll Trahan, November 23, 1954
- Reply letters from Dan C. Webb and Carl M. Burns to Hammond Association of Commerce, November 23, 1954
- J. Spencer Jones to Hammond Association of Commerce, November 24, 1954
- W. W. Robert to Mr. Trahan, November 24, 1954
- Audrey V. Currier to Hammond Association of Commerce, November 26, 1954
- Judith Solberg to Bob Farris, December 2, 1954
- Bob Farris to Fair Booster
- Directory and Handbook, 1954 for Louisiana Polled Herford Association
Folder 12: Programs and Newspaper clippings about Southeastern Louisiana Dairy Festival & Stock Show, Inc. (20 items)
- Program, Friday May 14 (2 pages)
- Schedule of Evens, Friday Night at the College Gym (3 pages)
- Article, “Dairy Queen is Crowned as Annual Festival Begins,” Sue Alford, Morning Advocate
- Article, “Queen of Dairy Event is Named”
- Article, “Kentwood Tops in Dairy Group”
- Louisiana Weekly Market Bulletin, April 12, 1956
- Louisiana Weekly Market Bulletin, April 26, 1956
- Louisiana Weekly Market Bulletin, May 3, 1956
- Hammond Vindicator, May 3, 1956
- Hammond Vindicator, “Dairy Festival Parade May 4th to Being at 7 P.M.(2)
- “Up and Down the Street by Want-Ad Reporter, Times Picayune, May 2, 1956
- “Hammond Merchants Urged to Register for Farm Tour May 1, Hammond Vindicator, April 26, 1956 (2)
- Photo of Queen Patricia Ann Simmons, Hammond Vindicator April 26, 1956 (2)
- “Hammond Girl is Crowned Queen of Dairy Festival; Parade Held,” State-Times, May 5, 1956
- “Hammond Girl is Queen of Sixth Dairy Festival,” Morning Advocate, May 5, 1956
- Letter, Dave L. Pearce to Mr. Bob Farris
- Sports, Morning Advocate, April 30, 1956
- “Tangi parish is Growing into State’s Largest Poultry Parish”
- Postcard for Want Ads, to Mr. Bob Farris
- Sports, Bogalusa Daily News, April 30, 1956
Folder 13: Poultry and Dairy Entries, 1955 (7 items)
- Hammond Association of Commerce poultry List
- Junior Division Poultry List (4 pages)
- Senior Division Poultry List (11 pages)
- Dairy Products List (4 pages)
- Entry Forms (191)
- Trophy List
- Number of Entries in Junior Category
Box 2
Folder 1: Awards and Thank You Letters (41 items)
- Order for John Deere Tractors and Implements, July 11, 1955
- Premium Awards List, 1955 (34 pages)
- Letter from F. G. Clark to Mr Carroll Trahan, May 30, 1955
- Letter of Thanks list
- Letter, Carroll Trahan to Miss Carolyn D’Herete, May 20, 1955
- Letter, Bob Farris to mr. Ed Bauerie, Sonthimers Dairy, Mr. Herbert Vineyard & Son and Mr. Howard Shilling, May 17, 1955
- Letter, Carroll Trahan to Hammond Wholesale and Henry Waters Tractor, May 20, 1955
- Letter, Carroll Trahan to Mr. Gordon Whitley, May 19, 1955
- Letter, Carroll Trahan to Mr. Lloyd J. Stovall, May 19, 1955
- Letter, Carroll Trahan to Honorable De Lessops S. Morrison, May 19, 1955
- Letter, Carroll Trahan to Hooks Pontiac, Varisco Motor, Geurin Motor, Hamond Motor, Cappe & Stars, Community Chevrolet, Mr. M. M. Parish, Hood Motor Co., May 20, 1955
- Letter, Carroll Trahan to to Mr. Leonce Albin, May 16, 1955
- Letter, Carroll Trahan to Chief Willie Thompson, May 18, 1955
- Letter, Carroll Trahan to Wolf’s bakery Co., May 18, 1955
- Letter, Bob Farris to Bert Hyde, Ray Kent, Mary Anna Thompson
- Letter, Bob Farris to Hank Barwood, Guy Adams, Walter Antin
- Letter, Carroll Trahan to Paul L. Gaston, Jr., May 18, 1955
- Letter, Carroll Trahan to Mr. Bill Noonana, May 18, 1955
- Letter, Carroll Trahan to Mrs. Shelby Edwards, May 18, 1955
- Letter, Carroll Trahan to mr. Ernest Bahm, May 18, 1955
- Letter, Carroll Trahan to Mrs. L. A. Davis, May 18, 1955
- Letter, Carroll Trahan to Irma Montgomery, May 18, 1955
- Letter, Carroll Trahan to Ed Amar, May 18, 1955
- Letter, Carroll Trahan to Edith Spring, May 18, 1955
- Letter, Carroll Trahan to Peroy Kemp, May 18, 1955
- Letter, Bob Farris to Covington High School Band, May 18, 1955
- Letter, Carroll Trahan to Harry Snyder, May 18, 1955
- Letter, Carroll Trahan to F. G. Clark, May 19, 1955
- Letter, Carroll Trahan to Mr. Edwiin W. Edey, May 19, 1955
- Letter, Carroll Trahan to Mr. Bajm
- Letter, Carroll Trahan to Captain E. A. Herring, Jr. May 20, 1955
- Letter, Carroll Trahan to Mrs. Henry Faber, May 19, 1955
- Letter, Carroll Trahan to Mrs. Lois Dowling, march 19, 1955
- Letter, Carroll Trahan to Mrs. Edgar Starns, May 18, 1955
- Letter, Carroll Trahan to Mr. George A. Mullendore, May 25, 1955
- Letter, Geo A.Mullendore to Dr. E.E. Puls, May 16, 1955
- Letter, Carroll Trahan to Mr. Roberts and other Junior & Senior Division
- Letter, Carroll Trahan to Clyde Ingram, May 25, 1955
- Letter, Bob Farris to Representatives, May 7, 1955
- Letter, Edwin W. Eley to Bob Farris, May 9, 1955
- Letter, Bob Farris to Edwin W. Eley, May 5, 1955
Folder 2: Letters for Advertisement (23 items)
- Letter from State Auditor to Southeastern Louisiana Dairy
- Letter, Sidney Weber to Bob Farris, June 3, 1933 c. Letter, Bob Farris, to Sidney Weber Jr., June 10, 1955
- Letter, Bob Farris, to Sidney Weber Jr., June 11, 1955
- Letter, Delos H. Jones to H. W. Anderson, October 28, 1955
- Letter, Bob Farris to John L. East, November 23, 1955
- Letter, W. A. Griffith to H. Herman Ferrell, February 2, 1955
- Letter, J. L. Laube, to Herman Ferrell, February 1, 1955
- Letter, Dave L. Pearcce to C. R. Trahan, January 20, 1955
- Letter, Coleman J. Hudson to Carroll Trahan, February 1, 1955
- Article, “Hobby Show at Yambilee Creating Much Interest Among Juniors, Adults,”
- Letter, Herman Ferrell to McComb Milling Co., February 21, 1955
- Letter with mailing List, January 10, 1955
- Letter, Woodie Beall to Herman Ferrell, February 25, 1955
- Letter, Geo. A. Kelt to Herman Ferrell, March 1, 1955
- Letter, Herman Ferrell to Swift Fetilizer Works, February 21, 1955
- Letter, State Auditor to Southeastern Louisiana Dairy Festival, February 3, 1955
- Olin Mathieson Chemical Corporation Purchase Order for advertisement, 1955
- Letter, Herman Ferrell to Armour Fertilizer Wks and McComb Milling Co., January 10, 1955
- Invoice, Frank’s Lumber Yard for Advertising, March 3, 1955
- List of ads bought with letter to Mayor Morrison
- Invoice for Hammond Screen Works advertisement
- List of Ads bought (4 pages)
- Program, 5th Annual Southeastern Dairy Festival and Stock Show, May 13-14, 1955, (6 copies)
Folder 3: Coliseum Construction/Queen Travels (25 items)
- Article about 1955 Dairy Festival Queen Contest to be sent to attached newspaper list
- Queen’s Program, May 13, 1955
- Letter for 1955 Dairy Festival Dates to send to newspapers
- Information about Livestock Building
- Letter to send to newspapers “Livestock Pavilion Contract Awarded
- Letter, Ben N. Tucker to Robert O. Farris, January 10, 1955
- Letter, D.R. Stump, to Robert Farris, March 4, 1955
- Letter, Murvan M. Maxwell to Bob Farris, March 23, 1955
- Letter, Bob Farris to E. B. Ludwig, Inc. January 15, 1955
- Letter, Bob Farris to Times-Picayune, January 6, 1955
- Receipt for purchase of land, C. McKinney, Agent from Mr. And Rms. Samuel Zemurray
- Letter, Bob Farris to Mr. W. R. Frye, August 2, 1955
- Letter, John Wiggin to Carroll Trahan, August 3, 1955
- Letter, W. R. Frye to Carroll Trahan, August 4, 1955
- Letter, Bob Farris to Hotel Bentley, August 2, 1955
- Letter, Patricia Ann Simmons to Bob Farris, July 27, 1955
- Letter, Bob Farris to Roy Theriot, August 1, 1955
- Letter, H. A. Waters to Bob Farris, July 11, 1955 with Brochure
- Contract form, Bid Tabulation from Murvan M. Maxwell
- W. R. Frye to Carroll Trahan to July 12, 1955
- Letter, Bob Farris to Murvan M. Maxwell, October 10, 1955
- Contract Certificate # 3 for Coliseum
- Invoice for Livestock Pavilion, September 23, 1955
- Letter, Murvan Maxwell to Robert Farris, September 23, 1955
- Letter, Murvan Maxwell to Robert Farris, September 23, 1955
Folder 4: Correspondence, Southeastern Dairy Festival & Stock Show, 1954 (52 items)
- Hammond Association of Commerce to Dave L. Peace, January 5, 1954
- Hammond Association of Commerce to Bentley Hotel, January 7, 1954
- Hammond Association of Commerce to James A. Winters Production, December 30, 1953
- Hammond Association of Commerce to Sheriff Frank J. Clancy, February 12, 1954
- Hammond Association of Commerce to General Raymond H. Flemming, March 17, 1954
- Hammond Association of Commerce to Mr. Joe Shipp, March 17, 1954
- Hammond Association of Commerce to Mr. James Cade, March 17, 1954
- Hammond Association of Commerce to Wm Wolf Baking co., March 17, 1954
- Hammond Association of Commerce to Holsum Baking Co., March 17, 1954
- Hammond Association of Commerce to Gulf South Advertising Specialities, March 18, 1954
- Hammond Association of Commerce to Honorable James H. Morrison, March 18, 1954
- Hammond Association of Commerce to Mr. J. W. Reeves, March 18, 1954
- Hammond Association of Commerce to Director of Music Department, March 18, 1954
- Hammond Association of Commerce to Capt. Bob Landry, March 18, 1954
- Hammond Association of Commerce 1953-1954 Annual Report
- Hammond Association of Commerce to Colonel C. P. Virger, March 17, 1954
- Hammond Association of Commerce to Lieutenant L. T. Williams, March 17, 1954
- Hammond Association of Commerce to LSU Animal Husbandry Dept., April 14, 1954
- Hammond Association of Commerce to Audrey Currier, November 22, 1954 with attached list on names and addresses
- Southeastern Louisiana Dairy Festival & Stock Show, Dairy Queen Contest Rules, May 14, 1954
- Southeastern Louisiana Dairy Festival & Stock Show, Welcome letter and schedule for Queens Contest
- Southeastern Louisiana Dairy Festival & Stock Show, List of Names and addresses
- Southeastern Louisiana Dairy Festival & Stock Show, letter to dairy festival Exhibitor
- Southeastern Louisiana Dairy Festival & Stock Show, letter to Mr. Swell Bahm, May 25, 1954 (with attached address list)
- Southeastern Louisiana Dairy Festival & Stock Show, Program for May 14 (7 copies)
- Southeastern Louisiana Dairy Festival & Stock Show, Don “Red” Barry Schedule (2 copies)
Southeastern Louisiana Dairy Festival & Stock Show, Charlie & Jean Dial Schedule
- Southeastern Louisiana Dairy Festival & Stock Show, Letter to Mr. G. K. Alford, April 26, 1954
- Letter, Louisiana Department of Agriculture to Bob Farris, November 16, 1953
- Letter, Louisiana Department of Agriculture to Dave Pearce, November 9, 1953
- Letter, Louisiana Department of Agriculture to C. R. Trahan, February 11, 1954
- Letter, Louisiana Department of Agriculture to C. R. Trahan, March 31, 1954
- Letter, Louisiana Department of Agriculture to Carroll Trahan, January 19, 1954
- Letter, Louisiana Department of Agriculture to Accredited Veterinarians, County agents, fair and livestock show officials and breeders association officials, March 18, 1954
- Letter, Louisiana Department of Agriculture to Officials of Fairs and/or Festival, January 6, 1954
- Letter, Coleman J. Hudson to Bob Farris, January 9, 1954
- Cooperative Extension Work, letter to Bob Farris, May 6, 1954
- Cooperative Extension Work, letter to Bob Farris, April 20, 1954
- Cooperative Extension Work, letter to Bob Farris, May 6, 1954
- Cooperative Extension Work, letter to Bob Farris, April 10, 1954
- Cooperative Extension Work, letter to Bob Farris, March 29, 1954
- Cooperative Extension Work, letter to Bob Farris, May 8, 1954
- Cooperative Extension Work, letter to Bob Farris, May 10, 1954
- Letter from Happy Jack Darling the Clown to C. R. Trahan, March 20, 1954 and March 26, 1954
- Letter from bob Farris to happy Jack Darling, March 24, 1954
- Cooperative Extension Work, letter to Bob Farris, May 11, 1954
- Correspondence between Anheuser-Busch Inc. and Bob Farris, November 9, 1953-March 5, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to Mr. James H. Martin, April 6, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to Mr. Max McDonald, April 6, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to Mr. Charles M. Brown, April 6, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to Mr. A. P. Parham, April 6, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to A. P. Parham, April 15, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to Mr. Charles M. Brown, April 15, 1954
Folder 5: Correspondence, Southeastern Dairy Festival & Stock Show, Continued (52 items)
- Letter, Bob Farris to Mr. Charles M. Brown, April 15, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to Mr. Max McDonald, April 15, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to James H. Martin, April 15, 1954
- Letter, Maurin Lumber Company
- Letter from Modern Dance Club to Robert Farris
- Letter, L. H. Dyson to Bob Farris, November 5, 1953
- Letter, L.H. Dyson to Bob Farris, February 17, 1954
- Letter, J. Walton Reeves to Bob Farris, March 19, 1954
- Letter, E. E. Puls to Carroll Trahan, May 19, 1954
- Letter, Dave L. Pearce to C. R. Trahan, May 13, 1954
- Letter, W. W. Roberts to Carroll Trahan, November 24, 1954
- Letter, Edith Spring to Bob Farris, April 10, 1954
- Letter, Huey Power of Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity to Bob Farris, March 25, 1954
- Dairy Tour List
- Letter, Bob Farris to J.D. Addison, July 19, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to Leonard Krower & Son with Trophy List, April 23, 1954
- Letter from new Orleans Sash & Door Co., Inc to Donald Barry
- Letter from May Lou to Mr. Farris, April 1, 1954
- Letter, Mary Lou to Bob Farris, March 2?, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to Mary Lou Lea, April 13, 1954
- Letter, Mrs. N. A. Miller to Bob Farris, April 13, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to N. A. Miller, April 15, 1954
- Reminder for Street Flags
- Letter, Bob Farris to J. W. Reeves, May 5, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to President’s Office, SLC, April 15, 1954
- Letter, George W. Gill to Sidney S. Bowman, April 16, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to Elmer Conner, November 9, 1953
- Letter, Elmer D. Conner to Bob Farris, January 18, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to Elmer D. Conner, February 11, 1954
- Letter, L. H. Dyson to Bob Farris, November 5, 1953
- Letter, C. R. Trahan to Vaughn Displays, Inc., January 26, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to John Pettigrew, November 20, 1953
- Letter, Frank Cazanove to Association of Commerce, December 17, 1953
- Letter, Bob Farris to Mr. F. W. Webber, February 18, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to Mr. Ad Given Davis, February 12, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to Personnel Director, March 11, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to Honorable DeLesseps S. Morrison, March 10, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris, to Honorable DeLesseps S. Morrison, March 10, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to R. F. Kennon, February 11, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to Clayton Rand, February 11, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to Hugh Goldsby, February 11, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to J. W. Reeves, March 18, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to I. Z. Williams, March 18, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to T. B. Marcotte, March 17, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to captain Bob Landry, March 16, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to Shriners Motorcycle Corps, March 19, 1954
- Program, Louisiana Association of Fairs and Festivals, January 31-February 1, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to Happy Jack Darling, March 20, 1954
- Letter, C. R. Trahan to Dave L. Peace, March 20, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to Bob Landry, April 13, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to Lester Gallihan, April 13, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to Edward p. Miramon, April 14, 1954
Folder 6: Correspondence, Southeastern Dairy Festival & Stock Show and Rules and Regulations (25 items)
- House Bill No. #438 by 1954 Legislature
- Letter, Dave L. Pearce to C. R. Trahan, October 8, 1954
- Letter, Dave L. Pearce to Bob Farris, July 19, 1954
- Act No. 195, House Bill NO. 295 (copy)
- Letter, F. W. Reimers to Bob Farris, December 17, 1954
- Letter, A. Jackson Davis to Bob Farris, December 1, 1954
- Letter, A. Jackson Davis to Bob Farris, December 9, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to County Agent’s Office, October 26, 1954
- Plot Map of Southeastern Louisiana College
- Letter, A. Jackson Davis to Bob Farris, October 26, 1954
- Letter to Newspapers from Carroll Trahan and James A. Stire
- Letter, Chelmo Engineering Co., Inc., to Bob Farris, December 1, 1954
- Letter, Chelmo Engineering Co., Inc. to Bob Farris, November 12, 1954
- Letter, J. J. Rester to Bob Farris, October 1, 1954
- Letter, Assistant State Auditor to Bob Farris, August 31, 1954
- Invoice from Secretary of State, Wade O. Martin, August 5, 1954
- Letter, J. C. Buras to Bob Farris, October 7, 1954
- Copy of Resolution for Southeastern Louisiana Dairy Festival Association, October 13, 1954
- Copy of Articles of Incorporation of Southeastern Louisiana Dairy Festival and Stock Show, Inc.
- Cash sale of Property by New Orleans Bank for Cooperatives to Southeastern Louisiana Dairy Festival & Stock Show Inc.
- Letter, Bob Farris to Mr. J. H. Restor, September 28, 1954
- Letter, from Maurin Lumber Co., to Bob Farris, April 4, 1954
- Rules and Regulations (3 pages)
- General Rules and Regulations of Southeastern Louisiana Dairy Festival & Stock Show, Inc., Hammond, May 14 & 15 (8 pages)
- Rules for Dairy Products
Folder 7: 1954 Dairy Festival Dinners and Winners (7 items)
- Invitations to Barbecued broiler lunch for Friday May 14, 1954 (11 copies)
- Menu for Barbecued Broiler (39 copies)
- Premium List, Senior Division (3 copies)
- Premium List, Junior Division (Beef & Dairy)
- Premium List, Dairy Products (2 copies)
- Senior Dairy & Beef Winner (2 copies)
- 1954 Judges Book (2)
Folder 8: 1954 Correspondence, Southeastern Dairy Festival & Stock Show a. Letter, Raymond H. Fleming to Bob Farris, May 5, 1954 (
- Letter, Benjamin C. Brown to Bob Farris, May 6, 1954
- Letter, Frank Somers to Bob Farris, May 6, 1954
- Letter, T. J. Casey to Bob Farris, May 6, 1954
- Letter, Dorothy D. Bultman to Bob Farris, May 7, 1954
- Letter, H. L. Hortman to Bob Farris, May 6, 1954
- Letter, Rep. Douglas Shows to Bob Farris, May 14, 1954
- Letter, Charlie P. Verger to Bob Farris, March 30, 1954
- Letter, Charlie P. Verger to Bob Farris, March 30, 1954
- Letter, Dave L. Pearce to Bob Farris, May 10, 1954
- Letter, Charlie P. Verger to Bob Farris, May 8, 1954
- Letter, Charlie P. Verger to Bob Farris, May 8, 1954
- Letter, Clayton Rand to Bob Farris, May 8, 1954
- Letter, W. B. Cotten, Jr. to Bob Farris, March 16, 1954
- Letter, deLesseps S. Morrison to Bob Farris, March 15, 1954
- Letter, Mrs. Ernest E. Bahm to Bob Farris, March 4, 1954
- Letter, Miss Mary Schmidt to Bob Farris, February 26, 1954
- Letter, A. E. Wilder, Jr. to Bob Farris, February 27, 1954
- Letter, Henry C. Meyer to Bob Farris, March 8, 1954
- Letter, Lloyd Lawrence to Bob Farris, April 12, 1954
- Letter, William D. Allen to Bob Farris, February 9, 1954
- Letter, F. G. Clark to Bob Farris, April 19, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to Dr. F. C. Clark, May 3, 1954
- Letter from Miss Janell Babineaux, May 10, 1954
- Letter, Sgt. E. Pecoul to Bob Farris, April 20, 1954
- Letter, Clayton Rand to Bob Farris, February 16, 1954
- Letter, D. Stafford O’Shee to Bob Farris, May 8, 1954
- Letter, Elmer D. Conner to Bob Farris, February 18, 1954
- Letter, George Thatcher to Bob Farris, February 13, 1954
- Letter, Frank Somers to Bob Farris, April 24, 1954
- Letter, deLesseps S. Morrison to Bob Farris, March 16, 1954
- Letter, Robert F. Kennon to Bob Farris, February 22, 1954
- Letter, James. H. Morrison to Bob Farris, March 24, 1954
- Letter, Frank Fort to Bob Farris, March 19, 1954
- Letter, C. C. Burleigh to Bob Farris, May 20, 1954
- Letter, Leonard Krower & Son to Bob Farris, May 6, 1954
- Letter, Leonard Krower & Son to Bob Farris, May 5, 1954
- Letter, Leslie C. Cave to Bob Farris, May 26, 1954
- Letter, B. B. Jones to Bob Farris, May 6, 1954
- Letter, S. E. McCraine to Bob Farris, April 29, 1952
- Letter, H. B. Fairchild to Bob Farris, April 28, 1954
- Invoice, Crescent City Engraving Co.
- Letter, Harvey E. Hutchinson, Jr. to Bob Farris, May 25, 1954
Folder 9: 1954 Dairy Festival Newspaper Clippings (35 items)
- “ Plan Entertaining Events at the S.E. Louisiana Dairy Festival,” Kentwood News, May 13, 1954
- “$3500 in Awards to Go to Winners in Dairy Festival May 14-15″
- “Clayton Rand,” May 13, 1954 Kentwood News
- “To Be at Columbia,”
- “Dairy Queen is Crowned As Annual Festival Begins,” Morning Advocate
- Photograph of Sue Alford
- “Queen of Dairy Event is Named”
- Photographs of Clayton Rand and three candidates for Queen Contest, The Era-Leader, Thursday, May 13, 1954
- “Kentwood Tops in Dairy Group”
- “Girls Invited to Enter Dairy Queen Contest”
- “Hollywood Cowboy to Be at Dairy Festival, Hammond”
- “S.E. Dairy Festival in Hammond on May 14 and 15,” Ear-Leader Thursday April 29, 1954
- “Deadline for Dairy Queen is Approaching “
- “Western Star to Appear at Festival,” April 7
- “4th Dairy Festival Opens in Hammond,” May 14, 1954
- “Dairy Day Speaker,” News Agent, May 14, 1954
- “Fifteen Lovelies Vie for Dairy Festival Queen Honors”
- Photographs of some candidates for Queen’s Contest, The Hammond Vindicator, May 14, 1954 (3 copies)
- Photo, Joan Crawford, Tangi Talk
- Photo, Sue Alford, Tangi Talk
- “Parade Features Dairy Festival”
- “4th Dairy Festival Planned in Hammond,” April 23
- “Girls to Be Judged Friday Night in Dairy Day Queen’s Contest, May 14, 1954
- “Big Parade Planed for Friday Noon as Dairy Day Feature,”
- “Hammond Slates Big Parade for Dairy Festival”
- “Dairy Festival Parade Slated for Hammond”
- Photo, Mary Louise Lea
- Article from Tangi Talk about Festival Queen Contest
- “Don ‘Red’ Barry to Be in Hammond,” St. Helena Echo, May 7
- “Miss Sue Alford Chosen Candidate by Greenlaw Club,” Kentwood News, May 6
- “May 7 is Deadline for Entering Dairy Queen Contest,”
- Photo of Joan Crawford, Kentwood News, May 6, 1954
- “Here for Festival, Jimmie H. Davis”
- Newspaper clippings on paper (10 pages)
- News releases (11 pages)
Folder 10: 1954 Correspondence, Southeastern Dairy Festival & Stock Show (53 items)
- Letter, C. R. Trahan to Steinberg hide & Fur Co., April 14, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to Mr. George Gill, April 6, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to Mr. Tourgee DeBose, April 13, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to Mr. Roy Theriot, April 12, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to Frank Somer, April 14, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to Dr. Elmer E. Puls, April 17, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to Jimmie Thompson, April 22, 1954
- Letter, Willy Keo to C. R. Trahan, April 17, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to William D. McRoy, April 22, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to Hugh Carroll, May 4, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to Captain R. M. Walker, May 4, 1954
- Letter, Don Gragliardo Hammond Chamber of Commerce, May 24, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to Clayton Rand, May 18, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to Hammond Wholesale Co. Along with list to other, May 18, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to Colonel C. P. Virger, May 21, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to Marydale farm, May 21, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to Mayrdale Farm, May 14, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to Lieutenant L.T. Williams, May 21, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to J. H. Rester, November 20, 1953
- Letter, Bob Farris to John Desmond & Co., December 7, 1954
- Letter, Eugene Branch, Jr., to Southeast La. Dairy Festival, July 22, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to T. J. Casey, July 19, 1954
- Letter, J.W. Simmons, Jr. To Dairy Festival, July 15, 1954
- Letter, Carroll Trahan to Eugene Branch, Jr., July 19,1 954
- Letter, Carroll Trahan to Edgar Boone, June 28, 1954
- Letter, Loel White to Miss Mary Virginad Kent, May 7, 1954
- Disbursement Slip to Chas. Morris and Jessie Brown
- Disbursement Slip to L. C. Robinson
- Invoice, Brook Tarpaulin Co., May 17, 1954
- Advertisement information for Armour Fertilizer Works
- Letter, Roy H. Odom to ob Farris, May 9, 1955
- Letter, Barbara Griffin to Dairy Festival, June 8, 1954
- Letter, C. R. Trahan to Liller, Neal & Battle
- Letter, Tourgee DeBose to Bob Ferris, March 25, 1954
- Letter, Stanley Cowen to Bob Farris, April 26, 1954
- Letter, Winkler Mfg. Co., to C. R. Trahan, November 10, 1953
- Letter, C. R. Trahan to M. H. Winkler Mfg. Co., November 4, 1953
- Letter, A.P. Parhan to Bob Farris, April 26, 1954
- Letter from bob Farris along with list of names and addresses, April 27, 1954
- Letter, A. L. Gaines to Mr. Trahan, March 23, 1954
- Letter, Mahaffey brothers Tent & Awning Co. To C. R. Trahan, March 232, 1954
- Letter, Maurice Capp to Mr. Trahan, march 22, 1954
- Letter, W. B. Eagan to C. R. Trahan, March 26, 1954
- Letter, Foster Company, Inc., March 24, 1954
- Letter, C.R. Trahan to Mahaffey Tent, march 19, 1954
- Letter, C. R. Trahan to American Canvas Products Co., march 19, 1954
- Letter, C. R. Trahan to Brooks Tarpaulin OC., March 19, 1954
- Letter, C. R. Trahan to Foster Co. Inc., March 19, 1954
- Letter, C. R. Trahan to Childress Canvas Products, March 18, 1954
- Letter, Sidney Dueche to SE Dairy Festival, April 17, 1954
- Correspondence with Portable Cattle Chute manufacturing Co.
- Correspondence with Mike Caplan
- Letter, Raymond H. Fleming to C. R. Trahan, March 22, 1954
Folder 11: 1954/1955 Correspondence, Southeastern Dairy Festival & Stock Show (27 items)
- Letter, Bill Fee to C. R. Trahan, March 22, 1954
- Letter, Roy H. Odom to C. R. Trahan, March 19, 1954
- Letter, T.J. Casey to Bob Farris, November 20, 1953
- Letter, Mrs. Williams to Bob Farris, March 12, 1954
- Letter, Henry C. Meyer to Mr. Goldsby, April 4, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to Henry C. Meyer, February 18, 1954
- Letter, Allison R. Kolb to C. R. Trahan, January 15, 1954
- Letter, C. R. Trahan to State Board of Liquidation, January 13, 1954
- Letter, Billy Grout to Carroll Trahan, November 3, 1953
- Letter, Bob Farris to T. J. Casey, November 19, 1953
- Letter, Butler V. Avery to C. R. Trahan, November 13, 1954
- Letter, C. R. Trahan to Butler V. Avery, January 4, 1954
- Letter, C.R. Trahan to Butler V. Avery, November 9, 1953
- Postcard for newsreel subjects
- Letter, C. R. Trahan to Mr. Hal Carrington, March 22, 1954
- Letter, Harry B. Tipton to graduating seniors, April 30, 1952
- Letter, Frances Andrews Vernon to Mildred Furbos, July 29, 1954
- Letter, Carroll Trahan to Frances Vernon, August 3, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to Inez Varisco, February 15, 1954
- Letter, Bob Farris to Bob Buras, February 15, 1954
- Handwritten note with names and places
- Letter, Howard Barman to Bob Farris with newspaper article, April 21, 1955
- Letter, Bob Farris to Bill Cason, December 19, 1955
- Letter, Bob Farris to Ralph Brown
- Letter, Bob Farris to J. W. Ellzey
- Letter, bob Farris to James A Stire
- Bob Farris to Dr. L.E. Chandler
Folder 12: 1956 Correspondence, Southeastern Dairy Festival & Stock Show (52 items)
- Letter, Bob Farris to Luther H. Dyson, September 21, 1956
- Reminder for Dairy Festival Board Meeting, September 17, 1956
- Letter, C. S. Livingston to Bob Farris, April 12, 1954
- Letter, Harry A. Moore to Bob Farris, March 26, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to Geo. B. Matthews & Sons, Inc. with address list, March 26, 1956
- Letter, Geo. B. Matthews & Sons, Inc to Bob Farris, March 28, 1956
- Postcard, T. Parker to Bob Farris, April 19, 1956
- Letter, F. B. Wheeler, September 13, 1956
- Agenda, Stockholders Meeting, April 5, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to advertisers, April 19, 1956
- Letter from Bob Farris to Company’s who have not paid their advertisement bills
- Letter, Bob Farris to Sid Wadsworth, May 7, 1956
- Letter, Juanita B. Franklin to Bob Farris, April 12, 1956
- Letter, Max H. Durham to Bob Farris, August 27, 1956 with reply
- Letter, Bob Farris to Raymond Carrol, October 12, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to Luther H. Dyson, October 12, 1956
- Letter, Max H. Durham to Bob Farris, August 27, 1956 with reply
- Letter, Bob Estes to Bob Farris, October 17, 1956
- Letter, Danny Sheridan to Bob Farris, December 21, 1956 with reply
- Article, “Notice to Bidders”
- Telegram from bob Farris to national Assn of County Agents, October 25,1 956
- Reminder for Stockholders Meeting, August 23
- Letter, Bob Farris to Walter Antin, August 18, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to C. B. Sledge, August 18, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to Frank Cazanove, August 18, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to Ed Courtney, August 18, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to Rev. John M. Oswalt, August 18, 1956
- Letter, Alon L. Wall to Joseph Lamandola, August 23, 1956
- Letter, J. W. Davis to Bob Farris, August 23, 1956
- Letter to H. C. Sanders, August 31, 1956
- Letter, Joseph Lamendola to Bob Farris, November 9, 1956
- Letter, H. C. Sanders to SE Louisiana Dairy Festival, September 19, 1956
- News article mailed to Ponchatoula Enterprise and Hammond Vindicator, November 10, 1956
- Letter from County Agents to Leaders of Tangipahoa Parish, October 31, 1956
- Letter, W. M. Babin to Bob Farris, November 8, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to Bert Lanier, December 4, 1956
- Letter, Joseph Lamendola to Bob Farris, Novemeber 12, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to Joseph Lamendola, November 29, 1956
- Letter, L. P. Batte to Bob Farris, December 20, 1956
- Letter with attached addresses for F.F.A. Boys and Girls Fitting and Showmanship School
- Letter, Joseph Lamendola to bob Farris, December 6, 1956
- Letter, L. P. Batte to Mr. A. V. Patterson, December 12, 1956
- Reminder for General Membership meeting, May 29, 1956
- Contract from Maryland Casualty Company
- Information about H. C. Sanders, January 26, 1956
- Agenda for Meting of Board of Liquidation of State Debt, February 16, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to Universal Electric Company, February 18, 1956
- Letter, BoB Farris to Dr. L.E. Chandler, March 14, 1956
- Letter from Sidney Weber to Louisiana Polled Hereford Association with attached sale cattle listing, March 21, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to Joseph Lamandola, March 28, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to James Stire, march 28, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to Senator Frank Edwards, March 28, 1956
Folder 13: 1956 Correspondence, Southeastern Dairy Festival & Stock Show (47 items)
- Letter, Bob Farris to Frank Edwards, March 28, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to Rep. Ted Nelson, March 28, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to Rep. Nick Cefalu, March 28, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to Sec. Tangi Parish Police Jury, March 28, 1956
- Letter, Ted L. Nelson to Bob Farris, April 1, 1956
- Letter, H. H. Annison to Edgar Boone, April 3, 1956
- Letter, Joseph Lamendola to Bob Farris to April 5, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to H. H. Annison, April 5, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to Mr. Sewell Bahm, April 5, 1956
- Stockholders Meeting Agenda, April 5, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to Dave Pearce, April 5, 1956
- Telegram, Bob Farris to L.C. Allen, Jr., April 6, 1956
- Letter, Ralph R. Brown to Levi P. Batte, April 9, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to Sidney McCrory, April 10, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to Hon. Earl K. Long, April 10, 1956
- Letter, Dave L. Pearce to Bob Farris, April 11, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to Dr. Wheeler, April 14, 1956
- Letter, Bert Lanier to “Friend”, April 16, 1956
- Letter, C. L. Flowers to Mr. Phares, April 17, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to Leonard Krower & Son, Inc., April 17, 1956
- Letter, Dave L. Pearce to Bob Farris, April 17, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to Mrs. Cyril Wilde, April 18, 1956
- Letter, F. B. Wheeler to Bob Farris, April 18, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to W.W. Walker, April 23, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to Bogalusa Dairy News, April 26, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to Baton Rouge State Times, April 26, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to Maude O’Brien, April 26, 1956
- Advertisement for U.S. navy Recruiting Station
- Letter, Earl K. Long to Bob Farris, April 30, 1956
- Letter, Louisiana Tung Festival to Bob Farris, May 1, 1956
- Letter, Dave L. Pearce to Bob Farris, May 1, 1956
- Letter, L. C. Allen to Miss Patricia Ann Simmons, May 4, 1956 and March 26
- Press Releases (7 pages)
- Help Wanted ad (7 copies)
- Invitation to Louisiana Jersey Cattle & Dairy Association, May 16, 1956 (5 copies)
- Agenda for Meeting of Jersey Cattle & Dairy Association
- Letter, H. W. Anderson to Bob Farris, May 30, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to Ben Harrell, May 30, 1957
- 4 Certificates of Appreciation
- Letter, Paul Gaston, Jr. to Bob Farris, July 3, 1956
- Letter, William E. Lockridge, Jr. to Bob Farris, July 5, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to William E. Lockridge, Jr., July 18, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to Walter Antin, August 14, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to Walter Antin, August 14, 1956
- Letter and Contract for Manley Inc., October 3, 1956
- Blueprint of Platform for Stock Show
- Bill from Louisiana Steel Fabrications, Inc. for steel platform
Box 3
Folder 1: Winners and Contestants in Southeastern Louisiana Dairy Festival & Stock Show (9 items)
- 1957 (2 pages)
- Junior Dairy Division (12 pages)
- Official Health Certificate and Test Chart, February 27, 1956
- Senior Dairy Division (12 pages)
- Junior Dairy, 1955 (20 pages)
- Junior Beef (21 pages)
- Junior Beef (8 pages)
- Senior Beef (13 pages)
- Senior Beef (12 pages)
Folder 2: Board Meeting Minutes, Rules, and Bids (11 items)
- Change in DHIA Rules
- Dairy Program (3 pages)
- Dates of Louisiana Fairs and Festivals, 1956-1957
- Paper, 6th Annual SE LA Dairy Festival, May 4, 5, 1956
- Program, Louisiana Association of Fairs and Festival, February 8-9, 1956
- Program, 6th Annual SE LA Dairy Festival, May 4-5, 1956
- Paper with Fund allocation, May 31, 1956
- Price Quotes from Forbes Furniture, Inc., June 18, 1956
- Minutes for Board Meeting, SE LA Dairy Festival & Stock Show, June 20, 1956 (3 copies)
- Price Quotes from bob Farris Store, Inc.
- Specifications No. 1 Furnishings for Southeastern Dairy Festival Ass’n. Office and Kitchen in Coliseum, Bids to be received June 20, 1956
Folder 3: 1956 Queen’s Contest and Invitations (12 items)
- Handwritten letterhead for Alexandria Lions Club Rodeo
- Queen’s invitation to Lions Club Rodeo, 1956
- Queen’s invitation to Louisiana Dairy Festival & Fair, June 12, 1956
- 6 Photographs of Queen Wilma Core
- Dairy Queen Contest Rules, April 6, 1956
- Correspondence with Coaching lessons from Star Studios
- Press release about Star Model Coach (3 copies)
- Letter, Patricia Ann Simmons to Bob Farris, May 6, 1956
- Thank you notes to judges, May 15, 1956 (3)
- Letter, Carrol Trahan to Miss Ester Mae Alford, May 14, 1956, with rough draft copy
- List of 1956 Festival Queen Contestants (2 copies)
- Southeastern Louisiana College Grant for Winner of Queen’s Contest
Folder 4: Sound Equipment for Coliseum (3 items)
- Evans Electrical Supply quotation, December 6, 1956
- American Sales Company Bid for operating sound system, January 15, 1957
- Bid and Brochure from American Sales Company in a book
Folder 5: Frank’s Lumber Yard (6 items)
- Proposal Form, January 5, 1956 (2 copies)
- Estimate # 1, March 31, 1956 (2 copies)
- Estimate # 2, April 30, 1956 (2 copies)
- Estimate # 3, May 31, 1956
- Estimate # 7, September 29, 1956
- Information on changing estimates
Folder 6: Moore Electric Company (10 items)
- Price Quotes, May 31, 1956
- Monthly Estimate, May 31, 1956
- Certificate No. 1 Letter, June 13, 1956
- Monthly Estimate # 2, June 30, 1956
- Certificate No. 2, July 9, 1956
- Monthly Estimate # 3, July 31, 1956
- Certificate No. 3, August 9, 1956
- Monthly Estimate # 4, August 31, 1956
- Certificate No. 4, September 10, 1956
- Certificate No. 5, October 12, 1956
Folder 7: Contract Certificates (2 items)
- Moore Electric Company (7)
- Frank’s Lumber Yard (13)
Folder 8: 1956 Correspondence with E. B. Ludwig & Associates (42 pages)
Folder 9: 1956 Correspondence, Southeastern Dairy Festival & Stock Show (52 items)
- Letter, Bob Farris to E. B. Ludwig Company, December 19, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to E. B. Ludwig Company, August 6, 1956
- Letter, J. Walton Reeves to Bob Farris, January 12, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to California Chairs, Inc., February 11, 1956
- Letter, California Chairs, Inc. To Bob Farris, February 17, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to Tropical Paint Company, February 10, 1957
- Letter, W. Gilbert Faulk to Bob Farris, February 20, 1956
- Letter, E. B. Ludwig & Associates to Frank’s Lumber Yard, March 14, 1956 (6)
- Letter, Bob Farris to Moore Electric CO., March 28, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to E. B. Ludwig Co., March 28, 1956
- Letter, Harry A. Moore to E. B. Ludwig & Associates, April 9, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to Moore Electrical Company, April 12, 1956
- Order Letter for work on Water Heaters
- Letter, E. B. Ludwig & Associates to Frank’s Lumber Yard, April 16, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to E. B. Ludwig & Associates, April 17, ?
- Letter, Bob Farris to Moore Electrical Company, April 17, 1956
- Letter, E. A. Edwards to Bob Farris, April 20, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to Popsum, Incorporated, April 21, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to Wright Machinery Company, April 21, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to Hawkeye Novelty Company, April 21, 1956
- Letter, Wright machinery Company to bob Farris, April 25, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to Manley Popcorn Company, April 30, 1956
- Letter, E. B. Ludwig & Associates to Frank’s Lumber yard, May 3, 1956
- Letter, Louisiana Plumbing & Electric Co. To Bob Farris, May 17, 1956
- Letter, Manley Popcorn to Bob Farris, May 24, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to G. Y. Harrell, May 25, 1956
- Letter, Thurman Electric Company to Bob Farris, June 4, 1956
- Breakdown of prices for Louisiana Plumbing and Electric Company, June 12, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to Louisiana Plumbing & Electric Company, June 21, 1956
- Letter, Metrailer & Ingram to J. Walton Reeves, June 23, 1956
- Letter, A. W. Fuerst to L. H. Dyson, August 15, 1956
- Letter, L. H. Dyson to A. W. Fuerst, August 17, 1956
- Letter, L. H. Dyson to A. P. Tugwell, August 20, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to General Outdoor Advertising Company, September 14, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to Lamar Advertising Company, September 14, 1956
- Letter, J. Walton Reeves to W. F. Ownes, September 29, 1956
- Letter, B.D. Mitchell to Southeastern Louisiana College, October 3, 1956
- Letter, Frank’s Lumber Yard to E. B. Ludwig & Associates, October 6 ?
- Letter, B. D. Mitchell to Southeastern Louisiana College, October 8, 1956
- Letter, E. B. Ludwig & Associates to Bob Farris, October 10, 1956 (2)
- Letter, Bob Farris to E. B. Ludwig & Associates, October 11, 1956
- Letter, B. D. Mitchell to J. Walton Reeves, October 12, 1956
- Purchase Order for furnishing, October 18, 1956
- Letter, Tommy Steiner to October 18, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to Mr. Terrell, August 14, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to Hambrick, October 29, 1956
- Acknowledgment of full payment, October 31, 1956
- Letter, Geo. A. Wassenaar to Bob Farris, November 1, 1956
- Letter, H. A. Hambrick to Albert Trostel & Sons Co., November 2, 1956
- Letter, H. A. Hambrick to A. C. Lawrence CO., November 2, 1956
- Air Mail and Brochures from Meterflo Dispensers, November 6, 1956
- Letter, A. C. Lawrence Leather Co., to Bob Farris, November 7, 1956
Folder 10: 1956 Correspondence, Southeastern Dairy Festival & Stock Show, Continued (33 items)
- Letter, Berlin Tanning & MFG. Co, to Bob Farris, November 8, 1956
- Letter, L. H. Dyson to Thomas B. Welch, November 9, 1956
- Letter, A. W. Carrier to Bob Farris, November 10, 1956
- Letter, Robert Scholze Tannery to Bob Farris, November 12, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to Specialty Sales Company, November 13, 1956
- Letter, Guilford Forge to Bob Farris, November 14, 1956
- Letter, Danny Sheridan to Bob Farris, November 14, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to Trask Company, November 14, 1956
- Letter, Stephen M. Redmann to E. M Ballard, November 16, 1956
- Letter, Geo. A. Wassenaar to Bob Farris, November 17, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to Frank Cucchiara, November 19, 1956
- Letter, Irma B. Lawless to Bob Farris, November 21, 1956
- Letter, R. T. Brooks to Edward Evans, November 21, 1956
- Letter, E. B. Ludwig & Associates to Frank’s Lumber Yard, November 23, 1956
- Letter, John E. Cox to Bob Farris, November 30, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to Louisiana State Building Authority, December 31, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to Marny’s Paint Box, December 5, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to Frank’s Lumber Yard, December 6, 1956
- Letter, Irma B. Lawless to Bob Farris, December 5, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to Old Guilford Forge, December 6, 1956 (2)
- Letter, Marny’s Paint Box to Bob Farris, December 10, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to Marny R. Hawkins, December 13, 1956
- Letter, Bob Farris to Welch Planing Mill Company, December 19, 1956
- Letter, Welch Planing Mill to Bob Farris, December 24, 1956
- Contract with Louisiana Plumbing & Electric Co., June 3, 1956
- Price for natural gas line, June 16, 1956
- Statement of Service and Fees from Metrailer & Ingram, July 2, 1956
- Bond for Private Work for Louisiana Plumbing & Electric Company, July 3, 1956
- Expense Reports from Louisiana Plumbing & Electric Co. (7 pages)
- Expenses from Electrical Distribution System (4 pages)
- Mathes Cooler Air Conditioner Warranty, October 19, 1956
- Newspaper ad for Manley Popcorn, The Daily Oklahoman, 195
- Handwritten note
Folder 11: 1956 Expense Records (34 items)
Folder 12: 1956 Contractor Invoices (8 items)
Folder 13: Bids on Steel Chairs (20 items)
Folder 14: Electrical Bids on Coliseum (13 items)
Folder 15: Information and Bids regarding the Bronze Plaque
Folder 16: 1957 Dairy Festival Publicity, Stock Show Winners, and Press Releases (57 items)
Folder 17: 1957 Dairy Festival Queen (3 items
- 11 cardboard index prints of 1957 Dairy Festival Queen, Jamene Reno
- Newspaper article about Jamene Reno
- Correspondence regarding Jamene Reno and Invitations to other festivals (4 items)
Box 4
Folder 1: Correspondence with Frank’s Lumber Yard, 1957
Folder 2: Correspondence with Moore Electric Company, 1957
Folder 3: Contracts for Coliseum Construction
Folder 4: Letter from Cribbs Roofing
Folder 5: Correspondence with E. B. Ludwig & Associates (13)
Folder 6: Correspondence regarding equipment for Coliseum (19)
Folder 7: Invoices from 1957 (45 items)
Folder 8: Rodeo Advertisement, 1957 (60 items)
Folder 9: Forest Fire Conference, May 1957 (24 items)
Folder 10: Grobel Show Correspondence
Folder 11: Stage Equipment Letters, Bids, Orders, and Invoices
Folder 12: Correspondence dealing with 1957 Dairy Festival
Folder 13: Budgets, Funds, and Scheduled Activities 1956-1957, Coliseum
Folder 14: 1957 Dairy Farm Tour Correspondence
Folder 15: Sponsorships and Basketball Games
Box 5
Folder 1: List of 1958 Fairs and Festivals and List of Participants in Talent Show
Folder 2: Invoices and Financial Statements from 1958
Folder 3: Entries of Livestock, 1958
Folder 4: Poultry Placing, 1959, and Stockholder Meetings/Correspondence
Folder 5: Invoices from 1959
Folder 6: Miscellaneous Year Information (13 items)
- First Guaranty Bank Ledgers
- Program, Louisiana Tung Blossom Festival, 1954
- Program, Tangipahoa Parish Fair, 1954
- The Rodeo cowboys’ Association, Inc, Laws and rules, 1957 (2 copies)
- South Louisiana Mid-Winter Fair, January 1957 Program (2 copies)
- Article, “Tompley Horse Wins Judging Event at SLI,” The Alvertiser, January 18, 1957
- Letters of Approval, Registration and Contracts, 1957
- Helps in mastering Parliamentary Procedure
- Bulletin, Hammond Association of Commerce, 1958
- Postcard replies
- Article, Galloping Horse, Steer Horns, Cowboy- Powerful Combination The Alvertiser, 1957
- Lunch Menu
- Stockholders’ Meeting Reminders
Folder 7: Miscellaneous Year Information, Continued (4 items)
- Photograph, Contestant Dinner, 1954
- Brochure on Hand Thompson and his Brazos Valley Boys
- Blue Prints for Meeting Room and Storage Building
- Southeastern LA. Dairy Festival General Rules and Regulations (10 copies)
Folder 8: Invoices and Orders from the 1950s
Folder 9: Stockholder Information, Budgets and Appropriations
Folder 10: Miscellaneous Year Information, Continued
Box 6
Folder 1: Spring Flower Show and Response Postcards, 1960
Folder 2: Junior Livestock Show Program and Correspondence, 1961
Folder 3: Farm and Town Week, 1962 and Correspondence
Folder 4: Factory Price List and Certificate Honoring W. Malin Smith, 1969
Folder 5: Louisiana Power & Light Company 1970 Annual Report
Folder 6: Agri-Dustrial Futurama Banquet and Winter Commencement Order
Folder 7: Western Auto Spring/Summer Catoalog, The Eduacator
Folder 8: Livestock Breeds and Exhibitors, 1977
Folder 9: Livestock Breeds and Exhibitors, 1978
Folder 10: High School Day Schedule, SLU, 1978
Folder 11: Livestock Breeds and Exhibitors, 1979
Folder 12: Livestock Breeds and Exhibitors, 1980
Folder 13: Invoices and Receipts, 1981
Folder 14: Livestock Breeds and Exhibitors, 1982
Box 7
Folder 1: Citizens National Bank Deposit Slips 1953
Folder 2: Citizens National Bank Checks, Bank Statements, and Deposit Slips, 1954
Folder 3: Citizens National Bank Checks, Bank Statements and Deposit Slips, 1955
Folder 4: Citizens National Bank Checks, Bank Statements, and Deposit Slips, 1956
Folder 5: Citizens National Bank Checks, Bank Statements, and Deposit Slips, 1957
Folder 6: Citizens National Bank Checks, Bank Statements, and Deposit Slips, 1968
Folder 7: Citizens National Bank Checks, Bank Statements, and Deposit Slips, 1959
Folder 8: Citizens National Bank Checks, Bank Statements, and Deposit Slips, 1968
Folder 9: Citizens National Bank Checks, Bank Statements, and Deposit Slips, 1981
Folder 10: Check Stubs, November 1956-February 1957 and June 1957- October 1958
Box 8
Folder 1: Citizens National Bank Checks, Bank Statements, and Deposit Slips, 1953
Folder 2: Citizens National Bank Checks, Bank Statements, and Deposit Slips, 1954
Folder 3: Citizens National Bank Checks, Bank Statements, and Deposit Slips, 1955
Folder 4: Citizens National Bank Checks, Bank Statements, and Deposit Slips, 1956
Folder 5: Citizens National Bank Checks, Bank Statements, and Deposit Slips, 1957
Folder 6: Citizens National Bank Checks, Bank Statements, and Deposit Slips, 1958
Folder 7: Check Stubs, 1967-1981
Box 9
Folder 1: Tangipahoa Title and Abstract Company Cash Book 1923-1927
Folder 2: Tangipahoa Title and Abstract Company Cash Book 1923-1927
Folder 3: Tangipahoa Title and Abstract Company Cash Book 1923-1927
Folder 4: Tangipahoa Title and Abstract Company Cash Book 1929
Folder 5: Tangipahoa Title and Abstract Company Index
Folder 6: 5 binders with Checks for Southeast Louisiana Dairy Festival and Stock Show, Inc.
Box 10
Folder 1: Dairy Festival & Stock Show Programs: 1953-1961
Folder 2: Dairy Festival & Stock Show Programs: 1976, 1979, 1981-1982, 1986, 1991, 1996
Folder 3: Other Louisiana Fairs and Festival Programs (14 items)
Folder 4: Other Louisiana Fairs and Festival Programs (15 items)
Box 11 (Flat Box)
Folder 1: Southeastern Dairy Festival Building Fund Checks
Folder 2: Bookkeeping, 1955-1956
Folder 3: Southeastern Dairy Festival Pavilion Checks
Folder 4: The Official Guide of the Railways, June 1953
Box 12
Folder 1: Checks and Deposit Slips (6 items)
- Check Stubs, premium Checks, 1957-1959
- Meterman’s NoteBook
- Hammond Building & Loan Association Book
- 1973 Page-a-Day
- Deposit Slips
- Deposit Slips/Records
Folder 2: All Purpose Sales Form, 1977-1982
Box 13
Folder 1: 1958 Festival Queen Contestants and Information
Folder 2: Coliseum Building and Maintenance, 1954-1957
Folder 3: Livestock Entries, 1957-1958
Folder 4: 1954 Correspondence
Folder 5: 1958 Festival Correspondence and Winners
Folder 6: Photographs of Winning Livestock, Festival, and Parade
Folder 7: Photographs of Winning Livestock, Festival, and Parade
Box 14
Folder 1: Livestock Entries and Winners from Miscellaneous Years
Folder 2: Livestock Entries and Winners from Miscellaneous Years
Folder 3: Records of Winners and Monetary Awards
Folder 4: Checks, Financial Statements, Check Stubs, 1954-1955
Box 15
Folder 1: Unused Checks
Folder 2: Pieces of Clock (not including face) in Small Manila Envelop # 1
Folder 3: Miscellaneous Invoices, Checks, and Statements
Folder 4: Appropriation information, Rodeo Accreditation, Addresses, and Press Releases (1950s)
Folder 5: Handwritten Notes, Furniture and Floor Proposals, Lighting Information, Map of Tenino Area
Folder 6: Invoices, Poultry Information, Monetary Values for Awards, Award Winners, Advertisement Brochures (Furniture, Paint, Electronics)
Folder 7: Printing requests, Queen/Parade Information, Hand Written Notes
Folder 8: Vendor Brochures, Hand Written Notes, Poultry Division Winners, and Articles of Incorporation
Folder 9: Small Brochures
Folder 10: Tickets and Bleacher Brochure
Box 16
Folder 1: Entertainment Information, including Brochures, Contracts, and Billings
Folder 2: Minutes for December 9, 1958 Stock Show Meeting
Folder 3: Program and Rules and Regulations for Show & Sale, 1956
Folder 4: 1953 Correspondence and Show Winners
Folder 5: 1957 Newspaper Articles
Folder 6: Press Releases
Folder 7: Correspondence 1949-1953
Folder 8: Insurance Policy and Building Specifications and Manuals
Folder 9: Registration and Breed Winners
Folder 10: 1955 Newspaper Clippings
Folder 11: 1955 Correspondence
Folder 12: 1955 Queen’s Contest
Box 17
Folder 1: 1954 Budgets and House Bills
Folder 2: Stock Entries and Blank Forms
Folder 3: Argi-Dustrial Futurama Banquet Program, April 12, 1973
Folder 4: Region 8 Science Fair Judges and 1990 Dairy Festival Winners List and Prizes
Folder 5: 1961 Festival Registration
Folder 6: Miscellaneous Brochures, Correspondence, and Receipts
Folder 7: Concession Stand Profits and Orders
Folder 8: Bank Information
Folder 9: Invoices and Receipts from 1960s-1983
Box 18
Folder 1: Correspondence
Folder 2: Journals, Brochures, Catalogs
Folder 3: Dairy Festival Contestants and Winners
Folder 4: Photographs from Dairy Festival Events
Folder 5: Photographs from Dairy Festival Events
Folder 6: Photographs from Dairy Festival Events
Folder 7: Photographs (3 items)
- Photograph of men in Governor McKeithen’s office, dated June 16, 1970
- Photograph of awards outside of Cefalu Coliseum, undated
- Photograph of group of people inside Cefalu Coliseum, undated
Box 19
Folder 1: 1949 Louisiana Strawberry Festival Queen’s Contest
Folder 2: Correspondence, 1940-1959
Folder 3: Correspondence, 1960-1981
Folder 4: Receipts and Invoices
Folder 5: Record Book 1954
Folder 6: Checks and Bank Statements
Folder 7: (2) First Premier Ribbons, 5, Refresh with Milk Games,
Bell (without ringer), S.E.LA Dairy Festival and Stock Show, 1953 Hammond Lions Club Award