Civil War in the Florida Parishes Collection

Civil War in the Florida Parishes Collection



1. Coppens’ Louisiana Zouaves, by Lee A. Wallace, Jr., (Xerox from Civil War History, Vol. VIII, 1962, pp. 269-282)

2. The Coening Delta, New Orleans, Wednesday, May 1, 1861

3. The Battle of Baton Rouge, by Edwin C. Bearss, (xeroxed from Louisiana History, Vol. III, No. 3, Spring 1962, pp. 77-128)

4. Brevet Major-General Galusha Pennypacker, Youngest General in the United States
Army, June 1, 1842-October 1, 1916 (xerox from Myra March)

5. Cavalry Regiment, “Scotts 900” Eleventh New York Cavalry, From the St. Lawrence
River to the Gulf of Mexico, 1861-1865, by Thomas West Smith, Private of Troop F,
Published by the Veteran Association of the Regiment (xerox copy)

6. A Soldier’s Life, The Civil War Experience of Ben C. Johnson (Originally entitled,
Sketches of the Sixth Regiment Michigan Infantry), Edited, with an introduction, by
Alan S. Brown, Faculty Contributions, Series VI, No. 2, June 1962, School of Graduate Studies, Western Michigan University
Press, Kalamazoo, Michigan (xerox copy)

7. New Orleans, Jackson & Great Northern Railroad Company currency in the amount of

8. “A Day’s Ride: A Life’s Romance,” Harper’s Weekly, 30 March 1861. Donated by Ben Taylor.