Box 1
- Misc. Pamphlets/Journals (10 items)
- Neva Taylor (2 items)
- John Tombs (1 item)
- Tombstones (1 item)
- Tombstones for Mom & Dad (3 items)
- Warren Smith (1 item)
- Tangled Threads – Crain Book (8 items)
- Tatum Journal (1 item)
- Tourism (8 items)
- Tourist Comm. – E. Feliciana (1 item)
- Theater Chairs – Lee High School (2 items)
- Travel Info for Future (4 items)
- Tullos, Ray (1 item)
- Trees – Very Old (1 item)
- Tunica Indians (1 item)
- USM (8 items)
- UNO Hotel-Motel Restaurant Admin. (1 item)
- Upstairs (1 item)
- University Boards (9 items)
- US Consulate General (1 item)
- Van Dyke Supply Co., Inc. (1 item)
- Vernacular Architecture of French La. by Jay Edwards (1 item)
- Voorhies, Corte (2 items)
- Voorhies, Cort & Marjorie (Bois des Chenes Inn) (1 item)
- Units & Measurements (1 item)
- Vitae ILC (43 items)
- Vitae (9 items)
- Washington Parish Reservoir (1 item)
- W. Feliciana History (1 item)
- W. Florida Museum – Visions (9 items)
- WW Warner – pictures (9 items)
- Strickland, Greg (1 item)
- Stateline Baptist Church (1 item)
- St. Alban’s Lounge (1 item)
- Speech – DAR (1 item)
- South Central Bell (1 item)
- Southern Belle Station – Antiques & Collection (2 items)
- Southern Belle Station – Sale of our Antiques (3 items)
- Southern Art (1 item)
- Sourcebook (1999) for Victoria Homes (1 item)
- Sons of Confederate Veterans (3 items)
- Smoke House Restoration (3 items)
- Single Shot US Martials (11 items)
- Simeon North Pistol Factory – Project (1 item)
- Signs – DOTD (11 items)
- Shingles, Wood Shakes (1 item)
- Seal, Randy (1 item)
- Sandra Roberts (7 items)
- Alison Saltus & Adam Aaron Marriage (1 item)
- Saltus, Allen (2 items)
- SLU Moffett (1 item)
- SLU (2 items)
- Robinson, Coach Eddie (1 item)
- Roby House Restoration (5 items)
- Robert D. Magee House (31 items)
- Newspaper Clippings (1 item)
- Restoration – Standards (6 items)
- Research Forms (1 item)
- Railsback, Glen and Susan (3 items)
- Presidents – USA (12 items)
- Restoration Catalogue (1 item)
- Republic of W. Fla. Museum (22 items)
- Rear Hall (1 item)
- Randall Note (1 item)
- Regents Misconduct (7 items)
- Faculty for Jackson Area College (2 items)
- Family Reunion Speech (1 item)
- E. Feliciana Youth Services Grant (1 item)
- Field Notes for Tour (9 items)
- 1st Baptist Church – BR (1 item)
- Fire Marshal – Efferson/Harvey/Crain/Bella (3 items)
- Philip Fishburn – Notary Public (4 items)
- Fondren, Jim (5 items)
- Forestry Plan – State Line (19 items)
- Forestry Calculations (42 items)
- Misc.
- Board of Regents (7 items)
Box 2
- Biology Journals (7 items)
- Angie Baptist Church Photo Album (no folder)
- Misc. (3 items)
- Crain Family Funerals (3 items)
- Crain, Rita (5 items)
- Crain Reunion 2001
- Crain, Phineas (2 items)
- Pushepatapa Creek Reservoir (7 items)
- Widow’s Pensions (3 items)
- Antiques – Southern Gallery Inventory (11 items)
- Antiques (133 items)
- Antique Furniture (4 items)
- Antiques – Southern Belle Station (1 item)
- American Society of Arms Collectors (1 item)
- Angie HS Reunion (3 items)
- Angie HS Classes of ‘52 and ‘53 (13 items)
- Misc. – Cavanaugh
- General Info – Cavanaugh
- Cavanaugh History
- Cavanaugh, Pat (4 items)
- Cemetery – Bullock/Blackwell (1 item)
- Cemetery Records (1 item)
- Centenary College Branch Sites (4 items)
- Centerary College – Jackson, La. (1 item)
- Centenary College Branch Proposal (1 item)
- Centenary College – Jackson (7 items)
- Center for Regional Studies – SLU (4 items)
- Centenary Jackson Hospital Register 10/1862-5/1863 (1 item)
- Certified Local Government (15 items)
- Charter School Jackson (29 items)
- Civil War Center
- Civil War Claims in the South (1 item)
- Civil War Round Table (5 items)
- Clans (7 items)
- Confederacy Research (13 items)
- Confederate Bills (11 items)
Box 3
- Crain Newsletters and Research (50 items)
- Crain, Charles
- Crain – Congratulatory Letters (29 items)
- Crain’s Creek Arboretum (10 items)
- Crain Memorial (21 items)
- Crain, Dennis History (2 items)
- Crain Genealogy
- Crain Genealogy (17 items)
- Crain, Henry (17 items)
- Crain, Frances and Billy’s Bible
- Crain, J. Larry (13 items)
- John Crain Convocation and Presidential Investiture (5 items)
- Crain, Neville Ruth and Louis
- Crain, Randall – Genealogy (71 items)
- Crain, William M. (24 items)
- Billy Crain Reunion (4 items)
- Crain, Elissa (Powder Horn) (11 items)
- Crain, Ellen (1 item)
- Crain, John C. (1 item)
- Crain, Lewis (12 items)
- Crain, Jean Etta (13 items)
- Crain, Louis D. (1 item)
- Crain, Mayfield (1 item)
- Crane, Mayfield (20 items)
- Crane, Waterman (2 items)
- Crain, Waterman (20 items)
- Crain, Nathan (31 items)
- Crain, Ricky Lynn
- Crain, Rita (43 items)
- Crain, Stella (1 item)
- Crain, Stephen (17 items)
- Crain, Warren (10 items)
- Crain, William
Box 4
- Crain’s Creek Arboretum (2 items)
- DAR (1 item)
- Deville, Winston (12 items)
- Ellis, George (18 items)
- Fla. Parishes Genealogical Newsletter (12 items)
- Fortinberry Genealogy (2 items)
- Franklinton Courthouse (4 items)
- Friends of the Archives (2 items)
- Hinds, Enoch Henry (41 items)
- Hinds, Enoch (15 items)
- Hereford Family 91 item)
- Gatlin Family History (2 items)
- Hunt, Sarah E. (2 items)
- Hoover, Hilton J. Jr. (1 item)
- Guy Fly (by EH Hines) (2 items)
- Hunting for Bears (1 item)
- Johnson, Delos Papers
- Johnson, Henry
- Johnson, Paula (9 items)
- Lackey, Richard (26 items)
- Misc. (1 item)
- Forms
- LA Genealogical and Historical Society (13 items)
- Lambert (1 item)
- Magee, Ellis (1 item)
- Magee, William (2 items)
- Magee, Zuma (17 items)
- Maps – Historic (1 item)
- McKenzie’s (1 item)
- Genealogical Exchange (1 item)
- National Archives Microfilm Publications (1 item)
- New Orleans Public Library (1 item)
- Rogers, Nadine (9 items)
- Russell, Franklin (1 item)
- State Archives Newsletter (9 items)
- Confederate Gunboat (1 item)
- Confederate Prisoners of War (3 items)
- Headstone Application form
- Indian Claims (1 item)
- LA in War of 1812 (3 items)
- Loyalists in Southern Campaign of Revolutionary War (3 items)
- Map – Battles of the Civil War (1 item)
- Photography (14 items)
- Army of N. Virginia (1 item)
- Port Hudson (13 items)
- Port Hudson Letters (4 items)
- Port Hudson Picture (4 items)
- Pulp Mill – Bogalusa (1 item)
- Wingfield (20 items)
- Seventh LA Regiment (1 item)
- LA Regimental Roster (1 item)
- Units Serving at Port Hudson (24 items)
- War Information – General (1 item)
- Wingfield’s Cavalry (12 items)
- Le Comite (2 items)
- Legacy (4 items)
- Tony Dog Trot – McComb (58 items)
- Dog Trot – Robert D. Magee House (10 items)
Box 5
- Boone, Thomas W. (26 items)
- Robert D, Magee daughters (1 item)
- Richardson, Hardy (6 items)
- Richardson, C. Hardy – Service Records (6 items)
- Wiliamson, Bill (2 items)
- EE Correspondence (19 items)
- Knight, CW (1 item)
- Milton, E. Ben (1 item)
- Walker, Dr. J. Fred (56 items)
- Williams, Fleming – sheriff (1 item)
- Antiques (4 items)
- Archeology (6 items)
- Ardennes American Cemetery and Memorial (1 item)
- Belt Plates (1 item)
- Blacksmithing (2 items)
- Hussey, James H. (2 items)
- Jackson, George H. (Antiques) (1 item)
- Mammals of Washington Parish (1 item)
- Postal Stamps – rare (1 item)
- Straight Razors (26 items)
- Telephones – old (1 item)
- Old Tools (3 items)
- Labor Saving Carpenter Tools (2 items)
- USS Kidd Project (7 items)
- Wildlife Refuge – Bogue Chitto 1978 (1 item)
- Williamson, William (1 item)
- American Society of Arms
- Misc. (1 item)
- Crain Family History (3 items)
- Water Mills (1 item)
- Misc. (5 items)
- Old Newspapers (1 item)
- Blackwell Dedication (3 items)
- Crain, Randall (2 items)
- Wood Preservation (2 items)
- North Pistol Factory Study (9 items)
- Blackwell, Nathan
- Blackwell, Thornton
- Blackwell, Thornton Service Records (13 items)
- Tenn. Militia (4 items)
- Misc. (5 items)
- Crain, Stephen (6 items)
- Crain Biographical Data (1 item)
- Crain, Charles (16 items)
- Crain, Col. Robert (3 items)
- Amacker Genealogy (1 item)
- Bass, Mary Belle (3 items)
- Blackwell, Claiborne
- Blackwell, David (2 items)
- Blackwell Genealogy (19 items)
- Blackwell, James (6 items)
Box 6
- Blackwell, James (4 items)
- Blackwell, Jesse (2 items)
- Blackwell, John C. (12 items)
- Blackwell, Minnie (13 items)
- Blackwell, Nathan (4 items)
- Blackwell, Steptoe (8 items)
- Blackwell, William (5 items)
- Branch William – Cemetery (1 item)
- British Heritage (2 items)
- Childs, Moses (1 item)
- Crain, Bounty (2 items)
- Crain, Dennis – 1
- Crain, Dennis – 2
- Crain, Dennis – 3
- Crain, Dennis – 4
- Crain, Dennis – Court Records (20)
- Crain, Enos and Mary (4 items)
- Crain, Henry
- Memorial Service (2 items)
- Grenlea
- Unlabeled Folder (22 items)
- Inventory (11 items)
- Morning Advocate (6 items)
- Harbour, Mary (15 items)
- Parkinson’s (2 items)
- State Farm (3 items)
- Dining Room (1 item)
- AARP (1 item)
- Research Sources (10 items)
- Crain Nests (3 items)
- Blackwell Story (6 items)
- House Paint (4 items)
- Miller, John C. (35 items)
- Millwood Home Tour (6 items)
- Model Railroad (1 item)
- Moffett, Randy (3 items)
- Morgan, JJ (2 items)
- Montgomery, Matthew (3 items)
- Morgan House (1 item)
- Morrison, Jimmy (From LBJ and Lady Bird) (1 item)
- Morrison, Jimmy (1 item)
Box 7
- Morrison, Jimmy (5 items)
- Morrison, Jimmy Biography (41 items)
- Moody, Laura (16 items)
- Moore, Bill (13 items)
- Architecture (2 items)
- Mortar Mix Formula (1 item)
- Log Cabins (2 items)
- John Ashcroft (1 item)
- Mount’s Villa (1 item)
- Museum Donations (1 item)
- National Park (1 item)
- Norton Antivirus (2 items)
- Port Hudson (34 items)
- Name Origins – Local (1 item)
- Poshepatapa Creek (1 item)
- Projects – Need Funding (2 items)
- Preservation Tips (6 items)
- Port Hudson Native Guards (4 items)
- Pirogues (1 item)
- Pictures of Old Homes (17 items)
- Preservation Tax (2 items)
- Port Hudson History (5 items)
- Player Piano (1 item)
- Photographer (1 item)
- Planter’s Houses (1 item)
- E. Paul (5 items)
- Paterson, Mattie (1 item)
- Patterson, Ernest (7 items)
- Patterson (69 items)
- Parsonage – Jackson (12 items)
- Projects – Jackson (4 items)
- Parkview Baptist Church (4 items)
- Oxford College (1 item)
- Courthouse (2 items)
- Our Courthouse (9 items)
- Ornithology (1 item)
- Oral History of Jackson (7 items)
- Old Hickory Railroad (24 items)
- Old Documents (7 items)
- Obituaries (14 items)
- Roofing Materials (1 item)
- Tennessee Genealogy (1 item)
- Thomas, Arkatie (4 items)
- Veech, Damon (19 items)
- Wells Family (1 item)
- Wheeler family (14 items)
- Williams, Russ (3 items)
- Williamson, Lehman (1 item)
- Bankston Corn Crib (4 items)
- Baton Rouge Home (2 items)
- Blacksmith Shop (9 items)
- Billy Crain (2 items)
- Dating an Old House (2 items)
- Dog Trot Insurance (3 items)
- John Magee House (6 items)
- Sheridan Dogtrot Barn (8 items)
- Old House Journal Info (30 items)
- Other Dogtrots (27 items)
- Ponchatoula Home (1 item)
- Renovator’s Supply Catalogue (6 items)
- Restoration Techniques (1 item)
- Folk Architecture (10 items)
Box 8
- Magee Fireplace (22 items)
- Magee Dogtrot (17 items)
- Magee Dogtrot Interior (5 items)
- Magee Old Kitchen (72 items)
- Log Cabin Restoration (7 items)
- Sternberg Dog Trot (17 items)
- Amite Co., MS (1 item)
- Blacksmithing (2 items)
- Books to Read (2 items)
- Choctaw Indians (7 items)
- Baton Rouge Civil War Roundtable (3 items)
- Civil War in Washington Parish (1 item)
- Civil War Tax in LA – 1865 (1 item)
- Comnock – Washington Parish (1 item)
- Florida Parishes History (8 items)
- Folk Life (4 items)
- Franklinton (7 items)
- Hammond Airport (1 item)
- Delos Johnson (1 item)
- Griffith Johnson (3 items)
- Livingston Parish (5 items)
- LA history Newsletter (1 item)
- Marion Co., MS (3 items)
- Mile Branch (31 items)
- North Carolina History (3 items)
- Pike Co., MS (3 items)
- Ponchatoula (1 item)
- Private Land Claims Washington Parish (1 item)
- Railroads (1 item)
- St. Tammany Parish (1 item)
- South Carolina (1 item)
- S. Carolina History (8 items)
- Washington Parish Police Jury (1 item)
- Stateline Baptist Church (2 items)
- Archives – General (9 items)
- Bran Gallery (1 item)
- Cornett, David (1 item)
- Early American Research (1 item)
- Fabrique National Herstal (1 item)
- genealogy Associations (2 items)
- Arboretum – Land Purchases (2 items)
- Gloster Arboretum (1 item)
- Hardwood Club (1 item)
- LSU Rural Life Museum (1 item)
- Le Petit Musee de Baton Rouge (1 item)
- Mississippi Archives (2 items)
- Miss. Department of Archives and History (1 item)
- Museum of Geoscience (4 items)
- National Archives (10 items)
- National Society of United Daughters of 1812 (1 item)
- Southeast Louisiana Historical Association (1 item)
- SLU Archives (2 items)
- 1790 Census – South Carolina (1 item)
- Amnesty and Pardon Records (17 items)
- Battle of Baton Rouge (2 items)
- British Records – American Loyalists (10 items)
- British Royalty (1 item)
- Camp Moore (16 items)
- Civil War History (26 items)
- Civil War Letters (61 items)
Box 9
- Civil War Roundtables (20 items)
- Confederate Gun Boat – Barataria (2 items)
- Antique Guns (121 items)
- Antique Gun Receipts (61 items)
- Antique Gun Repair (4 items)
- Antique Gun Research (10 items)
- Artifacts (1 item)
- Baltimore Gun Show (1 item)
- Berryman, Robert (2 items)
- Bitter, EW (3 items)
- Bryan, Donald (3 items)
- Bull, Lee (19 items)
- Cromwell, Giles (2 items)
- Dorsey, Stephen (1 item)
- Drepert (4 items)
- 1808 North (1 item)
- Eli Whitney Museum (3 items)
- O&E Evans Pistol (1 item)
- Fakes and Forgeries (1 item)
- Fendlason, JD (1 item)
- Gun Book Needs (8 items)
- The Gun Report (5 items)
- J Henry Pistols (1 item)
- JL Crain Gun Collection (7 items)
- Gun Shows (6 items)
- Gun Makers in New Haven (1 item)
- Guns to be Sold (1 item)
- Guster, William (1 item)
- Harpers Ferry Pistols (2 items)
- Hayes, Hugh (1 item)
- Howeler, Alan – 1836 Eagle (1 item)
- Hoffman Rifles (1 item)
- Kentucky Rifles (8 items)
- Kentucky Type Pistol (5 items)
- Lighton, Ray (1 item)
- McCormick, Robert (1 item)
- Miss. Trading Co. (1 item)
- Moore, Bill (4 items)
- Moore, RL (3 items)
- Musket Caps (1 item)
- NRA (9 items)
- Nickle Plating (2 items)
- North, Simeon (1 item)
- North 1814 Privateer Pistol (1 item)
- Patterson, Meade (1 item)
- Peterson, Walter (3 items)
- Pictures Needed (1 item)
- Power Flasks (1 item)
- The Quest (3 items)
- Reilly, Robert (7 items)
- Smith, Sam (9 items)
- Springfield Armory Museum (8 items)
- Suydam, Charles (2 items)
- Turner, Bill (2 items)
- US Belgium Single Shot Pistol (4 items)
- Wertenberger, Jim (15 items)
- Wibberly, Tom (2 items)
- Williamson, Bill (2 items)
- Wilson, RL (2 items)
- Wood Identification (1 item)
- Woods, Luke (5 items)
- American Blade Collectors (4 items)
- Compton La Bauve (1 item)
- Confederate D Guard Knife (2 items)
- Knives (3 items)
- Knives – JL Crain Collection (8 items)
- Wiggins, James (1 item)
- Williamson, Bill (1 item)
- Port Hudson Speech (5 items)
- Worksheets (24 items)
- Speeches (6 items)
- President SLU – 1
- President SLU – 2
Box 10
- President SLU – 3
- President SLU – 4
- SLU Memorabilia
- Genealogy (19 items)
- Gov. Roemer (1 item)
- Untitled (12 items)
- Edwin Edwards (8 items)
- SS Martial Collection Sale (38 items)
- Unfiled Items
- Unfiled Items
- Wood Identification (2 items)
- Articles, cards – Jean (48 items)
- Rita and Rickey (29 items)
- Tourism (19 items)
- Crain, William (15 items)
- Crain, John (2 items)
- Crain, J. Larry (6 items)
- Crain, Louis (1 item)
- Crain, Durbon (11 item)
- Lackey, Richard (2 items)
- Future Genealogical Research (36 items)
- Unfiled items
- Biology 102 (1 item)
- Elshore House (39 items)
- Congratulatory Letters (44 items)
- System President (4 items)
Box 11
- American Society of Arms Collectors 1981 (9 items)
- American Arms Society Meeting (15 items)
- American Society of Arms Collectors 1982 (10 items)
- American Society of Arms Collectors Albuquerque Meeting (10 items)
- American Society of Arms Collectors Louisville (19 items)
- Southeastern Antique Arms Collectors Show (3 items)
- American Society of Arms Collectors London (22 items)
- American Society of Arms Collectors Scotsdale (16 items)
- American Society of Arms Collectors Convention (7 items)
- American Society of Arms Collectors Natchez (6 items)
- American Society of Arms Collectors Hartford (21 items)
- April-May 1986 (1 item)
- American Society of Arms Collectors April-May 1986 (17 items)
- American Society of Arms Collectors May 1989 (5 items)
- American Society of Arms Collectors October 1989 (1 item)
- Mementos (21 items)
- CRT – Reception (10 items)
- CRT (11 items)
- Simeon North (22 items)
- Belgium – France Trip (20 items)
- Paris (3 items)
- Places to Visit in Future (5 items)
- Magee, Robert (17 items)
- Sears (1 item)
- Genealogy Services (7 items)
- Unfiled Materials (12 items)
- SLU Library Genealogy (2 items)
- Ceremonies (4 items)
- Misc. Pictures (8 items)
- Richardson/Warner Photo (1 item)
- Myrtis Walker Williams (10 items)
- Old Hickory Railroad (4 items)
- Faculty Convocation (10 items)
- Letters (8 items)
- Elizabeth Bounty Crain (2 items)
- Lara (4 items)
- Will and Mary Crain (2 items)
- Punkas (2 items)
- Unfiled Materials (28 items)
- Unfiled Material (26 items)
- Unfiled Materials (26 items)
- Unfiled Materials (24 items)
- Unfiled Materials (13 items)
Box 12
- Unfiled Materials (9 items)
- Unfiled Materials (8 items)
- Unfiled Materials (13 items)
- Unfiled Materials (4 items)
- Unfiled Materials (1 item)
- Crain Reunion (11 items)
- 1850 Census – Washington Parish (1 item)
- Old Hickory Railroad (3 items)
- Steam Railroad Project (1 item)
- Republic of West Florida Historical Association (4 items)
- Jimmy Morrison (2 items)
- Memorials, Dedications, Speeches (5 items)
- Pinsel, Jerry (3 items)
- News Articles (7 items)
- Wiley Sharp (1 item)
- Vitae and Brochure (22 items)
- Cecil Warren (1 item)
- Hyde, Sam (4 items)
- Hyde, Sam (3 items)
- Jackson, LA (2 items)
- Jackson Historic District (8 items)
- Jackson/Clinton Newspapers (1 item)
- Jackson Assembly (17 items)
- Jackson, LA History (6 items)
- LA State Archives (1 item)
- Sublease Agreement – Jackson (2 items)
- Jackson History (1 item)
- Jackson St. Map (3 items)
- Jackson Methodist Church (4 items)
- Jeffersonville Records (2 items)
- Jackson Historic District (64 items)
- Town of Jackson Photos (2 items)
- Historic District Planning (9 items)
- John James Audubon (8 items)
- Johnson, Paula (20 items)
- Jack Knight (2 items)
- Dr. BH Lewis (1 item)
- LA Ancestors (3 items)
- LA Association of Museums (2 items)
- LA Donor Registry (1 item)
- LA Genealogical Register (1 item)
- LA Historical Association (1 item)
- Landrieu, Mary (3 items)
- Land Use Ordinance (2 items)
- Land Use Planning (1 item)
- Legislature (3 items)
- Letters of Recommendation (28 items)
- Livingston Parish (2 items)
- Low Cost Restoration Loans (1 item)
- Jackson, LA History (1 item)
- Maps (1 item)
- Masonries (2 items)
- Master Planning Jackson (52 items)
- Manuscripts (2 items)
Box 13
- Mayor Charles Coleman
- Main Street Program
- Mammals of Southeast Mississippi
- Master bedroom
- Master plan and contract
- Mayor Charles Coleman
- McCrea, Gilford
- Morriah, Mayor: Dutch-New Orleans
- Jackson United Methodist Church programs
- Jackson United Methodist Church: pastors and elders
- Men’s ministries–Methodist
- Methodist Church-Talks
- Church museum/history
- Forestry/property– Mississippi
- Forms for release off asylum information
- Forms- historic district
- Rick Futch
- Friends of Old Centenary
- General Gardner’s headquarters, Port Hudson
- Genealogy research sources
- Genealogical query
- Genealogy fly charts- Ray Fly
- Gin Genealogy
- Goings, Lisa
- Greenlea House architectural drawings
- Greanlea–application for restoration
- Greanlea–front hall entrance/history/home repairs
- Greanlea– nail research/display
- Greanlea House–landscaping plans/since purchase/restoration tour
- Greanlea House– Lumber samples
- Heritage Room–Jackson United Methodist Church
- Highland Games
- Historic District of Jackson
- Historic District March ‘03
- Historic Preservation
- J. Larry Crain- 1996 documents
- SLU faculty convocation speeches
- Jimmie Davis birthday
- Dr. J. Larry Crain miscellaneous items
- Farm house
- Community shelter foundation
- Reccomendations- 1996
Box 14
- Jack Mcilhenny: Proposals (8 items)
- Correspondence (28 items)
- Board of Regents (24 items)
- Unfiled papers, miscellaneous correspondences (74 items)
- Miscellaneous cards and correspondences (27 items)
- Board of Regents 1994 (22 items)
- Various documents/newspaper clippings/ church programs (50 items)
- Agriculture/farming documents (114 items)
- Hoosier Farmer Magazine (6 items)
- Copyright Information (11 items)
- Hammond, LA and strawberry information (4 items)
Box 15
1a. Important Newspapers (71 items)
Dogtrot Restoration
Crain’s commissioner election
Crain’s election to be Southeastern Louisiana University president
Agriculture in Louisiana
Crain’s policies as president of Southeastern Louisiana University
Crain and the Board of Trustees
1b. Important Newspapers (22 items)
Several articles on a mill owned by Lymn and Nada Powell
Newspapers discussing the quality of Hammond
Nature Conservatory newspapers
2a Pictures and Letters (49 items)
Pictures of the Crain family
Photo of Fred Benton, Larry Crain, Groene, Ory Poret
Letters involving the restoration of the dogtrot.
Various business related letters
2b Letters and Pictures (80 items)
Family related photos
Numerous floor plan sketches
Photo of Enoch Henry Adams
Old Photo of William Henry Adams and children
Sketch of Crain’s house proposals
Personal letters
Numerous unidentified black and white photos
2c Letters and Pictures (25 items)
Sketch of the Ford Mill Restoration
Letters discussing Ford Mill Restoration
25 photographs in a case of an old bridge
Sketch plan of a church.
Correspondence with the Board of Trustees
Various personal and work letters
Copies of Bogalusa East map dated 1938-39
Numerous letters of congratulations for Crain’s presidential inauguration
Letter from Washington Parish Farm Bureau
2d. Letters and Pictures (24 items)
Pack of negatives
Letters regarding “C.B” rifle
Congratulations from Universities regarding Crain’s inauguration as president.
Personal letters
Letter regarding a Boey Knife
Letter from Center for Regional Studies
Letter from Irene Morris
Letter from Mary Belle
Negative pictures of Robert D. Magee
Photo of Crain and another woman having coffee.
Letters from American Society of Arms Collectors.
Box 16
1a. Pamphlets, Magazines, Brochures (15 items)
Dedication ceremony for D. Vickers Hall March 21, 1984
Dedication ceremony for Borden Lecture Theater March 17, 1984
Southeastern Alumni News
Washington Parish Free Fair
SELU 56th Commencement
Arbor Day Program January 19, 1994
Southeastern Naturalists vol 25, no. 3
vol 22, no 4.
vol 27, no 4.
vol 17, no. 1
Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit magazine.
1b. Pamphlets, Magazines, Brochures (21 items)
New York City: Revised Souvenir and Guide Book
Larry Crain’s inauguration
Varnado High School pamphlet
The United Stats Civil War pamphlet
LSU diploma granting ceremony
Pamphlet on Jefferson Davis
LA Tech commencement Nov 24, 1987.
1c. Pamphlets, Magazines, Brochures (18 items)
Louisiana Conservationist
American Society of Arms Collectors
The Kentucky Rifle Association
Facts about Bogalusa magazine
Louisiana History Newsletter
McNeese State University
Pamphlet of Historic Home of Jefferson Davis
1d. The Southern Naturalist (4 items)
Box 17
1a. Student Theses and Large Documents (3 items)
Thesis: Mary Jin, Civil War Military Career of Halbert E. Paine
The F.B, Kniffer Cultural Resource Lab.
1b. Student Theses and Large Documents (2 items)
“A Guide to Jackson Architecture” by J.C. Hendrickson. July 2002
“Cultural Resource Investigation Portion of Centenary State Commemorative Area in the Area of The Republic of West Florida Historical Association’s Proposed Old Hickory Railroad Route”
1c. Student Theses and Large Documents (8 items)
“A Preliminary Site Report for Archaeological Salvage Undertaken at 9Ge37.”
University of Georgia. September, 1978.
‘Water-Powered Sawmills and Relative Structures in the Piney Woods” by M.B. Newton, Jr.
Document that appears to be about historic site 9Ge37. Fifth page missing.
“A Preliminary Site Report For Archaeological Salvage Undertaken At 9Pm239″ University of Georgia
Scriple’s Water Mill
“An Archaeological and historical Study of Mills in Northeast Washington Parish Louisiana: A Proposal” by Jeffery M. Mitchen, PhD.
2a. Policies and Forms (26 items)
Numerous papers on life insurance policies for Crain and his family.
Personal health records
Mortgage records
Papers discussing Louisiana energy and the environment.
Fred Allen construction forms
Division of Historic Preservation form
2b Policies and Forms (33 items)
Disciplinary action policy
Contract for Washington Parish Fair
Policy Forms for liability and health insurance
Correspondence with the Board of Trustees over medication reimbursement
Box 18
1a. Miscellaneous (27 items)
Papers about the Federal Writers Project
New Testament books with some family records attached
List of names and numbers for Southeastern Louisiana Booster Club
Pay stub for Larry Crain, system president
Flyer for Chef’s Evening at Twelve Oaks
Envelope containing two newspaper clippings: Daily Record 1985.
Jean Crain’s application
Various receipts
Survey of Hines Cemetery
Several handwritten notes
1b. Miscellaneous (37 items)
Several items about Jimmie Davis for his birthday celebration.
Handwritten notes about Zachary Taylor
Loose pages involving medical prescriptions
Adds for kitchen appliances
House restoration estimate
Handwritten bank notes
Sheet briefly discussing Old Hickory railroad
Loose donation sheets
Piece of paper titled, “The United Kingdom, 1005-975 BC”
LA international airport project
List of correspondence involving Port Hudson
1c. Miscellaneous (31 items)
1998 Historical Calendar Marion Country Mississippi.
Handwritten note about Leroy Harvey
Various Information from Selected Statistics of Manufactures
Numerous papers on Water Mill Project
Congratulations from Universities for Larry Crain’s inauguration.
Worker’s schedule and payment for “Fair Project.”
USM Alumni Hall paper
Note discussing Stephen Crain
Larry Crain’s business card
Map of Nelson, Museum of Art
Interview with “Aunt Sia” Fall Quarter 1987
Receipt of 166 dollars for Kansas City Registration
Elliot’s Book Shop bookmark
2a. Genealogy (15 items)
“Life of a Confederate Solider”
Pedigree Chart of James Larry Crain
Stack of Papers with attached photo of Misc Records
St. Helena, St. Tammany, and Washington Parish records.
Stack of 1860 Washington Parish census information
Handwritten note on slave census 1850-1860.
1981 Mississippi Genealogical Exchange
- Ethics Commission
Box 19
Loose items (25 items)
Small notebook describing a California Trip June 12, 1972
Two of Henry Crain’s wallets
Small booklet titled “Class autographs”
Large ornament thanking Dr. Crain for his service to Southeastern Louisiana University
Marble award with SELU logo.
Large atlas
Large magazine of Louisiana State Historic Preservation
Preservation Vol 31, no. 6 August 2004
Grey checkbook
Large life magazine
Light blue ribbon
Name badge for Mrs. Henry Crain, NRECA Regional Meeting.
Red ribbon for Washington Parish Free Fair
Small yellow notebook. Journal of Hot Springs Trip 1972.
Old and blackened name tag in a proper case.
Photograph binder. Contains mostly photos of some past trips.
Box 20
- Accidental Death and Dismemberment Coverage (1 item)
- Medical Donations (11 items)
- Social Security (23 items)
- House-Johnson Appraisal (1 item)
- Highland Bank Information and Key ( 4 items)
- Bank Information and Passports (19 item)
- Hines Cemetery Information (44 items)
- House Inventory (2 items)
- New Life Insurance (39 items)
- Financial Information (32 items)
- Iris Wiggins (1 items)
- University of Southern Mississippi (4 items)
- Dogtrot (3 items)
- William Branch (2 items)
- Baton Rouge Area Foundation (2 items)
- Approved Building Permits 1995 (34 items)
Box 21
- Archival Documents (5 items)
- Art Grant-Proposal (10 items)
- Ashland-Belle Helene Plantation (2 items)
- Audubon Regional Library (5 items)
5.Battle of Jacckson Crossroads (4 items)
- Baton Rogue-Civil War Newspaper (2 items)
7.Blackwell, Jack and Helen (30 items)
- SLU-Misc (7 items)
- Roger, James- DT Furnishings (6 items)
- Bed and Breakfast Operation (8 items)
- Ivory-Billed Woodpecker-newspaper (2 items)
- Blackwell, Clifford and Doris (3 items)
- Blackwood Gospel Quarter (4 items)
- Branch Rebecca (49 items)
- Caldwell (6 items)
- Methodist Camp Meetings (1 item)
- Zachary Taylor Parkway (17 items)
- West Florida Republic (57 items)
- Pipkin’s Mill Photos (3 items)
Box 22
- West Florida Society (3 items)
- Varnado, Artie (53 items)
- Henry Crain Autobiography (1 items)
- Crain Pedigree Chart (11 items)
- Capital Outlay Request 2000 Museum Repairs (85 items)
- Carter Diary Transcript (1 item)
- Catechism (1 item)
- Watermill Project (4 items)
- Marcus Carter Rowd, Sr. (4 items)
- Washington Parish History (54 items)
- Misc (14 items)
- Benton, Fred / Sam Hyde (7 items)
- Misc- Letters and Newspaper Clippings (
- Court Records (13 items)
- Health Records (9 items)
Located in Alphabetized Manuscript Series
- Port Hudson: For Louisiana, A Battle Lost, A Battlefield Won, by J. Larry Crain,
The American Society of Arms Collectors1982, Bulletin Number Forty-seven (Reprint) - Steven Brook Mill: Simeon North’s Pistol Factory, Berlin, Connecticut,” by J. Larry
Crain and Allen R. Saltus, Jr., The American Society of Arms Collectors, October 7-11, 1987, Bulletin No. 57