Ralph and Tempe Crosby

Ralph and Tempe Crosby

Box 1:


  1. Genealogy of Andrew Moak, 1710-1928, 60 items
  2. Genealogy of the Goyne-Hall families, 14 items
  3. Genealogy of the Crosby-Cox families, 1 item
  4. Bound histories of Goyne-Hall, 2 copies
  5. Goyne history, 7 items
  6. Andrew Boyd, 1770-1856, and his descendants
  7. Andrew Boyd, 1770-1856, and his descendants; includes – notes, newspaper articles, and emails

Box 2:


  1. Andrew Boyd, 1770-1856 and his descendants, 66 items
  2. Son of Andrew Boyd (2 copies): John Boyd, 335 items
  3. Andrew Boyd – original reduced, 1 item

Box 3:


1A. Price family history, 94 items

1B. Price Family history, 159 items

  1. Price-Moak family history, 46 items

Box 4:


  1. Price – Robert, William and Joseph Price of Pike and Lincoln counties, Mississippi
    and their descendants, 9 items
  2. Information on Bill Pintard, 1 item
  3. Fann family history, 4 items
  4. Georgia Genealogical Society
  5. The Library of Virginia Annual Report, July 1, 2000-June 30, 2001
  6. Pickard Family History, 27 items
  7. Gill-Bryan-Hart Families, 39 items
  8. Dicky-Logue Families, 1 item
  9. Gordon/Gorden Families, 4 items

Box 5:


  1. History of the Cobb, Johnson, Morris, Reid families
  2. 34 items
  3. 51 items
  4. 36 items

Box 6:


  1. Children of Mary M. Gordon and Peter H. Marsalis
  2. 126 items
  3. 41 items
  4. 23 items

Box 7:


  1. Ancestors and descendants of Tempie Cain Gammille and Otis Leroy Fenn, 8 items
  2. Letters from John Pintard to his daughter, 4 items

Box 8:


  1. History of the Charick and Gordon families
  2. 26 items
  3. 1 item
  4. History of Dan Willoughby Fenn, Mary Letha Ann Dickey, Otis L. Fenn and Tempie
    Cain Gammill
  5. 39 items
  6. 65 items

Box 9:


  1. Fenn Family History, 1 item
  2. Research on the Fenn/Fann line, 45 items
  3. Fann and Fenn Family History, 56 items
  4. Otis Leroy Fenn and Family, 9 items
  5. Phillips-Leggett-Stewart Families, 38 items

Box 10:


  1. History of West Florida Parishes and Southwest Mississippi Territory; Author- John
    Hutchins, 44 items
  2. Marsalis Family History, 71 items
  3. Crosby Family Information, includes Ralph Crosby, 12 items
  4. Crosby Information, 15 items
  5. Crosby-Thomas Families, 1 item
  6. Pieter Marcelisen-Peter Marsalis-Six Generations, 5 items
  7. New Netherland Church Research, 187 items

Box 11:


  1. Crosby and Allied Families

-includes Adams, Ferguasan, Martin, Parker, Selman, Smith, and Sumrall, 1 item

  1. Information sent to Ralph Crosby from Hilton and dot Brown “Ancestor Hunters” on the Martin line.
  2. Notes from Research, 5 items
  3. Crosby and Allied Families, vol. 2, -multiple copies, 96 items
  4. Crosby and Allied Families, vol. 2, Sutton Family, 15 items
  5. Crosby and Allied Families, vol. 2, Stewart Family, 17 items
  6. Crosby and Allied Families, vol. 2, Leggett Family, 23 items
  7. Crosby and Allied Families, vol. 2, Phillips Family, 27 items
  8. Ferguson Family History, 33 items
  9. Newspapers, 36 items

Picayune Item – July 19, 1962

” – July 26, 1962

” ” – April 11, 1963

” – June 7, 1963

” ” – March 28, 1963

” – May 24, 1963

” – May 17, 1962

” – May 5, 1962

” – May 10, 1962

” – December 13, 1962

” – December 20, 1962

” – April 18, 1963

” – March 21, 1963

” – February 21, 1963

” – April 26, 1962


January 10, 1963

” – September 1, 1967

The Baptist Record

March 9, 1967

The Clarion-Ledger

February 18, 1968

Sunday Advocate

January 6, 1963

Flyer from Riverside “Crosby Hall and the new Cafeteria addition” January/February 1994

Box 12:


  1. Johnson Family vol. 18 pgs. 818-991

-includes Holloway, Walls, Cain, Gammill

  1. 23 items
  2. 83 items
  3. 37 items
  4. 18 items
  5. 35 items

Box 13:


  1. Cain Family History, 8 items
  2. Mississippi Cain Family, 62 items
  3. Wilkinson County Cains, 18 items
  4. Pictures and Documents relating to the Cain Family, 65 items
  5. NC Cain Family History, 67 items
  6. Price Family History, 1 item
  7. “The Summer of the Great-Grandmother”, 4 items

-accompanied by photos

  1. Blue Lodge Masonic book belonging to Dewey Lumar Crosby; New Ritual of the Order
    Easter Star belonging to Charlie Crosby; Awards belonging to Charlie Crosby; 28 pictures of miscellaneous buildings

Box 14:


  1. The Class of 1943 McComb High School, 1 item
  2. Information Concerning McComb High School Class of 1943
  3. 76 items
  4. 58 items
  5. “My Name is O.C.” A personal story by O.C. McDavis, 16 items
  6. “Poet; An International Monthly” edited by Krishna Srinivas, 1 item
  7. “Marcha de Galvez” by Jack D.C. Holmes, Ph. D. and “Jackson County, Mississippi;
    Photographs from the Past” compiled by Thoma C. S-Wixon
  8. McComb City, 57 items
  9. Portraits from Pearl River Avenue, 1 item
  10. “Hart and Associated Families” by Gary Strickland, 1 item

Box 15:


  1. “Louisiana Soldiers in the War of 1812” by Marion John Bennett Pierson
  2. Pintaro-Stelle: Chronology

-includes Van Vorst, Marselis, Hutchins

  1. Rolls of Mississippi Commands in the War of 1812, 86 items
  2. “The History of Pike County and McComb in Story and Pagent” by Miss Nannie Gillis, 20 items
  3. Abstract History of the Mississippi Baptist Association, 14 items
  4. Early Natchez Area Documents, translation and Jack Curtis on Rev. Richard Curtis and others, 100 items
  5. Miscellaneous Newspaper Articles

McComb Enterprise Journal:

October 15, 1978

May 29, 1981

November 12, 1995

July 25, 1999

November 17, 1999

November 28, 1999

January 5, 2000

March 12, 2000

April 4, 2001


May 11, 1975

September 9, 1998

  1. Newspaper Articles concerning McComb High School class of 1943, 1 item
  2. Newspaper Articles concerning McComb Schools, 1 item
  3. History of Pike County, 70 items
  4. News Articles on McComb and Pike County area, Historical/Genealogical, 85 items
  5. Miscellaneous History of McComb, MS, 36 items

Box 16:


  1. Four old copies ofThe McComb Enterprise (1942)
  2. East McComb-Church and School, 102 items
  3. Pieter Marcelisen-Peter H. Marsalis, Six Generations

-includes Van Voorst, Pintard, Hutchins and Gordon

  1. 80 items
  2. 98 items
  3. Anthony Hutchins; White Apple Village, 1 item 5. Anthony Hutchins; White Apple
    Village, 50 items
  4. Anthony Hutchins; White Apple Village, 50 items
  5. Anthony Hutchins; White Apple Village, 50 items
  6. Anthony Hutchins; White Apple Village, 50 items
  7. Anthony Hutchins; White Apple Village, 54 items
  8. Tempe American-On-Line addresses, 165 items

Box 17:


  1. Census-Mississippi, 159 items
  2. Miscellaneous Records, 27 items
  3. Census-Pike County, Mississippi, 86 items
  4. Gordon Prestidge, 17 items
  5. Correspondence between Tempe Crosby and Peggy Billings, 100 items
  6. “Over The Overhead Bridge; The Journey of a Lifetime” edited by Charles Case, Tempe
    Fenn Crosby, Mike Decoux, Tommye Lou McMillion Grenn and Nelda Mathaws Sibley, 61
  7. Magazine articles from Southern Livingand Money, 11 items
  8. Miscellaneous Correspondence and astrology information, 62 items
  9. Horoscope Information, 78 items
  10. The Families of Tempie Cain Gammill and Otis Leroy Finn compiled by Irene Reid
    Morris and Tempe Fenn Crosby, 64 items
  11. Newspaper Articles:

-includes marriage of Ralph and Tempe Crosby, 15 items

New Orleans Daily Journal of Commerce: 2/25/1978

State Times: 1/12/1960




The Ithica Journal: 2/26/1993

Sunday Advocate: 9/5/1976

  1. Episcopal High School, John Brady and poems, 20 items

Box 18:


  1. Art information, 23 items
  2. Newspaper articles on local women, 37 items

Times Picayune: 1/30/1977

Sunday Advocate: 2/5/1978








Reflections: 11/4/1983

The Baton Rouge Enterprise: 11/13-19/1980

State Times: 10/1/1982






The American Baptist: 11/1978

Kentwood News: 11/2/1978

The Baton Rouge Enterprise:



Tangi Talk: 8/30/1978

  1. Information concerning Charles B. Simmons, 15 items
  2. Trip to Taiwan January 1,1990, 22 items
  3. Information from Family History.com about the Crosby Family, 13 items
  4. “Other Crosby Families” by Ralph Crosby, 28 items
  5. Associated names related to Crosby, 33 items
  6. Information on Thomas Crosby, 34 items
  7. “Crosby” by Ralph Crosby, 82 items
  8. Origins of the Name, Crosby, 156 items
  9. History of Franklin Co. Mississippi, 35 items
  10. Caregiver of the Month” provided to the Crosby family, 15 items
  11. Newspaper articles, 18 items

McComb Enterprise 2/13/89

State Times 10/3/1984

Clarion Ledger 2/18/79




Wall Street Journal 12/11/78

The Picayune Item 6/13/46


Jackson Daily News 8/28/46

  1. Old photographs of the Crosby Family, 7 items
  2. “Family History with the Name Origin and Lineage Lines, Crosby” by Heraldry, 2
  3. Audio cassette of Dewey L. Crosby funeral, 1 item

Box 19:


  1. A Quarterly New Journal of the Crosby Arboretum, 9 items
  2. Bank of Picayune account book of Charlie R. Crosby and War Ration Book Four
  3. Newspaper articles, 35 items

State Times 2/14/1920 (copy)






Copiah County Courier


Pearl River Journal


  1. “My father’s father” by Margaret Crosby, 31 items
  2. Topographical maps, 3 items
  3. Official and unofficial records of Dewey and Ralph Crosby, 15 items
  4. Wedding invitations and funeral notices, 22 items
  5. Information on Ralph Crosby, 9 items
  6. Carbon copies concerning land grants for William Crosby, 12 items
  7. Crosby family information, 89 items
  8. Deaths of Crosby family members, 13 items
  9. Engineering information, 12 items
  10. Ralph Crosby church and jury information, 15 items
  11. Crosby photographs, 19 items
  12. “Crosby” by Ralph Crosby, 1 item
  13. Crosby Consulting Engineering brochures, 4 items

Box 20:


  1. “Educatable Children, Lincoln County Mississippi, 1892”
  2. Dickey-Logue information, 26 items
  3. Cain-Wells and Holloway information, 54 items
  4. Fenn Information, 6 items
  5. Hall information, 40 items
  6. Gammill information, 63 items
  7. Descendants and Ancestors of Isaac Luther Smith, Sr. (ca. 1793-1859) of Georgia And Mississippi by Merritt David Mullen, 58 items
  8. Crosby, Thomas cover sheets, 26 items
  9. Adams-Huff family history, 47 items
  10. Family photographs, 97 items
  11. The Wedding Guest book of Dewey Crosby and Charlie Smith

Box 21:


  1. “Crosby and Allied Families”, vol. 2 by Tempe and Ralph Crosby, copy 1, 119 items
  2. Copy 2
  3. Copy 3
  4. Copy 4
  5. Copy 5
  6. Correspondence b/w the Crosbys and libraries concerning the purchasing of the Crosby Collection, 10 items
  7. Daddy’s USS Florida from Brest-Ship in Storm

Box 22:


  1. Crosby and Allied Families, vol. 3

-includes Smith-Adams-Martin-Ferguson-Selman-Parker-Sumrall by Tempe and Ralph Crosby, 54 items

  1. Reeves history, 3 items
  2. Marion County, South Carolina, Abstract of Deeds” books F – I & K 1811-1823 by Lucille Utley and Alita White Sutcliffe, 1 item
  3. Parker-Sessums history by Ralph Crosby
  4. Martin history by Ralph Crosby, 70 items
  5. Adams-huff history by Ralph Crosby, 49 items

Box 23:


  1. Pieter Mercelisye information, 39 items
  2. Picterse Marsalis, 71 items
  3. Harman Bras information, 5 items
  4. Iden Marsalisen, 15 items
  5. Marselis information
  6. 5 items
  7. 40 items
  8. 31 items
  9. 6 items
  10. 19 items
  11. 27 items
  12. John Marselles, 9 items

Box 24:


1.Van Voorst; Marselis; Hutchins; Pintard; Dickey; Fenn; Logue and Allied families by Tempe Fenn Crosby, pgs, 677-816, 70 items

2.Van Voorst; Marselis; Hutchins; Pintard; Dickey; Fenn; Logue and Allied families by Tempe Fenn Crosby,pgs. 476-676, 108 items

  1. Van Voorst; Marselis; Hutchins; Pintard; Dickey; Fenn; Logue and Allied families by Tempe Fenn Crosby, pgs. 276-475
  2. Van Voorst; Marselis; Hutchins; Pintard; Dickey; Fenn; Logue and Allied families by Tempe Fenn Crosby, pgs. 1-275, 166 items.
  3. Index for pages 1-816, Marselis, Van Voorst, etc, 120 items
  4. Bras Everts Coyemans Van Dearse by Tempe Fenn Crosby, 84 items
  5. Pieter Marcelisen – Peter. H. Marsalis, six generations

-includes Van Voorst – Pintard – Hutchins and Gordon, research by Tempe Fenn Crosby, 100 items

  1. Marselis information, 41 items

Box 25:


  1. Information about Marsalis family, Southern Journeys: Stories surrounding the Marsalis family migration to Amite County, Mississippi by W. M. Carroll Marsalis. A Search for “Polly” by Harry L. Marsalis, 48 items
  2. Sterling, David L., “New York Patriarch: A Life of John Pintard, 1759-1844, 10 items
  3. Pintard Huguenots of France, Huguenot Heritage, Misc. Information about Pintard Family, 47 items
  4. Pintard Stelle chronology includes Van Voorst, Marselis, Hutchins by Tempe Fenn Crosby, 2 items
  5. Willoughby Fenn and Elizabeth Puckaro and Lorenzo Dow Fenn and Elizabeth Butler, pp. 992-1054, Marsalis – Vann Voorst – Hutchins – Pintaro – Logue – Dickey – Penn – etc. , 370 items

Box 26:


  1. Van Voorst vol. I pp. 1-73, Marsalis; Van Voorst; Hutchins; Pintard; Logue; Dickey;

Fenn; Gammill; Holloway; Johnson; Cain; Gordon by Tempe Fenn Crosby, 241 item

  1. Vann Voorst, Marselis, Hutchins, Gordon, Pintard, Vol. 8 pp. 717 – 816, 203 items
  2. The Twenty-four Grandchildren of Otis Leroy Fenn and Tempe Cain Gammill by

Doug Cobb and Tempe Fenn Crosby, 129 items

  1. Over the Over-head Bridge: The Journey of a Lifetime, 3 items
  2. Daily Times Newspaper – Chicago – Thursday, August 2, 1934, 1 item
  3. Origin of the Melungens by Tim Hashaw, email correspondence about the Melungens

And the Gowens, 36 pages

Box 27:


  1. Documents regarding Cain and Marsalis families, 52 items
  2. Documents regarding the Marsalis and Gordon families, 77 items
  3. Gordon family documents, 27 items
  4. Hutchins family documents, 145 items
  5. Hutchins Family (cont’d), 112 items
  6. Adams family, 78 items.
  7. Martin family, 68 items
  8. Smith family, 90 items
  9. Selman family, 36 items
  10. Sumrall family, 110 items

Box 28:


  1. Gordon family – North Carolina Deed Index, 1 item
  2. Hutchins family – court related documents (wills, land claims) , 5 items
  3. Tempe Crosby – letters and handwritten notes, 45 items
  4. Hutchins family – land claims, land surveys, 19 items
  5. Hutchins – brochures, book excerpts, 25 items
  6. Hutchins – White Apple Mounds, early settlers, 33 items
  7. Hutchins – family history summary, 80 pgs
  8. Hutchins – Anthony Hutchins thesis, 102 pgs.
  9. Newspaper articles, 13 items

“Miss Bess Hutchins Honored at Retirement.” Aug. 6, 1972.

“DA Ferd Claiborne: He Was A Beloved Vagabond.” Sunday Advocate, Sept. 30, 1973.

“Sternwheeler Natchez Expected Here Monday Night.” Sunday Advocate, January, 11, 1976.

“From the Family Album.” Sunday Advocate, Oct. 25, 1972.

“Ethel Claiborne Dameron Building in WBR to be Dedicated April 21.” State

Times, April 12, 1974.

“Ethel Claiborne Dameron”

“Dameron, Mrs. Ethel Claiborne” obituary

“Mrs. Dameron is Dead at 85.” State Times. Jan. 1, 1976

“Claiborne, Louis Leigh” obituary

“West Side Trio” photo of Mrs. Irving Dameron with her friends. Sunday

Advocate, July 22, 1973

“Museum Will Honor Memory of Westside Activist” Sunday Advocate, March 2, 1986.

“WBR honors work of Ethel Claiborne Dameron .”Advocate

“Spanish Recorded Everything”

Box 29:


  1. Book – Amite County Mississippi – 1699-1865. Vol. 1 & 2.
  2. Book – Amite County Mississippi – 1699-1865. Vol. 2.
  3. Book – Thomas – Gattis Genealogy by Philip I. Roberson
  4. Book – McComb: The First 125 Years, Enterprise-Journal

Box 30:


  1. Book – Amite County Mississippi – 1699-1865, Vol. 3
  2. Book – From England – To Barbados – To Carolina, 1670-1700: The Founding of Charles Town and Recovering the Material Culture of First Generation Carolinians by Teresa C. Farris
  3. Book – Gayoso: The Life of a Spanish Governor in the Mississippi Valley, 1789-1799. By Jack D.L. Holmes
  4. Book – Crosby: A Pictorial History and Genealogy by Samuel N. Crosby
  5. Book – Cat Hymns by Stephen and Patti Thompson (full length cd enclosed)

Box 31:


  1. Bound book – Robert Hutchins of Colonial America – The Historical Hutchins Family Records by Jack Randolph Hutchins
  2. Hutchins family histories, 104 items
  3. Hutchins – legal documents (guardianship bonds, land sales), 5 items
  4. Hutchins – family history, 21 items
  5. The Genealogical Magazine of New Jersey, May 1992 and September 1992, 2 items

6.The Colonial Natchez Database Project Continues by Dr. G. Douglas Inglis, 158 pgs

  1. John Hutchins and Hannah, 19 items.

Box 32:


1A Thomas Hutchins, 13 items

1B. Thomas Hutchins, 8 items

1C. Thomas Hutchins, 15 items

  1. Anthony Hutchins – Old Hebron, 11 items
  2. Corres Celeste Hutchins Tillman et al re: Anthony Hutchins of Old Hebron Mississippi, 21 items
  3. Newspaper articles, 10 items

“Mars Hill Church 150 Years Old This Week” Enterprise-Journal, June 4, 1965.

“Amite County Civil War” Enterprise-Journal, April 10, 1980.

“Picture of the Past: Book Club at Camp Beverly Ben”

“McComb the First 125 Years: A Pictorial History of McComb”

“The Glamour of Goodwood Place” The Journal, April 2000

“Protection Planned for Spanish Lake” The Advocate

“1st Survey Survives 200 Years”

“Dates Conflict for 2 Significant Meetings” The Times- Picayune, March 12, 1967

“New Move Afoot to Open Bayou Manchac, Forgotten Back Door Mississippi” State Times, July 2, 1962

“Meet Slated By Jersey Descendants”

  2. Photo of Dr. Martha Ferguson Goss
  3. Photo of a man with the word “father”
  4. Papers regarding Martha Ferguson Goss
  6. Copy of a newspaper article regarding Mrs. G.C. Ross (1 pg)
  7. Letter to Ralph Crosby from Philip Isham Roberson re: Gaddis Family (2 pgs)
  8. Copy of newspaper article re: “Liberty Guards” (5 pgs)
  9. “No New Or Polished Coins” poems by Tempe Fenn Crosby (2 copies)

Box 33:

Folder 1: McComb Railroad museum and East McComb Baptist Church

  1. Copies of maps of McComb. 4 pages.
  2. Chartering of McComb. 35 pages.
  3. Letter to Tempe from Winnie Howell about the McComb City Railroad Dept Museum.
  4. News Article– Enterprise-Journal, June 25, 2003. “Etheridge, Howell’ Service Above
    Self’ honorees” for establishing the Railroad the Railroad Museum.
  5. News Article– Enterprise-Journal, June 17, 2003, “ICRR historical society president
    lauds McComb railroad museum.” 2 pages and copy attached.
  6. News Article, Enterprise-Journal, July 31, 1981. “East McComb Baptist Church celebrates
    its 80th year.”
  7. East McComb Baptist Church pamphlet, November 8, 1959.
  8. East McComb Baptist Church pamphlet celebrating 80th anniversary. July 25, 1981.
  9. East McComb Baptist Church pamphlet, August 2, 1981. 2 copies.
  10. East McComb Baptist Church pamphlet celebrating 75 years, September 26, 1976.
  11. East McComb Baptist Church pamphlet Centennial Celebration. August 19, 2001.
  12. Letter from T.D. Sumrall, pastor of East McComb Baptist Church, to Mr. and Mrs.
    Ralph Crosby thanking them for their donation, November 17, 1958.
  13. East McComb Baptist Church Homebound Ministry pamphlet mailed to Mrs. Grace Fenn
    May 11, 1988.
  14. East McComb Baptist Church membership Directory, December 1966.
  15. East memorial Baptist Church Membership Directory 1984.
  16. East Memorial Baptist Church Dedication Day services booklet, December 28, 1969.
  17. East Memorial Baptist Church renovation plan booklet , 1978.
  18. East Memorial Baptist Church renovation plan booklet, January 17, 1958.
  19. Copy of 2 photos of East McComb Baptist Church members and past from (top) 1947
    and (bottom) 1939. Tempe is in bottom picture.
  20. 2 copies of a picture of East McComb Baptist Church, Junior High School, and water
  21. East McComb Baptist Church newsletter mailed to Mrs. Grace Fenn July 12, 1981.
  22. East McComb Baptist Church morning worship booklets–1. August 2, 1981 with photographs of church and church community-2. August 30, 1981
  23. Enlarged copy of East McComb morning worship booklet of Sunday school picture;
    1939; 2 copies
  24. Enlarged copy of photograph in East McComb morning worship booklet with Rev. E.C.
    Edwards; 1947, 2 copies

Folder 2: Tempe School

  1. Commencement card for the class of 1932 of McComb High School.
  2. Black and white picture, East McComb School 4″x21/2.”
  3. Grade Report, Grade: Beg., Session 1930-1931.
  4. Grade Report, Grade: 1B, Session 1930-1931.
  5. Grade Report, Grade: 1A, Session 1931-1932.
  6. Grade Report, Grade: 2B, Session 1931-1932.
  7. Grade Report, Grade: 2A, Session 1932-1933.
  8. Grade Report, Grade: 3B, Session 1932-1933.
  9. Grade Report, Grade: 3A, Session 1933-19–
  10. Grade Report, Grade: 4B, Session 1933-1934.
  11. Grade Report, Grade: 4A, Session 1934-1935.
  12. Grade Report, Grade: 5B, Session 1934-1935.
  13. Grade Report, Grade: 5, Session 1935-1936.
  14. Grade Report, Grade: 6B, Session 1935-1936.
  15. Grade Report, Grade: 6A, Session 19— – 19–
  16. Grade Report, Grade: 7B, Session 1937-19–
  17. Grade Report, Grade: 7A, Session 1937-1938.
  18. Grade Report, Grade: 8B, Session 1937-1938.
  19. Grade Report, Grade: 8A, Session 1938-1939.
  20. Grade Report, Grade: 9B, Session 1938-1939.
  21. Grade Report, Grade: 9A, Session 1939-1940.
  22. Grade Report, Grade: 10B, Session 1939-1940.
  23. Grade Report, Grade: 10A, Session 1940-1941.
  24. Grade Report, Grade: 11B, Session 1940-1941.
  25. Grade Report, Grade: 11A, Session 1941-1942.
  26. Grade Report, Grade: 12B, Session 1941-1942.
  27. Grade Report, Grade: 12A, Semester: Fall, Session 1942-1943.
  28. Grade Report, Grade: 12A, Semester: Spring, Session 1942-1943.
  29. Small card with Miss Tempie Fenn on front.
  30. Card, inside: McComb High School senior class commencement exercises.
  31. Tempie Fenn envelope.
  32. McComb High School Class of 1943 Diploma cover.
  33. Tempie Fenn McComb City Schools Commencement Religious Service sheet.
  34. Tempie Fenn High School Graduation Program.
  35. LSU Grade Report, Date of Mailing: 8/7/1950.
  36. LSU Grade Report, Date of Mailing: 5/30/1950.
  37. LSU Grade Report, Date of Mailing: May 28, 1948.
  38. LSU Grade Report, Date of Mailing: January 28, 1950.
  39. Tempe Note E. McComb Jr. High classes.
  40. Envelope, Diploma for Tempie Fenn.
  41. Tempie Fenn June 7, 1925 McComb High School course list.
  42. Copy of Tempie Fenn June 7, 1925 McComb High School course list.
  43. Copy of transfer credits earned from LSU and A&M College.
  44. Tempie Pauline Fenn Educational Experience Summary (Secondary School).
  45. 9th Grade Class-Easy McComb School.
  46. Copy of 9th Grade Class-East McComb School.
  47. Typed list of people in same grade.
  48. Mid-term Graduation Easy McComb School Certificate Class January 18, 1940.

Folder 3: Tempe Awards

  1. Honorable Mention, Louisiana Photographic Society, Sunset Waikiki Beach, date:
  2. Third Place, Louisiana Photographic Society, Black and White Print, date: 3/11/82
  3. Third Place, LA Photographic Society, “Fireworks,” Date: 10/8/1981.
  4. Third Place, LA Photographic Society, Black and White Print, date: 3/11/1982.
  5. Third Place, LA Photographic Society, Black and White Print, date: 4/8/1982.
  6. Second Place, LA Photographic Society, Black and White Print, date: 5/13/1982.
  7. Second Place, “Golden Gate,” date: 8/13/1981.
  8. Second Place, LA Photographic Society, “Golden Gate,” date:8/13/1981.
  9. Second Place, LA Photographic Society, Color Slide, Praline Vendor, date: May 9,
  10. First Place, LA Photographic Society, Black and White Print, date: 2/11/1982.
  11. First Place, LA Photographic Society, “Mount Hood,” date: 12/8/1983.
  12. Blue Ribbon Award, Southern Poetry Association, Poem: “Twilight of Long Ago,”
    date: February 1, 1993.
  13. The Phone Paraprofessional Crisis Counseling, Certificate of Appreciation, November
    14, 1984.
  14. Senior BYPU Study Course Diploma, May 1940.
  15. Mission Study Certificate issued by Woman’s Missionary Union.
  16. Deep South Writer’s and Artist’s Conference, Inc., Honorable Mention, “The Poetry
    Seminar.” June 8, 1975.
  17. Deep South Writer’s and Artist’s Conference, Inc., Honorable Mention, “The Poetry
    Seminar,” June 8, 1975.
  18. Louisiana State Poetry Society, October 17, 1982, First Honorable Mention for
  19. LA State Poetry Society, October 17, 1982, First Honorable Mention for “Once Only.”
  20. Certificate for Tempie Crosby for her moral support and consideration of Ralph
    Crosby during his tenure as 1975-76 treasurer of Consulting Engineers Council of LA,
    Inc, May 28, 1976.
  21. Certificate of Honor, grade 5B, May 30, 1935.
  22. Certificate of Honor, grade 4B, June 1, 1934.
  23. Certificate of Honor, McComb City Schools, grade 2, June 2, 1933.
  24. Certificate of Honor, McComb City Schools, grade 2, June 3, 1932.
  25. McComb City Schools, Diploma, May 28, 1943.
  26. McComb City Schools, Certificate of Merit, May 15, 1940.
  27. McComb City Schools, Certificate from East McComb Junior High School, January
    18, 1940.
  28. Certificate of Award for being Neither Absent nor Tardy, May 28, 1938.
  29. Mississippi State College, completed 117 class hours in Mechanical Drawing I,
    May 4, 1943.
  30. Department of Religious Education, Synod of Mississippi, Daily Vacation Bible
    School, June 19, 1933.
  31. LSU and Agricultural and Mechanical College, completed course in Drawing and Painting,
    June 1, 1949.

Folder 4: Tempe Letters

  1. State of LA, Department of Culture, Recreation, and Tourism, Office of Program
    Development, February 13, 1980, addressed to LA Photographer from Charles Ford– Exhibits
  2. Hand written letter to Tempie from Charlie and Manie. 2 pages.
  3. Typed letter, International Who’s Who in Poetry, 12th February, 1975, to Mrs. Ralph
    Crosby from Pearl S. Rush–Biography Relations.
  4. Handwritten letter, First Presbyterian Church, June 20, 1979, to Tempe from Ray–envelope
  5. Handwritten letter from India, October 12, 1973, to Mrs. Crosby from Krishna.
  6. May 6, 1980, letter to Mrs. Crosby from Jerry White–membership chairman, League
    of American Pen Women.
  7. Copy, May 21, 1991, World’s Largest Poem for Peace, to Sirs from Tempe Crosby.
  8. Cactus Clyde Productions, April 30, 1981, to Tempe from C.C. Lockwood.
  9. Handwritten letter, 7-3-1985, to Tempe from Marge.
  10. Handwritten letter, May 5, 1980. to Mrs. Crosby from H.C. Sanders.
  11. Handwritten letter, The Ministers and Missionaries Benefit Board of the American
    Baptist Convention, June 5, 1967, to Tempe Crosby from Martin England.
  12. Margaret Reed Crosby Memorial Library and Cultural Center, May 13, 1980, to Mrs.
    Crosby from Vivian J. Williams–Director.
  13. Typed letter, Crown Colony Club, July 2, 1967, to Tempie from Marie. 2 pages.
  14. Handwritten letter, Seoul, Korea, July 12, 1962, to Tempie from Peggy. 3 pages.
  15. Typed letter, March 7, 1977, to Reverend Jimmy G. McGee from Mrs. Ralph Crosby.
    2 pages.
  16. Handwritten letter, to My Own Dearest Buddie from Mildred Fenn Douglas. 4 pages.
  17. Handwritten letter, 10/18/1970, to My Own Dear Bud from Mildred Fenn Douglas.
    4 pages.
  18. Compilation of typed letters from Tempe Crosby. 27 pages.
  19. Handwritten letter, to Tempie from Mother. 2 pages.
  20. Handwritten letter, from Mother.
  21. Typed letter, Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, State of LA, July 19, 1955, to Mrs. Crosby from J.E. Knight–Assistant to the Director.
  22. Handwritten letter, May 28, 1986, to Tempe from Hugh.
  23. Handwritten letter, April 22, 1986, to Tempe from Hugh. 2 pages.
  24. Handwritten letter, to Tempe from Hugh. Front and back.
  25. Typed letter, Hotel Europa Innsbruck, Regensburg, Germany, September 19, 1953,
    to Tempie from Camille. Front and back.
  26. Handwritten letter, 195?, to Dearest Baby Girl from Mother. 2 pages.
  27. Handwritten letter, May 7, 1967, to Tempe from Marilyn. 3 pages.
  28. Copy of typed letter, Lytle, Texas, December 22, 1933, to Mrs. Crosby from Bonnie
    Finnigan. 2 copies.
  29. Handwritten letter, 8/11/1981, to Tempe from Jue.
  30. Copy of handwritten letter, 10/18/1970, to My Own Dear Bud from Mildred Fenn Douglas.
    2 pages.
  31. Handwritten letter from Thelma and Earl.
  32. The National Library of Poetry, to Tempe Fenn Crosby.
  33. The National Library of Poetry, October 17, 1991, to Tempe from Howard Ely-Managing
    Editor. Front and back.
  34. Letter from Tempe Fenn Crosby to the Howard Tilton Library, Tulane University,
    New Orleans, LA, March 27, 2000.
  35. Letter from Tempe Fenn Crosby to the Howard Tilton Library, Tulane University,
    New Orleans, LA, March 27, 2000. Notes.
  36. Tulane Manuscript Dept, April 17, 2000, to Tempe Fenn Crosby from Leon C. Miller–Manuscripts Librarian.
  37. Letter from Tempe Fenn Crosby to the Hill Memorial Library, LSU, Baton Rouge,
    LA, March 27, 2000
  38. LSU, April 18, 2000, to Tempe Fenn Crosby from Elaine B. Smyth–Curator, Special
  39. Letter from Tempe Fenn Crosby to the Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library, Princeton
    University, Princeton, New Jersey, February 4, 2000.
  40. Princeton University, Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library, Princeton, New Jersey,
    February 22, 1999, to Tempe Crosby from Monica G. Ruscil–Special Collections Assistant.
  41. Florida Department of State, Division of Library and Information Services, April
    20, 2000, to Tempe Fenn Crosby from Joanna K. Norman–ReferenceSupervisor.
  42. East Baton Rouge Parish Library, April 7, 2000, to Tempe Fenn Crosby from John
    B. Richard–Director.
  43. Mississippi Department of Archives and History, April 13, 2000, to Mr. and Mrs.
    Ralph Crosby from Carolyn Woodley–Acquisitions.
  44. North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources, May 4, 2000, to Tempe Fenn Crosby
    from Jesse R. Lankford, Jr.–Assistant State Archivist–envelope attached.
  45. The Library of Congress, March 21, 2000, to Tempe Fenn Crosby from Keri L. Price–Acquisitions Specialist.
  46. Letter from Tempe FEnn Crosby to the Armstrong Library, Natchez, MS, April 8,
    2000. 2 copies.
  47. Letter from Ralph Crosby to Cousins, June 6, 1991, about purchasing a copy of
    “Crosby and Allied Families.”
  48. Typed letter to Ralph from Annette, April 17, 2004, about a store and information
    about Annette.
  49. Letter from Diane to Uncle Ralph and Aunt Tempe, no date, about Uncle Roy’s obituary
    running in the Daily Leader newspaper.
  50. Letter to Ralph and Tempe Crosby from Carolyn Woodley, in charge of Acquisitions
    for the Mississippi Department of Archives and History, August 17, 1998, about their
    donation of the volumes: Dickey-Logue, Fenn Research material, Gordon/Gorden, Prestridge,
    Price, and The History of Pike County and McComb in Story and Pageant. 2 pages.
  51. To Tempe from Pauline-thanking her for coming to both events. March 10,1997
  52. Handwritten note reading “She’s a little doll (to/about Samantha) Kevin looksgood, Ralph looks good, what can be done about gran!!” from unknown; July 30,1989; attached are instructions on how to boil water from Irene R. Morris, P.M.,Ira Chapter No. 84
  53. To Tempe and Ralph from Hugh
  54. To Kevin from grandmother-hope you are feeling better
  55. To “mother” about Dr. Harvey and Dr. Mack calling about results of blood Culture and cause of death; note has printed on it: a memo from Tempe Fenn Crosby; November 1987-original note and a copy
  56. Handwritten note to “you two” from Aunt Helen, Tuesday, January 7, 1992
  57. Typed letter to The Deans, selected graduate schools belonging to the council Of Graduate schools from Miss Mary Carolyn Trent, chairman, Awards Committee; National
    Hugenot Society will award a prize of $1000 to the best work (paper, article, thesis,
    or book) that covers any aspect of Hugenot movement; January 20, 2000
  58. Handwritten note from Tempie Fenn stating she has been informed that field day
    will be held on August 17, 1948
  59. Samantha’s Christmas wish list with attached note from Tempe; another note written
    on card board also attached; Christmas 1994
  60. Letter written saying “To Whom it may concern: Mr. Leroy D. Fenn was Injured in an automobile accident March 22, 1930, at McComb, Miss.” and so on; from Assistant Chief Surgeon (signature illegible)-3 copies

Folder 5: Ralph + Tempe Miscellaneous

  1. National Organization for Women Membership card.
  2. Japan Foreign Parcel Post Customs Declaration.
  3. Copy of application for membership in The Order of the First Families of Mississippi
    1699-1817. 2 copies.
  4. Affidavit and Certificate to Vote, State of Mississippi, Pike County.
  5. The National League of American Pen Women application for membership.
  6. Catalogue of the 9th Annual Exhibition LA Art, first section, September 5-October
    1, 1950. 3 pages.
  7. Baton Rouge Audubon Society Nature Photography Contest Exhibit. 3 pages.
  8. Jury Identification Car for the 4th Annual Juried Exhibition for LA Women Artists.
  9. Announcement for the Fourth Annual Juried Exhibition for LA Women Artists, July
    20-August 9, 1985.
  10. Annual LA State Photographers’ Salon, February 17-March 16, 1980, Catalogue of
    the Exhibition. 2 copies.
  11. Baton Rouge Audubon Society’s 4th Annual Nature Photo Contest, Catalogue of Exhibits.
    6 pages.
  12. Tempe Fenn Crosby business card. 2 cards.
  13. Invitation to a party for the publication of “A History of Mississippi”-On back,
    note from Barney and note from Tempe.
  14. January 10, 1979, WAFB TV Channel 9–”Morning Show”–Billy Taylor, show format for
    Tempe’s appearance.
  15. Archival Research Request Form from the Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library.
  16. Poem, “No More Than Mist”–honorable mention.
  17. Poem, “The Poetry Seminar”-honorable mention. 3 pages.
  18. Invitation to the Silver Memorial Tea for the Baton Rouge Business and Professional
    Women’s Club, September 25, 1966.
  19. Invitation to the Silver Tea for the Young Women’s Christian Association.
  20. Invitation to become a member of the Art Association of New Orleans.
  21. Booklet for the National League of American Pen Women, Inc.
  22. Invitation to participate in the third annual Juried exhibition for Common Ground:
    The Women’s Connection.
  23. Birth record of Tempe Fenn written by Leroy D. Fenn. 12 pages.
  24. Copy of Birth records from Virginia Cain Gammill Byrd’s Bible.
  25. Copy of Tempe F. Crosby obituary article.
  26. A Celebration of Life, Tempe Fenn Crosby–funeral pamphlet. 2 copies.
  27. Genealogical information on Ralph Crosby. 2 pages.
  28. Page from a genealogical compilation about Ralph Crosby.
  29. Official Roster of Registered Professional Engineers and Registered Land Surveyors
    qualified to practice in the state of Mississippi during the year 1986.
  30. Copy of marriage license for Ralph Crosby and Tempie Pauline Fenn. 2 copies.
  31. Copy of birth certificate for Tempe Pauline Fenn. 2 copies.
  32. State of Louisiana, Department of State Civil Service, Personnel Action for Tempe
    Fenn Crosby, July 8, 1955.
  33. State of Louisiana, Department of Civil Service, service rating for Tempie F.
    Crosby, January 1955.
  34. White handkerchief with a butterfly design.
  35. Pink doll dress with a note from Tempe Crosby.

Folder 6:Ralph + Tempe Emails and News Articles

  1. Email–Subject: REUNION, Date: Monday May 10, 1999, From: Bernedy, To: Tempe Crosby.
  2. Email–Subject: William Buford Fenn [Lafayette Fenn Family], Date: Thursday, August
    28, 2003, From: Grace Foster, To: [email protected][email protected],[email protected],[email protected]
  3. Email–Subject: RE: No subject, date: Wednesday, April 12, 2000, From: Leon C. Miller,
    To: Tempe Crosby.
  4. Email–Subject: RE: Addresses, Date: Tuesday, March 28, 2000, From: Tim, To: Tempe
    Crosby–notes on right side.
  5. News Article–Sunday Advocate, March 23, 1980, “In A Yankee Grave”–Tempe Crosby’s
    peace poem under picture of graveyard.
  6. News Article–McComb Enterprise-Journal, June 1, 1961, “Former McCombite Visits
    Mother”–Tempe visits her mother, Grace Fenn, in McComb, Mississippi.
  7. News Article–State Times, July 24, 1976. Tempe Helps compile and edit book “Questings”
    for the Fellowship Church.
  8. News Article–unknown newspaper, May 19, 1943, “Commencement Service Will Be Held
    Sunday; Graduates Announced”–Tempe’s graduating class is listed along with the courses
    they have taken.
  9. News Article–unknown newspaper, unknown date, “Poetry Contest”–The International
    Society for Poets is accepting poems for its World’s Largest Poem for Peace.”
  10. News Article– State Times, June 9, 1975, “Deep South Literary, Art Winners Are
    Announced”–Tempe is listed as a literary winner for her poem “No More Than Mist.”
    2 copies.
  11. News Article– Magnolia Gazette, November 9, 2000, “Colonial Dames discuss national
    security”–Tempe attended the Fall meeting of the Magnolia Chapter of Colonial Dames
    XVII Century.
  12. News Article– Sunday Magazine, July 28, 1985, “Women’s works showcased at LSU”–
    Tempe won an award for a still life photograph in black and white.
  13. News Article– State Times, July 24, 1985, “Women artists show versatility”– Tempe
    won an award for “Til It Wilted I Wore It.”
  14. News Article–Unknown newspaper, December 16, 1979, “Genealogy Book Given to Library”–Tempe and Irene Reid Morris present a volume of genealogical research to McComb Public Library. 2 copies.
  15. News Article–Unknown newspaper, unknown date, “Miss Tempie Fenn Is Engaged to
    Ralph K. Crosby.”
  16. News Article–Unknown newspaper, unknown date. “Baton Rouge Artist Takes Honors
    In Exhibition of Louisiana Art”–Tempie is listed with her entry “The Lonely.”
  17. News Article– State Times, January 29, 1977, “Grand Opening Today”–in picture
    shop managers hold stained glass made by Tempe Crosby. 2 copies.
  18. News Article– State Times, January 29, 1977,” Grand Opening Today”– in picture
    shop managers hold stained glass made by Tempe Crosby. 2 copies.
  19. Email–Subject: tempe’s questions, Date: 10/9/2005, from:[email protected], to: [email protected]. Copy of email attached.
  20. Email–Subject: a picture for you, From: Beth Webb, Date: Tuesday, 24 July 2007,
    To: Ralph Crosby, questions about Earn Phillips, “Big Ike,” and the woman standing
    between them–picture inserted.
  21. News Article– The Times-Picayune, October 8, 1953, re-enactment of Louisiana Purchase
    with President Eisenhower. 5 pages.
  22. To [email protected] from TempeCrosb; a story/poem about memories andLife; September 29, 2000, 4:03:34 PM23. To [email protected] from [email protected]; subject: Tempe’sQuestion; October 9, 2005 (Monday); 2 copies

Folder 7: East McComb Kids

  1. Copy of a picture of East McComb Junior High School.
  2. Email reply to Tempe Crosby from Charlie and Betty Case thanking her for her participation
    on EMK book, July 6, 2002.
  3. Email to Charlie and Betty Case from Tempe Crosby thanking them for helping her
    with the EMK book, July 6, 2002.
  4. Email to Diane McIntyre from Tempe Crosby regarding information about the EMK book,
    July 7, 2002. One page, front/back.
  5. Letter to Tempe and Ralph Crosby from Ginger Coughman about the EMK book Over the
    Overhead Bridge. August 21, 2002.
  6. Note from Tempe Crosby to J.W. Spence about midterm graduation exercises and about
    Tempe’s graduation night.
  7. “Now and Then with Senior Citizens from EMBC” by Beth White (Sinclair) about how
    the highways and bridges in East McComb have changed over the years. Contains note
    on back to Howard from Kathleen.
  8. News Article– Unknown newspaper, no date. “East McComb Book Sales fund SMCC scholarships”– copy attached.
  9. Second page of a news article printed from an online source about the EMK book
    Over the Overhead Bridge.”
  10. Over the Overhead Bridge: The Journey of a Lifetime. 115 pages.

Box 34:


  1. April 19, 1979 Aunt Ethel Bardwell and Irene Reid Morris.        
  2. Presentation of UDC WWII Military Cross of Honor to Claude Fenn Bailey
    on Civil War; Record of his great grandfather Daniel Willoughby Fenn 10/28/1993.   


  1. Fenn family reunion, Baton Rouge, 1994. Part 1.      
  2. Fenn family reunion, Baton Rouge, 1994. Part 2.            


  1. Fenn family reunion September 4-6, 1994, Baton Rouge

Folder 1: Grace Price Fenn

  1. Letter to Mrs. Fenn from Mrs. Mary G. Moore, Secretary of East McComb Baptist Church,
    about a plaque given in memory of Fenn relatives by Ralph and Tempe Crosby, March
    23, 1977.
  2. Miscellaneous items in an envelope signed Miss Grade Price– 1 photo,graduation cards, membership card to the Southern Association of Bell Telephone Employees,
    names lists, and letters.
  3. Newspaper clipping. “Shower given for Miss Price.” Unknown newspaper, no date.
  4. Newspaper clipping of Grace Price’s marriage to Leroy D. Fenn, unknown newspaper,
    no date. copy attached.
  5. 2 newspaper clippings of Grace Price Fenn’s obituary, McComb Enterprise-Journal,
    November 7, 1988.
  6. Pictures Slide 1: 3 pictures: Grace Price; Grace and Alton Price. Slide 2: 9 pictures: Grace Price; Grace Price and David Summers; Grace Price and Lillian
    Price, Grace Price; Grace Price; Grace Price; Clifton Holmes, Grace Price, and Claude
    Manning; Grace Price circa 1920; Carrie Fae Bailey Reeves, Grace Price Fenn, and Alma
    Smith Evans.
  7. Picture of the charter members of the Cornerstone Club of McComb MFG. Co.
  8. Letter from the Adjusted Compensation Branch, Bureau of Navigation, Navy Department
    to Mrs. Grace Fenn about her service credit.
  9. Certificate for completing grammar school awarded to Grace Price on June 1, 1917.

Folder 2: Grace Fenn’s recipes 

  1. Newspaper clipping of Tea cakes recipe, unknown newspaper, no date.
  2. 2 recipes: quick rolls by Ethel and rolls by Edith.
  3. Apple sauce recipe
  4. Asparagus casserole recipe
  5. Buttermilk cake recipe
  6. Cookie recipe
  7. Mildew cleaner recipe
  8. Plain cake recipe
  9. Banana nut bread recipe
  10. 2 recipes: pork chops; ground meat dish
  11. Apple sauce cake recipe
  12. Sour cream cake recipe written on the back of an invitation to a tea-shower honoring
    Mrs. Ronald Raley.
  13. Apple pie recipe
  14. A Cook’s Tour: Plantation Recipes from the Bayou. 16 pages. Attached is the Cajun
    French version.
  15. Mam Papaul’s Country Creole Basket: Creole recipes from the Cote des Allemands
    up the river from New Orleans. 32 pages.
  16. Metropolitan Cook Book. 64 pages.
  17. The New Dr. Price Cook Book. 49 pages.
  18. Royal Cook Book. 64 pages.
  19. Light Crust Recipes. 32 pages.
  20. 100 Southern Recipes. 96 pages.
  21. Rumford Complete Cookbook. 241 pages.
  22. Recipe for fudge

Folder 3: Leroy Fenn 

  1. Letters from Leroy while serving on board the USS Florida.
  2. War Service Certificate for Leroy Fenn for service in the Navy from March 18, 1917,
    to October 23, 1919.
  3. Honorable discharge from the U.S. Navy.
  4. A description of the separation of the 6th Battle Squadron from the Grand Fleet–copy
  5. Letter from the Chief of the Adjusted Compensation Division to Leroy Fenn, January
    1, 1925
  6. Leroy Fenn Veterans Monument rubbing
  7. Pictures-

Side 1- 3 photos:

  1. Leroy Fenn as a baby 
  2. Leroy Fenn 
  3. King George of England inspecting the sailors- “x” marks Leroy Fenn

Side 2- 7 photos: 

  1. Leroy Fenn 
  2. Leroy Fenn and unknown person in a sailor’s uniform 
  3. Leroy Fenn in back left of group of men 
  4. Leroy Fenn in a sailor’s uniform 
  5. No 5″ Gun Crew of the USS Florida 1918- Leroy Fenn in back right 
  6. Sixth Division of the USS Florida- Leroy Fenn in front right 
  7. Leroy Fenn in middle of group of sailors
  8. Pictures

Side 1- 6 photos (from left to right)

  1. Pelszol, Moore, King, and Fenn in sailors uniform June 18, 1917
  2. Leroy Fenn on right with unknown person- circa 1917
  3. Olerhilman and Hamby- October 28, 1917
  4. Leroy Fenn 
  5. Leroy Fenn and 3 unknown people 
  6. Haor, Hamby, Fenn, Burkes, J. Shikkey

Side 2-

  1. boxing ring surrounded by sailors 
  2. Leroy Fenn 
  3. Yorktown, VA, October 28,1917- black boy, white man, and a baby 
  4. 8 stamps each worth 1 penny 
  5. Fenn in the back left of group of men
  6. Pictures-

Side 1-

  1. Certificate of Membership for the Knights of Pythias Insurance Dept 
  2. Leroy Fenn- circa 1920 
  3. Carrie Fay Bailey and Leroy Fenn
  4. Leroy Fenn 
  5. Leroy Fenn and Grace Price Fenn 
  6. Leroy Fenn- circa 1919

Side 2-

  1. Leroy Fenn 
  2. G. Wall, L. Fenn, P. Boy, Ralph Williams, B.A. Jones, Nick Salmon, O.R. Brown
  3. Pictures

Side 1-

  1. Leroy Fenn and unknown sailor 
  2. Leroy Fenn- circa 1920 
  3. Leroy Fenn and prob. Clifton Holmes in background- circa 1919 
  4. Leroy Fenn- sailor uniform 
  5. Leroy Fenn in middle of group of sailors 
  6. 1 woman and 2 girls 
  7. No 5″ Gun Crew, USS Florida- Leroy F. in back right

Side 2-

  1. Leroy F and unknown person 
  2. possibly Tempe F 
  3. possibly Tempe F 
  4. Tempe Fenn and Geneva Price- circa 1927 
  5. Tempe Fenn- 1943 
  6. 3 women and 1 man in the water 
  7. color photo of Tempe Fenn
  8. Tempe Fenn- 1943 
  9. Janne, Tempe Fenn, Dianne Whim 
  10. Maria Carter and Tempe Fenn

Box 35:

Folder 1: Leroy Fenn

  1. Leroy Fenn’s Bible with family record
  2. 3 copies of pages from Leroy Fenn’s Bible
  3. Illinois Central System, Application for Employees Service Annual Pass for Year-
    copy attached
  4. Alabama and Vicksburg Railway Co. trip pass issued November 12, 1920; NO and Northeastern Railroad Co. trip pass issued November 13, 1920; Illinois Central Railroad Co. trip pass issued November 29, 1920- copies of all 3 attached
  5. Letter from Assistant Chief Surgeon at Illinois Central Hospital, NO, LA, to whom it may concern about Leroy Fenn’s injury from an automobile accident on March 22, 1930- February 25, 1931- copy attached
  6. Letter from R.S. Price, Keeper of Record and Seals for the Knights of Pythias, to Leroy Fenn about being elected a Knight and requested to attend his first lesson-
    February 17, 1931- envelope attached
  7. copies of 3 pages from the Certificate of Membership for the Knights of Pythias,
    Insurance Dept- 1 copy of page 1, 2 copies of page 2, and 2 copies of page 3

Folder 2: Fenn Family

  1. copy of picture showing Fenn siblings: Mildred Douglas, Thetus Reid, HelenCobb, Verna Bailey, Tempie Anderson, and Ethel Bardwell
  2. copies of newspaper clippings about the death of Otis L. Fenn- 2 copies
  3. Mississippi Death Certificate for Otis Leroy Fenn
  4. Letter from Otis Fenn to his granddaughter, Irene, on how to plant bulbs- 2 copies
  5. Digitally scanned picture of Lafayette and Georgia Fenn- 2 pages
  6. Digitally scanned picture of Lafayette Fenn and group- 3 pages
  7. Fenn family tree from Cornelius Van Voorst and Vrouwtje Ides to Otis L. Fenn and
    Tempie C. Gammill-back is chart of relationships through common ancestors


Side 1-

  1. Virginia Cain and Charles Gammill
  2. 7 people on a porch
  3. Tempie Cain Gammill
  4. Oda, Otis, Nona, Claude, Lois and Hardy. June 1930.
  5. Mary Letha Ann Dickey Fenn
  6. Thetus, Otis, Charlie, Verna, and Tempie G. Fenn.
  7. Ethel, Thetus, Leroy, Verna, and Charlie Fenn
  8. Tombstone of Mary Dickey Fenn– Mars Hill Baptist Church cemetery, Amite Co, Ms.
  9. Mildred, Helen, Ethel, Albert, Thetus, Tempie, and Verna–July 4, 1961.
  10. Tombstone of Daniel W. Fenn–Mars Hill Baptist Church cemetery Amite co, Ms.

Side 2-

  1. “All the grandchildren.”
  2. Grace and Houston, Jr. on left and Helen, Albert, Otis Fenn, and Tempie in middle.
  3. Left–OL Fenn surrounded by group of women; upper right–Thetus, OL Fenn, and Irene; lower right– OL Fenn, Jay, and Ginger.
  4. Unknown persons on sand
  5. Unclear photo of group of people
  6. Unknown group of people
  7. Unclear photo of group of people
  8. Out-of-focus photo of group of people. July 5, 1961.
  9. Out-of-focus photo of group of people. July 5, 1961.
  10. Otis Fenn in middle surrounded by group of people.
  11. Otis Fenn on right with group of people, birthday cake on right–circa 1948.
  12. Otis Fenn and group of people13. Otis Fenn and group of people
  13. Pictures-

Side 1-

  1. Joe and Irene Reid
  2. Joe Reid, Thetus, and Irene Reid
  3. Evelyn, Howard, Mamie Sullivan Fenn
  4. Leroy Fenn
  5. Evelyn, Mamie, and Howard Fenn
  6. Mildred Fenn
  7. Evelyn- 2 years 4 months, and Howard Fenn- 4 years 10 months
  8. Willard, Leroy, and Albert Fenn- August 29, 1950
  9. Willard and Edith Fenn
  10. Carrie Fay Bailey and Leroy Fenn
  11. Otis Rey Bardwell and Doug Anderson
  12. In-laws: Hill, Houston, Claude, Grace, and Helen

Side 2-

  1. Tempie Fenn- October 1926
  2. picture most likely of Tempie Fenn
  3. Tempie Fenn- June 1930
  4. Tempie Fenn possibly in Baton Rouge
  5. Tempie Fenn holding a doll, Natchez, MS
  6. Tempie Fenn
  7. Tempie Fenn- Natchez circa 1927
  8. Tempie Fenn circa 1948
  9. Leroy and Tempie Fenn
  10. Obituary for Irma F. Mullinsin McComb Enterprise- Journal on January 10, 1994
  11. Fenn family history chart

Folder 3: Gabriel Fenn Gabriel Fenn research by Rhonda Carson email *[email protected] (Martin Carson) Rhonda Carson 183 Peace Road, El Dorado, AR 71730.

  1. Archives copy of an account of Gabriel Houston Fenn-5 pages.
  2. Descendents of Willouby Sebren Fenn* Note: spelling should be: Willoughby– 5 pages.
  3. Copy of Lorenzo Dow Fenn Bible Record–marriage of L.D. Fenn and Elizabeth Butler
    on back.
  4. Copy of family history of Willouby (Sebren) Fenn born 2/14/1774 and died 7/26/1841.
  5. Copy of Margaret Brown Butler Holleman Bible.
  6. Account of Gabriel Houston Fenn as given by his great grandson Willie B. Brumley.
    28 pages.
  7. Email from Rhonda Carson to Tempe Crosby and Bettiann Lloyd about finding references
    for Willibe Fenn and Henry Pickard’s wills, February 7, 1996. 2 pages.
  8. Email from Rhonda Carson to Tempe Crosby, Bettiam Lloyd, and Kelly Savell about
    transcribing Henry Pickard’s will, March 4, 1996. 2 pages.

Box 35:


  1. Fennby Tempe Fenn Crosby. Copyright circa March 30, 1996. 360 pages.
  2. Fennby Tempe Fenn Crosby. Copyright circa September 30, 1996. Note: Bettian White Lloyd
    address and phone number, sent copy of Fenn and Gordon 11/28/1998. 452 pages.

Box 36:

Folder 1: 

  1. Pedigree chart by Ralph Crosby.
  2. Crosby Family Index–copy attached.
  3. Copy of Mississippi marriage certificate for Mr. Newton L. Crosby and Miss Mary
    Phillips February 24, 1898.
  4. Copy of certificate for the exemption from the payment of dues from the Grand Lodge
    of Mississippi Masons, granted to Newton Levi Crosby, September 10, 1953.
  5. Letter from Roy and Muriel Crosby to Roy’s mother about the death of Roy’s father,
    June 19, 1958. 2 pages.
  6. “My Early Remembrances.” By Ralph Crosby. February 12, 2011. 8 pages and copy attached.
  7. News Article: “In Historic Spain”, Picayune Item, no date. shows Mr. and Mrs. L.O.
    Crosby, Jr. in front of cathedral in Santiago de Compostela, in northwest part of
  8. Copy of newsletter from Central Union Church in Honolulu, Hawaii about the death
    of Roy Crosby’s mother, January 13, 1963.
  9. Copy of news article “Wesson Residents participated in dedication.” Copiah County
    Courier, December 5, 1990, about Crosby descendants dedicating a monument to Levi
    Newton Crosby and wife, Sarah Thomas Crosby.
  10. Copies of news articles of the deaths of Mrs. Newton L. Crosby and Newton Crosby–actual
    article of Mrs. Crosby’s death attached. Unknown newspaper, no date.
  11. Copies of news articles relating to Mr. and Mrs. Newton L. Crosby’s 60th wedding
    anniversary–3 pages.
  12. Copies of funeral home records. 2 pages.
  13. Birth announcement of Jerry L. Chapman III.
  14. Copy of obituary for Reverend Dr. Thomas Leroy “Roy” Crosby.
  15. Obituary for Evelyn Joyce Crosby Major. 2 copies.
  16. Obituary for Richard Cooper Crosby Sr.
  17. Obituary for Dana Jean Day.
  18. Funeral notice for Newton L. Crosby.
  19. Online copy of obituary for Garland Crosby from the Enterprise-Journal, August
    25, 2002.
  20. Online copy of obituary for Wimer R. Crosby from the Daily Leader, 2003.
  21. Obituary for Nancy Elizabeth Crosby in The Advocate, April 23, 2002. Bottom right
    of page.
  22. Funeral notice for Robert Howell Crosby Jr.
  23. Online copy of obituary for Robert H. Crosby, Jr. from Picayune Item, October
    9, 2008. copy attached.
  24. Email from Tempe Crosby to Ralph Crosby on January 10, 2002 about the obituary
    for Donald Pat Crosby.
  25. Email from Tempe Crosby to Ralph Crosby on October 27, 2002 about the McComb Enterprise-Journal, October 27, 2002 attached.
  26. Printed picture of the R.H. Crosby home on the Hobolochitto River in Northwest
    Picayune. 2 copies.
  27. Printed picture of the R.H. Crosby home on the Hobolochitto River in Northwest
    Picayune– 2 copies.
  28. Printed design of Crosby monument.
  29. Letter from Bill Boyd to Mrs. Crosby on June 27, 1993. Richard Crosby.

Folder 2: Crosby and Allied Families 

  1. Book cover design for Crosby and Allied Families.
  2. Book cover for Crosby and Allied Families.
  3. Letter from Ralph Crosby to his cousins on November 8, 1991 about the completion
    of Crosby and Allied Families, volume 2. 2 copies.
  4. Family pedigree chart from Crosby and Allied Families, Volume 2. 2 copies.
  5. “The Origin of the Name Thomas” (10 pages) and “The Name and Family of Hart” (26
    pages) from Crosby and Allied Families.

Folder 3: Crosby and Allied Families, Volume 3

  1. Crosby and Allied Families: Adams, Ferguson, Martin, Parker, Selman, Smith, and
    Sumrall, Volume 3.


  1. Crosby and Allied Families
  2. Crosby and Allied Families, Volume 2
  3. Crosby Thomas. 2 copies

Box 37

Folder 1: Adams, John Stille, Holloway, and Thomas

  1. Obituary for Wright W. Adams, Jr., in The Advocate, November 18, 2002.
  2. Book Adams/Huff.
  3. Copy of news article about John Stille from the Sunday Advocate.
  4. Copy of Holloway birth records.
  5. Copy of Robert Holloway’s birth, marriages, and births of his children.
  6. Copied account of Charles Degrand Pre on the death of John Holloway.
  7. Thomas Family Index–July 10, 1993.

Folder 2: Blunt/Blount Family 

  1. Copies of pages from “Early Land Grants in Chowan Precinct.” 5 pages.
  2. Copies of pages from “North Carolina Wills and Inventories.” 11 pages.
  3. Copy of marriages and obituaries from early Georgia newspaper.
  4. Copy of a map of the counties of North Carolina.
  5. Copies of pages from “North Carolina abstract of Wills 1690-1760.” 2 pages.
  6. Copy of Grandberry Blunt’s will. 2 pages.
  7. Copy of Application for Membership to the National Society of the Daughters of
    the American Revolution for Elizabeth Ann Irwin Jones. 4 pages.
  8. Coy of Gates County, North Carolina Deeds. 2 pages.
  9. 3 letters to Mrs. Crosby from Mary Page about Grandberry Blount: a) August 1, 1967;
    b) October 19, 1967; June 22, 1977. 7 pages.
  10. Letter to Mrs. Morris from Mary Page, October 3, 1965, about descendants of Hiram
    Calvin Cain, Powell Family, and data on Mary Page’s mother’s family. 2 pages.
  11. Letter to Mrs. Morris from Mary Page on November 16, 1965, about information on
    the Cain line and the Blounts. 4 pages.
  12. Letter to Tempie from Mary Page on July 12, 1967 about descendents of George Granberry
    Blount. 2 pages.
  13. Letter to Mrs. Morris from Mary Page on July 20, 1967, about notes on Blount family.
    Front and back.
  14. Letter to Tempe from Mary on October 12, 1973, about the Blount (Blunt) family
    line. 10 pages.
  15. Letter to Tempe from Mary, August 11, 1977, about Blount family. 3 pages.
  16. Letter to Tempe from Mary on August 27, 1977, about Blount family.
  17. Handwritten notes on Miller and Blount family. 3 pages.
  18. United Daughters of the Confederacy card with letter to Tempe written on inside
    from Mary about Granberry Blount continued on piece of paper attached.
  19. Handwritten notes on front about Blounts who served in Civil War. Back contains
    marriage records.
  20. Handwritten notes on Warren Blount.
  21. Handwritten notes on Granberry, Edmond, Needham, and Abner Blount.
  22. Handwritten notes about Blount family tombstone inscriptions from Forrest County,
    MS. Front and back.
  23. Handwritten notes about Warren Blount, his two wives, and their children.
  24. Some North Carolina marriage records and family names: Blake, Blount, Boyd, Braswell,
    Cain, Forman, Going, Goins, Gordon, Hall, Hutchins, Leggett, Martin, Price, and Smith.
    3 pages.
  25. Some North Carolina marriages and family names: Blount, Cain, Going, Goins, Gordon,
    Hutchins, Leggett, and Price. 2 pages.
  26. News article “Hunting for Bears.” Unknown newspaper, no date. About looking for
    information on parents of Aquila, William, and Zachariah Price.
  27. News Article “Know Your Name: Blount, Blunt.” Unknown newspaper, no date. About
    meaning of name and records of certain ancestors.
  28. Email from Hubert L. Johnston to Tempe Crosby on March 24, 1997 regarding Blount
    family.29. Email from Hubert L. Johnston to Tempe Crosby on March 25, 1997 regarding Blount
    family line.

Folder 3: Boyd Family

  1. Copy of Boyd family crest.
  2. Copy of history of the surname BOYD, early records, and description of family coat
    of arms.
  3. Early record of the Boyds
  4. Copy of origin of the name Boyd
  5. Copy of “Some Early History of Boyds” Pages 42 and 43.
  6. Copies of pages from “A History of Boyds and Connected Families.” from East Baton
    Rouge Parish library. 13 pages including 2 copies of pages 5 and 546.
  7. Copy of page from “Boyds and Their Branches,” Volume 3, number 2, fall 1987. On
    Andrew Boyd in Maury Co, Tennessee.
  8. Letters exchanged between Mrs. George Matthews, Howard Valence Jones, and John
    W. Boyd. Also included is information on Boyd Family concerning Robert Boyd of Iredell
    Co., North Carolina. 4 pages.
  9. Email to Tempe Crosby from Sam Boyd on February 12, 1994, on researching Boyd family
    of Fairfield Co., South Carolina.
  10. Collection of emails from Sam Boyd requesting help in research on Boyd family,
    Etheridge family, family of John Alexander Robinsoon, Shannon family, descendants
    of John Boyde, and Dean family.
  11. Copy of pages from “A Guide to Irish Roots: Including Celts, Vikings, Normans,
    Kings, Queens, and Commmoners” by William and Mary Durning.
  12. Copy of “The Complete book of Emigrants in Bondage, 1614-1775” by Peter Wilson
  13. Copy of “Scottish American Court Records, 1733-1783” by David Dohen.
  14. Copy of “Part I: Descendants of Captain Robert Boyd.”
  15. Copy of “Part II: Descendants of Charles Boyd and Wife Sarah.”
  16. Copy of “The Boyd Family.” Begins with William B. Boyd, born 1811 in South Carolina.
  17. Copy of “James III and the Boyds 1466-1469.”
  18. “The Dean Road” newsletter of the Boyd Society, number 9, spring 1990.

Box 37 :

Folder 3B: Boyd Family 

  1. “Andrew Boyd 1770-1856 and His Descendants.”
  2. Email from Sam Boyd requesting help in researching the family of Andrew Boyd.
  3. Copy of email from Sam Boyd requesting help in researching the family of Andrew
  4. Email to Leon Boyd and Tempe Crosby from Sam Boyd on March 20, 1994, regarding
    research on Andrew Boyd and his children.
  5. Boyd family tree. Copy attached.
  6. Crosby’s handwritten notes on Robert Boyd.
  7. Handwritten notes on Boyd. 12 items.
  8. Handwritten notes on Boyd. 6 items.
  9. Copy of family record from Levi Boyd’s Bible.
  10. Letter to Tempe Crosby from Leon Boyd on October 17, 1993, about Boyd project
    and Andrew Boyd.
  11. Letter to Virginia from Terrie Boyd on June 18, 1983, about research on the Boyds–earliest
    known ancestor is Elias Boyd born 1805/1810 and died 1886.
  12. Letter to Mrs. Ralph Crosby from Elizabeth Wade Riddick on October 16, 1960 about
    her grandmother Malinda Jane Boyd.
  13. Letter to Rocky from Tempe on August 18, 1993 on information on Linus, Lee, and
    family of Lynns T. Boyd.
  14. Letter to Mrs. Doyle Thomas from J. Waylon Nichols on June 7, 1994 about information
    on Andrew Boyd and his descendants.
  15. Letter to Mrs. Crosby from Joan W. Hartzog, Cemetery Record Committee and Pilgrimage
    Tour Chairman, on April 28, 1993 about Tempe’s request for the book Cemetery Records
    of Lawrence Co., MS, 1810-1988.
  16. Letter to Leon Boyd from Tempe Crosby on March 3, 1994.
  17. Notice to the 1990 International Gathering of Scottish Clans and Families.
  18. Business card of William J. Boyd, President of the Boyd Society.
  19. Letter to Tempe from Paul on April 9, 1993, about looking over descendant charts.
  20. 1880 census for Pike Co., Mississippi.
  21. Lincoln Co., Mississippi postal record. Copy.
  22. Copy of book page on the children of Cicero Boyd.
  23. Obituary for Excell S. Boyd in McComb Enterprise-Journal, January 18, 1994. Handwritten
    note attached.
  24. Obituary for Inez Boyd in McComb Enterprise-Journal, August 11, 1986.
  25. Obituary for Carrie Burnett in McComb Enterprise-Journal, November 29, 1987.
  26. Obituary for Dr. Joe A. Fitzgerald in McComb Enterprise-Journal, February 1, 1994.
  27. Obituary for Eunice Inez Howel in McComb Enterprise-Journal, April 12, 1993.
  28. Obituaries for Milton Moore and Earnest T. Rutland in McComb Enterprise-Journal,
    January 26, 1994.
  29. Engagement of Deborah Allene Boyd to Charles Nicholas Rutter, unknown newspaper,
    July 12, 1972.
  30. Engagement of Angela Walker to Gregory Boyd in Enterprise-Journal, January 23,
  31. Article on Tempe Fenn’s book on Andrew Boyd, unknown newspaper, no date. 2 articles.
  32. Article on Salem’s Christmas lights tradition organized by Earl and Helen Boyd,
    McComb Enterprise-Journal, December 18, 1992.

Folder 4: The Cain Family

  1. The Mississippi Cains–Copy of page 135.
  2. “Hardy Cain-Mississippi: Fenn, Gammill, Holloway, Wells, and Allied Families.”
    By Tempe Fenn Crosby.

Folder 5: Dicky-Logue, Ferguson, Gassaway, and Gordon/Gorden

  1. “Dicky-Logue” by Tempe Fenn Crosby and Irene Reid Morris.
  2. Ferguson Family–Wilkinson County, Mississippi. Copy of cemetery record.
  3. Ferguson Family–copy of marriage records.
  4. Ferguson Family–2 copied pages of 1840 Mississippi Census Index Records.
  5. Ferguson Family– 2 copied pages of 1800 South Carolina Census Index.
  6. Ferguson Family–copied page of 1810 South Carolina Index.
  7. Gassaway family group sheets.
  8. “Gordon/Gorden” by Tempe Fenn Crosby and Irene Reid Morris.
  9. Handwritten note on Thomas Jefferson Gorden.

Folder 6: Hall Family

  1. Copied page on Charles William Eliot and Lyman Hall.
  2. Descendants chart.
  3. Hall material on Henry Hall, Matt Hall, and Britton Hall. Copied page.
  4. Family group record.
  5. Hall family handwritten notes.
  6. Application to the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution–applicants
    are Virginia Kerr and Polly Solomon, January 19, 1988.
  7. Letter to Tempe form Virginia, October 18, 1988, about Henry Hall and Wilson Monroe

Folder 7: Anthony Hutchins 

  1. Copy of will records of Ann Hutchins.
  2. Map drawing of Anthony Hutchins 1,000 Acres of land by Tempe Fenn Crosby. 3 copies
  3. Photocopy of an early painting of the city of Natchez by John Audubon–copy attached.
  4. Copy of letter to Jesse J. Hutchins from his cousin on July 1, 1906 about information
    on John Hutchins.
  5. Rough draft of “Anthony Hutchins: White Apple Village” by Tempe Fenn Crosby. 38
  6. Selected sources and index from “Anthony Hutchins” by Tempe Crosby. Pages 43-49.
  7. Copy of “Anthony Hutchins by Temple Crosby. 49 pages.
  8. Note on Jack Hutchins.
  9. Packet of map drawings of Anthony Hutchins (same as #2 just more copies and (information)

Folder 7b: Anthony Hutchins 

  1. Master copy of “Anthony Hutchins: White Apple Village.” By Tempe Fenn Crosby, September 2000.

Box 38:

Folder 1: Martin, Parker Sessums 

  1. “Martin” by Ralph Crosby.
  2. “Parker, Sessums” by Ralph Crosby.

Folder 2: Pintard, Stelle

  1. “Pintard, Stelle” by Tempe Fenn Crosby.

Folder 3: Prestridge

  1. “Prestridge: Pretage/Prestridge/Prestige/Prestidge” by Telph and Tempe Fenn Crosby.

Folder 3b: Prestridge 

  1. Photocopy of the will of Larkin Prestridge.
  2. 2 family group sheets.
  3. Descendants of Elizabeth Lucindy Prestridge.
  4. 1880 Census, 2nd Ward, Jackson, Louisiana.
  5. Biography of Nellie Prestridge.
  6. Biography of James B. Frost.
  7. Descendants of William Denman.
  8. Biography of Joshua and Elizabeth Prestidge.
  9. Descendants of John Prestidge.
  10. Photocopy of a letter and deed written by J.J. Prestridge.
  11. Photocopy of a Deed of Convey from John Prestridge to Edward Oxford, August 1808.
  12. Photocopy of the will of John Prestridge and Elizabeth Prestridge registered August
    3, 1791.
  13. “The Prestridge Family: Descendants of John Prestridge, 1730-1985” compiled by
    Ralph Crosby April 7, 198.

Folder 3c: Prestridge 

  1. Letter from Ken Prestridge requesting information on Daniel, Ally, and John Prestridgde.
  2. Letter to Hal and Pat from June Prestridge Thomas regarding the Bible of Lucy Tommy
    Camp, December 21, 2003.
  3. Letter to Ralph and Tempe Fenn Crosby from Lisa Long Whitney on April 7, 2003 about
    buying a copy of their Prestridge book.
  4. Letter to Ralph Crosby from Ken Prestridge regarding the will of Joseph W. Prestridge–attached are 4 letters: a) From John P. to Ken p.; b) From Simeon H.P. to George P; c) From
    Martine A.P. to George P.; 4) To George P’s wife, Rebecca, from her sister.
  5. Letter to Ralph Crosby from June on December 5, 1999 about information.
  6. Letter to Ralph and Tempie from Pauline P. Douglas about information on the Prestridge
    (Prestage) line on May 31, 1987.
  7. Letter to Tempie form Ollee lee on September 5, 1980 about Prestridge information.
  8. Letter to Tempie and Ralph from Ollee Lee on June 16, 1980 about Prestridge descendants.
  9. Copy of letter to Mrs. Bena Prestridge from Mrs. George Page on February 7, 1975
    about trying to find relatives of Mrs. Page’s grandmother.
  10. Letter to Mrs. George form Ollee Prestridge Lee on October 1, 1967 about descendants
    of Ellzey Prestridge.

Folder 3d: Prestridge 

  1. Email from Clata McCarver to Prestridge Researchers, February 1, 2000, about the
    will of Larkin Prestridge.
  2. Email from [email protected] to Ralph Crosby, January 7, 2001, about being invited
    to join the new Prestridge family website at myfamily.com.
  3. Email form Dave Underwood to Ralph Crosby on January 10, 2001, about Tom Leroy
  4. Email from Dave Underwood to Ralph Crosby on January 12, 2001, about Dave’s great
    grandfather, great grandmother, and grandmother’s cemetery records.
  5. Email form Dave Underwood to Ralph Crosby on January 15, 2001 about Dave’s military
  6. Email from Linda Menasco to [email protected], January 17, 2001. Subject: Prestridge,
    regarding Henry Lee Prestridge.
  7. Email from Shawn Prestridge to [email protected], February 1, 2001, about
    trying to find Blackfoot Indian heritage in his family.
  8. Email from Shawn Prestridge to Ralph Crosby, February 2, 2001, about Shawn’s ancestors.
  9. Email from Linda Menasco to [email protected], June 23, 2001, about the
    1880 census from Joseph Prestage.
  10. Email from Merry Prestridge to [email protected], June 24, 2001, about
    finding information for James Franklin Prestridge.
  11. Email form Majorie Adams Cummings to [email protected] and Ralph Crosby, April
    1, 2001, on Perry County, Alabama, Ocmulgee Church Cemetery headstone inscriptions.
  12. Email from Barbara Prestage to Ralph Crosby, December 16, 2001, about the obituary
    for George Elton Prestage.
  13. Email from wbrewer@H:WAAY.net to [email protected], February 6, 2002,
    about an obituary for Addie Davis Bagsby Prestridge.
  14. Email from Hal Prestridge to [email protected], June 11, 2002, about
    an 1860s photo of a Miss Fannie Clardy.
  15. Email from Hal Prestridge to Ralph Crosby and Burnis, June 30, 2002, about information
    and descendants of John M. Prestridge.
  16. Email from Pat Dietlein to Ralph Crosby, September 23, 2002, Perry County, Alabama.
    Ocmulgee Church (Baptist) Cemetery headstone inscriptions.
  17. Email from Hal Prestridge to Ralph crosby about Ruth Prestridge’s family, March
    15, 2003.
  18. Email from Hal Prestridge to [email protected] about Prestridges at Ocmulgee
    Church, Perry Co. Copy attached, September 19, 2003.
  19. Email from Hal Prestridge to [email protected]. Subject: [Prestridge]
    Nancy Ann Larkin, September 29, 2003.
  20. email from Hal Prestridge to Ralph Crosby, September 29, 2003. Subject: Benjamin
    Duncomb/Sarah Prestridge.
  21. Email from Hal Prestridge to Ralph Crosby, January 14, 2004. Subject: John Henderson
  22. Email from Hal Prestridge to Ralph Crosby, January 14, 2004. Subject: FWD: Albrittons/Prestridge.
  23. Email from [email protected] to [email protected], January 25, 2004,
    subject: [Prestridge]PRESTRIDGE, CW records.
  24. Email from [email protected] to [email protected], January 30, 2004, subject:
    [PRESTRIGE] marriages of Prestridges in Lawrence Co., Mississippi and other related
  25. Email from [email protected] to [email protected], June 1, 2004, subject:
    regarding [Prestridge] Can anyone guess? Copy attached.
  26. Email from [email protected] to [email protected], June 3, 2004, subject:
    [Prestridge] William J. Prestridge/William R. Prestridge/Lena Robinson.
  27. Email from [email protected] to [email protected], June 3, 2004, subject:
    [Prestridge] John A. Prestridge, Equilla Hopper, George Smith.
  28. Email from [email protected] to [email protected], June 3, 2004, subject:
    [Prestridge] Joel C. Prestridge, John Allen Prestridge, Equilla Hopper Corrections.
  29. Email from Hal Prestridge to [email protected], August 28, 2004, subject:
    [Prestridge] Ronnie Prestridge.
  30. Email from Hal Prestridge to Burnis and Ralph Crosby, December 12, 2004, subject:
    updated version of Chaddick family.
  31. Email from Hal Prestridge to Ralph Crosby, Burnis, and [email protected], January
    28, 2005, regarding obituary for Survilla Prestridge.
  32. Email from Hal Prestridge to Ralph Crosby, Burnis, and [email protected], January
    29, 2005, subject: Prestridge, regarding Survilla Prestridge’s obituary.
  33. Email from Hal Prestridge to [email protected], June 27, 2006, subject:
    [Prestridge] Samuel Prestridge.
  34. Email from Hal Prestridge to [email protected], June 28, 2006, subject:
    [Prestridge] Sorting the different Samuels.
  35. Email from [email protected], January 11, 2004, regarding Moak and Sasser Cemetery–Lincoln
    County, Mississippi.

FOLDER 3e: Prestridge

  1. Log of court case of petitioner Hannah Prestridge regarding her deceased husband
    Lark in Prestridge’s The State of Texas Probate Court, August Term 1858, County of
    Cherokee, Chief Justice Honorable A.J. Copeland.
  2. Photocopies of “Deeds of Franklin County, Georgia, 1784-1826” by Martha Walters
    Acker, 1976.
  3. Last Will and Testament of Abner Brown, state of Mississippi–Yazoo County–June
    6, 1858.4. “Pittsylvania County Deed and Wills, No. 9, 1791-1794.”
  4. Photocopy of Abstract of Title, Southwest Quarter Section: 4, Township: SN, Range:
    7 East–2 copies and 1 handwritten copy attached.
  5. Photocopy of petition of Wiley Prestridge, guardian of the minor heirs of Mary
  6. Prestridge marriage records. Photocopies.
  7. Prestridge birth records. Photocopies.
  8. Prestridge death records. Photocopies.
  9. Obituary for Elise Prestridge Noble.
  10. Obituary for Mrs. J.A. Fox in Lawrence County Press, Monticello, Mississippi,
    January 9, 1908.
  11. Obituary for Quincy D. Prestridge, Jr. in The Advocate, December 18, 2009.
  12. Obituary for Inez Lambert Prestridge.
  13. Obituary for David Charles Prestridge in The Advocate, May 12, 2009.
  14. Obituary for Walter Lewis Grover, Sr. in The Advocate, February 15, 2000.
  15. Obituary for Martha Stearns Prestridge in The Advocate, September 17, 2004.
  16. Obituary for Earl Richard Prestridge.
  17. Obituary for Mae Belle Prestridge in The Picayune Item, February 27, 2003
  18. Obituary for Johnnie C. “Jay” Prestridge, Jr. in The Advocate, November 22, 2001.
  19. 50th Anniversary for Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Prestridge.
  20. obituary for Pearlyl Dunaway, February 26, 2000.
  21. Article from the Daily Journal, “Jury convicts armed robber, appeal backfires;
    25-year sentence goes to life without parole.” By Errol Castens.
  22. Article in unknown newspaper, “Prestridge, Fulton, et al,” no date. Sent in by
    Mrs. Arthur Prestridge, requesting help in Prestridge and Fulton research. Copy attached.
  23. Photocopy of article in the Colfax, Louisiana Newspaper, “History is Related by
    Sage of Grount,” no date, by the Sage of Fishville.
  24. Photocopy of 1825 Tax List of Pike County.
  25. Hunting For Bears, Inc., names list for Winston (?) County, Mississippi, page
  26. Color photocopies of book pages from “Degas in New Orleans: Encounters in the
    Creole World of Kate Chopin and George Washington Cable.”
  27. Photocopy of note about Joshua Prestridge–original attached.
  28. Photocopy of note from John T. Cupit (?) to Tempe Fenn Crosby, July 31, 1959,
    regarding Prestridge information.
  29. Written notes on “Deeds of Franklin Co.–Georgia, 1784-1826.”
  30. Written notes on “Book I 1812-1818 Road (?) Book of Marion Co, Mississippi,” taken
    from McComb Library, October 24, 1987.
  31. Written notes on Sutton and Moak-Sasser cemeteries. Copy attached.
  32. Written notes regarding 1816(?) U.S. Census of Mississippi Territory, 1790 Census
    of Virginia, and 1830 Census of Alabama.
  33. Written dates of when members joined Mount Pleasant Church and other important
  34. Written notes on Prestridge Original Entries–Lincoln County, Mississippi land
    grant titles: section, township, and range.
  35. Photocopies of notes including: a) 1880 Census Lincoln Co., Mississippi; b) Marriage
    of Anderson Pretridge and Malisa Reever; c) 1870 Census Lincoln Co., Mississippi;
    d) information on Elza Prestridge, marriage of James Price and Mary Blunt, and Granberry
    Blunt– 4 pages.
  36. Photocopy of written notes on genealogy of Elzey (or Ellzey) Prestridge’s family.
  37. Suggestions by Editor of “Family Puzzlers.”
  38. Invitation to Fiftieth Anniversary for Mr. and Mrs. Quincy D. Prestridge, Sr.
  39. Copies of 2 articles about Old Donation church and Old St. Paul’s Church, from
    “Exhibition by the Library of Congress: The Old Parish Churches of Virginia.”
  40. Bommy Prestridge Cemetery.
  41. Typed genealogy of Ellzey Prestridge’s family.
  42. Notes on editor’s suggestion regarding Prestridge family research.

Box 39:

Folder 1: Price Family Information 

  1. 1843 tax list for Pike Co., Mississippi.
  2. Photocopy of pages about Jasper Andrew Price.
  3. 2 copies of Price Coat of Arms.
  4. Copy of page about Judge Price, his second wife, and his children.
  5. Written account of Virginia Redmond Kerr on January 13, 1995 on being accepted
    into the Daughters of the Confederacy on the service records of Francis Marion Redmond
    and Jasper Andrew Price.
  6. 2 copies of Jasper A. Price’s enlistment information into co. E of the 33rd Regiment
    Mississippi Infantry of the Confederate Army.
  7. Letter to Mr. and Mrs. Crosby from Myrtle, March 12, 1963, about exchanging information
    on Price, Gordon, and Crosby families.
  8. Engagement announcement of Tisa Payne to Matthew Graves in Enterprise-Journal,
    February 13, 1994.
  9. Obituary for Margaret Aston Price II in McComb Enterprise-Journal, December 20,
  10. Article, “Price named to head Nations Bank president,” in McComb Enterprise-Journal,
    February 9, 1994.
  11. Copy of article, “Murphy Prices to celebrate 50,” under Anniversaries in McComb
    Enterprise-Journal, December 1, 1991.
  12. Article, “Four doctors in the medical field of a small town can cause confusion,
    so…who ya gonna call?” Enterprise-Journal, February 16, 1994.
  13. Copy of article, “95 attend Williams and Joseph Price reunion,” unknown newspaper,
    no date.
  14. Price family index recorded July 13, 1993.
  15. Photocopy of Price Family Record of births and marriages.

Folder 2:

  1. “Price: Robert, William, and Joseph Price of Pike and Lincoln Counties, Mississippi,
    and their descendants,” by Tempe Fenn Crosby and Ralph Crosby.

Folder 3:

  1. Copy of “Price: Robert, William, and Joseph Price of Pike and Lincoln Counties,
    Mississippi, and their descendants,” By Tempe Fenn Crosby and Ralph Crosby.

Folder 4:

  1. Email from Don Sasser to Ralph Crosby, October 6, 1997, about Joseph Sasser.
  2. “Descendants of Stephen Sasser,” by Joseph H. Sasser and James H. McLaurin.

Folder 5:

  1. Note from Elaine S. Courser to Ralph regarding Sellman family.
  2. Email from Elaine to Ralphy Crosby, June 23, 2005, regarding Sellmans.
  3. Sellman pedigree chart.
  4. John 1 Sellman family group sheet.
  5. John 2 Sellman family group sheet.
  6. Benjamin Benois (?) Brashear, Sr., family group sheet.
  7. William E. Dennis family group sheet.
  8. William Selman family group sheet.
  9. Crawford Selman family group sheet.
  10. Crawford Selman family group sheet.
  11. Elias Sylvanus Oldham family group sheet.
  12. Joseph Dennis Selman family group sheet.
  13. Willis Selman family group sheet.
  14. Benjamin Franklin “Frank” Selman family group sheet.
  15. Benjamin Lawrence Sellman family group sheet.
  16. Account of John Henry Selman.
  17. “John Sellman of Maryland and Descendants,” by W. Marshall Sellman, 1975.

Folder 6: Smith

  1. Marriage of Susan Dean Smith to Roman Towns Overall in Sunday Advocate, July 15,
  2. Obituary for Thomas Clayton Smith in The Advocate, December 10, 2003.
  3. Obituary for Dorothy Thompson Smith “Dottie” published in The Advocate, September
    8, 2009.
  4. “Smith, Humphries, Kingsley, Selman, Sumrall” by Ralph Crosby.
  5. Copy of “Smith, Humphries, Kingsley, Selman, Sumrall” by Ralph Crosby-2 copies

Folder 7: Stewart

  1. Wills of Adams County 1802.
  2. Descendants of John Stewart, Sr—copy attached.
  3. email from Linda Nichols to Ralph Crosby, September 14, 1998, regarding Stewart

Folder 8:

  1. Email from Ima White to Tempe Crosby, march 10, 1997, regarding Guynes.
  2. Written account by Virginia Redmond Kerr, January 13, 1995, on being accepted into
    the Daughters of the American Revolution on the service record of James Goyne.
  3. Marriage of Sandra Felder to John Taylor in McComb Enterprise-Journal, May 2, 1993.
  4. Article, “Carter’s Creek Reunion,” in McComb Enterprise-Journal, August 7, 1983.
  5. Article, “Lot of Folks Kin to Felders,” in McComb Enterprise-Journal, November
    20, 1994.
  6. Written note on John Halliday taken from the Florida Parishes General Newsletter,
    January/February 1994, Volume 16–no. 1
  7. Hart family birth records.
  8. Leggett family newsletter, September 1989, volume 1, number 1.
  9. Obituary for Harvey E. Leggett.
  10. Obituary for Thomas John Leggett in The Advocate, June 9, 1997
  11. Obituary for Mrs. Mary Stewart Phillips.
  12. Obituary for Emma K. Phillips.
  13. Obituary for Pauline Phillips Douglas, The Daily Leader, April 29, 2004. Copy
  14. Obituary for Zed Summers Van Buren Jr., The Advocate, May 16, 2002.
  15. Obituary for Roy Vaughn Phillips, Clarion Ledger, November 15, 2007.

Folder 9:

  1. Amite cemeteries photos of markers.
  2. Article “St. Elizabeth’s Dedication,” Kentwood News-Ledger, February 24, 1994,
    by Irene Morris.
  3. Article regarding East McComb in Kentwood News-Ledger, September 5, 2001, by Irene
  4. Article regarding Claude Bailey, Kentwood News-Ledger, June 18, 2003, by Irene
  5. Newspaper clipping, “Amite cemetery book updated.” Unknown newspaper, no date.
  6. Newspaper clipping, “Colonial Dames hear origin of coat of arms.” Unknown newspaper,
    no date.
  7. Obituaries for Richard E. Lansing and Richard C. Lansing.
  8. Article, “Zachariah Lea cemetery holds much history,” Enterprise-Journal, January
    22, 1995.
  9. 1 page from The AMOROC News, Coblenz, Germany, August 27, 1919, volume 1, number
  10. Color picture of building, appears to be East McComb Junior High School, no date.
  11. Copy of black and white photo of 2 children.
  12. 9 photocopied pages of 1907 McComb High School graduation dress, no date, unknown
  13. Picture of George W. Bush and Laura Bush with copied signatures, no date.
  14. Copied black and white photo of Main Street, McComb, Mississippi, by J.C. Parker
  15. Copied black and white photo of construction site w/ 2 men on left and Coca-Cola
    factory in background.
  16. Copied black and white photo of a train with note: “Tickfaw: Smoke billows from
    its engine as a train passes through.” 2 copies.
  17. Article, “House Appears to Float,” in McComb Enterprise-Journal, May 8, 1975.
  18. 1 page from Sunday-Advocate, July 20, 1969.
  19. Article photos, “Bal de Noel Debutantes Entertained at French Picnic,” State-Times,
    June 7, 1979.
  20. Article, “Salute to Mississippi History,” Jackson Daily News, January 19, 1973.
  21. Mississippi History Newsletter, January 1973, vol. XIV, Souvenir Ed.
  22. 1 page from Enterprise-Journal with article, “A Push for Recognition,” November
    8, 1998–2 copies of article
  23. 1 page from Enterprise-Journal with article, “All Aboard: Depot renovations put
    new face on old McComb haunt,” November 8, 1998.
  24. Letter from Max Fenn regarding memorial honoring the military service of the people
    of Pike County, North Dakota.
  25. Invitation to honor Reverend Ralph K. Webster’s retirement as headmaster of Episcopal
    High School, April 15, 1983.
  26. Program for Episcopal High School’s Spring Music and Art Festival, May 12, 1974–copy
  27. First Presbyterian News, May 8, 1974, Volume IX, Number 19.
  28. First Presbyterian Press, April/May 1992.
  29. Article photo, “Old Easter Tour,” State Times, March 30, 1972.
  30. Basic information on “One Way” Tour to: “One Way” members and parents.
  31. Schedule for One Way Tour, 1977.
  32. Schedule for One Way Tour, 1973–written copy attached.
  33. Written One Way Tour Mileage.
  34. Booklet from 1934 World’s Fair in Chicago, IL.
  35. Invitation to Hugh and Pat Harvey’s 50th anniversary, no date.
  36. 10 photocopied pages of “The Locomotive ‘Mississippi’” by Forrest Lamar Cooper.
  37. Newsletter from Fellowship Church.
  38. First Presbyterian News, April 22, 1992, Volume XXVII, Number 17.
  39. Newsletter from Madison Heights United Methodist Church.
  40. Program from Centenary Methodist Church, McComb, Mississippi, December 20, 1942.
  41. Program from Broadmoor United Methodist Church, January 15, 1984. Copy attached

Box 40:

Folder 1: Miscellaneous 

  1. Wedding cards–16.
  2. Thank you card–2
  3. Pamphlet for the Lightener Museum for Hobbies–2
  4. Brochure for the Mission and Shrine of Our Lady of La Leche.
  5. Brochure for Ripley’s Believe It or Not Museum.
  6. Brochure for the Passion Play in 1954 in Lake Wales, Florida.
  7. Brochure for attractions in the Highlands of Central Florida.
  8. Brochure for Potter’s Wax Museum.
  9. Brochure for Florida’s finest attractions.
  10. Brochure for Silver Springs.
  11. Brochure for Mobile Azalea Trail.
  12. Program for Mobile Azalea Trail Silver Anniversary.
  13. Booklet for Potter’s Wax Museum.
  14. Brochure for Bellingrath Gardens.
  15. Pamphlet for The Oldest House, 14 Saint Francis St., Saint Augustine, Florida.
  16. Postcards–9.

Folder 2: Postcards

  1. 100 postcards.

Folder 2b: Postcards

  1. 108 postcards.

Folder 2c: Postcards

  1. 102 postcards.

Folder 2d: Postcards

  1. 48 postcards

Folder 2e: Postcards

  1. To Miss Tempie Fenn from J.D. Grey, D.D., Pastor of First Baptist Church
  2. Happy Holidays postcard-Grace-Leroy and Tempie Pauline
  3. Tempie Fenn, June 30, 1938; postcard about Beethoven
  4. Boston Park Plaza Hotel and Towers; small handwritten statement on back
  5. Baur’s-a dining experience
  6. Lincoln Road Mall- Miami Beach, Florida
  7. Aerial view of the city of Miami
  8. Cypress Gardens, Florida
  9. Disneyland, Anaheim, California- Frontierland Indian Village
  10. Bubbles and her hat, Marineland of the Pacific
  11. Disneyland, Anaheim, California; Headhunter Country
  12. Wayfarers’ Chapel near Portuguese Bend, California
  13. Saguaro Cactus Flowers, Arizona
  14. Oak Creek Canyon, Arizona
  15. Mt. Chocorua and Chocorua Lake, White Mountains, New Hampshire
  16. Above the clouds at Clingmans Dome- Great Smoky Mountains National Park
  17. Crystal Springs Annex Classroom Building; Ridgecrest Baptist Conference Center;
    Ridgecrest, North Carolina
  18. Mountainside Theatre; Indian Village of Cherokee, North Carolina
  19. Purple Rhododendron in full bloom, Appalachian Mountains
  20. Mountain stream in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park
  21. The Chimney Tops in winter- Great Smoky Mountains National Park
  22. Seaplane tour of Fort Gibson Lake and Western Hills Lodge in Sequoyah State Park,Wagoner, Oklahoma
  23. Fort Gibson Dam in Eastern Oklahoma
  24. Lookout Mountain, Tennessee
  25. John Gastin Hospital, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Methodist Hospital, U.S. VeteransHospital, Memphis, Tennessee-2 postcards
  26. 3rd largest zoo in the US, Memphis, Tennessee
  27. McComb High School, McComb, Mississippi
  28. Cabana Beach Motel, West Beach, Biloxi, Mississippi
  29. Pike Country Court House, Magnolia, Mississippi
  30. To Tempie Crosby from Ansel Adams
  31. to Tempe Crosby from Susan-Mardi Gras- Soilean- April 5, 1982
  32. The Center for Regional Studies of Southeastern Louisiana University presents
    The Piney Woods People-January 19-29, 1982; stamped January 22, 1982; written on it: Crosby’s 3246 Conway Baton Rouge LA 70809

Box 41:

Folder 1: Photos 

  1. 2 ½ x 4, no date, black and white. Car in front with people crowded around U.S.
    Air Force Plane.
  2. 2 x 3 1/4, no date, black and white. Crowd of people.
  3. 3 x 4, no date, black and white. Man dressed in uniform in Jackson Square. Eisenhower
    to New Orleans’s Celebration of Louisiana Purchase.
  4. 2 ½ x 4, no date, black and white. Crowd of people inside building. 1 copy.
  5. 2 ½ x 4, no date, black and white. Crowd of people looking at U.S. Air Force plane.
    1 copy.
  6. 4 1/4 x 2 ½, October 28, 1917, black and white, 3 sailors under tree by water pump.
  7. 3 ½ x 5, no date, color. Fenn family reunion.
  8. 3 ½ x 5, no date, color. Fenn family reunion.
  9. 3 ½ x 5, no date, color. People at a reunion.
  10. 7 ½ x 9 ½, no date, black and white. House at 502 Madison, Natchez, Mississippi.
  11. 5 x 0, no date, black and white. House on S. Myrtle Street, McComb, Mississippi.
  12. 6 x 9, no date, black and white. House on North Magnolia Street, McComb, Mississippi.
  13. 5 x 9, no date, black and white. House on North Magnolia Street, McComb, Mississippi.
  14. 6 x 9, December 11, 1979, black and white. House on corner of North Magnolia and
  15. 5 x 7, no date, black and white. Thelma Edwards in Perry Quin State Park, McComb,
  16. 6 ½ x 9 ½, no date, black and white. Thelma Edwards on dock at Perry Quin State
    Park, McComb. 1 copy 7 ½ x 10.
  17. 8 x 10 photocopy, no date, black and white. Unknown family reunion.
  18. 7 x 9 photocopy, no date, black and white. People standing on porch. 1 copy 4
    ½ x 6.
  19. 5 x 7 photocopy, no date, black and white. Possible family portrait.
  20. 3 ½ x 4, no date. color. 2 headstones.
  21. 3 ½ x 4, no date, color. Headstone of T.J. Crosby and Matilda Prestridge. 1 copy.
  22. 3 ½ x 4, no date, color. Headstone for T.J. Crosby and H.C. Crosby. 1 copy.
  23. 3 ½ x 4, no date, color. Headstone for Dewey Lamar Crosby and Charlie Smith Crosby.1
  24. 3 ½ x 4, no date, color. Headstone for Newton Levi Crosby and Mary Phillips Crosby.
  25. 3 ½ x 4, no date, color. Headstone for T.J. Crosby.
  26. 3 ½ x 4, no date, color. Headstone for Matilda Prestridge.
  27. 8 x 10, no date, black and white. Woman in background on porch, woman in front
    with 2 children.
  28. 8 x10, no date, color. Picture of Uncle Houston Douglas, Aunt Verna F. Bailey,
    Mary Va., Jesse Greer, Thetus Helen, J.E. Jordan, Ralph and Tempe Crosby, Irene and
    Jimmy Morris, Willard and Barbara Fenn, Elbert Reid, and Robert and Charlene Bardwell.
  29. 3 x 4 1959, black and white. The Morris family: Ginger, Jimmy, Dan, Irene, Jay.
  30. 3 x 5, December 1898, black and white. House where Leroy D. Fenn was born, corner
    of State Street and North Front Street, McComb, Mississippi.
  31. 3 ½ x 5, no date, color. Headstone for Leroy D. Fenn and Grace Price Fenn.
  32. 6 ½ x 9 ½, 1979, black and white. Jefferson Place Santa Claus Parade with Ralph
  33. 7 x 9 ½, 1924-1961, black and white. East McComb Junior High School.
  34. 7 x 5, January 6, 1984, color. Tempe Fenn Crosby.
  35. 6 ½ x 4 ½, no date, black and white. Picture of young Tempie Pauline Fenn in a
    case. 1 copy.
  36. 9 x 7, 1935, color. Picture of young Tempe Fenn.
  37. 8 x 10, May 1943, color. Tempe’s graduation picture.
  38. 8 x 10, May 1943, color. Tempe’s graduation picture.
  39. Paper with 25 picture of Tempe and others. Front and back.
  40. 2 ½ x 3 ½, no date, black and white. Group of young kids posing for picture.
  41. 2 ½ x 3 ½, no date, black and white. Unidentified man.
  42. 2 ½ x 3 ½, no date, black and white. Group of young kids posing for picture.
  43. 2 ½ x 3 ½, no date, black and white. Group of young kids posing for picture.
  44. 2 ½ x 3 ½, no date, black and white. Group of young kids posing for picture.
  45. 2 ½ x 3 ½, no date, black and white. Group of young kids posing for picture.
  46. 3 ½ x 2 ½, no date, black and white. Unidentified woman.

Folder 2:

  1. 8 x 5 ½, 1945, black and white. Tempe.
  2. 6 ½ x 5, 1942, hand colored. Tempe.
  3. 6 ½ x 4, 1943, black and white. Tempe in dress.
  4. 5 x 7, no date. Color. Tempe.
  5. 5 x 7, February 1954, color. Tempe at St. Augustine.
  6. 3 ½ x 5, 1997, color. Tempe at book signing.
  7. 5 x 7, no date, color. Tempe.
  8. 4 x 5, April 23, 1996, color, Ronnie and Evelyn Fenn Isabell, Helen Fenn Cobb,
    Janet Isabell Buell, Brenda Isabell and Brooke Nufer, and Tempe Fenn Crosby in Baton
    Rouge, Louisiana.
  9. 3 ½ x 5, 1995, color. Kevin, Tempe, and Samantha Crosby.
  10. 5 x 7, 1996, color. Peggy Billings.
  11. 6 ½ x 9, June 1951, black and white. Camille Lehman and Nell Curtis aboard the
    USS Pattie Sue, New England trip to pick up Peggy Billings.
  12. 2 x 2, no date, black and white. Ralph Crosby.
  13. 2 x 3, no date, black and white. Ralph Crosby.
  14. 3 x 3 ½, no date, black and white. Ralph Crosby.
  15. 5 x 7, 1954, color. Ralph Crosby at St. Augustine.
  16. 5 x 7, no date, color. Ralph Crosby in Monaco.
  17. 3 x 2, no date, color. Kevin Crosby Episcopal High School picture.
  18. 5 x 7, no date, color. Kevin Crosby at Florida College.
  19. 5 x 7, no date, color. Kevin Crosby and dog “Tiger.”
  20. 5 x 7, no date, color. Kevin Crosby on Colorado trip.
  21. 5 x 7, no date, color. Kevin Crosby at New York World’s Fair.
  22. 5 x 7, no date, color. Kevin Crosby and dog “Heidi.”
  23. 5 x 7, 1962, black and white. Kevin Crosby University Terrace School picture.
  24. 5 x 7, August 24, 1957, black and white. Kevin Crosby, 1 year old.
  25. 5 x 7, circa May 1957, black and white. Kevin Crosby, 9 months old.
  26. 5 x 7, October 1971, color. Kevin Crosby.
  27. 5 x 7, circa May 1957, black and white. Kevin Crosby, 9 months old.
  28. 3 x 2 ½, no date, black and white. Kevin Crosby.
  29. 3 x 2 ½, October 1969, color. Kevin Crosby.
  30. 4 x 3, 1962, black and white. Kevin with Santa at Goudchaux’s.
  31. 4 x 3, 1962, black and white. Kevin with Santa at Goudchaux’s.
  32. 7 x 5, no date, color. Kevin Crosby.
  33. 7 x 5, 1959, color. Kevin Crosby, 3 years.
  34. 7 x 5, no date, color. Kevin Crosby.
  35. 7 x 5, no date, color. Kevin Crosby.
  36. 7 x 5, 1959, color. Kevin Crosby.
  37. 7 x 5, 1959, color. Kevin Crosby.
  38. 7 x 5, 1959, color, Barbara Ann Riddle and Kevin Crosby at his third birthday.
  39. 5 x 7, 1967, color. Kevin Crosby, Diane Payne, Judy Payne, Dewey Crosby, and Charlie
    S. Crosby.
  40. 3 x 2, 1989, color. Samantha Crosby.
  41. 5 x 3 ½, 1986, color. Samantha Crosby.
  42. 6 ½ x 4 ½, 1987, color. Samantha Crosby.
  43. 5 x 7, no date, color. Kevin Crosby.
  44. 5 x 7, no date, color. Kevin Crosby at St. Augustine.
  45. 7 x 10, no date, black and white. Kevin Crosby at Gainesville, Mississippi cemetery.
  46. 2 x 1 ½, 1961, color. Kevin Crosby University Terrace school picture.
  47. 6 x 4, 1963/64, color. Kevin Crosby, 7/8 years old.
  48. Side 1: Kevin Crosby pictures, left to right.
  49. 3 x 2, August 24, 1957, black and white. Kevin Crosby, 1 year old.
  50. 2 x 1 ½, November 20, 1961, color. Kevin Crosby.
  51. 3 x 2 ½, November 1962, black and white. Kevin Crosby.
  52. 3 x 3, no date, black and white. Kevin Crosby leaning on a car.
  53. 3 x 3, 1962, black and white. Kevin Crosby with Santa Claus.
  54. 6 ½ x 4 ½, no date, black and white. Kevin Crosby as a baby.
  55. Side 2: Kevin Crosby pictures, left to right.
  56. 3 x 2, no date, color. Kevin Crosby.
  57. 3 x 2 ½, October 1965, color. Kevin Crosby.
  58. 2 x 2, October 1965, color. Kevin Crosby.
  59. 4 ½ x 3, no date, black and white. Kevin Crosby in a suit.
  60. 4 ½ x 3 ½, no date, black and white. Kevin Crosby Episcopal High School picture.
  61. 3 x 4, no date, color. Kevin Crosby.
  62. 3 x 4, no date, color. Kevin Crosby playing piano.
  63. Side 1: Kevin Crosby pictures, left to right.
  64. 3 x 2, no date, black and white. Kevin Crosby with stuffed animal.
  65. 3 x 3, no date, color. Kevin Crosby.
  66. 2 ½ x 1 ½, no date, color. Kevin Crosby in boy scout uniform.
  67. 3 x 2, no date, color. Kevin Crosby in coat and tie.
  68. 3 x 2, no date, color. Kevin with unknown woman. Possible prom picture.
  69. 3 ½ x 3, no date, color. Tempe Crosby crouching by camera.
  70. 3 ½ x 5, no date, color. Kevin working on computer.
  71. Side 2: Tempe pictures, top to bottom.
  72. 2 ½ x 2, September 1985, black and white. Tempe Crosby.
  73. 2 ½ x 2, no date, black and white. Tempe Crosby.
  74. 2 ½ x 2, no date, black and white. Tempe Crosby.
  75. 2 ½ x 2, no date, black and white. Tempe Crosby.
  76. 3 ½ x 5, 1972, color. Tempe Crosby.
  77. 3 x 2, no date, black and white. Tempe Crosby.
  78. 2 ½ x 2 ½, no date, black and white. Tempe Crosby.
  79. 3 ½ x 5, no date, black and white. Ralph and Tempe Crosby.
  80. Kevin Crosby baby album, born August 29, 1956. 15 pictures, 3 ½ x 5.

Folder 3:

  1. 4 x 7, no date, color. Tempe and Ralph Crosby wedding picture with bridesmaids
    and groomsmen.
  2. 4 x 6, no date, color. Tempe and Ralph Crosby.
  3. 5 x 7, no date, color. Tempe and Ralph Crosby walking down the aisle at their wedding.
  4. 7 ½ x 9, no date, color. Tempe and Ralph Crosby eating at restaurant in Monaco.
  5. 9 ½ x 8, January 6, 1984, color. Tempe and Ralph Crosby.
  6. 10 x 8, August 4, 1992, color. Tempe and Ralph Crosby.
  7. 10 x 8, January 1996, color. Tempe and Ralph Crosby.
  8. 2 x 3, no date, black and white. Ralph and Tempe Crosby.
  9. 5 x 3, June 1930, black and white. Tempe Fenn next to her Uncle Albert’s Model
    A Ford–note on back to Tempe from unknown writer.

10.3 ½ x 5, 1983, color. Tempe at EMK reunion. 2 photocopies: 1 black and white, 1

  1. 3 ½ x 5, no date, color. Gravestone for Leroy D. Fenn and Grace Price Fenn.
  2. Photocopy, 5 x 6, no date, color. Colonial Dames– Helen E. Marsalis McMillian
    and Tempe Fen Crosby.
  3. Photocopy, 5 ½ x 6, no date, color. Robert and Mike McDavid.
  4. Photocopy, 4 x 7, no date. Background, black and white: Tempe’s high school graduation
    picture; foreground, color: Tempe’s high school reunion.
  5. 7 x 9, January 23, 1974, black and white. Tempe and Ralph Crosby in Guadalajara,
  6. 10 x 6 ½, December 25, 1940, black and white. Della McNeill school picture–note
    to Tempe from Della McNeill on front cover.
  7. Photocopies of pictures from McComb High School 1940’s reunion, 5 pages, color.
  8. 2 ½ x 2, no date, black and white. Carrie Fay Baily and Leroy Fenn.
  9. 2 x 3, August 1944, black and white. Ruth, Marilyn, and Tempe.
  10. 3 x 2, no date, black and white. Becky Fenn.
  11. 3 x 2, no date, black and white. Minnie Jim Bardwell.
  12. 4 x 2, no date, black and white. Gravestone for Fr. Daniel W. Fenn at Mars Hill
    Baptist Church Cemetery, Amite County, Mississippi.
  13. 3 x 2, no date, black and white. Tempe Fenn.
  14. 1 ½ x 1 ½, 1942, black and white. Tempe and unidentified man.
  15. 2 x 2, no date, black and white. Tempe in graduation gown.
  16. 5 x 3 ½, October 1926, black and white. Tempe Fenn, age 16 months.
  17. 4 ½ x 3, 1948, black and white. Tempe Fenn.
  18. 2 ½ x 2, no date, black and white. Tempe and unidentified man.
  19. 2 x 1 ½, no date, black and white. Tempe in dress.
  20. 5 x 3 ½ ,September 5, 1994, color. Ralph Crosby.
  21. 3 ½ x 5, July 1994, color. Samantha Crosby, Marisa N. Rogers, and Tempe Crosby.
  22. 1 x 1, no date, black and white. Tempe Fenn and unidentified man.
  23. Photocopy, 4 ½ x 4 ½, no date, color. Mildred Fenn Douglas and Houston Douglas.
  24. Photocopy, 4 ½ x 5, no date, color. Fenn family reunion with Tempe Fenn Crosby,
    Jay Morris, Phyllis Jean Bardwell, Evelyn Isbell, Max Bailey, and Yvonne Bailey.
  25. Photocopy, 4 ½ x 5, no date, color. Fenn family reunion with Claudie, Ginny, Sam,Irene, Doug, Evelyn, Yvonne, and Irona.
  26. Photocopy, 4 ½ x 3 ½, on date color. Young Tempie Cain Gammill.
  27. Photocopy, 4 ½ x 3 ½, no date, color. Tempie Cain Gammill Fenn.
  28. 2 ½ x 5, no date, color. Ralph and Samantha Crosby and an unidentified boy and
  29. 3 x 2, June 1996, color. Samantha Crosby, age 9 years old.
  30. 1 ½ x 2, no date, black and white. Tempe with 2 unidentified girls.
  31. 3 x 2, 1945, black and white. Tempe.
  32. 3 ½ x 2, May 1945, black and white. Tempe.
  33. 3 ½ x 2 ½, 1948, black and white. Grace Fenn.
  34. 2 x 3, no date, black and white. Tempe and Thelma Edwards.
  35. Photocopy, 6 x 10, no date, black and white. Group of women sitting at a table:
    Elizabeth Hamilton, Mrs. Willie Hamilton, Ms. Dora Bennett, Mrs. Lillian Bennett,
    Vivian Alexander Porter, Mrs. Delia Ballard, Mrs. Lora Dunaway, Julia Lee Hamilton
    Nichols, Myrtis Hamilton, Minnie Hamilton Kaluscke, L.E. Allen, Rachel Ballard Lagarus,
    reverent E.C. Edwards, Thelma Edwards, unidentified woman, Grace Allen, Kathleen,
    Lurline Sauls Lansing, Ara Sauls, Dorothy Case Blanton, Sylvia Holmes, Thetus Helen
    Bardwell Jordan, Sancheam Gordon, Ada Barron, Grace Barron Etheridge, Dorothy Boyd
    Green, and Mrs. Thad Boyd.
  36. 3 x 2, June 1996, color. Kevin and Carol Crosby.
  37. 3 x 2, June 1996, color. Erika at 7 years old.
  38. 3 x 2, June 1996, color. Dillion at 3 years old.
  39. Copy, 4 x 5, no date, black and white. Robert, Gena, and Dewy Crosby.
  40. Copy, 3 ½ x 5, no date, black and white. “Sis” Young, Robert Crosby, unidentified
    man, Dewey Crosby, Newton Levi Crosby, Luke Hart, and “Son” Phillips.

Folder 4:

  1. 3 x 2, 1937, black and white. Ralph Crosby.
  2. 2 x 4, no date, black and white. Charlotte Crosby in group picture.
  3. 3 x 4 ½, potentially 1946, black and white. Shiners Initiation.
  4. 3 x 4 ½, potentially 1946, black and white. Shiners Initiation.
  5. 3 x 4 ½, potentially 1946, black and white. Shiners Initiation.
  6. 3 x 4 ½, potentially 1946, black and white. Shiners Initiation.
  7. 3 x 4 ½, potentially 1946, black and white. Shiners Initiation.
  8. 3 x 4 ½, potentially 1946, black and white. Shiners Initiation.
  9. 3 x 4 ½, potentially 1946, black and white. Shiners Initiation.
  10. 3 x 4 ½, potentially 1946, black and white. Shiners Initiation.
  11. 3 x 4 ½, potentially 1946, black and white. Shiners Initiation.
  12. 3 x 4 ½, potentially 1946, black and white. Shiners Initiation.
  13. 3 x 4 ½, potentially 1946, black and white. Shiners Initiation.
  14. 3 x 4 ½, potentially 1946, black and white. Shiners Initiation.
  15. 3 x 4 ½, potentially 1946, black and white. Shiners Initiation.
  16. 3 x 4 ½, potentially 1946, black and white. Shiners Initiation.
  17. 3 x 4 ½, potentially 1946, black and white. Shiners Initiation.
  18. 3 x 4 ½, potentially 1946, black and white. Shiners Initiation.
  19. 2 ½ x 4, August 19, 1963, black and white. Crosby family reunion.
  20. 4 x 3 ½, no date, black and white. Gravestone for Rachel Seixas, Susan and John
    Phillips, and Mary Isett.
  21. 2 ½ x 1, no date, black and white. Charlotte Crosby leading marching band.
  22. 5 x 9 ½, no date, black and white. Crosby family picture
  23. Copy of original. 6 ½ x 4, 1894, black and white. Otis L. Fenn with wife, Tempie
    Gammill Fenn, and children Verna, Thetus, and Charlie, taken by R.W. Hill in Summit,
  24. Copy of original. 5 ½ x 8, no date, black and white. Front row: Harvey Boyd, Emmett
    Boyd, child of Huie and Ella Boyd, Ella Boyd, Huie Boyd, Florence Boyd, Euphenia Boyd,
    Pearlie Boyd, and Sam Boyd. Back row: Zeb Boyd, Ella Boyd, June Boyd, Beulah Boyd,
    and Fred Boyd.
  25. Photo album page: Front, left to right:
  26. 2 ½ x 1 ½. 1940-41, black and white.
  27. 3 x 2, no date, black and white. Tempe, Arthur Hodge, and Betty Ross Myers.
  28. 1 x 1, no date, black and white. Tempe.
  29. 2 x 1, no date, black and white. Tempe.
  30. 1 ½ x 1, no date, black and white. Tempe.
  31. 2 x 3, 1939/40, black and white. Tempe, Marie Carter, and Dot Case.
  32. 2 x 2, circa July 1939, black and white. Tempe, Otis Fenn, and baby Janet.
  33. 2 x 2, 1939, 1939, black and white, Sammie Hutson and Tempe.
  34. 2 x 4, no date, black and white. Tempe, Lanell Hutson, Helen Elise Marsalis, and
    Marie Carter.
  35. 2 ½ x 3 ½, 1939, black and white. Tempe.
  36. 3 x 2, August 19, 1940, black and white. Tempe.
  37. 2 ½ x 2, 1942, black and white. Tempe.
  38. 2 ½ x 2, June 7, 1942, black and white. Tempe and Marilyn White.
  39. Photo album page: Back, bottom to right:
  40. 2 ½ x 2, no date, black and white. Ruth “Piggy” and Tempe.
  41. 3 x 2, no date, black and white. Tempe and Thelma Edwards.
  42. 1 ½ x 2, no date, black and white. Marie Carter and Tempe.
  43. 3 x 3, circa September 1951, black and white. Tempe in dress.
  44. 1 ½ x 2, 1943, black and white. Tempe graduation.
  45. 2 x 2, no date, black and white. Tempe and Thetus Helen.
  46. 1 ½ x 2 ½, no date, black and white. Tempe with an unidentified man and woman.
  47. 2 x 2, no date, black and white. Tempe with Thelma Edwards and an unidentified
  48. 3 x 2, no date, black and white. Tempe and an unidentified man.
  49. 3 x 2, no date, black and white. Tempe and Spurgeon Haler.
  50. 2 x 3, no date, black and white. Tempe with an unidentified man.
  51. 2 x 4, September 1951, black and white. Tempe serving punch with 3 unidentified
  52. Photo album page, front, bottom to right:
  53. 2 x 2, no date, black and white. Possibly young Tempe Fenn.
  54. 4 x 2 ½, 1926, black and white. Tempe at age sixteen months.
  55. 2 x 2 ½, no date, black and white. Young Tempe.
  56. 2 x 3, no date, black and white. Young Tempe with Model Ford in background.
  57. 2 x 1 ½, no date, black and white. Possibly young Tempe Fenn.
  58. 2 x 3 no date, black and white. Possibly young Tempe Fenn with a doll.
  59. 2 x 3, 1927, black and white. Young Tempe Fenn.
  60. 4 x 3, 1927, black and white. Young Tempe Fenn in Natchez, Mississippi.
  61. 2 x 2, no date, black and white. Beryl Lowery holding young Tempe Fenn.
  62. Photo album page, back, left to right:
  63. 5 x 3 ½, 1927, black and white. Young Tempe Fenn in Natchez, Mississippi.
  64. 2 ½ x 3, 1927, black and white. Geneva Price holding young Tempe Fenn.
  65. 2 ½ x 2, no date, black and white. Leroy Fenn holding young Tempe Fenn.
  66. 2 x 2 ½, no date, black and white. Leroy FEnn crouched next to young Tempe Fenn.
  67. 3 x 2 ½, June 12, 1930, black and white. Tempe at age 5.
  68. 2 x 3, no date, black and white. Young Tempe in Natchez, Mississippi.
  69. 1 ½ x 2, July 1939. Tempe in Houston, Texas
  70. 1 ½ x 1, no date, black and white. Tempe on staircase.
  71. 2 ½ x 1 ½, 1934/5, black and white. Tempe school picture.
  72. 2 ½ x 1 ½, no date, black and white. Tempe 6th grade school picture.
  73. 2 x , no date, black and white. Tempe possibly at age 14.
  74. 2 ½ x 3, no date, black and white. Thetus Helen, Albert, Willard, and Tempe.
  75. Photo album page, front, left to right:
  76. Handwritten letter to Leroy and Grace Fenn from Verna congratulating them on the
    birth of their daughter Tempe.
  77. 2 ½ x 4, no date, black and white. Young Tempe in chair.
  78. 3 x 2, no date, black and white. Leroy D. Fenn holding young Tempe.
  79. 3 x 2 ½, no date, black and white. Leroy D. Fenn with young Tempe.
  80. 5 x 2 ½, July 1925, black and white. Leroy D. Fenn with young Tempe.
  81. 4 x 2 ½, July 1925, black and white. Leroy D. Fenn holding young Tempe.
  82. 3 x 3, no date, black and white. Young Tempe in chair.
  83. 2 ½ x 2 ½, no date, black and white. Mary Virginia with young Tempe in chair.
  84. Photo album page, back, left to right:
  85. 4 x 2 ½, July 1925, black and white. Mary Virginia Bardwell and Tempe Fenn.
  86. 4 x 2 ½, July 1925, black and white. Tempe Fenn at her Aunt Ethel’s in McComb,
  87. 4 x 2 ½, July 1925, black and white. Mary Virginia Bardwell, Tempe Fenn, and Leroy
  88. 4 x 2 ½, 1926, black and white. Grace Fenn holding young Tempe Fenn in front of
    her face in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
  89. 4 x 2 ½ no date, black and white. Unidentified man holding 9 month old Tempe on
    a bike.
  90. 4 x 3, no date, black and white. Tempe Fenn at age 9 months in lap of LouiseTraxler on 5th Street in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
  91. 2 x 2 ½, no date, black and white. Leroy Fenn holding Tempe Fenn.
  92. 2 ½ x 3, no date, black and white. Leroy Fenn crouched next to 9 month old Tempe
    Fenn on bike in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
  93. 2 x 3, no date, black and white. Tempe in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
  94. 9 ½ x 7, no date, color. Irene and Bob Reid in Mexico taken by Tempe.
  95. 2 ½ x 3 ½, no date, black and white. Group of women posing for picture.
  96. 3 ½ x 4 ½, no date, black and white. Woman standing on stairs.
  97. 2 ½ x 4, no date, black and white. Group of women including Beulah Bates, Dell
    Bennett, and Charley Smith Crosby.
  98. 7 x 5, no date, black and white. 2 young girls with Santa.
  99. 2 ½ x 3 ½, October 7, 1950, black and white. Baby on the porch of a house
  100. 3 ½ x 5, October 1975, color. Three adults and one child in front of a house.
  101. 2 x 4 ½, no date, color. Group of men.
  102. 3 ½ x 5, no date, color. Man at podium speaking to group of people.
  103. 3 ½ x 5, no date, black and white. Picture of a photo of a group of people on
    a porch.
  104. 3 ½ x 5, no date, black and white. Picture of a family portrait. 1 copy.
  105. 3 ½ x 5, no date, black and white. 4 unidentified people. 1 copy.
  106. 2 ½ x 2, no date, black and white. Unidentified couple.

Folder 5:

  1. 6 x 4, no date, color. Ralph and Geraldine Crosby Bock.
  2. 4 x 6, no date, color. 3 unidentified people at a reunion.
  3. 4 x 6, no date, color. Lynn Reers, L.J. Smith, and Ralph Crosby.
  4. 6 x 4, no date, color. Mike McIntyre.
  5. 4 x 6, no date, color. Mike and Diana McIntyre.
  6. 4 x 6, no date, color. Mike McIntyre and Ralph and Kevin Crosby.
  7. 4 x 6, no date, color. Kevin and Ralph Crosby.
  8. 6 x 4, no date, color. Geraldine Crosby Bock.
  9. 4 x 6, no date, color. Jean Crosby Callihan, Dawn Farrer Dares, Lesley Farrer McMuller,
    Beth Webb, Geraldine Crosby Bock, and an unidentified woman holding a young boy.
  10. 4 x 6, no date, color. Jean Crosby Callihan, Lesley Farrer McMuller, and Dawn
    Farrer Dares.
  11. 4 x 6, no date, color. Beth Webb with her grandson, Jackson Webb, and an unidentified
  12. 4 x 6, no date, color. Virginia Burt and Pam Phillips.
  13. 4 x 6, no date, color. Pam Phillips and Dawn Farrer Dares.
  14. 4 x 6, no date, color. Ralph Crosby and 2 unidentified women in background.
  15. 4 x 6, no date, color. Kara Beth Crosby with Lacy Montgomery in foreground and
    Beth Webb, Geraldine Crosby Bock, and Kevin Crosby in background.
  16. 4 x 6, no date, color. Pam Crosby talking with Mike McIntyre.
  17. 3 ½ x 5, no date, color. Building inside the Forbidden Palace in China.
  18. 3 ½ x 5, no date, color. Building at Forbidden Palace in China.
  19. 3 ½ x 5, no date, color. Building under construction in middle of forest possibly
    in China.
  20. 3 ½ x 5, no date, color. Walkway up to building in China.
  21. 5 x 3 ½, September 5, 1994. Unidentified elderly woman.
  22. 5 x 3 ½, September 5, 1994. Unidentified elderly man.
  23. 5 x 3 ½, September 5, 1994. Unidentified woman.
  24. 4 x 3 ½, September 5, 1994. Unidentified man.
  25. 5 x 3 ½, September 5, 1994. Unidentified elderly woman.
  26. 5 x 3 ½, September 5, 1994. Evelyn Fenn Isbell.
  27. 3 ½ x 5, September 5, 1994. Unidentified baby girl.
  28. 5 x 3 ½, September 5, 1994. Ralph Crosby.
  29. 5 x 3 ½, September 5, 1994. Unidentified woman.
  30. 5 x 3 ½, September 5, 1994. Unidentified elderly woman.
  31. 3 ½ x 5, September 5 , 1994. Unidentified man.

32.5 x 3 ½, September 5 , 1994. Unidentified woman.

  1. 3 ½ x 5, September 5 , 1994. Unidentified couple.
  2. 5 x 3 ½, September 5 , 1994. Unidentified man.
  3. 5 x 3 ½. September 5 , 1994. Unidentified woman.
  4. 5 x 3 ½, September 5 , 1994. Unidentified elderly woman.
  5. 5 x 3 ½, September 5 , 1994. Unidentified elderly woman.
  6. 5 x 3 ½, September 5 , 1994. Unidentified girl.
  7. 5 x 3 ½, September 5 , 1994. Unidentified woman.
  8. 5 x 3 ½, September 5 , 1994. Unidentified elderly woman.
  9. 5 x 3 ½, September 5 , 1994. Unidentified elderly woman.
  10. 5 x 3 ½, September 5 , 1994. Unidentified elderly man.
  11. 5 x 3 ½,September 5 , 1994. Unidentified woman.
  12. 5 x 3 ½, September 5 , 1994. Unidentified man.
  13. 2 ½ x 2 ½, non date, color. Dillon and Erica Belen.
  14. 6 x 4, August 2005, color. Jim and Burnis Argo at North Head Light on Lewis and
    Clark Trail, Washington.
  15. 5 x 6 ½, no date, color. Wedding picture with David, Magggie, Donna Margaret,
    Carolyn, Caral II, Donald, Heathie, Chija, Margaret, Virginia, Celeste, Matthew, Car
    I, and Richard.
  16. Photocopy, 4 x 6, June 20, 1998, color. Dillon Belen, Samantha Crosby, and Erika
    Belen, at Lieutenant Robert E. Lee Restaurant.
  17. 6 x 4, no date, color. Samantha Crosby working on a puzzle.
  18. 4 x 6, no date, color. Samantha Crosby holding her Christmas stocking.
  19. 4 x 6, no date, color. Samantha Crosby holding her Christmas stocking.
  20. 4 x 6, no date, color. Samantha Crosby with a bow on her head.
  21. 6 x 4, no date, color. Samantha Crosby with a bow on her head.
  22. 4 x 6, no date, color. Samantha Crosby with a bow on her head.
  23. 4 x 6, no date. Color. Samantha Crosby with Mardi Gras beads.
  24. 4 x 6, no date, color. Samantha Crosby with Mardi Gras beads.
  25. 4 x 6, no date, color. Ralph Crosby and unidentified woman at a cemetery.
  26. 4 x 6, no date, color. Two Hutchins headstone with unidentified grave marker.
  27. 4 x 6, no date, color. Two houses and water tower in Natchez, Mississippi.
  28. 7 x 10, no date, color. View of the ocean at dusk,
  29. 2 x 2, no date, black and white. Tempe.
  30. 3 x 2 ½, no date, black and white. Tempe.
  31. 3 x 2, no date, black and white. Tempe
  32. Photocopy, 5 ½ x 3 ½, circa 1800s possibly, black and white. Portrait of a couple.
    1 copy.
  33. 3 ½ x 5, August 8, 1994, color. Picture of painting of the home of Otis Leroy
  34. 3 ½ x 5, no date, color. Signs for the Fred M. Mills, Jr. Bridge and the Pee Dee
  35. 5 x 3 ½, September 5, 1994, color. Unidentified woman.
  36. 1 ½ x 2 ½, no date, black and white. Tempe with five unidentified people.
  37. 6 x 5, no date, color, unidentified couple

Folder 6:

  1. Photocopy, 5 ½ x 9 ½, no date, black and white. Group of women posing for a picture.
  2. Photocopy, 6 x 8 ½, no date, black and white. Picture of a farm possibly taken
    by Tempe Crosby. 1 copy 5 x 8 ½.
  3. Photocopy, 11 x 8 ½, no date, black and white. The R. H. Crosby home on the Hobolochitto River in Northwest Picayune.
  4. Photocopy, 11 x 8 ½, no date, black and white. Original picture if from 1908, some
    names on the side but most are cut off. Ethel, Dave, Bonner, Leroy, Ethna Patterson,
    Willard, Mildred Fenn.
  5. Photocopy, 11 x 8 ½, no date, black and white. Mr. Jake Hupperich, Norbert Fenn,
    and Evelyn. 1 copy.
  6. Photocopy, 11 x 8 ½, no date, black and white. Hollywood Cemetery, McComb, Mississippi
    and other Fenn family. 1 copy.
  7. Photocopy, 14 x 8 ½, August 1, 1917, black and white. Picture of construction of
    McComb City from NW looking SE. With view of house in background where Leroy Fenn
    was born in 1898; above picture is note that certifies the picture is correct, signed
    by John J. Clarke, Supervisor of Construction to S.K. on August 10, 1917.
  8. Photocopy, 14 x 8 ½, 1917, black and white. Top picture: construction of McComb
    City P.O. with view of house where Leroy Feen was born; bottom picture: construction
    of McComb P.O. with view of ICRR dept.
  9. Photocopy, 14 x 8 ½, 1917/18, black and white. 3 pictures of McComb P.O. Top: taken
    June 1, 1917; middle: taken April 1, 1918; bottom: taken April 6, 1917.
  10. Photocopy. 10 ½ x 8 ½, possibly 1917/18, black and white. Construction of McComb
  11. Photocopy, 11 x 8 ½, no date, black and white. Many pictures of places in Mississippi
    with picture of house on corner of State Street and Front Street where L.D. Fenn was
    born. 1 copy.
  12. Photocopy, 11 x 8 ½, no date, black and white. To: L.D. Fenn; bottom: G. Wall,
    switchman, ex.; L. Fenn switchman, ex.; P. Boyt, switchman, ex.; Ralph Williams call
    boy, day; B.A. Jones, eng. 4 man,11-7; Nick Salmon, A.Y.M. and eng.4 man; O.R. Brown,
    N.Y.M., night; L.W. Felder, G.Y.M.-1 copy
  13. Photocopy, 11 x 8 ½, nd, color, 3 pictures: 1. top left: Tempe Fenn 2. top right: 6 unidentified women3. bottom: East McComb Junior High School
  14. Photocopy, 2 x 3, no date, black and white, 3 cars parked by empty lot, with a
    water tower in background-1 copy
  15. Photocopy, 7 x 9 ½, no date, black and white, Tempe’s high school graduating class
  16. Photocopy 8 ½ x 11, April 23, 1939, black and white, East McComb Baptist Sunday
    School, was taken to celebrate Rev. Gill’s 23rd anniversary, ‘x’ is where Tempe Crosby,
    Marie Carter, and Vonita (not legible) Alford are marked in the picture- 1 copy
  17. Photocopy, 11 x 8 ½, no date, black and white, unidentified military officer
  18. 8 ½ x 7, circa 1932/33, color, drawing of a little girl holding an egg and a chickenlooking at the egg with the words “Not Guilty” at bottom, by C. Twelvetrees, taken from calendar
  19. 11 x 8 circa, 1935, color, painting of sailboats in water with light house in
    background,on back: drawing of a face
  20. 2 ½ x 4, no date, black and white, Tempe at Jefferson Highway
  21. 4 x 6, no date, color, Christmas parade
  22. 4 x 6, no date, color, Christmas parade
  23. 4 x 6, no date, color, Christmas parade
  24. 4 x 6, no date, color, Christmas parade
  25. 4 x 6, no date, color, Christmas parade
  26. 4 x 6, no date, color, Christmas parade
  27. 4 x 6, no date, color, Christmas parade
  28. 4 x 6, March 18, 2004, color, picture of a painting of a town by a river- 1 copy
  29. 4 x 6, March 18, 2004, color, picture of a painting of field workers picking tomatoes
  30. 4 x 6, March 18, 2004, color, picture of painting of a town by a river
  31. 4 x 6, March 18, 2004, color, picture of 2 landscape paintings
  32. 4 x 6, probably March 18, 2004, color, 3 unidentified people sitting on couch

Folder 7:

  1. 3 x 5, no date, black and white, house where Leroy D. Fenn was born on corner of
    State Street and North Front Street in McComb, Mississippi
  2. 1 x 1, no date, color, unidentified woman- 1 copy
  3. 3 ½ x 5, 1987, color, 2 unidentified women, 1 woman is watching television and
    the other woman is reading
  4. 3 ½ x 6, 1987, color, 3 unidentified women sitting in a living room
  5. 3 ½ x 6, 1987, color, 3 unidentified women sitting in a living room
  6. 3 ½ x 3 ½, no date, color, picture of painting of Matilda Prestridge Crosby
  7. 3 ½ x 3 ½, no date, color, picture of painting of Thomas Jefferson Crosby
  8. 3 ½ x 4 ½, no date, color, young Samantha Crosby
  9. 3 ½ x 4 ½, no date, color, young Samantha Crosby
  10. 3 ½ x 4 ½, no date, color, young Samantha Crosby
  11. 3 ½ x 4 ½, no date, color, young Samantha Crosby
  12. 1 ½ x 1 ½, no date, black and white, unidentified woman holding young Tempe
  13. 1 ½ x 1 ½, no date, black and white, Tempe
  14. 1x 1 ½, no date, black and white, the side of a house
  15. 1 ½ x 1 ½, no date, black and white, Tempe
  16. 3 x 2, no date, black and white, Tempe- 1 copy
  17. 3 ½ x 5, no date, color, view of balconies inside of a hotel
  18. 7 x 4 ½, no date, black and white, young Tempie Pauline Fenn, picture taken at
    the Photo Shoppe in Natchez, Mississippi
  19. 11 x 8 ½, no date, black and white, Kevin and Samantha Crosby- 1 copy
  20. 10 x 8, no date, color, miscellaneous negatives of China
  21. 10 x 8, March and May 1981, black and white, miscellaneous negatives from Marchand May 1981
  22. 10 x 8, February 1984, black and white, miscellaneous negatives
  23. 10 x 8, 1979, black and white, miscellaneous negatives
  24. 4 ½ x 8, no date, negatives of Michele Crosby Zana (or possibly Zama)
  25. 2 ½ x 8, no date, black and white, miscellaneous negatives and house where Tempe
    was born
  26. 10 x 8, October 1979, black and white, miscellaneous negatives of downtown Baton
  27. 10 x 8, January 1984, black and white, miscellaneous negatives- 1 copy
  28. 10 x 8, no date, black and white, miscellaneous negatives with images of Geow
    (not legible) Dickey House and Dickey Cemetery
  29. 10 x 8, no date, color, miscellaneous negatives
  30. 10 x 8, June 26, 1984, black and white, miscellaneous negatives with images of
    Ralph Crosby and other images of Tempie C. G. Fenn, Ethel, Mildred, Willard, Albert,
    and Helen
  31. 10 x 8, January 29, 1981, black and white, miscellaneous negatives with images
    of Boyds-Brovina
  32. 10 x 8, February 20, 1980, black and white, miscellaneous negatives with images
    of I-2 (or I-Z); Mars Hill Church; Robert Dickey house; E. McComb Baptist church;
    East McComb Jr. High School; Gainsville cemetery; Charlie Gammill; and image of Dianne,
    Janne, and Kay White
  33. 10 x 8, April 1985, black and white, miscellaneous negatives with images of Henry
    Crosby; L.O. Crosby; Chathwa; and Dickey cemetery, Osyka
  34. 10 x 8, April 1985, black and white, miscellaneous negatives with images of Jackson Archives; T.M.A Crosby Hart; R.H. Crosby; Ethel Crosby; Mandeville

Box 42:

Folder 1:

  1. “What Think Ye of Christ?” Baptist Messenger
  2. “Crump’s Concern” Revered Dr. Steve J Crump’s speech at Frank Hayden’s funeralon behalf of the Congregation of the Unitarian Church of Baton Rouge
  3. Y.W.A. Banquet house party information; Lebanon-Pike
  4. “Thy Will Be Done” church program
  5. Song-“Cleanse Me”
  6. “Hit Parade” song list, February-May 1940
  7. Song sheet with 12 church songs
  8. Handwritten list of songs
  9. Handwritten music sheet
  10. 1945 Young Women’s Auxiliary Camp “Star Trials” song book
  11. Copy of “I Think It’s Time We Put this Reunion in Perspective”
  12. “Preface to Four Narratives”
  13. Schedule for the Y.W.A. Houseparty at Mississippi Woman’s, Hattiesburg, MS; February
    14-15, 1948
  14. Secretaries’ Club Christmas Party-1948, songs
  15. Louisiana Arts and Science Center membership card for Tempe Crosby
  16. East McComb School music pupils recital program, May 24, 1935
  17. Log of the U.S.S. Patty Sue-Maiden Voyage- June 1-22, 1952- 3 sets
  18. Muriel Stafford, handwriting psychologist, rates Tempe’s charm according to herhandwriting
  19. A personal analysis of Tempe’s handwriting by Muriel Stafford, handwriting psychologist
  20. Typed handwritten analysis from Muriel Stafford, handwriting psychologist, to
  21. Handwriting analysis of Tempe Fenn, circa 1952, by Muriel Stafford
  22. Copy of song sheets
  23. Alphabet in cursive by Millie Cobb

Folder 2:

  1. Photocopy of 3 pictures of Keith Guy and his family, his parents, and his grandparents
    and great grandparents
  2. Handwritten recipe for egg custard
  3. Photocopied book pages on how to design a Japanese Garden
  4. 3 area maps of Houston, Texas
  5. Computer printout of map of 3246 Conway Drive
  6. “You Know You’re at Home in New Orleans when…”
  7. Sheet from Baptist Church pamphlet with memorials, sympathy, congratulations, andinformation for Baptist Women/Baptist Young Women retreats
  8. Map of McComb and Summit, Mississippi
  9. Map of McComb
  10. Map of Summit and Northern part of McComb
  11. Franklin County Resources web page printouts
  12. Photocopied book pages from “Yazoo County, Mississippi Pioneers” by Betty Couch Wiltshire
  13. Copied pages about Good Hope Community and Leake Company, Mississippi
  14. Map of east coast of England; including cities of Liverpool. Manchester, and Sheffield1 copy zoomed in
  15. Bill from Le Café De Paris in Monte-Carlo
  16. 8th grade final exam from 1895 from Salina, Kansas, USA, copied from original document
  17. Muffet Crowell and Associates, massage therapy, newsletter
  18. Photocopied book pages on “Mormon Church Impact on Genealogical Software”
  19. Episcopal High School Commencement ticket, May 23, 1974- 1 copy
  20. Kevin Crosby’s Business card for A.T. Distributors
  21. Bocage-Jefferson Place, 1994 Christmas Parade information
  22. Mrs. Virginia’s list of other supplements for application into the United Daughtersof the Confederacy
  23. Tempe’s note on Kevin’s first memory
  24. Copy of note from the Medical Center of Baton Rouge on Tempe’s 2 kinds of thyroidcancer for medical records
  25. Copy of Tempe’s family medical history
  26. Traveler’s information with Tempe’s notes
  27. Pamphlet on information about social security account card
  28. Pamphlet showing location of New Jersey Historical Society on a map
  29. Pamphlet on information about the New Jersey Historical Society
  30. Advertisement for a Chrysler Polara 1965
  31. Possibly a sticker, “Our National Forests” 1st edition belongs to Tempe
  32. Mother’s Day poem sent to Tempe from Diane McIntyre via email
  33. List of the National Huguenot Society standing committees
  34. The National Huguenot Society pamphlet about genealogical books on the Huguenots
  35. Handwritten note with symbols
  36. Tri-folded paper 7 x 2 with Japanese symbols and drawings
  37. Paper with chemistry formulas and note on back from Charles
  38. Handwritten notes for book corrections
  39. Handwritten note from April 1996
  40. 2 handwritten notes: first is about trip information, second is about research
  41. Handwritten note from Mrs. R.B.

Folder 3:

  1. Tempe’s card for signing a copy of the constitution
  2. Tempe’s card for The Friends of Photography
  3. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Crosby’s membership card for the Baton Rouge Crisis InterventionCenter
  4. Unknown Church Financial statement for June 1981
  5. Boarding Passes for Raplh and Tempe Crosby for Northwest Airlines
  6. Bill for Kevin Crosby from Luckett’s Photography
  7. Bill for Ralph Crosby from St. Francis Hotel Courts
  8. Copy of bill for P.A. Price from Roberts-Byrne Company, Inc.
  9. Vehicle registration for Ralph Crosby
  10. Telegram from Western Union to Ralph Crosby
  11. Bill for Ralph Crosby from US Geological Survey
  12. McComb Manufacturing Company pay summary stub
  13. Tempe’s copy of her withholding statement from LSU
  14. Customer’s invoice for Collette’s Flowers and Gifts charged to Mrs. Irene Morris
    anddelivered to Mrs. Ralph Crosby
  15. Bill for Ralph and Tempe Crosby from Baton Rouge General Hospital for September
    1, 1956
  16. Bill for Tempe Crosby from Baton Rouge General Hospital for December 4,1956
  17. Bill for Ralph and Tempe Crosby from Baton Rouge General Hospital for December
  18. Bill for Tempe Fenn from McComb City Hospital for June 10, 1941
  19. Bill/invoice for Ralph and Tempe Crosby for AAA Travel Agency for December 20,1988-copy attached
  20. Ticket holding envelope that Ralph and Tempe’s boarding passes for NorthwestAirlines came in
  21. Hospital bill for Tempe Crosby for March 28, 1989
  22. Invoice for Ralph Crosby for Letterman’s Blue Print and Supply Company on May
  23. Invoice for Ralph Crosby for Letterman’s Blue Print and Supply Company on November
    17, 2003

Folder 4: Newspaper articles/clippings

  1. “Local Lore and Legend” by Irene Morris in Kentwood News Ledger, September 30,1998- 1 copy
  2. Obituary for Odie Edwards Newman Barter, unknown newspaper, no date
  3. Picture of Y.W.A. Banquet, Enterprise-Journal August 5, 1998
  4. Advertisement for house at 3479 Venson
  5. Advertisements for houses
  6. Photocopies of articles for Grace Price’s marriage to Leroy Fenn, and Grace P.
    Fenn’s obituary- 7 copies including original
  7. “A Touch of Spice” by Ginger Caughman in The Magee Courier Simpson County News, August 8, 2002- 1 copy8. “Iron Horse 2003 Events” Schedule
  8. Photocopy of “15 AMF involved in accident near Kandahar” by Cpl. Keith A. Kluwe,109th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment, in Freedom Watch newspapers, June 3, 2003-
  9. “Genealogy Book Given to Library”; unknown newspaper, December 16, 1979-3 copies
  10. “Perceptive Photography” in the Sunday Advocate, February 24, 1980
  11. Article for Reverend and Mrs. Earl C. Edwards’ 60th wedding anniversary
  12. Obituary for Loraine W. Johnson in McComb Enterprise-Journal, May 25, 1995
  13. Obituary for Fannye B. Gill, unknown newspaper, no date
  14. Horoscope column, unknown newspaper, June 7, 1989
  15. Poem by Peggy Billings in Sunday Advocate, September 2, 1979
  16. Online article, “Body believed to be mother of dead man”; The Clarion-Ledger, February 21, 2012
  17. “Pike County Justice was swift back in 1925” by Carl Lazenby, Enterprise-Journal, February 15, 1995- note attached
  18. “1934 Killing “disremembered” by Carl Lazenby, unknown newspaper, no date
  19. “1836 news from Liberty” by Charles Dunagin, editor of Enterprise- Journal, January 22, 1995
  20. Obituary for Vernon Ritchie, unknown newspaper, no date
  21. “Lot of memories ‘stored’ in building” by Bill Moak, Enterprise-Journal, no date
    continued on back
  22. “”16 to be presented at Bal de Noel held by Charity Ball group
  23. Graduation pictures for Bogue Chitto High School and Centerville Academy in McComb
    Enterprise-Journal, May 13, 1997
  24. “McComb pastor, wife find home in Mendenhall” in McComb Enterprise-Journal, October
    4, 2002-online copy attached
  25. Article for Al and Nelda Sibley’s 50th wedding anniversary
  26. Obituary for Helen Frances Ballard in McComb Enterprise-Journal, June 7, 1996
  27. Obituary for Carey W. Roberts, unknown newspaper, May 28, 2003
  28. Obituary for Hattie Terrell McGuffee
  29. Obituary for John B. McNeil
  30. Photocopy of obituary for Juanita H. Simmons-note from Virginia at the bottom
  31. Photocopy of obituary article “Claude F. Bailey; veteran of WWII, Article mission,”-notes on side
  32. Article about local radio program “Sunshine Stories” in Sunday Advocate, March
  33. Copy of newspaper article about the Pike County Veterans Memorial- “A Push for Recognition”
  34. Partial newspaper cut out of obituary of a Mr. Billings
  35. Newspaper article discussing today’s style-7 copies
  36. “Bartlett center helps with ills, family troubles”, “Help” by Kriste Goad
  37. “Our Sickness and Health May Be in Our Genes” by William Tucker

Folder 5:

  1. Foreward to a book with a poem by Wendell Barry
  2. Note from Waylon to Tempe congratulating her on completing her Boyd book w/ photocopy
    of check, December 19, 1993
  3. Written note to Tempe congratulating her on her Boyd book and noting mistakes
  4. Photocopy of letter from the Assistant Chief Surgeon at Illinois Central Hospital,
    New Orleans, on Leroy D. Fenn being injured in automobile accident on March 22, 1930
  5. Written poem to Kevin Crosby from Tempe, January 14, 1961
  6. Email from Grace Foster to Doyale Fenn, Tempe Crosby, Otis Greer, and Ann Fenn, subject: picture-Fenn, August 28, 2003
  7. Email from Diana McIntyre to Tempe Crosby, subject: Thanks; August 16, 2000
  8. Email from Hoyt Oliver, subject: “Lessons from Geese”; June 6, 2000
  9. Letter from Betsy Gotbaum, Executive Director of the New York Historical Society,
    to Tempe Crosby thanking her for her contribution in memory of Sarah Smith Marseilles
  10. Note from Paul to Tempe on Boyd names
  11. Letter from Leon “Rocky” Boyd on Boyd information; May 6, 1993
  12. Letter from Pearl to Tempe on paying for her books, March 22, 1994
  13. Letter from David M. Henington, Director of the Houston Public Library to Tempe
    for her donation of her Andrew Boyd book, February 4, 1994
  14. Letter from Waylon to Tempe congratulating her on completing her Boyd book,December 16, 1993
  15. Letter from Leon Boyd to Tempe congratulating her on complete her Boyd book, February 20, 1994
  16. Letter from Virginia to Tempe on paying her for her books, March 2, 1994
  17. Letter from Pearl Young to Tempe on paying for Tempe for her books, March 4, 1994
  18. Letter from Leon “Rocky” Boyd to Tempe on paying and mailing 3 of her Boyd books,February 26, 1994
  19. Letter from Sybil Plank to Tempe on ordering her Boyd book and Sybil’s mother,
    June 3, 1994
  20. Letter from Tempe to Colonel Sybil Plank on Sybil’s interest in the Boyd book,
    June 9, 1994
  21. Letter from Dorothy McGehee to Tempe on ordering her Boyd book, September 18,1994
  22. Letter from Robert Joseph Powell to Tempe congratulating her on her Boyd book,February 3, 1994
  23. Letter from Davis L. Brewer to Tempe on thinking her for her books “Sea Shells
    in Paris” and “Andrew Boyd and his Descendants”
  24. Letter from Virginia to unknown; states that Mary Louise Price and Sereen (not
    legible) Stokes are in the hospital and Mildred Smith Springer’s son is going to be buried,
  25. Email from Tempe to Rhonda, subject: Things Here and There, July 14, 1996
  26. Letter from Ella Beth DeLage to Ralph Crosby; August 25, 2008
  27. Letter from Dave to Tempe, July 17, 1999
  28. Envelope addressed to Mrs. Ralph Crosby
  29. Envelope addressed to Mrs. Ralph Crosby from McGhee, September 19, 1994
  30. Envelope addressed to Mrs. Tempe F Crosby from Call First
  31. Envelope addressed to Ralph Crosby from Kirke-Van Orsdel, Inc.
  32. Fenn letter- envelope addressed to Ralph Crosby from Ella B. DeLage, September
    2, 2008

Folder 6: Greeting Cards 

  1. From Irene and Jimmy 1972-birthday
  2. from Irene 1991-birthday
  3. to “Gran and Grandpa” from Dillion- October 1994-thank you
  4. from “mother” June 7-birthday
  5. to Ralph, Tempie, and Kevin from Aunt Mildred and Uncle “Houston”(not legible)-thank you
  6. from Irene 1989-wishing “and many more”
  7. Merry Christmas money envelope from mother
  8. “Get Well Soon” from Pam
  9. “Best Wishes” from “Hay Town” (name very illegible)
  10. to Tempie-get well soon from Ed Bodker
  11. to Ralph and Tempe from Artene (or Arlene) Levine (name slightly illegible)-February1980-recipe on front of card
  12. “Happy Easter to Grandma”- from “Samen” (very illegible)-1989
  13. “Peace” no names for to or from
  14. Happy birthday from Virginia
  15. Merry Christmas from Jose and Molly Betsy Reid
  16. Merry Christmas from Evelyn-December 1982
  17. Get well soon-to Tempe from “Kumiko” (not legible)
  18. Thank you-to Ralph and Tempe from Heather
  19. Happy birthday to Tempe and Ralph from “K”; June 7, 1989
  20. Happy birthday from Ann-1989
  21. Happy birthday from Kris-1991
  22. Happy birthday from Aunt Helen (70th birthday)
  23. Merry Christmas/Happy New Year from Mrs. Fenn
  24. Merry Christmas/Happy New Year from mother
  25. Happy birthday to niece from Aunt Helen
  26. Happy birthday to Aunt Grace from Paula
  27. Happy birthday from Jim, Michele, Samantha, and Tyler
  28. Happy Mother’s Day Mom from Kevin
  29. Happy birthday from Kevin and Michele
  30. Get well soon from “Verna” (not legible)
  31. Season’s Greetings to Tempie from an unknown, illegible name
  32. Happy birthday from mother
  33. Happy birthday to Tempe- June 7, 1979
  34. Merry Christmas from “Verna” (not legible)
  35. Happy birthday from mother
  36. Get well soon-dates of thyroid surgery attached to card- 1956
  37. Sympathy to Tempie from Camille- August 7
  38. To Tempe and Ralph from Janet
  39. To Tempie, Ralph, and Kevin from Mildred and Houston
  40. For Gran and Grandpa from Samm and Michele- Christmas
  41. Announcement card of the birth of Annabelle Grace- January 30, 2012
  42. Christmas card that reads, “Christmas is light where there was darkness, showing
    us the way to peace…”
  43. Christmas card to Tempe and Ralph from the Dietleins-with photograph of family printed on card
  44. “A Wedding Day Blessing” prayer card
  45. Wedding Invitation-marriage between Lee Allen and Anthony Charles Cvitanovich,
    April 23, 1994
  46. Wedding Invitation-marriage between Charlotte Diane Payne and Michael Dean McIntyre, August 30, 1969
  47. Wedding Invitation-marriage between Stacy Belew and Kevin Crosby, June 15, 1996
  48. Wedding Invitation/program-marriage between Melane manly Kinney and Robert Thomas Hoffman, October 10, 1981

Folder 7: Graduation cards (TFC graduation cards)-with gifts from people written on
backs of cards

  1. Miss Tempie Fenn- 3 copies
  2. Miss Claude C. Bailey-from Aunt Verna and Uncle Claude
  3. Miss Lydia C. Graves-from Baliy Wall (slightly illegible)
  4. Compact- weeyee (very illegible)
  5. Satchel- from the McNeills
  6. from Irene, Jimmy, and Ginger
  7. from Aunt Tempie and Uncle Hall
  8. from Grace Allen-bath powder written on back of card
  9. to Tempie from Mr. and Mrs. White and Marilyn- pajamas written on back
  10. from Mrs. Case- record album written on back
  11. Nell Rose-necklace written on back
  12. from May and Verna-dusting powder
  13. to Tempie from (not legible name) and Alice-cologne and bath powder
  14. from Mattie Lee (not legible)- ship (not legible) written on back
  15. to Tempie from Ella Beth, Carrie, and visitor (not legible)- soap
  16. from Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Jones-stationary
  17. from Betty Sue Montgomery-handkerchief
  18. Joyce-soap
  19. from Norma and Ed Morrison
  20. from Paul L. DeCoup-bracelet
  21. from “Fotch” (not legible)- cologne
  22. from Mr. and Mrs. Kendall and Bierey (not legible)- slip (not legible)
  23. Miss Pearl Holmes-bath powder
  24. from B.C. Doris and Bobbye Lynne- evening handkerchief
  25. Mrs. Ellsworth and Inez Hopson-handkerchiefs
  26. to Mrs. Chas. C. Bardwell from Robert and Sharlene-string of pearls
  27. to Mr.and Mrs. Chas. C. Bardwell and Thetus Helen-slip
  28. Ralph, “Ben,” Beverly Ann, Frances Jean-blue pajamas
  29. Mrs. N.A. Gill (not legible)- hairbrush
  30. J, Pauline, and Polly- hat and purse
  31. Bud McCall- compact
  32. Mr. and Mrs. DB Cose- thank you notes
  33. Mrs. SC Montgomery-bath powder
  34. the Powells-manicure
  35. to Tempie from Walter and Lona (Lana)-compact
  36. to Tempe Fenn from Mrs. MH Hadbold (not legible)-centerpiece-1943
  37. Mr. and Mrs. McLain and Mr. Cassidy-raincoat
  38. Mr.and Mrs. TH McMillion-cologne
  39. to Tempie Pauline Fenn from Aunt Ida and E. Hashghern (not legible)
  40. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Granstrome (not legible)- hose
  41. “Pap-pa” and Tee-pants
  42. Rene and Clyde, Carrie and Van- blue satin robe
  43. The H.C. Fenn Family-pajamas
  44. Marie, Ethel, War (not legible), Rebecca, and “Miss” Lillian-string of pearls
  45. Charlie and Monrie (not legible) Fenn- $10.00
  46. Mrs. E.M. Peul (not legible)-handkerchief
  47. Douglas Family- slip and pants
  48. Uncle Wright and Aunt “Tedie”, Verna Mae-stationary, bracelet
  49. Elma Eaile (not legible) and Davi (not legible)-pants and brasserie
  50. the Gerald’s- slip
  51. “brother”; Glady (not legible)- candy
  52. Mary Belle White-handkerchief
  53. Ralye (not legible) and Eugenia-perfume
  54. Mr. and Mrs. D.L. DeCourt (not legible)- Old South seb (unknown/illegible word)
  55. Evelyn, Alton, and James-slip and blouse
  56. list of people with gifts given       
  57. Mrs. A.A. Scarborough-powder and jewelry box       
  58. Mrs. Patterson-$2.00      
  59. Mrs. Charleston-dress       
  60. Aunt Lillian and Uncle Jule (not legible)- $5.00       
  61. Aunt Anna and Uncle Clyde-shoes       
  62. Virginia and Clyde Ray-ring       
  63. Anna Marie-flowers       
  64. Aunt Helen and Uncle Tony-dress       
  65. Aunt Geneva-umbrella
  66. Evelyn Hooks-record
  67. Marle Roberts
  68. Mary Green-thank you notes
  69. unknown/illegible names-wallet written on back; unknown name and Mrs. Cutrer-bathpowder
  70. Uncle Albert and Aunt Helen- $5.00; Uncle Hillard, Aunt Edith, and Patsy-face
    powder and $1.00
  71. Tempi; secret of sky; from Kumico Gallaway; Japanese
  72. “With Best Wishes Leroy”- December 10, 1920
  73. Newspaper cutout of animated leprechaun holding a pot of gold-original and a copyincluded
  74. Newspaper with various recipes and articles about food, one article is titled,
    “Goddoesn’t blame you for difficulties” by Tribune Media Services
  75. Copy of newspaper article titled “Cobras outplay foe but loss still hurts”; Wesson
  76. Copy of newspaper article- “Defensive Player of the Week- McIntyre’s trench workhelps Wesson to 9-1” by Tom Goelz

Folder 8: Correspondences    

  1. Various typed correspondences, 1997-1998 (31 items)

Box 43:

Folder 1: Checks

  1. Copy of check written to Tempie F Crosby for $45.00 from Mr./Mrs. W.B.C. Boyd;
    March 22,1994; for Andren Boyd 1770-1856
  2. Copy of check written to T. Crosby for $45.00 from Mr./Mrs. J.D. Ramsey; January
    6, 1994; for Geography book
  3. Copy of check written to Mrs. Tempe F Crosby for $50.00 from Patsy J. Robinson;January 25, 1994; for Boyd book
  4. Copy of check written to Tempe Crosby for $45.00 from Mr./Mrs. Elliot B. Williams;August 28, 1994
  5. Copy of check written to Tempe Crosby for $45.00 from Mr./Mrs. Paul J. Young;August 9, 1994; book

Folder 2: Death Certificates

  1. Copy of death certificate for Tempe Fenn Crosby
  2. Copy of death certificate for Grace Price Fenn

Folder 3:  Miscellaneous

  1. Copy of title page of Crosby and Allied Families
  2. 2 copies of a picture of a farm
  3. Written recipe including various types of vegetables and spices
  4. Small handwritten document of the East McComb kids
  5. (paper clipped together)- phone numbers/addresses
  6. Samantha Nacole- 601 684165-5 5431 1490; Palmer Dudly Rucker, Dr. OttenWeller-34473 09
  7. University of Sims (not completely legible)- McCain Library box 5148 Universityof Sims- 39406-5148-on back-Florida State Archives-Bureau of Archives andRecord Management
  8. Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250
  9. Kevin- 901-362-1494
  10. 725-7898- Boh. (not legible)- 1300 Monroe Madison Heights Methodist Church
  11. Sticky note- GA Dept. of Archives and History 330 Capital Avenue, SE, Atlanta,GA 30334
  12. New Jersey State Archives 185 West State St. Level 2 NJ state library- P.O Box307 Trenton, N.J. 08625-0307; www.state.NJ.4S/state/darm/archives/html6. Card with social security account number- Tempie Fenn Crosby 428-30-99607. Hand written note with medical notes including information about cancer possibly in lymph glande-40% cured by surgery; 40% cancer will come, 20% seem to be potentially cured; if chemo not given, 60% will have cancer come back
  13. Copy of pictures of McComb-Corner State and Front Streets (building replaces houseswhere Leroy Fenn was born); scene at Pike Poultry Plant, First Bank (cut off); MS
    CentralPower Plant; State Theatre Building, McComb Bath house (cut off); Illinois CentralRailroad shops; Dickerson Building, Marketing Cotton in McComb-6 copies
  14. White sheet of paper with the printed words reading: In Memory of: Grace Price
    Fennand Anna Price Remond
  15. Front/introduction page of book/essay: Andrew Boyd 1770-1856 and his descendants
  16. Cover of the Class of 1943 McComb High School year book: “Another Look”; 1983-compiled by Tempe Fenn Crosby and Peggy Weppler Thompson
  17. Paper explaining Tempe Fenn Crosby funeral services; funeral service 11:00 AM;Wednesday, August 2, 2006; Catchings Chapel, McComb, MS
  18. 2 receipts-1. Walgreens- total $1.952. Possibly from a restaurant- $87.40
  19. Ripped piece of loose leaf paper reading- “Singing Turtle Press-printing that
    valuesover friends, families, and earth”- etl Box 1044 Sautee GA 30571
  20. Piece of notepad paper reading- “Dickey Gordon/Gorden Cain Chartering of McComb
  21. Small piece of paper reading- “British record of Tempe Crosby, written by L.D.
    Genn(Not legible)
  22. Operator’s license- Tempe F. Crosby; issue date- May 30, 1985; expiration date-
    June7, 1989; Louisiana Dept. Of Public Safety
  23. Form W-2-withholding statement- 1953- Grace Fenn-McComb Manufacturing Co. 21stand South Broadway McComb, MS
  24. Copy of one trip only ticket to Meridian, MS (illegible signature) December 31,
    1920; another copy of ICRR Complimentary trip pass/one trip only-signature reads L.D. Fennand wife; another copy of a New Orleans and Northeastern Railroad Company-to NewOrleans from Meridian MS, account-clerk and wife; November 13, 1920-3 copies
  25. Illinois Central System- Application for Employees service annual pass for year-to
    L.D.Fenn, occupation-switchman, in orange highlighter, it reads-discharged USN October
    23,1919-3 copies
  26. Paper clipped together:
  27. List of name including information about buying/selling Tempe’s books
  28. Another list of the same names including information about family relations(Brother, sister, aunt, etc); attached is note reading: “send book to Rt3 Box 130Rayville, LA 71269 Gay Ramsey”
  29. Another list of the same names-including many Boyd and Young relatives
  30. Note pad paper listing Boyd book corrections: pages 27, 21, 372, 352, 354, 357,
    358 ,330
  31. Partial copy of a write up describing the 1990 International of Scottish (unknown because it is cut off of paper) and Families
  32. Copy of Samantha Crosby’s birth certificate; January 20, 1987
  33. Hand written note reading “P239[5]1. Clifton S Boyd b 1895 married Myrtes (not
    legible) Lee Morgan correct; P 331[4]2 Clifton S Boyd married 1. (No name) 2. Lestie
    (or Leslie)
  34. Copy of 2-3 company muster rolls (very illegible); possibly to Jaspher A. Price
    (very illegible)
  35. Written on the back of a Call First (Tulane’s Hospitalization Review Program)
    page-“Page 47 not printed-exchanged, page 57-not printed-Pearl Kept; Would you have copiesof these in the leftover stuff you were telling me about?”
  36. Very illegible handwritten note about various photographs; written on front and
  37. Notebook paper with the words “p. 9-note-precee” (illegible) written on it
  38. Small plastic bag filled with various slips of paper about Boyd society, Boyd
    book, and who compiled it: Tempe Fenn Crosby, Virginia Reymond Kerr, Judy Young Killingsworth, and Pearl Boyd Young; Indexed by Ralph Crosby
  39. Small plastic bag with skinny cut stickers with typed words on each slip that
    reads:”Anthony Hutchins-White Apple Village-compiled and edited by Tempe Fenn Crosby
  40. Notepad piece of paper from Deposit Guaranty National Bank- McComb, MS
  41. Copy of photograph of unknown men and women
  42. Copy of an area in town- “Houses on corner State and N. Front Streets, McComb,
    MS,Leroy D. Fenn was born in this house” written on first copy-4 copies
  43. Copy of Holy Bible title page; “Marriages: Leroy Feen to Grace V. Price December
    20, 1920; Births of children Tempie Pauline Fenn- June 7, 1925 at McComb, MS (illegible
    address); Died Charlie W. Bardwell Mar 23, 51; Deaths Price, Perry A. Price-Jackson,
    MS, January 2, 25” written on left side of page
  44. Copy of photograph of 8 men: G. Wall, Switchman, Ex.; L Fenn, Switchman, Ex.;
    Boyt, Switchman, Ex.; Ralph Williams, Call Boy, Day; B.A. Jones, Eng. 4 man, 11-7;
    Nick Salmon, A.Y.M. and Eng. 4 man; O.R. Brown, N.Y.M. Night; L.W. Felder, G.Y.M.-2
    copies (one copy does not have names typed on it)
  45. Copy of Part one of application for Membership in the FIFTH CLASS of the InsuranceDepartment of the Supreme Lodge Knights of Pythias-Leroy Dempsie Fenn
  46. Pictures of a girl holding a Beanie Baby (picture printed on 2 different sheet
    of paper)
  47. Napkin with the following printed on it: A History of Mississippi, January 19,
  48. Green clover doily
  49. Looseleaf sheet of paper with written dates and days of the week on it
  50. A small Japanese-like calendar for September
  51. Folded up piece of paper; “Grace Fenn’s cook book; Mothers’ cookbook, anniversary gift from Daddy, see back inside cover” written on it
  52. List of Past Recipients-Michael V.R. Thomason Book Award
  53. Annual Louisiana State Photographers’ Salon; February 17-March 16
  54. Ripped out note pad paper with information of who is pictured in a photograph
  55. 2 sheets of green paper stating, “Pintaro Stelle Chronology includes Van Vorst,Marselis, Hutchins…Tempe Fenn Crosby”
  56. Sheet of paper with “Mayers & Crosby-Consulting Engineers” and contact informationprinted on it
  57. Copy of Notification of Birth Registration- Tempe Pauline Fenn; born June 7, 1925;6 copies
  58. Ripped sheet of paper with numbers written on it, on the back with addresses and
    phonenumbers of John and Jean Callihin; Jean Callihin
  59. Addresses and phone number of Ethel Celeste Standley
  60. Address of Dot Schoolfield
  61. A Practice Manual of Hatha Yoga by Marianne Srinivansan
  62. Ripped notebook cover with John Prestridge written on it
  63. Ripped notebook cover with John Prestridge written on it
  64. Copy of Web MD internet page-research on Antithrombin Deficiency
  65. Piece of copy paper with various numbers/coordinates
  66. Copy of a page with a picture of a church- “To The Honourable Rip Van Dam. E.
    Sq.-President of His Majestus Council for the Province of New York”
  67. Purple material with flowers on it
  68. Notebook with handwritten notes about family history

61.Folder-Baton Rouge General Medical Center-including miscellaneous newspaper    articles, handwritten notes, typed documents, etc.

  1. “The Shouting Pheasant”-a copper impression
  2. Handwritten booklet-“My Baton Rouge Book” by Samantha Nicole Crosby
  3. Copy of book pages-Boyd, Gulledge, and Price family history
  4. House/street plan-handwritten notes written on it (2)
  5. Council on Aging, Poetry workshop
  6. A Quandry of Quantity by Tempe Crosby, October 27, 1992
  7. 2 Copies of photographs of a girl in a pink dress

Folder 4: Photos (mostly landscape, with occasional people)

  1. 2 duplicates of a purple flower
  2. 2 duplicates of a purple flower
  3. 4 different photos of a white bird (possibly an egret)
  4. 2 duplicates of a purple flower
  5. 2 duplicates of a purple flower
  6. negatives of the above photos
  7. 2 duplicates of a back yard behind a house
  8. Photo of a backyard with purple flowers; 3/18/04 printed on bottom
  9. Photo of a backyard with pink flowers; 04 3/18/ printed on bottom
  10. Photo of a backyard with purple flowers
  11. 2 duplicates of Photo of a backyard with purple flowers with a house
  12. Photo of a backyard with bush with purple flowers
  13. Photo of a backyard with purple and pink flowers
  14. Photo of a backyard with purple flowers
  15. Photo of a backyard with purple flowers
  16. Photo of a backyard with purple flowers taken from porch perspective
  17. Photo of tree branches with spider webs and roof of house in background
  18. 2 duplicates Photo of a backyard with pink flowers and house in background
  19. Photo of a backyard with purple flowers with a flower bed
  20. Negatives of above photos
  21. 2 duplicates of 2 women and a man sitting on a couch
  22. Photo of 2 women and a man sitting on a couch laughing
  23. Photo of a backyard
  24. Photo of a backyard with bushes with white and pink flowers; 04 3/18 printed on bottom
  25. Photo of a backyard
  26. Photo of a backyard with purple flowers and flower bed; 04 3/18 printed on bottom
  27. Photo of a backyard with pink flowers and house
  28. Photo of front yard showing a street
  29. Photo of plant with white flowers
  30. Photo of backyard with purple flowers; 04 3/18 printed on bottom
  31. Photo of backyard with purple flowers; 04 /318 printed on bottom
  32. Photo of back of house with pink flowers
  33. Photo of backyard with purple flowers; 04 3/18 printed on bottom
  34. 2 duplicates of backyard with purple flowers
  35. photo of backyard with purple flowers
  36. Photo of backyard with purple flowers; 04 3/18 printed on bottom
  37. 3 duplicates of backyard with pink and purple flowers; 3/18/04 printed on bottom
  38. Photo of back of house with plant with pink flowers
  39. Negatives of above photos
  40. 2 small cut out copies of a woman, no name, but could possibly be Tempe Fenn
  41. Small cut out photo, no name, but could possibly be Tempe Fenn
  42. Small cut out photo, no name, but could possibly be Tempe Fenn
  43. 2 duplicates of 2 men and 2 women; black and white
  44. 2 duplicates of children, possibly school children; black and white
  45. Bush with purple flowers
  46. Bush with purple flowers
  47. Bush with pink flowers
  48. Bush with pink flowers
  49. Photo of a back yard with house in background
  50. 10 photographs of a classroom

Folder 5: Envelopes 

  1. To Mr./Mrs. Ralph Crosby, January 10, 1973
  2. To Mr./Mrs. Ralph Crosby from Clyde R. Remond, June 11, 2003
  3. To Tempe from unknown; note taped to back saying “Do not open until June 7″
  4. To unknown from United States Veterans Bureau, Washington, DC; April 1925
  5. To Mrs. Ralph Crosby from unknown; McComb, November 1956; “Do not destroy’written on envelope
  6. To Tempie Fenn Crosby from P. Billings, February 15, 1997
  7. “Kevin’s Commencement tickets” written on envelope
  8. To Mrs. Tempe Crosby from unknown; June 4, 1986
  9. To Mrs. Ralph Crosby from unknown; “her letter to Kevin enclosed” written on envelopeFebruary 5, 1964
  10. To Miss Tempie Fenn from Camille Lehmann; Air Mail; September 22, 1953; HotelEuropa envelope
  11. Blank tan envelope
  12. To Tempe from unknown
  13. Yellow envelope to Tempe from unknown
  14. Small envelope addressed to Mr./Mrs. Crosby from unknown; October 26, 1970
  15. 9 ½ x 12 envelope to Tempe Crosby from Lexington Furniture, 1998
  16. 2 blank envelopes
  17. Envelope addressed to Mr. Ralph Crosby from Ken Prestridge

Folder 6: Crosby and Allied Families-volume 2

  1. Crosby and Allied Families volume 2- Phillips, Leggett, Stewart, Sutton; compiled
    byTempe and Ralph Crosby
  2. Crosby and Allied Families volume 2-Phillips Family section
  3. Crosby and Allied Families volume 2-Leggett Family section
  4. Crosby and Allied Families volume 2- Stewart Family section
  5. Crosby and Allied Families volume 2- Sutton Family section
  6. Family line map- 4 copies- 2 filled in, 2 blank

Folder 7: The Origin of the Name Thomas

  1. Packet on the Origin of the Name Thomas

Folder 8: Photograph Negatives 

  1. 2 sheets of negatives of McComb high school reunion 1983- 32 negatives total
  2. 2 sheets of negatives from LSU in Baton Rouge-9 negatives total
  3. 1 sheet of negatives from St. Francisville- June 7, 1985- 8 negatives total
  4. 1 sheet of negatives from 1946 family reunion- 6 negatives total
  5. 1 sheet of negatives of an elderly unknown man- 8 negatives total
  6. 1 sheet of negatives of a house- 3 negatives total
  7. 1 sheet of negatives of various unknown people
  8. 3 sheets of negatives circa 1943- 13 negatives total
  9. 1 sheet of negatives of elderly unknown woman- 7 negatives total
  10. 1 sheet of negatives of unknown people- 4 negatives total
  11. 1 sheet of negatives of unknown man in hat- 1 negative
  12. 1 sheet of negatives of people sitting on couch, holding a baby, baby in a carriage, and a man and woman holding a baby- 8 negatives total
  13. 1 sheet of miscellaneous negatives
  14. 1 negative of 5 unknown women

15 a-e. 5 sheets of negatives of Kevin and Friends- Houston and New York- 54 negatives total

  1. 1 sheet of negatives of flowers- 3 negatives total
  2. 9 sheets of negatives of Tempe and friends and relatives
  3. Sheets of negatives of miscellaneous unknown people
  4. 1 negative of an unknown house

Box 43 Binder- negatives

  1. Binder of negatives-miscellaneous, Kevin Fenn Crosby baby pictures, Fenn family pictures and documents copied (1954); and in back there are descriptions of each picture

Folder 9- Pintaro Stelle

  1. Another copy of Pintaro Stelle- chronology includes: Van Vorst, Marselis, and HutchinsBox 43 Folder 10-Crosby and Allied Families1. Cover Page (3)
  2. Typed document-Dewey Lamar Crosby
  3. Typed letter-to Virginia (Mrs. James C. Kerr); November 10, 1990 (2)
  4. Introduction Box 43 Folder 11-Crosby and Allied Families1. Prestridge Section (2)2. Origin of the Name Price 3. Bryan Section4. Gill/Goodwyn/Jackson Section (2)

Box 44:

Folder 1: Alice M. Marsalis – 5 items pertaining to Alice M. Marsalis includes ancestry and genealogical records, as well as spouse and family members. 

Folder 2: Amanda Marsalis – 8 items pertaining to Amanda Marsalis includes ancestry and genealogical records, as well as spouse, newspaper clippings, and two photographs. 

Folder 3: Aurealius Marsalis – 21 items pertaining to Aurealius Marsalis includes ancestry and genealogical records, as well as spouse, family members, marriage affidavit, and a copy of a death certificate. 

Folder 4: Clemmet S. Marsalis – 46 items pertaining to Clemmet S. Marsalis includes ancestry and genealogical records, as well as divorce documentation, ex-spouse, and information from the psychiatric ward. 

Folder 5: Coot Marsalis – 47 items pertaining to Coot Marsalis includes ancestry and genealogical records, as well as two photographs, copies of the photographs, death record applications, emails, and a song written about Coot. 

Folder 6A: Ephraim Marsalis – 66 items pertaining to Ephraim Marsalis includes ancestry and genealogical records, as well as a CD with two photographs on it, information on the Barron family, and the Williams family.

Folder 6B: Ephraim Marsalis – 81 items pertaining to Ephraim Marsalis includes ancestry and genealogical records, as well as a roster of the 16th Mississippi Infantry, children and extended family, and property documents.

Folder 7: Ephraim E. Marsalis – 92 items pertaining to Ephraim E. Marsalis includes ancestry and genealogical records, as well as building sites, city directory information, property lines, cemetery records, and hospital documents.

Folder 8A: Ephraim H. Marsalis – 87 items pertaining to Ephraim H. Marsalis includes ancestry and genealogical records, as well as marriage records, journals, and known descendants. 

Folder 8B: Ephraim H. Marsalis – 89 items pertaining to Ephraim H. Marsalis includes ancestry and genealogical records, as well as marriage records, journals, and known descendants. 

Folder 9: Ethel Marsalis – 1 item pertaining to Ethel Marsalis: a copy of a newspaper of an article. 


Box 45:

Folder 1: George B Marsalis – 25 items pertaining to George B Marsalis includes ancestry and genealogical records, as well as known descendants, honorable discharge paper, last will and testament of Madge Marsalis, photographs of a family, and a bill for separate maintenance. 

Folder 2: George W Marsalis – 20 items pertaining to George W Marsalis includes ancestry and genealogical records, as well as a copy of different family members and descendants, birth records, and grave stone photographs. 

Folder 3: James E Marsalis Jr. – 18 items pertaining to James E Marsalis Jr. includes ancestry and genealogical records, as well as letters, documentation of family, and emails.

Folder 4A: James E Marsalis – 78 items pertaining to James E Marsalis includes ancestry and genealogical records, as well as a timeline of life, soldier information, infantry/confederate roll, land/property information documentation, and cemetery plot information.

Folder 4B: James E Marsalis – 104 items pertaining to James E Marsalis includes ancestry and genealogical records, as well as land convergence, deed book pages, descendant information, emails, cemetery plots, and the “History of Montgomery County, Texas”. 

Folder 5A: James Marsalis – 80 items pertaining to James Marsalis includes ancestry and genealogical records, as well as a timeline of life, the Gordon family history, Bible records, birth records, death records, obituaries, and confederate rolls. 

Folder 5B: James Marsalis – 72 items pertaining to James Marsalis includes ancestry and genealogical records, as well as a funeral notice for Henry A. Marsalis, known descendant information, confederate rolls, death record, mortality schedules, photo of Alice Marsalis and husband, and more photos of relatives.  

Folder 6: James W Marsalis – 42 items pertaining to James W Marsalis includes ancestry and genealogical records, as well as information on relatives and email correspondences between present relatives.


Box 46:

Folder 1A: John Cephas Marsalis – 52 items pertaining to John Cephas Marsalis includes ancestry and genealogical records, as well as 35 photographs of family, information on family members, wife, children and known descendants.

Folder 1B: John Cephas Marsalis – 38 items pertaining to John Cephas Marsalis includes ancestry and genealogical records, as well as Hardin County Cemetery information and a map, birth and death records, known descendants, and a death certificate. 

Folder 2: Johnson Marsalis – 22 items pertaining to Johnson Marsalis includes ancestry and genealogical records, as well as photographs of Mildread Marsalis, cut outs of copies of newspaper articles, email correspondences, and descendants. 

Folder 3: John Marsalis – 12 items pertaining to John Marsalis includes ancestry and genealogical records, as well as information on wife, family members, descendants, slaves and probate records. 

Folder 4: Lenard E. Marsalis – 21 items pertaining to Lenard E. Marsalis includes ancestry and genealogical records, as well as note cards with information on family, two photographs, timeline of life, and relative information. 

Folder 5: Letitia Marsalis – 51 items pertaining to Letitia Marsalis includes ancestry and genealogical records, as well as copies of newspaper articles, photographs, death information, relative information, life timelines, and Natchez City Cemetery information.

Folder 6: Luther C. Marsalis – 28 items pertaining to Luther C. Marsalis includes ancestry and genealogical records, as well as copies of newspaper articles and relative information.

Folder 7: Lynn Marsalis – 13 items pertaining to Lynn Marsalis includes ancestry and genealogical records, as well as email correspondence, descendances charts, pedigree charts, descendant narratives, and relative information.

Folder 8: Maude Emma Marsalis – 2 items pertaining to Maude Emma Marsalis includes ancestry and genealogical records.

Folder 9: Mariah Marsalis – 23 items pertaining to Mariah Marsalis includes ancestry and genealogical records, as well as information on her spouse.

Folder 10: Mary Ann Marsalis – 12 items pertaining to Mary Ann Marsalis includes ancestry and genealogical records, as well as a hand-written note, a photograph, relative information, military information, and census information. 

Folder 11: Mary M Marsalis – 5 items pertaining to Mary M Marsalis includes ancestry and genealogical records, as well as relative information.

Folder 12: Myrtle B Marsalis – 22 items pertaining to Myrtle B Marsalis includes ancestry and genealogical records, as well as

marriage license documentation and death records.


Box 47:


Folder 1: Naomi Marsalis – 3 items pertaining to Naomi Marsalis includes ancestry and genealogical records.

Folder 2: Penelope Marsalis – 1 item pertaining to Penelope Marsalis includes ancestry and genealogical records.

Folder 3A: Patterson Marsalis – 21 items pertaining to Patterson Marsalis includes ancestry and genealogical records, as well as time line of life, census information, photograph, Tulip Cemetery Claiborne Parish, relative information, land records, descendant information, and descendants of Gordon.

Folder 3B: Patterson Marsalis – 31 items pertaining to Patterson Marsalis includes ancestry and genealogical records, as well as grave site information, copies of newspaper articles, cemetery information, relative information, photographs with corresponding explaining list.

Folder 4A: Peter H Marsalis – 20 items pertaining to Peter H Marsalis includes ancestry and genealogical records, as well as “A List of Inhabitants of Tensa”, treaty information, email correspondences, copies of news articles, and descendant information.

Folder 4B: Peter H Marsalis – 35 items pertaining to Peter H Marsalis includes ancestry and genealogical records, as well as time line of life, copy of citations, count archives, county of archives transcript, Free Mason information, and probate records.

Folder 4C: Peter H Marsalis – 22 items pertaining to Peter H Marsalis includes ancestry and genealogical records, as well as slave purchase information, estates owned, and land purchase agreements.

Folder 5: Phoebe Marsalis – 15 items pertaining to Phoebe Marsalis includes ancestry and genealogical records, as well as slave record information, timeline of life, and marriage information.

Folder 6: Prudence Marsalis – 7 items pertaining to Prudence Marsalis includes ancestry and genealogical records, as well as timeline of life, spouse information, and relative information.

Folder 7: Prudence E Marsalis – 12 items pertaining to Prudence E Marsalis includes ancestry and genealogical records, as well as email correspondence, census information, spouse information, children information, and cemetery information and pictures of gravesites.


Box 48:

Folder 1: Sarah Marsalis Gordon – 7 items pertaining to Sarah Marsalis Gordon includes ancestry and genealogical records, as well as timeline of life, spouse information, descendants list of John Prestidge.

Folder 2: Sophia Marsalis – 6 items pertaining to Sophia Marsalis includes ancestry and genealogical records, as well as news article copies, spouse information, and census information. 

Folder 3: Stanfield Marsalis – 83 items pertaining to Stanfield Marsalis includes ancestry and genealogical records, as well as spouse information, children information, descendant information, and census information. 

Folder 4: Susan Marsalis – 24 items pertaining to Susan Marsalis includes ancestry and genealogical records, as well as information on Glenn Chaddick, information on Karl Lambright, information on Leonard McDonald, information on Clifford Chaddick, information on Tom Chaddick, and email correspondence.

Folder 5A: Thomas Marsalis – 15 items pertaining to Thomas Marsalis includes ancestry and genealogical records, as well as timeline information, relative information, marriage bonds, deed information, sales information, and information on land sales.

Folder 5B: Thomas Marsalis – 31 items pertaining to Thomas Marsalis includes ancestry and genealogical records, as well as grave site information, tax information, children information, census information, marriage records, photograph of Thomas’ son, and descendant information.

Folder 6: William Marsalis – 33 items pertaining to William Marsalis includes ancestry and genealogical records, as well as descendants of Jane Elizabeth Marsalis, grave site information, children information, and time line of life / will book two.

Folder 7: William E Marsalis – 6 items pertaining to William E. Marsalis includes ancestry and genealogical records, as well as naval construct information, children information, newspaper obituary and death notice.

Folder 8: Victoria Marsalis – 21 items pertaining to Victoria Marsalis includes ancestry and genealogical records, as well as research information on Victoria, three photographs with descriptions on the back, Natchez City Cemetery information, an article on Father Dutto dead, certificates of death, spouse information, and timeline of life. 

Folder 9: Almira Marsalis – 5 items pertaining to Almira Marsalis includes ancestry and genealogical records, as well as spouse information. 


Box 49:

Folder 1A: Johnson Miscellaneous – 28 miscellaneous items in relation to the Johnson family. Includes ancestry records, photographs, email correspondence, time lines of life, and other family information.

Folder 1B: Johnson Miscellaneous – 32 miscellaneous items in relation to the Johnson family. Includes ancestry records, photographs, email correspondence, time lines of life, and other family information.

Folder 2: Genealogy Miscellaneous 17 miscellaneous items of genealogy. Includes ancestry records and other information in relation to the Marsalis and Johnson families.

Folder 3: Genealogy Miscellaneous 22 miscellaneous items of genealogy. Includes ancestry records, emails correspondence about genealogy, and confederate roll.

Folder 4: Genealogy Miscellaneous – 15 miscellaneous items of genealogy. Includes ancestry records, copies of newspaper articles, genealogy trees, and a copy of “The Genealogical Index of the New Berry Library”.

Folder 5: Genealogy Miscellaneous – 15 miscellaneous items of genealogy. Includes ancestry records, a copy of “New Jersey Biological Index”, email correspondence about genealogy, the will of Peter Marsalis, and other informational records. 

Folder 6: Genealogy Miscellaneous – 23 miscellaneous items of genealogy. Includes ancestry records, email correspondence about genealogy, and land information. 

Folder 7: Genealogy Miscellaneous – 27 miscellaneous items of genealogy. Includes ancestry records, multiple genealogical records from different states, information on Peter Marsalis’ family, and cemetery information.


Box 50:

Folder 1: Genealogy Miscellaneous – 16 miscellaneous items of genealogy. Includes ancestry records, church records, life records, census information, military appointments, copies of newspaper articles, a copy of “Yearbook of the Holland Society”, and a copy of “The Revolutionary Camp Ground at Plainfield”.

Folder 2: Genealogy Miscellaneous – 27 miscellaneous items of genealogy. Includes ancestry records, Philadelphia directory, land directories, copies of newspaper articles, information on Ephraim H. Marsalis, the grave site of Thomas Watkins, orphan court records, census information, and a copy of “Defenders of the Old South”.

Folder 3: Genealogy Miscellaneous – 20 miscellaneous items of genealogy. Includes ancestry records, copies of newspaper articles, descendants of Thomas Prestige, Prudence Marsalis information, a copy of “The 24 Grandchildren of Otis Leroy Fenn”, Natchez court records, Whitley Plantation information, and a copy of “Yearbook of the Sons”.

Folder 4: Genealogy Miscellaneous – 92 miscellaneous items of genealogy. Includes family group sheets, ancestry records, and a copy of “The History of the Gardner Family (88 pages).

Folder 5: Stenzel – 9 items of miscellaneous items. Include family group sheets and three photographs.

Folder 6: Military Schedule – 4 items of military schedules.

Folder 7: Military Records James S. Marsalis – 28 items. Includes times line of life, grave site plots, copies of newspaper articles, marriage license, divorce paperwork, joint bill of complaint, ancestry records, Chancey Court of Warren County information, and veteran information. 

Folder 8: Military Records Stephen E. Marsalis – 47 items. Includes certificate of promotion, memory of honor for Stephen E. Marsalis, letter from the house of representatives, active service paperwork, and fingerprint / background information. 


Box 51:

Folder 1: Mazique Site – 1 item. Sketch of map of the Mazique site.

Folder 2: Descendants Information – 19 items pertaining to descendants of different family members.

Folder 3: Family Maps of Attala County – 5 items. Attala County Pioneers (2 copies), Family Maps of Attala County, amd Warranty Deed. 

Folder 4: Family Maps of Amite County – 1 item. Family Maps of Amite County.

Family 5: Family Maps of Yalo Busha County – 8 items. Maps of Yalo Busha County (2 copies), family information sheets, and 4 maps that are unlabeled.

Folder 6A: Amite County Mississippi Court House Documents – 10 items pertaining to court documentation. 

Folder 6B: Amite County Mississippi Court House Documents – 16 items. Includes last will and testaments and trustee documents. 

Folder 7: Cemeteries – 4 items. Includes information on cemetery, map of cemetery, Hollywood Cemetery, and cemetery inscriptions. 

Folder 8: Order of First Family Mississippi – 8 items. Includes certificate of death, order of first families working sheet, application with CD, type written application (2 copies), email correspondence, and tracing lines. 

Folder 9: DNA – 27 items related to family tree DNA and email correspondence about family DNA and pedigrees. 

Folder 10A: Genealogy Miscellaneous Family Sheets – 30 items. Includes family sheets of different individuals from Marsalis family.

Folder 10B: Genealogy Miscellaneous Family Sheets – 40 items. Includes family sheets of different individuals from Marsalis family.


Box 52:

Folder 1A: Thomas Hutchins – 13 items pertaining to information on the Hutchins family. 

Folder 1B:  Thomas Hutchins – 7 items pertaining to the Hutchins family and a paper on Anthony Hutchins. 

Folder 2: Tempe Collection – 33 items. Includes copies of newspaper articles, Free Mason information, hand-written letters, marriage records, and a photograph of Thomas Marsalis.

Folder 3A: Hilry Neighbors – 23 items. Includes ancestry records, death records, photographs, birth records, Salem cemetery information, and marriage license information. 

Folder 3B: Hilry Neighbors – 28 items. Includes household information, information of McCaulley, ancestry charts, copies of hand-written letters, typed letters, copies of newspaper articles, a photograph that is not labeled, and infantry information. 

Folder 4: Miscellaneous Genealogy – 13 items. Includes birth records, possible relatives and addresses, and copies of newspaper articles. 

Folder 5: Miscellaneous Genealogy – 17 items. Includes birth records, possible relatives and addresses, copies of newspaper articles, and email correspondence.


Box 53:

Folder 1: Miscellaneous Genealogy – 20 items. Includes ancestry information on different family members, email correspondence, copies of newspaper articles, confederate causalities, family maps of Walthall County of Mississippi.

Folder 2: Miscellaneous Genealogy – 15 items. Includes ancestry information, marriage records, and census records.

Folder 3: Miscellaneous Genealogy – 32 items. Includes obituaries, family sheets, court case files, patents, ancestry records, cemetery and bible information, email correspondence, and copies of newspaper articles.  

Folder 4: Miscellaneous Genealogy – 23 items. Includes obituaries, family sheets, court case files, patents, ancestry records, cemetery and bible information, email correspondence, and copies of newspaper articles.  

Folder 5: Miscellaneous Genealogy – 17 items. Includes obituaries, family sheets, court case files, patents, ancestry records, cemetery and bible information, family maps, email correspondence, and copies of newspaper articles.  

Folder 6: Slave Records – 16 items. Includes ancestry records, descendant lists, and message boards discussing family members.

Folder 7: Slave Records – 9 items. Includes ancestry records, census records, obituary information, and family sheet records. 

Folder 8: Slave Records – 25 items. Includes ancestry records, family sheets, census information, and notes.

Folder 9: Slave Records – 27 items. Includes ancestry records, family sheets, census information, and notes.