Remote Work and Learning to Continue Friday, January 24

C. Sydney Frederick

C. Sydney Frederick

Archival Collection

C. Sydney Frederick Collection

Box 1

Folder 1

1. Charles Sydney Frederick- photo 1924

2. Charles Sydney Frederick- photo 1916

3. Charles Sydney Frederick- photo as a baby 1891

4. Charles Sydney Frederick- photo 1940

5. Photo of C. S. Frederick 1930

Folder 2

1. Newspaper article from Bogalusa News Oct. 17, 1930 announcing Frederick re- election

2. Accolades for Frederick articles from Bogalusa Enterprise- 8/5/1932 & Ozone Guide

3. Newspaper article “Let People Rule Says Frederick”- Frederick agrees to support
Gov. Long

4. Four articles about the Seal Case in 1932

5. Three political ads supporting Frederick for D.A. in 1930

6. Article announcing “Nomination of Frederick’s Assured by 62 Votes” Oct. 18, 1930

7. Editorial from The Farmer 10/11/1930 Support Frederick

8. Two articles form St. Tammany Farmer Eulogy for C. S. Frederick Josephine Cook

9. “St. Tammany History is violent, tranquil” 9/17/1972

10. N. O. Times Picayune 9/1/1927 “Legionaries Off for Europe”

11. N. O. State Item “Legionaries of South are Back” 10/25/1927

12. St. Tammany Farmer 6/26/1964- 1930 photo of prominent citizens

13. Three articles on Frederick’s district attorney record/credibility

14. Two articles on Mandeville Bank Bandit Times- Picayune Dec. 16, 1932

15. Article on trial of Oscar King

16. Oct. 16, 1930 “Frederick wins in run-off”

17. N. O. Times Picayune 2 articles C. S. Frederick named as Conservation Commission

18. Newspaper photo of plane “Spirit of St. Tammany Parish, LA”

19. From the files- the St. Tammany Farmer 1874- 1900 “100 years ago”

Folder 3

1. Legal document C. S. Frederick Probation Officer for St. Tammany. March 15, 1922

2. Seal showing C. Sydney Frederick elected as D. A. 22 Judicial District 4 Nov. 1930

3. Dec. 16, 1908 Louis Morgan screening as D. A.

4. C. S. Frederick delegate to National Rivers and Harbors Congress Nov. 25, 1935

5. Speech given by C. S. Frederick

Folder 4

1. Telegram from C. Ellis Off to C. Sydney Frederick 10/16/1930

2. 6/19/1917 Letter from Paul Wooton ( N. O. Times- Picayune) to George K. Farrot.

3. Aug. 24, 1921 Letter from C. S. Frederick to George K. Farrot

4. Report card from Georgetown University to C. S. Frederick 1915-1916 3 rd year

5. Charles Payne Fenner, Jr. To C. S. Frederick letter dated 10/13/1941

6. Letter dated 9/7/1944 From Joe Burns to Helen D. Frederick

7. Invitation to C. S. Frederick graduation in Georgetown

8. Letter from H. Clyde Holmes to C. Sydney Frederick August 18, 1920

9. Passport of C. S. Frederick Oct. 1927

10. American Legion Membership Card 1935

11. American Legion recognition of loyal and efficient service 1928

12. Georgetown Commencement Announcements 1916

13. George Washington Bicentennial 1732 Tree Planting 1932 by C. S. Frederick

14. “Welcome to Danhallo” pamphlet

15. WPA metal for Mrs. C. S. Frederick

16. Charles Sydney Frederick- re-elect- D.A. advertisement

Folder 5

1. Covington Sesquicentennial Program 6/30/1963 to 7/6/1963

2. Sesquicentennial in St. Tammany- The Early Years of Covington, Madisonville, Mandeville,
and Abita Springs, LA by Adrian D. Schwartz

3. Covington Since 1813: Celebrating 175 yrs of Preserving the Past, Promoting the
Future. From N. O. Times Picayune Oct. 6, 1988

Folder 6: Newspaper articles (multiple copies of various articles)   1. “Graduate Student Council Meets”2. “Holly Reynolds Receives ‘Silver Dove Award.’”- The St. Tammany Farmer, July 15,
1993.3. “Estate Plans” December 11, 19944. “Congress returns to face deficit, tax issues.”  States-Item. January 20, 1986.5. “Activist Holly Reynolds.” 6. “Holly Reynolds.” Covington Daily News. July 12, 1972. 7. Copy-“Former Resident Honored at Meet.” The St. Tammany Farmer. November 5, 1981.
8. “Just looking around.” The Slidell Sun. July 22, 19329. “From the Files of The St. Tammany Farmer 1874-1982: 10 Years Ago.” The St. Tammany
Farmer. April 22, 198210. “Legacy of Family’s good will is priceless.” The Advocate. July 6, 1994 (4 copies)11. “From the Files of the St. Tammany Farmer 1874-1993: 100 Years Ago.” The St. Tammany
Farmer.  December 9, 1993. (Copies included)12. Copy-“50 years ago”13. “Former Mayor Frederick To Be Added to Plaque List”14. “From the Files of the St. Tammany Farmer 1874-1993: 100 Years Ago.” The St. Tammany
Farmer. November 11, 1993.15. “From the Files of the St. Tammany Farmer 1874-1995: 100 Years Ago: Mandeville
Report.”16. “From the Files of the St. Tammany Farmer 1874-1994:50 Years Ago: Memorial.” The
St. Tammany Farmer. October 6, 199417. “From the Files of the St. Tammany Farmer 1874-1994: 50 Years Ago: Completes Train.”
The St. Tammany Farmer.18. “From the Files of the St. Tammany Farmer 1874-1993: 100 Years Ago: Fish Story”
June 24, 1993; elections of Delta Psi Kappa; “Reynolds-Frederick”  February 16, 1945.19. “From the Files of the St. Tammany Farmer 1874-1993: 100 Years Ago: Destructive
Fire.” 20. “Bad Blood”21. Unnamed newspaper article-“Items include, but are not limited to..” about Edwin
Edwards’ campaign.22. “Political/Governmental Stuff Requested for Old State Capitol Historical Exhibit”;
“Information exchange”23. “1917 medical diploma needs some doctoring”24. Copy-“Frederick given secretarial job under Clements” (2 copies)25. “Leg is crushed several ribs broken as car wrecks”; “Critically Injured”; “C.
Sidney Frederick Dies As A Result of Injuries in Automobile Wreck Feb. 26″; “50 years
ago: Invitation”; “C. Sidney Frederick (continued from page 1)” 26. “Will Quit as Aid to Clements If Chosen Senator”; C. Sidney Frederick27. “From the Files of the St. Tammany Farmer 1974-1992″; “100 years ago: New mayor”;
75 years ago: Married”; “100 years ago: wedding”; “New Alderman”; “75 years ago: married”;
“New Members”; “25 years ago: skipperettes champs”; “Undefeated”; “50 years ago: 15th
anniversary”; “Aid Raid Wardens”; “10 years ago: 31st bal masque” 28. Copy- “Mrs. Frederick, 72, Paid Final Tribute”29. “C. Sidney Frederick (continued from page 1)”30. “From the Files of the St. Tammany Farmer 1874-1990: 100 years ago: Married, Rice
time”; The St. Tammany Farmer. September 6, 1990.31. “From the Files of the St. Tammany Farmer 1874-1990? (Unsure of date): 100 Years
ago: election results”32. “From the Files of the St. Tammany Farmer 1874-1990: 100 years ago: free Mail;
75 years ago: wedding”33. “Lawyer expires after car crash on Gentilly Road”; “Dies of Injuries”; “Frederick”34. “Memory of C. Sidney Frederick Honored”35. “C. S. Frederick Badly Injured in Auto Smash-up”36. “Covington man badly hurt in wreck”37. “C. Sidney Frederick Expires after Car Crash on February 26″38. “Found hurt after crash”39. “Obituaries: Frederick.” The St. Tammany Farmer. December 25, 198640. “From the Files of the St. Tammany Farmer 1874-1993: 50 years ago: Red Cross.”
January 19, 194341. “From the Files of the St. Tammany Farmer 1874-1993: 50 years ago: Candidate”42. “From the Files of the St. Tammany Farmer 1874-1984: 100 years ago:passable; 75
years ago: fishing trip”; “Turtle stew”; “50 years ago: new officers”;March 29, 195443. “From the Files of the St. Tammany Farmer 1874-1988: 100 years ago: Incomplete;
75 years ago: honor roll”44. “From the Files of the St. Tammany Farmer 1874-1990: 100 years ago: Wedding”;
“100 years ago: married”; The St. Tammany Farmer. 45. “From the Files of the St. Tammany Farmer 1874-1965: 75 years ago: 2nd Ward item”;
“Sportsmen”; “50 years ago: married”; “Farewell party”; “25 years Ago: wedding”; “draft
board”; “10 years ago: 13 candidates”46. “Roots of Frederick family run deep in Covington.” The Times Picayune. July 5,
1990.47. Copy-“From the Files of the St. Tammany Farmer 1874-1992: 100 years ago: Died.”
The St. Tammany Farmer. January 16, 1992.48. “From the Files of the St. Tammany Farmer 1874-1991: 100 years ago: good Corps”;
“75 years ago: buffet luncheon.” The St. Tammany Farmer. June 20, 199149. “From the Files of the St. Tammany Farmer 1874-1990: 100 years ago: Baseball”50. “25 years ago: 25th anniversary”; “50th anniversary”51. “From the Files of the St. Tammany Farmer 1874-1990: 75 years ago: boys Basketball”52. “75 years ago: wedding”53. “75 years ago: honor roll” 198854. “75 years ago: teaser cast”; “bible class” 55. “From the Files of the St. Tammany Farmer 1874-1990: 100 years ago: Baseball”;
“75 years ago: Madisonville Wedding” 56. “Chamber-West Auxiliary To Install New Officers.” The St. Tammany Farmer. November
29, 1990.57. “From the Files of the St. Tammany Farmer1874-1984: 100 years ago: Passable; 75
years ago: fishing trip; 50 years ago: new officers” March 29, 198458. “From the Files of the St. Tammany Farmer 1874-1990: 75 years ago: Christmas fun.”
The St. Tammany Farmer. 59. “From the Files of the St. Tammany Farmer 1874-1990: 25 years ago: 25th Anniversary;
50th anniversary” 60. “50 years ago: 25 year certificates”61. “From the Files of the St. Tammany Farmer 1874-1990: 75 years ago: Impromptu Dance”62. “From the Files of the St. Tammany Farmer 1874-1990.” people receiving Certificates63. “75 years ago: Madisonville wedding”; “Subscription dance”64. “From the Files of the St. Tammany Farmer 1874-1990″65. “75 years ago: Teaser Cast”; “Bible class”66. “From the Files of the St. Tammany Farmer 1874-1989: 100 years ago: Fire Warning.”
The St. Tammany Farmer. March 23, 1989.67. “50 years ago: Invitation” 199068. “Bar to memorialize C. Sidney Frederick”; “From the Files of the St. Tammany Farmer
1874-1994: 50 years ago: memorial” October 6, 1994; “From the Files of the St. Tammany
Farmer 1874-1993: 100 years ago: Knights of Honor” December 9, 1993″; budget sheet
with handwritten notes on it69. “C. S. Frederick Eulogized in Court by members of Bar during Ceremonies”70. “C. Sidney Frederick Dies As result of Injuries in Automobile wreck February 26″;
“Frederick”; “C. Sidney Frederick”; “Funeral rites conducted for C.S. Frederick”;
“C.S. Frederick passes away”; “Crash Fatal”; “C. S. Frederick dies of Crash Hurts
Here”71. “A.A. Frederick dies in Covington”72. “C. Sidney Frederick seriously injured”73. “C. S. Frederick dies from Auto Wreck Injuries”; “Sidney Frederick”; “Frederick
dies from Injuries”74. “Former District Attorney is in Critical Condition in N.O.” (2 copies)75. Copy-“C. Sidney Frederick dies as Result of Injuries in Automobile wreck Feb.
26″; “In Memoriam”    76. “Card of thanks”; “A. A. Frederick, prominent in affairs of Covington, Passes
Away Suddenly”; “From the Files of the St. Tammany Farmer 1874-1988: 50 years ago:
married”77. “To Adolph Frederick”; various “From the Files of the St. Tammany Farmer” Articles;
1874-198678. Various “From the Files of the St. Tammany Farmer” articles; 1874-198879. “Animal activist honored” (article about Holly Reynolds); The Advocate; April 16, 201580. “Group assembled for preservation awards a spicy mix”; The Advocate; August 11, 2013Folder 7: Correspondences1. Typed letter; To: George K. Favrot From: Charles Sidney Frederick; August 24, 19212. Typed letter; To: Charles Sidney Frederick From: Dallas B. Smith; November 21,
19223. Typed letter; To: Charles Sidney Frederick From: Dallas B. Smith; December 7, 19224. Typed letter; To: Colonel Sidney Frederick From: Gov and Mrs. OK Allen (Illegible);
December 22, 19335. Envelope: To: Mrs. C. Sidney Frederick From: Grand Lodge of the State of Louisiana;
Typed document: Covington Lodge No. 188, F & A.M.6. Typed letter; To: Mrs. C. S. Frederick From: Hebert F. Frederick; January 27, 19427. Typed letter; To: Mrs. Helen Davis Frederick From: (illegible name); January 19,
19448. Handwritten letter; To: Mrs. C. S. Frederick From: H. L. Frederick (Louise); Christmas
greetings, 1944Folder 8: Holly Frederick Reynolds        1. Hospital Personnel-Holly Reynolds; June 19732. Card with picture of 2 women and 1 men holding a cake that reads “Happy 30th Anniversary
3. Card-“Good News about You!” enclosed-newspaper article-Mrs. Reynolds to Retire”;
“Red cross”; 19774. Small typed biography of Holly Frederick Reynolds5. “Class notes from Extraordinary Lives”-small article about Holly F. Reynolds And
her documentary for Louisiana Public Broadcasting6. About CAAWS7. Typed letter: To: Miss Holly Frederick From: Forrest Gaines; Louisiana StateUniversity;
about appointment to Graduate Student Council for 1940-1941; October 2, 1940 (copy
included) 8. Photograph-woman standing, dressed in cap and gown; LSU-reunion of graduating
class-1991 9. Certificate-Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College;
Holly Louise Frederick10. Newspaper article- “Hollie Reynolds New Service Club Director at KAFB; Daily Herald.
November 28, 195711. Photograph-a man and woman dancing; December 16, 200812. Roots-small typed article about COLAA; March 17, 201213. “Alumni World”-small article about Holly Reynolds14. Photograph-High School Graduation 193515. Board of Registration-Holly F. Reynolds-Master Therapeutic Recreation Specialist;
June 197716. Copy of photograph-114th General Hospital England, January 1945; Holly Louise
Frederick17. Photograph-Mrs. Holly Reynolds-Director Service Club One, November 1951-August
1953; Keesler Air Force Base, Biloxi, Mississippi18. Copy-letter to Miss Holly Frederick from Lt. Col. Paul M. Hebert (or Robert);
February 20, 194419. LSU Magazine article-“Alumni World-Holly Frederick Reynolds”; Fall 199320. “Meeting a Heroine for Animals”-typed article Holly Reynolds; April 5, 201221. Internet article-“Reynolds Rap”-article about Holly Reynolds; A Humane Nation.
April 13, 201522. Handwritten notes-“Miss Anna”; June 1935Folder 9:        1. Oath of C. Sidney Frederick District Attorney2. Copy of American Legion membership cards-C. Sidney Frederick; 1928, 19343. Handwritten notes4. United States Veterans Bureau-Award of Disability Compensation; To: Mr. Charles
Sidney Frederick from Charles E. Mulhearn; January 4, 1919 (copy included)5. Program-Church of the Good Shepherd; December 22, 19866. Copy-State of Louisiana Certificate of Death-Helen Davis Frederick; December 16,
19867. Contact information for Charles E. Sydenstricker 8. “Our Own Paper-Sixth Grades-Boys and Girls, May Number”9. Funeral Form-Charles Sidney Frederic; funeral service record/receipt; March 194110. Prayer card-“The Sacramental Rite of Confirmation”; Louise Frederick11. Photograph-black and white-Davey Crockett12. Special Anniversaries-Birthdays; June13. Newspaper article-“Buck’s understanding…”; Small article: “23, Wednesday June
1993″; attached to a paper with handwritten notes 14. Handwritten note-185215. Card-Sigma Gamma Foundation16. Program-Graduation Exercises Franklinton High School; May 5, 193817. Handwritten notes18. Vote to Re-elect your Present District Attorney-C. Sidney Frederick; September
9, 193019. Business card-C. Sidney Frederick-District Attorney20. Poll Book Registration Certificate-Holly Louise Frederick21. Copy of photograph-wedding photo-Holly Reynolds, England22. Small photograph 23. Invitation to Inaugural Ball, May 10, 1960    Folder 10:1. Newspaper article- “Mrs. Frederick, 72, Paid Final Tribute” January 18, 19382. Marriage invitation of Helen Louise Davis-June 9, 19173. Photograph-2 children and 1 baby-Charles Sidney Frederick, Clarice Frederick Guynn
(baby, Mrs. Mack), Alma Frederick Schalty (Mrs. Rudolph); 1898 4. Brochure-Southeastern Louisiana University-College of Arts and Sciences-Center
for Regional Studies5. Newspaper article- “50 years ago: To Wed”6. Newspaper article- “Arrest of Suspect in Homicide Ordered”7. Newspaper article- “Frederick Given Secretarial Job Under Clements”8. 2 Photographs of an award given to C. Sidney Frederick9. Photograph- C. Sidney Frederick; “daddy” written on back10. Certificate-United States of America Certificate of Award from the Office of Price
Administration-Helen Davis Frederick; February 11, 194611. Photograph-baby-Charles Sidney Frederick father of Holly Louise Frederick Reynolds
born  December 9, 199012. Photograph-baby-Holly Louise Frederick-May 191913. Newspaper headline- “…Oscar King a New Trial”14. “From the files of the St. Tammany Farmer 1874-1988: 50 years ago: married”15. Membership card-The American Legion-C. Sidney Frederick; 192916. Blank form-Covington Lumber Export Company17. Eucharistic Missionaries of St. Dominic; typed letter from Dorothy Trosclair;
Fall 199718. “Free legal and medical consultation”-handwritten notes on back19. Copy of newspaper article-“This is Fortress bought by St. Tammanyites in Bond
Drive”20. Division of St. John Map Found in Emile Frederick Safe in 1945 Graces City Hall
Today; May 12, 200521. Photograph-unidentified man with cigar in his mouth22. Photograph-2 unidentified men- October 29, 193723. Photograph- Charles Sidney Frederick    24. Photograph- Charles Sidney Frederick, 193025. Photograph-5 men in graduation cap and gown-in center-Charles Sidney Frederick26. Photograph-man reading-Charles Sidney Frederick in Covington, LA home, Father
of Holly Louise Frederick ReynoldsFolder 11:    1. Invitation to Historic Covington Cemetery 175th Anniversary benefit-November1,
19972. Annual Peace-typed letter to Colleagues from Rosanne Tarantolo; March 1, 1988;
Handwritten notes on back including dates from a newspaper (2 copies)3. Animal Protection Institute of America; typed letter to “Sir”; July 1, 1987; Handwritten
notes on back (2 copies)4. Newspaper article-“From the Files of the St. Tammany Farmer 1874-1972: 75 Years
ago: Tally Ho; New Bridge; Advertisement; 50 years ago: Waltz winners”5. Newspaper article- “From the Files of the St. Tammany Farmer 1874-1980: 100 years
ago: Icy Blast; 75 years ago: Candy Pull; Married; 50 years ago: Election Results;
Football queen”6. Copy of two photographs                        7. Newspaper article-“Legends of Covington Cemetery”8. Copy of newspaper article- “Genealogists invited to archives”9. Newspaper article- “From the Files of the St. Tammany Farmer 1874-1992: 100 years
ago: married; Special Election”10. Newspaper article- “From the Files of the St. Tammany Farmer 1874-1989: 100 years
ago: Fancy ball”11. Newspaper article- “From the Files of the St. Tammany Farmer 1874-1991: 100 years
ago: Appointments; 75 years ago: SSA Graduates”; June 27, 199112. Newspaper article- “From the Files of the St. Tammany Farmer 1874-1975: 50 years
ago: Bridal Shower” December 11, 197513. Newspaper article- “From the Files of the St. Tammany Farmer 1874-1991: 100 years
ago: wold killed; 75 years ago: commencements”14. Newspaper article- “From the Files of the St. Tammany Farmer 1874-1991: 100 years
ago: election results” June 6, 199115. Newspaper article- “From the Files of the St. Tammany Farmer 1874-1990:100 years
ago: election results”16. Newspaper article- “From the Files of the St. Tammany Farmer 1874-1992: 100 years
ago: wedding; New Alderman”17. Newspaper article- “From the Files of the St. Tammany Farmer 1874-1992:100 years
ago: married; 75 years ago: to wed” June 11, 199218. Newspaper article-“Editorial: Mayors serve well”19. Descendant Chart-November 14, 198920. Envelope-“Important Papers”-“old papers re: Daddy, Mother” August 13, 199821. Small piece of paper with Randy Perkins’ phone number22. Pamphlet-Fourth Annual Restoration in Progress to Save our Cemetery; 1997; Enclosed-newspaper
article- “Echoes of the past to be heard Saturday in annual Cemetery tour”23. Handwritten biographies of: Margaret Baden; Alfred Adolph Frederick; Jacob FrederickFolder 12:1. Handwritten notes2. United States of America State of Louisiana Parish of St. Tammany Certificate-Registrar
of Voters-C. S. Frederick; January 25, 19413. “Oath of Members of Local and District Boards and Certain others persons performing
duties in the administration of the Selective Service Law and the Rules and Regulations
of the President Under Authority of Such Law”-C. Sidney Frederick; December 17, 19174. Handwritten biography-Charles Christian Frederick5. Flyer-Scott Alarm-handwritten notes on back6. Photograph-Charles Sidney Frederick of Covington, LA7. Dedication Speech by C. Sidney Frederick8. Copy of photograph-2 children and 1 baby9. Envelope-written on envelope-photos of document 1924; “this document was treated
by paper Conservator: Margaret Moreland; handwritten notes10. Western Union telegrams-telegrams regarding the death of C. Sidney Frederick11. Typed document-subject-the Metz family12. Typed document-subject-Frederick-Heintz                                 

Box 2

1. Mason cent. of 25 years stood standing Dec. 17, 1940

2. Admission to bar May 15, 1931 U. S. Of A. Eastern Dist. of LA

3. No. 17, 1917 Notary public for St. Tammany

4. C. S. Frederick Colonel, Aide-de-Camp, staff 1932

5. C. S. Frederick Aide-de-Camp, Colonel 1936

Box 3

1. June 10, 1920 law degree from Loyola University

2. University of Loyola of C. S. Frederick

3. C. S. Frederick diploma from Georgetown