Archival Collection
BOX 1 Scrapbooks
1. 1938
2. 1940-1962
3. 1952
4. 1955
5. 1957-1958
6. 1959
BOX 2 Scrapbooks
1. 1963
2. 1967
3. 1969-1970
4. 1971
5. 1973; 1975-1976
6. 1978-1979 Clippings
BOX 3 Scrapbooks
1. 1982
2. 1985
3. 1993-1994
4. 1995
5 2001-2002
1. Certificates of Award
a. April 6, 1989–April 10, 1991–April 23, 1992 Louisiana Garden Club Federation
b. November 27, 1991 National Council of State Garden Clubs, Inc. Award
c. Live Oak Society Certificate of Membership
d. National Council of State Garden Clubs Membership Certificate
2. Awards
a. # 1 1973 #5-b 1982
b. #22 1983
c. #19 1988
d. # 1, 7a, 17 1989
3. Chamber News (March-December 1990 and January-August 1992)
4. Louisiana Garden Club Federation, Inc. (Letterhead Paper, Envelopes, and Postcards)
5. Yearbooks 1981-82, 1985-86, 1986-87, 1992-93 (2 copies), Louisiana Garden Club
Federation Newsletters 1989, 1990, and 1991
6. National Gardener, July-December 1990, January-April 1991
7. Garden Club Minutes, October 1937-May 1942
8. Garden Club Minutes, May 10, 1983-November 9, 1988
Box 5 Club Achievements
1. #1 1990
2. #7 1990
3. #15 1990
4. #17 1990
5. #19 1990
6. #7, 7a, 9, 59, 1991
1. Miscellaneous Newspaper Clippings
2. Miscellaneous Newspaper Clippings
3. Miscellaneous Newspaper Clippings
4. Hammond Centennial, 1889-1989; Daily Star, Lawn & Garden Guide, March 20, 1991; Dutch Garden Catalog, 1992 (2 copies)
1. Club Activities (Plans)
2. Thank You Notes, Support Desert Storm; Crape Myrtles; Telephone List; Miscellaneous
3. Club Committees; Application Award # 5, # 1; Constitution; Bills, Meetings, Ribbons;
Arbor Day Commemoration for Bertha Mannino (Poem); Miscellaneous
4. Miscellaneous Photographs
5 Cate Square Plan; Morrison D.C. Flags and Letter; Gay 90’s Map; Hammond Improvement
Hwy. 190
Hammond Garden Club Yearbook, 1998-1999
Hammond Garden Club Yearbook, 1999-2000
BOX 8 Scrapbook
1. Large Scrapbook; Hammond Clean and Shiny in the ’90s
BOX 9 Scrapbook
Two scrapbooks covering the years of 1988-1991
BOX 10
Hammond Garden Club
Pg. 1: Hammond Garden Club brochure
*Pg. 2: Newspaper article-New Leadership, New President. Hammond Daily Star Tuesday
May19, 1998.
pg.3: Letter to Mrs. Juanity Pearson from Rep. Henry Powell may 27, 1998
pg. 4: Newspaper article-Garden of the Month; Link Award. Hammond Daily Star Monday
May 18, 1998.
pg. 5: Newspaper article-National Garden Week; Link Award. Hammond Daily Star Thursday
July 23, 1998.
pg. 6: Newspaper articles-Garden of the Month Thursday August 13, 1998; Garden of
the Month Monday September 14
pg. 7: Newspaper articles-Meeting Highlights. Garden Club plans fall, spring projects.
pg.8: Newspaper articles- Link Award September 28, 1998. Beautiful Garden September
28, 1998.
pg. 9: Newspaper article-Artistic License October 19, 1998.
pg. 10: Louisiana Garden Club Federation Certificate of Award, April 17, 1998.
pg. 11: Louisiana Garden Club Federation Certificate of Award, April 18, 1998.
pg. 12:Letter to Members from president Sue Nelson 5/21/98. Funeral Services for Eva
Mae Wendelken.
pg. 13: Louisiana Garden Club Federation Newsletter Summer Issue July 1998.
pg. 14: Newspaper articles-homemade Decor November 18, 1998. Winning Garden.
pg. 15: Newspaper article-Link Award Winner November 24, 1998. Invitation to Annual
Fall Meeting October 27, 1998.
pg. 16: Letter and Donation to Members of the Hammond Garden Club from Rev. Robert
pg. 17: Invitation to Fall Meeting & Luncheon Tuesday October 27, 1998.
pg. 18: “The Legend of the Iris” from Chee Powell
pg. 19: Newspaper article-Christmas Decor Hammond Sunday Star, December 13,1998
pg. 20 & 21: Newspaper article-The Lights of Christmas: The Winners of the 1998 Hammond
Garden Club Christmas Decorating Contest. Hammond Daily Star Tuesday December 22,
pg. 22 & 23: Pictures during Christmas
pg. 24: Letter to Juanity from Gina Anthon. Letter to Friends from MaryAnn Richard
Nov. 20, 1998.
pg. 25: Letter to Friends from Sue & Cyril. Newspaper article- Expert gives tips on
attracting birds.
pg. 26: Newspaper article- Arbor Day & At A Glance Tuesday February 2, 1999. Garden
Clubs of Tangipahoa and Livingston Annual Join Meeting February 10, 1999 brochure.
pg. 27: Newspaper article-Author recalls trips for garden clubs.
pg. 28: Newspaper articles-Hammond gets ready for Trash Bash Day, Hammond Daily Star
Thursday March 11, 1999. The Cleanest City Poster Contest.
pg. 29: Newspaper article-Tour of Homes, Gardens.
pg. 30: Pictures of Homes
pg. 31: Newspaper article- Azalea fest will feature flowers, home tours, workshops.
pg. 32: Newspaper article-Society works to preserve like oaks. Pictures with Oak Trees.
pg. 33: Newspaper articles- Garden of the Month. Beautiful Garden
pg. 34: Newspaper article-Master Gardeners talk about program, native plants. Hammond
Sunday Star April 18, 1999.
pg. 35: Newspaper article-Link Award Winner. Hammond Daily Star Friday April 30, 1999.
pg. 36: Letter to Juanity and Fellow Garden Club from Catty Kemp.
505. A Heart full of memories brings joy to every day
pg. 1: Hammond Garden Club: Rooted in the Past-Branching out to the Future 2002-2003.
pg. 2: May Installation Banquet pictures
pg. 3: Newspaper article-Hammond Gard Club Officers. Picture of officers.
pg. 4& 5: Pictures from Banquet
pg. 6: Louisiana Garden Club Federation certificate of Recognition June 2002.
pg. 7: 2002 Summer Board Presidents’ Luncheon, July 30, 2002.
pg. 8: Newspaper article-Grading Gladiolas August 6, 2002.
pg. 9: Invitation to the President’s Tea for the Hammond Garden Club.
pg. 10: Newspaper article-Not city motto, but desirable sentiment. The Daily Star
Monday August 19, 202.
pg. 11 & 12: Pictures from Memorial Dedication for 9/11/01.
pg. 13: Newspaper article-Tress, walkway, fountain will commemorate 9/11. September
2, 2002.
pg. 14: Press Release- Hammond’s City administration response to Act 155.
pg. 15, 16, &17: September Meeting Pictures-SLU Horticulture Bldg. Letter to Friends
from Fay Faller.
pg. 18: Newspaper article-Well-intended railroad legislation hits roadblock. The Sunday
Star, September 22.
pg. 19: Louisiana Garden Club Federation Newsletter October 2002.
pg. 20: Newspaper article-Holiday Ideas. The Sunday Star September 22, 2002.
pg. 21: Lovely Garden. The Sunday Star September 22, 2002.
pg. 22: October Meeting Pictures- Mrs. Melanie Stein’s Home
pg 23: District VI Fall Meeting Agenda October 17, 2002.
pg. 24, 25, & 26: District VI Fall Metting pictures.
pg. 27: Letter and name tag to Glenda from Margo.
pg. 28: Newspaper article- Beautiful Garden The Sunday Star October 20, 2002.
pg. 29: November Meeting Newspaper article- Holiday Workshop November 17, 2002.
pg. 30: Newspaper article-Award Winner November 17, 2002.
pg. 31 &32: Pictures of Club members decorating Gazebo at Cate Square Park.
pg. 33, 34, & 35: Pictures from December Meeting.
pg. 36: Presentation of Special Christmas Gifts to Karen Blackburn pictures.
pg. 37: Newspaper article-Garden Club Plans lighting contest; Best overall Decorating
December 18, 2002.
pg. 38: Newspaper article-Tubres win lighting contest
pg. 39: Newspaper article-Lighting up Hammond
pg. 40: Newspaper article-Winning Door
pg. 41: January Meeting pictures
pg. 42: Newspaper article-Winter Gardens. The Sunday Star, January 19, 2003.
pg. 43: Newspaper article-Arbor Day at Woodland Park. January 30, 2003.
pg. 44: Newspaper article-club plants tree as late project for Arbor Day at Woodland
pg. 45 & 46: Newspaper article & pictures-Aror Day Presentation. Daily Star January
22, 2001.
pg. 47: Newspaper article-Love for trees comes early. The Daily Star January 31, 2003.
pg. 48: February meeting-Joint meeting of area garden clubs
pg. 49. Invitation from Stem and Stamen Garden Glub of Amite to attend the annual
gathering of the Tangipahoa Parish garden clubs on February 12 th.
pg. 50: The Garden Clubs of Tangipahoa Parish agenda.
pg. 51 & 52: March meeting-SLU Horticulture Bldg. Pictures.
pg. 53, 54, 55, 56, & 57: Newspaper article & pictures: Hammond Garden club presents
Spring Tour of Homes. The Daily Star march 19, 2003.
pg. 58 & 59: The Hammond garden clubs Spring Tour of Homes brochure.
pg. 60:Magazine article-Inside Northside. Newspaper article-Garden club plans tour
of homes. The Sunday Star February 23, 2003.
pg. 61: Spring Tour of Homes brochure, ticket, and picture of flower arrangements.
pg. 62: Hammond Garden Club Raffle-ticket & picture of condo.
pg. 63: Newspaper article-Trash bash. The Daily Star Tuesday march 25, 2003.
pg. 64: Newspaper article-Cleaning Up Hammond: Garden Club asks citizens to bash trash
Saturday. March 28, 2003.
pg. 65: April meeting picture-SLU Horticulture Bldg.
pg. 66: Handouts- Attract butterflies to your Garden
pg. 67:Trash Bash Day flyer
pg. 68: Newspaper article-Judges: City looks clean despite severe weather. The Daily
Star Friday April 11, 2003.
pg. 69: Newspaper article: Hammond to move to state round of contest. The Daily Star
Wednesday April 9, 2003.
pg. 70: Letter to Mayor Mayson Foster from Sybil Colicchio
pg. 71:Cleanest City Route 2003
pg. 72: Newspaper article: Gardeners have fingers crossed for Hammond to win state
title. The Daily Star Thursday May 8, 2003.
pg. 73: Newspaper article-State’s cleanest Hammond wins title. The Daily Star Friday
May 9, 2003.
pg. 74: Letter to Glenda & Garden Club members from Margo Rocca.
pg. 75:Cleanest City Poster Contest flyer
pg. 76:Newspaper article- “Clean City” Poster Contest winner. The Sunday Star may
4, 2009.
pg. 77:Invitation for the Hammond Garden Lunch Spring Luncheon.
pg. 78-82: The Chamber News: Link Awards May, June, July, August, September, October,
December, January, March, April.
pg. 83: Hammond Garden Club brochure.
506. Blue Scrapbook
pg. 1:Louisiana Garden Club Federation Flower Show School Course 1 brochure
pg. 2: Newspaper article: new Flower Show School Series Begins
pg. 3 & 4:Pictures from Flower Show School
pg. 5:SLU & District VI Flower Show School Agenda August 7, 2001
pg. 6-8: Pictures from Flower Show School
pg. 9: SLU & District VI Flower Show School Agenda August 8, 2001
pg. 10-13: Pictures from Flower Show School
pg. 14:Newspaper article-Judges, SLU horticulture host flower show school. Sunday
star, September 23, 2001
pg. 15: Sixth District Accredited Judges Council Treasurer’s Report September 2001.
pg. 16: Envelope & picture to Linda Ryan from Harriette Charles
pg. 17: Louisiana Garden Club Federation Flower Show School Course II brochure
pg. 18: SLU & The Louisiana Garden Club Federation District VI Flower Show Judges
Council School II Agenda January 15, 2002.
pg. 19: Envelope, poem, & picture sent to Lynda Ryan
pg. 20: Letter and Picture to Linda Ryan from Mother Hen
pg. 21: SLU & The Louisiana Garden Club Federation District VI Flower Show Judges
Council School II agenda January 16, 2002.
pg. 22:Letter & Picture to Linda Ryan from Hazel
pg. 23-24: Pictures
pg. 25: SLU & The Louisiana Garden Club Federation District VI Flower Show Judges
Council Flower Show School II Agenda January 17, 2002.
pg. 26-32: Pictures of Flower Arrangements
pg. 33: Newspaper article-Area Garden Club Members Attend Flower Show School II. The
Rayne Acadian Tribune February 3, 2002.
pg. 34: Newspaper article-Flower Show. The Daily Star January 17, 2002
pg. 35:Letter to Linda Ryan from Mary Mehaffey January 27, 2002
pg. 36:Louisiana Garden Club Federation Flower Show School Course III
pg. 37: SLU & Louisiana Garden Club Federation District VI Flower Show Judges Council
School III Agenda August 6, 2002
pg. 38: SLU & The Louisiana Garden Club Federation District VI Flower Show Judges
council School III Agenda August 7, 2002.
pg. 39: Louisiana Garden Club Federation Flower Show School Course III brochure
pg. 40:It’s School Time again Course III flyer
pg. 41: Newspaper article- Grading Gladiolas. The Daily Star August 7, 2002
pg. 42: Letter to Linda Ryan from Peggy 8/8/02
pg. 43: Letter to Linda Ryan from Vallery
pg. 44-55: Pictures
pg. 56: Receipt invoice
pg. 57: Letter to Linda from Theresa October 28, 2002
pg. 58: Letter to Linda 9/29/02
pg. 59:Letter and flower picture from Jerry Dirmauer
pg. 60: SLU & The Louisiana Garden Club Federation District VI Flower Show Judges
Council School IV Agenda January 8, 2003
pg. 61:Louisiana Garden Club Federation Flower Show School Course IV
pg. 62: SLU & The Louisiana Garden Club Federation District VI Flower Show Judges
Council School IV Agenda January 7, 2003
pg. 63-72: Pictures
pg. 73: Louisiana Garden Club Federation Flower Show School Course V
-District 6 Judges council Flower Show School Account Summer-Flower Show School V
(2 copies).
pg. 74:SLU & The Louisiana Garden Club Federation District VI Flower Show Judges Council
School V Agenda August 6, 2003.
pg. 75-76: Pictures
pg. 77: SLU & The Louisiana Garden Club Federation District VI Flower Show Judges
Council School V Agenda August 7, 2003
pg.78: “Fairy Tales Can Come True”: A Petite small standard flower show (flyer)
pg. 79-84: Pictures from “Fairy Tales Can Come True”
pg. 85: Letter to Linda Ryan August 17, 2003
pg. 86: Pictures
507. U.S. National Hot Air Balloon Championship Media Guide
508. Le Souvenir 1933 Booklet
509. Twenty Million Yankees: The Northern Home Front. 1985 Time-Life Books Inc.
510. Sturgis Kentucky 1890-1990
511: SLU Golden Lions Award to the Hammond Garden Club from the 1991-92 CORPS & CADRE
BOX 11
Hammond Garden Club binder:
Tour of Home Folder:
Azalea Festival tour Sunday, March 21, 1999 brochure.
Lauderdale home information.
Letter to Wal-Mart Super Center Attention Mr. Hebert from Colleen Scott, President
of Garden Club.
Advertising information Azalea Festival 2000 Home and Garden Tour.
District VI Host Meetings 1999-2001.
Tab 1:
Hammond Garden Club Committees
Committees as of 9/11/96
Hammond Tree Foundation- Color Hammond Green donation sheet.
Hammond Tree Foundation- Technical document North Oak park/Recreation Complex Hammond,
Hammond Tree Foundation- Budget North Oak Park/Recreation Complex
Tree Maintenance agreement for tree planting projects funded under federal programs
Domestic Corporation annual report for period ending December 31, 1992
Letter to Hammond Free Foundation from Department of the Treasury 2/17/93
Hammond Urban Forestry Committee March 17, 1994
Hammond Urban Forestry Committee February 24, 1994
LUFC Annual Conference April 9, 1992 Tentative program
Link Award Committee Meeting December 18, 1995
Link Award Committee Meeting agenda
Link Committee Minutes September 23, 1994
Link Committee Minutes June 17, 1994
Link Award History 1966-1967 file
Link Award Committee Meeting June 17 flyer
Link Committee Minutes March 25, 1994
Link Committee Minutes March 25, 1994- Changes on Presentations
Letter of Link Award guideline changes from Russell Mayer July 20, 1988
Link Award Committee businesses selected during 1987
Link Award Committee meeting September 17, 1993
Membership Tab:
Hammond Garden Club Active members effective February 1, 1993
Hammond Garden Club Committees
Hammond Garden Club Committees
Tab 3:
Hammond Garden Club Minutes April 1999
Hammond Garden Club Minuets March 1999
Program February 10, 1999
Minutes January 1999 Hammond Garden Club
Hammond Garden Club December Minutes
Hammond Garden Club November Minutes 1998
Hammond Garden Club October Minutes
Hammond Garden Club Minutes September 1998
Hammond Garden Club Minutes May 1998
Hammond Garden Club Minutes April 1998
Hammond Garden Club Minutes March 11, 1998
Letter to Miss Edna from Fay Faller February 15, 1998
Hammond Garden Club Minutes January 1998
Hammond Garden Club Christmas Luncheon
Hammond Garden Club Minutes November 1997
Hammond Garden Club Minutes October 8, 1997
Hammond Garden Club Minutes September 1997
Hammond Garden Club Coffee Honoring Prospective New Members August 13, 1997
Hammond Garden Club Installation Luncheon May 14, 1997
Hammond Garden Club Minutes April 1997
March 1997 Minutes Hammond Garden Club
February 1997 Meeting: Local garden clubs prepare to bash trash in Hammond- Newspaper
January 1997 minutes Hammond Garden Club
Letter to School principal from Linda Ross January 8, 1997
Hammond Garden Club Christmas Luncheon December 11, 1996 & Newspaper article- Club
sets lighting contest
Special Meeting November 20, 1996 RE: Tour of Homes
November 1996 minutes Hammond Garden Club
Resolution made by unanimous vote of the membership November 1996
Letter to Belle Oaks Garden Club from Hammond Garden Club November 13, 1996
Hammond Garden Club October 1996 Minutes
Executive Board Meeting Hammond Garden Club October 7, 1996
Hammond Garden Club September 1996 minutes
Hammond Garden Club Prospective members ballot
Notes and Picture on New Leadership
Hammond Garden Club March 13, 1996 Minutes
Hammond Garden Club March 28, 1996 minutes
Hammond Garden Club February 14, 1996 minutes
Hammond Garden Club January 10, 1996 minutes
Invitation to Fall meeting and luncheon October 19, 1995
Ferns that will naturalize in Baton Rouge gardens
Your Guide to Planning a Shade Garden
Hammond Garden Club January 10, 1996 executive meeting
Hammond Garden Club December 13, 1995 SLU Campus
Hammond Garden Club November 8, 1995 Minutes
Hammond Garden Club October 12, 1995 minutes
Hammond Garden Club October 11, 1995 Agenda
Hammond Garden Club September 13, 1995 minutes
Hosting a Meeting Hammond Garden Club
Parliamentary Hints brochure
Hammond Garden Club Executive Board Meeting June 14, 1995
Hammond Garden Club meeting April 12, 1995
April Horticulture hints
Hammond Garden Club March 8, 1995 minutes
Hammond Garden Club January 11, 1996 minutes
Selection of plant material and conditioning
Hammond Garden Club November 9, 1994 minutes
Flow Arranger’s Workbasket worksheet
Hammond Garden Club October 12, 1994 minutes
I Tried it and I Liked it- Horticulture hints
Garden Mums Recommended Care
Hammond Garden Club September 1, 1994 minutes
Hammond Garden Club Budget 1994-1995
Belle Oaks Garden Club Annual Joint Meeting Area Garden Clubs 1994
Hammond Garden Club April 13, 1998 minutes
Hammond Garden Club March 9, 1993 Minutes
March Horticulture hints
Hammond Garden Club February 9, 1993 minutes
Hammond Garden Club January 12, 1993 minutes
Live Oak Survey of Hammond, Louisiana
January Horticulture Hints
Hammond Garden Club October 12 1993
October Horticulture Hints
Rose Hill Garden- Nursery Featuring Antique Roses September 1993
Hammond Garden Club September 8, 1993 meeting agenda
Hammond Garden Club September 8, 1993 minutes
September Gardening hints from the Hammond Garden Club
Growing Tropical Water lilies
American Aquatic Gardens: Turtles, Toads, and Other Trivial Traumas
American Aquatic Gardens: Overwintering Tropical Water Lilies
American Aquatic Gardens: Building Garden Ponds
Hammond Garden Club letter information about April 14 th meeting
Letter to Garden Club Members
Hammond Garden Club Installation of Officers Luncheon 1993-1995 program
Correspondence tab:
Letter to Chief Roddy Duvall, Hammond Police from Fay Faller, Hammond Garden Club
January 4, 1997
Handwritten Notes 1/4/97
Deaths and Hospitalizations
Cards: who, why, and date sent
Letter to Wal-Mart Super Center, Mr. Hebert from Fay Faller, Hammond Garden Club November
20, 1996
Letter to Wal-Mart Super Center, Mr. Hebert from Fay Faller, Hammond Garden Club November
20, 1996
Letter to Mr. & Mrs. Fowler from Fay Faller, Hammond Garden Club November 20, 1996
Letter to Ms. Linda Broussard from Fay Faller, Hammond Garden Club November 20, 1996
Letter to Dr. Clausen from Fay Faller, Hammond Garden Club November 20, 1996
Letter to Mr. & Mrs. Ken Ross from Fay Faller, Hammond Garden club November 20, 1996
Letter to Mr. Masaracchia from Fay Faller, Hammond Garden Club November 20, 1996
Letter to Mrs. Broussard from Fay Faller, Hammond Garden Club November 9, 1996
Letter to Mrs. Davis & Mrs. Hendricks from Fay Faller, Hammond Garden Club August
5, 1996
Letter to Mr. Willis from Fay Faller, Hammond Garden Club October 23, 1996
Letter to The Daily Star, Ms. Joan Davis from Fay Faller, Hammond Garden Club October
23, 1996
Hammond Garden Club Committee Report
1097. 1999-2000 Hammond Garden Club Yearbook1098. 1991-1992 Hammond Garden Club Yearbook1099.
1994-1995 Hammond Garden Club Yearbook1100. 1998-1999 Hammond Garden Club Yearbook1101.
1994-1995 Hammond Garden Club Yearbook1102. 1993-1994 Hammond Garden Club Yearbook1003.
1995-1996 Hammond Garden Club Yearbook Celebrating 65 years1104. 1996-1997 Hammond
Garden Club Yearbook1105. Scrapbook:
Pg. 1: Newspaper picture- Installation Banquet, Picture
Pg. 2: Pictures
Pg. 3: Newspaper picture, picture
Pg. 4-6: Pictures
Louisiana Garden club Federation Award No. 1 Garden Club Achievement April 4, 1002
Louisiana Garden club Federation Award No. 13 Newsletter Subscriptions April 4, 2002
Louisiana Garden club Federation Award No. 17 Arbor Day Certificate of Merit April
4, 2002
Pg. 7: Invitation and picture of HGC Presidents Tea
Pg. 8: 2000-2001 Hammond Garden Club Yearbook
Hammond Arts Awards 1998 Linda Ryan Achievement in Design
Pg. 9: Pictures
Pg. 10: Louisiana Garden club Federation District VI Certificate of Appreciation October
12, 2000
Pg. 11: Club Presidents luncheon June 7, 2000 agenda
Pg. 12: Newspaper picture- Link Award, Daily Star Wednesday May 31, 2000
Pg. 13: Newspaper picture and picture
Pg. 14: Louisiana Garden Club Federation Newsletter October 2000
Pg. 15: District VI Fall Meeting October 12, 2000 agenda
Pg. 16: picture, Country Club of Louisiana napkin
Pg. 17: Newspaper picture-Attending Fall Meeting November 8, 2000 & Picture
Pg. 18-19: pictures
Pg. 20: Newspaper pictures- Garden of the Month
Pg. 21: Newspaper picture
Pg. 22: Newspaper picture and article- Discussion of holiday wreaths
Pg. 23: Newspaper picture- Link Award Winner & picture
Pg. 24: Newspaper picture- Visiting Gardens
Pg. 25: Newspaper picture- Garden Club Party
Pg. 26: Newspaper picture- Garden of the Month & Link Award Winner
Pg. 27: Newspaper picture- Garden of the Month
Pg. 28: pictures
Pg. 29: Newspaper picture & article- Christmas decoration contest
Pg. 30: Newspaper picture & article- Sport for Cleanest city Contest, Arbor Day presentation.
Pg. 31: Newspaper articles- Tallo backs Garden Club in Cleanest City Efforts, Judges
will visit Hammond in April
Pg. 32: Newspaper picture & article- Clean City Let’s Rally support
Pg. 33: Newspaper pictures & articles-Garden Club challenges Hammond to clean up,
Adopt a park, & Winning Garden
Pg. 34: Newspaper picture & article- Student Essay clean up Hammond, Beautiful Garden,
& Hammond Tour of Homes and Gardens admission ticket.
Pg. 35: The Sunday Star Lifestyle Sec. C March 18, 2001
Pg. 36: Newspaper articles- Community braces for Trash Bash, Cleanup, & Trash Bash
cleanup day makes big comeback with 300 vols.
Pg. 37: Newspaper articles & pictures: Lone entry Hammond wins district contest
Pg. 38: Newspaper pictures & articles- Garden of the month, City gears up, & Clean
Pg. 39: Newspaper articles- Hammond takes 2 nd place in cleanest city contest, Hammond Impressed, Cleanest City Judges, & Cleanest
city Matter of Pride for City of choice.
Pg. 40: Newspaper pictures- Garden Club
1106. Picture of Col. O.P. Amacker Family 19071107. Award of Excellence Berkeley video
and film festival 20041108. Award No. 30 (purple folder)
NCSGC Awards Application Form
Evaluation Sheet Score
Title page: Viva la France! Viva la Louisiane!
Table of Contents
Show Data and Exhibits
Balance Sheet 1999 Standard flower show district VI garden clubs
Floor Plan “Plan D’Etage”
Theme Staging (2 pages)
Miscellaneous Overview of the Horticulture division (2 pages)
Horticulture Division Top Awards
Design Division Top Awards
Other Award Winning Designs (2 pages)
Special Exhibits
Educational Exhibits (2 pages)
Viva la France! Viva la Louisiane! Invitation. October 7, 1999
Items used to enhance the show
Publicity (4 pages)
Vive la France! Vive la Louisiane! 300 years of Growth Standard Flower Show Booklet
1109. Award No. 22 Publicity press book award 2004
Title page- Award No. 22 Publicity press book award Hammond garden club membership
47 2004
Table of contents
January: Newspaper picture- Tree Planting, The Sunday Star January 11, 2004
District VI club Honorees for 2003
February: Newspaper article- Group from first Baptist attends Women on Mission, The
Sunday Star February 15, 2004.
Newspaper picture- Garden Clubbers, The Sunday Star February 15, 2004
March: Newspaper picture- Spring Cleaning Time, The Daily Star March 21, 2004
Newspaper article- Club Fundraiser, Club members checking for city trash twice daily.
The Daily Star March 10, 2004
Inside Northside article- Hammond Garden Club Spring Tour of Homes.
Newspaper article & picture- Trash or Treasure, Garden Club plants tree for Arbor
Day. The Daily Star March 17, 2004
Newspaper article & picture- Litter Hurts, Sister win poster contest. The Daily Star
March 15, 2004.
Newspaper article- Garden club asks public t clean city. The Daily Star March 31,
Newspaper picture- Garden Winners. The Sunday Star March 14, 2004
April: Louisiana Garden Club Federation, Newsletter April 2004
Newspaper picture- Beautifying Entrance. The Daily Star April 1, 2004
Newspaper articles- Beautiful Garden. The Sunday Star April 4, 2004; Club preps for
Cleanest City Contest judges visit
Newspaper article & picture- Garden Club, Hammond raising litter awareness; Bashing
Newspaper article- Hammond exceeds own perfect score April 6, 2004
Newspaper article- Garden Club commends Wilson for cleanup help. The Daily Star April
8, 2004; Students turn trash into art sculptures. The Daily Star April 7, 2004.
Newspaper article & picture- Garden Club commends Wilson for cleanup help
Newspaper picture- Winner of April Link Award
Newspaper picture- Group Effort
May: Newspaper picture- Garden Club program. The Daily Star May 2, 2004
Newspaper articles- Contest reminds us to not be trashy; Club members checking for
city trash twice daily
Newspaper picture- June Link Award. The Daily Star May 28, 2004
Newspaper picture- Beautiful Garden. The Sunday Star May 30, 2004
Newspaper articles- Hammond places 2 nd
June: Newspaper article- Celebrating 70 years as Hammond Garden Club
Newspaper picture- Beautifying Hammond
Newspaper article & picture- Celebrating. The Sunday Star June 20, 2004
Newspaper picture- Garden of the Month. The Sunday Star June 27, 2004
July: Newspaper pictures- Holiday Inn receives July link award; Garden Club barbecue
Newspaper pictures- Beautifying Park Entrances
Newspaper article & picture- Garden Club Scholarship
Louisiana Garden club Federation Newsletter
August: Newspaper picture- Krekos’ Garden Full of Flowers. The Daily Star August 4,
Newspaper picture- Garden of Month. The Daily Star August 29, 2004
Newspaper picture- Holy Ghost receives August Link Award
September: Newspaper article- September Link Award
Newspaper picture- Garden of Month
October: Newspaper article- October Link Award
Newspaper picture- Costuming
November: Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day flyer
Newspaper article- City invites public to recycling event. The Daily Star
Newspaper article & picture- Mayor anti-litter volunteers invite public to “Adopt
a Street” meeting. November 25-26 2004
Newspaper article- City, Garden Club set meeting to renew Adopt a Street program.
The Daily Star November 30, 2004
December: Newspaper article- Garden Clubs help North Oaks Deck the Halls. The Daily
Star December 5, 2004; Garden club to choose best decorations. The Daily Star December
3, 2004.
Newspaper picture- Link Award Winner. The Daily Star December 10, 2004.
Newspaper article- Cleanup Program. The Sunday Star December 5, 2004
Newspaper articles- Groups rally to adopt streets; At a Glance. The Daily Star December
10, 2004
Newspaper picture- Hammond winners. The Daily Star December 24, 2004.
Newspaper picture- Christmas Lights. The Daily Star December 24, 2004
Newspaper article & picture- Hammond Garden Club brightens North Oaks Rehabilitation
lobby. The Ponchatoula Times December 30, 2004.
1110. Award No. 22 Publicity Press Book Award Hammond Garden Club Membership 51 2005.
Title page: Award No. 22 Publicity Press Book Award 2005
Table of Contents
January: Fairs, Festivals, & Fun 2005 calendar of Events.
Newspaper picture- Gardening Hammond winner. The Sunday Star January 16, 2005
Newspaper picture- New Sign for restarted program. The Daily Star January 28, 2005
Newspaper picture- Picking up Corbin. The Daily Star January 28, 2005.
Newspaper article- 20 adapters have signed up to fight litter. The Daily Star January
28, 2005
February: Newspaper picture- Theriots’ Flora. The Daily Star February 1, 2005
March: Beautiful Garden. The Daily Star March 21, 2005
Newspaper article- Trash Bash Day grows near. The Daily Star March 22, 2005
Newspaper article- Volunteers sweep city for litter. The Daily Star March 25, 2005.
Newspaper picture- Cleaning Litter. The Daily Star March 25, 2005
Newspaper article- City readies to collect trash eat barbecue. The Daily Star March
30, 2005
Newspaper article-Onward litter busters spring beckons us to clean. The Daily Star
March 30, 2005
April: Newspaper article- Here ‘n’ There. The Sunday Star April 3, 2005
Newspaper article- Cleanest city judging only 2 days away. The Sunday Star April 3,
Newspaper article- Judges inspect Hammond. The Daily Star April 6, 2005
Newspaper article- Judges
Newspaper picture- April Garden. The Sunday Star April 24, 2005.
May: Newspaper picture-Garden Book. The Sunday Star May 29, 2005
June: Newspaper picture- Hammond Garden of Month. The Sunday Star June 5, 2005
Newspaper picture- Berry Town Wins Link Award. The Sunday Star June 12, 2005
Newspaper picture- Grace Church Wins Link Award. The Daily Star June 13, 2005
July: Newspaper article & picture- Fashion bouquets: Garden Club Models Bloom. The
Daily Star July 19, 2005
Newspaper article- Garden club. The Daily Star July 19, 2005
Newspaper picture- July Garden of Month. The Sunday Star July 24, 2005.
Newspaper article- “Oh Lord I don’t have anything to wear” The Daily Star July 25,
August: Southeastern by lion: Garden club’s unique fashion shows luncheon benefits
Southeastern Scholarship. August 1, 2005
Newspaper picture- LGCF Planning Committee. The Sunday Star August 7, 2005
Newspaper picture- LGCF Meets Up. The Sunday Star August 7, 2005
Newspaper article- Here ‘n’ There. The Daily Star August 7, 2005
Newspaper article & picture- Fashions out of Eden. The Daily Star August 12, 2005
Newspaper article & picture- Club models outfits fresh from garden.
September: Hurricane Season, Life After Katrina
Newspaper articles- Albertson’s Line; Don’t count Mardi Gras out in New Orleans; chaos
of Katrina drives police officer to commit suicide. The Daily Star September 6, 2005.
BOX 12 Scrapbooks