Maritime Book Collection
1. Bearss, Edwin C., Hardluck Ironclad, The Sinking and Salvage of the Cairo, Louisiana
State University Press, Baton Rouge, 1980, paperback, 222 pp. 2. Bradford, Ernle, The Story of the Mary Rose, W. W. Norton & Company, New York,
1982, hardcover, 207 pp. 3. Davis, William C. Duel Between the First Ironclads, Louisiana State University
Press, Baton Rouge, 1975, paperback, 201 pp. 4. Dohan, Mary Helen, Mr. Roosevelt’s Steamboat, The First Steamboat to Travel the
Mississippi, Dodd, Mead & Company, New York, 1981, hardcover, 194 pp. 5. Dugan, James and Richard Vahan, editors for The Underwater Society of America,
Men Under Water, Chilton Books, Philadelphia, 1965, hardcover, 234 pp. 6. Jenny, Jim, In Search of Shipwrecks, A. S. Barnes and Company, South Brunswick,
1980, hardcover, 185 pp. 7. Mason, F. Van Wyck, Blue Hurricane, J. B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia, 1954,
hardcover, 307 pp. 8. Navy League of the United States, The Almanac of Seapower, 1983, hardcover, 282
pp. 9. Scheib, Flora K., History of the Southern Yacht Club, Pelican Publishing Company,
Gretna, 1986, hardcover, 519 pp. 10. Stivers, Reuben Elmore, Privateers & Volunteers, The Men and Women of Our Reserve
Naval Forces, 1766 to 1866, Naal Institute Press, Annapolis, Maryland, 1975, hardcover,
502 pp. 11. Thomas, Lowell, Raiders of the Deep, Garden City Publishing Company, Inc., Garden
City, New York, 1928, hardcover, 176 pp. 12. Usherwood, Stephen and Elizabeth, The Counter-Armada, 1596, The Journall of the
`Mary Rose,’ Naval Institute Press, 1983, hardcover, 176 pp. 13. Von Doenhoff, Richard, editor, Versatile Guardian, Research in Naval History,
Howard University Press, Washington, D. C., 1979, hardcover, 295 pp. 14. National Maritime Historical Society, Sea History, The Art, Literature, Adventures,
Lore & Learning of the Sea, No. 51, Autumn 1989, magazine 15. Pearson, Charles E., Compiler, El Nuevo Constante, Investigation of an Eighteenth
Century Spanish Shipwreck off the Louisiana Coast, Department of Culture, Recreation
and Tourism, Louisiana Archaeological Survey and Antiquities Commission, Anthropological
Study No. 4, December 1981, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, booklet