Delos Knight Collection


Box 1
–“‘The City That Refused to Die:’ Bogalusa First Hundred Years” by John N. Gallaspy.  
1. 5 discs:
    -Reforestation at Bogalusa 1927 (2)
    -Bogalusa Mill Modernization 1984 (1)
    -Great Southern Logging 1928 (1)
    -Bogalusa History 1927-1928 (1)
2. Graves, Ralp A. “Louisiana, Land at Perpetual Romance.” The National Geographic
Magazine     58, no. 4 (April 1930).
3. Photographs:
    -13 photos of the Bogalusa Logging Company.
    4. Quick, Amy. “The History of Bogalusa, The ‘Magic City’ at Louisiana.” The Louisiana
Historical Quarterly 29, no.1 (January 1946).
5. 2 newspaper articles:
    -“Founder’s Day”
    -Bogalusa Diamond Jubilee July 4, 1914-1989.
6. The Washington Paris Free Fair by Emma Burris and Elizabeth Ott Watts