Joe Minton


Archival Collection





Livingston Parish Information

1. Original boundary of Livingston Parish (1 typewritten page)

2. Biography of Edward Livingston in Transit Readers Digest, June 6, 1977, published Bi-

Weekly by New Orleans Public Services Inc.

3. History of Livingston Parish (15-page typed manuscript)

4. History of Livingston Parish (3 typed manuscripts)

5. “The Tall and Sturdy Trees Remember,” by Marcus Rownd (manuscript history of Livingston

6. The State of the Parish, Denham Springs News, March 13, 1978

7. Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, July 26, 1982 (contains articles about all aspects of Livingston Parish)

8. Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, August 4, 1986 (contains articles about all aspects of Livingston Parish)

9. Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, June 30, 1988 (contains old photos of Livingston Parish)

10. Newspaper photos of Livingston Parish

11. The Louisiana Police Jury System, n. d.; xeroxed documents Newspaper clippings about the Police Jury

12. Livingston Parish Courthouse, Centerville, Louisiana (newspaper clippings)

13. Livingston Parish Courthouse, Livingston, Louisiana (newspaper clippings)

14. Livingston Parish Courthouse, Springfield, Louisiana (newspaper clippings)

15. Livingston Parish Courthouse, Springfield, Louisiana (manuscripts by Clark Forrest
and Joe Minton)

16. Receipt from Treasurer of the Parish of Livingston, dated April 20, 1916

17. Livingston Parish Post Offices

18. Soil Survey of Livingston Parish, Louisiana, Bureau of Chemistry and Soils, United States Department of Agriculture,
Series 1931, Number 22

19. Soil map of Livingston Parish, Bureau of Chemistry and Soils

20. Speech by J. D. Prater, Vice President & General Manager of Crown Zellerbach,
November 16, 1978 about timber acreage in Livingston Parish

21. Livingston Parish Organizational Planning Book

22. Livingston Parish, A Guide to Local Government and Services, Prepared and published by the League of Women Voters of Livingston Parish, 1982

23. Engineering Study, Livingston Parish Solid Waste Management Plan For Livingston Parish
Police Jury
, August 1982, Alvin Fairburn & Assoc. Consulting Engineers, Denham Springs, Louisiana

24. An Overall Economic Development Program for Livingston Parish, Louisiana, Livingston Redevelopment Association, Inc., n.d.

25. Livingston Parish Police Jury Subdivision Regulations (11 different copies–dated, No Date (2); November 1975 (1); April 27, 1982 (4);
Revised July 31, 1984 (1); Revised August 1, 1986 (3)





1. A Statistical Profile of Livingston Parish, prepared by Public Affairs Research Council of Louisiana, 1960s

2. Livingston Parish representatives to Louisiana House of Representatives compiled
by Clark Forrest, June 20, 1974

3. History of Livingston Parish newspapers

4. Newspaper clippings from 1913 and 1918 about Livingston Parish

5. Livingston Times, August 6, 1909 and March 31, 1910 (xeroxed)

6. Bethlehem Tribune, Denham Springs, December 22, 1949 (Livingston Parish Printing Co.

7. Livingston Parish Times, January 24, 1963

8. Times Star, September 23, 1965 (Hurricane Betsy Stories)

9. Livingston Parish Dispatch, December 24, 1970 (Pictures of Employees)

10. Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, January 1, 1987 (Pictures of Employees)

11. 50th Anniversary, Livingston Parish Fair, 1937-1987, Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, October 12, 1987

12. Livingston Parish Fair Catalog, October 10-15, 1977

13. Livingston Parish Fair Catalog, 1982 (2 copies)

14. Livingston Parish Fair Catalog, October 10-15, 1983

15. Livingston Parish Fair Catalog, October 9-13, 1984 (2 copies)

16. Livingston Parish Fair Catalog, October 11-17, 1987 and 1987 catalogue supplement

17. Livingston Parish Fair Catalog, October 9-15, 1988

18. Livingston Parish Fair Catalog, October 7-14, 1989

19. Livingston Parish Fair Catalog, October 6-14, 1990

20. Livingston Parish Fair Catalog, October 5-13, 1991





1. Miscellaneous newspaper clippings, maps, notes, posters, and documents concerning
the Sesquicentennial Celebration of Livingston Parish, 1982

2. Edward Livingston Historical Association newsletters

3. Livingston Parish Bicentennial Committee, Place Names

4. Newspaper clippings and papers on Livingston Parish Historical Markers

5. The Free State, A History and Place-Names Study of Livingston Parish, 1976

6. Livingston Parish Maps

Information on cities and towns in Livingston Parish

Albany, Hungarian Settlement, and Haynes Settlement

7. History of Albany, Louisiana, by Clark Forrest, January 11, 1976

8. Portions of Livingston Leader, August 27, 1986, contains early pictures of Albany

9. History of Farmers’ Cooperatives and Associations of Albany, Livingston Parish,
Louisiana, a term paper by Clark Forrest

10. Grady Stewart Memorial dedication, October 21, 1989

11. Newspaper clippings about sawmills in Livingston Parish

12. History of Charles Brakenridge Lumber Mill by Louis C. Bartus, February 6, 1976

13. Manuscripts about Alexander Bartus (3)

14. Newspaper clipping and history of “Our Home,” a nursing home, n.d.

15. Hungarian dancers, Albany, Sunday Sun, October 30, 1949

16. Newspaper clippings about Hungarian Settlement; Harvest Festival Tradition Preserved
in South Louisiana, n.d.; Marker Dedication, Denham Springs News, May 15, 1975; Kovach Farm: Place to Make a Living, Sun, December 15, 1976; Hungarians Remember Their Roots, Morning Advocate, September 26, 1977; Hungarian Festival Moves Outside Community, 1979;

16. Area Residents Aid Hungarian Teacher, Denham Springs and Livingston Parish News, January 28, 1982; Hungarian Ambassador Visits Albany Elementary, Daily Star, May 12, 1983; SLU Salutes Local community, Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, October 19, 1987

17. Our Hungarian Church at Albany as Seen by the Secular Press, Albany Pulls Off
Big Celebration on July 4, The Presbyterian Survey, January 1926 (xerox copy of page 46); Viltis, A Folklore Magazine, Vol. 32, No. 4, December 1973 (xerox copies of pages 5-10, The Louisiana Magyar,
by Vonnie R. Brown); Hungarian Settlement, by Louis C. Bartus, January 29, 1976 (manuscript);
Hungarian Settlement History, by Dr. Bertram H. Groene, June 13, 1976 (Brochure printed
for the American Revolution Bicentennial); Flyer about Janos Petran, Ambassador of
Hungary to the United States coming to the International House on May 12, 1983; Flyer
about Third Annual Harvest Festival, n.d.; Tourist Brochure about Albany, Hungarian
Settlement, n.d.; Handwritten letter to Ambrus Bacsi and Pirodoska Nany, two teachers
from Hungary who taught Hungarian at Albany Elementary, from their students

18. History of the Haynes Family Settlement, by Arthur L. Perkins, Sr., n. d.

Carthage Bluff and Clio

19. Camp owners relax at Carthage Bluff, Denham Springs-Livingston Parish NEWS, n. d.

20. History of Clio, Louisiana researched by Calvin C. Fayard, Sr. and Aubra Fontenot



BOX 3 Continued


Denham Springs

21. Denham Springs maps

22. Denham Springs Booklet Original

23. Booklet about Denham Springs compliments of the Chamber of Commerce, n.d.

24. Brochure Promoting Denham Springs, 1930?

25. Denham Springs Land Use Plan, June 1958

26. Denham Springs, An Urban Highway and Major Street Plan, by Louisiana Department of Highways and Local Governmental Unites in cooperation
with U. S. Bureau of Public Roads, 1963

27. Preliminary Engineering Report for Improvements and Extensions to Water Supply System
for the City of Denham Springs, Louisiana
, January 1967

28. Denham Springs, A Guide to Everyday Living in the Denham Springs Area, 1984

29. Denham Springs, A Guide to Everyday Living in the Denham Springs Area, 1985





Denham Springs Continued

1. Certificate given for 60th anniversary observance of Denham Springs, May 4, 1963

2. Essay written by Walter T. Miller about his life in Denham Springs, xerox copy
of handwritten manuscript, n. d.

3. Denham Springs Lumber Mill

4. Newspaper clippings about Denham Springs, 1948-1953

5. Newspaper clippings about Denham Springs, 1960s

6. Newspaper clippings about Denham Springs, 1970s

7. Pledged to Progress, The Greater Denham Springs Chamber of Commerce, Annual Edition,
1978-79, Denham Springs News, July 24, 1978

8. Newspaper clipping about Denham Springs Lodge, Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, June 19, 1980

9. Denham Springs Founder’s Day Festival, June 3-5, 1983, Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News

10. Newspaper clippings about Denham Springs, 1985

11. History of Benton’s Ferry written by Anita Durand Buess in 1974

French Settlement

12. French Settlement (LA COTE FRANCAISE), Livingston Parish, Louisiana, by Lucille
B. Cooper

13. Newspaper clippings about French Settlement; “French Settlement slates dedication,
Denham Springs News, June 30, 1975; “Settlement puts accent on past, Denham Springs News, July 10, 1975; Creole museum houses French Settlement artifacts, Morning Advocate, Sept. 30, 1981

14. Newspaper article “A Salute to French Settlement,” Livingston Leader, January 28, 1987


15. Newspaper clipping on Holden history, by Lyndon Arledge, n.d.

16. Camp Singing Waters; Campers find spiritual guidance out-of-doors, Denham Springs
and Livingston Parish News, July 17, 1980; Round Up for Summer Fun in 1982, Christian
Jamboree Ministry, Inc, Baton Rouge, LA; Brochure about KJ Singing Waters Ranch

Livingston, Maurepas Island, Port Vincent, and Satsuma

17. Newspaper clippings and Manuscript Pages about Livingston

18. Manuscript history of Maurepas Island

19. Newspaper clippings and Manuscript Pages about Port Vincent and (Subique’s Ferry),
by Mercy Cambre, January 22, 1976

20. Satsuma, Livingston Parish, by Clark Forrest, July 15, 1974 (2 copies)

Springfield and Bookter’s Landing

21. Three manuscript histories of Springfield; one by Marcus Carter, one by Clark
Forrest, and unknown; handwritten minutes of a Historical Meeting, n. d.; and several
miscellaneous pages



BOX 4 Continued


Springfield and Bookter’s Landing Continued

22. Springfield, Our Town; Carter Plantation; Legacy, newsletter of the State Archives & Records Service, Vol. 6, No. 1, February 1982;
Carter Plantation location description copied by Clark Forrest, Jr., September 5,
1978 from page 75 of the book entitled Exhibit of Private Land Claims in Baton Rouge

23. Newspaper clipping, “Carter House recreates grandeur of pre-Civil War”, Hammond Sunday Shopping Guide, April 15, 1984

24. Springfield Louisiana, Housing Condition & Needs Analysis, June 1984, prepared by Alex Theriot, Jr. and Associates, Inc., Denham Springs, Louisiana under
The Louisiana Community Development Block Grant Program of the Housing and Community
Development Act of 1974

25. Brochure for Springfield Bicentennial Celebration, May 1 & 2, no year [1976?];
Springfield Sesquicentennial Celebration, April 30-May 1, 1988

26. Springfield, A Mini-History, In Commemoration of its 150th Birthday as a Municipality, April 30-May 1, 1988,
A publication of Edward Livingston Historical Association, Original layout and two

27. Springfield Sesquicentennial, What’s Going On, Denham Springs-Livingston Parish NEWS, April 25, 1988; Springfield’s 150!, Gumbo Magazine, Sunday Star, May 1, 1988

28. Newspaper clipping about Springfield; Springfield–Oldest and Newest Parish Town–Sets
Election On June 13, n.d.; Springfield ceremonies set for dedication, Denham SpringsNews, July 31, 1975; A Salute to Springfield, The Daily Sun, May 26, 1978; Springfield: 140 years of history, Daily Star, [1978]; Springfield history boosted by Courthouse, Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, February 20, 1989

29. Springfield Heritage Festival Booklet, April 28-30, 1989 (18 copies)

30. River Heritage and Fun Festival, Springfield, Louisiana Souvenir Booklet, July 6, 1991

31. American Legion Tucker A. Gregoire Post 258, Booklet of Members from 1921-1984; Also program from March 20, 1988, 69th Anniversary

32. Memo on Bookters Landing by Mrs. Ford Graves, March 12, 1963

Walker, Watson, Weiss

33. Typewritten Manuscript about Walker, Louisiana

34. 1985 Louisiana Pine Tree Festival, Walker Ballfield, Walker, Louisiana, May 10-12

35. History of Live Oak Plantation (Watson)

36. History of Weiss, Louisiana, by Clark Forrest, Jr, February 1974






1. Rivers in Livingston Parish, by Joe E. Minton (1 page)

2. Light House, Amite River, Louisiana (first keeper was James Madison “Mack” Crawford,
ca. 1861-1928) written by Calvin C. Fayard, Sr. and Aubra Fontenot

3. Steamboats on the Amite (1 typed page)

4. Amite River, Trip down in rubber boat by teen adventurers club of Chicago, 1970

5. Transportation and River Traffic by E. A. Jones (1 typed page)

6. Divers find artifacts in Lake Maurepas, Livingston Leader, May 9, 1984; Grant given to explore Blood River, Livingston Leader, January 30, 1985

7. History Dolph Diaz Lake

8. History of Key’s Lake

9. History of Parker Branch

10. History of Sandy Bayou

11. History of Simeon Branch

12. History of Willis Bayou

13. History of Turnpike Road, Livingston Parish, Louisiana, by Clark Forrest, Jr.,
February 18, 1976

14. Newspaper clippings about railroads

Articles about People of Livingston Parish

15. Letter to James Minton, Denham Springs News concerning Livingston Parish residents
from Clark Forrest, Jr., April 15, 1975

16. Treasured Days, a special section dedicated to those fifty-five and over, Denham Springs-Livingston Parish NEWS, May 31, 1990

17. Abels, Charles “Bubbie” Abels (Springfield), Denham Springs News, January 10, 1985

18. Remembering a lifetime of service, story on Rubye C. Abels (Springfield), by Joe
Minton, n. d.

19. Allen Family Histories, by Anita Buess (7 typed pages)

20. Rev. W. B. (Billy) Allen, by Joe E. Minton (2 typed pages)

21. Articles about Dawson Andrews (Port Vincent); Faith, hope sustains paralyzed youth,
Denham Springs & Livingston Parish, NEWS, October 16, 1980; Paralyzed area man hopes to bag deer with new setup, Denham Springs-Livingston Parish NEWS, December 3, 1987

22. Poem written in memory of Houston Baker (Albany resident) by daughter Sue Baker
in 1977

23. The Barber Brothers (Springfield), Gospel Musical, Jan.-Feb. 1982; Livingston Gospel Group Keeps Harmony, Daily Star, September 27, 1982

24. Article about Ellis Barnet (Denham Springs), Denham SpringsLivingston Parish News, August 31, 1987

25. Newspaper clipping about windmill of Mr. Thomas Barrios in Hungarian Settlement,
Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, June 22, 1981

26. Article about Price “Pappy” Bendily (Denham Springs), Denham resident makes beautiful
music with [steer] horns, Denham Springs and Livingston Parish, NEWS, December 24, 1981



BOX 5 Continued


27. Local Woman, now 90, Shares Rich Memories, Sammie Cayce Brecheen Benton, (Denham
Springs), Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, July 2, 1987

28. Newspaper clippings on Henry Bobak (Springfield); After 53 Years, Brothers Reunited
(Henry and Bruno Bobak), Morning Advocate, n. d.; Yes, children, there really is a Santa Claus, Morning Advocate, December 4, 1983; and Santa Claus dies at 68, Daily Star, February 2, 1986

29. Poetry by Anita Durand Buess

30. Newspaper clipping on Louis Carlisle, Friends Recall Days With DSHS Principal,
Denham Springs-Livingston Parish NEWS, May 23, 1985

31. Newspaper clipping about Chandler’s Department Store, Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, September 13, 1984

32. This is your life, James Ernest Chandler (Doyle), by Mrs. Ellazean Chandler Hoover

33. Descendants Remember Walker Confederate With New Grave Marker (John W. Clayton),
Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, July 11, 1985

34. Cockerham (Denham Springs) overcomes Fear, Sightless, but brave, Denham Springs-Livingston Parish NEWS, December 24, 1981

35. Chamber honors country agent, Reymond D’Armond, Denham Springs and Livingston Parish NEWS, April 2, 1981; Brochure, Louisiana presents Reymond D’Armond, NACAA Vice-President

36. A history of the Davidsons

37. Judge Dawkins (Denham Springs) Plans Retirement, Daily Sun, December 13, 1977

38. Sally Dixon (Denham Springs), Still active at 85, Denham Springs-Livingston Parish NEWS, June 2, 1980

39. Newspaper clipping on making syrup near Albany, Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, November 16, 1987.

40. Article on Judge Leon Ford III (Livingston Parish Judge), In another time, judge
may have been railroad man, Sunday Advocate, January 10, 1982

41. Article on Clark Forrest Jr., Personality of the Week, Denham Springs-Livingston Parish NEWS, August 19, 1982

42. Articles about Thomas Freeman (Free man of color-Springfield), by Arthur Perkins,
n. d., Bicentennial Notes, Hammond Vindicator (xerox copy), June 26, 1975, letter from Clark Forrest, Jr. to Tom Sharp, September
7, 1978

43. Article on making shingles, [Sidney] Gabriel’s (Head of Island) Riving Shakes
Again, But Now He’s Taking It Slow, Morning Advocate, August 1, 1977

44. Newspaper clipping of Alfred Gray, Age No Deterrent To Doing Lord’s Work, Denham Springs and Livingston Parish News, August

45. Article about Billy Grout (Walker), Personality of the Week, Denham Springs-Livingston Parish NEWS, July 22, 1982

46. Clyde Hood’s (Port Vincent Native) 90 Years, Denham Springs and Livingston Parish News, October 15, 1989

47. Articles about Mrs. Willie Dee Hoover, Mother of Nine Tops Century Mark; Albany
Students Plant Trees as Tribute to Long-Time Teacher, Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, May 8, 1986 and February 11, 1988



BOX 5 Continued


48. Photographs from the past: W. G. Hoover II, Kibler Sibley, and Inez Murray (Livingston)

49. Newspaper clipping about Russell Hutchinson, police chief of the Village of Albany,
June 24, 1982

50. Sidney Hutchinson, patriarch of Corbin has memories of once thriving community,
Livingston Leader, July 24, 1985

51. A Family Narrative, Juhasz

52. Tom and David Kelly (Denham Springs), Brothers, both Marines, Make Joint Visit
Home in 22 Years, Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, August 24, 1987

53. Watson sisters [Jo Ann Landry and Lea Phillips] Create Cajun Enterprise, Denham Spring-Livingston Parish News, August 16, 1984; Legend of the Geaux Pax (Brochure)

54. Newspaper article, Livingston Deputies Make Music, Daily Star, September 2, 1982

55. Nancy T. McCon and Rose Ann Stewart, Holden High School, Winners of Teacher Writing
Contest, Sunday Advocate Magazine, September 20, 1987

56. Livingston Parish Resident Recalls Timber Heyday, Harris McCullough (Livingston),
Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, May 8, 1980

57. Elderly Satsuma man was around before community got its name, John Robert McLin,
Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, n.d.

58. Doyle Deacon (A. B. McMorris) honored for 50 years service, Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, n.d.

59. Family helped man lead long, happy life (Drakeford McMorris-Livingston), Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, February 20, 1984

60. Mayor Eddie Millet (French Settlement); Middle East Familiar Territory to Mayor,
Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, November 3, 1980; Growing old: `You can Laugh or Cry,’ Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, August 22, 1985

61. George Milton (Walker) still lining up on rodeo circuit, Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, October 8, 1981

62. Walker man (Tullie B. Milton) earns Legion honor at State Convention, Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, July 2, 1981

63. Family Records of Joseph Minton

64. Joe Minton’s Autograph Book and small New Testament Bible

65. Joseph Minton’s Personal and Miscellaneous Items

66. Denham Springs Auction with Fleet O’Bryant as auctioneer, Sunday Advocate, April 3, 1983

67. Sam King, [Rick] O’Shea Writes Final Column, Sports Shots, Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, January 7, 1985

68. Dewey Ratcliff (Springfield) leaving Mayor’s Office, unidentified newspaper, n.

69. `Uncle Jack’ [Ratcliff] (Bayou Barbary) looks forward to new jury term, Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, May 5, 1980

70. Newspaper article about quilting techniques of Wendy Read, Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, March 12, 1987

71. C. V. Richard (Port Vincent), parish magician loves laughter, Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, September 1, 1980

72. Springfield has its own Betsy Ross [Laurie Round], Daily Sun, n. d.



BOX 5 Continued


73. Sulky’s Horses and Bantams, Edward Schuyler (Albany), River Parishes News, December 2, 1985

74. Store in Springfield in fourth generation of Settoon operation, Sunday Shopping Guide, May 28, 1978; Settoon Store’s family tradition still going strong, Morning Advocate, November 25, 1983

75. Starkey Family History

76. D. K. Summers, 60 years of finding good water, Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, 1977

77. Brochure and newspaper clippings about Linda Threeton’s Bayou Artwork, River Parishes News, October 7, 1986 and June 9, 1987

78. Letter from Karl Treen to Clark Forrest, Jr, December 3, 1983

79. History of John Threeton, by Iris Stilley

80. History of the Tucker Family, Discovering the Family Tree, Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, June 29, 1989

81. Mrs. Idee Wascom, Holden postmaster retires after 30 years service, Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, January 30, 1985

82. Mrs. Tee Watson, Seale Funeral Home Employee, Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, n. d.

83. Family history of Warry A. Watts (1 typed page)

84. Herman Wilkinson (Walker) Sheriff’s Radio Chief, Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, n. d.

85. Old Seaman, Livingston Parish Artist Learned his Craft at Sea; Never Tried to
Sell Work, Hulos Willie (Denham Springs), Sunday Advocate, September 8, 1985

86. Gary Wimberly, Personality of the Week, Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, January 17, 1985

87. Mr. and Mrs. John Zachary (Port Vincent), adopts Central American Baby, Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, August 26, 1985





Churches in Livingston Parish

1. Amite Baptist Church Program of Dedication, 1841-1956, Denham Springs June 24, 1956; Church stays young for 150 years, Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, September 29, 1991; newspaper clipping, unidentified newspaper, n. d.

2. Memo on Bethel Baptist Church, n. d.

3. Calvary Baptist Church Owes Existence to Work of Membership, Denham Springs News, August 13, 1959

4. Denham Springs Church of Christ

5. Denham Springs Christian Assembly

6. Eden Baptist Church Centennial Program, 1871-1971

7. First Baptist church of Denham Springs, Anniversary Programs; Fiftieth, 1900-1950
(2 copies); 55th, 1900-1955, May 15, 1955; 75th, 1900-1975; 80th, 1900-1980; Our Church
Directory for 1962-1963

8. [First Fundamental Baptist Church] operates `one-room’ school, Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, October 27, 1980

9. First Methodist Church is Oldest Church in City; Services Held in Modern Plant
on Mattie St., Denham Springs News, August 13, 1959

10. First Presbyterian Church (Denham Springs) is Served by Rev. Morrison, Denham Springs News, August 13, 1959

11. First United Pentecostal Church of Denham Springs

12. Friendship United [Methodist Church] Celebrates Anniversary, Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, October 17, 1985

13. Galilee Baptist Church of Haynes Settlement information given by Mrs. Susan Haynes
Hampton and Mr. Louis Simmons and collected by Arthur L. Perkins, January 28, 1975

14. Gray’s Creek Baptist Church information researched by Mr. D. C. Neams accumulated
from Mr. Elmo Hood and others of the community

15. Hebron Baptist Church (Denham Springs); 114 Years of History of the Hebron Baptist
Church, unidentified newspaper clipping, November 20, 1951; Oldest Baptist Church,
River Parishes

News, December 9, 1985; 150 Years Young, Hebron Baptist Celebrates Landmark Anniversary,
Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, April 30, 1987; Rev. Joel B. Lucas Celebrates 22 Years at Hebron, Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, April 27, 1987; Homecoming 1989 Booklet containing Church Minutes for 1949

16. Hebron Baptist Church (Denham Springs) and Pine Grove Baptist Church Celebrate
Milestones, Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, May 10, 1990

17. Hungarian Presbyterian church Seventy-fifth Anniversary Program, March 13, 1983

18. Immaculate Conception Catholic Church Planning New $500,000 Church Building in
Near Future, Denham Springs News, August 13, 1959; Catholic Church Celebrates Anniversary, Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, n. d.

19. History of Live Oak Methodist church, 2 typed pages and a newspaper clipping

20. Macedonia Baptist Church (north of Albany) information collected from Mrs. Selders
by Arthur L. Perkins, January 29, 1975; The Young People’s Teacher, March 1963



BOX 6 Continued


21. Macedonia Baptist Church (north of Holden); Holden Church Oldest in Livingston
Parish, Daily Star Shopping Guide, August 24, 1977; Oldest Baptist Church Building in Livingston Parish Still Used,
Sunday Advocate, May 7, 1978; Macedonia Church on National Register, Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, July 28, 1980

22. Magnolia Baptist Church (north of Holden) Dedicates Sanctuary, Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, February 11, 1980; one page typed history of Magnolia Baptist Church

23. Northside Baptist Church (Denham Springs) Has Seen Tremendous Growth Since Organization
Here Few Years Ago, Denham Springs News, August 13, 1959

24. A Synoptic History of Pine Grove Baptist Church, Guide to Savings, Vol. 4, No. 21, August 2, 1951

25. The history of Red Oak Baptist church, original manuscript compiled from information
provided by its membership and former staff, April 15, 1983 (19 typed pages)

26. Red Oak Methodist Episcopal Church South (Livingston), 1 typed page

27. St. Francis Episcopal Mission of Denham Springs (newspaper clipping)

28. St. Margaret’s Catholic church, 75 Years, 1910-1985 (xerox copy of booklet); Ecumenical
Prayer Service Program, October 18, 1985; Nuns Recall 40 Years of Work, Daily Star, November 24, 1967

29. Salem Baptist church Celebrates Historic Heritage, Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, October 1, 1981; Program of 100th Birthday

30. Walker Baptist Church; Fiftieth Anniversary, 1907-1957 (3 copies); History of
Walker Baptist Church, 60th Anniversary, March 26, 1967; Baptist Church to Celebrate
Anniversary, Denham Springs News, March 25, 1982; Church Directory, n. d.

31. Meditation Thoughts, by Lorene Myers

32. “What Does the Bible Say?,” Typed copies of articles which appeared in the Livingston Leader, November 28, 1984-August 21, 1985

Schools in Livingston Parish

33. “Life of Teacher in Parish Schools,” [1860s and 1870s] by John Z. Underwood

34. Contract between Edmon Salassi, Jr. and Livingston Parish School Board dated June
11, 1898

35. Livingston Parish schools, Summary reports 1979, 1980, 1981

36. Written Notes on Livingston Parish black educators collected by Arthur Perkins

37. Bracing for White Flight [from Baton Rouge to Livingston Parish], Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, May 7, 1981

38. List of School Superintendent in Livingston Parish; A graph showing number of
graduates for 25 years, 1936-37 through 1960-61; Former School Superintendent Killed
in Head-on Collision, H. L. Pearce, Jr., Denham Springs and Livingston Parish News, February 21, 1980; Funeral Services Held for Retired Educator, Denham Springs and Livingston Parish News, August 19, 1982

39. Newspaper clippings about Livingston Parish School Board in Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News; Union-only Contracts Ruled Out in School Construction, February 15, 1982; School
Board Members Accept Tax Defeat, April 8, 1982; Walker School Zones on Board’s Agenda,
March 18, 1982; New School Zone Created, March 22, 1982; School Board Members Hear
complaints of Incompetency, April 1, 1982



BOX 6 Continued


40. Albany High School Class program, 1927; Lady Hornet Award Winners, Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, May 6, 1990

41. Newspaper photo of Carthage School, 1904

42. List of Denham Springs High School graduation class of 1939; Program for Fortieth
Anniversary of Denham Springs High School, August 16, 1980; Paper read at graduation;
Xeroxed photo of the cast of Ivanhoe at Denham Springs High School in 1912; Newspaper
photo of a Denham Springs School, unidentified newspaper, n. d., Program of First Annual Amite River Bowl, December 4, 1971; Gym Memories, Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, July 10, 1980; Early teams Brought State Notice to Denham Springs, Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, December 16, 1985

43. Denham Springs High School Jacket Racket, November 17, December 8 and 19, 1967

44. History of Denson School (1 typed page)

45. Newspaper photo of Doyle’s 1953 basketball team, Livingston Leader, November 19, 1986, newspaper photo of Doyle High School, newspaper photo of Doyle
High School’s 1969 Band, Livingston Leader, December 10, 1986

46. History of Fourth Ward School (7 miles north of Albany) written by C. D. Bond

47. French Settlement high school class reunion booklet, Classes of 1940, 1941, 1942,
1943, and 1944, September 15, 1979

48. Live Oak Herald (Live Oak High School Newspaper, May 4, 1970; May 21, 1971 (2 copies); May 23, 1972

49. History of Maurepas School (Also two photos)

50. Seventh Ward School Building to go (Denham Springs), Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, February 4, 1985

51. Springfield High School Annual Homecoming Invitational Basketball Tournament, November
20-22, 1958
(Program); Other xeroxed articles about Springfield schools.

52. About Walker School in the Early 1900s, unidentified newspaper, n. d.





Doctors, Hospitals, and Jails in Livingston Parish

1. Doctors who Practiced in Livingston Parish copied from February 18, 1965 Denham
Springs News compiled by Mrs. Hazel Freeman Hartman (manuscript); Beloved Physician
of Holden Dies After 44 Years of Service, State Times, May 30, 1955

2. Dr. George Colmer (1807-1878) Preserver of Primary Information on Livingston Parish
by Clark Forrest, Jr.; Dr. Colmer and the Parish Seat of Livingston by Joe E. Minton;
Doctor’s Writings aid Historians (2 newspaper clippings)

3. Summary & Conclusions (Paper written May 18, 1961 stating reasons for a hospital
in Livingston Parish); Program of Formal Dedication of Dixon Memorial Hospital, February
21, 1965; Livingston Parish to Dedicate Hospital, Sunday Advocate, February 21, 1965

4. Newspaper clippings and statistics on Dixon Memorial Hospital, 1980s

5. Newspaper clippings of Livingston Parish sheriffs and jails, 1980s


6. Several “Bull in a concrete pasture” articles by Gene Clark, 1986

Florida Parishes Information

7. Louisiana Historical Review Featuring Tangipahoa, Livingston, Ascension Parishes, n.d.

8. Newspaper clippings, newsletters on the Florida Parishes

9. History of the Florida Parishes, by Joe Minton

10. West Florida Rebellion, 14 page typed history and a xeroxed newspaper clipping,
unidentified, n. d.

11. 178-Year-old Newspaper Tells of Kemper Rebellion Kidnapping, Hammond Vindicator, March 16, 1983

12. The Cypress Herald published by Holiday Inn, n. d. (2 copies), contains articles about Florida Parishes

St. Helena Parish

13. St. Helena Parish Officials, 1832

14. St. Helena in Verse by Anita Durand Buess

Tangipahoa Parish

15. Tangipahoa Centennial, A Year of Celebration Under Way, Sunday Advocate, Magazine Section, February 2, 1969

16. The Crossroads of Opportunity, Facts and Figures, Tangipahoa Parish, Louisiana


17. Ability to Introduce Musicians Comes Naturally to Hank Jones (Baptist), Daily Star, n. d.; Old South Still Packs ’em In, Denham Springs and Livingston Parish News, March 20, 1980; Old South: `Because I Love Country Music,’ Sunday Advocate Fun Section, April 24, 1981; Old South Jamboree Hall Closes, Sunday Advocate, February 16, 1986

18. [Billy] Quin: Courts Have Changed (First assistant district attorney in the state’s
21st Judicial District), 1980s

19. Home Where the Buffalo Roam (Tangipahoa Parish), Sunday Advocate, June 10, 1984



BOX 7 Continued



20. Map of Downtown Hammond, Daily Star, September 27, 1984

21. Anything Goes TV show, (Hammond–Strawberry Stadium) Daily Star, January 30, 1976

22. Crossroads of the Deep South, Hammond, Louisiana, Community Profile Booklet; Louisiana Community Profile, Hammond, Booklet; Alley Square, Souvenir Issue, Heritage, Hammond, Louisiana, Daily Star, May 6, 1984; Hammond Heritage Day (Brochure)

23. Hammond Centennial Booklet, published by the Daily Star,

October 15, 1989

24. Newspaper clipping of picture of Casa de Fresa Hotel model

25. Brochure about First Christian church, n. d.

26. Grace Episcopal church Organized During Civil War, unidentified newspaper, n.

27. Church Plans Celebration [Holy Ghost church], Sunday Star, October 16, 1977

28. Hodding Carter, Jr., The Crusading City Newspaperman, Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, October 15, 1989

29. Sun Newspaper, January 30, 1977 (Picture of Employees)

30. Hammond Vindicator Moves Next Door, Hammond Vindicator, November 24, 1982

31. Beauty Queen has Inner Glow, Newspaper article on Ida Starkey (Hammond), Sunday Advocate, August 10, 1986

32. Congressman Remembers Era of Old-time Politics, unidentified newspaper, n. d.;
Inauguration is `Class Reunion,’ unidentified newspaper, n. d.; Former Congressman
Jimmy Morrison Recalls Many Incidents in his Long Association with Former President
Harry S. Truman, The Register, January 6, 1973; Program from Dedication Ceremonies of the Morrison Room at Linus
A. Sims Memorial Library, February 1, 1987

33. Brochure about Hammond State School dated September 1977; Hammond State School,
manuscript dated March 18, 1980; Hammond State School Offers Tender Loving Care to
Mentally Retarded, Denham Springs and Livingston Parish News, July 3, 1980

34. Newspaper articles on Louisiana Balloon Festival & Air Show at Hammond Airport,
Daily Star & Shopping Guide, May 27, 1987

35. SLU Enjoys Another Banner Year, Daily Star, January 30, 1976

36. Southeast Louisiana Historical Association Spring Banquet Program, 1982

37. Southeastern Louisiana University, Celebrating 60 Years of Academic Excellence,
Daily Star, October 16, 1985

38. Article on Dr. David Shepherd of SLU about his turtle experiment, Daily Star, n. d.


39. Charles R. Genovese, Independence Physician Proposes 13-Month Calendar

40. Paper on Italian culture, n. d.

41. Newspaper article, “Stern Justice Took Six Lives for One,” Sunday Advocate, May 10, 1964



BOX 7 Continued


Manchac and Ponchatoula

42. Announcement of Public Meeting to Initiate a Study of Bayou Manchac and the Amite
River, August 4, 1977; Agenda for Meeting; News Release; Speeches by Mr. Arthur Theis,
Chief Engineer of the State of Louisiana, and Col. Early J. Rush III about a navigable
connection between Bayou Manchac and the Mississippi River; Life and Death of a Small
Stream, Bayou Manchac, Sunday Advocate Magazine, March 31, 1963; Manchac-River Link Study Opposed, Morning Advocate, August 5, 1977; Manchac Project Under New Study, Morning Advocate, n. d.; Industrial Complex May be Reality Soon at North Pass, Sunday Advocate, August 7, 1977

43. Maps show drastic changes in swamp, Expensive Alternatives Proposed to Salt Water,
Daily Star, August 26, 1981; Area Swamps Lose 17,000 Acres, Daily Star, n. d.; Swamps Seem Barren to Ex-lumber Workers, Daily Star, September 1985; Old-timer Recollections of Manchac Swamp Being Recorded, Sunday Advocate, January 19, 1986

44. History of Ponchatoula (xeroxed copy)

45. Millville (Ponchatoula), Daily Star, September 30, 1982

46. Hammond Daily Star, Strawberry Festival, 1979, 1980, 1982, 1983, 1984





Manchac and Ponchatoula Continued

1. Alligator Hardhide of Ponchatoula, also Klieberts Farm; Livingston Parish News, July 29, 1985; Daily Star, August 27, 1985

2. Florida Parishes Genealogical Newsletter, Vol. 8, 1986, Wetmore Cemetery

Roseland and Tangipahoa

3. A History of Roseland (Arcola), clipping from Unidentified Newspaper, n. d.

4. Village of Tangipahoa, Heritage ’76, Bicentennial, April 4, 1976 (Souvenir Booklet)


5. Newspaper clipping on what the Louisiana parishes are named for, unidentified newspaper,
n. d.

6. The Louisiana Police Jury System, prepared by South Central Bell; Map showing the Twelve Original Counties in Louisiana
Under United States Rule, 1804

7. Maps of Louisiana; Vicinity Map; Louisiana Aeronautical Chart, 1975; Putting Louisiana
on the Map, Collecting Ancient Maps, Morning Advocate, December 10, 1982

8. A Traveler’s Guide to Louisiana, n. d.; Louisiana, The Power of It’s People and The Glory of Their Deeds, n. d.; See and Savor the historic excitement of Louisiana (Brochure), n. d.

9. Louisiana Purchase Brochure; Louisiana Tricentennial, 1682-1982 (Booklet of pamphlets)

10. Evolution, Revolution Not New to Louisiana, Sunday Advocate Magazine, June 12, 1988

11. Louisiana’s Contributions to the Nation’s Economy, by Timothy Marvin Duffy (Doyle
High School)

12. Bicentennial Issue of the Sun, July 4, 1976, contains stories on Louisiana history

13. Archaeologists seek DeSoto trip Artifacts, Livingston Leader, August 6, 1986

14. Prehistoric Louisiana, 250 Million Years Ago you Wouldn’t Have Recognized Your
Own State, Sunday Advocate Magazine, August 30, 1987

15. State Times, December 14, 1945 (Front Page)

16. 6 Types of Colonial Coin Circulated in Louisiana, Advocate Magazine, Sept. 24, 1978

17. Mélanges, Louisiana House Types, A Field Guide Number 2, September 27, 1971, by Milton B. Newton, Jr., Museum of Geoscience, LSU,
Baton Rouge

18. Our German Heritage, Early German Immigrants Gave Louisiana A lot More Than Good
Lager Beer, Sunday Advocate Magazine, October 9, 1983

19. Newspaper articles and reports on forest products and trees in Louisiana

20. An economic analysis of the Louisiana strawberry industry, by Jagjit S. Brar and Wayne L. Sterling, Center for Business and Economic Research,
SLU, Hammond, LA, February 1980, Report No. 1-80

21. Growing Strawberries in the Southeastern and Gulf Coast States, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Farmers’ Bulletin No. 2246, June 1972; Growing Strawberries in Louisiana, LSU Cooperative Extension Service, July 1975

22. Act for creation of Louisiana Strawberry Marketing Board, House Bill No. 1737,
Regular Session, 1977, by Mr. Hebert; Typed Articles; Newspaper Clippings about strawberry

23. CCC Camps, Newspaper clipping and report by Joe Minton


24. Louisiana News Media Directory, 1985


BOX 8 Continued



25. State Capitol History; The State Capitol Unseen, Sunday Advocate Magazine, November 30, 1986; Capitols Embody Louisiana History, Sunday Advocate, March 13, 1988

26. Louisiana Government Guide, 1966-67

27. 20 Years of Louisiana politics, 1950-1970

28. Lotteries Have A History in Louisiana, Sunday Advocate, January 19, 1986

29. Newspaper clipping of governor results since 1928, unidentified newspaper, n.

30. Program of The Inaugural Ceremonies of State Officials of Louisiana, May 10, 1976

31. Ex-governors Predict Big Problems for Roemer, Sunday Advocate, March 13, 1988

32. Newspaper clippings about Huey Long

33. I Remember Earl [Long], Gris Gris, Vol. 3, No. 32, June 15-21, 1976

34. Pamphlet on “The Story of Sam Jones,” Calcasieu Candidate for Governor Worked
Way While at L. S. U. (Reprinted from The Shreveport Times, October 1, 1939)

35. Jimmie Davis Praised at SLU Symposium, Morning Advocate and Daily Star, September 24, 1982; The Sunshine Singing Governor, Sunday Advocate Magazine, May 19, 1985; program, The Friends of Jimmie Davis, November 8, 1984, Bellemont,
Baton Rouge

36. Russell Long, Sunday Advocate Magazine, December 8, 1985; Long’s Goodbye Had Some Nostalgia But No Regrets, Sunday Advocate, December 28, 1986; 1985 Christmas card from Russell Long; Photograph and Biography
of Russell Long






1. A Tale of the Bowie Knife, Baton Rouge history in 1800’s Blacksmithery, Sunday Advocate, October 8, 1978

2. Cemeteries are for the Living [New Orleans-Baton Rouge], Sunday Advocate Magazine, November 29, 1987

3. Anderson, Bill, Po Folks restaurant, Sunday Advocate, Dec. 10, 1982

4. The USS Kidd Brings Back Special Memories, Ford Richardson, Sunday Advocate Magazine, September 1, 1985

5. Newcomers 1983, Morning Advocate, September 22, 1983

6. The L.S.U. Rural Life Museum (Booklet), n. d.

7. LSU School of Journalism Research Bulletin, Press Coverage of Louisiana’s Shifting Role During the American Revolutionary Period,
1763-1783, Analysis of Coverage in Selected Newspapers of the American Colonies, England,
France, and Spain, by Dr. Elsie S. Hebert, Assistant Professor of Journalism, School
of Journalism, Louisiana State University, Published by Journalism Extension Service,
Vol. 1, No. 5, February 1978

8. Le Baton Rouge, Spring 1988

9. Retracing the Steps of Famed Naturalist [from Philadelphia to Baton Rouge], William
Bartram, Sunday Advocate Magazine, August 14, 1983; Stem and Stamen Discusses Bartram, Bartram’s Travels, News-Digest, November 18, 1976

10. A Baton Rouge `Phenomenon’ [UFO], Sunday Advocate Magazine, February 4, 1979

11. The Concord Omnibus, Concord, Minnesota, January 4, 1890 (Contains a story about a New Orleans Man)

12. New Orleans, Special Bicentennial Issue, July 1975

13. Louisiana Swamp Exhibit, A guide to the cultural exhibits and a brief history of man in the swamp (Audubon
Zoological Garden)

14. Old St. Patrick’s, New Orleans Church Brochure

15. Clinton Man Keeps Grist Mill Going, Sunday Advocate, February 3, 1985

16. Audubon, St. Francisville Honors Its Most Famous `Visitor,’ Sunday Advocate, March 3, 1985

17. Livonia (Pointe Coupee Parish) General Store, Sunday Advocate, August 24, 1986

18. Acadians, News Releases; Newspaper Article, 1984; Beau Cajun Sketches by Floyd
Sonnier (Brochure)

19. Map of Gonzales (Ascension Parish), n. d.

20. He Really Knows the Swamp, Deputy Wayne Norwood (LaPlace–St. John the Baptist
Parish) Louisiana Treasures Museum, Observer, February 23, 1989

21. Doug Kershaw (Cameron Parish) Updates His Image, Morning Advocate, n. d.

22. Ed Johnson’s (Plaquemine, Iberville Parish) Antique World of Amusement machines,
Sunday Advocate, July 20, 1986

23. Tourist attraction, Mound (Madison Parish), Sunday Advocate, June 1, 1986

24. Piney Hills Country an information guide to North Central Louisiana, n. d.

25. Bethlehem, Louisiana (Claiborne Parish), Sunday Advocate Magazine, December 20, 1987



BOX 9 Continued



26. Minutes of the Eastern Louisiana Baptist Association, 1937, 1945, 1952, 1956, 1957, 1958, 19611962, 1974, and 1980

27. Family history of the Huntstocks

28. Cajun Cooking Coast to Coast, Sunday Advocate Magazine, June 22, 1986

29. Cajun humor, unidentified newspaper, n. d.

30. Crawfish, Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Backyard Mudbugs, Sunday Advocate Magazine, March 31, 1985

31. Border Collie Indispensable to Tangipahoa Parish Farmer, Sun, May 25, 1977; Catahoula Dog Trials Set for September 27-28, Denham Springs and Livingston Parish News, September 15, 1980; Coondogs Lie in Own Cemetery, Sunday Shopping Guide, January 19, 1986; On the Catahoula Trail, Sunday Advocate, December 27, 1987; National Association of Louisiana Catahoulas Inc. (2 brochures)

32. Dixie Trail Ride, 6th Annual, February 11-18, 1984

33. Newspaper clippings about trail rides

34. Oversized Map – Official Aeronautical Chart of Louisiana, prepared by the Department
of Public Works, T. B. Herndon, Chief Aeronautics Division, Claude Kirkpatrick, Director,
and Jimmie H. Davis, Governor of Louisiana, 1961 edition (42 x 41)



BOX 10


United States Information

1. Maps and Travel Guide for the Rediscovery of America, Bicentennial Roadbook

2. Rand McNally Pocket Road Atlas, n. d.

3. Calendar pictures of America, 1986

4. U.S. News and World Report, November 1, 1982, American Justice, ABC’s of How It Really Works

5. Remembering Independence Day, Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, July 4, 1988

6. Declaration of Independence, Hammond Vindicator, n. d.

7. Newspaper clippings and student essays on What the U.S. Constitution Means to Me;
The Constitution of the United States of America, Distributed by Louisiana State Sovereignty Commission

8. Newspaper clippings about Statue of Liberty

9. Brochure, Let’s Be RIGHT on Flag Etiquette, Revised February 1959; I am Old Glory

10. The American Bald Eagle, Hammond Vindicator, n. d.

11. United States Census of Population, 1960, Louisiana, General Population Characteristics; United States Census of Population, 1960, Louisiana, Detailed Characteristics

12. 1970 Census of Population; 1970 Census of Housing, Newspaper clippings about population of Louisiana

13. Washington Had Sense of Humor, Sunday Advocate, December 2, 1984; History Gives Good Marks to First First Lady, Sunday Advocate, February 16, 1986

14. Lincoln’s Birthday Pulls Proclamation (Emancipation) From Museum Safe, Sunday Advocate, February 3, 1985; Newspaper article, Civil Rights of Mentally Ill Guaranteed, Sunday Advocate, May 21, 1978 (Mentions Mary Lincoln)

15. [Franklin D.] Roosevelt Album, The highlights in the life and work of the 32nd President of the United States,
c. 1945; Newspaper clippings about FDR

16. Bess, Margaret Truman Daniel’s Story of Her Mother, Sunday Advocate Parade, March 30, 1986; Margaret Truman’s Book Puts Her Mother in a Different Light, Sunday Advocate Magazine, June 22, 1986

17. News Release about Mrs. Martha Ellen Truman’s Funeral, Ninety-Four Year Old Mother
of the President

18. David Eisenhower Reflects on Ike, Sunday Advocate, October 19, 1986

19. November 22, 1963–an incident, `It all Seems So Long Ago,’ JFK assassination
by Clarence Doucet; unidentified newspaper, n. d.

20. Hoopla Only Frosting On Election Cake, Sunday Advocate, January 20, 1985; President Ronald Reagan’s Inauguration Today, Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, January 21, 1985

21. Capitol Brawling Restrained–Now, Unidentified Newspaper, n. d.

22. Book Examines Silver Dollars, Sunday Advocate, n. d.

23. The War We Almost Fought With France, An account of events in 1802-03, when we
geared for war against Napoleon Bonaparte over Louisiana, By Thomas Fleming, The American Legion, December 1971



BOX 10 Continued


24. Unto These Hills, A Drama of the Cherokee Indian, Twenty-first season, Cherokee, North Carolina (Souvenir Program 1970); News Release
about Sioux Calendar Researcher, Dr. Norman Higginbotham, November 4, 1982; Indian
Canoe Found Near Shreveport, Archaeology News, Vol. 1, No. 1, April 1984; Man who Found `Tunica Treasure’ Says All He Has Now is
Litigation, Sunday Advocate, June 23, 1985; Sequoyah’s Alphabet, Local computer Enthusiast Develops Software
Which Could Help Revive Cherokee Language, Sunday Advocate, January 5, 1986; News Release bout Marksville and Poverty Point, n. d.

25. Depression Days Revisited, Sunday Advocate Magazine, February 16, 1975; Optimism Despite Depression, Sunday Advocate, April 30, 1978; Oldtimers Say Today’s `Hard Times’ Mild by Comparison, Sunday Advocate, October 31, 1982

26. The American Newspaper, A special supplement issued in

conjunction with the seventy-fifth anniversary of the American Newspaper Publisher’s
Association, April 1962; The Newspaper Story, 1971 (Booklet); Publishers’ Auxiliary, Journalism Bicentennial History Series, Part IV: A Press for
the People
, September 25, 1975

27. History Recalls First Lunar Walk 15 Years Ago, Sunday Shopping Guide, July 15, 1984

28. Alaskans Remember Killer quake, Sunday Advocate, March 18, 1984; The Day San Francisco Was Wiped Off the Map, Sunday Advocate, April 13, 1986

29. Hurricane information and tracking map

30. July 4th In Old New York (Observance of America’s Bicentennial), July 4, 1976

31. Plimoth Plantation (Massachusetts), Witness the Daily Life of Pilgrims to the
New World in 1627, Sunday Advocate Magazine, November 16, 1986

32. Amish Mennonites Keep to Old Farming Customs (Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania), Hammond Shopping Guide, June 3, 1984

33. Portraits Show Natchez Had Black Middle Class, Sunday Advocate, February 16, 1986

34. Woodville, [MS] Sketches, A Pictorial Essay by Tommy Barnes, Country Roads, n. d.

35. Osyka Baptist Church Centennial History, 1870-1970


36. Consumer Information Catalog, Fall 1984

37. Thomas Edison, Inventor, Sunday Advocate, February 24, 1985

38. Here’s a Trivia Test: Name Dale Evans’ Horse, Daily Star, n. d.

39. Lorne Greene Has Fond Memories of Bootmaker Father, Morning Advocate, January 18, 1983

40. Gail Borden, Trailing the Man Who Created Condensed Milk, Sunday Advocate Magazine, April 13, 1986

41. [Lewis] Grizzard’s redneck chic Garners fans, Money”, Sunday Advocate, June 29, 1986

42. The Arkansas Legacy of Gerald L. K. Smith, Stars and Stripes Daily Magazine, January 20, 1972

43. Jimmy Stewart’s Hometown Plans Big Hoopla to Honor Favorite Son, Morning Advocate, n. d.

44. Hannibal Celebrates Twain’s 150th Birthday, Sunday Advocate Magazine, March 31, 1985

45. Dying Art is Shoemaker’s Life [Domenich DiMeola], Sunday

Advocate, November 9, 1986

46. Valedictorian Address made by William Freshwater at the Fairfield Illinois High
School April 15, 1893–Westward the Course of Empire Takes Its Way

47. He (Lee Case) Remembers `The Sundance Kid,’ Sunday Advocate, October 31, 1982

48. Jesse R. Guitreau, Adjustable Length Extension Invention

49. Stroll to Oregon Family Affair (Warringer), Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, July 24, 1980



BOX 11


1. Talented Local Musicians Favor Bluegrass, unidentified newspaper, n. d.; Bluegrass
Means Family to Musicians in Parish, Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, December 17, 1987

2. Is it Little Jimmy Dicken’s Turn This Year?, Sunday Advocate Fun Section, September 23, 1983

3. Jim and Jesse [McReynolds] (Grand Old Opry Stars) Share Their Brotherly Love, Morning Advocate, July 19, 1982

4. [Bill] Monroe Goes Underground, Morning Advocate, August 7, 1982

5. Country Music Legend Ernest Tubb Dies, Morning Advocate,

September 7, 1984; When Country Music Was Still Country, Morning Advocate, September 15, 1984

6. Singer Teddy Wilburn Faces Lonesome Trail Without Doyle, unidentified newspaper,
n. d.

7. Brochure about Hank Williams Museum

8. Ode to Billy Joe Sparks Celebration, Sun, May 26, 1976

9. Armadillos Make U.S. Comeback, Daily Star, June 22, 1982

10. Burros in Death Valley to be captured or killed, Sunday Advocate, November 24, 1985, Blueprints to build burros

11. Chicken brings to poor cheap, nutritious Meat, Daily Star, September 25, 1984

12. Mules Keep Place in Americans’ Hearts, Daily Star, July 24, 1985

13. Fear of Snakes, Sunday Advocate Magazine, February 22, 1987

14. Biologists Track Snow Leopard in the Wild, Daily Star, June 25, 1986

15. Aircraft (Newspaper Clippings)

16. A Special Place For Some Folks (old barns), The Advance Monticellonian, Mar. 13, 1980

17. Goodrich Blimps Have Ups and Downs, Sun, June 15, 1977

18. Mushrooms, The Mania Touches Louisiana, Sunday Advocate Magazine, April 6, 1986

19. One-Room Schools Few, But Existent, Sunday Advocate, April 13, 1986

20. Where `Silent Night’ Was Born, Sunday Advocate Magazine, November 29, 1987

21. Treasure Hunting, Sunday Advocate, June 1, 1986; Treasure Hunt Fruitless-But Still Fun, Sunday Advocate, July 10, 1988

22. Farewell, My Lovely (Volkswagen Beetles), Sunday Advocate Magazine, May 18, 1981

23. Pair Leaves No Tombstone Unturned in Historic Quest, Mercer County, Pennsylvania-Ohio
Border, Unidentified Newspaper, n. d.

24. Genealogical, Historical Books and Maps of Alabama, Georgia, Texas, North and South
; Searching for Your Ancestors on Microfilm, Louisiana Section, Office of the State Library; Genealogy Research in the Centroplex Library; Aids to Louisiana Research, Centroplex Library

25. Using space technology to uncover the secrets of the past, Sunday Advocate Magazine, July 6, 1986

26. Churchill daughter recounts family’s triumphs, tragedies, Morning Advocate, December 22, 1982

27. How Margaret Thatcher Learned To Lead A Nation, Sunday Advocate Parade, July 13, 1986

28. Miss World-U.S.A. 1764 Beauty Pageant, Binghamton, New York, September 14, 1974

29. Humor, My Mama, The underhanded: A True Story, Sunday Advocate Magazine, August 27, 1989

30. Cartoons



BOX 11 Continued



31. Air Force Newspaper Style Book

32. American Memorials and Overseas Military Cemeteries, 1970

33. Privateering Was Good War Business, Press and the American Revolution, Daily Star, January 30, 1976

34. Parkenham’s Eerie Journey, (Last Battle of War of 1812), Unidentified Newspaper,
n. d.

35. Owens Civil War Books, catalog 31, Richmond, Virginia; Western Americana, Woodland Park Bookstore, Lexington, KY

36. Civil War Battle Grounds, Sunday Advocate Magazine, June 24, 1990

37. Time of the Tigers, Louisiana at Gettysburg; Sunday Advocate Magazine, July 3, 1983; Gettysburg Tugs at Your Soul, Sunday Advocate Magazine, June 19, 1988

38. Where the Rebels and Bluebellies Fought it Out, Chattanooga, Tennessee, Sunday Advocate Magazine, April 27, 1986

39. Civil War and Livingston Parish; Under a Tattered But Proud Flag; The Battle of
the Tickfaw River, The Civil War’s Forgotten Battle (Between Holden and Montpelier);
The Hutchinson Cemetery

40. Confederates march again in Denham, Denham Springs-Livingston Parish News, July 12, 1989

41. Public Invited for Dedication of War Memorial, Livingston Leader, November 10, 1982 (4 copies)

42. The First Battle of Baton Rouge (Re-enactment of the 1779 skirmish), Sunday Advocate Magazine, September 20, 1987

43. 111 Years Ago Today A Battle Raged in Baton Rouge, Sunday Advocate, August 5, 1973; The Battle of Baton Rouge, Sunday Advocate, August 4, 1985

44. Fourth of July Fantasy: What Would Happen if you Fired All the Cannons in Baton
Rouge? BANG!, Sunday Advocate Magazine, July 3, 1988

45. Camp Moore Played Important Role in War, Daily Star, January 3, 1978; Tales From Tangipahoa,by Irene R. Morris, Curator Camp Moore Museum,
News Digest, March 16, 1978; Curator Details History of Camp Moore, Sunday Advocate, April 16, 1978; Camp Moore: A Louisiana Confederate Training Camp, by L. Eugene
Hampton, Jr. for Louisiana History 321, Mr. C. Howard Nichols, July 7, 1983; Brochure
about Camp Moore Louisiana State Commemorative Area; History of Camp Moore Log Cabin,
by Mrs. Eugene Watson, Sr.; Tangipahoa–From Indians to Industry, Louisiana Parish Government: May-June 1969 (1 page); Post Card with a drawing of Camp Moore in 1861; Xeroxed
copies of picture on Post Card

46. Civil War in Tangipahoa Parish, 8 Parts, by Colonel Edward Bacon, Sixth Michigan
Regiment, in Hammond Vindicator, April and May 1983

47. Ponchatoula’s Civil War Made of Many Skirmishes; Union Soldiers Got Drunk and
Tore Up the Town; Swamp nd River Skirmishes, by William E. Perrin, Daily Star, May 25-27, 1971

48. The Guns of Port Hudson, The Investment, Siege and Reduction, by David C. Edmonds (news release by The Acadiana Press)

49. The Incredible Saga of the CSS Arkansas, Feisty Confederate Ironclad’s Grave in
the Mississippi River at Baton Rouge, Sunday Advocate Magazine, August 3, 1986; Bailey’s Dam, Remains of Civil War Structure Documented, Sunday Advocate Magazine, September 21, 1986


BOX 11 Continued


50. [General] U.[lysses] S.[impson] Grant, by Bernard Vincent McMahon, Ponchatoula Times, July 22, 1982

51. General James Longstreet, The Life of Lee’s `Old Warhorse,’ Unidentified Newspaper,
November 12, 1981

52. Struggle to Save Tubman’s Church (the most famous conductor of the Underground
Railroad in the years before the Civil War), Morning Advocate, October 29, 1983

53. North’s Andersonville’ Still Sad (Pea Patch Island, Delaware), Sunday Advocate, December 2, 1984

54. Newspaper Clippings about Draft, 1980s

55. Retired General Remembers `black day’ of Pearl Harbor (Brig. Gen. Edward Stanley
Ott–Mount Herman), Unidentified Newspaper, December 7, 1978



BOX 12


1. Booklets: Through the Year…, American Field Service, 1961-62; Dachau Concentration-Camp; Denmark’s Memorial Park; The Open Air Museum Den Gamle By; Hilsen fra Arhus; Scottish National War Memorial, Official Guide; Britain, For All Members of American Expeditionary Forces in Great Britain; Edinburgh, For U. S. Armed Forces in U. K.; Brochures: Guide to the Concentration Camp Dachau; American Independence Day in Denmark; Pisa, Hotel Cerminus & Plaza; The Heart of Berlin, More Beautiful than ever before; Maps: BV-KARTE, Westdeutschland; Map of the Main Ways In and Out of Paris; Photographs: (6) 2″ x 3″ photographs of

2. Newspaper Clippings from World War II

3. Newspaper Clippings from World War II

4. Freckleton’s Little Children (About a bomber crashing into a school building where
39 children were busy at their lessons), by Joe Minton

5. Newspaper Clippings about World War II (1980s)

6. Newspaper Clipping about Sgt. Russell Willie

7. Newspaper Clippings about D-Day

8. News Release from Congressman Henson Moore about Memorial Wall List Honoring War
Dead, March 24, 1984 (At the U.S.S. Kidd Nautical Historic Center in Baton Rouge);
Heroes in April in Okinawa, Poem by Joe Armstrong, April 1, 1986; Officers and Crew
Members of the USS Kidd and Her Sister Ship, the USS Abbot, Who were killed in World
War II

9. Casualty List of Livingston Parish War Dead

10. Redstick Record, Published Monthly by the 8513 Air Force

Recovery Group Information Office, No. 3, April; No. 4, May; No. 5 June-July; No.
6, December 1962

11. American Legion, March, September, and October 1991

12. Newspaper Clippings About Vietnam War Remembrances, 1980s



BOX 13


1. Great Headlines of the 20th Century

2. Life, June 27 and December 26, 1969; February 1991

3. Salute, June and August 1946

4. Miscellaneous Drawings

Yank, The Army Newspaper

, 1942

5. August 5, 12, 26

6. September 2, 16, 23

7. October 21; November 11, 18, 25

8. December 2, 30; 1943, January 13, 27

9. March 5, 12, 19; April 2

10. June 18; July 9, 16

11. August 13, 27; September 17

Yank, The Army Newspaper

, 1944

12. November 3, 10, 17, 24

13. December 1, 8, 15, 22, 29



BOX 14


Yank, The Army Newspaper

, 1945

1. January, 5, 12, 19, 26

2. February, 2, 9, 16, 23

3. March, 2, 9, 16, 23, 30

4. April, 20, 27

5. May, 4, 11 (2 copies), 18, 25

6. June, 1, 8, 15, 22

7. July, 6, 13, 20, 27

8. August, 3, 10, 17, 24, 31

9. September, 7, 14, 21, 28

10. October, 5, 12, 19, 26

11. November, 2, 9, 16, 23, 30



BOX 15

1. West Florida Delineations, by Anita Durand Buess, 1985 (16 copies)

2. Poems of Anita Durand Buess, by Anita Durand Buess, 1986 (6 copies)

3. Original pages from the writings of Anita Durand Buess



On Newspaper Shelves-Closed Stacks


1-18Denham Springs News, September 18, 1941; February 19, March 12, April 9, May 14, May 21, May 28, June
4, June 11, July 18, 1942; June 3, 1943; March 16, 1944; August 17, 1944; Denham Spring-Livingston Parish News, July 26, 1982 (7 copies); September 20, 1982 through May 1992

19-21Livingston Parish Times, 1960-1963

22-25Times-Star, 1964-1971

26-29Livingston Leader, 1980-1987