Thomas C. Morgan Collection

Thomas C. Morgan Collection

Box 1

Irma Hyde’s Stenographer’s Notebooks (3)
The Flint-Goodridge Hospital and Nurse Training School, First Annual Report and
Circular of Information, 1916
Physician’s Bulletin Number Fifty-Two, 1926
Time books, 1918 (2)
Textbooks: Algebra, Qualitative Analysis, French, Latin, Chemistry, Standard Surgical
Instruments, Quadratics and Beyond,
Notebooks: Chemistry (2), Lectures by Metz at Tulane, Pathology, Synthesis, Dealing
with the Eye, Physical Therapeutics and Physiology, Physiology, and three unknowns
Journal, Notes on a baby

Large Flat Box

Sidney Hyde as a boy
Sidney Hyde as a LSU graduate 1906
Sidney Hyde- military WWI
Sidney Hyde – military portrait
Sidney Hyde Tulane 1909 Medical School photo
Irma Amaclia Hyde as a child in Amite


Sidney Hyde graduation certification 1909 Tulane
Sidney Hyde graduation LSU Military Diploma
Sidney Hyde Charity Hospital Shreveport Residency Certification 1910
Sidney Hyde medical license 1909 – state of Louisiana board of health
Sidney Hyde – state of Mississippi Medical license – 1908
Sidney Hyde ambulance surgeon 1910
Specialty Certification from Charity Hospital of Shreveport, LA

Irma Hyde’s Sketches

#1 woman
#2 outline of a woman
#3 a river
#4 family eating together
#5 cabin
#6 gambling
#7 forest
#8 lamppost
#9 church
#10 abstract
#11 man fishing
#12 forest
#13 three boys on a farm
#14 farm town
#15 inside of a room
#16 three women talking
#17 woman
#18 waterfall
#19 plant and a woman
#20 a house
#21 Santa Klaus
#22 Two people talking
#23 a cabin
#24 side of a house
#25 a railroad station
#26 a man
#27 a town+

Box 3

Photo album containing images of a children of the confederacy meeting
Children of the confederacy (COC) Scrapbook, Salome D. Kolman Chapter #447, 1980-
COC Scrapbook, Salome D. Kolman Chapter #447, 1977-1978
COC Scrapbook, Salome D. Kolman Chapter #447, 1973-1974
Photo Album containing images from Amite
Photo Album containing images from a gathering outside a chapel

Box 4
Box 4 File 1

  1.  Confederate monument with flowers in front
  2.  Confederate soldier reenactors
  3.  Gun salute at confederate monument
  4.  Family in front of confederate monument (6 copies)
  5.  Two relatives in front of Confederate monument (4 copies)
  6.  Two boys attend COC banquet
  7.  Two women attend COC banquet
  8.  COC banquet attendees
  9.  Girl and boy at COC banquet
  10.  Boy in front of cake at COC banquet
  11.  COC banquet
  12.  Three men at COC banquet
  13.  Group of people attending COC banquet
  14.  People standing in front of Confederate monument
  15.  Banquet for new Confederate memorial
  16.  Banquet for Confederate memorial
  17.  Singer playing guitar with American flags behind
  18.  Singer in Tangipahoa Parish at Confederate banquet celebrating a new Confederate
  19. Unveiling of a new Confederate monument in Tangipahoa Parish (2 copies)
  20. Crowd at Confederate monument unveiling
  21. Flowers at Confederate Monument
  22. Confederate reenactors
  23. Gun salute for Confederate monument
  24. Confederate monument cake
  25. Robert E. Lee statue in Lee Circle, New Orleans, Louisiana
  26. Possibly Edgar Lee Morgan, Thomas Morgan’s father


United Daughters of the Confederacy: Minutes of the one-hundred and eighth annual
general convention, UDC, Columbia, SC, 2001
Children of the Confederacy of the United Daughters of the Confederacy: minutes of the
fiftieth general convention, 2004
L’Advocat, Louisiana State University Law School Yearbook, 1995
L’Advocat, Louisiana State University Law School Yearbook, 1996
L’Advocat, Louisiana State University Law School Yearbook, 1994
The Golden Oak, Oak Forest Academy Yearbook, Amite, Louisiana, 1977
The Golden Oak, Oak Forest Academy Yearbook, Amite, Louisiana, 1974
The Golden Oak, Oak Forest Academy Yearbook, Amite, Louisiana, 1981
The Golden Oak, Oak Forest Academy Yearbook, Amite, Louisiana, 1978
The Golden Oak, Oak Forest Academy Yearbook, Amite, Louisiana, 1973
The Golden Oak, Oak Forest Academy Yearbook, Amite, Louisiana, 1980
Children of the Confederacy of the Daughters of the Confederacy program, 2005
Children of the Confederacy Louisiana Division, 74 th annual Convention program, 2006
Children of the Confederacy of the United Daughters of the Confederacy program for the
fiftieth annual convention, 2004
Battle of Baton Rouge by W.A. Spedale, 1985
Camp Moore United Daughters memoirs and favorite recipes
Le Souvenir, Southeastern Louisiana University yearbook, 1985 (2 copies)
Le Souvenir, Southeastern Louisiana University yearbook, 1983
Le Souvenir, Southeastern Louisiana University yearbook, 1980
Le Souvenir, Southeastern Louisiana University yearbook, 1983

Box 5
Children of the confederacy (COC) Scrapbook, Salome D. Kolman Chapter #447, 1978-

Box 6
3D objects
United Daughters of the Confederacy commemorative plate 1894-1969
“Aveno Sative” Labeled jar with lid, given to Hattie A. Hyde by Richie Hellmers the
owner of People’s Rexall Cash Pharmacy
Miniature bust of a man
Miniature bust of a man
Handmade confederate flag clothing patch
Camp Moore Confederate Museum Re-Opening Celebration t-shirt 1993 (3 copies)

Catalogued by Tristin Gaspard, January 2025