Shelf 1
New Orleans Jazz: A Family Album, Al Rose & Edmond Souchon
A Pictorial History of Jazz, Orrin keepnews and Bill Grauer, Jr.
The Book of Jazz from then till Now, Leonard Feather
Singing America, C.C. Birchard & Co.
The Original Dixieland Jazz Band, H.O. Brunn
The Book of European Light Opera, David Ewen
Seven Centuries of Popular Song, Reginald Nettel
The History of Jazz, Marshall W. Stearns (2 copies)
The Story of Jazz as Told by the Men Who Made It: Hear Me Talkin’ To Ya, Nat Shapiro and Nat Hentoff
The American Composer Speaks, Gilbert Chase
A Guide to Great Orchestral Music, Sigmund Spaeth
The Concert Companion: A Comprehensive Guide to Symphonic Music, Robert Bagar and Louis Biancolli
Baptist Hymnal, Walter Hines Sims
Papa Was in A Hurry, Gertrude S. Carruth
Singing Evangelism: Billy Graham Campaign Songs, Cliff Barrows
Coleman’s Songs For Men
Look and Live Songs
Great is the Lord
Crusader Hymns and Hymn Stories, Billy Graham Team
All What Jazz, Philip Larkin
Music Club Programs from All Nations, Arthur Elson
New Baptist Hymnal
Christian Worship, A Hymnal
The Real Jazz Old and New, Stephen Longstreet
Sportin’ House: New Orleans and the Jazz Story, Stephen Longstreet
The Cottons of Catahoula and Related Families, William Davis Cotton with Carole Cotton-Winn
The Ramond Family and Related Lines
The Journal of Mississippi History, January 1941, April 1944, October 1947, July 1949, July 1951, October 1951, Fall
It Happened Here: True Stories of Holly Springs, Olga Reed Pruitt
Uncle Harry, Harry Ernst Wierville
The Lyons Family, Charlton Havard Lyons
J.M. Price: Portrait of A Pioneer, Clyde Merrill Maguire
Abracadabra, or One Democrat to Another, Clayton Rand
Welty, Eudroa Welty
A Brief History of the War, Frederic Duncalf
The Dragoon Story
Daughter of the American Revolution Magazine, February 1953
Mississippi Travel Guides
El Nuevo Constante
LLA Bulletin, Winter 1998
The Louisiana Purchase Sesquicentennial
Chirping at Stars, Deane Settoon Mernagh
Mississippi Piney Woods: A Photographic Study of Folk Architecture, Patti Carr Black
Linda Visits New Orleans Coloring Book
Shelf 2
Saints or Horse Thieves, Damon A Veach
The Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1993
Ancestor Hunting, Mildred deWeir Smith Watkins
The Folk Songs of North America, Alan Lomax
The Folk Music Sourcebook, Larry Sandberg and Dick Weissman
American Mountain Songs, Ethel Park Richardson
Voice of Praise, BB McKinney
The Baptist Hymn and Praise Book, Lansing Burrows
Twice SS Plus Community Songs: The New Brown Book, C.C. Birchard and Co.
The Standard Concert Guide, George P. Upton and Felix Borowski
The Peoples Praise Book, Henry M. Sanders and George A. Lorrimer
Christian Praise, Broadman Press
Louisiana Composers, Louis Pamzani
Napoleon in Exile; Or, a Voice from St. Helena, the Opinions and Reflections of Napoleon
on the Most Important Events in His Life and Government, in His Own Words, Barry E. O’Meara, esq.-not found
The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Press
Gospel Hymns NQS 1 to 6 complete. For Use in Gospel Meetings and Other Religious Sources, Ira D. Sankey, James McGranahan,
and Geo C. Stebbins
Heart Songs (Dear to the American People), World Syndicate Company
Young Man with a Horn, Dorothy Baker
A History of Music, Educational Manuel Selected and Prepared by the editorial staff United States Armed
Forces Institute
Baptist Hymnal
The American Hymnal, Robert H. Coleman
The Modern Hymnal
Where the Word Ends: The Life of Louis Moreau Gottschalk, Vernon Loggins
Glorious is thy Name! B.B. McKinney, the Man and his Music, Robert J. Hastings
Guess My Name: Bible Quizzes, Mabel H. Haneen
Heavenly Highway Hymns, Compiled by Luther G. Presley
Modern Arithmetic, Elementary, Lyons + Carnahan
Dear Daughter Dorothy, A.G. Plympton
The World’s One Hundred Best Short Stories, Volume Ten, Grant Overton, Editor-in-Chief
The Works of E.P. Roe: Barriers Burned Away
Joe’s Luck, Horatio Alger, Jr.
The Broadman Hymnal, B.B. McKinney
Brierfield: Plantation Home of Jefferson Davis, Frank Edgar Everett, Jr.
The Marble Man: Robert E. Lee and His Image in American Society, Thomas L. Connelly
Civil War Handbook: A Civil War Research Associates Series, William H. Price
Heroic Years, Edwin Adams Davis
Mrs. Robert E. Lee, Rose Mortimer Ellizey MacDonald
Shelf 3
James Buchanan Eads: The Man Who Mastered the Mississippi, Arthur Orrmont
Recollections of Henry W. Allen, S.A. Dorsey
The Southerners, Cyprus Townsend Brady
Bride of Fortune, A Novel Based on the Life of Mrs. Jefferson Davis, Harnett T. Kane
The Traveling Man, Vincent H. Cassidy and Amos E. Simpson
Among the Cotton Thieves, Edward Bacon
Memories and Favorite Recipes, By Camp Moore Chapter no. 562 United Daughters of the Confederacy
The Oglethorpe Light Infantry, Lindsey P. Henderson, Jr.
Facts the Historians Leave Out: A Youth’s Confederate Primer, John S. Tilley
The Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1971.
Stories of Dixie, James W. Nicholson
Leather-bound family illustrated Bible, published 1886
Putnam’s Monthly: A Magazine of Literature, Science, and Art Vol. X, No. LVII, Sept.1857
“Beth Gelert: A Ballad” and “A Journey in Africa”
Duke of Marchmont; or The Ruined Gambler, George W. M. Reynolds, 1815-not found
Nights With Uncle Remus, 19th century, only pages 117-404
Complete Works of Lorenzo and Peggy Dow, 1849 (see Folder 1)
Folder 1-Supplementary Lorenzo and Peggy Dow documents including:
Excerpts from Reverend Lorenzo’s writings, newspaper articles, and correspondence
addressed to Irene Reid Morris about Lorenzo.
Hawaii Calender 1935 months Aug-Dec
Morris’ record book from 1975 – filled with notes and newspaper clippings
Appointment/Record book- Lion’s Club 1953 with articles, programs, etc.
Directory and Minutes of Annual Sacred Harp Singings, 1976-77′ (See Folder 2)
Folder 2- Supplementary material for harp singings, including newspaper articles and
papers (15 items)
The Baratarians and the Battle of New Orleans, Jane Lucas de Grummond, 1961
The Battle of New Orleans: Louisiana at the Battle of New Orleans, Powell A. Casey, 1965
Folder 3: Supplementary newspaper articles, pamphlets, postcards, magazines, etc.
regarding Battle of New Orleans (20 items)
Key to Nicholson’s School Algebra, 1911 (inside cover there is an article regarding Nicholson)
“Shell Desk Diary” of Irene Reid Morris, 1992 (contains two articles and her schedule)
My Prize Winning Recipes, George A. Chehardy, 1941 (newspaper articles inside)
William Blount, William H Masterson, 1954
The Robert Coleman Family, J.P. Coleman, 1965
History of the Richardsons, Nancy B. Elliot, 1966
“Point Maigre” The McNeals and Allied Families of Avoyelles Parish, Louisiana, Royce McNeal
Austin Colony Pioneers, Worth S. Ray, 1970
A genealogy of the Robertson Family compiled by Edna Robertson Vacher, 1942 (2 copies)
Louisiana Tombstone Inscriptions, Louisiana Society NSDAR 1957-60′ Volume XI
The Porter Family compiled 1951-1962, H.P. Porter (2 copies)
Bullock: Twigs and Branches: Family History of Joel Bullock, Marie Luter Upton, 1966
Luther Davis and Allied Families, Marie Upton, 1959
Clark Family, Harry D. Roberts, 1968
McGee-Brinley-Thomson and Allied Families, J.W. and Pauline Stewart Massey, 1966
The Bond Family and Southern Kin, Zetty and Roberts 1964
A Family History and Genealogy of Lazarus Reeves and his Descendants, Gregory Smith, 1979
Claiborne Dandridge West of Buckingham County Virginia, Louetta Wilson and John Johnson, 1967
Benton’s Ferry: The Life and Times of Robert Benton, Lionel Kabel, 1994
The Frith Families of Northeast Louisiana, L.V. Frith, December 1, 1998
Shelf 4
Memories of a Long Life, Robert L. Simmons, 1967
The Percy Family of Mississippi and Louisiana 1776-1943, Robert Percy, 1956
Harrell Family Record, Christine Harrell, 1964
The John Hall Family from Cootehill, Cavan County, Ireland, Juanita Arundell Hall, 1990
Independence Italian Festival: April 27, 18, 1984, Independence Louisiana, 1984
Bicentennial: Reamstown, PA., 1760-1960
Index to Water-Resources Data for Louisiana: Ground Water Records, Susan Marshall, 1978
Secret Societies edited by Norman MacKenzie, 1967
Draft General Management Plan Development Concept Plan Environmental Assessment July
1981 (Jean Lafitte National Historical Park, Louisiana)
Louisiana Soldiers in the War of 1812, Marion Pierson, 1963 (2 copies)
Louisiana in the War of 1812, Powell Casey, 1965
Historical book review: Highlights of Andrew Jackson
English Spoken Here “Great Britain and Louisiana”-not found
National Geographic Vol. 139, No. 2 February , 1971
Holy Bible 1895
Kentwood Commercial Notes 1895 Volume 1
Techniques (4th edition) Higgins Ink Company
How to draw a Cartoon, Jack Romer, 1942
Photo Book of the Wagley Family (148 Photos)
Ledger from Wilhemina Magee with photos from China
1919 journal from Wilhemina Magee (business related)
Adventures of America 1857-1900, John Kouwenhoven, 1938
Currier and Ives, Harry Peters, 1942
Kentwood Ledger book with budget notes
District E Civilian Conservation Corps Fourth Corps Area 1939
A Cavalry Man’s Reminiscences of the Civil War, Howell Carter, 1979
Military Uniforms in Color, Preben Kannick, 1968
Grierson’s Raid, Alexander Brown, 1954
Leslie’s Photographic review of the Great War
Folder 1: Port Hudson pamphlets, articles, diary, etc. (13 items)
Folder 2: Modern Civil War pamphlets and articles (18 items)
Folder 3: Civil War newspaper articles
-Also included on the shelf is over 400 items (mostly pamphlets) relating to the Civil
War, United Daughters of the Confederacy, and Camp Moore
Shelf 5
Remaining set of pamphlets
The History of Dairying in Tangipahoa Parish by Harold A. Davis. August, 1957
Descendants of Abraham and Frances Melissa Dearman Stafford by Zuma Fendlason Magee-not found
Look Away: Dixie Land Remembered by Marian Cyrenus Blackman. 1971.
Shadows on the Wall: The Life and Works of Howard Weden by Frances C. Roberts and Sarah Huff Fisk.
History of the 36th Through 44th Triennials 1876-2003 by Robert M. Richmond. 2003.
The John Hull Family by Juanita Arundell Hall.
Around Kentwood: it is Remembered by Irene Morris.
Louisiana Soldiers in the War of 1812. 1963.
Newspaper Clippings Regarding Books in Box 1. (4 items)
Folders-correspond to items on the above shelves
Louisiana 1869-not found
Hammond Centennial 1889-not found
Drip-Dry no. 2-4
Merci August 71
Agri-Industrial 1971
Scenic Tangipahoa Parish
Agri-Industrial 1971
Louisiana Heritage 1968
Scottish Rite Crestlebeard 2003
Louisiana Heritage
Louisiana’s Big Six
The Charles Sanders Family
Greater Baton Rogue
New Orleans Genesis 1962
Three The Years (with notes)
Louisiana State Parks
Louisiana 1975
Exposition World 84
The Louisiana Story
Louisiana’s Right-To-Profit Louisiana
Centre Magazine
Summer is Something Special in Louisiana
New Orleans Genesis 1968
Changing Structure of Agriculture in Louisiana Social Areas 1940-1976
Franklin 1972
Cultural Resources
Baton Rogue 1776
Poetry Corner
Where 1971
Louisiana 1979
Books on Louisiana
Fallout Protection
A Program For Community Anti-Communist Action
National Genealogical Society Quarterly
Charles Kent Calendar
Mississippi state College for Women 1961-1962
Feast of St. Joseph Labor of Love by the Faithful
Delineator, November 1920-not found
Ladies Home Journal, July 1920-not found
Hollands Magazine of the South, May 1948-not found
Folder 1: Church Pamphlets (32 items)
Shelf 6
The History of Cosmopolite: Or the Writings of Rev. Lorenzo Dow by Rev. Lorenzo Dow, 1856.
An Encyclopedia of Christian Missions. No author or publication information.
I was mad a Minister: An Autobiography by Edwin Holt Hughes. No date.
Religion and the Solid South Samuel S. Hill, Jr., 1972.
Decade of WMU Service 1913-1923, by Margaret McRae Lackey, 1923.
Year Book for Calendar Year of 1938: Woman’s Missionary Union, 1938.
Woman’s Missionary Union Year Book 1951, 1951.
Dorothy Page by Eldridge B. Hatcher, 1912.
God’s Dividends in Louisiana by Mary Lou Jenkins and Hannah E. Reynolds, 1950. (3 copies)
O Jerusalem! Our Cities for Christ, by S. F. Downs, 1951.
In Evangeline’s Country, by John Caylor. 1954.
New Orleans Story, by Loyd Corder. 1954.
The Camel Bell by Doreen Hosford Owens, 1937.
Champions of Religious Freedom by Davis C. Woolley, 1963
The Baptist March in History by Robert A. Baker, 1958.
The West is Big by Albert McClellan, 1953.
Baptist Foundations in the South by William L. Lumkin, 1961.
Story of Georgia Baptists, Volume 1Mercer University by B. D. Ragsdale, 1932.
Story of Georgia Baptists, Volume 1Mercer University in Macon Colleges for Woman Secondary
Schools by B. D. Ragsdale, 1935.-not found
Helping Others to Become Christians by Roland W. Leavell, 1939.
Continent in Commotion by Ira N. Patterson, 1957.
Our Doctrines by Harold W. Tribble, 1936.
Training in Church Membership by I. J. Van Ness, 1908.
The Growing Christian by Joseph T. Watts, 1937.
Alcohol The Destroyer by C. Aubrey Hearn, 1943.
Baptist Annals by Z. T. Leavell, D. D., 1899.
Fannie E. S. Heck by Mrs. W. C. James, 1939.
Baptist History by J. M. Cramp, D. D., no date.
We Southern Baptists by Norman W. Cox, 1961.
The Bible and Its Enemies by Williams Jennings Bryan, 1921.
Pilgrim’s Progress for the B.Y.P.U. by L. P. Leavell, D. D., 1922.
A Wandering Jew in Brazil by S. L. Ginsburg, 1921.
Plans and Programs for Cradle Roll, Beginners and Primary Workers by Annie L. Williams, 1918.
Japan’s New Day by Edwin B. Dozier, 1949.
Authentic Life of T. DeWitt Talmage by Dr. John Rust, Ph.D., no date.
Shelf 7
Fundamentals of Epidemiology by Donald R. Peterson, M.D. and David B. Thomas, M. D., 1978.
Epidemiology: Principles and Methods by Brian MacMahon, M. D. and Thomas F. Pugh, M.D., 1970.
Aspects of the History of Epidemiology: Times, Places, and Persons by Abraham M. Lilienfeld, M.D., 1978.
Epidemiology Man and Disease by John P Fx, Carrie E. Hall, and Lila R. Elveback, 1970.
A History of Southern Branch, American Public Health Association by Forest E. Ludden, 1978. (2 copies)
Ethics of Health Care by Laurence R. Tancredi, 1974.
The Humanities and Medicine, Volume 32, Number 1, Spring 1974.
Epidemiologic Research: Principles and Quantitative Methods by David Kleinbaum, Lawrence Kypper, and Hal Morgenstern, 1982.
Principles of Epidemiology: A Self Teaching Guide by Roht, Selwyn, Holguin, and Christensen, 1982.
World’s Fair New Orleans photography by Mitchel L. Osborne, 1984.
Evaluating Information: A Guide for Users of Social Science Research by Katzer, Cook, and Crouch, 1978.
Humanism in Medicine by John McGovern and Chester Burns, 1973.
An Account of the American Epidemiological Society by John R. Paul, Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine, Vol. 46, No. 1, February 1973.
Heritage of Excellence by Thomas Turner, M.D., 1974.
Part of Medicine, Part of Me by Thomas Bourne Turner, M.D., 1981.
The Department of Health, Education, and Welfare by Rufus E. Miles, Jr., 1974.
The MLA Style Sheet by William Riley Parker, 1951.
Centenary of Index Medicus1879-1979 by U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, 1980.
Higher Education for Public Health by Cecil G. Sheps, 1976.
History and Geography of the Most Important Diseases by Erwin H. Ackerknecht, 1972.
Epidemiology: An Introductory Text by Judith S. Mausner and Anita K. Bahn, 1974.
Medical Department United States Army in World War II by Lieutenant General Richard R. Taylor, 1975.
Bala Chitto Simmons Family by: Hansford L. Simmons
Louisiana: A Pictorial History by: Leonard V. Huber
The American Nation: A History of the United States by: John A. Garraty, 1966
The National Experience: A History of the United States by: Blum, Catton, Morgan, Schlesinger, Stampp, Woodward, 1963 (2 copies)
A History of United States Foreign Policy by: Julius Pratt, 1972
Modern College Physics by: Harvey E. White, 1962
The Great Doctors: A biographical History of Medicine by: Henry Sigerist, 1971
Shelf 8
History of Medicine in the United States, Vol. 1 by: Francis Packard, 1963
History of Medicine in the United States, Vol. 2 by: Francis Packard, 1963
Doing Better and Feeling Worse edited by: John H. Knowles, 1977
A History of Medicine by: Lester S. King, 1971
A Pocket History of the United States Allan Nevins and Henry Steele Commager, 1942
Financing Medical Care editor: Helmut Schoeck, 1963
Jesus Saves by: Hattie Bell Allen, 1951
Training in the Baptist Spirit by: I.J. Vann Ness, 1914
Building A Standard Sunday School by: Arthur Flake, 1922
Baptist History and Heritage Vol.1 No. 2 –July 1966
Baptist History and Heritage Vol. 1 No. 3 – October 1966
Baptist History and Heritage Vol. 2 No. 1 – January 1967
Baptist History and Heritage Vol. 2 No. 2 – July 1967
Baptist History and Heritage Vol. 3 No. 1 – January 1968
Baptist History and Heritage Vol. 3 No. 2 – July 1968
Baptist History and Heritage Vol. 4 No. 1 – January 1969
Baptist History and Heritage Vol. 4 No. 2 – July 1969
Baptist History and Heritage Vol. 4 No. – August 1969
Baptist History and Heritage Vol. 5 No. 1 – January 1970
Baptist History and Heritage Vol. 5 No. 2 – April 1970
Baptist History and Heritage Vol. 5 No. 3 – July 1970
Baptist History and Heritage Vol. 5 No. 4 – October 1970
Baptist History and Heritage Vol. 6 No. 1 – January 1971
Baptist History and Heritage Vol. 7 No. 2 – April 1971
Baptist History and Heritage Vol. 8 No. 3 – July 1973
Baptist History and Heritage Vol. 8 No. 4 – October 1973
Baptist History and Heritage Vol. 9, No. 1 –January 1974
Baptist History and Heritage Vol. 9 No. 9 – April 1974
Baptist History and Heritage Vol. 9 No. 3 – July 1974
Baptist History and Heritage Vol. 9 No. 4 – October 1974
Baptist History and Heritage Vol. 10 No. 1 –January 1975
Baptist History and Heritage Vol. 10 No. 2 – April 1975
Baptist History and Heritage Vol. 10 No. 3 – July 1975
Baptist History and Heritage Vol. 10 No. 4 – October 1975
Baptist History and Heritage Vol. 11 No. 1 –January 1976
Baptist History and Heritage Vol. 11 No. 2 – April 1976
Baptist History and Heritage Vol. 11 No. 3 – July 1976
Baptist History and Heritage Vol. 11 No. 4 – October 1976
Baptist History and Heritage Vol. 12 No. 1 –January 1977
Baptist History and Heritage Vol. 12 No. 2 – April 1977
First Baptist Church Kentwood, Louisiana: Church Leadership and Calendar of Activities,
1973-1974 (2 copies)
First Baptist Church Kentwood, Louisiana Church Directory, October 1, 1977 (2 copies)
Bulletin for FBC Kentwood, February 20, 1977
Bulletin for FBC Kentwood, August 15, 1954
1888-1988 A Century to Celebrate – A Future to Fulfill (3 copies)
WMU Hymns of the Year , 1988-89 (3 copies)
Xerox copy of Amazing Grace
Adults in the Sunday School by: William Phillips, 1947
First Baptist Church Kentwood, Louisiana Directory, 1963-1964 (2 copies)
WMU Year Book, 1962-1963
WMU Year Book, 1963-1964
WMU Year Book, 1965-1966
The Christ of the American Road by: E. Stanley Jones
When Do Teachers Teach by: Doak S. Campbell, 1935
Soul- Winning Doctrines by: J. Clyde Turner, 1943
Baptist Beliefs by: E.Y. Mullins, 1912
Studying for Service by: J.R. Black, 1927
Outlines of Bible History by: P.E. Burroughs, 1955
Baptist Distinctives by: W.R. White, 1946
The Faith of Baptists by: T.T. Eaton, 1903
The Senior Pupil’s Book by: I.J. Van Ness, 1915
Life at its Best! By: Phyllis Woodruff Sapp
30.000 new preaching stations by 1964 –Brotherhood Journal, 1958
Second National Conference of Southern Baptist Men
The Book of Books by: H.I. Hester, 1959
The Plan of Salvation by: Austin Crouch, 1924
What Baptists Believe by: Wallace, 1913
The Little Baptist by: J.M. Martin
The Baptist Church Manual by: J. Newton Brown,
Bible Facts by: Maurice S. White, 1937
Religions of the World By: Maurice S. White, 1940
What Saith the Scriptures? By: John Aitchison, 1906
Wonder Book of Bible Knowledge, 1933
Baptist Beliefs by: Harold L. Fickett
Help! Crisis in Asia and Europe, 1946
Why Good People Suffer by: L.T. Wilds, 1944
Changing your Life in Seven Days with the Twenty-Third Psalm by: Charles Allen, 1952
Nuggets of Baptist Belief by: Alvin G. Hause, 1941
Stewardship Applied in Missions by: J.B. Lawrence, 1940
The Faith We Share by: Robbie Trent, 1947
Along the Highway of Prayer by: Mrs. A.T. Robertson
The Empty Tomb by: Alxendar McLaren and Charles Spurgeon, 1896
The Onercoming Life by: D.L. Moody, 1896
Water Baptism by: Peebles, 1901
The Incense Road by: Anna Thurmond Pate, 1939
The Ministry of Women by: Ella Broadus Robertson, 1921
First Baptist Church Kentwood, Louisiana Directory 1985-1986
First Baptist Church Kentwood, Louisiana Directory, 1981
Membership List First Baptist Church Kentwood December 2, 1986
First Baptist Church Kentwood Church Directory, 1993
God? Your Soul! Eternity?
The Quarterly Review: A Survey of Southern Baptist Progress, (April, May, June, 1965)
The Quarterly Review: A Survey of Southern Baptist Progress, (Oct, Nov, Dec, 1966)
The Quarterly Review: A Survey of Southern Baptist Progress, (July, Aug, Sept, 1967)
The Quarterly Review: A Survey of Southern Baptist Progress, (July, August, Sept,
The Quarterly Review: A Survey of Southern Baptist Progress, (Oct, Nov, Dec, 1967)
The Quarterly Review: A Survey of Southern Baptist Progress, (Jan, Feb, March, 1968)
The Quarterly Review: A Survey of Southern Baptist Progress, (Jan, Feb, March, 1968)
The Quarterly Review: A Survey of Southern Baptist Progress, (April, May, June, 1968)
The Quarterly Review: A Survey of Southern Baptist Progress, (July, Aug, Sept, 1968)
The Quarterly Review: A Survey of Southern Baptist Progress, (Oct, Nov, Dec, 1968)
The Quarterly Review: A Survey of Southern Baptist Progress, (April, May, June, 1969)
The Quarterly Review: A Survey of Southern Baptist Progress, (Oct, Nov, Dec, 1969)
The Quarterly Review: A Survey of Southern Baptist Progress, (Oct., Nov. Dec, 1970)
The Quarterly Review: A Survey of Southern Baptist Progress, (Jan, Feb, March, 1971)
The Quarterly Review: A Survey of Southern Baptist Progress, (April, May, June, 1971)
The Quarterly Review: A Survey of Southern Baptist Progress, (Oct. Nov. Dec. 1973)
The Quarterly Review: A Survey of Southern Baptist Progress, (Jan ,Feb, Mar, 1974)
The Quarterly Review: A Survey of Southern Baptist Progress, (April, May, June, 1974)
The Quarterly Review: A Survey of Southern Baptist Progress, (July, Aug, Sept, 1974)
The Quarterly Review: A Survey of Southern Baptist Progress, (Jan, Feb, March 1975)
The Quarterly Review: A Survey of Southern Baptist Progress, (April, May, June, 1975)
The Quarterly Review: A Survey of Southern Baptist Progress, (July, Aug, Sept, 1975)
The Quarterly Review: A Survey of Southern Baptist Progress, (Oct., Nov, Dec, 1975
The Quarterly Review: A Survey of Southern Baptist Progress, (Jan, Feb, March, 1976)
The Quarterly Review: A Survey of Southern Baptist Progress, (April, May June, 1977)
The Quarterly Review: A Survey of Southern Baptist Progress, (July, Aug, Sept, 1977)
Shelf 9
The United States: The History of A Republic Second ed., 1967
Medicine Science and Culture by: Lloyd Stevenson and Robert Multhauf, 1968
A Short History of Medicine by: Erwin Ackerknecht, 1968
American History: A Survey by: Richard Current, Harry Williams, Frank Freidel, 1959
Science in History (vol. 1-4) by: J.D. Bernal
The American Nation: A History of the United States by: John A. Garraty, 1938
American History: A Survey third edition: by: Richard Current, Harry Williams, Frank Freidel,1959
Our Country’s History by: David Muzzey
History of Pharmacy by: Glenn Sonnedecker, 1963
“Kingsmen All” Descendants of Wettenhall Warner and Related Families by E. Russ Williams, Jr., 1964
The Descendants of Rueben Tucker Wall by Terry Randall Wall
Matthew Rushing Descendants in South Mississippi 1810-1995 by Helen Lyndola Rushing (Jones), 1995.
Thomas Jarnagin 1746-1802 by Lee L. Powers, 1978
Footsteps from England and Ireland: An Ancestral Study of Wise and Allied Families by Erbon W. Wise, 1991.
Descendants of John Connerly ( -1751) NC and Cullen Conerly (ca 1745-1811) NC to
the Present 1986 by William A. and Irma Lampton
History of Bolivar County Mississippi: Its Creation, Pioneer Days, and Progress by Florene Warfield Sillers, 1948.
Moak Family History 1740-1960 by Lennox Moak
The History of New Sharon Church by Ella B. Hughes, 1984.
Melinda’s Journey by Ella B. Hughes, 1985.
The Kendrick Kindred, Vol. 1 by Guy Dyson
Data Pertaining to Richard Simmons Family (1770-1814) and Other Families of Pike County,
Mississippi compiled by William W. Simmons, 1955
History of Esau Bass, His Brother Jonathan Bass, and Their Descendants by Ivan Ernest Bass, 1955.
Willson, Wilson and Allied Lines by Clotilde Wilson Blower, 1972.
Shelf 10
The Silver Creek Simmons Family descendants of Willis and Jane Goslin Simmons by Edna Simmons Campbell and Hansford L. Simmons (2 copies)
Supplement to Bala Chitto Simmons Family by Bess Van Norman Simmons.
The John Birch/Burch Family of St. Helena Parish, by Barbara Birch McDaniel, 1992.
Bala Chitto Simmons Family:Descendants of Richard and Ann Tyler Simmons by Hansford L. Simmons.
The Sylvest Wallace Wheat Family Genealogy by Ella Hughes
The Book of Mormon 1950.
Proceedings 77th Annual Session of the Grand Chapter of Louisiana O.E.S. “Sunshine and Golden Harvest”
Session 1976
Handmade book of O.E.S. district officers and grand matrons 1958-1959
Proceedings 61st Annual Session of the Grand Chapter 1959-1960 (2 copies)
Proceedings 96th Annual Session of the Grand Chapter Order of the Eastern Star State of Louisiana
“Our Treasured Heritage” Session 1995
Booklet missing cover – No title – Report for Worthy Grand Matron-Multiple documents
regarding the O.E.S.
Roster of the Grand Chapter O.E.S. State of Louisiana 1958-1959 (2 copies)
Constitution, General Regulations and Edicts of the Grand Chapter of the O.E.S. of
the State of Louisiana 1954.
Proceedings 90th Annual Session of the Grand Chapter Order of the Eastern Star State of Louisiana,
Book containing the order of free masons and personal letters, newspaper clippings,
and other papers between Pearl S. Holland and Irene Reid Morris, 1959
Proceedings Grand Chapter of Louisiana O.E.S. 1959
Genealogical and Local History Books in Print Vol. 2 edited by Netti Scheiner-Yantis, 1975.
Louisiana Society of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution Yearbook
Constitution, General Regulations and Edicts of the Grand Chapter of the O.E.S. of
the State of Louisiana, 1989
Tell: Youth’s Witness of the Gospel by Virginia Wingo
In Evangeline’s Country by John Caylor
Intercessory Prayer: A mighty Means of Usefulness by James G. K. McClure
Parties for All Occasions For Grown-ups and Children by Jane Werner
Teaching the Bible Through Play by J. Vernon Jacobs
Nuggets of Baptist Belief by Alvin G. Hause
Church Member’s Handbook by Joe T. Odle
Our Bible by J. McKee Adams
History of Delta Baptist Association by Rev. A. N. Murray
Following the Living Christ: Proceedings of the Fifth Southwide Baptist Training Union
Bower on the Bayou by St. Clair H. Bower
Churches 253,762 Their Doctrines, History and Government
What Baptists Believe and Why They Believe It by J. G. Bow, D.D.
The Junior and His Church by Geane A. Roop
The Trail of Seed by Una Roberts Lawrence
These Were First by Margaret Kime Eubanks and Una Roberts Lawrence
The Meaning of Church Membership by Sadie Tiller Crawley
Salvation Past – Present – Future by Rev. M. E. Dodd, D.D., LL.D.
We Southern Baptists 1948-49 by James Edgar Dillard
We Southern Baptists 1937-8 by James Edgar Dillard
Epochs of Home Missions Southern Baptists Convention 1845-1945 by Joe W. Burton
Small black binder filled with sermons, notes from sermons, bible tracts, and church
40th Anniversary Home Life: A Christian Family Magazine January 1947 – January 1987 (2 copies)
The Church Library Magazine October, November, December1966
Metairie Cemetery An Historical MemoirTales of its Statement, Soldiers, and Great
Families by Henri A. Gandolfo, 1981.
Textures: Louisiana’s Guide to African American Culture 2 copies
Carving Charm with Hammer and Brush by Edna Campbell-not found
Our Cherished Roots Hammond’s Centennial Trail 1889-1989 by Edna Campbell 2 copies
Echoes from the Attic and Poems (Vol. II (1967), Vol. IV (1969), and Vol. V (1970) by Edna Campbell
The Parish of Tangipahoa, Louisiana 1913
Louisiana Studies Vol. V, No. 2, Summer 1966 by The Louisiana Studies Institute
Southeast Louisiana Historical Association Papers Vol. 7 1980 (2 copies) and Vol. 8 1982
An Historical Sketch of Louisiana State Colleges by Shelby M. Jackson
The Genie: Special Workshop Edition by Ark-La-Tex Genealogical Association
The Last Word by Edward P. Moore, Jr.
Large three-zippered bag with floral print on the front and the letters VDS on the
Shelf 11
New Orleans and the Railroads by Merl E. Reed, 1966.
Little Railroads which Helped Build Communities by E. E. Puls, 1988.
All Roads Lead to Kentwood by Irene Morris, Harvey Hutchinson Jr., and twelve others. 1993.
British Investment in American Railways 1843-1898 by Dorthy R. Adler, 1970.
Travel on Southern Antebellum Railroads 1828-1960 by Eugene Alvarez, 1974.
A Pioneer Southern Railroad from New Orleans to Cario by Thomas D. Clark, Ph. D., 1936.
The Train Robbing Bunch by Rick Miller, 1941.
The Louisiana Historical Quarterly, Vol. 30, No. 4 by Louisiana Historical Society, 1947.
Life’s Mem’ries 1894-1977 Some Railroad History by Harry L. Marsalis, 1978.
A Search for “Polly” by Harry L. Marsalis, 1971.
A Treasury of Railroad Folklore by B. A. Botkin and Alvin F. Harlow.
Be it Known and Remembered: Bible Records: Volumes 1-4. Published in 1960 by Louisiana Genealogical Historical Society.
12th Census of Population 1900. Tangipahoa Parish (Kentwood Area) Wards 1 and 2
Thru the Years: Records of Ila Venable Brown and Other Families of St. Helen Parish,
LA by Irene Reid Morris.
A Pictorial History of Tangipahoa Parish, Louisiana by Daily Star
Zemurray Gardens: The Land and its People by William E. Perrin, Jr.
Mike the Tiger, The Roar of LSU by David G. Baker and W. Sheldon Bivin
Mississippi Pioneers: A history of the Bates Family, 1803-1962 by Ethel Faust Bates and Mary Eunice Bates Allen
The Breland Families of the Southern States, 1755-1875 by Charles Gregory Breland
Barksdale Family History and Genealogy by Capt. John A. Barksdale
Filmer Green Jones Descendants of Maurepas, Louisiana by Arthur Theron Jones, Sr.
Descendants of Thomas Turner Bennett by The Thomas Turner Bennett Association
Matthew Rushing Descendants in South Mississippi 1810-1995 by Helen Lyndola Rushing (Jones)
The Story of America in Pictures by Alan C. Colling
Inaugural Addresses of the President of the United States: From George Washington
1789 to Harry S. Truman 1949
A Biographical Sketch of the Life of John Porter Tull and his Descendants 1796-1942 by James Porter Tull
Under God’s Mandate by Emerald Marlin Causey
Hometown Ponchatoula: A Community History of Ponchatoula, Louisiana by James Morris Perrin
My Backyard History Book by David Weitzman
Gettysburg to Vicksburg: The Five Original Civil War Battlefield Parks by Herman Hattaway
250 Years of Life in New Orleans by The Louisiana State Museum, New Orleans
Contrary Winds: Meeting Life’s Problems Victoriously by Hammond A. Sylvest
Genealogy of Wilkinson and Kindred Families by M. M. Wilkinson
An Approach to Literature by Cleanth Brooks, Jr., John Tibaut Purser, and Robert Penn Warren
Shelf 12
R.v.R.: The Life of Rembrandt von Rijn by Hendrik Willem Von Loon
The Romance of Leonardo Da Vinci by Dmitri Merejcovski
Lust for Life: A Novel about Van Gogh by Irving Stone
Literature and Life Book Four by Edwin Greenlaw and Dudley Miles
Vogue’s Book of Etiquette by Millicent Fenwick
The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri by William Blake
Paradise Lost by John Milton
Literary England by David Scherman and Richard Wilcox
A History of Private Life from Pagan Rome to Byzantium by Philippe Aries and Georges Duby
The Metropolitan Museum of Art Album of Miniatures – 3 small boxes
Box 1: Album Title
LA The Story of Christ
LB The World of Pieter Bruegel
LE Children in Art
LJ Japanese Prints in the Metropolitan
LK The National Gallery: Italian
Renaissance Painting
Box 2: LP Masterpieces in the Philadelphia
Museum of Art
LQ Goya
LR Rembrandts in the Metropolitan
LT Toulouse-Lautrec
LU Great European Portraits
Box 3: LV Vincent van Gogh
LW Three American Water Colorists:
Winslow Homer, Thomas
Eakins, & John Singer Sargent
LX The Christmas Story in Art
and Legend
ME The Eight
MP Persian Painting
MR Rubens
Aramco World: Meeting Place of the Spririts Vol. 41, No. 5, Sept-Oct. 1990
Aramco World: The Journey of a Lifetime, Vol. 43, No. 4, July-Aug. 1992
Texas Land of Contrast by State Department of Highways and Public Transportation Travel
and Information Division
Texas Highways, March 1976
Louisiana Conservationist, Vol. 35, No. 4, July-August 1983
Montana: Last of the big time splendors
In Our Own Backyard: A Leisure Time Guide for Greater Baton Rouge
The Louisiana Capitol by Ellen Roy Jolly and James Calhoun, 1980
Baton Rouge Story: A Historical Sketch of Louisiana’s Capital City, The Baton Rouge Foundation for Historical Louisiana Inc., 1967
Baton Rouge et ses Ewirous: A Tour Guide of Baton Rouge and its Vicinity
A Sense of Green – A city’s changing texture, a project created by Jeannie Frey Rhodes
River Capital, An Illustrated History of Baton Rouge by Mark T. Carleton
A History of Baton Rouge 1699-1812 by Rose Meyers
A Sterling Partnership: 25th Anniversary Paton Rouge Capital Bank
A Treasury of Stephen Foster by Deems Taylor and John Tasker Howard
Paul Green’s Louisiana Cavalier 1976
The River Magazine
Miles’ Legion A History & Roster by Arthur Bergeron Jr & Lawrence Hewitt
Heritage of Valor by Edwin Adams Davis
The Evans, Gates, & Packwood Families of Southeast Louisiana by Ronald Evans
The Descendants of Uriah Stevens & Nancy Kevil by Ronald Evans
Shelf 13
The Louisiana Genealogical Register (1968-1997)
Cumulative Subject Index of The Louisiana Genealogical Register 1954-1975
Vol. XV No. 2, June 1968
Vol. XV No. 3, September 1968
Vol. XV No. 4, December 1968
Vol. XVI No. 1, March 1969
Vol. XVI No. 3, June 1969
Vol. XVI No. 3, September 1969
Vol. XVI No. 4, December 1969
Vol. XVII No. 1, March 1970
Vol. XVII No. 2, June 1970
Vol. XVII No. 3, September 1970
Vol. XVII No. 4, December 1970
Vol. XIX No. 1, March 1972
Vol. XIX No. 2, June 1972
Vol. XIX No. 3, September 1972
Vol. XIX No. 4 December 1972
Vol. XX No. 1 March 1973
Vol. XX No. 2 June 1973
Vol. XX No. 3 September 1973
Vol. XX No. 4 December 1973
Vol. XXI No. 1 March 1974
Vol. XXI No. 2, June 1974
Vol. XXI No. 2, June 1974
Vol. XXI No. 3 September 1974
Vol. XXI No. 4, December 1974
Vol. XXII No. 1, March 1975
Vol. XXII No. 2, June 1975
Vol. XXII, No. 3 September 1975
Vol. XXII, No. 4 December 1975
Vol. XXIII No. 1 March 1976
Vol. XXIII No. 2, June 1976
Vol. XXIII No. 3, September 1976
Vol. XXIII No. 4, December 1976
Vol. XXIV No. 1 March 1977
Vol. XXIV No. 2, June 1977
Vol. XXIV No. 3, September 1977
Vol. XXIV No. 4 December 1977
Vol. XXV No.1, March 1978
Vol. XXV No. 2, June 1978
Vol. XXV No. 3, September 1978
Vol. XXV No. 4, December 1978
Vol. XXVI No. 1, March 1979
Vol. XXVI No. 2, June 1979
Vol. XXVI No. 3, September 1979
Vol. XXVI No. 4, December 1979
Vol. XXVII No. 1, March 1980
Vol. XXVII No. 2, June 1980
Vol. XXVII No. 3, September 1980
Vol. XXVII No. 4, December 1980
Vol. XXVIII No. 1, March 1981
Vol. XXVIII No. 2, June 1981
Vol. XXVIII No. 3, June 1981
Vol. XXVIII No. 4, December 1981
Vol. XXIX No. 1, March 1982
Vol. XXIX No. 2, June 1982
Vol. XXIX No. 3, September 1982
Vol. XXIX No. 4, December 1982
Vol. XXX No. 1, March 1983
Vol. XXX No. 2, June 1983
Vol. XXX No. 4, December 1983
Vol. XXXI No. 1, March 1984
Vol. XXXI No. 3, September 1984
Vol. XXXI No. 4, December 1984
Vol. XXXII No. 1, March 1985
Vol. XXXII No. 2, June 1985
Vol. XXXII No. 3, September 1985
Vol. XXXII No. 4, December 1985
Vol. XXXIII No. 1, March 1986
Vol. XXXIII No. 2, June 1986
Vol. XXXIII No. 3, September 1986
Vol. XXXIII No. 4, December 1986
Vol. XXXIV No. 1, March 1987
Vol. XXXIV No. 2, June 1987
Vol. XXXIV No. 3, September 1987
Vol. XXXIV No. 4, December 1987
Vol. XXXV No. 1, March 1988
Vol. XXXV No. 4, December 1988
Vol. XXXVI No. 1, March 1989
Vol. XXXVI No. 2, June 1989
Vol. XXXVI No. 3, September 1989
Vol. XXXVI No. 4, December 1989
Vol. XXXVII No. 1, March 1990
Vol. XXXVII No. 2, June 1990
Vol. XXXVII No.3, September 1990
Vol. XXXVII No. 4, December 1990
Vol. XXXVIII No. 2, June 1991
Vol. XXXVIII No. 3, September 1991
Vol. XXXVIII No. 4, December 1991
Vol. XXXIX No. 1, March 1992
Vol. XXXIX No. 3, September 1992
Vol. XXXIX No. 4, December 1992
Vol. XL No. 1, March 1993
Vol. XLI No. 1, March 1994
Vol. XLI No. 4, December 1994
Vol. XLII No.1, March 1995
Vol. XLII No. 2, June 1995
Vol. XLII No. 3, September 1995
Vol. XLII No. 4, December 1995
Vol. XLIII No. 1, March 1996
Vol. XLIII No. 2, June 1996
Vol. XLIII No. 3, September 1996
Vol. XLIII No. 4, December 1996
Vol. XLIV No.1, March 1997
Vol. XLIV No. 2, June 1997
Index to Genealogical Register:
Vol. I and II
Vol. III and IV
Vol. V and VI
Vol. VII and VIII
Vol. XII
Vol. XIII: 1966
Vol. XIV: 1967
Vol. XV: 1968 (2 copies)
Vol. XVI: 1969 (2 copies)
Vol. XXI: 1974
Vol. XXII: 1975
Vol. XXIII: 1976
Vol. XXIV: 1977
Vol. XXV: 1978
Vol. XXVI: 1979
Vol. XXVII: 1980
Vol. XXVIII: 1981
Shelf 14
Proceedings of the Genealogical Institute
First Annual – 1958
Second Annual -1959
Third Annual – 1960 (2 copies)
Fourth Annual – 1961
Fifth Annual -1962
Sixth Annual – 1963
Seventh Annual – 1964
Eighth Annual –1965
Ninth Annual –1966
Tenth Annual –1967
Eleventh Annual –1968
Twelfth Annual –1969
Thirteenth Annual –1970
Fourteenth Annual –1971
Fifteenth Annual –1972
Sixteenth Annual –1973
Seventeenth Annual –1974
Eighteenth Annual –1975
Nineteenth Annual –1976
Twentieth Annual –1977 (2 copies)
Pictorial History of the Wild West by James D. Horan and Paul Sann
Index to Marriages: St.Tammany Parish, 1812-1900 by Neff and Williams
History of Livingston Parish Louisiana, Volume 1
Amite County & Liberty, Mississippi, Celebrating 200 Years by Robert Glen Huff and Hattie
Pearl Nunnery
Terry’s Creek: Our Heritage, To God Be the Glory by Mamie Travis, Virginia Travis, Catherine
Brown, Pat DeBlanc, and Joan McDaniel
Thru the Years by Irene Reid Morris
Thru the Years: Records of Ila Venable Brown and other Families of St. Helena Parish,
LA by
Irene Reid Morris
Cemetery Inscriptions, Pike County, Mississippi, 1750-1978 by Ray and June Sartin Parish
Louisiana: Its Land and People by Fred B. Kniffen
Time-Life Library of America: The South Central States, Arkansas Louisiana, Oklahoma,
by Lawrence Goodwyn and the Editors of Time-Life Books
Descendants of John Pigott the Elder, South Carolina-Mississippi by Frank L. Brown, Jr.
(miscellaneous newspaper articles and handwritten notes included inside
Tracing Your Civil War Ancestor by Bertram Hawthorne Groene
A History of the Presbyterian Church in Louisiana by Penrose St. Amant
A Brief History of the Mississippi Territory by James Hall, A. M.
Methodism in the Mississippi Conference 1870-1894 by W. B. Jones (miscellaneous newspaper
articles included inside book) (2 copies)
Magnolia Methodist Church, 1856-1956 by J. B. Cain
Ashbury Wilkinson, Pioneer Preacher by Rodney Cline
Our Methodist Heritage by Mack B. Stokes
A Popular History of the Baptists in Mississippi by Jessie L. Boyd
McComb: The First 125 Years by Enterprise-Journal
The Health of Slaves on Southern Plantations by William Dosite Postell
Two Faces of Janus: The Saga of Deep South Change by J. Oliver Emmerich (miscellaneous
newspaper articles and a pamphlet included inside book)
Shelf 15
Source Records From Pike County, Mississippi 1798-1910 by Luke Ward Conerly (miscellaneous newspaper articles included inside
Louisiana’s Lovely Legacy: 100 Golden years 1900-2000 Grand Chapter Order of Eastern
State of Louisiana by Irene Reid Morris (miscellaneous newspaper articles included inside book)
New Orleans in the Gilded Age: Politics and Urban Progress 1880-1896 by Joy J. Jackson
(miscellaneous newspaper articles and photographs included inside book)
False Witness: The Real Story of Jim Garrison’s Investigation and Oliver Stone’s Film
JFK by
Patricia Lambert
House Upon a Rock: About Southern Baptists in Louisiana by Glen Lee Greene (newspaper
article included inside book) (2 copies)
Family Records: Mississippi Revolutionary Soldiers by Alice Terry Welch, Miss. Society D. A.
- (miscellaneous newspaper articles and typed documents included inside book)
The Port Hudson Campaign 1862-1863 by Edward Cunningham
The Story of Camp Moore and Life at Camp Moore Among the Volunteers by Powell A. Casey
(miscellaneous documents inside the book)
The Leas of Line Creek by Paula Mae Wall Pickart
The Rudolph Matas History of Medicine in Louisiana,Volume 1 by John Duffy (2 copies)
The Rudolph Matas History of Medicine in Louisiana,Volume 2 by John Duffy
Pike County Mississippi 1798-1876: Pioneer Families and Confederate Soldiers by Luke Ward
Order of the Eastern Star 1900-2000: Louisiana’s Lovely Legacy, 100 Golden Years 1900-2000,
Grand Chapter Order of the Eastern Star by Irene Reid Morris (2 copies)
The Book of Common Prayer
Veterinary Medicine in Louisiana 1889-1979, Hornsby Edition
Two Rivers Baptist Association Louisiana 1986 Annual
Baptist Woman’s Missionary Union of Tangipahoa Association 1914-1964 (miscellaneous
newspaper and documents inside the book) (3 copies)
Louisiana Studies, Volume IX, Number 2, Summer 1970 by The Louisiana Studies Institute
Marcha de Galvez by Jack D.L. Holmes
The St. Tammany Historical Society Gazette (miscellaneous newspaper articles included inside
All Roads Lead to Kentwood: The Hub of a Fine Farming and Dairying Section 1893-1993
(2 copies)
McComb City Moments: Selections from The Newspapers of McComb, Missisippi Over the
125 Years by Carl Lazenby (miscellaneous newspaper articles and documents included inside book)
(2 copies)
Louisiana Soldiers in the War of 1812 by Marion John Bennett Pierson, 1963 (2 copies)
Be It Known and Remembered: Bible Records-Volume 1, Published 1960 by: Louisiana
Genealogical and History Society (2 copies)
Be It Known and Remembered: Bible Records-Volume 2, Published 1961 by: Louisiana
Genealogical and History Society (2 copies)
Be It Known and Remembered: Bible Records-Volume 3, Published 1962 by: Louisiana
Genealogical and History Society
Be It Known and Remembered: Bible Records-Volume 4, Published 1967 by: Louisiana
Genealogical and History Society (2 copies)
Marriage Records Marion County, Mississippi 1812-1860 by Mrs. Robert Chester Upton
Marriage Records Copiah County, Mississippi 1823-1843 by Mrs. Robert Chester Upton
Marriage Records, Madison County, Mississippi Book “E” 1830-1836 and Book “F” 1835-1847
by R. C. and Marie Luther Upton
Marriage Records Lawrence County, Mississippi 1818-1838 by Mrs. R. C. Upton and Mrs. J. E.
DeLoach, 1970
Abstracts of Deeds Marion County, Mississippi 1812-1840 by E. Russ Williams, Jr.
Records of Marion County, Mississippi 1850 Federal Census, 1816 Territorial Census, Volume
Three, 1965, by E. Russ Williams, Jr.
Orphan Court Records (Abstracts of Wills and Estates) 1812-1859, Marion County, Mississippi,
Preserved in the Office of Clerk of Chancery by E. Russ Williams, Jr., 1962
The Kentwood Muse Family Ancestry 1633-2007, James Edward Muse, Jr., December 26, 2008
Tangipahoa Parish, Louisiana: Centennial, March 23-29, 1969 (2 copies)
Line Creek Baptist Church 150th Anniversary, 1939-1989
Diverse Fab
12th Census of Population 1900, Tangipahoa Parish (Kentwood Area) Wards 1 and 2 Louisiana
Kentwood, Louisiana, Centennial Celebration, 1893-1993, March 15-20, 1993 (photo of
Mary Kathleen Carter included)
Heritage of Valor by Edwin Adams Davis
Souvenir, Baton Rouge by E. M. Muse
Louisiana Baptist Historical Atlas by Glen Lee Greene (2 copies)
Legal Records of Washington Parish Louisiana by E. Russ Williams, Jr. 1965
Sesquicentennial in St. Tammany: The Early Years of Covington, Madisonville, Mandeville,
Abita Springs, Louisiana by Adrian D. Schwartz
Legal Records of Washington Parish 1819-1897 Volume 1 by E. Russ Williams, Jr.
Louisiana Oral History Collections A Directory by Hubert Humphreys
Amite County Mississippi Cemeteries (miscellaneous documents included in book)
Excerpts From Cemetery Inscriptions Pike County, Mississippi 1750-1978 by Ray and June
Sartin Parish
A Story of the Village of Gillsburg In Amite County, Mississippi Volume 1 by A.B. Smith
Shelf 16
A Story of the Village of Gillsburg In Amite County, Mississippi Volume 2 by A.B. Smith
Cemetery and Bible Records: A Publication of The Mississippi Society, Volume 1, 1954
The Louisiana Genealogical Register, Volume XLIV No. 3, September 1997 (miscellaneous
documents included in book)
The Louisiana Genealogical Register, Volume LI, No. 3, September 2004
Louisiana West Feliciana Parish, 1850 U. S. Census by D. W. Johnson
Around Kentwood: It Is Remembered by Irene R. Morris
Livingston Parish FairOctober 8-13, 1979
1840 Enumeration Census of Livingston Parish Louisiana by Mercy A. Cambre
The French Settlement Historical Register 77 Volume 2, December 1977
The French Settlement Historical Register 79 Volume 4, December 1979
Livingston Parish Louisiana: The Missing Years by Gloria Lambert Kerns
Trust and Go Forward 1861-1864: Pageant of Southern Memories, March 2-3 1961
Louisiana Heritage, Volume 2, Number 3
Agri-Dustrial Futurama, 1964 (2 copies)
Agri-Dustrial Futurama, 1965
Agri-Dustrial Futurama, 1968
Agri-Dustrial Futurama, 1969
A History of South Carolina Baptists by Joe M. King
Louisiana Methodism by Robert Henry Harper
The Journal of Southern History August 1997 Vol. LXIII, No. 3 published Quarterly by the
Southern Historical Association
St. Tammany Parish L’Autre Cote du Lac by Frederick S. Ellis
Next Door to Heaven by S. G. Thigpen
The Story of the Washington Parish Fair 1911-1973 by Emma Burris & Elizabeth Ott Watts
Pearl River: Highway to Glory Land by S. G. Thigpen
The Natchez District and the American Revolution by Robert V. Haynes
A History of Baptists in America by Jesse L. Boyd
Baptists Foundations in the South by William L. Lumpkin
So Great a Good by Hodding Carter & Betty Werlein Carter
The Letterbooks of John Fitzpatrick 1768-1790 by Margaret Fisher Dalrymple
British West Florida 1763-1783 by Cecil Johnson
Folk Culture on St. Helena Island South Carolina by Guy B. Johnson
1797-1884 Elam Fenn and Lydia His Wife by Leverett Stearns Griggs
Footprints and Wagon Tracks by Doyle Fenn
Osyka 1812-1978 by Lucy Wall Varnado
A History of Mississippi Baptists by Richard Aubrey McLemore
Magnolia Methodist Church 1856-1956 by J. B. Cain
By These Stones by Virginia Lobdell Jennings
History of the Rayville United Methodist Church by Elizabeth Wynne Gunby
Calendar of Louisiana Colonial Documents Vol III by Elizabeth Becker Gianelloni
Flags of Louisiana by Louise Thonssen Bridges
A Guide to Louisiana History by Glenn R. Conrad & Juana E. Roque
A Short History of Louisiana Baptists by C. Penrose St. Amant
1797-1960 A History of the Baptists of Oak Ridge Louisiana by Glen Lee Greene
Pike County Mississippi: Pioneer Families & Confederate Soldiers 1798-1876 by Luke Ward Conerly
Across the Years by Kathryn E. Carpenter
Ninety & 1 Years by Julia Arledge Thigpen (with newspaper clippings and notes)
A History of First Baptist Church 1866-1980 by Ann L. Schilling & Jerry M. Windsor (with
newspaper clippings and notes)
Mississippi Daughters and Their Ancestors by Nancy Randolph Parkes (2 copies)
Battle of Baton Rouge 1862 by W. A. Spedale
All Roads Lead to Kentwood 1893-1993 by Kentwood Chamber of Commerce
Shelf 17
Livingston Parish Resources and Facilities Magazine
Clinton…For Fond Remembrance by Betty Lou Cain
St. Tammany Historical Society Vol. II April 1977
St. Tammany Historical Society Vol. III April 1978
St. Tammany Historical Society Vol. 4 March 1980
1870 Census of St. Helena Parish Louisiana
St. Helena Remembers Her WWI Veterans
1920 US Census of St. Helena Parish Louisiana
St. Helena Parish War Veterans
Old Montpelier 1804-1904
Heritage of Valor by Edwin Adams Davis
1950 Wildcat Yearbook
1953 Wildcat Yearbook
The Louisiana Genealogical Register Volume XXXV Number 2, June 1988
The Louisiana Genealogical Register Volume XLVIII Number 2, June 2001
Portraits from Pearl River Avenue: The Journey Continues
Tangipahoa Tombstone Territory Volume 1: 1975, Hebert and Marilyn Hart (miscellaneous
documents and newspaper included inside the book)
Early Tangipahoa Parish by Mary E. and Elias W. Sandel
The Free State: A History and Place-Names Study of Livingston Parish by members of the
Livingston Parish American Revolution Bicentennial Committee (2 copies)
Genealogical Resources by Grady W. Kilman
1860 U. S. Census Livingston Parish Louisiana by Edward Livingston Historical Assoc., Inc.
1870 U. S. Census Livingston Parish Louisiana by Edward Livingston Historical Assoc., Inc.
List of Members: Louisiana Historical Association, 1962
Louisiana History: Volume I
Louisiana History: Volume II
Louisiana History: Volume III
Louisiana History: Volume IV
Louisiana History: Volume XVII
Louisiana History Fall 1999, Volume XL, Number 4, The Journal of the Louisiana Historical
Louisiana History Fall 1999, Volume XL, Number 4, The Journal of the Louisiana Historical
Louisiana History Spring 2003, Volume XLIV, Number 2, The Journal of the Louisiana Historical
Kenner: An Historical Sketch by Mel Leavitt Commissioned by Merchants Bank
Researching, Writing, and Publishing Local History by Thomas E. Felt (miscellaneous
newspapers included inside the book)
A Guide to Spanish Louisiana 1762-1806 (miscellaneous newspapers included inside the book)
Cumulative Index to The Louisiana Historical Quarterly Volumes XXXIV to LV by Kenneth E.
Owen, 1974
John Law, Wasn’t So Wrong: The Story of Louisiana’s Horn of Plenty by Hodding Carter
Ancestors and Descendants of Robert Easley, Sr., and Elizabeth Earle Elkins of St.
Parish, Louisiana by Austin Beverly Smith, Virginia Sproles Smith, Jeff Clay Easley,
Percy Lafayette Easley, and Effie Newman Wilson
1830 Enumeration Census of East Feliciana Parish, Louisiana by Donald W. Johnson, Dixie S.
Moss, Beatrice B. Denham, and Barbara C. Strickland, 1975 (miscellaneous
newspapers included inside the book)
1830 Enumeration Census of West Feliciana Parish, Louisiana by Donald W. Johnson, Dixie S.
Moss, Beatrice B. Denham, and Barbara C. Strickland, 1976 (miscellaneous
newspapers included inside the book)
Louisiana East Feliciana Parish 1850 U.S. Census by D. W. Johnson
Succession Records of St. Helena Parish, Louisiana 1804-1854 by Clyde Purser Young
Binder containing: Geography 4001 Louisiana Geography, A Syllabus by M. B. Newton, Jr. and
Atlas of Louisiana: A Guide for Students by Milton B. Newton, Jr.
Computer Indexed Marriage Records, West Feliciana Parish Louisiana, 1791-1875 by Nicholas
Russell Murray
Livingston Parish Louisiana Headstone Inscriptions Volume 1 “Gone but Not Forgotten”
Edward Livingston Historical Association, Inc. 1980
Livingston Parish Louisiana Headstone Inscriptions Volume 2 “Gone but Not Forgotten”
Edward Livingston Historical Association, Inc. 1980
Livingston Parish, Louisiana: The 1920 Federal Census by Edward Livingston Historical
Association, August 1997
Baton Rouge and New Feliciana: Census Reports for Louisiana’s Florida Parishes, 1782,1786,
and 1793
Galvez and Other Louisiana Patriots
Oliver Pollock: Unsung Hero of the American Revolution, October 1999
West Florida and its People, 2000
The West Florida Revolution Controversy: 1810 by Leroy E. Willie, 2008
Bayou Manchac and its People, 1999
Passports Issued by Governors of Georgia, 1785-1809 by Mary G. Bryan
Genealogical Guide, April 12, 1953
Supplement to Genealogical Guide
Over The Overhead Bridge: The Journey of a Lifetime
Osyka: A Memorial History 1812-1978 by Lucy Varnado
Tiger Rags Vol. 5 1939-1940 McComb High School
Mount Zeon Baptist Church Compiled Notes
A Patriot’s Legacy: The Family of Richard Dillon & Ann Lawrence by Bevin J. Creel
The History of Pike County & McComb: In Story and Pageant by Nannie Gillis
Sail & Steam in Louisiana Waters LSU 1971
The History of Calvary Baptist Church at Bayou Chicot by Leon Terrell
First Baptist Church Year Book 1992
Kentwood Methodist Church Year Book 1966-1967
Leaves of Gold from Our Baptist Heritage
First Baptist Church Year Book 1972
A Partial Record of the John Ford Family by Irene Ford Webb 1973
The Beacon Magazine 1995
Mount Nebo Baptist Church History 1998
Pike County Mississippi Magazine
Mount Pisgah Baptist Church History by Charles C. Miller 1991
Osyka Baptist Church Centennial 1970
Frye’s Higher Geography (Cover is falling off)
Publications of the Louisiana Historical Society Series Two Vol. I 1973
Publications of the Louisiana Historical Society Series Two Vol. II 1973
200 Years of Life & Change in Louisiana by Patricia K. Rickels
Local History: How to Gather it, Write it, and Publish it by Donald D. Parker
New Zion Baptist Church Homecoming Day 1954 by J. L. Boyd
Of One and Many: Expressions from the Fellowship 1966
Baptist Woman’s Missionary Union of Tangipahoa Association 1914-1964
Around My Father’s World by Gaines Glass 1962 (2 copies)
13 Ghost Stories About Windrush by Gaines Glass
Christ Our Authority: Proceedings of the Third Southwide B.Y.P.U. Conference 1933
Faith is the Victory: Proceedings of the Fourth Southwide Baptist Training Union Conference
How to Wean A Compact by Paul Flowers 1975
Magnolia Through the Years by Louretta Smith (2 copies)
Yesterday at Little Springs by Louretta Smith
Fragments by Gaines Glass 1993
The Journal of Mississippi History Vol. VII January 1945 No. 1
Junior B.Y.P.U. Manual by E. E. Lee 1916
Shelf 18
A History of Early Louisiana Baptists: A Thesis by L. G. Cleverdon 1922
History of Tangipahoa Baptist Church 1844-1965 October 1965 by Norma Lambert
Friendship Baptist Church October 1922 church directory and program
Mount Nebo Baptist Church Directory 1987
A History of Spring Creek Baptist Church 1859-1985
The 1779 “Marcha de Galvez”: Louisiana’s Giant Step Forward in the American Revolution by Jack D. L. Holmes Ph. D.
A History of the Baptists by Robert G Torbet
Southern Cultures Vol. 4 No 1
Southern Cultures Winter 2001
Britney Spears’ Heart to Heart by Britney & Lynne Spears
Treasures of the Vatican: New Orleans Vatican Pavilion at the 1984 La World Exposition
Adventure in Service: the story of rotary its origin, growth, and influence
Computer Indexed Marriage Records St. Helena Parish La 1813-1875 by Nicholas Russell
Navy History and Tradition: Naval Actions of the Civil War 1861-1865 comic book
St. Helena Parish Colloquialisms
From the Burn (Scotland) to the Bayou (Louisiana) by E. D. Elliott 1938
Friends Are Like Flowers by Doris Faulhaber
The Red Book of Birds of America by Frank G. Ashbrook
Mexico: Places and Pleasures by Kate Simon
Earth Basketry by Osma Gallinger Tod
What Mother Never Told Ya About Retail: A Small Store Survival Guide by T. J. Reid
Walter Prichard’s Outline of Louisiana Studies, expanded and edited by Sue Eakin
Footsteps in Loranger by James G. Mosher and Virginia C. Mosher
Willis Daniel Magee and Theresa Lozane Wood, some of their ancestors and descendents
The Womacks from Oaklawn Plantation Louisiana 1778-1964
Winsome Words for Willing Witnesses by B. Gray Allison
24 Years of North Louisiana History: A Cumulative Index 1952-1976 of the Newsletter
Bulletin and the History of North Louisiana Historical Association
Louisiana State University Press, books for Spring and Summer 2001
Mississippi 1989 Travel Planner
Picture It. Mississippi Travel Planner
Jackson County, Mississippi, Photographs from the Past, Compiled by Thomas C. S-Wixon
Vacances-d’ete, Destination Quebec, Canada
Shelf 18 cont. (VHS & Cassette tapes)
VHS tapes:
Dedication Day 1-5-86
Mayor Nick Saladino, February 1985
Kentwood Military Video; Irene Morris pd #20, April 14 1999
Amite Eastern Star, June 9 1987 & Louise Moran comedy ‘court’ program in Amite City
Cassette tapes:
Mrs. Irene Morris Amite Parish Library from Kathleen Carter; April 11, 1987 (yellow
dot sticker #7)
Slidell Jr. High, Alton 38 people + 5 soldiers at end; March 3, 1978
St. Helena Historical Society in old jail (?) January 12, 1980 (yellow dot sticker
Side A: Clara Hogan Side B: February 1, 1977
Side A: New Zion January 12, 1977 Side B: Charles East
Chloe Holt Dar; October 8, 1977
Mr. Hewlett Dyros; September 17, 1976 (yellow dot sticker #2)
Tangipahoa Garden Club; January 9, 1978 (yellow dot sticker #14)
LSU Graduate students; September 25, 1976 (yellow dot sticker #3)
LaPlace Rotary Club; April 10, 1978 (bad wheel not functional) yellow dot sticker #15
Orwell School group – Oak Forrest; Friday May 5, 1978
Independence boys, November 16, 1976 (yellow dot sticker #10)
Side A: Brentis Riffle, McComb October 11, 1977 SideB: Lucius Varnado, October 12,
1977 (yellow dot sticker #11)
Side A: Kentwood Garden Club, January 16, 1978 Side B: KHS Teachers /S. Creek Chesbroough,
February 3, 1978 (yellow dot sticker # 13)
Michael Reid, Church ___ St. Paul Presbyterian Church, Houston, Labor Day 1993 & performance
with NY philharmonic
Bob with voice (not functional)
Coffee room at Daddy Polk’s before Ginger Romero’s Wedding, January 20, 1963
Bob Reid, Organesit Saenger Theatre, New Orleans, April 26, 1975
Music Club at Alton, culture comes to Kentwood 1910-1919 & Carrie Jacobs Bond Mary
Jim Philon, November 12, 1984
Junie Ricks; no date
Calvin Reid Memorial Service 5-19-1994
“Who fowls in the tree” (family); April 11, 1987
Varnado Reunion, May 30, 1982
Camp Moore Oral History – Carolyn George North, April 22, 1975
Amite Garden Club, November 1976