C. Howard Nichols Collection

C. Howard Nichols Collection

BOX   1

Folder 1- Woman’s Auxiliary to the National Council Protestant Episcopal Church/Grace
Memorial  Church (21 items)

1. Envelope reading- Diocesan Report-September 1949- inside envelope- Branch Annual
Report of the Woman’s 9/1948, 9/1949

2. Envelope addressed to Mrs. Eva D. Guenard from unknown (only address shown)- Annual
Report 1954-inside envelope- 67th annual meeting in the Diocese of Louisiana of the Woman’s Auxiliary to the National
Council Protestant Episcopal Church held in the Church of the Ascension, LA; May 4
and 5, 1954

3. Letter to Mrs. J. Nolan from Sylvia C. Young-thank you for report of Section “A”
of Hammond Woman’s Auxiliary-October 29, 1948

4. Envelope addressed to the Rev Howard Giere- January 2, 1951-inside envelope-

1.Letter to Miss Eastman from E.E. Puls-October 16, 1951

2. Letter to Miss Eastman from Ethel May Gerde-corresponding secretary for Woman’s
Auxiliary to the National Council Protestant Episcopal Church-January 26, 1951

3. Write-up about Mrs. Maria Josefina Hooker and Miss Anna Grut

4. Packet of papers/forms including: Christian Education, United Thank Offering, Branch
annual report of the Woman’s Auxiliary 1951-1952, promotion, supply, Christian social
relations, Please answer all questions form

5. Envelope addressed to Mrs. J. Nolan from Woman’s Auxiliary to the National Council
Protestant Episcopal Church; 1949; inside-

1. Note with following dates: September 1937, May 1938, June 1940-notes on minutes
of meetings

2. Constitution and By-Laws of the Woman’s Auxiliary to the National Council Protestant
Episcopal Church Diocese of Louisiana

6. Woman’s Auxiliary to the National Council Protestant Episcopal Church Diocese of
Louisiana budget for 1951-1952; Grace Memorial Church

7. Envelope addressed to Miss Zylpha A. Eastman from Seaman’s Town House of New Orleans-
October 28, 1949-inside-

  1. Envelope addressed to Miss Zylpha A. Eastman; December 28, 1949-card says Mrs. Henry
    S. Brittan
  1. Letter to Miss Eastman from J.G. Hyatt, manager of Seaman’s Town House-October 28,
  1. Thank you note from the Giere’s
  2. Newspaper article- “Seaman’s Home Needs Expansion”
  3. Postcard addressed to Mrs. V Barbazette- October 9, 1949
  4. Typed page about Auxiliary A updates-Mrs. Rownd
  5. Typed page about Auxiliary A- Mrs. W.C. Rownd
  6. Letter to Mrs. W.C. Rownd from Mrs. V.M. Mahr- September 16, 1949
  7. Envelope addressed to Miss Zylpha A. Eastman- September 1949-in appreciation- Mrs.
    Edward Richardson and family
  1. Handwritten note to Mrs. Nolan from Enia Sine (illegible)- Mrs. JA
  2. Handwritten note to Mrs. Nolan from June P. Richardson
  3. Letter addressed to Miss Zylpha A. Eastman from James G. Hyatt, December 26, 1949
  1. Envelope addressed to Woman’s Auxiliary “A” Grace Memorial Church, Hammond, LA-thank
    you-from Deborah Barbazette

8. Typed letter to Mrs. Saxon from Macon-Grace Memorial Church-June 25, 1941-thanking
Auxiliary A for beautiful photograph

9. Annual Report of Auxiliary A-1947

10. Message (document) from the Department of Missions to the Woman’s Auxiliary

11. 3 prayer cards-The Prayer for the United Thank offering

12. Budget for 1942-The Woman’s Auxiliary Diocese of Louisiana-September 26, 1941

13. Envelope addressed to Teresa H. Green from Master Artist’s Association-“Auxiliary
Constitution” written on envelope-May 2, 1938

14. Annual Report of the Woman’s Auxiliary Section A Grace Memorial Church-January
1, 1946-January 1, 1947

15. Envelope addressed to Mrs. Lewis R. Graham from Mrs. Duke Duplantis; inside- 6
page handwritten document explaining history of Woman’s Auxiliary and brief account
of early religious services

16. 28 prayer cards- The Woman’s Auxiliary and United Thank offering

17. Constitution and By-Laws of the Louisiana Branch of the Woman’s Auxiliary and
the Junior Auxiliary to the General Board of Missions

18. Constitution and By-Laws of the Woman’s Auxiliary to the National Council Diocese
of Louisiana

19. “Remember the Church in Your Will”-contributor Woman’s Auxiliary; for-Libreria;
as remitted by Mrs. Aimme E. Black; November 30, 1948; check for $10

20. 2 sets of the 2 page, typed document-Constitution-adopted 1930; Parish branch

21. Ripped copy of photograph of Grace Memorial Episcopal Church-attached is blank
annual Episcopal Bazaar form       

Books behind Folder 1- (9 items)

  1. Grace Memorial Church Auxiliary A minutes- June 5, 1917-December 26, 1922
  2. Grace Memorial Church Auxiliary A minutes- January 1927-January 1929
  3. Grace Memorial Church Auxiliary A minutes-January 1929-May 1934
  4. Grace Memorial Church Auxiliary A minutes- June 1934-June 1941
  5. Grace Memorial Church Auxiliary A minutes- September 1941-May 1946
  6. Grace Memorial Church Auxiliary A minutes- 1946-1949
  7. Grace Memorial Church Auxiliary A minutes- September 1948-1953
  8. Secretary book of Woman’s Auxiliary
  9. Section B-January 1, 1946-May 31, 1948
  10. June 1949-August 1949
  11. October 1938-March 1949
  12. Notebook- woman who attended meeting with Bishop “Jackson” (illegible) for (newer)
    priests-April 21, no year

Folder 2- Grace Memorial Episcopal Church records-including funeral records (3 items)

  1. Book of church record
  2. Hammond State Bank booklet
  3. Photograph of (left to right)- Marcia Stolley, Rev Carl Stolley, Father Robert Perry,
    OP; December 6, 1998, Carl’s last Sunday at Grace Memorial Episcopal Church, Hammond,

Folder 3-newspaper clippings-scrapbook-  (10 items)

  1. “Hammond Credit Men Boost Trade”-Times Picayune
  2. “Crowned as Beauty Queen- Margaret J. Smith “Miss Tennessee” Crowned Miss United States”-attached
    are 3 postcards:

    1. “Landmark of D’Iberville’s Landing”-Biloxi, MS
    2. “Fort Massachusetts, Ship Island”-near Biloxi, MS
    3. “Scene in City Park”-Biloxi, MS -on back- Hammond High’s first football team-1920                                          
  1. “Questions answered by FSA for Parish”; “Choirs to Sing at Celebration”; “Anniversary
    of the Grace Memorial Church”; “on back-different “tally” book and a paper fan
  1. The Hammond Vindicator-Friday, unknown date, 1946- 54th year- Number 36-various articles
  2. The Hammond Vindicator-Friday, December 6, 1946
  3. Articles attached to scrapbook paper- “American Legion and Auxiliary Grateful”; “Pioneer
    Leader is Dead (December 1, 1938); tally booklets attached-on back- Episcopalians
    Here Will Complete 50th Anniversary of Grace Church (with photograph)
  1. “German Zeppelin Explodes: Death Toll Placed at 48; other articles- Times-Picayune;
    on back- Miss Annie Eastman Speaks at Rotany Club; gift tag with picture of dog attached;
    hand written notes; April 3, 1937; various articles about Germany (Berlin) and US
  1. The Hammond Vindicator-Hammond, Louisiana- “Local and Personal Mention”; “To Wed in
    December (engagement of Henkel and Fisher); “Positions in Hammond Post Office to be
    Filled”; “Revival at Albany”; “Annual Woman’s Day at Christian Church Sunday”; and
    other various articles           
  1. The Hammond Vindicator-Hammond, Louisiana- various articles
  2. Loose scrapbook item in shape of football-SLC 20 Lamar 7

 Folder 4- Camp Moore

  1. Copy of handwritten letter-B.P. Butler Papers, reply to Camp Moore; July 8, 1862
  2. Copy of handwritten letter-B.P. Butler Papers, Camp Moore; July 11, 1862

Box    2  

Folder    1     Prehistoric Louisiana

  1. “Prehistoric Louisiana” by Anne Price in Sunday Magazine, Baton Rouge Morning Advocate, August 30, 1987.
  2. “State’s Cultural Heritage” by William Brockway, in Sunday Magazine, Baton Rouge Morning Advocate, April 6, 1975.

 Folder    2     French Colonial Louisiana


  1. “John Law’s Bubble Burst 250 Years Ago” by Pie Dufour in New Orleans Times-Picayune, October 25, 1970.
  1. “Louisiana Places–Strange Sounding Names: Colbert River” unidentified newspaper clipping
    which cites the source for its information as B. F. French, “Historical Collections
    of Louisiana and Florida.”
  2. “The mighty rise and fall of Du Breuil” by Marjorie Roehl in Times-Picayune Feb. 28, 1988.
  3. No-name clipping on origin of okra, newspaper and date are unknown.
  4. “200 Years Ago the Acadians Came” in Louisiana Highlights, Vol. 4, No. 7. Published by La. Power and Light Co.
  1. “Plans Approved on Restoration: Fort de la Boulaye” No newspaper or date is given.       
  2. “First French Settlement Site in La. Territory Found” (Fort Point Peninsula, Ocean
    Springs, Mississippi.) No newspaper or date is given.
  3. “Bienville and His Brother Traced This Historic Path”  (Bayou Lafourche) by Claire
    Puneky, in the Times-Picayune, November 17, 1974.
  4. “French Week Plans Completed for 250th Anniversary of City” (New Orleans) by Pie Dufour,
    New Orleans States-Item, 1968.
  5. “Scale model developed to aid fort rebuilding (Fort Maurepas)” in the Biloxi-Gulfport
    Daily Herald, March 16, 1972.
  6. “Tonti’s Search” (for Robert Cavelier de La Salle) Dixie Roto Magazine, Times-Picayune, March 12, 1967.
  7. “Twelfth Night Customs: Burning of the Greens is One of the Observances” in Sunday
    Baton Rouge Advocate, January 6, 1952.
  8. “French Fort Site Believed Found in Miss. (Fort St. Peter)” newspaper and date not
  9. “Here’s Brief Preview on John Law” by Pie Dufour in New Orleans States, March 11, 1965.
  10. “LSU Professor Traces History of Political Graft in State” by Gibbs Adams in Baton
    Rouge Morning Advocate, October 10, 1968.
  11. “Acadians Mark 200th Year in Louisiana” by Pie Dufour, Times-Picayune, April 25, 1965.
  12. “Louis St. Denis Wooed His Bride in Old San Juan Bautista” by Lola Anderson in Sunday
    Advocate, June 21, 1964.
  13. “Ocean Springs Has Fascinating History” in the Gulf Park Estates News for June 1965.

   Excerpts from Articles and Books:   

  1. Attitude towards Indians, from Biever, Albert H. S. J., The Jesuits in New Orleans and the Mississippi Valley (1924).
  2. Pre-Whitney Cotton Gins in French Louisiana,” by Daniel Thomas in Journal of Southern History Vol. 31, May 1965 No. 2) 135-148
  3. Friends of the Cabildo bulletin with these two excerpts:”New Orleans Under French
    Rule,” by Sarah Searight in August 1969 issue of History Today and “Louisiana: the Spanish Years, 1762-1803” by Jack Holmes.
  4. Bienville on food (1706). No source for quote given.
  5. Excerpt on Antoine Crozat from Price, France and the Chesapeake.


  1. Notes of C. Howard Nichols on Louisiana Architecture with emphasis on French colonial


  1. “The Transportation of Convicts to Colonial Louisiana” by James D. Hardy, Jr. in Louisiana History (Summer 1966) Vol. VII. (2 copies)
  2. “The Legal Institutions of Louisiana” by Henry Plauche Dart from the Louisiana Historical Quarterly, issue and date not given.
  3. “how montreal’s voyageurs discovered the northwest and Mississippi valley” by Evva
    Jarmicki Yellowley in Montreal (March 1965) Vol. 2, No. 3. (Iberville, Bienville, and Longueuil)

Folder    3      Spanish Colonial Louisiana


  1. “The Mystery of De Soto” by Ray Samuel from Tales of the Great River series in Dixie
    Roto Magazine, New Orleans Times-Picayune, September 23, 1951.
  2. “September 1779: When Revolution Spread to BR” by Powell A Casey in Baton Rouge Sunday
    Advocate, December 9, 1973.
  3. “Galvez to the Fore: Spanish Heritage Is Marked In Two Bicentennial Events” by Elsie
    Hardesty in Morning Advocate, Sept. 14, 1975.
  4. “Patriot Paid Bill for War” by Peter Hernon in New Orleans States-Item, n.d.
  5. “Cavalier in the Wilderness” from Deep in Dixie, Dixie Roto Magazine, Times-Picayune, n.d.
  6. “Streets Named for Rebellion Leaders” by Leslie McKenzie in Sunday Morning Advocate, Baton Rouge, May 16, 1965.
  7. “Spain Sent Ulloa to Rule La. in 1766” by Pie Dufour, Times-Picayune, March 6, 1966.
  8. “International Latin Notaries Here Because of State’s Civil Law” by Pie Dufour, Times-Picayune, September 29, 1965.
  9. “Pontalbas Still Popular” by Frank Schneider in Times-Picayune, n.d.
  10. “Selection of Louisiana’s First Spanish Ruler ‘Unfortunate'” by Claire Puneky, Times-Picayune, August 29, 1965.
  11. “Wasn’t much of a battle, but still important one” editorial in Morning Advocate, Thursday, Sept. 20, 1970.
  12. “‘Old Spanish Fort’ Is Getting Attention” by Stella Pitts in Times-Picayune, November 20, 1977.
  13. “Louisiana Bicentennial Almanac” by Dr. Ronald R. Morazan in Morning Advocate, n.d.
  14. “UNO Presents: ‘Galvez’–New Orleans’ Own Bicentennial Movie” by Larry Bartlett in
    Dixie Roto Magazine, Time-Picayune, Feb. 8, 1976.
  15. “The Centennial’s ‘Invisible Man'” by John Chase in Dixie Roto Magazine, Times-Picayune, December 14,1975.
  1. “Galvez Document Acquired by Historic N.O. Collection” by Alberta Collier in Times-Picayune, July 28, 1974.
  2. “Louisianians Still Retain Memory of French Revolt” by Claire Puneky, Times-Picayune, July 12, 1964.
  3. “Find Might Verify Ulloa Legend, Student Believes,” by Carolyn Kolb in Times-Picayune, (sometime in 1980s possibly 1983) but n.d. given.
  4. “Vives’ 1775 Land Marker Dedicated in Assumption” by Claire Puneky in Times-Picayune, March 20, 1965.
  1. “Boyd’s Avenue”s Colorful History Little Known” by Mary E. Graham and Jeanne Moyer
    in Sunday Advocate, April 23, 1961.

   Booklets, Brochures and Journal Article:

  1. El Nuevo Constante, Louisiana Archaeological Survey and Antiquities Commission, Anthropological Study
    No. 4 (Baton Rouge, 1981).
  2. Old Spanish Fort (Pascagoula, Mississippi)
  3. Casa Hove History (New Orleans Spanish house, now perfume shop).
  4. Bernardo de Galvez, Royal Patents, a broadside for a book on Galvez showing his coat of arms.
  5. Brochure on Bernardo de Galvez.
  6. Brochure on Oliver Pollock.
  7. “Willing’s Expedition Down the Mississippi” by John Caughey, Louisiana Historical Quarterly, Vol. 15, No. 1 (January 1932).


  1. Speech and research notes of C. Howard Nichols on Pere Antoine.
  2. “Baton Rouge in the 18th Century” by Carolyn Giles.
  3. Chart of Structure of the Cabildo: Spanish government in Colonial Louisiana, 1769-1803
    by Mike Camp.
  4. “Men of the Revolution (emphasis on George Rogers Clark)” by Richard M. Ketchum.
  5. “Ulloa y de la Torre Guiral” by Mark Morgan.

Folder   4     West Florida Rebellion and Republic


  1. “Revolt in West Florida” in Deep in Dixie, Dixie Roto Magazine, Times-Picayune, no date given. Sub. by William E. Sorenson, Abita Springs, La.


  1. “The Rise and Fall of West Florida” by Sarah McKiney Kent.
  2. “The West Florida Rebellion” by Frederick J. Bahlinger.

 Folder    5     Louisiana Purchase and the Territorial Period


  1. “History in an heirloom” by Sharon Litwin (original seal of Louisiana Territory) and
    “Louisiana, land of the giants” by Sharon Litwin in Times-Picayune, Oct. 7, 1984.
  2. “The Twelve Actors in Purchase” by Pie Dufour in the Times-Picayune, n.d.
  3. “Daniel Clark’s Place in History Told” by Will Branan in Times-Picayune, Dec. 15, 1963. (2 copies);  “When Claiborne Came to New Orleans,” by Joy Jackson
    in Dixie Roto Magazine, Times-Picayune, October 4, 1953.    
  4.  “Tulane Has Laussat Proclamations” by Pie Dufour in Times-Picayune, Oct. 20, 1968.
  5.  “New Orleans’ First ‘Fourth’ by Stuart Covington in Deep in Dixie, Dixie Roto Magazine,
    Times-Picayune, July 4, 1948.
  6.  “Apartment Boom Honors Pontalba Centennial” by Pie Dufour in Times-Picayune, June 27, 1950.
  7.  “All Land Bought by U.S. Cost Barely 10 Per Cent of La. Budget” by Pie Dufour in
    Times-Picayune, May 23, 1964.
  8.  ” ‘Customs Week’ Recalls Why U.S. Tried To Buy Island of Orleans” by Pie Dufour in
    Times-Picayune, April 29, 1964.
  9.  “Grief, Anger Met Sale of Louisiana” by Claire Puneky in Times-Picayune, n.d.


  1. The Louisiana Purchase by Frank Bond. Reprint of 1933 Edition. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Land
  2. Louisiana Purchase by John Chase (Louisiana Sesquicentennial Commission, Third Printing by New Orleans
    States, 1955).
  3. Louisiana Purchase, An Exhibition prepared by Louisiana State Museum in co-operation with The Louisiana
    Landmarks Society (New Orleans, 1953).
  4. The Louisiana Purchase by Bernard De Voto. Reprinted by Esso Standard Oil Company from Collier’s magazine.


  1. “The Louisiana Purchase” by Vicki R. Walls.

Folder    6     Louisiana Purchase

  1.    Section three in the Times-Picayune, Oct. 17, 1952 on the La. Purchase (2 copies).

Folder    7     War of 1812 and Battle of New Orleans (clippings)

  1.  “Sealsfield’s America–1826: Battle of New Orleans Viewed” by Sarah Sue Thorpe in
    Morning Advocate, n.d.
  2.  “Tactics of Americans Horrified the British” by Pie Dufour in Times-Picayune, n.d.          
  3.  “Packenham Had Sound Plan But Things Went Wrong for British” by Pie Dufour in New
    Orleans Times-Picayune, January 8, 1965.
  4.  “Many Came From Louisiana Bayous to Assist Jackson” by Claire Puneky, in Times-Picayune, n.d.
  5.  “Battlefield, Booklets, Exhibit Remain from Sesquicentennial” by Pie Dufour, Times-        Picayune, January 11, 1965.
  6.  “Jackson Unaware that Battle Was Over” by Pie Dufour in Times-Picayune, Jan. 18, 1965.
  7.  “Pirate to Patriot–Twice” by Joy Jackson, Dixie Roto Magazine, Times-Picayune, January 7, 1951.
  8.   “Forgotten ‘Peace Tree’ Marked at Chalmette Among Graves” by Pie Dufour, Times-Picayune, June 1, 1964.
  9.  “Battle of New Orleans Deemed Most Important” by David Zinman in Times-Picayune, n.d.
  10. “Friends of Cabildo Exhibit on Battle of N.O. Is Exciting” by Pie Dufour, Times-Picayune, Jan. 4, 1965.
  11. “British Nearly Turned Battle Tide on West Bank” by Richard Remy Dixon, New Orleans
    States-Item, Jan. 7, 1965.
  12. “Battle Era Booklets Prepared” Times-Picayune, Jan. 7, n.d.
  13. “Christmas 150 Years Ago Dreary For British, Fearful for City” by Pie Dufour, Times-Picayune, December 24, 1964.
  14. “‘United Fund’ of 1815 Provided Clothes for Poorly-Clad Militia” by Pie Dufour, Times-Picayune, January 5, 1965.
  15. “Even War Couldn’t Keep Jackson’s Mind Off His Race Horse Stable,” by Pie Dufour,
    Times-Picayune, January 6, 1965.
  16. “Sir Edward Pakenham Had Rapid Rise After Joining Army at 16” by Pie Dufour in Times-Picayune, January 7, 1965.
  17. “Mrs. deVerges Ends 2-Year Project: 8,121 Descendants of Battle Heroes Traced” by
    Kermit Tarleton in Times-Picayune, n.d.  
  18. “Chalmette Study” a photo of the Chalmette Battlefield with a small text to describe
    it, in Dixie Roto Magazine, Times-Picayune, July 26, 1970.
  19. “The Ship That Wasn’t There” by Powell A. Casey in Dixie Roto Magazine, Times-Picayune, March 3, 1974 (2 copies).
  1. “It Happened Here on Another Jan. 8” by Lilly Jackson in Times-Picayune, Jan. 8, 1978.
  2. “Anniversary in Chalmette” Times-Picayune, Jan. 7, 1984, Sec.  1, p. 13.
  3. “Stone Scarecrows” (five forts: Fort Pike, Fort McComb, Fort St. Philip, Fort Jackson,
    and Fort Livingston which were reinforced or built for the first time after the Battle
    of New Orleans) by Mike Mulhern in Sunday Advocate, Oct. 21, 1984.
  4. “Historic Log Hidden: buffs Get Battle ‘Bales'” by Don Hudson in New Orleans States-Item, September 19, 1964.
  5. “Jackson Opened N. O. Campaign in Night Battle 150 Years Ago” by Pie Dufour, Times-Picayune, December 23, 1964 (2 copies).
  1. “Here’s a Few Books That’ll Make You an Expert on Battle of N.O.” by Pie Dufour in
    Times-Picayune, December 28, 1964.
  2. “Madame Devince’s Cause” in The Bell Tel News, Louisiana, May, 1964.

Folder    8     War of 1812 and Battle of New Orleans (books, brochures, post card, manuscripts)


  1.   Chalmette by J. Fred Roush, National Park Service Handbook Series No. 29 (Washington, D.C.,
    1958, reprint 1961).
  2.   A Master Plan for Chalmette National Historical Park (U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, 1969.


  1.   “An Anniversary of Celebration” a brochure of the Friends of the Cabildo, in observance
    of the 175th anniversary of the Battle of New Orleans, January 6, 1990.
  2.   “Battle of New Orleans, 150th Anniversary, January 8, 1965, Battle of New Orleans
    Sesquicentennial Celebration Commission.
  3.   “Chalmette, National Historical Park, Louisiana” commemorating the Battle of New
    Orleans. United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service, reprint
    by U.S. Government Printing Office, 1963 (3 copies).


  1.   View of the Chalmette National Historical Battlefield where the Battle of New Orleans
    was fought.


  1. “A Brief History and Description of the Early Villere’ Plantation [and] The Historic
    Role of the Vilere’ Plantation in the Battle of New Orleans” by Jarreau M. Villere’.
  2. “The Final Battle of the War of 1812” by Steve C. Desforges.
  3. “The Battle of New Orleans” by Robert Hymel, Jr.
  4. “The Battle of New Orleans: The Leaders” by Michael Thomas.


  1. 2-page copy of map from Frenchmen, Desire, Good Children by John Chase which shows plantations along the Mississippi River.
  2. Map of terrain where the Battle of New Orleans was fought. Source not given.

Folder    9     Antebellum Louisiana


  1. ” Life was constant challenge under the ‘code duello'” by Marjorie Roehl, Times-Picayune, Aug. 24, 1986.
  2. “New St. Louis Hotel Set for Site of Glamorous Historical Events” by Pie Dufour, Times-Picayune, June 17, 1957.
  3. “Sealsfield’s America–1826: Plantation Life in Louisiana” by Sarah Sue Thorpe in
    Morning Advocate, January 3, 1972.
  4. “Imported Voters Gave Polk Win” in Times-Picayune, n.d.
  5. “Immigrant Boy Opened Shop” in Times-Picayune, March 14, 1965.
  6. “The First of 125 Great Years” by Terence P. Smith, Dixie Roto Magazine, Times-Picayune, Jan. 21,
  7. “Tales of the Great River: Race Course of the Nation” by Ray Samuel, Dixie Roto Magazine,
    Times-Picayune, February 11, 1951.
  8. “West Feliciana Railroad: Some Knew It as Old ‘Tri-Weekly'” Morning Advocate, n.d.
  9. “Lake Pontchartrain Boomed As Antebellum Summer Resort” by Pie Dufour, Times-Picayune, February 1, 1962.
  10. “Upcoming Election Brings Political Quiz” by Pie Dufour, Times-Picayune, March 1, 1964.
  11. “The Greys Went to Texas” Deep in Dixie, Dixie Roto Magazine, Times-Picayune, Dec. 15, 1963.
  12. “Latrobe, Unfortunate Genius” Deep in Dixie, Dixie Roto Magazine, Times-Picayune, n.d.
  13. “New Orleans Drinking Habits of 1852 Recorded in Old Book” by Pie Dufour, Times-Picayune, May 6, 1964.
  1. “120th Anniversary Observed by St. James Masonic Lodge” by W. GarberHigginbotham,
    Morning Advocate, August 21, 1964.
  1. “LSU Marches in Review” by Diane Farrell, Dixie Roto Magazine, Times-Picayune, August 30, 1959.
  2. “Tales of the Great River: The Night of the Floating Torch” by Ray Samuel, Dixie Roto
    Magazine, Times-Picayune, February 25, 1951.
  3. “The Visions of John McDonogh” by Arthur G. Nahrah (as told to Ray Samuel), Dixie
    Roto Magazine, Times-Picayune, April 30, 1950.
  4. “Father Postl Disappeared: Fugitive Austrian Monk Became Louisiana Author,” by John
    T.Krumpelmann, Morning Advocate, August 9, 1964.
  5. “LSU Foundation to Purchase Audubon Folio for University” in Sunday Advocate, Sept. 20, 1964.
  6. “1848 Convention Chose Gen. Taylor for President” by Paul Atkinson, Times-Picayune, n.d.
  7. “Song of Freedom” By T. J. Carruth, Sunday Advocate, July 26, 1964.
  8. “Louisiana Places: the Great Raft” Morning Advocate, n.d.
  9. “America Visits New Orleans” submitted by Paul J. Rale in Deep in Dixie, Dixie Roto
    Magazine, Times-Picayune, Feb. 21, 1965.

     Journal Articles:

  1. “John James Audubon (1785-1851): An Evaluation of the Man and His Work” reprinted
    from the New York Historical Society Quarterly (October 1956).
  2. Brief untitled history of Louisiana State University in The LSU Outlook, vol. 17, No. 1 (January 1970).           


  1. Notes of C. Howard Nichols on John McDonough.


  1. “The Hermitage” by Martha Lilly.
  2. “Le Petite Versailles” by Cheryl Young.
  3. “Acres of Mud” by Thomas Eads Hebert. (about James B. Eads).
  4. “Cotton in Antebellum Louisiana” by Jeannine Gettys.

BOX    3  

Folder    1      Civil War in Louisiana (Maps, Journals and Journal Article, Brochure and      Broadside,


  1.   Louisiana: 1861-1961, Civil War Centennial (4 copies)
  2.   Fort Yellow Bayou, 1864
  3.   The Lafourche District in 1862

     Journals and Journal Article:

  1. The Civil War Round Table, publication of the Civil War Round Table of Chicago, Illinois, Vol. XXIV, April,
  2. Civil War Times, Vol. II, No. 2 (May, 1960) Story on the Capture of New Orleans, p. 4.  
  3. “Yankees Versus Yellow Jack in New Orleans, 1862-1866” by Jo Ann Carrigan. Journal
    and date not given.

       Brochure and Broadside:

  1. Camp Moore Confederate Cemetery and Museum, brochure published by the Board of Commissioners of the Camp Moore Confederate Cemetery.
  2. Copy of a broadside denouncing Butler’s General Order No. 28 aimed at the women of
    New Orleans.


  1. Louisiana Commemorates the Civil War by T. Harry Williams.
  2. The Civil War in Louisiana: A Chronology by T. Harry Williams and A. Otis Hebert, Jr. (2 copies)
  3. Four Louisiana Civil War Stories by Charles East, Maude Gallman Brown, Cora R. Schley, and Sam Mims.

Folder    2      Civil War in Louisiana (Manuscripts)


  1. “War Waged by Words and Women” Manuscript ribald poetry and song about John Haralson
    and how he got nitre for the Confederacy.
  2.  The Washington Artillery Under the Command of James Burgess Walton” by Mary Helen
    Walton (1983).
  3. “The Civil War and Its Effect on Baton Rouge” by Robert M. Smith (n.d).
  4. “The Battle of Baton Rouge” by Karen E. Moffat (1982).
  5.  An Exercise in Futility: The Young’s Point Canal Project” by Gary Rivard (n.d.).
  6.  “The Louisiana Tigers” by Kenny Mathews (1982).
  7.  “The Battle of Port Hudson” by Jodi Gammel (1985).

Folder   3     Civil War in Louisiana (Clippings and copied newspaper stories)

  1. Hand written copy of a story in the Times-Picayune, June 4, 1976, Sec. 1, p. 3 titled “Civil War Widow Dies; File Closed” (This refers
    to Confederate veteran pension file in Louisiana).
  2. Deep in Dixie feature in Dixie Roto Magazine, Times-Picayune, August 18, 1968. Article is “Distress Signal” about how Chretien Point was saved
    from destruction during the Civil War. (Xeroxed copy)
  3. “111 Years Ago Today A Battle Raged in Baton Rouge” by Powell A. Casey in Sunday Advocate, Aug. 5, 1973.
  4. “The Last Confederate Victory” in Hammond Daily Star, June 30, 1964.
  5. “Beauregard, the ‘Rebel flea’: public legend, private sorrow” by Marjorie Roehl, Times-Picayune, August 10, 1986.
  6. “The Incredible Saga of the CSS Arkansas” by Philip Alan Thompson in Sunday Magazine,
    Morning Advocate, August 3, 1986.
  7. “Gov. Wells Won Post by Keeping Silent” by T. J. Carruth in Morning Advocate, n.d.
  8. Page from Harper’s Weekly showing Gen. Benjamin Butler defying rebels at New Orleans, Sept. 6, 1873, p. 772.
  9. “His Majesty, Gen. Beauregard” from Deep in Dixie, Dixie Roto Magazine, Times-Picayune, n.d.
  10. “Civil War diary brings the siege of Port Hudson to life” by Janet McConnaughey in
    Times-Picayune, April 22, 1984.
  11. “When the smoke cleared, he had his hide and a diary,” by Janet McConnaughey in Sunday
    Magazine, Morning Advocate, April 22, 1964.
  12. Photo of “Confederate soldiers” in reenactment at Fort Beauregard, Jonesville Catahoula News-Booster, October 14, 1982.
  13. “Civil War battles slated” (reenactment of Civil War battles on the Harrisonburg hill
    at Fort Beauregard. Jonesville  Catahoula News-Booster, November 4, 1982.
  14. “At look at the fort” (reenactment at Fort Beauregard), in Catahoula News-Booster, November 4, 1982.
  15. “Civil War buffs try to re-create era they love” by Buck Bennett in Times-Picayune, March 21, 1982.
  16. “Civil War diary brings to life distinguished judge of St. James” by Ron Thibodeaux,
    Times-Picayune, March 28, 1982.
  17. “Louisiana and the American Revolution” by Brian Schwaner in The St. Tammany News, June 11, 1975.
  18. “Miss. Man’s Letter Tells of Civil War Camp Life” in Times-Picayune, n.d.
  19. “Fanatics Are Blamed for Hastening Strife” by Pie Dufour, Times-Picayune, January 15, 1961.
  20. “Dixie Could Have Won If…” in Times-Picayune, January 15, 1961.
  21. “Young Confederate From BR Accomplished Daring Mission” by Edward Cunningham, Baton
    Rouge State-Times, Sept. 11, 1962.
  22. “Louisiana Places: Camp Walker” no paper, no date given.
  23. “Death, Plunder Marked Civil War Battles: Three Skirmishes on West Bank Cited” by
    Clarence Doucet, Times-Picayune, August 26, 1962.
  24. “‘The Beast’ Butler Gave $1,000” (to Hotel Dieu, a hospital in New Orleans) by Frank
    Schneider, Times-Picayune, April 30, 1972.
  25. Photo of E.D.B. Fabrina Julio’s painting of General Robert E. Lee and General Stonewall
    Jackson taken by Wilfred d’Aquin for cover of Dixie Roto Magazine, January 16, 1949.
    Commentary on the painting is on inside page of cover.
  26. “Gallier Hall Plaque to Honor Monroe” by Pie Dufour, Times-Picayune, n.d.
  27. “During Civil War: Paper Describes Paid on Clinton” Sunday Advocate, November 1, 1964.
  28. “Louisiana Soldiers Played Roles in Key Civil War Acts” by Claire Puneky, Times-Picayune, April 4, 1965.
  1. “Today’s Confederates” by John Foster in Dixie Roto Magazine, Times-Picayune, February 21, 1965.
  2. “Recall 4th Louisiana’s History” no paper, n.d.
  3. “A piece of history crumbling away” (Camp Parapet) by John Pope, States-Item, March 25, 1975.
  4. “Private Lewis Willey, Confederate Army, Deep in the Backwoods–An Unmarked Grave”
    by W.A. Spedale, Sunday Advocate, June 10, 1979.
  5. “Five Cents Can Bring $2000” in Deep in Dixie, Dixie Roto Magazine, Times-Picayune, n.d.
  6. “The sneaky Rebel who slipped through” by William A. Spedale in Sunday Magazine, Morning Advocate in September 1990 (exact date not given).
  7. “The Cavalry’s Coming!” by Freda Yarbrough (reenactment of Battle of Baton Rouge)
    in Morning Advocate, April 15, 1988.     
  8. “How They Saved their Flag” in Deep in Dixie, Dixie Roto Magazine, Times-Picayune, n.d. Submitted by Thelma Edwards Shingleur of Baton Rouge.
  9. “Maine group wants coveted sword; BR owner says no dice” by Tom Bradley, Sunday Magazine,
    Morning Advocate, November 1, 1987.
  10. “Confederate Sect’y of State Won Success at British Bar,” by Robert Douthat Meade,
    no paper, n.d.    

Folder    4     Civil War (General topics)


  1. “Keeping the Civil War Alive” by Mary Durusau, Morning Advocate, November 7, 1986.
  2. “Civil War Project Completed by Navy” (on five-part Civil War Naval Chronology) by Pie Dufour, Times-Picayune, April 4, 1965.
  3. “Lee’s Decision to Surrender Century Ago Dictated by Duty,” by Pie Dufour, States-Item, April 9, 1965.
  4. “Year Before Sumter, Top Generals Were Unknown,” by Philip Van Doren Stern, States-Item, April 18, 1960.
  5. Reprint of The Eastern Clarion of Paulding, Miss. for July 26, 1861. It was issued by the Clarion-Ledger Jackson
    Daily News, Jackson, Miss. on July 23, 1961.
  6. “Grant Found Formidable Foe in Mississippi Mud,” by Ezra Adams, Sunday Advocate, July 26, 1964.
  7. “Civil War Fort on Ship Island Threatened by Eroding Coast” by Pie Dufour, States-Item, April 8, 1964.
  8. “Dark Clouds Over Jeff Davis On 56th Birthday, Century Ago,” by Pie Dufour, States-Item, June 3, 1964.
  1. “Draft Calls First Used in U.S. During Civil War,” by Orbert H. Akerman, Times-Picayune, n.d.
  1. “Greenbacks Shrinking, But Dixie Dollars on the Rise, Suh!” by Bill Voekler, Times-Picayune, March 9, 1980.
  1. “Civil War Currency Valuable Again” by Edith Vicknair, L’Observaterur, April 14, 1977.
  2. Reprint of Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, NO. 301, Vol. XIL, August 24, 1861.
    (Photo of Confederate privateer, the Sumter and story of Battle at Wilson Creek in Missouri)
  3. “Confederate Christmas” (taken from letters in the LSU Archives) by Elizabeth Spence,
    Sunday Magazine, Morning Advocate, Dec. 21, 1980.
  4. “Printed on Wall Paper in Siege, Vicksburg Paper Has Strange End,” by Pie Dufour,
    States-Item, December 7, 1956.
  5. “First Streetcars Caused Stir in 1861” by Pie Dufour, Times-Picayune, n.d., 1964.


  1. The Jefferson Davis Shrine on the Beautiful Mississippi Gulf Coast           
  2. Flags of the Confederacy
  3. Fort Donelson, National Military Park


  1. A Concise History of the Civil War (Harrisburg, Pa.: The Stackpole Company, 1961).
  2. “The Lesson and the Legacy” a special issue commemorating the centennial of the U.S.
    Army in the Civil War, 1861-1865 of the Official Army Information Digest, Vol. 16, No. 8 (August 1961).


  1. Virginia National Military Park and Vicksburg National Cemetery

    Photograph and Poster:

  1. Photograph of Jefferson Davis.
  2. Sherman in Georgia: War is Hell! (poster with four photographs)

Folder    5     Civil War in General (Brochures, Booklet, Articles, and Manuscript)


  1.   Lexington In Old Virginia
  2.   Confederate Museum, White House of the Confederacy
  3.   Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania
  4.   Antietam
  5.   Gettysburg
  6.   Vicksburg, National Military Park, Mississippi (2 copies)
  7.   Appomattox Court House


  1. Facts About the Civil War (The Civil War Centennial Commission: Washington, D. C., 1959).


  1. “The Engagement at Marks’ Mills” by Ira Don Richards (Reprinted from Arkansas         Historical Quarterly (Spring 1960).
  2. “The Civil War in Kentucky,” a centennial edition, 1861-1961, of the Louisville Courier-Journal with articles on the Civil War in Kentucky.


  1. “Searching for a Civil War Soldier’s Record” by Dr. Bert H. Groene.

Folder    6     Louisiana History and Culture, 1865-1900

     Excerpt from Book:

  1. Chapter IX, “The Rise of Populism” from Bourbonism and Agrarian Protest by William Ivy Hair.


  1. “New Orleans Riot of 1866” by Kellie Mengel (n.d.)


  1. Postcard of a typical country general store. this one is not in Louisiana however.
    It is Cohn Brothers, Lorman, Mississippi.


  1. “Pearl Rivers” by Elsie S. Farr, Dixie Roto Magazine, Times-Picayune, March 11, 1951.
  2. “Gov. Nicholls: Soldier, Governor, Hero” by Pat Baldridge, Sunday Magazine, Sunday
    Advocate, 3, 1964.
  3. Newspaper photo of famous actress Ada Isaacs Menken (born in New Orleans), newspaper
    unidentified, n. d.
  4. “Memories of Foster, Caffery Honored” by Pie Dufour, prob. Times-Picayune, but newspaper not identified, n. d.
  5. “Gubernatorial Race of 1896 is Recalled” by Hermann Deutsch, States-Item, February 17, 1964
  6. Gems From a Family Album” by Clare D. Leeper, Sunday Advocate, Oct. 22, 1961. (About
    Baton Rouge family with old photographs of historic interest.)
  7. “Fake Fightin’ Was Illegal” Deep in Dixie, Dixie Roto Magazine, Times-Picayune, n. d.
  8. “Margaret’s Memory Being Kept Fresh” by Pie Dufour, Times-Picayune, March 30, 1950. (about Margaret Haughery)
  9. “The Cross Marks the Spot” contributed by Carl  of Baton Rouge to Deep in Dixie, Dixie
    Roto Magazine, Times-Picayune, n. d.
  10. “Louisiana’s Great Train Robber” in Dixie Roto Magazine, Times-Picayune, June 4, 1950. (about Eugene Bunch).

Folder    7     Louisiana History and Culture, 1865-1900 (Notes, Manuscripts, Articles and Clippings)


  1.  “Reconstruction in Louisiana, 1865-1877: American Idealism–Reality in Fact?” Handwritten
    notes of C. Howard Nichols (n, d.).


  1. “Marshall H. Twitchell and the Coushatta Massacre” by Cynthia Beasley (1984).
  2. “Benjamin F. Butler” by Andrea Martinez (n. d.).
  3. “The Battle of Baton Rouge” by Renee Butte (n. d.)
  4. “General Benjamin F. Butler: A Yankee Officer in New Orleans” by M. Kelly Williams
  5. Copy of a hand-written manuscript in French. One of the documents in this material
    is titled “Le Caiser de paix dans l’urne electorale.” The author was B. H. Louis and
    it is dated Nov. 18, 1874.


  1. “The Southern Bourbons Revisited” by Dewey W. Grantham, Jr. Reprinted from The South Atlantic Quarterly, Vol. LX, No. 3 (Summer 1961).
  2. “The Ideology of White Supremacy, 1876-1910” by Guion Griffis Johnson. Reprinted from
    Essays in Southern History, Fletcher Green, ed., Vol.31, Ch. 8, (University of North Carolina Press, 1949).


  1. “Trolley to West End” Deep in Dixie, Dixie Roto Magazine, Times-Picayune, n. d.
  2. ” Mementos Relive Corbett-Sullivan Title Fight” by Charles Young, States-Item, September 5, 1964.
  3. “A Place for Liberty Monument” by Robin W. Winks, Times-Picayune, August 17, 1992.
  4. “Reconstruction: a failed quest” by Coleman Warner, part of the series titled “Together
    Apart: The Myth of Race” in the Times-Picayune, June 16, 1993.
  5. “La. Is First Where Feds Used in Riots” MorningAdvocate, August 5, 1967.
  6. “Two Good Volumes on Reconstruction Period in Florida” is reviews by T. Harry Williams
    of The Civil War and Reconstruction in Florida by William Watson Davis and Carpetbag Rule in Florida by John Wallace.
  7. “Mum Was His Word,” Deep in Dixie, Dixie Roto Magazine, Times-Picayune, May 23, 1976.
  8. “Pictures Out of Our Past” shows corner of Canal and St. Charles in February 1890
    and the same corner in 1970. It is in Dixie Roto Magazine, Times-Picayune, February 15, 1970.
  9. “Monument Put Back in Place” (Liberty Monument), no paper identified probably Times-Picayune (n. d.).
  10. “September, 1874: War in New Orleans” (refers to the battle of Liberty Place or the
    Carpetbag Rout) by John Wilds, States-Item, September 9, 1974.
  11. “Prof. Recounts Bourbons’ Aim” by Jan Lacey, Morning Advocate, April 3, 1973.
  12. “The New Mandeville Packet” New Orleans Daily Picayune, May 28, 1879. (about packet called Heroine owned by W. G. Coyle). This article was hand copied from the newspaper.
  13. “Across the Lake” Daily Picayune, June 8, 1879. (about taking excursions to the North Shore from New Orleans. Mentions
    boats New Camellia, Abita, and Heroine.) This article was hand copied from the newspaper
  14. “Reconstruction period brought massive changes in Louisiana” by Freda Yarbrough, Morning Advocate, n. d.
  15. “New Orleans: election day, 1876” by John Wilds, States-Item, November 2, 1976.
  16. Reprint of various cartoons which appeared earlier in newspapers and other periodicals
    by McKinley Publishing Company. (cartoons deal with activities of Ku Klux Klan).

BOX    4  

Folder   1     Twentieth Century Louisiana: Booklets, Newsletter, Manuscript, Map, Clippings


  1. State Land Office of Louisiana (Baton Rouge: State Land Office, 1963).
  2. Louisiana Spotlight on Industry published by the Department of Commerce & Industry, Vol. 4, No. 2 (March 1964).
  3. Louisiana Spotlight on Industry published by the Department of Commerce & Industry, Vol. 4, No. 3 (April 1964).
  4. 20 Years of Louisiana Politics, 1950-1970, PAR Analysis published by the Public Affairs Research Council of Louisiana, Inc.,
    NO. 168 (October 1970).
  5. Tourist Guide of Opelousas, Louisiana published by the Kiwanis Club of Opelousas (Opelousas 1963).


  1. The LSU Outlook Vol. 12, No. 1 (January 1965). Discusses the well known literary magazine at LSU,
    the Southern Review.


  1. “Rural Electrification and Louisiana: Power to the People” by Connie Vann, 1988. 
  2. Untitled manuscript by an unidentified white woman during the civil rights controversy
    of the 1960s telling part her husband played as an intermediary between black and
    white in their community.


  1.   Map of Louisiana, issued by the Louisiana State Board of Agriculture and Immigration,Baton
    Rouge, 1904


  1. “Genteel suffragettes cast their vote for equality at the polls” by Margaret Fuller
    in Times-Picayune, sec. 4, March 18, 1984.
  1. “Cypress, Tree of Legend, Symbolizes State” by Larry Holden, paper not identified,
    n. d.
  2. “Rejuvenated La. Historical Assn., Holds Annual Meeting Next Month” by Pie Dufour.
    Paper not identified, n. d.
  3. “Memorial Exhibit Honors Native Artist” by Sue Eakin in Morning Advocate, Sunday Magazine, April 21, 1963. (Clarence Millet is the artist.)
  4. “The Embarrassment of Louisiana” Harold H. Martin in The Saturday Evening Post. Issue unknown, but some time in 1961.
  5. “Near Hammond, Education for Migrants” by Gil Webre Dixie Roto Magazine, Times-Picayune, May 24, 1964.
  6. “The Mississippi River: Maverick to Mudlumps” by Bentley B. Mackay, Sr. in Morning Advocate, Sunday Magazine, March 15, 1964.
  7. “Call of the Outdoors: Forest Recreation Areas Lure Louisiana Residents” by Edythe
    McLean in Sunday Advocate, September 29, 1963.
  8. “Westlake Man is 103, Recalls Boyhood Days,” by Nola Mae McFillen in Sunday Advocate, September 29, 1963.
  9. “New Product From Cane Waste” in Sunday Advocate, September 29, 1963.
  10. “How Library Helps Community Noted” by Pie Dufour in Times-Picayune, April 12, 1964.
  11. “When Major Highways Were Graveled” in Dixie Roto Magazine, Times-Picayune, May 17, 1964.
  12. “One-Man Restoration Society” by Martha Ann Samuel in Dixie Roto Magazine, Times-Picayune, May 24, 1964. The Man discussed who renovates French Quarter property was Clay Shaw.
  13. “Famed 1815 Battle–Presented Problems in 1964” by Martha Ann Samuel in Dixie Roto
    Magazine, Times-Picayune, January 3, 1965.
  14. “It’s Crawfish Harvest Time in the Rice Fields” by LeRoy Willie in Sunday Advocate Magazine, May 26, 1963.
  15. “The Rise and Fall of the Llano Co-Operative Colony” by Robert Gentry and Dewey Swor
    in Sunday Advocate, February 4, 1962.
  16. “Fishermen, Trappers Fight for Existence” by Bert Hyde in States-Item, November 25, 1961.
  17. “Restoring Yesterday’s Elegance” by Marcelle B. Wright, in Dixie Roto Magazine, Times-Picayune, September 27, 1970.
  18. “Book Tells Story of N.O. Street Cars” by Pie Dufour, Times-Picayune, June 27, 1965.
  19. “General’s Granddaughter Brings Mementos Here” in Times-Picayune, April 30, 1965. (About Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard’s granddaughter.)
  20. “Antiques Lend Charm to Home on Quota Tour” by Elizabeth Wilkinson in Sunday Advocate, October 2, 1966.
  21. “Jackson Assembly to Feature Antique Sale, Tour of Historic Buildings at Annual Event”
    by Mary Acosta in Sunday Advocate, March 13, 1966.
  22. “‘Old Scholars’–The Ghost of Solitude Plantation” by Pat Baldridge in Sunday Advocate Magazine, October 22, 1961.
  23. “Le Petit Paris Explored: St. Martinville Is Bit of France” by Horace Sutton in Times-Picayune, December 26, 1965.
  24. “Reclaiming Heritage Is Aim” by Edgar Poe and Jared Stout in Times-Picayune, August 9, 1970. (About French speaking Louisiana students who are studying their
    ethnic background in Canada.)
  25. “Furthering the French Heritage in Louisiana,” editorial about the restoration of
    the French House at LSU. In Morning Advocate, May 20, 1975. 
  26. “Ideas for Observance of Anniversary Told” by Pie Dufour, Times-Picayune, April 19, 1964.

Folder    2     Twentieth Century Louisiana: clippings

  1. “For Sale: The Old South” by Millie Ball, Times-Picayune, July 24, 1989. About Louisiana plantation homes for sale including Nottoway, Oak
    Alley, Ashland Belle-Helene, Tezcuco, Mulberry Grove, Chretien Point, Asphodel, Bocage,
    Arlington, The Myrtles, Mintmere, Shadowlawn, Melrose, William Harris House, Richland,
    The Burn, Magnolia Hill, Linden, and Linton House.
  2. “The Census: Who We Are” by Mary R. Heffron, Times-Picayune, May 1, 1983.
  3. “Tax Burden of Louisiana’s Families as compared with those of selected other states”
    by Roger L. Buford, Hammond Daily Star, July 9, 1970.
  4. “Changes in Soaring ’60s Are Both Drastic, Subtle” in Morning Advocate, December 31, 1969.
  5. “Okra Boom Brings New Industry to Crawfish Capital” by Margaret Dixon, Morning Advocate Sunday Magazine, August 11, 1963.
  6. “Our Newest State Park” (Fairview riverside State Park south of Madisonville),Hammond
    Daily Star, July 2, 1964.
  1. “Cotton Exchange’s Passing to End Near Century of Activity” by Pie Dufour, States-Item, June 29, 1964.
  2. “Louisiana Marshlands Are Great Challenge to Man” by LeRoy Willie and R. C. Pesnell,
    Morning Advocate Sunday Magazine, October 6, 1963.
  3. “New Iberians to Celebrate Centennial–25 Years Late” by Bob Friedly, States-Item, March 11, 1964.
  4. “How Others View Us: Louisiana–A State of Mind” by William and Ellen Hartley, reprinted
    from Good Housekeeping Magazine in Morning Advocate, Sept. 1, 1972.
  5. “Llano Colony: The Utopia That Failed,” by Eloise M. Fruge, Morning Advocate, March 15, 1970.
  6. “Man of the Soil” by Gil Webre, Dixie Roto Magazine, Times-Picayune, February 6, 1966. Man is Marion S. Monk of Lakeside Plantation in Batchelor, La.
  7. “Visit to Toledo Bend” by Gil Webre, Dixie Roto Magazine, Times-Picayune, July 19, 1964. Describes site of Toledo Bend Dam before it was constructed.
  8. “Revolt in West Florida” submitted by William E. Sorensen to “Deep in Dixie” in Dixie
    Roto Magazine, Times-Picayune, July 19, 1964.
  9. “A Future from the Past” by Gil Webre, Dixie Roto Magazine, Times-Picayune, October 24, 1965. (Story on St. Joseph in Tensas Parish, north La.)
  10. “Nimble Monster Shores Up Mississippi River Bank: Operation Bigger Than Barge Lift”
    by Richard Munson, Morning Advocate (Sunday edition), November 21, 1965.
  11. “Soon-to-Be Old Bridge Marking Quarter of Century” Morning Advocate (Sunday edition), August 8, 1965.
  12. “Mississippi River Pilots Advise Captains of Local Conditions” Morning Advocate (Sunday edition), October 24, 1965.
  13. “Hot Molten Cargo from Port Sulphur” Dixie Roto Magazine, Times-Picayune, May 2, 1965.
  14. “Louisiana Statistics Offered in One Book” by Pie Dufour, Times-Picayune, October 17, 1965.
  15. “There’s Still Hope for a Jean Lafitte National Park” by Stella Pitts, Times-Picayune, December 5, 1976.
  1. “Pogy Boom: Cameron Has a Different Kind of Fish Story,” by Bill Chamberlain, Morning Advocate, Sunday Magazine, September 13, 1964.
  2. “Gets National Award: Francois Mignon Acclaimed For His Celebrated Writings,” by Ursula
    Walker, Morning Advocate, n.d.
  3. “Quarter Million Dollar Operation: Football Is Big Business in Baton Rouge,” by Allie
    Kleinpeter, Morning Advocate (Sunday edition), October 4, 1964.
  4. “Seip is Director: Audubon Sugar Factory Opened in 1897,” by John Hill, Daily Reveille, LSU school paper, December 3, 1964.
  5. “Mrs. Pearlie N. Buckner Retiring: Ending Many Years of Service to EBR,” by Gibbs
    Adams, Morning Advocate, Sunday edition, March 28, 1965.
  6. “Municipal Auditorium Is Pride of Lafayette” by Jim Lacaffinie, Morning Advocate, Sunday edition, July 23, 1961.
  7. “Two Recent Books Deal With Causation of the Civil War” by T. Harry Williams, Morning Advocate, Sunday edition, July 23, 1961. (On back page from No. 27.)
  8. “Keeping Pace With a Growing University,” by Cora Schley, Morning Advocate, Sunday edition, October 17, 1965. The university discussed is LSU-Alexandria.
  9. “Offshore Minerals Production Has Put $800,000,000 in Escrow: Only Little Hope is
    Being Held Louisiana Will Enjoy Bonanza” by W. Jeff Davis, Times-Picayune, June 20, 1965.
  10. “Louisiana and Prohibition: Everyone Has an Opinion” by Butch Hays, Morning Advocate, Sunday edition, Nov. 21, 1965.
  11. “Question Answered: People Do Ride Streetcars For Fun” by Pie Dufour, no newspaper
    given, January 31, 1962.

 Folder     3    Twentieth Century Louisiana Politics: clippings, journal reprint, manuscript paper,


  1. “Grosjean Error Dutifully Corrected” by Hermann Deutsch, States-Item, June 22, 1965. (Woman who was “governor” of Louisiana for a week in 1932.)
  2. “Morgan City Run by Doctor-Mayor” by Hermann Deutsch, States-Item, August 26, 1965. Man referred in story is Dr. C. Russell Brownell.
  3. “Bills Ending Race Bets Stirred Storm in 1922” by Hermann Deutsch, States-Item, February 17, 1965.
  4. “Anti-Race Track Bill Hit by Prank in 1922” by Hermann Deutsch, States-Item, February 18, 1965.
  5.  “Plot Accusation Bursts Like Balloon” by Hermann Deutsch, States-Item, February 19, 1965.
  6. “Tragedies that Come in ‘3s’ Remembered” by Hermann Deutsch, States-Item, July 6, 1965. (Discusses Bob Ruark, Chick Frampton, and Barney Krebs.)
  7. “History of Governor’s Term Under 10 State Constitutions” by Pie Dufour, States-Item, May 14, 1965.
  8. ” Louisiana Has Greater Power, Prestige in 89th Congress” newspaper not identified,
  9. “Senator Long Preceded by Both Parents” by Hermann Deutsch, States-Item, October 26, 1964.
  10. “‘My Friends…’ Louisiana Style” by Howard Jacobs, Dixie Roto Magazine, Times-Picayune, November 5, 1972.
  1. “How State Voted for Governor” States-Item, n.d. (However, it had to be 1964according to the candidates listed in the story.)

       Journal Reprint:

  1. “Louisiana’s Wonderful Invention” by Ed. Kerr, reprinted from Harper’s Magazine (October 1963). This is an article about PAR, the Public Affairs Research Council
    of Louisiana.

       Manuscript Paper:

  1. “Major Accomplishments of the 1964 Legislature”


  1. Text of Speech of Sen. Murphy J. Foster dated Wednesday, June 16, 1909 regarding TheTariff–Protesting
    Against the Admission of Philippine Sugar and Other Products Free of Duty, to Compete
    With American Agricultural Industries.

 Folder     4     Twentieth Century New Orleans

  1. “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy” by Gregory Roberts, Dixie Roto Magazine, Times-Picayune, August 11, 1985.
  2. “Picture Out of the Past” in Dixie Roto Magazine, Times-Picayune, October 12, 1969. Shows view of intersection of Canal St. and N. Rampart St. in
    New Orleans around 1919.
  3. “Candy Wagon Clang! Clang! One of Familiar Street Sounds of Youth” by Pie Dufour,
    States-Item, July 6, 1965.
  4. “Organized Crime, Mafia ‘Myth’ Had 19th Century N.O. Roots” Times-Picayune, September 22, 1974.
  5. “The Top of the News for 1975” Lagniappe, Times-Picayune, January 2, 1976.
  6. “Century-Old Tradition on Way Out: Funeral Brass Band Heads Toward Own Grave in N.O.”
    by Sid Moody, Times-Picayune, April 12, 1964.
  7. “Preservation Hall Giving True Orleans Jazz Second Coming,” Morning Advocate (Sunday edition), May 17, 1964.
  8. “Shell Building Pushes Skyward” Times-Picayune, April 11, 1972.
  9. “Police Strike Was big Event of ’79” by Joe Massa, Times-Picayune, December 30, 1979.
  10. Untitled photograph of Governor Richard Leche with President Franklin D. Roosevelt
    and others on train platform. Publication unidentified and n.d.
  11. “New Orleans: Cosa Nostra’s Wall Street” by Bill Davidson, The Saturday Evening Post, n.d.
  12. “The ’70s: Reforms and Tragedy” by David Snyder, Times-Picayune, December 30, 1979.
  13. “Frey, 100 Years, 1865-1965” supplement to Morning Advocate, (Sunday edition), April 25,1965. Frey sausage and ham company.
  14. “Archbishop Cody Becomes 10th Archbishop of New New Orleans” by Pie Dufour,States-Item, November 10, 1964.
  1. “New Orleans Guards the President” by John Foster, Dixie Roto Magazine, Times-Picayune, November 22, 1964.
  1. “Opening New Frontiers in Real Estate” a supplement to the Morning Advocate, (Sunday edition), February 7, 1964.
  2. “Census Shows Three Explosions for City” by Pie Dufour, newspaper not identified,
    n.d. Story is about taking of the 1960 census which will begin soon, so must be in
  3. “Garden District Cemetery in Poor Condition” by Carolyn Kolb, Times-Picayune, April 25, 1965. The cemetery mentioned is Lafayette No. 1 Cemetery in the Garden
    District of New Orleans.
  4. “Annual Report of The Mayor/City of New Orleans, 1964-1965” supplement in the Times-Picayune, May 2, 1965.
  5. “Ursuline Convent, Ideal for ’68 Exhibit” by Pie Dufour, Times-Picayune, November 7, 1965.
  6. “Begue’s Once Famous French Restaurant” by Hermann Deutsch, States-Item, December 16, 1965. Discusses French Market also which was across from this famous
  7. “Steel Over the Industrial Canal” Dixie Roto Magazine, Times-Picayune, October 6, 1963.

 Folder    5      Bicentennial Material: Letters, Speeches, Reports, and News Releases


  1. To Economic Development Districts from Henry C. Rubin, American Revolution Bicentennial
    Commission, State of Louisiana, October 15, 1973. Contains release on grants, bus
    and bike tours.
  2. To C. Howard Nichols from Mary Sue May, Administrative Assistant, Capital Economic
    Development District Council, Inc. (this council covers 12 parishes of which the Florida
    Parishes were a part, November 6, 1973.)
  3. To Tangipahoa Parish Bicentennial Commission Members from Mary Sue May,November 21,
  1. To members of the Heritage Committee of the Tangipahoa Parish American Revolution
    Bicentennial Commission from Buck Perrin, December (undated), 1973.
  2. To C. Howard Nichols from Irene R. Morris, January (undated), 1974.
  3. To Tangipahoa Parish Bicentennial Commission from Rube Rogers, chairman, January 8,
  4. To Heritage ’76 Bicentennial from Wiley H. Sharp, Jr., Citizens National Bank, February
    25, 1974.
  5. To Tangipahoa Parish Bicentennial Commission Members from Rube Rogers, chairman, September
    16, 1974.
  6. To C. Howard Nichols from Mary Sue May, September 24, 1974.
  7. To Tangipahoa Parish Bicentennial Commission Members from Rube Rogers, March 11, 1975.
  8. Form Letter from St. Helena Bicentennial Commission extending an invitation to the
    dedication of Fluker’s Bluff Nature Trail and Marker, March 27, 1975.
  9. To Tangipahoa Parish Bicentennial Commission Members from Rube Rogers, March 31, 1975.
  10. To Rube Rogers from C. Howard Nichols, April 7, 1975.
  11. To Palma Munson, Louisiana Tourist Development Commission, from C. Howard Nichols,
    June 24, 1975.
  12. To Members of the Tangipahoa Parish Bicentennial Commission from Rube Rogers, July
    8, 1975.
  13. To Members of the Tangipahoa Parish Bicentennial Commission from Rube Rogers, July
    8, 1975. COPY TWO.
  14. To Members of the Tangipahoa Bicentennial Commission from Rube Rogers, chairman, September
    2, 1975.
  15. To Tangipahoa Parish Bicentennial Commission & Guests from Rube Rogers, chairman,
    September 26, 1975.
  16. To Tangipahoa Parish Bicentennial Commission Members from Rube Rogers, chairman, January
    30, 1976.
  17. To C. Howard Nichols from Dee Hagan, secretary, Town of Mandeville, September 24,
  18. To [probably] the St. Tammany Historical Assn.’s members–a form letter from C. Howard
    Nichols, January 10, 1975. (2 copies)


  1. Bicentennial quilt speech. Speaker is not identified.

    Reports and Minutes:

  1. Minutes of Tangipahoa Bicentennial Commission Meeting, November 28, 1973.
  2. Report to Heritage ’76 Committee of the Tangipahoa Parish Bicentennial Commission
    by C. Howard Nichols, n.d.
  3. Report to the Police Jury of Tangipahoa Parish on the Bicentennial markers planned
    with a request for funding by C. Howard Nichols, n.d. (3 copies)
  4. Description of the two bicentennial markers for Tangipahoa Parish.
  5. Copy of invoice sent to C. Howard Nichols from Sewah Studios in Marietta, Ohio for
    the two bicentennial markers.   
  6. Copy of project sheet which was to be submitted by parish commissions to the state
    commission in connection with the bicentennial.

Folder    6       Bicentennial news releases, programs, booklets, and magazines

      News Releases:

  1. Florida American Rev. Bicentennial Symposium, Tallahassee, FL, Mar. 21-22, 1975.
  2. Release on dedication of two historic markers in Tangipahoa Parish, November 8, 1975.


  1. Program of Florida’s Bicentennial Commission’s Symposium on “Eighteenth Century Florida
    and its Borderlands,” May 18-20, 1972, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida.
  2. Program for the Dedication of the Historic Markers at Thirty-First Parallel near the
    Louisiana-Mississippi line and at Pass Manchac, November 8, 1975. (9 copies)


  1. Souvenir booklet with ten flags of Louisiana and explanation of their history by Pie
    Dufour issued by the Hibernia National Bank, 1976. (3 copies)
  2. Booklet, Media for the Bicentennial, issued by the National Audiovisual Center, National Archives and Records Service,
    General Services Administration, Washington, D.C., n.d.
  3. A Bicentennial Guide to Louisiana comp. and designed by Paul F. Stahls Jr. and Louis T. Mayeux. Sponsored by the Louisiana
    Bicentennial  (4 copies)
  4. National Parks Centennial, by Ralph C. Deans, published by Editorial Research Reports,February, 1972


  1. Time Magazine, special 1776 issue, dated July 4, 1776
  2. Time Magazine, special Bicentennial issue, dated  September 26, 1789

Folder    7     Bicentennial Material

      Newspaper Clippings:

  1. Newspaper photo of historic marker dedicated to establishment of thirty-first parallel,Hammond Vindicator, November 13, no year (probably 1975)
  1. “For Hungarian Settlement: Historical Marker Unveiled,” Daily Star, May 22, 1975
  2. Newspaper photo of Thirty-First Parallel Marker being the “First official Bicentennial
    Project”, Kentwood Ledger, October, no further date
  1. “La. Second in Participations: Bicentennial Year Will Be Marked by Local Celebrations,”by
    Margot Hornblower, Morning Advocate, February 20, 1975
  1. “Rejuvenated Train Trips out the Nation,” by Wayne King, States-Item, April 4, 1975 (about the 25-car Freedom Train which traveled the nation with Americana
    to celebrate the bicentennial)
  1. “Bicentennial Exec Eyed,” an ‘Offbeat’ Report by Don Buchanan, States-Item, no date
  2. “Louisiana and the American Revolution,” by Brian Schwaner, St. Tammany News, June 18, 1975
  1.  “200(?) Years of Booze: Let’s Drink to That,” by Ron Smith, States-Item, July 30, 1976
  2.  “‘Oh Say Can You See?’ – An Ode to America,” text by Sid Moody with photos by Charles
    W. Harrity, James A. Bourdier, Jerry Moses and Bill Ingraham, Times-Picayune, July 4, 1976
  3. “Bicentennial La. Almanac,” by Dr. Ronald R. Morazan, Times-Picayune, May 23, 1976 (Same article as below)
  4. “Louisiana Bicentennial Almanac,” by Dr. Ronal R. Morazan, Sunday Advocate, May 23, 1976 (Same article as above)
  5. The Louisiana Patriot, eight-page supplement to the Morning Advocate and State-Times, nd
  6. Morning Advocate Bicentennial Edition, July 4, 1976
  7. “We Salute America’s Bicentennial Celebration,” sixteen-page supplement to the Catholic Commentator, June 23, 1976

 BOX    5  

Folder    1     Historic Buildings, Houses, and Plantations

Newspaper Clippings:

  1. “Destrehan Plantation Home: Moving Toward Restoration,” Sunday Advocate, November5, 1972
  1. “The River Road Historical Society: ‘We Can Do It!’,”  L’Obervateur, October 7, 1976
  2. “School Corp. Nominates 25 Directors,” unidentified newspaper, n.d. (about efforts
    to purchase old Silliman College and convert it into a private school)
  1. “Silliman College Was Alma Mater of Many Prominent Area Women,” by Ann Pierce,Morning Advocate, March 17, 1967
  1. “Old Jefferson College – Now Manresa House: Beautiful Building with Varied History,”by
    Vaughn Glasgow, Sunday Advocate, April 16, 1967
  1. “Ante-Bellum Building Stately History of Manresa is Told,” Times-Picayune, July 19,  1964
  2.   “Manresa: Retreat of Solitude,” by Betsy Petersen, in the Dixie Roto Magazine of
    the Times-Picayune, October 11, 1970
  1.   “Orange Grove Store: A Relaxing Trip to the Past,” by Sue and Duane Cooke, Sunday Advocate, October 26, 1975
  1.   “Elegance Amid Elegance,” by Pat Phillips, in the Dixie Roto Magazine of the Times-Picayune, October 16, 1966 (about the Greek Revival Style cottage of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Morgan)
  1. “A Justice Born Here,” a Star Summer Feature giving information of the home in which
    Chief Justice Edward Douglass White was born, unidentified newspaper (probable Daily Star), n.d.
  1. “Unique Post-Civil-War Shop Thrives,” by Gaye Saucier, States-Item, September 12,  1963
  2. “Rooms at Cane River Plantation to be Viewed: Beau Fort, an 1830 Home in Natchitoches,
    to be Open on Historic Tour,” Sunday Advocate, October 4, 1964
  1. “Washington: The Unrestored Williamsburg of Louisiana,” by J.R. and Claire Brown,Sunday Advocate, January 21, 1962 (about the village of Washington in South Louisiana)
  1. “Little Town of Jackson: A Living Relic of the Past,” by Jesse W. Nelson, Baton Rouge Advocate, March 19, 1972
  1. “A Louisiana Williamsburg: Jackson Launches Restoration Program,” by Margaret Dixon,
    in the Sunday Magazine of the Sunday Advocate, September 15, 1963
  1. “The Barracks That Jackson Built,” by Gil Webre, in the Dixie Roto Magazine of the
    Times-Picayune, September 17, 1961
  1. “Landmarks Unit Meeting is Set,” Times-Picayune, May 24, 1964 (about saving the Kent Plantation House)
  1. “Oliver House Facade Not Initial One,” by Frank Schneider, unidentified newspaper
    (probably Times-Picayune), n.d.
  1. “Old Mansion in Tensas Parish to be Restored by New Owners,” unidentified newspaper,
    n.d. (about Wavertree Plantation)
  1. “Fine House, Fine Furniture,” by Pat Phillips, in the Dixie Roto Magazine of the Times-Picayune, July 10, 1966 (about the Albert J. Ruhlman home in the Garden District)
  1. “Baton Rouge Pilgrimage Tours to be Resumed Saturday and Sunday,” Morning Advocate, April 1, 1965
  1. “New Life for–An Antebellum Queen,” by Avis Moore Rupert, in the Dixie Roto Magazine
    of the Times-Picayune, January 3, 1965 (about Oaklawn Manor in Bayou Teche)
  1. “Magnificence and Decay,” by Janet Rink, in the Dixie Roto Magazine of the Times-Picayune, July 18, 1965 (about Evergreen, Oak Alley, Houmas House, and Belle Helene)
  1. “Old Duplantier Home: City’s Landmark to Open with ‘New Face’ Thursday,” by Patricia
    Baldridge, State-Times, November 1, 1965
  1. “On the Banks of Bayou Teche: Beautiful Bayside Plantation,” by Gerald J. Delcambre,
    Sunday Advocate, May 17, 1970
  1. “Catalpa Plantation: Preserving Romantic Louisiana,” by Dottye Varnado, Sunday Advocate, September 8, 1968
  2. “The Old Mint: Aging, but Inspiring,” by Betsy Petersen, in the Dixie Roto Magazine
    of the Times-Picayune, August 24, 1969
  1. “The Cottage Plantation: Andrew Jackson Slept Here,” by Jennifer Quale, Times-Picayune, January 23, 1977
  2. “Historic House is Moving to a New Home,” (Stanley-Goodrich House) by Lettice Stuart,
    in the Real Estate section of the Times-Picayune/States-Item, June 20, 1981
  1. “Comeback for Old Camelback,” by Martha Ann Samuel, in the Dixie Roto Magazine of
    the Times-Picayune, September 13, 1964

    Brochures, Booklets, Postcards:

  1. Postcard of the Acadian House Museum in the Longfellow-Evangeline State Park at St.
    Martinville, La.
  1. Postcard showing the Wier Building, said to be the oldest residence in Opelousas,
  2. Postcard of the Jim Bowie House located in the Jim Bowie Museum and Tourist Center
    in Opelousas, La.
  3. Brochure of the Shadows-on-the-Teche house and gardens in New Iberia, La.
  4. Brochure of the First Baton Rouge Pilgrimage, March 14 & 15, 1964.  Presented by the
    Baton Rouge Foundation for Historical Louisiana
  1. Brochure of the annual Fall Historic Tour of Natchito-ches, October 15-16, 1960. Presented
    by the Ladies in Calico Members of the Association of Natchitoches Women for the Preservation
    of Historic Natchitoches
  1. “Reflections” booklet of antebellum southern Louisiana Plantations. This booklet is
    Volume 1, Number 6, published in New Orleans June-July, 1946 by the House of Bultman

Folder    2     Historic Buildings, Houses, and Plantations

       Newspaper Clippings:

  1. “$1.3 Million: La. Plantation House Can Be Yours for a Bit More Than a Bag of Shells,”by
    Lettice Stuart, Times-Picayune/States-Item, March 27, 1982 (about Rosebank, in West Feliciana Parish)
  1. “Jefferson House Area Attraction,” by Laura Fussell, unidentified newspaper, n.d.
  2. “Historic Chretien Point Plantation is Put on Market for $1.1 Million,” Times-Picayune,January 6, 1980
  1. “Fairview: Memories North of Thompson Creek,” by Dawson Corley, Sunday Advocate, October 21, 1979
  1. “Winter Quarters: House for All Seasons,” by Damon Veach, unidentified newspaper (probably
    Advocate), n.d.
  1. “Belle Chasse: Last Sad Chapter of a Dying House,” by Dawson Corley, in the Magazine
    section of the Sunday Advocate, September 16, 1979
  1.  Beauregard House Draws Many Visitors,” by Clarence Doucet, Times-Picayune, May 17, 1964
  2.  “Historic Plantation Home Noted for Ghost Legends,” (Cretien Point Plantation House),
    by Bill Elder, in the Sunday Magazine section of the Sunday Advocate, September 20, 1964
  1. “Restored Plantation Mansion: Oaklawn – Epitome of Good Life,” by Ed Perez, in the
    Sunday Magazine section of the Sunday Advocate, December 27, 1964
  2. “The Cottage: Slower Pace,” by Ken Dixon, in the Fun Section of the Morning Advocate, June 1, 1979
  1. “Talk Slated on Early La. Family,” Morning Advocate, November 2, 1974 (about the Bringiers family who established and built Tezcuco,
    Belle Helene, Hermitage, Bocage, Bagatelle, Colomb, Xenon-Trudeau, White Hall, Union
    and Monroe plantation homes)
  1. “Wonderland in Ruins: Valcour Aime ‘Versailles’ Site Revisited in St. James Parish,”
    by Stella Pitts, Times-Picayune, December 15, 1974
  1. “Famed Oak Alley Plantation Has Exciting Future in Store,” by Stella Pitts, Times-Picayune, November 28, 1976
  2. “Love Affair with a House,” by Dawn Ruth, in the Lifestyle section of the States-Item, April 20, 1978 (about Destrehan Manor House)
  3. “A New Gleason Portfolio,” by William R. Brockway, unidentified newspaper (probably
    Advocate), n.d. (about Baton Rouge photographer David Gleason’s publication of a book
    entitled “Plantation Homes of South Louisiana”)
  1. “Antiques and Old Homes Form New Roads Benefit,” Sunday Advocate, April 14, 1974
  2. “Summer Fest at Asphodel: Out of the Fields of Elysium,” by Dawson Corley, unidentified
    newspaper (probably Advocate), January(?) 10, 1979
  3. Newspaper photo entitled “Bagatelle and Baggage,” by Richard Musson, in the Metrostate
    section of the Morning Advocate, November 30, 1977 (photo showing a barge moving the Bagatelle plantation house and
    its outbuildings up the Mississippi River to a new home site)
  4. “Marigny Years a Colorful Chapter in City’s History,” by Stella Pitts, an “Exploring
    New Orleans” column in the Times-Picayune, February 17, 1974 (about restorations in the “Faubourg Marigny” neighborhood of
    New Orleans)
  1. “Labor of Love Preserves Grand Old Homes,” Anne Price book review of Plantation Homes of Louisiana and the Natchez Area by David King Gleason, in the Sunday Magazine section of the Sunday Advocate, November 14, 1982
  1. “Getting Back to the Past,” by Tim Belehrad, in the Fun Section of the Morning Advocate, June 15, 1979 (about Belle Helene, with touring information also of other La. plantation
  2. “Ashes to Ashes, but Never to Dust,” by Dawson Corley, in the Magazine section of
    the Sunday Advocate, July 22, 1979 (about Elmwood Plantation)
  1. “Esplanade House of Memories,” by Pat Phillips, in the Dixie Roto Magazine of theTimes-Picayune, November 3, 1974 (about the Claiborne House on Esplanade)
  1. “By Dawn’s Early Light: They Tore Down Welham House Today,” by Dawson Corley, Sunday Advocate, May 27, 1979
  1. “‘Golden Age’ Restored”, by Pat Phillips, in the Dixie Roto Magazine of the Times-Picayune, September 10, 1972 (about the Hermann-Grima home in the French Quarter)
  2. “Restoration Work at Live Oak May be Viewed During Tour,” Sunday Advocate, February 15, 1976 (about Live Oak)
  3. Newspaper photos of three buildings, examples of items being sought by the Atchafalaya
    Basin Commission to be donated for the Atchafalaya Wilderness Centre under constructed
    near Catahoula, Morning Advocate, May 20, 1976
  1. “A New Lease on Life,” by Becky Bruns, Dixie Roto Magazine in the Times-Picayune, November 6, 1977 (about restoration projects flourishing in various American cities,
    including New Orleans)
  1. “A Victory for Preservation,” by Stella Pitts, Times-Picayune, September 17, 1978 (about Centenary College)

    Brochures and Broadsides:

  1. Brochure of Madewood Plantation House on Bayou Lafourche in Napoleonville  (2 copies)
  2. Brochure of the Myrtles Plantation in St. Francisville
  3. Restaurant placemat with a short history of Madewood plantation plus a praline reciepe
  4. Broadside of Austerlitz Plantation in False River, by Colonel Henry A. Rougon

Folder    3     Historic Buildings, Houses, and Plantations

      Newspaper Clippings:

  1. “Famed Greenwood Plantation Lost to Fire – Lightning Blamed,” unidentified newspaper,
  2. “With Love and with Interest: Uniting the Old and the New,” by Dawson Corley, in the
    Magazine section of the Sunday Advocate, March 19, 1978 (about the reconstruction of Greenwood plantation in St. Francisville)
  1. “Cluster of Treasures Along Cane River: Melrose Makes BIG List,” Times-Picayune, July  2, 1972
  2. “Sale of Melrose Reported,” unidentified newspaper, n.d.
  3. “Melrose–A Vivid Reminder of Louisiana’s Colorful Past,” by Stella Pitts, Times-Picayune, March 2, 1975
  4. One-eighth page notice of the opening of the Rosedown Plantation for tours, unidentified
    newspaper, n.d.
  1. “Restoration Creates Museum of Early 1800s: Rosedown, Challenge to Mount Vernon in
    Beauty, Perfection, to be opened After Underwoods Complete Project,” by Pat Baldridge,
    State-Times, April 7, 1964
  1. “Restorer of Rosedown Honored by Southern Heritage Foundation,” Morning Advocate, October 24, 1966
  1. “Theta Antique Show to Feature Rosedown,” in the Society section of the Sunday Advocate, October 2, 1966
  2. “Adapted to Modern Life: Tezcuco Retains Ante-Bellum Charm,” by Vaughn L. Glasgow,
    in the Sunday Magazine section of the Sunday Advocate, July 31, 1966 (2 Copies)
  1. “Orange Grove: Of Time and the Elements,” by Dawson Corley, in the Magazine section
    of the Sunday Advocate, May 6, 1979
  2. “Plaquemines Mansion Rich in History: Showplace of Another Era,” by Bert Hyde, States-Item, no date (about Orange Grove)
  3. “Another Landmark to Fall?” by John R. Kemp and John Pope, New Orleans States-Item, May 8, 1979 (about Orange Grove)
  1. “A Relic of Yesteryear in Louisiana,” by John Foster, New York Times, October 15, 1961 (about Shadows on the Teche)
  2. “Candlelight Reception is Finale to Dedication of Shadows Here,” by Frankie Hebert,
    unidentified newspaper, n.d.
  1. “Ceremony Climaxes Shadows’ Restoration,” unidentified New Iberia newspaper, October
    28, 1961
  2. “Return of the Shadows,” by John Foster, cover story of the Dixie Roto Magazine section
    of the Times-Picayune, November 26, 1961
  1. “San Francisco House is Again Bright, Colorful,” Sunday Advocate, June 26, 1977 (1st page of article missing)
  2. “1850 Mansion Being Prepared for 1977 Opening,” by Elsie Hardesty, Sunday Advocate, October 12, 1975 (about San Francisco Plantation)
  1. “Renovation of San Francisco Plantation Now Under Way,” by Joan Treadway, Times- Picayune, n.d.
  1. “San Francisco: Louisiana Original of Shining Stature,” by Vaugh L. Glasgow, Sunday Advocate, October 31, 1965
  1. “Beauty of Ancestral Home in State Enchants Californian on Visit,” Times-Picayune, November 10, 1955 (about a descendant of the original builder of Live Oaks who visited
    the house)
  1. “Refugees from a Duel: Live Oaks Steeped in History,” by Leroy Willie, Sunday Advocate, March 21, 1965
  2. “St. Louis Plantation: Home of Many Louisiana Leaders,” by Leroy Willie, Sunday Advocate, March 13, 1965
  3. “The Hermitage: Excellent Restoration in Progress,” by Vaughn Glasgow, in the Sunday
    Magazine section of the Sunday Advocate, April 9, 1967
  1. “Lonely Grave on Bayou Lafourche: A Tombstone in a Canefield,” by Gladys Calhoon Case,
    Sunday Advocate, August 14, 1966 (about a solitary grave marker in a canefield on the Madewood Plantation)
  2. “Audubon’s Happyland – Oakley Plantation,” by Pat Phillips, cover story in the Dixie
    Roto Magazine section of the Times-Picayune, October 12, 1969
  3. “Future of White Castle Mansion Undecided,” by Sonny Albarado, Sunday Advocate, July 22, 1979
  4. “Goodwood Plantation House to be Open for March 14-15 Tour Here,” by Dottye Varnado,
    Morning Advocate, March 11, 1964
  5. “Most Folks Agree That Loyd’s Hall is Haunted,” by Cora Schley, an unidentified Murray
    newspaper, n.d.
  1. “St. Delphine – A Gem of Architecture: Plantation Lives on in History,” by Vaughn
    L. Glasgow, in the Sunday Magazine section of the Sunday Advocate, November 6, 1966
  1. “Armitage Plantation Home: A Connecticut Yankee in Louisiana,” by H.P. Bacot and Vaughn
    L. Glasgow, Sunday Advocate, October 9, 1966
  1. A “Picture out of our Past” photograph of Woodlawn Plantation taken in 1885, in the
    Dixie Roto Magazine section of the Times-Picayune, October 16, 1966
  1. “Gallier Hall is Rich in History, Beauty,” by Clarence Doucet, Times-Picayune, May 10, 1964
  1. “Old House is Dying: Magnolia Plantation Home is Now ‘Haunting Ruin’,” by Stella Pitts,
    Times-Picayune, September 22, 1974
  1. “Louisiana’s Unique Post Office,” clipping from unidentified newsletter, n.d. (about
    St. Martinville P.O.)
  1. “Silent Reminder of Civil War,” by John Pope, in the Lifestyle section of the States-Item, April 4, 1975 (about Longwood, in Natchez)
  1. “Housekeeping in a Landmark,” by Eva W. Beets, in the Dixie Roto Magazine section
    of the Times-Picayune, January 13, 1952 (about the Rankin home near Columbia, MS where Andrew Jackson once

   Brochures and Newsletters:

  1. Brochure of Shadows-on-the-Teche (2 Copies)
  2. Baptist Message, dated April 30, 1964, featuring Greenwood on the cover, with a small statement regarding
    the home inserted


  1. “Shadows on the Teche,” an article reprinted from Historic Preservation, Vol. 10, No. 3, 1958 (in booklet form)

Folder    4     Louisiana and Mississippi Gulf Coast Forts

      Newspaper Clippings:

  1. “The Most Frustrated Fort in American History,” by Ray Thompson, States-Item, July 31, 1964 (about Fort Massachusetts in the Gulf of Mexico 12 miles out from
    Biloxi and Gulfport)
  1. “Prison Toured in Plaquemines: Part of Old Fort Wired for Demonstrators,” Times-Picayune, April 19, 1964 (about Fort. St. Philip)
  2. “Kids Play at Restored Fort Jackson While Fort St. Philip Lies Abandoned,” by Stella
    Pitts, Times-Picayune, April 20, 1975
  3. “Monument to de LaSalle in Ft. Jackson Area Eyed,” by Bert Hyde, States-Item, March 29, 1965
  4. “Fort Restoration Adds to Heritage,” unidentified newspaper, no date (about erecting
    a replica of Fort de la Boulaye in Plaquemines Parish)


  1. Copy of the Baton Rouge Civil War Round Table’s Itinerary to tour military sites in
    the greater New Orleans/Baton Rouge Area (including Forts Pike, Petite Coquilles,
    Macomb, De La Boulaye, St. Philip, Jackson, Livingston, and Butler).  Trip date: December
    2, 1978

Folder    5     Perique Tobacco

       Newspaper Clippings:

  1. “Perique Tobacco Keeps Pipe Smokers Happy,” by Leroy Willie, Sunday Magazine section
    of the Sunday Advocate, December 29, 1963
  2. “What Makes Perique Tobacco Unique?” by Robert L. Hurley, Morning Advocate, November 20, 1960

Folder    6     Rural Life Museum (Baton Rouge)

      Newspaper Clippings:

  1. “LSU’s Eloquent Relic of Ante-Bellum Days,” by Merikaye Presley, cover story in the
    Dixie Roto Magazine section of the Times-Picayune, November 12, 1972 (xerox of final page)

Folder    7     Lake Pontchartrain Causeway


  1. Full edition of the St. Tammany Farmer, dated Friday, August 31, 1956.  Headline reads “Bridge Opens Today!”  Almost entire
    issue dedicated to articles regarding bridge and northshore area (with many congratulatory
    advertisements from local organiza-tions/businesses)


  1. Program: “Opening Ceremonies of the Greater New Orleans Expressway, known Everywhere
    as the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway,” August 30th, 1956 (2 Copies)

Folder    8     Churches

       Newspaper Clippings:

  1. “Ascension Church Approaching 200th Anniversary,” Catholic Commentator, November 20, 1970
  2. “Country Churchyard Has Peace of Bygone Days,” by Larry Rumley, Sunday Advocate, March 24, 1963 (about Grace Episcopal Church in St. Francisville)
  1.   “Church Records Offer Fascinating Footnotes to History,” by Elizabeth K. Dart, Sunday Advocate, April 12, 1970 (about Grace Episcopal Church in St. Francisville)
  1. “Paincourtville’s ‘Heretical Church’,” Dixie Roto Magazine Section of the Times-Picayune, November 12, 1972 (about St. Elizabeth Catholic Church, called the ‘heretical church’
    because of its decorations depicting heresies)
  1. “Old St. Stephen’s is to be Restored,” by Bernard Curet, Sunday Advocate, October 26, 1975
  2. “Church Restoration,” a “Down in the Bayou” column by Claire Puneky, unidentified
    newspaper, n.d. (about the Christ Church in Bayou Lafourche)
  1. “200-Year-Old Church to be Restored,” by Doug Woolfolk, Catholic Commentator, July 6, 1973 (about St. Gabriel Church in Iberville Parish)


  1.   “Grace Episcopal Church, St. Francisville, Louisiana” by Pat Trahan, January 5,

Folder    9     Louisiana Bibliographies and Study Guide


  1. Louisiana: A Student’s Guide to Localized History, by Joe Gray Taylor. Part of the Localized History Series, published by Teachers
    College Press, New York in 1966
  2. Louisiana in the Civil War – a Bibliography, compiled under the direction of Edith T. Atkinson, Librarian, Louisiana State Library. 
    Published by the Louisiana Civil War Centennial Commission, 1961. (2 Copies)

       Excerpts from Articles and Books:

  1. Suggested Readings regarding the Kansas-Nebraska Act and aftermath, the court and
    economy prior to the Civil War, election of Lincoln, secession and war. Source unknown
  1. Suggested Readings regarding Civil War: The Confederacy, Lincoln and the Union, Military
    Events.  Source unknown (probably same as above)


  1.   Notes of C. Howard Nichols on 31st Parallel citations
  2.   Notes of C. Howard Nichols on St. Joseph Seminary College
  3.   Notes of C. Howard Nichols on the Abolitionists


  1. Selected Bibliography of Louisiana Reconstruction
  2. Bibliography of the French Period in Louisiana
  3. Copy of a bibliography from a student paper on Jefferson College

Folder   10     Brochures on Historic Southern Places

  1. Acadiana Tour Guide, Published by the Lafayette Parish Convention and Visitors Bureau
  2. Port Gibson in Claiborne County, MS, Published by the Claiborne County Chamber of
  1. “Gold in the Hills” brochure of a play presented by the Dixie Showboat Players and
    running on the “Big Mama” Steamer Sprague showboat in Vicksburg, MS.  1960 Publication
  2. Vicksburg, Mississippi brochure, published by the Vicksburg Chamber of Commerce
  3. Monticello (Home of Thomas Jefferson) brochure
  4. Mount Vernon, Virginia (Home of George Washington) brochure, issued by the Mount Vernon
    Ladies’ Association of the Union

Folder    11     Miscellaneous Material

      Newspaper Clippings:

  1. Full issue of The Watchman, East Feliciana newspaper published in Clinton. Dated January 3, 1964
  2. 4-page compilation of reprinted articles from The New York Herald dated December 21,
  3. Includes articles on the Grant presidency, South American War, Edison’s Light/Early
  4. “Cortez: Man Rejected by His People,” by Stanley Meisler, Morning Advocate, November 7, 1974
  5. “In the Corners of the City: Reviving a Victorian Tradition,” by Suzanne Stouse, in
    the Vivant section of the Times-Picayune, May 23, 1976 (about New Orleans public fish pools)

     Brochures, Postcards:

  1. Postcard of the dining room of the Hotel Vicksburg in Vicksburg, MS
  2. Postcard of the Hotel Vicksburg in Vicksburg, MS
  3. Brochure: “Our Cultural Resources…What they Mean to Louisiana”.  Published by Louisiana
    Commission on Cultural Resources
  4. Brochure: “The National Trust for Historic Preservation”


  1. Letter dated November 8, 1960 from Wayne C. Grover of the National Archives to Honorable
    James Morrison regarding a letter from C. Howard Nichols.  Attached is a memo from
    Congressman Morrison to C. Howard Nichols
  1. Certificate dated May 14, 1960 acknowledging that C. Howard Nichols successfully traveled
    on the Natchez Trace
  2. “Cooking with a Southern Accent,” by Clementine Paddleford. Reprint from New York
    Herald Tribune, March 4, 1956
  1. Portion of stationary from the Friendly Store in Covington, LA.  Handwritten Cedar
    Spring address of the Clapman (?) house.
  2. Brochure of the Mile Branch Settlement at the Washington Parish Fair, 1979
  3. Self-guide tour booklet of Fort Pickens in Pensacola Beach, Florida 
  4. U.S. Department of Interior National Park Service 5-page tourist information sheet
    on Fort Pickens
  5. “Great Lady Who Proved Legend During her 101-Year Lifetime,” a Pie Dufour ‘A La Mode’
    column in an unidentified newspaper, March 15, 1968
  6. “A Ditch to be Reckoned With,” States-Item, July 11, 1967 (about the Erie Canal on its 150th Anniversary)
  1. “Walter Prichard, Retired Educator, Dies Here Today,” obituary in unidentified newspaper,

BOX    6 


North Louisiana Historical Association Newsletter

  1. 1964—Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4
  2. 1964-1965—Vol. 5, Nos. 1-4
  3. 1966—Vol. 6, Nos. 3 and 4
  4. 1966-1967—Vol. 7, Nos. 1-3
  5. 1967-1968—Vol. 8, Nos. 1-4
  6. 1968-1969—Vol. 9, Nos. 1-4

North Louisiana Historical Association Journal

  1.  1969-1970—Vol. 1, Nos.1-4
  2.  1970-1971—Vol. 2, Nos. 1-4
  3.  1971-1972—Vol. 3, Nos. 1-4
  4.  1975—Vol. 6, No. 4, Summer; Vol. 7, No. 1, Fall

            1976—Vol. 7, No. 2, Winter; No. 3, Spring; No. 4, Summer

  1. 1976—Vol. VIII, No. 1, Fall

           1977—Vol. VIII, No. 2, Winter; No. 3, Spring; No. 4, Summer; No. 5, Fall

  1. 1978—Vol. IX, Nos. 1-4
  2. 1979—Vol. X, Nos. 1-4
  3. 1980—Vol. XI, Nos. 1-4

 15      1981—Vol. XII, Nos. 1-4

  1. 1982—Vol. XIII, Nos. 1-4
  2. 1983—Vol. XIV, Nos. 1-4
  3. 1984—Vol. XV, Nos. 1-4
  4. 1985—Vol. XVI, Nos. 1-4
  5. 1986—Vol. XVII, Nos. 1-4
  6. 1987—Vol. XVIII, Nos. 1-4
  7. 1988—Vol. XIX, No. 1
  8. Index to: Vol. VI, 1974-75; Vol. VII, 1975-1976; Vol. VIII, 1976-1977; Vol. IX, 1978;
    Vol. XI, 1980; Vol. XII, 1981; Vol. XIII, 1982
  9.  Teaching History: A Journal of Methods

               Vol. 5, No. 2, Fall 1980

               Vol. 7, No. 1, Spring 1982

               Vol. 8, No. 2, Fall 1983

               Vol. 11, No. 2, Fall 1986

               Vol. 12, No. 1, Spring 1987

               Vol. 13, No. 2, Fall 1988

               Vol. 14, No. 2, Fall 1989

  1. Attakapas Gazette, Published by the Attakapas Historical Association

               Vol. XI, No. 1, Spring 1976

               Vol. XII, No. 2, Summer 1977 (2 copies)

               Vol. XII, No. 3, Fall 1977

               Vol. XII, No. 4, Winter 1977 (2 Copies)

               Vol. XIII, No. 1, Spring 1978

               Vol. XIII, No. 4, Winter 1978

  1. The Dixieland Coloring Book, by Scarlet O’Hearme
  2. The Peoples of Louisiana: Heritages and Futures, Published by the Louisiana Committee for the Humanities, 1976-1978
  3. Northshore Magazine, 1984, Vol. 1, No. 2, September and No. 3, October
  4. Pathway, The Magazine of the Greater Covington Area, 1972, February and March
  5. Louisiana Heritage, Vol. 1, No. 1, Fall 1968; Vol. 1, No. 2, Winter 1969; Summer 1969; Spring 1969;
    Vol. 2, No. 2, 1970
  6. The Historic New Orleans Collection Quarterly, Vol. XIII, No. 1, Winter 1995

BOX 7a

State Senator Forum, 10-16-1979, audio recording

BOX   7b    Art, Music, Folklore

Folder   1  Poems & Sheet Music

a) My Rose of the Ghetto by Donaghey and Burkhardt from the Musical Comedy Louisiana Lou by Frederick Donaghey & Addison Burkhardt, 1911.

b) Song of Louisiana by Vashti R. Stopher, May 1928.

c) God Save the South.

d) Farewell to Yankee Doodle, February 1, 1961.

e) Call All: Call All: By Georgia.

f) Our Cause.

g) Secession, or Uncle Sam’s Troublesome Daughters.

h) O! I’m a Good Old Rebel, 1862.

i) The Despot’s Song by “Ole Secesh.”

Folder    2  —Art

a) “Fair Grounds Fine Art” by John Foster, Dixie, November 21, 1965.

b) “Major Art Event of Year: ‘Cotton Exchange’ on View” by Alberta Collier.

c) “Pontalba Portraits Found?” by George E. Jordan.

d) “Art in high places” by Gregory Roberts, Dixie, November 27, 1983.

e) “Celebrating Our 125th Anniversary 1872-1996,” a commemorative issue, 1996.

f) “Art.”

      Newcomb Pottery

g) “Newcomb Pottery, Handcrafts Featured in Presbytere Show,” The Times-Picayune, November 15, 1974.

h) “Newcomb pottery escalates in popularity and value,” Sunday Advocate, September 19, 1982.

i) “Newcomb Pottery Found Nationwide,” The States-Item, December 12, 1980.

Folder   3  Music

a) “Welcome Back!” by Frank Gagnard, Lagniappe, March 3, 1989.

b) “Glamour days have ended for Uptown club, The States-Item, October 10, 1981.

c) “Hope for the musical future” by Rex Reed, Sunday Advocate, January 30, 1977.

d) “Singing the Blue Room Blues: A touch of class,” The Courier-Bozart, June 19-25, 1975.

e) “‘Loyal Colony’ is topic of Benton For Coffee Held by Woman’s Club,” Morning Advocate, March 7, 1975.

f) “Ragtime” by John Pope, The States-Item, November 14, 1974.

g) “Still’s Lyrical ‘Bayou Legend’ Sparkles in World Premiere,” Sunday Advocate, November 24, 1974.

h) “Music,” Time, June 13, 1960.

i) “Old favorites were Louisiana-inspired” by Rex Laney, Sunday Advocate, April 6, 1959.

j) “‘Sleepytime Down South’ author Leon Rene Revisits SU Campus,” May 7, 1979.

k) “Cajun Music and Zydeco” by John Wirt, Magazine, October 11, 1992.

Folder   4  —Cajun Music

a) “Beausoleil, True to their Cajun roots, their playing is never less than inspired”
by Calvin Gilbert, FUN, June 21, 1985.

b) “Making Music” by Lionel Leleux, Magazine, August 26,1990.

Folder   5  Jazz

a) “The Olympian Brass Band” by Bill Grady, Dixie, March 21, 1982.

b) “Jazz—Source of Shame, Pride” by John Simon, The Times-Picayune, July 4, 1976.

c) “Keeping Jazz for Tomorrow” by Donald Markstein, Dixie, August 2, 1970.

d) “The Olympia Brass Band” by John Pope, Lagniappe, August 29-25, 1978.

e) “Buddy Bolden Story Documents Jazz Style,” Sunday Advocate, September 10, 1978.

f) “Atmosphere is Light in N. O. Jazz Archive,” The Times-Picayune, July 4, 1965.

g) “Jazz! The best block party” by Eddy Allman, FUN, April 30, 1982.

h) “10th Anniversary New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival,” Lagniappe, April 21, 1979.

i) “Jazz landmarks losing their brass and polish,” The Times-Picayune, July 23, 1989.

k) “Sound of the city” by Michelle Nicolosi, The Times-Picayune, August 14, 1988.

l) “New Orleans: High Notes and Low,” The New York Times Magazine, October 4, 1987

m) “One talent that won’t be forgotten [Count Basie]” by James Brady, May 12, 1984.

n) “A quiet afternoon with Willie Humphrey” by Vincent Fumar, Dixie, Feb. 3, 1985.

o) “Living with jazz in the French Quarter” by Vincent Fumar, Dixie, Dec. 2, 1984.

p) “Jazz has long row to hoe, exec says,” The Times-Picayune, November 30, 1990.

q) “Jazz on Broadway” by Vincent Fumar, Dixie, August 21, 1983.

r) “Death of Louis Barbarin, 94, cuts link with jazz’s past” The Times-Picayune, May 14, 1997.

s) “Oldest active New Orleans musician dies [Willie Humphrey]” Times-Picayune, June 8, 1994.

Folder   6  Jazz

a) “Experts agree ‘Jelly Roll’ was greatest” by Hal Ledet, Sunday Advocate, May 17, 1981.

b) “Fair Grounds electrician keeps juice flowing at Jazz Festival,” Times-Picayune, Apr 26, 1981.

c) “Get down with some goooood music” by Eddy Allman, FUN, May 1, 1981.

d) “Critics Call Him a ‘Giant of Jazz’,” Sue Fontaine, Sunday Advocate, May 16, 1965.

e) “Dirge for jazz trombone,” The States-Item, May 5, 1976.

f) “N. O. Jazz Club hails fallen ‘Duke’ Comrade” by Thomas Griffin, Lagniapp

g) “Satchmo’s letter to Mr. Jones” by Thomas Griffin, Lagniappe, July 24-30, 1976.

h) “‘Satchmo’ Swinging Into Home Town,” The Times-Picayune, October 24, 1965.

i) “Preservation Hall” by Clare Jupiter, The States-Item, January 18, 1975.

j) “Ask A. Labas.”

k) “New Orleans, Jazz Capital?,” Saturday Review, July 12, 1969.

l) “Who is Willis Conover?” by James Snyder & Robert Hickox, Parade, October 12, 1969.

m) “Local jazz giants see tourism boom” by Ron Brocato, The States-Item, June 11, 1974.

n) “Louisiana Granted $9,000 in Jazz Money,” Morning Advocate, August 25, 1973.

o) “The jazz of Kid Thomas Valentine” by Jim Amoss, The States-Item, April 22, 1977.

p) “The Day They Buried Big Jim Robinson” by Jim Amoss, Lagniappe, May 4, 1976.

q) “Jazzmen” by John Pope, Dixie, February 24, 1985.

r) “Brass Band Revival” by Vincent Fumar, Dixie, March 16, 1986.     

s) “The end of the beginning” The Times-Picayune, October 10, 1993.

t) “Keeping the Sound Alive” The Times-Picayune, October 12, 1993.

u) “Turning back the clock” The Times-Picayune, October 11, 1993.

v) “All that jazz” by Scott Aiges, Lagniappe, November 12, 1993.

w) “Acclaimed jazz pianist Bill Evans dies” by David Foil, Advocate, September 17, 1980.

Folder   7  —Musicians

a) “Dinos Constantinides” by Mary Durusau, Sunday Magazine, June 22, 1986.

b) “Four decades behind a baton” by Frank Gagnard, The Times-Picayune, October 7, 1984.

c) “Jazz Men of Letters” by Jason Berry, The Times-Picayune, December 11, 1988.

d) “Martin Bringing Moonglow to BR” by Ken Winstanley, Advocate, January 31, 1965.

e) “Gottschalk—the man and his music cited,” The Times-Picayune, March 14, 1965.

f) “The symphony’s new first lady” by Millie Ball, The Times-Picayune, October 7, 1984.

g) “Violin players get an early start” by Chris Russo, Sunday Advocate, November 17, 1985.

Folder   8  Folklore

a) “Folklore is his bag” by Damon Veach, Sunday Advocate, April 20, 1980.

b) “America’s Caribbean Coast” by Nicholas Spitzer, Sunday Advocate, July 6, 1980.

c) “The Louisiana Folklife Commission…” by Anne Price, Sunday Magazine, 6-07-81.

d) “Folklife needs space, funds for the fair” by Anne Price, Sunday Magazine, Dec. 19, 1982.

e) “Folklorist searching La. for Anglo songs, stories.”

BOX   8    Food and other related topics

Folder   1  Antoine’s

a) “Antoine’s serves 150 years of history” by Mary Foster, n. d.

b) “Antoine’s: 1840-1990, Souvenir Edition,” The Times-Picayune, May 1990.

Folder   2  —Beer

      “Beer” by Jay Perkins, Sunday Magazine, July 24, 1983.

Folder  3  Boudin

“LeBon Boudin” by Renee Peck, The States-Item, May 3, 1979.

Folder   4  —Cajun Cooking

a) “Real-life Cajun cooking” by Frank Bailey, Dixie, February 10, 1985.

b) “Food, Revisionist thinking in the provincial capital of Creole cuisine,” Dixie, March 6, 1983.

c) “Creole Cooking Redefined” by Gregory Roberts, Dixie, September 30, 1984.

d) “Cajun Cooking” The Times-Picayune, September 18, 1980.

e) “Two quick dishes that are easy to make and good as Grandma’s” by Myriam Guidroz,
n. d.

f) “Cajun Cooking: coast to coast” by Christopher Cox, Sunday Magazine, June 22, 1986.

g) “All about appetizers” by Frank Bailey, Dixie, December 2, 1984.

Folder   5  Cajun vs. Creole

a) “Cajun or Creole?” by Tommy C. Simmons, Morning Advocate, April 29, 1982.

b) “Cooks describe Cajun/Creole differences,” Morning Advocate, October 22, 1987.

Folder   6  —Chefs and restaurants

a) “Food, museum go together at annual benefit soiree,” Morning Advocate, Sept.29, 1983.

b) “Blue Ribbon Chefs” by Dale Curry, The States-Item, September 26, 1985.

c) “Bon appetit:  O. in midst of restaurant revival,” The Times-Picayune, August 26, 1990.

d) “Julia in New Orleans” by Dale Curry, The Times-Picayune, April 4, 1991.

e) “Roussel’s famed coffee pot runs dry: Restaurant to close,” Sunday Advocate, Feb. 19, 1984.

f) “Kolb’s restaurant sold to N.O. businessmen,” The States-Item, April 18, 1981.

g) “The World Inside the Hummingbird” by Mimi Read, Dixie, November 7, 1982.

h) “Underground Gourmet” by Richard Colin, 1980.

i) “Serving up the people’s choice” by Renee Peck, The Times-Picayune, February 7, 1988.

j) “Delicious new identity for Flagons” by Gene Bourg, Lagniappe, July 6, 1990.

k) “Gautreau’s: food, glorious food” by Gene Bourg, Lagniappe, May 25, 1990.

l) “Choice Dining in the Crescent City” by Gene Bourg, Lagniappe, Oct. 27, 1989.

m) Restaurant & Entertainment Guide, The Times-Picayune, October 12, 1997.

Folder   7  —Clams

      “New Seafood Industry Launched in Gulf,” The State Times, April 26, 1979.

Folder   8  —Coffee

a) “Spreading the Grounds Around” by Sarah Sue Goldsmith, Sunday Magazine, March 2, 1986.

b) “Ahhhhhhh, Coffee” by James Welsh, The Times Picayune, February 21, 1993.

c) “The Roast of the Town” by Millie Ball, Dixie, October 5, 1980.

d) “Coffee: Beans, Blends, and Brews” by Dale Curry, The Times Picayune, May 18, 1989.

e) “Coffee: Romance and Reality” by Gregory Roberts, Dixie, April 15, 1984.

f) “A Taste for coffee [Community]” by Richard Cotton, Magazine, April 10, 1994.

Folder   9  —Cooking in New Orleans

a) “What’s Cooking: Ch. 12 is shooting ‘Great Chefs on N. O.,” TV Focus, January 16, 1983.

b) “1993 Cookbook and Recipe Contest” Times Picayune, April 11, 1993.

Folder   10  Creole Cream Cheese

      “At last. The Story of Creole Cream Cheese Ice Cream,” Lagniappe, July 14-20, 1979.

Folder   11  —Food and Cooking

a) “Another Favorite Dish From Poor Boy’s Inn,” The States-Item, October 10, 1964.

b) “Bring Your Own Sandwiches on Excursion to Evangeline Downs,” June 15, 1966.

c) “Cooking cassoulet Louisiana style” by Frank Bailey, Dixie, January 17, 1982.

d) “Cooking a three-job night” by Mary Ann Sternberg, Sunday Magazine, July 18, 1982.

e) “Boucherie de bloc” by Randy Whatley, Sunday Magazine, April 24, 1983.

f) “Deep Fry for the Big Bird” by Dale Curry, The States-Item, November 8, 1984.

g) “Louisiana food–heritage of the ‘big iron gumbo pot’,” Morning Advocate, April 18, 1985.

h) “Ice cream’s come a long way since Alexander,” Morning Advocate, July 3, 1986.

i) “Winner of Louisiana Beef Cook-Off has worked on recipe for 15 years” by Julie
Kay, The Advocate, February 25, 1993.

j) “‘Road’ crews” by Cheramie Sonnier, The Advocate, August 10, 1995.

k) “Mexican gourmet dishes are favorites in home of the Edwin Davises,” Morning Advocate, June 19, 1960.

l) “The Spirit of New Orleans” by Constance Snow, The Times-Picayune, June 16, 1994.

m) “Long simmering time for good Italian cuisine,” Hammond Vindicator, July 24, 1980.

Folder   12  —Crawfish

a) “The Life and Times of Procambarus Clarkii,” Dixie, February 20, 1983.

b) “Mudbug market softens” by Dick Wright, Sunday Advocate, February 7, 1988.

c) “Tales of Crawfish” by Tom Frazer, The Times-Picayune, April 18, 1985.

d) “Crawfish” by Dr. Jay Huner, Sunday Magazine, March 31, 1985.

e) “The mudbugs are back” by Dawson Corley, Sunday Advocate, April 27, 1980.

f) “Quick-frozen La. crawfish packed to travel afar,” The Times-Picayune, March 9, 1986.

g) “Crawfish: From the Pond to the Pie” by Renee Peck, The States-Item, April 26, 1979.

h) “On Crawfish” by Randy Whatley, Sunday Magazine, February 28, 1982.

i) “Crawfish Center’s work continuing” by Dick Wright, Sunday Advocate, May 21, 1989.

j) “The Joy of Crawfish” by Phil LaRose, Sunday Magazine, March 18, 1984.

k) “Crawfish waste found useful; processing facility to be built,” Daily Star, April 25, 1984.

Folder   13  —French Bread

a) “The champagne of French bread” by D. D. Garber, Sunday Advocate, October 7, 1979.

b) “The Upper Crust” by Dale Curry, The Times-Picayune, June 7, 1990.

Folder   14  —French Cooking

a) “Cajun Pride coming of age beyond the Bayous,” The Times-Picayune, July 28, 1985.

b) “Changes taking some spice our of Cajun Country,” The Times-Picayune, August 14, 1988.

c) “The Ewings: living the old style Cajun life” The Times-Picayune, September 28, 1984.

d) “Cajun French: The revival is working; It’s becoming a living language,” The States-Item, June 28, 1978.

e) “Louisiana ace: Cajun music man regards his fame with modest humor,” States-Item, 4/27/79.

f) “Cajun: What’s in a name?” by Calvin Trillin, Sunday Advocate, May 14, 1989.

g) “Cajun Mardi Gras: Church Point chicken chase” by Bruce Dansker, Dixie, February 13, 1983.

h) “Priest publishes Cajun Dictionary” by Jon DeMers, The Times-Picayune, Sept. 30, 1984.

Folder   15  —Galatoire’s

      “Preserving the Galatoire’s Mystique” by Gene Bourg, Lagniappe, October 25, 1985.

Folder   16  —Gin

      “Say It Isn’t So!” by William Rivers, Dixie, April 12, 1981.

Folder   17  —King Cake

a) “The King of Cakes” by Myriam Guidroz, The Times-Picayune, January 5, 1989.

b) “Cake fit for a king,” The Times-Picayune, January 26, 1982.

Folder   18  —Louisiana Po-Boys

      The making of a Po-Boy” by Bunny Matthews, Dixie, November 29, 1981.

Folder   19  —Louisiana Restaurants

a) “Zagat re-rates dining options” by Constance Snow, Lagniappe, January 25, 1991.

b) -Advertisements for restaurants, FUN, March 1, 1985.

c) “No, No Nouvelle” by Gene Bourg, Lagniappe, April 19, 1991.

d) “Sophisticated dining at the Dakota” by Gene Bourg, Lagniappe, April 12, 1991.

e) “Reader’s choices for best area restaurants” by Betty Eppes, FUN, February 10, 1984.

f) “Deli crowns transition for the Shadows” by Reni Haley, November 2, 1985.

g) “Cabin fever hits Louisiana spot” by Stella Pitts, The Times-Picayune, November 5, 1989.

h) “DIDEE’S: A Family Tradition” by Smiley Anders, Sunday Magazine, April 15, 1984.

i) “Wongs climb to business success” by Gary Perilloux, Daily Star, January 23, 1994.

j) “Crankin’ Out The Beans” by Gene Bourg, Lagniappe, December 24, 1993.

k) “Culinary stops for the top of the morning” by Gene Bourg, Lagniappe, May 4, 1990.

l) “Roussel’s new place with past” by Lettice Stuart, The Times-Picayune, March 9, 1985.

m) “Quaint Bavaria succeeds with tasty European cuisine” by Sarah Sue Goldsmith, n.

n) “Beans, Beans, Beans” by Gene Bourg, Lagniappe, January 4, 1991.

o) “Turning back the clockkk at Tujague’s” by Gene Bourg, n. d.

p) “The Restaurant Game” by Gregory Roberts, Dixie, November 14, 1982.

q) “Catching glimmers of a glorious past” by Gene Bourg, Lagniappe, April 25, 1986.

r) “The 1982 Greater New Orleans Gourmets Guide, The Times-Picayune, November 7, 1982.

s) “Dante-by -the-River” by Millie Ball, Dixie, May 31, 1981.

t) “Backstage at Antoine’s” by Elizabeth Mullener, Dixie, August 23, 1981.

u) “The Versailles” by Millie Ball, Dixie, April 19, 1981.

v) “Dining out in days gone by” by Renne Peck, The Times-Picayune, February 18, 1982.

w) “Like His Hotel, ‘Mr. Lysle’ Is a New Orleans Institution,” Times-Picayune, Nov. 27, 1977.

x) “The 10 Best Country Restaurants” by Richard Collin, Lagniappe, December 25, 1976.

y) “The 10 Best Country Restaurants” by Richard Collin, Lagniappe, December 27, 1976.

z) “New Orleans’ Top Ten Underground Restaurants,” Lagniappe, Dec. 6, 1975.

aa) “The 10 Best Grand Restaurants-Plus Three,” Lagniappe, January 8, 1977.

bb) “The Gourmet’s 10-Best Grand Restaurants” by Richard Collin, Lagniappe, January 6, 1979.

cc) “Restaurant Awards 1979 Grand” by Richard Collin, Lagniappe, n. d.

dd) “Le Ruth’s The Best of the Best Is Still Going Strong,” Lagniappe, February 16, 1980.

ee) “Arnaud’s: A Spectacular Renovation with Reality Intact,” Lagniappe, July 14, 1979.

ff) “Recapping the ’10 Best’ of Everything” Lagniappe, January 14, 1978.

gg) “Gumbo Shop – Now There Are Two,” The Times-Picayune, November 1, 1981.

Folder   20  —Louisiana Restaurants

a) “Leruth is Culinary Artist” by Ed Fricke, The Times-Picayune, November 1, 1981.

b) “Marti’s – a spot for literary laborers” by Damon Veach, September 4, 1981.

c) “La Provence” by Millie Ball, Dixie, March 29, 1981.

d) “When the chef goes out to dinner. . . ” by Constance Snow, Lagniappe, November 9, 1990.

e) “The real folks on ‘Frank’s Place'” by Mark Lorando, The Times-Picayune, August 13, 1988.

f) “Restaurant & Entertainment Guide” The Times-Picayune, November 1, 1987.

g) “There were no mourners at passing of T. Pittari’s,” The Times-Picayune, July 25, 1983.

Folder   21  —North Louisiana Cooking

      “Eyes focus on food north” by Dotty Bagbey, Morning Advocate, September 26, 1985.

Folder   22 —Oranges

      “Louisiana oranges” by Mary A. Dixon, Sunday Magazine, January 17,1 982.

Folder   23  —Oysters

      “Oyster houses join to save industry,” The Morning SUN, March 7, 1979.

Folder   24  —Pat O’Brien’s

a) “Pat O’s quite silent partner” by Angus Lind, The Times-Picayune, March 21, 1993.

b) “Pat O’Brien’s: The next generation” by Frank Gagnard, Lagniappe, July 27, 1990.

c) “Pat O’Brien’s: An inside look at a lucrative legend,” Dixie, February 17, 1985.

d) “A home for the ‘O’Breeyon’ brothers,” The Times-Picayune, September 8, 1985.

Folder   25  —Pecans

      “Fall Forecast Fortuitous…” by Ed Cullen, Sunday Advocate, September 28, 1975.

Folder   26  —Pralines

      “Pralines and Louisiana–Synonymous With Each Other,” Sunday Advocate, April 29, 1979.

Folder   27  —Recipes

a) Plain cookies.

b) Coconut sour cream dream cake.

c) Southwest Baked Beans, Curried Tomato Noodle Soup, and Ritzy Rice Pudding.

d) Crab Cakes and Roasted Pumpkin Seeds.

e) New Orleans Praline Pie.

f) “Pizza-flavored sticks score points with kids”, recipe for Italian Biscuit Sticks
with sauce.

g) Mama Loretta’s Stuffed Bell Peppers, Sweet and Sassy Tongue, New Orleans Style
Sweet Noodle Kugel, and Loretta’s Crusty Bread Pudding.

h) “Fannye’s recipes live on at parties `in good taste’” by Mary Champagne, Sunday Advocate, August 16, 1981.

i) “It’s Tomato Time!” by Julee Rosso and Sheila Lukins, Parade, August 26, 1990.

j) “No-Bake Desserts” by Tommy C. Simmons, Morning Advocate, 7-25-91.

l) Recipe for Senator Allen J. Ellender’s Shrimp and Crab Gumbo.

Folder   28  —Rice

a) “Just say rice” by Anne Price, Magazine, September 1, 1991.

b) “An old rice mill with new traditions” by Sandra Day, The States-Item, Aug. 11, 1983.

c) “‘Blue Rose’ rice and the man who made it possible,” Sunday Magazine,  January 31, 1982.

d) “Rice Cookery: An Expert Shows How” Morning Advocate, June 5, 1975.

Folder   29  —Spices and Other Cajun Trademarks

a) “Spice of Life tour is new” by Annette Reynolds, Morning Advocate, July 11, 1985.

b) “Louisiana Purchases” by Dale Curry, The Times-Picayune, August 13, 1987.

c) “Louisiana Labels” by Dale Curry, The Times-Picayune, August 16, 1990.

Folder   30  —Strawberries

a) “Only U.S. Number One Strawberries Should Be Shipped This Year” by James H. Morrison, The Hammond Vindicator, February 11, 1938.

b) “The Lost Wild Strawberry Of Louisiana,” Murray Newspapers, April 4, 1973.

c) “P. L.  Hawthorne Developer of Present Day Strawberry Industry,” Murray Newspapers, April 4, 1973.

d) “It’s a Question of Grandmothers and Shortcake,” Murray Newspapers, April 4, 1973.

e) “Strawberries From the Field to the Tables,” Murray Newspapers, April 4, 1973.

f) “Modern berry result of long evolutionary process,” Murray Newspapers, March 3, 1976.

g) “Shortcake means money and fun for FHA,” Murray Newspapers, March 31, 1976.

h) “Ponchy was home of berry process,” Murray Newspapers, March 31, 1976.

i) “The ABC’s of Tangipahoa Strawberries”, Murray Newspapers, March 31, 1976.

j) “Family, Neighbors Make Difference” by Cynthia Woody, April 1976.

k) “Berries Are Coming, Festival Scheduled” by Sharon Norton, States-Item, March 16, 1978.

l) “‘Runt’ berries promising” by Charlie Chapple, Hammond Sun, April 1, 1979.

m) “Berry crop suffers,” The Daily Star, April 7, 1980.

n) “You-pick-them strawberries” by Tommy Simmons, Morning Advocate, April 10, 1980.

o) “Strawberry Member of Rose Family” by Robert Strube, The Times-Picayune, May 22, 1980.

p) “Berries look good…” by Charlie Chapple, The Hammond Vindicator, March 11, 1982.

q) “Farmer find strawberries unpredictable,” Sunday Advocate, April 25, 1982.

r) “First berries grown near Indy,” Murray Newspapers.

s) “Berries not seasonal for Patanella family,” Sunday Advocate, April 24, 1988.

t) “Strawberries Are Blooming,” New Orleans Item, March 31, 1948. (2 copies)

u) “Just Reminiscing” by Beverly Corbell, Denham Springs News, April 30, 1981 (Xerox Copy).

v) “Bent, But Not Broken” by Michael Satchell, Parade Magazine, October 10, 1982.

w) “Kenner ruled as kingpin of La. shipping,” The Times-Picayune, April 26, 1981.

Folder   31  —Strawberry Labels

a) “Labels tell the stories” by Christina Wainwright, The SUN, June 7, 1978.

b) “Old berry packing crates hide labels of heritage, nostalgia,” Vindicator, April 1, 1982.

Folder   32  —Strawberry Recipes

a) “Remember When,” Murray Newspapers, April 4, 1973.

b) “Festive berry recipes,” Murray Newspapers, March 31, 1976.

c) “Recipes,” Murray Newspapers, March 31, 1976.

d) “Mother’s Day Dinner for Special Moms,” Morning Advocate, May 10, 1979.

Folder   33  —Tabasco Sauce

      “Red hot” by Dale Curry, The Times-Picayune, August 15, 1991.

Folder   34  —Wine

a) “Berry wine: novelty of Tangipahoa”, photos by Fred Robinson, Daily Star, June 30, 1967.

b) “Tangi’s wine: almost a brandy,” The Daily Star, April 17, 1968.

c) “Louisiana Vineyards” by Tom Frazer, The States-Item, October 11, 1984.

BOX   9    People

Folder   1  —The Acadians

a) “Overlooked—Arrival of First Acadians Here 200 Years Ago” by Pie DuFour, April
22, 1964.

b) “Acadian Reunion” by Coleman Warner, The Times-Picayune, August 22, 1994.

c) “Our Acadian Heritage” by Martha Wilson, Morning Advocate, August 5, 1951.

d) “Where to go in Acadiana” The Sun, March 31, 1985.

e) “The Acadian Odyssey to Louisiana” by Rick Shinabery, Louisiana Country, September 1985.

f) “Early Acadians had much to learn” by Bruce Schultz, Sunday Advocate, October 6, 1985.

g) “Acadian Odyssey Observed” by Bruce Schultz, Sunday Advocate, October 6, 1985.

h) “Life Along a Louisiana Bayou,” n. d.

i) Newspaper clipping by Mrs. Evelyne Petry Goller, n. d.

j) “Acadian Village offers History, Philanthropy,” Morning Advocate, April 8, 1980.

k) “Taking Another Look at Acadiana” by Damon Veach, Sunday Advocate, July 1, 1979.

l) “What is a Cajun?” by Andrew Martin, Cajun cuisine, 1977.

m) “N. O. ‘Missed the Boat’ When the Railroads Came,” The Times-Picayune, May 22, 1966.

n) The L. S. U. Outlook, Vol. 16, No. 1, January 1969.

o) “Efforts to Preserve State’s Acadian Heritage Pushed,” Sunday Advocate, December 1, 1968.

p) “Perpetuates Acadian Handicraft” by Anna Lois Theriot, Sunday Advocate, February 6, 1966.

q) “The Louisiana Acadian Flag” Louisiana Library Association: 44th Annual Conference,
Book Dinner, n. d.

r) “What is a Cajun” by Bob Hamm, n. d.

s) “Recapturing a ‘Lost’ Art of the Acadians,” The Times-Picayune, July 6, 1975.

t) “The Culture of Acadiana: Tradition and Change in South Louisiana” by Steven l.
Del Sesto and Jon Gibson, The University of Southwestern Louisiana, n. d.

u) “Acadiana Prehistory Studied” by Mike Maher, Sunday Advocate, February 29, 1969.

v) “Mute Testimony of Concern” by Mary Allice Fontenot, Sunday Advocate, May 23, 1976.

w) “Acadian Living–Canadian Acadian, That is” by Mabel C. Simmons, Dixie, August 7, 1977.

x) “Canadian Province is Home Of Acadians’ Ancestors,” Sunday Advocate, July 18, 1976.

Folder   2  —The Acadians

a) “A Salute to Judge Felix Voorhies” by Jim LaCaffinie, Sunday Advocate, December 5, 1965.

b) “America’s Oldest Social Club” by Steve Libby, Sunday Advocate, December 14, 1969.

c) “When It’s Spring in Cajun Country” Sunday Advocate, April 11, 1971.

d) “Acadiana Shakes off  ‘Shame’ Psychology,” Morning Advocate, February 14, 1971.

e) “Coming of Acadians Deserves Attention” by Pie Dufour, November 9, 1975.

f) Map of Louisiana

g) “Attacks on Cajun Humor Draw Variety of Responses,” The Times-Picayune, July 7, 1974.

h) “The Collector: Acadian Louisiana treasures” by Hugh Smith, New Orleans, May 11, 1974.

i) “Old Cajun Custom Continues: Les Boucheries,” Morning Advocate, March 6, 1975.

j) “Where Cajuns Still Care” by Terence P. Smith, Dixie, February 12, 1978.

k) “Acadian, Creole Folklore Center Tells Anther Side of the American Story: A Louisiana 
Phenomenon” by Suzanne Stouse, Sunday Advocate, March 5, 1978.

l) “The Acadians Are so Attached To their French Heritage” by Betsy DeOME, Sunday Advocate, March 5, 1978.

m) “Lafayette plans ‘Festivals Acadiens’: Bayou foods featured” by Pat Baldridge, Morning Advocate, September 9, 1982.

n) “A Touch of Old Acadiana” by Gus Cransow, n. d.

o) “How do you explain what Cajun is?” by M. A. Red Wolcott, Daily Iberian, n. d.

p) “The Cajun Connection” by Bill Holman, Sunday Advocate, November 18, 1979.

q) L’Amour De Maman: the Acadian Textile Heritage, Louisiana State Museum, Dec. 14,

r) “Teaching Cajun” by Randy Whatley, Sunday Magazine, January 31, 1982.

s) “Fighting the myths of Cajun Heritage” by Angus Lind, Lifestyle, November 10, 1975.

t) “Homespun Acadiana” by Millie Ball, Dixie, December 14, 1980.

u) “Where to go to Fais Do Do” by Gus Cranow

v) Festivals Acadiens (pamphlet)

w) “Acadians celebrating their 200th year in Louisiana” by Truman Stacey, September
5, 1985.

x) “Acadiana history” by Truman Stacey, The St. Tammany News-Banner, Sept. 25, 1985.

y) “Acadia goes away back” by Truman Stacey, The Times-Picayune, Sept. 12, 1976.

z) “Book Chronicles Cajun Culture” by Pie Dufour, The Times-Picayune, December 19, 1976.

Folder   3  —Adams, Johnny

      “Soul Singer Johnny Adams: A night on the road with The Tan Canary,” Dixie, May 2, 1982.

Folder   4  —Adams, Rollie

      “New director to try to dust cobwebs from state museum,” The Times-Picayune, April 7, 1986.

Folder   5  —African Americans in New Orleans

a) Pamphlet: “The Rhythm of New Orleans” Greater New Orleans Black Tourism Center
Visitor’s Guide Map.

b) “Images: The Spiritual Core of the City” by Patricia Behre, Dixie, April 8, 1984.

c) “Black N. O. rates well in politics” by Ed Anderson, March 30, 1987.

d) “Drugs and Desire: A man from the project and his war against dope,” Dixie, Nov. 3, 1985.

e) “Black priest fills special position with Anglicans,” The Times-Picayune, May 14, 1988.

f) “I tried to live right and treat everybody right,” Sunday Advocate, August 10, 1986.

Folder   6  —Alferez, Rique

a) “N. O. sculptor extraordinaire” by Sharon Litwin, The Times-Picayune, November 2, 1986.

b) “Enrique: A Portrait of the Artist” by Don Lee Keith, Dixie, May 3, 1981.

Folder   7  —Ambrose, Stephen

a) “Tracking Crazy Horse and Custer,” The Courier, February 12-18, 1976.

b) “Stephen Ambrose and His Famous Friends” by Gregory Roberts, Dixie, November 25, 1984.

c) Chronicle: Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities, Vol. 7, No. 4, December, 1985.

d) “Writes of Spring” by Susan Larson, The Times-Picayune, February 4, 1996.

Folder   8  —Anderson, Walter

a) “Anderson’s Sea, Earth and Sky” by Anne Price, Sunday Magazine, September 19, 1982.

b) Invitation to the Annual Benefit for the Anglo-American Art Museum, October 2,

c) “Strokes of a genius: Artist’s daughter now caretaker of collection of memories”
by Laura Claverie, The Times-Picayune, October 4, 1982.

Folder   9  —Anzalone, Frank

      “Life in the Legislature” by Lil Mirando, Gumbo Magazine, April 27, 1986.

Folder   10  —Armstrong, Louis

a) “Satchmo’s park a living legacy” by Ed Lepoma, Sunday Advocate, June 22, 1980.

b) “Armstrong Statue is dedicated” by Joan Treadway, The Times-Picayune, April 16, 1980.

c) “Louis Armstrong Park: New Orleans Fanfare Jazz & Heritage Festival” by Duane Thompson,
The Times-Picayune, April 11, 1980.

d) “A Salute to Satchmo: New Orleans gets a brand new park,” Lagniappe, April  12, 1980.

e) “N. O. park honoring ‘Satchmo’ opened” by Bill Crider, Morning Advocate, April 16, 1980.

f) “Armstrong Park” by John Pope, The States-Items, April 16, 1980.

Folder   11  —Audubon, James

a) “Many Famed in La. History Also Had Prominent Fathers” by Claire Puneky.

b) “Audubon: Work of artist/naturalist sill reproduced,” Sunday Advocate, March 6, 1988.     

c) “How to purchase Audubon’s prints,” Sunday Advocate, March 3, 1985.

d) “Audubon: St. Francisville honors its most famous visitor,” Sunday Advocate, March 3, 1985.

e) “Reviving Audubon’s art” by Millie Ball, The Times-Picayune, March 16, 1986.

f) “Lucy’s story completes picture of John J. Audubon,” Sunday Magazine, September 12, 1982.

Folder   12  —Barrett, Emma

      “Sweet Emma’ Barrett, jazz musician, is dead,” The Times-Picayune, January 29, 1983.

Folder   13  —Barrow, Robert

a) “Tour as Head of U.S.M.C. to Delay St. Francisville Native’s Return,” Advocate, Jan. 3, 1979.

b) “Marines enjoy his La, tour” by Sam Hanna, The States-Item, May 21, 1980.

Folder   14  —Behrman, Martin

      “Behrman book: Comstock lode of N. O. politics,” The States-Item, January 20, 1978.

Folder   15  —Benjamin, Judah P.

      “Relics of Three Careers” by Stella Pitts, Dixie, April 29, 1973.

Folder   16  —Benson, Tom

a) “The Baffling Mr. Benson” by Allan Katz, Dixie, September 1, 1985.

b) “Tom Benson: The Man” by Cynthia V. Campbell, Sunday Magazine, February 15, 1987.

Folder   17  —Beychok, Shelly

      “Beychok plans to use politics to make LSU better,” The Times-Picayune, August 15, 1982.

Folder   18  —Bienville

a) “Le Moyne’s Log Tells of Early Explorations,” Morning Advocate, September 30, 1951.

b) “The governing principals of early Nouvelle Orleans,” Times-Picayune, November 13, 1988.

c) “His talent for exaggeration put Nouvelle Orleans on map,” Times-Picayune, August 12, 1984.

Folder   19  —Billups, Buddie

      “Uncle Buddie” by Lil Mirando, Gumbo Magazine, March 2, 1986.

Folder   20  —Boggs, Hale

a) “An Ostrich Plume in Lindy’s Cap” by Rose Kahn, The States-Item, November 4, 1970.

b) “Bad Weather Conditions Hamper Boggs Search, The Times-Picayune, October 29, 1972.

c) “A decade later, Hale Boggs’ fate is still a mystery,” The Times-Picayune, October 10, 1982.

d) “Historic Victory for Freer Trade” Newsweek Magazine, October 1, 1962.

e) “The Boggs Years” The Tulanian 45, No. 2, Spring 1973.

f) “Guess Who Came to dinner [President Richard Nixon] to honor 3 Tulanians?” The Tulanian 44, No. 3, September, 1971.

Folder   21  —Boggs, Lindy

a) “Lindy Boggs takes a look at her journey to national prominence,” Morning Advocate, August 10, 1990.

b) “A visit with Congresswoman Boggs,” Sunday Advocate, December 15, 1974.

c) “Lindy Boggs” by George Hager, Dixie, January 3, 1982.

Folder   22  —Boyd, Malcolm

      “Episcopal Priest Says Underground Church is Spreading” Morning Advocate, Feb. 16, 1967.

Folder   23  —Bradley, John Ed

      “John Ed Bradley” by Sarah Sue Goldsmith, Sunday Magazine, May 29, 1988.

Folder   24  —The Brennans

      “The Brennans” by Gregory Roberts, Dixie, October 30, 1983.

Folder   25  —Bufman, Zev

a) “It’s Show time, folks!” by John DeMers, Magazine, January 16, 1983.

b) “Zev Bufman of Broadway and Canal” by Millie Ball, Dixie, June 21, 1981.

Folder   26  —Burden, Steele

a) “Burden Oasis: Horticulturist leaves his mark on BR landscape,” Advocate, March 24, 1983.

b) “Sharing with others is way of life for Burden,” Sunday Advocate, July  29, 1984.

Folder   27  —Burns, James T.

      “Longtime statesman Burns dies at age 81,” St. Tammany News, December 18, 1981.

Folder   28  —Bussie, Victor

“Longtime AFL-CIO leader has built a solid reputation that reaches far beyond labor
issues” by Anne Price, Magazine, March 17, 1991.

Folder   29  —Cable, G. W.

      “G. W. Cable—He Loved New Orleans” by Betsy Peterson, Dixie, June 9, 1968.

Folder   30  —Callender, Alvin A.

a) “Sandy Callender’s Last Dogfight” by Sam Guillot, Dixie, April 20, 1958.

Folder   31  —Campbell, Charles

      “Charles L. Campbell Dies After Many Weeks Illness,” Hammond Vindicator, April 30, 1943.

Folder   32  —Campbell, Edna

a) “There goes Edna” by Jill Schwartz, Gumbo Magazine, March 23, 1986.

b) “Press Award Received By Hammond Journalist,” n. d.

c) “Mrs. Campbell is Selected LPW’s Woman of the Year,” Times-Picayune, March 10, 1974.

d) “Social writer still perks along Railroad Ave.,” Sunday Advocate, March 17, 1985.

Folder   33  —Cannon, Bill

      “The Old Days,” Morning Advocate, August 20, 1983.

Folder   34  —Carter, Hodding

“Hodding Carter: a symbol” by Joan McKinney, Morning Advocate, March 15, 1980.

Folder   35  —Carter, Howell

      “A Cavalryman’s Reminiscences of the Civil War,” Magazine, December 20, 1981.

Folder   36  —Carter, Jimmy

a) “Carter: product of times” by David S. Broder, The Times-Picayune, January 19, 1981.

b) “The Missionary President” The Times-Picayune, January 19, 1981.

c) “The Carter Presidency: More Debit Than Credit,” Morning Advocate, April 10, 1979.

Folder   37  —Carter, Rosalyn

      “Early struggles molded Carter’s life” by Donnie Radcliff, Magazine, Jan. 15, 1995.

Folder   38  —The Casket Girls

      “‘Casket girls’: Homemakers or troublemakers?” The Times-Picayune, December 18, 1983.

Folder   39  —Catledge, Turner

      “Man of New York, Neshoba… and New Orleans,” Dixie, February 18, 1973.

Folder   40  —Chandler, David Leon

      “Chandler Says South’s Politicians Superior,” The Times-Picayune, January 16, 1977.

Folder   41  —Chaplin, Charlie

      “The man behind the mustache” by David Cuthbert, The Times-Picayune, May 6, 1998.

Folder   42  —Chennault, Claire Lee

      “A Man, A Soldier, A General,” Sunday Advocate, October 10, 1976.

Folder   43  —Chinese in Louisiana

      “Chinese Community hub shifting to Jeff” by Joan Treadway, Times-Picayune, Dec. 6, 1981.

Folder   44  —Chopin, Kate

“Victorian novelist still a gentle enigma” by Lily Jackson, The Times-Picayune, Jan. 27, 1985.

Folder   45  —Ciaccio, Philip

      “No Regrets” by Joe Massa, The Times-Picayune, January 3, 1982.

Folder   46  —Clark, Daniel

      Biography, unidentified publication, n. d.

Folder   47  —Clark, Dr. Felton G.

      “Dr. Clark:  Gentleman, Scholar”, Morning Advocate, July 8, 1970.

Folder   48  —Clausen, Tom

“He’ll Take the Job, Not Shove It”, by Phil Ward, Sunday Magazine, January 29, 1984.

Folder   49  —Cliburn, Van

      “Legendary Van Cliburn—home in Shreveport,” Sunday Magazine, April 24, 1983.

Folder   50  —Coe, Boyer

      “Bodybuilding extraordinaire” by Joan Goldberger, Sunday Advocate, September 2, 1979.

Folder   51  —Collins, Pat

      “The Aftermath” by Bill Campbell, The Times-Picayune, May 21, 1995.

Folder   52  —Copeland, Al

a) “The many faces of Al Copeland” by Smiley Anders, Magazine, August 19, 1984.

b) “Popeyes Grows By Doing It Copeland’s Way,” The Times-Picayune, August 17, 1980.

c) “Hatching the Chicken That Laid the Golden Egg,” Dixie, March 10, 1985.

d) “Marketing spices Popeye’s profits” by Keith Lawrence, Advocate, October 6, 1985.

Folder   53  —Copelin, Sherman N.

“Playing for Political Power in a Spicy City” by Rochelle L. Stanfield, National Journal Convention Daily, August 18, 1988.

Folder   54  —Corrington, John

a) “From Academe to Daytime Drama” by John Tarver, Magazine, August 12, 1984.

b) “John Corrington: Teacher, Novelist, Screenwriter, Outspoken, Critic of New Orleans”
by Larry Bartlett, Dixie, April 25, 1971. (2 copies)

Folder   55  —Costello, Frank

a) “Capo Di Capo Re” by George Wolf, The States-Item, June 3, 1974.

b) “Costello’s La. Ties Recalled” Morning Advocate, February 20, 1973. n. a.

c) “Confrontation” by George Wolf, The States-Item, June 5, 1974.

d) “Navy rides a whiskey tide” by George Wolf, The States-Item, June 4, 1974.

e) “Giant Killer” by George Wolf, The States-Item, June 7, 1974.

f) “Castello: A part of N. O. ‘s history” The States-Item, June 6, 1974.

Folder   56   —The Couhigs

      “Couhigs look back at thirty-five years of life together,” Sunday Advocate, July 24, 1983.

Folder   57  —Cowan, Walter Greaves

      “Cowan Career Spanned era of change” by John Wilds, The States-Item, June 29, 1979.

Folder   58  —Creoles

a) “Races nothing more that a man-made idea, scholar says,” Times-Picayune, March 1, 1987.

b) “You say tomato and I say Creole” by Benjamin Morrison, TV Focus, November 16, 1989.

c) “The Creole Connections” by Patricia Brady, n. d.

d) “Creole cooking: The History of an American Cuisine” by Dale Curry, The Times-Picayune, January 23, 1992.

e) “Creole tomato king has itch for success” by Jim Amoss, The Times-Picayune, May 9, 1982.

f) “It takes a creole to Know a Creole” by Ray Samuel, The Times-Picayune, May 25, 1980.

g) “Creole: In New Orleans Word Means Than Gumbo,” The Times-Picayune, January 20, 1980.

h) The French Creole Family in Louisiana: A Symposium (Program)

Folder   59  —Crow, Jay

      “An omen fulfilled” by Bobby Lamb, Sunday Advocate, November 25, 1990.

Folder   60  —Cruise, Boyde

      “The Romantic Fantasies of Boyd Cruise”  by John Pope, Lagniappe, December 30, 1978.

Folder   61  —Davis, Edwin

      “Davis, Richardson to Retire From LSU History Dep’t” Morning Advocate, May 17, 1973.

Folder   62  —Davis, Jefferson

      “Dr. Monroe Claims Jeff Davis Not History’s Heartless Man” by J. C. Tillman.

Folder   63   —Davis, Jimmie

a) “Jimmie Davis recovering, discharged from hospital” compiled by J. E. Bourgoyne,
The Times-Picayune, October 27, 1987.

b) Symposium on Louisiana Politics “The Governorship of Jimmie H. Davis,” Sept. 23,
1982 (program).

c) “Jimmie Davis Restores Old Mansion Room,” Sunday Advocate, January 19, 1975.

d) “Frontier Fury” Jimmy Davis advertisement, The Bogalusa News, October 2, 1944.

e) “Herman Deutsch” New Orleans, n. d.

f) “Former secretary remembers days in capitol,” Sunday Advocate, August 12, 1979.

g) “Jimmie Davis sings, stays out of trouble,” The Times-Picayune, May 22, 1983.

Folder   64   —DeSoto, Hernando

      “Clue about explorer may be in your attic,” The Times-Picayune, August 24, 1986.

Folder   65  —DeSoto, Isabella

      A picture of Isabella DeSoto with facts about her.

Folder   66  —Deutsch, Herman

a) “Herman Deutsch: Ringrose is home of many Treasures,” New Orleans, n. d.

b) “Herman Deutsch: Opelousas Weekend Rouses Memories,” New Orleans, n. d.

c) “S-1 Columnist Deutsch Dies,” The States-Item, June 25, 1970.

d) “Holmes Alexander,” n. d.

e) “Herman Deutsch: Washington, La., Once Great Port,” New Orleans, April 15, 1965.

f) “Life was good—Deutsch will,” The Times-Picayune, June 27, 1970.

g) “Stone Keeps Alive Memory of Deutsch’s Orleans,” The States-Items, July 20, 1970.

h) “Vision: The World of Art [Blanche Desmond Batson: etchings]” by Roger Green, The Times-Picayune, November 8, 1981.

Folder   67  —Dix, Dorothy

      “Dear Dorothy Dix” by Christopher Rose, The Times-Picayune, May 26, 1996.

Folder   68  —Dorignac, Joseph P.  Jr.

      “Makin’ Hay with Groceries” by Bill Grady, Dixie, August 24, 1980.

Folder   69  —Duffy, John

      “Medical author John Duffy dies in Baton Rouge at 81” by John Pope.

Folder   70  —Dufour, Pie

a) “Half a century of Pie (a la mode)” by Gene Bourg, The States-Items, July 1, 1974.

b) “Presbytere Panorama,” n. d.

c) “Dufour Wins Hebert Jesuit Alumni Award” The States-Items, November 7, 1966.

d) “What Parade Names Mean,” n. d.

e) “Getting Rex Parade to Roll,” n. d.

f) “La. Historical Association installs New Officers for 1968,” March 18, 1968.

g) “Neitzel Identifies Site of Grand Village of the Natchez,” January 20, 1966.

h) “Here’s Rare History for Collection” by Pie Dufour, The Times-Picayune, December 15, 1968.

i) “Gayarre’s 4-Volume La. History Reprinted, The Times-Picayune, January 16, 1966.

j) “First of the Series: This is your Press” Advertisement, The Times-Picayune, July 3, 1966.

k) “Get Trip to Europe off Ground: Plan Now,” The Times Picayune, January 9, 1977.

l) “Ten Things to Do in the City of Paris,” by Pie Dufour, n. d.

Folder   71  —Duke, David

a) “Herr David Duke and his nationwide network of hate,” Journal, June 6, 1990.

b) “Ex-Klansman Puts New Racial Politics to Test,” The New York Times, June 18, 1990.

c) “A Biology of Intelligence–David Duke’s Genetic Dreams,” Gambit, June 19, 1990.

d) “David Duke tries to bury Nazi past” by Tyler Bridges, The Times-Picayune, June 25, 1990.

e) “What the Republicans can do about David Duke,” The Times-Picayune, October 23, 1991.

f) “GOP and Duke” by Otis Pike, n. d.

g) “Duke: Erratic past leads to shot at the top,” The Times-Picayune, November 3, 1991.

h) “Duke claims long list of firsts” by The Associated Press, Sunday Advocate, Nov. 10, 1991.

i) “Eisenhower, Nazis and Duke,” The Times-Picayune, November 4, 1991.

j) “Would Duke election mean lights out?” Morning Advocate, November 6, 1991.

k) “Some change is only skin deep,” The Times-Picayune, November 3, 1991.

Folder   72  —Durieux, Caroline

a) “Dramatic overview” by Anne Price, Sunday Magazine, October 11, 1981.

b) “Cliches-Verres Exhibit Opening at BR Gallery” Sunday Advocate, November 8, 1970.

c) “Louisiana leads nation in public art display” by Anne Price, Sunday Magazine, June 12, 1983.

d) “Louisiana’s Grand Lady of the Arts: Caroline Durieux, Lagniappe, November 10, 1978.

e) “WPA Art Found Here Depicts Era” by Anne Price, Morning Advocate, October 3, 1977.

Folder   73  —Edwards, Edwin (I)

a) “From Cajun Land to Capitol” by Donald Markstein, Dixie, May 7, 1972.

b) “Bilingual Oath Starts New Era” by Gerald Moses, Morning Advocate, May 10, 1972.

c) “Edwards’ ethics record” by Iris Kelso, The Times-Picayune, July 10, 1983.

d) “Edwards bows out Friends, foes remember” Sunday Advocate, December 24, 1995. n. a.

e) “Visionary time” by Allan Katz, The Times-Picayune, October 2, 1983.

f) “Gov. Edwards should have known about hospital,” The Times-Picayune, October 13, 1984.

g) “Resignation better than abdication?” Sunday Advocate, March 2, 1986. n. a.

h) “Edwards gets interim appointment to court” by Dan Even, Morning Advocate, April 5, 1980.

i) “Edwin & Elaine” by Millie Ball, Dixie, September 30, 1979.

j) “Edwards and Park” by Bill Lynch, The States-Item, May 28, 1977.

k) “Power in Louisiana Government,” Sunday Advocate, May 22, 1977.

l) “Edwards earmarks surplus for renovation and repairs, The States-Item, May 1, 1974.

m) “Edwards bombs out in Eastern review” by Robert Wiemer, The States-Item, July 9, 1974.

n) “Mandingo Fandango” by Jennifer Quale, Dixie, November 17, 1974.

o) “Triche Criticizes Governor Edwards” by Donald C. Brown Jr., n. d.

p) “Disenchantment Worries Edwards,” Morning Advocate, September 28, 1974.

q) “The governor plays a gambler, and his daughter, well. . . ” States-Item, September 30, 1974.

r) “Text of Edwards statement on school funds, teacher pay,” Morning Advocate, Sept. 30, 1974.

s) “Edwards is Reluctant Star of Sideshow” by Bill Crider, Sunday Advocate, October 20, 1974.

t) “Plug in for some great TV this Week” by Sidney Coffee, The States-Item, July 13, 1974.

u) “New Southern Demos rise toward power” by David Broder, The States-Item, July 24, 1974.

v) “Edwards Replies to N. Y. Columnist,” n. d.

w) “Tangle of campaign gift stories threatens Edwards,” The States-Item, October 26, 1974.

x) “Family Health just Isn’t Doing Fine, Thank You,” Morning Advocate, October 23, 1974.

y) “Must it Always be: The Same Song, Second Verse?” Morning Advocate, June, 10, 1974.

z) “Edwards at center stage” by Bill Lynch, The States-Item, June 7, 1975.

aa) “Official Returns Show Edward’s Total 750, 107” by C. M. Hargroder, November 9,

bb) “What’s Next Step for Edwards?” The Times-Picayune, November 9, 1975.

cc) “In the wake of a phantom election” by David Synder, The States-Item, November 6, 1975.

dd) “Edwards’ first term: An optimist’s view” by Allan Katz, The States-Item, May 8, 1976.

ee) “Edwards and Landrieu shine in transit rescue,” The States-Item, January 8, 1977.

ff) “Three day sin the life of that Cajun Fella,” The Times-Picayune, March 17, 1974.

gg) “Legislators fixed for retirement” by Bill Lynch, The States-Item, October 12, 1977.

Folder   74   —Edwards, Edwin (II)

a) “Inside Edwin” Gris Gris, July 14, 1975.

b) “Edwards net worth increases $200,000,” Sunday Advocate, March 9, 1980.

c) “Edwards out of Sight but Not Public’s Mind” The Times-Picayune, March 9, 1980.

d) “Outrageous Edwards plans to Remain in Public Eye,” The Times-Picayune, March 9, 1980.

e) “Will Edwin Edwards’ place in history be number one?” The States-Item, March 15, 1980.

f) “The Edwards Years” The States-Item, March 8, 1980.

g) “Edwards looks back: his regrets are few” by Dan Even, Sunday Advocate, March 2, 1980.

h) “Edwards says honesty not enough” Morning Advocate, March 18, 1982.

i) “Edwards Era ends” The Times-Picayune, January 7, 1996. n. a.

j) “Constitution Tops – Edwards” by Charles M. Hargroder, January 20, 1980.

k) “Edwards to get post?” Morning Advocate, April 12, 1980.

l) “Edwards court stint stirs fuss” by Candace Lee, Morning Advocate, April 23, 1980.

m) “Food aside, taste of Paris is a triumph,” The Times-Picayune, January 29, 1984.

n) “Mission accomplished?” by Jack Wardlaw, The Times-Picayune, January 29, 1984.

o) “Edwards’ jaunt mixed fun, business” by Linda Lightfoot, Sunday Advocate, January 29, 1984.

p) “Edwards trip participants” Sunday Advocate, January 29, 1984.

q) “Edwards’ one undesired power” by Jack Wardlaw, The Times-Picayune, September 16, 1984.

r) “Shrewdness is Edwards’ defense line,” The Times-Picayune, September 15, 1985. 

s) “Democrats debate Hart’s new ideas” The Times-Picayune, March 12, 1984.

t) “Governor going to trial” Linda Lightfoot, Sunday Advocate, September 15, 1985.

u) “Roemer groundswell analyzed,” n. d.

v) “EWE concedes; Roemer in” by John LaPlante, Sunday Advocate, October 25, 1987.

w) “The Split, Part II” by Iris Kelso, The Times-Picayune, January 17, 1988.

x) “Edwards begins fourth term” by Peter Nicholas, The Times-Picayune, January 14, 1992.

y) “Nine rolling, entertaining acres on Highland,” Sunday Advocate, April 15, 1990.

z) “Exclusive committee of one manages Edwards campaign,” September 25, 1983.

aa) “It’s like Old Times in Louisiana Politics,” New York Times, March 10, 1985.

bb) “1984 Louisiana Inauguration” Sunday Advocate, March 11, 1984.

cc) “Nothing to be ashamed of in those past four years” Sunday Advocate, March 11, 1984.

dd) “Superman aura: Edwards returns to seek place in history,” The Times-Picayune, March 11, 1984.

ee) “Edwards era comes to end” Sunday Advocate, January 7, 1996.

ff) “Edwards steps down with head held high” by Ed Anderson, The Times-Picayune, January 7,

gg) “Edwards: a political genius with a celebrated charm,” The Times-Picayune, January 7, 1996.

hh) “Populism, Edwards- Style” by Carl Redman, Sunday Advocate, December 24, 1995.

ii) “Amazing Edwin” by Iris Kelso, The Times-Picayune, November 17, 1983.

Folder   75  —Edwards, Edwin (III)

a) “Edwards trial finally starts to get juicy,” The Times-Picayune, November 3, 1985.

b) “Gov. Edwards indicated by U. S. in hospitals case,” The Times-Picayune, March 1, 1985.

c) “Edwards indicted: Grand jury names governor, 6 others,” Morning Advocate, March 1, 1985.

d) “Governor responds to U. S. charges” The Times-Picayune, March 2, 1985.

e) “Text of statement by Edwards at news conference” Morning Advocate, March 2, 1985.

f) “Edwards: I’ll resign if convicted” by Marsha Shuller, Morning Advocate, March 2, 1985.

g) “Edwards promises road funds” by Dorothy Pugh, Daily Star, June 26, 1985.

h) “Edwards myth runs into wall of reality, Sunday Advocate, March 16, 1986.

i) “The Edwards years” Dealing and doing” by Jack Wardlaw, The States-Item, March 8, 1980.

j) “Edwin Edwards: Inauguration Special” Sunday Advocate, January 12, 1992.

k) “A New Time, a New Team, a New Direction” Morning Advocate, May 9, 1972.

l) “Gov. Edwards Voices shock over shooting,” n. d.

m) “Edwards Takes Program to Public” by C. M. Hargroder, The Times-Picayune, n. d.

n) “New Governor Introduces Tax, Reorganization Plan” by Bill McMahon, Advocate, n. d.

o) “Credibility is Issue, Johnston is the Man” Sunday Advocate, December 12, 1971.

p) “Edwards, Demos Ease Into Office: Cajun Power Leads to Election Sweep” by Gerald
Moses,     Morning Advocate, February 2, 1972.

q) “Edwards still Campaigning for Change” by Gerald Moses, Morning Advocate, May 9, 1972.

r) “Edwards Makes Speech Rounds Without Letup” by Gerald Moses, n. d.

s) “70th Governor Takes office Et Les Bons Temps Roulent” by Jim La Caffinie, n. d.

t) “Text of Gov. Edwards’ Address to Legislature” Morning Advocate, August 22, 1972.

u) “Getting to Inaugural was Half the Fun!” by Katy Carroll, Daily Star, May 10, 1972.

v) “Inaugural Security is Tight” Morning Advocate, May 10, 1972.

w) “Here’s Gov. Edwards’ whole Inaugural Address” Morning Advocate, May 10, 1972.

x) “25,000-Plus-Plus Jam The Governor’s Inaugural Ball” Daily Star, May 10, 1972.

y) “Edwards’ Long Climb to Governorship” Sunday Advocate, May 22, 1977.

z) “Tracks Kept leading to Edwards in DCCL probe,” The Times-Picayune, July 10, 1983.

aa) “Going the Edwards way” by Jack Wardlaw, The Times-Picayune, March 25, 1984.

bb) “Legal or not, it’s wrong,” September 30, 1984.

cc) “Dancing on the edge of the abyss” by Allan Katz, n. d.

dd) “On the Job,” n. d.

ee) “Where did the leadership go?” Sunday Advocate, October 5, 1986.

ff) “Edwards, Duke hot on Campaign trail,” The Times-Picayune, November 10, 1991.

gg) “It’s Edwards: Heavy voter turnout buries Duke,” The Times-Picayune, November 17, 1991.

hh) “Louisiana after the storm” The Times-Picayune, November 17, 1991.

ii) “A shot at doing the right thing,” The Times-Picayune, November 20, 1991.

jj) “Gov. Edwards returns: 4th term starts with unity call,” Advocate, January 14, 1992.

kk) “Schwegman makes history as state officials sworn in,” Advocate, January 14, 1992.

ll) “Edwards speech encouraging” The Times-Picayune, January 14, 1992.

mm) “The Little Man: Edwards the IV,” The Times-Picayune, January 15, 1992.

nn) “Edwards wins $15,000 at Monte Carlo” Morning Advocate, January 23, 1984.

oo) “Through the media’s eyes” by Iris Kelso, n. d.

pp) “Edwards gives plan for casinos, lottery,” The Times-Picayune, January 7, 1986.

qq) “In search of gambling support” by Bill Lynch, The Times-Picayune, February 15, 1986.

rr) “Edwards- working on appeal” The Times-Picayune, March 24, 1991.

Folder   76  —Edwards, Elaine

a) “The New Elaine” by Millie Ball, The Times-Picayune, December 18, 1983.

b) “State’s New Senator Spends Much Time in Mansion’s Sewing Room” by Mary Champagne, 
Sunday Advocate, August 6, 1972.

c) “Edwards start Historic 3rd term” by John LaPlante, Morning Advocate, March 13, 1984.

d) “Gov. Edwards pleads innocent” The Times-Picayune, March 9, 1985.

e) “Edwards on religion: Don’t look for God too for away” by Associated Press, Sunday Advocate, March 18, 1984.

f) “Back Porch Rocking with Elaine Edwards” by Laura de Vincent, Lagniappe, Sept. 1975.

Folder   77  —Ellender, Allen J.

a) “Allen J. Ellender Library” by Jim Silverberg, Sunday Advocate, September 14, 1980.

b) “Stephen S. Rosenfeld: The Travels of Allen Ellender” The New Republic, Sept. 27, 1969.

c) “Sen. Allen Ellender Dies at 81,” Morning Advocate, July 28, 1972.

d) “Final Respects Paid Louisiana’s Senior U. S. Senator” Morning Advocate, August 1, 1972.

e) “Ellender’s famous gumbo recipe to be tested in the senate today,” Morning Advocate, September 7, 1972.

f) The Tulanian, Vol. 45, No. 1, August, 1972.

g) “Citizens to pay respects to Ellender” by Gerald Moses, Morning Advocate, July 29, 1972.

Folder   78  —Entermont, Philippe

“Our Baton from France” by Millie Ball, Dixie, April 27, 1980.

Folder   79  —Evans, Elliot

      “Keeping the Jaguars purring” by Mimi Read, Dixie, December 18, 1983.

Folder   80  —Faulkner, William

      “Faulkner’s Rowan Oak endures” by Betty Eppes, Sunday Advocate, September 14, 1980.

Folder   81  —Fontelieu, Stocker

      “Stocker Fontelieu: All His World’s  a Stage,” Lagniappe, September 1-7, 1979.

Folder   82  —Fontenot, Mary Alice

“Cloves Crawfish creator” by Sarah Sue Thorpe, Sunday Magazine, February 21, 1982.

Folder   83  —Ford, Gerald

a) “President on Paddlestop Campaign” The Times-Picayune, September 26, 1976.

b) “Ineptitude Dispels Enthusiasm But He’s Still a Winner,” Morning Advocate, Feb. 7, 1975.

Folder   84   —Ford, Leon III

      “In another time, judge may have been railroad man,” Sunday Advocate, January 10, 1982.

Folder   85  —Foster, Mike

a) “Getting to know Mike Foster and Cleo Fields better,” The Times-Picayune, Oct. 29, 1995.

b) “Miss Alice” by Karen Martin, Sunday Advocate, February 26, 1996.

c) “Inauguration 1996: Murphy J.’Mike’ Foster” Sunday Advocate, January 7, 1996.

d) “Power Shift” by Jack Wardlaw, The Times-Picayune, January 7,

Folder   86  —Fountain, Pete

a) “Do you know what it means to love New Orleans? Pete does!” Morning Advocate, July 11, 1980.

b) “The Youth of Fountain” by Millie Ball, Dixie, October 26, 1979.

Folder   87  —Franklin, Benjamin

      “A 250th  Birthday for Ben,” Time, January 30, 1956.

Folder   88  —The French

      “French of the French Quarter” by Sharon Litwin, The Times-Picayune, October 26, 1986.

Folder   89  —Gaines, Ernest

a) “The Importance of being Ernest” by Susan Larson, The Times-Picayune, April 4, 1993.

b) “The French Connection” Ruth Laney, Magazine, February 18, 1996.

c) “Ernest Gaines teaches lesson in living” by Sarah Sue Goldsmith, Magazine, July 25, 1993.

Folder   90  —Garrison, Jim

      “D. A. Garrison going on trial; Bribery Charged,” Morning Advocate, August 20, 1973.

Folder   91  —Gennaro, Peter

“The dancer and me” by Dawson Corley, Sunday Advocate, September 7, 1980.

Folder   92  —The Germans

a) Subscription order form for The German Gazette.

b) “Germantown: Remnant of a Dream” by Ezra Adams, Sunday Advocate, June 9, 1963.

c) “The German People of New Orleans” by Roger Green, Lagniappe, May 12, 1979.

d) “Louisiana Ancestors” by Damon Veach, Sunday Magazine, February 1, 1981.

e) “Tracing the roots of the Germans of N. O.,” The Times-Picayune, February 28, 1982.

f) “Germanophile’s papers available at Loyola University,” Sunday Magazine, October 24, 1982.

g) “Louisiana’s German Heritage” by Regine Richter, Sunday Magazine, October 9, 1983.

h) “‘It takes German people to do that’, The Houma Daily Courier-Houma, December 5, 1984.

Folder   93  —Gewalt, John

a) “LP&L to estimate cost of burying power lines,” Daily Star, February 10, 1984.

b) “Architect sees slow going with Alley Square” Daily Star, February 10, 1984.

c) “Gewalt buries downtown plans” by Laureen Tedesco, Daily Star, September 4, 1988.

d) Packets of Sugar by John Gewalt.

Folder   94  —Gifford, Alec

      “In Tv’s Jungle of change, He’s still here” by Benjamin Morrison, TV Focus, August 5, 1984.

Folder   95  —Giscard, Valery

a) “Amusez-Vous Bien!” by Rose Kahn, n. d.

b) “A Louisiana super-feast for Giscard” by Patricia Gormin, The States-Item, May 20, 1976.

c) “Legislators Want more money” by Jack Wardlaw, The States Item, May 20, 1976.

d) “Groundbreaking Ceremonies Friday for Teche-Vermilion Freshwater Job” by the Advoc

e) “Gaiete, gastronomie, charite: Stage is set for Giscard” The States-Item, May 21, 1976.

f) “DeGaulle visit remembered” by John Pope, The States-Item, May 21, 1976.

g) “Welcome, Giscard” The States-Item, May 21, 1976.

h) “How the French partied in D. C.” by New York News Inc., The States-Item, May 21, 1976.

Folder   96  —Godchaux, Leon

“From Rags to Riches- the Story of Godchaux’s” The Times-Picayune, January 6, 1980.

Folder   97  —Gonzalez, Xavier

a) “Survivor of the WPA era” by John R. Kemp, The States-Item, May  27, 1988.

b) “Award-winning WPA artist Xavier Gonzalez dead at 94,” Times-Picayune, January 15, 1993.

c) “Murals escape sad end” by Gary Perilloux, Daily Star, September 24, 1993.

Folder   98  —Gottschalk, Louis Moreau

“The Virtuoso” by Harold Schonberg, Lifestyle, May 8, 1979.

Folder   99  —Graham, John M.

a) “Up the Latter” The Times-Picayune, May 7, 1989.

b) “Graham moves its energy staff to piney woods,” The Times-Picayune, June 22, 1986.

c) “Running on empty” by Mary Judice, n. d.

Folder   100  —Gravel, Camille

a) “Camille Gravel: legislature’s superstar” by Guy Coates, The States-Item, October 1, 1975.

b) “Gravel Plans sto steps back from politics-for Now” The Times-Picayune, Sept. 16, 1979.

Folder   101  —Gray, William

“Gray matters: Making sense fo budget dollars” by Anne Price, Magazine, February 24, 1985.

Folder   102  —Grau, Shirley Ann

a) “Pulitzer Winner Grau Scheduled for La. Legends” Sunday Magazine, October 17, 1982.

b) “Pulitzer-Winning Novelist Tried Hard” Morning Advocate, May 4, 1965.

c) “Louisiana’s First Family of Letters” by Ann B. Dobie, Morning Advocate, February 20, 1966.

d) “N. O. Pulitzer Winner Enjoys ‘Delicious Bedlam'”, by Rose Kahn, n. d.

Folder   103  —The Greeks

      “All about love, life, and ouzo” by John DeMers, Sunday Magazine, July 11, 1982.

Folder   104   —Greer, Frances

      “The Greer Career” by William Specht, Dixie, June 8, 1952.

Folder   105  —Gregory, Angela

a) “Angela Gregory an artist with monumental talent,” Sunday Advocate, March 13, 1988.

b) “She breathes life into stone” by Sharon Litwin, The Times-Picayune, March 21, 1981.

Folder   106  —Haag, William G.

      “From bones to artifacts—Haag’s expert on all,” Sunday Advocate, February 21, 1982.

Folder   107  —Hackney, Sheldon

“Can Sheldon Hackney Save Tulane?” by Allan Katz, Lagniappe, May 1, 1976.

Folder   108  —Hainkel, John J.

a) “Hainkel finally makes it official” by Jack Wardlaw, The Times-Picayune, November 3, 1985.

b) “Hainkel, the loner” by James H. Gillis, The Times-Picayune, April 26, 1984.

Folder   109  —Hannan, Philip Matthew Archbishop

a) “Archbishop Genial Steward in his father’s house,” The Times-Picayune, December 22, 1974.

b) “A decade of Hannan soft voice amide crises” by Allan Katz, States-Item, October 4, 1975.

c) “Philip M. Hannan: Archbishop of New Orleans” by Bill Grady, Dixie, September 27, 1981.

d) “Archbishop Hannan’s home tailor-made for visiting pope,” Times-Picayune, August 29, 1987.

e) “Storms dumps rain, havoc on N. O. area,” The Times-Picayune, May 22, 1988.

Folder   110  —Harper, Brad

“The man Behind Bombay” by Millie Ball, Dixie, November 18, 1979.

Folder   111  —Haughery, Margaret

      “Margaret Haughery Statue Honors Beloved Personality,” The Times-Picayune, March 10, 1974.

Folder   112  —Hearn, Lafcadio

a) “Lafcadio Hearn Intrigued by Exotica of New Orleans,” The Times-Picayune, April 21, 1974.

b) “The N. O. literary link to world of Buddhism,” The Times-Picayune, August 15, 1982.

Folder   113  —Hebert, Edward

a) “Hebert Dies Following Long Illness” The Times-Picayune, December 30, 1979.

b) “Hebert succumbs to heart attack” Sunday Advocate, December 30, 1979.

c) “Congressman who really represented this district” Sunday Advocate, December 30, 1979.

d) “Power was key in Eddie Hebert’s life” by Allan Katz, The States-Item, January 5, 1980.

e) “Last of the Titans” by John Hebert, Center for Louisiana Studies. n. d.

f) “Hebert accuses officials of covering up massacre,” Morning Advocate, July 16, 1970.

g) “Hebert: yesterday’s Deeds Don’t count” Morning Advocate, January 27, 1975.

h) “A Quarter-Century on Capitol Hill” by John Foster, Dixie, January 2, 1966.

i) “How common cause knocked off Hebert,” The Courier, January 23, 1975.

j) “Peter Hammond” by Thomas S. Ellis, Daily Star, April 14, 1972.

Folder   114  —Henley, Beth

“Beth Henley” by Elizabeth Mullener, Dixie, November 8, 1981.

Folder   115  —Hennessy, David

      “In Search of Justice,” Dixie, June 16, 1968.

Folder   116  —Hirt, Al

a) “Taxes, not dirt, drive Al Hirt from Quarter,” The Times-Picayune, June 16, 1990.

b) “Al Hirt: his music, his town” by Eddy Allman, FUN, July 10, 1981.

Folder   117  —The Hispanics

      “Que Pasa?…” by Annette Harper, Lagniappe, January 12-18, 1980.

Folder   118  —Holloway, Clyde

      “Convention for the history books” by Iris Kelso, The Times-Picayune, January 19, 1991.

Folder   119  —Holmes, D. H.

a)  “D. H. Holmes, man behind the firm,” Daily Star,” October 5, 1977.

b) “Dillard’s old pro at chain buyouts” by Steve Brooks, The Times Picayune, March 8, 1989.

c) “The Grand old Emporiums of Canal Street,” The Times-Picayune, Dec. 16, 1979.

Folder   120  —President Hoover

“Former President Hoover taken by death at age 90,” The State Item, October 20, 1964.

Folder   121  —Huber, Leonard

a) “N. O. Louisiana Works Acquired” The Times-Picayune, March 24, 1974.

b) “Huber reaps Honors from Preservation Efforts,” The Times-Picayune, May 19, 1974.

Folder   122  —Humphrey, Hubert H.

      “Labor Told to Seek Unity by Humphrey” by Gerald Moses, Morning Advocate, April 10, 1965.

Folder   123  —Hunt, Marjorie

      “Folklorist coaxes memoirs from our ‘cultural historians’,” The Times-Picayune, May 12, 1985.

Folder   124  —Hunter, Clementine

a) “Primitive Artist of Louisiana” by Ora G. Williams, Sunday Advocate, September 26, 1965.

b) “Clementine Hunter” by Mimi Read, Dixie, April 14, 1985.

c) “Happy 98th Clementine!” by Anne Price, Sunday Magazine, March 18, 1984.

Folder   125  —Hunter, John

“Meet the man who’ll head L. S. U.” by John Foster, Dixie, November 12, 1961.

Folder   126  —Hunter, Ron

      “I Will Plead Guilty to Having an Ego…” by Bod Wisehart, TV Focus, May 1, 1983.

Folder   127  —Indians

a) “Blow of the Iron Fist” submitted by Dorothea Kent, Dixie.

b) “Lost Red Men of Bayou Blue” by Sue Lyles Eakin, Dixie, January 14, 1951.

c) “Reminiscences of proud Choctaws” by Iris Kelso, The States-Item, July 24, 1986.

d) “Searching for recognition” by Sarah Sue Goldsmith, Magazine, June 30, 1996.

e) “Discover low-cost air conditioning,” Sunday Magazine, May 22, 1982.

f) “Legends Keep Culture of Chitimacha Alive.”

g) “Indian Cultures.”

h) “UNO’s Louisiana Indian Exhibit Focuses on the Tchefuncte” by Alberta Collier.

i) “St. John ‘midden’ added to the Historical Register,” L’Observateur Shopper’s Guide, 9-2-76.

j) “La. Amateur Archaeologists Unearth…,” The Times-Picayune, October 10, 1976.

k) “Fort St. Pierre excavations Reveal New Data,” The Clarion-Ledger, September 5, 1976.

l) “Indian site found on Bayou Jasmin” by Ed Bartlme, Catholic Commentator, 6-23-76.

m) “Indians Make Presence Known” by Ed Cullen, Sunday Advocate, 9-16-73.

n) “Weeks Island Discovery Yields Indian Artifacts,” Morning Advocate, December 23, 1970.

o) “Ancient Burial Site Found in Sabine.”

p) “Neglect Peaceful Louisiana Indian” by Edgar Poe, The Times-Picayune, 11-16-75.

q) “Tough ‘Mr. Tomahawk’ Leads…” by J. E. Bourgoyne, The Times-Picayune, 3-31-74.

r) “But Tribe’s Legends Live On” by Joanne Ray, Sunday Advocate, 5-31-70.

s) “Creole Priest Wrote Poetry and Lived Among the Choctaws,” Times-Picayune, 11/23/1975.

t) “One Ray of Hope…” by Elvin Reed, Sunday Advocate, June 20, 1965.

u) “LSU Scientists Find Organic Materials…,” Morning Advocate, Jan. 18, 1971.

v) “Louisiana’s First People Revisited” by Ed Cullen, Sunday Advocate, 9-9-73.

w) “Precious Indian Heritage at Stake” by Herbert Levine, Sunday Advocate, March 19, 1972.

x) “LSU Anthropologist Studies West Carroll Indian Diggings.”

y) “Colorado River Tribes Charge BIA Delays,” Rupert Costo, Wassaja, April-May 1974.

z) “A heritage of pride” by Jim Amoss, The States-Item, June 18, 1976.

aa) “The Houmas” by Sarah Sue Goldsmith, Magazine, June 23, 1996.

bb) “Reclaiming the past” by Sarah Sue Goldsmith, Magazine, June 16, 1996.

cc) “Tribes of Louisiana” by Sarah Sue Goldsmith, Magazine, May 12, 1996.

Folder   128  —Indians

a) “2,700 members leaving United Houma Nation” Sunday Advocate, November 15, 1996.

b) “The Coushattas” by Sarah Sue Goldsmith, Magazine, June 9, 1996.

c) “The Jena Band” by Sarah Sue Goldsmith, Magazine, June 2, 1996.

d) “The Tunica Treasure” by Sarah Sue Goldsmith, Magazine, May 19, 1996.

e) “The Houma’s Tribal Test” by Patricia Behre, Dixie, October 9, 1983.          

f) “Louisiana Indian Tribes Fighting for U.S. Recognition,” Times-Picayune, January 6, 1980.

g) “Louisiana’s Forgotten Indians” by Edgar Poe, The Times-Picayune, May 1, 1977.

h) “Archaeologists Are Digging Near Jena,” Morning Advocate, May 18, 1978.

i) “Digging into the past of St. Charles Parish,” Dixie, September 7, 1978.

j) “Coushatta Safeguard Unique Culture,” Ed Cullen, Sunday Advocate, 5-21-78.

k) “In the Tchefuncte Manner,…” by Larry Bartlett, Dixie, February 27, 1977.

l) “Drums Across the Lake” by Gil T. Webre, Dixie, April 15, 1979.

m) “Tribes Have Little Legal Pull” by Duane Thompson, The Times-Picayune, 1-7-80.

n) “Indian Giver” by Joe Darby, The Times-Picayune, October 26, 1980.

o) “Scattered bones puzzle professor at Indian site,” The States-Item, July 19, 1982.

p) “Angola dig could fill gaps in Indian history.”

q) “Indians’ Trash is Treasure” by Bryce Moreland, Sunday Advocate, 9-7-75.

r) “LSU Indian mounds may be North America’s oldest,” Advocate, September 23, 1982.

s) “Walking in the past” by Melinda Shelton, Sunday Advocate, Aug. 15, 1982.

t) “Indians optimistic about land claims,” Baton Rouge Advocate, April 18, 1982.

u) “Research under way on trade with Indians,” The Times-Picayune, April 26, 1981.

v) “Choctaws gone, but their history lives on,” The Times-Picayune, December 20, 1981.

w) “Survivor of Viejo Tunicas” by Anne Poindexter, Sunday Magazine, October 18, 1981.

x) “Tunica Indians pressing land claim…,” Sunday Advocate, February 7, 1982.

y) “Louisiana Indian Tribesmen Mean Business,” The Times-Picayune, January 6, 1980.

z) “Ancient La. Indians may have…” by Kevin Noblet, The Times-Picayune, November 28, 1982.

aa) “Moss feeds Indian lore” by Lil Mirando, Gumbo Magazine, January 28, 1990.

bb) “Rich life, land was already explored” by John Pope, The Times-Picayune, October 11, 1992.

cc) “Archaeological find in BR” by Anne Price, Sunday Magazine, March 22, 1987.

dd) “Indians Found This Area ‘a Nice Place to Live’,” The Times-Picayune, November 25, 1979.

Folder   129  —Indians

a) “Charrier tells of treasure finds” by Melinda Shelton, Morning Advocate, February 17, 1983.

b) “Tunica historical data told” by Melinda Shelton, Morning Advocate, March 16, 1983.

c) “Tunica treasure trial begins” by Melinda Shelton, Morning Advocate, February 15, 1983.

d) “America’s Mound builders” by Madeleine Jacobs, Sunday Advocate, April 27, 1980.

e) “Choctaw Trail was ancient high road,” Bogalusa Daily News, October 19, 1983.

f) “Tunica Treasure ownership argued,” Morning Advocate, August 22, 1986.

g) “Treasure hunter won’t give up fight…” by David Snyder, Times-Picayune, April 10, 1983.

h) “Indians trying to clear path for casino in La.,” The Times-Picayune, January 27, 1991.

i) “Kleinpeter Site yields a bounty” by Anne Price, Magazine, October 28, 1990.

j) “Tunica issue still in limbo” by Melinda Shelton, Morning Advocate, January 10, 1983.

k) “The Mounds The Indians built” by Gary Perilloux, Gumbo Magazine, February 21, 1988.

l) “Tunica,” Sunday Advocate, August 30, 1981.

m) “Tunica treasure: the tale goes on,” Sunday Advocate,  August 30, 1981.

n) “Ownership Battle Wages Over ‘Tunica Treasure’,” Sunday Advocate, November 5, 1978.

o) “Tunica,” Sunday Advocate, August 30, 1981.

p) “Tunica treasure in N. O….” by Nan Perales, The Times-Picayune, April 17, 1982.

q) “Indian Artifacts in 3-Way Custody Battle,” The Times-Picayune, May 21, 1978.

r) “Indian Artifacts Battle Brewing” by Stella Pitts, The Times-Picayune, May 21, 1978.

s) “Tradition: Times change, but Bel Abbey keeps old ways,” Sunday Advocate, Aug. 8, 1982.

t) “Archaeologists’ boon is landowner’s bane,” The Times-Picayune, December 7, 1986.

u) “Tunica Artifact hunter will not give up treasure” The Times-Picayune, April 10, 1983.

v) “Diggers find history in old wells,” The Times-Picayune, August 26, 1985.

w) “Digging up the past in Baton Rouge,” Dixie, Sunday Magazine, October 10, 1982.

Folder   130  —The Irish

a) “Irish Made Indelible Impact on Louisiana,” Sunday Advocate, March 15, 1964.

b) “The Irish Channel Goes Latin,” The States-Item, April 5, 1975.

c) “Irish Channel Home Has Special Charm,” The Times-Picayune, November 7, 1976.

d) “Irish sowed Bienville’s Uptown garden” by Marjorie Roehl, The States-Item, March 11, 1980.

e) “People and Places: The Channel from a Personal Point of View,” Lagniappe, March 8-14, 1980.

f) “The Irish connection” by Freda Yarbrough, Sunday Magazine, March 17, 1985.

g) “Irish Channel” by Angela Carll, The Times-Picayune, June 15, 1997.

Folder   131  —Islenos

a) “Islenos endure hardships to retain culture,” The Times-Picayune, April 7, 1991.

b) “Los Islenos” by Jua Nyla Hutcheson, The Times-Picayune.

c) “Caldo and other Isleno classics” by Sandra Day, The States-Item, Oct. 14, 1982.

Folder   132  —The Italians

a) “The Italian Battalion,” The Times-Picayune, September 9, 1995.

b) “Piazza d’Italia’s architect pained by plan,” The Times-Picayune, February 16, 1991.

c) “A long summer journey” by Mimi Read, Dixie, October 16, 1983.

d) “Louisiana Italian heritage,” Morning Advocate, April 23, 1981.

e) “Sicilian ancestors lived on the plantation,” Magazine, November 5, 1989.

f) “Sicilian roots transplanted” by Al Ferreira, Gumbo Magazine, September 16, 1990.

g) “Quiet sincere–or not black enough?” by Beverly Beyette, Sunday Magazine, May 8, 1983.

h) “Poster observes Italian culture,” Hammond Daily Star, September 16, 1982.

i) “City’s largest European group.”

k) “Italian-American Spotlight” by Damon Veach, The Times-Picayune, Sept. 30, 1979.

l) “Piazza d’Italia May Help Preserve Italian Heritage,” The Times-Picayune, July 1, 1979.

m) “Piazza Planning” by Jeannette Hardy, The States-Item, June 21, 1980.

n) “At 66 he sells vegetables door-to-door,” Don Lewis, The Times-Picayune, 5-31-80.

o) “Island is the cure for Sicilian Fever,” The Times-Picayune, March 31, 1982.

p) “Italians, New Orleans Style” by Kit Lipps, Dixie, March 19, 1978.

q) “The Italians” by Jeanie Blake, The Times-Picayune, November 29, 1981.

r) “Once-proud Piazza d’Italia falls into decay,” The Times-Picayune, June 18, 1988.

Folder   133  —James, Floyd Ben

      “James Works to attract industry—and jobs, Sunday Advocate, November 21, 1982.

Folder   134  —Jefferson, Thomas

a) “Jefferson was gourmet” by Poppy Cannon, n. d.

b) “Monticello: The home of Thomas Jefferson” (brochure)

c) “A most remarkable American” by Fred Blumenthal, Parade, June 28, 1964.

d) “The Jeffersons of Jefferson” by John Pope, The States-Item, December 31, 1975.

e) “The Failure that led to the Louisiana Purchase” by Joy Jackson, Dixie, April 12, 1953.

f) “Sesquicentennial” by Martha Wilson, n. d.

g) The Louisiana Purchase, by Bernard De Voto, 1953

Folder   135  —Jefferson, William

      “Will Jefferson reach his potential?” Iris Kelso, The Times-Picayune, November 11, 1991.

Folder   136  —Johnston, J. Bennett

a) “Sen. Johnston ‘prances’ between left and right” by George Hager, November 14,

b) “Senator’s Day is study in art of the Possible” The Times Picayune, June 2, 1974.

c) “The Power Broker” by Margaret E. Kriz, National Journal, February 29, 1992.

d) “Bennett” by Clarence Doucet, The Times-Picayune, March 24, 1974.

e) “Return Johnston to seat in Senate” Sunday Advocate, September 9, 1990.

Folder   137  —President Lyndon Johnson

a) “Text of President’s Hotel Speech” The States-Item, October 10, 1964.

b) “Lady Bird Leaves Trail of Memories Along Route,” The States-Item, October 10, 1964.

c) “LBJ’s Day in New Orleans,” The States-Item, October 10, 1964.

d) “Bringing JFK Up to Date” by Newton N. Minow, Newsweek, May 30, 1977.

e) “Why I believe LBJ was a winner” by Liz Carpenter, Parade Magazine, June 5, 1983.

f) “Long Shadow of LBJ” by Jim Bishop, Morning Advocate, February 2, 1974.

Folder   138  —Jones, Bob

a) “Bob Jones ‘serious’ candidate for governor’s post,”The States-Item, October 21, 1975.

b) “Jones’ Leadership Needed by States” Sunday Advocate, October 19, 1975.

c) “S-1 endorsements for state offices” by Walter G. Cowan, The States-Item, October 13, 1975.

d) “Memories of Politics past revived by Jones’ Candidacy” by James H. Gillis, March
30, 1975.

Folder   139  —Jones, Sam

a) “Same  Jones’ three sons follow father into politics,” The Times-Picayune, July 27, 1969.

b) “What Earl Long and the Legislature did in six days for the people and state”

c) “Skull Crushing bluebeard and Longism vs: Jonesism”

d) “Report of the People” by Sam H. Jones, Governor of Louisiana.

e) “The Night Before Christmas”

Folder   140  —Jesuits

a) “CBD was plantation when N. O. was Jesuit realm,” The Times-Picayune, March 14, 1982.

b) “Jesuits gather in Rome to elect new ‘Black Pope’,” Sunday Advocate, Aug. 28, 1983.

Folder   141  —Jews

a) “Following Tradition” by Betty Eppes, Sunday Magazine, February 13, 1983.

b) “‘Creoles of Jerusalem give N. O. Jews long, proud past,” Times-Picayune, Nov. 14, 1982.

c) “The Jews of Baton Rouge” by Robin Pearson, Sunday Magazine, Nov. 28, 1982.

Folder   142  —Kabacoff, Lester

a) “Loving Cup goes to Lester Kabacoff” by John Pope, The Times-Picayune, March 30, 1997.

b) “Ubiquitous Mr. Kabacoff” by Iris Kelso, The Times-Picayune, June 6, 1982.

Folder   143  —Stephen Kapelow

      “Builder’s record: grand successes—and failures,” The Times-Picayune, December 12, 1982.

Folder   144  —Keller, Rosa

      “Society page to social protest” by Millie Ball, The Times-Picayune, January 16, 1983.

Folder   145  —Kelly, Eamon

“Eamon Kelly” by Gregory Roberts, Dixie, June 2, 1985.

Folder   146  —Kendall, George Wilkins

a) “Doubt cast that Louisianian was first war correspondent,” by T. Harry Williams,
n. d.

b) “Kendall of the Picayune” by Ernest G. Fischer, Dixie, January 23, 1972.

Folder   147  —Kendall, John Smith

      “Prof. Kendall Was Embodiment Of ‘Gentleman of Old School'” by Pie DuFour, 4-22-65.

Folder   148  —Kennedy, John F.

      “The Kennedy Wit” by Bill Adler, THIS WEEK Magazine, July 5, 1964.

Folder   149  —Kershaw, Doug

      “Louisiana Man” by Millie Ball, Dixie, June 17, 1979.

Folder   150  —King, Grace

      “Lady of letters captured south’s soul with her pen,” The Times-Picayune, November 10, 1985.

Folder   151  —King, Martin Luther Jr.

a) “Point of View” by Keith D. Miller, Gazette, January 20, 1993.

b) “He Had a Dream,” n. d.

Folder   152  —Kohlmeyer, Ida

a) “Ida Kohlmeyer” by Mimi Read, Dixie, April 3, 1983.

b) “Honoring al late-blooming Kohlmeyer” by Roger Green, Lagniappe, March 1, 1985.

Folder   153  —Laborde, Alden

      “Offshore pioneer Laborde active in retirement” The Times-Picayune, October 20, 1985.

Folder   154  —LaCombe, ‘Black Cat’

“Black Cat LaCombe… another first for the record books,” The States-Items, May 2, 1979.

Folder   155  —General Lafayette

      “Tribute at Lafayette’s Paris tomb” by Millie Ball, The Times-Picayune, July 17, 1983.

Folder   156  —Lafitte, Jean

      “Gambie: Cruilest of the Pirates” The Times-Picayune, January 6, 1957.

Folder   157  —Laughlin, Clarence

a) “Memories of a visionary photographer” by Ellen Gilchrist, Dixie, April 28, 1985.

b) “The Lensman: Laughlin Continues Long Search for Reality” by Sharon Litwin, The Times-Picayune, July 28, 1980.

c) “The Magic World of Clarence John Laughlin” by Eric Bookhardt, Dixie, April 11, 1982.

Folder   158  —Leche, Richard W.

      “Cockerham gets close to infamous Leche,” Walker and Parish News, December 21, 1989.

Folder   159  —La Salle

a) “They picked the Worst Winter Ever” by Barton Dean, Dixie, April 3, 1977.

b) “Set the Hook Hard” by Bob Scearce, Morning Advocate, March 31, 1977.

c) “A New Sieur de La Salle Heads Our Way” by Jack Davis, Lagniappe, April 2-8, 1977.

d) “La Salle’s Path to Be Retraced” by Nancy Weldon, The Times-Picayune, January 4, 1976.

e) “La Salle’s Voyages and Indian contracts,” Sunday Magazine, June 12, 191983.

Folder   160  —LaBlanc, Sam

      “Sam’s political prescriptions” by Allan Katz, The States-Item, April 5, 1975.

Folder   161  —LeBlanc, Dudley J.

a) “From Huey Long to Hadacol” by Jeff Cowart, Sunday Advocate, March 24, 1974.

b) “Dudley J. LeBlanc for Governor”

Folder   162  —Ledner, Beulah

      “Octogenarian Relishes Bakery Biz” by Emile Lafourade, The States-Item, August 16, 1980.

Folder   163  —“Robert E. Lee”

      A paper written by W. J. Cameron

Folder   164  —Leruth, Warren

      “Leruth,” The Times-Picayune, November 1, 1981.

Folder   165  —Lilly, Margaret

      “Margaret Lilly” by Anne Price, Sunday Magazine, September 29, 1985.

Folder   166  —Lockwood, C. C.

      “Discovering Louisiana with C. C. Lockwood,” Sunday Magazine, September 14, 1986.

Folder   167  —Logan, Joshua

      “Joshua Logan,” Dixie, April 30, 1950.

Folder   168  —Logan, Terrence

      “He Chose Broadway” by William Wolf, Dixie, January 2, 1966.

“Former Hammondite Now A Star on TV” by Edna Campbell, Daily star, September 5, 1969.

Folder   169  —Long, Blanche

a) “Living in the Past? –not Blanche Long” by Marjorie Roehl, States-Item, January 29, 1976.

b) “Blanche long will write it like it was” by Rose Kahn, The States-Item, May 3, 1974.

c) “Pamela Long to Wed in May,” n. d.

d) “Miss Simon’s Betrothal Announced at Tea at Governor’s Mansion” Sunday Advocate, April 25, 1965.

e) “Then I met Earl” by Jay Grelen, Sunday Magazine, August 11, 1985.

Folder   170  —Long, Earl

a) “Movie exports” by Edgar Poe, n. d.

b) “Long’s biographer worried about Blaze” by Bobby Ardoin, Sunday Advocate, May 14, 1989.

c) “Forgotten inmate committee hears about Earl Long’s panel,” Times Picayune, April 20, 1984.

d) “Long Long Rule comes to an end”

e) “The Early Long Story in Pictures,” The States-Item, June 27, 1959.

f) “Sen. Long in Demand as a Speech-Maker” The Times-Picayune, March 20, 1966.

g) “Doug Fowler Recalls Longisms” by Bill Lynch, The States-Item, February 5, 1966.

h) “1st Circuit’s Chief Judge Dies in N. O.”

i) “Thousands file past Bier of Long; Rites set today” Morning Advocate, September 7, 1960.

j) “Our Newest State Monument,” Daily Star, July 1, 1964.

k) “Long’s Proposed Session is opposed”

l) “Long will be protected by Troopers, says Roy” The Times-Picayune, June 30, 1959.

m) “Long ‘Grateful’ vows better job”

n) “Hounded?” Times Picayune, n. a. , n. d.

o) “Long impeachment move talked to ‘End Turmoil’,” The States-Item, June 27, 1959.

p) “Clowns Complacency Corruption” by Robert Wool”

q) “Blaze Starr in Nighttown” Esquire, July, n. a.

r) “His Wife’s story of the commitment” by Blanche Long.

s) “Long Backs Clemency Plea”

t) “Uncle Earl Wouldn’t recognize stomping grounds,” Sunday Advocate, June 25, 1972.

u) “I remember Earl” by Bruce Macmurdo, Gris-Gris, June 15,-21, 1976. (2 copies)

v) “Former deputy clerk tells good Long story” by Mary Broussard, Advocate, January 3, 1981.

w) “Stumping With Uncle Earl” by Elizabeth Mullener, Dixie, August 22, 1982.

x) “Early Long depicted as fighter who didn’t hold grudges,” Magazine, July 18, 1982.

y) “The Last and the Greatest” by Michael Kurtz, Gris Gris, November 6, 1985.

z) “Rehabilitating Uncle Earl” by Pamela Tyler, The Times-Picayune, May 20, 1990.

aa) “Earl Long subject of LPB program” by Madelyn Lamb, FUN, February 14, 1986.           

Folder   171  —Long, Gillis

a) ”Political wizardry keeps Gillis Long in Congress,” The Times-Picayune, October 24, 1982.

b) “A champion of the little fellow” by Jack Wardlaw, The Times-Picayune, January 23, 1985.

c) “Lawmaker Gillis Long dies at 61” n. a., n. d.

d) “Rep. Gillis Long, 61 dies in Washington,” Morning Advocate, January 22, 1985.

e) “Gillis W. Long” The Times-Picayune, January 23, 1985.

Folder   172   Long, Huey P.

a) “Body of Long’s alleged assassin to be exhumed”, State Times, June 25, 1991.

b) “Return of the Kingfish” by Richard Dodds, The Times-Picayune, August 7, 1988.

c) “Huey P. Long: LSU landmark, 54, recounts its zany history,” Sunday Advocate, July 6, 1986.

d) “Long’s legacy lives on in Winnfield” by Hugh A. Mulligan, Magazine, September 8, 1985.

e) “Huey Long’s death didn’t end controversy” by Walter Cowan, Daily Star, September 1, 1985.

f) “Huey Long shot while visiting State Capitol,” Daily Star, September 4, 1985.

g) “La.’s Long: ‘He’s the lord of the Manor'” by David Snyder, The States Item, August 23, 1976.

h) Editor and to you

i) “Politics and the Depression” by John Kemp, The States Item, November 2, 1979.

j) “One of the demagogues” by Hugh Brogan.

k) “Huey” by Marshall Frady, The New York Review, February 26, 1970.

l) “La. Literary Award Goes to Williams” Morning Advocate, March 21, 1970.

m) “Louisiana’s Kingfish-Misunderstood and Underrated?” Saturday Review, November 1, 1969.

Folder   173  —Long, Huey P.

a) “Huey Long” by T. Harry Williams, Morning Advocate, October 23, 1969.

b) “Times’ book review includes Williams’ book among top 12,” Morning Advocate, December 15, 1969.

c) “Dr. T. H. Williams gives peek into his new book on Huey P. Long,” Morning Advocate, April 23, 1966.

d) “Huey Long” by Tom Wicker, The New York Times Book Review, November 2, 1969. sec. 7

e) “Amazing Career of Huey Long re-told in monumental work,” October 30, 1969.

f) “Couples recalls life with ‘Kingfish'” by Carlos Harkness, Rural Louisiana, September 1970.

g) “The Lyons Den” by Leonard Lyons, Morning Advocate, October 8, 1969.

h) “Huey Long’s story re-told at Auburn”

i) “Daring d’Aquin: life from a different angle,” The States Item, November 4, 1975.

j) “Huey’s brawl emblazoned” by Christine Guy, The States Item, July 5, 1976.

k) “Hatching a spruce-up” by Susan Finch, The States Item, August 4, 1977.

l) “Huey Long era began 50 years ago” by Ed Reed, Sunday Advocate, January 15, 1978.

m) “Castro Carazo, musical king” by Angus Lind, The States Item, January 20, 1978.

n) “Sam, Huey’s gin fizz man” by Angus Lind, The States Item, August 9, 1978.

o) “Reed remembers LSU Days and Huey Long,” Sunday Advocate, May 6, 1979.

p) “Looking back at Huey Long,” The Times-Picayune, April 24, 1982. 2 copies.

q) “The Longs of Louisiana” presented by Southeastern Louisiana University, September
8-15, 1985. (2 Copies)

r) “Photos, paintings chart life of Huey” by Anne Price, Magazine, September 1, 1985.

s) “So let it be with Huey” by Nicholas Russell Murray, Morning Advocate, Sept. 19, 1985.

t) “The debunking of T. Harry Williams” by Tom Gillen.

u) “Huey Long’s death still raises questions” by Walter Cowan, Daily Star, September 5, 1985.

v) “Was Long shot by his bodyguard?” by Ed Cullen, Morning Advocate, October 18, 1985.

w) “Recalling the days of Huey Long” by Edgar Poe, The Times Picayune, June 19, 1985.

x) “Aspersions on bodyguard of Long should be dropped” Morning Advocate, Oct. 19, 1985.

y) “Huey Long still remembered—and debated,” Sunday Advocate, September 1, 1985.

z) “BR residents remember September 8,” Sunday Advocate, September 1, 1985.

aa) “The Huey Long legend” by Hamilton Basso.

bb) “Who killed Huey Long?” by Margaret Dixon, Morning Advocate, September 9, 1951.

cc) “Huey Long was LSU’s friend  in high places,” The Times-Picayune, November 14, 1993.

Folder   174  —Long, Huey P.

a) “His Legacy Lives On,” The Times-Picayune, August 30, 1993.

b) “Who shot Huey Long?: The questions won’t go away,” Sunday Advocate, August 22, 1993.

c) “Longs of Winn” by Glen Jeansonne, Magazine, August 22, 1993.

d) “Did the doctor do it?” by Marjorie Roehl, The Times-Picayune, December 8, 1985.

e) “Influential Longs of Louisiana” by Otis Pike, n. d.

f) “December 16, 1935” by Ronnie Virgets, Dixie, December 8, 1985.

g) “Long builds unbeatable machine” by Glen Jeansonne, Magazine, August 29, 1993.

h) “Huey Longs death not hastened by sloppy surgery, doctors,” Times-Picayune, Dec. 20, 1983.

i) “Inventory…files released by judge,” The Times-Picayune, November 1, 1991.

j) “Catching the Kingfish” by Lawrence N. Powell, The Times-Picayune, December 15, 1991.

k) “Controversy still surrounds death,” The Times-Picayune, September 8, 1985.

l) “Huey Long, LBJ Similarities Noted at War and Politices Symposium” by Cleo Joffrion,
Morning Advocate, August 28, 1979.

m) “FDR and the Kingfish” by Ed Reed, Sunday Magazine, February 21, 1982.

n) “Whorehouse author to make Louisiana Longs do a song and dance” by Jay Sharbutt, Sunday Magazine, July 4, 1982.

o) “That Controversial Kingfish” Sunday Advocate, December 3, 1978.

p) “Long Shot, Assailant Slain” The Times-Picayune, September 9, 1935.

q) “Airport Coverup” by Jack Davis, Lifestyle, March 26, 1975.

r) “A Long-era leftover that merits new life” by Jack Davis, The State Item, March 26, 1975.

s) “Wallace and the politics of envy” by George F. Will, The State Item, April 23, 1975.

t) “The Longs: Haves From Have-Nots” Morning Advocate, August 30, 1975.

u) “President Roosevelt viewed Huey Long as dangerous” Tammany News, June, 18, 1975.

v) “Huey Long’s Assassination Still Vivid 40 Years Later,” Sunday Advocate, Sept. 7, 1975.

w) “If Huey should come back, what would he find?” The State Item, April 25, 1975.

x) “Memorial Statue For Huey P. Long Planned” by Mary Pirosko, n. d.

y) “Historian-Author Describes Long Sense of Destiny, Genius,” Morning Advocate, 11/15/1969.

z) “Huey Long Topic of Lecture by LSU Historian,” n. d.

aa) “Historian T. Harry Williams Assesses Huey Long’s Career” by Jim LaCaffinie, n.

bb) “Huey Long Mortally Wounded in State Capitol 30 Years Ago,” Morning Advocate, September 8, 1965.

cc) “Huey Long’s Leadership Based on Delivering What Promised,” Morning Advocate, April 11, 1969.

dd) “Addition to State’s History” by Margaret Dixon, n. d.

ee) “Williams’ Huey Long is Ready, Biography Gets critical Acclaim” Morning Advocate, October 16, 1969.

ff) “Stepping in the shoes of the Kingfish” by Marian Enochs, The States Item, May 13, 1980.

gg) “State Employee Mark Huey Long’s Birthday” by Advocate, August 31, 1976.

hh) “The fall of a dynasty” by Patricia Gormin, The States Item, August 30, 1974.

ii) “History Scholar Writes the Huey P. Long Story,” The Times-Picayune, October 26, 1969.

jj) “Tricks of Being Hostess in Glamorous Washington Come Easy to Mrs. Russell Long”
by Dottye Varnado, Morning Advocate, October 16, 1961.

kk) “Hundreds of Louisianans Aid in Huey Long Story,” Morning Advocate, January 24, 1960.

Folder   175  —Long, Huey P.

a) “The Princefish Charms in Huey’s Tradition,” The Times-Picayune, July 8, 1979.

b) “Huey Long model for opera lead” by Mary Campbell, The Times-Picayune, April 19, 1981.

c) “Premiere of Willie Stark” by George H. Reeves, Sunday Magazine, April 19, 1981.

d) “Now Louisianians can see Huey Long as national figure” by Joe Darby, May 2, 1982.

e) “Biography of Huey Long challenges T. Harry’s book,” Magazine, December 8, 1991.

f) “The Long Ticket” Sunday Advocate, September 23, 1990.

g) “Actor brings Huey Long back to life in the ‘Kingfish'” Sunday Advocate, June 25, 1989.

h) “The Huey Long file” by Jack Wardlaw, The Times-Picayune, September 10, 1993.

Folder   176  —Long, Russell

a) “Russell Long Uncovers Key to Huey’s Objective,” Morning Advocate, August 25, 1975.

b) “Long says group plotted Huey’s death,” Morning Advocate, November 26, 1985.

c) “Sen. Long has started stumping” by George Hager, The Times-Picayune, July 13, 1980.

d) “La’s Russell Long: Senate’s ‘lord of the manor'” The States Item, August 23, 1976.

e) “Russell Long: Champion of the Privileged,” by Jack Anderson.

f) “Russell Long, preservationist?” The States Item, July 24, 1974.

g) “How Washington sees Sen. Long” by David Snyder, August 24, 1976.

h) “Senate Finance Committee takes on new look under Long of Louisiana”

i) “Northerners beginning to see South’s view, Sen. Long says” by Sam Lowery.

j) “The Son of the Kingfish” by Tom Wicker, New York Times Magazine, April 4, 1965.

k) “Russell Long Commands resources to get the legislative job done” by Hugh A. Mulligan,
Sunday Advocate, March 21, 1965.

l) “Long plans aid to ‘Little Fellow'” by Drew Pearson’s,

m) “Russell Long’s bunch of activists,” Morning Advocate, December 22, 1973.

n) “The Washington merry go round” by Drew Pearson, Sunday Advocate.

o) “A long look at the ‘Princefish’ of capitol hill” by Adam Clymer, States-Item, May 28, 1977.

p) “Long, Johnston ‘wounded’ by GOP broadside,” Sunday Advocate, November 9, 1980.

q) “Russell Long” by Anne Price, Sunday Magazine, December 8, 1985.

r) “Long to retire at end of term” Morning Advocate, February 26, 1985.

s) “Retirement promises to make ’86 Senate race hot and heavy” by Allan Katz, The Times-Picayune, February 26, 1985.

t) “Sen. Long won’t run in 1986,” The Times-Picayune, February 26, 1985.

u) “Long’s career a lesson in history,” Morning Advocate, December 29, 1986.

v) “Long on the campaign trail” by Edgar Poe, The Times-Picayune, February 16, 1985.

w) “Long’s goodbye had some nostalgia but no regrets,” Sunday Advocate, December 28, 1986.

x) “Senator moved far away from Huey’s shadow,” The Times-Picayune, January 11, 1987.

Folder   177  —Louis XIV

a) “The Sun King: Louis XIV and the new world,” Sunday Advocate, May 13, 1984.

b) “A traveler’s travails” by Jack Wardlaw, The Times-Picayune, January 25, 1984.

c) “Macdonald beams with the Sun King” by Mllie Ball, The Times-Picayune, April 29, 1984.

d) “Rolling out the red carpet” by Sharon Litwin, The Times-Picayune, March 18, 1984.

e) “Sun King exhibit coming” by Anne Price, Magazine, March 6, 1983.

f) “The ‘Sun King’ will rise over N. O. ” by Roger Green, Lagniappe, April 27, 1984.

Folder   178  —Louviere, Vernon R.

      “Ex-N. O. Writer seated by Club” by Edgar Poe, The Times-Picayune, January 30, 1971.

Folder   179  —Ludwig, Nella

      “The Biggest Cultural Gambler in Town” by David Snyder, Lagniappe, February 20, 1976.

Folder   180  —MacArthur, Douglas

a) “General of the Army January 26, 1880-April 5, 1964”

b) “MacArthur felt greatest works were left undone” The Times-Picayune, April 9, 1964.

c) “MacArthur among world’s most famed military strategists,” Times-Picayune, April 6, 1964.

d) “Death comes in sleep to General MacArthur” The Times-Picayune, April 6, 1964.

Folder   181  —McCormick, Joseph P.

      “Heritage Reveals City’s History” by John DeMers, Sunday Advocate, April 1, 1973.

Folder   182  —McDonogh, John

      “McDonogh Day in 1898—Orleanian recalls it well” by Richard Boyd, States-Item, May 6, 1976.

Folder   183  —McKeithen, John

a) “Giving McKeithen the recognition that he deserves,” The Times-Picayune, January 10, 1985.

b) “Rumor mill runs overtime” by Iris Kelso, The Times-Picayune, February 25, 1982.

c) “Big John still active, going strong” by George Gurtner, Morning Advocate, July 7, 1980.

d) “Architect contracts Signed For Governmental Buildings,” n. d.

e) “The McKeithen Years” Morning Advocate, January 19, 1970.

f) “Random Shots” by Bud Montet, Morning Advocate, December 23, 1970.

g) “Little Help at Crucial Time” Morning Advocate, September 25, 1970.

h) “Full Partnership”

i) “Gov. McKeithen Possible Veep Candidate with Either Bobby Kennedy or Humphrey.” 

k) “Sincere  Condolence to New Governor” by Hermann Deutsch, States-Item, May 12, 1964.

l) “Mrs. McKeithen of Baton Rouge” by Julie Smith, Dixie, February 13, 1966.

m) “Lives of Past Governors as Diverse as State’s History,” Inauguration Section,

n) “Wet Inaugural also Plagued O. K. Allen,” Morning Advocate, May 13, 1964.

o) “Rain Mars McKeithen Inaugural” Morning Advocate, May 13, 1964.

p) “McKeithens End Inaugural Day at Ball Attended by Thousands” Advocate, May 13, 1964.

q) “Texts of Inaugural Speeches” Morning Advocate, May 13, 1964.

r) “Large Open House Given by McKeithen Following Inauguration,”Advocate, May 13, 1964.

s) “Moment of Truth Arrives for Solons” by Hermann Deutsch, The States-Item, May 11, 1964.

t) “Chief’s Spirit Undampened By Inauguration Downpour,” The States-Item, May 16, 1964.

u) “Inaugurals Present Logistics Problem” by Hermann Deutsch, The States-Item, May 16, 1964.

v) “Lady Godiva to ride again in New Picture” by Harold Heffernan, States-Item, May 16, 1964.

w) “Inauguration Outlook Tame Compared to 1877,” The Times-Picayune, May 11, 1964.

x) “Gov. McKeithen Pauses to Take a Look” Sunday Advocate, April 30, 1972.

y) “Sunshine Gang Cleanup Appears Not So Thorough,” Advocate, June 10, 1971.

z) “Mod Louis XIV” The States-Item, n. d.

aa) “Veto of Bill on Architects Stirs Ant Bed in Profession,” The Times-Picayune, July 26, 1970.

bb) “Sincere Condolence to New Governor” by Hermann Deutsch, States-Item, May 12, 1964.

cc) “Reconstructing the Past” by William R. Brockway, Advocate, January 10, 1971.

dd) “The abundant life, McKeithen style” by Iris Kelso, Times-Picayune, September 13, 1981.

ee) “McKeithen Vows to Run for Senate Even as Independent” by Paul Bartels, n. d.

Folder   184  —Maestri, Robert

a) “Ex-mayor Maestri takes his final ride” by Jack Wardlaw, n. d.

b) “Robert S. Maestri” by Walter G. Cowan, The States Item, May 8, 1974.

c) “Humor hid political sins” by Thomas Griffin, The States Item, May 13, 1974.

d) “Robert Maestri, master politician” by Marjorie Roehl, Times-Picayune, October 25, 1987.

e) “In 1938, a bachelor mayor decides to tie the knot,” The Times-Picayune, August 24, 1986.

f) “Services held for ex-mayor Robert Maestri,” The Times-Picayune, May 8, 1974.

Folder   185  —Magee, Zuma

      “93- year-old gets in the college swing,” Sunday Advocate, March 31, 1985.

Folder   186  —Maginnis, John

      “Capturing human side of La. political life” by Phil Ward, Sunday Magazine, August 5, 1984.

Folder   187  —Mamoulides, John

      “Jefferson parish DA John Mamoulides” by James Gill, Dixie, November 15, 1981.

Folder   188  —Marcello, Carlos

a) “Marcello prepares for new life outside as prison term ends” Times-Picayune, Oct. 15, 1989.

b) “Carlos Marcello (1910-1993) Mafia chief dies in sleep,” The Times Picayune, March 3, 1993

c) “Carlos Marcello” by Jim Amoss, Dixie, February 21, 1982.

d) “Carlos Marcello: An intimate look at the man behind the legend,” Dixie, February 28, 1982.

Folder   189  —Marsalis, Wynton

“Horn of Plenty” by Scott Aiges, Lagniappe, November 20, 1991.

Folder   190  —Martin, Ken

      “Energetic oilman drills an empire on gas-rich land,” The Times-Picayune, February 14, 1982.

Folder   191  —Matas, Dr. Rudolph

      “Man of the States-Item Century,” The States-Item, June 6, 1977.

Folder   192  —Maurin-Ogden

a) “Stirling Properties springing to life from ashes of Maurin-Ogden” The Times-Picayune, January 22, 1995.

b) “Malls’ success built on innovative ideas,” The Times-Picayune, November 17, 1984.

Folder   193  —Mentz, Henry

a) “Hammond lawyer nominated for judgeship” by Diane Loupe, n .d.

b) “Federal court gets new judge” by Ed Anderson, The Times-Picayune, July 1, 1982.

c) “Mentz gets oath of office as U. S. judge” Daily Star, July 1, 1982.

d) “Class President”

Folder   194  —Meyer, Sam III

      “Mr. M yer the hatter and his old-time business” by Bunny Matthews, Dixie, May 15, 1983.

Folder   195  —Middleton, Troy

      “Battle of the Bulge Began 26 Years Ago This Morning,” Morning Advocate, Dec. 17, 1970.

Folder   196  —Mignon, Francois

“Fill Need in South Pacific” by Ann Chopin, n. d.

Folder   197  —Mills, William

      “Capturing the humor, pathos of a man seeking the simple life” by Sarah Sue
Goldsmith, n. d.

Folder   198  —Moffett, Jim Bob

      “Jim Bob Moffett” by Elizabeth Mullener, Dixie, April 13, 1986.

Folder   199  —Moon Landrieu

a) “How Landrieu won” by Allen Rosenzweig, New Orleans States Item, January 7, 1970.

b) “New Orleans may get liberal mayor” by Roy Reed, The New York Times, January 17, 1970.

c) “‘Reporter’ Landrieu defends Orleans” by Paul Atkinson, The Times-Picayune, May 21, 1975.

d) “Hope voiced by Landrieu” by James H. Gillis, The Times-Picayune, May 5, 1970.

e) “Mayor sets proclamation for newborn N. O. babies,” n. d.

f) “The Tac Memorandum,” The Courier, January 23-29, 1975.

g) “As Landrieu years wind down” by Joe Massa, The Times-Picayune, October 2, 1977.

h) “Moon looks back at last 8 years” by Paul Atkinson, The Times-Picayune, March 12, 1978.

i) “Cavett’s call to arms,” The States-Item, June 12, 1975.

j) “Moon goes to bat in politics” by Allan Katz, The States-Item, April 11, 1978.

k) “Cavett, Landrieu lock letters over French Market Restoration,” Advocate, June 13, 1975.

l) “The Landrieu years” by Allan Katz, The States-Item, April 12, 1978.

m) “The Landrieu years” by Allan Katz, The States-Item, April 13, 1978.

n) “New Moon over our shoulder” by Millie Ball, Dixie, July 1, 1979.

o) “Landrieu survives a trying year” by Allan Katz, The States-Item, January 3, 1976.

p) “Moon is still ‘a public animal’” by George Hager, The Times-Picayune, May 25, 1980.

q) “The Landrieu years…I” by Allan Katz, The States-Item, April 10, 1978.

r) “With Hizzoner at Nice” by Paul Lentz, Dixie, October 19, 1975.

Folder   200  —Moore, Henson

a) “Hard-working Moore strives for recognition,” The Times-Picayune, February 5, 1984.

b) “A deserved loss” by Iris Kelso, The Times-Picayune, November 6, 1986.

c) “Getting bullish on Louisiana” by Iris Kelso, The Times-Picayune, July 20, 1986.

Folder   201  —Morial, Dutch

a) “Mayor Morial rises to the top” by Edgar Poe, The Times-Picayune, January 23, 1985.

b) “The council strikes back” by Bruce Dansker, The Times-Picayune, July 23, 1983.

c) “Two sides of Morial seen” by Allan Katz, February 6, 1983.

d) “Analysts: Morial let clout slip away” by Allan Katz, The Times-Picayune, March 6, 1986.

e) “Morial: Mayoral legacy clouded by personality,” The Times-Picayune, April 27, 1986.

f) “Morial dear to blacks” by Iris Kelso, The Times-Picayune, March 11, 1982.

g) “Morial is stellar performer”by Iris Kelso, The Times-Picayune, October 31, 1982.

h) “The Four Dutch Men” by Millie Ball, Dixie, August 12, 1979.

i) “Morial’s message” States Item, January 19, 1978.

j) “Morial Vows to Work for All” by Joe Massa, The Times-Picayune, May 2, 1978.

k) “What Do You Know About Flag of N. O.?” The Times-Picayune, June 13, 1978.

l) “Morial’s survived first 21 months, still plugging away,” The States-Item, January 19, 1980.

m) “A rough, active first year for a controversial mayor,” The States-Item, May 1, 1979.

n) “The Kid who would be Mayor” by Fen Montaigne, Dixie, August 16, 1981.

o) “Meet the Morials” Dixie, April 30, 1978. n. a.

p) “Morial still acts like a 1960s civil rights leader, The Times-Picayune, October 17, 1982.

q) “Who gains in land swap?” by Iris Kelso, The Times-Picayune, October 24, 1982.

r) “Behind Morial lottery plan” by Iris Kelso, The Times-Picayune, November 14, 1982.

s) “Dutch Moves into the Fast Lane” by Fen Montaigne, Dixie, August 23, 1981.

t) “Morial as role model” by Allan Katz, The Times-Picayune, January 29, 1984.

u) “Morial’s right moves” by James H. Gillis, The Times-Picayune, February 3, 1984.

v) “No fond farewells as Morial Years come to a close,” The Times-Picayune, March 9, 1986.

w) “The future options of Dutch Morial,” The Times-Picayune, October 20, 1984.

x) “Friendship’s end” by Allan Katz, The Times-Picayune, November 3, 1985.

y) “Morial: Out but not down” by Bill Grady, The Times-Picayune, May 3, 1986.

Folder   202  —Morial, Sybil

      “Sybil Herself” by Elizabeth Mullener, The Times-Picayune, February 5, 1995.

Folder   203  —Morris, Major Henry

      “Policeman with pride in the past” by Sharon Litwin, The Times-Picayune, April 16, 1981.

Folder   204  —Morris, Willie

      “The Saga of Willie and Pete” by Willie Morris, Parade, March 14, 1982.

Folder   205  —Morrison, Chep

a) “30 years ago in white suit: Chep ushered in new era” by Jack Wardlaw, The States-Item, n. d.

b) “Chep’s memory shines bright 10 years after tragic crash,” The States-Item, May 22, 1974.

c) “Bodies of Morrison, Others Recovered From Crash Site,” Sunday Advocate, May 24, 1964.   

d) “Bodies of Plane Crash Victims are Returned” Morning Advocate, May 25, 1964.

e) “Down Through the Years with Chep Morrison” The Times-Picayune, May 24, 1964.

f) “Morrison Winner of Many Honors During Career” The Times-Picayune, May 24, 1964.

g) “Morrison, 6 Others on Plane Dead,” The Times-Picayune, May 24, 1964.

h) “Short Lived Relief Deepens Death Shock” by Thomas Griffen, Lagniappe, n. d.

i) “Chep Morrison’s Last Letter to His Mother” by Elizabeth Bennett, Dixie, July 5, 1964.

j) “Death Ended Dynamic Era in La. Politics,” Sunday Advocate, May 24, 1964.

k) “Leadership of Morrison Gone, La. Political Outlook Refocused,” States-Item, May 25, 1964.

l) “N. O. Pays Morrison Homage,” The States-Item, May 25, 1964.

m) “deLesseps Story Morrison,” The States-Item, May 25, 1964.

n) “Scenes from Life of De Lesseps Morrison” The States-Item, May 25, 1964.

o) “Lefty Gave Chep Finest Hour” by Peter Finney, The States-Item, May 25, 1964.

p) “Father-Son Reunion Arranged by Chep” by Thomas Griffin, Lagniappe, n. d.

q) “DeLesseps S.Morrison Rites Set in New Orleans Today” Morning Advocate, May 26, 1964.

r) “deLessups Morrison Papers Given to Tulane University,” n. d.

s) “Morrison’s Glad Hours on Water Skis Recalled” The Times-Picayune, May 22, 1965.

t) “Memorial to Chep Morrison” by Betsy Petersen, Dixie, October 16, 1966.

u) “Influence of deLesseps Morrison will still be felt in the 1970s” by Carroll Trosclair, Sunday Advocate, November 30, 1969.

v) “Morrison Family Members at Ceremony” Times Picayune, January  19, 1971.

w) “Chep Visionary, Says Governor: Morrison Memorial is Dedicated Here” by James H.
Gillis, Times Picayune, January 19, 1971.

x) “Picture from the Past,” n. d.

y) “Chep Morrison Monument Set For Dedication” Advocate, February 1971.

z) “Toni Recalled as 1947 Cherub” by Jill Jackson, The Times-Picayune, January 21, 1971.

aa) “Chep Morrison Biography Full of Political Insight,” n. d.

bb) “Political Prince Images of Chep linger long after reign’s end,” States-Item, May 22, 1984.

Folder   206  —Morrison, Jimmy

      “Victory in first primary our goal, says Morrison,” The Farmer’s Friend, n. d.

Folder   207  —Nevilles

      “It’s about time!” by Joan Kent, Times Picayune, May 3, 1981.

Folder   208  —Newman, Randy

      “Atlanta Symphony Plays For Randy Newman Event,” Advocate, October 7, 1974.

Folder   209  —Nicholls, Francis

a) “Nicholls Alumni House is Part of Historic Tour” The Times-Picayune, April 12, 1972.

b) “Courage, Determination Seen in Life of Francis T. Nicholls” by Claire Puneky,
n. d.

c) “Historical Marker for Gov. Nicholls Homesite” The Times-Picayune, November 20, 1968.

d) “College Gets Nicholls Picture” Morning Advocate, November 12, 1970.

Folder   210  —Nichols, Howard

a) “C. Howard Nichols” by Al Ferreira, Gumbo Magazine, April 16, 1989.

b) “SLU”, The Picyaune, May 4, 1995.

Folder   211  —Ninas, Paul

      “Paul Ninas” by Kathleen Orillion, Sunday Magazine, September 14, 1986.

Folder   212  —Norman, Favrot, and Bultman

      “Angels of the Arts” by Gregory Roberts, Dixie, September 11, 1983.

Folder   213  —North, Carolyn George

a) “A tribute to Carolyn George North, Kentwood News, August 31, 1978.

b) “Last rites held for Mrs. Carolyn North” Kentwood News, August 31, 1978.

Folder   214  —O’Brien, Alyce

      “Teacher retires 32 years after I will never teach, The Times-Picayune, June 11, 1992.

Folder   215  —O’Keefe, Michael

      “O’Keefe on film” by Iris Kelso, The Times-Picayune, September 11, 1983.

Folder   216  —O’Malley, Dominick

      “Dominick O’Malley Is Unsung Character” by Pie DuFour, The Times-Picayune, August 8, 1965.

Folder   217  —O’Neill, Charles

a) “Fr. O’Neill Proves Adept Pinch-Hitter” by Hermann Deutsch, The States-Item, July 7, 1964.

b) “Here’s Formula Which Will Be Help to Louisiana Researchers,” April 11, 1964.

Folder   218  —O’Reilly, Count Alejandro

      “The Spaniard French Louisiana Accepted” submitted by James F. Bezou, Dixie, May 10, 1964.

Folder   219  —Ochsner, Dr. Alton

a) “Dr. Ochsner, at 84, has no plans to retire,” Morning Advocate, September 1, 1980.

b) “Ochsner: the Surgeon, the Man, the Institution,” The Times-Picayune, June 3, 1973.

c) “Alton Ochsner: dynamo at 80” by John Wilds, States Item, February 10, 1976.

d) “A gateway for Latins” by Joan Kent, States Item, December 8, 1978.

Folder   220  —Ochsner, John

“John Ochsner” by Bill Grady, Dixie, July 5, 1981.

Folder   221  —Oertling, Jim

      “Performer looks for break at La. Hayride” by Larry Ciko, The Times-Picayune, June 26, 1983.

Folder   222  —Owens, Chris

“Born to Last” by Ronnie Virgets, Dixie, February 23, 1986.

Folder   223  —Perez, August III

a) “Perez’s hard, hard times and, he hopes, better future,” The Times-Picayune, May 17, 1987.

b) “August Perez III” by Christopher Drew, Dixie, May 8, 1983.

c) “August Perez Retires Leaves Tall Legacy,” The Times-Picayune, July 27, 1980.

Folder   224  —Perez, Chalin          

      “Chalin Perez talks softly, carries Big Political Stick,” The Times-Picayune, September 29, 1974.

Folder   225  —Perez, Leander

a) “Plaquemines park recalls life of Perez” by Hal Ledet, Sunday Advocate, July 27,

b) “Monitor” by Tim Belehrad, May 14, 1982.

c) “Frotscher book club to hear Judge Review,” n. d.

d) “Perez oil suit revisits half-century of power,” The Times-Picayune, October 7, 1984.

Folder   226  —Phillips, Bum

      “The private side of the Saints’ cowboy coach” by John Jones, Dixie, July 26, 1981.

Folder   227  —Piazza, Marquerita

      “Cancer on face gave beauty a beast to beat,” The Times-Picayune, October 24, 1982.

Folder   228  —Pleasonton, Ghislaine

      “Her Job: Unraveling Mysteries of History,” The Times-Picayune, September 4, 1977.

Folder   229  —Pollock, Oliver

a) “A Debt Unpaid, A Hero Unsung” by Sue Spinks, Dixie, n. d.

b) “In search of Oliver Pollock” by Anne Price, Magazine, January 13, 1991.

Folder   230  —Poitevent, Eliza Jane

      “Penning page in publishing history” by Marjorie Roehl, The Times-Picayune, June 8, 1986.

Folder   231  —Paul, Pope John II

“N. O. third stop on papal tour” by Coleman Warner, The Times-Picayune, November 6, 1986.

Folder   232  —Poydras, Julien

a) “Julien Poydras: Dean of Louisiana backpackers” Sunday Advocate, October 20, 1985.

b) “Poydras Home Roots Are Traced to 1817” The Times-Picayune, September 17, 1978.

Folder   233  —Prevost, John

“John Prevost: He sells cars, but chooses boats when it comes to racing” by Sarah
Sue Goldsmith, Sunday Magazine, September 29, 1985.

Folder   234  —Proxmire, William

      “Wisconsin Senator still Fighting Waste in D. C.” Sunday Advocate, November 15, 1970.

Folder   235  —Quigualtanqui

      “Quigualtanqui’s Revenge” submitted by Dorothea Kent, Dixie.

Folder   236  —Reagan, Ronald

      “Transcript of Reagan’s inaugural address” The Times-Picayune, January 21, 1981.

Folder   237  —Reggie, Edmund

      “Judge Reggie is Mr. Democrat behind the scenes,” Times Picayune, May 9, 1982.

Folder   238  —Reilly, Kevin

a) “Reilly wants to cut number of holidays,” Morning Advocate, January 9, 1986.

b) “Get mad, Louisiana, says Reilly” Morning Advocate, February 6, 1986. n. a.

c) “Kevin Reilly” by Anne Price, Sunday Magazine, July 7, 1985.

d) “Senate approval of school chief backed,” The Times-Picayune, June 19, 1985.

e) “Rep. Reilly chastises fellow legislators,” Morning Advocate, June 18, 1985.

f) “Reilly: Lawmakers bleeding budgets on health facilities” by United Press International,
The Times-Picayune, September 19, 1985.

Folder   239  —Rice, James

“Cajun Night artist is family man who does his illustrations at night” by Mabel C.
Simmons, The Times-Picayune, December 9, 1984.

Folder   240  —Richard, Zachary

      “Zachary Richard” by Bill Grady, Dixie, October 28, 1984.

Folder   241  —Rillieux, Norbert

      “The Sweet Success of Norbert Rillieux” by Tom Webster, Dixie, November 20, 1977.

Folder   242  —Robinson, Martha

“Martha Robinson. . . One Remarkable Woman,” The Times-Picayune, September 30, 1973.

Folder   243  —Roemer, Buddy

a) “Our incredible shrinking budgets” by James Gill, The Times-Picayune, October 16, 1988.

b) “Roemer ready for revolution” by John LaPlante, Sunday Advocate, March 13, 1988.

c) “Taking care of a backlog of checks” by Iris Kelso, The Times-Picayune, August 20, 1989.

d) “Roemer– down but not yet out” by Iris Kelso, The Times-Picayune, June 8, 1989.

e) “Roemer chases record on vetoes” by Jack Wardlaw, The Times-Picayune, July 23, 1989.

f) “Gov. Roemer’s sweet and sour income tax proposal, The Times-Picayune, February 12, 1989.

g) “Roemer redux?” by Iris Kelso, The Times-Picayune, July 12, 1990.

h) “Roemer plays new hand close to vest” by Jack Wardlaw, Times-Picayune, October 26, 1987.

i) “Is Roemer growing soft or simply growing up?” by Peter Nicholas, n. d.

j) “Candid letters challenge governor’s presence” by Steven Watsky, n. d.

k) “La.’s reputation riding on referendum” by Jack Wardlaw, Times-Picayune, March 26, 1989.

l) “Post office gets letter for bunny” Times Picayune, March 26, 1989.

m) “Parish elected Roemer’s dream” Daily Star, October 20, 1988.

n) “Roemer moving into his milieu” by Iris Kelso, The Times-Picayune, July 9, 1989.

o) “An assessment of Gov. Roemer” by Iris Kelso, The Times-Picayune, May 30, 1991.

p) “Nobody’s buddy doesn’t get it” by Jack Wardlaw, n. d.

q) “La.’s laid-back business scene shocks Japan’s consul general,” The Times-Picayune, n. d.

r) “Roemer’s push for education a mixed bag,” Sunday Advocate, March 24, 1991.

Folder   244  —Roemer, Buddy

a) “Buddy Roemer’s great opportunity” by Iris Kelso, The Times-Picayune, October 27, 1987.

b) “Buddy Roemer at the helm”, Morning Advocate, October 28, 1987.

c) “Meet Patti” by Chris Russo, Sunday Advocate, November 15, 1987.           

d) “Patti Roemer wants to work for causes,” Sunday Advocate, March 13, 1988.

Folder   245  —Romero, Sidney

      “Taking Life as it comes” by Gary Perilloux, Gumbo Magazine, October 25, 1987.

Folder   246  —Roosevelt, Franklin D.

      “Roosevelt’s Career Spans History-Making Years,” The Times-Picayune, April 13, 1945.

Folder   247  —Roosevelt, Teddy

      “Teddy Roosevelt’s Louisiana” by Mabel Simmons.

Folder   248  —Rouquette, Abbe Adrien Emmanuel

a) “Recollections on Chata- Ima” by Blaise C. D’Antone” Encounter, October 2, 1985.

b) “Memoris of Buchuwa: the forgotten village,” Encounter, November 19, 1986.

c) “Teacher tracks missionary’s life” by Sara Pagones, Tammany, November 30, 1986.

Folder   249  —Roussel, Louis J.

      “Charge of Overborrowing From Own Bank Angers Roussel,” Morning Advocate, May 2, 1974.

Folder   250  —Russell, Bill

      “A life devoted to jazz history” by John Pope, Times Picayune, August 14, 1982.

Folder   251  —Salazar

      “Salazar–Painter of Mystery” by Vaughn L. Glasgow, Sunday Advocate, May 30, 1976.

Folder   252  —Schiro, Vic

      “What ever Happened to Vic Schiro?” by Gregory Roberts, Dixie, August 5, 1984.

Folder   253  —Schneider, Frank

a) “Final sip from the Second Cup” by Frank Schneider, The Times-Picayune, February 24, 1991.

b) “Writing his own ticket [about Frank Schneider],” n. d.

Folder   254  —Schwegmann, John

a) “Schwegmann chain is only the beginning” by Janet Plume, Times-Picayune, Oct. 14, 1989.

b) “Just like meeting an Old Friend” The Times-Picayune, July 28, 1969.

c) “Damn the Charisma-Full Speed Ahead!” by Stella Pitts, Times-Picayune, November 3, 1974.

d) “Commissioner Supermarket” by Gil T. Webre, Dixie, November 5, 1978.

e) “The Schwegmann Experience” by John McQuaid, Dixie, April 7, 1985.

f) “It would have been insane for me to stay and bleed to death,” Times-Picayune, Mar. 2, 1997.

Folder   255  —Schwegmann, Melinda

      “Cha-ching” by Anne Price, Magazine, December 1, 1991.

Folder   256  —Seng, John

      “Airline worker wore all the hats” by Don Lewis, The Times-Picayune, June 26, 1983.

Folder   257   —Severin Jean Baptiste

      “Remember When”, Sunday Advocate, March 10, 1996.

Folder   258  —Shulte, Archbishop Francis

a) “Schulte met by N. O. Style Welcome” by

b) “Priest’s priest’ born to excel in the church,” The Times-Picayune, February 12, 1989.

Folder   259  —Sims, Lydel

a) “Going. . . but columnist is not likely to be forgotten,” Commercial Appeal, February 8, 1985.

b) “Academic gobbledegook concerns Lydel Sims,” Sunday Magazine, May 8, 1983.

Folder   260  —Singleton, James

      “Singleton’s S & WB coup” by Joe Massa, The Times-Picayune, April 24, 1982.

Folder   261  —Slidell, John

      “John Slidell: Man with colorful past” Shopper’s Times, February 5, 1986.

Folder   262  —Spitzer, Nick

      “Folklife is his Life” by Mary Ann Sternberg, Sunday Magazine, September 29, 1985.

Folder   263  —St. Amant

      “Glasgow, St. Amant retired, but not idle” by Mike Cook, Sunday Advocate, July 6, 1980.

Folder   264  —St. Denis, Chevalier

      “Chevalier St.Denis —Louisiana Colonizer,” Morning Advocate, March 6, 1952.

Folder   265  —Stall, Buddy

“N. O.’s biggest Buddy” by Angus Lind, The Times-Picayune, November 28, 1982.

Folder   266  —Starr, Frederick

      “A Chauvinist in exile” by S. Frederick Starr, Dixie, February 19, 1984.

Folder   267  —Stephenson, Dr. Wendell H.

      “Former Dean At LSU Dies In Eugene, Ore.”.

Folder   268  —Stern, Edith

a) “Mrs. Stern, Praised By Friends, Family” by John Pope, Times-Picayune, September 13, 1980.

b) “Stern Wealth An Investment in Humanity,” The Times-Picayune, September 2, 1980.

Folder   269  —Stire, Milton A.

      “Milton Snake Stire will have a lost hurrah” by John Pope, Times-Picayune, August 30, 1981.

Folder   270  —Stones, Margaret

a) “A Day in the Country” by Ruth Laney, Magazine, July 6, 1997.

b) “Margaret Stones” by Sarah Sue Goldsmith, Sunday Magazine, May 18, 1986.

c) “Preserving Louisiana’s plantlife,” Sunday Magazine, October 18, 1981.

d) “Lady Audubon of the Plants” by Mary Ann Sternberg, Dixie, September 14, 1980.

e) “Louisiana’s flowers” by Anne Price, Sunday Advocate, September 14, 1980.

Folder   271  —Stovall, Jerry

      “LSU’s Embattled Coach” by Gregory Roberts, Dixie, September 5, 1982.

Folder   272  —Strother, Roy

      “Strother revisits his old haunts” by Sarah Sue Goldsmith, Magazine, March 2, 1991.

Folder   273  —Tallant, Robert

      “Never on the Circuit” by Allan Citron, The States-Item, April 15, 1972.

Folder   274  —Tassin, Herb

      “From Grandstand to Bandstand” by Gil T. Webre, Dixie, August 6, 1978.

Folder   275  —Tauzin, Bill

      “Cajun Congressman Billy” by Rick Raber, Dixie, October 20, 1985.

Folder   276  —Taylor, Joe Gray

      “La. Heritage Corrupt Historian” The Times-Picayune, n. d.

Folder   277  —Teague, Oran

      “Haunting, powerful play penned by Baton Rougean,” Sunday Magazine, June 26, 1983.

Folder   278  —Thomas, Irma

a) “Homegrown Queen of the Blues,” The Times-Picayune, April 26, 1992.

b) “Irma: That Sweet Soul Sound” by Jill Schwartz, Gumbo Magazine, April 13, 1986.

c) “Irrepressible Irma Thomas” by Jeff Hannusch, The Times-Picayune, August 14, 1988.

Folder   279  —Tichenor, Dr. George H.

a) “Dr. Tichenor’s: The Long March From the Civil War to Civil Rights” by Jim Amos,
n. d.

b) “The Doctor is (still) in” by Garry Boulard, The Times-Picayune, May 9, 1992.

Folder   280  —Toledano, Roulhac

      “Roulhac Toledano’s World Busy and Exciting,” Times-Picayune, January 20, 1974.

Folder   281  —Toole, John Kennedy

a) “John Kennedy Toole Odyssey Among the Dunces” by Dalt Wonk, Dixie, October 25, 1981.

b) “John Kennedy Toole Odyssey Among the Dunces” by Dalt Wonk, Dixie, November 1, 1981.

c) “An early testament to genius” by Marcus Smith, The Times-Picayune, May 14, 1989.

Folder   282  —Town, A. Hays

a) “A. Hays Town gives new homes old touches,” Sunday Advocate, February 17, 1980.

b) “Talented Hays Town sends original greeting art,” Sunday Advocate, December 19, 1982.

Folder   283  —Treen, David

a) “Absence of vision” by Iris Kelso, The Times-Picayune, September 4, 1983.

b) “Edwards’ Salvo” by Iris Kelso, The Times-Picayune, December 30, 1979.

c) “Treen outlines goals to 1980 Legislature”, Morning Advocate, April 22, 1980.

d) “Historic session”, The States-Item, April 22, 1980.

e) “Wringing out a pay raise” by Jack Wardlaw, The Times-Picayune, October 17, 1982.

f) “Treen has given his best” by Iris Kelso, The Times-Picayune, July 11, 1982.

g) “Treen takes firm grasp” by Iris Kelso, The Times-Picayune, August 31, 1980.

h) “How long will Treen get for ‘honeymoon’?” by Jack Wardlaw, March 8, 1980.

i) “1980 Louisiana Inauguration,” Sunday Advocate, March 2, 1980.

j) “Singing at Mansion honors gospel music,” Sunday Advocate, October 24, 1982.

k) “Treen among contenders to head governors’ panel”, n.a., November 14, 1982.

l) “Treen’s ‘other matters’” by Jack Wardlaw, The Times-Picayune, November 14, 1982.

m) “Publicist joins Treen camp to do battle with ex-boss” by Bill Lynch, Times-Picayune, n.d.

Folder   284  —Treen, Dodie

a) “Dodie Treen: Life after the mansion” by Millie Ball, Times Picayune, February
26, 1984.

b) “Governor’s Mansion needs major repairs,” The Times-Picayune, July 6, 1980.

c) “Dodie Treen likes her new job as state’s First Lady,” Sunday Advocate, December 28, 1980.

d) “Dodie: The Woman Behind Dave” by Millie Ball, Dixie, March 9, 1980.

Folder   285  —Triche, Risley

a) “Pappy Triche is a happy lawyer” by Iris Kelso, Times Picayune, July 12, 1981.

b) “Rep. Triched Quits Floor Leadership” Morning Advocate, June 28, 1974.

Folder   286  —Truman, Harry S.

      “Nation Mourns Truman’s Death” by Louise Cook, Morning Advocate, December 27,

Folder   287  —Tucker, Edwin S.

      “Ex-Ponchatoula chief recalls ‘wicked’ years” by Lil Mirando, Daily Star, September 3, 1982.

Folder   288  —Tulane, Paul

      “2,000 Volumes of History” by Gil Webre, Dixie, April 15, 1973.

Folder   289  —Turner, Nat

      “Slave’s Own Story of Virginia Revolt” by T. R. Gray, Washington Post October
15, 1967.

Folder   290  —The Vietnamese

      “Little Vietnam” by Bill Grady, Dixie, January 17, 1982.

Folder   291   —Voegelin, Eric

      “Eric Voegelin deserves accolade of revolutionary, Sunday Magazine, July 4, 1982.

Folder   292  —Wallace, Norma

      “Norma Wallace kills herself,” The States-Item, Vol. 98, No. 162, December 16, 1974.

Folder   293  —Warren, Robert Penn

      “Still America’s dean of letters” by Millie Ball, The Times-Picayune, July 24, 1983.

Folder   294  —Wells, John

      “John Wells:” by Anne Price, Sunday Magazine, June 5, 1988.

Folder   295  —Whitesell, Pops

      “Pops Whitesell” by Dalt Wonk, Dixie, November 29, 1981.

Folder   296  —Williams, T. Harry

a) Friends of the LSU Library photograph by John Boss featuring Mrs. T. Harry Williams.

b) Picture of T. Harry Williams autographing books, New Orleans States-Item, May 14, 1970.

c) “Free lancer takes Pulitzer Award with reporting on My Lai,” Advocate, May 5, 1970.

d) “Campus club tea honors the T. Harry Williamses,” Advocate, October 3, 1970.

e) “Williams’ ‘Huey Long’ is ready, biography gets critical acclaim,” Advocate, October 16, 1969.

f) “Oxford hears about Huey Long from LSU’s T. Harry Williams” by Pie Dufour, June
23, 1967.

g) “Boyd to serve as book judge” The States-Item.

h) “LSU’s Prof. Williams co-authors new two-volume history of US,” August 5, 1959.

i) “Center for oral history” by Sarah Sue Goldsmith, Magazine, February 23, 1992.

j) & Mrs. T. Harry Williams on Society page of the Morning Advocate, May 14, 1973.

k) “Louisiana ‘Kingfish’ steals show amidst pomp, ceremony at Oxford” by J. C. Tillman.

l) “LBJ said nearest to Huey” by Paul Atkinson, The Times-Picayune, November 26, 1970.

m) “Bruce W. Eggler: The Kingfish of Louisiana” New Republic Review, December 13, 1969.

n) “T. Harry Williams To discuss the ‘Kingfish’,” Sunday Advocate, October 4, 1970.

o) “Oxford chair offered Williams” by Jim LaCaffinie.

p) “Book of the times” by Christopher Lehmann-Haupt, New York Times, October 27, 1969.

q) Picture of T. Harry Williams clipped from a newspaper.

r) “Louisiana historian and family share interest in books,” Sunday  Advocate, Oct. 26, 1969.

s) Information on Williams due to a lecture at LSU.

t) “He’s one of our own,” Morning Advocate, May 11, 1970.

u) “T. Harry tapes given to library,” Sunday Magazine, July 4, 1982.

v) “Dr. T. Harry Williams still in serious condition,” Morning Advocate, June 2, 1979.

w) “Retiring ‘T. Harry’ says he’ll miss teaching,” Morning Advocate, April 25, 1979.

x) “T. Harry Williams gets praise, ovations,” Morning Advocate, April 27, 1979.

y) Pictures from a retirement party at Williams’ home, Morning Advocate, May 3, 1979.

z) “OAH president is Dr. Williams,” a special to the Times-Picayune, April 9, 1972.

aa) “LBJ’s Biography” by W. M. Melancon.

bb) “Teacher must transmit enthusiasm, Williams says,” Sunday Advocate, October 29, 1972.

cc) “Loyola honor degrees told,” The Times-Picayune, May 12, 1974.

dd) Picture of the recipients of the honorary degrees from Loyola, Advocate, June 12, 1974.

ee) “His story is history” by Paul Hilbun, Sunday Advocate, October 10, 1976.

ff) “A legendary historian” by Paul Hilbun, Dixie, February 6, 1977.

gg) “Civil War to go on forever—on video,” Sunday Advocate, December 3, 1978. (2 copies)

hh) “Phi Kappa Phi has established Spring lecture.”

ii) Pictures from LSU’s Mardi Gras parade, Morning Advocate, February 27, 1976.

jj) “To the Editor and You” by T. Harry Williams.

kk) “Affable teacher echoes in essays of T. Harry Williams”, Sunday Magazine, October 2, 1983.

ll) “House pays respect to Williams,” Morning Advocate, July 7, 1979.

mm) “Author Williams to be remembered as teacher,” Morning Advocate, July 7, 1979.

nn) “T. Harry’s literary legacy” by Mike Mulhern, Advocate, December 13, 1981.

oo) “Prize-winning historian T. Harry Williams dead,” The Times-Picayune, July 7, 1979.

pp) “Reputation as LSU lecturer made Williams campus favorite,” Times-Picayune, July 7, 1979.

qq) “Paul Grosser rehired at LSU” by George Cotton, Morning Advocate, October 1, 1977.

rr) “LSU Board move is disturbing,” Sunday Advocate, October 9, 1977.

ss) “Collection of Lincolniana given LSU library by judge,” Advocate, January 30, 1966.

tt) “LSU receives Lincoln collection,” Morning Advocate, February 12, 1971.

uu) “Lincoln, Davis Clear Products of Cultures, Says Dr. Williams,” Advocate, January 16, 1970.

Folder   297  —Wilson, Huey J

      “Wilson’s chain expands despite economy’s woes,” Sunday Advocate, February 14, 1982.

Folder   298  —Wilson, Sam Jr.

      “A profile of Samuel Wilson Jr., Architect” by Gil T. Webre, Times-Picayune, January 12, 1980.

Folder   299  —Wiltz, Dr. Gary

      “Wiltz on road” by Iris Kelso, The Times-Picayune, July 21, 1991.

Folder   300  —Women in Louisiana

a) “Grace King Carved Career…” by Stella Pitts, The Times-Picayune, February 1, 1975.

b) “The Uptown Lady Who Helped Decorate New Orleans,” The States-Item, March 1, 1975.

c) “The women are catching on” by Helen Babin, FUN GUIDE, November 6, 1975.

d) “Philadelphia Girl Became Nun, Established Xavier University” The Times-Picayune, February 15, 1976.

e) “Devoted Sister Served City,…” by Stella Pitts, The Times-Picayune, February 22, 1976.

f) “French Quarter Was Love…” by Stella Pitts, The Times-Picayune, May 9, 1976.

g) “Budding Theater She Guided Helped to Save Vieux Carre” Times-Picayune, June 13, 1976.

h) “Outstanding Women of N.O.:  Can You Recall Their Names?” by Stella Pitts, The Times-Picayune, December 26, 1976.

i) “Muriel Bultman Francis” by Mark Hemeter, Lagniappe, March 12-18, 1977.

j) “Women reps” by Chris Russo, Sunday Advocate, April 20, 1980.

k) “Bayou Annie…” by Annabelle Armstrong, Sunday Advocate, June 19, 1980.

l) “Lelia Haller–The Grande Dame of New Orleans Ballet,” The Times-Picayune, July 6, 1980.

m) “They Cared” by Lily Jackson, The Times-Picayune, October 5, 1980.

n) “Women off and running” by James Gillis, The Times-Picayune, July 30, 1982.

o) “Select groups keep tradition on own grounds,” The Times-Picayune, September 8, 1985.

p) “New tour toasts women” by Margaret Fuller, The Times-Picayune, October 6, 1985.

q) “A consumer fox in hen house of milk industry [Winters, Mary Lou],” by David Snyder,
The States-Item, May 6, 1975.

r) “A look at the lives of three ‘socially elite ladies’,” The Times-Picayune, May 1, 1983.

s) “Mrs. Buck Recipient of Honor.”

t) “Sophie Wright taught lesson in love” by Marjorie Roehl, The Times-Picayune, April 13, 1986.

u) “Backstage at the benefit [Chairman Leslie Kohnke]” by Millie Ball, The Times-Picayune, June 6, 1982.

Folder   301  —Woodfork, Warren

      “Woodfork’s tactics getting results” by Dan Bennett, The Times-Picayune, July 28, 1985.

Folder   302  —Wright, Don

      “Inspiration in science” by John DeMers, Sunday Magazine, Nov. 1, 1981.

BOX   10    Places

Folder   1  —Acadiana

      “A swing into Cajun country” by Kevin Whitehead, The Sun, March 31, 1985.

Folder   2  —Alexandria

a) “Alexandria” by Cynthia V. Campbell, Magazine, April 9, 1989.

b) “Lost Documents on Rapides leaves pages of history blank,” Times-Picayune, August 6, 1978.

c) “Bet you never took a close at Alexandria,” Morning Advocate, September 14, 1979.

d) “Alexandria’s John K. Snyder: Boss of Big A,” Sunday Magazine, August 4, 1985.

e) “Bailey’s Dam” by Anne Price, Sunday Magazine, September 21, 1986.

f) “Timber Tales” by C. Richard Cotton, Magazine, June 16, 1996.

Folder   3  —Algiers

a) “Growing pains the people of Algiers” by Joe Darby, The Times-Picayune, October 7, 1984.

b) “Algiers  Point: a step back in time” by Angela M. Carll, Times-Picayune, October 17, 1993.

c) “Algiers is historic neighborhood” The Times-Picayune, May 15, 1994.

d) “Old courthouse in Algiers shines after restoration” The Times-Picayune, April 29, 1984.

e) “Renovate to relax, Dyer says” by Lettice Stuart, The Times-Picayune, October 6, 1984.

f) “A modern touch” by Angela M. Carll, The Times-Picayune, May 16, 1981.

g) “Dilemma at Algiers Point” The Times-Picayune, August 7, 1982.

h) “Church: Unimposing Building in Algiers Point Houses Wealth of History,” Nov. 2,

i) “Tall Timbers” by Gregory Roberts, Dixie, September 26, 1982.

Folder   4  —Arcadia

      “Ghosts of Bonnie and Clyde still Badger North La. Town” Sunday Advocate, May 23, 1976.

Folder   5  —Audubon Park

a) “Audubon Landing, promenade in planning,” Sunday Magazine, August 15, 1982.

b) “Roar of politicians puts zoo director in a cage of sorts,” Times-Picayune, August 15, 1982.

c) “Morial sees zoo battle as one city must win” The Times-Picayune, August 15, 1982.

d) “The Private world of Audubon Park” by Mimi Read, Dixie, August 15, 1982.

e) “Zoo War will be Lengthy” by Allan Katz, The Times-Picayune, August 15, 1982.

f) “Welcome to Audubon” pamphlet.

Folder   6  —Austin Chalk

      “The Chalk” by Mary Judice, The Times-Picayune, March 17, 1996.

Folder   7  —Avery Island

a) “An Island of Beauty and Abundance” by Leroy Willie, Sunday Advocate, June 5, 1966.

b) “House Party on Avery Island” by Tommy C. Simmons, May 3, 1990.

c) “Union, Justice, Confidence: Stock in an Island” Sunday Advocate, September 2, 1979.

d) “Nightingale of the bayous, Katherine B. Avery, dies” Morning Advocate, April 8, 1982.

e) “Tabasco Country store, 125 Anniversary of Tabasco”

Folder   8  —Avoyelles

      “Avoyelles Tour set Saturday” Sunday Advocate, September 30, 1984.

Folder   9  —Baton Rouge

      “BR Began as Indian Village Speaker Tells Group Here”, Morning Advocate, July 15, 1965.

Folder   10  —Battures, Louisiana

      “Perez Asking for redefinition of Miss. River Battures,” State Times, June 6,

Folder   11  —Bayou Lafourche

a) “Bayou Lafourche” by Claire Puneky, Morning Advocate, July 22, 1951.

b) “Cajuns, Creoles, Pirates and Planters,” The Times-Picayune, August 27, 1978.

c) “Just an Empty Pasture” by Dawson Corley, Sunday Advocate, July 9, 1978.

d) “19th Century Diary” by Claire Puneky, n. d.

Folder   12  —Bayou St. John

a) “Road from Houma to Cocodrie shows world of Bayou Beauty,” Times-Picayune, March 20, 1977.

b) “Where the memories linger on” by Yvonne Spear Perret, Dixie, April 13, 1980.

c) “Bayou Beauties” by Nicholas Crowell, The Times-Picayune, July 6, 1997.

d) “Battle of N.O. Veterans fight bayou proposal,” Times-Picayune, March 14, 1982.

e) “Bayou St. John beginning of city” by Angela M. Carll, Times-Picayune, August 16, 1992.

f) “The past lives On on Bayou St. John” by Pat Phillips, Dixie, September 26, 1976.

Folder   13  —Bayou Sauvage

      “Urban Wilderness” by James O’Byrne, The Times-Picayune, November 16, 1986.

Folder   14  —Bienville

“The Way it was: New Orleans and Vicinity, That is, in 1776,” Dixie, July 4, 1976.

Folder   15  —Breaux Bridge

      “Breaux Bridge-the crawfish capital of the world,” Clarion Herald, May 22, 1969.

Folder   16  —Cameron Parish

      “The Cameron Coast” by Bill Grady, Dixie, July 11, 1982.

Folder   17  —Canal Place   

a) “A Tower of trouble” by Janet Plume, The Times-Picayune, March 3, 1990.

b) “Canizaro: Money at the root of Canal Place’s problems,” Times-Picayune, March 3, 1990.

c) “N. O. flavor is saved in 2 galleries” by Roger Green, Times Picayune, October
6, 1984.

Folder   18  —Canary Islands

“Islenos Among Us: Descendants of Settlers from the Canary Islands on a Mission to
support and preserve their historical and cultural heritage” by Chere’ Coen, Magazine, October 6, 1996.

Folder   19  —Carrollton

a) “Carrollton” by Mimi Read, Dixie, November 6, 1983.

b) “Carrollton’s long illustrious history earns distinction,” The Times-Picayune, June 6, 1987.

c) Former dairy may not become a postal complex,” The Times-Picayune, November 28, 1983.

d) “Carrollton: Striding into the present” by Marjorie Roehl, The States-Item, October 30, 1975.

e) “Carrollton annexed: ‘Wonders’ begin” by Marjorie Roehl, The States-Item, October 29, 1975.

f) “Carrollton: ‘Cattle browsed undisturbed’,” The States-Item, October 27, 1975.

g) “Carrollton” by Angela M. Carll, The Times-Picayune, April 20, 1997.

Folder   20  —Carville

a) “Carville Patients solve Problems of everyday living,” Sunday Advocate, September 12, 1976.

b) “Indian Camp Plantation: Island of hope,” Sunday Magazine, December 20, 1981.

c) “Prison of despair now a symbol of hope,” Sunday Advocate, March 14, 1982.

d) “Hansen’s disease hospital racing resistance strains,” Sunday Advocate, March 14, 1982.

e) “A special kind of Haven” by Mary Helen Lagasse, Dixie, October 7, 1973.

Folder   21  —Chalmette

a) “The battlefield tour”

b) “Chalmette: The battle of New Orleans, January 8, 1815.”

c) “Wheeling” by Jua Nyla Hutcheson, The Times-Picayune, July 6, 1980.

d) “Chalmette” National Historical Park.

e) “Dixie is asking state for money to modernize” n. a., n. d.

f) “1760 home unearthed at park site” by Lisa Martin, The Times-Picayune, January 12, 1986.

g) “Battle’s history is all in the family” by Lynne Jensen, n. d.

h) “Planter beat the British with patois” by Alex Martin, January 8, 1984.

Folder   22  —China

      “Millions die of starvation in China,” The States-Item, Volume 1, No. 1, June 11, 1877.

Folder   23  —Chretier Point

a) “Posh houses join tradition of  ‘the finest’,” The Times-Picayune, April 25, 1981.

b) “Restoration continues at Chretien Point” by Buffy Gilfoil, Sunday Advocate, Jan. 6, 1980.

Folder   24  —Church Point

      “Church Point: Buggy town” by Kimberly Brown, Magazine, November 12, 1989.

Folder   25  —Claiborne Parish

a) “Link to days when shoes were $2” by Damon Veach, Sunday Advocate, July 29, 1979.

b) “The white Lightning road and Moonshining History,” Shreveport Times, May 2, 1976.

Folder   26  —Coliseum Square

a) “Camps ramp’s demise is cheered” by Lettice Stuart, The Times-Picayune, April 2, 1983.

b) “Coliseum Square will be new home of historic house,” Times-Picayune, January 24, 1981.

c) “Coliseum Square structure has lots of 19th century details,” Times-Picayune, July 5, 1980.

Folder   27  —Convent, LA

      “Love of past makes historic home new,” Sunday Advocate, September 9, 1984.

Folder   28  —Covington, Louisiana

      Covington Louisiana since 1813: Celebrating 175 years, celebrating the past,
promoting the future. Commerative issue, The Times-Picayune, October 6, 1988.

Folder   29  —Donaldsonville

      “Donaldsonville history lesson has personal touch,” Lagniappe, June 4, 1993.

Folder   30  —East Feliciana

a) “Many flags have flown over East Feliciana soil,” The Watchman, February  21, 1964.

b) “Centenary Jackson ‘ dig’ yields surprises,” Sunday Advocate, September 30, 1979.

d) “Continues to preserve memories” by Marilyn Goff, Sunday Advocate, March 21, 1971.

Folder   31  —Edgard, LA

      “Edgard Louisiana” by Elizabeth Mullener, Dixie, April 18, 1982.

Folder   32  —Esplanade

a) “Esplanade Ridge is historic street,” The Times-Picayune, November 12, 1989.

b) “Pistols for two, coffee for one” by Marjorie Roehl, The States-Item, October 20, 1977.

c) “Family honor, and hospitality…” by Marjorie Roehl, The States-Item, October 12, 1977.

d) “The early days: Millionaires add touch” by Marjorie Roehl, States-Item, October 10, 1977.

e) “The fortunes of trade” by Marjorie Roehl, The States-Item, October 13, 1977.

f) “The world of Meme and Popo” by Marjorie Roehl, The States-Item, October 24, 1977.

g) “A ball and a hanging…” by Marjorie Roehl, The States-Item, October 25, 1977.

h) “The arts and the scholars” by Marjorie Roehl, The States-Item, October 14, 1977.

i) “Romance was in the air” by Marjorie Roehl, The States-Item, October 18, 1977.

j) “The exceptional women…” by Marjorie Roehl, The States-Item, October 27, 1977.

k) “An end and a beginning…” by Marjorie Roehl, The States-Item, October 28, 1977.

Folder   33  —Eunice

      “Eunice” by Anne Price, Sunday Magazine, April 27, 1986.

Folder   34  —Evangeline Country

a) “Traditions strong in Louisiana’s Evangeline Country,”The Times-Picayune, March  16, 1970.

b) “Louisiana’s Teche Country: A must trip” Progressive Farmer, February 1973.

c) “Fort Adams, nestled beneath steep Tunica Hills, lies quietly flavored with history”
by Anne Butler Poindexter, Morning Advocate, April 4, 1980.

Folder   35  —Fairgrounds

      “Back on Track: Fair Grounds jockeys for revival,” The Times-Picayune, March 30, 1997.

Folder   36  —Fort Adams

“Fort Adams, nestled beneath steep Tunica Hills, lies quietly flavored with history,” Morning Advocate, April 4, 1980.

Folder   37  —Fort Jackson 

      “Picturesque Fort Jackson” by Robbie Prather, Sunday Advocate, July 17, 1977.

Folder   38  —Fort Livingston

      “Attack on Fort Livingtons: Gulf Waters storm fort’s ruins,” Morning Advocate, Oct. 15, 1984.

Folder   39  —Fort Macomb           

      “Past 10 Years Bad Ones for Fort Macomb” by Stella Pitts, Times-Picayune, March 20, 1977.

Folder   40  —Fort Massachusetts

      “Fort Massachusetts’ Biggest Battle” by John Foster, Dixie, January 23, 1966.

Folder   41  —Fort Pike

      “Fort Pike Excavation is hard on the Back,” Sunday Advocate, March 19, 1978.

Folder   42  —Fort Polk

      “The ‘new’ army is digging in at Fort Polk,” Sunday Advocate, November 12, 1982.

Folder   43  —Fort Proctor 

      “Tour of forts takes visitors on boat ride into past,” The Times-Picayune, May 30, 1982.

Folder   44  —Fort St. John

      “Gravediggers at Fort St. John” by Larry Bartlett, Dixie, October 31, 1976.

Folder   45  —Fort San Juan

      “Maybe the fort won’t be forgotten” by Frank Schneider, The Times-Picayune, October 6, 1982.

Folder   46  —Franklin, Louisiana

      “Franklin: Old houses, the family and a sense of belonging,” Magazine, March 3, 1996.

Folder   47  —Garyville

a) “Shrine to woodier times in Garyville” by Shelley N.C. Holl, Lagniappe, September 2, 1994.

b) “New subdivision may save old Garyville,” The Times-Picayune, April 15, 1979.

c) “Drugstore keeps that old-time flavor” by Barri Marsh, Sunday Advocate, July 11, 1982.

Folder   48  —Gonzales

a) “Weather and jambalaya hot at Gonzales,” Sunday Advocate, June 14, 1981.

b) “Gonzales and ‘Jambalaya'” by Damon Veach, Sunday Magazine, November 29, 1981.

c) “Rugged lifestyles live on” by Tim Talley, Morning Advocate, November 21, 1983.

Folder   49  —Gulf Coast

a) “Coast Management” The States-Item, May 15, 1974.

b) “Despite Wind and Wave and Neglect” by Merikaye Presley, Dixie, August 4, 1974.

Folder   50  —Gulf of Mexico

      “Gulf of Mexico ranks third in oil pollution,” Morning Advocate, August 18, 1982.

Folder   51  —Hammond

a) “‘Louisiana Forest’ to live on SLU campus” by Christina Chapple, Alumni News, Spring 1983.

b) “Zemmuray Gardens Setting For Historical Group,” The Hammond Vindicator, May 17, 1984.

c) “Governor dedicates new city hall,” The Hammond Vindicator, February 13, 1986.

d) “Why the rush to Hammond?” CityBusiness, January 29-February 11, 1990.

e) Citizen National Bank, Sunday Shopping Guide, February 26, 1984.

f) “From Tank Square to Alley Square—Hammond Reclaims her past” by C. Howard Nichols,
Alley Square souvenir issue, May 1, 1983. (2 copies)

Folder   52  —Houma

a) “Houma” by Mimi Read, Dixie, May 15, 1983.

b) “This is my Adopted Town: Houma” by John J. Ruszezyk, Times Picayune, January 20, 1957.

Folder   53  —Iberville

      “Iberville Bayous Casually” by J. E. Bourgoyne.

Folder   54  —Independence

      “Putting Together The Pieces Of The Independence Brass Band,” Strawberries & Cream, April 7, 1982.

Folder   55  —Jackson, Mississippi

      “Jackson is hometown of Eudora Welty,” The Times-Picayune, February 25, 1981.

Folder   56  —Jackson Brewery

a) “Frenzy ends, business begins as Jax Brewery opens doors,” Times-Picayune, Oct. 28, 1984.

b) “Jackson Brewery opens as specialty marketplace,” The Times-Picayune, October 27, 1984.

c) “Getting There First” by Wendell Heddon, Gambit, October 13, 1984.

d) “Brewery addition a breeze, Berger says,” The Times-Picayune, July 26, 1986.

Folder   57  —Jean Lafitte Park

a) “New area of Lafitte park beckons adventuresome,” The Times-Picayune, October 24, 1982.

b) “Turning freedom into achievement” by Sharon Litwin, The Times-Picayune, 10-6-85.

c) “America’s most unusual park” by Millie Ball, The Times-Picayune, Aug. 18, 1985.

d) “Lafitte Park hearings set.”

e) “Out on the trail at…,” FUN, November 1, 1985.

f) “Wood pilings gird park visitors’ center” by Marjorie Roehl, The States-Item, 8-16-86.

Folder   58  —Jefferson Island

a) “Actor took great pride in Island,” Sunday Advocate, November 17, 1968.

b) “Gardens swallowed by lake to blossom anew,” The Times-Picayune, August 21, 1983.

Folder   59  —Jefferson Parish

a) “Historic Jefferson” by Tom Frazer, The States-Item, March 19, 1977.

b) “There’s no doubt East Jefferson has become scene for big time carnival” by Joyce
M. Davis, The Times-Picayune, February 9, 1975.

c) “Digging Up History” by Betsy Swanson, The Times-Picayune, June 25, 1989.

d) “U.S. aid sought to rebuild landmark in Jeff” by John Pope, The States-Item, March 7, 1980.

e) “Parish Seat” by John Pope, The States-Item, February 4, 1975.

f) “The other Jefferson Parish” by Merikaye Presley, Dixie, February 2, 1975.

g) “From a ditch- Harvey Canal” by Jim Titterington, The States-Item, February 13, 1975.

h) “Once there were farms…” by Wayne Knabb, The States-Item, February 5, 1975.

i) “From a fear of gambling- Harahan” by John Pope, The States-Item, February 7, 1975.

j) “The first, last and only mayor” by John Pope, The States-Item, February 6, 1975.

k) “Prohibition” by Tom Frazer, The States-Item, February 11, 1975.

l) “Adventure is not a stranger to preservation photographer,” Times-Picayune, Oct. 26, 1975.

m) “Gretna Statue recalls extraordinary deal,” The Times-Picayune, December 7, 1975.

Folder   60  —Kenner

a) “Rivertown U. S. A.: Kenner’s Best-Kept Secret,” Lagniappe, September 28, 1990.

b) “A Family Spot Kenner” by Angela M. Carll, The Times-Picayune, October 6, 1996.

Folder   61  —Lacombe, LA

a) “Dining Out” by Tom Fitzmorris, March 17, 1997.

b) “Collection of history and memories,” Tammany News-Banner, September 24, 1989.

Folder   62  —Lafitte

a) “Fleming descendants split over future of Lafitte Kingdom,” Times-Picayune, Sept. 14, 1980.

b) “Lafitte” by Shelley Holl, The Times-Picayune, March 20, 1994.

c) “Treasure’ of Lafitte found” by Priscilla F. Vayda, The Times-Picayune, June 2, 1996.

Folder   63  —Lafayette

a) “Vermillionville: Cajun culture and crafts” by Amanda Griffin n. d.

b) “Tour of historic homes scheduled here October 9” by Jim McNay, Attakapas Historical Association, October 16, 1976.

c) “Oil center going to retail” by Nancy Regent, Sunday Advocate, September 9, 1990.

d) “Vermillionville to open Sunday” by Calvin Lear, Morning Advocate, March 30, 1990.

e) “White House has First Papal Visit,” The Times-Picayune, October 7, 1979.

f) “Lafitte won’t rest in peace” by Lorena Dureau, Dixie, November 28, 1976.

g) “Superb display of Louisiana Heritage” by H. Parrott Bacot, Sunday Advocate, July 18, 1976.

h) “Offering hope amid beauty” by Jim Bradshaw, Sunday Advocate, July 10, 1977.

i) “The truth about Lafayette” by James Edmunds, Gris Gris, August 14-20, 1978.

j) “Chez Pastor, part of growing Lafayette” by Martin Richard, Jr., Advocate, Dec. 18, 1981.

k) “Architect Neil Nehrbass and the Lafayette Dome” by Karen Kingsley, Dixie, March 24, 1985.

Folder   64  —LaPlace

a) “Andouille Festival in LaPlace offers best of wurst,” The Times-Picayune, October 24, 1982.

b) “LaPlace: A home- grown success” The Times-Picayune, June 29, 1997.

Folder   65  —Lake Borgne

      “Historically important ‘Battle of Lake Borgne’ on View,” The Times-Picayune, Nov. 23, 1988.

Folder   66  —Lecompte, LA

      “Mr. Lea of Lecompte” by Millie Ball, The Times-Picayune, September 24, 1989.

Folder   67  —Leesville Parish

      “Leesville and Vernon Parish celebrate 100th anniversary” The Leesville Leader, April 1, 1971.

Folder   68  —Louisiana

a) “Louisiana:  The Tooth Fairy State” by Mark T. Carleton, LSU Magazine, page 41.

      North Central Louisiana

b) “A collage of contrasts” by Freda Yarbrough, Sunday Magazine, May 22, 1988.

      Southwest Louisiana

c) “Unique Blend” by Cynthia Campbell, Sunday Magazine, Aug. 21, 1988.

      Northeast Louisiana

d) Diverse of articles concerning the topic Northeast Louisiana.

      North Louisiana

e) “Area has a style of living all its own,” The Times-Picayune, April 10, 1988.

      Central Louisiana

f) An assortment of Newspaper articles concerning Central Louisiana: La Salle, Alexandria,
Rapides, Colfax, and General Parish Facts.

Folder   69  —Louisiana Bayous

a) “It’s hard to be blue on the Bayou” by Jerel Giarrusso, The Times Picayune, August 21, 1988.

b) “Lonely grave at locust grove” by J. H. Pennebaker, Morning Advocate, February 17, 1952.

Folder   70  —Louisiana Parishes

      “The Countries of Louisiana” by Dawson Corley, Sunday Advocate, August 5, 1979.

Folder   71  —Magnolia Mound

      “Serving up history”, by Cynthia V. Campbell, Magazine, March 30, 1997.

Folder   72  —Mandeville

“Book documents Mandeville’s history,” The Mandeville Sesquicentennial, St. Tammany News-Banner, February 25, 1990.

Folder   73  —Mansfield      

a) “Confederate Victory 100 years ago cited” by Pie Dufour, April 5, 1964.

b) “Desperation at Humbug” by Donna Mulhearn Lynch, n. d.

c) “Battle of Mansfield will be commemorated,” Sunday Advocate, March 29, 1964.

Folder   74  —Marksville

a) “Historic Avoyelles homes on tour” Sunday Advocate, October 10, 1982.

b) “Cochon-de-lait, old home tour introduction to Avoyelles October 20-21” Sunday Advocate, October 14, 1979.

Folder   75  —Michoud

      “Michoud:  Indians to astronauts” by James Perry, The Times-Picayune, July 8, 1984.

Folder   76   —Milneburg

      “Milneburg: The Lakefront’s Golden Era, Part One,” Preservation in Print, August 18, 1995.

Folder   77  —State Mississippi

a) “Mississippi’s promised land” by Damon Veach, Sunday Magazine, March 14, 1982.

b) “Biloxi” by Madelyn Lamb, Sunday Magazine, August 24, 1986.

c) “Clairborne County, Miss.:  A look at the promised land” The Times-Picayune, n. d.

d) “Oxford: Shrine to Faulker” by Elizabeth Mullener, The Times-Picayune, February 28, 1981.

e) “A Literary Tour of Mississippi: by Elizabeth Mullener, Times-Picayune, February 23, 1981.

f) “Winter Marks New Era in Miss. Politics” by Iris Kelso, Times-Picayune, January 20, 1980.

g) “Miss. Archives: Cajuns, Creoles, Pirates and Planters,” Times-Picayune, January  21, 1979.

h) “Jackson, Miss.: Piney woods and Culture” Morning Advocate, February 1, 1980.

Folder   78   —Mississippi Towns

      “Canoeists drift through Mississippi countryside along this cool stream,” Advocate, Aug. 7, 1992.

Folder   79  —Mobile, Alabama

“Visitors Roam Fort Morgan Where Cannonballs Once Fell,” The Times-Picayune, Oct. 19, 1975.

Folder   80  —Monroe

a) “Monroe’s not that for north” by Tim Belehrad, Morning Advocate, August 8, 1980.

b) “Union-Justice Confidence” Sunday Advocate, August 3, 1980.

Folder   81  —Morgan City

a) “Many Transients found working in Morgan City,” Baton Rouge Advocate, April, 21, 1975.

b) “Swamp Heritage” The Times-Picayune, May 18, 1981. n. a.

c) “Louisiana” The Times-Picayune, August 10, 1997. Partial clipping.

Folder   82  —Natchez

a) “Natchez’s past is it’s present” by Chris Russo, Sunday Advocate, March 20, 1983.

b) “Mrs. Byrnes was spirit behind Natchez Trace,” The Times-Picayune, October 11, 1970.

c) “Romance with a house has a happy ending,” Sunday Magazine, January 2, 1983.

d) “Gettin back to Eola” by Anne Butler, The Times-Picayune, September 10, 1982.

e) “Springtime in Natchez” by Elizabeth Mullener, Dixie, May 30, 1982.

f) “The Burn at Natchez” by Pat Phillips, Dixie, November 11, 1979.

g) “Unique Longwood Mansion shell of interrupted dream,” Times-Picayune, June 26,

h) “Saloon lights shining again in Old Natchez-Under-the-Hill,” Times-Picayune, July 4, 1976.

i) “The Gruesome history of the Natchez Trace,” American Legion Magazine, December 1970.

j) “South’s History Seen at Longwood,” Sunday Advocate, March 22, 1970.

k) “The Battle of Natchez” by Joan W. Gandy, Dixie, November 5, 1978.

l) “Indian, pioneer trails preserved at Natchez” by Gary Everhardt, n.d.

Folder   83  —Natchitoches

a) “Natchitoches Celebration Set for May 8-9,” Sunday Magazine, April 19, 1964.

b) “Natchitoches Plans 250th Anniversary” by Pie DuFour, April 26, 1964.

c) “Louisiana’s Oldest Settlement Celebrates Its 250th Anniversary,” Bell Tel News, April, 1964.

d) “The Fronteirsman” by Claire Puneky, Dixie, May 3, 1964.

e) “‘What’s in a Name?’ Can Be Told Throughout La.” by Claire Puneky.

f) “A Louisiana Town Was Texas’ Capital” by Gertie Espenan.

g) “A real fantasy:  Discovering Natchitoches” by Cynthia V. Campbell, Magazine, Oct. 8, 1995.

h) “Natchitoches Historical tour includes Town and Country Homes, Sites of Notes,”
The States-Item, September 14, 1972.

i) “Genealogical Institute Slated,” The Times-Picayune, March 10, 1974.

j) “Louis St. Denis Wooed his Bride in Old San Juan Bautista,” Sunday Advocate, June 21, 1964.

j) “Vo-Tech School sets rites for Graduation” Sunday Advocate, March 2, 1974.

k) “Historical Drama Plans Progressing” by Pie Dufour, Times Picyaune, March 21, 1971.

l) “Louisiana’s Answer to Williamsburg” by Damon Veach, Sunday Advocate, April 15,

m) “Plantation still prospers after unusual history,” Sunday Advocate, October 31,

n) “Conflict rattles old Plantation” by Pat Remick, Sunday Advocate, November 14,

o) “Pilgrimage times in Natchitoches,” n. d.

p) “Ladies in Calico Plan Home Tour” The Times-Picayune, October 3, 1965.

q) “Natchitoches Homes tour to be conducted Saturday,” n. d.

r) “Variety is the spice that peppers” by Ken Dixon, Morning Advocate, September 28, 1979.

s) “Natchitoches: It’s like traveling in a candy store,” Morning Advocate, September 21, 1979.

t) “Visit Los Adais historic park,” n. d.

u) “‘Oldest City’ Ready for Annual Tour,” n. d.

v) “The Saga of St. Denis” by Damon Veach, Sunday Advocate, June 24, 1979.

w) “Welcome to Natchitoches, ‘where the memory lingers on: Reconstruction of Fort
St. Jean Baptiste”The Plaquemine Post, February 12, 1981.

x) “Natchitoches’ Own Simon Legree” by N. B. Carter, Sunday Advocate, February 20, 1966.

y) “Get your folk look together and get on up to Natchitoches festival,” Morning Advocate, June 20, 1980.

z) “Historic Drama Set in Oldest La. City” by Pie Dufour, Times-Picayune, September 21, 1975.

aa) “Natchitoches has unlimited tourism potential,” by Anne Price, n. d.

bb) “Preservation is really my bag” by Anne Price, Sunday Advocate, August 21, 1980.

cc) “The House That Pacale Built” by Gary B. Mills, Dixie, May 28, 1978.

dd) “Folk festival features crafts” Advocate, June 7, 1981.

ee) “Make a Christmas wish in Natchitoches” by Damon Veach, Advocate, November 30, 1979.

ff) “Soon to be Restored in Natchitoches,” Morning Advocate, November 6, 1966.

gg) “The Natchitoches Times: 49th Annual Christmas Festival,” December 4, 1975.

hh) “Thanksgiving fete, French-style” by Art Buchwald, Times-Picayune, November 23, 1989.

ii) “Trip to Natchitoches” Morning Advocate, September 28, 1979.

jj) “New museum open to public,” n. d.

Folder   84  —New Iberia

a) “End of an era, in Louisiana” by James Everett, Clarion Herald, August 29, 1968.

b) “Introducing Letitia Galbraith ‘Boss Lady’ of historic shadows,” Sunday Advocate, June 12, 1977.

c) “Emperor of New Iberia” by Damon Veach, Sunday Advocate, April 13, 1980.

d) “The house that went up the Bayou” by Harold Rubin, Dixie, April 27, 1958.

Folder   85  —New Orleans

a) “There’s a lot to love in La.” by Sheila Stroup, The Times-Picayune, November 14, 1991.

b) “Louisiana Legends” by Karen Asis, The Times-Picayune, October 1, 1987.

c) “Women ‘put brave shoulders to the wheel’ for 1884 fair,” The Times-Picayune, June 5, 1983.

d) “Baer helped women get physical” by Marjorie Roehl, The Times-Picayune, March 11, 1990.

e) “Coming up in Mid-City” by Bunny Matthews, Dixie, June 19, 1983.

f) “Opposing images define this city at century’s end,” The Times-Picayune, May 17, 1997.

g) “Down the river: Faubourg Marigny and Bywater,” The Times-Picayune, March 1, 1998.

h) “‘Making a belt’ or a splash in the lake,” The Times-Picayune, July 10, 1983.

i) “Just another casino town?,” n. d.

j) “Reversing flight from the city should be our goal” The Times-Picayune, January 18, 1992.

k) “America’s oldest drugstore” by James A. Perry, The Times-Picayune, September 22, 1985.

l) “Decay is reversible if local initiative strong enough” The Times-Picayune, January 19, 1992.

m) “Staying in touch with what makes this city great” The Times-Picayune, January 17, 1992.

n) “Where the rainwater goes in New Orleans” by Christopher Drew, States-Item, April 26, 1980.

o) “Restaurateur has seen it all” by Lettice Stuart, The Times-Picayune, July 24, 1982.

p) “Gallery offices are housed in restored building,” The Times-Picayune, September 11, 

q) “The 67th General Convention and the 37th Triennial Convene in New Orleans” Church Work, September 1982.

r) “Back porch is back in style” by Margaret Fuller, The Times-Picayune, August 4, 1985.

s) “The New Orleans Symphony” by Bruce Eggler, Dixie, September 13, 1981.

t) “A changing face on Lafayette Square” by Lettice Stuart, April 11, 1981.

u) “N. O. leadership in N. O.” by Iris Kelso, The Times-Picayune, July 19, 1981.

v) “New Orleans riverfront exhibition hall” by Roger Green, Dixie, August 2, 1981.

w) “Study Links Falling Water Table and Subsidence,” Times-Picayune, September 28, 1980.

x) “It was born—not just raised—in the Crescent City,” The Times-Picayune, August 23, 1981.

z) “Stoopsitters: living history” The Times-Picayune, September 27, 1981.

aa) “Orpheum Theater rises from the ashes,” The Times-Picayune, March 6, 1982.

bb) “Urban Soil yields riches to archaeologists,” The Times-Picayune, March 14, 1982.

cc) “Lost and found” by Dawson Corley, Sunday Magazine, April 19, 1981.

dd) “The Orpheum” by Margaret Fuller, The Times-Picayune, August 22, 1982.

Folder   86  —New Orleans

a) “CBD Building Up for Landmark Status,” The Times-Picayune, January 14, 1979.

b) “– and Now There Is One” by Larry Bartlett, Dixie, July 24, 1977.

c) “Casa Hove is Museum That’s Lived In,” The Times-Picayune, February 26, 1978.

d) “Texan stayed loyal to N. O.” by Peter Finney, The Times-Picayune, February 2, 1985.

e) “City Park Friends help greenspace flourish in black,” The Times-Picayune, January 28, 

f) “French Quarter rebirth” by Lettice Stuart, The Times-Picayune, February 25, 1984.

g) “Big time in N’Orlyuns” by Earl Wilson, The States-Item, September 16, 1975.

h) “The city and the river: time for a reconciliation” by Jack Davis, The States-Item, n. d.

i) “Hotel People in U. S. Rate N. O. very High” The Times-Picayune, September 28, 

j) “New Orleans Superschool” by Clare Jupiter, The States-Item, May 3, 1975.

k) “Redistributive Justice” by Dr. James R. Bobo, Courier, November 13, 1975.

l) “Walter, the Good Humor Man” by Don Lee Keith, Courier, November 13, 1975.

m) “A Creole Gentleman Remembers Gracious Living on the Esplanade,” The Times-Picayune, February 1, 1976.

n) “Top 10: Fair was biggest story” by John Pope, The Times-Picayune, December 30, 1984.

o) New Orleans City Business, March 13-26, 1989.

p) “When Carrie took a swing at N. O.,” The Times-Picayune, February 15, 1987.

q) “A legacy of love, work, laughter” by Iris Kelso, n. d.

Folder   87  —New Orleans

a) “Voices from Mid-City” by Ronnie Virgets, Dixie, July 28, 1985.

b) “Their legacy: an artistic spirit” by Lily Jackson, The Times-Picayune, October 9, 1983.

c) “Power source is key for N. O.” by Mark Schleifstein, The Times-Picayune, April 15, 1990.

d) “From Rampart Street to Rio,” n. d.

e) “The balcony scene” by M. I. Scoggin, The Times-Picayune, June 6, 1992.

f) “Soniat House” by Cynthia V. Campbell, Magazine, December 16, 1990.

g) “His Life Hung on a Scratch of the Pen,” n. d.

h) “Was Your Family Deported?” by Leonard V. Huber, n. d.

i) “1915: Inventor pumped up the volume at N. O. station,” Times-Picayune, February 16, 

j) “Streetcars are getting a new old look,” Magazine, December 15, 1991.

k) “History book battle” by Allan Katz, The Times-Picayune, August 21, 1983.

l) “City fathers building a new image for New Orleans,” The Times-Picayune, April 29, 1985.

m) “Best yet to come” by Allan Katz, The Times-Picayune, January 8, 1984.

n) “Riding on the City of New Orleans” by Mimi Read, Dixie, August 18, 1985.

o) “Plumeria transplants a touch of the tropics,” The Times-Picayune, August 24, 1986.

p) “New Orleans changed for the better,” Morning Advocate, October 30, 1984.

q) “Story of West End began 150 years ago on New Basin Canal” by Lettice Stuart, The Times-Picayune, September 20, 1986.

r) “Women mix business and pleasure” Lily Jackson, The Times-Picayune, October 14, 1984.

s) “Owners can’t demolish, restore” by Angela M. Carll, The Times-Picayune, August 20, 1983.

Folder   88  —New Orleans

a) “A city’s sustenance” by Les Brumfield, n. d.

b) “Cops: Body kept in passenger seat” by Monique Guillory, Times-Picayune, March 4, 1991.

c) “Stories you won’t hear anywhere else but N. O.,” The Times-Picayune, August 17, 1983.

d) “Coffee brings major perks to New Orleans and its port,” New Orleans City Business,  October 27, 1997.

e) “City built on earthen shoulders” by Elizabeth Mullener, The Times-Picayune, July 25, 1993.

f) “American Revolution Aided by Orleanians” The Times-Picayune, April 13, 1975.

g) “The Root Beer Capital of the World” by Jack Davis, The States-Item, April 12, 1975.

h) “They Planted a Garden in a Swamp,” The Times-Picayune, February 9, 1975. n. a.

i) “First N. O. Mayoralty Election Held in 1812,” The Times-Picayune, October 19, 1969.

j) “New Orleans and Its Environs” by William R. Brockway, Advocate, n. d.

k) “So much water!” by Mel Leavitt, Clarion Herald, January 29, 1975.

l) “A Farewell to T-P Readers” by Clarence Doucet, The Times-Picayune, September 29, 1974.

m) “A century of N. O. history,” The States-Item, July 25, 1974.

n) “New Orleans’, Elusive, Bittersweet Mystique,” The States-Item, October 26, 1974.

o) “Streetcar Ride on St. Charles Is a Fun Trip for Tourists,” Times-Picayune, Nov. 25, 1973.

p) “Planning Body Clears Way for Park at English Turn,” n. d.

q) “Dixie A Good Old Beer” by Richard Hart, Lagniappe, July 9, 1977.

r) “Dust Dims Glory of tore Wars on Dryades Street,” The Times-Picayune, July 26, 1980.

s) “Arts Laying Claim to Lafayette Square,” The Times-Picayune, September 6, 1980.

t) “Library Getting New Roof” by Angela M. Carll, The Times-Picayune, September 6, 1980.

u) “N. O. public school integration suit ‘closed'” by Susan Finch, States-Item, August 30, 1975.

v) “Rare breeds fetch dogged following” by Lily Jackson, The Times-Picayune, March 10, 1991.

w) “City Park grows into 2nd century” by Bruce Eggler, February 28, 1991.

x) “Fountains and the shape of the city” by Karen Kingsley, Dixie, February 17, 1985.

y) “A different Christmas” by Iris Kelso, The Times-Picayune, December 23, 1982.

Folder   89  —New Orleans

a) “Where You Can Eat and Drink the Most and Suffer the Least,” Dixie, May 6, 1973.

b) “Finish the summer in Crescent City style” by Pat Antenucci, n. d.

c) “When the Crescent City’s ‘angels’ flew freely,” The Times-Picayune, August 14, 1988.

Folder   90  —New Orleans

a) “Tableau Depicts Women of Past,” 1949.

b) “Night in Old New Orleans Celebration Slated April 28,” 1950.

c) “Servants ran the show in city’s early days,” The Times-Picayune, October 7, 1984.

d) “Same place, new face” by Chris Waddington, Lagniappe, September 1, 1995.

e) “City of Iron” by Siona Carpenter, The Times-Picayune, September 22, 1996.

f) “Hispanic New Orleans,” CityBusiness, August 29, 1994.

g) “New Orleans Guidebook” by William R. Brockway, Sunday Advocate, Nov. 14, 1976.

h) “Two New Orleans Area Projects Are Architectural Award Winners,” The Times-Picayune, April 29, 1979.

i) “U.S. 11 castle is for sale” by Lynne Jensen, The Times-Picayune, September 15, 1984.

Folder   91  —New Orleans

a) “Grace of better times is preserved in the CBD” by Roger Green, States-Item, April 4, 1980.

b) “Jackson Avenue legacy preserved,” The Times-Picayune, January 17, 1981.

c) “New Orleans’ super Weekend” by Mark Hemeter, The Times-Picayune, January 23, 1981.

d) “Department store rings in the new, saves the old,” The States-Item, January 4, 1980.

e) “In the CBD” by Jeannette Hardy, The Times-Picayune, August 2, 1980.

f) Advertisements: From Huey’s Birthday to Yom Kippur.

g) “Bustling flea market colorful happening,” The Times-Picayune, September 16, 1973.

h) “Louisiana Places-Strange sounding names” by Clare D. Leeper. n. d.

i) “City flower just as deadly as rattlesnake” by Pie Dufour, n. d.

j) “Dollar tour impresses visitor” by David Chandler, The States-Item, December 28, 1963.

k) “Lyle Saxon’s New Orleans revisited” Dixie, August 11, 1963.

l) “Historical ABCs Give Background of N. O.,” The Times-Picayune, December 29, 1963.

m) “New Orly-yuns’ an d other variations” by Frank Schneider, The States-Item, April 22, 1980.

n) “Tragedy of the Children” by Dean Baquet, The States-Item, April 22, 1980.

o) “81-year-old store adds another chapter,” The Times-Picayune, August 31, 1980.

p) “Archaeologists dig up support for city legend,” The Times-Picayune, August 31, 1981.

q) “Visiting columnist declares a tie in the Super Bowl of Cuisine” by Herb Caen,
The Times-Picayune, January 24, 1981.

r) “The Huber Collection” by Pie Dufour, The States-Item, March 25, 1974.

s) “Unique views of city left by long age visitors to N. O.,” Times-Picayune, February 3, 1974.

t) “A lesson for the master” by G. A. Becnel, Dixie, October 31, 1965.

u) “Men who served as mayor traced” by Pie Dufour, The Times-Picayune, n. d.

v) Advertisement for Godchaux’s

w) “Snowball-making 50 Summers ago” by David Beckman, n. d.

x) “Orleans beer firm sells interest to J. B. C., Inc.” Morning Advocate, December 10, 1970.

y) “Master builder: Showcasing the art of Ruppert Kohlmaier,” Times-Picayune, May 23, 1982.

z) “N. O.’s own Harborplace” by Allan Katz, The Times-Picayune, October 3, 1982.

aa) “Lawyer Winfield: growing old in Desire/Florida,” The States-Item, April 25, 1980.

bb) “Engineering Oscars” Dixie, April 27, 1980.

cc) “Downtown During the Depression years, 30’s” by Henry Asher, November 19, 1982.

dd) “Picture from the past.”

ee) “250 years of growth” by James Everett, Clarion Herald, February 8, 1968.

Folder   92  —New Orleans

a) -Supplement to New Orleans City Business, June 19, 1995.

b) -Supplement to New Orleans City Business, May 6, 1996.

c) -Supplement to New Orleans City Business, February 17, 1997.

d) -Supplement to New Orleans City Business, December 16, 1996.

e) “Carnival Collectibles: Mardi Gras is not just about catching beads in the wind”
by Chere Coen, FUN, January 31, 1997.

f) “Degas Days. . .New Orleans,” The Times-Picayune, November 29, 1997.

g) Mardi Gras, The Times-Picayune, 1998.

h) “A New Beginning” by Peter Barrouquere, The Times-Picayune, April 6, 1997.

i) “New Orleans: Live in Historic city” by Angela M. Carll, October 15, 1995.

j) “Carrolltonis many neighborhoods” by Angela M.Carll, The Times-Picayune, June 9, 1996.

k) “The disappearing City” The Times-Picayune, January 15, 1992.

Folder   93  —New Roads

a) “New Roads grews up around plant” by Jerry Wallace, Sunday Advocate, May 31, 1981.

b) “LeJeune House awaits a new master” by Jerry Wallace, Sunday Advocate, June 8, 1986.

c) “Racial divisions run deep in Pointe Coupee,” Morning Advocate, December 5, 1988.

d) “The New Roads smell: Money” by Ed Cullen, Sunday Advocate, June 1, 1980.

e) “Old homes being restored for bed & breakfast visitors” Morning Advocate, March 1, 1984.

f) “New Roads activist says races don’t mix,” Sunday Advocate, December 4, 1988.

g) “A struggle in Pointe Coupee” by Steve Culpepper, Sunday Advocate, December 4, 1988.

Folder   94  —Nova Scotia

      “Province with a View” by Richard Dodds, The Times-Picayune, May 12, 1991.

Folder   95  —Ole Miss, Mississippi

a) “Curse of Forced Mixing” Jackson Daily News, November 13, 1962, n. a.

b) ” Hearing Begins for Ole Miss.,” The Times-Picayune, November 27, 1962.

c) “Troops in Mississippi” by David Lawrence, n. d.

d) “Views of Reader,” n. d.

e) “Georgia Board order Voided” The Times-Picayune, November 17, 1962.

f) “Ole Miss Troop Cost Revealed by Stennis” The Times-Picayune, October 31, 1962.

g) “Racial Conflict in Capital” by David Lawrence, n. d.

Folder   96  —Opelousas

a) “Ancient Tournoi Planned at Opelousas Celebration,” n. d.

b) “The St. Landry Democrat” September 1, 1883, Vol. VI, No. 34. (Xerox copy)


c) -Welcome to Opelousas Louisiana—General information concerning Opelousas & map.

d) -Opelousas Louisiana—Parish seat of Imperial St. Landry Parish & Walking Tour information.

Folder   97  —Pass Christian, Mississippi

      “New Orleans’ Kennebunkport” by Millie Ball, The Times-Picayune, August 21, 1988.

Folder   98  —Pilottown

a) “Memories from a ‘wilderness’ school” by Sandra Barbier, Times-Picayune, January 14, 1995.

b) “Routine marks life for community at Head of Passes,” Sunday Magazine, April 19, 1964.

Folder   99  —Pineville, LA

      “An enriching portrait of courage pioneers” by Damon Veach, Sunday Magazine, May 2, 1982.

Folder   100  —Plaquemine, LA

a) “Plaquemine locks wait for funding to reopen,” Morning Advocate, August 21, 1985.

b) “Of Festivals” by Tim Belehrad, FUN, October 8, 1982.

c) “Turnville on the Bayou” by J. E. Bourgoyne, Sunday Advocate, May 20, 1973.

d) “130-year-old building is survivor, landmark” Morning Advocate, January 30, 1983.

e) “Resurrecting a Saint” by David Coco, The Advocate, November 12, 1993.

Folder   101  —Plaquemines Parish

a) “Twisted Dream: Civil rights prison decays as forlorn relic of Perez era,” The Times-Picayune, July 11, 1982.

b) “Summer Oasis” by Gregory Roberts, Dixie, July 18, 1982.

c) “Plaquemines Parish in the Winter time place for Quiet drives in the Country” The Times-Picayune,  November 30, 1975.

d) “Grand Bayou” by Gregory Roberts, Dixie, December 18, 1983.

e) “The Christos Experiment” by Rick Raber, Dixie, February 26, 1984.

f) “Plaquemines Parish Special Report” diverse article concerning Plaquemines Parish.

g) “Plentiful Plaquemines” by Joanna Weiss, The Times-Picayune, December 3, 1995.

Folder   102  —Pointe Coupee

a) “New Book Preserves History of Pointe Coupee Parish,” Rural Louisiana, August, 1983.

b) “French in Pointe Coupee” by Brian Costello, The Pointe Coupee Banner, Sept. 28, 1995.

c) “Evolution of a French society in Pointe Coupee,” The Pointe Coupee Banner, 1995.

d) “Creole language united races, economic groups,” The Pointe Coupee Banner, Oct. 12, 1995.

e) “Pointe Coupee museum intriguing look at past” by Anne Butler Poindexter, Morning Advocate, August 8, 1980.

f) “Old Plantation Building Becomes home of Tourist Center, Museum” by Cleo Joffrion,
Sunday Advocate, April 1, 1979.

g) “Dowry time nears for brides to be” by Calvin Gilbert, Morning Advocate, January 26, 1982.

h) “Oil money transforms lives in Pointe Coupee,” Sunday Advocate, January 3, 1982.

Folder   103  —Pontchartrain Beach

a) “The Last Summer” by Rick Raber, Dixie, May 29, 1983.

b) “The Batts and their beach” by James A. Perry, The Times-Picayune, July 8, 1982.

Folder   104  —Poplarville, Mississippi

      “Urban exodus spills into Poplarville” by Gayle Ashton, The Times-Picayune, October 6, 1985.

Folder   105  —Port Allen

      “Memories of Port Allen’s War Camp days recalled,” Morning Advocate, November 3, 1983.

Folder   106  —Port Eads

      “Port Eads: Big money, big boats and sometimes big fish,” Dixie, September 20, 1981.

Folder   107  —Port Hudson           

a) “Port Hudson: A Walk back through history,” FUN, December 18, 1987.

b) “Historical Port Hudson battlefield can help state-if state helps it,” Sunday Advocate, May 6, 1990.

c) “Civil War buff wants to spread the word about Port Hudson” by James Minton, Sunday Advocate, April 29, 1990.

d) “The Fallen Banner Returns” by W. A. Spedale, Sunday Advocate, July 15, 1979.

e) “The New Battle of Port Hudson, John Foster, Dixie, May 19, 1963.

f) “Southern Victory might have changed Outcome,” Sunday Advocate, July 9, 1967.

g) “State Purchases Large Portion of Port Hudson Battlegrounds” Morning Advocate, December 31, 1965.

h) “Begin Port Hudson Survey for Park” by Kermit Tarleton, n. d.

i) “Port Hudson” by Mary Ann Sternberg, FUN, December 6, 1981.

j) “Port Hudson park opened” by Karen Didier” Morning Advocate, March 16, 1982.

k) “The Ides of March” by David C. Edmonds, Sunday Magazine, March 11, 1984.

l) “Rebel’s gallant defense of river”by David C. Edmonds, Sunday Magazine, January 29, 1984.

m) Welcome to Port Hudson: Louisiana State Commemorative Area—walking tour around
a six miles of trail of Port Hudson. (Pamphlet)

Folder   108  —Port of New Orleans

a) “Port architects sketch dock utopia” by John Hall, The Times-Picayune, April 23, 1989.

b) “Tribute to a visionary from New Orleans’ past,” The Times-Picayune, October 14, 1984.

c) “The Port of New Orleans: Developing a Louisiana Asset,” Times-Picayune, June 23, 1991.

d) “Port panel is short on solutions” by Allan Katz, The Times-Picayune, November 28, 1983.

e) “Lower fees may push port into sea of red” by Nan Perales, Times-Picayune, August 10, 1986.

f) “On a downward side” by Allan Katz, The Times-Picayune, February 5, 1984.

g) “The Port” May 27, 1996.

Folder   109    Ports of New Orleans

a) “Developers take aim at wharves,” The Times-Picayune, June 19, 1982.

b) “N. O. port’s No. 1 rank downplayed,” Morning Advocate, November 3, 1988.

c) “Port marketing slow to modernize,” The Times-Picayune, June 17, 1982.

d) “Miami locks up Latin routes” by Christopher Drew, The Times-Picayune, June 14, 1982.

e) “Flagship of area’s economy losing out to hustling rivals,” The Times-Picayune, June 13, 1982.

f) “Waterways an important part of Louisiana” by Barbara Brown, States-Item, May 18, 1979.

g) “New Port News” by Gil Webre, The Times-Picayune, February 3, 1974.

h) “Mobile and the Tenn-Tom’ Threat” by Bill Rushton, Courier, December 11, 1975.

i) “Port trade tops $10 billion, n. d.

j) “Port plays major role in nation’s life,” The States-Item, May 18, 1979.

k) “Gulf Outlet: savior seaway sours” by Christopher Drew, The Times-Picayune, June 18, 1982.

Folder   110  —Port Sulphur

      “Whence and Whither Port Sulphur?” by Terence P. Smith, Dixie, December 5, 1976.

Folder   111  —Poverty Point

a) “The Mystery of Poverty Point” by Diane Farrell, Dixie, April 11, 1954.

b) “Where history lies slumbering” by Sarah Sue Goldsmith, Magazine, May 26, 1996.

c) “The Mystery Tribe of Poverty Point” by Clany Soileau, Forests & People, 1973.

d) “Poverty Point” by Milton Newton, Jr., Louisiana Life, May/June 1981.

e) “The Mysterious Indians of Poverty Point” by Dean Landeche, LSU Alumni News, December 1981-January 1982.

f) “An Indian Place of Plenty…” by Judy Hughes, Louisiana Conservationist, November-December 1982.

g) “Poverty Point is Rich in History” by Angela & Russ Carll, Car & Travel, April 1995.

h) “La. prehistory could be traveling exhibit,” Morning Advocate, December 28, 1983.

i) “Budget cuts shut door on history” by David Snyder, The Times-Picayune, 8-31-86.

j) “Poverty Point stands at the dawn of Louisiana history,” FUN, April 12, 1991.

k) “Poverty Point a treasure house” by Hugh Smith, The States-Item, March 2, 1974.

Folder   112  —Rapides

      “Alexandria Museum” by Anne Price, Magazine, March 29, 1998.

Folder   113  —The River Parishes

a) “LaPlace Has Andouille Sausage” by Valerie Verrett.

b) “Once-lavish gardens of historic Versailles to receive face-lift” by Michela Wrong.

c) “River Parishes merge beauty with industry” Magazine, December 11, 1988.

Folder   114  —Riverwalk

      “Riverwalk building design a success” by Roger Green, Times-Picayune, September 27, 1986.

Folder   115  —Romeville

      “War on Romeville is Foster’s shame,” Sunday Advocate, July 23, 1997.

Folder   116  —Ruddock

a) “Ruddock: now it’s just signs on the road,” Gumbo Magazine, September 28, 1986.

b) “From a Silent Marshland . . . Came a Bustling Town. . . Reclaimed by Nature” by
Bill Graziano,  Sunday Advocate, May 6, 1979.

Folder   117  —Ruston, Louisiana

      “Old Values leave Ruston Sitting Pretty” by David Snyder, Times-Picayune, February 1, 1987.

Folder   118  —St. Anthony’s Garden

      “America’s most interesting Walk” by Jennifer Quale, Dixie, May 27, 1973.

Folder   119  —St. Bernard 

a) “The Voice of St. Bernard: Ninety-four years of headlines and deadlines” by Alex
Martin, Dixie, April 29, 1984.

b) Bernard: Supplement to New Orleans City Business, December 4, 1995. Diverse Articles.

c) Bernard: Supplement to New Orleans City Business, December 2, 1996. Diverse Articles.

Folder   120  —St. Charles Parish

a) “St. Charles Parish”, CityBusiness, July 17, 1995.

b) “Big Industry fuels life in St. Charles” by Zack Nauth, The Times-Picayune, October 13, 1985.

Folder   121  —St. Genevieve

Visit Historic Ste. Genevieve, Tourist Information (Pamphlet)

Folder   122  —St. John 

“Unique Flavor Preserved in Photographs, Research” Sunday Advocate, April 20, 1975.

Folder   123  —St. John the Baptist Parish

      “St. John the Baptist Parish”, CityBusiness, January 23, 1995.

Folder   124  —St. Tammany          

      Northlake News–Expressions of Northlake living. . . at its best. (Diverse articles)

Folder   125  —Ship Island

a) “Seek National Park Status for Ship Island,” Sunday Morning, August 29, 1965.

b) “Erosion About to Claim Historic Ship Isle Fort” by Tom Cook.

Folder   126  —Shreveport, Louisiana

a) “Centenary’s 150th” by Pie Dufour, n. d.

b) “Dammed Red River” Dixie, April 16, 1967.

c) “Victorian Inn Cultural Events” Sunday Advocate, January 28, 1979.

d) “The Bottoms: The view of the world from down in Ledbetter Heights” Dixie, June 30, 1985.


e) -Louisiana State Exhibit Museum.

f) -Caddo-Pine Island oil and Historical Society Museum.

g) -R. W. Norton Art Gallery.

h) -Shreveport- Bossier, La. A Great Pair with Southern Flair!

i) -Shreveport- Bossier, La. A Great Pair with Southern Flair! The American Rose Center.

j) -Shreveport – Bossier, La.: A Great Pair with Southern Flair! Huntington Park Clubhouse.

k) -Shreveport-Bossier, Louisiana: A Great Pair with Southern Flair! Meadows Museum
of Art.

l) -Shreveport- Bossier, Louisiana: A Great Pair with Southern Flair! Barnwell Cultural

m) -R. W. Norton: Art Gallery.

n) -The Lafayette Hilton and Towers, opening Fall, 1983.

o) -Savannah’s DeSoto Hilton.

p) -Shreveport Bossier Guidebook.

q) -Play a Part in our States History.

Folder   127  —Spanish Lake

“Spanish Lake: It’s so near and yet so far” by Mary Ann Sternberg, FUN, November 12, 1987.

Folder   128  —Storyville

a) “Turn-of-century ‘blue book’ sang praises of Storyville,” Times-Picayune, October 6, 1985.

b) “World’s oldest profession…” by Jeanie Blake, The Times-Picayune, March 29, 1981.

c) “Storyville” The Times-Picayune, February 3, 1974.

d) “Norma Wallace Looks Back…” by Howard Jacobs, The Times-Picayune, June 30, 1974.

Folder   129  —Sulphur, Louisiana

a) “High Sulfur Prices Bring ‘Chicken’ Days” by John Hall, The Times-Picayune, June 15, 1980.

b) “Freeport’s historic position in La. Sulfur,” The Times-Picayune, February 28, 1988.

Folder   130  —Sunbelt

      “Sunbelt growth impressive, 22- year data show,” The Times-Picayune, January 8, 1984.

Folder   131  —Thibodaux

a) “Rebirth of Thibodaux” by Anne Price, Sunday Magazine, January 30, 1983.

b) Thibodaux Attraction (Pamphlet).

c) Thibodaux Walking tour & area map (Pamphlet).

Folder   132  —Toledo Bend

a) “Toledo Bend Reservoir Nears Final Stage on Sabine River” Morning Advocate, August 4, 

b) “Golf, tennis give you more to get your hooks into than just fish at,”Morning Advocate, August 31, 1979.

c) Toledo Bend and more. . . information (Pamphlet).

Folder   133  —Vicksburg, Mississippi

a) “Recapture a Moment From History” The Heritage Gazette, n. d.

b) “A Weekend in Vicksburg could be the right Rx,” The State-Times, September 5, 1980.

c) “Stories of the Campaign and Siege of Vicksburg” Siege, Summer 1989.


d) Old Court House Museum (2 copies).

e) Historic Vicksburg Welcomes You: America’s Red Carpet City.

f) S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Laboratories.

g) Tour Guide Vicksburg: Civil War Tour Vicksburg National Military Park.

Folder   134  —White Castle

      “Ruins of ‘The White Castle’ Recall More Prosperous Days,” The States-Items, June 22, 1961.

BOX   11    Museums

Folder   1  Arboretums

a) “Arboretum offers first-hand look at nature [Ville Platte]” Sunday Advocate, July 4, 1982.

b) “Cohn Arboretum opens the gate for volunteer input [BR],” Sunday Advocate, Jan. 15, 1984.

Folder   2  —Beauregard-Keyes

a) “Beauregard House” by Lily Jackson, The Times-Picayune, October 9, 1979.

b) “A peek inside the hidden garden” by Liz Scott, Dixie, November 24, 1985

Folder   3  The Cabildo

a) “Exhibit illustrates the image of a king,” Morning Advocate, January 19, 1984.

b) “New show in the ‘new’ Cabildo” by Millie Ball, The Times-Picayune, September 14, 1986.

c) “Cabildo still in the dark” by Bruce Eggler, The Times-Picayune, March 20, 1992.

d) “Cabildo restoration under way” by Marjorie Roehl, The Times-Picayune, February 20, 1988.

e) “Dig under Cabildo may yield N. O. secrets, Times-Picayune, Nov. 22, 1990.

f) “Cabildo gets painstaking restoration” by C. Richard Cotton, Magazine, January 31, 1993.

g) “Modern history” by Bruce Eggler, The Times-Picayune, February 25, 1994.

h) “A Treasure is Reborn” by Bruce Eggler, The Times-Picayune, February 20, 1994.

i) “Cabildo savior a born architect” by Elizabeth Mullener, Times-Picayune, February 26, 1989.

j) “Historic Cabildo will be spruced up” by Don Lewis, Sunday Advocate, August 18, 1985.

k) “Reminiscences of an earlier N. O. preserved in Cabildo Tapes” by Millie Ball,
Times- Picayune, September 5, 1976.

Friends of the Cabildo

l) “Cabildo Tours Will Open To Students” n. d.

m) “Many Changes Needed to Build Good Cities” Times-Picayune, November 1970.

n) “Cabildo Group Picks Officers” Times-Picayune, May 31, 1972.

o) “New Place for Friends to Meet” by Suzanne Stouse, Times-Picayune, November 1975.

p) “Coins to be Sold at Mint During Bazaar” Times-Picayune, November 1976.

q) Conditions of the Cabildo mentioned in the Times-Picayune, October 8-17, 1972.

Folder   4  —The Children’s Museum

      “The Children’s Museum Grows Up” by Debera Bell, Lagniappe, May 17, 1991.

Folder   5  —Contemporary Arts Center: New Orleans

      “Rallying place for creative talent” by John DeMers, Sunday Magazine, April 4, 1982.

Folder   6  —Gallier House

a) “A Museum on the Market?” by Ronette King, The Times-Picayune, September 7, 1995.

b) “1850s splendor brought to life at Gallier Hall,” The Times-Picayune, March 15, 1986.

c) “Lafayette Square art diversified” by Hal Ledet, Sunday Advocate, October 5, 1980.

d) “Gallier House gears up for birthday celebration” The Times-Picayune, June 28, 1981. n. a.

e) “Restoration of Gallier Hall is completed,” Times-Picayune, October 10, 1981.

Folder   7  —Governor’s Mansion

a) “Story of the Mansion” by Shirley Fair, Morning Advocate, May 6, 1951.

b) “Old mansion, now museum, to become 1930 mansion again [Old Governor’s Mansion]”
Sunday Advocate, January 14, 1973.

Folder   8  —Louisiana Museum of Ancient Indian Culture

      Cassidy Park Development Commission, Southeast Archaeological Society, Bogalusa,
LA, 1972.

Folder   9  —Louisiana Arts & Science Center, Baton Rouge

      “LASC Celebrates” by Freda Yarbrough, FUN, September 24, 1982.

Folder   10  —LSU Natural History Museum

      “LSU Natural History Museum” by Anne Butler Poindexter, FUN, Oct. 31, 1980.

Folder   11  —Louisiana State Museum

a) “Old Mint to Be Jazz Museum,” Sunday Advocate, November 20, 1977.

b) “Music is the love of her life” by Millie Ball, The Times-Picayune, June 12, 1982.

c) “Leech jar, horse’s teeth, cast-iron coffin…,” The Times-Picayune, Sept. 27, 1981.

d) “Exhibit tells history through clothes” by Chris Russo, Sunday Advocate, 10-3-82.

e) “Arsenal of history slumbers in Quarter” by Roger Green, The States-Item, 4-11-80.

f) “Accreditation in the future…” by Bruce Eggler, The States-Item, Sept. 26, 1974.

g) “State museum depends…” The Times-Picayune, October 10, 1972.

h) “State’s Exhibition Schedule…” by Alberta Collier, The Times-Picayune, February 23, 1975.

i) “Failure to hire curator…” The Times-Picayune, October 15, 1972.

j) “Visit Oldest La. Museum” by George Jordan, The Times-Picayune, January 8, 1978.

k) “History, Romance,…” by Vaughn Glasgow, Sunday Advocate, July 11, 1976.

l) “Rice history as a past at Crowley” by Ken Dixon, FUN, Nov. 30, 1979.

m) “Museum develops three programs…,” Daily Star, March 2, 1980.

n) “A new cultural awareness” by Joan Goldberger, Sunday Advocate, February 19, 1978.

o) “Winter Quarters…” by Cynthia Campbell, Sunday Advocate, February 19, 1978.

p) “Legacies of our past” by Marjorie Roehl, The States-Item, June 12, 1975.

q) “French ancestor’s town key to vast storehouse of data,” The Times-Picayune, Dec. 4, 1977.

r) “From Colony to Statehood” by Vaughn Glasgow, Sunday Advocate, May 9, 1976.

s) “Louisiana Historical Center…” by Damon Veach, The Times-Picayune, May 18, 1980.

t) “All that history” by Anne Price, Sunday Magazine, Nov. 29, 1981. (2 copies)

u) “Antique maps coming home to Louisiana [Louisiana State Museum]” by Anne Price.

Folder   12  —The Maritime Museum, New Orleans

a) “Seafaring Models Housed in Ivory Tower” by Hal Ledet, Sunday Advocate, July 30, 1978.

b) “Maritime Day,” The States-Item, May 21, 1982.

c) “Visit Must for Natives, Visitors” by Jesse Core, Advertiser, November 19, 1982.

Folder   13  —The Old Mint

a) “Many of Museum’s Goals Reached,” Millie Ball, The Times-Picayune, Jan. 30, 1977.

b) “Mint Condition–Federal Tan on the Avenue,” Sunday Advocate, July 22, 1979.

c) “Fest Planned at Old Mint,” The Times-Picayune, November 4, 1979.

d) “Will the Mint be saved” by Robert McDonald, Preservation Press.

e) “Old N. O. Mint Returned to Mint Condition,” The Times-Picayune, November 4, 1979.

f) “A rebirth for Mint,” The States-Item, October 8, 1976.

g) “Mint progress hits a snag in states law” by Roger Green, The States-Item, January 24, 1981.

h) “Our Musty Mint: Tale of trash and treasure” Dixie, August 25, 1974. (2 copies)

i) “The Old Mint: aging, but inspiring” by Betsy Peterson, Dixie, August 24, 1969.

j)  “Old museum, new purpose” by Bruce Eggler, The States-Item, December 9, 1975. (Reprint)

Folder   14  —Museums

a) “Part I: Museums Cultural Gauge Of Sunbelt Cities,” The States-Item, August 13, 1980.

b) “Putting the past in its place” by Bruce Eggler, The Times-Picayune, April 7, 1991.

c) “Classic country [LSU Rural Life Museum],” The Times-Picayune, October 15, 1995.

d) “The big dividends of Small Museums,” The Times-Picayune, June 21, 1987.

e) “Drug museum gets a new look” by Mary Foster, The Times-Picayune, July 14, 1990.

f) “Period Pieces [Pitot House]” by Mary Lou Atkinson, The Times-Picayune, October 9, 1988.

g) “State unlikely to reopen Madame John’s legacy,” The Times-Picayune, March 17, 1991.

h) “Doors of Madame John’s Legacy to open for first time in 8 years,” T-P, April 30, 1995.

i) “Colonial house to open in N. O. for public tours [Madame John’s Legacy],” n. d.

j) “Madame John’s Legacy” by Chere Coen, Magazine, November 15, 1998.

k) “Confederate Museum—Forgotten Repository,” Dixie, February 22, 1970.

Folder   15  —Architecture (Part I)

a) “Buildings worth saving” by William R. Brockway, Advocate, January 5, 1977.

b) “Colonial Architecture” by William R. Brockway, Sunday Advocate, March 21, 1976.

c) “The Felicianas” by William R. Brockway, Sunday Advocate, September 22, 1974.

d) “One Man’s Felicianas” by William R. Borckway, n. d.

e) “For Preservationists Only” by William R. Brockway, Advocate, n. d.

f) “Construction Talk” by William R. Brockway, Sunday Advocate, March 11, 1973.

g) “A Matter of Style” by William R. Brockway, Sunday Advocate, November 21, 1976.

h) “250 Years of a Profession” by William R. Brockway, Advocate, n. d.

i) “The Unknown Profession” by William R. Brockway, Sunday Advocate, October 15, 1972.

j) “The National Register” by William R. Brockway, n. d.

k) “Preservation Gets a Boost” by William R. Brockway, Advocate, March 4, 1973.

l) “The Old Fashioned House” by William R. Brockway, Sunday Advocate, July 1, 1973.

m) “Project Rendu” by William R. Brockway, n. d.

n) “Plantation Pictorial” by William R. Brockway, n. d.

o) “Artful” by Pat Phillips, Dixie, December 15, 1974.

p) “Neil Nehrbass Might be the Best Architect Around” by Jack Davis, Lagniappe, June 4, 1976.

q) “Pretty, charming, prefabricated!” by Marjorie Roehl, The States-Item, July 27, 1979.

r) “Stairs in Your Eyes” by Gertle Espenan, Dixie, November 4, 1979.

s) “Darby House [Bayou Teche]” by Dawson Corley, Sunday Advocate, August 26, 1979.

t) “The Big Building [Pan Am Life Center]” Dixie, March 22, 1981.

u) “Formidable design is only make-believe, The Times-Picayune, December 19, 1981.

v) “National Register of Historic Places includes Mansura Residence on List,” Morning Advocate, June 23, 1976.

w) “Faking it—antebellum style” by Damon Veach, Sunday Advocate, September 7, 1980.

x) “Lafayette Home is Historically Accurate, Gracious,” The Times-Picayune, July 5, 1980.

y) “The Beginnings” by William R. Brockway, Sunday Advocate, February 6, 1977.

z) “New Orleans Houses Offer a Visual History of Change” Times-Picayune, February 22, 1976.

aa) “Can N. O. accept it?” by Ada Louise Huxtable, Lifestyle, May 13, 1974.

bb) “Read Up on Art and Architecture” by Pie Dufour, The Times-Picayune, April 14, 1974.

cc) “Well Houses Mirror Revival” by Elisabeth K. Dart, Sunday Advocate, March 6, 1973.

dd) “Designed For the Deep South,” n. d.

ee) “Noted for Architectural Excellence” by Lynn Levisay, Sunday Advocate, June 21, 1970.

ff) “From Engines to Easels” by Frank Schneider, The Times-Picayune, April 6, 1950.

gg) “Build and Remain Solvent” by William R. Brockway, n. d.

hh) “A Baton Rouge Style?” by William R. Brockway, n. d.

ii) “Origins of the Louisiana Style” by William R. Brockway” n. d.

jj) “The Strength and Dignity of Henry Hobson Richardson,” Dixie, April 16, 1972.

kk) “The Gallier Years” by Jennifer Zuale, Dixie, April 9, 1972.

ll) “Inaugural Visitors to Walk over Interesting Rugs: Mansion’s Carpets Show State
History”by Barbara King, Sunday Advocate, May 7, 1972.

mm) “Dog Trot House Captures Fancy of Neighborhood,” Sunday Advocate, January 28, 1973.

nn) “Anglican Gothic in the Felicianas” by Susan G. Garrett, Sunday Advocate, March 3, 1974.

oo) “Victorian New Orleans lives in its shotguns” by Jack Davis, The States-Item, April 10, 1974.

pp) “Variety of Architectural Style Throughout Louisiana Traced,” Morning Advocate, April 19, 1974.

qq) “Designer of Old Capitol Examined,” Morning Advocate, April 18, 1974.

rr) “Cajun Cottage,” October 27, 1974.

ss) “Can appraisers learn to love the 19th Century?” by Jack Davis, States-Item, April 12, 1974.

tt) “Downtown Revisited” by Frank L. Scheider, February 2, 1975.

uu) “Restoration” December 15, 1974.

vv) “Buy Now, or Are Better Times Ahead?” The Times-Picayune, September 15, 1974.

ww) “Who Needs Style” by William R. Brockway, Sunday Advocate, March 5, 1978.

xx) “Metairie’s Latter Center West a Gem” by Roger Green, Times-Picayune, June 21, 1980.

yy) “Rebuttal: Quarter’s Architecture a Home-Bred Mixture, Times-Picayune, June 14, 1980.

zz) “Before and After” Morning Advocate, October 18, 1980.

aaa)  “Old library is only example of Richarsonian style,” The Times-Picayune, January 3, 1981.

 bbb)  “Chicago firm left its mark in New Orleans,” The Times-Picayune, April 17, 1982.

ccc)  “Enlightened Castellated Gothic” by Dawson Corley, n. d.

ddd)  “Mysterious Mr. Mackenzie left his mark,” The Times-Picayune, October 2, 1982.

eee)  “La. architects give awards” by Roger Green, The Times-Picayune, January 23, 1988.

fff ) “Bar home is handsome” by Roger Green, The Times-Picayune, July 22, 1989.

ggg)  “Eye-catching designs win architectural honors,” The Times-Picayune, November 8, 1986.

hhh)  “200 years of architecture,” n. d.

iii)  “Architectural detective looks for the bare bones and fabric of Louisiana’s
Old State Capitol by Anne Price, Sunday Magazine, March 6, 1983.

jjj)  “Fine renderings of LSU detail Italianate styling” by Dawson Corley, Sunday Magazine, March 6, 1983.

kkk)  “Dog-trot restored as family retreat” Sunday Advocate, November 18, 1979.

Folder   16  —Architecture (Part II)

a) “Save Avenue Profile, Group Demands: Advance Idea for Control,” Times-Picayune, 5/5/74.

b) “French, Spanish Architecture of the 1700s Had Close Kinship,” n. d.

c) “Days of glory: Part II–An architectural montage” by John Pope, States-Item, April 3, 1975.

d) “Collection Staff Tackles the Ever-Present Problem of Preserving the Past” by Jeanie
Blake,The Times-Picayune, April 25, 1976.

e) “Downtown Revisited” by Frank L. Schneider, n. d.

f) “Replica of Egyptian Temple Stands Defaced and Forgotten” Times-Picayune, Mar. 16, 1975.

g) “Quarter Haunts of Famous Writers Provide Unique Tour” Times-Picayune, May 9, 1976.

h) “Gallier Team’s Contributions to City’s Architecture Cited,” Times-Picayune, Dec. 2, 1973.

i) “Four New Orleans Buildings Cited by Louisiana Architects,” Times-Picayune, Oct. 16, 1977.

j) “On Architect’s Row, Renovation and Decay are Neighbors” Times-Picayune, Nov. 2, 1975.

k) “1890s Home is Memory Lane” by J. E. Bourgoyne, The Times-Picayune, January 18, 1976.

l) “It was ‘One Step Lower than a Tenement'” by Pat Phillips, Dixie, April 4, 1976.

m) “The Columns: Faded Opulence” by J. E. Bourgoyne, The Times-Picayune, March 30, 1975.

n) “New Orleans Houses offer a Visual History of Change,” Times-Picayune, February 22, 1976.

o) “A taste of the Past” by Marjorie Roehl, The States-Item, May 13, 1976.

p) “Even in Ruins, the St. Louis was Inspiring,” The Times-Picayune, January 22, 1978.

q) “Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot. . .?” by Jennifer Quale, Dixie, January 6, 1974.

r) “Scenic encounters,” The States-Item, January 5, 1976.

s) “Architect Latrobe’s N. O. journals made available once more,” Times-Picayune, Jul. 26, 1981.

t) “Dormers Make the Difference” by Pat Phillips, Dixie, December 14, 1975.

u) “New Orleans Houses Offer a Visual History of Change,” Times-Picayune, February 22, 1976.

v) “Old St. Pat’s Lively, Well” by Frank L. Schneider, n. d.

w) “Enduring Native Architecture Boosts New Orleans Fame,” April 16, 1968.

x) “Gallier Team’s Contributions to City’s Architecture Cited,” Times-Picayune, Dec. 2, 1973.

y) “Art Deco, Streamline Modern” by Robert J. Cangelosi, November 19, 1982.

z) “Mercy Hospital gets approval for elderly housing,” The Times-Picayune, August 16, 1986.

aa) “Lawyer takes satisfaction in ‘new’ house” by Ed Cullen, Morning Advocate, April 29, 1986.

bb) “Architectural awards given for N. O. area,” The Times-Picayune, September 22, 1984.

cc) “All in a row” by Marjorie Roniger, The Times-Picayune, July 27, 1985.

dd) “Stir Stanley’s home moved, restored” by Ben Brumfield, The Times-Picayune, July 27,1985.

ee) “Vernacular architecture workshop set” by Ed Cullen, Morning Advocate, February 24, 1989.

ff) “Tops in Design” The Times-Picayune, December 16, 1995.

gg) Blitch Architects, Inc. informing of new corporate brochure. (Brochure)

hh) “Bluffland Style” by Sunday Advocate, April 10, 1988.

ii) “Architectural trailblazers” by Roger Green, The Times-Picayune, February 11, 1984.

jj) “Architectural details” by Jeanette Hardy, The Times-Picayune, October 10, 1997.

k) “Chinese Culture Suits Louisiana History in Landmark Restoration” by Dottye Varnado,
Sunday Advocate, September 17, 1961.

l) “Landmarks agency protects city’s history” by Ed Anderson, States-Item, August 13, 1983.

m) “Irish Landmarks Are Traced to Early Louisiana Settlers” by Claire Puneky.

n) “Preserving La. Landmarks,” an editorial.

Folder   17  —Architecture (Part III)

a) “A British revival” by Ronette King, The Times-Picayune, May 8, 1993.

b) “New Orleans’ Grand Hotel” by David Cuthbert, The Times-Picayune, December 5, 1993.

c) “Nostalgia at the Fairmont” The Times-Picayune, December 5, 1993.

d) “A look at the Blue Room” The Times-Picayune, December 5, 1993.

e) “No swan song for ugly duckling” by Monique Guillory, The Times-Picayune.

f) “Villa is ripe for the picking” by Mary Foster, The Times-Picayune, July 9, 1994.

g) “Old is New” by Carol Anne Blitzer, The Advocate, April 12, 1995.

h) “Draped in Luxury” by Mary Foster, The Times-Picayune, May 13, 1995.

i) “Plantation kitchen may be cooking again,” The Times-Picayune, May 13, 1995.

j) “The case of the mystery building” by David Cuthbert, The Times-Picayune, 8/2/95.

k) “Commanders’ Palaces” by Greg Thomas, The Times-Picayune, August 24, 1996.

l) “Rundown warehouses revived” by John Pope, The States-Item, February 14, 1981.

m) “French Quarter real estate guide to be published” The States-Item, July 26, 1980.

n) “Plantation furnishings to be sold at auction.”

o) “The hidden house” by Gil T. Webre, The Times-Picayune, December 29, 1979.

Folder   18  —New Orleans Architecture

a) “Designer Christy a driving force in city buildings,” The Times-Picayune, June 19, 1982.

b) “Architectural style you can bank on” by John Ferguson, The Times-Picayune, July 17, 1982.

c) “Cast Iron” by Bill Rushton, Courier, October 16-22, 1975.

d) “Americans: Their influence on French-Owned N. O. Shown in Quarter’s Hermann-Grima
House” by Roger Green, The Times-Picayune, November 22, 1980.

e) “The New New Orleans” by Gregory Roberts, Dixie, January 22, 1984.

f) “Library finally gets loving care” by Roger Green, The Times-Picayune, September 2, 1989.

g) “Winning Designs” by Roger Green, The Times-Picayune, March 3, 1990.

h) “Teetering between hope and hopeless,” The Times-Picayune, January 15,     

i) “Style: A tale of two agencies, one success” The Times-Picayune, January 14, 1992.

j) “Fighting Urban Blight: City agency has teeth, but no bite,” January 13, 1992.

k) “P.O. gets stamp of approval” by Roger Green, The Times-Picayune, June 22, 1985.

l) “Brewery renovation based on Quarter’s mix of styles,” Times-Picayune, December 3, 1983.

m) “Architects study N. O. Latin links” by Lovell Beaulieu, Times-Picayune, October 27, 1985.

n) “Bywater: good buys for the money” by Angela M. Carll, Times-Picayune, October 22, 1989.

o) “Bywater: waterfront neighborhood” by Angela M. Carll, Times-Picayune, January 15, 1995.

p) “Historic house gets new focus for the ’90s” by Mary Foster, Times-Picayune, March 4, 1995.

q) “Royal St. mansion sold” by Greg Thomas, Times-Picayune, February 27, 1998.

r) Architectural Castings, LTD. (Brochure)

s) “Architect blends his home into trees” by Marjorie Roniger, Times-Picayune, June 1, 1985.

t) “Coloring Book teaches about house styles,” The Times-Picayune, November 15, 1988.

u) “Architects are hustling waiting for recovery” by Mimi Read, Times-Picayune, May 17, 1987.

v) “Landmark status awarded to church on Jackson Avenue,” Times-Picayune, Nov. 15, 1986

w) “A parking lot with style [Harry’s Ace Hardware],” The Times-Picayune, November 19, 1994.

Folder   19  —Buildings

a) “Home of the Fiesta” by Pat Phillips, Dixie, May 4, 1980.

b) “Landmark has a Future” by J. E. Bourgoyne, Times-Picayune, February 23, 1975. (2 copies)

c) “Scenes of St. Tammany: Photos” Tammany News, April 18, 1973.

d) “Casa Hove is the museum that’s lived in,” The Times-Picayune, February 26, 1978.

e) “Esplanade House of Memories” by Pat Phillips, Dixie, November 3, 1974.

f) “Lamothe House is something special” J. E. Bourgoyne, n. d.

g) “San Francisco Photographer Does Book on N. O. Buildings” by J. E. Bourgoyne, n.

p) “Louisiana’s Silent Sentinels” by Ed Gatza, Dixie, January 18, 1976.

q) “St. Charles Avenue Landmark living on borrowed time” photos.

s) “Historical Places roll here swells” The Times-Picayune, n. d.

t)  “New Paint, old stories stir interest in haunted house” by Stella Pitts, n. d.

u) “Touro Row” by Frank L. Schneider, n. d.

v) “Ballroom of Memories” by Karen Nabonne, Dixie, March 26, 1978.

w) “Trains call no more, but depots thrive” by Stella Pitts, Times-Picayune, February 5, 1978.

x) “The Southern Yacht Club: A few pages from the early history of a New Orleans Institution”
by Lily Jackson, Vivant, June 24, 1979.

y) “Union Forever?” by Gil Webre, Dixie, March 9, 1975.

x) “Gentlemen of the Club” by Millie Ball, The Times-Picayune, December 4, 1988.

z) “Concert hall work to reclaim glory of the past at Holy Angels,” States-Item, July 26, 1986.

aa) “Coming home: happy reunion for the ‘kids’ [Jewish Children’s Home],” The Times-Picayune, January 22, 1984.

bb) “Banking Comes Back to Rue Royal on Monday [National Bank of Commerce],” The Times-Picayune.

cc) “Third big renovation updates funeral homes [P. J. McMahon and Sons Funeral Home],”
The States-Item, December 31, 1983.

dd) “$3 million asked for site of famed Uptown school [Soule College],” The Times-Picayune, July 17, 1983

ee) Picture from the Past: Orleans Parish Criminal Courts Building, n. d.

Folder   20  —Homes

a) “Doorway to Design [Desmond Home],” The Daily Star, May 24, 1973.

b) “Home is far from Acadian cottage” by Jerry Wallace, Sunday Advocate, August 29, 1982.

c) “Taste the Good Life at Beau Chene’s Champagne Home Tour,” States-Item, Nov. 17, 1984.

d) “Great Homes” by Lily Jackson, The Times-Picayune, October 1, 1989.

e) “House’s past can be a key to its future” by Mary Foster, The Times-Picayune, April 28, 1990.

f) “Swiss chalet Uptown…” by Mary Foster, The Times-Picayune, January 12, 1991.

g) “Razing houses: Raising hopes, fears” by Lynne Jensen, Times-Picayune, January 12, 1992.

h) “Historic 1858 house coming back to life [Benachi-Torre House on Bayou Road]” by
Marjorie Roehl, Times-Picayune, June 14, 1986.

i)  “Pharmacy to plantation interests enrich marriage [Bocage],” Sunday Advocate, July 8, 1984.

j) “Mansion’s story should include its restoration [Lalaurie Mansion]” by Roger Green,
The Times-Picayune, April 26, 1988.

k) “Homes Tour Scheduled” by Jim La Caffinie, Sunday Advocate, March 8, 1964.

l) “Capturing a childhood dream” by Bethany Ewald Bultman, Dixie, June 19, 1983.

m) “Homes replace words at Lake Ramsey project,” The States-Item, September 8, 1984.

n) “Century-old brass keys unlock doors to the past” by Debera Bell, The Times-Picayune, January 27, 1991. (2 copies)

o) “Our Contemporary Past” by William R. Brockway.

p) “Bed & Breakfast” by Cynthia V. Campbell, Sunday Magazine, September 14, 1986.

q) “Suite Dreams” by Patti Nickell, The Times-Picayune, May 5, 1991.

r) The Riverfront Inn: Luxuriously-Restored Train Depot. (Brochure)

Folder   21  —Homes

a) “Gentilly: California-Style suburb” by Angela M. Carll, Times-Picayune, November 3, 1996.

b) “Bayou St. John beginning of city” by Angela M. Carll, Times-Picayune, November 20, 1994.

c) “St. Bernard: close and friendly” by Angela M. Carll, Times-Picayune, October 23, 1994.

d) “House’s past is prologue: Renovators apply for museum status” by Mary Foster, Times- Picayune, April 9, 1994.

e) -A clipping from a newspaper of The Roque House, n. d.

g) “This on House” by Karen Martin, Advocate, October 25, 1995.

h) “Livingstone’s kin now occupies house where Stanley lived,” Times-Picayune, April 19, 1986.

i) “A Capitol Fixer Upper” by Anne Price, Magazine, November 17, 1996.

j) “Your own New Orleans landmark” by Angela M. Carll, Times-Picayune, November 24, 1996.

k) “St. Bernard: A vital family parish filled with history,” Times-Picayune, May 18, 1997.

l) “Housewarming: $2.7 million sought for Gallier House,” Times-Picayune, October 9, 1996.

m) “A Home in the Country” by Karen Martin, Advocate, September 29, 1997.

n) “Storied History” by Coleman Warner, Times-Picayune, September 29, 1997.

o) “Steamboat’s a Comin'” by Mary Foster, Times-Picayune, October 18, 1997.

p) “Treme: housing bargains offer chance to live in N. O. historic neighborhood” by
Angela M. Carll, Times-Picayune, January 26, 1997.

Folder   22  —Homes

a) “Patio project is well worth the road trips,” The States-Item, March 15, 1986.

b) “Screens take bite out of insects” by Gregory Belanger, The States-Item, April 19, 1986.

c) “Renovators restore hope to ailing N. O. neighborhoods” by Mary Foster, The Times-         Picayune, September 8, 1990.

d) “New uses take corner grocery off the shelf” by Garry Boulard, The Times-Picayune, September 8, 1990.

e) “Answered Prayers” by Frank Schneider, The Times-Picayune, December 2, 1990.

f) “Effort aims at rescue of St. Thomas area” by Bruce Eggler, The Times-Picayune, 5-26-90.

g) “Marigny renovation all wrapped up” by Ed Anderson, The States-Item, Aug. 30, 1986.

h) “Uptown library to reopen in June after renovations,” The States-Item, April 13, 1985.

i) “Latest restoration” by Annabelle Armstrong, Sunday Advocate, Nov. 17, 1985.

j) “Restoring life to urban ruins” by Kathleen Mulvihill, The Times-Picayune, July 3, 1983.

k) “Treme: Full of housing bargains” by Angela M. Carll, The Times-Picayune, Sept. 10,1995.

Folder   23  — Hotels (New Orleans)

a) “A ’50s Taste [Bayou Plaza Hotel]” by Roger Green, The Times-Picayune, July 6, 1991.

b) “Hotels facing lean ’85” by Susan Feeney, The Times-Picayune, October 7, 1984.

c) “Renovation will restore Jung Hotel’s grandeur” by Lettice Stuart, The States-Item, 11-84.

d) “How suite it is! [Fairmont Hotel]” by Betty Eppes, Sunday Magazine, July 24, 1988.

e) “French Quarter hotel is sold [Bourbon Orleans Hotel],” Times-Picayune, December 12, 1981.

f) “Ballroom of Memories [Bourbon Orleans Ramada Hotel],” Dixie, March 28, 1978. (2 copies)

g) “Even in Ruins, the St. Louis [Hotel] was Inspiring,” Times Picayune, January 22,

h) “The Blue Room: a classy survivor [The Fairmont Hotel],” Lagniappe, September 7, 1984.

i) “Should Auld Acquaintance be forgot. . . [St. Charles Hotel]?” Dixie January 6, 1974. (3)

j) “Pictures out of Our Past [St. Charles Hotel]” Dixie, March 2, 1980.

k) “St. Charles Hotels of Past are Recalled” by Pie Dufour, Times-Picayune, October 7, 1973.

l) “The Hotel Astor: Prominent Past. . . Uncertain Future” by J. E. Bourgoyne, The Times-Picayune, May 5, 1974.  (3 copies)

m) “Grand Hotel may stir to life” by Lettice Stuart, The Times-Picayune, February 11, 1984.

n) “Columns [Hotel]” by Marian Enochs, The States-Item, June 14, 1980.

o) “The Columns: Faded Opulence” by J. E. Bourgoyne, n. d.

p) Advertisement of The Chateau Louisiana (Hyatt House Hotel), Times-Picayune, Feb. 5, 1967.

Folder   24  —Plantations

a) “Greenwood plantation Home movies” by Steve Culpepper, Morning Advocate, Oct. 3, 1986.

b) “Plantation: River Road yields historical and cultural treasures” by Cynthia Campbell,
Morning Advocate, April 19, 1991.

c) “Plantation open doors to history” by Lily Jackson, The Times-Picayune, October 28, 1984.

d) “Mercy Hospital: Picture from the Past” Dixie, October 21, 1984.

e) “Reunion at San Francisco” by Annabelle Armstrong, Sunday Advocate, August 28, 1983.

f) “‘San Francisco’ Again Features Fantasy of Frescoes, Colors” by Elsie Hardesty, Sunday Advocate, June 16, 1977.

g) ” Revival from Ruin: Louisiana Great Plantations are being lived in once more,”
n. d.

h) “The Old Plantation Home [Colomb House, Convent, LA],” Times-Picayune, May 30, 1982.

Folder   25  —Plantations

a) “Monte Vista” by Cynthia Campbell, Morning Advocate, December 21, 1990.

b) “To be named Versailles” by Dawson Corley, Sunday Advocate, January 6, 1980.

c) “Laurel Valley Village: Ghost town on the bayou,” The Times-Picayune, June 6, 1982.

d) “An Old Plantation Christmas” by Renee Peck, The Times-Picayune, December 2, 1984.

e) “Eccentric master of a bayou mansion” by Marjorie Roehl, Times-Picayune, July 14,

f) “Life on an 80’s plantation [Greenwood],” The Times-Picayune, December 9, 1984.

g) “Three Oaks: A romantic ‘dud’ lost” by Dawson Corley, Morning Advocate, October 11, 1981.

h) “‘Pavilion Night’ Will Rekindle 1800 Pleasantries [Poplar Grove Plantation],” Sunday Advocate, January 28, 1979.

i) “Guide to Area Plantation Homes” Morning Advocate, June 23, 1978.

j) “Houlterville to Hum Again” by Stella Pitts, Times Picayune, August 13, 1978.

k) “Plantation Store is Dream Come True [Orange Grove Plantation]” by Stella Pitts,
Times-Picayune, February 20, 1977.

l) “The John Batson home” by Georgia Talbot, Hammond Vindicator, September 21, 1972.

m) “Jackson Barracks Home for Daigles” Sunday Advocate, February 18, 1973.

n) “Plantation in Plaincourtville: Family Home for 120 Years,” Sunday Advocate, June 3, 1973.

o) “Acadian Area Still Romantic Despite Supermarts and Tvs,” Times Picayune, July 13, 1975.

p) “Orange Grove Only Ghost of Former Self” by Stella Pitts, Times-Picayune, January 14, 1979.

q) “Evergreen—Yesterday and Today” by Stella Pitts, Dixie, September 23, 1973.

r) “Glynnwood: Simple 1836 home becomes mansion,” Sunday Advocate, October 14, 1984.

Folder   26  —Plantations

a) “Historical Properties [Allendale Plantation Cottage]” September 1985.

b) “Plantation Life: Renovation of historic home planned by Jefferson Couple [Derbigny
Plantation],” The Times-Picayune, June 6, 1981.

c) “Colonial Landmarks [Houmas House]” by Claire Puneky, Times-Picayune, October 17, 1976.

d) “Capture that plantation flavor [Glencoe Plantation],” The Times-Picayune, April 15, 1982.

e) “Live Oaks” by Danny Heitman, Sunday Advocate, October 18, 1992.

f) “Golden Days At Longue Vue” by Lily Jackson, The Times-Picayune, October 11, 1992.

g) “Reborn: Galleried Mary House lives again at English Turn [Mary Plantation],” Times-Picayune, March 28, 1982.

h) “If it’s Tuesday, this must be Homer [Melrose Plantation],” FUN, April 17, 1981.

i) “Garden home reflects St. Emma Plantation” by Jerry Wallace, Sunday Advocate, June 1, 1980.

j) “When it was home…Seven Oaks Plantation” by John Pope, The States-Item, June 6, 1977.

k) “Hoteliers snap up historic Woodland [Plantation] for princely price,” Times-Picayune, January 23, 1997.

l) “North Bend lives again [False River]” by Carol Anne Blitzer, Advocate, October 27, 1997.

m) “Plantations open doors to history [Madewood],” The Times-Picayune, October 28, 1984.

n) “Crops Grown at Magnolia Mound” by Shirley Benton, Sunday Advocate, August 29, 1976.

o) “Country roads lead to Catalpa,” Morning Advocate, November 16, 1979.

Folder   27  —Belle Grove Plantation

a) Photograph on a Postcard, “Grandeur and Decay, Number 6, 1948,” by Clarence John

b) “Requiem for Belle Grove: how a famous showplace became a famous ruin” by John
Burke, The Times-Picayune, October 23, 1988.

Folder   28  —Belle Helene: Kenner’s Ashland

a) “Louisiana Lady: Belle Helene awaits return of grandeur,” Times-Picayune, January 9, 1983.

b) “Plantation’s fate uncertain” by Tim Talley, Sunday Advocate, October 5, 1986.

c) “Couple attempts Ashland restoration,” Sunday Advocate, December 9, 1984.

d) “Plantation stands watch over dig” by Sarah Sue Goldsmith, Magazine, November 5, 1989.

e) “A house divided” by Millie Ball, The Times-Picayune, July 23, 1989.

Folder   29  —Destrehan Plantation

a) “For the Creole Bride” by Mary Lou Atkinson, The Times-Picayune, May 6, 1990.

b) “Old romance at Destrehan” by Marjorie Roehl, The Times-Picayune, March 30, 1986.

c) “Destrehan Plantation: How it survived almost 200 years,” Times-Picayune, April 27, 1980.

d) “Destrehan Manor House to open for fall festival,” The Times-Picayune, November 5, 1980.

e) “River Road Historical Society: Newsletter” Vol. III, No. 1.

f) “The don’t really believe in ghosts… but…,”Morning Advocate, October 31, 1980.

g) Destrehan Plantation–Pamphlets (3)

Folder   30  —Elmwood Plantation

a) “Elmwood resurrection may be folly,” The Times-Picayune, February 13, 1982.

b) “Elmwood near the chopping block” by Dale Curry, State Times, February 1, 1982.

c) “Elmwood Dig” by James A. Perry, The Times-Picayune, November 28, 1982.

d) Elmwood Plantation (Pamphlet)

Folder   31  —Nottoway Plantation

a) “All Dressed up” by Tommy C. Simmons, Advocate, December 7, 1995.

b) “Nottoway Plantation price is $5.2 million” by Lettice Stuart, Times-Picayune, Oct. 20, 1984.

c) “Plantation home is on the Market” by the associated press, The Times-Picayune, July 1, 1989.

d) “White Castle celebrates 100 years” by Melinda Shelton, Sunday Advocate, Feb. 19, 1984.

e) “Arlin Dease: Restoring the Past” by Jon Kemp, Sunday Advocate, September 19, 1982.

f) “Nottoway: Labor of love also a serious business venture,” Sunday Advocate, August 3, 1980.

g) “Nottoway: South’s largest plantation opens door to public for first time” by Damon
Veach, Sunday Advocate, July 13, 1980.

h) “Nottoway Plantation sold” by Lee Young, Morning Advocate, October 23, 1985.

i) “Nottoway readies for the future” by Melinda Shelton, Morning Advocate, January 16, 1984.


j) Nottoway Plantation: The largest Plantation home in the south! (Description of
National Register of Historic Places—tour information, regulations, and available

k) Creole Craft House tourist information center.

Folder   32  —Oak Alley

a) “Summer Sizzles” by David Cuthbert, TV Focus, October 6, 1985.

b) Oak Alley Plantation Historic Landmark. (Pamphlet)

Folder   33  —Parlange Plantation, New Roads

a) “Miss Lucy of Parlange ramblin’ through life” by Ed Cullen, Sunday Advocate, June 13, 1982.

b) “Miss Lucy” by Chris Frink, The Advocate, September 18, 1995.

r) “Parlange Plantation on the Brink of Stardom” Lagniappe, June 18-24, 1977.

Folder   34  —Rosebank

a) “Rosebank an extraordinary plantation home,” Sunday Advocate, April 3, 1988.

b) “Walkers enjoy country living in antebellum home,” The Advocate, September 17, 1993.

Folder   35  —Rosedown Plantation

a) Rosedown Plantation and Gardens:…–information on the history and tour guide.

b) “Rosedown Plantation to be sold” by Bobby Lamb, Morning Advocate, April 21, 1990.

Folder   36  —The Bonnet Carre Spillway

      “Wet & Wild” by Dante Ramos and Rhonda Bell, The Times-Picayune, May 19, 1996.

Folder   37  —Louisiana Nature Center

a) “Nature Center opens in March,” The Times-Picayune, January 20, 1980.

b) “Louisiana Naturally” by Millie Ball, Dixie, March 23, 1980.

Folder   38  —Louisiana’s Sites

a) “Louisiana’s Silent Sentinels” by Ed Gatza, Dixie, January 18, 1976.

b) – A photo clipping of Crape Myrtles trees at Mile Branch Settlement in Franklinton,
n. d.

c) “The Live Oak and the nature of New Orleans” by Elizabeth Mullener, Dixie, March 31, 1985.

Folder   39  —Napoleon House

a) “Napoleon House Interludes” Ronnie Virgets, Dixie, March 2, 1986.

b) “Reception hall being added upstairs at Napoleon House,” Times-Picayune, January 17, 1987.

Folder   40  —New Orleans Airport

      “N. O. airport: Deregulations’ been try” by Martin Zimmerman, Times-Picayune, March 22, 1987.

Folder   41  —New Orleans Convention Center

a) “Fair speeded up building of hall” by Nan Perales, The Times Picayune, January 13, 1985.

b) “Center could spark an economic boom” by Allan Katz, Times-Picayune, January 13, 1985.

Folder   42  —New Orleans Customs House

a) “Custom house regains 1800s splendor” by Roger Green, Times-Picayune, October 4, 1980.

b) “Custom house restoration to begin in late summer” The States-Item, May 22, 1978. n. a.

c) “Marble hall is custom house gem” by Stella Pitts, The Times-Picayune, March 3, 1974.

Folder   43  —Orpheum Theater

a) “An old friend with a new face” by Frank Schneider.

b) “Soundings” by Frank Gagnard, The Times-Picayune, September 19, 1982.

c) “Jack Stewart…” by John Pope, Dixie, November 28, 1982.

Folder   44  —Pontalba

a) “Pontalba: Revamp in the home stretch” by Bruce Eggler, The Times-Picayune,  11-16-93.

b) “Report pinpoints Pontalba problems” by Roger Green, The States-Item, 8-15-81.

c) “Pontalba restoration: Old-line businesses face a challenge,” CityBusiness, Mar. 20-26, 1995.

d) “Woman of Substance [Baroness Pontalba],” The Times-Picayune, November 5, 1995.

e) “Pontalba gets loan for renovation” by Bruce Eggler, The Times-Picayune, August 1, 1992.

Folder   45  —The State Capitol

a) “Old State Capitol’s face lift first on the list” by Anne Price, late 1983-early

b) “Louisiana’s Capitol–Functional Monument” by Bill Alexander, The Gazette, February, 1988.

c) “Picture from the Past” n. d.

d) “When the Old State Capitol was young” by Charles Hunt, Magazine, April 24, 1994.

Folder   46  —Sunshine Bridge

“Sunshine Bridge open to Traffic” Sunday Advocate, October 11, 1964.

Folder   47  —Superdome of Louisiana

a) “How the Superdome was born” by Iris Kelso, n. d.

b) “Parents of Louisiana Superdome” by Iris Kelso, The Times Picayune, August 11, 1988.

c) “La. Superdome still a wonder 15 years later,” Sunday Advocate, August 19, 1990.

d) “New Orleans Saints: dome stadium seat assignment procedure,” Times-Picayune, 2/9/1975.

e) “Dome Watching” by Terence P. Smith, Dixie, August 3, 1975.

f) “The Man Behind the Sugardome” by Millie Ball, Dixie, December 30, 1979.

g) “Dome News Scarce—Not So in Past” by Peter M. Zollman, Times Picayune, Aug. 3, 1980.

h) “Public gets first chance to inspect $163 million Superdome Project,” n. d.

i) “Time benefits 10-year-old Superdome” Sunday Shopping Guide, August 4, 1985.

j) “Bread and circus on Poydras” by George F. Will, The States-Item, August 6, 1974.

k) “Doors of Louisiana Superdome Open,” Morning Advocate, August 4, 1975.

l) “Time for straight talk at the Dome” Morning Advocate, November 12, 1975.

m) “Superdome—Blessing or Boondoggle?” by Steve Casey, Morning Advocate, May 17, 1974.

n) “Dome studies dilemma of soft vs. hard roof,” The Times Picayune, August 2, 1982.

o) “Tourism pays Dome’s way” by Allan Katz, The Times Picayune, January 16, 1983.

p) “The Super Bowl: A movable feast” by George Will, Times Picayune, January 25, 1986.

q) “20-year old Dome stands test of time” by Peter Finney, Times Picayune, September 21, 1995.

r) “Dome worthy investment, study shows,” The Times Picayune, September 21, 1995.

s) “The Dome: Pride and Joy or festering wound” by Allan Katz, The States-Item, June 6, 1977.

Folder   48  —The White House

a) “Six Great Moments in the White House” by Thomas J. Fleming, This Week, Jan. 19, 1964.

Streets and Divisions of New Orleans

Folder   49  —Bourbon Street

a) “Bourbon Street: Art of Survival” by Millie Ball, The Times-Picayune, June 15, 1980.

b) “Chris Owen: Entertainer par excellence in N. O.” The Times-Picayune, June 2, 1974.

c) “The drank bootleg and wrote in the Quater,” Sunday Advocate, December 27, 1981.

d) “Some big plans for a little alley” by Bruce Dansker, The Times-Picayune, April 17, 1982.

e) “A touch of class” by Iris Kelso, The Times-Picayune, April 26, 1984.

f) “A Smoother Bourbon” by David Cuthbert, The Times Picayune, May 25, 1986.

g) “Bourbon St. Stays Same,” The Times Picayune, January 30, 1977.

Folder   50  —Canal Street

a) “Sample Image and Quote” by George Augustus Sala, 1882, revised.

b) “Moonlight over Canal Street” by Mimi Read, Dixie, March 20, 1983.

c) “Maison Blanche: Tears, goodbyes as landmark goes,” Times-Picayune, February 14, 1982.

d) “Canal Street is one the road back” by Lettice Stuart, November 28, 1981.

e) “Canal Street: A sojourn down the city’s lifeblood,” The Times-Picayune, April 11, 1981.

f) “A peek at pathway’s past” by Roger Green, The Times-Picayune, April 11, 1981.

g) “Pictures out of our past,” 4500 block of Canal Street

h) “The life and times of Sam Mordica and Company” by Bill Grady, Dixie, August 8, 1982.

i) “Chicago Exposition precipitates architectural revolution,” Times-Picayune, Nov. 5, 1982.

j) “The History of Godchaux’s” by Jesse Core, The Times-Picayune, October 22, 1982.

k) “Others Envious of Canal Street: Adler says ‘Nothing like it’ ” by Jesse Core,
The Times-Picayune, October 22, 1982.

l) “No Surprise—Fiddler reports Holmes to stay on Canal Street” The Times-Picayune, November 19, 1982.

m) “Forces ready for battle over Canal Street plan,” The Times-Picayune, October 13, 1984.

n) “Brainstorming for the future” by Roger Green , The Times-Picayune, February 3, 1990.

o) “Hydraulic sand keeps building standing tall” by Tom Frazer, Times-Picayune, Jan. 27, 1985.

p) “Wendy’s will open on Canal” by Lettic Stuart, The Times-Picayune, February 2, 1985.

q) “Downtown revamp not new in state” by Carl Redman, Sunday Advocate, February 19, 1984.

s) “Modern history” by Bruce Eggler, Lagniappe, February 25, 1994.

t) “Canal Street Neutral Ground Unused for Original Purpose” August 15, 1964.

u) “Splendor regained [The Kress Building]” by John Pope, The States-Item, December 31, 1983.

v) “Canal Street,” The States-Item, January 9, 1979.

w) “Good Things are Happening on Canal: Renovated Building Will Be New Home of Central
Savings” by J. E. Bourgoyne, The Times-Picayune, January 21, 1979.

Folder   51  —Chef Menteur

“Life along the Chef” by Dalt Wonk, Dixie, March 7, 1982.

Folder   52  —City Park

a) “Restored City Park carousel makes merry with new look,” Times-Picayune, May 7, 1988.

b) “‘This park is magic'” by Katy Read, Lagniappe, May 25, 1990.

c) “Springtime in City Park” by Ronnie Virgets, Dixie, April 27, 1986.

d) “A park for all seasons” by Cynthia Campbell, Magazine, June 9, 1991.

e) “New Orleans’ carousel brings back memories” Sunday Advocate, June 12, 1988.

f) “Uncovering history in City Park” by Jeanne Blake, The Times-Picayune, January 9, 1983.

Folder   53  —Decatur Street

      “The potpourri that is Decatur street,”  Clarion Herold, October 30, 1969. (2 copies)

Folder   54  —Exposition Boulevard

“Exposition Boulevard The Sidewalk Street” by O’Neil De Noux, The Times-Picayune,

December 12, 1993.

Folder   55  —The French Market

a) “French Market Getting More Usage Than Ever,” The Times-Picayune, January 30, 1977.

b) “Remnant by the River” by Gregory Roberts, Dixie, October 2, 1983.

c) “French Market controversy is nothing new” by Stella Pitts, Times-Picayune, April 13, 1975.

d) “Market Memories” by Bert Hyde, n. d.

Folder   56  —French Quarter

a) “Technicolors turning heads in the Quarter” by Joan Treadway, The Times-Picayune, February 18, 1984.

b) “New Orleans Newest Bohemia” by Frank Gagnard, Lagniappe, January 3, 1992.

c) “Biographies of 100 Blocks” by Elizabeth Bennett, Dixie, April 26, 1964.

d) “Touring the Quarter for nothing” by Reuben W. Snodgrass, The States-Item, Dec. 7, 1981.

e) “New look on Decatur” by Sharon Litwin, The States-Item, Jan. 18, 1979.

f) “Atmosphere for Rent” by Bill Grady, Dixie, January 6, 1980.

g) “Solar Energy Nothing New to French Quarter,” The Times-Picayune, September 30, 1979.

h) “French Quarter is Still Home for Son of Italian Immigrant” Times-Picayune, Aug. 21, 1977.

i) “The Quarter is their second home” by Patti Nickell, The Times-Picayune, April 29, 1990.

j) “Historic Haunts: A Halloween visit with ghosts in the Quarter,” Times-Picayune, 10/25/1987.

k) “Storied Quarter club is for sale” by Angela M. Carll, The Times-Picayune, August 7, 1982.

l) “Home is first in Quarter in 70 years,” The Times-Picayune, March 15, 1986.

m) “Shop rents in Quarter skyrocket” by Lettice Stuart, The Times-Picayune, July 30, 1983.

n) “Quarter life is still fresh” by Sheila Stroup, The Times-Picayune, July 26, 1992.

o) “Romance” by Roger Green, The Times-Picayune, August 30, 1980.

p) “Saving Quarter Top Priority for VCC,” The Times-Picayune, January 20, 1980.

q) “Bombay Keeps British Romance Alive in Quarter,” The Times-Picayune, June 14, 1980.

r) “Hermann-Grima House Only Restored Quarter Stable” Times-Picayune, October 27, 1974.

s) “The Herman Grima House: Place of Hidden Treasures,” Dixie, September 28, 1975.

t) “The signs of the times” by John Pope, The States-Item, July 15, 1975.

u) “Vieux Carre memories” by Lanny Thomas, Lifestyle, June 10, 1977.

v) “New Orleans Portraits,” Dixie, June 16, 1968.

w) “New Orleans’ newest bohemia” by Frank Gagnard, The Times-Picayune, January 3,1992.

x) Historic Hermann-Grima House and Courtyard 1831.  Information concerning New Orleans’
Golden Age, A Man and His House, Masion House Restoration, etc. (Pamphlet)

y) “Quarter House museums have new attractions,” The Times-Picayune, March 9, 1975.

z) “Balconies in Quarter called British work,” Morning Advocate, October 3, 1975.

Folder   57   The Garden District

a) “What made the Garden District grow,” The Times-Picayune, November 16, 1986.

b) “Gym: Diamond in the rough may be sold” The Times-Picayune, August 26, 1989.

c) “Uptown home is ’84 show house” by Lettice Stuart, Times-Picayune, November 26, 1983.

d) “Thanks for the memories” by Bruce Eggler, The Times-Picayune, February 20, 1993.

e) “Rebuilding in the Garden District” by John Ferguson, Times-Picayune, October 16, 1982.

f) “Sulking madame changes history” by Marjorie Roehl, The States-Item, March 7, 1977.

g) “The families of the oldest house” by Marjorie Roehl, The States-Item, March 8, 1977.

h) “Owners of a folly- Robb and Burnside” by Marjorie Roehl, The States-Item, March 9, 1977.

i) “The Warriors” by Marjorie Roehl, The States-Item, March 10, 1977.

j) “The Kings of Cotton…” by Marjorie Roehl, The States-Item, March 14, 1977.

k) “Fannie and her house guests” by Marjorie Roehl, March 15, 1977.

l) “Old Garden Spot Sold” The Times-Picayune, December 12, 1971.

m) “The Clann house may soon be gone” by J. E. Bourgoyne, Times-Picayune, May 23, 1976.

n) “The Women: far from stereotypes” by Marjorie Roehl, The States-Item, March 16, 1977.

o) “Fighters, theaters, and hush- hush tales…” by Marjorie Roehl, States-Item, March 18, 1977.

p) “The builders of opulence” by Marjorie Roehl, The States-Item, March 11, 1977.

q) “New neighborhood group prowls Uptown scene,” The States-Item, February 29, 1980.

r) “Uptown mansion restored to grandeur” by Lettice Stuart, Times-Picayune, January 2, 1982.

s) “Grand old ballrooms” by Pat Phillips, Dixie, March 28, 1982.

t) “The Garden District is a trove of splendid houses, fine wrought iron and period
atmosphere” by Fredrick Starr, New York Times, April 8, 1990.

u) “English couple buy old college on Jackson Ave.,” The Times-Picayune, October 6, 1990.

v) “Novel end for landmark” by Ronette King, The Times-Picayune, May 29, 1993.

Folder   58   Jackson Square

a) “Spanish Conerstones in the French Quarter” by Marilyn Nelson, La Heritage Magazine, Vol. 2, No. 2, 1970.

b) “Saga of Jackson Square” by Willaim E. Sorenson, Louisiana Heritage Magazine, Vol. 2, No. 2, 1970.

c) “Changing faces by the hour” by Vitoria Dawson, The Times-Picayune, June 26, 1989.

i) “General has had a rough ride in Jackson Square,” The Times-Picayune, August 22, 1982.

j) “Jackson statue survives abuse” September 1, 1982.

k) “The glorious days in the place d’ Armes,” Times-Picayune, January 1, 1981.

l) “Chronology of Jackson Square” by Rev. Celestine M. Chamber, Louisiana State Museum,  October 10, 1938.

Folder   59   Julia Street

a) “A new day for Julia Street” by Sharon Litwin, The Times-Picayune, March 24, 1985.

b) “N. O. law partners have big plans for former barroom on Skid Row,” The Times-Picayune, March 20, 1982.

Folder   60   Magazine Street

a) “Theater reflects new clientele on Magazine Street” by Joan Treadway, The Times-Picayune, January 22, 1984.

b) “An oasis in the warehouse district” by John Ferguson, The Times-Picayune, August 14, 1982.

c) “Tastful work on Magazine” by John Ferguson, The Times-Picayune, September 11, 1982.

d) “Back in ship-shape” by Angela M. Carll, The Times-Picayune, August 14, 1982.

e) “Leafing through Magazine Street” Christopher Rose, Lagniappe, July 7, 1995.

Folder   61   Ninth Ward

a) “Ninth Ward:  living by the river” by Angela M. Carll, The Times-Picayune, July 16, 1995.

b) “Ninth Ward is site of landmarks” by Angela M. Carll, Times-Picayune, October 29, 1989.

Folder   62   Poydras Street

a) “Useful once more: Lawyers take up the cause of former flaphouse on Pydras Street”
by Angela M. Carill, The Times-Picayune, April 10, 1982.

b) “Developments change face of the CBD” by Lettice Stuart, Times-Picayune, August 22, 1981.

c) “A Poydras corridor retrospective” by John Ferguson, The Times-Picayune, April 3, 1982.

d) “Lessons of Poydras Square” by Allan Katz, The Times-Picayune, October 31, 1982.

e) “A refreshing approach: Poydras high-rise steps out of Superdome’s shadow, John
Ferguson, The Times-Picayune, March 27, 1982.

f) “Rosy future Predicted for tower” by Lettice Stuart, Times-Picayune, September 15, 1984.

g) “DeBartolo ready to close deal for Poydras Square,” Times-Picayune, September 22, 1984.

h) “Money for love: The story of Poydras’ legacy,” The Times-Picayune, February 26, 1989.

Folder   63   Rampart Street

“Menefee’s club for sale at $1.8 million” by Lettice Stuart, The Times-Picayune, June 22, 1985.

Folder   64   Royal Street

“Investors salvage building” by Ed Anderson, The Times-Picayune, September 15, 1984.

Folder   65  St. Charles Avenue

a) “Celebrated couple of St. Charles Avenue,” The Times-Picayune, May 22, 1983.

b) “Getting Cozy with books” by Karen Kingsley, Dixie, August 11, 1985.

c) “Uptown Mansion restored to grandeur” by Lettice Stuart, Times-Picayune, January 2, 1982.

d) “Lee’s statue wasn’t easily raised” by Marjorie Roehl, The Times-Picayune, December 9, 1984.

e) “Developer buys 5th hotel” The Times-Picayune, January 16, 1982.

f) “Historic Position of N. O. Streetcar signaled by plaque,” Times-Picayune, October 17, 1982.

g) “Cruising the avenue by trolley” by Roger Green, The States-Item, April 25, 1980.

h) “Johnson mansion sold to exec for $2.2 million,” The Times-Picayune, September 15, 1984.

i) “Land swap proposed on St. Charles” by Lettice Stuart, Times-Picayune, January 14, 1984.

j) “Fairytale pair and their palace” by Marjorie Roehl, The Times-Picayune, July 7, 1985.

k) “Controversial house is empty” by Lettice Stuart, The Times-Picayune, April 7, 1984.

Folder   66   St. Claude Avenue

“A Romp along St. Claude Avenue: Shooting the Breeze with the neighborhood crowd”

Bill Grady, Dixie, February 9, 1986.

Folder   67   Veterans Boulevard

a) “Big deal on Veterans Boulevard” by James Gill, The Times-Picayune, March 31, 1986.

b) “Vets corridor a growth story” by Janet Plume, The Times-Picayune, April 14, 1990.

Folder   68   The Warehouse District

      “Neighborhood lost” by Janice Stillman, The Times-Picayune, June 19, 1983.

Folder   69   Urban Development in New Orleans

a) “Look up and see” by Bruce Eggler, The States-Item, September 13, 1973.

b) “White elephant tunnel: Mall or another ugly fight?” The States-Item, September 14, 1973.

c) “A modern specter haunts an old city” by Bruce Eggler, The States-Item, September 22, 1973.

d) “‘Tammany Hall’ New Orleans style” by Bruce Eggler, The States-Item, October 10, 1973.

e) “Orleans Planning, Lack of it Under Scrutiny,” The Times-Picayune, March 4, 1971.

f) “Decatur: Street of Contrasts and Questions” by Gil Webre, Dixie, November 26, 1972.

BOX   12    Governmental Issues

Folder   1  —Court Cases

a) “Billy Cannon arrested in counterfeiting case,” The Times-Picayune, July 10, 1983.

b) “[Judge] Collins guilty in bribe” by Bruce Alpert, The Times-Picayune.

c) “Crime and Punishment” by Anne Price, Sunday Magazine, September 6, 1981.

d) “Checkup Reveals 119 Have Been Indicted In State So Far” by Mike Amrine, The Sunday Item-Tribune, October 29, 1939.

e) “French flair evident as jurists’ group meets” The States-Item, November 11, 1985.

f) “A matter of murder, 1919: The Cordova Case,” The States-Item, September 14, 1978.

g) “Breaking the Code [Code Noir]” by Jon Kukla, The Times-Picayune, August 8, 1993.

Folder   2  —Plessy vs. Ferguson

      “Plessy vs. Ferguson” by Elizabeth Mullener, The Times-Picayune, May 18, 1996.

Folder   3  —Tidelands

a) “Tideland Ruling Expected to Bring Millions to La.,” The Times-Picayune, July 7, 1974.

b) “Summary of High Court’s Opinion,” The Times-Picayune, June 1, 1966.

c) “Louisiana Swamp Swindles…” by Larry Michaud, Sunday Advocate, 5-75.

d) “Tidelands Money Not for Superdome” by Jack Anderson, Morning Advocate, May 19, 1976.

e) “Tidelands Case Means Millions For Louisiana” by Bill Crider, Advocate, 7-74.

f) “Quick Settlement of Louisiana-Miss….” by Dan Even, The State Times, June 1, 1979.

Folder   4  —Louisiana Postal Affairs

a) “The “N. O. U. S. City Post” of New Orleans 1851-63″ by Hubert C. Skinner, Linn’s Weekly Stamp News, March 3, 1967.

b) “Louis XIV Gave Family Fun to New Orleans By Sending “Cargo” of Marriageable Girls”
Linn’s Weekly Stamp News, n. d.

c) “The Remarkable Dr. John Riddell” by Hubert C. Skinner, Linn’s Weekly Stamp News, n. d.

Folder   5  —Louisiana Law

a) “Two suits changed face of Louisiana liability law,” The Times-Picayune, April 1986.

b) “State Law Allows No Free Dog Bites.”

c) “Louisiana’s legal code,” Sunday Magazine, November 21, 1982.

d) “Napoleon Lives,” Newsweek, April 22, 1974.

e) “The Doctrine of Forced Heirship” by Jeanie Blake, The Times-Picayune, June 15, 1980

f) “Deadline Past For U.S. Appeal Of Voter Suit.”

g) “Forced Heirship” by Julie Smith, Dixie, April 10, 1966.

h) “Proposes Duplication Solution in Louisiana,” Morning Advocate, December 23, 1972.

i) “New Chief Justice Looks Ahead” by John DeMers, Sunday Advocate, March 25, 1973.

Folder   6  —Louisiana Constitution

a) “Framers of State Constitution Praise Document on Fifth Birthday” by Bill McMahon,Morning Advocate, April 21, 1979.

b) “Legislature to meet on CC-73” by Jack Wardlaw, The States-Item, April 22, 1974.

c) “Our New Constitution: It’s a living thing” Morning Advocate, April 22, 1974.

d) “Orleans Area Carries Vote” Morning Advocate, April 22, 1974.

e) “Here’s who’ll serve on Louisiana Constitutional Convention,” Morning Advocate, November 11, 1972.

f) “F. A. Graugnard- What do you think” Morning Advocate, May 25, 1973.

g) “Ben R. Miller- What Do You Think?” Morning Advocate, May 28, 1973.

h) “Dr. George Pugh- What do you think?” Morning Advocate, June 25, 1973.

i) “Dr. James Bolner- What do you think?” Morning Advocate, June 1, 1972.

j) “Louisiana’s Constitutions: 8-21s a Winning Record” by Guy Coates, n. d.

k) “Convention Timetable” Morning Advocate, January 6, 1973.

l) “Texts of Opening Speeches at Constitutional Convention,” Morning Advocate, Jan. 6, 1972.

m) “Constitutional Assembly Opens” by Bill McMahon, Morning Advocate, January 6, 1973.

n) “Here’s what Gov. Edwards told constitutional convention,” Morning Advocate, Jan 11, 1974.

o) “What Do You Think. . . Ben R. Miller Sr.  . . . Of the New Constitution?” Morning  Advocate, April 18, 1974.

p) C-73, Proposed Constitution of the State of Louisiana (2 copies)

q) “State Constitution Largest in Nation,” The Times-Picayune, November 13, 1966.

r) “History of Louisiana Constitutional Conventions” Tammany News, August 8, 1973.

s) “40- Member Commission Urged by PAR to Revise Constitution” Morning Advocate, October 22, 1969.

t) “Transit Funds Boost is backed,” n. d.

u) “New Constitution: Second Thoughts?” Morning Advocate, February 24, 1975.

v) “Constitution has some problems, but, oh, it’s a lot better than ’21,” Times-Picayune, May 8, 1983.

Folder   7  —Consuls

a) “Honorary Consuls: Clout and Contracts,” The Times-Picayune, September 22, 1985.

b) “The Consular Corps” by Millie Ball, Dixie, March 14, 1982.

Folder   8  —Courthouses

a) “Magistrate’s court” by Gergory Roberts, Dixie, October 10, 1982.

b) “Country Courthouses: Passing time in small-town Louisiana,” Dixie, December 2, 1984.

c) The Courthouses of Louisiana, by Glenn R. Conrad, Carl A. Brasseusx, & R. Warren
Robison,Series 1. (Pamphlets)

Folder   9  —New Orleans’ Police

      “The New Man in Town” by Gil Webre, Dixie, October 29, 1978.

Folder   10  —Land Office

      “Land Office Is Helpful” by Damon Veach, The Times-Picayune, June 15, 1980.

Folder   11  —Levee Board

a) “As boards grew, so did politics…” by Fen Montaigne, The Times-Picayune, 3-22-81.

b) “Peace in the city:…” by Bob Marshall, The States-Item, Dec. 15, 1982.

Folder   12  —Louisiana Legislature

a) “The problem solvers” by Iris Kelso, The States-Item, October 13, 1983.

b) “Louisiana Legislature Ranks 33rd…,” Morning Advocate, Feb. 4, 1971.

c) “Who Got Which Senate…,” Morning Advocate, May 11, 1972.

d) Advocate Legislative Page, Morning Advocate, May 11, 1972.

e) “Bill Proposes Legislature…,” Morning Advocate, May 11, 1972.

f) “New-Type Legislature To…” by Ed Price, Morning Advocate, May 8, 1972.

g) “Clock strikes 12 for legislature” by Bill Lynch, The States-Item, July 15, 1975.

h) “State’s House Delegation…” by George Hager, The Times-Picayune, Feb. 11, 1979.

i) “Does SGA need a Lobbyist?,” The Jeffersonian, Vol. 1, No. 1, summer semester.

j) “Leadership battle looms over Senate chamber,” Sunday Advocate, July 11, 1982.

k) “What session didn’t do” by Jack Wardlaw, The Times-Picayune, July 11, 1982.

l) “Lawmakers’ agenda” by Jack Wardlaw, The States-Item.

m) “Equalizing state isn’t easy” by Jack Wardlaw, The States-Item, Sept. 2, 1981.

Folder   13  —Ku Klux Klan

a) “Klansmen Denounce Solons” by John Morris, Sunday Advocate, June 25, 1967.

b) “Klan in Hammond for demonstration,” Sunday Advocate, Nov. 21, 1982.

c) “Today’s New Klan” by Roy Blount Jr., PARADE, August 30, 1981.

Folder   14  —National Register

      “The National Register—an update” by William Brockway.

Environmental Issues

Folder   15  —Climate

a) “Eye on the Storm” by Gregory Roberts, Dixie, June 12, 1983.

b) “The Heat’s On” by John Pope, The Times-Picayune, June 21, 1987.

Folder   16  —Erosion

a) “State lost environmental ground in 1980s,” The Times-Picayune, December 31, 1989.

b) “Storms erode Island” by Bob Anderson, Morning Advocate, September 233, 1985.

c) “Coastal erosion poses crisis for waterfowl” The Times-Picayune, January 4, 1984.

d) “Coastal deterioration speeding up” by Bob Anderson, Sunday Advocate, May 18, 1986.

e) “Changing Course” by Chris Gray, Times-Picayune, September 8, 1996.

Folder   17  —Flooding

a) “Past Flood Threats to N. O. Are Recalled” The Times-Picayune, August 1, 1965.

b) “Vast Flood Control System Could Face Hardest Test”, Sunday Advocate, Dec. 17, 1972.

c) “Drawings Show River in Past” by Dick Wright, Sunday Advocate, 4-15-73.

d) “Flood Flashbacks to 1912-1927 Offer Contrasts to ’73,” Sunday Advocate, May 13, 1973.

e) “Preventing another ’27 disaster” by Bert Hyde, The States-Item, February 6, 1974.

f) “Great Flood of ’27 Transformed Corps of Engineers”, Morning Advocate, May 23, 1977.

g) “Flood controls seldom used” by Ed Cullen, Morning Advocate, April 7, 1980.

h) “Parish devastated by massive flooding”, The Hammond Vindicator, April 13, 1983.

i) “Trying to avoid the big flood” by Carl Redman, Sunday Magazine, May 15, 1983.

Folder   18  —Hurricanes

a) “Louisiana Has Long Acquaintance With Fury of Tropical Hurricane” by Ben Thomas,Sunday Advocate, October 3, 1964.

b) “Hilda, A Hurricane Remembered,” The States-Item, October 5, 1964.

c) “Hurricanes Not Strangers to Early Louisiana Settlers,” Sunday Morning, October 11, 1964.

d) “First Hurricane in New Orleans Virtually Wiped Out the City,” September 21, 1965.

e) “Betsy Compared to Other Storms” by Pie DuFour, Times-Picayune, September 26, 1965.

f) “A dance of death recalled” by Angus Lind, The States-Item, September 9, 1974.

g) “Hurricanes and Earthquakes,” Sunday Advocate, September 15, 1974.

h) “Be Prepared for Hurricane Season”, August, 1975.  

i) “The Grim Reaper of 1965” by Angus Lind, The States-Item, September 9, 1975.

j) “The Devastation of Last Island” by W.A. Spedale, Sunday Advocate, June 12, 1977.

k) “Allen Triggers Old Memories” by Marjorie Roehl, The States-Item, August 7, 1980.

l) “Hurricanes have a bad record in La.,” Hammond Daily Star, August 8, 1980.

m) “Not if, but when” by Martin Richard Jr., Sunday Magazine, October 4, 1981.

n) “We’re ready for hurricane season! Are you?”, Bell Notes, August, 1984.

o) “Juan sending heavy rain, winds to N. O.,” The Times-Picayune, October 27, 1985.

p) “Friendship thicker than water” by Kristin Gilger, The Times-Picayune, November 2, 1985.

q) “Eyeing a Hurricane”, The Times-Picayune, May 30, 1993.

r) Hurricane Tracking Map.

Folder   19  —Pollution

a) “No safe way to dump it, but N-waste increases,” The States-Item, April 30, 1979.

b) “The agonies that are besetting Louisiana these days,” The States-Item, December 10, 1984.

c) “Toxic scars crisscross Louisiana” by David Snyder, The Times-Picayune, September 8, 1985.

d) “Don’t blink, stare down the problem”, Sunday Advocate, December 28, 1986.

e) “Hazardous waste oozes into water supplies” by David Snyder.

f) “Deeply buried oil field waste still rises to haunt the land,” Times-Picayune, October 16, 1989.

g) “Louisiana’s Chemical Legacy” Morning Advocate, April 25, 1985 (Diverse Articles).

h) “Kaplan Area Wants Answers on Well Water” Sunday Advocate, April 29, 1979, n. a.

i) “Waste Law Enforcement” by Larry Michaud, n. d.

j) “1st Hazardous Waste Program in U.S. Approved” by Larry Michaud, n. d.

Folder   20  —Rain

a) “St. Swithin’s State,” Dixie.

b) “Fair site soaks itself in a N. O. fact of life,” The States-Item, March 12, 1984.

c) “Rainfall sinks old records,” May 31, 1991.

Folder   21  —Snow

a) “A 19th-century arctic clipper rolls into N. O.,” The Times-Picayune, January 27, 1985.

b) “Consecutive freezes rare in area weather history,” Sunday Advocate, February 10, 1985.

Folder   22  —Louisiana Geology

a) “Indians Shaped Landscape of State”, Sunday Advocate, April 13, 1975.

b) “Louisiana’s disappearing land” by Les Brumfield, The States-Item, May 11, 1976.

c) “Rock Hounds–A La Louisiana” by Tim Belehrad, Morning Advocate, January 16, 1979.

d) “Discover Little Grand Canyon In La.” by Dale Mathews, Sunday Advocate, April 29, 1979.

e) “How to Research Your Ethnic American Cultural Heritage” by Damon Veach, The Times-Picayune, April 20, 1980.

f) “Fiction writer explores life in Louisiana swampland,” Times-Picayune, November 7, 1982.

g) “Rocks and Fossils: Pieces of the past” by Jeff Cowart, FUN, November 19, 1982.

h) “Maurepas: Sailing to quiet wilderness,” The States-Item, September 25, 1985.

Folder   23  —Cockfighting, Dogfighting, Dueling

“Ringside at the cockfights” by Bill Grady, Dixie, April 25, 1982.

a) “Louisiana ranks high in dogfighting world” by Joan Kent, Times-Picayune, May 30, 1982.

b) “Dog Fighting, Racing in Louisiana” by Larry Holden.

c) “In the Days of Duels” by Harnett T. Kane, Morning Advocate, October 21, 1951.

Folder   24  —Gardening

a) Picture from Dixie magazine of a Poor Man’s Orchid, March 4, 1951.

b) “Take a Tip From Mother Nature”, Dixie, February 3, 1952.

c) “A Woman’s Touch” by Georgia Talbot, The Hammond Vindicator, June 22, 1972.

d) “All-American Roses Selected” by Earl Aronson, Sunday Morning, July 9, 1972.

e) Pictures from a plant sale at LSU, Sunday Advocate, February 15, 1976.

f) “Dormant Oil Spray Rids Scale on Deciduous Fruit Trees” by Rachel Daniel, The Times-Picayune, January 14, 1979.

g) “Blooming calendar offers year-round color,” The Times-Picayune, November 27, 1983.

h) “Gardens rooted in history” by Rod Dreher, Morning Advocate, Oct. 5, 1990.

i) “Stop and smell the roses…” by Patti Nickell, Lagniappe, April 5, 1991.

j) “Gardening:  For pleasure and profit,” The Daily Star, June 30, 1967.

k) “Gardening:  For pleasure and profit,” The Daily Star, June 30, 1967.

Folder   25  —Louisiana Plant Life

a) “Oriental magnolias add color to winter…,” The Times-Picayune, February 16, 1986.

b) “Greener Gardens: Hot Weather Is The Best Times To Plant If You Want Palms,” The Times-Picayune, August 24, 1980.

c) “Magnolia tree popular for flowers, foliage,” Sunday Advocate, October 27, 1985.

d) “Greener Gardens: Yaupon is No. 1 La. Shrub,” The Times-Picayune, March 2, 1980.

e) “It’s Christmas Tree time” by Mary Durusau, Sunday Magazine, December 1, 1985.

f) “Choosing and Cutting your Christmas Tree,” The Times-Picayune, November 30, 1982.

g) “Thoroughbred Mushrooms,” Rural Louisiana, August, 1982.

h) “The Legend of Locks Turned Gray” by Dawson Corley, Sunday Advocate, July 1, 1979.

i) “Louisiana’s lagniappe crop” by Suzanne Whatley, Sunday Magazine, Feb. 28, 1982.

j) “The Last of the Moss Ginners” Dixie, April 20, 1980.

k) “Louisiana avenues” by Dawson Corley, Sunday Magazine, Nov. 8, 1981.

l) “It must have been one helluvan acorn,” Dixie, June 27, 1976.

m) “Mighty live oak trees…” by Louisiana Tourist Commission, Times-Picayune, Sept. 15, 1974.

n) “For madame’s armoire,” Morning Advocate, Jan. 29, 1984.

o) “Felicie remembers…” by Gary Hebert, November 7, 1983.

p) “Vetiver,” The Times-Picayune, July 10, 1938.

q) “Bayou’s Bounty of Blossoming Death,” Sunday Advocate, July 15, 1979.

r) “Wild onions and violets and oxalis dinner to some” by Mary Ann Sternberg, FUN, 3-28-86.

Folder   26  —Fishing

a) “HEK’s Map A Reference Guide On Louisiana Fishing,” Times-Picayune, October 5, 1980.

b) “Gone Fishing” by Alex Martin, Dixie, June 19, 1983.

c) “Grand Isle Rodeo starts July 25” by Mike Cook, Sunday Advocate, July 14, 1985.

Folder   27  —Hiking

a) “Day hikes:  Adventure nearby” by Bob Marshall, The States-Item, September 27, 1984.

b) “Chicot!”  by Tim Belehrad, FUN, May 7, 1982.

Folder   28  —Performing Arts

a) “‘Don’t Drink the Water’ is a successful comedy,” The States-Item, May 19, 1983.

b) “Audiences still tune in Margie O’Dair,” The Times-Picayune, June 19, 1983.

c) “Celebrating 60 years of setting new writers on career paths,” Magazine, February 26, 1995.

d) “Ethel of Le Petit” by Julie Smith, Dixie, May 1, 1966.

e) “A dancer, a musician, and actress:…,” Dixie, September 3, 1985.

f) “Tulane Center Stage: New Cultural Bonus for N. O.,” The Times-Picayune, July 20, 1975.

Folder   29  —Opera

a) “in grand style” by Theodore Mahne, The Times-Picayune, January 28, 1996.

b) “Golder age of opera” by Frank Gagnard, The Times-Picayune, February 2, 1992.

c) “A Killer of a Season at the Opera” by Frank Gagnard, Lagniappe, October 7, 1988.

Folder   30  —Photography

a) “Turning out the lights on photography” by R.Duane Cook, FUN, April 3, 1987.

b) “Finding a Bellocq treasure” by John Pope, The States-Item, Nov. 8, 1979.

c) “Getting the Picture,” The Times-Picayune, March 9, 1980.

d) “Louisiana images,” Sunday Magazine, March 2, 1980.

e) “Those old family photos may be worth big bucks,” The Times-Picayune, 8/10/80.

f) “Contact printing…” by R. Duane Cooke, FUN, May 3, 1980.

g) “Shadows of the past through shutters” by Tim Belehrad.

h) “Creating slide presentations” by R. Duane Cooke, FUN, November 19, 1982.

Folder   31  —Sports

a) Sports section of The States-Item, June 6, 1977.

b) “Stepping Out Super Bowl Weekend” Lagniappe, January 11, 1975.

c) “A Twinkle of Past Glory” by Carolyn Kolb, Dixie, January 23, 1966.

d) “Car dealer agrees to buy Saints team” Morning Advocate, March 2, 1985, n. a.

e) “Archie” by Bill Grady, Dixie, May 24, 1981.

f) “‘Number One’ The Saints on Fim” by Ida D. Jeffries, Dixie, August 17, 1969.

g) “Bill Kilmer’s Full-Time Job” by Gil Webre, Dixie, September 21, 1969.

h) “Those Buccaneer Basketeers” Dixie, December 1, 1968.

i) “Sugar Bowl–from Dream to Institution,” The Times-Picayune, December 31, 1972.

j) “Six to Be Inducted into La. Hall of Fame” The Times-Picayune, n. d.

k) “Saints scoring big dollars for New Orleans,” The Times-Picayune, January 13, 1985.

l) “The end of an era: Franchise escaped darkness under Mora [Saints],” The Times-Picayune, Oct. 22, 1996.

Folder   32  —Rodeo

a) “Riding the Rodeo Trail” by Gregory Roberts, Dixie, May 23, 1982.

b) “Inmate Lassos Rodeo Fame” by Madelyn Lamb, Fun, October 4, 1985.

Folder   33  —Louisiana Movies

a) “A Louisiana Starlet,” Dixie, August 28, 1966.

b) “New Orleans goes to the movies” by Don Keith, Lagniappe, May 31-June 6, 1980.

c) “‘It’s not all flitz and glamour'” by Betty Eppes, Sunday Magazine, July 11, 1982.

d) “The Champion of ‘The Chosen'” by Millie Ball, The Times-Picayune, Oct. 17, 1982.

e) “A day in the life of an extra” by Smiley Anders, Sunday Magazine, April 25, 1982.

Folder   34  —Philanthropy

      “Sharing the Wealth,” The Times-Picayune, November 5, 1989.

Folder   35  —King Tut Exhibit

a) “‘Nile’ will flow to art museum” by Luba Glade.

b) “Archaeological Search Seeks…,” Morning Advocate, May 27, 1977.

c) “The Tomb Awaits,” photos by A.P. Vidacovich, Dixie, September 18, 1977.

d) “Dramatic Discovery Made…” by Henry Mitchell, an excerpt from The Washington Post

e) “Is There Really A Curse?” by Bill Craig, Humanities.

BOX   13    Education

Folder   1  —CODOFIL

“Only a Beginning” by Pepe Citron, n. d.

Folder   2  —Education

a) “High Achievement To Be Demanded In Parish Schools,” Hammond Vindicator, June 14, 1984.

b) “Green pastures lure teachers” by Ron Thibodeaux, The States-Item, October 19, 1985.

c) “Kindergarten:  First step to learning” by Rhonda McKendall, States-Item, November 1, 1985.

d) “Education Gap” by Paulette Thomas, The Wall Street Journal, February 26, 1987.

e) “Dealing with the academic problems of black males,” The Times-Picayune, August
28, 1990.

f) “Teachers fail to convince BESE to scrap evaluations” Times-Picayune, February 28, 1991.

g) “Whiz-Kid High” by Susan Feeney, Dixie, December 11, 1983.

Folder   3  —Education Desegregation/Integration

a) “Court’s order requires massive changes” Sunday Advocate, July 23, 1989.

b) “Pioneers in a time of violence” by Sharon Litwin, The States-Item, April 16, 1980.

c) “Number of private schools in the South decreasing,” Morning Advocate, March 18, 1986.

d) “Excommunicate Holds to her Views,” Times Picayune, September 24, 1978.

e) “U.S. school desegregation, struggle for equality is far from over,” States-Item, May 15, 1974.

Folder   4  —Higher Education

a) “Schools’ racial mix delayed by lack of money, devotion,” The Times-Picayune, July 19, 1984.

b) “The Universities of Louisiana,” Morning Advocate, April 9, 1985.

c) “Making us face up to the facts of life?”, Sunday Advocate, August 7, 1988.

d) “We must do more for higher education,” Sunday Advocate, February 11, 1990.

e) “Educating America…Old and new ways”.

Folder   5  —Libraries

a) “Gifts to Libraries Enrich Louisiana Communities,” Sunday Advocate, April 12, 1964.

b) “Storing city history” by Kathleen Mulvihill, The States-Item, April 20, 1981.

c) “Louisiana Room has the answers” by Bill Holtman, Sunday Advocate, Dec. 7, 1980.

Folder   6  —Louisiana Schools

a) “Newman School’s success lies in students’ unity, hard work” by Rhonda McKendall, The Times-Picayune, November 3, 1985.

b) “Little School on Johnson Bayou” by Ed Cullen, Sunday Advocate, October 27, 1985.

c) “The Holy Name Connection” by Renee Peck, Times Picayune, August 24, 1986.

d) “A better way to run colleges” Sunday Advocate, June 9, 1991.

Folder   7  —Louisiana Universities

a) “Publish or perish” by Betty Eppes, Sunday Magazine, Nov. 21, 1982.

b) “Antique show focuses on Centenary” by Karen Martin, The Advocate, March 16, 1992.

Folder   8  —LSU

a) “Only French spoken here” by Dawson Corley, Sunday Magazine, March 29, 1981.

b) “Exhibit evokes nostalgia for alumni,” Sunday Magazine, October 13, 1985.

c) “LSU Press 1990 Spring Sale.”

d) “Strong ties” by Ed Cullen, The Advocate, August 17, 1992.

e) “LSU Students Getting ‘C’ Education, Professor Says.”

f) “LSU’s Tradition” by Cakki Pennington, Sunday Advocate, Jan. 23, 1966.

g) “LSU to Preserve Garden Area,” Sunday Advocate, April 23, 1967.

h) “Ex-LSU Chief Remembers…” by James Mclean, The Times-Picayune, Dec. 16, 1964.

i) “Famous Jackson, Lee Paintin…” by Bill Holtman, Morning Advocate, 3-9-58.

j) “The Comeback Kid” by Lee Feinswog, Magazine, March 10, 1991.

k) “Exploring high-tech” by Charles M. Hargroder, The Times-Picayune, Feb. 25, 1984.

Folder   9  —McGehee’s School

      “Growing up at McGehee’s” by Elizabeth Mullener, Dixie, December 12, 1982.

Folder   10  —Mount Carmel Academy

      “Mt. Carmel Academy 1870-1988” by Ed Cullen, Morning Advocate, June 3, 1988.

Folder   11  —Newcomb College

      “At age 100, Newcomb in class by itself,” The Times-Picayune, October 5, 1986.

Folder   12  —New Orleans Schools

“Miss Aiken’s little school” by Lily Jackson, Times Picayune, September 30, 1984.

Folder   13  —Sacred Heart Academy

a) “Sacred Heart celebrates century” by Sharon Litwin, The Times-Picayune, January 18, 1987.

b) “Children of the Sacred Heart”  by Mimi Read,  Dixie, February 6, 1983.

Folder   14  —SLU

a) “Senate opposes overflow penalization” by Karee Galloway, The Lion’s Roar, 3-1-84.

b) The Lion’s Roar, Vol. 48, No. 34, April 9, 1981.

c) “Southeastern president merits praise” Daily Star, September 1, 1993.

d) “School daze at SLU” by Sandy Seal, Gumbo Magazine, July 2, 1989.

e) The Lion’s Roar March 15, 1984.

f) “Vickers, Borden to be honored at dedication,” The Lion’s Roar, March 15, 1984. n. a.

g) “Cannoli and Lasagna… Heritage Course,” The Times-Picayune, July 22, 1980.

Folder   15  —Tulane University

a) “Kelly: A leader with a background…” by Dawn Ruth, The Times-Picayune, 9-16-84.

b) “TU president offers plan” by Rhonda McKendall, The Times-Picayune, March 6, 1986.

c) “Turmoil at Tulane: charting the winds of the change,” The States-Item, June 5, 1976.

d) “Will Tulane Survive?” by Philip D. Carter, Courier, September April 10, 1975.

Folder   16  —Religion and Churches

a) “With Empty Coffins” by Stuart O. Landry, Dixie, January 15, 1950.

b) “Church stays in tune with its heritage,” The Times-Picayune, March 12, 1982.

c) “Catholic church records reflect turbulent times,” Sunday Magazine, February 12, 1983.

d) “Louisiana Catholics to get new bishop, diocese,” The States-Item, July 26, 1986.

e) “Aging nuns face crunch in empty convents,” The States-Item, September 27, 1986.

f) “Ursuline Sisters…” Clarion Herald, April 28, 1977.

g) “The Ursulines’ Now and Then” by Kit Harger Lipps, Dixie, April 24, 1977.

h) “Ursuline Nuns Have Changed with the Times,” The Times-Picayune, October 5, 1975.

i) “City is a lively lab for seminarians,” The Times-Picayune, March 8, 1987.

j) “Judah Touro is prominent in area’s religious history,” The Times-Picayune, July 22, 1973.

k) “Destrehan Church Ready to Observe 250th Anniversary” Morning Advocate, May 19, 1973.

l) “Larned Had Role in Start of Presbyterianism in N. O.,” The Times-Picayune, July 8, 1973.

m) “Pere Antoin Reappears for Round 2 in New Orleans,” The Times-Picayune.

n) “This Louisiana Religious Figure Most Controversial,” The Times-Picayune, May 27, 1973.

o) “Philander Chase Arrives; Christ Church is Founded,” The Times-Picayune, June 10, 1973.

p) “Pioneer Baptists Had Start in Rural Areas of Louisiana,” The Times-Picayune, June 17, 1973.

q) “Methodists Arrive on Scene, Meet with Much Opposition,” Times-Picayune, June 24, 1973.

r) “Truly ‘American’ Church Emerges Under Many Names,” The Times-Picayune, Sept. 2, 1973.

s) “Louisiana Baptist Convention Is Formed in 1848 by Hardest,” Times-Picayune, September 16, 1973.

t) “Cardinal Cody Leads Catholic Celebration,” Morning Advocate, October 1, 1970.

u) “Revelry and Thanksgiving Followed the Battle of N. O.,” The Times-Picayune, July 1, 1973.

v) “Large Black New Testament Group’s History Is Outlined,” Times-Picayune, March 10, 1974.

w) “Copts in Orleans keep the tradition” by Joan Kent, The States-Item, May 29, 1979.

x) “State’s mix of denominations reflects culture” by Nancy Regent, Saturday, Jan. 23, 1993.

y) “Sanctuary on Dryades Street” by Mimi Read, Dixie, February 2, 1986.

z) “Each of Our Cathedrals Unique” by Wesley Jackson, The Times-Picayune, April 10, 1977.

Folder   17  —Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of New Orleans

a) “Archidiocese: 200 years” by Lynne Jensen, The Times-Picayune, November 20, 1992.

b) “Catholic Schools got early start in New Orleans,” The Times-Picayune, September 3, 1987.

c) “Clout permeates secular would” by David Snyder, The Times-Picayune, August 31, 1987.

d) “Church remains steadfast in age of sexual liberty,” The Times-Picayune, September 2, 1987.

e) “Academic Liberty, Vatican at odds,” The Times-Picayune, September 1, 1987.

f) “Parish is heart of black Catholicism,” Times Picayune, September 4, 1987.

g) “Dominican nuns near 125 year in N. O.,” The Times-Picayune, November 4, 1985.

h) “N. O. wears its Catholicism well” by Bruce Nolan, The Times-Picayune, August 30, 1987.

i) “N. O. Church treated to a Facelift” by Roger Green, The Times-Picayune, April 27, 1991.

j) “Catholic press advertising parallels diocese history,” The Times-Picayune, March 26, 1995.

k) Cross Crozier and Crucible: A Volume Celebrating the Bicentennial of a Catholic
Diocese in Louisiana. (Pamphlet)

Folder   18  —Catholic News

a) “Catholic Education in State marks 250th Anniversary,” The Times-Picayune, April 24, 1974.

b) “The Carmelite spirit shines in Sister Gabriel,” The Times-Picayune, June 3, 1984.

c) “St. Paul The Apostle Church” by Damon Veach, The Times-Picayune, October 5, 1980.

d) “A Beacon for the Church” by James A. Perry, The States-Item, April 4, 1980.

e) “The Care in St. Roch” by Joan Kent, Dixie, October 26, 1980.

f) “Sale rekindles embers of controversy,” The Times-Picayune, March 27, 1982.

g) “Lourdes on Napoleon’ Adds Chapter to N. O. History,” Times-Picayune, September 7, 1980.

h) “Priest, 104, still a part of Community,” Morning Advocate, June 18, 1982.

i) “St. Joseph’s Cathedral 200th Anniversary” Sunday Advocate, September 13, 1992.

j) “Why do Catholic schools succeed?” by Diane Ravitch, Forbes, October 7, 1996.

Folder   19  —Cemeteries

a) “Tombstones Carry Personal touches,” Sunday Advocate, August 3, 1980.

b) “Cemetery tours offered” by Damon Veach, Advocate, April 30, 1989.

c) “Tours of St. Louis” by Damon veach, Advocate, July 28, 1991.

d) “Remember When” Sunday Advocate, April 22, 1990. n. a.

e) “Zachary group works to restore…” by M. A. Crawford, Sunday Advocate, April 15, 1990.

f) “Witch’s brew of cemetery tales” by Marjorie Roehl, The Times-Picayune, October 28, 1984.

g) “Union Army Veterans Played Strong City Role” The Times-Picayune, n. d.

h) “For the Living” by Cynthia V. Campbell, Sunday Magazine, November 29, 1987.

i) “Cemetery Workers dig for distractions” by Victoria Dawson, The Times-Picayune, n. d.

j) “Calm and Peaceful” by Jay Workman, Morning Advocate, 1985.

k) “City of the dead comes to life” by John Pope, The Times-Picayune, February 5, 1984.

l) “Graveyard Statues symbols” by Rod Dreher, Sunday Advocate, November 1989.

m) Pamphlet: Historical St. Michael’s Cemetery

Folder   20  —New Orleans Cemeteries

a) “Historians Need No ‘Brushing Up'” by Pie Dufour, Times Picayune, November 26,

b) “A fight to save the ‘cities'” by John Pope, States Item, May 1, 1975.

c) “Living with Death for 62 Years” by Don Hughes, Dixie, March 27, 1977.

d) “Haunted– By Neglect” by Stella Pitts, Dixie, June 10, 1973.

e) “Crowded Tombs Provide Quiet, Melancholy Mood,” Times Picayune, February 27, 1972.

f) “Dust” by Lorena Dureau, Dixie, October 29, 1978.

Folder   21  —Papal Visits

a) “1987 New Orleans Papal Visit” Morning Advocate, Sept. 14, 1987.

b) “Plans unchanged by rain in forecast” by John Pope, The Times-Picayune, 9-12-87.

c) “Personal touch makes rally special for Nicaraguan teen,” Times-Picayune, Sept. 13, 1987.

d) “Excited clerics lose their reserve in scramble to see special guest” The Times-Picayune, September 13, 1987.

e) “Teachers told to put ethics first,” The Times-Picayune, September 13, 1987.

f) “Pope John Paul arrives in N.O.” by Sheila Grissett-Welsh, The Times-Picayune, 9-12-87. 

Folder   22  —St. Gabriel    

      “Mississippi Valley’s oldest church: Beacon on the river,” Magazine, September 25, 1994.

Folder   23  —St. Joseph’s Abbey

a) “Rising with the bells at St. Joseph’s Abbey” by Frank Schneider, The States-Item, 3/23/83.

b) “If it’s really a St. Joseph’s altar, you can bet there’ll be fava beans” by Frank
Schneider, The States-Item, March 16, 1983.

c) “Altars To St. Joseph A Rite of Spring” by Liz Scott, The States-Item, Feb. 13, 1986.

Folder   24  —St. Louis Cathedral

a) “St. Louis Basilica Gets Old Name Back It’s Cathedral Now”.

b) “St. Louis Parish Churches Predecessors of Basilica,” The Times-Picayune, May 20, 1973.

c) “Only the Name, Not the Status, of St. Louis Basilica Is Changed” by Pie Dufour,

d) “Another new face” by Christine Guy, The States-Item, April 18, 1975.

Folder   25  —St. Patrick’s Church of New Orleans

a) “Church reflects a city’s history” by Frank Schneider, The Times-Picayune, August 13, 1988.

b) “Slow going: St. Patrick’s polishes up dusty jewel,” The Times-Picayune, February 27, 1988.          c)  “Church’s beauty works wonders” by Helen Smith,
The Times-Picayune, August 30, 1986.

Folder   26  —Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, New Orleans

      “City is a lively lab for seminarians” by Sheila Grissett-Welsh, Times-Picayune, March 8, 1987.

Folder   27  —Ursuline Convent

a) “Old Ursuline Convent landmark to open for history-steeped tours” The Times-Picayune, April 19, 1981.

b) “Old Ursuline Convent- Archiepiscopal Residence” Clarion Herald, Vol 19 no. 11, 4/23/81.

c) “Decade of labor restores convent” by Roger Green, Times-Picayune, June 6, 1981. (2 copies)

d) “Slow rebirth of N. O.’ s Forbidden City” by John Pope, The States-Item, March 21, 1980.

e) “Convent’s walls demolished” by Ed Anderson, The Times-Picayune, October 19, 1985.

f) “The Mysterious world of Mother St. Croix” by D. Eric Bookhardt, Dixie, October 31, 1982.

Folder   28  —Voodoo

a) “Voodoo museum shows who do, who don’t and who won’t” by Ken Dixon.

b) “Much Ado About Voodoo” by Lorena Dureau, Dixie, February 26, 1978.

c) “Halloween, gris gris, Marie Laveau” by Marjorie Roehl, The States-Item, Oct. 31, 1975.

d) “Voodoo Tour Visits Cemeteries”.

e) “Voodoo for the visitors” by Renee Peck, The States-Item, May 5, 1982.

f) “Voodoo Queen Still Has Followers” by Paul Nolan, Sunday Advocate, 3-69.

g) “Voodoo Still Lives!” by Martha Wilson, Morning Advocate, Oct. 19, 1952.

h) “Haunted Houses, Interesting Ghosts” by Pie Dufour, The Times-Picayune, 12-26-76.

Folder   29  —Holidays

a) “Do Today’s Holiday Tables Reflect Antebellum Louisiana?”

b) “The Sheltered Dead” by Marcelle B. Wright, Dixie, August 17, 1969.

c) “All Saints Day–New Orleans” by Lynn Franklin, Dixie, Oct. 29, 1967.

d) “Three Important Celebrations Held Locally This Week.”

e) “Motherhood of Past La. Generations Recognized,” The Times-Picayune, May 12, 1974.

f) “Vigil Lights” by Steve Buser, Sunday Advocate, October 22, 1978.

g) “St. Joseph’s Day,” Better Homes and Gardens, March 1982.

h) “All Saints’ Day” by Renee Peck, The States-Item, Nov. 3, 1978.

i) “Variations on a Christian Ritual” by Willie Prophit, Sunday Advocate, March 19, 1978.

j) “La. Residents Fool ‘Saints of Death'” by Yscloskey.

k) “Preparing for St. Joseph’s Day,” The States-Item, March 11, 1982.

l) “What peasants go through on King’s Day,” The Times-Picayune, January 6, 1983.

Folder   30  —Asphodel

a) “Asphodel celebration” Sunday Advocate, October 7, 1979.

b) Because we like it describes decorating style; information describing the architectural

Folder   31  —Christmas

a) “Christmas in Louisiana Is Different and Distinctive,” The Times-Picayune, 11-26-72.

b) “Christmas Customs and Pageants in Louisiana…,” Hammond Vindicator, Dec. 3, 1970.

c) “Into Romantic Past for Christmas,” Sunday Advocate, December 15, 1974.

d) “Bonfires light way for ‘Papa Noel'” by Damon Veach, Morning Advocate, Dec. 21, 1979.

e) “Get crackling for Christmas” by Gus Cranow, FUN, Dec. 12, 1960.

f) “Louisiana Christmas,” Sunday Advocate, December 16, 1979.

g) “Christmas in La. Like Nowhere Else.”

h) “Preparations for Burning Christmas Bonfires Made,” Times-Picayune, December 13, 1970.

i) “Fires of Joy to Light Santa’s Trip…” by Milford Fryer, Sunday Advocate, December 22, 1974.

j) “To Light the Way for Christmas Day,” Morning Advocate, Dec. 24, 1969.

k) “Memories of Christmas Past” by Frank Schneider, Dixie, December 25, 1983.

l) “Traditions entwined” by Nancy Schoeffler, The Times-Picayune, December 25, 1983.

Folder   32  —Epiphany/Twelfth Night

a) “Twelfth Night begins carnival season,” Morning Advocate, January 5, 1980.

b) “The King Cake” by Janet Wallfisch, The Times-Picayune, January 6, 1980.

c) “Twelfth Night officially opens Mardi Gras season, revelry” by Wanda Horn, Sunday Advocate, January 7, 1979.

d) “The King Cake” by Janet Wallfisch, The Times-Picayune, January 6, 1980.

Folder   33  —Supernatural Incidents

a) “Sultan’s House:  Life with an ‘Exotic Ghost’,” The Times-Picayune, February 11, 1979.

b) “Ghost Stories Become History” by Mike Maher, Dixie, March 2, 1980.

c) “‘Haunted’ houses Soldiers have marched on but the horror remains,” The Times-Picayune, October 31, 1982.

d) “Evil afoot… ‘Mini Canal’ returns to the scene,” The Times-Picayune, October 31, 1982.

e) “A century later, it’s still his house” by Suzanne Stouse, Times-Picayune, October 31, 1982.

f) “Ghost Stories” by Chere Coen, FUN, October 27, 1995.

Folder   34  —Louisiana Legends

a) “On Fire for Christmas” by Rosa J. Steptoe, FUN, Dec. 20, 1985.

b) “Tales to Tell on Halloween” by Suzanne Stouse, The Times-Picayune, Oct. 28, 1979.

c) “Curse or Myth?” by Randi Henderson and Tom Nugent, The Times-Picayune, 11-9-80.

d) “Giving new life to Louisiana legends,” The Times-Picayune, August 3, 1986.

Folder   35  —Literature

a) “These Playwrights Started a Renaissance” by Paul Nolan, Advocate, Jan. 13, 1963.

b) ” and Less,” The Times-Picayune, July 1, 1973.

c) “New Percy Novel Presents Enigma” by Frank Gagnard, The Times-Picayune, 6-12-66.

d) “Significant contribution…,” The States-Item, June 8, 1974.

e) “‘A La Creole'” by Harold Rubin, Dixie, January 13, 1952.

f) “Truman Capote’s Dad Tells His Story” by Howard Jacobs, Dixie, April 3, 1966.    

g) “Her Charms Started A Riot” by Steve Perkins, Dixie, January 16, 1949.

h) “The Man Who Moved Russia…,” Dixie, April 30, 1950.

i) “Orleanians Who Write Books” by Harnett Kane, Dixie, April 30, 1950.

j) “More Orleans Authors,” Dixie, July 9, 1950.

k) “Baton Rougean’s Book Due Out Soon,” Advocate, August 1, 1965.

l) “Faulkner’s Friends Remember, Report” by Les Brumfield, The Times-Picayune, 10/ 3/ 65.

m) “Southern Literary Dominance…,” Morning Advocate, August 23, 1965.

n) “Bayou Folk Museum…” by Ann Chopin, Sunday Advocate, Aug. 22, 1965.

o) “Faulkner Emerges in New Direction” by John Scopes, Sunday Advocate, October 10, 1965.

p) “Books capture La. artists, works” by Mabel Simmons, Times-Picayune, October 13, 1965.

q) “Literator:  A New Orleans Literary Guide” by Kenneth Holditch, Courier, Dec. 5,

r) “A great gumbo of Louisiana lore” by Berthe Amoss, The Times-Picayune, Sept. 3, 1989.

s) “1990: One for the books” by Susan Larson, The Times-Picayune, Dec. 30, 1990.

Folder   36  —Louisiana Anthology

      “Audacious offering fills literary void” by Damon Veach, Sunday Magazine, December 5, 1982.

Folder   37  —Louisiana History Project (8th grade)

      “‘Booking’ is a learning trip” by James A. Perry, The States Item, May 28, 1980.

Folder   38  —Louisiana Writers

a) “New Orleans has long charmed, inspired writers,” The Times-Picayune, May 25, 1986.

b) “La. women writers say they’re tuned in,” Sunday Magazine, September 28, 1986.

c) “Turning Over a New Leaf” by Mabel Simmons, The Times-Picayune, Feb. 11, 1979.

d) “Third Year Begins” by Damon Veach, The Times-Picayune, Feb. 11, 1979.

e) “Redneck Writer” by Marilyn Moore, Sunday Advocate, June 10, 1979.

f) “She Still ‘Marks’ Pictures” by Margaret Knight, Sunday Advocate, August 27, 1978.

g) “He Must Return to the South” by Margaret Knight, Sunday Advocate, April 7, 1974.

h) “Quarter Haunts of Famous Writers…,” The Times-Picayune, May 9, 1976.

i) “Lydia Frotscher book review slated.”

j) “William Faulkner and Other Famous Creoles” by Jim Amoss, Lagniappe, March, 1976.

k) “Poet Camille Thierry was early N. O. writer, The States-Item, 1976.

l) “Dull ‘Shop Talk’ From Preminger,” Sunday Advocate, June 5, 1977.

m) “Tinker’s Prints and Writings…” by George Jordan, The Times-Picayune, August 21, 1977.

n) “A Quest as Yet Unfulfilled” by James H. Wilson, Sunday Advocate, May 13, 1979.

o) “Walking through History:…” by W. Kenneth Holditch, Lagniappe, November 24, 1979.

p) “Louisiana’s different playwrights” by Damon Veach, Magazine, September 2, 1979.

q) “New Orleans failed to enchant author” by James Hodge, Times-Picayune, March 22, 1981.

r) “Fiction’s bare bones,” Sunday Magazine, May 23, 1982.

s) “The South lives in Hall’s fiction” by George Anders, Sunday Magazine, December 19, 1982.

t) “Amid tranquility, he writes” by Bruce Schultz, Morning Advocate, December 27, 1982.

u) “Writers of local interest up for Book Awards,” The Times-Picayune, October 28, 1984.

v) “Getting around to writing” by Mimi Read, Dixie, January 20, 1985.

BOX   14    Fairs and Festivals

Folder   1  —The Balloon Festival

a) “Hot Air Put To Good Use” by Tim Belehard, Morning Advocate, 6-11-79.

b) “Balloon Festival,” The Hammond Vindicator, April 30, 1981.

c) “Balloon Festival opens May 7” by Renee Peck, The Times-Picayune, May 2, 1982.

d) “Labor Day Balloon Festival Up, Up and Away!,” RURAL LOUISIANA, September, 1983.

e) “Balloon Fest plans to tie-in to 1984 fair,” Sunday Shopping Guide, February 26, 1984.

Folder   2  —Blues Festival

      “Blues festival an achievement” by Anne Price.

Folder   3  —Calendar of Festivals

a) “Louisiana Festivals ’78,” Lagniappe, March 18-24, 1978.

b) “A Summer Festival: La Fete’s Schedule of Events,” The States-Item, July 3, 1980.

c) “Are you ready” by Damon Veach, FUN, September 25, 1981.

d) “Louisiana’s Fall Festivals,” FUN, August 30, 1996.

Folder   4  —Feliciana Festival

      “Every Year It’s New,” The Watchman, March 19, 1986.

Folder   5  —French Quarter Festival

      French Quarter Festival magazine, The States-Item, April 12, 13, 14, 1985.

Folder   6  —Jazz and Heritage Festival

a) “Jazz in New Orleans,” FUN, April 11, 1980.

b) “Scenes From the Jazz Festival,” Lagniappe, April 19-25, 1980.

Folder   7  —Jazz and Heritage Festival

a) “JazzFest!,” The States-Item, April 17, 1980.

b) “New dishes add spice to Jazzfest lineup” by Sharon Litwin, The States-Item, April 24, 1980.

c) “N. O. tribute preserves jazzman’s jubilation” by Roger Green, States-Item, April 18, 1980.

d) “After 17 years,…” by Ashley Kahn, Lagniappe, April 25, 1986.

e) “New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival,” Lagniappe, April 30, 1982.

f) “Eye of the Jazz Storm” by Millie Ball, Dixie, April 26, 1981.

g) “The Brains Behind the Jazz & Heritage Festival” by John Pope, Lagniappe, May 5, 1979.

h) “Louisiana Heritage Fair,” The States-Item, April 26, 1979.

Folder   8  —Louisiana Folklife Festival

a) Louisiana Folklife Festival magazine, July 27-28-August 3-4. (2 copies)

Folder   9  —Madewood Festival

      “Madewood festival set this weekend,” Morning Advocate, April 25, 1980.

Folder   10  —Neshoba Fair

a) “A different angle on Neshoba Fair,” The Times-Picayune, August 17, 1992.

b) Picture of the Italian-American exhibit taken by Jay Workman, Morning Advocate.

Folder   11  —Spring Fiesta

      “The Reign of Spain” by Lily Jackson, The Times-Picayune, April 15, 1990.

Folder   12  —The Strawberry Festival

a) “Strawberries in bad shape” by John Semein, Advocate, April 5, 1980.

b) “Berry winners picked,” The Daily Star, April 14, 1980.

c) An ad for pistols and revolvers on sale due to the Strawberry Festival, Daily Star, April 17, 1980.

d) “Berry Fest wants crowd” by Mike Dowty, The Daily Star, April 18, 1980.

e) “Big bucks are on the line in festival poster squabble,” The States-Item, April 19, 1980.

f) Pictures from the 1980 Strawberry Festival in Ponchatoula, Daily Star, April 21, 1980.

g) “Strawberry Festival draws fun lovers” by Mike Dowty, Daily Star, April 21, 1980.

Folder   13  —The Strawberry Festival  Continued

a) “1982 Strawberry Festival,” Daily Star, April 15, 1982.

b) “Loaded with Berries…,” Daily Star, April 18, 1982.

c) “1983 Strawberry Festival,” Daily Star, April 14, 1983.

d) “Strawberry Festival brings Mardi Gras to D.C.,” Sunday Shopping Guide, February 26, 1984.

e) “Strawberries are in festival”, Lagniappe, April 12, 1991.

f) “Strawberry Festival 1990”, Hammond Daily Star, April 5, 1990.

Folder   14  —The 1984 World’s Fair

a) “Flatboat visits fair,” photo by Kurt Mutchler.

b) “Eric Robinson state winner in world’s fair art contest,” Hammond Vindicator, May 18, 1983.

c) “Venetian site basis of fair’s Italian Village,” Roger Green, The States-Item, 1-14-84.

d) “Getting ready for the fair is a coordinating effort,” The Times-Picayune, February 5, 1984.

e) “Parish braces for fair impact as state prepares for crowd” by Bill Robertson, Hammond Sunday Shopping Guide, February 26, 1984.

f) “Music on the Mississippi” by Susan Feeney, Dixie, March 18, 1984.

g) “World’s Fair opens” by Don Lewis, Sunday Advocate, May 13, 1984.

h) “Bargain days for souvenirs at world’s fair,” The Times-Picayune, October 28, 1984.

i) “World’s Fair ’84,” The Times-Picayune, July 1, 1984.

j) “Instant entertainers at the fair” by Millie Ball, The Times-Picayune, July 15, 1984.

k) “World’s Fair ’84,” The Times-Picayune, May 30, 1984.

l) “What’s Where at the Fair,” The Times-Picayune, May 20, 1984.

m) “‘Improbable’ World’s Fair nearing reality,” The Times-Picayune, January 25, 1981.

n) “And now… a fair effort” by John Ferguson, The States-Item, May 29, 1982.

o) “Fair could catapult Louisiana past 1984…,” Sunday Advocate, October 24, 1982.

p) “Foreign exhibitors needed” by Allan Katz, The Times-Picayune, Oct. 24, 1982.

q) “Water, water everywhere in official 1984 fair posters,” The States-Item, December 6, 1982.

r) “Architects’ goal of fantasy fair rests on poetic plans,” The Times-Picayune, January 25, 1983.

s) “VIPs hide out and relax at fair” by Sharon Litwin, The Times-Picayune, August 12, 1984.

t) “All Night Long” by John Pope, Dixie, Aug. 12, 1984.

u) “Fond memories of the world’s fair” by Iris Kelso, The Times-Picayune, June 2, 1994.

v) “Fair start” by Edward J. Lepoma, Sunday Magazine, August 23, 1981.

w) “Getting ready for N. O. fair” by J. C. Tillman, Sunday Advocate, October 3, 1982.

x) “A towering decision for ’84 fair” by John Ferguson, The Times-Picayune, June 12, 1982.

y) “1984 N. O. fair is compared to 1884 event,” The Times-Picayune, May 31, 1981.

z) “Fair: wet, wild fantasyland envisioned by architects,” The Times-Picayune, May 3, 1981.

aa) “What in the world is a wonderwall” by Bridget O’Brian, Dixie, July 17, 1983.

Folder   15  —Tennessee Williams Festival

      “Tennessee Williams festival” by Richard Dodds, The Times-Picayune, March 21, 1991.

Folder   16  —Mardi Gras

a) “Carnival’s Economic Benefits Analyzed by UNO Economist,” Times-Picayune, June 12, 1977.

b) “The First Carnival Doubloon?” by Donald Markstein, Dixie, Feb. 8, 1970.

c) “‘Consus Sits in Splendor’…” by Suzanne Stouse, February 22, 1976.

d) “Doubloons Can Be Educational,…” by Bill Mongelluzzo, The Times-Picayune, 2-1-76.

e) “News of Parades Dates Back to 1837” by Pie Dufour, The Times-Picayune, 1-26-75.

f) “Carnival Favors…” by Suzanne Stouse, The Times-Picayune, Jan. 22, 1978.

g) “The Ten Greatest…” by James Clark, New Orleans Magazine.

h) “News of Parades…” by Pie Dufour, The Times-Picayune, Jan. 26, 1975.

i) “Choctaw…” by Gil Webre, Dixie, February 9, 1975.

j) “92 Years of Pageantry,” Clarion Herald, March 1, 1973.

k) “Increase in Parades…” by Pie Dufour, The Times-Picayune.

l) “Doubloons Can Be Educational,…” by Bill Mongelluzzo, Times-Picayune, February 1, 1976.

m) “Picture Out Of Our Past.”

n) “Mardi Gras’ oldest.”

o) “Carnival–What It Means to City” by Pie Dufour, The Times-Picayune.

p) “Mardi Gras,” festive louisiana.

q) “A Wild Mardi Gras Half a Century Ago” by Howard Jacobs.

r) “Carnival–What It Means to City” by Pie Dufour, The Times-Picayune.

s) “News of Parades…” by Pie Dufour, The Times-Picayune.

t) “Unprecedented Pageantry….”

u) “The ‘dancingest’ town” by Pie Dufour.

v) “The Quiz Kids Essay Carnival Journalism” by Howard Jacobs.

w) “Fashion:..What to Wear to the Carnival Ball.” by Diane Sustendal.

x) “Pictures Out of Our Past,” Dixie, February 8, 1970.

Folder   17  —Mardi Gras

a) “On the Avenue,” Dixie, February 20, 1977.

b) “New Orleans’ Mad Burst of Gaiety” by Ted Liuzza.

c) “‘Consus Sits in Splendor'” by Suzanne Stouse, The Times-Picayune, Feb. 22, 1976.

d) “Rex Concocted Carnival Colors” by Pie Dufour, The Times-Picayune, 2-9-75.

e) “In 1900 we were here,” The Times-Picayune, February 20, 1977.

f) “The Wide Open Bandwagon” by Becky Burns, Dixie, 2-29-1976.

g) “Mardi Gras…” by Caleb Pirtle III, Southern Living, Jan. 1975.

h) “When it was Mardi Gras in New Orleans…,” The Times-Picayune, February 7, 1978.        

i) “Por Favor,” Dixie, February 24, 1974.

j) “The Mark is Off,” Dixie, March 4, 1973.

k) “The Best of Bourbon Street,” Dixie, February 8, 1970.

l) “Origins and History of Carnival Reviewed” by Pie Dufour, The Times-Picayune, 2-1-70.

m) “Laughing with the Law on ‘Mardy Graw’,” Dixie, February 29, 1976.

Folder   18  —Mardi Gras

a) “A wrap-up of Carnival 1993:…” by Errol Laborde, New Orleans CityBusiness, 2-21-94.

b) “Mardi Gras 1991,” January 30, 1991.

c) “Taylor:  Mockery may violate code” by Susan Finch, Times-Picayune, February 29, 1992.

d) “Stop fanning racist flames,” February 29, 1992.

e) “Sometimes there’s no way to avoid parade mayhem,” The Times-Picayune, March 1, 1992.

f) “Carnival Cooks” by Dale Curry, The Times-Picayune, Feb. 27, 1992.

g) “Black eye on Carnival” by Sheila Stroup, The Times-Picayune, Feb. 23, 1992.

h) “The battle for the throws is on” by THE FUN STAFF, FUN, 2-8-91.

i) “Carnival ’92” by David Cuthbert, The Times-Picayune, Jan. 12, 1992.

j) “When the parade passes by” by Dale Curry, The Times-Picayune, 2-18-93.

k) “Carnival riders spend big bucks to play Santa,” The Times-Picayune, February 28, 1992.

l) “1938:  Bards of Bohemia had ‘Greatest Show on Earth’,” Times-Picayune, January 28, 1990.

m) “Carnival fever’s here” by THE FUN STAFF, FUN, February 5, 1987.

n) “1987 carnival had $275 million impact” by Ed Anderson, The Times-Picayune, 1-22-88.

o) “Clothing the courts of Carnival” by Janet Wallfisch, The Times-Picayune, Feb. 15, 1987.

Folder   19  —Mardi Gras

a) “Orange tractors used in Carnival are really Red,” The Times-Picayune, October 17, 1982.

b) “The Krewe of Aquila…,” Dixie, October 17, 1982.

c) “Lawyer claims Carnival in danger,” Sunday Advocate, Oct. 24, 1982.

d) “Mardi Gras souvenir gifts,” The States-Item, February 14, 1983.

e) “Mardi Gras ’84,” Mardi Gras, February 22, 1984.

f) “How to tell who’s who on Boston Club…” by Marcelle Martin, The States-Item, 3-3-81.

g) “Carnival’s world of fantasy…” by John Pope, The States-Item, March 2, 1981.

h) “French Opera House:…” by Lily Jackson, The Times-Picayune, February 5, 1984.

i) “Mardi Gras spotlighted in exhibit at U.S. Mint,” Morning Advocate, Feb. 28, 1984.

Folder   20  —Mardi Gras

a) “N. O. to eye changes in Mardi Gras fete” by Bill Crider, Morning Advocate, March 5, 1981.

b) “Ashes” by Pie Dufour.

c) “Keeping a Tradition Alive” by Margaret Knight, Sunday Advocate, 2-11-79.

d) “The fee for fun” by Rose Kahn, The States-Item, Jan. 17, 1979.

e) “Controversy Swirls Around Mardi Gras Indian Origins,” The Times-Picayune, Feb. 17, 1980.

f) “Salute to Thoth” by Bill Lynch.

g) “Night was Mother of Momus but who fathered God of Mockery?” February 6, 1964.

h) “Who remembers ‘Good Old Days’ when…” by Pie Dufour, February 3, 1964.

i) “Hermes was most versatile of all Carnival-Olympian gods” by Pie Dufour, 2-7-64.

j) “Mardi Gras’ message,” The States-Item, February 26, 1974.

k) “Proteus, youngest of parading krewes, Started in 19th Century” by Pie Dufour,

l) “Mardi Gras dates vary with years,” The States-Item, February 7, 1964.

m) “Carnival calorie consumption aids economy of New Orleans” by Pie Dufour, 2-4-64.

n) “Who remembers…” by Pie Dufour, February 3, 1964.

o) “King, Queen, Court of 50 years ago will be Presented to Rex” by Pie Dufour, 2-5-64.

p) Pictures from Mardi Gras parades, The States-Item, February 3, 1964.

q) “Drinking youths battles patrolmen; over 12 hurt.”

r) “How does Carnival parade get out on New Orleans’ streets?” by Pie Dufour, 2-23-65.

s) “Carnival Captain’s Duties Described” by Pie Dufour, The Times-Picayune, 2-6-66.

t) “Zulu hunt stymied in frigid darkness” by Hermann Deutsch, The States-Item, 2-10-67.

u) “385 Days Left Until Carnival Time Again!” by Patricia Gormin, Feb. 8, 1967.

v) “Zulus maintain traditional rites” by Hermann Deutsch, The States-Item, 2-9-67.

w) “Father-Daughter Royal Line Traced” by Pie Dufour, The Times-Picayune, 2-5-67.

x) “No matter where you look,…” by Pie Dufour, February 9, 1967.

y) “From Hollywood & Vine to Canal St.” by Mark Hemeter, Lagniappe, 2-12-77.

z) “Catering to the Krewes” by Renee Peck, The States-Item, Feb. 14, 1980.

aa) “And now, a word about Mardi Gras” by R. Duane Cooke, FUN, Feb. 15, 1980.

bb) “What’s what on the roster…,” The Times-Picayune, August 3, 1980.

cc) “Once again, shout,…” by Sharon McRae, Morning Advocate, Feb. 15, 1980.

dd) “Louisianians prepare Washington Mardi Gras Gala,” The Times-Picayune, January 13, 1980.

ee) “Menus for Mardi Gras.”

ff) “Mardi Gras mystery,” Sunday Magazine, February 14, 1982.

gg) “King cakes for Carnival” by Joel Levy, The States-Item, Jan. 4, 1979.

hh) “Another ‘Miss America’ May March with Texas Group” by Thomas Griffin, 2-19-71.

ii) “Year-round Mardi Gras” by Pepe Citron, The States-Item, Dec. 13, 1974.

jj) “Comus is ‘born'” by Pie Dufour, The States-Item, February 7, 1978.

kk) “New Orleans Mardi Gras:  History, Origins Recalled” by Pie Dufour.

ll) “Rising Costs Dulling ‘Greatest Free Show’ Glitter,” The Times-Picayune, 1-15-76.

mm) “Rene Louapre: Uptown New Orleans’ Music Man,” Lagniappe, 10/25-31/75.

Folder   21  —Mardi Gras

a) “People said to be pondering malignant side of Mardi Gras,” R. Advocate, March 29, 1972.

b) “Marching Clubs Do Thing on Big Day” by Pie Dufour, The Times-Picayune, 2-14-71.

c) “Laws to govern Mardi Gras in New Orleans are proposed.”

d) “It’s time for the Mardi Gras run” by Mary Fontenot, Sunday Advocate, 2-1-70.

e) “Costumers work to dress royalty” by Mildred Ball, The Times-Picayune, 2-8-70.

f) “Never Again–Until Mardi Gras 1967!” by Hermann Deutsch, The States-Item, 2-23-66.

g) “Some questions people ask about New Orleans Carnival” by Pie Dufour, 2-11-66.

h) “The Family,” The States-Item, February 17, 1966.

i) “First Rex parade staged to entertain Grand Duke.”

j) “It all started with Comus parade in 1857” by Pie Dufour, The Times-Picayune, 2-21-65.

k) “Wonder, imagination Carnival certainties” by Thomas Griffin.

l) “Krewe of Orleanians supplies $350,000 to Carnival economy” by Pie Dufour, 2-17-65.

m) “Hail Rex!,” The States-Item, February 11, 1964.

n) “Proteus Presents Peerless Pageant,” The States-Item, February 11, 1964.

o) “Carnival luck could run out,…” by Colin Leinster.

p) “Mardi Gras merrymaking grips social world today,” February 22, 1966.

q) “It’s Mardi Gras!” by Gertie Espenan.

r) “Rex’s 85th, Comus’ 86th parades feature ‘Greatest Free Show’,” March 2, 1965.

s) “Story to Pickwick Club, Comus Traced” by Pie Dufour.

t) “Proclamation,” The Times-Picayune, January 15, 1967.

u) “Capturing Carnival” by Roger Green, The Times-Picayune, February 3, 1991.

v) “The love of Mardi Gras,” The Times-Picayune, February 26, 1987.

w) “Are Carnival balls outmoded?” by Margaret Fuller, The Times-Picayune, February 2, 1986.

x) “Mask, Clown, Mask!,” Dixie, February 29, 1976.

y) “First Rex parade staged to entertain Grand Duke.”

z) “The roll of Rex,” Dixie, February 9, 1975.

aa) “Zulu head’s Dream:  to rival the best” by Emile Lafourche, The Times-Picayune, 2-9-75.

bb) “Iris depicts St. Charles Hotel era,” The Times-Picayune, Feb. 9, 1975.

cc) “Bacchus ‘how sweet’ despite price of a king” by Betty Guillaud, The States-Item, 2-12-75.

dd) “Three-ring Bacchus” by Pepe Citron, The States-Item, Jan. 24, 1975.

ee) “Kern is spark that lights fire of Carnival” by Stella Pitts, The Times-Picayune, 2-2-75.

ff) “Knights of Momus to hold 63rd parade…” by Pie Dufour, February 17, 1966.

gg) “Thanks for the trousers” by Thomas Griffin, February 4, 1974.

hh) “Mardi Gras summation” by Thomas Griffin, March 26, 1974.

ii) “Proclamation”, February 15, 1971.

Folder   22  —Mardi Gras

a) “They turn commoners into royalty” by Millie Ball, The Times-Picayune, February 9, 1986.

b) “Can’t take the city  out of Yats,” Sunday Advocate, January 12, 1986.

c) “A chronicle of the Mistick Krewe” by Marjorie Roehl, The Times-Picayune, January 9, 1986.

d) “His collection is fit for a king” by James Perry, The Times-Picayune, January 26, 1986.

e) “Our day,” The States-Item, February 11, 1986.

f) “What’s really behind the Mardi Gras masks?” by Margaret Fuller.

g) “Call it what you will–…” by Betty Guillaud, The States-Item, March 3, 1981.

h) “Old-line krewes uphold tradition” by Nan Perales, The Times-Picayune, 2-9-86.

i) “Mardi Gras multiplication” by Allan Kkatz, The Times-Picayune, 2-13-83.

j) “Riding in float fulfills dream for new member of Hermes,” Times-Picayune, February 9, 1986.

k) “Mardi Gras ’83,” The States-Item, February 2, 1983.

l) “Counting up Carnival,” The Times-Picayune, February 16, 1987.

Folder   23  —Mardi Gras

a) “Memorabilia sets the mood for the season,” The Times-Picayune, January 10, 1988.

b) “Revelers” cont. from a previous page, The Times-Picayune, January 10, 1988.

c) “Nemesis reflects on the past.”

d) “Colorful Carnival,” Dixie, February 20, 1966.

e) “Carnival,” Dixie, February 8, 1970.

f) Mardi Gras section of the New Orleans States, February 17, 1950.

Folder   24  —Mardi Gras

a) “Thousands get in on the fun of parading,” The Times-Picayune, Feb. 14, 1988.

b) “New Orleans’ crescent shines ever brightly,” The Pittsburgh Press, January 17, 1988.

c) “Closed for Mardi Gras” by James Perry, The Times-Picayune, Feb. 9, 1988.

d) “Bacchus and Endymion:  A look at two giants,” Lagniappe, Feb. 12, 1988.

e) “Mardi Gras history a mystery” by Susan Larson, The Times-Picayune, 1-27-91.

f) “Mardi Gras ’86,” The States-Item, January 29, 1986.

Folder   25  —Mardi Gras

a) “Mardi Gras ’88,” The Times-Picayune, February 3, 1988.

Folder   26  —Mardi Gras

a) “A first step toward harmony,” The Times-Picayune, May 9, 1992.

b) “Masters of the Mask,” Lagniappe, February 28, 1992.

c) “Zulu captain and the tale of a disabled float,” The Times-Picayune, March 14, 1992.

d) “Host to the Mardi Gras since 1836,” Dixie, February 4, 1951.

e) “Pages have place (and plumes) in Carnival courts” by Lily Jackson, The Times-Picayune, February 25, 1990.

f) “Mardi Gras,” The Times-Picayune, February 19, 1992.

Folder   27  —Mardi Gras

a) “Royal Reminiscences” by John Pope, Dixie, February 10, 1985.

b) “Picture from the Past.”

c) “Carnival fever” by Mindy Brodhead, Sunday Magazine, Feb. 10, 1985.

d) “Mardi Gras ’85,” The States-Item, February 6, 1985.

e) “The Rex Connection” by Millie Ball, The Times-Picayune, February 17, 1985.

f) “Carnival blowouts aren’t new” by Alex Martin, The Times-Picayune, 2-10-85.

g) “Bugle beads, peau de soie and plumes” by Renee Peck, The Times-Picayune, 1-27-85.

Folder   28  —Mardi Gras

a) “Rex’s acceptance of black…” by Susan Finch, The Times-Picayune, Sept. 22, 1992.

b) “Toward a richer Mardi Gras,” The Times-Picayune, January 30, 1991.

c) “Bacchus misses an opportunity” by Sally Knight, The Times-Picayune, 1-18-92.

d) “Carnival besieged,” The Times-Picayune, January 19, 1992.

e) “Comus expected to cancel” by Susan Finch and Dawn Ruth, The Times-Picayune, 1-15-92.

f) “Momus pulls parade out of Carnival” by Susan Finch and Christopher Cooper, The Times-Picayune, January 12, 1992.

g) “Trying to crash private parties” by Mrs. Chris Miller, The Times-Picayune, 1-20-92.

h) “New style of Mardi Gras madness” by James Gill, The Times-Picayune, Jan. 15, 1992.

i) “A Who’s Who for Fat Tuesday…” by Fran Schneider, The States-Item, 3-3-81.

j) “After the Ball” by Lily Jackson, The Times-Picayune, January 22, 1989.

k) “Carnival loot” by Renee Peck and Sharon Litwin, The States-Item, March 2, 1984.

l) “Business of making Carnival so glamorous” by Bridget O’Brian, The Times-Picayune,February 22, 1987.

m) “Mardi Gras Means Masks,” Dixie, February 9, 1964.

n) “Another Mardi Gras,” Dixie, February 28, 1965.

o) “Poseidon krewe revels in excess…” by Bruce Nolan, The Times-Picayune, 2-21-82.

p) “Carnival all year is Big Lou’s idea…” by Alan Citron, The Times-Picayune, 2-21-82.

q) “Some inexpensive choices for Carnival” by Steve Taylor, The States-Item, 2-26-81.

Folder   29  —Mardi Gras

a) “Portrait of a debutante” by Millie Ball, The Times-Picayune, February 13, 1983.

b) “Carnival flags” by Marjorie Roehl, The Times-Picayune, February 13, 1983.

c) “Mardi Gras primer:…” by Frank Schneider, The Times-Picayune, February 10, 1991.

d) “The black and white of Carnival,” The Times-Picayune, Feb. 8, 1991.

e) “Segregated clubs at heart of Carnival celebration,” The Times-Picayune, January 27, 1991.

f) “Carnival combo was in the stars” by Mary Atkinson, The Times-Picayune, 1-27-91.

g) “What well-dressed royalty is wearing” by Mary Atkinson, The Times-Picayune, 2-4-90.

h) “The Golden Age of Carnival,” Dixie, March 4, 1984.

i) “Bards recall Mardi Gras memories,” The Times-Picayune, January 24, 1982.

j) “Parades stopped by rain” by Lou Chapman, The Times-Picayune, Feb. 6, 1983.

k) “A century backstage with Rex” by James Perry, The Times-Picayune, Feb. 26, 1984.

l) “Mardi Gras,” Sunday Magazine, February 26, 1984.

m) “Mardi Gras history a mystery” by Susan Larson, The Times-Picayune, 1-27-91.

n) “Mardi Gras 1994,” The Times-Picayune, February 2, 1994.

Folder   30  —Mardi Gras

a) “On the Avenue,” Dixie, February 20, 1977.

b) “‘Old man of the sea’,” The Times-Picayune, March 1, 1981.

c) “French Opera House:…” by Lily Jackson.

d) Mardi Gras section from The States-Item, February 27, 1976.

e) “Mardi Gras parades” by Mary Durusau, FUN, February 20, 1987.

f) “The Pageantry, The Pomp, The People,” Dixie, March 4, 1973.

g) “The post-Carnival partying moves to the French Riviera” by Betty Guillaud.

h) “Mardi Gras 1978,” The States-Item, February 1, 1978.

Folder   31  —Mardi Gras

a) The Carnival section of The Times-Picayune, February 19, 1977.

b) “Fat Tuesday on a flatbed” by Ronnie Virgets, Dixie, February 2, 1986.

c) The Carnival section of The States-Item, February 14, 1980.

d) “Who Comes to Carnival?,” The Times-Picayune New Orleans State Magazine, 2-19-50.

e) “Carnival caroling:  the music that…” by Bunny Matthews, Lagniappe, 3-2-84.

f) “The Monarchs of Mardi Gras” by Nell Nolan, The Times-Picayune, Feb. 17, 1991.

g) “Carnival Directory,” FUN, February 16, 1979.

h) “Indian costume a ritual of pride” by Bill Grady.

i) “Carnival compromise opposed by black leaders,” The Times-Picayune, April 26, 1992.

j) “Palmares brings Carnival firsts” by Angus Lind, The States-Item, January 11, 1985.

Folder   32  —Mardi Gras

a) “Krewes-ing through the Depression” by John Pope, The States-Item, November 1, 1979.

b) “King among many kings” by Dawson Corley, Sunday Advocate, November 18, 1979.

c) “City Gardens are Serene Spots Even at Mardi Gras,” Sunday Advocate, February 25, 1973.

d) “Where Carnival is King” by Peggy Robbins

Folder   33  —Carnival Balls and Parades

a) “A Ball to brighten a Solemn City” by Stella Pitts, The Times-Picayune, January 28, 1979.

b) “Krewe of Olympia Bal Masque Has Vision of Cervantes Theme” The Times-Picayune, February 10, 1980.

c) “Iris Captain Lives Hectic Days, Time of Happiness,” The Times-Picayune, February 15, 1976.

d) “Centennial for a Carnvial Crew” by Frank Gagnard” The Times-Picayune, August 20, 1989.

e) “Commercial trend of Carnival has traditionalists concerned” by Joe Gyan Jr., Advocate, February 5, 1995.     

f) “Carnival Knowledge” by Susan Larson, The Times-Picayune, February 19, 1995.


g) Argus Parade information cards

h) Program for Krewe of Zeus: BiCentennial Year Salute “Ten Flags in the Wind, the
story of Louisiana” February 1, 1976.

i) Program for Krewe of Okeanos: Fabulous Las Vegas” January 23, 1966.


Folder 34 Bicentennial Newspaper Clippings, The Times Picayune, July 4, 1976.

Folder 35 –  “250th anniversary of the Founding of New Orleans” The Times Picayune, April 16, 1968.

Folder 36 -Bicentennial: Louisiana, The Times Picayune, July 4, 1976. (2 copies)

Folder 37Bicentennial: Historical Sites, The Times Picayune, July 4, 1976 (2 copies)

Folder 38Program for the Tangipahoa Bicentennial 1776- 1976.

Folder 39“A Bicentennial Issue: Bienville’s City Remembers,” The Times-Picayune, July 4, 1976

Folder 40Bicentennial, Daily Star, July 2, 1976.

BOX   15    

Folder   1  —New Orleans’ Progress

a) “Final Edition,” Dixie, Sept. 15, 1985.

b) “ProSouth,” The Times-Picayune, January 25, 1981.

c) “Forward ’81,” The Times-Picayune, January 25, 1981.

Folder   2  —New Orleans’ Progress

a)  “Riverfront N. O. Plazas” by Mary Judice, The Times-Picayune, January 30, 1977.

b) “New Orleans,” The Times-Picayune, January 30, 1977.

Folder   3  —Louisiana Economy and Economical Issues

a) “Louisiana’s First Steel Mill”, The Times-Picayune, January 20, 1980.

b) “La. economy outperforms U.S. statistics” by J. C. Tillman, Sunday Advocate, July 13, 1980.

c) “Free Enterprise,” Sunday Advocate, April 19, 1981.

d) “Louisiana wealth shifts southward,” Baton Rouge Advocate, April 20, 1981.

e) “Louisiana’s fragile image,” The States-Item, September 28, 1984.

Folder   4  —Louisiana Economy and Economical Issues

a) “[State Rep. Edward] Deano’s economic package is reviewed” Tammany New-Banner, June 22, 1986.

b) “When business boomed at the market” by Marjorie Roehl, The Times-Picayune, 6-7-87.

c) “Visions of a city” by Charley Blaine, The Times-Picayune, July 25, 1990.

d) “Changes,” The Times-Picayune, June 30, 1991.

e) “Slump slows La. recovery” by James Welsh, The Times-Picayune, January 22, 1992.

f) “Louisiana An Economic Review,” CityBusiness.

Folder   5  —Dixie Brewing Co.

      “Little Dixie Brewing Co. struggles against giants,” The Times-Picayune, July 17, 1986.

Folder   6  —Farming

a) “Team successful in conservation” by O. O. Moore, The Daily Star, June 30, 1967.

b) “Tokens Tell a Tale [Sharecropping]” by Margaret Martin, Shreveport Times, July 7, 1974.

c) “Agricultural library links farmers, world,” Sunday Advocate, November 17, 1985.

d) -Profile of Louisiana Agriculture: Louisiana Crop and Livestock Reporting Service

e) -Dart Farms, information on fresh fruit and vegetables (Pamphlet)

Folder   7  —Fur Industry

a) “Problems plague fur projects” by Bobby Lamb, Sunday Advocate, May 8, 1988.

b) “Fur firm predicts major new La. industry” by Bobby Lamb, Sunday Advocate, May 8, 1988.

Folder   8  —Gravel Industry

      “Times hard for gravel industry” by Bobby Lamb, Sunday Advocate, September 25, 1988.

Folder   9  —Hudson’s Bay Company

      “The Hudson’s Bay Company Still Trading,” Sunday Advocate, January 20, 1980.

Folder   10  —LP&L

      “$204 million increase is requested by LP&L” by John Hall, The States-Item, May 31, 1980.

Folder   11  —LOOP, Inc.

      “First U. S. Deepwater Port Taking Shape” by Mary Judice, The Times-Picayune, 8-3-80.

Folder   12  —Louisiana Banks

a) “Three N. O. banks are highlighted in report,” The Times-Picayune, June 28, 1981.

b) “Inter-parish banking already exists in La.,” The Times-Picayune, August 1, 1982.

c) “Grandeur Withdraws” by Roger Green, The Times Picayune, January 5, 1991.

Folder   13  —Louisiana Business

a) “Company [Prager, Inc.] Shifts gears to keep up with times,” Times-Picayune, July 2, 1969.

b) “Endangered Species” by Frank Gagnard, Lagniappe, June 25, 1993.

c) “La. mound complex date pushed back 1,900 years,” Advocate, September 19, 1997.

d) “Cooking in new digs” by Manny Alessandra, The Times-Picayune, September 27, 1997.

e) “Auf Wiedersehen, Kolb’s” by Jeffrey Meitrodt, The Times-Picayune, September 1, 1994.

f) “Rising Expectations” by Greg Thomas, The Times-Picayune, November 5, 1995.

g) “Country Grocer Enjoys the Personal Touch,” Times-Picayune, Sept. 2, 1979.

h) “The rite stuff” by Randy McClain, The Times-Picayune, June 5, 1994.

i) “Tangipahoa Parish” Supplement to New Orleans CityBusiness, August 7, 1995.

j) “New Krauss Dazzles Canal Street” The Times-Picayune, August 24, 1980.

k) “Uptown stores are sold,” by Bill Voelker, The Times-Picayune, August 24, 1990.

l) “Success still sweet for McKenzie’s [Bakery] after 62 years,” Times-Picayune, April 27, 1986.

m) “N. O.’s Wembley world leader in necktie market,” The Times-Picayune, May 18, 1986.

n) “From Enrico Caruso to Fats Domino [Werlein’s]” by Jim Polster, Lagniappe, June 23, 1979.

o) “Sizeler [Realty Co.] Pioneers Shopping Center Industry in State,” The Times-Picayune, February 24, 1980.

p) “Loyalty key to success of Krauss” by Manny Alessandra, Times-Picayune, October 15, 1989.

Folder   14  —Louisiana Industry

a) “Fight for offshore wealth goes on” by Edgar Poe, The Times-Picayune, July 8, 1973.

b) “Westward the wagon works” by Rocco Musemeche, Sunday Advocate, May 12, 1973.

c) “In area’s growing industrial scene” Sunday Advocate, September 15, 1968.

d) “It’s 25 years old now” by Bob Hamm, Sunday Advocate, December 31, 1972.

e) “Tales of the great river…” Dixie, January 28, 1951.

f) “It takes all kinds of boats…” Dixie, January 16, 1949.

g) “Bananas…from the tropics to your table” by Armand L. Friedlander, Dixie, April 30, 1950.

h) “A salt cellar five miles deep” by Ray Samuel, Dixie, August 27, 1950.

i) “S-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g strawberry season” by Ira Harkey, The Times-Picayune New Orleans States Magazine, July 11, 1948.

j) “Twine binds Yucatn to Orleans industry” by Peggy Mengis, Dixie, May 21, 1950.

k) “Chemistry in cotton’s corner” Dixie, August 30, 1950.

l) Louisiana Spotlight on industry, August, 1964, vol. 4, no. 5.

m) “Made in Louisiana” by Debi Akchin, Sunday Magazine, January 15, 1984.

Folder   15  —Louisiana Currency (money)

a) “When We Made Our Own Money,” n. d.

b) “Louisiana Money” by Beverly Wolter, Sunday Advocate, April 13, 1952.

c) The Lore of Paper Money, Society of Paper Money Collections, Inc. (Brochure)

Folder   16  —Louisiana Lignite

      “Electricity from lignite going on-line,” Sunday Advocate, April 13, 1986.

Folder   17  —Louisiana Retirement Destination

      “Louisiana rates highly for retirement,” The Times-Picayune, March 2, 1982.

Folder   18  —Louisiana Revenues

      “State Studies Revenues Sharing Funds Difficulties,” Advocate, March 12, 1978.

Folder   19  —Lumber Industry

a) “A woods colt through the back door” by Mildred Y. Bruce, Sunday Advocate, July 29, 1979.

b) “Buried Treasures-Sinker Cypress” by Jill Schwartz, Gumbo Magazine, June 1, 1986.

c) “‘Sinker cypress’ fuels backyard mills in Ascension Parish,” Sunday Advocate, Jan. 12, 1997.

d) “Sawmill days revive past” by Willie Prophit, FUN, May 22, 1981.

e) “Turning Dixie Pines into newsprint” Dixie, September 24, 1950.

f) “La. timber industry fights to move ahead,” The Times-Picayune, September 20, 1987.

Folder   20  —Nuclear Power

a) “High energy costs spell trouble in area” by David Simpson, The Times-Picayune, 9-83.

b) “Middle South chief is believer” by David Simpson, The Times-Picayune, 9-11-83.

Folder   21  —Oil Industry

a) “Energy firms don’t win with tax reform bill” by John Hall, The Times-Picayune, 8-17-86.

b) “State’s economic sun sinks into sea of cheap oil,” The Times-Picayune, May 18, 1986.

c) “Adventures in the oil game” by Elizabeth Mullener, Dixie, July 7, 1985.

d) “U.S. Getting Ready for Supertankers” by Edgar Poe, The Times-Picayune, Oct. 20, 1974.

e) “Louisiana oil industry failures have ripple effect,” The Times-Picayune, March 17, 1985.

f) “Water, air quality falls, refinery rises” by Mary R. Heffron, Times-Picayune, May 9, 1982.

g) “Push-button oil field” by David Kleck, Dixie, December 3, 1950.

Folder   22  —Retail Business

a) “N. O. native’s Remington shaver sales soaring,” The Times-Picayune, October 7, 1984.

b) “Downtown square to be auctioned” by Lettice Stuart, Times-Picayune, January 14, 1984.

c) “Neighborhood is coming back” by Angela M. Carll, The Times Picayune, October 17, 1981.

d) “Hurwitz-Mintz and Units Celebrate 60 Years” The Times-Picayune, October 14, 1984.

e) “Godchaux building sold” by Lettice Stuart, The Times-Picayune, January 14, 1984.

f) “Piazza plans souring” by Jeannette Hardy, The States-Item, March 7, 1980.

Folder   23  —River Bend Nuclear Plant

      “River Bend almost ready” Advocate, January 27, 1985.

Folder   24  —Seafood Industries

a) “Shrimpers sweating through summer of Discontent” by Ania Schrodt, The Times-Picayune, June 23, 1974.

b) “Louisiana’s Crawfish industry is developing market around the world,” Times-Picayune, February 9, 1975.

c) “A Paul Bunyan: Lafitte Shrimper is creating a legend,” The Times-Picayune, March 7,1982.

d) “Industry in La. Is Left Without a [Frog] Leg to Stand On,” Times-Picayune, July 6, 1980.

e) “Way of life threatened along with Gulf’s vast bounty,” The Times-Picayune, March 24, 1996.

f) “Sinking Treasures” by Mark Schleifstein, The Times-Picayune, March 26, 1996.

g) “Trawling into Trouble” by John McQuaid, The Times-Picayune, March 28, 1996.

h) “Diversified Farming—The Modern Way [catfish],” Sunday Advocate, October 18, 1985.

i) “Aqua-Culture: fishing for an answer to Louisiana’s economic doldrums” by May Durusau,
Sunday Magazine, April 13, 1986.

j) “Aquaculture could be next boom industry” by Bob Anderson, Sunday Advocate, August 10, 1986. “Work, worry part of catfish farming” Sunday Advocate, August 10, 1986. “Time may be right to expand Louisiana catfish industry” by Bob
Anderson, Sunday Advocate, August 10, 1986.

Folder   25  —Sugar Production

a) “Sugar mill plays vital role in WBR economy” by Charles Hunt, Magazine, October 9, 1994.

b) “On the farm after they’ve raised cane” by Gene Warren, Dixie, November 18, 1979.

c) “Louisiana Sugar Farming” by Milford Fryer, Sunday Advocate, Dec. 19, 1976.

d) “Billeauds Keep Sugar Factory…” by Hilda Welch, Sunday Advocate, December 26, 1976.

e) “The Waldrips of Southdown” by John Pope, The States-Item, Feb. 12, 1976.

f) “State Sugarcane Workers Equated to ‘Legalized Slavery’,” Sunday Advocate, Nov. 26, 1972.

g) “Raising Cane” by Barri Marsh, Dixie, 20, 1981.

Folder   26  —Sulphur Industry

a) “Whence and whither Port Sulphur?” by Terrence P. Smith, Dixie, December 5, 1976.

b) “It just wouldn’t say goodbye” by Terence Smith, Dixie, March 2, 1980.

Folder   27  —Tabasco Production

a) “Old spiced with new keeps sauce sales hot,” The Times-Picayune, August 4, 1985.

b) “Still Sizzlin'” by Mike Montgomery, The Times-Picayune, July 4, 1993.

Folder   28  —Tobacco Industry

a) “La. tobacco:…” by Roberta Rainwater, The Times-Picayune, September 3, 1989.

b) “Perique tobacco output declining”.

c) “Obscure Perique Crop Harvest…” by Charles Zewe, The States-Item, June 23, 1966.

d) “Tabasco tobacco…” by Marjorie Roehl, The States-Item, July 10, 1975.

Folder   29  —Wine Making

a) “Generations of winemaking” by Bob Dardenne, The Daily Star, June 30, 1967. (2 copies)

b) “Berry wine: novelty of Tangipahoa”, photos by Fred Robinson, The Daily Star, 6-30-67.

c) “Star Farmer”, The Daily Star, June 30, 1967.

d) “Tangi’s wine:  almost a brandy”, The Daily Star, April 17, 1968.

e) “My Cup Runneth Over With Strawberry Wine,” Murray Newspapers, April 4, 1973.

f) “The Hospitality…”, The Hammond Vindicator, January 29, 1976.

g) “Muscadine Winery a Mississippi First” by Carolyn Thornton, Dixie, Nov. 4, 1979.

h) “Last Orange Winery Is Closed” by Laurie Hays, The Times-Picayune, Dec. 14, 1980.

i) “From vine to wine” by Sarah Sue Goldsmith, Magazine, October 24, 1993.

BOX   16    

Folder   1  —Gambling

a) “The Slickest Rascal on the Mississippi” by Ray Samuel.

b) “The real issue behind gambling”, The Times-Picayune, February 16, 1986.

c) “Dr. Edwards’ Snake-oil Show”, The Times-Picayune, March 9, 1986.

d) “Atlantic City a ‘pauper’,” The States-Item, April 1, 1986.

e) “Racy Legacy” by Angus Lind, The Times-Picayune, February 10, 1991.

f) “Casino backers changing minds” by Coleman Warner, The Times-Picayune, June 13, 1992.

g) “Business sees gambling pros, cons,” Sunday Advocate, January 24, 1993.

h) “EWE mum on details of gambling” by Doug Myers, The Advocate, April 19, 1994.

i) “What now?” by Brad L.F. Hoeschen, CityBusiness, December 4-10, 1995.

j) “The little casino that couldn’t” by John Maginnis, CityBusiness, December 4-10, 1995.

k) “‘We haven’t seen the end of it'” by Joe Gyan, Jr., Sunday Advocate, 10-13-96.

l) “Lottery,” The Advocate, May 21, 1992.

m) “State Lottery Century Ago…” by John Morris, Morning Advocate, June 7, 1973.

n) “Notorious Financial Plan Recalled” by Rex Laney, Sunday Advocate, September 21, 1969.

o) “Exhibit traces rich heritage…” by Jerry Coffey, Houston Chronicle, October 7, 1990.

p) “Lottery exceeds hopes,” Hammond Sunday Star, September 6, 1992.

q) “Winners low-key on their luck,” The Times-Picayune, September 6, 1992.

r) “Harrah’s grand opening [Harrah’s Casino],” The Times-Picayune, April 30, 1995.

Folder   2  —Politics

a) “Atwill Retires; Mays Moves Up.”

c) A magazine picture of the U.S. Supreme Court Judges from 1943.

d) “Official Polling Places In Parish Are Listed”, August 14.

e) “Qualifications Desired in a Governor of Louisiana,” a comic reproduced from the NewOrleans Item, September 30, 1943.

f) “Union Of Women Voters Adopt Resolution Urging Vincent Moseley To Run For Governor,”
signed by Mrs. George B. Crump, reprint from the Daily World, October 10, 1943.

g) “Qualities For A Governor,” an Editorial, reprinted from New Orleans Item, Oct. 10, 1943.

h) “The Plaquemines Incident,” reprinted from Crowley Daily Signal, October 12, 1943.

i) “Long Announces,” October 28, 1943.

j) “The Evolution of the Suffrage” by James K. Pollock.

k) “Katie [Wainwright, Rep in District 73.” (campaign paper)

l) “A trailblazer leaves state office [Mary Landrieu],” The Times-Picayune, January 7, 1996.

m) “GOP, blacks may be keys to La. tax reforms,” The Times-Picayune, August 14, 1988.

n) “Reform: La. tax plan is more like a revolution,” The Times-Picayune, September 4, 1988.

o) “Louisiana revenue could rise nearly $500 million,” Sunday Advocate, April 2, 1989.

p) “Two viewpoints on Roemer tax plan,” Sunday Advocate, April 2, 1989.

q) “Other things in Roemer plan” The Times-Picayune, April 16, 1989.

r) “Lobbing the ball into their court,” Sunday Advocate, March 25, 1990.

s) “Right about what we signal others” Morning Advocate, September 5, 1985.

t) “Teflon insulates governor [Foster]” by Carl Redman, Sunday Advocate, March 29, 1998.

u) “Roemer for governor” Times Picayune, October 8, 1995.

Folder   3  —Politics Continued

a) “The Next Generation” by Cynthia Campbell, Magazine, July 9, 1989.

b) “The Historical Perspective…” by Mark Carleton, Morning Advocate, November 28, 1975.

c) Picture of Joseph A. Shakespeare form Dixie.

d) “Public construction big political business” by Ellen Findley, Sunday Advocate, April 1980.

e) “New Orleans good government…” by Ira Rosenzweig, The Times-Picayune, Aug. 2, 1982.

f) “With Lively GOP,…” by James Gillis, The Times-Picayune, March 1, 1980.

g) “Orleans Legacy” by Allan Katz, The Times-Picayune, July 6, 1980.

h) “Not anything to continue making…,” Morning Advocate, Nov. 2, 1979.

i) “Voting habits of solid South traced” by Pie Dufour, Times-Picayune, November 25, 1964.

j) “State GOP out of power since 1877” by Pie Dufour, The Times-Picayune, January 30, 1972.

k) “‘Different kind of race in 6th Congressional District,” Times-Picayune, September 7, 1986.

l) “Louisiana Lottery celebrates birthday, releases totals” The Lion’s Roar, September 16, 1993.

m) “Government by order and pressure” The Times-Picayune, 1962.

n) “PAR Director Forecasts Close Gubernatorial Race,” Morning Advocate, November 20, 1971.

o) Senator Johnston for Governor, 1972. (Campaign Pamphlet)

p) “Complete text of Gov. Buddy Roemer’s inaugural address,” Morning Advocate, March 15, 1988.

q) “Roemer regrets mis-perceptions of consul’s visit,” The Times-Picayune, May 2, 1991.

r) “Roemer leaves positive legacy,” Sunday Advocate, January 12, 1992.

s) “A stunning departure announcement from Edwards,” The Times-Picayune, June 8, 1994.

t) “A swan song that’s believable” by James Gill, The Times-Picayune, June 8, 1994.

u) “The government’s case against Edwin Edwards,” The Times-Picayune, November 8, 1998.

“When you lack the bonds of trust [President Clinton]” by David Broder, Times-Picayune, September 15, 1994.

w) “What the crystal ball foresees about the third term” by Allan Katz, The Times-Picayune, October 13, 1985.

Folder   4  —Elections

a) “Majority of Next La. House Members Are Newcomers,” Morning Advocate, Feb. 3, 1972.

b) “Candidates prime for election” by Mark Mathes, Daily Star, November 4, 1974.

c) “Anderson Fairy Tales”, booklet from the 1979 election.

d) “Fitzmorris: Irish Channel Campaigner,” Morning Advocate, January 29, 1979.

e) “Paul Hardy—He’s Used to Winning” by Don Buchanan, Morning Advocate, Jan. 31, 1979.

f) “‘Bubba’ Henry—A Touch of Country,” Morning Advocate, February 1, 1979.

g) “Louis Lambert–24 Years of Politics,” Morning Advocate, February 3, 1979.

h) “Troubled Louisiana Elections Recalled,” The States-Item, July 21, 1979.

i) “Fitzmorris has image of ‘nice guy,’…” by Allan Katz, The States-Item, September 10, 1979.

j) “Paul Hardy is third in the polls,…” by Fen Montaigne, The States-Item, September 12, 1979.

k) “Henry may be most qualified candidate,…,” The States-Item, September 14, 1979.

l) “Lambert springs from PSC” by Jack Wardlaw, The States-Item, September 17, 1979.

m) “Mouton’s legislative record his biggest asset…and problem” States-Item, Sept. 19, 1979.

n) “Big problem facing Treen is broadening GOP base” The States-Item, September 21, 1979.

o) “Edwards, Layrisson square off,” The Democratic Voice, August 27, 1983.

p) “Boggs is running” by Iris Kelso, The States-Item, January 19, 1984.

q) “Canal bottoms as an election issues” by James Gill, The Times-Picayune, Feb. 16, 1986.

r) “A push for Long” by Jack Wardlaw, The Times-Picayune, February 16, 1986.

s) “Election ’87 a voter’s guide”, Hammond Sunday Star and Shopping Guide, Oct. 18, 1987.

t) “Roemer grabs top spot,” The Times-Picayune, October 25, 1987.

u) “Louisiana Gubernatorial Races Are Big Business,” Sunday Advocate, October 22, 1978.

v) “Some Didn’t Want Them to Vote” by Bill Holtman, Sunday Advocate, April 24, 1966.

w) “The basics of elections in Louisiana” by Milford Fryer, Sunday Advocate, October 9, 1994.

x) “Let’s Put the Agony Back,” n. d. (about election returns)

Folder   5  —Louisiana Governors

a) “Claiborne traveled rocky road through life” by Marjorie Roehl.

b) “Lives of Past Governors as Diverse as State’s History,” 1964 Inauguration Section.

c) “Past Governors Vary Greatly” by Hugh A. Mulligan.

d) “Governors were vastly different”, The Times-Picayune, May 1, 1983.

e) “Gov. Sam Jones’ Officials Face Disgrace and Prison”, The Farmer’s Friend, May, 1942.

Folder   6  —Nixon Presidency

a) “Ford vows Leadership for Troubled Country” States Item, August 9, 1974.

b) “The changing of the Guard” Morning Advocate, August 10, 1974.

c) “Ford Promises Policy of Honesty” by Saul Pett, Morning Advocate, August 10, 1974.

d) “Ford Now President” by Helen Thomas, Morning Advocate, August 10, 1974.

e) “Nixon’s Farewell Address at White House Friday” Morning Advocate, August 10, 1974.

f) “Nixon Resigns” by Helen Thomas, Morning Advocate, August 9, 1974.

g) “Fresh Portrait Drawn of Nixon” by Saul Pett, Advocate, January 14, 1973.

h) “Obsolescence in Analysis—Plague of Our Foreign Policy,” Morning Advocate, April 21, 1975.

Folder   7  —Republican Convention

a) “The GOP: Will New Gains Snowball” by Deidre Cruse, Advocate, March 13, 1978.

b) “The non-conversion of Democrat Buddy Roemer,” The Times-Picayune, August 19, 1988.

c) “Poll: Dole would defeat Dukakis,” The Times-Picayune, August 16, 1988.

d) “Quayle gets his first media roasting” by Alex Martin, August 18, 1988.

e) “Convention boost helps to give Bush slight lead in polls,” Times-Picayune, August 19, 1988.

f) “It’s official: Bush wears GOP crown” by John McQuaid, Times-Picayune, August 18, 1988.

g) “Quayle picked for second spot” by John McQuaid, The Times-Picayune, August 17, 1988.

h) “Reagan: Bush had major role” by Mark Schleifstein, The Times-Picayune, August 16, 1988.

i) “Reagan prepares to pass torch” by Christopher Rose, The Times-Picayune, August 15, 1988.

j) “Prideful look back at city’s most smashing success,” The Times-Picayune, August 21, 1988.

k) “A week to remember” The Times-Picayune, August 20, 1988.

l) “‘Ladies in red’ run on Riverfront today” by Bruce Eggler, Times-Picayune, August 14, 1988.

m) “Conventions aren’t what they used to be,” The Times-Picayune, August 14, 1988.

n) “What Reagan has wrought” by James O’Byrne, The Times-Picayune, August 15, 1988.

o) “Campaign may turn onto low road” by James O’Byrne, Times-Picayune, August 17, 1988.

p) “Barbara Bush: She’s a stand-by-your-man woman, ready to be first lady” by Christopher
Rose, The Times-Picayune, August 14, 1988.

q) “Bush ends tour of L.A. with promise,” The Times-Picayune, May 9, 1992.

Folder   8  —Republican Convention

a) “It’s N. O. in 1988, GOP say’s” by Susan Feeney, The Times-Picayune, January 21, 1987.

b) “Limelight: State GOP gets shot at center stage,” The Times-Picayune, January 21, 1987.

c) “The Grand Old Party’s choice,” n. d.

d) “Governor’s race from a Republican perspective,” The Times-Picayune, January 21, 1987.

Folder   9  —Marshlands

a) “The Lost World of Forest Robert” by Bob Marshall, Dixie, February 16, 1986.

b) “Industry tied to marshes” by Bob Anderson, Morning Advocate, May 19, 1986.

c) “River diversion projects hope to slow marsh erosion,” Sunday Advocate, March 25, 1990.

Folder   10  —Swamps

a) “Shoring up” by Jua Hutcheson, The Times-Picayune, February 15, 1981.

b) “Louisiana is known for swamps;…” by Barbara Nielson.

c) “Swamping with Bayou Annie” by John Jones, The States-Item, October 27, 1980.

d) “Lafitte Girl’s First Pair of Shoes Used For ‘Dancing The Shrimp'” by Tom Frazer,
The Times-Picayune, October 19, 1980.

e)  “He’s Trapped” by Hank Lauricella Jr., The Times-Picayune, February 22, 1981.

f) “Into the Swamps” by Kate Alexander, Lagniappe, May 31, 1991.

Folder   11  —Atchafalaya Swamps

a) “The Atchafalaya Basin War: Texas will take our land and water if we don’t watch
out” by Bill Rushton, Courier, April 17-23, 1975.

b) “An Atchafalaya update: The final battle draws near,” The Times-Picayune, July 1, 1981.

Folder   12  —Wetlands

a) “Poverty strikes deep at the heart of dying Delta,” The Times-Picayune, October 17, 1989.

b) “Destructive Legacy” by Mark Schleifstein and James O’Byrne, The Times-Picayune, 7-8-91.

c) “Disappearing barrier islands and marsh pave way for disaster” State Times, May 19, 1986.

d) “Experts agree wetlands solution must begin soon,” Morning Advocate, May 22, 1986.

e) “Battle against erosion begins with marsh protection project,” States-Item, January 27, 1986.

f) “La. loses 40 square miles along coastline annually,” Morning Advocate, August 16, 1982.

g) “Gulf’s bounty not inexhaustible” by Bob Anderson, Morning Advocate, August 19, 1986.

h) “Barrier islands along coast soon will be gone,” Morning Advocate, August 17, 1982.

i) “Shortcut to Gulf sells marshland down the river,” The Times-Picayune, August 22, 1988.

j) “The Battle Begins,” The Times-Picayune, July 9, 1991.

k) “U.S. wetlands rules may hurt La. farms,” The Times-Picayune, April 10, 1990.

l) “Empires of land built on ‘worthless’ marsh,” The Times-Picayune, May 8, 1983.

Folder   13  —Wildlife & Fisheries

a) “Long Weekend in the Swamp” by Jeff Krupsaw, Dixie, June 6, 1982.

b) “Outdoor Louisiana,” Sunday Advocate, September 19, 1982.

c) “Sanctuary” by Fran Marcus, Dixie, February 19, 1984.

Animals of Louisiana

Folder   14  —Alligators

a) “Farmers net big aquaculture crop” The Times-Picayune, n. d.

b) “Raising gators is gold in Golden Meadow,” The Times-Picayune, August 16, 1988.

c) “A turtle and gator man” by Charlie Chapple, Dixie, August 22, 1982.

d) “Chilly Day for the Gator Man” by Mike Farley, Sunday Advocate, November 2, 1975.

e) “Up to What in Alligators?” Morning Advocate, June 8, 1974.

f) “St. Charles gator farm proposed” by Ron Thibodeaux, The Times-Picayune, May 10, 1990.

g) “Gator Lady: Dena Schulte wades into her studies,” Sunday Magazine, November 16, 1986.

h) “Gators” Morning Advocate, September 19, 1985.

Folder   15  —Armadillos

      “All about Armadillos” by Yvonne Lewis Day, Sunday Magazine, January 17, 1982.

Folder   16  —Bald Eagles

      “The Eagle Man” by Fen Montaigne, Dixie, March 28, 1982.

Folder   17  —Catahoula Leopard

a) “Panel ‘Barks’ Approval Of Catahoula Cur Bill,” The State-Times, June 5, 1979.

b) “Catahoula Leopard Dog—it may be ugly, but…” by Jack Wardlaw, The States-Item.

c) “Catahoula Leopard Dog” by Larry Michaud.

d) “Catahoula is top dog in many roles” by Tom Frazer, The Times-Picayune, May 30, 1982.

Folder   18  —Horses

a) “Breeding Louisiana Racers” by Jo Ann Mazoue, Dixie, February 12, 1967.

b) “Profile of a Fair Grounds Fixture” by Angus Lind, Lagniappe, Dec. 5, 1975.

Folder   19  —Minks

      “A New Business for Louisiana” by Leroy Willie, Sunday Advocate, Dec. 12, 1965.

Folder   20  —Mosquitoes/Roaches

a) “Mosquitoes on the move,” The Times-Picayune, November 28, 1989.

b) “Roachbusters,” The States-Item, April 9, 1985.

Folder   21  —Pelicans

a) “Hatchet Face on a rubber stamp”.

b) “Pesticide ‘Homicide’?…” by Bill Winn, Courier, July 24- July 30, 1975.

c) “He’s Official Now” Sunday Advocate, July 31, 1966.

d) “Return of the brown pelican” by Fran Marcus, Dixie, August 19, 1984.

Folder   22  —Nutria

a) “Nutria:  A Million-Dollar Outlaw,” Dixie, January 28, 1979.

b) “Nutria gnawing holes…” by James O’Byrne, The Times-Picayune, January 28, 1990.

Folder   23  —Ostriches

      “Ostrich farming” by Kimberly Brown, Magazine, January 28, 1990.

Folder   24  —Quail

      “Finding–Ku-weet!–the talking quail,” The States-Item, January 19, 1983.

Folder   25  —Tarpon

      “Courting the silver kings” by Ronnie Virgets, Dixie, October 6, 1985.

Folder   26  —Turtles

      “South Louisiana Is Popular Region for Turtle Farming,” Sunday Advocate, October 11, 1964.

Folder   27  —Health and Hospital

a) “Rabies shows itself mentally, physically,” The Daily Star, June 30, 1967.

b) “Charity Hospital: still a survivor after 250 years,” The Times-Picayune, July 13, 1986.

c) “Ocshner Clinic is forty!,” OCSHNER’S SUPPLEMENT.


Folder   28  —Bowie Knife

a) “Historical Bowie Knife is traced to Baton Rouge,” Sunday Advocate, February 15, 1976.

b) “The Bowie Knife and the Sandbar” by Larry Bartlett, Dixie, February 15, 1976.

Folder   29  —Atomic Bomb

      “Pilot harbors no doubts over value of bomb,” The Times-Picayune, August 4, 1985.

BOX   17    

Folder   1  —History

a) “Southern History in Fresco,” Dixie, April 11, 1954.

b) “Seal of Louisiana Has Known Many Forms Over the Years” by Rex Laney, Sunday Advocate, September 17, 1961.

c) “6 Types of Colonial Coin Circulated in Louisiana,” Sunday Advocate, September 24, 1978.

d) “Union, Justice, Confidence: For Those I Love,” Sunday Advocate, July 8, 1979.

e) “Utopian experiment [New Llano]” by Kathleen Mulvihill, The States-Item, Sept. 9, 1981.

f) “Conquest of yellow fever made N. O. possible”, The States-Item, June 6, 1977.

g) “New Orleans endures turbulent century” by John Wilds, The States-Item, June 6, 1977.

h) “Purchase papers bring history to life” by Sharon Litwin, The Times-Picayune, May 27, 1984.

i) “Galvez, Pollock Aided Revolution” by Pie Dufour, The Times-Picayune, October 5, 1975.

j) “As battles raged, Louisiana offered kindness to POWs,” Times-Picayune, February 5, 1984.

k) “Louisiana’s POWs” by Melinda Shelton, Sunday Advocate, December 25, 1983.

Folder   2  —Archives in the State

a) “La. Records Should be saved [State Archives]” Sunday Advocate, August 31, 1975.

b) “Drab, Unlikely Structure Serves as State Archives Building,” Sunday Advocate, Dec. 4, 1977.

c) “Archival preservation gains momentum [state archives],” Sunday Advocate, Sept. 16, 1979.

d) “Microfilm Program Saving State Money [State Archives],” n. d.

e) “Groundbreaking for state archives” Sunday Magazine, October 14, 1984.

f) Louisiana’s history being carved in stone [state archives], Magazine, Sept. 22, 1985

g) “Collection of Records Available Here [Morman Library],” Sunday Advocate, Nov. 20, 1966.

h) “LSU Archive Department Described as Lifeblood of History,” Sunday Advocate, May 8, 1977.

i) “Models of four Riverboats Given to Archives at LSU” Sunday Advocate, February 23, 1969.

j) “Library archives full of surprises [New Orleans Public Library]” by Michael Perlstein,
The Times-Picayune, July 28, 1985.

k) “Budget cuts bring about National Archives changes” by Damon Veach, n. d.

l) “Valued Manuscripts Received by Tulane,” The Times-Picayune, February 19, 1967.

m) “Angel in the House Donates Rare Collection to Tulane,” Times-Picayune, Dec. 11, 1966.

n) “Tulane library sorts and stores history” by Rose Kahn, The States-Item, June 12, 1975.

o) “Centuries of history in archives [Archives of the St. Louis Cathedral]” by Rose
Kahn, The States-Item, June 13, 1975.

p) “Archives’ Purpose: To Collect and Preserve Florida Parishes History [Southeastern
Louisiana University Archives]” by Michael Dragna, The Lion’s Roar, October 28, 1976.

q) “Louisiana History From the Archives of Spain,” Dixie, February 4, 1962.

Folder   3  —Historic New Orleans Collection

a) “Energetic plan continue at Historic New Orleans Collection,” States-Item, August 23, 1970.

b) “New Orleans Collection–an fine tour for shopper, visitor,” States-Item, November 12, 1982.

c) “Putting the past in its place” by Bruce Eggler, The Times-Picayune, April 7, 1991.

d) “N. O. history unit dismisses director,” The States-Item, January 13.

e) “Pitchman for the past” by Gregory Roberts and Mimi Read, Dixie, July 24, 1983.

Folder   4  —American Historical Association

      “Historians to come for Annual Meeting” by Pie Dufour, The Times-Picayune, April 11, 1971.

Folder   5  —Historical Societies of Louisiana

a) “Louisiana Historical Society—Recording Yesterday For Tomorrow,” Dixie, Oct. 18, 1970.

b) “La. Historical Quarterly appears after a decade” by Pie DuFour, States-Item, April 29, 1971.

c) “Louisiana’s Great Historical Wealth [Foundation for Historical Louisiana],” photos
by Gary Hunter, Morning Advocate, May 15, 1978.

d) “Foundation Headquarters has interesting history correlated with Baton Rouge [Foundation
for Historical Louisiana]” by Dottye Varnado, Sunday Advocate, March 6, 1966.

e) “Historical society fetes ‘contributors’, [Southeast Louisiana Historical Assoc.]”
July 1, 1979.

f) “Historians will take a look at La. [Louisiana Historical Association]” by St.
Tammany Bureau, The States-Item, 3-24-83.

g) “Louisiana Records Its Past [National Register of Historic Places]” by William
R. Brockway.

h) “Louisiana Landmarks Society Celebrating Its 25th Year,” Times-Picayune, October 20, 1974.

Folder   6  —Southern Historical Association Meetings

a) “Historian Says Klan in ’20s Was Mainly Social Force,” Arkansas Gazette, 11/ 13/64.

b) “Silver on Mississippi: On Balance, Optimism” by Patrick J. Owens, n. d.

c) “Historians take a second look, At Populism and seeds of reaction” by Roy Reed,
n. d.

d) “Tenates’ Union from state prodded New Deal to left, Professor Says,” Arkansas Gazette.

Folder   7  —Parish and Local History

a) “Turning over a new leaf [St. James Parish],” The Times-Picayune, Feb. 15, 1976.

b) “A Treasure Worth Saving [Washington Parish],” Sunday Advocate, Oct. 9, 1977.

c) “Historic Iberville” by Claire Puneky, The Times-Picayune, November 27, 1977.

Folder   8  —Preservation

a) “Interior sets new preservation agenda” by Carleton Knight, III, Preservation News, 11-81.

b) “View of the New-Orleans,” Preservation News, July 1981.

c) “Restoration,” Morning Advocate, October 1, 1986.

d) “Wainwright rededicated as state office complex,” Preservation News, August 1981.

e) “A National Planning Policy” by William Brockway, Sunday Advocate, 6-17-73.

f) “Landmarks, Anyone” by William Brockway.

g) “Council regulations disapproved,” Preservation News, May 1982.

h) “Preservation ups and downs in San Diego,” Preservation News, April 1979.

i) “Energy:…” Preservation News, June 1979.

Folder   9  —Preservation

a) “HUD clarifies preservation stance,” Preservation News, January 1979.

b) “Interior announces grants of $41.5 million” by Ashton Nichols, Preservation News, 1-78.

c) “Restore, Not Destroy, is Biddle Slogan” by Meryle Secrest, The Washington Post, 5-68.

d) “West India House saved” by Carleton Knight, III, Preservation News, December 1980.

e) “Living in a landmark” by W.R. Brockway.

f) “Heavy rain hits North Louisiana,” Morning Advocate, May 5, 1979.

g) “Big, Alone, and Doomed” by Marjorie Roehl, The States-Item, August 30, 1980.

h) “19th century home is restored” by Jerry Wallace, Sunday Advocate, Aug. 31, 1980.

i) “Preservation briefs” by William Brockway.

j) “Ainslie to succeed Biddle as new Trust president,” Preservation News, April 1980.

k) “Trust rescues Tor House,” Preservation News, April 1978.

l) “Bywater Tour,” The Times-Picayune, March 12, 1978.

Folder   10  —Preservation

a) “Mobile prepares for Trust annual meeting,” Preservation News, July 1977.

b) “Three towns chosen for Main Street project,” Preservation News, June 1977.

c) “Julia St. Discovery” by Monroe Labouisse, Jr., Preservation News, December 1976.

d) “Preservation tax regulations debated,” Preservation News, May 1977.

e) “Preservation hierarchy” by William Brockway, Baton Rouge Advocate, August 10, 1980.

f) “Barstow Harvey House Threatened” by Tom Donia, Preservation News, Dec. 1976.

g) “National Trust Develops New Services for Teachers,” Preservation Education, Oct. 1976.

Folder   11  —Historical Preservation

a) “Neighborhood Clout” by Frank L. Schneider, The Times-Picayune, April 3, 1977.

b) “Tools for Preservation” The Times-Picayune, December 19, 1976.

c) “Aime Family Portraits Recall Past Plantation Glory,” The Times-Picayune, May 11, 1975.

d) “Madame John’s Is Alive” by George E. Jordon, The Times-Picayune, May 11, 1975.

e) “Author Discusses Collecting Photos” The Times-Picayune, May 11, 1975.

f) “New Orleans’ Preserving Its Proud Old Traditions” by Neil Morgan, Advocate, June 5, 1975.

g) “Miss Rita Roger’s Legacy Is Threatened by an Overpass,” Times-Picayune, August 3, 1975.

h) “Historical Preservation is Encouraged,” Morning Advocate, March 8, 1975.

i) “Preservation Is Matter of Eternal Vigilance,” The Times-Picayune, March 9, 1975.

j) “Mute Testimony to Past Glory” by Jim Featherston, Advocate, March 9, 1975.

k) “Early New Orleans Restoration” by Pat Phillips, Dixie, April 9, 1972.

l) “At Gettysburg: A Fight to Hold Ground” Morning Advocate, May 2, 1972.

m) “Still Useful Architecture” by William E. Brockway,” Advocate, May 7, 1972.

n) “Rosebank is Listed on National Register,” Advocate, May 27, 1973.

o) “1830’s Restoration Joins Progress at Old Corner,” The Times-Picayune, 1/ 13/74.

p) “Ft. Polk in 33rd Birthday Now Trainer of New’ GI,” The Times-Picayune, January 13, 1974.

q) “Priest Returns to New Orleans,” The Times-Picayune, January 13, 1974.

r) “Many Historic Residences Are Unmarked, Go Unnoticed,” Times-Picayune, Jan. 13, 1974.

s) “Seven Oaks’ in Westwego is on Path to Disintegration,” Times-Picayune, April 14, 1974.

t) “New Dimension For Magazine St.” by Frank L. Schneider, Times-Picayune, May 26, 1974.

u) “Southdown Plantation Named to List Of Historical Places,” n. d.

v) “Planning for 2000: Part IV: The Outer Action areas,” The States-Items, July 15, 1974.

w) “Moratorium and the mayor,” Advocate, April 25, 1974.

x) “Savannah Leader Urges Baton Rouge to Save Buildings,” Morning Advocate, Oct. 11, 1972

y) “Neglect of Old State Capitol Said Resulting in Mounting Damage List” Morning Advocate, November 16, 1972.

z) “146-Year-Old Plantation Home Restored In Authentic Detail” by Jariel Gilmer, Natchitoches Times, February 8, 1973.

aa) “DuPepe Named By Edwards to Museum Board” Morning Advocate, January 16, 1973.

bb) “Building for 2000: Part III: Development frontier,” The States-Items, July 12, 1974.

cc) “Landmarks In America,” The Times-Picayune, October 27, 1974.

dd) “Planning for 2000: Part V: Implementing the Plan,” The States-Items, July 16, 1974.

ee) “Preservation: Weather, age taking toll on Creole cottages of Grand Isle” by John
Pope, The States-Items, November 6, 1974.

ff) Preservation News, National Trust for Historic Preservation, November 1983.

gg) “The passing of a gentle champion” by Pie Dufour’s, December 12, 1974.

hh) “A Penny a Brick” by Claudia L. Clement, Dixie, December 15, 1974.

ii) “An art carried on” by Jim Amoss, The States-Items, February 11, 1976.

jj) “For Marigny’s Old Washington Square, It’s a New Day,” Times-Picayune, March 14, 1976.

kk) “Outside eyes turn to CBD demolition,” States-Items, April 23, 1974.

ll) “Zeroing in on the key downtown area” by Jack Davis, The States-Items, July 11, 1974.

mm) “Planning for 2000” by Jack Davis, The States-Items, July 10, 1974.

nn) “Land Use Storm Clouds Are Gathering in Area—Krebs,” n. d.

oo) “New View Opens In Square Area,” n. d.

pp) “Save Avenue Profile, Group Demands,” The Times-Picayune, May 5, 1974.

Folder   12  Preservation News

a) “President signs GSA property act,” Preservation News, Vol. XII, September 1972.

b) “Kennedy Bill May Preserve Nantucket,” Preservation News, Vol. XII, October 1972.

c) “Interior announces grants,” Preservation News, Vol. XII, November 1972.

d) “National Trust Presents Annual Awards,” Preservation News, Vol. XIII, June 1973.

e) “Urban Pioneers-A Story of Restoration in the Inner City,” Preservation News, Vol. XIII, July 1973.

f) “Texas students restore building,” Preservation News, Vol. XV, February 1975.

g) “Hartford Group Saves Past,” Preservation News, Vol. XV, September 1975.

Folder   13  —Atchafalaya River

a) “Atchafalaya Parish” by Sally T. Kuzenski, Dixie, October 26, 1980.

b) “A look into what’s going on…” by Donald G. Schueler, Morning Advocate, April 9, 1975.

c) “Primitive Mystery” by J. E. Uhler Jr., Morning Advocate, September 7, 1953.

d) “Atchafalaya Basin’s Future rests with U.S. Engineers,” Morning Advocate, April 11, 1975.

e) “Afternoon scene continues in the Atchafalaya Basin,” Morning Advocate, April 10, 1975.

f) “Atchafalaya Report” (Pamphlet)

g) “Changing the Crawfish Industry” by Patricia Herbert, Sunday Advocate, June 5, 1977.

Folder   14  —Boats

a) “Nuclear Ship Savannah Calls To Mind Other Maritime ‘Firsts'” by Pie DuFour, May
14, 1964.

b) “Shrimping for Gold” by Tim Belehrad, Sunday Magazine, April 19, 1981.

c) “Handmade Boats” by Chere Coen, FUN, November 14, 1997.

d) “Replica’s old glory fading fast [The Le Pelican Ship],” The Times-Picayune, October 4, 1996.


d) “Paddlewheel Stops,” The Times-Picayune, March 16, 1986.

e) “Pioneers made a journey into the history of travel,” The Times-Picayune, Sept. 30, 1984.

f) “Steamboats ’round the stairway,” November 16, 1947.

g) “For Steamboat Buffs Everywhere,” Sunday Advocate, December 21, 1969.

h) “Escape to the Steamboat Era” by Dolores Blalock, Sunday Advocate, March 11, 1971.

i) “The Natchez will sail again” by Bert Hyde, The States-Item, Feb. 28, 1975.

j) “The Race of the Giants” by Ray Samuel, Dixie, June 29, 1952.

k) “The Queen of the Mighty Mississippi” by Don Hughes, Times-Picayune, February 11, 1979.

l) “Queen and her port” by Dawn Ruth.

m) “Take a bite on a Mississippi riverboat” by John DeMers, Advocate, Nov. 12, 1982.


n) “Delta Dugouts.”


o) “New kidd on the Block” by Ben Brown, Sunday Magazine, August 28, 1963.

Folder   15  —Louisiana Interstates

      “Dips’ take a ‘dive’ with I-55 opening,” The Morning Sun, May 27, 1979.

Folder   16  —Mississippi River

a) “Rolling on the river,” Morning Advocate, November 15, 1979.

b) “Mississippi master” by Joan Kent, The States-Item, May 22, 1980.

c) “Mark Twain, Mike Fink and me” by Gwen Carpenter, Sunday Advocate, March 23, 1980.

d) “Red Stick on the River” by Mary Sternberg, The Times-Picayune, Sept. 9, 1979.

e) “Viewing ‘Goodbye Louisiana’ should be a must…,” The Times-Picayune, November 28, 1982.

f) “Ol’ Man River” by Ward Sinclair, Sunday Magazine, January 2, 1983.

g) “Life on the Mississippi” by Mimi Read, The Times-Picayune, Oct. 26, 1986.

h) “Out on the edge of nowhere” by Alex Martin, Dixie, January 30, 1983.

i) “River water in his veins” by Anne Hamilton, Sunday Magazine, August 14, 1983.

j) “Drive down the Mississippi,” Dixie, July 22, 1951.

k) “Where you love to dip your feet in the mud,” Sunday Magazine, October 9, 1983.

l) “Mississippi diverted into Pontchartrain,” Hammond Vindicator, May 25, 1983.

m) “Accurate River Stage Data…” by Bob Anderson, Morning Advocate, April 30, 1979.

n) “Everything changes—but the river” by Lucien Salvant, Clarion Herald, February 15, 1968.

Folder   17  —Mississippi River

a) “Vista of a challenging river” by Grover Brinkman, Sunday Advocate, September 4, 1977.

b) “Of open space and the river” by John DeMers, Sunday Magazine, May 11, 1975.

c) “Return to River” by Frank Schneider, The Times-Picayune, July 6, 1975.

d) “Up a lazy river…” by Freda Yarbrough, Sunday Advocate, May 6, 1973.

e) “Impossible tasks make corps a villain” by Sid Moody, The States-Item, Nov. 7, 1983.

f) “Linking Louisiana” by Cynthia Campbell, Magazine, October 4, 1992.

g) “Father of waters in near dotage” by The Associated Press.

h) “Rollin’ down the River Road,” Adventure Road, May/June 1985.

i) “…And 1927 Comes Back to Mind in Spring of ’73,” Sunday Advocate, April 15, 1973.

Folder   18  —Mississippi River Bridge

a) “Sun to help close bridge’s final gap” by Bruce Nolan, The Times-Picayune, August 12, 1984.

b) “A Bridge at the Last” The Times-Picayune, September 30, 1988.

c) “New bridge will zip St. Charles into new era,” The Times-Picayune, October 2, 1983.

Folder   19  —Mississippi River Pilots

a) “River pilots live in a world apart” by Nan Powers, The Times-Picayune, August 14, 1988.

b) “Rulers of the River” by Gregory Roberts, Dixie, December 13, 1981.

c) “Mississippi River pilots are a special breed,” The Times-Picayune, March 15, 1986.

d) “Bissos keep enterprises afloat, in the family,” The Times-Picayune, August 5, 1990.

Folder   20  —Streetcars

      “Uptown: mansions and streetcars” by Angela Carll, The Times-Picayune, October 8, 1989.

Folder   21  —Trains

a) “Centennial of Illinois…” by Bill Allen, May 25, 1951.

b) “A Mississippi train steams into the past” by Renee Peck, The Times-Picayune, August 1984.

BOX   18 

Folder   1  —Travel and Tourism

a) Vacation Review Quiz, TIME, September-October, 1965.

b) “Road, Bridge Contracts on I-10 Will Break Atchafalaya Barrier,” Morning Advocate, April 29, 1970.

c) “City seeks road to join highways” by Mike Dianda, Sunday Star, May 27, 1979.

d) “Picking a Park,” Morning Advocate, July 6, 1979.

e) “Airline Observes 50th Anniversary,” Sunday Advocate, June 17, 1979.

f) “Two can have week’s luxury for $1000” by Denise M. Topolnicki, 1984.

g) “Weekenders choose their corners” by Millie Ball, The Times-Picayune, June 9, 1985.

h) “Lagniappe Tours” by Annabelle Armstrong, Sunday Advocate, September 1, 1985.

i) “Tolls and raised highways,” The States-Item, March 27, 1986.

j) “Bringing home a taste of history” by Hope Snell, Gumbo Magazine, November 2, 1986.

k) “London” by Vincent Randazzo, The Times-Picayune, November 23, 1986.

l) “Off the beaten path,” The Times-Picayune, June 9, 1991.

m) “Paris on a shoestring? Oui!.”

n) “Plan ahead to get the most for your money in Europe,” Magazine, May 7, 1995.

o) “Multi-Use Business Parks: The Move is On,” The Times-Picayune, September 15, 1985.

p) “Mississippi’s Johnson Park…” by Vincent Randazzo.

q) “Stake a claim to a state park” by Tim Belehard, FUN, May 15, 1981.

r) “They’re Only a Gas Tank Away” by Dawson Corley, Sunday Advocate, June 1979.

s) “Going Somewhere This Weekend?” by Cleo Joffrion, FUN, May 25, 1979.

t) “On the Trail of the Lonesome Louisiana Relic Roads,” Dixie, May 22, 1977.

u) “Horse and Buggy Bridges” by Polly Morris, The Banner, August 25, 1974. (2 copies)

v) “River Road Reverie” by Stella Pitts, Dixie, July 22, 1973.

w) “Louisiana Lagniappe,” New Orleans, August.

Folder   2  —Tourism

a) “Discover another New Orleans,” Lagniappe, August 19, 1988.

b) “A walk through the Quarter” by Cynthia Campbell, Magazine, Oct. 20, 1991.

c) “Aquarium of the Americas” by Cynthia Campbell, Magazine, September 9, 1990.

d) “Tourist & Convention Commission of Greater New Orleans,” The Times-Picayune, 8-82.

e) “Tourism:  Carnival to Camellias, good year expected” The Times-Picayune, Jan. 29, 1989.

f) “If Hubby Is the Handy Type” by Pat Phillips, Dixie, April 24, 1966.

g) “Birds Will Be ‘On the Wing’ Here During U.S. Badminton Tourney,” March 30, 1965.

h) “The Longest Ride” by Ralph Stein, THIS WEEK Magazine, April 24, 1966.

i) “Louisiana Plantation Subject of New Book” by Pie Dufour.

j) “Louisiana’s Natural Bounty” by Loree Hortman, Sunday Advocate, May 15, 1966.

k) “Streetcar to Sell La. Tourism” by Martha Wilson, Advocate, Feb. 13, 1966.

l) “A Wing for Blue Rose” by Gil Webre, Dixie, April 24, 1966.

m) “Tourist Attraction Opens Saturday” Sunday Advocate, February 26, 1967.

n) “Baton Rouge Historical Foundation Sets Tour Series in April” by Muriel Kolb, Sunday Advocate, April 2, 1967.

o) “Six-Day Home Town Vacation Outlined” by Pie Dufour, Times-Picayune, May 21, 1967.

p) “How to turn a weekend into an extra vacation,” The States-Item, July 12, 1966.

q) “Best Real Estate Story Here Told on Tour Bus,” The Times-Picayune, December 16, 1973.

r) “Act Like a Tourist in Your Own Hometown” by Frank Gagnard, Lagniappe, July 28, 1989.

s) “Sunday Cruise–on the Lower Coast.”

t) “New swamp tour gives alligators…” by Jim Kleinpeter, The Times-Picayune, June 16, 1985.

u) “What a way to go to school” by Jeff  Cowart, Sunday Advocate, May 5, 1974.

v) “First Faubourg Marigny Tour Has Six Attractions,” The Times-Picayune, April 21, 1974.

w) “Thibodaux Is Start For Bayou Vacation.”

Folder   3  —Tourism

a) “Publications Help Visitors See the State,” Richmond Times-Dispatch, May 18, 1975.

b) “Cottages, Mansions, Swamps Are Bayou Country Attractions” by Stella Pitts, The Times-Picayune, May 25, 1975.

c) “History on the slats, or Bed and Breakfast” by Gus Cranow, FUN, April 24, 1981.

d) “Place for Countryside Tour is Lake Maurepas Region,” Times-Picayune, January 30, 1977.

e) “Black Creek” by Elizabeth Hansen, FUN, June 18, 1982.

f) “Crescent cravings” by Freda Yarbrough, FUN, June 11, 1982.

g) “Travel Historic La.” by Claire Puneky, The Times-Picayune, April 17, 1977.

h) “Natchitoches tour of homes”.

i) “Take a Walk…and Tour Quarter” by Kelly Tucker, The Times-Picayune, January 11, 1980.

j) “Homes, Gardens, Antiques Attract Visitors,” Sunday Advocate, March 17, 1974.

k) “River Road tour” by William R. Brockway, Sunday Advocate, Dec. 16, 1979.

l) “Mini-vacations” by Pat Antenucci, The Times-Picayune, August 1, 1982.

m) “Grand Hotel” by Elizabeth Mullener, Dixie, June 6, 1982.

n) “Traveler Discount Guide”, Aug., Sep., Oct., Nov. 1991 issue, Volume II Issue II.

o) “Harvest Pilgrimage a tourist’s sampler,” Magazine, Oct. 11, 1992.

p) “25 Cheap Thrills for summertime” by Rene Sanchez, The Times-Picayune, June 15, 1986.

q) “Places to Visit in ’78 Abound In and Around New Orleans” by Stella Pitts, The Times-Picayune, January 8, 1978.

r) “Historical Tour Planned In Natchitoches Oct. 14, 15,” Morning Advocate, Sept. 15, 1972.

s) “A Great Weekend Getaway,” Morning Advocate, June 4, 1969.

t) “Orleans Show Place Now Open to Public.”

u) “Places to Visit on a 2-Hour Drive.”

v) “Tour Old Homes Along River Road” by Pie Dufour, The Times-Picayune, Jan. 3, 1971.

w) “Discover Louisiana: The River Parishes,” Sunday Advocate, April 26, 1981.

x) “A River Road tour into the past” by Jeanie Blake, The Times-Picayune, August 8, 1982.

y) “Trappey’s tours open” by Mary Ann Sternberg, Morning Advocate, Feb. 18, 1988.

z) “Jambalaya bike tours coming up!” by Wayne M. Richardson-Harp, FUN, Nov. 20, 1981.

aa) “A new way to follow ‘River Trails, Bayous and Back Roads’,” FUN, Aug. 27, 1982.

bb) “Great Escapes” by Kate Cohen, Lagniappe, June 23, 1989.

cc) “Many marvelous experiences can be encountered…,” Sunday Advocate, April 29, 1990.

dd) “10 Great Automobile Trips,” McCall’s Travel Editor, page 81 and 82.

Folder   4  —Louisiana Tours and Places to Visit

a) “Guide to the Aquarium of the Americas”

b) “Slide Show on State, introduced at Buffet” by Pat Tessier, n. d.

c) “Conventions, tourism beef up local economy,” The Times-Picayune, January 27, 1991.

d) “Swamp Touring” by Cynthia Campbell, Magazine, May 18, 1997.

e) “At LSU and Southern Walking Tours” by Cynthia Campbell, Magazine, March 27, 1994.

f) “A Saturday River Road Excursion” by Phyllis Hahn, Gris-Gris, October 5- 11, 1976.

g) “$1 Million book to aid visually impaired” by Alcie Gagnard, Advocate, June 29, 1980.

Folder   5  —Miscellaneous

a) “Unmask Carnival racism” The Times-Picayune, February 19, 1992.

b) “Project targets Jim Crow era” by Dameckus George, The Times-Picayune, July 24, 1994.

c) “Genealogical Service begun for U.S. Blacks,” Morning Advocate, May 16, 1974.  

d) “Don’t confuse ‘Middle-Income’ with ‘Middle Class’—Ellison,” Morning Advocate, February 5, 1975.

e) “Actress makes black history come alive for N. O. Children,” Times-Picayune, Feb. 3, 1974.

f) “First Negro Denominations result of church segregation” by Wesley Jackson, The Times-Picayune, November 25, 1973.

g) “More than a matter of Prestige” by Dawson Corley, Sunday Advocate, February 1, 1979.

h) “Friends of the archives collecting state History,” Sunday Advocate, July 24, 1977.

i) “Genealogical missing links provides by Family Bibles” by Damon A. Veach, n. d.

j) “Ancestor search is fun” by Shirley Benton, Sunday Advocate, December 12, 1976.

k) “Spoken word is key to area’s history” November 9, 1975.

l) “Trip into history through VIGOR” by Ruth Bruns, The State-Item, July 16, 1975.

m) “Church records project assigned” by Pie Dufour, The Times-Picayune, October 19, 1975.

Folder   6  —Miscellaneous

a) “With Emphasis on Sculpture N. O. following national trend,” Times-Picayune, Jan. 25, 1976.

b) “Memoirs of 200 Notables offered in Micro Forms,” New York Times, July 7, 1972.

c) “Oral History” by Dena Hirsch, n. d.

d) “Visiting archivists” by Pie Dufour, The States-Item, October 7, 1976.

e) “City is subject of new books” by Pie Dufour, The States-Item, September 19, 1976.

f) “The hair raising times in St. Tammany,” Tammany News Banner, September 8, 1976.

g) “It was the awfullest thing I ever saw in my life…,” L’observateur, September
16, 1976.

h) “Loup Garou brings Swamp funk to N. Y.,” Sunday Advocate,  January 14, 1990.

i) “Zapp’s: The little chippery in Gramercy,” Sunday Magazine, September 8, 1985.

j) “Zack’s has big dreams: can yogurt sell in Japan?” The Times-Picayune, September 7, 1986.

k) “Zappe considers venture into sweet potato chips,” Sunday Advocate, November 23, 1986.

l) “Zapp’s chips making him a winner,” Sunday Advocate, November 23, 1986.

m) “Yugoslavian community celebrates” by James A. Perry, Lagniappe, May 5, 1989.

n) “140 years of history for Yugoslavs in Louisiana” by Bert Hyde, April 15, 1974.

o) “Yellow fever epidemic of 1853” by Bill Holtman, Sunday Advocate, July 24, 1966.

p) “The record: The black experience in America 1619-1979,” n. d.

q) “The other Egypt” Dixie, May 20, 1979.

r) “Harlem: the village that became a Ghetto” Martin Duberman, Modern America, n. d.

s) “Nubian Art: NOMA does it again” by Roger Green, Lagniappe, May 19-25, 1979

t) “Equality’s symbol is standing alone” The States Item, May 28, 1979.

u) “Bungalow Lane” by Dawson Corley, Sunday Advocate, March 9, 1980.

Folder   7  —Miscellaneous

a) “Perfectly composed” by Theodore P. Mahne, The Times-Picayune, November 27, 1994.

b) “Of Laws and not of Men—Brainwashed Americans” by Marilyn R. Allen, Anti-Communist Newspaper, July 15, 1955.

c) “The boucherie” by Tommy C. Simmons, Advocate, March 24, 1994.

d) “The doctor is in style, that is” by Scott Aiges, Lagniappe, January 25, 1993.

e) “Goodness Gracious!” by Richard Dodds, Lagniappe, June 30, 1989.

f) -A message from Anne Rice, The Times-Picayune, August 11, 1996.

g) “Photographing Manchac Swamp” by Sarah Sue Goldsmith, Magazine, August 11, 1996.

h) “Maryland’s Smart Growth law: a national model?” by Neal Peirce, n. d.

i) “Rooting Around” by Damon Veach, Magazine, January 19, 1997.

j) “Top of the Latter” by Greg Thomas, The Times-Picayune, January 19, 1997.

k) “Kemp family roots to be traced at reunion in Franklinton,” Times-Picayune, Oct. 12, 1997.

l) “The Bitter End” by Tom Guarisco, Sunday Advocate, September 24, 1995.

m) “The Oprah Effect” by Ruth Laney, Magazine, November 16, 1997.

n) “The new American self-contempt” by Richard Reeves, Advocate, April 1, 1996.

o) “Le Debut: Belles and bows” by Nell Nolan, The Times-Picayune, August 22, 1993

Folder   8  —Miscellaneous

a) “Could 1986 be year it should?” Morning Advocate, January 1, 1986.

b) “Historian helps bring cemetery’s dead to life,” The Times-Picayune, December 9, 1994.

c) “Don’t blame it on oil,” The Times-Picayune, April 3, 1986.

d) “Hoping for a better year,” The Times-Picayune, January 1, 1986.

e) “Keep on falling back each year” Morning Advocate, September 19, 1985.

f) “Louisiana sick but can get well” by John Hainkel, Sunday Advocate, September 1, 1985.

g) “Wildlife agency a mixed bag,” The Times-Picayune, August 4, 1985.

h) “The Golden Door” by Thomas J. Fleming, The Times-Picayune, February 20, 1966.

i) “Crisis in Education,” New York Times, May 5, 1968.

j) “Washington’s Face Launched Thousands of Images,” Times-Picayune, February 24, 1957.

k) “In Philadelphia, A Living History Center,” Sunday Advocate, June, 20, 1976.

l) “July 4th plans are complete,” n. d.

m) “Television and the Pursuit of Happiness” by John P. Roche, TV Guide, n. d.

n) “A Fourth of July Message From Presiding Bishop Allin,” n. d.

o) “Finances Pinpointed By On-Campus Rule” by John Morris, Advocate, April 16, 1972.

p) “Ethnic Jokes Have a Place in America” The Times-Picayune, March 2, 1980.

q) “1976-1977 La. Duck Seasons” Advocate, September 5, 1976.

r) OAH Newsletter, Organization of American Historians, Vol. 10, No. 2, May 1982.

s) “Historical Group Hears 4 Speakers,” n. d.

t) “Historical Unit In South La. Names Officers” Morning Advocate, May 29, 1976.

u) “A bull market exist for teddy bear,” Tammany Farmer, n. d.

v) “Shall we gather at the river?” by Sara Shipley, The Times-Picayune, August 22, 1993.

w) “Requiem for the Rivergate” photos by G. Andrew Boyd and Ellis Lucia, The Times-Picayune April 22, 1995.

x) “Talking New Orleans: ‘Where y’ at'” by Joan Kent, The Times-Picayune, May 11, 1979.

y) “‘Gadgets’ add class! [New Orleans Silver]” The Times-Picayune, October 3, 1985.

Folder   9  —Miscellaneous

a) “Democratic activist lauds SLU” by Paul Purpura.

b) Obituary for Lyman Louis Jones, Daily Star, April 21, 1995.

c) “An ‘interview’ with Dr. J. Larry Crain” by Bryan T. McMahon, The Hammond Vindicator, September 17, 1981.

d) “Like Father…” by Edna Campbell, The Hammond Vindicator, June 30, 1983.

e) “Recital hall to open with faculty concert,” The Lion’s Roar, June 16, 1983.

f) “Nichols awarded SLU professorship” Daily Star, April 28, 1995.

g) A copy of Northlake News featuring: “A Mother’s Day reflection,” “Ponchatoula’s Bella Rose Mansion,” “The
Silver forest,” “Slidell’s good news,” “Tulane primate research,” “Inline Skate,”
and “My neighbor,” May 1995.

h) A copy of Colorado Woman News featuring an interview with Carlyn Fineran, April 1996.

i) “Simpson appointed to market berries,” Daily Star, October 18, 1961.

j) “National FHA week observed by SE High School chapter,” Daily Star, April 9, 1963.

k) Fliers for Jerry Fannaly’s run for student body president.

l) “Fannaly elected in first primary.”

m) “SLC plays first of four inter-sectional games” sports page of Lion’s Roar, October 7, 1955.

n) Picture of beauty pageant winners at Keesler Air Force Base, Morning Advocate, August 10, 1956.

o) Newspaper picture of Laurence Dufour after being appointed editor of The Lion’s Roar.

p) “Hammond students have leading roles in play on Dec. 7-8.”

q) Two reunion programs from 1964 (class of 1939).

r) “Miss Southeastern to be announced at dance March 23 in Student Union.”

s) A copy of The Lion’s Roar from April 13, 1956.

t) Newspaper picture of Miss Tangipahoa, Mary Bohning after being crowned.

u) Newspaper picture of Gerald Fannaly announcing his election to student body president
in 1956.

v) Newspaper picture of Ralph A. McKenzie after graduating from the Air Force in 1956.

w) “Class of 1939 to be honored at Alumni Banquet at SLC.”

x) Newspaper picture of two ladies reviewing the reunion program, Daily Star, May 20, 1964.

y) “Dr. S. Romero speaks at La. Colonials meet,” Daily Star, January 16, 1962.

z) “Local AAUW programs of wide-range interest,” Daily Star, January 16, 1962.

aa) Newspaper picture of the Lionettes performing at a half time show, February 20,

bb) “Miss Zoe Hebert is air hostess” The Sun.

cc) Program for a piano recital from April 28, 1958.

dd) Newspaper picture of Zoe Hebert as a TWA flight hostess, Hammond Vindicator, July 2, 1959.

ee) “Eight from this area elected to prominent positions at SLC,” Attached are two
pictures of Zoe Hebert in a parade.

ff) Picture of George Francis, Jr. as Lion of the week, The Lion’s Roar.

gg) Newspaper picture of second grade class touring The Daily Star, Daily Star, April 29, 1964.

hh) Newspaper picture and 5×7 portfolio picture of Mary Bohning as Miss Southeastern

Folder   10  —Miscellaneous

a) “George Dureau has hard act to follow: his own,” Lagniappe, February 17, 1995.

b) “Despite acclaim, 94-year old sculptor Enrique Alferez unsatisfied” by Eileen Loh,
Magazine, August 6, 1995.

c) “Alex Berry weds” Hammond Vindicator, September 17, 1987.

d) “Forgotten” by Roulhac Toledano, The States-Item, May 16, 1980.

e) “Putting Louisiana on the map” by Tim Belehrad, FUN, December 10, 1982.

f) “Zachary: District’s cleanest city” by Jeanne Moyer, Morning Advocate, June 26, 1960.

g) “111-year-old convent to be replaced at Donaldsonville,” Morning Advocate, June 26, 1960.

h) “Architect says BR visit like trip to museum,” Sunday Advocate, May 14, 1995.

i) “Two Capitals” by Sarah Sue Goldsmith, Magazine, August 6, 1995.

j) “Gulf ‘dead zone’ grows; GOP cuts threaten studies,” The Times-Picayune, July 28, 1995.

k) “The Fortress” by Carolyn J. Ross, Dixie, November 27, 1977.

l) Baton Rouge Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, Lodge No. 490 (photographs),
Sunday Advocate, March 5, 1995.

m) Bayou Goula’s Tally Ho Sugar Mill and Plantation (photographs), Sunday Advocate, February 19, 1995.

n) “A remembrance of D-Day” The Times-Picayune, June 5, 1994.

o) “Sweet discoveries” by C. Richard Cotton, FUN, June 16, 1995.

p) “Tangipahoa history” by Howard Nichols, Sunday Advocate, November 29, 1981.

q) Newspaper picture of C. Howard Nichols autographing a copy of his book on the history
of Tangipahoa Parish, Daily Star, November 27, 1979.

r) “Author honored at reception depicting early Tangipahoa,” Morning Advocate, Dec. 8, 1979.

s) “A House of Antiques” by Pat Phillips, Dixie, February 15, 1970.

t) “Royal Street Tradition Hits The Century Mark,” The Times-Picayune, October 18, 1980.

u) “Know Your Antiques: Butter Workers,” Sunday Advocate, May 15, 1977.

v) “The Trace: on the trail of history” by Bob Marshall, The Times-Picayune, October 14, 1981.

w) “The Natchez Trace” by Carolyn Thornton, The Times-Picayune, October 20, 1991.

x) “Quiz Which Stream?”, Dixie, April 19, 1964.

y) “The Word Was a Colloquialism [batture]” by Hermann Deutsch.

z) “July 4th Significant Date to Louisiana Prior to 1776” by Claire Puneky.

aa) “Louisiana Places—Strange Sounding Names [Balise]”.

bb) “Lorando: ‘DSU was the first one here,” The Times-Picayune, December 9, 1997.

cc) Vic and Nat’ly Comics (7)

dd) “Confederate gunboat sunk near Covington” by Burt Mason, News-Banner, Sept. 25, 1985.

ee) “Jon Fels: a long journey home” by Betty Eppes, Sunday Magazine, September 26, 1982.

ff) “Integrating culture, art” by Carla Ruzic Baharloo, Sunday Advocate, August 31, 1980.

BOX   19    

Folder   1  —The Cincinnati Commercial

a) Tuesday, January 5, 1975.

b) Wednesday Morning, January 6, 1875.

c) Thursday Morning, January 7, 1875.

d) Friday Morning, January 8, 1875.

e) Saturday Morning, January 9, 1875.

f) Sunday Morning, July 9, 1882.

g) Tuesday Morning, September 12, 1882.

Folder   2  —The Courier, The Weekly Newspaper of New Orleans

a) April 18-24, 1974

b) April 24-30, 1975

c) May 8-14, 1975

d) June 12-18, 1975

e) June 26-July 2, 1975

f) July 3-16, 1975

g) October 9-15, 1975.

Folder   3  —The Courier, The Weekly Newspaper of New Orleans

a) November 27-December 3, 1975

b) December 4-10, 1975

c) December 18-24, 1975

d) December 25-January 8, 1976

e) January 15-21, 1976

f) January 22-28, 1976

g) February 19-25, 1976

h) February 26-March 3, 1976.

Folder   4  —Independent Chronicle & Boston Patriot

      Wednesday Morning, May 19, 1819.

      Wednesday Morning, August 25, 1819.

Folder   5  —The Klansman

a) “Thousands Cheer Klan Parade,” The Klansman, Issue 78, July 1982.

b) “National Convention,” The Klansman, Issue 79, August 1982.

c) “Keymar Maryland Rally,” The Klansman, Issue 80, September 1982.

d) “Louisville Anti Busing Rally Huge Success!,” The Klansman, Issue 81, October 1982.

Folder   6  —The New York Herald

      Friday, June 25, 1875.

Folder   7  —The States-Item

      “100 Years,” The States-Item, June 6, 1977.

Folder   8  —The Times-Picayune

a) “Remembering,” The Times-Picayune, January 25, 1987.

b) “Looking Forward,” The Times-Picayune, January 25, 1987.

Folder   9  —Vieux Carré Courier

      “Mint gains time…,” Vieux Carré Courier, Vol. II No. 13, May 14, 1965.

Folder   10  —Louisiana Newspapers

      “May 5, 1946” by Elizabeth Mullener, Dixie, May 11, 1986.

BOX 20

Folder 1- Artists- Louisiana (72 items)

“Dream Inspires Artist to New Heights”. The Times-Picayune. March 9, 1980

Price, Anne. “Images of Louisiana”. Sunday Advocate. August 31, 1980

Invitation to Covington Show of Works by John Akers, December 4, 1977

“Beau Cajun” brochure-drawings of Floyd Sonnier

Leaflet concerning Morris Henry Hobbs

Knight, Kipp. “Every Picture Tells a Story”. Sunday Advocate. August 14, 1977

Leaflet concerning David L. Abel

Davis, Jack. “Enrique Alferez’ Tales Over Tequila”. Lagniappe. November 22-28, 1975

Bruns, Becky. “Visions from the Mind’s Eye: Surrealism in New Orleans”. Dixie. October 26, 1975

“Piecing Together New Orleans…” Lagniappe. January 3-9, 1976

Notice for Pamela Scholz exhibition at Nahan Art Galleries. April 24-May 8, 1976

Price, Anne. “Fresh Original Approaches to Art”. Sunday Advocate. December 14, 1975

Pitts, Stella. “Grace King Carved Career as Talented, Sensitive Writer”. The Times-Picayune. February 1, 1976.

Pitts, Stella. “Popular Daydream a Reality for Local Artist Carrington”. The Times-Picayune. October 12, 1975

“McGrady Show a Must”. States Item/Times-Picayune. September 27, 1975

“Gifts and Art At Home Place”. The Times-Picayune.

Article concerning John Korver

Holtman, Llib. “Art Restoration Found Intriguing”. Sunday Advocate. March 25, 1973

19.Citron, Pepe. “Art Haven”. States-Item. November 4, 1974

Derdenne, Betty. “Joe Yoder Gets Second Wind”. Sunday Advocate. November 3, 1974

Collier, Alberta. “A Romantic Classicist”. Dixie. October 27, 1974

“To Preserve the Quiet Beauty”. Sunday Advocate. December 29, 1974

Invitation to preview artwork of Jack Akers at the Antique Print Gallery

Collier, Alberta. “New Orleans Spanish Colonial Paintings to Add Luster to German
Show”. The Times-Picayune. September 5, 1976

Price, Ann. “A Touch of Distinction”. Sunday Advocate. June 5, 1977

Price, Ann. “Watercolorist Has Public Appeal”. Sunday Advocate. August 21, 1977

Collier, Alberta. “Itenerant Artist E. Phelps Leaves Trip Journal Behind”. The Times-Picayune. October 9, 1977

Goldberger, Joan. “The Bronzing of Baton Rouge History”. Sunday Advocate. April 29, 1979

Price, Anne. “Glimpses of My Native Land”. Sunday Advocate. July 6, 1980

Invitation to preview exhibition of John McCrady on September 26, 1975 at New Orleans
Museum of Art

“Emery Clark Paints the Town”. Dixie. October 19, 1980

Green, Roger. “Vision: The World of Art”. Times-Picayune. August 8, 1982

Prophit, Willie. “Albrizio’s Distinctive Style Recaptured on Panels”.

Pen and ink drawing by Midge White

Litwin, Sharon. “On the Way”. The Times-Picayune. January 14, 1981

“George Rodrigue: A Louisiana Rousseau”. Dixie. November 23, 1980

Green, Roger. “Vision: A World of Art”. The Times-Picayune. November 29, 1981

Invitation to special exhibit of works by Don Wright at Gallery South on October 5,

Program for “Jambalaya”, New Orleans Public Library, Fall 1980

Program: “Clarence John Laughlin: The Personal Eye”.

Litwin, Sharon. “Worlds Apart on a Square”. Times-Picayune. March 14, 1982

Green, Roger. “A Hidden Garden”. Dixie. March 21, 1982

Green, Roger. “Rose Garden Sculptures Feel the Master’s Touch”. Times-Picayune/States-Item. June 20, 1981

Map related to Houma Board Meeting (1970s)

Poster- List of films, lectures, and exhibits calendar of events

Green, Roger. “Environmental Influence on Shape”. Times-Picayune. July 11, 1982

Price, Anne. “An Overview”. Sunday Advocate. May 13, 1979

Green, Roger. “Arty Orleanians Shine in the Big Apple”. The Times-Picayune/States Item. April 11, 1981

Kent, Joan. “Cane Carver”. States-Item. April 23, 1980

DuBos, Clancy. “His Crude Art is Life Itself”. Times-Picayune. September 16, 1979

Glade, Luba. “New Orleans ‘Circuit Painter’ On The Rise”. States-Item. February 17, 1975

Muse, Orene. “Artist Clark Hulings: His Hobby Has Taken Over”. Sunday Advocate. November 30, 1969

article, “Louisiana Artists of the 19th Century”.

Thorpe, Sarah Sue. “Baton Rouge Artisan: Savoring the Beauty of the Past”.

Roberts, Gregory. “Money and the Muse”. Dixie. September 12, 1982

Carll, Angela M. “Weaving a Career”. Times-Picayune. October 3, 1982

Green, Roger. “She Puts Nature to Work in Her Art”. Times-Picayune/States-Item. July 30, 1982

Green, Roger. “Randy Ernst: A Black-Honored View of the Human Condition”. Times-Picayune. July 25, 1982

Green, Roger. “Boyhood Feelings Recalled”. Times-Picayune. August 1, 1982

Broussard, Mary. “Artists Humor Brings Heaven Closer”.

Price, Anne. “Long Overdue Albrizio Show Spans 50 Years”. Sunday Advocate. January 12, 1986

Masur Museum of Art brochure, “A Tribute to Excellence”. 1988

Price, Anne. “Stained Glass”. The Advocate. April 15, 1990

Rive, David. “Big Easy has Designs on Furniture”. Lagniappe. November 1, 1991

Kemp, John. “Portrait Painter At Home with Reagan”. Times-Picayune. February 2, 1992

Brochure: “Knute Heldner-1886-1952”. Presented by Whisnant Galleries, New Orleans.

Invitation to “Drawings by Fritz Bultman”. March 1-April 15, 1974

Guide to LSU Anglo-American Art Museum-The English Wing

Price, Anne. “Warrens Tempers Pessimism with Humor and Sattire”. The Advocate. September 16, 1990

Invitation to Navajo Weavings Exhibition at the New Orleans Museum of Art on April
16, 1977

Invitation to “Art from Zaire” exhibition at the New Orleans Museum of Art on April
23, 1978

Brochure for Aboriginal Metalwork in Lower Central America at Isaac Delgado Museum
of Art in New Orleans.

Folder 2 (2 items)

New Orleans Historic and Central Business Districts Landmarks Commission rules and

National D-Day Museum brochure

Folder 3- Valerian Smith (2 items)

Campbell, Cynthia. “Creative Baton Rougean Doing What He Loves to Do”. Sunday Advocate. December 30, 1979

“Valerian Smith: Come Taste His Supper”. Morning Advocate. August 6, 1982

Folder 4 (2 items)

Louisiana Preservation Alliance 21st Annual Conference program. July 9-11, 1999

St. Paul’s School Class of 1953 Reunion June 7-8, 2003

Folder 5 (23 items)

Le Petit Salon- A History of Its 50 Years 1924-1974

Letter to Ted Moses from C.H. Nichols

St. Tammany Historical Society Annual Meeting notice. 1973

Letters (3) concerning Ottilie Lambert and E.M. Boagni

Letter from Germaine C. Smith. February 18, 1974

St. Tammany Historical Society notes for next bulletin

Letter to C.H. Nichols from Jennifer M. Griffin. April 29, 1974

Letter to Ottilie Lambert, March 27, 1974

Test on knowledge of Constitution and government (10 copies)

Postcard of George Washington

Letters to C.H. Nichols from James H. Morrison (2 copies), along with handwritten

note, (2 pgs), “Nobody Knows the Boss Like His Secretary”, by Florence H. Cooley (5
pgs), and questions for Mrs. Cooley from C.H. Nichols (3 pgs)

     Letter to C.H. Nichols from Robert W. Heck, April 12, 1973

     2 memos to C.H. Nichols

BOX 21

Folder 1- Blacks in Louisiana (25 items)        

“New Orleans Landmarks” article

“When Brother Kills Brother”. Times-Picayune. September 16, 1985

Brady, Patricia. “Windows on Another World”. Times-Picayune. March 29, 1992

Handwritten notes (7)

Kelly Wells project list- Spring 1991

Typed notes on Census 1860-1890

Statistics on whites, blacks in Louisiana, slaveholders

Sources for the Study of African American History at Historic New Orleans New Orleans
Collection Manuscripts Division

Lofgren, Charles A. “The Plessy Case”. Claremont McKenna College

Bullard, Robert D., ed. “In Search of the New South: The Black Urban Experience in
the 1970s and 1980s”.

“Black History Lives in Cities Across America”. Times-Picayune. February 17, 1991

Spooner, Carmen. “Bogalusa to Baton Rouge March”. Times-Picayune. March 24, 1982

Fuller, Garret. “Accomplishments of Black Women (and Men) on File at Amistad”. Times-Picayune. October 10, 1982

Ball, Millie. “The Mothers in White”. Dixie. July 26, 1981

Durden, Robert. “People as Property”.

Photocopies of pgs. 88-95 of Historical Collection of Louisiana

Gillis, James. “Black Registration Grows”. Times-Picayune. March 11, 1982

Handwritten notes (4)

“Free Black Slaveholder”. Parade Magazine. October 31, 1982

Behre, Patricia. “Mythical Air Marks Blacks’ Cemetery”. Times-Picayune. August 1, 1982

Behre, Patricia. “Celebrating the Lord in the Old Gretna Church”. Dixie. November 14, 1982

Sheridan, Janice. “Plessy vs. Ferguson”.

Washington, John, letter to Times-Picayune. “Blacks Must Take Responsibility for their Actions”. Times-Picayune. October 18, 1987

Handwritten notes

Campbell, Cynthia. “Dr. Louis J. James”. Magazine. January 20, 1991

Folder 2- Wynton Marsalis (1 item)

“Wynton Marsalis-A Young New Orleans Virtuoso Electrifies the World of Jazz”. Dixie. February 5, 1984

Folder 3- Pinkie Gordon Lane (2 items)

Goldsmith, Sarah. “Pinkie Gordon Lane-A Poet in Search for New Mountains to Climb”.
Sunday Magazine. August 31, 1986

Goldsmith, Sarah. “Pinkie Gordon Lane Named Poet Laureate”.

Folder 4- William Jefferson (3 items)

Katz, Allen. “Jefferson’s Policies Cross Political Lines”. Times-Picayune/States-Item. January 26, 1982

Katz, Allen. “Jefferson a Long Way from Cotton Fields”. Times-Picayune/States-Item. January 26, 1982

Kelso, Iris. “For Jefferson, It’s Back to Work”. Times-Picayune. April 27, 1986

Folder 5- Andrew Jackson (10 items)

Bullock, Dannie. “Andrew Jackson”. October 21, 1983

The Hermitage Home of Andrew Jackson brochure (2 copies)

Tomb at the Hermitage postcard

“Andrew Jackson’s Hermitage”. Ladies Hermitage Association

Rutherford B. Hayes Residence postcard

Fife, Lisa. “Andrew Jackson and New Orleans”. April 13, 1985

The Garden-The Hermitage postcard (2 copies)

The Early Hermitage postcard

Folder 6- Mahalia Jackson (3 items)

Newspaper clipping

Baker, Sandra D. “Mahalia Jackson”.

“Noted Singer M. Jackson Dies at 60”

Folder 7- Ernest Gaines (2 items)

Mulhern, Mike. “Novelist Returns to State”. Magazine. October 11, 1981

Cultural Vista Spring 1990, vol. 1, no. 1

Folder 8- Clementine Hunter (6 items)

Sunday Advocate Magazine. September 12, 1982

Price, Anne. “Clementine Creates Poster for ‘Supper’”.

Keasler, Jack. “C. Hunter-Paintings for Sale”. Sunday Advocate. September 12, 1982

Hansen, Elizabeth. “Works of Black Primitive Art Displayed Here”. State-Times. June 15, 1979

“A Clementine Art Portfolio”. Sunday Advocate. September 12, 1982

Rankin, Alan. “The Hidden Genius of Melrose Plantation”.

Folder 9- Dr. Albert Walter Dent (1 item)

Pope, John. “Albert Walter Dent Dies Sunday at 79”. Times-Picayune. February 12, 1984

Folder 10- Germaine Bazzle  (1 item)

Dixie. Times-Picayune. October 13, 1985

Folder 11- Alvin Batiste (1 item)

Price, Anne. “Alvin Batiste”. Sunday Advocate. October 5, 1986

Folder 12- Sydney Barthelemy (3 items)

Feeny, Susan, and Allan Katz. “Barthelemy Heads to Victory”. Times-Picayune. March 2, 1986

Donze, Frank. “Barthelemy Gets Mixed Reviews”. Times-Picayune. May 3, 1987

Ball, Millie. “First Ladies of New Orleans”. Times-Picayune. July 9, 1989

Folder 13- Mike Bagneris (1 item)

Kelso, Iris. “Aide Keeps Ear to the Ground for New Orleans Mayor”. Times-Picayune. May 22, 1983

Folder 14- Journals (2 items)

Cultural Vistas. Vol. 3, No. 1. Spring 1992

New Orleans Magazine. April 1992

Folder 15- British West Florida (3 items)

Johnson, Cecil. “The Distribution of Land in British West Florida”. Louisiana History Quarterly. Vol. 16, No. 4. October 1933

Pages 37-41 of “Under the Union Jack”. A History of Baton Rouge 1699-1812

Pages 26-36 of “Under the Union Jack”. A History of Baton Rouge 1699-1812

Folder 16- Assessor’s Race (12 items)

Ansil Bickford Dinner Tickets (9 copies) for August 17, 1991

Letter from Ansil Bickford. August 1, 1991

Phone memo receipt

Erwin Jenkins Insurance Business Card

Folder 17- 1992 Governor’s Race (11 items)

Letter from Melinda Schweggmann. October 11, 1991

Buddy Roemer donation letter

2 handwritten memos

Letter from Buddy Roemer Campaign. September 4, 1991

Elect Fred Dent donation slip

Newspaper picture of Edwin Edwards speaking to constituents

Letter from Paul M. Murphy. 1992

Invitation to a Dinner in honor of Buddy Roemer. March 14, 1991

Letter from Buddy Roemer Campaign

Letter from Fred Dent Campaign

Letter from Buddy Roemer Campaign

Folder 18-Steve Pugh Campaign (7 items)

Phone memos (2 copies)

Copy of Perrilloux, Gary. “Hebert, Pugh Square Off”. Daily Star. October 25, 1991

Letter from Rolling and Perrilloux Attorneys. September 19, 1991

Erwin Jenkins Fundraiser note

Copy of article, “Jenkins will Oppose Hebert’s Re-election”.

Letter from Erwin Jenkins

Folder 19- Court of Appeals Race (4 items)

Letter from Joseph H. Simpson to Tom Matheny. December 23, 1991

Invitation to Judge James Cannella Fundraiser (2 copies). June 27, 1991

Letter from David Sherman to Tom Matheny. June 3, 1991

Folder 20- Attorney General Race (15 items)

Ben Bagert Donation Card

Letter from Ben Baggert. September 10, 1991

Invitation to Ben Baggert fundraiser. September 25, 1991

Letter from Tom Matheny to Ellis Magee. September 13, 1991

Letter from James Wattingy. September 19, 1991

Letter from Christopher Matchett to Tom Matheny. July 30, 1991

Qualifications of Winston Riddick (2 copies)

Letter from Tom Matheny to Winston Riddick. June 13, 1991

Memos (5 copies)

Letter from W. Riddick. March 8, 1991

BOX 22

Folder 1- Baton Rouge Articles, Maps, and Brochures (48 items)

New Orleans pop-out map (2004)

Souvenir Condensed History of New Orleans. Gray Line Motor Tours, Inc.

Reflections-A Mirror of Human Interests. June/July 1946

Masonic History. St. James Lodge no. 47F and AM. June 28, 1844-1940. Brother Haney
B. Connor, p.G.M.

Blitzer, Carol Anne. “Lodge Endures Downtown-Masons Have Been in Baton Rouge Since
1844.” The Advocate. August 21, 2005

Goldsmith, Sarah. “What Historic Preservation Means to Baton Rouge in 1986”. Sunday Magazine. May 18, 1986

Price, Anne. “Assemblages Gives New Perspectives”. Magazine. December 2,, 1990

Corley, Dawson. “Old Man River Claimed a Rich Legacy”. Sunday Magazine. May 27, 1984

Armstrong, Annabelle. “Cemetery Caretaker Pushes Restoration”. Sunday Advocate. May 27, 1984

Verma, Mukul. “Standing the Test of Time-Kornmeyers Spans Four Generations”. Sunday Advocate. October 28, 1990

Campbell, Cynthia. “Baton Rouge Bounty, Treasure in Your Own Back Yard”. FUN. January 14, 1994

Langley, Greg. “New From the Civil War”. Magazine. August 3, 1997

Blitzer, Carol Anne. “The Potts House”. Advocate. September 22, 1997

Blitzer, Carol Anne. “St. James Survives, Thrives in Downtown”. The Advocate. November 24, 1997

Kerr, Education. 5 Days in Baton Rouge. (1951)

Baton Rouge Area Visitor Guide and map (7 copies)

“Star of the State” Baton Rouge Center of Historical and Recreational Louisiana  brochure

Le Petit Musee de Baton Rouge flyer

Middleton, Harry. “Polo: The Sport of Kings has Arrived in Baton Rouge”. Sunday Magazine. September 6, 1981

“A Walking Tour of Historic Baton Rouge” brochure

Louisiana Capitol Guide (2 copies)

“See Baton Rouge Now” brochure

Piece of “Kornmeyers” article

Harrison, Bettye Arnold. “Church Marking Silver Jubilee”. Sunday Advocate. June 25, 1972

Peterson, Betsy. “A Bishop’s Role: Helping God’s People Express Their Faith”. DIXIE. November 9, 1969

Wright, Dick. “Episcopalians Mark 150th Year”. Sunday Advocate. November 9, 1969

Kelso, Iris. “Feeling the Beauty of Baton Rouge”. States-Item. May 23, 1985

Cook, Chris. “Filled With History-Kleinpeter Home Under Restoration”. Sunday Advocate. July 19, 1987

Roehl, Marjorie. “A Day of Dark Doings in LSU’s ‘Haunted’ Hall”. Times-Picayune. January 12, 1986

Florida Corridor: A Concept for United Growth. Morning Advocate/State-Times. December 1, 1986

Armstrong, Annabelle. “Theater Owner Recalls Early Days of Movies in Baton Rouge”.
Sunday Advocate. December 29, 1985

Newcomer’s Guide 1985. Morning Advocate/State-Times. September 26, 1985

Anders, Smiley. “Saltz the Tailor”. Sunday Magazine. December 18, 1983

Cullen, Ed. “Courthouse Facelift”. Sunday Advocate. January 31, 1988

Cullen, Ed. “Vegetable Lovers Mourn Territos Summer Closing”. Sunday Advocate. August 21, 1983

Cullen, Ed. “North Baton Rouge Still Set Off From Rest of City”. Sunday Advocate”. January 8, 1984

“Baton Rouge Coffee House Added to Register”. Morning Advocate. April 9, 1980

Canossa, Mary Ann. “Rooms in the Inns”. Sunday Magazine. March 20, 1983

Armstrong, Annabelle. “Pentagon Barracks’ Future is Uncertain”. Sunday Advocate. May 23, 1982

New Orleans collage sketch

Bailey House Tour information (1981)

Folder 2- Baton Rouge Newspaper Articles and Brochures

“Humphrey for President” button

Union Federal Savings and Load brochure

“Welcome Newcomers” section. Morning Advocate. September 17, 1982

Tillman, J.C. “Sears Celebrating 50 Years in EBR”. Sunday Advocate. October 7, 1984

“Louisiana’s Antebellum Heritage”. C.H. Nichols

“Beauregard Town Tour March.” FUN. March 20, 1981

Perry, James A. “Tops in Historic Spots”. Times-Picayune”. June 20, 1982

Foil, David. “Aida May Carve Niche for Opera in Baton Rouge”. Morning Advocate. August 27, 1982

Thom, Evelyn. “Carved Out of a Plantation”. Sunday Advocate”. May 13, 1979

“Bishop Tracy Dies at Age 70”. Advocate. April 5, 1980

Pearson, Robin. “Power in Baton Rouge”. Sunday Magazine. April 18, 1982

Newcomer’s Guide to Baton Rouge. Sunday Advocate. July 24, 1981

Morris, George. “Seigen 2- A Country Lane Grows Up”. Sunday Advocate. June 13, 1993

Newcomer’s Guide to Baton Rouge. Sunday Advocate. November 14, 1978

“Tours Available in Baton Rouge”. Morning Advocate. November 15, 1979

Newcomer’s Guide to Baton Rouge. Morning Advocate. November 15, 1979

Baton Rouge Visitor Guide and Map

Diocese of Baton Rouge Catholic Church Records

Baton Rouge Plantation County brochure (3 copies)

Corley, Dawson. “Remembering a Bridge Builder”. Sunday Advocate. May 11, 1980

Mongeluzzo, Bill. “River Below Baton Rouge Largest Port Area in World”. Times-Picayune. January 20, 1980

Copy of Plan of Ft. Baton Rouge map

Anderson, Ed. “BR Has No Pulse When Sun Goes Down”. Times-Picayune. July 27, 1980

Buck, Jerry. “Ron Hunter Happy Working on ‘The Lazarus Syndrome’”. Morning Advocate. September 1, 1979

Casey, Powell. “It Really was a Pentagon”. Sunday Advocate. August 6, 1972

Summer, Bob. “Inside Baton Rouge”. Sunday Magazine. November 2, 1980

“Baton Rouge Preservation”. Sunday Magazine. September 28, 1980

Mulhern, Mike. “Baton Rouge’s Naval Heritage”. Sunday Magazine. November 16, 1988

Ethnic Heritage Workshop itinerary. C.H. Nichols. Summer 1980 (3 copies)

Laborde, Susan. “Spence’s Folly Proves Dreams Can Come True”. Sunday Magazine. April 11, 1982

Corley, Dawson. “That Little French Flower”.

Lynch, Bill. “New Offices for 39 State Senators Will Cost $45 million”. Times-Picayune. October 5, 1980

Wilton, Thomas. “EBR Auto Sales Down 38 Percent Since ‘79”. Sunday Advocate. February 21, 1982

“February 21, 1882”. Sunday Advocate. February 21, 1982

Mulhern, Mike. “Garden District”. Sunday Magazine. November 1, 1981

Goldberger, Joan. “Sharing a Heritage”. Sunday Magazine. March 22, 1981

Oak Alley Plantation brochure

Nottaway Plantation brochure

Pearson, Robin. “Power in Baton Rouge”. Sunday Magazine. April 25, 1982

Goldberger, Joan. “The Bronzing of Baton Rouge History”. The Advocate. April 29, 1979

Sternberg, Mary Anne. “Baton Rouge Haunts: Trails from the Crypts”.

Armstrong, Annabelle. “The Battle of Baton Rouge”. Sunday Advocate. August 4, 1985

Blitzer, Carol Anne. “A House Built for Parties”. The Advocate. April 6, 1994

Lazaro, Don. “Distinction, Variety Noted”. Sunday Advocate. February 10, 1974

BOX 23        

Folder 1- (17 items)

  1. Sunday Advocate, “Livingston Survives Memories”; September 23, 1984
  2. Sunday Advocate, “Remembering Denham Springs”; March 12, 2000
  3. The Advocate, “Political Power Shifting in Livingston Parish”; October 15, 2006
  4. The Times Picayune, “Water Ways”; May 17, 1995
  5. The Advocate, “Firm recounts McCain Story” May 29, 2005
  6. The Advocate, “Council Shake-up Expected” April 7, 2008
  7. The Advocate, “A Church Built by a Community”; September 17, 2006
  8. The Advocate “Alcohol Issue for District” February 6, 2007
  9. The Advocate Waterfront home has Floridian Fair” January 8, 2006
  10. The Times Picayune “Swamped in Schoolwork” July 11, 2004
  11. The Advocate “Where We Live” June 28, 2005
  12. Hammond Daily Star, “Livingston Legacy” September 28, 1983
  13. The Advocate, “A New Research Partner” June 12, 2007
  14. Gumbo Magazine “Finding fun, food on the river” August 10, 1986
  15. Gumbo Magazine “Scenes from Our History” June 29, 1986
  16. Unknown Newspaper “Diver finds Civil War Schooner” no date
  17. Magazine, “Restoration” September 3, 1989

Folder 2- (18 items)

  1. Sunday Advocate “Big Cat” March 18, 1984
  2. Gumbo Magazine “Kropoogs watch Hungary Change” September 9, 1990
  3. Sun Newspaper (copy) no date
  4. A Murray Newspaper Sun “Springfield Courthouse to be listed as Historical Site” April
    25, 1973
  1. The Morning Sun, no date
  2. The Times-Picayune “Hungarian cuisine alive in Louisiana” November 7, 1991
  3. Gumbo Magazine March 30, 1986
  4. Sunday Advocate March 21, 1971
  5. Gumbo magazine July 6, 1986
  6. Sunday Advocate April 14, 1985
  7. Morning Advocate June 31, 1983
  8. The Advocate December 31, 2007
  9. No name, October 1, 1980
  10. Copy of unknown magazine
  11. Note to Sara from Dr. Theo Hemmer
  12. Copy of document titled “Biographical and Historical”
  13. Copy of document titled “Louisiana”
  14. Copy of document titled “Kelly”                                                                 

Folder 3- (14 items)

  1. “Understudy performs role reading from Script” Sunday Advocate, Baton Rouge, LA, October
    2, 1983
  1. “Livingston disaster less severe than many tank car accidents” unknown newspaper,
    By George Hager, Washington Bureau
  1. “Livingston faces cut in Timber industry.” Sunday Advocate, Baton Rouge, LA, March
  1. “Log homes-progress and a little nostalgia” Morning Advocate, May 18, 1981
  2. “Surface Casing record is set in Livingston” unknown newspaper; unknown author and
  3. “Holden church oldest in Livingston Parish” Daily Star, August 24, 1977, by Diane
  4. “Livingston Parish Courthouse soon to undergo renovation” Sunday Advocate, Baton Rouge
    LA, March 20, 1977
  1. “Fort Livingston” by Tom Frazer; unknown newspaper and date
  2. “At Turn of Century Bears Roamed Livingston Parish” Sunday Advocate, Baton Rouge,
    LA April 8, 1979 by Annabelle Armstrong
  1. “Livingston Heritage is told by Markers” Sunday Advocate, Baton Rouge, LA October
    3, 1976 by Shirly Benton
  2. “The Pioneer of Port Vincent and the Pirate Lafitte” by Danon Veach, Times Picayune,
    Sunday July 1, 1979
  1. “Not New York, nor Green Acres” by Douglas Graham, Advocate, June 21, 1995
  2. “Yearbook tells about CCC camps, lifestyle in 1930’s” by Joe E. Minton, Livingston
    Ledger, Wednesday February 20, 1985
  1. “$270 million target of expedition Saturday” Wednesday July 6, 1988                                                                                                                                            

Folder 4- (20 items)

  1. “The St. Tammany Club- An Association Which Combines Pleasure with Utility”- 1825
  2. “Typhoid Fought by State Board, Dowling says, “Friends on jury ‘n’ Everything But
    it ‘Did’ him”; Voters Endorse Mandeville City Fathers in Poll-Times-Picayune- Wednesday
    August 13, 1924
  1. “Mrs. Ferguson questions right to Contest Suit,” “Lure of Arctic Holds Fast to MacMillan
    Adventures,” “Big Liquor Ring Found Over Lake, Dry Agents say,” “Big Liquor Ring Reported
    Caught” -Times-Picayune September 23, 1924
  1. “Causeway Body ready to Agree to Two Bridges,” “French Prepare to Ratify Rhine Army 
    Covenant,” “Board to Help Pay for Paving”- Times-Picayune, December 12, 1924
  1. “Pontchartrain Causeway Association to Ask Immediate Bridge Grant Today”- Times- Picayune,
    Tuesday, December 23, 1924
  1. Various small articles- Times-Picayune, December 23, 1924
  2. “Causeway Given Substantial Aid by Land Owners”-Times-Picayune, Tuesday, December
    9, 1924
  1. “Welcome-The Community Chest Committee”-Times-Picayune, Wednesday, January 28, 1925
  1. “Road Prospect Brings Increase in Land Values,” “Baptists to Find Encampment Scene
    Improved”- Times-Picayune, July 19, 1925
  1. Various small articles- Times-Picayune, August 3, 1925
  2. “Free Causeway Urged by League,” “Committee to see unpaved streets”Times-Picayune, February 2, 1926
  1. “Dorothy Dix Letter Box” and other various articles-Times-Picayune, June 6, 1927
  2. “Over 40,000,000 voters Expected to Cast Ballots in National Election Today,”  “Mandeville
    Bank Bandit Suspects Held in Bogalusa,” “Roosevelt, Hoover Makes Final Pleas on Eve
    of Election”, New Orleans; Tuesday, November 8, 1932
  1. “Fate of Virgin Forest Area along scenic St. Tammany Highway Hangs in Balance-1935
  2. Photograph and write-up about preserving Virgin Pine Forest along Lacombe-Covington
    Highway- Times-Picayune, February 20, 1935

  1. “Rebuilding Sea Wall at Mandeville”- Mandeville Bantam- December 19, 1937 written
    on it; newspaper date 1965

       17. ”CCC Group Begins Work upon Camp”-Times-Picayune, April 4, 1938-copy

  1. “Mandeville CCC Conducts Model Garden Project”-copy
  2. “Slidell and Rockets”-Louisiana Municipal Review; “Space Age Success Story…”-

            September 1964-copy

  1. “Facts about Mandeville”

Folder 5- (64 items)

  1. “WPA is Helping Mandeville Stage Comeback as Resort”-January 1938 written on it; Friday
    may 14, 1965, The Mandeville Bantam-copy
  1. “Mandeville Reconstructs Its Seawall, Builds Beach-Times-Picayune, December 19, 1937
    written on it; Friday May 14, 1965; The Mandeville Bantam-copy
  1. Centennial Edition The St. Tammany Farmer, Covington, Louisiana, Thursday, October
    25, 1973
  1. “St. Tammany Historical Society to Meet” Wednesday, February 20, 1974; The Daily Star,
    Hammond, LA
  1. “President’s Statement”- Dr. Edward Boagni; “The First Annual Dinner Meeting of the
    St. Tammany Historical Society, INC- Friday March 14, 1975
  1. “Historic District Proposed in Mandeville”-St. Tammany News Banner- Wednesday June
    7, 1978-2 sets
  2. “The Allenton Hotel before Renovations”-1980 (copy) and now the building as it stands
    today (original)
  1. “Landmark Restaurant will get Facelift”- John R. Kemp- June 21, 1981; “Restaurant
    is Renovated”-June 21, 1981-copies
  1. “Choctaw’s History Lives On”-John R. Kemp; “Choctaw’s History Lives On in St.Tammany”-
    photographs attached-Times-Picayune; Sunday December 20, 1981-copy
  1. “Mandeville is Remembered as Playground for the Rich”-Times-Picayune, January 25,
    1987; St. Tammany History-by John Fahey
  2. “Mandeville Readies for Sesquicentennial”- Linda Cartwright- Times-Picayune, Sunday,
    June 25, 1989
  1. “A Tale from Mandeville History-Case of the Missing Press”-Michelle Kropog- News Banner
    Reporter; Sunday, July 2, 1989-copy
  1. “Northlake News-Expressions of Northlake Living…At its best”- March 1995
  2. “From the Files of the St. Tammany Farmer”- 1874-2002; The St. Tammany Farmer, Covington,
    Louisiana, Thursday, March 7, 2002
  1. “From the Files of the St. Tammany Farmer”- 1874-2004; The St. Tammany Farmer, Covington,
    Louisiana, Thursday, February 12, 2004
  1. “Slidell-Country Close to the City”-TImes-Picayune-Best Local Real Estate- Sunday,
    October 10, 2004
  1. “Hurricane Katrina-Mandeville Lakefront Aims to Retain Charm”-Meghan Gordon-St.Tammany
    Bureau-Friday September 9, 2005, Times-Picayune
  1. “From the Files of the St. Tammany Farmer”- 1874-2006; The St. Tammany Farmer, Covington,
    Louisiana, Thursday, March 23, 2006
  1. “St. Tammany Parish West”-Craig Guillot- New Orleans City Business; April 3, 2006
  2. “For Chevron, Northshore Beats Texas”-Times-Picayune, Saturday May 13, 2006
  3. “From the Files of the St. Tammany Farmer”- 1874-2006; The St. Tammany Farmer, Covington,
    Louisiana, Thursday, June 1, 2006
  1. “Built to Last”-Times-Picayune, Saturday, June 10, 2006
  2. “Light on the Past”-Richard Boyd- St. Tammany and Metro Area-Times-Picayune, Saturday,
    June 10, 2006
  1. “Building by the Book”-Bruce Nolan-Times-Picayune, Sunday, June 11, 2006
  2. “North Shore Ready to Look Normal Again- Ron Thibodeaux-Times-Picayune; Saturday,
    June 24, 2006
  3. “From the Files of the St. Tammany Farmer”- 1874-2006; The St. Tammany Farmer, Covington,
    Louisiana, Thursday, June 29, 2006
  1. “North Shore’s Brewing”-Brett Anderson; July 7, 2006
  2. “Our Enemies in Iraq Aren’t Drinking Lattes”-Max Boot; “Tammany’s Good Life Under
    Pressure”-Ron Thibodeaux; Saturday July 8, 2006
  1. “Top Public Companies,” “Pool Corp. Toes Fortune 1,000 Territory,” “Hornbeck Cites
    ‘Perfect storm’ of Factors in 05 Revenue Growth,” “Acquisition Gives Gulf Island Deep
    Water Advantage,” “Whitney poised for Gulf Coast expansion”- New Orleans City-Business,
    June 19,2006
  1. Local news, obituaries, tributes, “Crossing Upgrades Please Residents”-Daily Star,
    Friday, February 23, 2007
  1. Outside; “Hocus Pocus”-Times-Picayune, Sunday, May 27, 2007
  2. “Having Patients” North Shore Report July 2007
  3. “In Focus Boating-‘Smooth Sailing’”- North Shore Report-July 2007
  4. “Community Growth”-The Sunday Star (Daily Star)-August 24, 2008
  5. “Home Tour Reveals Splendor” Chris Garcia
  6. Centennial edition, The St. Tammany Farmer, Covington, LA, Thursday October 25, 1973;
    in an envelope with “The Lake pp 1-12″ written on it, with a copy of Lake Pontchartrain and
    Lake Maurepas
  1. “Spitz Faden speaks”- A Northshore Journal Exclusive interview- Northshore Journal;
    May 1989
  1. “In the Beginning”-Times-Picayune; Saturday August 7, 1982
  2. Copy-“Mandeville Golf Project” is aired by House Prober
  3. Copy- “Fontainebleau State Park to be Opened to Public July 4″- June 24, 1943-Morning
  1. Copy-“Mental Hospital Units are to be Dedicated Monday”; “State Hospital at Mandeville
    will be Dedicated Monday”; “Mental Hospital is Dedicated”
  1. Copy-article cut off page (possibly says “Shakeup seen at Mandeville”, but half of
    article is cut off page), “…Says Hospital to Keep Staff”
  1. Copy- “Southeast Mental Hospital to Set Transfers from Jackson, Board told”
  2. Copy-“Press Views New Mental Unit as 100th Patient is Admitted
  3. Copy-“Master Plot Plan of Southeast Louisiana Mental Hospital-Units are First Part
    of a Giant Project”
  1. Copy- “Drs. Belcher and Rousos are Leaving Mandeville-insane hospital
  2. Copy- part of an article stating with “so far, two other patients…”; no title
  3. Copy- “The Long Road Back” (about insane hospital)
  4. Copy- “Rafferty New Clinical Director at Hospital, “Dr. Rafferty is Director of Hospital,”
    “Open House Set at Louisiana Hospital”
  1. Copy-half of article; “Sobriety-Physician Teaches Alcoholism Patients How to Enjoy
  2. Copy- half of article about Dr. Don Gallant, Medical Director-insane hospital
  3. Copy- “Work is Rushed”; “Links to be Ready Early Next Spring”; “Mandeville Bank Robbed
    of $2240″
  1. Copy- “Where Safe-Crackers Broke In”; “Burned Open Vault with Torch”-Times-Picayune
  2. Copy of a picture of a fairway
  3. Another copy of a picture of a golf fairway
  4. Copy of a picture of an air view of the recreation center being cleared from the forest
    near Mandeville by the WPA workmen
  1. Classified ads page-Times-Picayune; Sunday July 2, 1989
  2. “Mandeville Breezes”, “Bridge Interest Grows”,- Bantam, volume 2, No. 3, Friday, May
    14, 1965
  1. “The Times-Picayune through the years in St. Tammany”- Sunday, January 25, 1987
  2. Copy- “Historic Place Names of Louisiana” ; “Louisiana Seeking Huge Proton Accelerator”
    “Resort Planned for Mandeville”
  1. Copy of newspaper with following partial articles: “Mugniers” and a partial article
    about “‘Tide Water’ Cypress ‘The Wood Eternal’”
  1. “People”-Morning Advocate, Baton Rouge, LA, Friday November 10, 1989- “Racing the
    Pontchartrain” by Dawn deBuer
  1. Copy- “Boat Launch Known”-Melba E. Colvin
  2. Copy- of a partial article about Mandeville CCC                                                                                                       

Folder 5b-notes that correspond with newspaper articles mentioned in folders 4-5

  1.  Various notepads and papers with notes on newspaper articles-dated and titled
  2. More notes on various newspapers
  3. Notes on St. Tammany Farmer- Louis H. Wagner
  4. Hand written notes on various newspaper articles
  5. More notes on news- LSU 1937

BOX   24    

Folder   1  —Aardvark’s Bark

      January 7, 1971, Volume 1, Number 1. (xerox copy)

Folder   2  —CDAF Blackball Express

      Week of April 20th, Volume 1, Number 2.

Folder   3  —The Chronicle

a) Volume 2, Number 1.

b) “And the Rockets Red

Folder   4  —Collegiate Factor

a) January, 1970. (2 copies)

b) February, 1970.

c) April, 1970.

d) June, 1970.

e) November, 1970.

f) December, 1970.

Folder   5  —The Collegiate Republican

a) Volume 1, Number 5.

b) A letter stating the reason for an existing pamphlet from The Student Rights Organization.

Folder   6  —LSU Outlook

a) LSU Outlook, Vol. 21, Number 6, November 1974.

b) LSU Outlook, Vol. 28, Number 1, January 1981.

Folder   7  —Morning Alternate

      October 3, 1974, Volume II, Number I.

Folder   8  —Onlooker

       November 21, 1968, Volume I, Issue No. 3.

Folder   9  —The Rabble

       November 4, 1968, Hammond, LA.

Folder   10  —Strawberry Jam

a) Guidelines and informational background on Strawberry Jam. (2 copies)

b) Strawberry Jam, Vol. 2 Issue 1, Fall 1979.

Folder   11  —Copies from New Orleans Papers

a) A letter written to Dick from Ferdinand, July 4th, 1861.

b) A letter written to Ma and Sisters, May 12th, 1863.

c) Letters to Mary Pittman from R. B. Pittman.

d) A letter to Mother from Laurie, July 1862.

e) Excerpts from New Orleans Papers (copy of originals and English translations)

Folder   12  English translation of the text for The Seven Deadly Sins, 1957.

Folder   13  —Journals

a) Bibliography, table of contents to the Journal of Negro History.

b) Order form for Louisiana History, Official Journal of the Louisiana Historical Association, Index to Volumes I-XXV.

c) Order form for the Teaching History: A Journal of Methods.

Folder   14   Menus and Place Mats


a) Laroux The Gourmet Classic. (2 copies)

b) Lafitte’s Landing Restaurant.

c) Lafitte’s Landing recipe for Lafitte’s Oysters Marie Laveaux.

d) Mother’s Restaurant.

e) The Cabin Restaurant.

f) Six Fortune Chinese Fast Foods.

g) China Inn Restaurant

h) South China Restaurant

i) Don’s Seafood & Steak House, Inc.

j) Mashburns

k) Murphy’s Seafood

l) Gefs

m) Taste of Bavaria Bakery Pastry and Coffee Shop.

n) Po Folks.

o) A listing of Washington Restaurants, 1990.

p) The Vieux Carre Restaurant.

q) Brochure: The Gumbeaux Gator Guide to Dining in Southwest Louisiana.

r) Lagoon Dining Room, Lihue, Hawaii.

s) Kluchin’s General Store Restaurant

t) Navia’s of Baton Rouge, New Orleans Seafood Restaurant.


k) Don’s Seafood & Steak House.

l) Airline Motors Restaurant Bar.

Folder   15  —Excerpts about The Casket Girls

a) The Encyclopedia of SOUTHERN HISTORY, 1979.

b) Louisiana, by Alcee Fortier, 1914.

c) The Story of Louisiana, Volume I, Edwin Adams Davis, 1960.

Folder   16  —Indians

a) “The Forgotten Tribe, Louisiana’s Coushattas,” July 1969.

b) Louisiana Indians Linguistic Group and Tribe map and information sheet.

c) Louisiana Chronology of Prehistoric Cultures.

d) “Indians of South America,” National Geographic Map, 1982.

e) “Native American Heritage, A Visitors Guide,” National Geographic Map, October 1991.

f) “The Caddo Indians of Louisiana” by Clarence H. Webb and Hiram F. Gregory, August
1978. (booklet and xerox copy of booklet)

g) “U. S. Journal: Louisiana, The Tunica Treasure,” The New Yorker, July 27, 1981.

h) “The Paleo-Indian Era in Louisiana” by Jon L. Gibson, Louisiana Heritage Magazine, Vol. II, No. III, 1971. (xerox copy)

i) List of Archeology films, books, booklets, exhibits.

j) List of Archeology news, books, booklets, exhibits.

k) Anthropological Study Series

Folder   17  —Indians—Poverty Point

a) Poverty Point, Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism, Louisiana Archaeological Survey and
Antiquities Commission Anthropological Study No. 7.

b) Anthropological Study Series, No. 7, Poverty Point: A Culture of the Lower Mississippi Valley, by Jon L. Gibson. (xerox copy)

c) Poverty Point Louisiana State Commemorative Area (brochure)

d) Poverty Point Exhibit, Books for Additional Reading Available from the Louisiana
State Library.

e) References on Poverty Point.

f) Poverty Point State Commemorative Area (1-page paper).

g) “Poverty Point 2000 years ahead of its time,” Morning Advocate, November 26, 1982 (xerox).

h) Poverty Point newspaper clipping, March 17, 1963.

i) Objects of Early Culture, Morning Advocate, November 12.

j) Poverty Point and Olmec influences (2 pages xeroxed from unidentified book)

k) “Poverty Point at-a-glance” by Dr. Glen Greene (xerox copy).

l) “Ancient culture studied at Poverty Point sites,” (xerox copy).

m) Poverty Point Acquisition Is Proposed to Legislature, Times-Picayune, May 3, 1971 (xerox).

n) “State Purchases Poverty Point To Be Used as Recreation Area,” May 9, 1972 (xerox

o) “Poverty Point transfer bill sent to president,” Morning Advocate, October 15, 1988 (xerox).

p) “Park Service will manage Poverty Point,” November 10, 1988 (xerox copy).

q) Louisiana Archeology Week 1990 Poverty Point State Commemorative Area.

r) Poverty Point Interpretive Trail

Folder   18  —Indians

a) “On the Tunica Trail” by Jeffrey P. Brain, June 1977. (3 copies)

b) Program for the Second Annual United Houma Indian Festival, August 31-September
3, 1990.

c) Flyer for the Second Annual United Houma Indian Festival, August 31-September 3,

h) Bibliography on Indians.

i) Migrations of the Tunica (map).

j) Cadastral Records: A Saga of the Common Man (outline).

k) “The Valley of the Kings on the Bogue Falaya” (4-page paper).

      l) Archaeological dig information on the Old Mill Site, 1980 (2-page paper).

m) “An Expedition” by Mike Broussard (4-page paper) .

n) Louisiana Chronology and map.

o) Printout of books.

p) A comic strip of a pilgrim and an Indian.

q) A supplemental information sheet.

r) A conversation held by and Indian and a French settler.

s) Calendar year of the Natchez. (2 copies)

t) Calendar Year of the Natchez and Grand Village (brochure).

u) Information on the Grand Village of the Natchez Indians.

Folder   19  —Indians

a) “Indians of North America,” National Geographic, Vol. 142, No. 6, December 1972 (map).

b) Paper about the Iroquois Indians.

c) Louisiana History Bibliography.

d) Xerox pages from The Louisiana Historical Quarterly.

e) “Louisiana Indians” bibliography.

f) Father Adrien Rouquette and the Choctaws (Notes from Fr. Smith’s Talk Sept. 17,

g) Handwritten Notes.

h) “Tonti’s Search” (2-page paper).

i) “Indians” pages 2 and 3.

j) Proposed history honors program, Fall 1974.

k) Indians of Louisiana (2 copies of an 11-page paper).

l) Invitation to LSU’s Anglo-American Art Museum, January 11, 1981.

Folder   20 —The Italians

a) “The Italian Century,” a brochure (3 copies).

b) Brochure to the Independence Italian Festival, April 23 & 24, 1982 at Mater Dolorosa
School and Church Grounds.

c) Stationery from the Italian Century, October 18-24, 1982

d) Schedule of events from the New Orleans Jazz Centennial Celebration.

e) An Invitation to Italian poster.

f) Colonies Before WWI, Italians in Texas, The Texas Humanist, Vol. 4, No. 2, November-December 1981 (2 xerox copies).

g) My Grandfather, Joseph Euvino, Louisiana History Newsletter, Vol. 4, No. 5, September 1978.

h)  “The Italians” by D. Bazer, A. McIntosh, and J. Robinson, Ethnic Heritage Workshop,
Title IX Grant, SLU, Summer, 1980.

Folder   21 —The Italians

a) Slide presentation on Louisiana’s Italian Culture, Heritage and History by Lyle
Soniat (2 copies).

b) Slide presentation on Italian Festivals in Louisiana, by Lyle Soniat (2 copies).

c) Slide presentation of American Italian culture, On-going Treasures of the Past.

d) Slide presentation of the maker’s of Louisiana’s future, American Italian heritage
and history (2 copies).

e) Partial paper about Hungarians.

f) “The Felicianas of Louisiana” by David C. Bazer.

g) Information on Grace Memorial Episcopal Church.

Folder   22  —The Jews

a) “The Louisiana Jewish Community Reminiscences of its History” an exhibit, November
7, 1982 to December 11, 1982, special collections division of Tulane.

b) Conference on Southern Jewish History, November 19-21, 1981, New Orleans, LA (brochure).

BOX   25    

Folder   1  —Louisiana Masons

a) Louisiana Freemason, Summer 1976

b) The Louisiana Freemason, Volume 16 Number 4, 1988.

c) The Louisiana Freemason, Volume 24 Number 3, October 1995.

d) “Freemasonry in Louisiana” by Edwin F. Gayle.

e) “Freemasonry in Louisiana” by Edwin F. Gayle.

Folder   2  —Ku Klux Klan

a) Business card for Bill Wilkinson, Imperial Wizard, United States of America.

b) An introduction to the Invisible Empire Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (brochure)

d) Lincoln’s Plan to Re-colonize the Negro (brochure).

e) Get on the Klan Van, Join the Klan Youth Corps (brochure).

f) Illegal Alien Problem (brochure).

g) Fusion of the Races (brochure).

h) whites and mulatto? Beyond Human Belief (brochure).

i) Roots exposed (brochure).

j) Quarterly publication for the Invisible Empire Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Spring

Folder   3  —Berry, Alex

a) Eulogy for Alex Berry prepared by Howard Nichols.

b) Personal Profile of Alexander Berry, January 1, 1988.

c) Correspondence from August J. Molner to Alexander Berey concerning Foundation’s 
distinguished Service Award, August 15, 1988.

d) An article entitled “My Friend: Alexander J. Berey” by C. Howard Nichols.

Folder   4  —Buck, Martina

a) “Remembering Martina Ellis Buck (1898-1996)” (2-page paper)

b) “Memorial of Martina Ellis Buck” for DAR by Charles B. W. Palmer (3-page paper)

c) Letter to C. Howard Nichols from Charles B. W. Palmer concerning tribute in newspaper,
dated May 1, 1996

d) Letter from C. Howard Nichols to Charles B. W. Palmer concerning remarks about
Martina for the D.A.R., dated May 2, 1996.

Folder   5  —Carter, Hodding

a) Letter from Billy Carter to Nichols concerning appreciation of Hodding’s editorial
in the Courier, December 2, 1988.

b) Hodding Carter’s Hammond a talk for Evelyn Livingston’s Book Club, delivered at
her home, May 30, 1989.

c) Ave Atque—We’ll Be Seeing You,” The Tangipahoa Parish Daily Courier, May 29, 1936.

Folder   6  —Carter, Jimmy

a) Nationwide election returns update.

b) Museum of the Jimmy Carter Library (brochure).

c) Biographical Sketches of the Carter Family.

d) “Jimmy Carter Presidential Campaign: Announcement Speech, Address by  Jimmy Carter
Announcing his candidacy for the 1976 Democratic Presidential nomination to the national
press club,” December 12, 1974.

e) “Jimmy Carter Presidential Campaign: Address by Jimmy Carter to the Chicago Council
on Foreign Relations” March 15, 1976.

f) “Jimmy Carter Presidential Campaign: Address by Jimmy Carter on Urban Policy, To
the United States Conference on Mayors in Milwaukee,” June 29, 1976.

g) “Jimmy Carter Presidential Campaign: Address by Jimmy Carter on the  Middle East,
Elizabeth, NJ,” June 6, 1976.

h) “Jimmy Carter Presidential Campaign: Jimmy Carter on Labor”

i) “Jimmy Carter Presidential Campaign: Address by Jimmy Carter before the National
Wildlife Federation,” March 15, 1975.

j) Jimmy Carter Presidential Campaign: Cities Urban Policy for the remainder of the
Twentieth Century” April 1, 1976.

k) “Jimmy Carter Presidential Campaign: Jimmy Carter on Railroad Reorganization”

l) “Jimmy Carter Presidential Campaign: Planning a Budget from Zero” at the National
Governors conference, June 

m) “Jimmy Carter on Church and State,” Liberty, September/October 1976.

Folder   7  —Carter, Ruth

a) A Requiem Eucharist for the Repose of the soul of Marilyn Carter.

b) Memo to faculty from The Ruth C. Carter Memorial Scholarship Committee, May 5,

c) “C. C. Carter Succumbs Saturday Morning at Wiginton Hospital,” (xerox newspaper

d) Burris Greene Briar Shoppe grand opening, August 31, 1970.

Folder   8  —Durieux, Caroline W.

a) Invitation to Caroline Durieux early Lithographs exhibition, December 4, 1977.

b) Caroline Durieux retrospective exhibition, Historic NO Collection, January 13-Feb.
14, 1976.

c) Caroline Durieux donation of profits on all copies of the book sold at the art

Folder   9  —Edwards, Edwin

a) Postcard from Jim Brady to C. Howard Nichols concerning the election of Edwin Edwards,
Governor, October 29, 1979.

b) Telegrams from Edwin Edwards to Clarence J. Nichols concerning the support of Edwin 
Edwards on election day, Oct. 25, 1971 and Dec. 10, 1971.

c) Campaign newspaper supplement about Edwin Edwards (2 copies)

d) Advertisement for Edwin Edwards at Southeastern Louisiana University, October 7,

e) 5 good reasons to vote for Edwin Edwards November 16 Campaign advertisement

f) “Make the difference” flyer, Campaign advertisement for Edwin Edwards

g) Letter from Edwin W. Edwards, Governor to School Board Members concerning problem
issues and solutions, December 1992.

Folder   10  —Graham, Ford M.

a) “Ford M. Graham: Member of the Board,” The Tulanian, Vol. 45, No. 3,  Summer 1973.

b) Program for Fanfare event—John J. Graham President and Chief Executive Officer
Graham  Resources, Inc., October 11, 1989.

Folder   11  —Graham, John

a) Program for the matrimony  of Katherine Breckinridge and Ford Fourmy Graham, January
25, 1992 at Grace Episcopal Church, Hammond, LA.

b) Resume of John J. Graham.

Folder   12  —Leche, Richard W.

a) Letter from J. C. Cooper, Commissioner to Governor Richard W. Leche  concerning
Labor troubles at the Hammond and Roseland plants of Mr. Wilson’s company, August
20, 1938. (xerox)

b) Letter from Mrs. Richard W. Leche to Howard Nichols concerning the expected  delivery
of the Gazette to Howard Nichols, October 9, 1978.

Folder   13  —Long, Huey P. (Part I)

a) Postcard from Abner Powell, New Orleans to Mrs. W. H. King, Weston, GA, 1952 (has
pictures of Huey Long, the new State Capitol, and Huey P. Long bridge).

b) The Huey P. Long Centennial, 1893-1993 (brochure).

c) Huey Long Centennial Symposium agenda, August 27- 28, 1993.

d) “Huey Long: How the Kingfish made college golf,” Golf Digest, October 1992.

e) Poster of Huey Long’s 50 years commemoration.

f) Book cover entitled “Huey Long’s Louisiana Hayride” by Harnett T. Kane.

g) Huey Pierce Long Funeral Oration, September 12, 1935.

h) “The World of Huey Long” by Robert Penn Warren, Saturday Review, January  5, 1974.

i) A poem entitled “The Road” by Hyam Plutzik.

j) “Huey Long as Educator” by Joe L. Green.

k) General information concerning Huey Long.

l) Schedule program for Southeastern Louisiana University Presentation of “The Longs
of Louisiana” September 8-15, 1985 (3 copies).

Folder   14  —Long, Huey P. (Part II)

a) “Longism,” (4-page paper)

b) “The Enigma of Huey Long: An Essay Review” by Hugh Davis Graham (Book review Reprint
from The Journal of Southern History, Vol. XXXVI, No. 2, May 1970).

c) Poems by Robert Edgar Sharkey.: “A Prayer of the Converted,” “The Battle of the
Airport,” “Xenophon’s Retreat,” “Whoopee!”

d) An article entitled “The Messiah of the Rednecks.”

e) Index card with jotted information about the 1st New Deal & 2nd New Deal.

f) Letter from Tom H. Matheny to C. Howard Nichols dated December 22, 1988 concerning
information about Huey P. Long. Includes an article entitled “The Kingfish at OU”
and letters to Joseph A. Brandt from Huey P. Long. All are xerox copies from the Sooner Magazine, 1988.

g) Huey P. Long’s House Calendar House Resolutions, 5th Extra Session March 20, 1929

h) Report to House by Committee of the Whole House for the Resolution, April 24, 1929

i) Outline for the Louisiana Politics Huey P. Long, Jr.

j) A announcement for the LSU Young Democrats Present the CBS News Production: Huey
Long, Narrated by Mike Wallace.

k) “The Liars Will Not Mention This” from Huey P. Long.

l) “Don’t Be Disfranchised!” from Huey P. Long.

Folder   15  —Behrman, Martin

Poem entitled “I Know Moonlight.”

Folder   16  —McKeithen, John

a) Letter from John McKeithen to C. Howard Nichols concerning Lake Pontchartrain Causeway’s
high accident rates, July 18, 1967.

b) Louisiana’s First Family, Louisiana SPOTLIGHT on Industry, June 1964, Vol. 4, no. 4.

Folder   17  —Morris, Irene

a) Card from Irene Morris concerning appreciation for note, dated March 4, 1980.

b) “Doyle Brown Sworn in as Postmaster,” Kentwood News, December 20, 1979; letter included.

c) Interlibrary loan analysis.

Folder   18  —Morrison, Chep

a) Campaign advertisement for Governor

b) Letter from Claude B. Duval to Miss Corinne Morrison concerning Morrison Scholarship
Funds, dated April 1, 1966.

Folder   19  —Nicholls, Francis T.

a) Letter to Dr. L. C. Egan, 1878 (xerox copy).

b) Map of parishes for the Gubernatorial Election, Francis Nicholls, 1888; Murphy
Foster, 1892; John McEnery, 1884; Louis Wiltz, 1879; and Francis Nicholls, 1876.

c) Birthday card from Francis to Lizzie on her sixth birthday.

d) Letter from Francis T. Nicholls assignment to duty with Ward’s Battalion, July
28, 1864.

e) Letter from C. Howard Nichols to George W. Pugh, dated February 1, 1973 concerning
permission to edit and publish a manuscript by Josephine Nicholls Pugh.

f) Notes from a meeting with Roman C. Nicholls.

g) Notes on Francis T. Nicholls Biography.

h) Notes on Francis T. Nicholls.

i) “A Living Monument: Francis T. Nicholls” by Dan S. Borne, Louisiana Heritage Magazine, Vol. II, No. IV.

j) Program from Les liaisons Dangereuses by Christopher Hampton, Dec. 6-8, 1995.

k) Handwritten copy of letter from John McCormick to M. E. Williams, New Orleans,
May 25, 1867 from the Williams Papers.

Folder   20  —Nixon Presidency

      “Is the Pardon Explained By the Ford-Nixon Tapes?” by Frank Fox and Stephen

Folder   21  —Perez, Leander

a) “Leander Perez vs. Gov. Jones, War breaks out in Plaquemines,” Lake Charles American Press, October 1985.

b) “Rooting out corruption, Bold raid ended Plaquemines ‘rebellion’,” Lake Charles American Press, October 16, 1985.

c) “Perez Victor in Plaquemine Parish War,” Lake Charles American Press, October 17, 1985.

d) “Leander Perez: The Swamp’s Gift to Dixie.”

Folder   22  —Phillips, U. B.

“The Historian’s Historian” concerning information about U. B. Phillips.

Folder   23  —Baroness De Pontalba

a) Cityrama, Paris France, information on sightseeing; Bateaux-Mouches Paris; Paris
Vision, Daytime Excursions in Paris; Discount card for Galleries Lafayette, Galleries
Lafayette, map of Paris- Plan De Paris.

b) “Death Of A Remarkable Lady, Michaela de Almonaster Y Roxas, Baroness de Pontalba.”

c) American Embassy, Paris—Travel and Visitors Unit, General information for official

d) “The American Ambassadors Residence in Paris” (xerox copy).

Folder   24  —Poydras, Julien

a) Julien De Lalande Poydras (April 3, 1746-June 23, 1824) (xerox copy).

b) “Julien Poydras’ Will Born of a Broken Heart” (2-page paper).

c) Letter from Essae Martha Culver to J. M. Holloway concerning the Legislative Act
# 58.

d) “Poydras Day set for Sunday” (newspaper clipping xeroxed from unidentified newspaper)

e) “Windfall for Louisiana Brides,” The Inch, Winter 1971-72, Texas Eastern Transmission Corp.

f) “Poydras closes after 162 years” by Brian Costello; 2 xerox copies of Poydras School.

g) “WBR brides still reap benefits from Poydras will dowry fund” by Calvin  Gilbert,
State Times, January 25, 1982 (xerox copy).

h) Early Epic Poem by Julien Poydras finally translated in the English, Foundation Flashes, Published by the Baton Rouge Foundation for Historical Louisiana, Inc., Vol. III,
No. 5, Nov. 1967.

i) An Affidavit used to inform of Julien Poydras personal belongings.

j) Copy of the Will of the late Julien Poydras (Translation).

k) Poydras High School (xerox copy).

l) The False River Breeze, Published Now and Then by the Senior Class of Poydras High School,  September 17,

m) Front cover from Kristie Morgan “Julien Poydras’ Contributions to Pointe Coupee
and Its Neighbors.”

Folder   25  —Reagan, Ronald

Campaign Stickers “REAGAN” (2 copies).

Folder   26  —Roemer, Buddy

a) “Bad Times on the Bayou” by Wayne King. Article contains information on Buddy Roemer.

b) Empty Business Reply Mail envelope addressed to Buddy Roemer for Governor Committee.

Folder   27  —Schwegmann, Melinda

      Grocery bag with “Melinda Schwegmann #17, A Lieutenant Governor for us. For
a change.”

Folder   28  —Stanley, Henry Morton

“A Critic At Large, The Dark Continent of Henry Stanley,” The New Yorker, Dec. 31, 1990.

Folder   29  —Stolley, Rev. Carl H.

Personal Profile—background information concerning work history, compensation, and
work experience, November 1, 1977.

Folder   30  —Tregle, Joseph G., Jr.

The Future of Louisiana History, by Joseph G. Tregle, Jr. (booklet).

Folder   31  —Thames, John Deloach

Interview with Thames—Interrogative question “What did a mill doctor do?”

Folder   32  —Town, A. Hays

a) Lithographic sketches of Europe in 1977.

b) Registration and invitation to an open house of five residences designed by A.
Hays Town.

Folder   33  —Treen, David

a) Admission ticket to the Governor’s Ball for David C. Treen, March 10, 1980.

b) David C. Treen’s Outline of Accomplishments.

Folder   34  —Truman, Harry S.

“Truman was a hell of a President: Give ‘Em Harry” by William E. Leuchtenburg, The New Republic, May 21, 1984 (xerox copy).

Folder   35  —Warren, Earl

“Mr. Chief Justice Warren,” Newsweek, July 22, 1974.

Folder   36  —Williams, T. Harry

a) Harry Williams, Scholar and Teacher, April 26, 1979 (3 Programs).

b) Address list.

c) Letter to Williams from Nichols concerning the dissertation, July 23, 1974.

d) Letter from Williams concerning Nichols’ thesis, July 19, 1974.

e) “He’s no Huey Long” by T. Harry Williams, New York Times, April 6, 1972.

f) Institute of Southern History and Culture Fellowship Program, LSU, T. Harry Williams,
Director (brochure).

g) Harry Williams’ response to the question of why he thinks he is a popular teacher,
LSU Gumbo, 1971-1972, Pg. 113.

h) Letter from Stephen E. Ambrose, UNO to former Williams students concerning a plaque
given in recognition of  Williams’ work as a teacher, October 24, 1977.

i) Williams Fan Club Newsletter from UNO, Vol. II, No. 2, February 27, 1978.

j) Invitation to cocktails at Williams’ house.

k) Invitation to a testimonial dinner for T. Harry Williams by LSU History Department

l) Invitation to the Williams Symposium by LSU History Department.

m) Invitation to a cocktail reception in honor of T. Harry Williams, April 12, 1979.

n) Letter from Nichols to Williams’ wife, Stell, after the death of Williams, July
27, 1979.

o) Letter from Ben Wall concerning the health of T. Harry Williams, June 14, 1979.

p) Letter from Stephen Ambrose concerning an informal dinner at Antoine’s in honor
of Williams, October 12, 1977.

q) Reminder to send check or pledge to the T. Harry Williams Scholarship fund, April
17, 1978.

r) Invitation to cocktails at the house of Williams and his wife, April 27, 1979.

s) Review of T. Harry Williams’s book, Lincoln and His Generals, Saturday Review, February 23, 1952.

t) “Which 20 men and women had the most to do with shaping our lives in the last 50
years?” by Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. and Marquis Childs.

u) “American Mercury to Print Work by History Professor” The Daily Reveille, Sept. 26, 1952.

v) “T. Harry Williams” Dictionary of Literary Biography, Volume 17, 1983.

w) Announcement of the establishment of the T. Harry Williams Scholarship, May 11,

x) Letter from Williams concerning Nichols’ writing, September 21, 1978.

y) The Civil War Round Table of Baton Rouge pamphlet, 1965.

z) Letter from The Journal of American History concerning the nomination of board members, December 1, 1970.

aa) Invitation to the Professor Frank Freidel Fleming Lecturer honorary cocktail party,
April 14, 1964.

Folder   37  Dave H. Brown “Who’s Who in Louisiana Politics.” 1916

BOX   26    

Folder   1  —Acadiana

Acadiana Profile, A Magazine about south Louisiana, Vol. 7, No. 6., November/December 1979.

Folder   2  —Audubon

Order Form for Audubon’s Birds of America from National Audubon Society and The Smithsonian Institution.

Folder   3  —Fort Pike

Diagram of the Elements of bastioned fortification and military reservation.

Folder   4  —Franklin, Louisiana

a) A magnet with logo “St. Mary Parish”

b) business card of Jennifer L. Landry, West St. Mary Chamber of Commerce.

c) Brochures: Grevemberg House, Oaklawn Manor, Frances Plantation, Tour of Homes,
Off the Beaten Path: The Forest Motel, Grevemberg House Museum, Oakwood on the Teche,
Cypress Bayou Casino, Historic District, Walking Tour of Historic Homes, St. Mary
Parish, West St. Mary Parish Louisiana.

d) Post card of Arlington Plantation

e) Information on Arlington Plantation, map included.

f) Information from the Louisiana Preservation Alliance  about 18th Annual Conference,
Grandeur of the Bayou.

g) Information on the St. Mary Parish Tourist Commission, map included.

h) Louisiana Landmarks Society, St. Mary Chapter, 1969, map included.

i) Letter from Carrie Gautreaux to Louisiana Preservation Alliance about visitation.

j) Information about the Louisiana Landmarks of St. Mary Chapter walking tour.

k) Article entitled “Bocage—Teddy Roosevelt slept here” by Saundra Brooks.

l) Article entitled “Bocage-on-the-Teche.”

m) “Andrew and Our Antebellum Home in Franklin,” Preservation in Print, August 1993.

n) Program from the 18th Annual Conference The Louisiana Preservation Alliance, Grandeur
on the Bayou, June 14-16, 1996.

Folder   5  —French Market

a) “The Story of the Old French Market New Orleans” by Catherine Cole (booklet).

b) New Orleans the celebrated French Market. “Sample Image and Quote”. (xerox copy)

Folder   6  —Gallier House

A ticket with Gallier House printed on front and floor map of house on back.

Folder   7  —Galvez

Historical background information of Galveztown.

Folder   8  —Hodges Gardens

Brochures: Visit Hodges Gardens Louisiana’s Famous Garden in the Forest, Hodges Gardens–

Guide map, history & calendar of blooms, Hodges Gardens, Hodges Gardens–world famous
“Garden in the Forest.”

Folder   9  —Kenner, LA

a) Information about Seven Oaks Plantation and map included.

b) City of Kenner Office of Tourism information on Plantations.

c) Brochures: Rivertown U.S.A. historical and cultural attractions, Kenner Historical
Museum,  Kenner Rivertown Aquarium, Kenner The Louisiana Wildlife & Fisheries Museum,
Kenner: Where New Orleans Begins, River Rose.

d) Tourist Guide to Jefferson Parish.

Folder   10  —LaPlace, LA

a) Louisiana Almanac: Parish and Cities of Louisiana.

b) The LaPlace Andouille Festival “Putting it together. . .” October 29-31, 1976 (brochure).

c) Plastic bags with “A. Montz Frozen Corn on the cob” logo on front.

Folder   11  —Mansfield

a) “The Mansfield Battle Park” background information (xerox copy).

b) Confederate Victory at Mansfield (2 booklets).

c) “After Mansfield & Pleasant Hill.”

d) “1863,” Chronology of Battle.

e) Mansfield, Welcome to Louisiana’s Mansfield State Commemorative Area (2 brochures)

f) Mansfield Battle Park Museum (brochure).

g) Civil War Marine, A Diary of the Red River Expedition, 1864, 

h) Territorial map 

Folder   12  —New Orleans (Part I)

a) New Orleans 43rd Annual Spring Fiesta, April 20-May 8, 1979 (brochure).

b) Longue Vue House and Gardens, New Orleans (brochure).

c) New Orleans Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra, 39th season 1974-75 (brochure).

d) New Orleans Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra, 39th season 1974-75 (booklet).

e) VA Office Gets Lesson from Irate Attorney (Brief anecdote).

f) An announcement about the Historic New Orleans Collection Seminars, November 16The New Orleans Shakespeare Society announces the play “The Tempest” April 22, 1989.

g) New Orleans map 1948 (instant guide to leading business houses and places of interest).

h) New Orleans Map, 1952 (instant guide to leading business houses and places of interest).

i) New Orleans Map and adjacent parts of Jefferson & St. Bernard Parish, March 7,

j) Way Down Yonder (catalog of Louisiana food and crafts).

k) Old Lakeview, New Orleans Preservation in Print, November 1984.

l) The Historic New Orleans Collection exhibition catalog—The Long Weekend, The Arts
and the Vieux Carre Between the World Wars, 1918-1941; Part I, The 1920s: From Armistice
to the Crash, January 16-May 1, 1993 (2 copies).

m) News in Brief with (diverse articles about New Orleans).

Folder   13  —New Orleans (Part II)

a) New Orleans Walking and Driving Tour (brochure)

b) New Orleans Map and Guide, 1969.

c) New Orleans and Vicinity showing Highway Approaches to the City (map).

d) City of New Orleans Councilmanic Districts and Wards (map).

e) Weekly Bulletin: Port of New Orleans, Vol. LXXVIII, No. 11, March 22, 1969.

f) New Orleans Magazine, Rhine Discovery, July 20-August 2, 1976.

g) “U. S. Journal: New Orleans on the Possibility of Houstonization,” The New Yorker, February 17, 1975.

h) Business Volume and Economic Growth the New Orleans Area, 1968.

i) New Orleans Area Tax Guide, Business & Individual.

k) Chalmette National Historical Park, Louisiana by J. Fred Roush, reprint 1961.

l) “The Past as Prelude: New Orleans 1718-1968” edited by Hodding Carter (book review).

m) “Southern Comfort The Garden District of New Orleans 1800 to 1900,” (book review).

n) Crescent City Comments and Suggestions (Elderhostel, Summer 1986)

Folder   14  —New Orleans (Part III)

a) Postcard of Antoine’s Restaurant

b) Map and guide of New Orleans, 1975.

c) Mississippi River Cruises, Steamboat Natchez (brochure).

d) New Orleans Spring Fiesta (brochure).

e) New Orleans Self Guided Walking and Driving Tour (brochure).

f) French Market, 1791-1991, New Orleans (brochure).

g) The Historic New Orleans Collection (brochure).

h) Map of New Orleans and Louisiana Gulf Coast.

i) Pelican Publishing Company Catalog, Fall 1979, Spring 1980.

j) The Authentic Guide to New Orleans, “Life in the French Quarter” August 1983.

k) Transit Readers’ Digest, Bi-Weekly Journal, Vol. XXVI, No. 17, April 11, 1977.

l) “Big Gamble in the Big Easy” Historic Preservation, July/August 1994.

m) “Louisiana Surveys, The Historic New Orleans Collection, Manuscripts Division UPDATE, Vol. 3, No. 1, 1984.

n) “New Orleans: Conclave City,” Guilds, American Gem Society, November/December 1981.

o) Travelaide: A Vacation Guide, Winter/Spring 1979-1980.

p) “The Americanization of New Orleans,” The Historic New Orleans Collection, March
30-June 4, 1977—providing information on Municipal Affairs, Entertainment, Architecture,
Commerce, Religion, Education, and Items on Exhibition.

Folder   15  —Opelousas

a) Written notes about call numbers for books on Opelousas.

b) Opelousas, La. (brochure)

c) Tourist Guide of Opelousas, La., Published by the Kiwanis Club, 1960.

d) Tourist Guide of Opelousas, La., Published by the Kiwanis Club, 1963.

e) Tourist Guide of Opelousas, La. and surrounding areas, Published by the Kiwanis
Club, 1972.

Folder   16  —Plaquemines, LA

“Plaquemines: When the Bayou meets the River,” Spring 1973.

Folder   17  —Plaquemines Parish

a) Plaquemines Parish, The Empire Parish by J. Ben Meyer, Sr., Parish Historian, Author, 1965.

b) Plaquemines Parish: Fort Jackson (2 copies).

c) Plaquemines Parish: Fort Jackson Walking Tour (brochure).

d) Historical Base Map, Principal Mississippi Delta Ara Defenses, 1700-1900.

e) Deep Delta Country, Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana (map).

f) Flat rules, from South Central’s Bell Notes, June 1976.

g) Calendar, 1983 (Plaquemines Parish Photographs).

Folder   18  —Port Hudson

a) Letter from the Committee For Preservation of Port Hudson Battlefield concerning
the publication of a rare book, “Port Hudson, Its History, from an Interior Point
of View as Sketched from the Diary of an Officer,” dated May 23, 1961.

b) Committee for Preservation of Port Hudson Battlefield Newsletter, September 1961.

c) Background information from Committee for the Preservation on Port Hudson & Order
Form for “Port Hudson” & Application for mailing list.

d) Map of Post Hudson along the Mississippi River.

e) Map of Port Hudson, La. and its vicinity.

f) Pictures of the war in Louisiana.

g) Letter to James Morrison from Fred Benton, Jr.

h) “Man and Nature At Port Hudson 1863, 1917” by Milledge L. Bonham, Jr.

Folder   19  —Ruddock

a) “The Latest News From Louisiana: Plant of the Ruddock Company Nearly Wiped Out,” Daily Picayune, June 5, 1902 (xerox copy)

b) “Tree Trunks, on Which Poisonous Snakes take refuge, and His Story Leads Frank
T. Mooney to Send Relief While a Second Boat Starts for Ruddock,” Daily Picayune, 1915 (xerox copy).

c) “1915 storm leaves few traces of four area swampland towns,” Daily Star, January 14, 1980 (xerox copy).

d) “From a Silent Marshland . . . Came a Bustling Town Reclaimed [Ruddock], Dixie, States Item, August 17, 1975 (xerox copy).

e) Louisiana concerning information about Ruddock (1-page xerox).

f) “No body can rest in peace at old cemetery in Ruddock” by Hal Ledet (xerox copy).

a) Louisiana History concerning the origin of Ruddock and information about William L. Burton (xerox copy
of pp. 156-159).

Folder   20  —St. Bernard

A brown bag journey into Historic St. Bernard, Itinerary included., November 12, 1983.

BOX   27  

Folder   1  —Louisiana Historical Association Invitations

      An invitation to join The Louisiana Historical Association, July 1959.

Folder   2  —Louisiana Historical Association Programs

a) Program for the annual meeting, March 10-12, 1960 (2 copies).

b) Program for the annual meeting, April 12-14, 1962.

c) Program for the annual meeting, April 18-20, 1963 (3 copies); also enclosed is
“Huey Long Governor Race Myth is Exploded by Prof,” Morning Advocate, April 20, 1963.

d) Program for the annual meeting, April 2-4, 1964 (2 copies).

e) Program for the annual meeting, March 16-18, 1967.

f) Program for the annual meeting, March 12-14, 1970 (2 copies).

f) Program for the annual meeting, March 16-18, 1972.

g) Program for the annual meeting, March 14-16, 1974 (2 copies).

h) Program for the annual meeting, March 13-15, 1975 (2 copies).

i) Program for the 18th annual meeting, March 25-27, 1976.

j) Joint Meeting La. Historical Association and Mississippi Historical Society, March
4-5, 1977.

k) Program for the 23rd annual meeting, March 26-28, 1981; Also 2 xerox copies.

l) Program for the 24th annual meeting, March 4-6, 1982 (2 copies)

m) Program for the 34th annual meeting, March 12-14, 1992.

n) List of Programs of the Louisiana Historical Association, 1959-1969.

Folder   3  —Louisiana Historical Association Newsletter

a) Newsletter, Vol. 1, No. 3, January 1, 1959 (2 copies).

b) Newsletter, Vol. 1, No. 4, February 1, 1959 (2 copies).

c) Newsletter, Vol. 1, No. 5, March 1, 1959

d) Newsletter, Vol. 1, No. 6, April 1, 1959

e) Newsletter, Vol. 1, No. 7, May 1, 1959

f) Newsletter, Vol. 1, No. 8, June 1, 1959

Folder   4  —Louisiana Historical Association Newsletter

a) Newsletter, Vol. 1, No. 9, July 1, 1959

b) Newsletter, Vol. 1, No. 10, August 1, 1959

c) Newsletter, Vol. 1, No. 11, September 1, 1959.

d) Newsletter, Vol. 1, No. 12

e) Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 1, November 1, 1959.

f) Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 2, December 1, 1959.

g) Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 3, January 1, 1960.

h) Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 4 and 5, February-March, 1960.

Folder   5  —Louisiana Historical Association Bulletins and Minutes

a) Minutes from the Board of Directors, Baton Rouge, March 16, 1967.

b) Minutes from the Board of Directors, Baton Rouge, March 18, 1967.

c) Minutes from the Board of Directors, New Orleans, March 14, 1970.

d) Publications Committee Meeting Minutes, Biloxi, Mississippi, March 3, 1977.

e) Minutes of the Publications Committee, Meeting, Ruston, Louisiana, October 8, 1977.

Folder   6  —Louisiana Historical Association List of Members

a) List of Members, Louisiana Historical Association, 1960.

b) List of Members, Louisiana Historical Association, 1962.

Folder   7  —Louisiana Historical Association Budget Analysis & Reports

a) Report on Legislative Session of 1960 and Present Status of Louisiana History.

b) Net Assets as of September 30, 1962.

c) Expense account form, June 30, 1965.

d) Financial Report from the 1966 Annual Meeting.

e) General Fund, Status of Outstanding Appropriations, Suggested Budget, August 31,

f) Annual Report Publications Committee, February 23, 1977.

g) Annual Report, 1978.

h) Securities and Cash on Hand, December 31, 1978.

i) Evaluations and Recommendations of the Critic Readers Regarding the Proposed LHA
Book of Readings in Louisiana History, February 7, 1977.

j) List for Book of Readings, The French Colonial Era, Loyola University.

Folder   8  —Louisiana Historical Association, Invitations; Brochures

a) Invitation to the Historical Marker on the Airline  Highway, November 19, 1960.

b) Invitation to Fall Meeting, Ed Cunningham, The Grand Army of the Republic in New Orleans, 1866-1896, October 18, 1975.

c) Invitation to dedication of Historical Marker, April 3, 1982.

d) Hammond Holiday Inn (brochure).

e) The Heritage Tour, April 24th and 25th, 1976 (brochure).

Folder   9  —Louisiana Historical Association Membership Committee

a) Membership applications.

b) News and comments forms.

c) Proof of enrollment forms.

d) Reservation forms for an annual meeting.

e) Membership report.

f) Announcement and program for an annual meeting from 1965.

g) List of board members.

h) Copy of the proposed amendment to the charter.

i) Results from a vote on the location of the annual meeting for 1966.

j) Letter showing receipt of student membership.

k) Memo from Nichols to Dept. of Social Science inviting new members.

l) Invitation to the dedication of an historical marker.

m) Welcome sign from the Baton Rouge Chamber of

n) Programs from the annual meeting of 1963.

o) A letter concerning the financial problem facing the opening of The Shadows-on-the-Teche

p) Estimation of funds needed to restore and maintain historic property in New Iberia.

Folder   10  —Louisiana Historical Association Correspondence and Notes

a) Memorandum from Otis Hebert to Committee Member concerning minutes of the meeting
of the Board of Directors, dated March 25, 1970.

b) Letter from C. Howard Nichols to Dr. Simpson concerning request for early  summer
suggestions relative to the future of the Louisiana Historical Association, dated
September 25, 1970; Also same letter to Dr. Simpson, n. d.

c) Call for papers from C. Howard Nichols for meeting to be held in Franklin, Louisiana,
dated May 26, 1972.

d) Letter from Bennett H. Wall to C. Howard Nichols relating to serving on the L.
H. A. Nominations committee, dated April 19, 1974.

e) Letter from C. Howard Nichols to Bill concerning his attendance at the Nominating
Committee, September 1974; Letter from William Y. Thompson to C. Howard Nichols about
nominated committee, dated September 17, 1974.

f) Letter from Glenn R. Conrad to C. Howard Nichols concerning annual conference 
of the Louisiana Historical Association held in Lafayette, dated October 8, 1975.

g) Letter from Glenn R. Conrad to C. Howard Nichols concerning the invitation to join
the associate editors, dated October 13, 1975.

h) Note from Glenn Conrad to Howard Nichols concerning appreciation for the kind words 
concerning Otis, dated October 21, 1976.

i) Letter from Glenn R. Conrad to Publications Committee concerning best article in
Vol. XVII of Louisiana History for the Robert L. Brown Prize, dated February 7, 1977.

j) Correspondence from Glenn R. Conrad to Members Publications Committee concerning 
Louisiana History book of readings, dated September 8, 1977.

k) Letter from Glenn R. Conrad to Publications Committee Louisiana Historical  concerning
Robert L. Brown prize for best article in Vol. XVIII, dated January 4, 1978.

l) Letter from Bennet H. Wall to Allen E. Begnaud concerning William Y. Thompson appointing
Wall to serve as Chairman of the 1980-81 Nominating Committee, dated September  9,

m) Letter to colleagues about program for March 26-28, 1981, dated December 12, 1980.

n) Letter to Howard Nichols from Donald M. Rawson about meeting, dated March 9, 1981.

o) Letter from Debbie Saik Pope to Louisiana Historical Association concerning  invitation
to a society on March 1983, dated March 1, 1982.

p) Correspondence from Chris N. Miaoulis to Louisiana Historical Association concerning
invitation to hold meeting in Hammond, dated March 1, 1982.

q) Letter from J. Larry Crain to Board Members concerning annual meeting in Hammond,
dated March 4, 1982.

r) Notes prepared for an introduction for A. Otis Hebert, Jr.

s) Notes on scratch paper concerning genealogical register publications.

t) Notes on Paper mailed to Professor Nichols from Phillip Cook, n. d.

Folder   11  —Louisiana Historical Association Correspondence

a) Certification letter to the Association notifying enrollment of students for membership

b) Memo to Officers and Members of Executive Committee from Edwin A. Davis, June 4,

c) Letter to Mrs. Carroll Buck, June 8, 1962.

d) Memo to the Officers and Members, June 9, 1962.

e) Letter to Garnie W. McGinty from Edwin A. Davis about sabbatical leave, June 11,

f) Letter to Mrs. Martina Buck, June 12, 1962.

g) Letter to Mrs. Carroll Buck, June 19, 1962.

h) Letter to Mrs. Carroll Buck, June 22, 1962.

i) Letter from Camp Beauregard 130 to G. W. McGinty, August 29, 1962.

j) Letter to Martina Buck from G. W. McGinty, January 16, 1963.

k) Letter to Martina Buck from G. W. McGinty, March 13, 1963.

l) Letter to Martina Buck from Philip D. Uzee, march 29, 1963.

m) Letter to the officers and members of the board of directors, September 15, 1962.

n) Announcement to Mrs. Buck regarding the Board of Directors meeting, October 8,

o) Letter to Mr. McGee from the superintendent of St. Tammany Parish Schools, Oct.
18, 1962.

p) Letter to Mrs. Martina E. Buck, October 27, 1962.

q) Letter to Professor Martina Buck, October 6, 1962.

r) Letter to Mrs. Martina E. Buck, November 8, 1962.

s) Letter to Mrs. Carroll Buck, November 23, 1963.

t) Letter to Mrs. Carroll Buck, March 14, 1964.

u) Letter to Mrs. Carroll Buck, April 18, 1964.

v) Letter to the board of directors, September 19, 1964.

w) Letter to Mrs. Carroll Buck, November 28, 1964.

x) Letter to Mrs. Carroll Buck, March 9, 1965.

y) Letter to Mrs. Carroll Buck, February 2, 1966.

z) Letter to Mr. Nichols, November 29, 1966.

Folder   12  —Southeast Louisiana Historical Association Correspondence

a) Articles of Incorporation of Southeast Louisiana Historical Association (original
and xerox copies).

b) Mailing list 1979-80.

c) Letter to the friends from Howard C. Nichols, dated March 21, 1980.

d) Letter from Clark Forrest to C. Howard Nichols, dated July 1, 1980.

e) Letter to the members from Vic Couvillion.

f) Program for the Southeast Louisiana Historical Association’s Spring Banquet, April
18, 1980 (2 copies).

g) Program for an annual dinner discussing Louisiana’s Florida Parishes, n. d.

h) Newsletter: Vol. VIII, No. 1, October 1981; Vol. VIII, No. 2, April 1982; Vol.
VIII, No. 3, October 1982; Vol. X, No. 1, 1983

Folder   13  —Southern Historical Association

a) The Southern Historical Association 30th annual meeting, Little Rock, AR, Nov. 12-14, 1964.

b) The Southern Historical Association 32nd annual meeting, Memphis, TN, Nov. 9-12, 1966.

c) The Southern Historical Association 48th annual meeting, Memphis TN, November 3-6, 1982.

d) Application for membership to the Journal of Southern History.

e) Letter to the faculty of the Social Science Department. Subject concerning Southern
Historical Association Twenty-fifth Annual Meeting, November 12-14 (2 copies).

Folder   14   American Historical Association

a) AHA concerning leadership, annual meeting, publications, other activities, sources
of support, etc. (Pamphlet).

b) AHA pamphlet for teachers and students of history, winter 1972-72.

c) Invitation to a party at the annual meeting of the AHA by the LSU history department.

d) Order form for the AHA.

e) Reservation application for flight to Europe.

f) AHA Newsletter, Volume 12, Number 4, April 1974.

g) AHA Newsletter, Volume 18, Number 7, October 1980.

BOX   28 

Folder   1  —Friends of the Anglo-American Art Museum Occasional Newsletters

a) Number 5, January 1971.

b) Number 6, n. d.

c) Number 7, Christmastide 1972.

d) Number 8, April 1973.

e) Number 9, October 16, 1973.

f) Number 10, Christmastide 1973.

g) Number 11, March 15, 1974.

h) Number 12, September 20, 1974.

i) Number 13, December 10, 1974.

j) Number 14, March 26, 1975.

k) Number 15, October 10, 1975.

l) Number 16, December 15, 1975.

m) Number 17, April 19, 1976.

n) Number 18, August 23, 1976.

o) Number 19, November 10, 1976.

p) Number 20, May 1977.

q) Number 21, November 1977.

r) Number 22, February 20, 1978.

s) Number 23, April 28, 1978.

t) Number 24, July 10, 1978.

u) Number 25, September 11, 1978.

v) Number 24 [26?], December 1978.

w) Number 27, September 1, 1979.

x) Number 28 and the annual report for the fiscal year 1979-1980.

Folder   2  —Friends of the Anglo-American Art Museum Membership Lists

a) List from July 1972.

b) List from November 30, 1972.

c) List from July 1973.

d) List from July 1974.

e) List from July 1975.

f) List from June 1976.

g) Lists from April and October 1977.

h) List of Board Members 1973-74.

i) List of Board Members from 1977-78.

j) List of Board Members from 1979-80.

Folder   3  —Friends of the Anglo-American Art Museum Financial Reports and Statements

a) Annual Report, July 1970-July 1971 (2 copies).

b) Annual Report, July 1971-July 1, 1972.

c) Annual Report, July 1972-July 1, 1973

d) Annual Report, July 1, 1973-July 1, 1974.

e) Annual Report, July 1, 1974-June 30, 1975.

f) Annual Report, July 1, 1975-June 30, 1976.

g) Annual Report, June 30, 1978.

h) Annual Report, June 30, 1979.

Folder   4  —Anglo-American Art Museum Invitations

a) Invitation to First B. R. Antiques Forum, Feb. 23, 1973, cover letter dated January
3, 1973.

b) Invitation to Guest lecture by Ronald Miller, January 21, 1975.

c) The Third annual Baton Rouge Antiques Forum, February 21, 1975.

d) Invitation to Seventh Annual B. R. Antique Dealers’ Association, October 2, 1975.

e) Invitation to the opening of The Works of Janice R. Sachse, November 2, 1975.

f) Invitation to Curator’s Walking Tour of the Exhibition B. R., LSU and Environs,
May 2, 1976.

g) Invitation to the Fifth Annual Baton Rouge Antiques Forum, February 4, 1977.

h) Invitation to the Irish, English, and Continental Silver from the Gross Collection
Exhibition, September 25, 1977.

i) Invitation to a Soiree on the Boulevard, September 22, 1978.

j) Invitation to the opening of an exhibit, Nature Painters, November 11, 1979.

k) Invitation to Opening of Audubon Prints, April 20, 1980

l) Invitation to the Opening of Cresent City Silver exhibit, September 21, 1980.

m) Invitation to the opening of Janice R. Sachse New Works, November 30, 1980.

n) Invitation to the Chitamacha Indian Baskets: Old and New exhibit, January 11, 1981.

o) Invitation to opening of exhibit, State and Celebrity China from Bernardaud, January
10, 1982.

p) Invitation to opening of Mimi Bolton, A Retrospective, March 14, 1982.

q) Invitation to an Old Fashion Christmas Party, November 20, 1983.

r) Invitation to Soiree, Dans le Jardin, October 11, 1985.

Folder   5  —Anglo-American Art Museum Miscellaneous

a) Curator’s hints on caring for antique furniture, Metalware, Paintings, Prints and

b) A Special Note Regarding The Present Collection.

c) Artist’s Statement by Janice Sachse, 1981.

d) S. & Canadian Students Attending Attingham Summer School, 1972.

e) Samuel Kirk and Son: American Silver Craftsmen Since 1815, A traveling exhibit.

f) The Curator’s Bicentennial Notebook.

g) Tickets to Antique Dealers’ Association Show & Sale, October 1-3.

h) Guide to the Louisiana State University Anglo-American Art Museum, The American

i) “Effort Underway to Secure [Marie Adrien] Persac Painting for Museum [Water Color
of Hope Plantation],” Sunday Advocate, April 13, 1975.

j) “Champagne Reception is Benefit for Museum At W. Leroy Home,” Morning Advocate, October 14, 1972.

k) “Jefferson Davis Had Bourbon Street Pad,” Times-Picayune, May 31, 1972.

Folder   6  —Louisiana Historical Society Invitations

a) Invitation to meeting to be held November 19, 1969.

b) Meeting, Mr. Austin S. Landry, A Canal—A Bank—and a City, November 19, 1975.

c) Invitation to a special meeting on March 26, 1978.

d) Invitation to the Annual Banquet on January 8, 1979.

e) Invitation to see The Honorable Jose Montero De Pedro, Marques De Casa Mena speak
about “The Man From Macharavialla,” March 29, 1979.

f) Invitation, Winston Deville “Louisiana Archives: A Revaluation,” April 25, 1979.

g) Invitation to John Wilds, A Century of Medicine in New Orleans, May 31, 1979.

h) Invitation, Meeting, September 28, 1980.

i) Invitation to a reception honoring Consul General of France in New Orleans and
Mrs. Yves Bernard and an address entitled The History and Future of Lafitte National Park, October 26, 1980.

j) Invitation, guided tour of Metairie Cemetery Heritage Trail and a lecture by Henry
Gandolfo, November 22, 1980.

k) Invitation to a lecture The Garden District of New Orleans, The Louisiana Historical Society, September 24, 1981.

l) Invitation to an address by Sir Jack D. L. Holmes, Ph. D, November 22, 1981.

m) Invitation to the Annual Banquet to observe The Battle of New Orleans, January
8, 1981.

n) Invitation to the presentation of Dr. Robert R. Rea, March 13, 1981.

o) Letter from Richard C. Bell concerning the Spring Programs, March 8, 1982.

p) Invitation to First Fall Meeting, November 11, 1982.

q) Invitation to the Annual Ceremony, December 19, 1982.

r) Invitation to the Annual Ceremony, December 16, 1984.

Folder   7  —Louisiana Historical Society Correspondence

a) Letter to Mr. C. Howard Nichols from R. A. Suarez, McNeese, dated March 9, 1966.

b) Letter to members about Schenley Industries Antique Clock Collection, dated May
7, 1979.

c) Announcement for the new price of back numbers of the quarterly.

Folder   8  —Louisiana Historical SocietyPrograms

a) Program for the Meeting of the Board of Directors, March 16, 1967.

b) Program for the Meeting on Wednesday, May 17, 1972.

c) Program for the Ceremonial Meeting, December 17, 1972.

d) Program for the Ceremonial Meeting, December 16, 1973.

e) Program for the Annual Banquet held at Antoine’s, January 8, 1977.

f) Program for the Annual Banquet held at Antoine’s, January 7, 1978.

Folder   9  —Louisiana Historical Society Report

      Progress Report from September 6, 1967.

Folder   10  —Louisiana Historical Society Newsletters

a) March 22, 1965

b) April 19, 1965

c) May 10, 1965

d) June 14, 1965.

e) October 14, 1965.

f) November 23, 1965.

g) December 13, 1965.

h) March 24, 1966.

i) April 19, 1966.

j) May 10, 1966.

k) June 3, 1966.

l) September 26, 1966 (2 copies).

m) November 21, 1966.

n) December 13, 1966.

o) March 21, 1967.

p) September 19, 1967.

q) October 17, 1967 (2 copies).

r) November 15, 1967.

s) December 12, 1967.

t) December 6, 1968.

u) March 19, 1969.

v) April 17, 1969.

w) May 19, 1969.

x) June 18, 1969.

y) September 11, 1969.

z) October 14, 1969.

aa) December 2, 1969.

bb) March 6, 1970.

cc) 1984

dd) Journey to Acadiana, October 1985 Trip.

Folder   11  —Louisiana Historical Society Bulletins

a) Inventory of Mr. Nichols’ bulletins and a count of the ones he is missing.

b) 1, No. 1, April 1970.

c) 1, No. 2, May 1970.

d) 1, No. 3, June 1970.

e) 1, No. 4, September 1970.

f) 1, No. 5, October 1970.

g) 1, No. 6, November 1970.

h) 1, No. 7, December 1970.

i) 2, No. 1, March 1971.

j) 2, No. 2, April 1971.

k) 2, No. 4, May 1971.

l) II, No. 5, October 1971.

m) II, No. 7, December 1971.

n) III, No. 1, March 1972.

o) III, No. 2, April 1972.

p) III, No. 3, May 1972.

q) III, No. 4, September 1972.

r) III, No. 5, October 1972.

s) III, No. 6, November 1972.

t) III, No. 7, December 1972.

u) IV, No. 1, March 1973.

v) IV, No. 2, April 1973.

w) IV, No. 3, May 1973.

x) IV, No. 5, October 1973.

y) IV, No. 6, November 1973.

z) IV, No. 7, December 1973.

aa) V, No. 1, March 1974.

bb) V, No. 2, April 1974.

cc) V, No. 3, May 1974.

dd) V, No. 4, September 1974.

ee) V, No. 5, October 1974.

ff) V, No. 6, November 1974.

gg) VI, No. 1, April 1975.

hh) VI, No. 2, May 1975.

ii) VI, No. 3, September 1975.

jj) VI, No. 4, October 1975.

kk) December 1975.

ll) VII, No. 1, March 1976.

mm) VII, No. 2, April 1976.

nn) October 1976.

oo) December 1976.

pp) September 1977.

qq) October 1977.

rr) December 1977.

ss) Bulletin about trip to France, n. d.

Folder   12  —Historic New Orleans Collection Miscellaneous Material

a) Booklet: Guide to Research at the Historic New Orleans Collection (4 copies).

b) Historic New Orleans Collection Seminars, Preserving Your Family Heritage, September

c) The Historic New Orleans Collection Seminar The Art of Collecting, November 16
(2 copies).

d) Announcement of the exhibition of The Changing Face of Canal Street, April 1-Sept.
12, 1981.

e) Announcement of Off the Track: Southern Plantation Photographs, May 29, 1982.

f) Announcement of Sugar Bowl 50th Anniversary Exhibit, December 7, 1983-January 27,

g) I remember New Orleans: The Movies, an exhibition, July 27-December 2, 1983.

h) Announcement of selected rare books about Louisiana Exhibit, Nov. 17, 1982-Mar.
26, 1983.

i) Exhibition, Yo El Key. S.: Spanish Louisiana in Time of  Merieult, 1762-1803, Oct.
1, 1992.

j) Program: Music in the Street: A Symposium, n. d.

k) Brochure: Publications for the collector.

l) Brochure: Publications for the collector.

m) Notes taken on scratch paper perhaps quotes.

n) Photoduplication request/rental agreement form/ invoice, July 29, 1992.

o) Photographic price list for all request.

p) Letter from The Historic New Orleans Collection to Nichols about request for photographs.

q) List of pictorial research material in the Curatorial Department.

r) Announcement of the General L. Kemper Williams Prizes in Louisiana History award.

s) The Historic New Orleans Collection Manuscripts Division UPDATE, Vol. 1, No. 1,

t) The Historic New Orleans Collection Manuscripts Division UPDATE, Vol. 1, No. 2,

u) The Historic New Orleans Collection Exhibitions (brochure).

v) Merieult House, The Historic New Orleans Collection (booklet).

w) The Historic New Orleans Collection (brochure)

x) Post Card of Watercolor, View of 527-533 Royal Street, by Boyd Cruise, 1939.

Folder   13  —Historic New Orleans Collection Newsletters

a) The Historic New Orleans Collection Newsletter, Vol. I, No. 1, January 1983.

b) The Historic New Orleans Collection Newsletter, Vol. I, No. 2, April 1983.

j) The Historic New Orleans Collection Newsletter, Vol. 1, No. 3, July 1983.

c) The Historic New Orleans Collection Newsletter, Vol. II, No. 4, Fall 1984 (2 copies).

d) The Historic New Orleans Collection Newsletter, Vol. II, No. 1, Winter 1984 (2 copies).

e) The Historic New Orleans Collection Newsletter, Vol. III, No. 3, Summer 1985.

f) The Historic New Orleans Collection Newsletter, Vol. VI, No. 3, Summer 1988.

Folder   14  —Foundation for Historical LouisianaInvitations

a) A flier for describing the Foundation for Historical Louisiana.

b) Invitation to the 10th annual Preservation Workshop, March 3, 1978.

c) Invitation to Preservation Workshop XIV, Old State Capitol, 100 years after, April
2, 1982.

d) Invitation to the Annual Business Meeting and Luncheon, April 21, 1982.

e) Invitation to the Membership and Guest Coffee, September 8, 1982.

f) Invitation to the November Program, November 17, 1982.

g) Invitation to the Members Christmas Coffee, December 15.

h) Invitation to the Annual Dinner and Awards Presentation, May 12, 1983.

i) Invitation to enjoy the Spirit of Christmas, December 14, 1983.

j) Invitation to a slide presentation Poverty Point, January 19, 1983.

k) Invitation to Mr. Don Juneau speaking on “Louisiana’s Tunica Indians: Then and
Now,” November 8, 1989

l) Invitation to the Southern Premiere of the motion picture “Blaze,” December 14,

m) Invitation to the 8th annual Heritage Tour, March 21st.

n) Invitation to the 9th annual Heritage Tour, April 30th.

o) Invitation to the 10th annual heritage tour, April 1st.

q) Presentation of Mr. Andy Smith, April 11, 1990.

Folder   15  —Foundation for Historical Louisiana Newsletters

a) Foundation Flashes, Vol. XIX, No. 3, February-March 1982.

b) Foundation Flashes, Vol. XIX, No. 4, April-May 1982.

c) Foundation Flashes, Vol. XIX, No. 5, June-July 1982.

d) Foundation Flashes, Vol. XX, No. 1, September-October 1982.

e) Foundation Flashes, Vol. XX, No. 2, November and December 1982.

f) Foundation Flashes, Vol. XX, No. 3, January and February 1983.

g) Foundation Flashes, Vol. XX, No. 5, June 1983.

h) Foundation Flashes, Vol. XXI, No. 2, November-December 1983.

i) XXVIII, No. 1, Winter 1991.

Box 28B

Folder   16  —Preservation

a) Campbell Center Workshop Series (Conservation of Wooden Buildings) 1984.

b) Campbell Center Workshop Series (Care of Museum Objects) 1984.

c) Campbell Center Workshop Series, 1984.

d) Campbell Center Workshop Series, (Architectural Preservation) 1984.

e) Campbell Center Workshop Series, (Furniture Conservation) 1984.

f) Newspaper from the New OrleansPreservation in Print, Vol. 11, No. 1, February 1984.

Folder   17  —Louisiana Preservation Alliance

a) Louisiana Preservation Alliance newsletter, Vol. 1, No. 2, Nov. 1980.

b) Louisiana Preservation Alliance newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 1, March 1981.

c) Louisiana Preservation Alliance newsletter, Vol. 1, No. 1, Oct. 1981.

d) Louisiana Preservation Alliance membership information, February 1981 (2 copies).

e) Preservation Progress, The Newsdigest of the Louisiana Preservation Alliance, Fall 1994.

f) Program from the 18th Annual Conference The Louisiana Preservation Alliance, Grandeur
on the Bayou, June 14-16, 1996.

g) Program from the 19th Annual Conference The Louisiana Preservation Alliance, Treasures
of the Past, Relics of the Future, Hammond, LA, June 13-15, 1997.

Folder 17b— Louisiana Preservation Alliance

a) LPA’s Sunday Springfield Excursion

b) Brochure- Louisiana Preservation Alliance

c) Envelope-addressed to Howard Nichols

d) typed letter-to Dan Michel from C. Howard Nichols; June 25, 1997

e) Boolet-Preservation Information, Fall 1996

f) typed letter-to “friends” from David L. Campbell; July 8, 1996

g) pamphlet-St. Mary Parish Tourist Commission

h) brochure-Louisiana Preservation Alliance-Grandeur on the Bayou

j) typed event schedule

k) Heritage Education Institute, July 31-August 2, 1996

l) typed letter-to Florida Parish Supporters of the Louisiana Preservation Alliance
from DavidCampbell; March 20, 1996

m) LPA-Florida Parishes Mailing and Telephone List

n) typed letter- to LPA Florida Parishes Committee-of-the-whole from David Campbell;
April 19, 1996

o) LPA- All signs are KFG2 Green on White

p) Envelope- to Howard Nichols from Daniel E. Michel with handwritten letter attached-June

q) The Louisiana Preservation Alliance 19th Annual Conference-Treasures of the Past, Relics of the Future

r) Preservation Progress, The Newsdigest of the Louisiana Preservation Alliance, July 1997

Folder   18  —Preservation, N. O. Chapter of Louisiana Landmarks Society Newsletters

a) Preservation, Volume 14, No. 3, Fall 1971.

b) Preservation, Volume 16, No. 2, Fall 1973.

c) Preservation, Volume 17, No. 1, Spring 1974.

d) Preservation, Volume 18, No. 2, Fall 1975.

e) Preservation, Volume 19, No. 1, May 1976.

f) Preservation, Volume 19, No. 2, July 1976.

g) Preservation, Volume 19, No. 3, October 1976.

h) Preservation, Volume 20, No. 1, May 1977.

i) Preservation, Volume 20, No. 2, August 1977.

j) Preservation, Volume 20, No. 3, November 1977.

k) Preservation, Volume 20, No. 4, February 1978.

l) Preservation, Volume 21, No. 1, May 1978.

m) Preservation, Volume 21, No. 2, August 1978.

n) Preservation, Volume 21, No. 3, October 1978.

o) Preservation, Volume 22, No. 1, May 1979.

p) Preservation, Volume 22, No. 2, August 1979.

q) Preservation, Volume 22, No. 3, November 1979.

q) Preservation, Volume 22, No. 4, February 1980.

s) Preservation, Volume 23, No. 1, May 1980.

t) Preservation, Volume 23, No. 2, August 1980.

u) Preservation, Volume 23, No. 3, November 1980.

v) Preservation, Volume 23, No. 3, February 1981.

w) Preservation, Volume 24, No. 1, May 1981.

x) Preservation, Volume 24, No. 2, August 1981.

y) Preservation, Volume 24, No. 3, November 1981.

z) Preservation, Volume 24, No. 4, March 1982.

aa) Preservation, Volume 25, No. 3, November 1982.

bb) Preservation, Volume 25, No. 4, February 1983.

cc) Preservation, Volume 25, No. 5, May 1983.

dd) Preservation, Volume 26, No. 2, August 1983.

ee) Preservation, Volume 26, No. 3, November 1983.

ff) Preservation, Volume 27, No. 2, August 1984.

gg) Preservation, Volume 27, No. 3, November 1984.

hh) Preservation, Volume 29, No. 2, August 1986.

ii) Preservation, Volume 29, No. 4, February 1987.

jj) Preservation, Volume 31, No. 3, September 1989.

kk) Preservation, Volume 34, No. 1, March 1992.

ll) Preservation, Volume 37, No. 1, Spring, 1996.

Folder   19  —National Trust for Historic Preservation

a) Announcement of Members Day and a schedule of events for member’s day.

b) Preservation Work, December 1972.

c) Letter to the trust member from James Biddle, n. d.

d) An invitation to a weekend or evening of entertainment in the French Quarter, April
6-8, 1973.

e) Bylaws of the National Trust for Historic Preservation in the United States, August 21, 1973.

f) Program for the Preservation Conference, 27th annual meeting, October 10-14, 1973 (poster).

g) Discover Preservation, May  9-15, 1976 (brochure).

h) Letter from James Biddle to National Trust Members concerning registration materials
for the National Trust 31st annual meeting, October 13-16, 1977 in Mobile, AL.

i) Program: National Trust for Historic Preservation 31st Annual Meeting and Preservation 
Conference; Mobile, Alabama, October 13-16, 1977.

j) National Trust for Historical Preservation Deadline, September 9, 1977.

k) National Trust for Historical Preservation, Hotel Reservation, September 15, 1977.

l) National Trust for Historic Preservation, Recommendations for Membership (2 copies).

Folder   20  —Historical Preservation

a) Tax Incentives for Renovating Old Buildings, July 12-13, 1978 (brochure)

b) Congressional Record, 94th  congress 1st session, Vol. 121, No. 158.

c) Notes on scratch paper concerning information about Hammond.

d) A description of Peter Hammond and Charles Emory Cate’s growing town of Hammond.

e) Newsletter: Preservation, Louisiana-Mississippi Hill Country Plantation Tour, Vol.
19, No. 2.

f) Form from the American Savings & Loan Association.

g) Announcement for “Legal Aspects of Historical Preservation, April 18-19, 1975.

h) Brochures: Louisiana ‘regional Preservation Conference, Royal Orleans Hotel, 10/15-16/71.

i) Brochure: American Savings & Loan Association.

j) Brochure: The Preservation Resource Center of New Orleans.

k) Brochure on how to stop the destruction of American landmarks.

l) Brochure: “Let’s streetcar to Commander’s Palace” walking tour.

m) Savannah Tours and Seminars, March 22, 1972.

n) Brochure: The Hermann-Grima House 1831, Historic Vieux Carré

o) Brochure: Louisiana Regional Preservation Conference (Itinerary).

p) Brochure: American Association For State and Local History, Technical Leaflets.

q) Brochure: Columbus Mississippi, Pilgrimage, April 7-16, 1972.

r) Brochure: The National Historic Landmarks Program.

s) Brochure: The National Historic Register of Historic Places.

t) Brochure: Gallier House (background information).

u) Brochure: National Par Service Archaeological Program.

v) Brochure: The Historic American Buildings Survey.

w) “The American Association For State and Local History.”

x) Enrollment form (American Association for State and Local History).

y) History News, Vol. 26, No. 9, September 1971.

z) Announcement for the Patios on Parade Art Exhibit, No. 6.

aa) Preservation News, Vol. XVII, No. 6, Mid-May 1977.

bb) Agenda for the sessions at a conference.

cc) A guide to selective material from the Preservation Workshop IV, 3-18-72.

dd) “Preserving Wyoming’s Past.”

ee) Organization of American Historians Newsletter, Vol. 3, No. 1, July 1975.

ff) A copy from the Kentucky-Louisiana-Maine book with Louisiana Cities.

Folder   21  —North Louisiana Historical Association

      Notice of Fall, 1985 Meeting, November 3, 1985

BOX   29 

Folder   1  —Citizens National Bank

a) Brochures: National Bancshares, Inc. Semi Annual Report, 1991; National Bancshares,
Inc. Semi Annual Report, 1992; Banking Services, November 1, 1983; Statement of Earnings
and Statement of Condition, June 30, 1981.

b) Invitations for groundbreaking ceremony for our New Main Office,  January 13, 1983.

c) Citizens National Bancshares, Inc. Proxy Statement Annual Meeting of Shareholders
to be  held March 15, 1984.

d) Postcard giving plans for the new bank.

e) Invitation to Open House for the New Main Office, June 8, 1984.

f) An invitation to a Private Autograph Party for C. Howard Nichols, May 5, 1985.

g) 10 Ways Our Stockholders can help us to Grow and Prosper.

h) Education on Location, A Student Tour of Washington, D. C., May 9, 1978 (pamphlet).

Folder   2  —Citizens National Bank: Correspondence

a) Letter from Phil K. Livingston concerning new stock certificate, n. d.

b) Letter from Wiley H. Sharp, Jr. concerning annual statement, February 14, 1974.

c) Letter from Wiley H. Sharp, Jr. concerning stock certificate, May 13, 1974.

d) Letter from Wiley H. Sharp, Jr. inviting Nichols to a private open house, November
13, 1974.

e) Letter from Phil K. Livingston concerning semi-annual dividend, December 30, 1975.

f) Letter from Phil K. Livingston concerning six months dividend, December 31, 1976.

g) Letter from Phil K. Livingston concerning annual meeting, February 16, 1977.

h) Letter from Phil K. Livingston concerning certificate of stock, March 31, 1977.

i) Letter from Phil K. Livingston concerning check for semi-annual dividend, Dec.
30, 1977.

j) Letter from Phil K. Livingston concerning check for semi-annual dividend, Nov.
22, 1978.

k) Letter from Phil K. Livingston concerning a new stock issue, July 16, 1979.

l) Letter from Phil K. Livingston concerning Certificate of stock, October 16, 1979.

m) Letter from Jerry Correjolles about new rate schedule for First Guaranty Bank,
June 18, 1981.

n) Letter from Phil K. Livingston concerning paid cash dividend, June 30, 1981.

o) Letter from Mayson H. Foster about 1981 Annual Report, February 24, 1982.

p) Notice of Shareholders’ Meeting March 11, 1982.

q) Letter from Phil K. Livingston to cardholder, October 29, 1982.

r) Letter from Phil K. Livingston concerning cash dividend, November 30, 1982.

s) Letter from Phil K. Livingston concerning the bank’s dividend, June 30, 1983.

t) Letter from Mayson H. Foster to C. Howard Nichols concerning the construction of
the New Citizens National Bank, July 6, 1983.

u) Letter from Mayson Foster concerning the move of  safe deposit boxes, September
27, 1983.

v) Letter from Phil K. Livingston concerning paid dividend, December 28, 1983.

w) Letter from C. Howard Nichols to Christina Buehler concerning the attachment of
the final efforts on the history of Square Fifty of the Hyer Survey, February 10,

x) Letter from Phil K. Livingston concerning a Proxy Statement and announcement of 
Annual meeting for shareholders, March 5, 1984.

y) Letter from Phil K. Livingston concerning declared stock and cash dividends, November
16, 1989.

Folder   3  —Citizens National Bank (Statement of Condition)

a) Statement of condition from December 31, 1973.

b) Statement of earnings and condition, June 30, 1979 (brochure).

c) Report of Condition, June 30, 1979

d) Offering Circular, June 14, 1979

e) Statement of Condition and Statement of Earnings, June 30, 1982.

f) Statement of Condition and Statement of Earnings, June 30, 1983 (2 copies).

Folder   4  —Citizens National Bank Annual Reports

a) Annual Report to Stockholders, 1972.

b) Annual Report, December 31, 1973.

c) Annual Report, December 31, 1974.

d) Annual Report, December 31, 1975.

e) Annual Report, 1976.

f) Annual Report, 1977 (2 copies).

g) Annual Report, 1979.

h) Annual Report, 1981.

Folder   5  —Citizens National Bank Annual Reports

a) Annual Report, 1982.

b) Annual Report, 1984.

c) Annual Report, 1986.

d) Annual Report, 1988.

Folder   6  —Citizens National Bank Annual Reports

a) Annual Report, 1989.

b) Annual Report, 1991 (2 copies).

c) Annual Report, 1992.

d) Annual Report, 1995.

Folder   7  —Citizens National Bank Calendars

a) 1983 (Tangipahoa Parish Photographs).

b) 1985 (Tangipahoa Parish Photographs).

c) 1986 (Southeastern Louisiana University Photographs).

d) 1988 (Tangipahoa Parish Photographs).

e) 1991 (Tangipahoa Parish Photographs).

f) 1993 (Tangipahoa Parish Photographs).

g) 1995 (Tangipahoa Parish Photographs).

h) 1996 (Tangipahoa Parish Photographs).

Folder   8  —Calendars

a) First Guaranty Bank Calendar, 1982.

b) Familiar Sights around the Parish, Central Progressive Bank Calendar, 1983 (2 copies)

c) Deposit Guaranty National Bank (formerly Citizens National Bank), 1997.

Folder   9  —Banks

a) Review of assets from First Guaranty Bank, November 30, 1983.

b) Comparison of Call Reports of Tangipahoa Parish Banks, March 31, 1983.

c) Comparison of Call Reports of Tangipahoa Parish Banks, June 30, 1983.

Folder   10  —Arkansas Historical Association

      The Arkansas Historical Quarterly, Volume XVII Number 3, Autumn 1958.

Folder   11  —Hammond Cultural Foundation, Hammond Arts Council, and TEAM Associates

a) TEAM Associates invites you to a presentation of the Design of Alley Square, April
29, 1983.

b) Personal invitation to the presentation of the Design of Alley Square, April 29,

c) Invitation to celebrate the Hammond Cultural Foundation’s First Anniversary, April.

d) Hammond Arts Council invites you to A Spring Evening in Antebellum La., April 17,

Folder   12  —New Orleans Museum of Art

a) Second Members’ Viewing Treasures of Tutankhamun, November 26, 1977.

b) Third Private Viewing for Members and Volunteers Treasures of Tutankhmun, Jan.
8, 1978.

c) New Orleans Museum of Art cordially invites you to preview Africa in Antiquity:
The Arts of Ancient Nubia and the Sudan, May 19, 1979.

d) Letter to the members from E. John Bullard, May 22, 1976.

e) “Five From Louisiana,” Supplement to The Times-Picayune, January 28-March 27, 1977.

f) Arts Quarterly, July/August/September, Volume 1, Issue 3.

g) Arts Quarterly, October/November/December, Volume 1, Issue 4.

h) Arts Quarterly, January/February/March 1979, Volume 1, Issue 5.

Folder   13  —Louisiana Landmarks Society Invitations

a) Announcement of the tour of the Historic Hermann-Grima House in January.

b) Announcement of the tour of the Gallier House in January.

c) Announcement of The Tour of The Historic New Orleans Collection in January.

d) Announcement of The Tour of The Historic New Orleans Collection Galleries in February.

e) Announcement of a canceled lecture by Miss Helen Lowenthal, March 7; Next program
Mrs. Ben C. Toledano, New Orleans Gardens, March 28.

f) Announcement of a Franklin Tour, March 12.

g) Presentation by Barry M. Fox dedicating marker for Bayou St. John, October 17.

h) Presentation of Sir Nikolus Pevsner, April 10, 1972.

i) Meeting, Miss Claire Puneky guest speaker, April 25, 1972.

j) Regular meeting, Sullivan, Cashio and Cocharan speakers, December 5, 1972.

k) Meetings, Mrs. Mary Lou Christovich, January 31 and February 8, 1973

l) Presentation by Dr. Robert Heck, March 21, 1973.

m) Presentation by Sam Wilson and Donald Didier, Pitot House, November 20, 1973.

n) Presentation by Arthur Scully, Jr., January 28, 1974.

o) Presentation by Joseph C. Canizaro, March 12, 1974.

p) Announcement of the walking tour of St. Charles Avenue Homes, March 31, 1974.

q) Presentation of “New Orleans and its Riverfront,” April 9, 1974.

r) Presentation by Pat Phillips, September 26, 1974.

s) Presentation of an illustrated lecture by Samuel Wilson, Jr., November 7, 1974.

t) Presentation on l’Hermitage by Dr. and Mrs. Robert Judice, December 12, 1974.

u) Presentation on The Magnolia Mound House by George M. Leake, February 27, 1975.

v) Presentation on “The St. Louis Cathedral”, April 7, 1975.

w) Presentation of “City Edges,” May 19, 1975.

x) Presentation by Betsy Swanson, September 29, 1975.

y) Presentation on Beauregard-Keyes House, November 3, 1975.

z) Invitation to A Plantation Christmas, December 20, 1975.

aa) Presentation by Mrs. Martha Robinson, January 19, 1976.

bb) Presentation of The Future Louisiana Landmark Society, March 22, 1976.

cc) Announcement of the annual membership meeting, April 24, 1976.

dd) Slide presentation by the Marquis de Chambrun and a musical concert, July 8, 1976.

ee) Presentation by Betsy Swanson about Gulf Coast Forts, September 13, 1976.

ff) Presentation of The Louisiana Landmarks Society: Aims and Accomplishments, 1950-1976,
October 4, 1976.

gg) Presentation by Dr. Bernard Lemann, November 8, 1976.

hh) Presentation by Mr. Samuel Wilson, Jr., December 6, 1976.

ii) Tour of The Historic New Orleans Collection, January 11-14, 1977

jj) Presentation by Mrs. Saundra Levy, February 7, 1977.

kk) Meeting, March 1, 1977

ll) Presentation of “The Grand Tour in the 18th Century and its effect on taste,”
March 7, 1977.

mm) Presentation by Mrs. Ben C. Toledano, March 30, 1977.

nn) Annual Membership Meeting, April 17, 1977.

oo) Presentation by Dr. Jessie Poesch, May 2, 1977.

pp) Presentation by Jack Scheinuk, King Tutankhamun Egypt, September 12, 1977.

qq) Presentation by John Ferguson, November 7, 1977.

rr) Invitation to a Plantation Christmas, December 17, 1977.

ss) Presentation by Mary Louise Tucker, January 9, 1978.

tt) Meeting, January 17, 1978.

uu) Presentation by Diane Manget, March 13, 1978.

vv) Opening and Reception, Keller Homeplace Plantation, April 1, 1978.

ww) Presentation by Helen Lowenthal, April 3, 1978.

xx) Presentation of the 1978 Harnett T. Kane Preservation Award, April 23, 1978.

yy) Presentation by Samuel Wilson, Jr., May 8, 1978.

zz) Presentation by Edward C. Carter II, May 16, 1978.

      3a)  Presentation by Professor George Reinecke, September 5, 1978.

      3b)  Presentation by Henri A. Gandolfo, October 2, 1978.

      3c)  Presentation of Historic Mississippi Delta Architecture, November 13, 1978.

      3d)  Presentation by J. Randolph Butts, December 4, 1978.

      3e)  Tour of the Beauregard-Keyes House, Jan 8-13, 1979.

      3f)  Presentation by Henry Krotzer, Jr., February 5, 1979.

      3g)  Presentation by Nina N. Simmons, March 5, 1979.

      3h)  Presentation of Education through historic preservation, May 7, 1979.

      3i)  Presentation by Dwight Young, September 10, 1979.

      3j)  Presentation by Samuel Wilson, Jr., October 8, 1979.

      3k)  Presentation by Bernard Lemann, November 5, 1979.

      3l)  Presentation by Gregory B. Free, December 3, 1979.

      3m)  Presentation by Mary Louise Tucker, February 4, 1980.

      3n)  Presentation by Jean M. Farnsworth, March 3, 1980.

      3o)  Presentation of the 1980 Harnett T. Kane Preservation Award, April 13,

      3p)  Presentation by Ann M. Masson, May 5, 1980.

      3q)  Presentation by Henry Lambert, September 8, 1980.

      3r)  Presentation by Mary Cable, October 6, 1980.

      3s)  Presentation by Frank W. Masson, November 3, 1980.

      3t)  Presentation by Angela Gregory, December 8, 1980.

      3u)  Invitation to a Plantation Christmas, December 20, 1980.

      3v)  Presentation by John C. Ferguson, February 2, 1981.

      3w)  Presentation by Sally Evans Reeves, March 9, 1981.

      3x)  Presentation of the 1981 Harnett T. Kane Preservation Award, April 12,

      3y)  Presentation by Henry Krotzer, Jr., May 4, 1981.

      3z)  Presentation of Architecture of St. Bernard Parish, September 14, 1981.

      4a)  Presentation by Professor Kevin V. Mulcahy, October 5, 1981.

      4b)  Presentation of a slide lecture by Robert B. DeBlieux, November 2, 1981.

      4c)  Presentation of a slide lecture on Christmas on the Plantations, December
7, 1981.

      4d)  Presentation by William de Marigny Hyland on Bernard Marigny, February
1, 1982.

      4e)  Presentation of Early Louisiana Gardens by Christopher C. Friedrichs, March
1, 1982.

      4f)  Presentation of the 1982 Harnett T. Kane Preservation Award, April 4, 1982.

      4g)  Martha G. Robinson Memorial Lecture, May 3, 1982.

      4h)  Presentation by Angela Gregory and Solis Seiferth, September 13, 1982.

      4i)  Presentation by Patricia H. Gay, November 1, 1982.

      4j)  Invitation to a Plantation Christmas, December 4, 1982.

      4k)  Presentation by Henri A. Gandolfo, December 6, 1982.

      4l)  Presentation of the 1983 Harnett T. Kane Preservation Award, April 10,

      4m)  Invitation to Martha G. Robinson memorial lecture by Samuel Wilson, Jr.,
May 2, 1983.

      4n)  Invitation to the opening reception for Architecture in Louisiana, May
29, 1983.

      4o)  Invitation to a lecture by Lydia Schmalz, September 12, 1983.

      4p)  Invitation to An Old Fashioned Christmas on the Bayou, December 17, 1983.

      4q)  Presentation of the 1984 Harnett T. Kane Preservation Award, April 8, 1984.

      4r)  Invitation to a lecture by Samuel Wilson, Jr., September 10, 1984.

      4s)  Presentation by Carolyn Bercier, October 1, 1984.

      4t)  Presentation by E. Ean McNaughton, November 5, 1984.

      4u)  Presentation by John Ferguson, December 3, 1984.

      4v)  Presentation by Ronald C. Filson, January 7, 1985.

      4w)  Louisiana Landmarks Society Month at Gallier House, February 1-28, 1985.

      4x)   Invitation to an Open House at the Benachi-Torre-Derbes House, June 9,

      4y)  Invitation to a River Road Plantation Christmas, December 21, 1985.

      4z)  Announcement of the Martha G. Robinson Memorial Lecture, May 4, 1987.

      5a)  Invitation to An Old Fashioned Picnic on the Bayou St. John, July 18, 1987.

      5b)  Invitation to a Garden Party Gala in celebration of Degas Day, July 16,

      5c)  Invitation to its Garden Party Gala in celebration of Degas Day, July 15,

      5d)  Invitation to the unveiling of its One Hundredth Marker, May 1, 1990.

      5e)  Announcement of the Martha G. Robinson Memorial Lecture, May 7, 1990.

      5f)  Invitation to Dinner Under the Stars, November 9, 1990.

      5g)  Presentation by Rev. Charles O’Neill, S.J., September 16, 1991.

      5h)  Presentation by Dr. John Kukla and Dr. Jill-Karen Yakubik, December 2,

      5i)  Invitation to A Mississippi Gulf Coast Christmas, December 12, 1992.

      5j)  Historic preservation in Louisiana needs your help!, n. d.

      5k)  Historic Landmarks at Franklin, St. Mary Parish, LA (5 copies).

BOX   30   

Folder   1  —Louisiana Live Oak Society

      “Preserve a Piece of Local History: ‘Adopt’ an Oak,” The Times-Picayune, July 6, 1980.

Folder   2  —LaFourche Heritage Society

a) Newsletter, September 1979, Vol. 3, No. 2.

b) Application for a grant.

Folder   3  —St. Tammany Historical Society

a) Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. II, No. 1

b) Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. II, No. 2.

c) Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. II, No. 3, May 1974.

d) Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. II, No. 4, September 1974, original.

e) Winter 1991.

f) Invitation to presentation by Dr. Robert R. Rea, March 13, 1981.

Folder   4  —The Civil War Round Table

a) Letter and a map with details of the 1985 Fall Tour, December 7.

b) Letter to the Baton Rouge Civil War Round Table with Itinerary for Tour, April
30, 1983.

Folder   5  —Friends of the Cabildo Newsletter

a) Newsletter, Number 20, July 1970.

b) Newsletter, Number 21, October 1970.

c) Newsletter, Number 25, Spring 1972.

d) Newsletter, Number 26, Summer 1972.

e) Newsletter, Number 27, Autumn 1972.

f) Newsletter, Number 28, Spring 1973.

g) Newsletter, Number 29, Spring 1973.

h) Newsletter, Number 30, September 1973.

i) Newsletter, Number 32, January 1974.

j) Newsletter, Number 33, March 1974.

k) Newsletter, Number 34, April 1974.

l) Newsletter, Number 36, August 1974.

m) Newsletter, Number 37, October 1974.

n) Newsletter, Number 38, November 1974.

o) Newsletter, Number 40, January 1975.

p) Newsletter, Number 40, March 1975.

q) Newsletter, Number 41, May 1975.

r) Newsletter, Number 42, September 1975.

s) Newsletter, Number 43, November 1975.

t) Newsletter, Number 45, March 1976.

u) Newsletter, Number 46, July 1976.

v) Newsletter, Number 47, September 1976.

w) Newsletter, Number 48, December 1976.

x) Newsletter, Number 49, February 1977.

y) Newsletter, Number 50, November 1977.

z) Newsletter, Number 51, February 1978.

aa) Newsletter, Number 53, September 1978.

bb) Newsletter, Number 57, May 1979.

cc) Newsletter, Number 59, November 1979.

Folder   6  —Friends of the Cabildo Newsletter

a) Newsletter, Number 60, May 1980.

b) Newsletter, Number 62, November 1980.

c) Newsletter, Number 65, August 1981.

d) Newsletter, Number 66, October 1981.

e) Newsletter, Number 67, June 1982.

f) Newsletter, Number 68, Fall 1982.

g) Newsletter, Number 70, Summer 1983.

h) Newsletter, Number 70, Winter 1983.

i) Newsletter, Volume One, Number One [1983-84].

j) Newsletter, Number 74, Spring 1985.

k) Newsletter, Number 76, Winter 1985.

l) Newsletter, Number 78, Fall 1986.

m) Newsletter, Number 83, Summer 1988.

n) Newsletter, Vol. IX, Winter 1994.

Folder   7  —Friends of the Cabildo Invitations

a) Reading list for “Walking Tour Guides”

b) A Preview of August Norieri Exhibition, “Madame John’s Legacy” 1970-1971

c) Pamphlet of the Walking Tour of the French Quarter.

d) Message to the friends.

e) Volunteer programs of the Friends of the Cabildo (2 pamphlets).

f) Application for the volunteer program.

g) Letter to the friends from Mrs. Arthur Q. Davis.

h) Copy of the By-Laws.

i) Invitation to Christmas shop at the Cabildo.

j) Invitation to The Christmas Bazaar, November 12.

k) Invitation to a special showing, June 24.

l) Invitation to the opening of the Traditional Architecture exhibit, June 8.

m) Invitation to the preview of the Chennault Collection of Asian Art, February 10.

n) Special announcement of the presentation of Their Special Limited Edition.

o) Announcement for the Annual Christmas Bazaar, November 13.

p) Announcement for the Annual Christmas Bazaar, November 14.

q) Announcement for the Friends of the Cabildo Mini-Bazaar, November 17.

r) Announcement of the Christmas Crafts Fair, November 17, 18, and 19.

s) Announcement of the November Meeting, November 1.

t) Announcement of a featured speaker, June 5.

u) Announcement of Hospitality Days, April 29, 30 & May 1.

v) Announcement of the Museum Store’s First Annual Christmas Sale.

w) Presentation of the October Event Building Watchers Tours.

x) Presentation of Building Watchers Tours, October 21-23.

y) Presentation of Volume Four on New Orleans Architecture, The Creole Faubourgs.

z) Presentation of Women and Fashion in Louisiana by Kristine Halleran, October 10.

aa) Presentation by Mary Louise Tucker, January 9.

bb) Presentation of American Coverlets from The Smithsonian, June and July.

Folder   8  —Friends of the Cabildo Invitations

a) “Revel with a Cause,” June 3, 1989

b) Invitation to the Louisiana State Museum, December 20.

c) Invitation to the Postwar of Propertity, Louisiana 1946-1950, July 21, 1988.

d) Invitation to “On Louisiana Waters,” April 30, 1989.

e) Post card from the Friends of the Cabildo.

f) Invitation to the Louisiana State Museum presenting, “The 1850 house in Holiday
Dress and A Special Holiday Doll Display,” December 11, 1983.

g) Invitation to exhibition of memorabilia and videotape presentations, “The Historic
New Orleans Collection,” December 2, 1983.

h) Invitation to opening reception of “Les Arts Et Couleurs D’ acadie,” August 7,

Folder   9 —Friends of the Cabildo Invitations

a) Presentation of the First Fall Meeting, September 11, 1972.

b) Presentation of the Second Fall Meeting, October 16, 1972.

c) Invitation to a preview of Les Americains A Paris, 1600-1900, November 12, 1972.

d) Presentation of an illustrated lecture by Vaughn L. Glasgow, December 28, 1972.

e) Presentation of an illustrated lecture by George E. Jordan, February 15, 1973.

f) Presentation of the illustrated lecture by George E. Jordan, March 14, 1973.

g) Presentation of a lecture by Sidney L. Villere, April 17, 1973.

h) Announcement for an illustrated lecture, June 12, 1973.

i) Presentation of The Leo Haspel Doll Collection, December 8, 1973.

j) An announcement of the American Porcelain Tradition exhibit, December 16, 1973.

k) An announcement for an illustrated lecture, January 21, 1974.

l) Presentation of an illustrated lecture by James C. Thomas, February 18, 1974 (2

m) Presentation of a lecture on Construction and Makers of Louisiana Decoys, March
3, 1974.

n) Presentation of Patricia, Countess Jellicoe, March 31, 1974.

o) Presentation of Volume III–Cemeteries, April 28, 1974.

p) Invitation to a reception honoring Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rigg MacDonald, September
8, 1974.

q) Announcement of Michael Fish at the September Meeting, September 15, 1974.

r) Rescheduling of the reception for Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rigg Macdonald, September 22,

s) Invitation to the Mid-Year Training Program, January 20, 27, February 3, 1975.

t) New Orleans Architecture, Volume IV, The Creole Faubourgs, January 13, 1975 (2

u) Presentation of Neglected Art in American Cemeteries, February 17, 1975.

v) Presentation of a “Saint Louis Sunday, Volume III N. O. Cemeteries, February 23,

w) Presentation of American Quilts by Mrs. Lenice Ingram Bacon, April 21, 1975.

x) Announcement of The Victorian Society in America by Dr. William Murtagh, May 1,

y) Old Print Collecting—How It Started and What Came of It, June 2, 1975 (2 copies).

z) Annual Meeting, Robert R. Macdonald, June 5, 1975.

2a)  A slide presentation New Orleans: A City for People, June 23, 1975.

2b)  Invitation to the Decorative Arts of Colonial America, February and March 1978.

2c)  Invitation to the Louisiana’s Black Heritage and Amistad III, June 11, 1978 (2

2d)  Notice of Dues, 1979.

2e)  Invitation to the Masquerade in England in the Eighteenth Century, February 6,

2f)  Invitation to the second annual Louisiana Gala, April 12, 1980.

2g)  Invitation to China Workshop, April 18-19, 1980.

2h)  Announcement of Leonard V. Huber’s speech, Creole Collage, May 28, 1980.

2i)  Announcement for Museum Days, November 1 & 2, 1980.

2j)  Announcement for N. O. Architecture Book at Museum Days, November 1 and 2, 1980.

2k)  Presentation of Museum Days, November 1 & 2, 1980.

2l)  Presentation of The Old United States Branch Mint—…, January 21, 1981.

2m)  Presentation of a lecture on The Pontalba Buildings by Henry Krotzer, Jr., Feb.
18, 1981.

2n)  Presentation of an exhibition of Spanish tapestries, April 12, 1981.

2o)  Announcement of The Chase and The Capture…, April 15, 1981.

2p)  Annual Membership Meeting, May 23, 1982.

2q)  Presentation of a lecture by Alain Parent, August 17, 1981.

2r)  Presentation of a lecture by Vaughn L. Glasgow, September 21, 1981.

2s)  Invitation to a reception for John Henry Belter and the Rococo Revival, October
6, 1981.

2t)  Presentation by Placide Adams Trio, March 15, 1982.

2u)  Presentation of two exhibitions, April 24-October 31, 1982.

2v)  Poster for Louisiana Focus exhibition, April 24-October 31, 1982.

2w)  Presentation of Landscape—Cityscape, September 12, 1982.

2x)  An announcement of the opening of a new exhibit, October 3, 1982.

2y)  Presentation of Two Centuries of Louisiana Jewish History, November 20, 1982.

2z)  Invitation to an exhibition on Louisiana Exploration and Settlement, December
5, 1982.

3a)  Presentation by Dorothy Schlesinger, February 28, 1983.

3b)  Announcement of a guest speaker, May 1, 1983.

3c)  Invitation to a reception celebrating the opening of three new exhibits, September
25, 1983.

3d) An invitation to preview the exhibit of The Sun King: Louis XIV And The New World,

3e)  Invitation to the membership viewing of The Sun King, June 25, 1984.

3f)  Presentation of the Sun King exhibit, April 29-November 18, 1984.

3g)  Invitation to a special viewing of Louisiana Remembers, September 26, 1986.

3h)  Invitation to an exhibition Walker Evans and Jane Ninas in N. O., 1935-1936,
Jan. 17, 1991.

3i)  Invitation to the Dedication of the Louisiana State Archives Auditorium, August
20, 1991.

Folder   10  —Louisiana State Museum

a) The Louisiana State Museum brochure.

b) The Louisiana State Museum Learning and Activity Book, The Sun King: Louis XIV.

c) Presentation of an exhibition of the Fannie Mae Goldman Collection of Fans, May
19, 1974.

d) Presentation the Marcia Marcus Paintings, March 5-March 18.

e) Presentation of a walking tour of the French Quarter.

f) A letter to Mr. Bobin from Vaughn L. Glasgow, March 31, 1977.

g) Invitation to the preview opening of The Louisiana Portrait Gallery, Sept. 25,

h) A brochure to Georgia Agrirama in Tifton, Georgia.

i) Membership information to Gallier House.

j) Information on The Old U.S. Mint.

k) Announcement of Madame John’s Legacy being open to visitors, May 6, 1995.

Folder   11  —The Historic New Orleans Collection

a) Manuscripts Division UPDATE, Vol. 1 No. 2, 1982.

b) Newsletter, Volume I, Number 1, January 1983.

c) Newsletter, Volume I, Number 3, July 1983.

d) Newsletter, Volume I, Number 4, October 1983.

e) Newsletter, Volume II, Number 1, Winter 1984.

f) Newsletter, Volume II, Number 2, Spring 1984.

g) Newsletter, Volume III, Number 4, Fall 1985.

h) Newsletter, Volume V, Number 1, Winter 1987.

i) Newsletter, Volume V, Number 3, Summer 1987.

j) Newsletter, Volume VI, Number 1, Winter 1988.

k) Newsletter, Volume VI, Number 2, Spring 1988.

l) Newsletter, Volume VI, Number 4, Fall 1988.

m) Quarterly, Vol. X, No. 3, Summer 1992.

Folder   12  —The Historic New Orleans Collection Invitations

a) Presentation of Sugar Bowl’s 50th Anniversary, December 7, 1983-January 27, 1984.

b) Presentation of The Rites of Rex, February 1-March 30, 1984.

c) Presentation of The Mistick Krewe: 130 Years of Comus, December 11, 1985-March
21, 1986 (2 copies).

d) Announcement of the exhibition of Personal Visions, January 6-April 8, 1988.

e) An invitation to a reception celebrating the opening of the exhibition, January
17, 1991.

f) A pamphlet announcing the From Bank to Shore Programs, May 24-August 27, 1994.

g) Announcement for The Grand Opening of the Williams Research Center, Jan. 20, 1996.

h) Announcement for Newcomb Pottery and Works on Paper exhibit, July-September 1996.

i) Program for the Music In The Streets: A Symposium, May.

BOX   31    

Folder   1  —Louisiana Nature Center

      “Beach Combing”.

Folder   2  —Louisiana Historic Markers

a) Letter to All Prospective Applicants for Historical Markers from Department of
Culture, Recreation and Tourism, Office of Program Development with procedure for
obtaining an historical marker attached.

Folder   3  —State and National Parks

a) National Parks, Historic Sites, National Monuments, 47th Edition, October 1970.

b) Historic Sites—Louisiana and State Parks (handwritten comments).

c) Welcome to Louisiana’s State Parks: fees, facilities and regulations (3 booklets).

d) Louisiana State Parks.

e) Welcome to the Outdoor World of Louisiana’s State Parks and Monuments.

Folder   4  —Jean Lafitte National Historical Park

a) Letter to planning participant of Jean Lafitte National Historical Park from James
L. Isenogle.

b) Planning Participants’ Handout, January 1980.

c) Initial Planning Statement.

d) Comment sheet on Jean Lafitte National Historical Park.

e) Jean Lafitte National Historical Park (brochure).

f) Jean Lafitte National Historical Park, French Quarter Unit Walking Tours (brochure).

g) Itinerary for free French Quarter Walking Tours

h) Map of National Historical Park and Preserve of Jean Lafitte

i) Chalmette National Historical Park, Louisiana, by J. Fred Roush, 1958 (2 copies)

Folder   5  —Tourist Information: Buildings and Plantations (Brochures)

a) Romantic Beauregard-Keyes House, New Orleans, LA.

b) Pilot House Museum, Bayou St. John.

c) Longue Vue House and Gardens, A Grand City Estate, New Orleans (4 copies).

d) French Quarter Home, New Orleans.

e) Plantation Lights, Christmas on Poplar Grove, West Baton Rouge Parish.

f) Milbank House, Jackson, LA.

g) Tezcuco Plantation Home, Burnside, LA.

h) Shreveport-Bossier, La., A Great Pair with Southern Flair, Huntington Park Clubhouse.

i) Shreveport-Bossier, Louisiana, A Great Pair with Southern Flair, Meadows Museum
of Art.

j) Shreveport-Bossier, Louisiana, A Great Pair with Southern Flair, The American Rose

k) Shreveport-Bossier, Louisiana, A Great Pair with Southern Flair, Barnwell Cultural

l) Shreveport-Bossier, La., A Great Pair with Southern Flair, Louisiana State Exhibit

m) Shreveport-Bossier, Walter B. Jacobs Memorial Nature Park.

n) Caddo-Pine Island Oil And Historical Society Museum.

o) Mount DeLee, Bed and Breakfast, Clinton, LA.

p) Magnolia Lane Plantation, New Orleans, LA.

q) Zemurray Gardens.

r) Shadowcreek Garden Tour, Hammond, LA.

s) The Historic Faubourg St. Mary Corporation, New Orleans, LA.

t) Catalpa Plantation, St. Francisville, LA.

u) Gallier House, New Orleans, LA.

v) Gallier House Museum, New Orleans, LA.

w) Laura, A Creole Plantation, Vacherie, LA.

x) The San Francisco Plantation House, Reserve, LA (2 copies).

y) Historic Houmas House, Burnside, LA.

z) Mound State Monument, Moundville, AL.

aa) Avondale Plantation, Clinton, LA.

bb) The Irwin House, Clinton, LA.

cc) Nottoway Plantation, White Castle, LA.

dd) Musee Conti Historical Wax Museum, New Orleans, LA.

ee) Cottage Plantation, Historic Mississippi River, St. Francisville, LA

ff) Rosedown Plantation and Gardens: Grandeur on the Mississippi, St. Francisville,

gg) Madewood Plantation House on Bayou Lafourche, Napoleoneville, Louisiana

hh) Postcard of San Francisco Plantation House from Mary Thompson.

ii) Plantation Tours by Bus (Itinerary) New Orleans 42nd

jj) Guide to Area Plantation Homes (2 xerox copies).

kk) Landmark Hotel Metairie:

Folder   6  —Nottoway Plantation

a) Post cards (9)

b) Letter from Steve Saunders (curator) concerning information about Nottoway Plantation.

c) Letter from Arlin K. Dease (owner) concerning information about Nottoway Plantation.

d) Letter from Bobbie Fremin thanking someone for asking for information about Nottoway.

Folder   7  —Oak Alley Plantation

a) Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 1, Summer 1985.

b) Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 2, Winter 1985.

Folder   8  —San Francisco Plantation House

a) “San Francisco Plantation House: an exercise in restoration” by Samuel J. Dornsife

b) “The restoration of San Francisco (St. Frusquin), Reserve, Louisiana” by Henry
W. Krotzer Jr. (xerox copy).

Folder   9   Tourist Information: Places

a) Jefferson Downs, New Orleans, LA.

b) The French Market, New Orleans, LA.

c) Kliebert’s Alligator Farm, Hammond, LA.

d) Aquarium of the Americas, New Orleans, LA.

e) Louisiana State Museum, The Cabildo, New Orleans, LA.

f) LSU Tour Service, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

g) The World’s Fair, New Orleans, LA, 1984.

h) Welcome to Clinton Confederate Locust Grove and Jackson Confederate, LA.

i) Welcome to Audubon State Commemorative Area, St. Francisville, LA.

j) Louisiana Bayou Adventure Cruise, LA.

k) Bayou and Swamp Tours Inc., Manchac, LA.

l) Boat Tours of the Atchafalaya Basin, Henderson, LA.

m) Fort St. Jean Baptiste, Natchitoches, LA (2 copies).

n) Walking tours of the French Quarter.

Folder   10  —Tourist Information: Cities and Parishes

a) East Feliciana Pilgrimage, LA.

b) The River: Managing the Might of the Mississippi, US Army Corps of Engineers.

c) The French Roots In Louisiana History Tour.


e) Discover Louisiana’s best kept secret, The Parish of Pointe Coupee.

f) Welcome to Pointe Coupee Parish.

g) Iberville, Tout de Suite.

h) Shreveport-Bossier guidebook, A Great Pair with Southern Flair!

i) Shreveport-Bossier Visitor’s Guide.

j) Iberia Parish, New Iberia, LA.

k) Covington Visitors Guide.

l) Gateway to Acadiana (2 copies).

m) A Look At Beauregard Town.

n) Turtle Cove, Environmental Research Station.

o) Thibodaux, walking tour & area map.

p) New Orleans Spring Fiesta.

q) Berth of a star—New Orleans.

r) City of New Orleans.

s) A Hop, Skip And A Jump From Baton Rouge (2 copies).

t) Your Guide to Antiques & Fine Foods, Tangipahoa Parish.

u) Travel News From Louisiana’s Florida Parishes (2 copies).

v) Historic West Feliciana.

w) Going Places With Children in Tangipahoa Parish.

x) Tangipahoa bumper sticker.

y) Welcome to Poverty Point.

z) West Baton Rouge Homes Tour, May 2, 1976.


bb) Historic Episcopal Churches of Bayou Lafourche.

cc) Thibodaux Walking Tour & Area Map.

Folder   11  —Natchitoches

a) Brochures: Lasyone’s: Meat Pie Kitchen & Restaurant; (2) copies of Natchitoches,
Louisiana  1714–showplace of history; Natchitoches Louisiana Oldest city in Louisiana
Purchase founded 1714 –walking tour; North Louisiana’s Colonial Heritage, Louisiana
Cavalier (an outdoor drama).

b) A program of the Natchitoches Folk Festival, July 18-19, 1981.

c) Information on Nicholas Augustin Metoyer (1768-1856): Adventures of a Portrait.

d) Information for Gift Memberships in State Historical Associations.

e) Information about the Trinity Episcopal Church and tour (2 copies).

f) A questionnaire concerning the invitation to an induction Nov. 12, 1981.    

g) (2) tickets–1 airplane pass, 1 Walt Disney Ticket.

h) Front cover of Local History and Genealogy, Catalog no. 157, Southern Book Co.

i) Natchitoches 250th anniversary celebration, information on Louisiana’s oldest settlement.

j) Typed information on the History of Natchitoches.

k) Information concerning the Communities History (2 copies).

l) Announcement for 8th grade school students.

m) Information on the Tante Huppe House and tour.

n) Information of the Auto Tour of Old Homes from 1776.

o) Information on Bayou folk Museum and tour.

p) Information about “Other Places of Interest in Natchitoches.”

q) Articles from the Natchitoches Times entitled “Folk Festival to Spotlight American
Indians” and “Churches Without Nails” by Gary White Deer.

r) Article entitled “When the Texas Capital was at Los Adais, La.” and area map of
Los Adais.

s) Brochure with prominent sites in Natchitoches entitled “Cane River Country”.

t) Booklet entitled “Coincoin: An Eighteenth-Century Liberated Woman” by Gary B. Mills.

u) A booklet of Natchitoches “Oldest Settlement in the Louisiana Purchase, Founded

v) Louisiana Life, September/October 1981

w) Louisiana Life, March/April 1985.

x) Two photographs of the Historical Marker for Natchitoches.

Folder   12  —Ponchatoula: William Akers

      Background information concerning William Akers.

Folder   13  —White Castle

      “White Castle on the Mississippi” by the ninth grade.

Folder   14  —Pointe Coupee: Lagniappe Tour Newsletter

      Pointe Coupee Lagniappe Tours Newsletter, March 19, 1986.

Folder   15  —Louisiana Tour Guides

a) Louisiana Bayou Wonderland (2 copies).

b) “Chronology of events in Federal and Confederate forces during the Red River Campaign…,
April 11 & 12, 1864,” Mansfield Battle Park & Museum.

c) Wildlife Resources of Louisiana, by Grits Gresham.

d) Louisiana 20th Annual Tour Guide.

e) This is Baton Rouge.

f) Welcome to the Outdoor World of Louisiana State Parks and Monuments

g) Louisiana (2 copies).

h) A Traveler’s Guide to Louisiana (3 copies).

Folder   16  —Louisiana Tour Guides

a) The Evangeline Land of Louisiana Tour No. 3

b) Cajun Coach Tours, Escorted North American Tours.

c) Tenth Annual Tour Guide: Louisiana.

d) Eleventh Annual Tour Guide: Louisiana A Dream State.

e) Twelfth Annual Tour Guide: Louisiana A Dream State.

f) At the Crossroads: An Inquiry into Rural Post Offices and the Communities They Serve, by Richard J. Margolis, Winter 1980.

g) Louisiana: A Dream State.

h) Louisiana, October-December 1977.

i) Louisiana.

Folder   17  —Louisiana Touring Information

a) Tricentennial Cultural and Historical Delegation A Friends of the Cabildo, Inc.
Louisiana State Museum Tour.

b) Caricature place mat “What Do You Know About Louisiana?”

c) John McMillian’s “The Louisiana Test” humorous (xerox copy).

d) Louisiana’s Bayouland menu from Morgan City, Louisiana.

e) Bayou Folk Museum, Restoration of Kate Chopin Home.

f) New Orleans Restaurants: A Brief Guide for the OAH

g) Notes written on scratch paper concerning information about Louisiana Tourism.

h) Plantation Tour Reservation form, Tour of Hermitage.

i) Calendar Newsletter: Spring is Superb in Louisiana, Vol. 3, No. 2, April, May &
June 1971.

j) “Bayou Country,” Readers Digest, American from the Road, 1982.

k) “Hammond Area Guide, 1992,” by C. Howard Nichols (2 copies).

l) Cajun Coach Tours itinerary for Atlantic Providence and etc.

Box 31B

Folder   18  LOUISIANA: this month published by LA Tourist Development Commission

a) Louisiana: this month, April 1966.

b) Louisiana: this month, May 1966.

c) Louisiana: this month, July 1966.

d) Louisiana: this month, November 1966, Volume II, Number 2.

e) Louisiana: this month, December 1966, Volume II, Number 3.

Folder   19   Louisiana Traveler Guide

a) Louisiana Traveler, August-October 1962.

b) Louisiana Traveler, November-January 1962-63.

c) Louisiana Traveler, February-April 1963.

d) Louisiana Traveler, Summer 1964.

e) Louisiana Traveler, Spring Issue.

f) Louisiana Traveler, May-June-July.

g) Louisiana Traveler, August-September-October (2 copies).

h) Louisiana Traveler, December-January-February.

Folder   20  —Louisiana Tour Brochures

a) Audubon Pilgrimage, guide to West Feliciana.

b) Guide to the Anglo-American Art Museum.

c) Your Invitation to Hodges Gardens World Famous ‘Garden in the Forest’.

d) Horticultural Attractions at Hodges Gardens.

e) Visit Hodges Gardens Louisiana’s Famous Garden in the Forest and Family Resort.

f) Brochure of Historical notes on Hodges Gardens and Sabine Parish.

g) Touring Guide.

h) New Orleans 30th Annual Spring Fiesta, 1966.

i) Longue Vue Gardens, New Orleans.

j) Riverboat Bayou Jean Lafitte, Louisiana Bayou Adventure Cruise (2 copies).

k) New Orleans Walking & Driving Tour.

l) The Historic New Orleans Collection.

m) The Rhythm of New Orleans (2 copies).

n) French Quarter Home, Hermann-Grima Historic House.

o) 1965 Free Map and Guide Where to find it in New Orleans.

p) New Iberia, Louisiana, Feel the Cajun experience “Konriko.”

q) Sightseeing Tours in Baton Rouge.

r) Grant’s March Through Louisiana, A Tour.

s) Where in the Would. . . such great fishing? Louisiana, that’s where! (2 copies).

t) Membership Directory 1965-1966, Louisiana Hotel-Motel.

u) 3 Close-to-Home Tours for Baton Rouge Families and Visitors.

v) Welcome to the Governors Mansion, a message from Mrs. John J. McKeithen.

w) The Fabulous face of Louisiana.

x) Rosedown Plantation and Gardens, A Portrait of the Past, St. Francisville, Louisiana.

y) Welcome to Poverty Point, Louisiana State Commemorative Area.

z) Southeastern Indian Archaeological Tours Collect your Own Artifacts.

aa) See and Savor the historic excitement of Louisiana.

bb) Visit Historic Donaldsonville, Louisiana, The Second Acadian Settlement, 1758.

cc) Louisiana’s Only Convention Resort, Many-Leesville, Louisiana.

dd) Right Around Home, A Guide For Planning Your Bicentennial Vacation.

ee) “Know Louisiana” June 7-12, 1976.

ff) Toro Hills, Louisiana’s Complete Golf Resort.

gg) See and Savor the bayou wonderful of Louisiana.

hh) Paul Green’s Louisiana Cavalier, June 25-Sept. 3, 1977.

ii) The Jefferson House.

jj) (3) Sabena, The Travel Shoppe, The French Roots in Louisiana History Tour.

kk) LSU Union Plantation Tour Itinerary, June 25, 1966.

ll) Greatest Plantation Tour Ever Offered East Bank Plantation Tour, July 9, 1966.

mm) Jazz and Heritage Festival of 1996 (2 copies).

nn) Nationwide directory for LaQuinta Inn.

oo) Magnolia Mound Plantation House, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

pp) Baton Rouge Old State Capitol.

qq) Place d’ Armes, Hotel at Jackson Square, New Orleans, Louisiana.

rr) A Guide to Historic East and West Feliciana Parishes.

ss) Louisiana’s East Feliciana Parish.

tt) Welcome to Marksville Louisiana State Commemorative Area.

Folder   21  —Tangipahoa Tourism

a) Paper bag with parish tourist commission information and strawberry prints.

b) Brochure for Tangipahoa Parish.

c) Brochure for Ponchatoula.

d) Brochure for Ponchatoula.

e) Brochure for Ponchatoula Strawberry Festival.

f) Brochure for Kliebert’s Turtle and Alligator Tours, Inc.

g) Brochure for Amite.

h) Brochure for Zemurray Gardens.

i) Brochure for the Global Wildlife Center.

j) Brochure for Camp Moore.

k) Brochure for the Independence Italian Festival.

l) Brochure for the Hammond Municipal Airport.

m) Advertisement for Super 8 Motel in Hammond.

n) Advertisement for the Elliot House in Amite.

o) Advertisement for the Blythewood Plantation in Amite.

p) Advertisement for Nature People bed and breakfast in Ponchatoula.

q) Advertisement for the G. W. Nesom House bed and breakfast in Tickfaw.

r) Brochure for the Kentwood Historical and Cultural Arts Museum.

s) Advertisement for the Grand Estate Mansion in Husser.

t) Brochure for the Sweet Home Missionary Baptist Church in Kentwood.

u) Advertisement for Holiday Inn in Hammond.

v) Brochure for Hammond.

w) Tangipahoa Parish visitor’s guide.

Folder   22  —Alabama Tour Brochures

a) Bellingrath gardens, near Mobile, Alabama.

b) Bellingrath Gardens and home, Theodore, Alabama (2 copies).

c) Welcome to Gulf Shores Alabama, and Historical Canal Village.

d) Gulf Shores, Alabama (3 copies).

e) Gulf Shores & Orange Beach, Perfect Getaway, Brett/Robinson Vacation Rentals (2

f) Visitors Guide to Mobile.

g) Map of Mobile.

h) Mobile, Alabama, A City for All Seasons (2 copies).

i) The Gray Line Tours, See Mobile, Alabama.

j) A Mobile train tour.

k) A Short History of Mobile (3 copies).

l) Fort Conde Village, Mobile, Alabama, Shops, Cafes, Galleries, Museums.

m) Historic French Fort Conde, Mobile’s Visitor Welcome Center (3 copies).

n) Fort Conde-Charlotte House, Mobile, Alabama.

o) Museums of the city of Mobile (2 copies).

p) Welcome to The Museum of the City of Mobile (2 copies).

q) The Carlen House, 1842, Mobile, Alabama (2 copies).

r) The Richards-Dar House (2 copies).

s) Oakleigh Period House Museum, Mobile, Alabama (2 copies).

t) Miss Colleen’s House, Point Clear, Alabama.

u) Patio Gallery gift shop, Captain Meyers’ House, Mobile, Alabama.

v) Mound State Monument, Moundville, Alabama.

w) Alabama State Park Cabin Rental Information, Montgomery, Alabama.

x) Map of Gulf State Park.

y) Gulf State Park Resort (2 copies).

z) Alabama State Parks Family camping guide.

aa) Alabama State Parks, From the Mountains to the Beaches.

bb) Your Place in the Sun, Alabama’s golden gulf coast.

Folder   23  —Alabama Tour Guides

a) Alabama Has it All, Tour guide including map of places to visit in Alabama.

b) Alabama, A Guide to events and attractions.

c) Map of the city of Mobile.

d) Fort Conde, Visitor Information Center.

Folder   24  —Little Rock, Arkansas Information

a) Quapaw Quarter tour map.

b) Arkansas territorial Capitol Restoration, A Glimpse into Yesteryear, Little Rock,
AR (2 copies).

c) Arkansas Territorial Capitol Restoration, by A. W. Ford.

d) Louise Loughborough, Who has recreated an Arkansas era, Arkansas Gazette, Little Rock, March 16, 1950.

e) Mount Holly Cemetery, The Westminster Abby of Arkansas, Little Rock, Arkansas.

f) What to see where to eat and stay in Little Rock, Arkansas.

Folder   25  —Pamphlets and Brochures: State of Mississippi

a) Ocean Springs City of Discovery (2 copies).

b) Mississippi Museums: It’s like coming home (2 copies).

c) Gateway to America’s Riviera: Mississippi Gulf Coast.

d) Mississippi State Parks: Buccaneer, Waveland, Mississippi.

e) Mississippi State Parks: Percy Quin State Park.

f) The Old Capitol: State Historical Museum, Information on Tour, Hall of fame, Capitol

g) The Old Capitol: State Historical Museum, information.

h) The Old Capitol: State Historical Museum.

i) Street map of Jackson, Mississippi.

j) Mississippi Historical Society: Join the Mississippi Historical Society.

k) Mississippi Civil War and Ante-Bellum: Historical sites and points of interest.

l) Natchez on the Mississippi, Natchez Pilgrimage, February 28-April 1959.

m) Natchez on the Mississippi: Natchez Pilgrimage, March 10-April 8, 1973.

n) Stanton Hall Natchez, Mississippi, Official Headquarters for Tourist Information.

o) The Carriage House Restaurant, Stanton Hall, Natchez, Mississippi.

p) Mississippi and the Bicentennial Celebration of the American Revolution.

q) Beauvoir: Historical Last Home of Jefferson Davis, President of the Conf. State
of America.

r) . . history, heritage, hospitality: Mississippi First.

s) Mississippi the Arts: Its like coming home.

t) Historical Heart of Mississippi: Guardian of Mississippi’s historic past, Jackson,

u) Michael Catholic Church, Biloxi, Mississippi.

v) The Historic Magnolia Hotel, Biloxi, Mississippi.

w) Natchez Trace Parkway, Mississippi-Alabama-Tennessee (2 copies).

x) S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi.

y) Tour Guide, Vicksburg, Mississippi.

z) Historic Vicksburg, Mississippi Welcomes You.

aa) Old Court House Museum, Vicksburg, Mississippi (2 copies).

bb) Mississippi’s Pike County.

cc) Where to Go, What to See and What to Do on the Mississippi Gulf Coast.

dd) Columbus Mississippi, Columbus Pilgrimage, April 4-April 13, 1975.

ee) Columbus Mississippi, Columbus Pilgrimage, March 26-April 4, 1976 (3 copies).

ff) Columbus Mississippi, Columbus Pilgrimage, March 25-April 3, 1977.

Folder   26  —Vicksburg, Mississippi

      An illustrated guide to the Battlefield of Vicksburg.

Folder   27  —Pensacola, Florida

a) Two Postcards from Fort Barrancas.

b) Information from Fort Barrancas, Gulf Island National Seashore, National Park Service.

c) Photograph of Fort Barrancas, February 1964 (8″ x 10″).

d) Map of Pensacola.

e) Guide to safe swimming in the Pensacola area.

f) Sunset Lodge.

g) A Guide to Pensacola’s attractions.

h) Guide to hotels & motels.

i) Historic Pensacola Village.

j) Colonial Archaeological Trail.

k) A Historical Guide to Pensacola (2 copies).

l) Map of Historic Pensacola.

m) Historic Villager, Historic Pensacola Village, Pensacola, Florida, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1990.

n) Mighty Mudsharks Poster.

o) TravelHost Magazine on Pensacola.

p) Order form for the Gulf Coast Historical Review.

q) Information on Fort Pickens area, Gulf Islands National Seashore.

r) Map for tourist in Florida.

Folder   28  —Baltimore, Maryland

a) Program from the President’s Installation at the Johns Hopkins University, February
22, 1968.

b) Baltimore Maryland historical information and sites (brochure).

Folder   29  —Minnesota

a) Official Transportation Map of Minnesota.

b) Guide to informational signs of Itasca State Park.

c) Letter about the Minnesota Social History Project, dated August 28, 1978.

d) Theoretical Perspectives: The Minnesota Social History Project and the New Social

e) Mishap, Newsletter of Minnesota Social History Project, Vol. 1, No. 7, February 23, 1979.

Folder   30  —Sainte Genevieve, Missouri

      Brochure and map for Sainte Genevieve.

Folder   31  —Memphis, Tennessee

      Memphis Visitor’s Guide.

Folder   32  —Texas Brochure

      Fin and Feather Marina . . . on Toledo Bend Lake.

Folder   33  —European Touring Information

a) European itinerary (Paris, Blerancourt, Blois, Cheverny, Angouleme, Cognac)

b) National Trust for Historic Preservation Presents “The Heritage of Western Europe”
A Voyage visiting Historic Cities and Monuments Along Europe’s Atlantic Coast, May

c) Tour Guide to Europe.

d) Tour Guide to Belgium.

BOX   32   

Folder   1  —Higher Education

a) Brochure about the Teacher Retirement System of Louisiana, January 1, 1985.

b) Liberal Leave for State Employees, PAR Analysis, March 1983, Number 264.

c) “Endowment Chief Assails State of the Humanities on College Campuses” by Malcolm
G.Scully, CHRONICLE of Higher Education, November 28, 1984, Vol. XXIX No. 14 (xerox copy).

d) “‘Self-Reliant Academics’ and Colleges: Is a New Relationship Possible?” by Suzanne
Perry, CHRONICLE of Higher Education (xerox copy).

e) “College Admissions Test Scores by State, 1984,” THE CHRONICLE of Higher Education, January 9, 1985.

Folder   2  —Tangipahoa Parish School System

a) Fascism revisited? No, it’s just election time, Editor’s Journal by Lil Mirando,
Daily Star, n. d.

b) Censorship or Critical thinking by Robert Okazaki, Readers Forum, Daily Star, n. d.

c) Politics vs. education, And the winner is. . ., Editorial, Daily Star, September 9, 1994.

d) The `Values war’ being waged in today’s America, Times-Picayune, September 15, 1994.

e) Readers Forum, letters about Schindler’s List, Daily Star, September 16, 1994.

f) Holocaust horror part of education, by Milford Fryer, Sunday Advocate, September 18, 1994.

g) The basics of elections in Louisiana, by Milford Fryer, Sunday Advocate, October 9, 1994.

h) Letter from Rev. Robert U. Perry, Pastor, Holy Ghost Catholic Church about Schindler’s List, dated September 25, 1994.

i) Counterarguments to Creation “Science” from Dr. Barbara Forrest to Dr. Gary Childers.

j) Tackling the evolution issue, by Ron Good, Catherine Cummins, Mark Hafner, LSU

k) Students seek “Common Ground,” Inside Tulane, April 1, 1994

l) Schindler’s List, A Study Guide, by Plater Robinson, Provided by the Southern Institute for Education and Research
at Tulane University.

m) To High School Principals from Bette K. Laird about Schindler’s List, Edited Videos.

n) Memo to Howard Nichols from Harriet Vogt, dated September 20, 1994.

o) Memo to Howard Nichols and Roman Heleniak, dated September 13, 1994.

p) Memo to Board Members from Ted Cason, Superintendent about Schindler’s List, October
12, 1994

Folder   3  —Materials from other colleges

a) Catalog from Shimer College, Mount Carroll, Illinois, 1956-1957.

b) Letter from Bennett H. Wall, Tulane University to C. Howard Nichols, dated May
26, 1977.

c) Tulane’s Lupin Theatre presenting the production of Native Tongues (brochure).

Folder   4  —Louisiana State University Magazine and Journal

a) Journal: LSU Outlook, Vol. 26, No. 5, September 1979.

b) Journal: LSU Outlook, Vol. 27, No. 5, September 1980.

c) Louisiana State University Almanac, 1980.

d) LSU Magazine, 1860-1985 A Special Anniversary Issue, Vol. 61, No. 4, September 1985.

Folder   5  —Piney Woods Conference

a) Crosby Lectures, The Piney Woods: A Human Perspective March 29-31, 1984 (2 brochures).

b)  Rough Riding Down South by J. F. H. Claiborne.

c) “The Singing Heart,” by Pearl Rivers.

d) “A Whistling Poem,” by Pearl Rivers.

e) “Seven-shape Gospel Hymnody in Mississippi,” Mississippi Piney Woods Symposium,
March 30, 1984, by James C. Downey (hymns written with shaped notes).

Folder   6  —Mardi Gras

a) Notes taken from The Mystic Krewe, Chronicles of Comus and His Kin by Perry Young.

b) Mardi Gras (brochure).

c) Ending to a speech about Mardi Gras.

d) “Deep Float speaks on Taylor-Mead Mardi Gras” by Angus Lind (xerox copy).

e) Mardi Gras, New Orleans, 1985 (poster).

f) The Krewe of Pegasus presents Love Boat 1983, January 25, 1983.

g) “Bayou Mardi Gras” Back on the Map.

h) History of the King Cake.

i) Invitation to the Maskers Dances given by the Krewe of Eros, February 13, 1981.

j) Mardi Gras 1996, Times-Picayune Advertising Supplement, February 7, 1996.

k) WWL-TV editorial about Mardi Gras, March 1, 1965.

l) “New Orleans Unmasked” about Mardi Gras by Calvin Trillin, New Yorker, February 2, 1998.

Folder   7  —Brochures, Pamphlets, and Programs

a) Acadian Families Reunion, November 3, 1985.

b) Centennial Celebration, 1896-1996, Hungarian Settlement, Albany, Louisiana.

c) A Tour of Homes, December 7, 1997, sponsored by:  Florida Parishes Special Olympics.

d) Caliphs of Cairo, January 15, 1988.

e) Caliphs of Cairo, January 14, 1994.

f) Mary’s Episcopal Church, Franklin, Louisiana.

g) The United Methodist Church, St. Francisville, Louisiana.

h) 1776 Bicentennial 1976, 1869 Tangipahoa 1976.

i) Independence Italian Festival, April 23 & 24, 1982.

j) 1983 Independence Italian Festival (3 copies).

k) Covington Old Town Festival!, Sept. 12-18.

m) Commemorating the Battle of Pensacola, May 3-10, 1981.

n) The 5th Annual Independence Italian Festival, 1984.

o) Hammond Heritage Day, 1981.

p) Grace Memorial Episcopal Church, Hammond, Louisiana, October 28, 1988.         

q) Louisiana Happenings, November 3-28, 1982.

r) Louisiana Happenings, November 4-20, 1983.

s) Louisiana Happenings, December 3-11, 1983.

t) Louisiana Happenings, September, 1985.

u) Louisiana Happenings, March 4-31, year unknown.

v) Louisiana Happenings, September 1-25, year unknown.

w) The Fifteenth Annual Feliciana Festival, March, 1986.

x) Feliciana Festival, A Southern Sampler, March, 1986.

y) Piney Woods Conference, March 28-31, 1984.

z) La Fete de la Bastille-Cajin, July, 1987.

aa) Dedication of Hammond Depot, Recognition of Cate Family, January, 1995.

bb) “A Few Good Men” by Aaron Sorkin, February, 1995.

dd) Los Islenos Heritage and Cultural Society Fiesta ’97, March 22 & 23, 1997.

ee) Dedication of the “de La Salle Monument,” April 9, 1967.

ff) Hammond Balloon Festival, June 6 & 7, 1981.

gg) Preservation Resource Center 1984 Holiday Home Tour.

hh) Inaugural Celebration for the Louisiana Center for the Book, March 17, 1995.

ii) Feliciana Spring Sampler, April 23 & 24, 1994.

jj) Invitation to private viewing of The Laura Simon Nelson Collection, 1996.

k) Invitation to a photographic exhibit of sugar production in Louisiana, 1996.

l) Program for a National Defense Luncheon, 1997.

m) Program for “For Whom the Southern Belle Tolls.”

n) Program for “Nunsense.”

o) Brochure from “The Huey P. Long Centennial”, 1993.

p) Program for a heritage celebration in Covington, 1994.

q) Program for a memorial service for the Daughters of the American Revolution, 1978.

Folder   8  —Memorabilia from the ’84 World’s Fair

a) Ticket from The World’s Fair, May 12-November 11, 1984.

b) Brochure for the exhibit of Japan, Louisiana World Exposition.

c) Plastic bag from the fair.

d) Guide book to the World’s Fair of 1984.

e) 1984 Louisiana World Exposition (brochure).

f) New Orleans Preservation in Print, The World’s Fair, Vol. 11, No. 8, October 1984.

g) Louisiana World Exposition, Volume 1, Issue 5, August 1982.

Folder   9  —Louisiana History and Culture

a) “Our Masonic Heritage” by J. B. DeBois’ Mansion.

b) “Gas Lights,” Louisiana Gazette, page 2, col. 2, November 26, 1822.

c) “The Honorable The Senate and House of Representatives:” J. B. Sullivan, January
27, 1866.

d) “The Story of the Houma Indians.”

e) “Speaking ‘Indian’ in Louisiana” by Emanuel J. Drechsel, Natural History, September 1986.

f) “The True Story of…Evangeline” by Carl Corley.

g) An outline of “Eighteenth Century Wars and Treaties.”

Folder   10  —Parish and Local History

a) List of books containing information on parish histories.

b) Census data from 1790-1890.

c) Report on the Louisiana Statewide Records Project and Historical Records Survey
by Dr. Ewin A. Davis, May 1, 1940.

d) Louisiana, Holdings of Department of Archives, Baton Rouge.

Folder   11  —History

a) Flags over Mississippi by Cyril E. Cain, 1954.

b) Guide Map, Fort Pickens State Park, Florida Park Service, May 28, 1957.

c) “Louisiana’s Florida Parishes, A Bibliography,” compiled by C. Howard Nichols,
Vol. II, 1983.

d) Program fifty-fourth annual meeting of the Mississippi Valley Historical Association,

e) Book Review of Destruction and Reconstruction by C. Howard Nichols.

f) Notice of North Louisiana Historical Association Fall Meeting, November 9, 1975.

g) The Walter Lynwood Fleming Lectures in Southern History, March 17 & 18, 1958 (2

h) Announcement of a gift from Entergy Corporation to  The Ogden Museum of Southern

i) “Slave Market,” New Yorker, January 14, 1961 (xerox copy).

Folder   12  —Louisiana Antebellum Heritage

      Overview and Itinerary, PIP 001.

Folder   13  —Louisiana Antiques

a) Louisiana Antiques with pictures of different furniture.

b) Gala 3 day Party, for Antique Lovers (Advertisement)

c) The 9th Annual Antique Show Sale, March 23-25, Jackson, LA (Advertisement).

Folder   14  —Materials from other Libraries and Archives

a) Your Rights Under Public Records Law, Louisiana State Archives (brochure)

b) National Archives of the United States, Washington, D. C. (brochure)

c) Suggestions for Citing Records in the National Archives of the United States (brochure)

d) Select List of Publications of the National Archives and Records Service (booklet).

e) Louisiana State Archives (brochure).

f) Legacy, Newsletter of the State Archives & Records Service, Vol 6, no. 1, February 1982.

g) Raconteur, Le Comité des Archives de la Louisiane, Vol. 1, No. 1, December 1978.

h) Louisiana Archives Survey Report No. 2 Findings and Recommendations, May 1956.

i) Friends of the Archives of Louisiana Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 1, August 1979.

j) “Reviews of Books” January (xerox copy).

k) Louisiana History Reading List.

l) “St. Charles abstracts of the civil records of St. Charles Parish” by Glenn R.

m) “Searching for Louisiana Materials in the Archives of Europe” by Charles E. O’neill,
S.J., Loyola University, April 13, 1962.

n) Publications of the Center for Louisiana Studies of the University of Southwestern
Louisiana, 1980

Folder   15  —Louisiana Facts

a) Louisiana Facts, compiled by James H. “Jim” Brown, Secretary of State, 1984.

b) Louisiana Facts, compiled by James H. “Jim” Brown, Secretary of State, 1984.

c) Louisiana Facts, compiled by W. Fox McKKeithen, Secretary of State, 1992.

Folder   16  —Louisiana Constitution

a) Philosophies in the Proposed Constitution, PAR Analysis, No. 196, February 1974.

b) An Educator’s Analysis of the Proposed Constitution, prepared by The Louisiana Teachers’ Association.

c) Letter from James W. Morris, with Alphabetical Directory of Delegates to the 1973
Louisiana Constitution Convention, including names, addresses, home and Convention
telephone numbers, and committee assignments, August 17, 1973.

d) The State Government and Constitution of the State of Louisiana of 1974, Louisiana Almanac, pp. 291-319 (xerox copy).

Folder   17  —Gambling

a) “Take over gambling case, Supreme Court urged” by Ed Anderson.

b) “Casino in N. O. would bring in the mob, ex-FBI agent says” by Sheila Grissett.

c) “State suddenly awash in gambling” by James Gill.

c) Excerpt on Video Poker.

d) “Clearing the path for passage of a state lottery” by Jack Wardlaw.

e) “Court may be opponents’ last hope” by Bruce Eggler.

f) “Roemer: Will sign lottery setup bill” by Ed Anderson.

g) “Lottery now up to La. voters” by Ed Anderson.

h) “Gambling: What state’s new deal means” by Mike Hughlett, Times-Picayune, July 10, 1991.

i) “Odds better than ever this year for a state lottery” by Jack Wardlaw, 1990.

j) A synopsis of a newspaper article.

k) An example of how a synopsis should be written.

l) “Louisiana Gaming: A State Budget Perspective” by Samuel B. Nunez, Jr., May 13,

m) Instructions on how to write an outline, index card notes, and a rough draft.

n) “Gambling industry worries La. senator” by Jack Wardlaw.

o) “Look before leaping to casinos, city told”.

p) “Roemer touts shipboard gambling” by Ed Anderson and Peter Nicholas, The Times-

Picayune, July 3, 1991.

q) “Casino took winding road to N.O.”, Mark Schleifstein, The Times-Picayune, June 14, 1992.

r) “Edwards had the aces” by Peter Nicholas, The Times-Picayune,  June 12, 1992.

s) “Trekking to Las Vegas to study gambling process” by Jack Wardlaw, The Times-Picayune, March 7, 1990.

t) An article on Dan Juneau and his position on gambling, January 23, 1990.

u) “Roemer open to river casinos” by Ed Anderson, 1990.

v) “Gambling foe blasts mission to Vegas” by Jack Wardlaw, March 3, 1990.

w) “State lottery draws the winning numbers” by Sheila Grissett, The Times-Picayune, October 7, 1990.

x) “Accord improves lottery’s chances” by Ed Anderson and Jack Wardlaw, June 29, 1990.

y) A page of anti-lottery arguments, 1990.

z) A page of references for Social Studies Fair Project, 1990.

aa) Bumper sticker advertising the Louisiana lottery.

bb) “The Lottery Issue”, speech of Senator K. A. Cross, May 21, 1890.

cc) “Lotteries in Louisiana and the great names associated with them,” No. 9 of the

Folder   18  —Louisiana Goals

a) Goals For Louisiana, Report of the Task Force on Transportation.

b) An opinion survey given for Goals For Louisiana, December 1969.

c) Program for The Hammond Forum on Goals For Louisiana, February 26, 1970 (2 copies).

Folder   19  —Louisiana Drug Laws

      Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Law issued by Wade O. Martin, Jr., 1970 (xerox).

Folder   20  —Louisiana Governor’s Project

a) Letter to Mr. Nichols from Chip Dawson, November 16.

b) Notes to the contributors and a short biography of William Pitt Kellogg.

Folder   21  —Dissertations on Louisiana

      “A Dissertation Bibliography” edited by Edward F. Haas (xerox copy).

BOX   33    

Folder   1  —Campaign Materials: Letters

a) Letter to the voters of Louisiana from Jimmie H. Davis, 1944 (2 copies).

b) Letter to the voters of the Sixth Congressional District, for Hon. John K. Griffith.

c) Letter to the voters from Michael A. Cross.

d) Fact Sheet, Louisiana Coalition.

e) Reagan-Bush Campaign Information, October 8, 1980.

f) Maurice D. Robinson, Jr. for Mayor of Hammond, March 24, 1981.

g) Letter to Mr. and Mrs. C. Howard Nichols and Platform Statement from Michael Kenney,
running for mayor of Hammond, February 25, 1985.

Folder   2  —Campaign Materials

a) Return envelope to Senator Dudley J. LeBlanc with a donation sheet.

b) Earl K. Long for Governor, January 1944.

c) Frank B. Ellis for Lieutenant Governor.

d) Sam S. Caldwell for Governor.

e) E. Frazar for State Superintendent of Education.

f) Campaign advertisement for Dr. George H. Hauser, Coroner.

g) Dave Treen for Governor, 1980s.

h) Political advertisement for the campaign of Frank Cacioppo.

i) Political advertisement for the campaign of Henry Powell.

j) Political advertisement for the campaign of Howard Nichols.

k) Political advertisement for the campaign of Henry J. Sibley, Tangipahoa Parish
School Board.

l) Campaign advertisement for Alvin Stire, Clerk of Court.

m) Campaign advertisement for Ray Balisteri, Councilman (2 copies).

n) Campaign advertisement for Lonny Myles, State Senator.

o) Campaign advertisement for Wilson Chaney, Commissioner.

p) Campaign advertisement for John Anderson.

q) Sticker with logo Anderson for President printed in red and white (2 copies).

r) Campaign advertisement for Gordon Anderson, Sheriff.

s) Campaign advertisement for Frank M. Edwards, Sheriff.

t) Layrisson’s advertisement for free refreshments and a movie.

u) Layrisson for Sheriff.

v) William Jefferson for Governor.

w) Russell “Tippy” DePaula for Mayor.

x) Ricks for District Judge.

y) Bob Jackson for State Senator.

z) Burrell J. Carter for Court of Appeal.

aa) Erwin Hoy Jenkins for School Board.

bb) Bob Frye for School Board.

cc) Burrell J. Carter for Court of Appeal.

dd) Katie Wainwright for State Representative.

ee) Mike Cross for Senator.

ff) Maurice Robinson for Mayor.

gg) Deano for Representative.

hh) Debbie Saik for Mayor.

ii) Annette Fuselier for State Senator.

jj) Larry Bankston for Senator.

kk) Deano for State Representative.

ll) Logan Guess for School Board.

mm) Sam Saik for Mayor.

nn) Mary Landrieu for Governor.

oo) Diane Winston for State Representative.

pp) John W. King for District Judge.

qq) Randy Frederick for Mayor.

rr) Bechac for Representative.

ss) Campaign advertisement for Jay Blossman, State Representative.

tt) Campaign advertisement for Jay Blossman, Trial Lawyer.

uu) Wilson Chaney Campaign, October 1979.

vv) Campaign advertisement for Steve Duczer, Court of Appeal (2 copies).

ww) Campaign advertisement for Diane Winston State Representative.

xx) Campaign advertisement for Sharp with Sharp Cooking recipes included (3 copies).

yy) Jimmy Haltom for State Representative.      

zz) Sample Ballot form from Frank M. Edwards, Jr., November 1, 1975.

3a)  Sample Ballot with advertisement for Debbie Saik Pope Major.

3b)  Campaign advertisement for Judge Burrell J. Carter, Court of Appeals.

3c)  Campaign advertisement for Cyril J. Landry, Police Jury District 6.

3d)  J. Louis “Red” Smith for Mayor.

3e)  Campaign Central news concerning Sandra Thompson for Secretary of State #21,
Oct. 1979.

3f).  Campaign information for Frank Edwards Sheriff, 1979.

3g)  Campaign information about Ed Layrisson.

 3h)  Clipping from Louisiana Progress about Fred Harris running for president, April 1976.

 3i)  The 1984 Presidential Campaign Speech, Presbyterian Student Group, October 9,

 3j)  Campaign Advertisement, Judge John “Jack” Cosner

 3k)  Campaign stickers for Breaux U.S. Senate (3 copies).

Folder   3  —Campaign Materials

a) Advertising supplement to the Baton Rouge Morning Advocate and State Times, Bogalusa Daily News, and Hammond Daily Star supporting Henson Moore.

b) “What is Nice Guy Like Henson Moore Doing Running for Congress?,” October 24, 1974.

c) “Mouton Governor Again,” 1979.

d) Flier for Free Jambalaya, October 7th.

e) A paper supporting Edgar G. “Sonny” Mouton, Jr. for governor, 1979.

f) Edgar Mouton Campaign advertisement for governor (newspaper supplement)

g) SENATE FOR LOUISIANA, sheet of roll call and amendments.

h) “Boulter Gives Media Foretaste of Strong Campaign Ad,” Election Update, Aug. 17, 1988.

i) “L.S.U.’s New REGIME,” Political cartoons.

j) “Sam Jones Says” by Sam H. Jones, governor of Louisiana, February 20, 1943.

k) Sam Jones Says by James I. Smith, March 20, 1943.

l) “The ‘Old Gang’ Delivered the Goods. The ‘New Gang’ Soils Their Nest,” Wool Hat

m) “A Warning to the Voters of the Twenty-First Senatorial District, State of Louisiana”
by Leonard C. Spinks, lifelong friend of Huey P. Long, August 23, 1939.

n) “Coxe-Griffenhagen-Bartlow-Russell Clique Attempt to Blitzrieg La. Teachers’ Ass’n.”

o) Earl K. Long, in Shreveport Times, Shreveport Journal, News Record, August 23, 1939.

p) “Elect Warren W. Comish Judge.”

q) “…Sam Jones, King Strenzke, J. Y. Sanders,” Friends of Clean Government.

r) “Who Is State Senator Joe T. Cawthorn?”

s) “Select a District Judge,” December 30, 1941.

t) “Skull Crushing Bluebeard and Long vs: Jonesism,” Wool Hat Pete.

u) “Jonesism in Louisiana Sho’ Am Slippen;…,” Wool Hat Pete.

v) “Reasons why you should return John K. Griffith to Congress.”

w) “Charles Anzalone Candidate for the Senate,” Chas. Anzalone.

x) “Louisiana Democratic Organization endorses Earl K. Long… .”

y) “It’s Time to Think–Before It Is Too Late.”

z) “Sam Jones Steals Again!”

aa) “Sam Jones Extravagance Exposed” submitted by J. Emmett Williams.

bb) “Official Notice” signed by Jones-Griffenhagen-Sanders.

cc) “An answer to Edwards Circular” by Nat Tycer.

dd) “Commissioners and Deputies for Election of September 10.”

ee) “Meet the Candidates,” Morning Advocate, October 22, 1979.

Folder   4  —Campaign Materials

a) Louisiana Democratic Organization, headquarters in Alexandria, Louisiana.

b) Amendments to the Louisiana Constitution, PAR Voter’s Guide, Oct. 22, 1983.

c) He promised, He performed, He delivered the goods!” Gov. Sam Jones, January 1,

d) The Roosevelt Record in Red!, Republican National Committee, 1940.

e) Official plan for delegation selection to 1972 Democratic Convention, Feb. 19, 1972.

f) Registration of Voters in Louisiana by Alden L. Powell and Emmett Asseff, 1951.

g) Citizen’s guide to the 1980 Louisiana Legislature.

h) “Reflections of Louisiana Politics,” by Julio Alonzo, Jr.

i) “New Orleans Diarist,” The New Republic.

Folder   5  —Campaign Materials

a) Teachers Protest information.

b) “Teachers Friend,” a platform for the Louisiana Teachers Association.

c) “Report of the Committee on Teacher Retirement.”

d) The 1940 Platform of the Democratic Party, July 22, 1940.

e) Republican Platform, 1940.

f) The 1940 Platform for the Socialist Labor Party (2 copies).

g) Platform and Candidates NEW Prohibition Party (2 copies).

Folder   6  —Louisiana Law

a) “The Louisiana Estate Planner” by Gerald LeVan, Vol. 2 No. 1, July 1975.

b) “The Louisiana Estate Planner” by Gerald LeVan, Vol. 2 No. 2, September 1975.

c) “A Comparison…Home Rule Government vs. Police Jury.”

d) “Forced Heirship.”

e) “Community Property.”

f) “The Civil Codes of Louisiana.”

g) Notes on the Tideland case including a bibliography from a paper.

Folder   7  —Louisiana Officials of the Past

      List of Governors from 1699-1972 and all Other Officials of the State.

Folder   8  —Legislative Bulletin

a) PAR Legislative Bulletin, Vol. 25, No. 2, May 6, 1977.

b) PAR Legislative Bulletin, Vol. 29, No. 8, June 26, 1981.

Folder   9  —Treasury records

      Budget sheet from the official U. S. Treasury records, 1934.

Folder   10  —News from Washington

      Washington News from Geo. S. Long, M. C.,” excerpts from the Congressional Record.

Folder   11  —Louisiana Mental Health Association Brochures

a) Mental Health in Childhood (0-12 years)

b) Mental Health in Adolescence (12-til adulthood)

c) Mental Health in Early Adulthood (18-35 years)

d) Mental Health in middle Adulthood (35-60)

e) Mental Health in Later Adulthood (over 60)

Folder   12  —Louisiana Hospitals

      Seventh Ward General Hospital (brochure)

Folder   13  —Bicentennial Information

a) Bicentennial Statistics, a reprint of Bicentennial Statistics chapter from the Pocket Data Book USA, 1976.

b) Bicentennial Showcase, 1776-1976, Hammond, Louisiana.

c) Celebrating the Century, New Orleans CityBusiness, March 31, 1997.

d) Louisiana Commemorates the Civil War Centennial, 1861-1961 by T. Harry Williams, 1961.

e) Heritage ‘76 Tangipahoa Parish American Revolution Bicentennial Commission (bulletin).

Folder   14  —Batson Humanities Grant Committee

Program Development Booklet for Information and Guidelines for Grant Application,
1976-1978, Louisiana Committee for the Humanities.

Folder   15  —Batson Humanities Grant Correspondence

a) Thank you note to Howard Nichols, June 27, 1972.

b) Letter to Dean Wilcox from Beryl Zitch, December 18, 1973.

c) A letter to Mr. Batson from Clea Parker, July 9, 1974.

d) A letter to Dr. Teague from James Wilcox, March 11, 1975.

e) Announcements from James Wilcox to the faculty and staff, April 4, 1975.

f) A letter to Mr. Stolleis from James Wilcox, April 18, 1975.

g) A letter to Mr. and Mrs. John Batson from James Wilcox, April 21, 1975.

h) A letter from James Wilcox to faculty and staff, April 29, 1975.

i) An invitation to meet the Romanian playwright Susana Ciortea, October 16, 1975.

j) A letter to all faculty members from James Wilcox, December 12, 1975.

k) Announcement of Marshall McLuhan’s speech “Why Johnny Can’t Write,” January 22,

l) A memo from James Wilcox to the faculty and staff, January 23, 1976.

m) Letters to the presenters from James Wilcox, November 23, 1976.

o) A letter to Dean Wilcox from Fawn Brodie, March 2, 1977.

p) A reminder of the lecture by Phil Wilson, March 9, 1977.

q) Enclosure to Michael DuBois from James Wilcox, March 14, 1977.

r) A letter to Professor Nichols from Fawn Brodie, April 2, 1977.

s) A letter to Frances from James Wilcox informing her of transferred accounts, April
5, 1977.

t) A letter to Professor Brodie, April 12, 1977.

u) A short note from Jim to Howard, April 13, 1977.

v) A letter to Dean Wilcox from Ruth Alben, November 28, 1977.

w) A letter to Professor Nichols from Ruth Alben, December 9, 1977.

x) A memo to the faculty and staff from James H. Wilcox regarding the Multi-Media
Concert, dated March 7, 1977.

y) A letter to Professor Nichols from Ruth Alben, February 24, 1978.

z) Letter to Professor Nichols from Ruth Alben, May 4, 1978.

aa) Mailing list for the committee.

bb) A count of responses from the presenters.

cc) A registration of activity form.

dd) A brief biography of John Houseman.

ee) A copy of John Houseman’s biography.

ff) Budget information form for the grant application.

gg) Information about some topics for one of the speakers.

hh) Program for the sessions at a committee meeting.

ii) Information on Gwendolyn Brooks.

jj) Schedule to the English faculty for the appearances of Gwendolyn Brooks, March

kk) An outline of the arrangements made for Gwendolyn Brooks.

ll) Check list for guest speakers.

mm) Information booklet on R. Buckminster Fuller.

nn) A letter to the faculty and staff announcing the showing of M*A*S*H on campus.

oo) Minutes for the May 6, 1976 Humanities Council Meeting.

pp) A quick note from Howard Nichols to Jim.

qq) A card from Frances to Howard Nichols on the death of his father, December 30.

Folder   16  —Reserve Telephone Company

      Telephone Directory, January 1985.

Folder   17  —Hammond Rotary

a) Visiting guest ticket for Professor of History.

b) Minutes for meeting at the Rotary Club, May 28, 1975.

Folder   18  —Speech Material

a) “College Wit and Humor,” (xerox copy).

b) Address delivered by Allan W. Ostar, Southeastern Louisiana University, December
16, 1972.

c) LSU Outlook: The Quest for New Knowledge” Vol. 23, No. 5, September 1976.

d) “Power and Innocence: A search for the Sources of Violence” by Rollo May.

e) An article entitled “The Future of the Past” remarks by Sir Hugh Casson at the
Williamsburg  Antiques Forum, January 31, 1973. Transcribed from tape of the lecture.

f) Memorandum—To all personal, subject New Sick Leave Policy.

g) Speech material—Dare to be different.

h) “Caring for Our National Heritage” Christian Women’s Fellowship from the First
Christian Church, December 16, 1975.

i) “The Great American Summer” by David Brinkley, Saturday Review, June 26, 1976.

j) A short typed paragraph entitled “Funning the Founding Fathers.”

k) “How you can tell when it’s going to be a rotten day” author unknown.

l) “How to kill a university” by George Boas, Johns Hopkins Magazine, December 1989.

m) “Is it true what they say about Dixie?” by Caesar Lerner.

n) Speech for the Hebrew Fellowship Union.

o) Address to the Board of Woman’s Hospital, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, June 18, 1996.

BOX   34    

Folder   1  —Strawberry Industry Research Proposal

a) “A History of the Strawberry Industry in Tangipahoa Parish” written by C. Howard
Nichols to Randy Webb, Faculty Research Proposal for 1979-1980 (1st draft & 4 copies).

b) Budget for Strawberry Industry Research Proposal, 1979-1982.

c) Excerpt from Tangipahoa Crossings on strawberries.

Folder   2  —Strawberry Industry Project

“A Tale of Selective Accommodation: Sicilians and Native Whites in Louisiana, by Jean
Scarpaci, Journal of Ethnic Studies (xerox copy).

Folder   3  —The Mike Farm

      Conversation between Mrs. Santo Mike and C. Howard Nichols, October 7, 1979.

Folder   4  —Outline and Resume

a) Initial outline for history of St. Tammany Parish by C. Howard Nichols, Spring

b) Resume for C. Howard Nichols.

Folder   5  —Oral History Release Forms

a) 4  blank Release forms).

b) Joe Burns, Natalbany, LA., October 11, 1979.

c) Joe Shaffer and Ruby Drude, Ponchatoula, LA, September 16, 1979.

d) John C. Kent, Tangipahoa, LA, September 17, 1979.

e) Amos Kent, Hammond, LA, September 3, 1979.

f) Joseph B. Terry, Kentwood, LA, October 15, 1979.

g) J. B. Thomas, July 30, 1981.

h) Lillian D. Poole, Hammond, LA, October 17, 1979.

i) Iris S. Wiggins, Hammond, LA, November 29, 1979.

j) Earl Cefalu, Amite, LA, November 21, 1979.

k) Joseph V. Arnone, Independence, LA, November 13, 1979.

l) Vito Vic J. Ferina, Tickfaw, LA, November 14, 1979.

m) Lucy Mike, Hammond, LA, November 19, 1979.

n) Marion Fannaly, Jr., Ponchatoula, LA, September 21, 1979.

o) William Chauar, Baptist, LA, November 29, 1979.

p) Christine Dantone, Hammond, LA, July 13, 1980.

q) Elizabeth B. Blanchard, July 28, 1980.

r) Pamela M. Percy, July 17, 1980.

s) Questions for Mrs. Lilliam Poole Interview.

t) Questions for Mrs. Szymoniak Interview.

u) Letter from Irene Morris, June 26, 1979.

v) Letter from Irene Morris, July 12, 1979.

w) Letter from Duane Shafer to Howard Nichols with list of people who know about the
Strawberry Industry, May 30, 1979.

x) Loose notes about people to interview about strawberry industry.

y) Notes about berries and a “machine.”

z) “Gasohol revives moonshine art,” Daily Star, September 24, 1979.

aa) “The Glories That were Sicily’s”

bb) “Getting a Kick out of Calvados.”

Folder   6  —Fact Sheets

      Fact Sheet for Louisiana Strawberries.

Folder   7  —Strawberry Industry Research Grant

a) Letter to Dr. Webb concerning research activity, dated June 20, 1980.

b) Comparison of average prices of peaches to strawberries from 1918-1968 (3 copies).

c) Expense account receipt for a research trip to Chicago, IL by Howard Nichols, June
2, 1980.

d) Picture of a St. Joseph’s Day Altar (xerox copy).

e) Purchase order for a tape recorder, October 3, 1979 (xerox copy).

Folder   8  —Strawberry Labels

a) Envelope containing strawberry labels and a ticket for one pint of strawberries.

b) Letter to John DeMarco from Howard Nichols thanking him for the labels, March 16,

Folder   9  —Strawberry Transcripts and Notes

Handwritten Transcripts and notes from interviews of the people used as sources for
the strawberry project.

Folder   10  —Interviews

a) Interview with Amos Kent about the Kentwood strawberry industry in the 1920’s and
30’s, taped September 3, 1979.

b) Interview with Joe Terry about the Kentwood strawberry industry in the 1920’s and
30’s,taped on October 15, 1979.

c) Interview with Mrs. Edna Szymoniak, taped on October 16, 1979.

d) Interview with Lillian Poole, taped on October 17, 1979.

e) An interview with Earl Cefalu, Sr., taped on November 21, 1979.

f) An interview with Mrs. Iris Wiggins, taped on November 29, 1979.

g) An interview with Marion Fannaly, Jr. by William Blith about cold storage of strawberries.

Folder   11  —Interviews

a) An interview with Joseph Arnone about Arnone’s Farms by Lydia Randazzo.

b) An interview with Mr. Vito Vic J. Ferina.

c) An interview with Mrs. Santo Mike.

d) An second interview with Mrs. Lucy Mike.

Folder   12  —Regulations and laws for winemaking

a) Letter from Madeleine Mathes regarding the request for birth certificate, etc,
Oct. 4, 1979.

b) Letter from Madeleine Mathes requesting information on strawberry wine.

c) Home Winemaking information from the Wine Institute.

d) Laws from the Depart of the Treasury containing articles and sections on Wine and

Folder   13  —Strawberry Wine

a) Written notes on scratch paper about Real Estate conveyance and assessment rolls
(Mary Newman).

b) Certified purchase agreement for real estate (Mary Newman Candiotto).

c) Warranty Deed for Nell W. Stem and Horace R. Reid, July 8, 1942.

d) By-Laws and articles for the Pioneer Wine Manufacturing Company, Inc.

e) Great Jackson Route Freight Tariff No. 1 New Orleans and All Stations on The  Chicago,
St. Louis and New Orleans Railroad
, January 1, 1878.

f) List of dealers in Flour, Meal and Grain; also lumber dealers, on Louisiana Division

g) List of Officers, agents, and etc. (xerox copy).

h) Deed for Mrs. Modesta DeSalva Catalano (xerox copy).

i) “Handmade Crop” by Rev. Edwin L. Brock, The Progressive Farmer, 1950.

j) “Louisiana: Strawberry Culture” by L. A. Niven, The Progressive Farmer, 1955.

Folder   14  —Summer Workshop, Ethnic Heritage Grant

a) Description of the Ethnic Heritage Workshop in Baton Rouge at LSU, Summer 1980.

b) Draft, Tentative storyboard on Washington Parish.

c) The Proposed Program.

d) Lesson Plans.

e) List of Students in class, Summer 1980.

f) Ethnic heritage Studies Program, Part VIII, June 22, 1979 (xerox copy).

g) A Common Tongue, 16mm sound film in two parts (brochure).

h) Heritage in Black, 16mm sound film, 27 minutes (brochure).

i) Folklife Center News, Vol. III, No. 2, April 1980.

j) Teaching Tips from Kodak, 1979.

k) Expense Account form for C. Howard Nichols, April 10, 1980.

l) Check stubs for C. Howard Nichols.

m) Observation form for bilingual instructions

n) Rules and regulations

 Folder   15  —Summer Workshop, Ethnic Heritage Grant

a) Summer workshop focusing on Ethnic Heritage in Louisiana’s Florida Parishes.

b) An outline for planning a wing to the Glasgow School for a parish media center.

c) An assignment for making onion dip by Becky Mizell.

d) A list of Indian’s food, Businesses, and movies. Also, an Ethnic “Hunt.”

e) “Louisiana Ancestors: Land Office Is Helpful” by Damon Veach, June 1980 (xerox

f) A guide book for the Museum of Geoscience, LSU School of Geoscience.

g) Notes on scratch paper, June 11, 1980.

h) An article entitled “Natchez Tales.”

i) Partial article entitled “Recollection of the Last Ten Years” by Timothy Flint.

j) Ethnic jokes about Italians.

k) Bibliography/Resource File on the Florida Parishes of Louisiana, Ethnic Studies

l) Notes on scratch paper.

m) Information on the Grace Memorial Episcopal Church, Hammond Louisiana.

n) Group/Ethnic or Parish rating category.

o) Group Exercise of the Ethnic Heritage Workshop (2 copies).

p) Ethnic Heritage Workshop assignment clarification for the parish team project (2

q) Letter to Howard Nichols from Daniel G. Amond, January 1979 about Heritage Program.

r) Records of interest to Genealogists.

s) The Southwestern Historical Association concerning presentations of paper from

t) Memo asking for final report from Randy Webb, to Principal Investigators, 1979-1980.

u) Preliminary research proposals for 1978-1979.

v) “Education,” Time, May 19, 1980.

w) Map of the territory of Louisiana Parishes.

x) History 321, “Wars, Treaties and Transfers Affecting Louisiana.”

y) Ethnic Heritage Workshop Talent Inventory, Summer 1980.

z) Seeing Louisiana from Hammond, tourist information.

aa) Ethnic Studies Workshop Group Assignment Sheet.

bb) Survey of the Ethnic Heritage Workshop, Summer 1980.

cc) The Newberry Papers in Family and Community History.

Folder   16  —Ethnic Heritage Grant(Papers Written for Grant)

a) Tammany Parish, by Pattie Harris, Lucille Schwab and B. Merrilyn Ginn, July 27,
1980 (2 copies).

b) “The Blacks in the Florida Parishes: Up From Slavery” presented by Lorraine Robertson,
La Creta Robinson, and B. Merrielyn Ginn, Summer 1980.

c) “Anglo-Saxons in the Florida Parishes” by Elizabeth B. Blanchard and Martha R.

Folder   17  —Ethnic Heritage Grant

a) An Interim Report submitted to the State Superintendent of Education by The Ethnic
Minorities Studies Task Force.

b) A report or presentation “Reconstruction Years–1862-1877.”

c) An excerpt from Free Persons of Color in New Orleans, 1803-1865, “The Free Negro in Antebellum Louisiana” by David Everett, 1952 (2 copies).

BOX   35 

Folder   1  —Church Records

      Original entry of St. Louis Basilica Archives, Book of Funerals, 1793-1803,
Pg. 133b (xerox).

Folder   2  —Ursulines

      “The Ursulines In Louisiana 1727-1824,” (xerox copy).

Folder   3  —Benedictines in the U.S.

      “T he Benedictines in the U. S,” (xerox copy)

Folder   4  —Papal Liturgy

      “Papal Liturgy in New Orleans” The Times-Picayune, September 12, 1987.

Folder   5  —St. Dominic Roman Catholic Church, N. O.

The Liturgy of the Ordination and  Consecration of The Reverend Charles Edward Jenkins,
III, D. D. as a Bishop in the Church of God and of the Diocese of Louisiana
, Saturday, January 3 1, 1998, St. Dominic Roman Catholic Church, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Folder   6  —St. Gabriel Church

      Dedication of the new St. Gabriel Church, Sunday, April 19, 1953, St. Gabriel, Louisiana.

Folder   7  —St. Leo Church, Roberts Cove, LA

      A Century of Catholic Life, 1885-1985, St. Leo IV Catholic Church, Roberts Cove, Louisiana.

Folder   8  —St. Joseph Church, Gretna, LA

      The Story of St. Joseph Church and The History of Catholic America, 1977.

Folder   9  —Saint Joseph Seminary College, Covington, LA

      Saint Joseph Seminary College information booklet.

Folder   10  —Saint Mary’s Roman Catholic Church, New Roads, LA

      The holy Eucharist and The Celebration of a New Ministry, n. d..

Folder   11  —St. Alban’s Information

a) The Protomartyr, Saint Alban’s Chapel, Episcopal University Center,  Louisiana
State University, 1961-1965 (weekly bulletin, scattered issues).

b) Alban’s News, A Monthly Newsletter of the Episcopal University Center, LSU, 1963-1965 (scattered

c) Letter from Leo at St. Barnabas by-the-bay Episcopal Mission, Villas, New Jersey,
dated January 23, 1959.

Folder   12  —Christ Church Cathedral, New Orleans, LA

a) The Twentieth Anniversary of the Ordination of The Right Reverend James B. Brown,
DD, at the Ninth Bishop of Louisiana
, April 24, 1976-1996.

b) Letter from David B. Lowry to Friends.

c) Postcard of Christ Church Cathedral, founded in 1805.

d) The Episcopal Church: Essential Facts.

e) Christ Church Cathedral Information (brochure).

f) Riders Transit Digest, reproduced with permission of New Orleans Public Service, Inc. (Information about
Christ Church Cathedral).

g) List of Cathedral Concerts for 1988-1989

h) In Memoriam, Laurence Munger, Dec 4, 1897 to April 16, 1996 (bulletin).

Folder   13  —Christ Episcopal Church, Covington, LA

a) List of names associated with Christ Episcopal Church in Covington for the years

b) Map showing property of the Covington Episcopal Church, 1942.

c) Bill of sale for church land, 1857.

d) Bill of sale for twenty acres, more or less of land sold to Christ Episcopal Church,

e) Bill of sale and cash deed for land sold to Christ Episcopal Church, 1942.

f) Work order of the work needed to be performed on the church as renovations.

g) Dedication Service for Historical Marker, Christ Episcopal Church Built in 1846-47.

h) “The Village Church” by Maude Jane Smith, poem from Wayside Gleanings.

i) Map 1820 showing square 36.

j) Map after the 1963 survey.

k) “Chapel resists temptation of bowing to time” by Pat Butters (xerox copy).

l) “Chapel’s history came as surprise even to its pastor,” States-Item, November 7, 1985 (xerox).

m) “Spirituality of entire century is sensed at Covington chapel” by Rebecca Crain, The Times-Picayune, September 8, 1988.

n) Picture from the newspaper of the eight flags hung in the St. Tammany Court House
(the flags were on loan from Christ Episcopal Church in Covington).

o) Contribution form for the renovation of Christ Episcopal Church in Covington.

p) Pamphlet of the goals of the renovations, 1964.

q) Church history Notes sent to Mrs. Ralph Menetne by Holly F. Reynolds (handwritten).

r) Order of Service for the breaking of ground, November 20, 1965.

s) Program from the Christ Episcopal Church dedication services, April 15, 1967.

t) I’ll Live For Him and Shall We Gather at the River? (xerox copy from a hymnal)

u) Letter congratulating Howard Nichols on writing of church history, September 15,

v) “On Writing Church History,” speech promoting book written by Nichols.

w) A general history of the Christ Episcopal Church, Covington, LA.

x) History of Christ Episcopal Church in Covington, Louisiana.

y) Page showing the increase at Christ Church in the 1950s.

z) “Illuminare” spotlight, Christ Episcopal Church Newsletter,  March 1985.

aa) The Rededication of the Chapel at Christ Church and the Celebration of 150 Years
of Ministry, November 1996 (2 copies).

bb) Photograph of Historical Marker in front of Christ Episcopal Church, Covington,

Folder   14  —General Church Information

a) List of parishes in the diocese of Louisiana.

b) 2 different obituaries for Herbert Albert Grantham.

c) Obituary for Reverend J. Orson Miller.

d) Obituary and history for Reverend E. A. Rennie.

e) Obituaries and history for Herman Cope Duncan.

f) Obituary for Edwin Wallace Hunter.

g) Ideas and drawings written by a committee at Grace Church.

h) Bulletin of Grace Memorial Church, Hammond, LA, October 27, 1963.

i) Bulletin of Grace Memorial Church, Hammond, LA, February 23, 1964.

j) Bulletin of The Chapel of the Holy Spirit, New Orleans, May 1, 1964.

k) Ken Carroll, Associate Pastor of University United Methodist Church (article).

l) History of First Baptist Church, Covington, La. dated May 2, 1948 and Membership

Folder   14A  —General Church Information, Continued

Folder   15  —New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary

a) Dedication of the New Gentilly Campus, N. O. Baptist Theological Seminary, Sept. 3, 1953.

b) Program, Dedication of the New Gentilly Campus, NO Baptist Theological Seminary, 9/3/53.

c) Pilgrimage Route for viewing of the grounds.

Folder   16  —Paper

      “Sex and Marriage,” (4-page paper).

Folder   17  —Photography

a) “Becoming woman” pamphlet explaining exhibit.

b) Notes taken from a photography book.

c) Notes on photography.

d) Notes on video tape and video disc.

e) Teaching Tips From Kodak, 1979.

Folder   18  —Postcards

a) Postcard of The Bolduc House, Sainte Genevieve, Missouri.

b) Postcard of Live Oak Alley at Rosedown, St. Francisville, Louisiana.

c) Postcard of the Breakfast Room at Rosedown, St. Francisville, Louisiana.

d) Postcard of the Mallard Rosewood Half Tester Bed, St. Francisville, Louisiana.

e) Postcard of New Orleans From the Lower Cotton Press, 1977.

f) Postcard of the battlefield in Mansfield.

g) Postcard of Mansfield Battle Park.

h) Postcard of the rose-marble mantel in the Mansfield Battle Park Museum.

i) Postcard of the outside of the Mansfield Battle Park Museum.

j) Postcard of the Headwaters of the Mississippi River at Itasca State Park, Lake
Itasca, Minnesota.

k) Post Card of North Carolina’s Executive Mansion-Raleigh, North Carolina.

l) Post Card of North Carolina’s State Capitol in Raleigh.

Folder   19  —Pictures

a) Three pictures of a Citizens National Bank construction site.

b) Picture of Alley Square.

c) Eight pictures with some boys and some girls.

d) Two pictures of Mile Branch Settlement cabins.

e) Three pictures of a plantation.

f) Picture of a barge in the Mississippi River.

g) Picture of a steamboat.

h) A picture of Howard Nichols sitting in a living room.

i) Two pictures side by side of Piney Woods people.

j) Two pictures of a coin.

k) “Picture from the Past,” a view of uptown along St. Charles Avenue, Dixie, June 12, 1983.

m) A picture from the cover of DIXIE of August Perez III, May 8, 1983.

Folder   20  —Art Exhibits

a) “South Louisiana Signs and Scenes” by Don Wright at the Baton Rouge Little Theater,
July 8-August 1, 1981 (Paintings are from the collection  of Dr. & Mrs. A. B. Cronan,
Jr. of Baton Rouge).

b) Announcement of the presentation of Africa in Antiquity: The Arts of Ancient Nubia
and the Sudan, May 20-August 12, 1979.

Folder   21  —King Tut Exhibit

a) Invitation to the members preview of Treasures of Tutankhamun, Sept. 17, 1977.

b) Invitation to preview Peru’s Golden Treasures, January 13, 1979.

c) Brochure of information on the exhibit.

d) Parking ticket from visiting the exhibit at the New Orleans Museum of Art.

Folder   22  —Pottery

a) Shearwater Pottery, Ocean Springs, MS (brochure).

b) Tim Cundiff and Port Hudson Pottery (background information) 1974.

c) Yellow poster with information about Port Hudson Pottery (Pottery made from the
Historic ground at Port Hudson).

Folder   23  —Louisiana Purchase Exhibit

      Louisiana Purchase Exhibit, January 23-25, 1985, at SLU (brochure).

Folder   24  —Animal Hunting, Wild Life and Fisheries Commission Booklets

a) The Fox and Grey SQUIRRELS of Louisiana, by Joseph B. Kidd,

b) Beaver in Louisiana, by Kenneth C. Smith.

c) Black Bear in Louisiana, by Joe L. Herring.

d) Managing Deer Herds, by Louis Brunett, Game Biologist.

e) Bowhunting, by Grits Gresham.

Folder   25  —Alligator

Alligator: The Sun Worshiper, by Percy Viosca, Jr. (Reprint from Louisiana Conservationist, April 1960).

Folder   26  —Louisiana Forestry

a) Managing the Small Forest, Louisiana Forestry Commission, March 1975 (brochure).

b) Forest Facts, Dept. of Natural Resources, Office of Forestry, May 1978.

c) Notes from Dr. Marcil’s dissertation, Summer 1980.

d) “Where Our Supply of Lumber is Bought, Illinois Central Magazine, September 1922.

e) An official news release from Louisiana Office of Forestry, 1980.

f) Louisiana Forest Facts, April 13, 1976 (2 xerox copies)

g) Louisiana Forest Facts and Figures (2 xerox copies).

h) Louisiana Forest Types (Map—2 copies ).

i) “Southern Lumber Industries Hurting” by Edgar Poe, June 18, 1980 (2 xerox copies).

Folder   27  —Louisiana Trees

Louisiana Trees, Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, A. S. McKEAN,
June 1955 (booklet).

Folder   28  —Gardening

a) Spring Hill Nurseries catalog, Tipp City, Ohio, Fall 1972.

b) “Gardening With Pine Bark.”

c) “Growing Camellias,” Home and Garden Bulletin No. 86.

d) Special offer from Jackson & Perkins Co. for Pristine, 1978 Rose of the Year.

e) Program from the Town and Country Garden Club annual joint meeting, 1991-92.

Folder   29  —Irises

a) Membership application to join the American Iris Society.

b) “The Culture of Louisiana Irises” by Joseph K. Mertzweiller.

Folder   30  —Azaleas

      What you need to know about Azaleas (brochure).

Folder   31  —Appaloosa Horse Club Information

a) Information about the Appaloosa Horse.

b) Appaloosa, The Horse with all the chrome (booklet).

c) Two Picture of Appaloosa horses.

d) Picture of an Appaloosa horse showing the body parts.

BOX   36    

Folder   1  —Louisiana Folklife

a) Folklife & Fieldwork, A Layman’s Introduction to Field Techniques, American Folklife Center, 1979 (3 copies).

b) Folklife & Fieldwork, A Layman’s Introduction to Field Techniques, American Folklife Center, 1981.

c) “The ‘Everything Package’.”

d) Louisiana Folklife: A Guide to Sources and Resources

e) Letter to Dr. Green from Nicholas R. Spitzer, June 4, 1981.

f) Letter to Mr. Nichols from Stephen Tucker and Nicholas R. Spitzer, Louisiana Folklife
Program, dated September 9, 1982.

g) Letter to members from Nicholas Spitzer, April 5, 1982.

h) Letter to citizens interested in Louisiana folklife, May 22, 1981.

i) Letter to citizens interested in Louisiana folklife, January 15, 1982.

j) Jambalaya, Fall 1980 (brochure).

k) Buried Treasure of Louisiana, Felician Cocodril, The Ambassador of Acadiana (brochure).

l) Attendance sheet from a Florida Parishes Folklife meeting.

m) Registration form for Florida Parishes Folklife Conference, March 5, 1983.

n) List of Louisiana Films and Performances, Presbytere Auditorium.

o) Order form for Legacy Books.

p) Order form for a booklet entitled The Tape-Recorded Interview.

q) Genealogy and Local History booklet.

r) A letter to Mr. Nichols from Joy Jackson at The Center for Regional Studies, Oct,
18, 1982.

s) The Authentic Tour Guide to New Orleans, September 1980.

Folder   2  Center for Southern Folklore/Culture

a) Center for Southern Folklore, The University of Mississippi (2 brochures).

b) Folk Art and Crafts: The Deep South, Center for the Southern Culture, The University
of Mississippi (brochure).

c) Graduate Program in Folk Studies, Western Kentucky University (2 brochures).

d) Center for Southern Folklore Collection (2 copies)

e) Southern Preserves Films: Videotapes, Exhibits and more, Center for Southern Folklore.

f) Newsletter, Center For Southern Folklore, Vol. 4, No. 1, Summer 1981.

g) Newsletter, Center for Southern Folklore, Regional Documentary Photography, Vol. 3, No. 3, Winter 1981.

h) New Materials from the Center for Southern Folklore, Films.

i) Southern Studies at the University of Mississippi, Fall 1980 (brochure).

j) People Studying People “The Human Element in Fieldwork” by Robert A. Georges and
Michael O. Jones (Order Form).

k) The Southern Register, The Newsletter for Center for Study of Southern Culture, University of Mississippi,
Spring 1982.

l) Letter from William Ferris to C. Howard Nichols, about his program, September 18,

Folder   3  —American Association for State and Local History

a) Letter from Patricia A. Hall, Seminar and Consultant  Service Coordinator, to AASLH
Conference on Folklore and Local History, October 20, 1980.

b) Registrants list for the AASLH Conference on Folklore and Local History, Sept.
4-6, 1980.

c) Bibliographic and Reference Tools: Abstract, September 4-6. 1980.

d) List of Speakers for AASLH National Conference on  Folklore and Local History,
September 4-6, 1980.

e) Conference evaluations for AASLH National Conference on Folklore and Local History,
September 4-6, 1980.

f) Tentative Program for the 40th annual AASLH meeting, September 4-6, 1980.

g) Program for the 40th annual AASLH meeting, Royal Orleans, N. O., LA, Sept. 6-10,

h) AASLH Publications Order Form (brochure).

i) AASLH (brochure).

j) Order form for Modern Manuscripts, by Kenneth W. Duckett (brochure).

k) Order form for slide/tape presentations, Historic House Conservation Series.

l) Membership form.

m) Interpreting the Humanities Through Museum Exhibits, application for Regional Workshops
on museum exhibits.

n) Calendar for the years 1979-1983.

o) Application for five seminars Re-examining America’s Past (2 copies).

p) Index and order form for AASLH books and technical leaflets, 1979.

q) Index and order form for AASLH books and technical leaflets, 1980.

r) Consultant Service Application (2 brochures).

s) A Special Collection of Books and Journals prepared especially for the 40th Annual Meeting of the AASLH, September 7-10, 1980, Order form.

t) History News, Volume XIV, Number 12, October 1959.

u) History News, Volume 43, Number 4, July/August 1988.

v) History News Dispatch, Volume 5, Number 4, April 1990

Folder   4  —Library of Congress

a) Folk Music in America (2 brochures)

b) Folk-Songs of America, The Robert Winslow Gordon Collection, 1922-1932 (2 brochures).

c) Folk Recordings from the Archive of Folk Song (2 brochures).

d) Brief list of material relating to American Folk Music, December 29, 1965 (2 copies).

e) American Folklore, A Bibliography of Major Works, by Joseph C. Hickerson, October
6, 1975 (2 copies).

f) Guide to the Collections of Recorded Folk Music and Folklore, June 4, 1976 (2 copies).

g) Folklore and Folk Music Archives and Related Collections in the U.S. and Canada
(2 copies).

h) An Inventory of Bibliographies and Other Reference and Finding Aids Prepared by
the Archive of Folk Song, May 18, 1979 (2 copies).

i) The Archive of Folk Song, Origin and Development (2 copies).

j) Announcement from Recording Laboratory, April 30, 1979 for Our Musical Past and Robert Lowell Reading His Own Poetry (2 copies).

Folder   5  —Mississippi River Folklore

a) Maps of the Mississippi River Valley and its tributaries (2 copies).

b) Excerpts from a book (xerox copy).

c) Chapter 13, The Jetties unidentified book about the Mississippi River (xerox copy).

d) “Floating Towns,” Recollections of the Past Ten Years, 1826 (xerox copy)

e) “A Treasury of Mississippi River Folklore” (xerox copy).

f) “A Treasury of Mississippi River Folklore” (xerox copy).

g) Partial bibliography, outline, and notes on Mississippi River Folklore (xerox copy).

h) Excerpts from a book pertaining to Mississippi River Folklore (xerox copy).

i) “Kings of the River and the River Country” (xerox copy).

j) “A Treasury of Mississippi River Folklore” (xerox copy).

k) Excerpts from a book on Mississippi River Folklore” (xerox copy).

Folder   6  —Louisiana Council for Music and Performing Arts

a) Invitation to a reception honoring Senor Carlos Montoya, April 23,1974.

b) Invitation to the opening Gala “Swan Lake,” March 21, 1974.

c) Booklet of programs and activities, 1972-73.

d) Highlights of Programs and Projects, 1973-1974.

e) Memorandum to members of the Local Chapter of the LCMPA from Henry Mentz, concerning
reservation for the dinner at the Plimsoll Club, March 10, 1971.

f) A list of names and addresses.

Folder   7  —Louisiana Council for Social Studies

a) Newsletter from Louisiana Council for Social Studies, January, 1981.

b) Newsletter from Louisiana Council for Social Studies, June, 1982.

c) Louisiana Council for Social Studies, Candidates for LCSS Offices, 1982- 1983.

d) Corresponding letter from Deidre R. Foreman, concerning information about directory
containing the name, addresses, and phone numbers of the members on the executive
board, 1/ 30/81.

e) Corresponding letter from Larry Byrnes, concerning Annual State Conference to be
held in Baton Rouge, August 23, 1982.

f) Form for the LCSS Annual State conference, October 8-9, 1982.

Folder   8  —Architecture

a) New Orleans Architectural Tour of the Irish Channel.

b) New Orleans Architectural Tour of the Lower Garden District.

c) A report on different slide shows for different sites, eg. Canadian House West
Indian House, Le Buteux view of Biloxi, and etc. (2 copies).

d) Louisiana Architecture with different styles.

e) “History of Architecture” by Robert W. Heck.

Folder   9  —Louisiana Architecture

a) “French Colonial Architecture of the Mississippi Valley” (2 xerox copies).

b) A quote from Francis X. Weiser’s interesting “The Easter Book.”

c) A partial report on southern Architecture homes (Porches & Galerie).

d) A report on Louisiana’s history melting pot.

Folder   10  —Louisiana Geography (maps)

a) General soil map of Tangipahoa Parish, December 1962.

b) Map indicating Louisiana annual precipitation and growing season, 1941.

c) Map of Louisiana’s natural regions.

d) Map of Louisiana’s major and minor regions.

e) Relief map of Louisiana.

f) Map of Louisiana parishes and boundaries.

g) Map of Louisiana place names.

h) Map labeling all the parishes of Louisiana.

i) Blank maps of Louisiana with the parishes outlined (13 copies).

j) Topographical map symbols sheet.

Folder   11  —Louisiana Geography

a) Outline of notes on weather and climate.

b) Outline on Nature of Louisiana’s Coastal Area.

c) Outline of Coastal Resources of Louisiana.

d) Outline on Oysters.

e) Outline on Shrimp.

f) Wild Life and Fisheries, 1968-1969 Biennial Report, Division of Water Pollution

g) Program for a picture poster illustrated talk on soil and water conservation in

h) Diagram of stool used in the discussion of Soil Conservation Program.

i) The land capability classification chart.

j) Program for a conservation workshop, June 25-26 and 29, 1970.

k) Instructions for life survival defense conservation demonstration kit.

l) Speech on Interrelationships of the Physical, Social, and Biological Sciences in
Resource Conservation Planning.

m) Outline for the treatment of watersheds and community resources.

n) “Book shows Amazing Foresight [A Hand-Book of Louisiana Giving Geographical and
Agricultural Features together with Crops that Can be Grown]” by Cora Schley, La Belle Louisiane.

Folder   12  —Louisiana Geography

a) An Outline for Teaching Conservation in Elementary School, 1966.

b) An Outline for Teaching Conservation in High School, 1970.

c) Soil Surveys, Their Interpretation & Use in Louisiana, 1965.

d) What is a farm conservation plan?, 1965.

Folder   13  —Archaeology: Regional Archeology Map

Map for Regional Archaeologists who are available to meet with landowners who have
sites on their property and to talk to educators, school groups, and other organizations
about archeology.    (Louisiana is divided into 3 sections).

Folder   14  —Forts

a) Welcome to Fort Jesup Louisiana State Commemorative Area (2 copies).

b) “Keep Sheet—Louisiana Forts.”

c) “Fort Massachusetts Rescued,” Preservation News, Vol. XIV, No. 10, October 1974.

Folder   15  —Shadows-on-the-Teche

      Pre-publication announcement of a New Regional Cookbook, November 30, 1982.

Folder   16  —Louisiana Dictionary of Biography

      Sample entry in the Louisiana Dictionary of Biography.

BOX   37 

Folder   1  —Miscellaneous

a) “Variety And Ambiguity: The Recent Approach To Southern History” by Burl Noggle,
Louisiana State University.

b) Russell B. Longs signature for the U. S. Senate Chamber’s visitor’s gallery for

c) Latest Telegraph (xerox copy).

d) Census records for the Louisiana Parishes.

e) “A Religious Perspective on Modern Art” by John F. Hayward.

f) A shared vision religious liberty in the 21st century (brochure)

g) Frenier Beach, Hurricane Store Surge Revisited, by Samuel P. Landry, Jr., Waldemar S. Nelson and Co., Inc., Consultant, Volume 39, Number 4, July/August 1996.

h) Maps of Louisiana and list of counties and county seats and listing of businesses
and homes in New Orleans (xerox copy).

Folder   2  —Miscellaneous

a) Travellers by Sea, by E. H. H. Archibald, National Maritime Museum, 1962.

b) Louisiana in the Civil War—A bibliography.

c) Louisiana Commemorates The Civil War Centennial, 1861-1961.

d) German Colonists of Roberts Coe, Louisiana, Their Ancestors, Children and Grandchildren,
, compiled by Rev. Charles J. Zaunbrecher.

e) Algiers Point Association Presents The 1984 Tour of Homes

f) The Creole Chronicles Volume 1-Cane River Community, May 2001

Folder   3  —Louisiana Association of Business Industry

a) Information about LABI (brochure).

b) Information on the annual membership dues for LABI (brochure).

Folder   4  —Louisiana Spotlight on Industry

a) Spotlight on industry, “Wyandotte’s Move South,” November 1962, Vol. 2, No. 12.

b) Spotlight on industry, “Industrial Development Conference,” March 1963, Volume
3, No. 

c) Spotlight on industry, “Budget Report,” May 1963, Volume 3, Number 5.

d) Spotlight on industry, “Seaway of the Future,” June 1963, Vol. 3, No. 6.

e) Spotlight on industry, “Record Building: a Start,” September 1963, Vol. 3, No.

f) Spotlight on industry, “Focus on Space,” November 1963, Volume 3, Number 8.

g) Spotlight on industry, December 1963, Volume 3, Number 9.

Folder   5  —Sugar Production

a) Questions on sugar refining, Colonial Sugars, Borden, Inc., Gravercy, LA.

b) History of Colonial Sugars, Borden, Inc., Gramercy, Louisiana.

c) Sugar Cane and Raw Sugar Manufacturing, Colonial Sugars, Gramercy Refinery.

Folder   6  —Nuclear Power in Louisiana

      “Waterford 3…, Planning ahead for a growing economy.”

Folder   7  —General Dynamics

a) Dedication of the General Dynamics Facility in Hammond, August 8, 1991 (2 programs).

b) General Dynamics Hammond Facility Open House Agenda, September 2, 1993 (2 copies).

c) Picture and information about General Dynamics (3 copies).

Folder   8  —Tobacco

      Louisiana & Tobacco, A Chapter in America’s Industrial Growth, The Tobacco Institute, 1973.

Folder   9  —Commercial Fishing in Louisiana

a) “Careers Commercial Fishing in Louisiana”

b) “The Bluegill.”

c) “The Louisiana Shrimp Story.”

d) “The Louisiana Oyster Story.”

e) “Mangaing Farm Fis