Plain Folk


Archival Collection





1. The Common People of the Old South, by Julia A. Flisch (xeroxed from Annual Report of the American Historical Association, Vol. 1, 1908, pp. 133-144)

2. Southern Common Folk After the Civil War, by Thomas D. Clark (xeroxed from The Atlantic Quarterly, Vol. 44, April 1945, pp. 130-145)

3. Rough Riding Down South, by J. F. H. Claiborne (xeroxed from Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, Vol. 25, June 1862, pp. 29-37)

4. A Trip Through the Piney Woods, by J. F. H. Claiborne (xeroxed from Publications
of the Mississippi Historical Society, Vol. 9, 1909, pp. 487-538)

5. Economic Democracy in the Salve South: An Appraisal of Some Recent View, by Fabian
Linden, Vol. 31, April 1946, pp. 10-189)

6. Cracker Culture: A Preliminary Definition, by Mozell C. Hill and Bevode C. McCall
(xeroxed from Phylon, Vol. 11, 3rd Quarter, 1950, pp. 223-231)

7. White Trash: Transit of an American Icon, by Laura Provosty and Douglas Donovan

8. The Irrepressible Conflict, by Frank Lawrence Owsley (xeroxed from I’ll Take My Stand: The South and the Agrarian Tradition, pp. 61-91)

9. “Economic Democracy” and the Concentration of Agricultural Wealth in the Cotton
South, by Gavin Wright (xeroxed from Agricultural History, XLIV (1970), pp. 63-93)

10. The Yeomanry of the Nonplantation South: Upper Piedmont Georgia, 1850-1860, by
Steven Hahn (xeroxed from Class, Conflict, and Consensus: Antebellum Southern Community Studies, pp. 29-56)

11. Poor Whites in the Occupied South, 1861-1865, by Stephen V. Ash (xeroxed from
Journal of Southern History, Vol. LVII, No. 1, February 1991, pp. 39-62)

12. Planters and Plain Folk: Harrison County, TX, as a Test Case, 1850-1860, by Randolph
B. Campbell (xeroxed from Journal of Southern History, Vol. XL, No. 3, August 1974, pp. 369-398)

13. The Antebellum Southern Herdsman: A Reinterpretation, by Forrest McDonald and
Grady McWhiney (xeroxed from Journal of Southern History, Vol. XLI, No. 2, May 1975, pp. 147-166)

14. Economic Democracy in the Slave South: An Appraisal of Some Recent Views (xeroxed
from Journal of Negro History, Vol. 31, 1946, pp. 140-189)

15. Plain Folk Reconsidered: Historiographical Ambiguity in Search of Definition, by Samuel C. Hyde,
Jr. The Journal of Southern History, Vol. LXXI, No. 4, November 2005.