Southeastern Shifting to Remote Operations

Regional History-East Baton Rouge Parish

Regional History-East Baton Rouge Parish

BOX     1     


  1. East Baton Rouge Parish Profile, La. Office of Commerce and Industry, October 1989;
    East Baton Rouge Parish Courthouse (xeroxed from Courthouses of LA); CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) Volunteer Serve as Advocates for Children,
    Journal, December 1992; “Work under way to find historic springs at spa,” The Advocate, February 1, 1999
    1. Baton Rouge, Old and New, presents striking contrasts, State Times-Morning Advocate, n.d.
    2. Baton Rouge, The Capital City, State Times-Morning Advocate, August 10, 1940
    3. Many Nations Ruled Baton Rouge Since Founding, State Times-Morning Advocate, December 16, 1942
    4. No Monopoly on Pentagons, Dixie, June 2, 1946
    5. What Red Stick?, Times-Picayune, July 7, 1946
    6. Baton Rouge 250th Anniversary, Morning Advocate Magazine, March 13, 1949
    7. The Old City Market (Present Recreation Center Has Long Local History, 115 St. Louis
      Street), Morning Advocate Magazine, April 24, 1949
    8. A Story of Our Streets [How Baton Rouge Streets were Named], Morning Advocate Magazine, September 10, 1950
    9. Panic Was in Our Streets [Yellow Fever], Morning Advocate Magazine, October 1, 1950
    10. j) The Story Behind Victory [Park which had been Penitentiary Dumping Place in 1800s],
      Morning Advocate Magazine, October 8, 1950
    11. A Story of Our Streets [How Baton Rouge Streets were Named], Morning Advocate Magazine, October 15, 1950
    12. Historic Site Goes to State, Pentagon Has Been Center of Local History, Morning Advocate Magazine, January 12, 1951
    13. Baton Rouge, The Capital City with a Capital `C’, Dixie, March 25, 1951
    14. Cross Questions–And 18,000 Answers [Letters sent to Baton Rouge Chamber of Commerce],
      Morning Advocate Magazine, November 11, 1951
    15. The City That Outgrew Itself, Morning Advocate Magazine, November 18, 1952
    16. Markers Tell Our Story, Morning Advocate Magazine, March 2, 1952
    17. Quelques Souvenirs de Baton Rouge (Some Memories of Baton Rouge), Morning Advocate Magazine, June 1, 1952
    18. When War Came to Baton Rouge, Morning Advocate Magazine, August 10, 1952
    19. The Mystery of the Arsenal, Dixie, April 23, 1961
    20. Who She to Married Get? [Hoo-Shoo-Too Club], Sunday Magazine, October 8, 1961 (xeroxed copy)
    21. Baton Rouge: City that Lived under Seven Flags, NRTA Journal, Sept.-Oct., 1968
    22. War Memorial now open, Hammond Vindicator, August 7, 1986
    23. Sex, Scandal, Assassination [Huey and Earl], Morning Advocate Magazine, May 17, 1992
    24. State-Times’ passing signals end of afternoon newspapers, Lion’s Roar, October 3, 1991
  3. Baton Rouge general information pamphlets, statistical pamphlets, and Morning Advocate
    State Times newspaper, Saturday, April 11, 1953 (Industry Zooms in Baton Rouge); The Mississippi River and The Port of Greater Baton Rouge (booklet)
  4. Baton Rouge Tourist Brochures and Pamphlets
  5. Maps of Baton Rouge, Louisiana and Vicinity, 1976


  1. New Structure Replaces Louisiana’s Historic Statehouse, Times-Picayune, May 15, 1932
  2. Old State Capitol Building to be Restored to Its Former Grace, Times-Picayune, September 25, 1937
  3. Old French Castle Alternately Pride and Joke of South, unidentified newspaper, ca
  4. Old State Capitol Building In Baton Rouge Getting Face Lifted, Item Tribune, Mar 27, 1938
  5. Old Capitol Is Historic Structure, Morning Advocate, August 10, 1940
  6. City Has Long Been Home of State Government, State Times-Morning Advocate, December16, 1942
  7. To Dedicate Old Capitol as War Memorial November 11, Morning Advocate, Nov. 1, 1947
  8. Old State Capitol Is Still in Use, States Times-Morning Advocate, April 11, 1953
  9. i) Arts Groups Grapple Over Louisiana’s `Sham Castle,’ [Old State Capitol Building],
    Louisiana  State Voice, Vol. 2, No. 3, 3rd Quarter 1990 (2 copies)
  10. Old State Capitol on the Road to Renovation, Sunday Advocate Magazine, Dec. 14, 1990
  11. Cuts Affect Old State Capitol, Sunday Advocate Magazine, May 30, 1993
  12. Old State Capitol Dedicated as a Memorial to Veterans of World War 2 (brochure)
  13. Old State Capitol, Baton Rouge, Louisiana (history brochure)
  14. The Old State Capitol (Brochure, ca 1990s)
  15. The Castle View Official Newsletter of Louisiana’s Old State Capitol Vol. 4 July 2001,
    Vol. 6 January 2002, Vol. 7 May 2002, Vol. 8 September 2002

Folder     7     OLD STATE CAPITOL, Center For Political & Governmental History

  1. Louisiana’s Old State Capitol, Center for Political & Governmental History, Grand
    Opening Ceremonies, April 29-30, 1994
    , Commemorative Limited Edition (booklet)
  2. “A Capitol Affair” (broadside)
  3. “A Capitol Affair” 1994 Official Opening of Louisiana’s Old State Capitol, Center
    for Political and Governmental History, April 30, 1994 (program)
  4. Louisiana’s Old State Capitol, Center for Political and Governmental History, Exhibit
  5. Old State Capitol Now Great Political Museum, Antique Gazette, July 1994


  1.  Louisiana’s Historic Old Capitol Gives Way Monday to New 33-Story Building, unidentified
    newspaper, ca. 1932
  2. Finest in the United States, Millions Marvel at Magnificence of Hugh Building, The Progress, May 6, 1938
  3. Baton Rouge’s Garden Spot [Capitol Grounds], Morning Advocate Magazine, Feb. 12, 1950
  4. History Book in Bronze, Morning Advocate Magazine, June 14, 1953
  5. Inside the State Capitol, Dixie, May 2, 1954
  6. The Building of a Landmark, Sunday Advocate Magazine, November 20, 1977
  7. The Capitol at 50, Legacy, The newsletter of the State Archives & Records Service, Vol. 6, 1, February 1982
  8. Highlights of the State Capitol (paper)
  9. Points of Interest Which May be Viewed From the Observation Tower of the State Capitol
    Building (broadside)
  10. Louisiana Capitol Guide (booklet–2 copies)
  11. Louisiana Capitol Guide (brochure–2 copies)
  12. Capitol Steps are off Limits, March 12, 1992
  13. New $1,100,00 [Capitol] Annex Blends With Style of Louisiana’s Skyscraper Capitol,
    Progress, April 22, 1938

Folder     9     HISTORIC BUILDINGS:

  1. Fine Homes About in Baton Rouge and Vicinity (Cottage, Prince Murat House on Nicholson
    Drive, at old Indian Mound Plantation; Garig Home on Lafayette; Belle Helene on River 
    Road near Geismar; Chatsworth; Laycock Home in Goodwood Place; Old Governor’s Mansion;
    Prescott-Dougherty House, States Times-Morning Advocate, n. d.
  2. City Has Encroached on Seclusion of Old Hundred Oaks, One Wing of House Built in 1827
    by Perkins Family Still Standing; Has Varied and Romantic History, Morning Advocate,22, 1936
  3. Plantation System Has Gone, But Old Mansions Still Remain [Prescott-Dougherty Home]
    Morning Advocate, August 10, 1940
  4. Ante-Bellum Homes Grace Baton Rouge’s Streets [Magnolia Mound], Morning Advocate Magazine, April 11, 1948
  5. Magnolia Mound Damaged by Fire, Antiques Gazette, Vol. 10, No. 7, February 1994
  6. The House That Huey Built [Old Governor’s Mansion], Dixie, December 11, 1977
  7. Historic Baton Rouge Hotel Closes (Capitol House), November 4, 1985
  8. Kleinpeter House One of Oldest in Baton Rouge, Antique Gazette, Vol. 4, No. 3, Dec. 1987
  9. Baton Rouge’s Old Schools Architecturally Significant [Nicholson School]; World’s
    Biggest Geodesic Dome is in BR; Poplar Grove Complex Subject of Study (Port Allen),
    The Foundation for Historical Louisiana, Fall 1990, Vol. XXVII, No. 1
  10. Baton Rouge Buildings Are Being Renovated [Belisle Building], Antique Gazette, July 1992
  11. Auction Block Breaks up Opulent Estate [Sam Recile, Sr.’s Office Building], Daily Star, December 20, 1992
  12. Magnolia Mound Add Three Authentic Cabins, Antiques Gazette, September 1993
  13. James Episcopal Celebrating 150th Anniversary in April, Antiques Gazette, Vol. 10, No. 10, May 1994
  14. Sebastian Louis Kleinpeter House (brochure)
  15. Magnolia Mound Plantation (brochure-2 copies)
  16. Mount Hope Plantation Home & Gardens (brochure-2 copies)
  17. Beauregard Town Historic District (brochure)
  18. Magnolia Mound, Antiques Gazette, Vol. 14, No. 6, January 1998
  19. Magnolia Mound Celebrating Another Anniversary, Antiques Gazette, Vol. 16, No. 9, April 2000
  20. Creole Christmas, A Magnolia Mound Treat, Advocate, December 10, 2001
  21. The Old Governor’s Mansion will open again November 1, Antiques Gazette, Vol. 16, No. 3, October 1999
  22. Magnolia Mound Plantation; Antiques Gazette, Vol 20, No 4, December 2003

Folder 10

Program of Dedication and Formal Opening Ceremony of U.S.S. Kidd, August 27, 1983;
USS Kidd’s `staying a while,’ Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, February 1, 1987; also brochures


  1. Pictures Tell the Story of How Father Mississippi Is Being Spanned Again, Times-Picayune New Orleans States, Sunday March 6, 1938
  2. Baton Rouge Span Will Aid Traffic Flow in District, Progress, May 12, 1939
  3. Many Attempts Made to Build Bridge Here; Facts About Bridge, Morning Advocate, August 10, 1940

Folder 12

Devil’s Swamp: March Stops at Toxic Hellhole, Times-Picayune, November 12, 1988

Folder 13

The Story of the Baton Rouge Refinery, n. d.; Refinery Sparks City’s Growth, Times-Picayune,  January 31, 1954

Folder  14

Baton Rouge is Talking in Billions Now, Ethyl News, January 1948; Ethyl Plant Here Expands,  Morning Advocate Magazine, November 13, 1949

Folder  15

Proposed Laboratory for Manned Space Flight, Baton Rouge, LA, August 23, 1961

Folder 16

Invitation for Monte Carlo Madness Gala, Dec 7, 1984 to benefit Baton Rouge Opera

Folder 17

Louisiana Arts and Science (booklet); Louisiana Arts and Science (brochure); Getting
Ready for the LASC’s `Night of the Dragon’ are Lou Illar and Ken Butler, Morning Advocate, September 11, 1989; LASC opens hands-on science lab, Daily Star, November 12, 1992

Folder 18

Intriguing Bits of the Past [Oral History Program in Baton Rouge], Sunday Advocate, January 23, 1977

Folder 19

Folklorist Enjoy People [Frank de Caro], Morning Advocate, April 30, 1987


  1. a) LSU Almanac, 1980
  2. b) Louisiana State University Graduate School of Library Science, Encyclopedia of Library and   Information Science, Volume 16, 1975 (xerox copy of pages 348-360)
  3. Louisiana University Has `Coming Out Party,’ Christian Science Monitor, April 8, 1938
  4. LSU Had Its Beginning In Federal Grants of 100 Years Ago, Progress, May 12, 1939
  5. LSU Exerts Wide Influence on Life of State, Community, State Times-Morning Advocate,  November 8, 1939
  6. Southern Group Places LSU on Probation List, Times-Picayune, April 13, 1940
  7. Sweeping Reorganization of LSU Is Urges, Times-Picayune New Orleans States, Sunday, June 2, 1940
  8. LSU Is Louisiana’s Largest Center of Learning–One of Nation’s Best, Morning Advocate, August 10, 1940
  9. Today Marks 81st Anniversary of Opening of LSU in Alex, Morning Advocate, Jan. 2, 1941
  10. LSU Takes Responsibility of Housing Men, Morning Advocate, August 27, 1942, p. 12A
  11. Hatcher Quits LSU Post Because of Ill Health, Morning Advocate, February 9, 1947
  12. LSU Among Schools In Atomic Program, Advocate, September 26, 1947
  13. Stately Oaks and Broad Magnolias, LSU Own Alma Mater, Song Was the Work of Two                   Baton
    Rougeans, Morning Advocate, October 31, 1948
  14. The Louisiana Room, Morning Advocate Magazine, October 7, 1951
  15. International Sugar School, Dixie, May 9, 1954, p. 24
  16. LSU Marches in Review, Dixie, August 30, 1959, p. 6
  17. LSU’s Laboratory of Tomorrow, Dixie, June 18, 1961, p. 14
  18. LSU vs. Disease in Latin America, Dixie, April 7, 1963, p. 7
  19. The Sherman of LSU, Dixie, October 22, 1978
  20. Tigers Zap Shockers, Win CWS, Daily Star, June 9, 1991
  21. Ex-CBS News Chief Get LSU Post, Daily Star, July 24, 1991
  22. Business Find Football Big Business, Sunday Advocate, September 8, 1991
  23. LSU Joins in Oil Study, Daily Star, September 20, 1991
  24. LSU Projects Have `Midas’ Potential, Louisiana State Voice, Third Quarter, 1991
  25. LSU Campus Hailed as “botanical joy,” Louisiana State Voice, Third Quarter, 1991
  26. Book Features Rare Louisiana Plants, Louisiana State Voice, Third Quarter, 1991

2a)  LSU Eyes Tiger Stadium Expansion, Daily Star, March 29, 1992

2b)  Ex-LSU QB Fights for Life, Daily Star, April 1, 1992

2c)  LSU Gets go-ahead to Expand Stadium, Daily Star, May 29, 1992

2d)  O’Neal Awaits Big Day, Daily Star, June 24, 1992

2e)  LSU Considering Tuition Hike, Daily Star, July 9, 1992

2f)  Frenchmen Keep Glass Art Alive at LSU, Daily Star, August 20, 1992

2g)  SLU to Start Heart Study, Daily Star, September 30, 1992

2h)  LSU Ag Services Hit Hard by Cuts, Daily Star, October 22, 1992

2i)  LSU Sitting on Surplus, Daily Star, December 2, 1992

2j)  Rayburn Says LSU `Surplus’ Shaky at Best, Daily Star, December 3, 1992

2k)  LSU Med Center Wants Money, Daily Star, December 7, 1992

2l)    Preserving the Past…at LSU’s Rural Life Museum Antiques Gazette, Vol. 20, No. 7,  March, 2004

BOX     2

Folder 1 -Booklets and pamphlets

  1. Builders and Buildings, 1960
      1. Presenting the Louisiana State University Library, 1960
      2. Centennial Honors Day Convocation, April 27, 1960
      3. Welcome to the Louisiana State University Library, September 1958
      4. Welcome to LSU (3 copies)
      5. LSU Campus Maps (4 copies)
      6. “Phone” Extension (LSU’s Crisis intervention and information service), LSU Outlook, Vol. 18, No. 3, May 1971, p. 4
  2.  The LSU Rural Life Museum (Pamphlets); LSU’s Rural Life Museum, The Old News is Good News Gazette, Vol. 4, No. 8, June 1988; Vol. 9, No. 4, January 1993; Vol. 14, No. 6, January                   
    1998; Rural Life. . ., Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, February 7, 1988
  3. 1946-47 Louisiana State University Directory
  4. Louisiana State University, A Survey Report, American Council on Education, Washington, C., 1940
  5. Lumières, Magazine for the LSU Friends of the Library, Fall 1982; Spring and Fall 1984
  6. Installation of Doctor James Monroe Smith as President of the Louisiana State University,
                        November 12, 1931
  7. Invitation Program About the Inauguration of Joffre T. Whisenton as President of Southern
    University, October 9, 1987
  8. SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY: Southern University Provides Leadership for State Negroes, State Times-Morning Advocate, April 11, 1953; Three-in-One College Plan, Dixie, March 22,                   1964; SU Chancellor Will Trim Red Tape, Sunday Star, August 18, 1991; Southern University                  Authorizes Raises for Department,
    Daily Star, January 13, 1992; Historically Black Colleges                     Graduate Most
    Blacks, Daily Star, May 5, 1992
  9. Trinity Christian College, Baton Rouge, unidentified newspaper, n. d.


Map of Port Hudson and its defenses, drawn by de Baun, Maj. 9th La. Bat. Cav. (xerox
copy); The Opposing Forces at Port Hudson (xeroxed article); The Bloody Battle of
Port Hudson, Morning Advocate Magazine, May 1, 1949; Committee for Preservation of Port Hudson Battlefield, May 25, 1962;
The New Battle of Port Hudson, Dixie, May 19, 1963; Man and Nature at Port Hudson, 1863, 1917, by Milledge L. Bonham,
Jr., (reprint by the Committee for the Preservation of the Port Hudson Battlefield,
January 1, 1965; Port Hudson: For Louisiana, A Battle Lost, A Battlefield Won, by
J. Larry Crain, The American Society of Arms Collectors 1982, Bulletin Number Forty-seven; Dig May Verify Site of Civil War House (Port Hudson),
Sunday Advocate, April 1, 1990; Louisiana’s Glory, by Lawrence Hewitt, Southeastern Magazine, Vol. 8, Summer 1991; SLU Professor Dr. Lawrence Hewitt Joins Team Enhancing Port
Hudson, Lion’s Roar, April 4, 1991; History Buffs Worry Logging will Alter Battlefield, Daily Star, May 26, 1991; Port Hudson Battlefield Brochures (3 difference brochures)

Folder 11

Confederate Telegrapher’s Diary, by Major John D. Austen (xerox copy donated by Bertram

 Folder 12

Post Hospital Ledger, Port Hudson, LA, 1862-1863 (xerox copy donated by Dr. J. Larry

 Folder 13

Docent Group to Organize [McHugh House Museum in Zachary], newspaper clipping, unidentified
newspaper, n. d.

 Folder 14 –  Churches/Biographies

  1. Joseph’s Centennial, Morning Advocate Magazine, April 19, 1953
  2. Rabbi Peiser: A Profile [Temple B’nai Israel], Morning Advocate Magazine, October 26, 1952
  3. Woman Treasures Old Bible, Morning Advocate, April 23, 1977

BOX     3      (flat box)


  1. Louisiana Folklife Festival, July 27-28, August 3-4, 1985, Downtown Baton Rouge (Booklet)
  2. Map of the City of Baton Rouge, Revisions through February 22, 1954
  3. Voices of the Past, Sunday Advocate Magazine, April 5, 1981 (Baton Rouge’s Oral History               Program)
  4. The Antiknock, Vol. 22, No. 6, June 1960; Vol. 22, No. 7, July 1960; Vol. 22, No. 8, August 1960
    (Ethyl Corporation Booklets)
  5. State Times, Monday, July 15, 1991, 148th Year, No. 144 (Final Edition)

BOX     4   (C. Howard Nichols’ Donation)

Donated by C. Howard Nichols

Folder 1- Student family history essays

  1.  “A Louisiana Family History”, by Brenna Allphin-Smith. April 7, 1997
  2. “The Becnel Family History”, by Angelle N. Contine. November 6, 1996
  3. “Generations of Lives; A Lifetime of Memories”, by Amy Bonaventure. November 6, 1996
  4. “My Own Little History”, by Julie Claire Cook. April 7, 1997
  5. “A Family Unit”, by Lisa Dorian
  6. Hermetria Dyer. November 4, 1994
  7. Jennifer Lillian Gray
  8. “The Hill Heritage in Louisiana”, by Karen Sue Watt Hill. July 8, 1996
  9. “One House: Three Generations”, by Amy Horne. April 7, 1997.
  10. Kleinpeter Farms Dairy: A Locally Owned Farm Industry”, by Susan Tuminello. November
    1, 1993. Kleinpeter pictures; Kleinpeter house; Kleinpeter letter from the side of
    an October, 1993 milk carton.
  11. .Eileen Matthews. April 7, 1995
  12. “The Norwood Family”, by Christy Faye Musgrove. April 8, 1996
  13. “Three Family Generations”, by Scott Lee Raiford. April 7, 1997
  14. “Family History”, by Tim Rapier. September 9, 1993
  15. “The Connection Between Louisiana and Family”, by Carrie Rotolo. April 7, 1997
  16. “On the Way to Calling Louisiana Home-the Story of my Great-Grandfather”, by Jennifer
    Rene Strain. March 2, 1993

 Folder 2- Student Family History Essays ct’d.

  1.  “The Gunter Family”, by Brian Gunter. November 1, 1993
  2. “Woodrow Wilson “Woody” Dumas: ‘A Man of the Times'”, by Kasey Harris. April 1, 1991
  3. “A Private Soldier of the Confederacy”, by Jimmy Fowler. November 6, 1996
  4. “My Family-Dry Cleaners of Yesterday, Dry Cleaners of Today”, by Toni Damma. November
    1, 1993
  5. “A Man of Dedication: My Dad”, by Tracy Howes. October 28, 1991
  6. “A Secretary’s Experience While in the Governor’s Office”, by Tracie Breedlove. October
    28, 1991
  7. “The History of My Father’s Coaching Career in Louisiana”, by Kim Alford. November
    9, 1987
  8. Theresa S. Citron. April 12, 1993
  9. “Three Generations of the Guerin Family”, by Yvette D. Guerin. November 1, 1993
  10. “Judge Felix Pierre Poche”, by Jennifer Boyne. November 1, 1993
  11. Crystal Hubenak. November 1, 1993
  12. “Taylor Made”, by Shara Lynn Taylor. October 30, 1991
  13. “Family History”, by Jeri S. Graham. April 12, 1993
  14. “Family History”, by Heather Hall. November 4, 1992

Folder 3- Student Family History Essays Cont.

  1. “The Goudeau Heritage”, by Sheila Goudeau. March 30, 1990
  2. “My Ancestors, The Thibodeauxs”, by Dayna S. Ellis. March 30, 1990
  3. “Andrew Taylor Atkinson: A Man Who Made A Difference”, by Kerri Leigh Brown. April
    4, 1988
  4. “My Great-Grandfather”, by Michelle Hebert. April 1, 1991
  5. “Esnard’s, What Time Is It?”, by Renee Esnard. April 1, 1992
  6. “Family History”, By Shanda Tate. April 8, 1996
  7. “My Family History”, by Dawn Michelle Lippert. November 1, 1993
  8. “Thomas Morgan Tiner”, by Gaylin P. Corpora. November 7, 1986
  9. “Trying to Keep Old Louisiana Alive”, by Lesley Ferachi. July 9, 1990
  10. “The Heritage of Dominic Crifasi”, by Teresa Lynn Dodd. November 9, 1987
  11. “My Grandfather: Paul M. Hebert”, by Tara Hebert. July 9, 1990
  12. “My Grandmother – A Descendant of German Immigrants”, by Lynda Marie Milazzo. November
    6, 1989
  13. “Caroline Wogan Durieux: Her Life, Her W.P.A. Involvement, Her Death”, by Charles
    K. Stansbury. November 5, 1990

Folder 4 – Student essays on the history of miscellaneous Louisiana churches and seminaries

  1.  “St. Alphonsus Catholic Church”, by Rae’chel Didier. November 7, 1988
  2. “The History of Zachary United Methodist Church”, by Melanie Devall. November 7, 1988.
  3. “The Spirit of Live Oak Methodist Church Lives On”, by Jo Ann Raspberry
  4. “Saint Isidore and ‘His’ Church”, by Hillary G. Waguespack. July 9, 1990
  5. “The History of Temple B’Nai Isreal”, by Michael Roth. November 6, 1989
  6. “St. John Vianney Preperatory Seminary Policy and Purpose”, by Patrick Kelley. November
    7, 1986
  7. “The Growth of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Baton Rouge, Louisiana”,
    by Jeffrey Scott Jones. April 1, 1990
  8. “The Origination of Our Lady of Mercy Church East Baton Rouge Parish”, by Jodi Dupeire.
    November 9, 1987
  9. “Sandy Creek Baptist Church”, by Karen Moran Breeden. November 5, 1990
  10. “Istrouma Baptist Church: A Brief History”, by Jennifer Foreman. October 31, 1985
  11. “The First Black Church of Christ in Baton Rouge, Louisiana”, by Velma LaJoy Smith.
    March 27, 1987

 Folder 5- Student essays on Louisiana historical sites and schools

  1.  “Louisiana’s State Penitentiary- It’s History”, by Shirley G. Kinlaw. April 8, 1996
  2. “The History of Catholic High School”, by E. Bryan Edwards. November 7, 1994
  3. “Port Hudson National Cemetery”, by Jennifer Carole Whitesell. November 2, 1994
  4. “Homeplace”, by Kathy Zeigler. November 7, 1998
  5. “Mount Hope Plantation”, by David D. Sibley. November 8, 1998
  6. “The Pentagon Barracks”, by Rebecca C. Vick. November 7, 1988
  7. “A History of Woodlawn High School”, by Margaret McGuire. November 7, 1988
  8. Single piece of paper pertaining to the Goodwood Plantation
  9. “A Brief History of the Pentagon Barracks”, by Ellen Bennet. April 2, 1986
  10. “The Life of the Old Arsenal Museum”, by Tracey E. Smith. November 6, 1996
  11. “Magnolia Mound”, by Edris Melancon. November 7, 1988
  12. “Magnolia Mound: A Piece of Louisiana History”, by Amy Brennan. March 29, 1989
  13. “Baton Rouge’s Historic Magnolia Cemetery”, by Vickie Jeansonne. July 6, 1989
  14. “The Cemeteries of Baton Rouge”, by Christie Duvic. April 1, 1992
  15. “Magnolia Mound Plantation Home”, by Elizabeth Diane Vickers. March 23, 1983
  16. “A History of the Catholic School in Baton Rouge”, by Jeffrey P. Williams. November
    1, 1993
  17. “Leland College”, by Janet Hubbard. April 4, 1983
  18. “McKinley High School: A National Register Property”, by Kathy B. Pigott. July 8,
  19. “The Louisiana State Capitol”, by Suzanne G. Sprague. November 7, 1986

 Folder 6- Student essays on the history of Louisiana businesses

  1.  “People” section of The Advocate, Wednesday, June 8, 1994.
  2. “The History of Community Coffee”, by Amy Bozeman. November 1, 1993
  3. “Black Day at Fort Desperate”, by Sharon Smith. April 1, 1992
  4. “Godcheaux’s, the Way It Was”, by Lisa Strickland. November 9, 1987
  5. “The Rise and Fall of the Greenwell Springs Hospital”, by Tonya McMorris. November
    7, 1988
  6. “People” section of The Advocate, Monday, March 30, 1998
  7. “Kornmeyer’s: A Brief History of a Family-Owned Company in Louisiana”, by Alice B.
    Bahlinger. November 7, 1988
  8. “Barq’s of Baton Rouge”, by Macon Schoomaker.
  9. “Sour Milk: Dairy Strike of 1947”, by Bolivar Kemp Ellis. April 4, 1991
  10. “Small Town Country Boy to Big City Businessmen”, by Candi Ogden. March 27, 1987
  11. “Velvet Touch Pet Center”, by Sherri Gardner. November 7, 1986
  12. “The Heroman Brothers: A Living Legacy”, by Harry Burk Heroman III. April 1, 1992
  13. “The Past and the Future of Baton Rouge Sears”, by Donia Farrow. October 25, 1984

Folder 7- Student essays on the history of Louisiana cities and towns

  1.  “Zachary, Louisiana”, by Donna Green. July 3, 1986
  2. “Zachary”, by Lana Martin. November 6, 1989
  3. “The Houma People of Louisiana”, by Judith Lapeyrouse. November 6, 1989
  4. “Greenwell Springs”, by Rebecca Caroline Strain. November 1, 1993
  5. “The History of Baton Rouge and How It Became the Capitol”, by Christie Duvic. November
    5, 1990
  6. “Woodlawn: A Major Part of a Community”, by Karen Dodd. March 30, 1990
  7. “Zachary, Louisiana”, by Rebecca Boudreaux. April 2, 1984
  8. “Greenwell Springs”, by Christie Carroll Chauvin. April 12, 1993
  9. “Greenwell Springs”, by Rebecca Power.

BOX     4B  (C. Howard Nichols’ Donation)

Folder 8-Student Essays (10 items)

  1. Wattingy, Beth. “Algiers Point”. March 27, 1987
  2. Barba, Stephen M. “Metairie- A Great Neighbor”. March 27, 1987
  3. Bonura, Jody Lynn. “The Ursuline Nuns: A Tradition of Louisiana”. July 3, 1986
  4. Ayrod, Andrea. “The Duchess of Erata Street”. March 30, 1984
  5. Labure, Tammy. “My Family’s History”. April 7, 1997
  6. Heltz, Lacey L. “Family History”. July 8, 1996
  7. Cress, Kathy. “The Pointed History of the Chapotons”. July 8, 1996
  8. Morgan, Melanie M. “The Morgan Family”/ July 8, 1996
  9. Landry, Tammy. April 7, 1997
  10. Luce, Kerri. “The DiStefanos-Three Generations in Louisiana”. November 6, 1996

Folder 9-Student Essays

  1. Grandstaff, Geraldine. “Baton Rouge- A City Under Fire”. April 1, 1991
  2. Marionneaux, Toni. “The History of St. Isidore”. October 31, 1985
  3. BeJeaux, Amanda. “The Mission in Greenwell Springs”. April 12, 1993
  4. Davis, James. “Central Private High School”. April 17, 1985
  5. Allen, Charlotte. “Hermon Levi Milton: A Man Who Has Lived Through Three Phases of
    Louisiana Life”. November 9, 1988
  6. LeBeau, Kelli. “Mr. Vic, My Grandfather”. November 7, 1986
  7. Brooks, Melissa. “My Grandfather-John Taylor Brooks 1907-“. November 7, 1986
  8. Buckner, Shane. “Zoar Baptist Church: The Foundation of Central”. April 4, 1988
  9. Mack, Lea. “1937-The Last Hanging in East Baton Rouge Parish Jail: The Dave Johnson
  10. Watts, Anthony. “First Baptist Church of Baton Rouge”. April 1, 1985
  11. LeBlanc, Donna. “Mae’s Café”.
  12. Cate, Pamela. “Origin and Growth of Baton Rouge”. April 4, 1985
  13. Faucette, Elizabeth. “The Establishment of Baton Rouge Magnet High School”. October
    28, 1991
  14. Harrison, Keith. “The Battle of Baton Rouge in 1862”.
  15. Ray, Stefanie. April 7, 1995
  16. New, Carol. “The Chartering and Early History of the Plains Presbyterian Church”.
    November 1, 1985
  17. Bailey, Ray. “History of Our Lady of Mercy Church”.
  18. Rodriguez, Michelle. “My Louisiana Heritage”. April 3, 1998
  19. D’Agostino, Amy. “My Family History”. April 3, 1998
  20. Daigle, Mary Beth. “History of Tony’s Donut Shop”. March 24, 1982

BOX     5   –Newspaper Clippings and Other Articles (C. Howard Nichols’ Donation)

 Folder 1- LSU Rural Life Museum

  1. Articles from Dixie newspaper, November 12, 1972, pp. 9-10, 11-12, 59-60, 61-62, 63-64
    (5 pages total)
  2. “People” section of the Morning Advocate, May 7, 1983
  3. “People” section of the Sunday Advocate, February 5, 1995
  4. 7-8, section 3 of The Times-Picayune, December 1, 1974
  5. The LSU Rural Life Museum pamphlet (2 copies_
  6. letter from John E. Dutton of the LSU Rural Life Museum
  7. 3F-4F of Sunday Advocate, November 10, 1974
  8. letter from John E. Dutton of the LSU Rural Life Museum
  9. “People” section of Sunday Advocate, August 31, 1980
  10. letter from John E. Dutton of the LSU Rural Life Museum

Folder 2– Beauregard Town (Baton Rouge)

  1.  Pages 3I-4I and 5I- 6I of the Sunday Advocate, July 10, 1983 (2 pages total)

Folder 3- Louisiana Capitol

  1.  “The Louisiana State Capitol” brochure
  2. “Louisiana At A Glance” brochure
  3. index card with notes
  4. “People” section of the Sunday Advocate, January 24, 1988
  5. articles from “Capitalites” section of Magazine
  6. “Louisiana Facts”, compiled by W. Fox McKeithen, Secretary of State
  7. “Quick Facts About Louisiana” flyer issued by W. Fox McKeithen
  8. picture of Louisiana State Capitol
  9. copy of pp. 452-453 of the Louisiana Almanac
  10. pp. 3-4 in “Arts” section of Magazine, September 21, 1997

 Folder 4- New State Capitol

  1.  Article from “Capitalites” section of Magazine, “Saving Capitol area trees for generations
    to come”, by Anne Price.
  2. “People” section of the Sunday Advocate, August 26, 1984
  3. 19-20 of the Sunday Advocate, March 23, 1980
  4. 19-22 of Sunday Magazine, May 23, 1982
  5. 19-24 of Sunday Magazine, April 12, 1981
  6. “Capitalites” section of Magazine page
  7. article from page 10-B of the Morning Advocate, April 17, 1982
  8. Louisiana State Capitol flyer
  9. article from The Times-Picayune, April 4, 1982
  10. 5-6 of Sunday Magazine, April 11, 1982
  11. 33-34 of Sunday Magazine, September 12, 1982
  12. picture in newspaper of State Capitol entitled “Looking Up”
  13. article, “State’s advanced in Capitol’s 50 years”, by James H. Gillis
  14. 3-4 of The Times-Picayune, April 24, 1982
  15. 4-5 of Sunday Magazine, April 11, 1982

Folder 5– Old State Capitol

  1.  The Old State Capitol Associates notice
  2. 3F-4F of Sunday Advocate, April 22, 1990
  3. “People” section of Sunday Advocate, November 18, 1984
  4. 9-12 of Magazine, December 29, 1991
  5. “People” section of Morning Advocate, May 23, 1986
  6. 19-20 of The Times-Picayune, September 27, 1986
  7. 3-4 of The Times Picayune, April 10, 1982
  8. 15D-16D of State-Times, July 27, 1973
  9. “Capitalites” page of Magazine, October 17, 1982
  10. Flyer from Foundation for Historical Louisiana
  11. Brunch invitation from Old State Capitol Associates
  12. B7-B8 of The Times-Picayune, February 11, 1990
  13. copy of pg. 58 of Inregister, November 1991
  14. letter from Center of Political and Governmental History, May 29, 1992
  15. Invitation from Center of Political and Governmental History, May 31, 1991
  16. Louisiana Folklife Festival flyer
  17. Louisiana Old State Capitol Center for Political and Governmental History Grand Opening
    Ceremonies, April 29-30, 1994 booklet
  18. Recognition certificate awarded to C. Howard Nicholls by Fox McKeithen, Secretary
    of State

 Folder 6– Mount Hope Plantation

  1.  Section I of the Sunday Advocate, June 17, 1979

 Folder 7– Southern University

  1.  1B-2B of the Morning Advocate, May 22, 1976
  2. 6C of Morning Advocate, October 14, 1968
  3. 1E-2E of Sunday Advocate, March 7, 1971
  4. 1C-2C of Morning Advocate, May 22, 1981
  5. 4-6 of Sunday Magazine, October 3, 1982
  6. 5B of Sunday Advocate, November 21, 1982

Folder 8- Tunica Trace

  1.  27-30 of Fun section of Morning Advocate, September 30, 1988

 Folder 9- Magnolia Mound

  1.  Magnolia Mound visitation schedule confirmation
  2. Magnolia Mound Plantation flyer
  3. Miscellaneous articles from Fun section of Morning Advocate
  4. Magnolia Mound visitation schedule confirmation
  5. 1I -2I of Sunday Advocate, April 26, 1981
  6. “People” section of Sunday Advocate, October 14, 1979
  7. “Plantation Day Poster Unveiled”, Morning Advocate, October 26, 1985
  8. 25-28 of Magazine, October 16, 1981
  9. 3-4 of The Times-Picayune, March 7, 1981
  10. 3I-4I of Sunday Advocate, September 19, 1982
  11. Magnolia Mound tour and meal pricing, rules, and regulations
  12. Magnolia Mound Third Annual Plantation Day brochure for September 26, 1982
  13. 9E-10E of Morning Advocate, December 9, 1982
  14. Magnolia Mound Fifth Annual Plantation Day brochure for September 23, 1984
  15. Magnolia Mound Workshops brochure
  16. 31-34 of Magazine September 21, 1984
  17. Evaluation form for Magnolia Mound
  18. Magnolia Mound Plantation brochure (14 copies)
  19. Magnolia Mound tour confirmation letter March 15, 1990
  20. Magnolia Mound Plantation brochure (7 copies)
  21. Magnolia Mound tour confirmation letter, March 14, 1990
  22. pack of Magnolia Mound Plantation brochures (56 brochures) and 2 Louisiana Bayou State
  23. Magnolia Mound Plantation Harvest Supper notification for November 8, 1991
  24. 1C-2C of Morning Advocate, June 14, 1991
  25. “Food” section of Morning Advocate, September 22, 1983
  26. “Food” section of Morning Advocate, September 13, 1984
  27. Magnolia Mound letter including tour and meal prices
  28. 3H-4H of Sunday Advocate, July 9, 1995
  29. Advocate article, “Reunion: Duplantier descendants gather at Magnolia Mound”, by Ed

 Folder 10

  1.  Southern Accents Magazine, September/October 1994

Folder 11- Capital House Hotel         

  1. 1G-2G of Sunday Advocate, April 18, 1982

Folder 12- LSU      

  1. LSU Outlook, vol. 24, No. 3, May 1977
  2. Invitation to Fall Reception and Exhibition to the Anglo-American Art Museum, LSU
    for October 17, 1976
  3. 1F-2F Sunday Advocate, March 15, 1970
  4. Article, “Noted Historian Fears LSU Has Lost Its First-Rate Potential”. Sunday Advocate,
    August 27, 1972
  5. Article, “Newman Leads Critique Here Into Higher Education”, by Art Adams, Advocate
    Education Reporter
  6. LSU Outlook, vol. 22, no. 1, January 1975
  7. LSU informational brochure
  8. “Razz Ma Tazz” LSU calendar, Summer 1976
  9. Section 1, pg. 12 of The Times-Picayune, April 19, 1981
  10. “Magazine” section of Sunday Advocate, December 5, 1982
  11. LSU Outlook, vol. 25, no. 6, November 1978
  12. “I’ve Got a University”, student essay by Kathy Kline. April 1, 1985
  13. “A Comprehensive History of Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge”, student essay
    by Kimberly Ryals. April 1, 1985
  14. 9G-10G of Morning Advocate, November 1, 1984

Folder 13- Baton Rouge

  1.  “Louisiana’s 34-Story Capitol” paper/speech.
  2. 13A-14A of Morning Advocate, March 11, 1964
  3. C5-C6 of The Times-Picayune, July 28, 1985
  4. Invitation to “A Stroll Downtown” Preservation Workshop 17 by the Foundation For Historical
    Louisiana for February 22, 1985
  5. “DEQ warns against using Devil’s Swamp Lake”. State Times, October 31, 1987
  6. map of downtown Baton Rouge
  7. written notes
  8. Baton Rouge “Plantation County” brochure
  9. Catfish Town “Turn of the Century Fun on the Levee” brochure
  10. CatfishTown map
  11. newspaper article “A Baton Rouge Showplace”, by Pat Phillips, and pictures of Goodwood
  12. “Sketches of Baton Rouge”. Sunday Magazine, September 12, 1982
  13. “Ancestors”. Sunday Advocate, February 18, 1979
  14. “History of Baton Rouge”, by Mike Mulhern.
  15. 3H-4H of Sunday Advocate, May 20, 1979
  16. 1B-2B of Morning Advocate, September 17, 1979
  17. 7B-8B of Morning Advocate, September 17, 1979
  18. 9H-10H of Sunday Advocate, August 26, 1979
  19. 7M-8M of Sunday Advocate, August 6, 1978
  20. 3I-4I of Sunday Advocate, September 30, 1979
  21. 1B-2B of Morning Advocate, September 10, 1979
  22. section H of Sunday Advocate, January 21, 1979
  23. 1B-2B of Morning Advocate, November 13, 1978
  24. 1J-2J of Sunday Advocate, October 8, 1978
  25. 21A-22A of Sunday Advocate, September 10, 1978
  26. 1E-2E of Sunday Advocate, November 20, 1977
  27. 3E-4E of Sunday Advocate, November 23, 1975
  28. “Tower on the River”, by William R. Brockway. Sunday Advocate, May 1, 1977
  29. 13-14 of Gris Gris, June 22-28, 1976
  30. “Historic Baton Rouge”, by William R. Brockway. Sunday Advocate, November 30, 1975
  31. 3E-4E of Sunday Advocate, September 28, 1975
  32. “Sunday Advocate Society”. May 11, 1975
  33. Baton Rouge Dining and Entertainment Guide brochure
  34. Baton Rouge Visitor and Guide Map (2 copies)
  35. “Magnolia Mound House Valued for Architecture, History”, by Sharon McRae.
  36. “When Lafayette Came to BR”, by Evelyn M. Thom. Sunday Advocate, May 4, 1975
  37. Sunday Advocate Society. April 28, 1974
  38. Baton Rouge Area Convention and Visitors Bureau brochure (6 copies)
  39. Clarion Herald, vol. 3, no. 30, September 23, 1965, section 2, pg. 1
  40. Rabenhorst Funeral Home advertisement
  41. newspaper picture of apartment at 866 Arlington Ave., Baton Rouge.
  42. Louisiana Map-Dept. of Highways
  43. “BR-A Short Bibliography”, by William R. Brockway.
  44. “Four Corners Being Beautiful”, by Evelyn M. Thom
  45. “BR Landmark Will Be Restored”, Morning Advocate, November 11, 1966
  46. Sunday Advocate Society, July 7, 1974
  47. “The Pleasure of His Company”, by Gaines Glass. Sunday Advocate, December 29, 1974
  48. Sunday Advocate Society, December 7, 1975
  49. 3D-4D of Sunday Advocate, March 14, 1976
  50. The Louisiana Patriot, supplement to the Morning Advocate and State Times
  51. 3G-6G of Sunday Advocate, June 19, 1977
  52. 1H-2H of Sunday Advocate, February 18, 1979
  53. “The Fabulous Face of Louisiana” brochure
  54. “Quick Facts About Louisiana” flyer, issued by Wade O. Martin, Jr., Secretary of State
  55. Louisiana Bayou Wonderland pamphlet
  56. 1E-2E of Sunday Advocate, May 15, 1966
  57. Baton Rouge Manufacturing map
  58. 3F-4F of Sunday Advocate, May 27, 1973
  59. Section F of Sunday Advocate, May 6, 1973
  60. Union Tank Car Company brochure
  61. “Spanish Town Renascent”, by William R. Brockway
  62. Sunday Advocate Society, December 2, 1973
  63. 1F-2F of Morning Advocate, January 13, 1957
  64. “History on Your Own Two Feet”, by Beth Michel. Sunday Advocate, July 13, 1975
  65. Prince Murat Inn, Baton Rouge brochure

BOX     6  ( C. Howard Nichols’ Donation)

  1. Newspaper articles and student papers concerning East Baton Rouge Parish
  2. Jessie Stone Newspaper article
  3. Jimmy Lee Swaggart
  4. The Sternbergers
  5. Winana, Fonville
  6. Gus Weill