Regional History-New Orleans

Regional History-New Orleans

Archival Collection



Folder 1 HISTORY

a) Historic New Orleans (3-page paper)

b) A Condensed History of New Orleans, (32 page booklet), fifth edition, 1944

c) A Condensed History of Old New Orleans, (10 page booklet), n. d.

d) Home Rule Charter of the City of New Orleans, effective May 1, 1954 (as amended to October 6, 1966)

e) What’s In A Name? Gobbledegook, LA, unidentified newspaper, n. d.

f) New Orleans, America’s Most Mediterranean City, unidentified publication, n. d.

g) Spirit of New Orleans Caught in New `City Guide’ Times-Picayune, February 17, 1938

h) New Orleans Is a City of Strange Contrasts, Morning Advocate, April 19, 1940

i) To the Southern City `That Care Forgot’ [New Orleans], New York Times, Jan. 26, 1941

j) New Orleans, City of Carnival, Holland’s, The Magazine, n. .

k) Cornerstone’s Contents Recalls Duel Days Here, Times-Picayune, May 19, 1938

l) New Orleans East and How It Grew, Dixie, May 18, 1969

m) Restless Roof Tops, Times-Picayune New Orleans States Magazine, July 25, 1948

n) Orleans to Become `City of Monuments, unidentified newspaper, n. .

o) Southern History in Fresco, Striking murals portraying the development of areas’
culture will greet passengers in the new Union Station, Dixie, April 11, 1954

p) America’s `Most Interesting’ Walk [New Orleans], Dixie, June 3, 1973

q) His Talent for `Exaggeration’ Put Nouvelle Orleans on Map, Times-Picayune, August 12, 1984

r) Some Statistics on the Sport of Louisiana Politics, Times-Picayune, February 23, 1986

s) Deep in Dixie: Jackson’s Battle IN New Orleans, Dixie, January 8, 1961

t) Is the `Pioneer’ Still in the Lake, Dixie, May 14, 1961

u) Deep in Dixie: Gold Rush From New Orleans, Dixie, May 24, 1970

v) The Way We Were, WYES Recalls New Orleans, Times-Picayune, November 30, 1994

w) State Supreme Court rules New Orleans can force employees to live within city,
Daily Star, December 3, 1991

x) Antiques Gazette, January, 2005, Vol 21, No 5: Beauregard-Keys House is History Showplace in New Orleans’ French Quarter


a) Statistical Profile of Orleans Parish, prepared by PAR Council of La., Inc., 1973

b) Orleans Parish Profile, La. Office of Commerce & Industry, October 1989

c) New Orleans Community Profile, La. Office of Commerce & Industry, October 1989

d) New Orleans & The River Region Profile, Chamber, New Orleans & the River Region,

e) New Orleans Area Basic Data Profile

f) New Orleans-Baton Rouge Metropolitan Area Urban Study, Environmental Setting, July 1979

g) New Orleans-Baton Rouge Metropolitan Area Urban Study, Regional Profile, (Demography, Economy, and Land Use), July 1978 (2 copies)

h) New Orleans (brief facts)

i) Employers in the New Orleans MSA Employing 200 persons or more, March 1988

j) Small Business Resource Guide, Chamber, New Orleans & the River Region, 1986

k) Population, Chamber, New Orleans & the River Region


BOX 1 Continued


l) Transportation, Chamber, New Orleans & the River Region

m) Market Facts, Chamber, New Orleans & the River Region

n) Labor Force, Chamber, New Orleans & the River Region

o) Banking, Chamber, New Orleans & the River Region

p) Market Facts, Chamber, New Orleans & the River Region

q) Economic Development Council of the New Orleans Area, Business Space Guide, 1976-77

s) 1989 Relocation Guide, Chamber, New Orleans & the River Region

t) 1987 Meetings & Conventions Guide, New Orleans City Business

u) New Orleans Working to Change Poor Image and Attract Business, Sunday Advocate, March 10, 1991

v) Survey reflects cynical N. O. business leaders, Sunday Star, July 28, 1991

Folder 3 MAPS

a) Topographical and Drainage Map of New Orleans and Surroundings, 1878 (xerox copy)

b) Tourism Related Transit Routes, Greater N. O. Tourist & Convention Commission,

c) CBD Shuttle Line Routes, Greater N. O. Tourist & Convention Commission, Inc.

d) Souvenir Map of Greater New Orleans, n.d.

e) New Orleans map from Rozier Collection, n.d.

f) Historic City Plans and Views, Maps of New Orleans on pages 29 and 30

g) Rand McNally New Orleans & Vicinity StreetFinder, 1994


a) The Indestructible City, the story of New Orleans’ amazing Battle with Nature, and
of How, in Overcoming the Obstacles with which it was Faced, it has Set a Superb Record
of Progress and Development
, by Thomas Ewing Dabney, c. 1929, 22 pages

b) Thru the Years with New Orleans Since 1874, an informal series of sketches of events that have marked the growth of America’s
most interesting city, c. 1939, 35 pages

c) New Orleans from A to Z, Questions you’ll ask about this City of Charm and its famous French Quarter. . .
Alphabetically answered, by Ray M. Thompson, c. 1951 (2 copies)

d) New Orleans, The Historic, n.d.

e) The Climate and Health of New Orleans

f) Seeing New Orleans, n.d., 13 pages

g) My Trip to New Orleans, as seen with Johnson’s Crescent City Tours, n.d., 32 pages

h) Do You Know: Colorful Episodes in the History of New Orleans and Louisiana, n.d., by Mary Matthews Woods, 27 pages

i) Lagniappe, New Orleans, Louisiana, compiled by Jesse Walker, Donald Davis, and Randall Detro for the Seventy-Fourth
Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, April 9-12, 1978, 72 pages

j) The History of the Morris Park Racecourse and the Morris Family donated by Nicholas Di Brino

k) Historical Perspectives

l) New Orleans: The City of Progress, Beauty, Charm, and Romance, booklet created by the Louisville & Nashville R.R.


BOX 1 Continued


a) From Asia Garden Appetizers to Zebras at the Zoo: An Annotated Guide to New Orleans, by Rosanne McCaffrey, Curator, Historic New Orleans Collection, Summer 1980, (13-page

b) Enchanting New Orleans, December 1939 (booklet)

c) New Orleans, America’s Most Interesting City, n.d., (booklet)

d) GO, The Authentic Guide to New Orleans, September 1980 (44 page booklet)

e) Where to find the Unconventional in New Orleans (pamphlet)

f) Livingston, Talleyrand, Napoleon, Jefferson . . . Were Right!, (brochure)

g) The Bachelor in New Orleans, a handbook for unattached gentlemen and ladies of spirit visiting or resident in
the Parish of American, by Robert Kinney, 1942

h) The New Orleans Vignette, A Guide to Old New Orleans, 1977-78

i) Where, New Orleans

Folder 6 NEW ORLEANS VISITORS’ GUIDES (Pamphlets & Brochures)

a) New Orleans Area System Ride Guide, Regional Transit Authority (2 copies)

b) VisiTour Guide To New Orleans (2 copies)

c) New Orleans Visitors’ Activities

d) The New Orleans Visitor’s Guide

e) New Orleans Visitors’ Guide, Greater New Orleans Tourist and Convention Commission

f) Facts About New Orleans, New Orleans Association of Commerce

g) New Orleans

h) New Orleans, We Talk Tourist, Lodging Information

i) New Orleans Visitor Activities Visitor Information

j) 1956 Visitors’ Guide, What to See In and Around New Orleans, published by New Orleans Item

k) New Orleans Walking & Driving Tour

l) New Orleans Shopping

m) New Orleans Self-Guided Walking and Driving Tours, Greater New Orleans Tourist and Convention Commission

n) Self-Guided Walking & Driving Tours, New Orleans, America’s European Masterpiece (2 copies)

o) New Orleans Shopping Notes

p) New Orleans Presents America’s Most Interesting City…

q) The City Unique, New Orleans, America’s Most Interesting City

r) The Best of New Orleans

s) Vieux Carre Route Map and Schedule (3 copies)

t) Visitor’s Guide to New Orleans, compliments of the Steamer President

u) Lafayette Fire Insurance Company (it has a history of Faubourg Lafayette)

v) New Orleans Spring Fiesta

w) New Orleans’ Own Magazine Street Shoppers Guide, As You Like It

x) The Rhythm of New Orleans, Greater New Orleans Black Tourism Center Visitor’s Guide Map


BOX 1 Continued

Folder 7 NEW ORLEANS TOURISTS ATTRACTIONS (Brochures and Clippings)

a) Longue Vue House and Gardens, A Grand City Estate

b) Tour Facts About Longue Vue Gardens

c) Longue Vue House and Gardens, A Grand City Estate in New Orleans, Antique Gazette, Vol. 9, No. 1, October 1992

d) Longue Vue House and Gardens and the Works of Enrique Alferez, Antique Gazette, Vol. 12, No. 9, April 1996

e) Romantic Beauregard-Keyes House (3 copies); Beauregard-Keyes House, A French Quarter Landmark, Antiques Gazette, November 1998, Vol. 15, No. 4; Beauregard-Keyes House, Antiques Gazette, Vol. 17, No. 4, November 2000

f) Historic Hermann-Grima House and Courtyard 1831 (2 copies)

g) Gallier House Museum (2 copies)

h) Pitot House Museum, An 18th Century Plantation House on Bayou St. John

i) Musee Conti Museum

j) Historic Pharmacy Museum

k) Mississippi River Cruise, Steamboat Natchez

l) Bayou Cruise, Bayou Jean Lafitte

m) Brochures from 61st Annual Convention American Bankers Association, Nov. 11-14,

n) Aquarium draws crowds during opening 30 days, Daily Star, October 10, 1990

Folder 8 FRENCH QUARTER (Booklets, Brochures, and Newspaper Clippings)

a) A Walk Through French Town in Old New Orleans, by Helen Pitkin Schertz, n. d.

b) The Perfect Blend of the Old and the New, A Story of the Famous Vieux Carre of New
, by Thomas Ewing Dabney

c) Views of the Historic French Quarter, through the Courtesy of the Jung Hotel, n.d.

d) A Trip Thru Old New Orleans, The Vieux Carre (2 copies)

e) Library List 14 Vieux Carre Buildings, Complete Records of Old Structures Filed
After Survey, Progress, March 11, 1938

f) Glance Over Your Shoulder. . . showing scenes of New Orleans then and now, The Times-Picayune New Orleans States Magazine, August 29, 1948

g) The Top Ten Tourist Spots, Dixie, January 11, 1953

h) An Example of The Renaissance in the Vieux Carre, Dixie, May 28, 1961

i) Biographies of 100 Blocks, Dixie, April 26, 1964

j) The French Quarter, Notes from the Heart of the City, Dixie, June 13, 1982

k) Picture Out of Our Past: President William McKinley speaking from balcony of Cabildo
May 2, 1901, Dixie, November 18, 1979

l) Images of a Decade, The 1980s (picture of the Cabildo burning), Times-Picayune, December 31, 1989

m) Cabildo Restoration Under Way, Times-Picayune, February 20, 1988

n) After the Fire: A Chance for Change, Times-Picayune, May 19, 1988

o) Lower Pontalba Apartment Rebuilt in Modern Style, Times-Picayune, July 2, 1988

p) Cabildo Savior a Born Architect, Times-Picayune, February 26, 1989

q) Pontalba: The Color Brown, Times-Picayune, March 10, 1989

r) The Cabildo is Back, Six years after a devastating fire, Louisiana’s most historic
building reopens, Times-Picayune, February 25, 1994


BOX 1 Continued

Folder 8 FRENCH QUARTER (Booklets, Brochures, Newspaper Clippings) Continued

s) The `New’ Cabildo Opens, Antiques Gazette, Vol. 10, No. 8, March 1994; The Cabildo–Louisiana State Museum’s Crown Jewel, Antiques Gazette, Vol. 14, No. 9, April 1998

t) Twentieth Hotel Will Be Last In Vieux Carre, Six Hotels Underway or to Start, Times-Picayune, September 26, 1971

u) New House Planned for Quarter Site [Barracks Street], Times-Picayune, May 9, 1987

v) French Quarter and Warehouse Historic District, Market News & Views, Fall 1988

w) Experience Christmas in the Quarter, Magazine, December 17, 1989

x) Residents Flee Quarter While Tourists Stream In, Times-Picayune, July 16, 1990

y) Provincial, 1024 Rue Chartres (brochure)

z) The Vieux Carre Survey, by Florence M. Jumonville, The Historic New Orleans Collection, 1981


1. New French Market in Orleans Will be Dedicated Tomorrow, Progress, March 18, 1938

2. The Old French Market, Times-Picayune New Orleans States Magazine, November 27, 1949

3. –and Now There Is One, Dixie, July 24, 1977

4. When Business Boomed at the Market, Times-Picayune, June 7, 1987

5. Picture Out Of Our Past: Paul Piazza sold seafood and rabbits in the French Market
starting in 1892, Dixie, January 2, 1977

6. The New Orleans Farmers’ Market Seasons (brochure)

7. French Market, Music, Shopping, Dining (brochure)



Folder 1 PARKS

a) WPA Plants 100,000 Trees to Change Dismal New Orleans Swamp Into Park [City Park],
Christian Science Monitor, October 18, 1937

b) Former Swamp Becomes a Park [City Park], Christian Science Monitor, March 24, 1938

c) N. O. City Park Celebrates a Century, Magazine, June 9, 1991

d) Celebration in the Oaks, New Orleans City Park Christmas Extravaganza, Antique Gazette, Vol. 11, No. 5, December 1994; Vol. 14, No. 5, December 1997

e) 1985 Calendar from Audubon Park, A Celebration of the First 100 Years, 1886-1985

f) Audubon Park & Zoological Garden (brochure)

g) Chalmette National Historical Park Louisiana, by J. Fred Roush, National Park Service Historical Handbook Series No. 29, Washington,
D. C., 1958, Reprint 1961, (55 page booklet)

h) Chalmette Battlefield: Pictures in Times-Picayune, January 4, 1931

i) Clock turned back 173 years, 1 day, Times-Picayune, January 10, 1988

j) Chalmette Battle Site Crumbling, Times-Picayune, August 21, 1988

k) Cannons will roar again, Re-enactment will stir memories of Battle of N. O. [Chalmette
Battlefield], Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, December 31, 1989

l) Community [Fazendeville] lost its life on Chalmette battlefield, Times-Picayune, October 1, 1989

m) Jean Lafitte National Historical Park/Louisiana, Draft General Management Plan, Development Concept Plan, Environmental Assessment, July 1981 (2 copies)

n) Jean Lafitte National Historical Park/Louisiana, Special History Study, The Defense of New Orleans, 1718-1900, February 1982

o) Jean Lafitte National Historical Park, Newsletters and Meeting Minutes, 1983-1988

p) Letter written about the Battle of New Orleans by Elizabeth Woods (1776-1852),
Mrs. Henry Clement. Henry Clement fought in the Battle of New Orleans (donated by
Zeb White)

Celebration in the Oaks: New Orleans City Park’s Spectacular Christmas Lights

Antiques Gazette, Vol 21, No. 4, December, 2004

Folder 2 FORTS

a) Crumbling Military Relic [Fort Macomb], Dixie, November 8, 1964

b) Besieged by Time [Fort Macomb], Dixie, October 14, 1973

c) Fort Pike, Fortress For Picnics, Dixie, July 13, 1969 (2 copies)

d) A History of Fort Saint John, by Mortimore F. Kelly III for History 503, May 14,


a) New Orleans America’s European Masterpiece Lodging Information (2 brochures)

b) New Orleans Lodging & Accommodations

c) Small Hotels in New Orleans, New York Times, April 29, 1984

d) Ballroom of Memories [Bourbon Orleans Ramada Hotel], Dixie, March 26, 1978

e) Pictures Out of Our Past: St. Charles Hotel, Dixie, March 1, 1980

f) Soniat House, Little New Orleans Hotel Makes Exclusive List, Dixie, December 16, 1990 (2 copies)

g) New Orleans Family of Fine French Quarter Hotels (brochure)

h) The Columns on St. Charles Avenue, Antique Gazette, Vol. 12, No. 2, September 1995


BOX 2 Continued


a) 1970 Gourmets’ Guide, Times-Picayune, September 20, 1970, Dining & Entertainment (2 brochures)

b) Dining in New Orleans, by Scoop Kennedy, 1945, paperback, 105 pages

c) Bistro Steak House, Dixie, March 15, 1981

d) Proprietor Buys Arnaud’s Property with 11 Buildings, Times-Picayune, January 10, 1987

e) Pictures From The Past: Rosselli’s Seafood Restaurant, Times-Picayune, June 21, 1987

f) Breakfast at Begue’s Was International Tradition, Times-Picayune, July 19, 1987

g) The Real Folks on `Frank’s Place,’ Times-Picayune, August 13, 1988

h) Souvenir du Restaurant Antoine, n.d. (2 booklets); Antoine’s’ Mr. Abraham, Dixie, July 20, 1980

i) Backstage at Antoine’s, Dixie, August 23, 1981

j) Notorious, notable pass through Antoine’ doors, Sunday Star, September 16, 1990

k) Pictures From The Past: An Old New Orleans Market Gets a New Look in the ’30s [St.
Roch Market at St. Claude Avenue and Marais Street], Times-Picayune, July 19, 1987

l) New Orleans Central Grocery as varied as Italian mix and as traditional as their
muffuletta, Sunday Magazine, September 30, 1990

m) Antique Grocery Store Specialized in Gourmet Lettuces and Herbs [Claire’s Cuisine],
Times-Picayune, July 16, 1992


a) Unearthing an Important Part of New Orleans’ Past, unidentified newspaper, n.d.

b) Haunted By Neglect, Dixie, June 10, 1973

c) Living with Death for 62 Years, Dixie, March 27, 1977

d) Dust, Dixie, October 29, 1978

e) The Care in St. Roch, Dixie, October 26, 1980

f) Uncovered French Quarter Burials Analyzed, Archaeology News, Vol. 3, No. 1, April 1986

g) New Orleans Cemeteries Part of City’s Mystique, Magazine, April 1, 1990

h) New Orleans Cleans Up Its Famed `Cities of the Dead,’ USA Today, September 27, 1990

i) New Orleans Cemeteries Like No Others, Antiques Gazette, Vol. 14, No. 7, Feb. 1998


a) Picture Out Of Our Past: Canal Street February 2, 1893 to watch first electric
streetcars, unidentified newspaper, n. d.

b) Celebration on the Right Track, Times-Picayune, September 15, 1985

c) Picture From The Past: Streetcar wins a temporary round against cars in the Quarter,
Times-Picayune, July 5, 1987

d) Picture From The Past: When a carmen’s strike threw New Orleanians off the track,
Times-Picayune, April 10, 1988

e) On the Right Track, Times-Picayune, August 14, 1988

f) Inaugural Run, Times-Picayune, August 15, 1988

g) New Orleans’ Streetcars, Romantic to some and routine transportation for thousands–they
have been running since 1835, Antique Gazette, Vol. 11, No. 12, July 1995




a) A New Orleans Architect Lists Some of the Jewels We Must Protect, Dixie, Jun. 14, 1959

b) A New Lease on Life, Dixie, November 6, 1977

c) Uptown Building Has Been Chosen for Preservation [400-410 Jackson Avenue], Times-Picayune, June 13, 1987

d) Old Maritime Building Gets Yet Another Name [Latter & Blum], Times-Picayune, June 13, 1987

e) Historic Buildings at crux of CBD fight, Times-Picayune, June 13, 1987

f) Picture From the Past: When Cotton Exchange Crumbles, its Statues find a New Facade,
Times-Picayune, November 8, 1987

g) Courts Will Get a New Home, Times-Picayune, January 4, 1993

h) Downtown Development District Historic Preservation Program, n.d. (brochure)

i) International House, New Orleans, n. d. (booklet)

j) International House (news release)

k) In Wartime, A Peacetime Dream, Dixie, December 28, 1958

l) International House, now nearing its 20th anniversary, Dixie, December 8, 1963

m) International House, New Orleans (2 brochures)

n) International Trade Mart, New Orleans, Louisiana, U. S. A., Market Place of the
Americas, Times-Picayune, July 5, 1948

o) Marketing the Mart Way, Dixie, June 8, 1952

p) International Trade Mart (2 brochures)

q) The New Parish Prison, Dixie, October 23, 1977

r) Agreement Could be Costly for Holmes’ Biggest Shareholder; Dillard’s Old Pro at
Chain Buyouts; Reeling Economy Finally Caught UP with N. O. Institution, Times-Picayune, Mar. 8, 1989

s) All Dressed Up [Municipal Hall, Dixie, September 29, 1968

t) A New Day Dawns for Gallier Hall, Dixie, January 12, 1969

u) Roses, Duels, and 15 High Cs [French Opera House], Times-Picayune New Orleans States Magazine, December 4, 1949

v) Memories and Ashes, Dixie, November 29, 1959

w) The Old French Opera House, New Orleans’ Pride, Dixie, September 14, 1969

x) Opera Notes, Times-Picayune, October 25, 1987

y) The Strength and Dignity of Henry Hobson Richardson [Howard Memorial Library],
Dixie, April 16, 1972

z) The Fortress on Lee Circle [Howard Memorial Library], Dixie, November 27, 1977

aa) Library Finally Gets Loving Care [Howard Memorial Library], Times-Picayune, September 2, 1989

bb) An Award Winner, Firm is saluted for breathing new life into historic library
[Howard Memorial Library], Times-Picayune, August 14, 1993

cc) 101-Year-Old Behrman Gym May be Diamond in the Rough, Times-Picayune, August 26, 1989

dd) Irish Heirs, On a slow day at Parasol’s [Bar], no one feels very sentimental,
Times-Picayune, March 17, 1989

ee) Historic Custom House survived Civil War, Reconstruction, Times-Picayune, Jan. 8, 1995

ff) Fountains of New Orleans, Times-Picayune, August 14, 1964




gg. Fountains Hit Dry Spot in City’s Budget, Times-Picayune, June 14, 1987


a) Orleans Home Is Treasure Trove of Old World Furnishings, Decorations [Seebold House],
Progress, July 22, 1938

b) Great Homes, Seven places people would love to visit, Times-Picayune, October 1, 1989

c) Mansion [Esplanade Avenue] Will Get New Life, Times-Picayune, October 10, 1989

d) Historians Dig Up Messy Past [under houses], Times-Picayune, July 29, 1991

e) Philadelphian Finds Restorations Profitable [Lower Garden District], Times-Picayune, November 3, 1990

f) The Lower Garden District Teetering between Hope and Hopelessness, Times-Picayune, January 15, 1992

g) Ninth Ward is Site of Landmarks, Times-Picayune, October 29, 1989 Historic Steamboat House to be Sold at Auction Sept. 15, Times-Picayune, August 11, 1990

h) Good Life on the River, Old, Affordable Homes Find Buyers in Holy Cross, Times-Picayune, August 14, 1993

i) Voices From Carrollton, The story of a city within the city, Dixie, November 6, 1983

j) Carrollton’s Long, Illustrious History Earns Distinction, Times-Picayune, June 6, 1987

k) Mid-City Offers Housing Diversity, Times-Picayune, June 26, 1994

l) A Project Named DESIRE, Times-Picayune, June 18, 1989

m) What’s In A Name? Frog Island [Section between N. Claiborne and Florida Avenue
which flooded], Dixie, October 29, 1950

n) From the Scarlet Past of fabulous New Orleans, Souvenir Edition of the World Famous
Tenderloin Directory `The Bluebook’ with a brief Story of Storyville

o) Pitot House on Bayou St. John is beautiful example of dedicated preservation effort,
Antiques Gazette, Vol. 12, No. 10, May 1996

p) Pitot House on Bayou St. John in New Orleans, Antiques Gazette, Vol. 17, No. 10, May 2001

q) The Pitot House, Originally a Country Home, Antiques Gazette, Vol. 15, No. 8, Mar. 1999

r) Pitot House Home of First Mayor N. O., Antiques Gazette, Vol. 20, No. 2, Oct. 2003

s) Colonial house to open in N. O. for public tours [Madame John’s Legacy at 632 Dumaine
St.], Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, June 8, 1986; Madame John’s Legacy Now Open in New Orleans’ French Quarter, Antiques Gazette, December 1998, Vol. 15, No. 5

t) Of Another Time–And Another Place [Martin House], Dixie, August 14, 1977

u) City Rustic [Millaudon House], Dixie, October 21, 1979

v) Decorative Brick Style, Cangelosi & Johns (11-page paper-xerox)

w) The Degas House in New Orleans, Antiques Gazette, Vol. 15, No. 12, July 1999

Houmas House: New owner has made it beautiful-inside and out, Antiques Gazette, Vol 20, No 6, February 2004

Folder 3 STREETS

a) The Street That Stood Still, Passing a day with the denizens of St. Claude Avenue,
Dixie, Feb. 9, 1986

b) Picture From the Past: Building Elysian Fields Avenue, Times-Picayune, June 28, 1987

c) Place du Tivoli, A History of Lee Circle, by Harnett T. Kane, 1961

d) Esplanade Ridge is Historic Street, Times-Picayune, November 12, 1989

e) Picture From the Past: Undercover work turns a canal into landscaped gardens, Times-Picayune, October 25, 1987

f) Basin Street It’s Rise and Fall, By Andre Cajun, Harmanson, 1954, paperback, 68 pages


BOX 3 Continued


a) Tulane University of Louisiana (1933 Catalog)

b) Harris to Learn All Facts Needed as Tulane Head, Times-Picayune, February 25, 1937

c) Magnificent Plant of Tulane Started as Humble Medical Unit by Seven Men, History
of Orleans

d) University Traces Back to Year 1834, Progress, June 2, 1939

e) Tulane Began As Med School, New Orleans Item, June 10, 1952

f) Tulane Meets Its President, Dixie, February 7, 1960

g) Science Center International, Dixie, June 4, 1967

h) Tulane’s Nature Library, Dixie, November 14, 1971

i) Tulane University Senate Constitution, May 1977

j) Teaching Toys Designed by Tulane Students, South Louisiana College News, October 1991

k) Tulane University (2 brochures)

l) Howard Tilton Memorial Library [Tulane University], Times-Picayune New Orleans States, Feb 2, 1941

m) Boggs’ Paperwork is Donated [to Howard Tilton Memorial Library], Times-Picayune, April 4, 1983

n) Lafcadio Hearn, An exhibit commemorating the centennial of his arrival in Japan,
1990-1991 Lafcadio Hearn, Catalogs Issued, Appraisals, Libraries Purchased

o) Picture from the past: Students at St. Mary’s Dominican College playing softball
around 1915, Dixie, n. d.

p) Loyola was trailblazer in days of early radio, Times-Picayune, April 21, 1996

Folder 5 SCHOOLS

a) Toward a New Landmark in Learning [Benjamin Franklin High School], Dixie; Algiers, August 4, 1957

b) School Board Integrationist Wouldn’t Yield, Times-Picayune, December 26, 1982

c) Mob Again Gathers Around `N. O. Four,’ This Time in Praise, Times-Picayune, April 19, 1983

d) School Left with Echoes of Education, Times-Picayune, June 7, 1987

e) Picture From The Past, Gilbert Academy, Times-Picayune, September 3, 1989

f) Benjamin Franklin High School Moves From Carrollton to University of New Orleans
Campus, Times-Picayune, March 15, 1990

g) Public School Desegregation: New Orleans, Louisiana, 1960, A thesis by Deborah
Ann Blanchard, December 1981

h) Picture From The Past: Arabi: The little high school that could, Times-Picayune, January 1, 1995

i) N. O. Schools Slow to Enact Integration, Times-Picayune, May 17, 1994


BOX 3 Continued


a) If You Get Sick, Hospitals in N. O., Dixie, September 23, 1951

b) An Introduction to Ochsner Foundation Hospital, n.d.

c) Specialized Services are Keynote of this Hospital [Ochsner], Dixie, August 15, 1954

d) 100 Candles on a Hospital’s Cake, The Touro story: Waterfront Clinic to a Big City
Institution, Dixie, October 10, 1954

e) Touro Infirmary Archives Heritage Program

f) The Touro Infirmary Archives Opening and Dedication of The Frank Mayer Besthoff
History Gallery, Monday, March 9, 1992

g) Picture From The Past, Charity Makes Way for Progress with Building to Last Century,
Times-Picayune, June 8, 1986

h) Picture From The Past, When the Old French Hospital Healed the City’s Ills, Times-Picayune, March 5, 1989


a) Picture Out of Our Past, Jesuit Church (formerly the Church of the Immaculate Conception),
Dixie, Dec 24, 1972

b) The Churches are Moving, Dixie, Mar 26, 1978

c) German Minister Helped Make Early Church [German Evangelical Church] History, Times-Picayune, April 27, 1986

d) Renovation Ready for [Christ Church] Cathedral Centennial, Times-Picayune, April 4, 1987

e) Greek Orthodox Church Updates Ancient Design, Times-Picayune, March 12, 1988

f) The Church With The Golden Dome, A pilgrimage to Central City and St. John the
Baptist Catholic Church, Sanctuary on Dryades Street, The Shifting Fortunes of a Venerable
Catholic Church in Central City, Dixie, February 2, 1986

g) Church [St. John the Baptist Church] Windows Uplift, Times-Picayune, March 6, 1989

h) Group Trying to Revive Pride in St. Alphonsus, Times-Picayune, March 15, 1990

i) St. Patrick’s Church, National Historic Landmark, n.d.

j) Slow Going: St. Patrick’s Polishes up Dusty Jewel, Times-Picayune, February 27, 1988

k) Church Reflects a City’s History [St. Patrick’s Church], Times-Picayune, August 13, 1988

l) City Church has Irish Eyes Smiling [St. Patrick’s Church], Times-Picayune, Mar. 15, 1989

m) N. O. Church Treated to a Facelift [St. Patrick’s Church], Times-Picayune, April 27, 1991

n) St. Matthew’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Directory, 1967

o) Program for Dedication Service [St. Matthew’s Evangelical Lutheran Church], Dec
20, 1953

p) Bulletin from December 20 [St. Matthew’s Evangelical Lutheran Church], 1953

q) Bulletin from Fiftieth Anniversary [St. Matthew’s Evangelical Lutheran Church],
1921-1971, May 2, 1971

r) Historic New Orleans Collection Manuscripts Division Update, Papers relating to religion, V. 11, 1992

s) Pioneering Nun to be Canonized in July, Times-Picayune, March 7, 1988

t) The Mysterious World of Mother St. Croix, Dixie, October 31, 1982

u) The Ursulines’ Now and Then, Dixie, April 24, 1977

v) Ursulines Undaunted Adventurers, Times-Picayune, November 17, 1985


BOX 3 Continued

Folder 7 CHURCHES Continued

w) The Ursulines of New Orleans (brochure)

x) The Chapel at St. Roch Cemetery, Times-Picayune, March 28, 1989

y) Catholic Maritime Club, List of Catholic Churches near the docks (brochure)

z) Antiques Gazette, October, 2004, Vol. 21, No. 2 Christ Church Cathedral Celebrating Bicentennial: First Protestant Church in New Orleans.


a) Souvenir Booklet, St. Louis Cathedral, n.d.

b) A Historical Sketch of the St. Louis Cathedral, n.d.

c) Publication of the Howard Memorial Library, Notes Gathered from the Archives of the
Cathedral Church of St. Louis
, 1908

d) Daughters Throw Light on Cathedral Painter’s Life, Bundle Holds Final Words About
Murals, Times-Picayune, April 24, 1938

e) St. Louis Cathedral on Jackson Square in New Orleans was City’s First Church, Antiques Gazette, Vol. 12, No. 5, December 1995

f) St. Louis Cathedral Being restored, Antiques Gazette, Vol. 17, No. 12, July 2001


a) Port & Burgundy, A Pictorial History, St. Paul Lutheran Church, 1840-1990

Folder 10 ETHNICS

a) Italians, New Orleans Style, Dixie, March 19, 1978

b) Notes on the Americanization of the Italian Family in New Orleans by Anthony Margavio
and Jerome Salomone, Perspectives on Ethnicity in New Orleans (xerox copy)

c) St. Joseph Altar, A Labor of Love (brochure)

d) St. Joseph’s Day in New Orleans, by Mike Palao (booklet with history and recipes), 1979

e) Faith Mixed With Love Yields Food-Filled Altar [St. Joseph Altar], Times-Picayune, March 10, 1989

f) The Albanian Migration, The Sicilian descendants of people who were exiled from
Albania in the 1400s joined the wave of immigrants to New Orleans at the turn of the
century, Times-Picayune, September 12, 1994

g) Croatians in Southern Louisiana: Immigration, Settlement, and Cultural Definition
by Milos M. Vujnovich, Perspectives on Ethnicity in New Orleans (xerox copy)

h) Polarity Politics and Race Relations in New Orleans by Raphael Cassimere, Jr.,
Perspectives on Ethnicity in New Orleans (xerox copy)

i) The Hispanic-American Entrepreneur , An Oral History of the American Dream by Beatrice Rodriguez Owsley, Twayne Publishers, NY, 1992, paperback, 136 pages

j) The Amistad Research Center (2 brochures)

k) Amistad Collection Still Growing, Times-Picayune, July 19, 1987

l) A Shining Role in ’40s, ’50s [James A. Holtry], Times-Picayune, February 26, 1989

m) New Orleans’ Other Old Line, Black Debutante Tradition Was Begun in 1895 by Illinois
Club, Times-Picayune, February 7, 1988

n) Louisiana Creoles of Color Exhibit, Lafayette Natural History Museum, January 4,
1991 (News Release)

Folder 10 ETHNICS

o) Saints and Spirits: The Belief System of Afro-American Spiritual Churches in New
Orleans, by Andrew J. Kaslow from Perspectives on Ethnicity in New Orleans, 1981 (xerox copy)

p) Monatsblatt (German newspaper about German Heritage Festival Association)



Folder 1 ARTS

a) A Remembrance of Artists Past, Times-Picayune, July 19, 1987

b) Old Photos Lend Focus to History, Times-Picayune, January 15, 1981

c) The Camera Can Be Made to See [Clarence John Laughlin], Dixie, October 21, 1979

d) Christmas Memories, In good old days, family came first, Orleanians say, Times-Picayune, December 25, 1988 (Angela Gregory, noted sculptor)

e) Flashbacks: Love and War: The actress married the aviator [Marguerite Clark married
N. O. businessman Harry P. Williams], Times-Picayune, August 14, 1988

f) Le Petit Theatre du Vieu Carre Rebuilds the Past, Builds the Future, Dixie, Oct. 6, 1963

g) Jack Stewart, Do you know this man? He rescued the Orpheum. He saved the Saenger.
He’s working on Julia Row. His passion is to keep downtown New Orleans looking like
downtown New Orleans, Dixie, Nov. 28, 1982

h) Goodbye, Dauphine Theatre, Dixie, December 6, 1970

i) The Rep in Retrospect, How the city’s most ambitious cultural project declined
and rose and ultimately fell victim to the meanest villain of them all, Dixie, October 12, 1980

New Orleans Museum of Arts Presents: The Quest for Immortality: Treasures of Ancient
; Antiques Gazette, Vol. 20, No. 3, November, 2003


a) Archie [Manning], Dixie, May 24, 1981

b) Italian Open, Times-Picayune, March 11, 1990

c) When NORD Was the Nation’s Best, Times-Picayune, August 22, 1994

d) Sugar Bowl Wins National Favor in Its Brief Existence, Times-Picayune, Dec. 30, 1940

e) Media Suddenly Discover Saints, Daily Star, October 2, 1991

f) Falcons Silence Cha Ching, Sunday Star, December 29, 1991

g) Dome Pile-Driving Past Halfway Mark, 100s of Columns Shooting Skyward, Daily Star, January 25, 1972

h) Superdome Announces Tour Policy Changes, Sun, November 16, 1975

i) Dome Report Made Public After Prodding By Landrieu, Times-Picayune, March 23, 1976

j) Parents of Louisiana Superdome, Times-Picayune, August 14, 1988

k) Fourcade axed, Saints waive bye-bye to QB, Daily Star, July 30, 1991

l) New Orleans Ready for Olympic Trials, Daily Star, June 14, 1992


a) Creole Stories by George W. Cable, Pelican Publishing Company, 1936, paperback, 64 pp

b) Short Stories of the life experiences of a group of reporters, artists, musicians,
during the twenty years preceding 1914 (book with no cover)

c) Lust and Languor in the Big Easy: The Literary Mystique of New Orleans by Kenneth
Holditch, Perspectives on Ethnicity in New Orleans (xerox copy)

d) By William Faulkner in Love, Dixie, October 21, 1979

e) Love’s All Business for Local Novelists [romance writers], Times-Picayune, Nov. 1, 1987

f) Beginnings and Endings [of Dixie], Dixie, May 11, 1986 (2 copies)

g) Final Edition of Dixie, September 15, 1985

h) Times-Picayune 1837 1841, Indians, Cotton, Slavery, Catholic Church, Immigration of the Port of
New Orleans, The Port, Sugar Cane, public schools, Politics, State Constitution, Reconstruction,
Carnival, Epidemics

Folder 3B CAPTAIN CHARLES THIEL AUTOGRAPH BOOKa) autograph book contains newspaper clippings relate to Captain Charles Thiel

Folder 3C NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS RELATED TO CAPTAIN CHARLES THIELa) Photo of Mrs. Dean H. Wallis in her wedding attire, Item-Tribune, Nov 4, 1928 b) Photo of Mrs. Dean H. Wallis in her wedding attire, Times-Picayune, Oct 28, 1928c) Photo of Mrs. Charles Thiel Govan in her wedding attire, unidentified newspaper,
n.d) Wedding announcement of Cornelia Carhanan to Charles Thiel Govan, Times-Picayune, June 15, 1929e) Wedding announcement of Daisy Watson Thiel to F.G. Govan. Incorrectly listed as
“Gouban,” unidentified newspaper, n.df) Wedding announcement of Mr. and Mrs. F.G. Govan, unidentified newspaper, n.dg) Wedding announcement of Mr. and Mrs. F.G. Govan, unidentified newspaper, n.dh) Wedding announcement of Mr. and Mrs. F.G. Govan, unidentified newspaper, n.d i)
Portion of wedding announcement of Mr. And Mrs. F.G. Govan, unidentified newspaper, Wedding article of Margaret Elizabeth Govan and Dean Hamilton Wallis, Times-Picayune, Oct 18, 1928k) Partial wedding announcement of Edwin R. Gregory and Carrie McFarland, unidentified
newspaper, n.dl) Wedding article of Margaret Elizabeth Govan and Dean Hamilton Wallis, New Orleans States, n.d., two copiesm) Obituary for F.G. Govan, unidentified newspaper, n.d n) Obituary for F.G. Govan,
photo included, unidentified newspaper, n.d, two copieso) Obituary for F.G. Govan, unidentified newspaper, n.dp) Partial obituary for F. G. Govan, no newspaper or date listedq) Brief death announcement of F.G. Govan, unidentified newspaper, n.d r) Brief death
announcement of F.G. Govan, unidentified newspaper, n.d s) Obituary for James G. Ellis,
Commercial Dispatch, Sept 11, 1950t) Brief Obituary for Charles A Thiel Jr, unidentified newspaper, n.du) Photo and death announcement of Charles A. Thiel, Jr, Morning Tribune, April 26, 1934v) Photo and article regarding death of Charles A. Thiel, Jr., Times-Picayune, April 26, 1934w)Obituary for Charles A. Thiel, Jr., New Orleans Item, April 25, 1934x)Brief obituary for Charles A. Thiel, Jr, unidentified newspaper, n.dy) Brief obituary for Thos. K. McFarland, no newspaper or date listedz) Brief obituary for Joseph R. Behrens, Times-Picayune, May 31, 1930aa) Obituary for Fannie P. Merry, State Times, Aug 20, 1934bb) brief obituary for Annie E. Fowler, unidentified newspaper, n.d, two copiescc) brief obituary for Annie E. Fowler, unidentified newspaper, n.ddd) brief obituary for Annie E. Fowler, unidentified newspaper, n.dee) Cartoon of Charles A Thiel, Jr., New Orleans Item, n.d., 5 copiesff) photo of the Recording Angel in Magnolia Cemetery, unidentified newspaper, n.dgg) Brief announcement of the Exchange Club of McComb and movement for old-fashioned
Thanksgiving celebration, unidentified newspaper, n.dhh) opinion piece entitled “The Religion of Beauty” by George Matthew Adams, unidentified
newspaper, 1929ii) Article of roses most likely from the garden of Charles A Thiel, unidentified
newspaper, n.djj) Article regarding election of Gulf Coast Military Academy, Mrs. F.G. Govan elected
sponsor, unidentified newspaper, n.dkk) Article regarding Edward Alexander Parsons delivering address to the United States
Daughter of 1812, unidentified newspaper, n.dll) Article regarding Gulf Coast Military Academy graduation and F.G. Govan winning
a sword, unidentified newspaper, n.dmm) Book page describing the American flag by the Daughters of the American Revolution,
n.d.nn) Page of Charles A Thiel’s military accomplishments, n.d.oo) Poem by Grace Tarleton Aaron entitled “Louisiana,” Hammond Vindicator, n.d.


BOX 4 Continued

Folder 4 MUSIC

a) The Wedding King [Val Barbara], Dixie, March 16, 1980

b) Jazz Here From Overseas, Dixie, March 23, 1980

c) Smiley Struts Through Life [Smiley Hurel, jazz musician], Dixie, September 28, 1980

d) Eye of the Jazz Storm [Quint Davis, producer-director of Jazz and Heritage Festival],
Dixie, April 26, 1981

e) Jazzmen, The End of the Beginning, Times-Picayune, October 11, 1993

f) And the Bands Play on and on [Tulane’s jazz archive], Tulanian, Spring 1993

g) High on Jazz [skydiving to the Jazz and Heritage Festival], Dixie, April 9, 1978

h) New Orleans Brings on the Bands [Jazz Fest], USA Today, April 22, 1992

i) A Smorgasbord of Sounds from the Big Easy, USA Today, April 22, 1992

j) New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival, April 24-May 3, 1987 (brochure)

k) Thoroughbred Racing & All That Jazz, Fair Grounds Race Track (brochure)

l) Just a Closer Walk, The Walkers’ Tour of Jazz History in the French Quarter, by Dr. Karl Koenig, (booklet)

m) A Little Night Music [jazz], Times-Picayune, August 12, 1988

n) Picture Out Of Our Past: Band, Dixie, October 21, 1979

o) Strike Up The Band [brass band], Dixie, March 16, 1986

p) Picture From The Past: Music at Kress, Times-Picayune, September 3, 1989

q) Picture From The Past: Beat Goes On [Boswell sisters], Times-Picayune, November 8, 1987

r) New Orleans Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra, Forty-Sixth Season, November 3 & 4, 1981 (booklet)

s) Organizers Thankful Symphony Performed, Daily Star, October 29, 1990

t) Jazz Fest, 1996 (booklet)

u) Back in the Swing, Days in the Life of Louis Armstrong, Lagniappe, November 18, 1994

v) Jazz historians trying to save music’s N. O. roots, Times-Picayune, February 26, 1996

w) Duke Ellington, Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, May 24, 1974

x) Nevilles: 30 years of making music, Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, April 16, 1989

y) The beat goes on and on (about Jazz Fest), Dixie, April 8, 1973

z) Music museum gets a hearing at the zoo, Lagniappe, November 2, 1984


a) Old Craft Loses to Technology [plaster casting], Times-Picayune, August 13, 1988

b) Dibert, Bancroft & Ross Co., Ltd (paper)

c) Former War Plant Becomes New Industrial Center of the South [Michoud Industrial
Facilities], By E. H. Lockenberg, General Manager, Board of Commissioners Port of
New Orleans (paper)

d) The Typographical Union and the New Orleans General Strike of 1892 (paper)

e) Picture From The Past: In 1915, Ma Bell repairmen came calling on two-wheelers,
Times-Picayune, August 14, 1988

f) New Orleans Root Beer Company Tries to Bubble Into Big Business, Sunday Advocate, Sept. 2, 1990

g) N. O. Coffee Business in Danger, Sunday Star, December 8, 1991

h)Dibert, Bancroft, and Ross Company CD 


BOX 4 Continued


a) The Day Big Mullen Took Aim at the Law, Times-Picayune, November 2, 1986

b) A Matter of Murder, 1919: The Cordova Case, States-Item, September 14, 1978

c) Most New Orleans’ Murders Unpunished, Daily Star, January 14, 1991

d) Regulations of Police For The Town and Suburbs of New Orleans, Records of the States
of the United States of America (donated by John Starns 1996)


a) Louisiana Bibliographies #1, Voodoo

b) Voodoo Holds Wither in Old New Orleans Despite Cut Rate War, Morning Advocate, Sept. 25, 1949

c) Voodoo Still Lives!, Morning Advocate Magazine, October 19, 1952

d) Marie Laveau, the Voodoo Queen, Dixie, October 28, 1973

e) Marie Laveau, Swamp Queen Reigns, USA Today, September 27, 1990

f) Much Ado About Voodoo, Dixie, February 26, 1978

g) Deep in Dixie: 19th Century Voodoo, Times-Picayune, February 5, 1950

h) Practitioners Pair Voodoo With Tarot, Sunday Star, November 1, 1992

i) Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Vampires, But Were Afraid to Ask, Times-Picayune, October 30, 1988

j) Deep in Dixie: Any Rade Brick?, Times-Picayune New Orleans States, July 13, 1947

k) Deep in Dixie: The Mystery of the New Boots, Dixie, February 14, 1954

l) Deep in Dixie: St. Swithin’s State, Times-Picayune, July 11, 1948

m) Annie Christmas, Times-Picayune New Orleans States Magazine, May 23, 1948

Folder 8 CLUBS

a) Select Groups Keep Tradition on Own Grounds [Orleans Club & Le Petit Salon], Times-Picayune, September 8, 1985

b) Gentlemen of the Club, Times-Picayune, December 4, 1988

c) History of Union Lodge, No. 172 Free and Accepted Masons of New Orleans, Louisiana, Chartered-February 17, 1865, by Daniel B. Alexander, Assisted by Emerson L. Morel,
P.M., Secretary-Emeritus, Feb. 17, 1965


a) Picture From The Past: When Orleanians helped stamp out wartime shortages, Times-Picayune, February 26, 1989

b) Flashbacks: More on V-J Day, Times-Picayune, December 11, 1988

c) Flashbacks: Gas Rationing, Times-Picayune, November 8, 1987

d) Flashbacks: Car Pools, Times-Picayune, October 25, 1987

e) Market Crash, Great Depression Are Shrouded in Myth and Fancy; N. O. Traders Remember
1929 Market Crash, Times-Picayune, October 23, 1979

f) Picture From The Past: Beer Parade protesting prohibition, Dixie, April 13, 1986


BOX 4 Continued

Folder 10 RESEARCH

a) Bibliography of Tulane University Theses Relating to Louisiana, 1896-1963, compiled by Margery Babin Wylie, Howard-Tilton Memorial Library, 1965

b) Bibliography of Tulane University Theses relating to Louisiana, 1964-1968, compiled by Margery Babin Wylie, Howard-Tilton Memorial Library, 1970

c) How to Research the History of Your House (Or Other Building) in New Orleans, by
Wayne M. Everard, Archivist, Louisiana Division, New Orleans Public Library, 1986

d) Guide to Research at the Historic New Orleans Collection, 1978 and 2nd Edition, 1980 (4 copies)

e) The Historic New Orleans Collection (brochure); The Historic New Orleans Collection’s New Quarters, Antiques Gazette, Vol. 12, No. 8, March 1996

f) University of New Orleans, Earl K. Long Library research brochures on: American
Literature; Federal Documents; Philosophy; Physical Education and Recreation; Political
Science; Psychology; Religion; Sociology; Special Education; Women’s Studies; UNO
Archives Manuscripts/Special Collections

Folder 11 BIOGRAPHIES–MEN Newspaper Clippings

a) Hero of Past Stands Taller [Jefferson Davis], Times-Picayune, December 2, 1989

b) Remembering The Day Old Dixie Died, Jefferson Davis, Chieftain of the Confederacy
was buried in New Orleans 100 Years Ago This Week, Times-Picayune, December 3, 1989

c) They Built Louisiana: George Soule, College founder, Times-Picayune, January 10, 1943

d) They Built Louisiana: Dr. Warren Stone, professor of surgery at the University
of Louisiana, surgeon to the Charity hospital for 39 years, and general practitioner
in N. O. for 40 years, Time-Picayune, 1942

e) The Mighty Rise and Fall of Du Breuil [Chaude Joseph Villars Du Breuil, contractor
of public works for the King], Times-Picayune, February 28, 1988

f) Royalty on Esplanade [Charles Louis Napoleon Achille Murat, crown prince of Naples
and duke of Cleves, nephew of Napoleon I, oldest son of Joachim Murat, one-time king
of Sicily, and Caroline Bonaparte, youngest sister of Napoleon], Times-Picayune/New Orleans States Magazine, February 6, 1949

g) A Drawbridge Stopped His Wife [Bernard de Marigny de Mandeville], Times-Picayune/States Magazine, October 2, 1949

h) Commissioner Supermarket [John Schwegmann], Dixie, November 5, 1978

i) He Tried to Outfly Death [John B. Moisant], Dixie, February 14, 1954

j) The Sweet Success of Norbert Rillieux [Afro-American inventor of evaporating pans
used to make sugar, patented in 1845], Dixie, November 20, 1977

k) [Leonard V.] Huber Reaps Honors for Preservation Efforts, But Doesn’t Intend to
Rest on Laurels, Times-Picayune, May 19, 1974

l) New Orleans’ New Archbishop [John P. Cody], Dixie, November 5, 1961

m) Picture From The Past: Archbishop Joseph Francis Rummel blessing the newly renovated
St. Maurice Church at 605 St. Maurice Avenue on January 18, 1959, Dixie, August 1983

n) Gospel Comes Naturally to this Singer-composer [Othello Baptiste], Times-Picayune, August 16, 1988

o) `Black Cat’ Shares Spotlight with Telebrities [Allen LaCombe], Times-Picayune, January 11, 1987


BOX 4 Continued

Folder 11 BIOGRAPHIES–MEN Continued Newspaper Clippings

p) Unforgettable Characters Haunt Press Box at Track [Allen `Black’ LaCombe], Times-Picayune, March 15, 1989

q) The New Moon Over Our Shoulder [Moon Landrieu], Dixie, July 1, 1979

r) Meet the Morials [Earnest Nathan “Dutch” Morial, mayor of N. O.], Dixie, April 30, 1978

s) ’82 A Bad Year for Dutch [Morial, mayor of N. O.], Times-Picayune, December 26, 1982

t) Picture From The Past: With The Courage of his Convictions, Mayor Walmsley Steps
Down, Times-Picayune, January 24, 1988

u) Robert Maestri, Master Politician, Times-Picayune, October 25, 1987

v) Former Mayor Schiro to be Buried Tomorrow [Victor H. Schiro], Daily Star, August 31, 1992

w) Chep Morrison’s Last Letter to His Mother [deLesseps S. Morrison], Dixie, July 5, 1964

x) Picture From The Past: When a fighting Irishman took over the Mayor’s Office [Arthur
J. O’Keefe], Times-Picayune, March 13, 1988

y) The Gallier Years [James Gallier, Sr. and James Gallier, Jr.], Dixie, April 9, 1972

z) Clifford J. Smith, shipping and trade figure, dead at 68, Times-Picayune, March 14, 1988

aa) French Painter’s Love of City to be Celebrated [Edgar Germain Hilaire Degas, renowned
French Impressionist Painter], Times-Picayune, July 19, 1987

bb) The Encyclopediaof New Orleans Artists, 1718-1918, Historic New Orleans Collection, Louisiana Ancestors, Times-Picayune, June 28, 1987

cc) New Orleans, Literary Hot Spot, Times-Picayune, March 29, 1987

dd) Kendall of the Picayune [George Wilkins Kendall, one of the founders of the Daily
Picayune], Dixie, January 23, 1972

ee) Mysterious `Miser’ McDonogh Left Fortune for Education, Times-Picayune, May 18, 1986

ff) UNO’s Max . . . Even His Children Love Him [Maximilian Jakob Herzberger], Dixie, June 26, 1977

gg) N. O.’s Wembley World Leader in Necktie Market; Pulitzer Relates Pitfalls of Private-Label
Business, Times-Picayune, May 18, 1986

hh) Reopening he Mystery of An Ill-Fated Flight [Walter Wedell], Times-Picayune, March 16, 1986

ii) Former La. Labor Secretary Edwin I. Soule is Dead at 89, Times-Picayune/States-Item, January 21, 1986

jj) John Minor Wisdom, The Federal Judge From New Orleans Who Helped Change the Face
of a Nation, Dixie, August 21, 1983

kk) N. O. Lawyer Was Brilliant Battler in the Courtroom [Lionel Adams], Times-Picayune, Feb. 24, 1985

ll) Louis Nadau du Treil, radio pioneer, is Dead, Times-Picayune/States Item, August 20, 1985

mm) Ochsner: the Surgeon, the Man, the Institution, Healer in Twilight of Famed Career
[Alton Ochsner] Times-Picayune, June 3, 1973

nn) John Ochsner, The New Orleans Heart Surgeon and Successor to the Medical Legend
of Alton Ochsner, Sr., Dixie, July 5, 1981

oo) A Tale of Two Doctors [Benjamin Rush and James Durham], Dixie, May 15, 1977


BOX 4 Continued

Folder 11 BIOGRAPHIES–MEN Continued Newspaper Clippings

pp) Portrait of the Dentist as a Young Man [Dr. C. Victor Vignes, founder of both
the Tulane University and Loyola University schools of dentistry], Dixie, October 1, 1978

qq) Deep in Dixie: Vow To Return [Leon Godchaux], Dixie, November 15, 1970

rr) Call on Them in Flue Season [chimney sweeps], Times-Picayune, March 6, 1989

ss) Prudhomme’s Still Cooking After All These Years, Daily Star, August 12, 1992

tt) Chris and Sol [Owens, Bourbon Street Club Owners], Dixie, June 25, 1978

uu) 1918: Moran beats Mandot in long-awaited N. O. bout, Times-Picayune, December 19, 1993

vv) Our Town’s Grand `Old Nick’ [Col. James William Nicholson], Morning Advocate Magazine, February 25, 1951

ww) The Fortune that Disappeared [Stephen Henderson Fund], Dixie, September 24, 1950

xx) Picture From The Past: Adlai E. Stevenson and Mayor deLesseps S. Morrison, Dixie, August 19, 1984

yy) Remembering Tony Marullo “Tarzan of the Ring,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, June 7, 1987

zz) They Built Louisiana: They Built Louisiana, Almonester’s Money, Skill and Energy
Erected Fine New Orleans Structures, Times-Picayune, February 8, 1942

aaa) They Built Louisiana: Judah Touro Pioneered in Business Life, Times-Picayune, May 24, 1942

bbb) Deep in Dixie: The Heart That Never Healed [Judah Touro], Dixie, May 18 1954

ccc) Judah Touro–A Life Like a Novel, Dixie, March 7, 1965

ddd) Margaret’s spirit to guide young community workers, unidentified newspaper, n.d.

eee). One of the first statues [Margaret], Dixie, November 11, 1951, p. 21

fff) The Visions of John McDonogh, Dixie, April 30, 1950

ggg) John McDonogh–Eccentric Philanthropist, Morning Advocate Magazine, October 15, 1950

hhh) They Build Louisiana: John McDonogh, Times-Picayune, June 21, 1942

iii) Louisiana Biographies, He left a million dollars to a city that furnished not
a single mourner at his death, John McDonogh, Hammond Vindicator, July 12, 1940

jjj) New Light on John McDonogh, Dixie, December 9, 1962

kkk) They Built Louisiana: Godchaux, Penniless Boy, Amassed Vast Fortune, Times-Picayune, March 29, 1942

lll) They Built Louisiana: Paul Tulane, Times-Picayune, June 14, 1942

Folder 12 BIOGRAPHIES–MEN Continued Books and papers

a) Lafitte’s Lieutenant [by Col. Prentiss-Ingraham, Arthus Westbrook Company, Cleveland, Ohio, 1931, paperback,
196 pages

b) John Lawson Lewis, Louisiana Biographies, pg. 86 (xerox copy)

c) Alexander Milne, Entrepreneur and Philanthropist, by Matthew J. Long, November
27, 1973 (A research paper submitted to Dr. Dudley S. Johnson

d) deLesseps S. Morrison: Political Reformer, by Michael Kurtz, Louisiana History


BOX 4 Continued

Folder 13 BIOGRAPHIES–WOMEN Newspaper Clippings

a) First Ladies of New Orleans; Life is not the same for Mickey Barthelemy [stories
about mayor’s wives], Times-Picayune, July 9, 1989

b) Flashbacks: Sing-sation [Jenny Lind], Times-Picayune, March 19, 1989

c) Irrepressible Irma Thomas, After 30 Years in Show Business, New Orleans’ Quintessential
Entertainer Has Never Been Better, Times-Picayune, August 14, 1988

d) `Wild’ Story was in the Local News [Sonora Webster, blind diving horse girl], Times-Picayune, June 13, 1991

e) Angela Gregory, Sculptor, dies at 86, Times-Picayune, February 14, 1990

f) Two of New Orleans’ Best Designers tell how they made the grade in business [Yvonne
LaFleur and Mignon Faget], Times-Picayune, October 29, 1989

g) Dr. Daisy’s Dispensary [Sara Mayo], Dixie, October 25, 1970

h) Dr. [Elizabeth] Cohen Helped Heal the City’s Ills, Times-Picayune, March 13, 1988

i) `Little Lady Named Mabel’ Left a Mark That Time Can’t Erase [Mabel Clarke Simmons],
Times-Picayune, January 25, 1988

j) A Friend Who Was `Extraordinary in Ordinary Ways’ [Mabel Clarke Simmons], Times-Picayune, January 24, 1988

k) Bessie Bisland Was Fast, But She Couldn’t Beat Bly, Times-Picayune, April 20, 1986

l) Bessie’s Will Kept Them Guessing For Decades, Times-Picayune, April 27, 1986

m) Dear Dorothy Dix [Mrs. Elizabeth Meriwether Gilmer, newspaper columnist], Dixie, December 16, 1973

n) Stuart’s Song of the South [Ruth McEnery Stuart, noted Southern writer at the turn
of the century], Times-Picayune, February 16, 1986

o) Deep in Dixie: Miss Sophie’s Other Students [Sophie B. Wright, teacher], Dixie, August 7, 1966

p) Brett’s Back for an Encore at Le Petit [Ethel Crumb Brett, set designer], Times-Picayune, January 19, 1986

q) Legends of Miss New Orleans [Dorothy Lamour (1931), Dorothy Dell Goff (1930), Jean
(1950) and Joan (1953) DuVernay, Rita Mae Gegenheimer Gidman (1937), Kathleen Ann
Langla (1961), and Lisa Boudreaux (1987), Times-Picayune, July 5, 1987

r) Picture From The Past: 1934: Star Buried as Film Plays Saenger [Dorothy Dell Goff],
Times-Picayune, June 12, 1994

s) Picture From The Past: Actress [Marguerite Clark] bugged by mosquito as she talked
to reporters on April 15, 1918, Times-Picayune, April 10, 1988

t) Genteel Suffragettes Cast Their Vote for Equality at the Polls [Jean and Kate Gordon],
Times-Picayune, March 18, 1984

u) Five More Fairy Godmothers Than Cinderella Had, Times-Picayune, July 21, 1946

v) Romance vs Research, Baroness Pontalba, Times-Picayune, March 14, 1948

Folder 14 BIOGRAPHIES–WOMEN Continued Paper

a) Jean and Kate Gordon: New Orleans Social Reformers, 1898-1933 (paper)




a) The Story of The River Front at New Orleans, by Raymond J. Martinez, paperback, 192 pages (2)

b) Our Neglected Riverfront [Mississippi River], Dixie, October 24, 1971

c) N. O. Riverfront Has Everything But a Master Plan, Times-Picayune, July 17, 1990

d) Poster: Riverfront Awareness Week, The Reawakening of a Neighborhood, May 9-11,

e) N. O. Ship Tracking System’s Closing Criticized by GAO, Times-Picayune, December 7, 1988

f) River Guides, Traffic Light Choreograph a Tricky Water Ballet, Times-Picayune, April 4, 1982

g) A Bridge At Last, Special Section, Times-Picayune, September 30, 1988

h) Ol’ Man River’s Last Invasion of New Orleans Was A Very Gay Flood at That, Sunday Magazine, June 17, 1934


a) Port of New Orleans, Owned By State, Hitting Stride, Daily Progress, May 14, 1937

b) New Orleans Port Facts-Not Fiction, Preliminary Report No. 1 By the Louisiana Ports
Survey Commission (2 copies)

c) Ports Survey Commission Gives Legislature Facts On Industrial Canal Loses, Preliminary
Report No. 2-New Orleans Industrial Canal March 29, 1949

d) Ports Survey Commission Blasts Dock Board Myth, Annual Report Shows Claim To “Business
Administration” Contradicted by Facts

e) New Orleans–The Port of the Mississippi Valley, The Part Labor Can Play in the
Future Development of New Orleans, by P. J. Rinderle, Publicity Secretary, New Orleans
Association of Commerce

f) Port of New Orleans, unidentified publication, n.d.

g) The Door Bienville Opened Has Become New Orleans, Gateway of a Continent, America’s
No. 2 Port

h) New Orleans, America’s Second Port, The South’s Greatest Industrial City (brochure)

i) New Orleans Port Record, March 1957

j) Costly Port Project May Bring Work, But Officials Wary, Times-Picayune, March 30, 1987

k) Port Architects Sketch Dock Utopia, Times-Picayune, April 23, 1989

l) La. Port Seeks Chip of the Action, Times-Picayune, July 6, 1990

m) Importance of World Trade to New Orleans, Public Relations Department, Board of
Commissioners, Port of New Orleans, No. 2 Canal Street (News Release)

n) Foreign Trade Zone No. 2, Monthly Review, Atlanta, Georgia, Vol. XXXVII, No. 11, November 30, 1952

o) 20 Acres Belong To The World [Foreign Trade Zone dock space at Napoleon Ave. and
the river is being used as a `breathcatcher’ by foreign shippers who are getting off
cheaply while helping the port], Dixie, June 21, 1953

p) Your Dollar and the Trade Zone, Dixie, June 20, 1954


BOX 5 Continued


a) Flashbacks: Fifty-nine Years Later, She’s Still Afloat [Good Neighbor], Times-Picayune, Feb. 28, 1988

b) Crew Brings N. O. Lugger Back to Life, Times-Picayune, August 3, 1986

c) Dredger is Built for Silt [Robert A. Bleakley], Times-Picayune, July 29, 1990

d) Picture Out Of Our Past: Dredge Dixie, Times-Picayune, n.d. (xerox copy)

e) Picture From The Past: In 1939, melons come to market by schooner, Times-Picayune, June 7, 1987

f) Poster advertising a sailing of the steamboat Homer, probably on November 17, 1859 (xerox copy)

g) It’s a New Deal for Riverboats [ President], Times-Picayune, September 2, 1990

h) New Life for Ol’ Man River, Pilot’s Job Remains Learning the River, Times-Picayune, October 14, 1973

i) The Bissos, A Family’s Affair with the Mississippi, Times-Picayune, August 5, 1990

j) Heeding the River’s Call [Randi Lerohl], Times-Picayune, January 24, 1988

k) Tulanian [Article, Steamboat ‘Round The Bend, page 15], February 1967

l) Come Aboard, by Esther Cooley; letters (xerox copies), donated by Bert Groene 10/9/84

m) Surviving Barge Slump Meant Risks, Times-Picayune, August 12, 1988

n) Fishing Boats Awash in Beer, Blessed Water, Times-Picayune, August 1, 1988

o) Steamboating, Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, July 12, 1987

q) Fifty Years in Tricky Currents [Albro Michell], Times-Picayune, 1986; also invitation to 50 years celebration (xerox copies)

r) History of W. G. Coyle & Co., Inc., and DeBardeleben Coal Corporation, New Orleans

s) River Pilots Live in a World Apart, Times-Picayune, August 14, 1988


a) Cross to Honor the Irish Who Dug New Basin Canal, Times-Picayune, August 5, 1990

b) Picture From The Past: The New Basin Canal Finally Bites the Dust in 1951, Times-Picayune, August. 3, 1986

c) Shortcut to Gulf Sells Marshland Down the River, Times-Picayune, August 22, 1988

d) Tidewater Channel Pioneer [Bestwall Gypsum Company on portion of the Intracoastal
Waterway], Dixie, May 14, 1961

e) Man-Made Waterfront, The Industrial Canal Has Money-Making Tenants—and a Waiting
List, Dixie, August 21, 1955

f) Grand Canal of an Oil Empire, First dug by Negro slaves, developed by German settlers,
commercialized by a Creole family of past century, Harvey canal is channel for fortunes,
Dixie, April 17, 1949

g) Industrial Giant, The Harvey canal grows up out of a `jungle’ to feed an oil empire,
Dixie, August 14, 1955

h) Flashbacks: From castle to courthouse to tenement [Joseph Hale Harvey home], Times-Picayune, November 5, 1989

i) A Canal to Break a Bottleneck [This new Algiers waterway has a big future together
with a big job-to help Harvey Canal out of its traffic jam], Dixie, August 28, 1955

j) To Ease The Growing Pains [Algiers canal link, a cut off to Intracoastal waterway,
is due to be opened March 1, relieving the congestion along the Harvey canal], Dixie, January 29, 1956


BOX 5 Continued

Folder 4 CANALS AND BAYOUS Continued

k) Urban Wilderness, Preserving Nature’s Treasures at Bayou Sauvage, Times-Picayune, November 16, 1986

l) Picture From The Past: Oysters and Solitude: Bayou Life Was Hard During the Depression,
Times-Picayune, March 29, 1987

m) Anchorage Fees of Bayou St. John, 1803, from WPA Records of City Council of New
Orleans, 1794-1803, Book 4087 (xerox copy)


a) For Lake Life, Grass Was Greener in the Past, Times-Picayune, August 28, 1989

b) Drive to Revive Lake is Underway, Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation, St. Tammany News-Banner, August 27, 1989

c) Picture From The Past: Pontchartrain Beach, Times-Picayune, June 14, 1987

d) A Voice for the Lake, Southeastern Magazine, Summer 1990

e) SLU May Set Up Institute for Environmental Research, Lion’s Roar, January 31, 1991

f) Lake May Get $250 Million for Clean-Up, Daily Star, April 17, 1992

g) Spanning the Lake [Pontchartrain Causeway], Dixie, January 29, 1956

h) Twin With A Difference [Pontchartrain Causeway], Dixie, April 21, 1968

i) 24-mile-long Lake Pontchartrain Causeway (brochure)

j) St. Tammany Farmer–Expressway Edition, August 31, 1956


a) The Records of Water Transportation in the Manuscript Section of the Howard-Tilton
Memorial Library of Tulane University (brochure)

b) Program of the New Orleans Architecture Symposium Rivers & Cities, October 31-November
4, 1990 at Tulane University

c)Copies-Eads Jetties (map); photograph of The Levee; Eads Jetties, looking seaward;
model of 1st steam boat; “Building a Levee” -The Mississippi Levees; aerial view of flooded

d) postcards- Steam-Packet-Boat de la Nelle Orleans; Coat of Arms from the patent
of nobility of Don Bernardo de Galvez; St. Louis Cathedral; The Historic New Orleans Collection presentsmeet the Carvers!; The Historic New Orleans Collection presents The Ninth Annual Bill
Russell Lecture


a) The Official World’s Fair Guidebook, 1984 (Donated by Dr. Bert Groene)

b) The Official World’s Fair Preview and Vacation Planner, 1984

c) World’s Fair, New Orleans; Exposition World

d) What’s At The Fair, Times-Picayune, n.d.; brochures


a) WDSU-TV Offers Complete Coverage of the Papal Visit, Hammond Vindicator, September 3, 1987

b) Pope Defends Holocaust Accusations, Daily Star, September 11, 1987

c) City Opens Arms to Pope Today, Times-Picayune, September 11, 1987

d) Pope John Paul Arrives in N. O., Times-Picayune, September 12, 1987

e) A Day of Rain, Faith and Joy, Times-Picayune, September 13, 1987

f) Rains End as Papal Mass Begins, Daily Star, September 13, 1987

g) Thousands See Pope John Paul II in New Orleans, Hammond Vindicator, Sept. 17, 1987

h) Pope John Paul II, New Orleans, September 11-13, 1987, Times-Picayune (pictorial magazine)

i) The Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities presents An Academic Convocation
in honor of His Holiness, Pope John Paul II
, The Quadrangle, Xavier University of Louisiana, Saturday, September 12, 1987

j) Papal Liturgy In New Orleans, September 12, 1987 (Program Provided by Times-Picayune)

k) Papal Flag given at Pope’s Visit to New Orleans




1. Mardi Gras `84, Complete Parade Schedule, Times-Picayune, February 22, 1984

2. Arthur Hardy’s Mardi Gras Guide, 1988, 12th Annual Edition

3. Mardi Gras `88, Times-Picayune, January 10 and 14; February 5 and 11, 1988

4. Mardi Gras `88, Parade Route Maps, Dates, Times and Throws, Times-Picayune, February 3, 1988

5. 1988 Doubloon from the Krewe of Iris

6. A Complete Guide to the Mardi Gras Season! Times-Picayune, January 25, 1989

7. Centennial For a Carnival Crew [Spangenberg Family], Times-Picayune, August 20, 1989

8. Times-Picayune Mardi Gras Supplement, February 19, 1992

9. Times-Picayune 1993 Mardi Gras Tabloid, February 10, 1993

10. Mardi Gras ’95, Times-Picayune Advertising Supplement, February 15, 1995

11. Arthur Hardy’s Mardi Gras Guide, 20th Annual Edition, Anniversary Issue, 1996

12. Mardi Gras; History of the King Cake (newspaper clippings and brochures)

13. Guide to Resources in New Orleans Repositories for the Study of Carnival in New Orleans, Greater New Orleans Archivists, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1993




1. 150th Anniversary Edition, Times-Picayune, Sunday, January 25, 1987

2. Restaurant and Entertainment Guide, Times-Picayune, November 1, 1987

3. Convention Special, Times-Picayune, August 14, 1988; Convention Special, Times-Picayune, August 16, 1988

4. Outlook 1989, Times-Picayune, Section E, January 29, 1989

5. Lighting of the Bridges, Times-Picayune, June 28, 1989

6. Rollin’ on, Series of Stories about life along the Mississippi, Times-Picayune: June 18, July 9, July 23, July 30, August 6, September 4, 1990

7. Louisiana in Peril, The Chemical Industry’s Toxic Toll, Times-Picayune, February 17-20, 1991

8. Louisiana in Peril, Saving the Lake, Times-Picayune, May 12-15, 1991

9. Louisiana in Peril, The Vanishing coast, Times-Picayune, July 7-9, 1991

10. Earthwork, New Orleans City Business Special Supplement, Spring 1991, Premier Issue, A Journal
of Environmental Concerns

11. Times-Picayune Information Guide, January 26, 1992

12. Newspaper section about Civil War, Daily Picayune, May 20, 1903




1. Brochures and newspaper clippings; 1884 N. O. World’s Exposition Booklet

2. Manuscript Division Update, 1982-1994

3. Newsletter, 1983, Vol. I, Nos. 1-4

4. Newsletter, 1984, Vol. II, Nos. 1-4

5 Newsletter, 1985, Vol. III, Nos. 1-4

6. Newsletter, 1986, Vol. IV, Nos. 1-4

7. Newsletter, 1987, Vol. V, Nos. 1-4

8. Newsletter, 1988, Vol. VI, Nos. 1-4

9. Newsletter, 1989, Vol. VII, Nos. 1-4

10. Newsletter, 1990, Vol. VIII, Nos. 1-4

11. Newsletter, 1991, Vol. IX, Nos. 1-4

12. Quarterly, 1992, Vol. X, Nos. 1-4

13. Quarterly, 1993, Vol. XI, Nos. 1-4

14. Quarterly, 1994, Vol. XII, Nos. 1-4

15. Quarterly, 1995, Vol. XIII, Nos. 1-4

16. Quarterly, 1996, Vol. XIV, Nos. 1-4

17. Quarterly, 1997, Vol. XV, Nos. 1, 3, & 4; 1998, Vol. XVI, Nos. 2, 3, & 4

18. Quarterly, 1999, Vol. XVII, No. 2, Spring; No. 3, Summer; 2000, Vol. XVIII, No.
2, Spring, No. 3, Summer, No. 4, Fall

19. Quarterly, 2001, Vol. XIX, No. 1, Winter; No. 2, Spring; No. 4, Fall; 2002, Vol.
XX, No. 2 Spring; No. 3, Summer

20. Quarterly, 2004, Vol. XXII, No. 1, Summer; 2005, Vol. XXIII, No. 2, Spring.

21. Quarterly, 2011, Vol. XXVIII, No. 2.

22. Quarterly, 2011, Vol. XXVIII, No. 3. (2 copies)

23. Quarterly, 2011, Vol. XXVIII, No. 4. Fall 2011 (2 copies)

24. Quarterly, 2012, Vol. XXIX, No. 1 Winter 2012 (2 copies)

25. Quarterly, 2012, Vol. XXIX, No.3 Summer 2012 (2 copies); Quarterly, 2012, Vol.
XXIX No. 4, Fall 201226. Quarterly, 2013, Vol. XXX, No.1 Winter 2013 (2 copies); Quarterly, 2013, Vol.
XXX No. 2, Spring 2013 (2 copies), Quarterly, 2013, Vol. XXX, No. 3, Summer 2013 (2
copies); Quarterly, 2013, Vol. XXX, No. 4 Fall 2013 (2 copies).



1. Louisiana State Museum brochures and newspaper clippings

2. Friends of the Cabildo Newsletter, 1969-1983 (scattered issues)

3. Friends of the Cabildo brochures and invitations

4. Louisiana Preservation Alliance, August 1988 (about Cabildo Restoration after the

5. Confederate Memorial Hall

6. New Orleans Museum of Art brochures

7. Orleans Gallery brochures

8. Museums-Miscellaneous

9. Radio Address, “Notarial Archives of Orleans Parish” by Rudolph H. Waldo Custodian,
May 5, 1947; Archives Notariees De La Paroisse d’Orleans, Rudolph H. Waldo, archiviste,
1947 (xerox copy)



1) Friends of the Cabildo, Associates of the Louisiana State Museum, 1984-85

2) Arts Quarterly, New Orleans Museum of Art, 1980-1994

Antiques Gazette

November, 2004, Vol. 21, No. 3, Extensive Steuben Collection to be on Display at New
Orleans Museum of Art

BOX 11

1)Preservation in Print, Louisiana State Historic Preservation Office, 1983-2002

2) Preservation in Print, Louisiana State Historic Preservation Office, February – April, 2003

3) Preservation in Print, Louisiana State Historic Preservation Office, February 2004

4) Preservation in Print, Louisiana State Historic Preservation Office, March 2004

5)Preservation in Print, Louisiana State Historic Preservation Office,

April 2004

6)Preservation in Print, Louisiana State Historic Preservation Office,

May, 2004

7) Preservation in Print, Louisiana State Historic Preservation Office, November 2009

8) Preservation in Print, Louisiana State Historic Preservation Office, December 2009/January 2010

9) Preservation in Print, Louisiana State Historic Preservation Office, February 2010

10) Preservation in Print, Louisiana State Historic Preservation Office, March 2010

11) Preservation in Print, Louisiana State Historic Preservation Office, April 2010

12) Preservation in Print, Louisiana State Historic Preservation Office, May 2010

13) Preservation in Print, Louisiana State Historic Preservation Office, Summer 2010

14) Preservation in Print, Louisiana State Historic Preservation Office, Summer 2011

15) Preservation in Print, Louisiana State Historic Preservation Office, September 2011

16) Preservation in Print, Louisiana State Historic Preservation Office, October 2011

17)Preservation in Print, Louisiana State Historic Preservation Office, December 2011/January 2012

18) Preservation in Print, Louisiana State Historic Preservation Office, May 2012

19) Preservation in Print, Louisiana State Historic Preservation Office, Summer 2012