Reimers-Schneider Collection

Reimers-Schneider Collection

Donated by Fay Schneider Bright

Box 1:

Folder 1:

  1. Guaranty Bank and Trust Company. “Plat Book of Tangipahoa Parish Louisiana.”
  2. Outline of Schneider and Reimers Families. 1 page.
  3. Letter from Ralph R. Pottle to Mr. and Mrs. Hans Schneider, 14 May 1954. Program for
    The Southeastern Training School Orchestra, 10 May 1954.
  4. Letter from James H. Morrison to Mr. and Mrs. Hans Schneider, 13 May 1965.
  5. Itinerary and participants list for the German Caravan American Tour. 3 pages.
  6. “Willkommen in Louisiana.” 2 pages.
  7. Envelope to Marietta R. Schneider from Kr. Karl Koenig.
  8. Note from K. Koenig.
  9. Typewritten page labeled “Clarence ‘Spike’ Ragan.”
  10. Copies of handwritten record of events in Ponchatoula in the 1920s. 9 pages.
  11. Typewritten page of events in 1927 and 1928.
  12. Copies of handwritten list of events in Hammond in 1906, 1908, and 1929. Titled “Hammond
    Herald.” 4 pages.
  13. “Ponchatoula Enterprise.” List of events from 1921-1929. 5 pages.
  14. Copes of newspaper articles from 1920s. 13 pages.
  15. Centerpiece, Vol. XVI. Winter 2009/2010.
  16. Southeast Louisiana Historical Association Papers Vol. 7, 1980.

Folder 2:

  1. Seven photographs of a fire, dated 1966.
  2. Picture of Reimers-Schneider Co. Inc., dated March 27, 1969.
  3. Five photographs of machinery, 25 January 1963.
  4. Photograph of a field with a walkway in front of buildings labeled Natalbany, LA.
  5. Photograph of men in front of a train.
  6. Photograph of building with a group of people on the porch.
  7. Photograph of grades 7, 8 and 9 at Natalbany Schools, 23 September 1921.
  8. Photograph of Natalbany Schools Ladies Basketball Team, 1920-1921.
  9. Photograph of a train engine car.
  10. Proof page of holiday cards for the Reimers-Schneider Co. Inc., 1963.
  11. Photograph of a silo. Labeled “Complements of Mr. Gay,” 1969.
  12. Two photographs of machinery and snow, 1970.
  13. Two photographs of lumber and snow, 1970.
  14. Thirteen photographs of the Reimers-Schneider Co. in production.
  15. Photograph of Charlie Dorman in the Reimers-Schneider Co.

Folder 3:

  1. Men. Vol. 12, No. 3.
  2. Newspaper clipping and picture, “Birthday Happiness.” 2 copies.
  3. Newspaper clipping, “Plan More Scout Leaders in Area.”
  4. The Sun, Vol. 23, No. 8. 5 March 1970.
  5. Business card for SLU Asst. Athletic Director. Handwritten note. Newspaper clipping,
    “SLU plans new park.” Page from Southeastern Alumni News, Spring 1992.
  6. Hammond Vindicator, “Husser Happenings,” 4/16/87.
  7. Newspaper clipping, “Rally Day Commemorates memory of Fay Reimers.”
  8. Newspaper clipping, “ ‘Messiah’ sing-in planned for Dec. 7 at Citizen’s Bank.”
  9. Hammond Daily Star, “Opera experts give lecture on changing nature of art,” 26 November 1985.
  10. Hammond Vindicator, “A tribute to former Cong. Jimmy Morrison,” 3/12/87.
  11. Hammond Vindicator, “Mertie Fourmy lives history through memories of her 95 years,” 1 October 1987.
  12. Daily Star, “100 years in Hammond,” 10/20/87. Handwritten note.
  13. Daily Star, “Dr. Thames dies after years as family doctor,” 10/23/87.
  14. Newspaper clipping and picture, “Vintage Masterpiece,” 3/26/87.
  15. Newspaper clipping and picture, “Hostess to the Metropolitan Opera Star.”
  16. Daily Star, “Southeastern Lions Win Two in Weekend Outings,” 23 March 1964.
  17. New Orleans States-Item, 16 April 1964.
  18. Newspaper clipping and picture, “Heritage Day,” 1982.
  19. Copy of letter from Hans Schneider to the State Times & Morning Advocate, 2 April 1979. Handwritten note. Sunday Advocate, “Architectural Art,” 4 March 1979.
  20. Letter from Hans Schneider to Ralph Pottle, 20 August 1979. Sunday Advocate, “From notes to bolts,” 19 August 1979.
  21. Daily Star, “Bankers elect Phil Livingston as president,” 4/10/86. Letter to Mr. and Mrs. Hans
    Schneider from Ann, 8 April 1986.
  22. Hammond Vindicator, “25 Years Ago – 1961,” 6/19/86.
  23. Newspaper clipping, “Looks to a Leader.”
  24. Daily Star, “Grand Opening Celebration,” 4/29/86.
  25. Newspaper article by LoRe Cirillo.
  26. Dixie, “Trey Yeun,” 7 June 1981.
  27. Newspaper clipping and picture, “Among Us Girls.”
  28. Newspaper clipping, “Tribute to Mrs. F. W. Reimers.”
  29. Daily Star, “200 attend Citizens Bank Ceremony,” 8 June 1984. 4 copies.

Folder 4:

  1. Photograph of Chairman Hans Schneider and President Phil Livingston of the Citizens
    National Bank. Handwritten note.
  2. Photograph of Kappa Alpha Old South Day at Marietta and Hans Schneider’s residence.
  3. Photograph of Kappa Alpha Old South Spring Day at Marietta and Hans Schneider’s residence,

Loose in Box:

  1. Plaque to Mr. and Mrs. Hans Schneider from the Epsilon Kappa Chapter of the Kappa
    Alpha Order.
  2. Plaque to Hans Schneider from the Epsilon Kappa Chapter of the Kappa Alpha Order,
    7 April 1984.
  3. Three souvenir centennial half dollars from Tangipahoa Parish. Cairo Civil War centennial
    souvenir half dollar.

Box 2:

  1. Decorative glass pane “University Residence, Southeastern Louisiana University, October
  2. Framed photograph of baseball team, “Dedication of Reimers Field.”
  3. Framed bill of sale for Dock Buckhalter’s purchase of Kent’s Mill and Brickyard, 10
    Dec. 1898.
  4. Framed photograph of Fred Reimers and Spencer Jones at the Reimers-Schneider Lumber
    Co., March 1958.
  5. Framed photograph of Fred Reimers’ baseball team, the Hammond Berries.
  6. Framed photograph of 1981 SLU homecoming court.
  7. Framed photograph of 191 SLU homecoming court in a car.
  8. Framed photograph of Kappa Alpha Old South Spring Garden Party at the Schneider’s
    residence, 1984.

Box 3:

  1. Framed photograph of Natalbany School, LA.
  2. Framed photograph of Main Street in Natalbany, LA.
  3. Framed photograph of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Natalbany, LA.
  4. Framed photograph of the Natalbany Red Sox Baseball Champs, sponsored by Natalbany
    Lumber Co.

Box 4:

  1. Framed certificate from the Southeastern Development Foundation to Hans Schneider,
    7 August 1975.
  2. Framed photograph of Citizen’s National Bank Director’s Meeting, December 1976.
  3. Framed photograph of the Dedication Community Center Zemurray Memorial Park. Handwritten

Oversized Items Loose on Shelf:

  1. Framed aerial photograph of the Reimers-Schneider Co., Inc., in Natalbany, LA.
  2. First plans for the Reimers-Schneider Co.