Remote Work and Learning to Continue Friday, January 24

Jerome “Jerry” Salomone

Jerome "Jerry" Salomone

Archival Collection




1. A Proposal for the Sociological Analysis of Death

2. Introduction Letter from L.S.U. for Jerome J. Salomone, May 27, 1965

3. Chapter I. The Problem: Its General Sociological Framework and Methodology

4. Chapter II. Review of the Literature

5. Chapter III. Some Customs and Practices Associated with Death and Funeralization

6. Chapter IV. A Profile of the Death-Free Householders

7. Chapter V. A Profile of the Bereavement Householders and a Comparison of the Death-Free
and the Bereavement Groups

8. Chapter VI. Attitudes Toward Selected Non-Economic Aspects of the Funeral Industry:
Groups “A” and “B”

9. Chapter VII. Attitudes Toward Economic Aspects of the Funeral Industry: Groups
“A” and “B”

10. Chapter VIII. The Ministerial Group: Their Attitudes Toward the Non-Economic and
the Economic Aspects of the Funeral Industry

11. Chapter IX. Summary and Conclusions

12. Chapter I. The Problems: Its General Sociological Framework and Methodology

13. Chapter II. Review of the Literature

14. Chapter III. Some Customs and Practices Associated with Death and Funeralization

15. Chapter IV. A Profile of the Death-Free Respondents

16. Chapter V. A Profile of the Bereavement Respondents and a Comparison of the Death-Free
and the Bereavement Groups

17. Chapter VI. Attitudes Toward the Non-Economic Aspects of the Funeral Industry:
I. Wakes

18. Chapter VII. Attitudes Toward Economic Aspects of the Funeral Industry

19. Chapter VIII, I. The Ministerial Group: A Brief Description

20. Chapter IX. Summary and Conclusions

21. Appendix, Maps, Charts, Tables

22. Questionnaires

23. Miscellaneous Notes About Funeral Homes in Lake Charles, Louisiana

24. Miscellaneous Notes

25. Research Notes

26. Research Notes

27. Research Notes

28. Correspondence

29. Photographic Negatives and Negative Proofs of Cemeteries




1. Questionnaires from Ministers

2. Profiles of Ministers

3. Burial Business Hears Voices, Business Week, November 9, 1963 (xeroxed)

4. Let the Dead Teach the Living, Reader’s Digest, August 1961 (xeroxed)

5. Can you Afford to Die, Saturday Evening Post (xeroxed)

6. The Funeral Industry, Consumer Reports, June 1965

7. Matters Liturgical (xerox copy)

8. Articles About Funerals in newspapers and magazines

9. Louisiana Revised Statutes, Title 8, Cemeteries

10. Sanitary Code, State of Louisiana, Chapter XXIV, Regulations governing the Burial
or Other Disposition of Dead Human Bodies

11. Louisiana Public Welfare Statistics, April, May, and June 1964

12. Social Security Booklet, November 1965

13. Comprehensive Plan, Metropolitan Area, Lake Charles, Sulphur, Westlake, June 1963

14. A Statistical Profile of Calcasieu Parish, prepared by Public Affairs Research
Council of Louisiana, June 1965

15. Industrial Development Research Council Brochure, Lake Charles

16. Brochure About Dodge Institute of Advanced Mortuary Studies

17. Funeral Case Study

18. Tourist Brochure and Map of Lake Charles, Louisiana

19. Lake Charles Telephone Directory, 1965

20. Baptist Training Union Adult Quarterly, Vol. XLIX, Third Quarter, 1965, July-September, No. 3

21. Report of Commissioner of Insurance for 1963

22. Report of Commissioner of Insurance for 1964



Reel to Reel Taped Interviews

7″ Reels

1. Rev. Flatery, Catholic Priest, Sacred Heart

2. Interviews with eleven girls from Riverdale High School who came from broken Homes

3. German

5″ Reels

4. Miscellaneous Comments

5. Miscellaneous Comments

6. Miscellaneous Notes and Comments (Tape complete)

7. First Boulevard Baptist Church, T. V. Owens (Pastor)

8. Woodbury Congregational Church, Rev. A. G. Washington, 8/31/65

9. Church of Christ (Hodges Street), Hollins Duhon, Transcribed

10. First Pentecostal Church, Rev. Evans, 8/17/65

11. St. Paul Lutheran Church, Rev. Eckhardt, 8/18/64

12. Church of the Nazerene, Rev. Johnson

13. New Sunlight Baptist Church, Rev. Washington (Negro-Urban)

14. Temple Sinai, Rabbi Rosenblatt, 8/24/65

15. Assembly of God Church, Glad Tidings, Rev. McKinney, 8/24/65

16. Mount Olive Baptist Church, R. L. White (Pastor), (Negro-Urban), Schedule #4

17. Calcasieu Tabernacle, Rev. Murdock, Serial #10

18. C. M. E. Reeves Temple, Rev. Willie Mays (Pastor), (Negro-Urban), Serial #11

19. First Presbyterian Church, Rev. Phillips, 8/23/65

20. Pleasant Hill Baptist Church, Rev. Omeil King, 8/31/65

21. Our Lady Queen of Heaven, Catholic, Father De Blanc, Schedule #8

22. Father Cook, Episcopal Priest; Seventh Day Adventist Church, Rev. Crosby, Schedule

23. Simpson Methodist Church, Rev. Mouser, 8/17/65

24. Mt. Calvary Baptist Church, Rev. Allison, 8/31/65

25. Church of God, Rev. McCaw

26. Northside Memorial Chapel, Raymond Fondel, 8/30/65

27. Edley Hixon

28. Hammer

29. Gilmore Funeral Home, 9/1/65

30. Hixon’s Funeral Home, Bob Kidder

31. Cambre Funeral Home, Warren Cambre, Funeral Director

32. Nurse, Baton Rouge General Hospital


33. Bowman

34. Habenstein



Folder 1

Southeastern Louisiana University Correspondence (1974-1983)

1. March 13, 1974 to Professor Henry Pitchford from Jerry

March 19, 1974 to Dr. Jerry Salomone from George

3. February 24, 1975 to Dr. Jerry Salomone from Haidee M. Betterton

4. April 26, 1978 to Dr. Jerry Salomone from Haidee M. Betterton

5. September 21, 1979 Budget Unit to be charged: Continuing Education Suggested Vendors:
Dr. Jerome J. Salomone

6. October 4, 1979 Letter to Dr. Jerry Salomone from James H. Wilcox, Dean

7. May 11, 1981 Letter to Dr. Jerome J. Salomone from Anna Sue Parrill, Chairperson

Attached to letter: Vita Jerome J. Salomone (corrected to November, 1980) pages 1-6

Also attached: University application form for Dean, College of Humanities pages 1-2

8. May 19, 1981 Letter to Anna Sue Parill, Chairperson from H. David Allen

9. June 24, 1981 Letter to Dr. Jerome Salomone from James H. Wilcox, Dean

10. June 25, 1981 Letter to Dr. Jerome Salomone from J. Larry Crain, President

Attached to letter: June 26, 1981 University of New Orleans from Jerome Salomone

to David Allen

July 13, 1981 to Dr. Bill Junkin from J. Larry Crain

12. July 13, 1981 to Dr. Bill Junkin from J. Larry Crain Attached: VITA Jerome J.
Salomone (corrected to November, 1980) pages 1-6

13. September 1, 1981 to Jerome Salamone from J. Larry Crain

14. March 17, 1982 to Sidney Romero from George Bedsole, cc. Dr. Salamone

15. June 16, 1982 to Jerry Salomone from Roman Heleniak

16. August 16, 1982 to Jerome Salamone from J. Larry Crain

17. November 4, 1982 to Members of the Faculty and Academic Staff from Randy Webb

18. January 3, 1983 to Dr. Jerome Salomone from Joy Jackson

19. January 21, 1983 to Jerome Salomone from Stephen Smith

20. January 31, 1983 to Jerome Salomone form Joy Jackson

21. March 8, 1983 to Jerome Salomone from Joy Jackson

22. April 19, 1983 Awards Convocation

23. July 21, 1983 to Bi-weekly from payroll attached payroll stub

24. August 3, 1983 to Activity Directors (Dr. Salamone) from David Blackwell attached
time share documentation

25. August 23, 1983 to Dr. Jerome Salomone from J. Larry Crain

June 5, 2003 to Dr. Jerome Salomone from Dr. Randy Moffett, President



Folder 2

Southeastern Louisiana University Correspondence Continued (1984-1993)

October 22, 1984 to Jerome Salomone from Thomas Sharp attached October 5, 1984 to
Jerome Salomone from Thomas Sharp attached Payroll deduction authorization attached
contribution to the First Annual Fund attached The Annual Fund pamphlet.

2. 12, 1984 Letter to Jerome Salomone from Larry Crain.

3. Jan. 08, 1985 Teacher Evaluation Report for Jerome Salomone

4. April 2, 1985 Letter to All Faculty from Louis Levy

5. April 17, 1985 Letter to Jerry Salomone from Larry Crain

6. August 31, 1984 Letter to Jerry Salomone from Larry Crain

7. August 22, 1985 Dr. Luther L. Ricks Memorial Loan Fund

8. August 26, 1985 Letter to Jerry Salomone from Larry Crain

9. Nov. 10, 1985 Pledge Drive of Jerome Salomone

10. Feb. 14, 1986 Letter to Jerome Salomone from Larry Crain

11. March 20, 1986 Letter to Jerome Salomone from Robert Scott attached Jan. 13, 1986
Letter for Robert Scott from Jerome Salomone attached Jan. 17, 1986 Application form
for Summer institute by Jerome Salomone attached Letter of Recommendation for Summer
Institute from Jerome Salomone attached application form for summer institute by Jerome

12. April 28, 1986 Letter to Jerome Salomone from Larry Crain

13. May 21, 1986 Letter to Jerome Salomone from Stephen Smith

14. Aug. 18, 1986 Letter to Jerome Salomone from Larry Crain

15. Sept. 23, 1986 SLU Tinsley Memorial Loan Fund by Dr. Jerry Salomone

16. Nov. 7, 1986 Letter to Dr. Jerome Salomone from Larry Crain

17. Nov. 19, 1986 Letter to Dr. Jerome Salomone from Dr. Stephen Smith attached Letter
from American Express to Jerome Salomone

18. Dec. 8, 1986 Letter to Warren Smith from P.D. Settoon

19. Jan. 12, 1987 Letter to Jerome Salomone from Pat Settoon

20. Aug. 17, 1987 Letter to Jerome Salomone from G. Warren Smith

21. Dec. 1, 1987 Letter to Jerome Salomone from Larry Crain

22. April 28, 1988 Letter to Jerome Salomone from Robert Hastings

23. March 1, 1988 Letter to Jerome Salomone from Ronald Zaccari

24. May 18, 1988 Letter to Jerome Salomone from Dorothy Scalco

25. June 21, 1988 Letter to Warren smith from Jerome Salomone

26. Sept. 27, 1988 Letter to Michael Sartisky from Jerome Salomone

27. Aug. 26, 1988 Letter to Jerome Salomone from Warren Smith

28. Feb. 27, 1989 note to Jerome Salomone from Louis Levy attached Dec. 2, 1988 note
to the provost attached Nov. 23, 1988 Letter to Dr. Settoon from Louis Levy

29. April 10, 1989 letter to Jerome Salomone from Bert Groene

30. May 3, 1989 Letter to Jerome Salomone from Alexander Thornburn

31. May 16, 1989 Letter to Jerome Salomone from John Bell



Folder 2


Southeastern Louisiana University Correspondence Continued (1984-1993)

34. June 8, 1989 Letter to Jerome Salomone from Warren Smith attached August 18, 1989
Letter to Jerome Salomone from Warren Smith attached May 11, 1989 Letter to Jerome
Salomone from Warren Smith attached May 24, 1989 Letter to Jerry Salomone from Pat
Settoon attached April 28, 1989 Letter to Pat Settoon from Jerome Salomone attached
April 28, 1989 Letter to Warren Smith from Jerome Salomone attached Feb. 22, 1989
Letter to President Smith from Patrick Settoon

35. June 6, 1989 Letter to Dr. Settoon from Joseph D. Secrest

36. June 29, 1989 Letter to Jerry Salomone from Patrick Settoon

37. Oct. 31, 1989 Letter to Jerome Salomone from Patric Settoon

38. Nov. 7, 1989 Letter to Jerry Lou from Jerome Salomone

39. Nov. 7, 1989 Letter to Dr. Carleton Page from Jerilu A. Bankston

40. Aug. 20, 1990 Letter to Jerome Salomone from Warren Smith

41. Aug. 20, 1990 Letter to Dr. Salomone from Warren Smith attached Sept. 14, 1990
Letter to Roy Saigo from Ronald Zaccari

42. June 5, 1991 Letter to Jerome Salomone from Roy Saigo

43. Aug. 19, 1991 Letter to Jerome Salomone from Warren Smith

44. Aug. 26, 1991 letter to Direct Deposit Participants from Payroll

45. Feb. 26, 1992 letter to Ms. Donna L. Roberts from Jerome Salomone attached February
24, 1992 letter to Jerome Salomone from Donna Roberts

46. March 18, 1992 Letter to Jerome Salomone from David Watts

Aug. 17, 1992 letter to Jerry Salomone from Warren Smith

48. Dec. 2, 1982 Letter to Jerry Salomone from Barbara Saigo

49. Aug. 20, 1993Letter to Mr. Hess from Jerome Salomone

50. Aug. 23, 1993 Letter to Jerome Salomone from Warren Smith

51. Dec. 9, 1993 Letter to Jerry Salomone from Richard Louth



Folder 3


of Jerome Salomone at Ohio State University (1968-1977)

1. June 13, 1968 to Jerome Salomone from the Secretary of the Board of Trustees John
T. Morcut attached a letter form the same secretary dating July 11, 1968

2. October 5, 1973 to Jerome Salomone from Edward Q. Moulton

3. October 30, 1973 memorandum to Jerome Salomone from Don Findley attached a telephone
memo to Don Findley from Kenney Fg. 10/29/73 attached note to Kenney Fg. From Don
Findley 10/25/73 attached letter to Don Findley from Jerry Salome 10/25/75 attached
letter to Dr. Robert Taylor from Jerome J. Salomone 3/3/1972 attached letter to Jerome
Salomone from Dr. Robert E Taylor 10/24/72

4. December 7, 1973 to Jerome Salomone, from Edward Q. Moulton

5. 10/15/1973 note of Absence from Regular Duty to Ohio State University from Dr.
Jerome Salomone.

6. November 30, 1973 Memorandum to Jerry Salomone from bob Taylor

7. March 3, 1974 to Don Findley from Jerome J. Salomone attached note of Absence from
Regular Duty to Ohio State University from Jerome Salomone 4/20/1974 attached Travel
Request to Ohio State University from Jerome Salomone 3/18/1974

8. Patron Statements 03/04/74, 3/26/74, 01/04/74, 04/29/74

9. Note of Absence from Regular Duty to Ohio State University from Jerome Salomone

10. Memorandum “Review and Synthesis of Research on Occupational Mobility” to Jerry
Salomone from Wes Budke 02/7/1974

11. Memorandum “Travel Reimbursement Request” to Jerry Salomone from Dean Farmer 05/14/1974

12. Memorandum “Instruction on Death of Employees” to All Center Staff from The Director

13. Position Description of Jerome Salomone at Phio State University 4/15/1974

14. Letter to Jerome Salomone from Leonard H. Jordan, Jr. 01/21/1974

15. April 7, 1974 Letter to Jerome Salomone from Henry

16. March 5, 1974 Letter to Professor Lange from Jerome Salomone

17. Subscription to Humbolt Journal of Social Relations attached letter to Jerry Salomone
from Jerry March 27, 1974 attached letter to Jerry Krause from Jerry Salomone 03/13/1974

18. Oct. 22, 1974 Letter to Mr. Robert E. Taylor from Jerome J. Salomone

19. Sept. 13, 1977 Letter to Dr. Larry Hotchkiss from Jerome J. Salomone

20. Oct. 10, 1973 Letter to Jerome J. Salome from Ray Didier (NSU)

Jerome J. Salome

21. Oct. 8, 1973 Letter to Jerome Salome from Laurence J. Baas, Long Island Univ.

22. Oct. 19, 1973 Letter to Dr. Laurence J. Baas, Long Island Univ.

23. April 8, 1974 Letter to Dr. Jerome Salomone from Tulane Univ.

24. March 21, 1974 Letter to Professor Jerry Salomone from Bill, LA. Tech. Univ.



Folder 3



of Jerome Salomone at Ohio State University (1968-1977)

25. May 16, 1974 Letter to Dr. Jerry Salomone from John Laska, Editor of Educational

26. April 22, 1974 Letter to Professor Jerome J. Salomone from Joseph Fichter, Loyola

27. May 14, 1974 contact letter of Barbara B. Lacour of Loyola University

28. Oct. 25, 1975 Letter to Don Findley from Jerry Salomone



Folder 4

Correspondence at Louisiana State University

1. July 24, 1968 to Dr. Lambert Molyneaux from Jerome J. Salomone

2. October 24, 1972 to Dr. Jerome J. Salomone from Robert E. Taylor

3. August 24, 1973 to Dr. Jerome J. Salomone from Kenney E. Gray

4. June 12, 1974 to Dr. Jerome J. Salomone from Robert E. Taylor

5. June 20, 1974 to Dr. Jerome J. Salomone from Donald C. Findlay

6. November 4, 1974 to Dr. Jerome J. Salomone from Robert E. Taylor

7. December 16, 1974 to Jerome J. Salomone from Robert E. Taylor

8. April 29, 1970 to Dr. Jerome J. Salomone from Michael H. O’Keefe

9. June 29, 1970 to Dr. Jerome J. Salomone from Michael H. O’Keefe

10. To Professor Marion D. Socolofsky from Jerome J. Salomone

11. May 1, 1969 to Mr. Stanley P. Berard from Homer L. Hitt; attached to letter April
17, 1969 to Homer L. Hitt from Stanley P. Berard

12. January 15, 1971 to Dr. Jerry Salomone from Edward L. Simon

13. April 1, 1971 to Dr. Jerome J. Salomone from Homer L. Hitt

14. April 10, 1972 to Dr. Jerome J. Salomone from Homer L. Hitt

15. December 14, 1973 to Dr. Jerry Salomone from Quentin A. L. Jenkins

16. August 20, 1973 to May 17, 1974 Request for Sabbatical Leave of Absence for Jerome
J. Salome 4 page bibliography attached

17. March 27, 1974 to Dr. Jerome Salomone from Alvin L. Bertrand

18. April 4, 1974 to Dr. Jerome Salomone from Vernon J. Parenton

19. February 21, 1974 to Jerry from Dave

20. February 14, 1974 to Professor Salomone from Sharon Johnson; attached: The University
Of Michigan Career Planning and Placement

21. April 17, 1975 to Dr. Jerome J. Salomone from James W. Firnberg



Folder 4


Correspondence at Louisiana State University

22. February 10, 1975 to Dr. Jerome J. Salomone from Alvin L. Bertrand

23. Taken from: The American Sociological Association Employment Bulletin, Nov. 1980

24. November 25, 1980 to Dr. Jerome J. Salomone from M.D. Socolofsky

25. October 26,1981 to Dr. Jerome J. Salomone from M.D. Woodin; November 12, 1981
to Dr. M.D. Woodin from Jerome J. Salomone; September 10, 1981 to Dr. Martin D. Woodin
from Jerome J. Salomone; September 10, 1981 to Dr. Martin D. Woodin from Jerome J.
Salomone (Salomone’s copy)

26. February 1, 1974 to Training Center from Jerome J. Salomone

27. September12, 1973 to Dr. Salomone from (Mrs.) Jean N. Grafton; September 21, 1973
to Mrs. Jean N. Grafton from Jerome J. Salomone

28. January 24, 1974 to Robert H. Smith from Jerome J. Salomone

29. October 4, 1972 to Jerome J. Salomone from Louis J. Michot

30. July 31, 1981 Consumer Credit Disclosure form borrower: Jerome J. Salomone Credit
Union Campus Federal Attached CUNA Mutual Insurance Group Madison, Wisconsin

February 15, 1971 to Dr. Jerome Salomone from Moon Landrieu

32. February 28, 1972 to Mr. Louis J. Michot from Jerome J. Salomone

33. May 28, 1970 to Dr. Jerome J. Salomone from Lyell C. Behr June 11, 1970 Attached
letter to Professor Lyell C. Behr from Jerome J. Salomone



Folder 5

Correspondence of Jerome Salomone at University of New Orleans (1975-1979)

1. July 30, 1975 Letter to Jerome Salomone from R.E. Hilbert, Chairman, University
of Oklahoma

2. Jan. 21, 1975 Letter to Jerome Salomone from A. Otis Herbert, Jr. Associate Editor
and Director, Acadian Folklore Center

3. Jan. 9, 1975 Letter to Jerome Salomone from Adele C. St. Martin, Editor, Revue
de Louisiane

4. Jan. 14, 1975 Letter to Jerome Salomone from Dr. J.M. Jammes, Managing Editor,
Louisiana Review

5. Dec. 2, 1974 Letter to Jerome Salomone from Thomas P. Lief, Southern University
in NO

6. May 14, 1974 Letter to Professor Charles Smith from Joseph H. Fichter

7. University of New Orleans Payroll copy of Jerome Salomone (not dated)

8. May 1,1972 Appointment or Change in Status or Salary of Jerome Salomone

9. March 29, 1974 Letter to Professor Jerome Salomone from Homer Hitt, UNO

10. May 17, 1979 Letter to Jerome Salomone from Edward J. Morrison, OSU

11. April 5, 1976 Letter to Jerome Salomone from Robert Taylor, OSU

12. Oct. 16, 1974 Commentary about Salomone’s survey

13. Jan. 13, 1975 Letter to Jerome Salomone from Homer Hitt, Chancellor attached Letter
to the President from Jones Bogle, Director

14. Oct. 24, 1975 Campus Correspondence to Jerome Salomone attached Senate Current
Resolution 104 Military Survey

15. Nov. 21, 1975 Letter to UNO research council from Jerome J.Salomone

16. Dec. 18, 1975 Letter to Dr. Jerome Salomone from Cooper R. Mackin

17. March 8, 1976 Travel Expenses for Jerome Salomone

18. 1977-1978 Department of Sociology Nomination for the UNO Alumni Assoc. Award for
Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching attached Undergraduate courses taught

19. Sept. 5, 1978 Letter from Cooper Mackin to Full Time faculty “Organized Research
Funds” attached November 30, 1977 Letter from Jerome Salomone to UNO Research Council

20. Oct. 7, 1977 Letter to Gerald Villars from Homer Hitt attached Oct. 6, 1977 Letter
to Dr. Hitt from Gerald Villars

Oct. 10, 1977 Letter to Dr. Salomone from Daniel J. Abbot

22. Nov. 30, 1977 Letter to UNO Research Council from Jerome Salomone

23. Aug. 26, 1977 Letter to Dr. Salomone from Adele C. St. Martin Editor of Revue

24. Dec. 13, 1977 Letter to Jerome Salomone from Gerhard Lenski

25. Dec. 6, 1977 Thank You note to Dr. Salomone from Jal Guillatts

26. Oct. 31, 1978 Proposal for Non credit Program “Understanding Death and Dying”

27. Aug. 18, 1978 Letter to Jerome Salomone from Daniel J. Abbott, Chairman

28. July 26, 1978 Letter to Daniel J Abbott from Hugh Floyd, Jr.



Folder 5


Correspondence of Jerome Salomone at University of New Orleans (1975-1979)

29. April 25, 1978 Note to Jerry Salomone from Ralph

30. April 5, 1978 Letter to Dr. Cooper Mackin, Dean from Gerhard Lenski

31. January 11, 1978 Letter to Jerome Salomone from Homer Hitt, Chancellor

32. Feb. 9, 1978 Campus Correspondence to Jerome Salomone from James Bobo

33. Nov. 19, 1979 Letter to Edward Socola from Dennis McSeveney (2 copies)

34. Sept. 28, 1979 Letter to CDR. Rinard from Jerome Salomone (3 copies)



Folder 6

Correspondence of Jerome Salomone at University of New Orleans (1979-1981)

1. Sept. 17, 1979 Letter to Deans and Department Chairmen from George C. Branam attached
Letter from E.M. Socola to department Cairmen attached Letter from George Branam to
Deans and Department Chairmen attached Letter Jan. 30, 1980 to Jerome Salomone from
Homer Hitt attached Letter to Dr. Jerome Salomone from Cooper R. Mackin Feb. 22, 1980

2. August 1, 1979 Letter to Dr. Jerome Salomone from Dennis R. McSeveney

3. Sept. 25, 1980 Letter to Dr. Carl Harter from Jerry Salomone

4. August 7, 1980 Letter to Jerry Salomone from Marsha McGee editor of Sociological
Forum attached June 5, 1980 Letter to Dr. Jerry Salomone from Marsha McGee attached
comments for the author

5. January 10, 1980 Letter to Admiral Yost from Hommer L. Hitt attached Resume and
Letter to Department of Environmental Affairs from P.A.Yost Dec. 19, 1979

6. February 5, 1980 Letter to Jeery Salomone from Dennis R. McSeveney

7. August 15, 1980 Letter to Jerome Salomone from Dennis Mc.Seveney

8. September 8, 1980 Letter to Mr. Tanner from Leon J. Richelle

9. “A Synopsis of a Research Proposal on the Social and Cultural History of Italians
in New Orleans and Louisiana” by Jerome Salomone

10. July 31, 1981 Letter to Dr. David Allen from Jerome Salomone



Folder 6


Correspondence of Jerome Salomone at University of New Orleans (1979-1981)

11. Jan. 23, 1981 Latter to All Faculty Members from Dr. Robert S. Jordan attached
Application for a Grant from the University of New Orleans Research Council by Jerry
Salomone attached VITA of Jerome Salomone corrected Nov. 1980 (6 pages long)

12. Feb. 11, 1981 Letter to Jerome Salomone from E.M. Socola attached letter to Full-time
Faculty from E.M. Socola January 20, 1981 attached Feb. 2, 1981 Application for Organized
Research Fund Summer Tipend from Jerome Salomone.

13. May 5, 1981 Letter to Jerry Salomone from Office of Administration attached March
17, 1981 Letter to Jerry Salomone from Robert S. Jordan attached Letter to Robert
S. Jordan from Jerome Salomone April 30, 1981 attached (Application for Organized
Research Fund Summer Stipend, 1981)



Folder 7

Correspondence of Jerome Salmone as a Visiting Research Assistant (1973-74)

1. March 13, 1974 Letter to Dr. Louis Rodriguez from Jerome Salomone attached Letter
to Dr. Jerome Salmone from Dr. Louis Rodriguez attached “Purpose and Philosophy”,
excerpt from Catalogue of University of Houston at Clear Lake City, 1974-75 attached
“Plans Made Carefully for UH/CLC,” Acta Diurna, University of Houston, April 18, 1973 attached Information Bulletin “Academic Concentrations
Available 1974-75,” excerpt from Catalogue of UH/CLC attached Harold Scarlett, “Campus
to complement environment,” The Houston Post, June 25, 1973.

2. March 13, 1974 Letter to Dr. Marvin Thames from Jerome J. Salomone

3. March 7, 1974 Letter to Jerome J. Salomone from Rep. F. Edward Hebert attached
March 5, 1974 Letter to Rep. F. Edward Hebert from Jerome J. Salmone

4. September 10, 1973 Letter to Dr. William Porter from Jerome J. Salomone

5. January 15, 1974 Letter to Clifton D. Bryant from Jerome J. Salomone

March 12, 1974 Letter to Dr. Philip Uzee from Jerome J. Salomone

7. October 30, 1973 Letter to Dr. Lawrence Baas from Jerome J. Salomone

8. December 7, 1973 Letter to editors, Department of Cultural Foundations of Education,
University of Texas from Jerome J. Salomone

9. October 29, 1973 Letter to Dr. Larry DeBord from Jerome Salomone attached Letter
to Dr. Jerome J. Salomone from Larry W. DeBord



Folder 7


Correspondence of Jerome Salmone as a Visiting Research Assistant (1973-74)

10. December 11, 1973 Letter to Harold Nix from Jerome J. Salomone

September 10, 1973 Letter to Barbara Payne from Jerome J. Salomone

12. November 26, 1973 Letter to Aldine-Atherton, Inc. from Jerome J. Salomone

13. November 15, 1973 Letter to Porter Sargent Publishers from Jerome J. Salomone

14. November 1, 1973 Letter to Random House Publishers from Jerome J. Salomone

15. November 21, 1973 Letter to Random House, Inc. from Jerome J. Salomone

16. November 15, 1973 Letter to The Free Press from Jerome J. Salomone

17. October 23, 1973 Letter to St. Paul’s School from Jerome J. Salomone

18. October 30, 1973 Letter to College Division, Prentice-Hall Inc. from Jerome J.

19. March 5, 1974 Letter to Senator Russell B. Long from Jerome J. Salomone

20. January 10, 1974 Letter to Jerome J. Salomone from Ernest Kay, ed. Dictionary of International Biography attached Letter to editor of Dictionary of International Biography from Jerome J. Salomone.

21. (no date) Paragraph describing the ERIC Clearinghouse, Ohio State University



Folder 8

Personal Correspondence

1. Feb. 1, 1974 Letter to Mr. Eschleman from Jerome Salomone

2. Jan 29, 1194 Letter to Jerome Salomone from Bennet Johnston

3. Dec. 13, 1984 Letter to Jerry Salomone from Emmanuel A. Bourgeors

4. May 9, 1984 Letter to Jerome Salomone from Russell Long

5. May 1, 1984 Letter to Senator Long from Jerome Salomone attached Letter to Senator
Johnston from Jerome Salomone attached Letter to All Faculty from Carlo Di Maio April
25, 1984

6. November 2, 1982 Letter to Jerome Salomone from Miss Jo S. Flower (2 pages) attached
November 1982 Whom it may concern from Jerome Salomone

7. August 29, 1980 Letter to Jerome Salomone from Catherine La Fleur

8. March 25, 1974 Letter to Jerome Salomone from the Univ. of Alabama

9. Dec. 30, 1974 Letter to Jerome Salomone from Mary Allen Jolley

10. November 5, 1973 Letter to Jerome Salomone from John

November 20, 1973 Letter to Joe and Wife and Karen and Cheryl from Jerry Salomone



Folder 8 Cont.

Personal Correspondence

12. Dec. 7, 1973 Letter to Quent from Jerry Salomone

13. Dec. 1973 Greetings from Bob and Celina Taylor

14. Oct. 29, 1973 Letter to Louie and Flo from Jerry and Fuscilla

15. April 13, 1974 Copy of a “One-Man Research: Reminiscences of a Catholic Sociologist”

16. May 20, 1974 Department of Transportation United States Coast Guard

March 30, 1974 Letter to The Salomones from Lorie

18. March 4, 1974 Letter to Carol from Jerry Salomone attached Letter to Jerome Salomone
from Carol

19. Bullington’s address

20. May 30, 1982 Newspaper clipping “Daily News, Bowling Green, Kentucky” attached
Bowling Green high school Commencement program May, 21, 1982 attached Bowling Green
High School commencement invitation

21. June 6, 1982 mail envelope addressed to Dr. and Mrs. Jerome Salomone attached
to an envelope addressed to Ruscilla, Jerry, Greg, and Michelle

22. Oct. 26, 1992 Letter to Jerome Salomone from Mikhail attached to its envelope

23. Farm House, Holstein postcard addressed to Jerome Salomone (date not clear)



Folder 9

Correspondence of Sociological Spectrum

1. May 16, 1983 Letter to Clifton Bryant from Jerome Salomone attached note to Loretta
and draft of original letter

2. Nov. 16,1985 Letter to Jerome Salomone from Bob Gramling

3. Sociological Spectrum Reviewer’s Comments “manuscript 337” “reviewer # 2”

4. December 18, 1973 Letter to Dr. William Noland from Clifton Bryant

May 9, 1983 Letter to Jerome Salomone from Clifton D. Bryant



Folder 10


Review on Jordan’s Manuscripts by Jerome Salomone attached July 8, 1980 Letter to
President Robert C. Good from Jerome J. Salomone



Folder 11

Louisiana State University in New Orleans Personnel Action Form/Academic Personnel

1. Personnel Action Form August 21, 1972 – December 15, 1972

2. Personnel Action Form January 8, 1973

3. Personnel Action Form August 19, 1974 – December 20, 1974

4. Personnel Action Form August 19, 1974 – December 20, 1974

5. Personnel Action Form January 5, 1976

6. Personnel Action Form January 10, 1977 – May 20, 1977

7. Personnel Action Form August 15, 1977 – May 19, 1978

8. Personnel Action Form May 11, 1978

9. Personnel Action Form June 12, 1978 – July 7, 1978

10. Personnel Action Form August 21, 1978 – May 25, 1979

11. Personnel Action Form June 24, 1980 – June 26, 1980 (two copies)

12. Personnel Action Form August 18, 1980 – December 19, 1980 (two copies)

13. Academic Personnel Report Summer 1969

14. Academic Personnel Report 1st semester 1968-69

15. Academic Personnel Report 2nd semester 1969- 70

16. Academic Personnel Report 2nd semester 1971-72

17. Academic Personnel Report Fall Semester 1976-77

18. Academic Personnel Report Spring Semester 1977-78

19. Academic Personnel Report Fall Semester 1977-78

20. Academic Personnel Report Fall Semester 1978-79



Folder 12

Personal Information, qualifications and achievements

1. Personal information of Jerome J. Salomone Corrected to March, 1999 (9 pages) master

2. Vita: Jerome J. Salomone corrected to April 1982 (8 pages) master copy

3. Vita: Jerome J. Salomone (8 pages)

4. Certificate from Next Step Coaching A Driver Safety Refresher to Jerome J. Salomone

5. Personal information of Jerome J. Salomone Corrected to December 1997 (10 pages)

6. Vita: Jerome J. Salomone corrected to September 1989 (5 pages) master copy

7. Vita: Jerome J. Salomone corrected to May 1989 (5 pages)

Professional activities, Academic year 1991-1992 Attached Vita: Jerome J. Salomone
Corrected to August 1993 (5 pages) Campus correspondence of Southeastern Louisiana
University to All Faculty from George M. Hess

9. Vita: Jerome J. Salomone corrected to January 1996 (5 pages)

10. Vita: Jerome J. Salomone corrected to August 1993 (5 pages) two copies

11. Vita: Jerome J. Salomone corrected to May 1989 (5 pages) Attached: Vita: Jerome
J. Salomone corrected to January 1988 (4 pages); Vita: Jerome J. Salomone corrected
to January 1986 (6 pages); Vita: Jerome J. Salomone corrected to April 1982 (6 pages);
Vita: Jerome J. Salomone corrected to November 1980 (6 pages); Vita: Jerome J. Salomone
corrected to September 1973; Vita: Jerome J. Salomone corrected to Oct. 1, 1979; Vita:
Jerome J. Salomone corrected to July, 1984; Vita: William E. Snizek

12. Personal achievements/qualifications 1967 (6 pages) Salomone, Jerome

13. Publications of Jerome J. Salomone corrected to October 31, 1972 (4 pages) seventeen

14. Picture of Jeromome J. Salomone (eight copies) Academic report from Southeastern
Louisiana College 1951-1959 Academic report from Louisiana State University and A
& M. College 1959-1966 (3 pages) two copies

15. Comprehensive Examination Committees, Spring, 1980

16. Information Concerning Jerome Salomone (6 pages)

17. Acknowledgments of Dr. Salomone



Folder 13

Correspondence at Southeastern Louisiana University (1981-2002)

1. November 27, 1995 Letter to Dr. Jerry Salomone from Dr. John S. Miller attached
October 25, 1995 “Mid South Sociological Association Distinguished Career Award” presented
to Jerome J. Salomone by Deenis R. McSeveney, University of New Orleans.

2. October 29-30, 1996 “Site Visit Report SLU Baccalaureate Social Work Program Reaffirmation
of Accreditation,” John C. Spores and Carol M. Boyd.

3. October 6, 1997 Letter to Dr. Jerome J. Salomone from Sally Clausen attached September
25, 1997 Personnel Action Form, State of Louisiana Department of Civil Service attached
September 9, 1996 Letter f to Dr. Jerome J. Salomone f rom Sally Clausen attached
September 28, 1995 Letter to Dr. Jerome J. Salomone from Sally Clausen attached September
12, 1994 Letter to Dr. Jerome J. Salomone from G. Warren Smith.

4. October 9, 1997 Letter to Dr. Jerome J. Salomone from Kevin Brady.

5. February 20, 1998 Personnel Action Form, State of Louisiana Department of Civil

6. February 25, 1998 Letter to Dr. Jerome Salomone from Joseph H. Miller, Jr.

7. June 14, 1999 Southeastern Louisiana University: Statement of Earnings, Deductions,
Leave attached September 18, 1998 Letter to Jerry Salomone from Dr. Vic Bissonnette
attached October 14, 1998 Letter to Dr. Vic Bissonnette from Jerome J. Salomone attached
October 8, 1998 Email to John Miller from Dale Parent attached October 13, 1998 Letter
to Dr. Jerry Salomone from Dr. Paul Riggs.

8. October 13, 1998 Letter to Dr. Jerry Salomone from Dr. Samuler C. Hyde, Jr.

9. March 18, 1999 Letter to Dr. Jerome J. Salomone from Dr. John S. Miller.

10. September 3, 1999 Letter to Dr. Jerome J. Salomone from Sally Clausen attached
note to Jerry Salomone attached September 10, 1998 Letter to Jerome J. Salomone from
Sally Clausen attached January 5, 1998 Letter to Dr. Jerome Salomone from Dr. Dale
Parent attached September 29, 1999 Email Southeastern Louisiana University Statement
of Earnings, Deductions, Leave.

11. September 27, 2000 Letter to Dr. Jerome J. Salomone from Sally Clausen.

12. November 2, 2000 Letter to Dr. Jerome J. Salomone from Dr. Kellen Gilbert.

13. June 18, 2001 Letter to Jerry Salmone from Sally Clausen.

14. September 15, 2001 Letter to Dr. Jerome J. Salomone from Dr. Randy Moffett.

15. September 16, 2002 Letter to Dr. Jerome J. Salomone from Dr. Albert J. Doucette.

16. August 27, 2001 Letter to Dr. Jerome Salomone from Dr. Kellen Gilbert.

17. October 1, 2002 Employee Notification Form

18. October 1, 2002 Letter to Dr. Jerry Salomone from Dr. Kellen Gilbert.

19. October 2, 2002 Letter to Dr. Jerome J. Salomone from Randy Moffett.

20. November 6, 1984 Letter to Dr. Jerry Salomone from Donald R. South attached November
5, 1984 Letter to Dr. Jerome J. Salomone from Dennis L. Peck.

21. October 30, 1984 Letter to Dr. Jerome J. Salomone from Marsha McGee.



Folder 13 Cont .

Correspondence at Southeastern Louisiana University (1981-2002)

22. June 21, 1981 Note to Jerry Salomone from Homer L. Hitt attached Letter to Dr.
Anna Sue Parrill from Homer L. Hitt.

23. May 19, 1981 Letter to Anna Sue Parrill from Dennis R. McSeveney.

24. July 14, 1981 Letter to Dr. Jerry J. Salomone from George D. D’Aquin, Jr.



Folder 14

Correspondence and articles of Dr. Rudolph Heberle

1. The Reveille, 1963 article “Boyd Professor Marks Retirement with Book” attached
Theory of migration attached 1925-1977 Publications of Rudolph Heberle

2. Nov. 23, 1981 Letter to Dr. Salomone from Rudolf Heberle attached to it’s envelope.

3. June 30, 1983 Letter to Dr. Rudolph Heberle from Jerry Salomone attached to note
June 27, 1983 to Jerry Salomone from Dr. Heberle attached to it’s envelope

4. March 27, 1974 Letter to Jerry Salomone from Dr. Heberle attached March 12, 1974
Letter to Dr. Heberle from Jerry Salomone attached to envelope



Folder 15

Thank you notes of Dr. Jerome Salomone

1. July 8, 1988 card to Jerry Salomone from Pat

2. Nov. 22, 1988 card to Jerry Salomone from Pat

3. Nov. 24, 1988 card to Jerome Salomone from Margaret Hawkins

Envelope with Chinese letters to Dean Salomone from Ms. Yu Wen Zhi attached June 19,
1987 Letter to Jerry Salomone from Yu Wen Zhi

5. January 17, 1995 card to Jerry Salomone from Ronald M. Zaccari

6. Oct. 18, 1993 card to Jerry Salomone from Sheldon Hackney with envelope

7. Card to Jerry Salomone from Carol Cartwright (not dated)

8. April 20, 1995 Letter with envelope to Dr. Jerry Salomone from Howard Nichols



Folder 16

Bank Letters and Information

1. April 21, 1989 Visa Card Statement of Jerome Salomone

2. Nov. 18, 1986 Copy of a Citizens National Bank check for $388.80 to Best Western
of Hammond from Jerome Salomone

3. May 9, 1983 Loan Agreement of Jerome Salomone

4. Letter from the UNO Federal Credit Union to Joyce D. Finicle (not dated)

5. Nov. 20, 1979 Credit Union Share Certificate to Jerome Salomone (3 pages)

6. Jan. 13, 1972 Letter to Jerome Salomone from the First National Bank



Folder 17

Newspaper Clippings

Hammond (La.) Daily Star, Thursday, June 10, 1982, Page 3 ” Professor pens sociology
paper” (2 copies)

2. The Times Picayune (not dated) ” Parents Still Affect Teenage Job Choices”

3. Hammond (La.) Daily Star, Thursday, Aug. 20, 1981 “SLU names Salomone as dean of

4. Article ” Professor Explains rise of Italian Immigrants”

5. Hammond (la.) Daily Star, Wednesday, Oct. 20, 1982 “Sociologist to tell ethnic

6. Articles “Italian culture stays unique in U.S.” and “State has no Mafia” (both
not dated) attached note from Blanche

7. Teche News Wednesday, April 27, 1977-2 sections 28 pages (whole paper)

8. Article ” Salomone wins award” (not dated)



Folder 18

Pictures of Dr. Salomone and Staff

1. Pic. # 1 “Autograph Party” for Dr. Michael Kurtz, May 20, 1982: Dr. J. Larry Crain,
Dr. Kurtz, Dr. Roman Heleniak, Dr. Romero, Dr. Salomone.

2. Pic.# 2 Dr. Salomone and Barbara Pitts “outstanding student award”

3. Pic # 3 Dr. Jerome Salomone with arms crossed standing in-front of a bookshelf

4. Pic # 4 Dr. Zaccari, Dr. Salomone, Dr. Orr, Dr. Tate, Dr. Kinard, Dr. Butler, Dr.
Causy, Mr. LeBlanc, Dr. Settoon, Dec. 15, 1983

5. Pic. #5 Dr. Salomone Lecturing at Southeastern 1984



Folder 19

Court papers, notes, and certificates

1. September 25, 1975 The Southern Sociological Society to Dr. Joseph H. Fichter from
Charles U. Smith

2. Note to Jerry Salomone attached: State of Louisiana Jury Subpoena November 23,

Judge: Lewis S. Doherty III

3. State of Louisiana Jury Subpoena September 17, 1985 Judge: Kenneth J. Fogg

4. Certificate-Juror’s Attendance to Jerome Salomone July 30, 1984

5. Brochure of maxicare Louisiana (Health care)

6. College of Liberal Arts Application For Organized Research Funds to Jerome J. Salomone
(three pages)

7. Certificate to Jerome Salomone from Coaching The Experienced Driver II

8. January 7, 2003 Certificate to return to work or school for Jerome Salomone

9. Note to Jerry from Bob W.

10. February 9, 2000 Note to Jerry concerning schedule

11. April 21, 1988 phone message to Dr. S from Cynthia by Marie

12. Honors Research Professor of Sociology (Retirement pay)



Folder 20

Retirement Information

1. September 14, 1960 to Jerome Salomone from Loyce McMorris; Attached: September
17, 1990 to Mrs. McMorris from Deborah J. Wright

2. Brochure of the Teachers’ Retirement System Of Louisiana Revised January 1, 1985

3. Louisiana Public Employees Deferred Compensation Plan Participant Agreement to
Jerome J. Salome effective date January 11, 1991

4. Statement of accumulated contributions as of the close of June 30, 1977 attached:
June 23, 1978 to All Reporting Agencies from Jerald J. Juneau

5. Service Retirement Calculations

6. Fringe Benefit Plan Election Form

7. Statement of accumulated contributions as of the close of June 30, 1980 (corrected



Folder 21


–Trans-action Social Science and Modern Society June 1969



Folder 22

Letters to Professor Louis Beck

1. September 3, 1991 to Dr. Louis Beck from Jerry

2. October 11, 1984 to Dr. Louis Beck from Jerome J. Salomone

3. April 8, 1971 to Dr. Louis M. Beck from Jerome J. Salomone

4. May 1, 1969 to Professor Harold E. Smith from Jerome J. Salomone attached letters:
May 1, 1969 to Professor Gordon F. Lewis from Jerome J. Salomone; May 1, 1969 to Mr.
Louis Marvin Beck from Jerry; April 23, 1969 The University of Vermont to Dr. Jerome
Salomone from Gordon F. Lewis; April 24, 1969 Northern Illinois University to Dr.
Jerome Salomone from Harold E. Smith

5. April 3, 1969 to Dr. Jack D. Lawrie from Jerome J. Salomone

6. March 12, 1969 to Jerry from Louie

7. October 26, 1967 to Professor Louis Beck from Jerome J. Salomone (two pages)

8. August 11, 1967 to Professor Louis Beck from Jerome J. Salomone

9. July 6, 1967 to Professor Louis M. Beck from Jerome J. Salomone

10. March 14, 1967 to Professor Louis M. Beck from Jerome J. Salomone

11. February 15, 1967 to Jerry from Louie

12. February 11, 1967 to Professor Louis Beck from Jerome J. Salomone

13. October 26, 1966 to Mr. Louis Beck from Jerry

14. October 3, 1966 to Jerry O’Buddy from Louie (two pages)

15. September 28, 1966 to Mr. Louis Beck from Jerome J. Salomone (two pages)



Folder 23

Evaluation Sheets

1. April 11, 1983 Manuscript Evaluation Sheet

2. November 16, 1983 Manuscript Evaluation Sheet Attached letter: to Jerry from James
K. Skipper, Jr.



Folder 1


a. Parish of Plaquemines Poll Tax for benefit of public schools for Mrs. Francis Salmoni
for Ward 6 for the sum of one dollar, Dec. 31, 1931, No. 3174.

b. Parish of Plaquemines Poll Tax for benefit of public schools for Tony Salmoni for
Ward 6 for the sum of one dollar, Dec. 31, 1931, No. 3175.

c. Parish of Plaquemines Poll Tax for benefit of public schools for Alexander Salmoni
for Ward 6 for the sum of one dollar, Dec. 31, 1931, No. 3176.

d. Parish of Plaquemines Poll Tax for benefit of public schools for Angelena Salmoni
for Ward 6 for the sum of one dollar, Dec. 31, 1931, No. 3177.

e. Parish of Plaquemines Poll Tax for benefit of public schools for Hary Salmoni for
Ward 6 for the sum of one dollar, Dec. 31, 1931, No. 3178.

f. Poll Book Registration Certificate for Parish of Plaquemines No. 334 for Francis
Salamoni, Ward 6, Precinct 1, November 6, 1937.

g. Poll Book Registration Certificate for Parish of Plaquemines No. 335 for Tony Salamoni,
Ward 6, Precinct 1, November 6, 1937.

h. Parish of Plaquemines Registrar of Voters Certificate No. 423 for Antonio Salomone.
1953-1956, Ward 6, Precinct 1.

i. Parish of Plaquemines Registrar of Voters Certificate No. 424 for Mrs. Antonio
Salomone, 1953-1956, Ward 6, Precinct 1.

Folder 2

Small booklet of Tesoro di Paradiso. Published in Rome, 1905. 144 pages.

Folder 3

Come Potrei fare per Ricuperare la Salute? Il Trovato Genuino del Dr. Turnock. Prepared by the Turnock Medical Company, Deagan Building, 1770 Berteau Ave., Chicago,

Folder 4

Booklet Regolamenti Della Societa’ Italiana, Di Mutua Beneficenza, Santa Lucia, Di Algiers, LA. April 4, 1926.

Folder 5

Select Manual for the Members of the Society of the Holy Name. John Murphy Company,
MD and NY. 38 pages.

Folder 6

Text of Holy Communion and Litany of the Blessed Sacrament. Pages 129-144.

Folder 7

Illustration of Maria SS. Dell’udienza, Patrona di sambuca zabut. (two halves of paper)

Folder 8

Front page of Il Progresso Italo-Americano Rivista Illustrata. 7 Luglio 1946. Section




Folder 9

Illustration of crucifixion of Jesus “Vera effigie del SS. mo e Miracoloso Crocifisso
che si venera nella Insigne Chiesa Collegiata di Monreale”

Folder 10

a. Maria SS. Di Tutte Le Grazie Che Si Celebra La Prima Domenica Di Luglio, Tickfaw,
LA (print)

b. St. John the Baptist holding a lamb (color print). Nov. 1946.

Folder 11

Letter from St. Joseph’s Mission Church. St. Joseph, LA. October 9, 1904. Certification
of baptism of Girolaamo Salomone on September 2, 1904 and (4 xerox copies).

Folder 12

a. Letter from the United States Department of Justice. Immigration and Naturalization
Service. 908 Masonic Temple Building. New Orleans, LA To Solamone Nazzareno from C.
W. Johnson District Director. 1960.

b. Letter with information concerning citizenship education to meet naturalization
requirements. Form M-132. 7-1-59

c. Application of the statements of facts for preparation of petition and application
to file petition for naturalization. Form N-400. Rev. 10-20-59

d. Application, Federal Bureau of Investigation, United States Department of Justice,
Washington 25, D.C. “To obtain classifiable fingerprints” FD-258. 5-22-57.

e. US Department of Justice, Immigration and Naturalization Service. Application to
File Petition for Naturalization. (Rev. 12-8-50)

Folder 13

a. Alien registration card (3 copies); Alien registration receipt card, Feb. 25, 1942,
Registered New Orleans, LA; Certificate “In Nome Di Sua Maesta Umberto I, Per Grazia
Di Dio E Per Volonta Della Nazione Re D’Italia;” “Avvertenze.”

b. Document “Municipio de Trapani, Segreteria.” (2 copies)

c. Document “Commission Merchant Office: 195 Chartres Street. 1894.

d. Document “Beniamino Borriello Agente Autorizza Di Emigrazone Per Tutto Il Regno
D’Italia, 2, Via Flavio Gioia Napoli” (3 different views of same document-6 pages)

e. Misc. Document dated 1910. State of Louisiana. (2 copies)

f. Marriage Certificate from the Office of Recorder of Births, Marriages, and Deaths.
Parish of Orleans. March 9, 1898. (2 copies)

h. Certificate of Marriage. St. Anthony’s Chapel, St. Louis Cathedral, New Orleans,
LA. Marriage of Antonio Salamoni, 22 yrs. And Francesca Macaluso, 15 yrs. on April
11, 1898. Registered: July 29, 1948, Book IV, Page 48, Act 22.

i. Office of the Board of Health in the Parish of Orleans. Recorder of Births, Marriages,
and Deaths. Certificate of Marriage on March 9, 1898. (2 copies)

j. Document “In Nome Di Sua Maesta Umbertoi, Per Grazia Di Dio E Per Volonta Della
Nazione Re D’Italia” (2 copies)

k. Certificate ” So Hoseritto certifice che il gierno 11 Aprile 1898. . .” (2 copies)




Folder 14

“Belle Chase Couple Celebrate 60th Year.” Original newspaper article and (6 xerox
copies), Antonino Salamone and Francesca Macalusa

Folder 15

a. Handwritten note “make 8 copies, 4 for the kids, Richard, N.J., Nace”

b. Handwritten note “Jerry, from Dick and Anita.” 3/21

c. Mail envelope addressed to Antonio Salomone from Italy

d. Newspaper cartoon “Just Married”

e. Poem “March of the Zombies”

f. Letter to Grandma and Grandpa from Rosemary. September 19, 1957.

g. Article from a soldier about “Mother and Father”

h. Illinois Central System booklet. Making and Holding Friends Through Courtesy. 1944.

i. Handwritten addresses and phone numbers of Jerome Solomome, Tom Salamoni, Santo
Solomone, Lena DiMaggio, Angie Joiner, and Tillie Brown.

j. Misc. index card

k. Dividend notice and verification of account for Mrs. Marie Concetta S. Lawson with
attached envelope from J.K. Byrne and Co.

l. Letter to Jerome Solomone, Tom Salamoni, Santo Solomone, Lena Solomone DiMaggio,
and Angelina Solomone Joiner. From Jerry Salomone. Attached envelope from Jack A.

m. Application for Lump Sum Death Payment filed by Jerome J. Salomore for Maria C.
Lawson. 3 pages.

n. Document from Mothe Funeral Homes, Inc. Funeral of Mrs. Maria C. Lawson. Account
of Jerome J. Salomone. 1-11-77. 3 pages.

o. Record of Payment for Employee. Employee: Warren E. Lawson. Dependent Claim: Maria
Lawson for check for medical payment. 4 pages.

p. LA Health and Human Resources Administration Division of Health, Rec’d of Warren
Lawson. 2-11-77.

q. Notice of Payment Due, Railroad Employees, Group Policy GA-23111. Attached envelope
from The Travelers.

r. Envelope from Mothe Funeral Homes, Inc. Addressed to Jerome J. Salomone.

s. Newspaper article regarding death of Maria C. Lawson. Phone numbers of family attached.

t. Social Security Award Notice, Bureau of Retirement and Survivors Insurance for
Jerome J. Salomone. 2-24-77.

u. State of LA, Certificate of Death, Maria Concetta Lawson. State File No. 117. (3

v. State of LA Certificate of Death. City File No. 650005044. July 14, 1965. Original
Record of Frances Solomoni.

w. Letter of funeral payments for Mothe Funeral Homes, Inc. for the funeral of Maria
C. Lawson. 1-11-77.

x. Attachments of Mothe Funeral Homes, Inc., standard service, and fees. Includes
2 letters, envelope, and fee lists.

y. Accounting and Statement Succession of Maria Concetta Salomone Lawson. 7-13-1977.
3 pages.




Folder 15


z. Miscellaneous Cards including Maria C. Lawson’s Social Security card, Health Insurance,
phone number of Railroad Retirement, and Certification of Coverage Record-Payment

aa. Marriage license, State of Louisiana, Second City Court, New Orleans. 12-13-1936.
For Warren Lawson and Concetta Volker. Certificate of Marriage. 12-19-1936. Date:
Aug. 10-1964.

bb. Attached papers including the beneficiary change with First National Life Insurance
Co. New Orleans, LA. 3-19-1963 . Addressed to Warren E. Lawson. Letter from C. Higgins
and letter from Jerome J. Salomone. Attached envelope from Health Life Insurance Company,
addressed to Jerome Solomone.

cc. Record of Part B Medicare Benefits Used from Mutual of Omaha to Marie Lawson.
1-27-1977. Attached envelope from Omaha Insurance Company.

Folder 16

Reminiscences of Fred Charles Frey. Recorded from Jan. 10, 1975-June 19, 1975. 127
pages. Attached note inside front cover, 12-1-81, from Al and Nickie, addressed to
Jerry, spiral bound, 127 pages



Folder 17

Bread and Respect


1. Framed wedding photo

Framed wedding photo

Portrait of couple

Portrait of couple and two children

Portrait of couple

Portrait of lady and child in uniform

Portrait of couple

Portrait of four men

Portrait of couple in swimsuits

Portrait of couple

Portrait of family “Rosele Mocaluso”

12. Portrait of five girls

13. Portrait of two men entitled “Some Jelly beans”

Portrait of family

Portrait of man and two ladies

Portrait of girl in white attire

Portrait of couple. New 933 Royal St. New Orleans, LA.

Portrait of couple with child. Universal Studio. 850 So. Halsted St., Chicago.

Portrait of man with chair

Portrait of boy with cross

Portrait of woman



Folder 18



Photograph booklet: Portrait of three men; Portrait of couple; Portrait of girl; Portrait
of child

Portrait of nun

Portrait of couple

Portrait of woman

Portrait of family

Portrait of child

Portrait of child in chair holding flowers

Portrait of family “Ggnazio Capitano”

Portrait of child

Portrait of family

Portrait of family

Portrait of man; on back: “Will not part until death. With love from Al and Mary”

Portrait of four men; on back: “Alg. 381 Eddie Trearvay”



Folder 18 Continued


: Continued

Portrait of two girls in uniform

Portrait of girl sitting

Portrait of girl by flowers

Portrait of woman with child

Portrait of couple with infant

Portrait of family

Portrait of two girls in uniform

Portrait of girl in uniform

Portrait of family by house

Portrait of boy and two girls; on back: “This is Birdie and Ethel as they came from
work. Virgle came out just in time to get in the picture. I am taking the picture.
It was taken about six in the evening.”

Portrait of boy in coat

Portrait of couple with baby

Portrait of woman and two men

Portrait of man

Portrait of baby

Portrait of two girls on back: “These dresses are points hanging but we hold them
out so they would look like squares. They are real pretty when the points hang down.
We will have some taken with the points.”

Portrait of boy in uniform “Uncle Sam’s boy”

Portrait of couple

Portrait of two couples

Portrait of family

Portrait of couple

Portrait of two men and a woman

Portrait of girl

Portrait of three girls with hats ” jolly crowd”

Portrait of man and two girls and a boy **2 copies

Portrait of man sitting

Portrait of two boys and a girl

Portrait of girl sitting

Portrait of couple

Portrait of man

Portrait of father and daughter; on ack: “Daddy and I”

Portrait of two men and a woman

Portrait of family; on back: “Diamond Lake”

Portrait of four men

Portrait of man

Portrait of family by house

Portrait of two girls

Portrait of family



Folder 18 Continued


: Continued

Portrait of two ladies. Postcard.

Portrait of four men

Portrait of man. Postcard. ** 2 copies

Portrait of family. Postcard.

Portrait of two boys

Portrait of couple sitting

Portrait of man by airplane named “Johnny Zero”

Portrait of three men by stairs

Portrait of family in glass frame (outside of file, large photo)

Portrait of two women in glass frame (outside of file, large photo)

Portrait of family wedding picture (outside of file, large photo) Back: “Warren Lawson,
Santo Solomone (groom), Vita _________ Solomone (bride), Thomas Solomone”

Portrait of woman by fence

Portrait of two women by fence

Portrait of girl and toddler; on back: “Here is me and Aunt Annie’s baby. Don’t I
look cute? Send this back. Show”em to Theresa.”

Portrait of man in airplane

Portrait of woman sitting

Portrait of girl holding accordion

Portrait of couple with baby

Portrait of baby sitting

Portrait of man. Postcard.

Portrait of woman in bathing suit

Portrait of two men walking through town

Portrait of man holding baby and girl standing

Portrait of child (Small photo)

Portrait of girl in white in gray frame. Fischer. 829 Canal St. N. O., LA.