Director’s Discretion
Box 1
Folder 1: Legal Documents referring to divorce of Earl K. Long and Blanche Revere Long a. Notice of Lis Pendens, June 25, 1959, Parish of East Baton Rouge b. Exception to the Jurisdiction Ratione Personae, Suit No. 4542, June 30, 1959 c. Earl K. Long’s Motion to Discontinue filed June 26, 1959 d. Long v. Long Answer and Reconventional Demand, June 30, 1959 (2) e. Letter Joe Sims to Robert Dunn June 30, 1959 f. Letter Joe Sims to Clint Pierson July 1, 1959 g. Letter from Robert Mack to J. Douglas Nesom July 2, 1959 h. Clint Pierson to Joe Sims July 6, 1959 (2 pages) i. Long V. Long July 6, 1959 Judgment j. Letter from Doug Nesom to Joe Sims July 8, 1959 k. Cole and Mengis Bill for Services $150.00 l. Letter from Doug Nesom to Joe Sims July 13, 1959 m. Joe Sims to Clint Pierson July 24, 1959 n. Letter from Joe Sims to J. Douglas Nesom August 11, 1959 o. Letter Clint Pienson to Joe Sims September 4, 1959 p. Long v. Long Exception to Citation (3 pages) q. 11 pages of blank documents (never signed or filled in) r. Letter from Blanche Long relinquishing property, dated June 7, 1960
Folder 2: Documents referring to Earl K. Long’s stay at the Southeast Louisiana Mental Hospital a. 8 page medical summary by Dr. Soniat on Early Long, dated June 17, 1959 b. Handwritten Medication Paper (2) c. Southeast Louisiana Hospital Dr. Charles Belcher dated June 18, 1959 d. Letter from Dr. A. Seldom Mann to the Superintendent of the Southeast Louisiana
State Hospital, dated June 19, 1959 e. Southeast Louisiana Hospital Consultation Report June 20, 1959 (2) f. Dr. Robert Heath of Tulane University Mental Examination of Earl K. Long June
22, 1959 (2 copies) g. Consultation Report-Mental Status June 22, 1959 Southeast Louisiana Hospital (4
pages) (2 copies) h. Dr. Richard Paddison to Dr. Belcher June 23, 1959 (2 copies) i. Dr. Hull to Dr. Belcher June 23, 1959 (2 copies) j. Southeast Louisiana Hospital Clinical Summary June 23, 1959 (6 pages) (2 copies) k. Report of Psychological Examination by Dr. Ronsos June 18, 1959 (2 copies) l. Progress Notes of Dr. Anthony Ronsos Concerning Earl K. Long June 24-June 26 m. Southeast Louisiana Hospital, Doctor’s Order Sheet (3 pages) June 18, 1959 to
June 26, 1959 (2 copies) n. Southeast Louisiana Hospital Temperature Chart from June
26, 1959 to July 2, 1959 (2 copies) o. Southeast Louisiana Hospital Sedation and Restraint Record (2 copies)Folder 3: Documents referring to Earl K. Long’s stay at the Southeast Louisiana Mental Hospital a. Southeast Louisiana Hospital Special Psychiatric notes and orders (2 copies) b. Southeast Louisiana Hospital nurses notes (23 pages) from June 18, 1959 to June
26, 1959 (2 copies) c. Southeast Louisiana Hospital Electrocardiograms, stethogram (4 pages) (2 copies) d. Southeast Louisiana Hospital Laboratory Report, June 18, 1959 e. Receipt from Southeast Louisiana Hospital (2 copied sets) f. Southeast Louisiana Hospital Patient Store Requisition June 23-24, 1959 (2 copies) g. Southeast Louisiana Hospital Belongings of Patient (3 pages) (2 copies) h. Discharge papers from University of Texas at GalvestonFolder 4: Documents referring to Earl K. Long’s petition to leave the Southeast Louisiana Mental
Hospital a. State of Louisiana ex rel. Earl K. Long, Petition for writ of Habeas Corpus, and
orders dated June 1959 (5 copies) b. State of Louisiana ex rel. Earl K. Long, Answer to petition for writ of Habeas
Corpus, dated June 1959 (3 copies) c. Southeast Louisiana Hospital Certifies Earl K. Long’s Admittance and the Petition
and Orders for Interdiction (2 copies) d. List of Doctors. Folder 5: Witness Summons a. Motion and Order to Summons Witness Out of Parish for Honorable Jesse Bankston,
Director of Institutions, Sate Capitol Building, on June 26, 1959, 10:00 A.M. b. Subpoena Duces Tecum, State of Louisiana ex rel. Earl K. Long to Southeast Louisiana
State Hospital c. Subpoena Duces Tecum, State of Louisiana ex rel. Earl K. Long to Southeast Louisiana
State Hospital d. J. Douglas Neson Summons statement, 25 June 1959 e. Earl K. Long’s Motion and Order to Summons Witness State Police Sgt. Pascal Spicuzza f. Earl K. Long’s Motion and Order to Summons Witness State Police Officer Leonard
Ferrara g. Earl K. Long’s Motion and Order to Summons Witness Honorable Jack P.F. Gremillion h. Earl K. Long’s Motion and Order to Summons Witness Mrs. Blanche R. Long (2 copies) i. Earl K. Long’s Motion and Order to Summons Witness Honorable Lether E. Frazar j. Earl K. Long’s Motion and Order to Summons Witness Mrs. Wilma Lockhart k. Earl K. Long’s Motion and Order to Summons Witness Dr. Sparkman Wyatt l. Earl K. Long’s Motion and Order to Summons Witness Dr. Chester A. Williams Jr. m. Earl K. Long’s Motion and Order to Summons Witness Honorable Jesse L. Bankston n. Earl K. Long’s Motion and Order to Summons Witness Honorable Theo Cangelosi( 2
copies) o. Earl K. Long’s Motion and Order to Summons Witness State Police Officer Lt. Russel
Willie p. Earl K. Long’s Motion and Order to Summons Witness Honorable Fred S. LeBlanc q. Earl K. Long’s Motion and Order to Summons Witness Dr. L. F. Magruder r. Earl K. Long’s Motion and Order to Summons Witness Mrs. Mrs. Mary Evelyn Parker s. Earl K. Long’s Motion and Order to Summons Witness Mr. A. R. Johnson, Sr. t. Earl K. Long’s Motion and Order to Summons Witness Dr. M. O. Miller
Folder 6: Witness Summon, Continued a. Earl K. Long’s Motion and Order to Summons Witness Dr. Leo Kerne (2 copies) b. Earl K. Long’s Motion and Order to Summons Witness Dr. Abe Mickal c. Earl K. Long’s Motion and Order to Summons Witness Roy Wilkie d. Earl K. Long’s Motion and Order to Summons Witness Mr. Tom Dutton e. Earl K. Long’s Motion and Order to Summons Witness Dr. Robert Bernhard f. Earl K. Long’s Motion and Order to Summons Witness Dr. W. Rigsby Hargrove g. Earl K. Long’s Motion and Order to Summons Witness Dr. Arthur L. Seale h. Earl K. Long’s Motion and Order to Summons Witness Dr. William Sloan i. Earl K. Long’s Motion and Order to Summons Witness Honarbale Earnest S. Clements j. Earl K. Long’s Motion and Order to Summons Witness Dr. W. S. Harmon k. Earl K. Long’s Motion and Order to Summons Witness Dr. Walter Murrell l. Earl K. Long’s Motion and Order to Summons Witness Mrs. Cora Russell Schley m. Earl K. Long’s Motion and Order to Summons Witness Mr. W. H. Kilpatrick n. Earl K. Long’s Motion and Order to Summons Witness Dr. Ralph King o. Earl K. Long’s Motion and Order to Summons Witness Dr. Eugene M. Robards p. Earl K. Long’s Motion and Order to Summons Witness John T. Mosely q. Earl K. Long’s Motion and Order to Summons Witness State Police Officer Robert
Night r. Earl K. Long’s Motion and Order to Summons Witness State Police Officer Douglas
Milliet s. Earl K. Long’s Motion and Order to Summons Witness Deputy Sheriff Capt. Herman
Thompson t. Earl K. Long’s Motion and Order to Summons Witness Adjutant General Raymond F.
Hufft u. Letter to H. Alva Brumfield from Joseph A. Sims dated July 14, 1959 v. Letter to Governor Earl K. Long from Joseph A. Sims dated August 27, 1959 w. Letter to Honorable Joseph R. Bossetta from Joseph A. Sims dated July 17, 1959 x. Letter to Mr. Emil Carmouche from Joseph A. Sims dated July 17, 1959 y. Letter to Mrs. Ruth C. Musante from Joseph A. Sims dated July 17, 1959 z. Letter to Times Picayune from Joseph A. Sims dated July 1, 1959 aa. Letter to New Orleans States from Joseph A. Sims dated July 1, 1959 bb. Receipt if medical records for Earl K. Long dated June 28, 1959 received by Jesse
McClendon cc. Earl K. Long’s Motion to Discontinue filed June 26, 1959 (2 copies) dd. Letter to Honorable John W. Brewster from Joseph A. Sims dated July 15, 1959 ee. Letter to Hair Flying Service from Joseph A. Sims dated July 2, 1959
Folder 7: Letters and Notes a. Letter to Mr. Joseph A. Sims from Mrs. Blanche Long dated June 12, 1959 b. Western Union Telegram for Honorable Joe Arthur Sims from Rep. Lawrence Gibbs
June 22, 1959 c. Western Union Telegram for Honorable Joe Arthur Sims from Farrell A. Blanchard
June 23, 1959 d. Western Union Telegram for Honorable Joe Arthur Sims from Emile A. Carmouche June
22, 1959 e. Letter to Honorable Joe Sims from Edward N. Engolio dated June 21, 1959 f. Harry R. Cabral Business Card g. Hospitalization Bill for Earl K. Long from Southeast Louisiana Hospital September
1, 1959 h. Letter to Mr. Joe A. Sims from anonymous person dated June 22, 1959 i. Hand written note on Governor Long’s Habeas Corpus expenses, June 30, 1959 j. Handwritten note of funds received June 30, 1959 k. Handwritten note by Earl Long, dated June 30, 1959 l. Handwritten note with listing of doctors (2 pages) m. Listing of doctors with checks or x’s, handwritten n. Handwritten note listing two authors o. Letter from Earl Long to Joseph Sims, promising to pay him, dated August 2, 1960
Folder 8: Earl K. Long’s Property Information a. “Liebling Loved Louisiana Flood” by Danny Heitman from B.R. Advocate October 27, 2000 b. Copy of Loan Statement September 29, 1960 c. Copy of Opening Bank Account August 9, 1960 d. Cash Sale from Long to G. Harold King June 8, 1960 (4 pages) e. Letter from Joe Sims to Clint Pierson August 25, 1959 f. Letter from Clint Pierson to Joe Sims August 25, 1959 g. Letter Leo Wertheimen to Joe Sims July 2, 1959 h. Conveyance Record (4 pages) i. Deed from G.P. Long to Earl Long April 26, 1959 (3 pages) j. Deed from Lottie Long Davis to Earl Long March 2, 1956 (2 pages) k. Mortgage of Earl K. Long, et. al to Any Future Holder or Holders April 15, 1959
(2 pages, 2 copies) l. Cash sale from George Herring to Earl Long December 13, 1956 m. Sale from F. Warren Raggio to Blanche Long April 15, 1940 (2 pages) n. Sale of Property by Federal Land Bank of New Orleans to Earl Long January 3, 1937 ( 4 pages) o. Cash Sale of Irene Simon to Earl Long July 15, 1958 (2 pages) p. Bill of Robert Mack owed to John Brewster in the amount of $10.00 dated July 1,
1959 (2 copies) q. Payment to Mantfee Oil Company, Inc. from Long July 13, 1959 r. Copy of Mortgage Longs August 21, 1959 (4 pages) s. Robert Mark to John Brewster July 2, 1959 t. letter dated July 2, 1959 from Robert Mack to P.M. Dyer Jr. u. Letter dated July 2, 1959 from Joseph Sims to Robert Dunn
Box 2
Folder 1: Clippings and Letters Dealing with Joe Sims run for Lt. Governor a. Joe Sims for Lt. Governor pledge y Alexander Boyer, Jr. b. Joe Sims for Lt. Governor, signed by I.L. Williams c. Letter from Warren Hunt to Joe Sims, February 13, 1963 (2 pages) d. Letter from Joe Sims to Warren Hunt, February 18, 1963 e. Letter from Joe Sims to J.C. Ard, February 14, 1963 f. Letter from J.C. Ard to Joe Sims, February 6, 1963 g. Letter from Joe Sims to N. L. Chapman, February 11, 1963 h. Letter from N.L. Chapman to Joe Sims, February 6, 1963 i. Letter from W. L. Ethridge to Joe Sims, February 14, 1963 j. Letter from D.V. Leflin, Jr. to Joe Sims, February 19, 1963 k. Letter from Ariel Cavanaugh to Joe Sims, June 25, 1963 l. Joe Sims pledge for Lt. Governor by Jessie Bordelon m. Joe Sims for Lt. Governor by Rev. John Galey n. Letter from Ila Upchurch to Joe Sims, June 22, 1963 o. Pledge to support Joe Sims as Lt. Governor by Edrick Fontenot p. Pledge to vote for Joe Sims as Lt. Governor by Harvey Bailey q. Pledge to support Joe Sims for Lt. Governor by Henry Boykin r. Letter from Henry Boykin to Joe Sims, June 16, 1963 s. Pledge to support Joe Sims for Lt. Governor by W.G. Spies t. Pledge to support Joe Sims for Lt. Governor by Drewett Smith u. Pledge to support Joe Sims for Lt. Governor by Leonard Kinchen v. Pledge to support Joe Sims for Lt. Governor by Pitt w. Pledge to support Joe Sims for Lt. Governor by Robert Wanger x. Pledge to support Joe Sims for Lt. Governor by Carl L. Johnson y. Hate mail from Baton Rouge, Louisiana z. Newspaper ad called The Sims-Long Barrier, June 1963, with letter from S.G. CarringtonFolder 2: Clippings and Letters Dealing with Joe Sims run for Lt. Governor a. Pledge to support Joe Sims for Lt. Governor by Jo Slocum and Mrs. Sibley b. Pledge to support Joe Sims for Lt. Governor by Roy Fuller c. Pledge to support Joe Sims for Lt. Governor by A.A. Fredericks d. Pledge to support Joe Sims for Lt. Governor by Grady Fuller e. Pledge to support Joe Sims for Lt. Governor by Charles Self f. Letter from R.L. Johnson to Joe Smith dated June 27, 1963 g. Receipt for St. Helena Political Announcements hh. “Joe Sims Tosses Hat in State Races as Long Ringer” in St. Helena Echo dated
February 8, 1963 i. Letter from Hazel Stokes to Board of Barber Examiners February 28, 1963 j. Letter from Hazel Stokes to Joe Sims March 4, 1963 (2 pages) k. Letter from Joe Sims to John Doty December 19, 1962 l. Letter from Joe Sims to Miss Jo Slocum dated December 19, 1962 m. List of names with address n. Letter from Joe Sims to Hazel Stokes, dated February 21, 1963 o. Letter from Joe Sims to Bruce Maloy, dated February 21, 1963 p. Letter from Joe Sims to Rolphe McColister, dated February 21, 1963 q. Letter from Warren Hunt to Joe Sims, dated February 21, 1963 r. Response from Joe Sims to P.M. Singletary dated February 20, 1963 s. Letter from P.M. Singletary to Joe Sims, dated February 6, 1963 t. Response from Joe Sims to M.L. True, dated February 20, 1963 u. Letter from M.L. True to Joe Sims date January 7, 1963 v. Letter from A. Rodriguez to Joe Sims, dated February 7, 1963 w. Response to A. Rodriquez from Joe Sims, dated February 12, 1963 x. “Gubernatorial Figures Gather” by Charles Hargroder in Times Picayune, March 24,
1963 y. “Sims Announces for Lieutenant Governor” in Richland Beacon News, February 23,
1963 (2 copies_ z. “Sims to Seek Post of Lt. Governor,” in New Orleans Times Picayune, February 6,
1963 aa. “Former Long Aid to Seek Sate Port” in Shreveport Times, February 6, 1963 bb. “Endorsement of Gillis Long Brings Challenge of Rivals” by Margaret Dixon in
Baton Rouge Advocate, March 24, 1963 cc. “Sims Begins Campaign for Lt. Governor” in New Orleans States, February 6, 1963 dd. “Joe A. Sims in Race for No. 2 State Port” in Hammond Daily Star, February 6,
1963 ee. “Long Partisan Seeks Second Ticket Position” from unknown paper ff. “Confusion Added to Louisiana Political Scene by Solns: by Margaret Dixon in
Morning Advocate, February 10, 1963 gg. “Attorneys Association Holds Sessions” from unknown newspaper
Folder 3: Miscellaneous Information about Joe Sims and Earl Long a. Kentwood Commercial, dated Friday, August 20, 1946, political ad, Joe A. Sims
for District Attorney (2 copies) b. Program from Slidell Little Theater, “Uncle Earl” by George Sanchez c. Earl K. Long campaign letter for Congress from the 8th Congressional District,
dated July 8, 1960. d. Ad thanking Joe Sims from Richard Bankston for support Earl Long dated September
1, 1960 in Hammond Vindicator. e. Bill past due, owed by Earl Long to Joseph Sims for $1032.80, dated March 26,
1950 f. “Earl Long Show coming to Gonzales” by Anne Price g. Letter from William Dodd to Enid Sims Sears dated April 15, 1989 h. “Prefab Pioneer” from Sunday Advocate, August 20, 1995 i. “Locals helped get Earl Long out of Mental Ward” by Adam Daigle from Daily Star,
March 22, 1999. j. “Film May Distort Long’s Image” – Bill Dodd April 12, 1989 k. “Not Only One Stamping with Earl” –Rusty Holdcraft l. “Blaze Story Line Aggravating to those who Knew Long” – Bill Dodd m. Enid Sims Sears to Bill Dodd April 14, 1989 n. Letter from Gillis Long to Joe Sims, June 14, 1963 o. The New Yorker Magazine, Vol. 36 No. 15, May 28, 1960, article entitled “A Reporter
at Large, The Great State I-Waiting for the Iman,” 41-49 p. Southeastern Magazine Vol. 6 Summer 1989, article entitled “Uncle Earl” by Michael
Kurtz, 2-8 q. “My Friends…Louisiana Style” by Howard Jacobs, found in The Times Picayune Dixie
Roto Magazine, dated November 5, 1972, pages 18-24 r. “Long Lieutenant Makes to-do Attempt Permanent Voters Registration Rule” in Alexandria
Daily Town Talk, August 20, 1960Folder 4: Photographs a. Photo of Marissa Sims b. Photo of Linus A. Sims and Joe Arthur Sims, Senior c. Photo of 1952 tea for candidates at Ville Platte, from left to right, Enid Sims,
Blanche Long, Loretta Spaght, Willie Thompson. d. Photo of Linus A. Sims e. Courtroom photo f. Photo of group
Box 3- Scrapbooks a. 132 page scrapbook concerning Earl Long’s mental health in 1959 b.32 page scrapbook concerning the death of Earl Long, 1960
Box 4: Unrestricted
Folder 1:
- Envelope addressed to Mrs. Enid L. Sims from Prentiss L. Webb; Letter from P. L. Webb
dated 30 January 1975; Letter from Scotty.
- Envelope and letter from J. Bennett Johnston to Mrs. Enid Sims dated 5 August 1977.
- Envelope and letter from W. Henson Moore to Mrs. Joe Arthur Sims, Sr., dated 28 June
- Envelope and letter from J. A. Sims to Enid Sims dated 2 March 1951.
- Marriage certificate of Linus A. Sims and Belle Johnston on 16 July 1913. Includes
- Application for membership to the National Society of the Daughters of the American
Revolution for Belle Johnston Sims.
- Handwritten family history notes. 2 pages.
- Family History Record Book.
- Brown envelope.
- Copy of Dixie clipping, “Lions tale,” 12 January 1975. 2 copies.
- Copy of newspaper clipping, “Goodbye to Lions,” by Marlene Cambre.
- “Leonard Lasseigne Family Genealogy.” Compiled and submitted by Shirley Cassagne Terrio.
6 pages.
- “Leonard Lasseigne Genealogy.” Submitted by Shirley Cassagne Terrio. Continued from
Vol. XI, No. 4 p. 228. 5 pages.
Folder 2: “Lyon High School, Covington Class 1931”
- Card from the First National Bank in Covington, LA. Includes news clipping, “50 Years
- Lyon High School Class of 1937 Graduation Program.
- Lyon High School Class of 1931 Fiftieth Reunion Program, 3 April 1981.
- Letter to the Lyon High School Class of 1937 from Bill Clinton, 13 October 1995.
- Letter from the First National Bank in Covington. Includes newspaper clipping and
picture, 30 April 1981.
- Letter from the First National Bank in Covington. Includes newspaper clipping and
picture, “Plans for 50th reunion…”
- Letter from the First National Bank in Covington. Includes newspaper clipping, “Former
Lyon High Grads Mark 50-Year Reunion.” 9 April 1981.
- Reunion Lyon High School Class of 1931. April 3-4, 1981.
- Invitation to the Lyon High School Commencement for the Class of 1931.
- Opening and Closing Remarks at Covington High School by Alfred Dubuisson.
- Invocation by Westley Chatellier.
- “How to Know You’re Growing Older” poem.
- Copy of newspaper clipping, “Former Lyon High Grads Mark 50-Year Reunion,” 9 April
1981. Handwritten note from Alfred.
- Letter from Alfred Dubuisson to the Class of 1931, 14 January 1981. Includes handwritten
- Letter from Alfred Dubuisson to the Class of 1931, 1 December 1980. Includes handwritten
- Copy of photograph of Class of 1931 with Roster on the back.
- Envelope labeled “Lyon High School Covington Class 1931.”
Folder 3: “Bogalusa High School: 1937-1938, 1938-1939.”
- “60th Anniversary Reunion, Bogalusa High School Graduation, Class of 1939, 1 May 1999”
- Photograph of Jay Piccinati, Bill & Gloria Minor, Louise Richardson, Pat & Ruth Kenelly,
and Eric Sears.
- Class of 1939 Reunion Photograph.
- “Class of 1939 – Photo ID.”
- Envelope from Everett Watson to Enid Sims.
- “50th Anniversary Reunion, Bogalusa High School Graduation, Class of 1939, 24 June 1989”
- “Joint Class Reunion, Bogalusa High School Graduation, Classes of 1938 and 1939, 25
June 1983” program.
- “55th Anniversary Reunion, Bogalusa High School Graduation Class of 1939, 13 August 1994.”
- Sheet music for Bogalusa High School Alma Mater. Words by Stella Pierce. Music by
I. D. Fendlason, 1932.
- Letter to the Class of 1939 from Austin Holcombe, 7 July 1983. Letter to Former Instructors
from Austin Holcombe, 30 August 1983. Envelope addressed to Enid Sears from Everett
A. Holcombe, Jr.
- Letter to the Class of 1939 from Louise, 7 July 1994. Letter to Instructors from the
Reunion Committee, 28 July 1994. Envelope to Enid Sears for the Class of ’39 Reunion.
- Card to Enid Sears from Louise Richardson, 22 September 1994.
Folder 4:
- Dixie, “Soft-Shell Harvest.” 10 September 1967.
- Eleven bound large photographs.
- Times-Picayune photograph of Enid Sims cooking crabs, dated 9/9/67.
- Times-Picayune photograph of Joe and Enid Sims with a crab trap, 9/9/67.
- Times-Picayune photograph of Joe and Enid Sims and Joe Bates on a pier, dated 9/9/67.
- Times-Picayune photograph of a “buster” crab with cracks in its shell, dated 9/9/67.
- Times-Picayune photograph of a crab shedding its shell, dated 9/9/67. 2 copies.
- Times-Picayune photograph of a crab almost done shedding its shell, dated 9/9/67.
- Times-Picayune photograph of a pan of crabs, dated 9/9/67.
- Times-Picayune photograph of Mr. & Mrs. Joe Bates in a kitchen with crabs, dated 9/9/67.
- Times-Picayune photograph of J. A. Sims eating a crab, dated 9/9/67.
- Folder labeled “Crabs.”
Folder 5:
- Card from Julia.
- Photograph of Mercedes, Mignon, Enid, Audrey, and Gloria dated October 1980. 2 copies.
- Gift tag to Enid from Julia.
- The “Shop for Habitat” newsletter, November 2003. 2 pages.
- Birthday card from Joe Arthur and Julia.
- “Ode to a Bridge Club” from Sylvia.
- Five handwritten notes.
- Sketch labeled “I am the Lighthouse.”
- Short biographical page about Enid Sims.
- Folder from the Louisiana House of Representatives.
- Five pages of handwritten biographical information.
- Folder from Louisiana Governor’s Office under Kathleen Babineaux Blanco.
Folder 6:
- The Advocate clipping, 5 March 2004. Announcement of Enid Lions Sims Sears’ birthday celebration
2 copies.
- Newspaper clipping, “Picture Out of Our Past,” ND.
- Newspaper clipping, “ ‘Cancer corridor’ concerns,” 28 February 2000. 2 pages.
- The Daily News, “55th Anniversary celebrated by BHS 1939 Class,” 11 September 1994.
- The St. Tammany Farmer, “Former Lyon High Grads Mark 50-Year Reunion,” 9 April 1981.
- Denham Springs News, “ ‘Hope Springs Eternal…’” 7 November 1974.
- The Daily Star, “Enid Sims-Sears anticipates 90th birthday,” 1 March 2004. 2 copies.
- Dixie, “Lions tale,” 12 January 1975.
- Tammany Farmer, “From the Files, 1874-2004.” ND.
- Newspaper clipping, “The ‘Silk Lady’: Myth or Truth,” ND. 2 pages.
- Newspaper clipping, “History restored to Madisonville,” ND.
- Two small undated clippings about the Sims.
- Newspaper clipping, “50 Year Ago: Class Officers,” ND.
- The Advocate, “Settler’s descendent defends gravesite,” 24 November 2000.
- Newspaper clipping, “Long Appoints J. Arthur Sims District Lawyer,” ND.
- Newspaper clipping, “Plans Underway for 50th Class Reunion of Lyon High,” ND.
- Envelope labeled “Wedding Announcement.”
- Newspaper wedding announcement for Enid Lion and Joseph Arthur Sims.
- Newspaper clipping, “Honeymooning…” ND.
- Newspaper clipping, “Mr. and Mrs. Joe Arthur Sims motored…” ND.
- Newspaper clipping, “Anniversary…” ND.
- Newspaper clipping, “Remember My Love,” ND.
- Newspaper clipping, “Miss Lions to Wed Former Bogalusan; Engaged Couples Entertained
by Club,” ND.
- Newspaper clipping, “Round Up At Double S Ranch,” ND.
- Newspaper clipping, “A Rumor…” ND.
- Newspaper clipping, “Announcement was made today…” ND.
- Newspaper clipping, “Mrs. W. E. White…” ND.
- Newspaper clipping, “More Birthdays,” ND.
- Newspaper clipping, “Wedding Bells,” ND.
- Newspaper clipping, “The Joe Arthur Sims Entertain at Dinner,” ND.
- Newspaper clipping, “Bogalusa,” ND.
- Newspaper clipping, “Lovely Party Given by Mrs. L. A. Sims,” ND.
- Newspaper clipping, “Personals,” ND.
- Newspaper clipping, “Mrs. White Entertains at ‘Coffee’ Thursday,” ND.
- Newspaper clipping, “Pioneer Dies in Home Where Born,” ND.
- Newspaper clipping, “Miss Enid Lions Weds Mr. Joe Arthur Sims,” ND.
- Newspaper clipping, “The Sims Entertain Bridal Party Sunday,” ND.
- Newspaper clipping, “Mrs. Olympia G. Lions…” ND.
- Clipping, “Announcement,” ND.
- The St. Tammany Farmer, “From the Files, 1874-2004,” 8 January 2004.
- Envelope labeled “Madisonville.”
- “Together We Grow” label.
- Newspaper clipping, “Long Appoints Sims District Attorney,” ND.
Folder 7:
- Three mini cassettes of interview with Enid Sims-Sears.
- Transcript of Tape #1 Side A and Tape #2 Sides A and B. 13 pages.
- Bound transcript of Tape #1 Side A. 6 pages with notes.
- Bound transcript for Tape #2 Sides A and B. 11 pages with notes.
- Bound transcript for Tape #3 Side B. 3 pages with notes.
Folder 8:
- Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College Bachelor of Science
for Enid Josephine Sims, 1937.
Loose in Box:
- Lions on the River: A Potpourri: St. John the Baptist Parish. Elida Millet Caillouet. Tucson: Alphagraphics Printshops of the Future, 1989.